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Your Go-To Guide To Making Money With EV Charging

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Your go-to guide to

making money with

EV charging
Table of

Chapter 01
Why now is the time to
invest in EV charging

Chapter 02
How to make money with
EV charging

11 How to boost customer

spend with EV charging

13 How to earn revenue from

EV charging session

Chapter 03
Everything you need to get
started with EV charging
Chapter 01: Bacon ipsum dolor

Chapter 01:
Why now is the time to invest
in EV charging 3
Chapter 01: Why now is the time to invest in EV charging

All over the world, more and more drivers are

switching to electric vehicles (EVs) every day. EV share of new passenger vehicle sales
As EV adoption continues to accelerate, peo-
ple are starting to choose where they shop,
eat, and park based on the availability of
charging stations. 70%

Businesses like yours have a unique oppor- 60%

tunity to capture this growing market, earn
additional revenue, and gain a competitive
advantage over similar businesses in your 40%
area. Locations that establish themselves
as charging destinations now will be able to 30%
quickly take advantage of the growing num-
ber of EVs on the road—and that number is
only going to get bigger. 10%

Even during a global pandemic, electric mo-
2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040
bility remained remarkably resilient. In 2020,
Source: BloombergNEF, includes battery electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids
global EV sales topped 3.2 million compared
to 2.3 million in 2019. By 2025, global EV
sales are forecast to top 12.2 million. And by
2040, it’s predicted that 58 percent of global China Europe United Global
passenger vehicle sales will come from EVs. (inc. UK) States
Chapter 01: Why now is the time to invest in EV charging

Global electric vehicle sales are booming

Before we dive into how EV charging can 2. Affordable alternative
benefit your business, it’s important to under- Thanks to rapid advancements in technol-
stand why consumers are switching to EVs in ogy, EV prices are becoming increasing-
the first place. So, what’s behind the rapid up- ly competitive with gas or diesel vehicles.
tick of EV adoption? The answer is simple: EVs Battery prices—the most expensive part
are more attractive, accessible, and affordable of an EV—have dropped more than 86
than ever before. Here’s why EVs are gaining percent since 2010. This means it’s now
traction amongst your customers and are here easier and less expensive for automakers
to stay: to build mass-market EVs, and it’s getting
cheaper for your customers to buy them.
1. Larger model variety
Nearly every major car manufacturer now 3. Increased range
offers at least one EV model. With over Stronger batteries mean EVs can now travel
500 models projected to hit the market distances comparable to conventional ve-
by 2022, it’s clear that electric mobility is hicles. Affordable models like the Hyundai
quickly becoming the preferred choice for Kona Electric can travel 239 miles on a sin-
drivers and automakers alike. This means gle charge. So, whether your business is in
that you’ll be seeing more customers com- the middle of a city or along a rural stretch
ing to your business in electric vehicles. of highway, EVs will be coming your way.

Chapter 01: Why now is the time to invest in EV charging

4. Lower cost to operate 6. Sustainability matters

Since there are fewer moving parts than in Sustainability is often a key decision point
a standard internal combustion engine, EVs for consumers, with many going out of
require far less maintenance than gas cars their way to choose the most environmen-
(i.e., no oil changes, no spark plug replace- tally friendly option. Today, tailpipe emis-
ments, no timing belt adjustments). What’s sions are among the leading causes of
more, the actual cost of driving an EV is greenhouse gas, prompting eco-conscious
over 3X cheaper than a comparable gas drivers to make the switch to EVs. By wel-
car ($0.04/mi for EVs, $0.13/mi for gas). So, coming changing consumption habits, your
regardless of whether your customers are business can become more sustainable and
auto-savvy or not, they can and will choose attract new, returning customers.
to drive electric.
Policies are changing
5. Greater purchasing incentives
Timeline of key regions commited to banning the sale of internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles
Governments and utilities are also becoming
increasingly concerned with climate change INDIA CHINA
and are issuing lucrative tax and purchase GERMANY
And this is only the
incentives that make owning an EV even NORWAY NETHERLANDS NEW JERSEY SPAIN
more affordable. With cash-back on EV 2025 2030 2035 2040
Increasing demand
purchases and discounted energy rates to will drive more, similar
Oslo (2024) Paris Brussels New York City
charge their car, EV owners are saving even London Rome initiatives
Amsterdam Barcelona
more money to drive a vehicle that already Strasbourg Copenhagen

costs less to operate.

