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Gurpreet Kaur 5710 SITHRM001

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Gurpreet Assessment Tasks and Instructions


Student Number 5710
Course and Code Coach others in job skills , SITXHRM001
Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) SITXHRM001 Coach others in job skills

Assessment for this Unit of Competency/Cluster Details

Assessment 1 Assignment
Assessment 2 Observations

Assessment conducted in this instance: Assessment 1 2 3

Reasonable Adjustment
1. Has reasonable adjustment been applied to this assessment?
No No further information required

Yes Complete 2.
2. Provide details for the requirements and provisions for adjustment of assessment:

Student to complete
My assessor has discussed the adjustments with me
I agree to the adjustments applied to this assessment
Signature Date

2nd Assessor to complete

I agree the adjustments applied to this assessment are reasonable

Signature Date
Assessment Guidelines
What will be assessed
The purpose of this assessment is to assess you underpinning knowledge to complete the tasks outlined in the
elements and performance criteria for this unit of competency and relating to the following aspects:

 communication techniques suitable to a workplace training context

 objectives and scope of the coaching
 factors which impact need for coaching:
o direction from colleagues
o own observation and workplace experience
o request for coaching from colleagues to be coached
 key principles of training:
o explanation
o demonstration
o review
o listening to trainee explanation
o observing and evaluating trainee demonstration
o providing feedback
 legislative work health and safety and hygiene requirements
 possible causes of performance problems or difficulties:
o breakdown in communication
o inappropriate circumstances for coaching
o insufficient opportunity to practice
o language or cultural barriers
o shyness or lack of confidence.
Place/Location where assessment will be conducted
SSH to complete

Resource Requirements
Pen, Paper or computer, colleagues to be coached,

Coaching Session Plan Templates 1-4 (located in student assessment folder)

Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements

This assessment consists of 2 parts, Part A and Part B.

Part A
For the purpose of this assessment you are required to identify the coaching needs of 4 different colleagues and
prepare 4 coaching sessions of maximum 15 minute duration for each need identified. Coaching needs may vary
and can include e.g. precision cuts, specific preparation techniques for dishes, safe use of equipment; table
setting for different occasions, serviette folding; spot removal in housekeeping, making beds; preparing for
event registration/set-up etc. to name a few examples for possible coaching needs in various departments of
hospitality, tourism and events.
You are required to address all questions to achieve competence. Your trainer will provide you with instructions
for time frames and dates to complete this assessment.

Part B
In this part of the assessment you are required to provide suggestions, supported by examples how

1. you will deal with and overcome performance problems during coaching sessions,
2. you will encourage further training and provide for application of the learnt skills as well as transferring
these skills to new tasks where applicable,
3. you will provide for monitoring of the learnt tasks to address performance problems or follow up on

Once completed, carefully read the responses you have provided and check for completeness. Your trainer will
provide you with feedback and the result you have achieved.

The criteria set out in the checklist provide a general guideline for the details you need to provide for this
assessment for this assessment.

Statement of Authenticity
I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks
The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained to
me and I understand these processes
I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have
acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this assessment
Student Signature: Date: / /201

This assessment: First Attempt 2nd Attempt Extension – Date:    /    /   

RESULT OF ASSESSMENT Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

Feedback to Student:

Assessor(s) Signature(s): Date:    /    /     

Student Signature Gurpreet Date:    /    /     
Assessment 1

Part A – Identifying coaching needs and preparing for coaching

Coaching Candidate 1
Name: Tanya Cornish Location:Taj palace restaurant

Reason for Coaching:

Tanya came to work as volunteer on our workplace to complete her cooker certificate. She was learning all kind
of cookery cut so Julian cut was one of them.
How was the need for coaching identified?
She was doing cookery study and it is required to teach volunteer with all required skills to work after completing

Which specific coaching needs were discussed with the colleague in need of coaching?

Use of knife and peeler discussed in need of coaching.

