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Ordered Silicon Vacancies in The Framework Structure of The Zeolite Catalyst S

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Ordered silicon vacancies in the framework

structure of the zeolite catalyst SSZ-74
Laboratory of Crystallography, ETH Zurich, CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland
The Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125, USA
Chevron Energy Technology Co., Richmond, California 94802, USA
* e-mail: mccusker@mat.ethz.ch

Published online: 11 July 2008; doi:10.1038/nmat2228

Physico-chemical characterization of the high-silica zeolite using the zeolite-specific programs FOCUS (ref. 12) and ZEFSA
catalyst SSZ-74 (ref. 1) suggested that it, like the related materials II (ref. 13) failed, so the powder charge-flipping approach that
TNU-9 (ref. 2) and IM-5 (ref. 3), has a multidimensional was used to solve the structure of IM-5 was tried. The original
10-ring channel system4 . Such pore systems are ideal for charge-flipping algorithm introduced by Oszlányi and Sütő in
many petrochemical applications, and indeed SSZ-74 has 2004 for single-crystal data14,15 uses a deceptively simple electron
been shown to be a good catalyst for a wide variety of density modification procedure to reconstruct the phases of the
reactions1 . The elucidation of its framework structure, however, reflections (see the Methods section). The determination of these
proved to be difficult. Comparable problems were encountered phases, which are lost in a diffraction experiment, is the key to
with TNU-9 and IM-5, which were synthesized with related structure solution.
structure-directing agents. Their framework structures, which For powder diffraction data, the relative intensities of reflections
are the two most complex ones known, both have 24 Si with similar d -spacings are ambiguous, because they occur at
atoms in the asymmetric unit, and were finally solved by the same diffraction angle 2θ and only the total intensity can be
combining high-resolution powder diffraction data with measured. For example, of the 3,258 reflections in the powder
information derived from high-resolution electron microscopy diffraction pattern of SSZ-74 (dmin = 0.95 Å), 2,717 are within 0.3
images5,6 . Therefore, a similar approach, using the powder times the full-width at half-maximum of a neighbouring one (more
charge-flipping algorithm7 to combine the two types of data and than 80% overlap). These 2,717 reflections fall into 560 overlap
molecular modelling to help to locate the structure-directing groups with 2–36 reflections per group (average 4.85). To address
agent, was applied to SSZ-74. This procedure eventually this overlap problem, two independent research groups modified
revealed a most unusual 23-Si-atom framework structure the charge-flipping algorithm to include an intensity repartitioning
(|(C16 H34 N2 )4 |[Si92 4 O184 (OH)8 ]) with ordered Si vacancies. procedure for overlapping reflections7,16 . Baerlocher et al.7 coupled
The three high-silica zeolites TNU-9, IM-5 and SSZ-74 the periodic repartitioning with a second type of electron density
constitute a synthesis series, in which the structure-directing agent modification based on histogram matching17 , and it is this
(SDA) differs only in the length of the methylene chain between powder charge-flipping algorithm, implemented in the program
two N -methylpyrrolidinium rings. SSZ-74 is synthesized with Superflip18 , that was used for SSZ-74. The reference histogram
1,6-bis(N -methylpyrrolidinium)-hexane, whereas TNU-9 and used for this second perturbation simply reflects the chemical
IM-5 are synthesized with the butane and pentane analogues, composition of the material (the number and height of the peaks
respectively. TNU-9 (framework type code8 TUN) has a that can be expected in the electron density map, but not their
three-dimensional 10-ring channel system reminiscent of that of location). One of the attractive features of the charge-flipping
ZSM-5 (MFI), but its catalytic properties are quite distinct9 . IM-5 approach is that it makes no assumptions about symmetry, so space
(IMF), on the other hand, has a two-dimensional 10-ring channel group ambiguities are irrelevant.
system with a limited third dimension and has its own unique set Because charge-flipping works in both real (model-building)
of catalytic properties10,11 . Adsorption experiments and catalytic and reciprocal (diffraction) space, supplementary information
test reactions carried out on SSZ-74 indicated that it also had a in either realm can be added easily. In the case of SSZ-74,
multidimensional 10-ring channel system, so the elucidation of its the high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM)
structure was of considerable interest. image taken along the [110] direction showed the presence of
For structure analysis, high-resolution powder diffraction data ordered pores (Fig. 1a). Fourier transformation of this image
were collected on the as-synthesized material, because significant using the CRISP software19 yielded a set of structure-factor
line broadening had been observed on removal of the SDA. The amplitudes and phases for 29 reflections. These were used to
pattern could be indexed on a monoclinic unit cell (a = 20.507 Å, construct a structure envelope20,21 that could be imposed in real
b = 13.394 Å, c = 20.099 Å, β = 102.2◦ ), and the systematic space to eliminate any electron density in these pores (Fig. 1b,c).
absences indicated that the most probable space groups were C 2/c Although this envelope defines only a part of what was eventually
or Cc . Initial attempts to solve the structure from these data determined to be the full channel system, the information that

