Report On Soft Drinks
Report On Soft Drinks
Report On Soft Drinks
“Soft Drinks”
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Letter of Transmittal
Dear Sir,
We are very grateful to you for the fact that you assigned me such a topic to work-on that has
increased our knowledge and idea about the subject matter. Moreover, we found our study is
very interesting because in this paper we dealt with the Soft drinks and get to know many
important issues related to our course. The course content incorporates most important
aspects of business environment thus making clear understanding of business and
implications of theories and models of business communication in business.
We are happy that we have been able to submit the report before deadline. Although we are
under in pressure when we did the study, but we always enjoyed working on this topic. It
gave us pleasure and created interest to do further study on topics like this.
Our best efforts to prepare the report.
Yours sincerely,
Table of Content
Part onePage
Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………… 13
Transmittal………………………………………………………………................. 03
Table of Content…………………………………………………………………… 04
Lists of Tables……………………………………………………………………… 07
Lists of Charts……………………………………………………………………… 08
Acknowledgement…………………………………………………………………. 09
Executive Summary………………………………………………………………… 10
Chapter 2: ORGANIZATON………………………………………………………. 18
2. Pepsico at a Glance……………………………………………………................. 19
2.1.1 History of Pepsi in Bangladesh................................................................. 19
2.1.2 Mission, Vision, Goal …………………………………………………. 19
2.1.3 Service and Market…………….……………………………………… 19
2.1.4 Future Plan of the organization………………………….…………….. 20
2.2 Coca Cola at a Glance……………………………….………………………… 20
2.2.1 History of Coca Cola……………………………………….…………. 20
2.2.2 Mission, Vision, Goal…………………………….………….. ………. 20
2.2.3 Service and Market……………………………………………….…… 21
2.2.4 Future Plan of the organization.….…………………………………… 21
2.3 Mirinda at a Glance………………………………………….………............... 21
2.3.1 History of Mirinda………………………………………….………… 21
2.3.2 Mission, Vision, Goal …………………………….…………………... 21
2.3.3 Service and Market…………………………………….……………… 22
2.3.4 Future Plan of the organization ……………………………………….. 22
2.4 Mojo at a Glance…………………………………………………….…………. 22
2.4.1 History of Mojo…………………………………………………………. 22
2.4.2 Mission, Vision, Goal ………………………………………………...……. 22
2.4.3 Service and Market……………………………………….…………….. 22
2.5 7 Up At a Glance……………………………………………………………….. 23
2.5.1 History of 7 Up…………………………………………………………. 23
2.5.2 Mission, Vision, Goal ………………………………………………...….. 23
2.5.3 Service and Market……………………………………….…………….. 24
Chapter 3: FINDINGS & ANALYSIS…………………………………………....... 25
Appendix………………………………………………………………..……. 53
List Of Tables
Table Table Name Page
I How frequent do you buy soft drinks? 31
List OfCharts
Table Chart Name Page
I Frequency of buying Soft Drink 31
II Preferable Brand 32
I take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to my guide
____________________ for his exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant
encouragement throughout the course. The blessing, help and guidance given by him time to
time shall carry us a long way in the journey of life on which I am about to embark.
A special thanks to all of our MBA colleagues for their guidance in writing the term paper
and sharing their thoughts throughout the research study writing. We are grateful to have a
group of facilitative colleagues to help us in the data collections and we are indebted to these
people who supported us all throughout the journey.
Our deepest gratitude is to be extended to our next door neighbors, who have given us their
valuable time to make the questionnaire survey successful.
Lastly, I thank almighty, my parents, brother, sisters and friends for their constant
encouragement without which this assignment would not be possible. We again would like to
express our genuine compliments to our course instructor for giving us such a great lecture
which help us to make the survey successful and to get an opportunity of writing a report.
Executive Summary
The purpose of this report was to examine the customer preference about soft drinks
in our country. The main purpose of the project is to find out the best brand of this country
and know why consumer is choosing the brand. It also helps to find out whether consumer is
price sensitive or quality searcher. The information collected was mostly from questionnaire
based survey research where we go door to door to know the answer of the questions.
In today's highly competitive markets where competitors offer products that are
largely homogenous, the effectiveness of the salesperson during customer interactions is
critical to success.In this report I have tried to find out some aspects on soft drinks.
In this analysis we find that consumers prefer “Coca Cola” than other brands. Coca-
Cola is the world’s largest manufacturer; distributor and marketer of ϒnon-alcoholic
beverages carry over 3500 different products. Coke for the last 5 years (from February 2007
to February 2012) has held a 45.84% of the nonalcoholic beverage market size. New Factors
influencing consumer products produced almost daily consumption weather Consumer taste
Demographics Lifestyles. We believe that The CoCa Cola Company is moderately sensitive
to the market based on the competitive analysis of market positions.
