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Regina Winter Festival Report

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2022 Regina Winter Festival

Date November 3, 2021

To Executive Committee

From City Planning & Community Development

Service Area Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services

Item No. EX21-73


The Executive Committee recommends that City Council:

1. Support the 2022 Regina Winter Festival with a cash grant valued up to $150,000.

2. Provide the above support subject to the following conditions:

a) 2022 Regina Winter Festival Committee demonstrates the ability to plan and host the
event through a comprehensive budget and event plan.
b) Completion of a Contribution Agreement(s) with 2022 Regina Winter Festival Committee
member organizations Provincial Capital Commission, Regina Downtown Business
Improvement District, Regina Warehouse Business Improvement District & Regina
Exhibition Association Limited.
c) Recognition by the Regina Winter Festival Committee and its member organizations that
the City of Regina accepts no obligations for deficits, loans, or guarantees for the 2022
Regina Winter Festival.
d) A commitment by 2022 Regina Winter Festival Committee to provide a follow up report
that identifies how the City of Regina’s funding was utilized in the hosting of the event.

3. Delegate the authority to the Executive Director, City Planning & Community Development to
negotiate and approve the terms of the Contribution Agreement(s) between the City of Regina
and the 2022 Regina Winter Festival Committee and/or its member organizations, Provincial
Capital Commission, Regina Downtown Business Improvement District, Regina Warehouse
Business Improvement District & Regina Exhibition Association Limited.

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4. Authorize the City Clerk to execute the Contribution Agreement(s) on behalf of the City of Regina
after review by the City Solicitor.

5. Approve funding up to $150,000 in support through 2022’s annual Events, Conventions and
Tradeshows attraction budget.

6. Approve these recommendations at its meeting on November 10, 2021.


A coalition of community organizations has come together and formed the Regina Winter Festival
Committee (Festival Committee) for the purpose of planning and implementing a Winter Festival (the
Festival) in Regina during the month of February 2022.

The purpose of this report is to recommend the provision of financial support valued up to $150,000
to support the Festival.


Financial Implications
The proposed City contribution, per this report, is a grant of up to $150,000 in support of the
Festival. The recommended funding source for this financial support is 2022’s annual Events,
Conventions and Tradeshows (ECT) attraction budget of $325,000.

If the recommended funding per this report is provided to the Festival, then $175,000 will remain to
fund other 2022 ECT investment opportunities. In addition, the ECT Reserve is expected to have an
opening balance in 2022 of $235,000. The maximum recommended balance for this reserve is

It should be noted that while there are currently no other confirmed commitments against 2022’s
ECT funding, there is likely to be a request of the City to provide financial support for hosting the
2022 Grey Cup in Regina. The amount of this potential request is not known at this time.

Strategic Implications
Providing financial support to the Festival:
• Supports the City’s Official Community Plan and is aligned with its Community Priority to
embrace built heritage and invest in arts, culture, sport and recreation.
• Is aligned with the City of Regina’s Winter City Strategy which identifies the opportunity to
establish an annual winter festival.

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• Supports outcome number five of the Recreation Master Plan where citizens are proud of
their community, its facilities and spaces, the events and opportunities it offers, and its level
of volunteerism.
• Supports Economic Development Regina’s 2030 Economic Growth Plan which identifies
investment in Events, Conventions and Tradeshows as a key opportunity to increase the
city’s prosperity and economic potential for the next 10 years.

A large part of Regina’s cultural vibrancy is tied to its many diverse and well-established festivals
and events. These events contribute to a sense of civic pride and cohesion among residents while
also bringing significant economic benefit to the city.

At its regular meeting on July 29, 2020, City Council considered item CR20-69 Events, Conventions
and Tradeshows (ECT) and approved the ECT Policy and its accompanying event evaluation
framework. Investment in ECT is an important driver of the of the local, provincial and national
economy, contributing to trade and investment outcomes, innovation, job creation and tourist
visitation. Hosting ECT events contributes to a community’s economic prosperity by:
• Boosting the visitor economy through domestic and international visitation (such as transport,
hotels, retail and restaurants).
• Facilitating small business growth by connecting buyers and sellers.
• Enabling knowledge sharing, leading to innovation and business collaboration (both locally
and globally).
• Providing a platform for international trade and investment.

