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Bulletin Supplement April 22 2018

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Join the Conversation concerning the Work of

Commission on a Way Forward

Everyone is invited to one or more of the three conversations on the
work of the Commission on the Way Forward that will be happening
around the Charlottesville District. Teens and adults are invited.
Conversations will occur on Monday, April 23 at Nelson UMC, Tuesday,
May 8 at Culpeper UMC, and Wednesday, May 16 at Aldersgate UMC.
The conversations will follow a format similar to conversations led by April 22, 2018
Bishop Sharma Lewis earlier this year across the Virginia Conference.
Each evening will begin with a Soup and Salad supper at 5:30pm and the
program will end at 8pm. Childcare will be provided, if needed. Please Welcome!
RSVP if you need childcare and/or will be attending the soup and salad
dinner. Following dinner there will be a general time of instruction, then
we will break into small groups for conversation. Each discussion group Welcome to Aldersgate Church!
will have a trained facilitator and specific questions to consider (see
below), and each group will elect a 'scribe' so concepts and ideas can be We’re glad you’ve found our church! We hope you’ll find us to be
recorded that will be forwarded to the District Superintendent Danny
Kesner and eventually to the Bishop. an encouraging, friendly group of people. While we don’t make
Proposed Discussion Topics for the Small Groups: any claims to be perfect, at our church we come together to help
1. In our diverse and global existence, what is the shared mission/purpose make the kingdom of God a reality on earth by loving God and
of the church?
2. Is there a proactive way for us to live together in our differences that loving our neighbor
doesn’t presume that we will resolve our differences? What would it be?
How would that look?
3. What is our witness and what can be our witness to the world in relation
to our differences?
4. Which voices are missing from our conversation? How will you hear
5. How do you think the Virginia Conference would respond to the current The local church is the most significant arena through which disciples of
LGBTQ inclusion remaining the same? How would we respond to a possible
Jesus Christ are made and Jesus’ disciples reach out into the world to
share God’s love. It is in and through the church that Jesus Christ is
Childcare will be provided, if needed. Please RSVP if you need childcare proclaimed and professed as Lord and Savior. Please contact Pastor Rob
and/or will be attending the dinner. Please RSVP –
by telephone at 434-973-5806 or complete the communication card
DCKGlobal@yahoo.com. A handout on the Commission on a Way
Forward can be found in the narthex on green paper. found in your bulletin and place it in the offering plate when it is passed
Stay informed : during the service if you wish to explore the meaning of membership in
Website: UMC.org/wayforward Facebook: UMCforward the life of Aldersgate Church.
Twitter: @UMCforward Instagram: UMCforward
For Our Youngest Friends Thank You!
and Their Parents Our PACEM Men’s Shelter Week came to a close last Saturday. It was a
successful week overall. The men were very grateful for their meals and
A professionally staffed nursery is available for children birth through
a comfortable, warm place to call home for a week. We hosted 24-34
age three during all services and Sunday School on the lower level. An
men for a week in our old Fellowship Hall. Our guests were served a
usher will be happy to direct you. Additionally, a Parent Room is
delicious dinner on Easter Sunday. At each of their seats were lovely
available in the Parlor adjacent to the Sanctuary, for viewing and
Easter Cards the children in Sunday School made for each of the Men
hearing all services. Please ask an usher to show you the way. All
and a special Easter Treat made by Olivia and Catherine
restrooms are equipped with changing tables.
Wamsley. Various groups of friends from our church, the Men’s Group,
The Praise Band and Sisters in Scripture prepared the meals. One meal
College Care Packages was donated by the Peterson’s from Wood Grill and one meal was
Believe it or not, it's already that time of year again: time to collect donated and served by Mission BBQ. Boy Scout Troop 119 from AUMC
goodies for the college exam care packages! If you have leftover Easter were an amazing help setting up and taking down of all the cots, tables,
candy that needs a good home, we are happy to provide one. We are in and chairs. Thank you Scouts! Our custodian, Lloyd, graciously worked
need of candy, gum, chocolate, nuts, granola bars, mints,popcorn, extra hours to keep the area for our guests clean. That is a lot of work
