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Cs - Rs11-Iiic-E-4: Research Questions Also Has Two Types Central and Sub-Questions. Central It The Most General

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Alrose A.

Name: ___________________________________________Grade & Section: 11-Taurus
Subject: Practical Research 1 Teacher: _________________________Score:
Joan Montargo ________________
Lesson : Quarter 3-Week 4 LAS 1
Activity Title : Research Questions
Learning Target : States research questions in qualitative research.
Reference(s) : MELCS (CS_RS11-IIIc-e-4)
Del Rosario-Garcia, Miriam, V. J. (2017). Practical Research 1: Basics of Qualitative
Research. Sampaloc, 1008 Manila, Philippines: Fastbooks.
Ojanola, Raleigh J. (2020). Practical Research – Grade 11. Self-Learning
Module (SLM) Quarter 1 - Module 3: Identifying the Methodology.
Department of Education – SOCCSKSARGEN Region.
Research Questions
This includes questions that the research aims to answer. It follows the formulation of the title and
should be faithful to it. Hence, this is where the research questionnaire must be based.
A good research questions should be relevant, manageable in terms of research and in terms of
your own academic abilities, substantial and with original dimensions, consistent with the requirements of
assessment, clear and simple; and interesting.
How to State the Research Questions in Qualitative Research?
Step 1: To develop a strong research question from your ideas, you should ask yourself if you know its
literature well, what areas need further exploration, could your study fill a gap or lead to greater
understanding, is it a timely question to be answered and most importantly, will my study have a significant
impact on the field?
Step 2: A strong research question should pass the, “so what” test. You can think about the potential
impact of the research you are proposing. What is the benefit of answering your research question? Who
will help (and how)?
Step 3: A research focus should be narrow, not broad-based. For example, “what can be done to prevent
substance abuse?” it is too broad to answer. It would be better to begin with a more focused and specific
Step 4: Fulfill the following criteria:
1. Single sentence
2. Include the purpose of the study
3. Include the central phenomenon
4. Use qualitative words e.g. explore understand, discover
5. Note the participants
6. State the research site
Research Questions also has two types; Central and Sub-questions. Central it the most general
questions you could ask. While sub-questions subdivides central questions into more specific topical
questions. Higher Education Academy & Sheffield Hallan University, 2017 as cited by Del Rosario-
Garcia (2017)
ACTIVITY 1: WHAT SHOULD I ASK? Based from the sample research abstract given, formulate your
own sample research questions (Central and Sub-questions). Follow the given rubric below.
“Investigating the Relationship between College Students’ Self-perception and Actual Performance
in Reading and in Writing”
The present study was undertaken to determine the relationship between students’ self-perception
and actual performance in reading and in writing. Using self-report questionnaire, reading test, and
essay writing test administered to sixty-two university freshman students enrolled in various courses,
the study reveals that a positive strong relationship exists between self-perception and actual
performance in writing; however, a weak relationship exists between self-perception and actual
performance in reading. The outcome indicated an unexpected pattern as studies maintain that
students express a higher level of difficulty in writing, hence, an expected lower self-perception.
Moreover, though studies reveal a strong relationship between perceived self-efficacy for reading
and writing and actual performance in reading and in writing tasks, the result of this study will
encourage future researchers to explore other aspects that may have resulted in low correlation
between the two variables measured, and elucidate the unexpected outcome of this investigation.
1 Philippine ESL Journal, Vol. 11, July 2013
RUBRIC (University of Texas Libraries)

Associated outcome: Student asks questions that Student asks questions that Student asks questions that
Student will develop a research topic are relevant and that can help are too vague or simplistic and are not relevant or that are
with a manageable focus drive their research that will not help drive their not researchable

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Alrose A. Baluyot
Name: ___________________________________________Grade 11-Taurus
& Section: _________________
Joan Montargo
Subject: Practical Research 1 Teacher: _________________________Score: ________________
Lesson : Quarter 3-Week 4 LAS 2
Activity Title : Research Problem vs. Research Question
Learning Target : Differentiate research problem from research question.
Reference(s) : MELCS (CS_RS11-IIIc-e-4) (CS_RS11-IIIc-e-7)
Baraceros, E. L. (2016). Practical Research 1. Rex Book Store Inc.
Ojanola, Raleigh J. (2020). Practical Research – Grade 11. Self-Learning
Module (SLM) Quarter 1 - Module 3: Identifying the Methodology.
Department of Education – SOCCSKSARGEN Region.

