Practical Research 1
Practical Research 1
Practical Research 1
1. You should have an overview of the topic because it will help you realize the scope. Brainstorm for ideas
and ensure that the topic is manageable and materials are available.
2. It is important to select or choose a topic that catches our interest because we can express ourselves with
more clarity and insights if we are interested about what we are writing.
3. Define the problem first; a researcher should know the problem before formulating a research question.
Identify the subject of interest and then do preliminary research on the subject.
Related Journals
1. Title: Assessing Health Damages from Improper Disposal of Solid Waste in Metropolitan Islamabad–
Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Author/s: Tanzila Akmal and Faisal Jamil
Name of Journal: Sustainability
Year of Publication: 2021
2. Title: Factors Influencing Solid-Waste Management in the Developing World
Author/s: McAllister,J.
Name of Journal: Environmental Studies Common
Year of Publication: 2015
3. Title: Environmental impacts of improper solid waste management in developing countries: a case study of
Rawalpindi City
Author/s: N. Ejaz, N. Akhtar, H. Nisar & U. Ali Naeem(2010)
Name of Journal: The Sustainable World
Year of Publication: 2010
4. Title: The Concept of Waste and Waste Management
Author/s: Amasuomo, Ebikapade, Baird, Jim
Link: 10.5539/jms.v6n4p88
Name of Journal: Journal of Management and Sustainability
Year of Publication: 2016
5. Title: Solid Waste Management Strategy & Improvement of Existing Scenario Based on Market Waste
Author/s: Ebna Forhad Mondol, Md. Rokon Hasan, Md. Sayed Rahman, Salma Alam, Sm. Arifur Rahman,
Tanisa,Tasmim Sinthia
Name of Journal: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal
Year of Publication: 2013
Question 1: What are the factors affecting solid waste management in sustainable development?
Question 2: What are the impact of poor solid waste management to health and environment?
Question 3: What are the ways to manage solid waste properly?
1. False 6.False
2 .False 7.True
3. False 8.True
4. False 9.False
5. False 10.False
1. The initial letter of some first and last words are not capitalized, as well as nouns, pronouns, and verb.
2. The variables are incomplete.
3. The study is not historical so the year is unnecessary.
4. Some initials were not capitalized. Why not put ethanol instead of C2H5OH. The chemical formula in the title
is off-putting.
5. Some initials are not capitalized.
1. Research Question 1: What are the factors affecting solid waste management in sustainable development?
a. Proposed Title 1:
The Role of Culture, Knowledge, and Microeconomics to the Management of Solid Waste
b. Proposed Title 2:
Infrastructure and Technology: Factors Preventing Proper Solid Waste Management
c. Proposed Title 3:
The Level of Household Participation in Solid Waste Management
2. Research Question 2: What are the impact of poor solid waste management to health and environment?
a. Proposed Title 1:
The Relationship between Inappropriate Solid Waste Disposal and Occurrence of Vector Borne
b. Proposed Title 2:
Evaluating Health Damages from Improper Disposal of Solid Waste
c. Proposed Title 3:
Obstruction of Drains and Loss of Biodiversity: Environmental Effect of Improper Waste Disposal
3. Research Question 3: What are the ways to manage solid waste properly?
a. Proposed Title 1:
The Practice of Solid Waste Management in Tranquilino Cawaling Sr. National High School
b. Proposed Title 2:
Solid Waste Management Practices of Households in Romblon, Philippines
C. Proposed Title 3:
Implementation of Solid Waste Management Ordinance in Santa Fe,Romblon
1.Title 1: Assessing Health Damages from Improper Disposal of Solid Waste in Metropolitan Islamabad–
Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Gap/s Identified:What are the ways to ensure the safety of households living near landfill site?
What are the necessary measures to reduce the level of of water-borne diseases’ incidence?
Author/s & Topic Sample Data Collection Findings Recommendation
Year Method
Foday, P.S., Environmental The study area self-administered Both nearby residents Dumpsite should be properly
Xiangbin,Y., and health consists of 971 questionnaires, and far away residents located and managed to
Quangyen impact of solid households; interviews and suffered from related minimize its effects on the
,T.(2013) waste nearby household personal diseases such as malaria, environment. For improved
disposal. residents to the observations chest pains, diarrhea health status of the populace
dumpsite(50 and cholera, due to the living less than fifty meters
meters) and far location of the dumpsite away from the dumpsite, it is
away household closer to their a matter of must for the
residents from the settlements. Freetown City Council to
dumpsite(50 resettle such persons.
