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The Starting Point: The Excel Spreadsheet: Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition Beta Matrix

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Connecting an ASP.

NET-form to a database
Connecting an ASP.NET form created with ExcelEverywhere to a database is very easy.
We will do it in 3 steps:
1. Calculate and save the form contents into a database.
2. Retrieve previous entered data from the database, show it in the form and let the
user edit it and recalculated and save it again
3. Show all submitted entries so that we can click on them to edit them.

Step 1 can be implemented in several other ways. You do not even need an ASP.NET-
page for that, for example ExcelEverywhere for HTML + our advanced service or an
external tool like Frontpage extension can be used for that.

We are using Visual Studio 2003. If you do not have it, there are free or cheap alternative
IDEs out there: Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition Beta, and ASP.NET Web
Matrix. Actually, you do not even need an IDE, a text editor like notepad plus DOT.NET
version 1.1 is enough.

You can download all files in this example by clicking here.

You need to use ExcelEverywhere for ASP&ASP.NET version 3.2.3 or later for this
sample. 3.2.2 will not work.

Part 1: Saving a ASP.NET-form into a database

Part 1 is to save the entered data into a database. In part 1, the saved data cannot be
accessed from the website. You have to access the database file directly to view the
submitted data.

The starting point: the Excel spreadsheet

Todo: create a spreadsheet and name the input and output cells we want to store in the
We started by creating a simple spreadsheet in Excel. It is a very simple and naive time
reporting form. The user has to enter name, date, arrival time to work, and departure time.
The spreadsheet calculates the number of hours at work.
There are 4 input fields:
1. Name
2. Today
3. Arrival
4. Departure
There is 2 output fields:
1. Hours, the number of hours worked
2. An error message fields which asks the user to arrive before he leaves.
There is a 5th input field called serialno, which cab be ignored now. It is used in order to
handle editing of already entered data.
We have called the spreadsheet time_report.xls and also set the title under File-Properties
to ’Report working hours’.
The important is that we have named the cells
• B1: name
• B2: today2
• B3: arrival
• B4: departure
• B6: hours
• C1: serialno
Naming cells is done by placing the cursor in the cell, and writing the name into the small
textbox at the top left corner.
Originally, I called the date field today. However, today, seems to be a reserved name in
ASP.NET, so I renamed it to today2. Today seems to be a reserved name, I had to rename
it to today2. When you remove names in Excel, delete the old name and create a new one.
You have to remove the old one, since otherwise ExcelEverywhere might use it.

Make sure you both hide the column with 8-22 and the rows, otherwise you will get
blank white space at the bottom of the form.

Generate the ASP.NET-web page

Todo: Create an ASP.NET-page with C#-codebehind.
Start ExcelEverywhere by select Convert from the ExcelEverywhere menu in Excel.
We will select to create an ASP.NET page with C#-codebehind.
All our adaptions are placed in the C#-codebehind file. This means that we will be able to
add formatting, change fonts and colors to the sheet, insert new rows at the top, and
regenerate our ASP.NET-page. The layout will change, but our integration into the
database will remain unchanged!

All cells in the spreadsheet are locked by default, and we have unlocked the 4 input cells
so that ExcelEverywhere can identify them.
We only keep the update button, which is the button that triggers a recalculation, and the
submit button. The submit button will trigger the saving into the database.
We can test the form directly. Pressing Update will recalculate the values. Submit is not
yet implemented and will not do anything.
These are the files that ExcelEverywhere generated:

Creating the database

Todo: We need to create a database where the values can be stored.
The database will only contain one single table called arrival. Each submit will add one
row to that table.
Let us create a database with one single table where we can store the columns. The
columns of the table arrival are
• serialno: long integer, autoincrement
• name: string 50
• today2: string 20 (we could have used a date format)
• arrival: number (single)
• departure: number (single)
• hours: number (single)

where serialno is the primary key. In this first part, serialno will have no purpose.We call
the table arrival

We start Access. You can skip this part if you do not have access to MS Access, you can
use the empty database in the zip-file.
Drivers for Access is included in Windows.
Creating the ASP.NET-application
Todo: Create an ASP.NET application and import the ASP.NET-page we created with
Start Visual Studio 2003 and create a new C# ASP.NET application project called
Import the ASP.NET-page into Visual Studio 2003

We import the generated files into our Visual Studio project using Add Existing Item.
Delete the Src= tag
Click on time_report.aspx to open it and you will get

You have to delete the SRC-attribute. Visual Studio uses CodeBehind instead. A little
article describing the difference between Src and CodeBehind:
http://www.dotnetcoders.com/web/Articles/ShowArticle.aspx?ar ticle=22

Delete Src=”time_report.cs”

Save and close, then reopen the time_report.aspx.

Hide internal fields like serialno

We hide the serialno field by opening time_report.aspx and select the HTML-view. Look
id=”serialno” type=”text”
and replace it by
id=”serialno” type=”hidden”
We also need to update the codebehind file, the type has changed from HtmlInputText to
protected System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlInputText serialno;

protected System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlInputHidden serialno;

The initial codebehind file before integration

The generate time_report.cs. Improve the indentation by selecting all and then Edit-
Advanced-Format Selection

// This file will not be overwritten!

// This is the recommended location for backend integrations

using System;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

namespace time_report

public abstract class ExcelEverywhere : System.Web.UI.Page

public abstract void initArrays();
public abstract void setReset();
public abstract void fromForm();
public abstract void docalc();
public abstract void toForm();
public abstract Object getObject();

/* All the ASPX-fields as of when this file was first generated.

