Ayesha Ayub - 29883 - Sta410
Ayesha Ayub - 29883 - Sta410
Ayesha Ayub - 29883 - Sta410
Statistic is the science of collecting, organizing, summarizing and interpreting large amount of
data for decision making. It is used to manipulate and analyze large amount of data available
(raw data) or data that has already been collected by primary sources (secondary data) for
1. Description Statistics
2. Inferential Statistic
Descriptive Stats: Descriptive statistics are used to meaningfully and effectively describe or
summarize data.
Inferential Stats: You can use inferential statistics to construct predictions (inferences) based on
the data. Inferential statistics are used to generate generalizations about a population using data
from samples.
You could, for example, stand in a mall and ask a random sample of 100 people if they enjoy
shopping at Dolmen. You could produce a bar chart with yes/no responses (descriptive
statistics), or you could utilize your study (inferential statistics) to conclude that about 75-80
can be further divided into two groups: (i) Discrete data is the data that can be described
as data available in whole numbers that can’t be further divided e.g. Number of female
participants in the study and, (ii) Continuous data is the data that can be further divided
2. Qualitative data: this type of data is data that is available on the basis on quality of
things e.g. eye color of female cats or Hair color, Origin country, Gender etc.
Discrete data
1. Nominal data
2. Ordinal data
3. Interval data
4. Ratio data
Interval data
Ratio data
Nominal data
Ordinal Data
Nominal data: This type of data is categorized on the basis of classifications i.e. how many
Class/Upper class)
Interval Data: It is a data type that is measured along a scale with each point put at the same
between each data and absolute "zero" being taken as a point of origin, it has the same qualities
as interval data.
A sample is a subset of the population, whereas a population is a complete group of people with
People living in Karachi who are currently residing in Defense Housing Authority DHA
Type of Sampling Techniques: There are two type of sampling techniques: (i) Probability
population using the principle of randomization, often known as random selection or chance i.e.
each participant has equal chance of being selected as a participant. It can be further divided into
three types:
2. Disproportionate- In disproportional
type of sampling in which researcher divides the which city has highest number of
Non-Probability Sampling: In this type of sampling, there is no equal chance of being selected
is not taken into account. The researcher chooses and their self-esteem sample of
the sample method based on a quota in this students 30% are enrolled in
process. Quota sampling ensures that the final Engineering, 50% are enrolled in
sample meets the researcher's quota standards. BBA and 20% are enrolled in
2 Accidental/Convenience sampling involves A company wants to conduct a
taking a sample that is close to hand or easier to survey for their brand so they
reach. For pilot testing stage of hypothesis this approach customers coming at
probability sampling in which you find sample are homeless you might approach
with reference to reference. This type of sampling one person and ask him to refer
is used to find characteristic that are rare to find. you to another and thus chain goes
5 Systematic Nth Technique is the type of Every 2nd and 5th candidate will be
probability sampling in which you select you hospital employees with a FCPS
except you narrow down your data even further FCPS degree with specialization in
on the basis of required characteristic for your cardiology between the ages of 30-
2-3 years.
8 Double Sampling Technique is the type of non- After deriving a sample of 2000
probability in which you take second set of employee with a bachelor degree
sample from already derived sample. you shortlist 750 out of them to
Grouped and Ungrouped data: Data (or information) presented in the form of class intervals
such as 0-20, 20-40, and so on is referred to as grouped data. Individual points (i.e. values or
numbers) such as 15, 63, 34, 20, 25, and so on are considered ungrouped data.
Central Tendency: A single number that seeks to represent a set of data by identifying the
center position within that set of data is referred to as a measure of central tendency. Mean,
dispersion in a set of numbers. A low standard deviation implies that the values are close to the
set's mean (also known as the expected value), whereas a high standard deviation shows that the
Correlation: Correlation is a measure of how closely two variables are linked. As a result, when
one variable increases while the other declines (positive correlation) e.g. Height and Weight,
whereas one variable increases while other decreases (negative correlation) e.g. Daily Exercise
and Weight.
Probability: Probability in stats refers to how much likely an event would occur. For example,
Flipping a coin and getting heads or tails has a 50% chance of happening.