pens, pencils, crackers, or any individually wrapped food items or little cleaning up after 34 men!! Thank you to the congregation for all the
items that a college student in the midst of exams might enjoy as a spirit donations of time, food, toiletries, and monetary donations. Special
lifter AND reminder that their church family is thinking of them. These thanks to Dave Reynolds, Blaine Stockton, Page Mann, Lucas Ohlendorf,
little packages really do show the students that they are not and Jonathan Peterson for laundry pick up and delivery as well as trucks
forgotten! The items can be placed in the tub located in the hospitality to transport all the equipment. I think all that volunteered and were here
room downstairs; deadline is 4/23. Questions? Call Susan Reed at 973- on the premises enjoyed their time, in fact many were here multiple
0766 or email at reedr3va@gmail.com days. There were a few new faces and lots of seasoned shelter
volunteers. We hope that next year will bring even more new
faces. Thank you for your help to make this a successful week.
Save the Date
SACRED MUSIC CONCERT - MAY 20TH Drive for the Emergency Food Network
You're invited to a sacred music concert by the 11:00am service music The Outreach & Missions Team will be collecting food items for the
staff: Jo Pettitt, Melody Day and Rafael Scarfullery on Sunday, May 20 th, Emergency Food Network on April 15, 22 and 29. The Emergency Food
at 3:00pm. The concert is free, but a love offering will be received for Network provides a 3-day food supply to individuals and families in the
PACEM (People and Congregations Engaged in Ministry), which works Charlottesville-Albemarle area who find themselves in an emergency
with congregations and community groups to provide shelter during the without food. The following items are suggested: Breakfast cereal,
coldest months of the years to the homeless in our area. canned fruit, canned pasta sauce (in plastic jars, please), canned
vegetables, baking mixes for cakes/breads/pancake mixes, coffee/tea.
Your food contributions may be placed in the collection bins in the Reed
Save the Date! Room and the Welcome Center. Monetary donations are also welcome.
Sunday, May 20 is Pentecost and Confirmation Sunday. Wear red and If you would like to make a monetary donation, please make your check
join us in welcoming our confirmands into membership. payable to AUMC, note "Emergency Food Network" on the memo line
and place it in the offering plate. Thank you for your support to EFN.
Join a New 5-Week Study
Beginning Tuesday, April 17th at 10am and 7pm
"Unafraid: Living with Courage and
Hope in Uncertain Times"
Truth is, a mere handful of fears work for us–fear of stepping in front of
Youth Group TONIGHT
a bus, for example, or not taking care of our health. But the vast High School Youth 5:00 PM – 6:15
majority–fear of others, of failure, of the future–have almost no basis in Dinner 6:15 – 6:45
reality, yet tie us in knots and steal our peace of mind. These fears, Middle School Youth 6:45 PM – 8:00 PM
experts say, are often vestiges of primitive ‘fight, flight, or freeze’
instincts that, mostly, no longer apply. Making matters worse, our hyper Youth Group Future Events:
fractious era of hate media, divisive politics, and multiplying natural April 29th
District Youth Event
disasters wreak havoc on our state of mind, May 20th End of Year celebration
leaving us troubled and unhappy. June 21st KingsFest at Kings Dominion
Fortunately there’s abundant good news.
Unafraid offers an informed and inspiring
message full of practical solutions, drawing High School Youth:
on the latest research, therapeutic insights, “Convergence: Where Faith and Science Meet “
biblical principles, and personal experience Convergence: Where Faith and Science Meet is a 9-day program (June
to untangle the knots of fear and truly 23-July 1, 2018) that allows rising 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students to
embrace Jesus' recurring counsel to his come to Randolph-Macon’s campus in Ashland, Virginia and learn about
followers: "Do not be afraid." the intersection of science and Christian faith. They will dive deeper into
“Unafraid” is a hardback book available for their religious beliefs, deeper into the study of science, and will meet
purchase at www.cokesbury.com or other high school students and Randolph-Macon College student
www.amazon.com for approximately $14. leaders with those same interests. There will be time in the classroom
and outdoor experiences throughout the region. The cost to participate
is only $100 for this 9-day program. Applications close on May 1, 2018
For more information, visit: convergence.rmc.edu, or contact Laura Y.
Charlottesville District Ruxton, Program Coordinator Randolph-Macon College, (804) 752-8712