Timeline of key countries, states, and cities banning the use of ICE vehicles
Chapter 01: Why now is the time to invest in EV charging

Your customers are looking for places

to charge—today
It’s an exciting time of growth for electric trans- no doubt they’ll still want to charge up when-
portation, and there’s no shortage of people ever they can—and pay you to do so. What’s
ready to drive an EV. But to meet the needs of more, not everyone has convenient access to
this ever-expanding customer segment, more home charging. Those who
public EV charging locations are required. rent or live in apartments, for
Which is where you come in. example, may not own their Many EV drivers
parking spots and therefore already choose where
This growing number of EV drivers need plac- have to lobby for access to they live, work,
es to charge their vehicles while they go about charging at their location. and shop based on
their day. Unlike gas cars, which are refueled With rental properties ac- whether charging is
periodically when the tank is nearly empty, counting for over 30 percent available.
most EV drivers seek out charging every time of the housing stock in the
they park, only letting their battery dip below US, it’s clear that these driv-
50 percent during longer excursions or when ers will instead be looking for convenient plac-
public EV charging isn’t available. es to charge while they shop, eat, or go about
their day.
Think of it like your cell phone, where you re-
charge your battery whenever charging is A recent study looking into the attitudes of
available. So, while many drivers may choose EV drivers found that they prefer to charge at
to install a charging station at home, there’s locations that are easily accessible, safe, and
Chapter 01: Why now is the time to invest in EV charging

manned. They also prefer sites with food and need to install charging stations to remain
beverage options, restrooms, and amenities— competitive and meet the evolving needs of
all things currently offered by business loca- their customers.
tions like yours.
So, instead of worrying about keeping up with
The race is on. It’s time to take the Joneses, you can cement your role in the
community as the go-to destination for EV
advantage of the growing need charging today—and there has never been
for EV charging a better time to get started. With 1.7 mil-
lion EVs already on the road in America,
For businesses large and small, the need to any stations you install now will certainly be
provide on-site EV charging is becoming in- well-utilized. And with copious amounts of
creasingly important. As more drivers make available funding from government and utility
the switch, offering your customers a place to incentives, installing EV charging today could
charge will no longer be just a “nice-to-have” wind up saving you 50 percent or more off the
amenity. Like complimentary Wi-Fi in the mid- entire project cost.
2000s, locations without EV charging will soon
find themselves losing business to those that Now, let’s take a look at how you can actually
provide it. make money with EV charging.

Many EV drivers already choose where they

live, work, and shop based on if charging is
available—and this number is only going to
grow. Soon, every business with parking will
Chapter 01: Bacon ipsum dolor

Chapter 02:
How to make money with EV charging
Chapter 02: How to make money with EV charging

Getting EV charging today is about more than

just preparing your location for this shift in
transportation—it’s also a clearcut path to at-
tracting more customers and generating more
profit. Below are a few examples of how add-
ing public EV charging can make your existing
business more profitable, as well as become a
revenue stream all on its own.

Increase dwell time

Attract loyal customers
Enhance your reputation
Charge for charging

Chapter 02: How to make money with EV charging

Chapter 2.1: H
 ow to boost customer
spend with EV charging
In today’s competitive landscape, businesses Depending on the charger you choose and the
must think of creative ways to attract custom- size of an EV’s battery, EVs can take anywhere
ers while also boosting the value of each trans- from 20 minutes to six hours to
action. Transforming your location into an EV charge. For shops, restaurants, or
charging destination is one of the simplest ways gas stations, a fast (DC) charging By offering your
to do just that. solution is an ideal choice, fully customers a convenient
charging even the largest bat- charging experience, you
Increase the time customers spend tery in under an hour. Howev-
also encourage them to
er, since most EVs aren’t looking
at your location spend more time and
to charge from 0-100 percent,
a standard Level 2 (AC) charger
money at your location
Once EV drivers stop to charge, there is an obvi- will meet most drivers’ needs, al-
ous cross-selling opportunity for add-on prod- lowing them to add ~25 miles of
ucts and services. Whether it’s a rideshare driv- range per hour. In many cases, a mix of AC and
er recharging during a lunch break or a little DC stations is the best solution.
league coach topping off his battery while get-
ting snacks for the team, if you install charging By offering your visitors a convenient charging
stations, EV drivers will spend more time at your experience, you encourage them to spend more
location. time and money while they wait.
Chapter 02: How to make money with EV charging