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a b c
20 nm b

b c


Figure 1 Pore information on SSZ-74 obtained from an HRTEM image. a, The HRTEM image taken along the [110] direction with an enlarged inset showing a
translationally averaged image and the unit cell. b, Four unit cells of the [110] projection of the structure envelope calculated from the 29 structure-factor amplitudes and
phases derived from the image in a. c, A different orientation of a single unit cell showing the three-dimensional character of the structure envelope.

these parts of the unit cell should not contain framework atoms by Lewis et al.23 . Rietveld refinement of this model, with geometric
served to facilitate structure solution. In contrast to TNU-9 and restraints imposed on the bond distances and angles of both the
IM-5, where HRTEM images along three different directions framework and the SDA, proceeded smoothly, except that the
were obtained, only one was available for SSZ-74. This meant geometry of the Si atom that had been added was severely distorted.
that the phase information that could be extracted was very This Si was bonded to an oxygen atom lying on an inversion
limited, so it was used to construct a structure envelope (see the centre, so it was initially assumed that this was the cause of the
Supplementary Information) rather than to modify the (random) problem, and the oxygen was moved off the special position. This
starting phase sets. did not relieve the strain, however, so the symmetry of the entire
In general, the major differences between the diffraction pattern structure was reduced to Cc with 24 Si atoms in the asymmetric
of an as-synthesized zeolite and that of a calcined one (that is, unit. This led to some improvement in the profile fit, but the
without organic species in the pores) occur at low angles. To coordination environment of the two Si atoms connected by the
simulate the calcined state while retaining the sharper lines of the problematic oxygen atom remained distorted. The cause of the
as-synthesized material, the intensities of the first 11 reflections problem became apparent only when the occupancy parameters
were artificially increased by a factor of 1.5 to approximate those of these two Si atoms were refined. One disappeared entirely while
in the pattern of the calcined material. With this modified set the other remained intact, and the profile fit improved significantly
of 3,258 intensities and the structure envelope described above, (Rwp decreased from 0.159 to 0.123). Furthermore, the geometric
a series of powder charge-flipping runs was started. The electron restraints on both the framework and the SDA could be relaxed
density maps with the best R-values were examined by eye, and all bond distances and angles remained reasonable. Refinement
and those with reasonable-looking pores and the semblance of of this model with just 23 Si atoms (and a vacancy) in the
a framework structure were averaged and used as a seed within asymmetric unit (Fig. 2) converged with RF = 0.035 and the profile
Superflip to generate 100 new starting phase sets. That is, the fit shown in Fig. 3. Further crystallographic details are provided in
phases were calculated from the map and then the phase for each the Supplementary Information.
reflection was allowed to vary by up to 25% in a random fashion. The 29 Si and 1 H magic-angle-spinning (MAS) NMR spectra
In this way, 100 different but related phase sets were generated of SSZ-74 support this final model (see the Supplementary
from the seed map. This is similar to the procedure used for Information). The former indicates the presence of an unusually
IM-5, where an approximate (but incorrect) framework model high percentage (Q3 /(Q3 + Q4 ) ∼ 15%) of Q3 species (3- rather
was used to generate starting phase sets. The ten best maps from than 4-connected Si atoms)4,24 , and the latter has a strong signal at
these 100 new runs were averaged, and a framework structure 10 p.p.m., which is consistent with a silanol/siloxy nest25 . From the
emerged. The symmetry of the final map was ambiguous, so model, the fraction of Q3 sites should be 4Q3 /23Si or 17.4%, but
the centrosymmetric space group C 2/c was assumed. Eleven Si the 29 Si spectrum is quite broad and there is no clear distinction
positions were taken directly from the powder charge-flipping map, between the Q3 and Q4 sites, so the number of Q3 sites is
and a twelfth one was added by hand to yield a fully 4-connected slightly underestimated.
framework with a powder diffraction pattern very similar to the This ordered Si vacancy is perhaps the most striking feature
measured one. of the SSZ-74 framework structure. Such an ordered defect,
Because the peak shapes in the original data were extremely with four framework oxygen atoms forming an approximate
asymmetric and difficult to model, new data were collected for tetrahedron around a vacancy, has never been observed
Rietveld refinement. Difference Fourier maps showed a cloud of before in a high-silica zeolite. Two of these oxygen atoms
electron density in the pores, but the individual atoms of the make the closest contacts to the two nitrogen atoms of the
SDA could not be resolved, so molecular modelling was used doubly charged 1,6-bis(N -methylpyrrolidinium)-hexane species
to estimate their positions. For this, energy-optimization docking (O33 ··· N5 = 3.62 Å; O3 ··· N13 = 3.58 Å), so it is assumed
calculations were carried out according to the procedure described from charge-balance arguments that they are siloxy rather than
by Burton et al.22 , which is similar to the one initially described silanol oxygens. The other two, O16 and O32, are presumably