Martin,K.K., Poor municipal Water samples A household survey Poor municipal solid The cities’ authorities in the
QI,S., solid waste were collected was conducted for a waste management in developing countries must
Yata, S.L. management mostly during the period of two month: Juba is posing high risk heavily invest in municipal
(2013) practices and morning hours this involved visiting to the human health and solid waste management in
sanitation under controlled a total of 500 houses. the environment. order to avoid the high risk to
status on temperature The households were the environment and the loss
water quality conditions using selected using of innocent lives.
and public 1000 ml properly random non-
health. labeled screw- probabilistic
capped sterile sampling and
plastic bottles. The working only with
total number of households that
samples analyzed agreed to participate
was 48. in the survey.
Menelik,L.T, Healthcare The sample size Cross-sectional study Healthcare waste Puncture and leak proof
Abera,K. waste was determined by was conducted to management system containers with a lid should be
(2014) generation simple random quantify waste had been given very used for disposal in order to
and sampling generation rate and little attention in all minimize the risks for
management technique, the evaluate its health centers. healthcare wastes.
practice in sampling management system. Segregation and Pretreatment of infectious
government procedure involved Data were collected treatment of healthcare waste and liquid waste must
health centers. 10 sub-cities of using both waste waste were not well be practiced before disposing
Addis Ababa. collecting and practiced this exposes to the sewer and
measuring healthcare workers, environment. Incinerators
equipment and check waste handlers and the must be fenced and the lining
list. public to health risk of placenta pits must be
constructed in water tight
Francesco Potential The study The Italian Institute Past exposures from They believe that it provides
,F., health population for Environmental incinerators were likely some insight into the relative
Chiara ,B., implications of consisted of Protection and to cause a sizeable health impact attributable to
Kees de ,H., waste residents living Research (ISPRA) [8] health impact, especially waste incineration and
Martin, K ., disposal. within 3 km of an provided a database for cancer, in Italy and landfilling and that the model
Marco, M.i, incinerator and 2 of the incinerators England. However, the could potentially be useful as
Francesco, km of a landfill. operating during the current impacts of part of more articulated
M., period 2001-2007. landfilling and assessments for evaluating
Lubica P., incineration can be waste policy options,
Daniela, P., characterized as identifying knowledge gaps,
Philipp ,P., moderate when and providing a framework for
Andrea, R., compared to other future comparative risk
Carlo ,P., sources of assessment.
David , environmental pollution,
B. (2011) e.g. traffic or industrial
emissions that have an
importance on public
5. Title 5: Solid Waste Management Strategy & Improvement of Existing Scenario Based on Market Waste
Gap/s Identified:What possible law should be part of a waste reduction and management plan?
Author/s & Topic Sample Data Collection Findings Recommendation
Year Method
Nyampundu Sustainable solid All registered The current study Findings showed that The current study
, K., waste vendors and employed an the majority of recommends that there
Mwegoha, management leaders of the exploratory descriptive vendors who would be regular and
W.J.S. & measures in Majengo market case study with mixed participated in this periodic awareness-raising
Millanzi, market. in Dodoma City, research approaches. study were males, mentorships sessions
W.C.(2020) Tanzania who The quantitative which implied that among vendors on the
consented to join research approach was they were the ones sustainable solid waste
the study with an used to guide a whom most of the management, emphasize
exception of the researcher of this study. time engaged the solid waste
sick ones and all A self-administered themselves in doing management service
who were not semi-structured business at the market providers to timely, and
available during questionnaire on place. The findings regularly provide the
the study. the awareness status about presented above services to make the
sampled solid waste, and revealed that Dodoma market clean, attractive,
population was awareness status about City Council takes a and safe for the well-being
drawn from SWM, which consisted great part and largely of vendors and consumers.