Research Problem
Going perplexed and anxious on what to do about something you are incapable of answering is
where problems are usually rooted from. Hence, the ultimate goal of doing research is to address this
problem and give viable solutions. The moment you decide to do your research, you begin with a problem
that will lead to a specific topic to focus on. Research problem must be stated in declarative form and
should reflect the title; integral with it is the objective of the study. The specific problems are written in
question form.

Research Questions
These are generated mainly from the research problem. The research question could be one central
question, provided it already encompasses the entire thrusts of the research. If you are knowledgeable
with the background of your study, the easier it is for you to identify your research questions. Thus, your
research question and research problem must be parallel.

Research Problem: The need to have safer classrooms after the series of earthquakes in Mindanao.
Research Topic: The Construction of Earthquake Proof Classroom Buildings
Research Question: How earthquake proof classroom buildings can built?
Specific Questions:
1. What materials are needed for the construction of earthquake proof classroom buildings?
2. How much can it cost to build an earthquake proof building?
3. What are the possible pros and cons of having an earthquake proof building?

ACTIVITY 1.A. ASK ME WHAT I DID. Conduct an interview from any of your family or friends who
graduated college regarding how they formulated their research problem and research questions from
their graduate studies. Refer to the following guide questions for your interview. Audio record their
responses for easier transcription.
1. What help you decide to choose such problem for your graduate studies? __________________
2. How did you identify your research questions? ________________________________________
3. What steps did you follow in formulating your research problem and research question? _________
4. What tips could you suggest for student researchers in terms of formulating research problem and
research questions? _____________________________________________________________

ACTIVITY 1.B. LET ME TRY! From the insights you have learned from the interview, formulate your own
research problem and research questions including 2-3 specific questions.
Research Problem: __________________________________________________________________
Research Question: _________________________________________________________________
Specific Questions:
1. _____________________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________________
ACTIVITY 1.C. LET’S DIFFERENTIATE! Differentiate Research Problem from Research Question.
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______________________________________________________________________ here
Alrose A. Baluyot
Name: ___________________________________________Grade 11-Taurus
& Section: _________________
Subject: Practical Research 1 Teacher: _________________________Score:
Joan Montargo ________________

Lesson : Quarter 3-Week 4 LAS 3

Activity Title : Research Scope and Delimitation
Learning Target : Indicates scope and delimitation of research.
Reference(s) : MELCS (CS_RS11-IIIc-e-5)
Del Rosario-Garcia, Miriam, V. J. (2017). Practical Research 1: Basics of Qualitative
Research. Sampaloc, 1008 Manila, Philippines: Fastbooks.
Ojanola, Raleigh J. (2020). Practical Research – Grade 11. Self-Learning
Module (SLM) Quarter 1 - Module 3: Identifying the Methodology.
Department of Education – SOCCSKSARGEN Region.

Scope and Delimitation of Study

These are two elements of a research paper that inform the reader what information is included in
the research and explain why the author chose that information. Although scope and delimitation explain
the way a study is limited, this information adds credibility to research. Del Rosario-Garcia (2017)
This is a section of a research paper that explains what information or subject is being analyzed.
For example, the scope of a historical research paper includes a scope section that explains what
time period the writer is analyzing. Since it is impossible to study every aspect of every subject, the scope
of the study tells the reader which aspects of a subject the writer specifically wants to work with.
Most research is limited in scope by sample size, time and geographic area. The scope of study is
usually followed by an explanation of the limitations of the research.
The delimitation of the study explains the scope of the study. This allows the writer to explain why
certain aspects of a subject were chosen and why others were excluded. It is also common for a writer to
explain the chosen research method in this section and explain why certain theories were applied to the
What’s difference between Limitation and Delimitation?
Limitation identifies potential weaknesses of the study or the influences that the researcher cannot
control. On the other hand, delimitation refers to how your study will be narrowed in scope or how your
research is bounded. This is also where the researcher could explain why he did this instead of the other
way around. Limitation therefore is the study’s weaknesses while delimitation is the parameter of your
ACTIVITY 1: WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? Fill the given diagram below with the differences of the
following terms.