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c O3
a O32 O16
b O3

a a

c b b

Figure 2 The crystal structure of SSZ-74. a, A portion of the structure showing the Si vacancy and the interaction between O3 and O33 of the framework with N13 and N5
of the SDA. b, Projections of the framework structure down the [010], [110] and [001] directions showing the arrangement of the vacancies and of the 10-ring pore openings.
Bridging oxygen atoms in the framework have been omitted for clarity. The [110] projection corresponds to that of the HRTEM image in Fig. 1.

latter corresponds to approximately 5% of the total hydrogen

30,000 concentration, which is consistent with two OH groups per SDA
molecule (34 hydrogen atoms). The peak disappears on calcination,
indicating the loss of siloxy–silanol pairs.
The fact that the diffraction pattern of calcined SSZ-74 has
broader peaks is also consistent with this structural model.
The vacancies in the framework are stabilized by electrostatic
interactions between the siloxy groups and the positive charge of
10,000 the SDA cations. Analogies can be drawn with layered silicates, in
2,000 which the structures are stabilized by the electrostatic interactions
between the organocations and the siloxy groups. Usually such
structures become amorphous on calcination unless siloxy/silanol
0 0 groups in adjacent layers are able to condense. Defects in all-silica
5 10 15 20 25 zeolites, on the other hand, generally occur as a result of broken
2θ 2θ Si–O–Si links that form silanol/siloxy nests. On calcination, these
defects are able to anneal by condensation with neighbouring
silanol groups to form an intact framework structure. This is not
Figure 3 Observed (top), calculated (middle) and difference (bottom) profiles possible for SSZ-74, because not only are there no Si atoms in the
for the Rietveld refinement of SSZ-74. The higher angle data have been scaled up vacancies, but the geometry at the vacancy is incompatible with that
by a factor of four to show more detail. l = 0.51981 Å. of a SiO4 tetrahedron.
Attempts to refine the structure in the higher space group
C 2/c assuming the vacancy to be disordered over the two
silanols, forming H-bonds to the siloxy oxygens and giving rise symmetry-equivalent positions (that is, with a Si occupancy of
to the 10 p.p.m. signal in the 1 H MAS NMR spectrum25 . The 1/2) led to significantly higher R-values and a poorer profile fit.

