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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday: GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log Ms. Rita A. Mapacpac

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GRADES 1 to 12 School: Mary Belle Montessori School-Mayapa Inc.

Grade Level: 7
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Ms. Rita A. Mapacpac Learning Area: Science
Teaching Dates and
Time: Quarter: First


A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates
. The learner demonstrates understanding The learner demonstrates understanding of
understanding of scientific ways of
of scientific ways of acquiring knowledge scientific ways of acquiring knowledge and
acquiring knowledge and solving
and solving problems. solving problems.
B. Performance Standards The learner should be able to perform The learner should be able to perform in The learner should be able to perform in
in groups in guided investigations groups in guided investigations involving groups in guided investigations involving
involving community-based problems community-based problems using locally community-based problems using locally
using locally available materials available materials available materials
C. Learning Describe the components of scientific Describe the components of scientific Describe the components of scientific
Competencies/Objectives investigation investigation investigation Identify the Characteristics of Matter
Write for the LC code for each
II. CONTENT What Tools and Skills Are Useful in
The Science Investigation How Is an Investigation Conducted Describing Matter
Conducting an Investigation

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages Science and Technology 7 Page
Science and Technology 7 Page 23-29 Science and Technology 7 Page 30-34 Science and Technology 7 Page 38-49
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources

A. Review previous lesson or Picture Analysis Activity Review what are the Components of
Jumbled Words Jumbled Words
presenting the new lesson (Critical thinking of students) Scientific Investigation
B. Establishing a purpose for the Introduction What is Science Introduction What Tools and Skills Are
Introduction What is Scientific Method Introduction What is Matter(Science and
Investigation( Science and Useful in Conducting an Investigation
lesson (Science and Technology 7 Page 23) Technology 7 Page38 )
Technology 7 Page 21) (Science and Technology 7 Page 30)
C. Presenting
Refer Figure 3.1( Science and Refer Figure 4.1( Science and Refer Figure 5.1( Science and
examples/instances of the new Student Collaboration
Technology 7 Page 21) Technology 7 Page 23) Technology 7 Page 30)
D. Discussing new concepts and What are the Components of Scientific Steps in Conducting Scientific Some Apparatus and Safety General Characteristics of
practicing new skills #1 Investigation( Science and Investigation( Science and Technology 7 Precautions in the Laboratory ( Science Matter( Science and Technology 7 Page
Technology 7 Page 21) Page 24-29) and Technology 7 Page 30-31) 39-43)

E. Discussing new concepts and Measuring the Measurable( Science Unique Characteristics of Matter( Science
practicing new skills #2 and Technology 7 Page 32-34) and Technology 7 Page 44-47)
F. Developing mastery Dicuss the the Apparatus and Safety
Discuss and Explain the process of
Discuss the components of Scientific Precautions in the Laboratoratory and Discuss the Different Characteristics of
Investigation the measurement used in measuring Matter (General and Unique)
G. Finding practical applications Do Apply It!( Science and
Do Activity/Challenge ( Science and Do Apply It!( Science and Technology 7 Do Activity/Challenge( Science and
of concepts and skills in daily Technology 7 Page 21)
Technology 7 Page 25) Page 33) Technology 7 Page 43)
H. Making generalizations and This lesson was about the Apparatus and
Safety Precautions in the Laboratory and
abstractions about the lesson
the Measurements use in conducting
research wherein it is said that experiments
This lesson is about acquiring new
This lesson is about acquiring new generally needs tools and skills for data This lesson are meant for the students to
knowledge and seeking solutions to
knowledge and seeking solutions to gathering, especially for measurements properly describe matter. The general
problems about the natural world by
problems about the natural world by while measurements allows the characteristics of matter include phase or
conducting scientific investigation.
conducting scientific investigation. Wherein researchers to make accurate observations state, mass, weight, and volume. It alsv talks
Wherein the skills involve are valuable
the skills involve are valuable to both school and, hence, accurate analysis of data. about the Unique Characterics of specific
to both school and the student’s daily
and the student’s daily life. Results of measurements a reported with materials.
appropriate units of measurement. And
Scientific notation makes writing and
dealing with very large and very small
numbers easier and more convenient.
I. Evaluating learning Choose the letter of the correct Choose the letter of the correct answer. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
answer. 1. It is called to a pattern of scientific 1. Which of the following should NOT be Do Review ( Science and Technology 7
1. What do you call to the process investigation. done In A science laboratory? Page 49)
used to find answers to question a. scientific method a. Taste an unknown chemical
about the things around us? b. hypothesis b. Keep alcohol away from the Busen
a. Science Investigation c. experiment burner
b. Research d. research c. To dilute an acid, add it to the water
c. Thesis 2. It is used to prevent commiting errors d. Always handle glassware with a care.
d. Scientific method whie measuring. 2. What quantity is measured in using
2. In this stage of scientific a. hypothesis meterstick?
investigation the hypothesis is tested. b. line graph a. time
a. Gathering Preliminary data c. variables b. length
b. Experimentation d. replication c. mass
c.Analysis of data 3. These are factors or conditions tested in d. volume
d. Drawing a generalization an experiment. 3. This system of measurement has been
3. In this stage the researchers use all a. variables adopted by majority of the nations because
the available resources to learn as b. data it is easier to convert from one unit to
much about the problem as possible. c.hypothesis another.
a. Gathering Preliminary data d. graphs a. metric system
b. Experimentation 4. Which of the following hypothesis cannot b. British System
c.Analysis of data be tested? c. English system
d. Drawing a generalization a. Materials with a density lower than that d. SI
4. It happens when only one factor or of water will float on water 4. Length, mass and time are examples of
variable is changed and all other b. Not all metals are attracted by amagnet __________ quantities.
conditions are kept the same. c. Natural Calamities are nature’s way of a. metric
a. analytic test hitting back at people who abuse the b. derived
b. placement test environment. c. fundamenta
c. fair test d. Compared to other soil types, loam is the d. density
d. personality test best for peanuts 5. It is known as the way of expressing very
5. It allows the researchers to list the 5. Which of the following questions can you big or very small numbers using the power-
findings of their study. answer by conducting an experiment? of-10 notation.
a. Analysis of data a. What is the average lifespans of males a. scientific notation
b. Experimentation and females in the Philippines? b. one-significant digit
b. Why is there a law prohibiting the
burning of garbage, agricultural waste and
other forms of refuse?
c. Drawing a generalization c. density
c. How often does Mayon Volcano erupt in
d. Observation and Identification of a d. fundamental quantities
one year?
d. Which brand of candle (Brands A,B,or C)
burns longest?

J. Additional activities for

application or remediation

A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use./discover
which I wish to share with other

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