The list is not updated, since this file is not overwritten.
In order to get the new list. Delete this file. */

// protected HtmlInputText name;

// protected HtmlInputText today2;
// protected HtmlSelect arrival;
// protected HtmlSelect departure;
// protected Label p1B5;
// protected Label hours;

protected void server_recalc(object objSender, System.EventArgs objArgs)

// no code here since Page_load handles the recalculation

protected string panel_to_show = "panel1";

protected void Page_Load(object objSender, System.EventArgs objArgs)


// TIP: Add code here to set attributes of getObject()

// to override default values
if (IsPostBack)
panel_to_show = Request.Params["xl_sheet_no"];
if (Request.Params["xl_update_top"] != null ||
Request.Params["xl_update_bottom"] != null || Request.Params["xl_submit_top"] != null ||
Request.Params["xl_submit_bottom"] != null)
// it wasn't a reset

// TIP: Add code here to read attributes from getObject()

// if you want to save the values entered by the user

if (Request.Params["xl_submit_top"] != null ||
Request.Params["xl_submit_bottom"] != null)
// submit was pressed: save and redirect to confirmation page

// TIP: Add code here to read attributes from getObject()

// if you want to save the values entered by the user
// and the calculated values.

If not VS2003 has created these attributes automatically, remove the comments before
the field names in the form. Skip p1B5, which is the error message. For me VS2003
created them all except for the today2-field.
protected HtmlInputText name;
protected HtmlInputText today2;
protected HtmlSelect arrival;
protected HtmlSelect departure;
// protected Label p1B5;
protected Label hours;
protected HtmlInputHidden serialno;

Test the imported ASPNET-page

Set time_report.aspx as start page and compile and run. Enter some data and press Update
the hours should be recalculed.
So now the ASP.NET-page has been accepted by Visual Studio 2003 and we can start
with the integration. If you want to improve the formatting of the web page, update the
time_report.xls spreadsheet, and regenerate the web page. The only two files that you
should update in your VS2003-project is time_report.aspx and styles.css. The other files
should be kept. You will have to remove the src=”time_report.cs” and hide serialno each

Include the database into the project

Place or import the database file, i.e. fillfromdb.mdb in the bin directory. Right-click on
the file, select properties and set the security of the file. I let Everyone has Full Control,
which actually is a bit dangerous. I should have given Full Control to the ASPNET-
account used by IIS.
Save submitted data to database
Todo: Add code that opens that database, reads the values from the form, saves them into
the database and then closes database.

Find the comment // submit was pressed: save and redirect to

confirmation page
In the code above. That is where we will insert our database code.

We have to adjust the code slightly. Move toForm() directly after docalc() since we need
the calculated values during save. The new code looks like:

toForm(); // update form since we read output values below

if (Request.Params["xl_submit_top"] != null ||
Request.Params["xl_submit_bottom"] != null)

The value of a form fields like name are accessed with name.Value. The SQL-statement
that insert the row into the database looks like
“INSERT INTO arrival(arrival, departure, hours, name, today2) VALUES (“ + arrival.Value +
“,“ + departure.Value +, “ + hours.Value +, “ + name.Value +, “ + today2.Value +)”

However, you should never build SQL-statements in this way. It opens up the application
for SQL injection attacks, which enables malicious user to access and delete your
Instead, you should always use SQL parameters, preferable typed parameters. So the
simple line above becomes
OleDbConnection oleDbConnection1 = new

OleDbCommand oleDbInsertCommand1 = new OleDbCommand();

oleDbInsertCommand1.CommandText = "INSERT INTO arrival(arrival,
departure, hours, name, today2) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
oleDbInsertCommand1.Connection = oleDbConnection1;
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter("arrival", System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.Single, 0,
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter("departure", System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.Single, 0,
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter("hours", System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.Single, 0,
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter("name", System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.VarWChar, 50,
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter("today2", System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.VarWChar, 20,

oleDbInsertCommand1.Parameters["arrival"].Value =
oleDbInsertCommand1.Parameters["departure"].Value =
oleDbInsertCommand1.Parameters["hours"].Value =
oleDbInsertCommand1.Parameters["name"].Value = name.Value;
oleDbInsertCommand1.Parameters["today2"].Value = today2.Value;

int val = oleDbInsertCommand1.ExecuteNonQuery();
catch (OleDbException /* exc */)
Response.Write("<p><strong>Failed to insert data into

// we need to reset the form, since we do not know the serialno



If we start the application and enters a person

And look at the database from Access:

You can also view the database from inside Visual Studio 2003. Right-click on the Server
Explorer, Add connection, select Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider, and select the file
Tip: Close the database in Access after viewing it, otherwise the database might be

Which database to use: Microsoft Access or Microsoft

SQL Server?
If you use Microsoft Access, the code prefix for the classes is OleDb, if you use
SqlServer, it is Sql, ie. OleDbParameter and SqlParameter. If you only need to save data and
no advanced querying is needed Access is a good database. Reliabilty for Access has
increased during the years, but SqlServer is a better database. Microsoft has a free version
of MS Sql Server called MSDE.

SQL injection
You can read more about SQL injection and why we have to build parameterized SQL-
statements here:
• http://www.developer.com/db/article.php/2243461
• http://dotnetjunkies.com/WebLog/richard.dudley/articles/13706.aspx
• http://blogs.wdevs.com/ColinAngusMackay/archive/2004/09/25/652.aspx
• http://weblogs.asp.net/bleroy/archive/2004/08/18/216861.aspx

A general checklist on how to secure ASP.NET-sites is found here:

• http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-
• http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-

Adding code to an ASP.NET-page that stores the contents into a database is easy. By
placing the database code into the codebehind file, it will not interfere with the generated
code, and you and update formulas and formatting in the spreadsheet later, and still keep
you backend integration code intact.
In the next step, we will add more database code that fills the form with data from the
database and lets the user update it.

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