approximately of four parts, was used tries to fulfill its
8733 vendors to collect information responsibilities of
who were from the study making the market
reported to be respondents. and other premises
present during clean and attractive by
the date of this providing waste
study. containers and trucks
to carry them to the
Radwan, N., Optimization of The study was In this study, the main- MSW generated in SA The new law should be
Khan, N.A. & soild waste carried out for set parameters were contains about 40% part of a waste reduction
Elmanfaloty, collection. Jeddah city, Saudi considered to mix solid organic waste, which and management plan,
R.A.G.(2021) Arabia, in which waste during and after indicates its establish long-term
solid waste collection; however, potentiality to objectives and measures
sample collection they are taken during produce energy and support
was observed for the source separation of through anaerobic environmental
254 days. The materials as per the data digestion. The management. Efforts
sectors selected collected, and different abundant production should also be made to
include high- analysis procedures are of MSW increases the construct and modernize
income, low kept to be identical for demand for landfills, trash recycling plants. The
income, and the study. The which occupy vast
efficiency of
trade. Samples collection was carried areas of land and
implementation of various
were out from 80 different create environmental
waste management
subsequently grids having drop-off (4 problems. Considering
strategies may also be
categorized and m3 , 20 grids) or the energy production
investigated. In general,
weighed per collection done at through MSW,
this sort of effort needs to
category: Food street-side bins (0.5 m3, incineration is the
be accompanied by
waste, paper & 60 grids), having variable best solution,
effective government
cardboard, Glass, collection frequencies reducing the waste by
programs (regulation,
Plastic, (weekly /or daily), and 70% by weight and
subsidies, and surveillance)
Aluminum, Scrap the system was set such 90% by volume. The
to advance the Saudi
metal, excluding that the activity done by-product of the
objectives in the field of
aluminum, during 0–5 h, 5–10 h, incineration process
Rubber, Wood, 10–15 h, 15–20 h, 20– known as MSW ash
Agricultural 24 h. can is utilized in
waste, Hazardous concrete production.
waste, and others
such as electrical
equipment, used
electricity, etc.
1. Background of the study is a part of research provided in the introduction section of the paper where it is a
compilation or an overview of adequate information that is based on the analysis of the problem or proposed argument,
the steps and methods needed to arrive at the design, the implementation of the results achieved, and feasible solutions
(Olawale, 2010).
The background of the study is important because it gives knowledge to the readers about the main topic of the
study. It paves the way to the rationale behind the research, showing whether it is molding from a previous study. Doing a
background check is often the most important step in any field. Most of us start our research with clustered ideas and
usually get stuck with how to proceed further or what step should we do next. Having a background study in the initial
phase help to arrange our thoughts and get them organized. The information used is already researched by previous
researchers while some new information is added to show that the author is carrying out his/her research as well. It will
not be wrong to say that this particular area sets the initial foundation for the entire dissertation, which makes it the
important part of the paper. In the background of the study, summaries of important, relevant research studies can also be
included. This is particularly important if there is an essential or groundbreaking study about the specific research
problem or a key study that refutes or supports our research. The key is to summarize the reader for what is known about
the specific problem before we conduct the analysis. This is accomplished with a general review of the foundational
research literature that documents findings informing your study's aims and objectives.
2. A research gap is a question that no existing studies or research has answered. It is evident when a new concept or
idea presented hasn't been studied at all, and it helps find a solution to a new existing problem.
Finding a research gap and having the means to develop a complete study on a new presented problem can be
very rewarding because its new findings can positively impact or society. The research gap makes our research
publishable because it shows us that we are not just duplicating existing studies and have a deep understanding of the
status of the body of knowledge in our chosen topic. It also shows that we have conducted research that fulfills that gap in
the literature. Identifying gaps and generating research questions is the first step in writing a research paper.
According to Moeini(2014), there are three classes of researchers in considering the distinguished gap issue; the
first class is mainly the class of researchers who act according to their enthusiasm. These researchers have complete
proficiency in their chosen field, which results from years of experience or a rich body of knowledge acquired after
covering all the crucial papers in their field of study. The second class is encouraged by peripheral factors. For instance, a
researcher may choose a particular college and a certain professor. That professor might have a specific project in hand,
and he may suggest this project to you. The, you would investigate, and if the project is close to your expectations for a
master's or Ph.D. degree, you will select it. We should be knowledgeable in our chose topic for us to have a good research
3. In writing the background of the study, we need to look for related literature because it will give us the idea about
our chosen topic. Background information identifies and describes the history and nature of a well-defined research
problem regarding the existing literature. It differs from a literature review and places the research problem in the proper
context rather than thoroughly examining pertinent literature.