Description of task(s) to be coached:

Size of Julian cut
Safe way to hold carrot

WHS and legal requirements for each task identified:

Wear chef dress, hat full shoes on workplace.

Potential gaps in WHS provisions which must be adhered to/trained before coaching can begin:
Check dress of person before entering in kitchen.

Session Plan 1 completed with details and attached yes

Coaching Candidate 2
Name: Milan cheery Location: taj palace restaurant

Reason for Coaching:

It was very necessary to provide a coaching session before he starts to serve customers with coffee.
How was the need for coaching identified?
The manager-conducted interview of candidate before starting new job and he said he did not
performed this task in his previous job.

Which specific coaching needs were discussed with the colleague in need of coaching?
As he is going to make coffee for customer, it was necessary to make sure that how he is going to
perform this task after training. So I requested to colleagues to observe him during work.

Description of task(s) to be coached:

He should start making coffee by following proper instruction to use equipment
, and skill to use weight ingredients.
WHS and legal requirements for each task identified:
He is required to understand the use to electronic devices and duty to protect himself from injury.

Potential gaps in WHS provisions which must be adhered to/trained before coaching can begin:
Provide instruction how to deal and notify supervisor if equipment is broken or faulty.

Session Plan 2 completed with details and attached yes

Coaching Candidate 3
Name: Anita Location: Taj palace restaurant’s

Reason for Coaching: She made a mistake in taking food order. So a result, she served wrong item to
consumer. She needs to be trained with waitress skills.

How was the need for coaching identified?

After the incident, the manager thought she needs coaching session to serve customers.

Specific coaching needs were discussed with the colleague in need of coaching?

Understand how important to help customer order dishes in a proper way, after we discussed. And
help her to get on with it.

Description of task(s) to be coached:

Languages she may need when serving customers, and the skills to take orders,
and so on.

WHS and legal requirements for each task identified:

She understands properly of using the electronic devices she may need to use during serving food
in the restaurant.

Potential gaps in WHS provisions which must be adhered to/trained before coaching can begin:
She must have valid her RSA certificate

Session Plan 3 completed with details and attached yes

Coaching Candidate 4
Name: vivas cocri Location:

Reason for Coaching:

A customer makes complaints about his service.

How was the need for coaching identified?

He avoide to change gloves after consumer’s request.

Which specific coaching needs were discussed with the colleague in need of coaching?
Use of knife and peeler discussed in need of coaching.

Description of task(s) to be coached:

He is required to understand allergic and cultural requirements of consumer.

WHS and legal requirements for each task identified:

Hygienic and allergic requirement identified.

Potential gaps in WHS provisions which must be adhered to/trained before coaching can begin:
check the quality of gloves.

Session Plan 4 completed with details and attached yes

Part B

Your task: Answer the following questions. Each question must be completed.

1. How will you deal with, and accordingly overcome, the following performance problems or
difficulties by providing applied examples or scenarios:

a. Breakdown in communication
b. Inappropriate circumstances for coaching
c. Insufficient opportunity to practise
d. Language or cultural barriers
e. Shyness or lack of confidence

a. Breakdown in communication

 We all know that managers have a lots of tasks to complete, but they must have to make an
effective work flow to organize time to communicate with employees. If manager is really busy
for any reason so still they should find out alternative way to communicate such as email and
messages etc.

 During the conversation with employees, Manager should pay attention to non-verbal
messages, without letting staff be distracted. H/She should notice body language and non-
verbal cues to allow for a richer understanding of the speaker’s point.

b. Shyness or lack of confidence

 Manager should make some effort to involve employees in conversation and ask
questions but don’t interrogate. Manager can talk regarding their interest, hobbies,
family etc.