Scope vs. Delimitation

Delimitation vs. Limitation

Content 5 Points
Coherence 5 Points
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Organization 5 Points
15 Points
Alrose A. Baluyot
Name: ___________________________________________Grade 11-Taurus
& Section: _________________
Joan Montargo
Subject: Practical Research 1 Teacher: _________________________Score: ________________

Lesson : Quarter 3-Week 4 LAS 4

Activity Title : Research Scope and Delimitation
Learning Target : Identify and cite the scope and delimitation/limitation of the study.
Reference(s) : MELCS (CS_RS11-IIIc-e-5)
Del Rosario-Garcia, Miriam, V. J. (2017). Practical Research 1: Basics of Qualitative
Research. Sampaloc, 1008 Manila, Philippines: Fastbooks.
Ojanola, Raleigh J. (2020). Practical Research – Grade 11. Self-Learning
Module (SLM) Quarter 1 - Module 3: Identifying the Methodology.
Department of Education – SOCCSKSARGEN Region.

ACTIVITY 1: CITE THAT! Based from the sample research given, cite the scope and delimitation/limitation
of the study. Please be guided with the given criteria below.
Causes of Stress, Its Effects and Coping Mechanism by Senior High School Students-at-Risk of
Dropping Out: Basis for Enhanced Drop-Out Reduction Intervention Program

This study is confined to investigating the causes and effects of stress experienced by students
and the strategies they employed to manage stress. Specifically, the subjects of the study were
the Senior High School students-at-risk of dropping out or commonly known as SARDOs of
Alabel National High School during first semester of the current school year. A mixed method or
a combination of quantitative and qualitative methodologies was employed in this investigation.
The study focuses on _________________________________________________________________
The study is limited/delimited to _________________________________________________________

Criteria 3 5 8 10
Content Information Information given Information Information
given is not is somewhat given is given is enough
enough and enough and almost enough and substantial.
substantial. substantial. and
Organization Ideas are Ideas are Ideas are Ideas are
disorganized. somewhat almost organized
organized. organized. properly.
Accuracy Information Information given Information Information
given commits is somewhat free given is almost given is free
ample errors. from any errors. free from any from any errors.
Grammar All sentences Few of the Almost of the Sentence
are sentence sentence structures are all
ungrammatical structures are structures are grammatical.
. grammatical. grammatical.

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Alrose A. Baluyot
Name: ___________________________________________Grade 11-Taurus
& Section: _________________
Joan Montargo
Subject: Practical Research 1 Teacher: _________________________Score: ________________

Lesson : Quarter 3-Week 4 LAS 5

Activity Title : Significance of the Study
Learning Target : Cites benefits and beneficiaries of research.
Reference(s) : MELCS (CS_RS11-IIIc-e-6)
Del Rosario-Garcia, Miriam, V. J. (2017). Practical Research 1: Basics of Qualitative
Research. Sampaloc, 1008 Manila, Philippines: Fastbooks.
Ojanola, Raleigh J. (2020). Practical Research – Grade 11. Self-Learning
Module (SLM) Quarter 1 - Module 3: Identifying the Methodology.
Department of Education – SOCCSKSARGEN Region.