Administration has evaluated the Festival through the lens of the ECT Policy and recommends an
investment in the Festival as a way to provide seed funding to this new community-based initiative.
As this is the first year of the event, it is unknown to what degree the Festival will contribute to the
desired ECT outcomes outlined above; however, these outcomes are aligned with the objectives of
the Committee. A follow up report will be provided to the City which will provide information on how
the festival did on achieving these outcomes.

Accessibility implications
The Festival hubs have considered programming from an inclusion and accessibility lens. While
programming is not finalized, there has been consideration given to programs such as sledge
hockey and modifications to existing activities such as skating to increase accessibility through a
skating buddy. There will also be considerations given on how to celebrate our First Nations
community and advance reconciliation efforts, as well as, how to engage with Regina’s ethnocultural

Three of the four hubs (Wascana Centre, Downtown District and Warehouse District) feature events
that are free of admission charges. Events on the Regina Exhibition Association Limited (REAL)

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Campus will have an affordable “one-ticket” price for access to all activities.

There are no environmental or other implications.


Option 2 – Provide a higher level of support

Under this option, Council may choose to provide a higher level of financial support to the Festival,
beyond the $150,000 grant already recommended.

Option 3 – Provide a lower amount or no financial support

Under this option, Council may choose to provide a lower level or no support to the Festival.

If either of these options is chosen, then the hub organizations would adjust their plans as they see


The corporate City logo will be shared with the Festival Committee to be implemented into
promotions material to recognize the City as a sponsor of this event.


The Opportunity
Involving partners from across the community, the Festival Committee’s goal is to deliver a highly
activated, energized and sustainable Saskatchewan Winter Festival that will be considered an
annual signature event within the City of Regina. The intention is to celebrate winter while delivering
economic and cultural prosperity for our City while complementing and enhancing existing winter
experiences across our community.

The Festival will be held from Friday February 4, 2021, to Sunday February 13, 2022. It will be
located at four hubs featuring a sample of the following events and recreation opportunities.

Wascana Park:
• Active recreation programming throughout the park
• Full size rink including NHL quality boards, lights and a warming shack
• Youth 3 on 3 hockey tournament
• Signature light display

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Downtown District:
• Business activation including Regina Restaurant week and a downtown concert series
• Ice rink activation including décor, a DJ, movies and refreshments
• Plaza/Victoria Park activation including Sakewewak story telling, snow sculptures, fire pits,
crokicurl and an outdoor art gallery

Warehouse District
• Dance Battle
• Winter wonderland including art installations, horse and wagon brewery tours, an ice bar &
snow sculpture

REAL Campus
• Confederation Park activation including sculptures, lighting displays, snow maze, outdoor
games and indigenous programming
• Concert
• Drone show
• Light displays designed in the shape of iconic architecture from around the world
• Iceville at Mosaic Stadium
• Curling Skins Game

All programming opportunities were assessed and will continue to be assessed using an operational
tool that considers the following criteria:
• Potential to celebrate culture
• Activation and participation
• Economic impact
• Safety
• Sustainability
• Financial viability

The Organizing Committee

The Regina Winter Festival Committee is made up of approximately 22 volunteer members.
Organizations include:
• Provincial Capital Commission (PCC) (a hub organization)
• Regina Downtown Business Improvement District (RDBID) (a hub organization)
• Regina Warehouse Business Improvement District (RWBID) (a hub organization)
• REAL (a hub organization)
• Tourism Saskatchewan
• Economic Development Regina/Tourism Regina

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• University of Regina
• MacKenzie Art Gallery
• City Administration
• Other interested community members

The committee is chaired by Councillor Lori Bresciani and has support from the PCC, REAL, EDR
and City of Regina as administrative co-chairs.

Administration has received letters of support for the Festival from the following hub organizations –
REAL, RDBID and RWBID. PCC was unable to provide a letter prior to the deadline for submission
of this report. Please see Appendix A to this report.

Critical Success Factors

The Committee has identified the following critical success factors. Evaluation criteria have been
created within each factor to ensure an objective assessment of the value of the festival once it is
complete. This information will inform the future of the festival.
1. Visitor Economy - We are committed to supplying an annual signature event that delivers
economic benefit for the community.
2. Programing - We deliver activated, engaged, and experience based inclusive programing as
a leading Winter Festival in Canada.
3. Financial Success - We manage our finances for the long-term success and sustainability of
the event.
4. Brand - We establish a solid foundation for a multi-generational Regina Winter Festival. Our
Brand is recognized and celebrated.
5. Celebrate - We deliver programing that celebrates our Values, Mission and Vision.
6. Partnership - We are stakeholders engaged in a commitment to celebrating Winter in Regina.
We incubate, encourage, and support others.