PepsiCo, Inc. is among the most successful consumer products companies in the
world. Pepsi-Cola Company, the world's second largest beverage company; Frito-Lay
Company, the world's largest manufacturer and distributor of snack chips and Tropicana
Products, Inc., the world's largest marketer and producer of branded juices.PepsiCo's success
is the result of superior products, high standards of performance, distinctive competitive
strategies and the high integrity of their people.
The soft drinks industry all products are of same price but there are some companies
which cannot provide its consumers with better price but it is in a great position in reference
with its fragrances. We can tell about Mountain Dew. It provides a unique fragrance different
from competitors. Marketers often use price/ quality characteristics to position their brands.
One way they do it is with ads that reflect the image of a high-quality brand where cost, is
considered secondary to the quality benefits derived from using the brand. Another way to
use price/ quality characteristics for positioning is to focus on the quality or value offered by
the brand at a very competitive price. Although price is an important consideration, the
product quality must be comparable to, or even better than, competing brands for the
positioning strategy to be effective.
~ 10 ~
Now days, we can see that company offers improved quality of products in the
industry at an affordable pricewhich helps to position the product in the buyers‟ mind as the
best quality bath soap made locally.
The Coca-Cola Company is home to 16 billion dollar brands, including four of the top five
soft drinks: Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Fanta, and Sprite. With the world's largest beverage
distribution system, The Coca-Cola Company reaches thirsty consumers in more than 200
countries. Currently, Abdul Monem and Pran Group bottle Coca-Cola's drinks in the country,
Bangladesh News said. The facility is expected to produce around 222m bottles annually,
worth BDT9bn (US$109.8m) per year. Coca-Cola entered Bangladesh in 1965 through an
agreement with Tabani Beverage.
Mirinda is a brand of soft drink originally created in Spain, with global distribution. The
word Mirinda means "admirable" or "wonderful. It is available in fruit varieties
including orange, grapefruit, apple, strawberry, raspberry, pineapple, pomegranate, banana,.
In bangladesh there are only orange flavor. Mirinda's primary formulation is as an artificially
flavored beverage;
Mojo is a cola flavor carbonated soft drinks by Akij food and beverage. kij Food & Beverage
Ltd. has been established at a beautiful site Krishnapura, Dhamrai of Dhaka. It has come with
the best food & beverage in Bangladesh.
MOJO’s primary target was only the young generation where the age may vary from 16-27.
But it is not limited within this age. It has also spread out among the children noticeably as
well as the people above 27 years. Both young boys and girls are the target market for the
In Bangladesh 7 Up target all aged customer not any specific one. 7UP is available in regular
and light versions, bothdrawing on the idea of clear refreshmentlemon lime bite and the
~ 11 ~
sharp-smooth edge of citrus..7UP has successfully positioned itself as acredible choice on
both the global and Bangladeshi market today. The 7UP logo is ranked as one of the most
familiar in the world. Many people like 7 Up because it has no color and it has also a fizzy
taste .
In survey we analyze the data and get different report and get some frequency table and bar
chart. We make questionnaire to ask different question to different level of people to make
our survey originally.
The statistical data analysis was done mainly thorough descriptive statistics, using Chi-
Square method. The Ms Excel software was used to execute the analysis process.
we made different type of question as like which is preferable brand, why he/she is using,
what is the price, is it reasonable, why they always use it, and in which season they prefer to
Every business has their own goal but the common thing is that they establish their business
for profit. Every company wants to maximize their profit. They wants to hold their position
by applying different approach. Every company maintaining a strong bonding with our
culture by the modern way at the modern age.
With different flavor, different sizes, international standard and high quality packaging, many
soft drinks industries have been highly successful in their fields. Its distribution process is
highly efficient.
There has some recommendation for this soft drinks. They are given in following:
Now not only urban people demand soft drinks most besides urban people rural people also
demand soft drinks, so the industries need to expand their target customer/ target market
.They should require more skill.They should use modern and new technology.They should
use smart communication channel.
~ 12 ~
~ 13 ~
1.1 Origin of the report:
This project was assigned by the course teacher of Business Communications, at the
middle of the semester for the purpose of partial fulfillment of the course. It was intended to
enhance our business communications skills through a thorough research of a Soft Drinks
.however started our work on April 8,2014 and submitted the research paper on April
Some specific objective makes a project successful. For our project and presentation there are
some objective too. These objectives help to make the study fruitful and reach the goal. We
have divided our objective into two parts:
~ 14 ~
● To fulfill the course requirements.