According to Oancea (2011) as cited by Del Rosario-Garcia (2017), benefit pertains to the
incremental, minute improvements to the lives of large segments of the population, as well as deep,
transformative influences upon the personal or professional lives of small numbers of individuals.
Hence, significance of the study pertains to the target beneficiaries’ direct or indirect benefit to
the study either from any action or program, as a result of the study. In some other way, this also refers to
the brief declaration that such study is important and necessary.
How to write Benefit and Beneficiaries/ Significance of the Study?
First, identify the beneficiaries of the research studies. Then, describe the benefit/s that will be
derived from the research study. If you have few beneficiaries you can just write it in one or two paragraphs
and explain why is it important to conduct the study and how they can benefit from the study.
ACTIVITY 1: AM I SIGNIFICANT? Based from the sample research given, complete the given statements
below by citing the benefits and beneficiaries of research.
Causes of Stress, Its Effects and Coping Mechanism by Senior High School Students-at-Risk of
Dropping Out: Basis for Enhanced Drop-Out Reduction Intervention Program
The outcome of the study will provide basis for enhancing the general adoption of a new,
positive approach to student life, thereby, ensuring academic success. It will contribute to
knowledge about how SARDOs cope with stressful events and results obtained in the research will
be used to improve the management of SARDOs in Alabel National High School. This knowledge
will also lead to a new understanding of coping mechanisms to be used by students in general.
By identifying the stressors and effects of stress to SARDOs, this study would offer the
school administrator along with the guidance counselors and advocates an idea on better
intervention program against stressful life occurrences as experienced among these types of
Moreover, the current study contributes to the extant literature on the social-emotional
functioning of Students-at-Risk of Dropping Out. To date, there are no published research studies
on the stressors and supplemental coping strategies in a sample of SARDOs in Senior High School.
This study thus intended to provide a unique contribution to the literature pertaining to students’
cause of stress, its impact to their life and coping mechanisms.
1. This research is conducted mainly to ________________________________________________
2. This will benefit the following ______________________________________________________
because ______________________________________________________________________
Criteria 3 5 8 10
Content Information given is Information given is Information given is Information given is
not enough and somewhat enough and almost enough and enough and substantial.
substantial. substantial. substantial.
Organization Ideas are Ideas are somewhat Ideas are almost Ideas are organized
disorganized. organized. organized. properly.
Accuracy Information given Information given is Information given is Information given is free
commits ample somewhat free from almost free from any from any errors.
errors. any errors. errors.
Grammar All sentences are Few of the sentence Almost of the Sentence structures are
ungrammatical. structures are sentence structures all grammatical.
grammatical. are grammatical.

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Alrose A. Baluyot
Name: ___________________________________________Grade 11-Taurus
& Section: _________________
Subject: Practical Research 1 Teacher: Joan
Montargo ________________

Lesson : Quarter 3-Week 4 LAS 6

Activity Title : Significance of the Study
Learning Target : Write the Significance of the Study.
Reference(s) : MELCS (CS_RS11-IIIc-e-6)
Del Rosario-Garcia, Miriam, V. J. (2017). Practical Research 1: Basics of Qualitative
Research. Sampaloc, 1008 Manila, Philippines: Fastbooks.
Ojanola, Raleigh J. (2020). Practical Research – Grade 11. Self-Learning
Module (SLM) Quarter 1 - Module 3: Identifying the Methodology.
Department of Education – SOCCSKSARGEN Region.

In doing your Significance of the Study, you can use the following format:
1. First paragraph- Why is it important to conduct this study?
2. Second paragraph- The main beneficiary-either a group or an organization
3. Third paragraph- The secondary beneficiary.
4. Fourth paragraph- The importance of the study to the proponents/researchers.
5. Fifth paragraph- the importance to the future researchers.

ACTIVITY 1: SUM UP! From the given details below, come up the Significance of the Study.

Research Problem: The need to have safer classrooms after the series of earthquakes in Mindanao.
Research Topic: The Construction of Earthquake Proof Classroom Buildings
Research Question: How earthquake proof classroom buildings can be built?
Specific Questions:
1. What materials are needed for the construction of earthquake proof classroom buildings?
2. How much can it cost to build an earthquake proof building?
3. What are the possible pros and cons of having an earthquake proof building?


Criteria 3 5 8 10

Content Information given is not Information given is Information given is Information given is
enough and substantial. somewhat enough and almost enough and enough and
substantial. substantial. substantial.
Organization Ideas are disorganized. Ideas are somewhat Ideas are almost Ideas are
organized. organized. organized properly.
Accuracy Information given Information given is Information given is Information given is
commits ample errors. somewhat free from any almost free from any free from any
errors. errors. errors.
Grammar All sentences are Few of the sentence Almost of the sentence Sentence
ungrammatical. structures are structures are structures are all
grammatical. grammatical. grammatical.

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