The hub organizations and their partners will be responsible for the organization and staging of all
aspects of the Festival including but not limited to:
• Securing all venues and suppliers
• Developing and monitoring all budgets
• Providing administration support where required
• Recruitment of required volunteers and all additional leadership volunteers
• Developing and implementing a sponsorship and fundraising plan
• Working with other activities happening at the same time to maximize attendance at all

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The Festival’s total expenditure budget is currently estimated to be $2.05 million. The Festival
Committee is currently planning for the following revenue streams: title sponsor, grants, 50/50
tickets, admissions, additional sponsorships, food & beverage, as well as, merchandise sales.

The Request of the City

Administration recommends that the City support the 2022 Regina Winter Festival by providing a
cash grant of up to $150,000.

It is Administration’s understanding that the Regina Winter Festival is not currently an incorporated
entity but is a coalition of individuals and community organizations who have come together to
organize the first edition of this event.

It is also Administration’s understanding that the City’s grant of $150,000 will be shared equally
between the four hub organizations, PCC, REAL RDBID and RWBID. As a result, Administration
expects to enter into a contribution agreement with each individual hub organization for their
individual portion of the City’s total contribution of $150,000.

Should the Festival Committee become incorporated, then Administration would support entering
into a single contribution agreement with that entity for the entire City of Regina grant. It would then
be up to this entity to disburse the City’s grant among its member organizations.

The Festival Committee is also looking for $150,000 from Tourism Regina, a contribution from the
Regina Hotel Association (amount TBD), private sponsorship partners and federal grant

Local Impact
Economic Development Regina prepared a forecast of the Festival’s economic impact using the
Sport Tourism Economic Assessment Model (STEAM). If the Festival attracts 120,000 visitors, 20
percent of whom stay overnight then the model predicts an economic impact to the community of
$6.7 million.

In addition, the following targets have been established by the Festival Committee to measure the
Festival’s ability to strengthen the local economy and assist with COVID–19 recovery:
• Enhance the Visitor Economy by:
o Creating $2.5M in economic impact in the first year of the Festival.
o Creating $5M in economic impact by the fifth year of the Festival.
o Attracting 10 per cent of the guests to the Festival from outside the community.

Administration recommends approval of a grant valued up to $150,000 for the Festival.

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July 29, 2020, CR20-69 Events, Conventions and Tradeshows, City Council approved the Events,
Conventions and Tradeshows Policy and its Event Evaluation framework. City Council also
approved in principle, an annual budget of $325,000 to support the attraction of ECT.

March 25, 2021, CM21-3 2021 General and Utility Operating Budget and 2021 - 2025 General and
Utility Capital Plan, City Council approved an annual budget of $325,000 for the attraction of ECT.

The recommendations contained in this report require City Council approval.

Respectfully Submitted, Respectfully Submitted,

Prepared by: Jeff May, Manager, City Projects

Appendix A - Letters of Support

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Appendix A - 1

Executive Council
2476 Victoria Ave
PO Box 1790

26 October 2021

To whom it may concern:

On behalf of Regina's Warehouse Business Improvement District {RWBID), please accept this
letter of support regarding the Regina Winter Festival Committee's request for funding. We
believe this project will help make Regina a city with year-round and inclusive activities for
residents as outlined in the City's Winter City Strategy.
240-2300 Dewdney Ave
Along with the Warehouse District, the Regina Winter Festival will activate other key areas of
Regina, SK, S4R lHS
the city, including Regina Downtown, Wascana Centre, and Regina Exhibition Association
Limited to create winter-friendly initiatives across the entire city. In the Warehouse District,
the festival will work to activate under-utilized space, specifically the large parking lot along 7th
Ave behind the Centennial Mall. As well, the festival will embrace aspects of winter, such as
using the increased darkness to its advantage through numerous and varying light displays,
something that is less feasible during the prolonged daylight hours of spring and summer.

Together, these items work to achieve a number of goals as outlined in the City's Winter City
Strategy, specifically goals two (promote winter events and amenities within Regina), four
(enhance winter events, activities, amenities), five (celebrate Regina's culture, heritage, and
traditions), seven (incorporate urban design for winter fun, activity, beauty, and interest), and
eight (warm up winter through strategic lighting, wind breaks, and options for warming up). As
this festival aligns with so many of these goals outlined by the City, we believe the funding
requested by RWFC should be granted.