● To complete the report.
● To know how to make a proper report.
● To become a good presenter.
1.4 Scope:
The main focus of this report is to discuss the customer preference about the Soft
Drinks and the factors which are the reasons to select their product. Here we also give
a little description about the history, mission, vision, goal and future plan of the
brands. The report discusses the products and service they are giving. It also discusses
their present market situation and consumer preference.. As it is a questionnaire based
survey so we are not focusing the profit and loss of the companies or the turnover rate
in the business. size
Sample size is 60
Make contact with the customer through personally and studying the response. The
questionnaire fills up, related to usages of particular branded drinks. We used frequency
distribution table to show the variables of perception.
~ 15 ~
1.5.4 Source of Information
➢ Lack of Experience:
The work of collecting the information requires much experience. But we had no
adequate idea, knowledge, and previous experience about the report. Therefore it is
very normal that error come into existence in the report.
➢ Time limitation:
The time limitation is one of the limitations of this report. We have to complete this
report within very short time.
➢ Lack of interest:
At the time of data collection it has been observed that most of the participants of the
interview did not pay attention in answering the question.
➢ Lack of information:
The Company is world renowned company. But our report was only in Dhaka biased.
So, the report lacks information
~ 16 ~
1.7 Report Preview
Chapter 1 introduces the background of the study, research objectives, scope, limitation
and research methodology of the study. Chapter 2 discusses on the history of various brand, their
mission and vision, market of products. Besides, we also discuss the future plan of those
organization. Chapter 3 discusses about the finding and analysis about the Soft Drinks. Chapter 4
is the final part where we include the conclusion, recommendations and appendix.
~ 17 ~
~ 18 ~
There are many companies which are related to Soft Drinks. For our presentation we select 7
brands. They are Pepsi , Coca cola , Mirinda , Mojo , Sprite , Seven Up , Mountain Dew.
Now there are a short description about our chosen brand is given below:
~ 19 ~
Limited is the sole distributor of PepsiCo in Bangladesh. They are the owners and operators
of all the processing and bottling plants of Pepsi, 7UP, Mirinda, Mountain Dew, Pepsi Diet,
Slice and 7UP Light. They are dedicated to provide the everyday beverage demand of the
people of Bangladesh.
their vision serves as the framework for their Roadmap and guides every aspect of their
business by describing what they need to accomplish in order to continue achieving
sustainable, quality growth.
● People: Be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be.
● Planet: Be a responsible citizen that makes a difference by helping build and support
sustainable communities.
~ 21 ~
2.2.3 Coca Cola’s Service And Market
For Better service and market position they Focus on needs of their consumers,
customers and franchise partners. theyGet out into the market and listen, observe and
learn them. They Possess a world view. They also Focus on execution in the
marketplace every day. Sometimes they can be insatiably curious.
~ 22 ~
Few years back Mirinda lead the market . They have the most coverage in beverage market
but in few years they leg behind and cant hold their position but it is a good news that now it
is trying to cover their position for that they make different advertise , billboard, campain etc.
today people prefer Mirinda also beside other soft drinks. Now it is one of the most selling
drinks among others. For better market position they change their packaging , they give their
bottle different style . they also bring small glass bottle for the betterment of their consumer.
Most of our Raw materials come from various foreign countries. The quality is very strictly
controlled. At every stage, non standard products are rejected.
As 7 up is a brand of PepsiCo. Their vision is to put into action through programs and focus
on environmental stewardship, activities to benefit society, and put a commitment to build
shareholder value by making PepsiCo a truly sustainable company
● Human Sustainability
● Environmental Sustainability
● Talent Sustainability
~ 24 ~
In Bangladesh 7 Up target all aged customer not any specific one. 7UP is available in
regular and light versions, both drawing on the idea of clear refreshment lemon lime bite and
the sharp-smooth edge of citrus..7UP has successfully positioned itself as acredible choice on
both the global and Bangladeshi markettoday. The 7UP logo is rankedas one of the most
familiar in the world. Many people like 7 Up because it has no color and it has also a fizzy
taste .
~ 25 ~
~ 26 ~
3.1 Research Approach
The respondents for this study are consumers who are drinking soft drinks frequently
at home or outside, lived in Bangladesh. Research is focused mainly on young generation
consumers under different demographics. Small amount of other consumer also present in
this survey. A pilot survey was carried out first and then questionnaires were used as a tool to
collect required data.