Including background information in the introduction provides the reader with critical information about the topic
studied, highlighting and expanding upon foundational studies conducted in the past, important historical events that
inform why and what ways the research problem exists, or defining components of your research. In social sciences, some
background information often blends into the literature review portion of the paper but, background information should
not consider a substitute for a comprehensive review and synthesis of relevant research literature.
1. Most, if not all, studies and research start with formulating a research question. A research question is a question
that studies research projects aim to answer. It addresses an issue through thorough analysis and interpretation of data,
answered in conclusion. In most studies, the research question outlines various aspects of the study, including the
population and variables to be studied and the problem the study addresses.
Research questions can classify into two: general and specific. The general question of the study derives from the
research problem. It will usually be based on why or how the phenomenon is happening. An example of the general
question could be: "What is causing deforestation in Amazon forest?”. While specific questions anchor on the general
research question wherein from the example I gave, we could derive at: “Is intensive agriculture the major cause of
deforestation in the Amazon?” and “Is global warming the major cause of deforestation in the Amazon?”. In that, we can
also give specific answers.
2. Quantitative research questions are objective questions that provide detailed knowledge about a research topic.
Data obtained are numerical that can be statistically examined. The data gathered can be generalized to the entire
population and help make data-driven and sound decisions. Statistical reports are hard to argue with, which makes the
data more reliable.
Good quantitative research questions possess four essential characteristics: feasible, can be investigated without
an undue amount of time, effort, and money; clear, most people would agree as to what the keywords in the question
mean; significant, worth investigating because it will contribute crucial knowledge about the human condition; ethical,
will not involve physical or physiological harm or damage to human beings, or to the natural or social environment of
which they are apart.
3. A research question is a question around which we center our research. The research question begins with
a research problem, an issue someone would like to know more about, or a situation that needs to be changed or
addressed, such as areas of concern, conditions that could improve, difficulties that need to eliminate, and questions
seeking answers. Our research question should provide enough specifics that the audience can easily understand its
purpose without needing additional explanation. Narrow enough that answered thoroughly in the space the writing task
allows, expressed in the fewest possible words. Not answerable with a simple yes or no but requires synthesis and analysis
of ideas and sources before the composition of an answer.
Research questions help us focus on our research by providing a path through the research and writing process.
The specificity of a well-developed research question helps avoid the all-about paper and work toward supporting a
specific, arguable thesis. In developing a research question, we should choose an interesting general topic. We should do
some preliminary research on our general topic to see what is done and to help narrow our focus.
General Question
How Tranquilino Cawaling Sr. National High School complies with the goals of the solid waste management
Specific Question 1
What is the level of solid waste management along the following: a). Disposal; b). Recovery; c). Recycling; d).
Reuse; e). Reduction; and f). Prevention?
Specific Question 2
Is there a significant difference between the perceptions of students and staff in managing solid waste in
Tranquilino Cawaling Sr. National High School along the identified domains?
1. This quantitative research using the descriptive comparative design is only limited on the assessment of
solid waste management practices. The population of this study will be composed of students, teachers, faculty
and staff of Tranqulino Cawaling Sr.National High School.
2. I’m doing this study because this study will be an advantage to TCSNHS for they will gain information about
the management level of solid wastes. Thus, it will improve their policies and regulations when it comes to
proper waste management. This study will be favorable to students, teachers, faculty and staff for they are the
target beneficiaries of this research since it deals with school solid wastes. Hence, it will serve as their
reference for the assessment of solid waste management. This study will greatly benefit the Municipal of Santa
Fe in the sense that they will be able to grasp the inadequacy of rules implementing solid waste management,
if thee.
3. I,m going to conduct this study from the month of November,2021 until the last day of January, 2022.
4. The data gathering will be through survey questionnaires.
5.The respondents will be the students and staff of TCSNHS.