�s {jJo�
Executive Director
Regina's Warehouse Business Improvement District

Appendix A - 2

Executive Council
2476 Victoria Ave
PO Box 1790

26 October 2021

To whom it may concern:

On behalf of Regina’s Downtown Business Improvement District (RDBID), please accept

this letter of support regarding the Regina Winter Festival Committee’s request for
funding. We believe this project will help make Regina a city with year-round and
inclusive activities for residents as outlined in the City’s Winter City Strategy.

Along with the Regina Downtown, the Regina Winter Festival will activate other key
areas of the city, including the Warehouse District, Wascana Centre, and Regina
Exhibition Association. Limited to create winter-friendly initiatives across the entire city.
In the Regina Downtown, the festival will work to activate City Square Plaza and Victoria
Park. As well, the Downtown Regina festival hub will embrace aspects of arts and
culture in the winter, building on our relationships with our cultural partners and
business members. To ensure success of our hub, Regina Downtown has committed
$85,000 to the project.

The Winter Festival achieves a number of goals as outlined in the City’s Winter City
Strategy, specifically goals two (promote winter events and amenities within Regina),
four (enhance winter events, activities, amenities), five (celebrate Regina’s culture,
heritage, and traditions), seven (incorporate urban design for winter fun, activity,
beauty, and interest), and eight (warm up winter through strategic lighting, wind
breaks, and options for warming up). As this festival aligns with so many of these goals
outlined by the City, we believe the funding requested by RWFC should be granted.


Judith Veresuk
Executive Director
Regina’s Downtown Business Improvement District
Appendix A - 3

October 26, 2021

TO: City of Regina Council

RE: Regina Winter Festival – Frost Regina

The Regina Winter Festival Committee (RWFC) is a purposeful assembly of community, programing, arts, culture,
and entertainment leaders within the City of Regina. The volunteer group has been meeting monthly since
April, 2021 and includes a representative assembly of community builders who believe in activating our City and
our Province for the purpose of enhancing community quality of life and economic resiliency.

The Regina Winter Festival Committee membership is:

Councillor Lori Bresciani (Chair)

Tim Reid (Administrative Co-Chair)
Diana Hawryluk (Administrative Co-Chair)
Monique Goffinet Miller (Administrative Co-Chair)
Derek Meyers (MLA)
John Findura (COR)
Leasa Gibbons (RWBID)
Judith Veresuk (RDBID)
Chelsea Galloway (EDR)
Tracy Fahlman (RHA)
Nicole Shepherd (RCC)
Valerie Sluth (Sask Winter Games)
Jim Aho (Waskimo Winter Festival)
Bernadette McIntyre (Curling)
Bob Kayseas (FNUC)
Egi Ahmad (Special Olympics)
Sarah Fedirko (UofR)
Nathan Morrison (Tourism Sask)
Bobbie Selinger (COR)
REAL Administration – Sandra Jackle, Sinead Tierney and Dallas Skulski.
Appendix A - 4

PCC Administration – Ryan Whippler and Andrew Craig

As our Province and our City manage the difficult transition from navigating the crisis of COVID-19 to the
revitalisation of our visitor economy, our committee have developed a City-Wide activation and celebration of
Winter that we believe will help. As we emerge from the challenges of COVID-19 the RWFC recognizes that the
opportunity to come together, to celebrate, recreate and to embrace our culture once again is perhaps one of
our most significant challenges and robust opportunities. Our cultural, entertainment, and events community
represents one of the most deeply impacted sectors of our economy and quality of life. It is for this reason that
our committee feels that the timing of this request is of critical importance and a foundational opportunity to
develop an annual signature event that engages the local and regional participant, while concurrently building
towards a national and potentially global celebration of winter in our Prairie Province.

We recognize the timing of this request and are considerate of the overwhelming priorities that exist within our
Province and our City at these challenging times. With that in mind, our committee feels that this is the
absolute appropriate time to take active and resolute steps to build towards our events, entertainment, and
cultural future. There are better days ahead, but success will be dependent upon the actions we take today.

The RWFC is proposing the activation of four (4) specific hubs as we launch Frost Regina - a celebration of
Winter and a statement on our resilience.