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The high-resolution powder diffraction data used for the structure

determination were collected on beamline X16C at the National Synchrotron
Light Source in Brookhaven, New York, with a wavelength of 0.70035 Å, and
those for the structure refinement on the Swiss Norwegian Beamlines at the
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility with a wavelength of 0.51981 Å.
Further details are given in the Supplementary Information.
The charge-flipping approach to structure determination can be described
quite simply. The structure-factor amplitudes (|F hkl |), which are derived from
the experimentally measured reflection intensities, are first assigned random
phases (φ hkl ) to generate a (random) electron density map (ρ xyz ) through an
c inverse Fourier transform (equation (1)).
ρ xyz = |F hkl |e−φ hkl . (1)

Figure 4 The framework structure and channel system of SSZ-74. Si: yellow; The signs of all electron densities in this map that are below a user-defined
O: red. The details of the shape and size of the periodic nodal surface used to depict threshold δ (a small positive number) are then reversed to produce a perturbed
the channel system are only approximate and should not be over-interpreted. The map. Essentially, all negative electron densities, which have no physical meaning,
surface is meant to indicate only the approximate arrangement of the channels are made positive. Fourier transformation of this map yields a modified set of
within the framework structure. Comparison of the channel system with the structure-factor amplitudes and phases. The new phases are then combined
with the experimentally determined amplitudes to calculate a new map. This
structure envelope used for the structure solution (Fig. 1c) shows that although the
cycle is repeated until the calculated amplitudes agree with the experimental
latter has some of the features of the former, it is incomplete. The undulating form of ones (convergence) or until a predefined number of cycles has been reached.
the channels along the [110] direction is approximated by a straight channel, and After convergence, most of the phases should be correct and the electron
the connecting channels along the b axis are missing. density map can usually be interpreted to yield a structural model suitable for
least-squares refinement. For more information on charge flipping, see the
recent review by Oszlányi and Sütő26 .
All solid-state MAS NMR spectra were recorded using a Bruker DSX-500
The vacancies seem to be truly ordered. The whole framework has with operating frequencies of 500.23 and 99.4 MHz for 1 H and 29 Si nuclei,
respectively, and using a Bruker 4 mm cross-polarization MAS probe. The
adjusted to the lower symmetry, but perhaps the most obvious
typical spinning rates were 14 kHz for 1 H and 8 kHz for 29 Si, and the chemical
deviations from ideal C 2/c symmetry, besides the vacancy itself,
shifts were referred to tetramethylsilane. For Q3 quantitation purposes, 29 Si
can be seen in the organic molecule, which has lost its two-fold direct polarization (Bloch decay experiment) spectra were obtained using
axis and adopted a conformation that allows interaction with the repetition delay times (>1,000 s) that allowed full relaxation (T1 ) recovery.
terminal O3 and O33 oxygen atoms (Fig. 2a and Supplementary
Information). The geometric restraints placed on the bond Received 16 March 2008; accepted 18 June 2008; published 11 July 2008.
distances and angles of the SDA were strong enough to enforce
a chemically sensible geometry during the refinement, but soft References
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Author contributions
high-silica zeolites. J. Phys. Chem. 99, 12588–12596 (1995). C.B., D.X. and L.B.M. carried out the structure analysis, S.-J.H. the MAS NMR analysis, I.Y.C. the
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S.I.Z. the synthesis of the material. A.W.B. carried out the molecular modelling and coordinated
the project.
Supplementary Information accompanies this paper on www.nature.com/naturematerials.

Acknowledgements Author information

We thank the beamline scientists at Beamline X16C at the National Synchrotron Light Source, Reprints and permission information is available online at http://npg.nature.com/reprintsandpermissions.
Brookhaven, and at the Swiss Norwegian Beamlines at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to L.B.M.

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