Survey Questionnaire
This questionnaire is designed to determine the factors that are most important to you as a
customer of “Soft Drinks “. Your kind and patient response would enable us to complete the
survey. Please note that this is an academic exercise and no part of the findings will be
disclosed to any quarters.
~ 27 ~
Q2.Which of the following Brand do you prefer ?( please rank them in order of your
(a) Pepsi
(g) 7 Up
(b) Coca Cola
(h) Others
(c) Mountain Dew
(e) Mirinda
(f) Mojo
(f) Sprite
(f)Brand Name
~ 28 ~
g) Others
(b) Winter
(c) Spring
(d) Fall
(b) Friends
(c) Neighbours
(d) Parents
(e) Celebrities
PART THREE: Ranking Satisfaction.
Please encircle a number that most closely reflect your choice or openion.
(a) Kindly rate your overall satisfaction with your preferred brand
Highly Satisfied Highly Dissatisfied
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
~ 29 ~
(b) You would recommend the product/service to your friend
Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
~ 30 ~
PART ONE: Respondent’s Information
➢ Businessman: 7
➢ Student: 34
➢ Service holder:16
➢ House wife: 3
➢ Others: 0
~ 31 ~
Male: 39
Female: 21
~ 32 ~
~ 33 ~
Histogram (Bar Chart):
Question 2:
Which of the following Brand do you prefer? ( please rank them in order of your preference)
a) Pepsi (b) Coca Cola (c) Mountain Dew (d) Mirinda (e) Mojo (f) Sprite (g) 7 Up (h)
~ 34 ~
Table II: Which Brand do you prefer most?
~ 35 ~
Foot notes: Y axis indicates Number of frequency and X axis indicates Brands.
Question 3:
Why do you prefer of your following brand?
a) quality b) price c) packaging d) availability e) taste f)brand name g) others
In this table, we are seeing the people who drinks soft drinks which is currently used by the
respondents. Out of 60 respondents 25 respondents like or prefer soft drinks for taste and
which result for 41.67% of total and 16 respondents drink soft drink for quality which result
for 26.67%, price18.33%, availability 11.67% and packaging result 1.67% of total
~ 36 ~
Source: From Consumer Survey.
Foot notes: Y axis indicates frequency and X axis indicates preferences.
Question 4:
Please rank the importance of feature in your brand. ( The most important feature should be
ranked as 1st and 2nd most important feature should be ranked as 2). We have to calculate
them in two different tables.
a) Availability b) packaging c) Quality d)Price e) Brand Name f) Color/ Taste g) Others.
~ 37 ~
Foot notes: Calculated by MS Excel software.
There are some important feature and Quality is in the 1st place. 31.6667% people prefer
their favorite soft drinks on the basis of the Quality and they keep it in the 1st position,
23.333% people prefer availability is in the 1st position, 16.6667% people prefer
color/taste, 13.333% people prefer price, 10% people prefer packaging, 5% people prefer
for the brand name.
~ 38 ~
There are some important features and Quality is in the 1st place fpr the ranking of 2nd
position. 23.333% people prefer their favorite soft drinks on the basis of the Quality and they
keep it in the 1st position, 21.667% people prefer Color/Taste, 20% people prefer availability,
15% people prefer packaging, 10% prefer price,8.333% people prefer brand name, 1.6667%
people prefer others.
~ 40 ~
Question 6:
Why do you drink soft drinks?
a) Alternative of water
b) Availability of soft drinks
c) Different taste
d) Luxurious
~ 41 ~
Histogram(bar chart)
Foot notes: X axis indicates reason of drinking soft drinks and Y axis indicates frequency.
Question 7:
When do you prefer to have a soft drinks?
a) When you take fast food
b) When you feel thirsty
c) When you hang out with your friend
d) After your lunch time
e) Others...............................
~ 42 ~
Foot notes: Calculated by MS excel.
From the data above we can interpret, that most of the customer are preferring soft drinks
after taking fat food 25%, after feeling thirsty 50%, at the time of hanging out 13.333%, when
having lunch 6.6667 and other times 5%.
Foot notes: X axis indicates time of preference soft drinks and Y axis indicates frequency.
Question 8:
Who influence you most to buy a Soft Drinks?
a) Self b) friends c) neighbors d) Parents e) celebrity
~ 43 ~
Source: From Consumer Survey.
Foot notes: Calculated by SPSS software.
From the data above we can interpret, that most of the customer are drinking soft drinks
influenced by self 68.33% of the sample says that friends influence Only 23.33% and
neighbors 3.3% , parents 3.33% , celebrity 1.67 % of total respondents.