The hubs include Regina Downtown, the Regina Warehouse District, the Regina Exhibition Association Limited
and Wascana Park. Frost Regina is designed to deliver affordable programing offerings that engage our
community and guests in a city-wide celebration of winter while concurrently offering world class paid activation
that forms the foundation of what can become a leading winter celebration within our Nation. Programming
will include activations like ice carvings, snow mazes, Indigenous story telling and Ceremony and local cuisine.
skating on the lake to skating to skating at Mosaic Stadium, from drone shows to light shows, from concerts to
tobogganing - Frost Regina is truly an inclusive and inviting opportunity to celebrate winter in Saskatchewan.

The proposed 10-day celebration will commence on February 4, 2022 and will bring warmth and light to the
darkest days of winter. Frost Regina is anticipated to engage over 120,000 experience seekers and generate
over $6M in economic impact for our City and Province. With this said, the opportunity for visitor and economic
impact are sizeable for the future.

Many other cities have proven the success of Winter Festivals as annual signature events that support engaging
the local community and generating impactful tourism benefits. The RWFC researched best practices across the
Nation and a key learning was the need for time for the event to authentically and organically grow and the
need for investment from all levels of government to support short term sustainability. As a start-up, not-for-
profit enterprise, the RWFC has developed a Frost Regina budget that will generate over $1.7M in revenue
Appendix A - 5

opportunity that should achieve a break-even financial position at the close of the event. Within the budget
model there is consideration for the need for $300,000 in Grant Funding (18%) and $200,000 in private
sponsorship (12%), the remaining 70% of revenue will be achieved with the delivery of ticket sales and ancillary
event success. As such, the RWFC asks for your consideration for funding support. Frost Regina is requesting
$150,000 from the City of Regina, and $150,000 from the Government of Saskatchewan. The RWFC is
additionally searching for support from the Regina Hotel Association and applying for several Federal grant
opportunities while additionally seeking private sponsorship partners. As stated previously we recognize that
these are challenging financial times, but we additionally recognize that the recovery of our visitor economy, our
hospitality sector, and our cultural community will require support and investment.

As an organizing committee, our group is prepared to invest $1.2M into the success of this event and we are
asking for a hand-up, not for a hand-out, as we work to deliver a world class celebration of our community and
Province in winter. All funds will go directly to the event experience, administrative costs have been
volunteered or privately funded. It is our hope that Frost Regina will evolve to become a National leader in
Winter Tourism Activation and hopefully support a global celebration of winter experience seekers and memory
makers. We are a remarkable Winter City, and we deserve amazing opportunities to celebrate as a community
and showcase our community as a true winter destination.

As a City and a Province, we will need to compete on a Western Canadian, Canadian, and Global stage with more
tenacity than ever before. Competition for visitor investment and travel dollars will be greater than ever before
and it is the belief of the RWFC that Regina is perfectly positioned to define itself as a winter destination in the
future. The opportunity on the horizon must be built today, and our committee has already invested
considerable energy into the development of an engaging and diverse program. The RWFC is further prepared
to invest financial and human capital into the success of the proposed event and this letter is in search of your
support to achieve a greater collaborative vision.

Frost Regina is planned and prepared for February 4-14, 2022. The RWFC is excited to deliver a remarkable
event, and we are optimistic that as a potential funding partner you will share in our enthusiasm and
commitment to success and support the necessary investment needed to deliver a sustainable start-up event.

This is an opportunity for us to make a confident statement about the strength of our event, culture, and
entertainment industry and showcase to global destination seekers the amazing City of Regina while
concurrently providing a world class opportunity for our local and regional community to celebrate winter. Frost
Regina is a first step towards a remarkable winter celebration, it will create immediate impact for our visitor
economy, support the enhancement of community pride, but most importantly reinvigorate and reassure our
entertainment and events industry that Regina and Saskatchewan intend to emerge from the devastation of
COVID-19 stronger than ever before.
Appendix A - 6

Your consideration and engagement in this process is greatly appreciated. We are keenly aware of the
competing priorities all levels of government face at these difficult times, but Frost Regina is an opportunity that
we believe deserves your consideration.

We are optimistic that you will dig out your favourite toque, your brightest scarf, and your warmest gloves and
join us for a perfect Canadian Winter moment at Frost Regina!


Tim Reid
President and CEO, Regina Exhibition Association Limited
Administrative Co-Chair, Regina Winter Festival Committee

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