Fifth Sunday Praise and Worship

You are invited to Mineral United Methodist Church at 301 West 3rd Summer 2018 Youth Group
Street, Mineral, VA on April 29, 2018 at 3 p.m. to join in the Fifth Sunday Summer will be here before we know it so mark your calendars!
Praise and Worship led by the Charlottesville District Youth Council. This On June 3rd at 5:00 PM, all Middle and High School youth who will be
worship service includes an old fashioned hymn sing and Communion. participating in any of the Weekly Summer 2018 Youth Group Ministry
All ages are welcome and encouraged to attend. For more information, activities will need to plan to attend this Mandatory Meeting and Dinner
contact Rebecca Wagner: 434-823-4645 or wagnerwimps@yahoo.com. for parents and youth.
Youth 2017-2018 School Year Schedule WESTVIEW WORKDAY
The Aldersgate United Methodist Men and the Missions and Outreach
nd Team are jointly sponsoring a Saturday workday at Westview on the
April 22 – Youth Group Program at Aldersgate
5:00 – 6:15 PM High School (9th Grade to 12th Grade) James on April 28. Work will be available for people of all ages and skill
6:15 – 6:45 PM Dinner High School and Middle School sets – from log splitting and chain sawing to raking and toting. All
6:45 – 8:00 PM Middle School (6th Grade – 8th Grade) necessary equipment will be provided. Westview provides summer
camp activities in a loving Christian environment for children ages 7-14.
April 29th – District Youth Program for High School and Middle School This is an opportunity for us to assist them in doing God’s work.
2:00 PM Meet in Lower Parking Lot at Aldersgate Scheduling details will be finalized in the coming weeks, but participants
(Drivers: Carolyn and Samantha) will gather at the church parking lot between 8 and 8:15, so that we can
3:00 – 5:00 PM District Youth Program depart by about 8:30. Expect to work at Westview from 10 until 3:30-4,
for High School and Middle School and return to the church by 5-5:30. Merrill will bring the “Great White”
6:00 PM Return in Lower Parking Lot at Aldersgate youth pick-up van, which seats 10. Carpooling will be arranged for the rest. Westview
- No Dinner will be Served has graciously offered to provide lunch.
This should be a great opportunity for both fellowship and
May 6th – Youth Group Program at Aldersgate accomplishment. So please join us in helping Westview prepare for the
5:00 – 6:15 PM High School (9th Grade to 12th Grade) upcoming summer season. If you want to join this crew, or if you have
6:15 – 6:45 PM Dinner High School and Middle School questions, contact Dave Reynolds @ 295-8217 or
6:45 – 8:00 PM Middle School (6th Grade – 8th Grade) dreynolds51@earthlink.net.

May 13th - Mother’s Day – No Youth Group Tonight New Sunday School Study
You are invited to “Sisters in Scripture” class and a new series “The
May 20th - Youth Group End Of The School Year Celebration
Miracles of Jesus: Finding God in Desperate Moments” by Jessica
5:00 - 8:00 PM Combined Middle and High School
LaGrone in Room 211. Each week of the six-week series, we will watch a
Includes dinner to celebrate a wonderful year
short video and follow up with a discussion. We meet at 10:00 am
spent together in fellowship!
between the two services. All ladies in the church are welcome to join
us. Please call Ann Brown at 434-882-2533 with any questions.
May 27th - Memorial Day Weekend – No Youth Group Tonight

Sip n Chat Host/Hostess Needed:

June 3rd at 9am and July 1st at 11am
Have fun and make We need your helping hands to set up and/or take down coffee and
goodies. All refreshments are provided (of course you may supplement
friends at AUMC if you like). We have instructions printed out and are happy to walk
through the process with you. Please contact Jennifer Hamlin
Youth Group! (Jennifer@eventswithpanache.com) 434.960.1527 or Tina Shifflett
(shiff82@earthlink.net) 434.978.1723 if you can help fill this need.
Summer Sunday School Youth Ministry June 2018
If you love crafting, music, science, food creations, drama or telling Bible Summer Schedule
stories please prayerfully consider if you would share your talent to
teach our children the scriptures in a new and creative way about the June 3rd 5:00 PM - Mandatory Parent and Youth Meeting
love and life of Jesus.* for Summer Youth Ministry Programs
Children’s Ministry is beginning to prepare for our Summer Sunday Aldersgate Youth Summer Ministry is design for all youth in middle and
School Programing. This year we will be offering a new program of high school including Rising 6th Graders. Join us for dinner, fellowship
Rotational Sunday School that will allow our children to explore in and important information regarding youth ministry programing for
different ways our monthly scripture lesson. This programing model Summer 2018. This is very important information that will facilitate a
offers our children various approaches to learn their monthly scripture wonderful summer of fun and fellowship together. Please plan to join
lesson while reducing the time commitment of adult leaders and us! Adults interested in chaperoning are welcome to join us as well.
assistants during the busy summer months.
What is your commitment? We would request you serve no more than June 8th River Tubing on the James -Scottsville, Virginia
Reservations must be made in advance of this event.
four Sundays from June 10th to August 26th, during the Sunday School
A fee of $20.00 per person, includes roundtrip transportation to/from
Hour. Approximately once every 3 to 4 weeks on our monthly rotational
Aldersgate-Scottsville, tube rental, lunch and drinks for the day. Tubing
cycle. Since vacations vary, we will work together as a team to meet
Trip run about 2-4 hours depending on river.
individual/family summer schedules for all who are interested in serving
and sharing their talent with the children of the church. This will also June 21st KingsFest
allow our regular Sunday School Teachers to take a much-needed rest If you are interested in attending, please sign up by contacting Carolyn
this summer. Robertson, Youth Coordinator. Note: There is an Early Bird Special
For more information please contact: Pricing Ticket you can purchase online until April 27th! All other tickets
Carolyn Robertson, Interim Children and Youth Ministry Coordinator at will be purchased prior to the event. Reservation Fee: $ 30.00 for Ticket.
carolynrobertson@cvaumc.org Reservations must be made in advance of this event, Deadline for
reservations will be June 6th .
*Required: Child Safety Policy Training and fulfillment of guidelines.
June 24th – 28th Vacation Bible School – Youth, Hang out with us while
Nursery Volunteers Needed! we are “Shipwrecked” together! Volunteer your time to serve others at
VBS as we learn how Jesus Rescues all of us!
Please consider joining Aldersgate’s group of loving nursery volunteers
and help care for the smallest of our members while their parents
attend worship! This is an easy and fun service to our church. Volunteers Join a new Sunday Study
sign up for about 1 service a month. You can attend worship at 9 and Adult Sunday School Class
then volunteer during the 11am service, or you can come early and The Adult Sunday School Class, which meets in the Fellowship Hall on
volunteer for the 9am service, then attend worship at 11am. If you are the first floor, begins a new study today at 10am. Join Chris Fuss each
willing to join our group of volunteers, please email Sunday morning as he facilitates a six-week study entitled, “Liberating
kathrynbreid@gmail.com. Many thanks for considering! Discipleship”.
Vacation Bible School 2018 WILL YOU CARRY THE CHRIST LIGHT?
Sunday, June 24th — Thursday, June 28th “Exploring the Acolyte Ministry”
Free Family Dinner - 5:30 to 6:00 pm
Program - 6:00 to 8:30 pm TODAY from 12: 15 PM – 2:00 PM
Registration is now available online at www.cvaumc.org/vbs
The Acolyte Ministry is much more than lighting a candle.
Five days of VBS fun this year! We will start each On April 22nd from 12: 15 PM – 2:00 PM we will offer the opportunity for
evening with a free, family friendly dinner and our children and youth, 4th through the 12th grade to explore the Acolyte
fun for all! Please mark your calendars and plan ministry. Lunch will be provided.
to join the fun.
We all want to know what is being asked of us prior saying yes:
therefore, attending one of the “Exploring Events” is just that…
exploring. Following the event your child will have the information they
Youth Praise Band Final 2017/18 Performance need to make an informed decision prior to saying “Yes” to serving.
The Aldersgate Youth Praise Band will provide music for the 9:00 a.m.
This past year we have had 16 committed Acolytes serving in this
service on April 29. Pre-service music will begin at 8:50. This will be the
YPB’s final performance of the 2017-2018 school year. It will also be the ministry at both the 9 AM and 11 AM Services. The mission of the
final YPB performance for keyboardist Lucas McGraw, who graduates Acolyte Ministry is designed to develop disciples of Jesus Christ who will
from high school next month. also serve as leaders in Christ’s Church. This exploration event also
After a summer break, the YPB will start up again in September. We’ll be meets the training requirements to serve as an acolyte.
looking for a new keyboardist and guitar player. Please contact Mike If you are interested in “Exploring the Acolyte Ministry” being held on
Colley, Whitney Gatesman, or Rob Robertson if interested. Sunday, April 22nd contact Carolyn Robertson by April 18th to reserve a
Current band members include: Natalie Gatesman, Mckenzie Gatesman, seat at the table for lunch at carolynrobertson@cvaumc.org
Jo Anne Reid, Sophia Schlicht (vocals), Lucas McGraw (keyboard), Len
Colley (bass), Claire Marie Colley (drums).
We hope to see you on April 29!
Children’s Ministry
We are growing! As a result, the Children’s Ministry is looking for a few
adults that are willing to rotate once a month to serve as “Assistants”
Aldersgate Alive with our Pre-School Children’s Church Sunday Ministry during the 11 AM
The Spring/Summer edition of the church magazine, “Aldersgate Alive”,
Service. This is a Non-Teaching position. This will allow us to continue
is scheduled for distribution in May. Submissions are due by 9am,
Wednesday, May 2. If you have an article, a project report, a to maintain a safe and fun experience for our pre-school age children
testimony, or some photos to share, email the Church Administrator at who join us each Sunday. Required: Child Safety Policy Training and
AmyOBrien@cvaumc.org. Any submissions received after May 2 will be fulfillment of guidelines. For more information please contact: Carolyn
included in the Autumn edition. Robertson, Interim Children and Youth Ministry Coordinator at

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