Histogram (Bar Chart):
~ 44 ~
(a) Kindly rate your overall satisfaction with your preferred brand.
➢ Highly Satisfied: 7, 6
➢ Satisfied: 5
➢ Moderate level: 4
➢ Dissatisfied: 3
➢ Highly Dissatisfied: 2, 1
From this analysis we can say that,80.64516% people are highly satisfied with their
preferable brand “ Coca Cola and Pepsi” as they ranked their brand in the highest satisfaction
level., 6.45% people are neutral, 3.2258% people are Highly dissatisfied with their preferred
soft drinks.
~ 45 ~
Source: From Consumer Survey.
Foot notes: Y axis indicates the ranking satisfaction and X axis indicates ranking level.
From this analysis we can say that, 70.96% people recommend their preferable brand coca
cola and pepsi to their friend and they strongly agree with this statement, and 25.80% people
also strongly agree with this agreement too. And 3.2258% people are neutral about this
~ 46 ~
Source: From Consumer Survey.
Foot notes: Y axis indicates the ranking satisfaction and X axis indicates ranking level.
Argument (c):
(c) You find your preferred brand at a convenient location.
➢ Strongly Agree: 7, 6
➢ Agree: 5
➢ Neutral: 4
➢ Strongly disagree: 3, 2
From this analysis we can say that, 87.09% people find their preferable brand coca cola and
pepsi at a convenieint location and they strongly agree with this statement, and 9.677%
people also agree with this agreement too. And 3.2258% people are neutral about this
~ 47 ~
Source: From Consumer Survey.
Foot notes: Y axis indicates the ranking satisfaction and X axis indicates ranking level.
Argument (d):
(d) You will never switch to another Brand.
➢ Strongly Agree: 7, 6
➢ Agree: 5
➢ Neutral: 4
➢ Strongly disagree: 3, 2
~ 48 ~
From this analysis we can say that, 64.51% people disagree to switch another brand from
coca cola and pepsi.6.45% and 3.2258% people are strongly disagree too. But 22.59% people
are neural in this state ment. And 3.2258% people are strongly agree and they will surely
switch to another brand.
Argument (e):
(e) There is a chance for improvement of your preferred product.
➢ Strongly Agree: 7, 6
➢ Agree: 5
➢ Neutral: 4
➢ Strongly disagree: 3, 2
~ 49 ~
We can say that from this analysis that, 16% people agree to this statement as they think there
is a scope of improvement. 16 5 people are also agree to this argument.But 64.51% people
are neutral about this statement. And 3.225% people are disagree to this statement.
~ 50 ~
Arguments About Mountain dew and mirinda
When the most preferred brand is Mountain dew and mirinda ,it’s preferrers have shown
some arguments and those arguments can be shown throgh frequency table and charts.
~ 51 ~
~ 52 ~
Argument 2: Recommend the product to your friend
~ 53 ~
Argument 3: Finding Mountain dew and Mirinda at a convenient location
Table: location
~ 54 ~
Foot Note: calculated by MS excel
~ 55 ~
Foot note: calculated by Ms Excel
table: switch to other brand
~ 56 ~
Argument 5: Wish for improvement of Mountain dew and Mirinda
Table: Improvements
~ 57 ~
~ 58 ~
Every business has their own goal but the common thing is that they establish their
business for profit. Every company wants to maximize their profit. They wants to hold their
position by applying different approach. Every company maintaining a strong bonding with
our culture by the modern way at the modern age. The soft drinks industry in Bangladesh
consists of different products. The demand for soft drinks is very much vulnerable in terms of
pricing. All companies are trying to give their product at a price which is affordable to most
of the people in the country. Both teenager and aged people are using soft drinks by their own
choice. Besides, those organizations contribute different social work and encourage people
for buying local products. If Coca Cola increases their advertisement more & more and
maintain their services well then it will be one of the best industry in our country.With
different flavor, different sizes, international standard and high quality packaging, many soft
drinks industries have been highly successful in their fields. Its distribution process is highly
➢ Now not only urban people demand soft drinks most besides urban people rural
people also demand soft drinks, so the industries need to expand their target customer/
target market .
➢ They should require more skill.
➢ They should use modern and new technology.
➢ They should use smart communication channel.
➢ They Should develop their side ingredients and also reset their price.
➢ If they consider their pricing strategy for lower class people then their sales will be
increased more.
➢ They should also bring new new flavor for customer.
➢ Lastly, as children are another segment of customer so these industries can make
some products on concern of the children.
~ 59 ~
Appended Part
Bibliography/ Reference
1. Websites –
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