 Manager should identify the employee’s strengths and capitalize on them. They
should also
identify the employee’s weaknesses and work on them.
 Manager should appreciate their work to motivate them for better productivity. .

c. Insufficient opportunity to practise

To deal with insufficient opportunity to practice, manager should make effort to provide better
opportunities to do practice such as good budget planning and time management.

d. Inappropriate circumstances for coaching

If there are not good circumstances for coaching then manager must have to make decisions carefully.
For example, they should use different strategy to when hiring a new employee.

e. Lack of experience

Training is good way to deal with lack of experience’s issues. If the training is not enough so give
opportunity to work under senior or experienced staff to learn things and provide all instruction
slowly. Give opportunity to demonstrate tasks.

2. How will you ensure that your colleagues will be able to apply the learnt skills to other tasks or
situations and how can you provide for this? Provide examples for each task you have delivered in
your 4 coaching sessions.
Coaching session 1.
Learnt skill of trainee can be observed by their confidence and way of making Julian cut such as holding
way to carrot, cutting size of Julian etc. For example, if trainee is following all instruction step by step
without missing any step and make perfect size of Julian cut without having any finger cut during Julian
Coaching session 2.
It is very easy to observe employee’s learnt skill when H/She do not have experience in particular task.
It can be ensured by getting report from their colleagues and feedback from consumer about coffee.
For example, we can ask consumer to fill out a feedback form for product quality.
Coaching session 3.
Waitress skill can be observed by customer satisfaction survey and get feedback from the same
consumer who complaint her if possible, and can be observed how she is listening to consumer and
taking order carefully. For example, we can compare her performance and behaviour before and after
Coaching session 4.
This learnt skill could be observed by work performance and accepting consumer’s specific request
when serving food. For example, we can ensure if trainee is working according to provided instruction
like changing gloves after handling raw meat and non-veg food after holding coaching session.

3. How will you provide for ongoing coaching processes, given that you work in a very busy establishment?

 We can hire another certified person to provide coaching to staff.

 Senior colleagues also can provide instruction to trainee for a limited time.

Marking Criteria Part A, Part B S NYS S NYS Feedback

Preparation for on-the-job coaching

Identifies the need for coaching according to relevant factors

Provides a clear overview of the identified training needs
Identifies specific skills to be trained
Considers specific requirements for coaching relevant to person
to be coached (special needs, adjustments etc)
Provides realistic details for time and location of coaching
considering workplace policies or constraints
Identifies resource requirements correctly according to coaching
Identifies stakeholders and communication requirements
Preparation of coaching session
Identifies underpinning knowledge required for task to be
coached including organisational requirements for workplace
specific tasks
Identifies all WHS requirements relevant for the task to be
Identifies gap training required to meet WHS aspects where
Identifies gap training required to meet the underpinning
knowledge and skills requirements where relevant
Clearly defines the practical skills to be coached
Clearly defines the objectives of the coaching session
Provides a clear and logical overview of the coaching strategies
Applies logical sequencing of coaching events
Provides opportunity provision for practising learnt skills
Provides opportunity provision for questions and
Suggests a clear approach for providing feedback on

Follow-up coaching (Part B)

Suggests a realistic process for monitoring progression
on coaching session
Identifies opportunities for further practice relevant
to the workplace context and tasks undertaken there
Identifies relevant personnel for reporting
Identifies the requirements for reporting
Provides a detailed overview of reasons for the
following potential problems which may occur during
coaching and appropriate suggestions how to help to
overcomes these pro-actively:
a. Breakdown in communication

b. Shyness or lack of confidence

c. Insufficient opportunity to practise

d. Inappropriate circumstances for coaching

e. Lack of experience

4 Coaching sessions ---

Date: ___10/04/2019______ Time: ___2.00 pm______ Duration: _____15 minutes_______ Location:

taj palace restaurant

Coaching Session 1 (maximum Duration 15 minutes)

Training Objective Resources Time Activities

(What is to be achieved?)