Attract loyal customers that are EV charging stations also put your business
more valuable on the map—literally. Popular navigation sites
like Google Maps or Waze, and dedicated
A study looking into the usage of EVs charging apps such as PlugShare feature in-
found that EV drivers are more than twice as teractive maps that enable drivers to locate
wealthy as the average American, with a me- nearby public charging stations. By having
dian household income of over $150,000. With charging stations at your site, you can boost
more disposable income than gas-car drivers, your brand visibility on these platforms and
your EV-driving customers will not only spend attract new customers.
more time at your location, but also purchase
higher-end goods and services every time Plus, with customized charging stations that
they visit. Plus, these drivers are likely to turn display your brand colors or logo, you can dra-
into loyal, repeat customers once they know matically improve your corporate image by let-
your business offers this valuable service. ting everyone who sees them know that your
organization is openly committed to a more
Instantly enhance your reputation sustainable future.

Roughly half of Americans aren’t confident Environmental concerns are increasingly

about finding EV charging when they need it, top-of-mind for your customers. By having
yet 40 percent say they are considering an charging stations on your property, you can
EV for their next car. Locking in your loca- establish your business as an eco-conscious
tion now as one of the places that provides organization—and even earn some presti-
this amenity could turn your business into an gious sustainability certifications for your lo-
often-frequented EV charging oasis. cation (LEED, GBB, WELL).
Chapter 02: How to make money with EV charging

Chapter 2.2: H
 ow to generate consistent
revenue with EV charging
Attracting new customers, earning brand loy- By having an overview of your stations’ pricing
Table 1
alty, and increasing time (and money) spent at and energy usage via your charging manage-
your location are all excellent examples of how ment platform, making adjustments to your
EV charging can drive profitability. But the most setup is as easy as updating a few settings. HOW MUCH GROSS REVENUE CAN YOU
obvious way EV charging can boost profits is Before you can start earning revenue from your
the revenue earned from the stations them- charging stations, the first thing you need to Average energy usage per charging session 25 kWh
selves. Depending on the business model you figure out is how you want to bill for charging.
Energy cost per kWh $ 0.10
choose, you can generate additional income by As the charging station owner, you can set
setting charging fees, and your customers will your own fees and adjust them any time. This Marked-up price you charge the driver per kWh $ 0.45
be more than happy to pay them. may include a fixed session start or connection Estimated gross revenue per charging session $ 11.25
fee and a variable rate for the energy used.
* Data provided above is an estimation based on average market usage and
Earn money by setting charging changes depending on the region.
One common practice is to charge by the
fees for your customers and visitors amount of energy used (i.e., $0.10/kWh). You
also have the freedom to define your own
There are a few primary ways you can struc- mark-up (i.e., $0.35/kWh). So, as per Table 1,
ture pricing—it really depends on what you if a car pulls up and needs to charge 25 kWh,
want to get out of your setup. You can also test that’d be: 25 kWh x $0.45/kWh = $11.25.
out different strategies any time you want.
Chapter 02: How to make money with EV charging

If you’d rather set a fee based on time, you can

implement a flat hourly rate (i.e., $2.25/hour).
So, if the station is charging at 7.4 kW, and
the car needs 25 kWh to recharge: 25 kWh /
7.4kW = ~3.5 hours.

From there, just multiply the time plugged in by

your hourly rate to get the estimated revenue:
~3.5 hours x $2.25/hour = ~$7.85 total. Some
sites combine the two forms of charging. For
example: $0.45/kWh + $0.30/hour. This helps
to reduce their hourly rate while still ensuring
guests don’t “camp out” in a spot when their
car is fully recharged.

It’s important to note that consumers expect

different energy prices depending on the type
of charging your stations offer. Commercial
AC charging tends to be cheaper and can take
around four to six hours to fully charge a ve-
hicle, depending on the model. DC charging
prices are typically higher, as fast charging
allows drivers to spend less time plugged in
(usually between 15 minutes to an hour).
Chapter 02: How to make money with EV charging

The amount of revenue you earn also depends

on your location and how often your stations
are utilized. At hotels, for example, guests Table 2
typically park for eight to 12 hours overnight
while they sleep. In this scenario, AC charging HOW MUCH POTENTIAL (GROSS) REVENUE CAN YOU EARN PER MONTH?
stations would be the ideal investment.
Your visitors are looking During a coffee On a short While eating a During part-day During the day
for charging... break shopping visit meal parking or overnight
At rest stops or gas stations, on the other
hand, customers usually park for 15-30 min-
Estimated parking time 15-30 minutes 0.5-2 hours 0.5-2 hours 4 hours 8-12 hours
utes while grabbing a snack or coffee. In this
scenario, DC fast charging stations would be 4 AC chargers
Infrastructure example* 2 DC chargers 4 AC chargers 20 AC chargers 8 AC chargers
appropriate, with a quick enough turnaround 2 DC chargers
time to allow all your customers to charge
quickly and get back on the road. You can see
a breakdown of some common scenarios and Standard location with
$2,025 $2,925 $900 $4,500 $1,800
the estimated revenue of each in Table 2. lower utilization