 Measurement f
 Julienne” is a Fr
1 minutes vegetables
 Chef knife is use

1 minutes Silent Demonstra

The objective of coaching was to Chopping board, sink, water, carrot,

teach a perfect Julian cut. knife
Washed the carrot and

Demonstration and Exp

7 minutes To make a julienne cut o

and peel. Cut the carrot
lengthwise one side of t
down so it doesn't roll w
slices lengthwise. Stack
slice again lengthwise

Trainee question:

1 minutes  Is it necessary t
 Julian cut shoul

Trainee practice:

2 minutes After demonstration, tra

followed all the provide
Feedback from coach-

3 minutes

Trainee performed acco

confused regarding the

Reporting Requirements:

Who? Reported to Supervisor Why? It was the

requirement of traning to report supervisor.

Coaching session 2

Date: ___11/04/2019______ Time: ___12.00 pm______ Duration: _____15 minutes_______

Location: taj palace restaurant kitchen ___________________

Coaching Session 2 (maximum Duration 15 minutes)

Training Objective Resources Time Activities

(What is to be achieved?)


60 seconds  Explained the

Silent Demonst

The objective of coaching is to train a Milk, sugar, coffee power, water, 1 minutes
worker who does not have experience machine, utensils
There is no silent dem
in making filter coffee.

Demonstration and E

 Provided instr
perforated containe
container on the low
6 minutes and pour immediate
over it, cover and le
When the entire so
container, heat the
should be according

Trainee question:

1 minutes 40 seconds  Milk should b

Trainee practice:

After demonstration,
followed all the provid
5 minutes
Feedback from coach

1 minutes After demonstration,

followed all the provid
as he did this task for

Reporting Requirements:

Who? Reported to Supervisor Why? It was the requirement of traning to report supervisor.

Coaching session 3

Date: ___11/04/2019______ Time: ___1.00 pm______ Duration: _____15 minutes_______

Location: taj palace restaurant kitchen ___________________

Coaching Session 3 (maximum Duration 15 minutes)

Training Objective Resources Time Activities

(What is to be achieved?)


1 minutes 60 seconds  Explained brie

present in fro
Silent Demonst

The mission of coaching is to get Order book 1 minutes  Eye contact w

satisfactory feedback from customer  Dressing sens
for customer service by waiters.

Demonstration and E

Provided instruction t

We should welcome c
request for order if th
5 minutes
observe this by their r
help. Listen order care
which they order, do
details to chefs with t

Trainee question:

40 seconds
No question f

Trainee practice:

Trainee showed perfe

same way and took fo
6 minutes
Feedback from coach

1 minutes Trainee performed th

experience in this fiel

Reporting Requirements:

Who? Reported to Supervisor Why? It was the requirement of training to provide report to

Coaching session 4

Date: ___21/04/2019______ Time: ___6.00 pm______ Duration: _____15 minutes_______

Location: Subway , HOBART ___________________

Coaching Session 4 (maximum Duration 15 minutes)

Training Objective Resources Time Activities

(What is to be achieved?)

60 seconds Explained the reasons to use gloves

properly like some people do not eat
and touch non- veg for religious
The objective of this purpose or it could be because of any
traning is to provide food allergy.
safely to customer without
any kind of contamination. -----------
One of staff members in
Subway used same gloves
to give food to vegetarian
after serving non-
vegetarian customer.
Customer requested to
change, but staff member
Silent Demonstration:
avoide this.
1 minutes Staff member observed for around 2
hours when he again starts work after
2 hours.

Demonstration and Explanation:

Gloves may only be used for one task

and must have to change gloves
5 minutes
before taking different kind of food or
on customer’s request.

Avoiding request of consumer can

affect brand image.
Trainee question:

1 minutes 40  Trainee asks that can He serve

seconds customer without gloves in
these kinds of cases?

Trainee practice:

Trainee explained to coach the

importance of understanding
6 minutes consumers’ choice and request.

Feedback from coach-

1 minutes Trainee did really good job after

explanation and traning

Reporting Requirements:

Who? Reported to Supervisor Why? It was the requirement of training to provide report to

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