Popular location with

You can also make individual agreements with $5,400 $7,425 $2,025 $10,125 $4,050
higher utilization
your customers about their charging rates.
For example, you could use a blanket strat- * Actual infrastructure varies depending on the site.
** Excluding any operator fees applicable.
egy where everyone pays the same rate, or This table is only an example and may not reflect the actual gross revenue earned at a specific location
a stratified approach where some guests pay
less than others (i.e., discounted EV charging
for rewards members).
Chapter 02: How to make money with EV charging

If you’re interested, you can take a look at some

of the most common business models used
at locations like yours.

From cross-selling opportunities to generating

its own revenue, EV charging is a great way to
bring in some new business—and it’s only go-
ing to get bigger. Are you ready to take advan-
tage of the many ways EV charging can benefit
your business? Read on to learn how easy it
is to get started thanks to our full-service EV
charging solutions.

Chapter 01: Bacon ipsum dolor

Chapter 03:
Everything you need to get
started with EV charging 17
Chapter 03: Everything you need to get started with EV charging

To get started with EV charging, your location

needs a couple of key ingredients: convenient
places for charging ports and access to elec-
tricity. That’s good news for site owners like
yourself who already possess these assets.
More than most businesses, locations with
public-facing parking spots are already well-
equipped to capitalize on the EV revolution.

A complete EV charging solution contains

three parts: charging stations, charging man-
agement software, and services to keep every-
thing running smoothly. You’ll want to select
a charging solutions provider with experience
helping businesses like yours—one that of-
fers everything you need, and the expertise to
help you figure out exactly what that is. From
flexible charging stations to intelligent soft-
ware and professional support and services,
EVBox’s end-to-end solutions offer a simple
path to becoming an EV charging destination.
As proof of our expertise, thousands of loca-
tions across the globe have already become EV
charging destinations with EVBox solutions.
Chapter 03: Everything you need to get started with EV charging

How to choose the right

charging station for your
Not all charging solutions are created the same and
it’s important to understand what key features to
be aware of before making a purchase. The sta-
tions you choose will be a reflection of your brand, EVBox BusinessLine EVBox Iqon EVBox Troniq 100
so it’s a good idea to pick something that’s reli- AC charging
(up to 7.7 kW)
AC charging
(up to 7.2 kW)
DC fast charging
(up to 100 kW)
able, accessible, and intelligent. Here’s what allows
EVBox charging stations to tick all these boxes:

Reliable Accessible Intelligent

Our stations are built to last for years to come, flexible Our stations are easy to use for every EV driver with a Our stations make the most efficient use of your available
enough to adapt and grow as the market evolves, and sleek design that reflects your brand, and are easy to energy, and enable you to monitor, adjust, and update
backed by a support team of industry experts. install at any location due to their compact footprint. your setup remotely at any time.
High uptime ADA compliant (accessible to people with disabilities)* Connected with Wi-Fi and/or 4G/LTE
UL safety certification Ergonomic cable management Bluetooth commissioning*
Built-in electrical protections Multi-language touchscreen* Remote maintenance and setup adjustments
OCPP compliant (no vendor lock-in or stranded assets) Guiding LED lights Smart charging functionalities
Support and services Custom branding options Remote firmware updates
3-year warranty (extendable to 5-year) Real-time activity monitoring
*Only available on EVBox Iqon and EVBox Troniq 100
Chapter 03: Everything you need to get started with EV charging

Why you need charging

management software
In order to maximize the profit and perfor-
mance of your charging stations, charging
management software (CMS) is key. This soft-
ware, which runs on your stations, provides
you with a centralized view of your entire EV
charging ecosystem via a web portal or mo-
bile app interface. With a CMS, you get full
control over a number of customizable station
settings, such as pricing, power output, sta-
tion access, and more.

There are a lot of terrific CMS providers out

there, and no one-size-fits-all solution. One
provider may have a more feature-rich plat- What is “Smart Charging”?
form, while another has a lower monthly fee.
Selecting the right CMS is all about finding Charging management software also allows activate their session without exceeding
the intersection between what you need and you to pre-set conditions that tell your sta- your grid capacity. You can even schedule re-
what you’re comfortable investing. With EV- tions how to efficiently distribute your avail- ductions in output during high energy usage
Box, you get the freedom to pick the right able energy. That way, no matter how many times, ensuring that you don’t get hit with
software provider, whether it’s EVBox CMS or cars pull up looking for a charge, they can peak demand surcharges.
Continued on next page
Chapter 03: Everything you need to get started with EV charging

one of our top-tier network partners, and ac- your customers are promptly assisted if need-
cess to our team of EV experts to ensure that ed, and to keep your stations well maintained
you make an informed decision. for years to come.

It’s also important to note that your ideal solu- Support every step of the way
tion today may not be the same as what you’ll
need in the future. The EV industry is growing To help you with this,
fast and you want to make sure that you get a our extensive network of
solution that is flexible enough to adapt to your expert EV charging in- The EV industry is
needs. That’s why all of our stations are Open stallers and technicians growing fast so you
Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) compliant. provides site owners
want a solution that
The definition of open standards within the EV like yourself with peace
is flexible enough to
charging industry, OCPP ensures that you can of mind in knowing that
switch your software at any time without hav- your EV charging setup
adapt to your needs.
ing to replace your hardware. So, no matter comes with all the nec-
what the future holds, you’ll never be locked essary services, support,
into a relationship with a single vendor. and training for optimal operation and main-
tenance. This includes everything from expert
When it comes to setting up your charging sta- installation to remote technical support, on-
tions, it’s important that installation is carried site intervention, and ongoing maintenance.
out by certified technicians to ensure that your
charging stations are up and running quick- Leverage EVBox’s global network of top-tier
ly and operating smoothly. It’s also important installation and service partners to turn your
to have a reliable support team to ensure that business into a premier EV charging location.
Chapter 03: Everything you need to get started with EV charging

Do you know about the funding “make-ready” costs for preparing a location
available? to have EV charging installed (e.g., adding
conductors, upgrading panels, trenching). By
There are tons of rebates available right now combining these two programs, qualifying lo-
to help you save thousands on the cost of your cations throughout New York could wind up
charging stations and make-ready expenses. getting their entire EV charging project com-
In many cases, these rebates can get you ev- pleted for free.
erything you need for free.
To see what incentives are available in your
In the United States, any location that installs area, check with the Alternative Fuel Data
EV charging can file the Alternative Fuel Ve- Center (AFDC) or Natural Resources Canada
hicle (AFV) Refueling Property Credit for (NRCan) for a full picture of the EV charging
30% refund off the cost of their EV charging incentive landscape in North America, or reach
hardware (up to $30,000). In addition, many out to one of our EV experts for more info.
state and local agencies, as well as utilities,
have issued incentives to offset the project
costs for procuring and installing EV charging

For example, businesses across New York can

apply for the Charge Ready NY rebate
from NYSERDA to get $4,000 back for ev-
ery charging port they install. Meanwhile, NY
utilities have issued programs that cover the
Chapter 03: Everything you need to get started with EV charging

Rely on EVBox as your

turnkey partner
Looking for an all-in-one charging solu-
tion? EVBox offers the full package of
hardware, software, and services so you
have everything you need to get started.
With over a decade of experience devel-
oping charging solutions for businesses
like yours, we’re here for you every step
of your e-mobility journey.

We’ll work with you to find the right EV

charging solution for your business, and
ensure that everything is properly in-
stalled and maintained. Speak to our cer-
tified experts today to discover the right
solution for you.

Chapter 03:
01: Everything
Bacon ipsumyou
need to get started with EV charging

Ready to turn your location into

an EV charging destination?
Discover how EVBox helped Austin’s Get started now by requesting a quote and
Orangewood Inn & Suites drive revenue with our team of EV experts will help you create
EV charging. the perfect EV charging solution.

Download success story Request pricing


Founded in 2010, EVBox Group empowers for-

ward-thinking businesses to build a sustainable 250k+ 70+
future by profiding flexible and scalable electric charging ports countries powered
powering EV drivers by EVBox
vehicle charging solutions. With its extensive
portfolio of commercial and ultra-fast EVBox
charging stations, as well as scalable charging 5k+ 20k+
management software engineered by Everon, fast charging ports
business customers
installed worldwide
EVBox Group ensures that electric mobility is worldwide
accessible to everyone.

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