Rec523 dnpprotmanENc
Rec523 dnpprotmanENc
Rec523 dnpprotmanENc
Remote Communication Protocol
for REC 523
Technical Description
1MRS 750958-MUM Remote Communication Protocol DNP 3.0
Issued: 24.09.2000 for REC 523
Version: C/7.12.2000
Checked: ML Technical Description
1. Overview of the Protocol ..........................................................5
1.1. Physical layer ................................................................................5
1.2. Data link layer ...............................................................................5
1.3. Transport pseudo-layer .................................................................6
1.4. Application layer ............................................................................6
1.5. Frame formats ...............................................................................7
1.5.1. Overall information .............................................................7
1.5.2. Data link layer frame format ...............................................8
1.5.3. Transport layer frame format .............................................9
1.5.4. Application layer frame format ...........................................9 Application request format ...................................9 Application response format ...............................10
2. REC 523 Profile in DNP 3.0 .....................................................20
2.1. Supported functions ....................................................................20
2.1.1. Data link layer ..................................................................20
2.1.2. Transport layer .................................................................22
2.1.3. Application layer ...............................................................23
2.2. Supported data types ..................................................................24
2.2.1. Point numbering overall rules ..........................................24
2.2.2. Standard object types definitions .....................................24
2.2.3. Single bit binary input .......................................................25
2.2.4. Binary input with status ....................................................26
2.2.5. Binary input change without time .....................................26
2.2.6. Binary input change with time ..........................................27
2.2.7. Binary output ....................................................................29
2.2.8. Binary output with status ..................................................29
2.2.9. Control relay output block ................................................30 binary counter without flag .....................................32 counter change event without time ........................33 analogue input without flag ....................................33 analogue change event without time .....................34 analogue output status ...........................................35 analogue output block ............................................35
2.2.16.Time and date ..................................................................36
2.2.17.Time delay coarse ............................................................37
2.2.18.Time delay fine .................................................................37
2.2.19.Internal indications ...........................................................37
2.2.20.Application identifier .........................................................38
2.3. New object types definitions ........................................................38
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for REC 523
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for REC 523
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for REC 523
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for REC 523
Request Response
0 Start character Start character
1 Start character Start character
2 Length field Length field
3 Control byte Control byte
4 Destination address Destination address
Link layer frame format
5 Destination address Destination address
6 Source address Source address
7 Source address Source address
Transport layer frame format 10 Transport header field Transport header field
11 Application Appl. control field Application response Appl. control field
request header header
12 Appl. function code Appl. function
13 Object data Internal indication
14 Object data Internal indication
15 Object data Object data
16 Object data Object data
17 Object data Object data
18 Object data Object data
19 Object data Object data
Application layer frame format 20 Object data Object data
21 Object data Object data
22 Object data Object data
23 Object data Object data
24 Object data Object data
25 Object data Object data
28 Object data Object data
29 Object data Object data
30 Object data Object data
... ... ...
• Data link layer frames without user data are only 10 bytes long
• Object data fields are optional and depend on the application layer function code
• For a detailed description of each field see section below
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DEST. 2 octet destination address. The first octet is the LSB and the
second octet is the MSB.
SOURCE 2 octet source address. The first octet is the LSB and the second
octet is the MSB.
CRC 2 octet Cyclic Redundancy Check
USER Each block following the header has 16 octets of user-defined
DATA data, except the last block, which contains 1 to 16 octets as
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
FIN The final bit set to 1 indicates that this frame of user data is the last frame of
a sequence in a complete user message.
FIR The first bit set to 1 indicates that the frame is the first in a sequence of
frame(s) that comprise a complete message. When a secondary station
receives a frame with the FIR bit set, any previously received and not
terminated frame sequence is discarded. If a frame is received without the
FIR set and no message sequence is currently in progress, then the frame is
SEQUENCE The sequence number of the frame is used to check that each frame is
being received in sequence. It guards against missing or duplicated frames.
All user messages start off with a sequence specified in the first frame that
has the FIR bit set (each message may start with any sequence number
between 0 and 63). Sequence 63 will be followed by 0.
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for REC 523
Field Description
Request header The request header identifies the purpose of the message and consists
of APCI (Application Protocol Control Information)
Object header This header identifies the data objects that follow
Data Data object(s) of the type specified in the object header
Field Explanation
FIR If set to one, this bit indicates that the message fragment is the first of a
complete application message.
FIN If set to one, this bit indicates that the message fragment is the final fragment
of a complete application message.
CON If set to one in a received message, this bit indicates that the sending
application is expecting a confirmation from the receiving application of the
reception of the fragment.
SEQUENCE Indicates the fragment number. Fragment numbers 0...15 are reserved for
master station requests and all outstation responses (NOT Unsolicited
Responses). Fragment numbers 16...31 are reserved for unsolicited
Field Description
Response header The response header identifies the purpose of the message and
consists of APCI (Application Protocol Control Information).
Object header This header identifies the data objects that follow.
Data Data object(s) of the type specified in the object header.
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for REC 523
Response header
Field Explanation
FIR If set to one, this bit indicates that the message fragment is the first of a
complete application message.
FIN If set to one, this bit indicates that the message fragment is the final
fragment of a complete application message.
CON If set to one in a received message, this bit indicates that the sending
application is expecting a confirmation from the receiving application of the
reception of the fragment.
SEQUENCE Indicates the fragment number. Fragment numbers 0…15 are reserved for
master station requests and all outstation responses (NOT Unsolicited
Responses). Fragment numbers 16…31 are reserved for unsolicited
The ,QWHUQDO,QGLFDWLRQV (IIN) field is a two-octet field that follows the function code
in all responses. When a request cannot be processed due to formatting errors, or the
requested data is not available, the IIN is always returned with the appropriate bits
First octet:
Bit 0 All stations message received
Bit 1 Class 1 data available
Bit 2 Class 2 data available
Bit 3 Class 3 data available
Bit 4 Time synchronization required from the master
Bit 5 Set when some or all of the outstation’s digital output points are in
a local state
Bit 6 Device trouble
Bit 7 Device restart
Second octet:
Bit 0 Function code not implemented
Bit 1 Requested object(s) unknown
Bit 2 Parameters in the qualifier, range or data fields are not valid or out
of range
Bit 3 Overflow of event buffer(s), or other application buffers
Bit 4 Request understood but requested operation is already being
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for REC 523
Field Explanation
Object Specifies the object group and variation of the objects that follow the header.
This is a two-octet field. The object field uniquely identifies the type or class of
object which gives the structure (and hence size) of the data object
Qualifier Specifies the range field. This is a one-octet field.
Range Indicates the quantity of objects, starting and ending index or identifiers for the
objects in question.
Object field
The 2EMHFWfield specifies an object group and the variation of the object within the
group. The combined object group plus variation uniquely specifies the object to
which the message refers.
An objectcan be assigned to one of four classes. When the2EMHFWfield specifies a
data class instead of a specific object type, the 2EMHFWfield refers indirectly to all the
data objects assigned to that class of data and not to any specific object type.
The 2EMHFW field is two octets in length. The first octet specifies the general type of
data (e.g. analogue inputs) and the second octet specifies the variation of the data
type (e.g. 16-bit analogue inputs or 32-bits analogue inputs). In the request direction,
if the object variation is specified as zero, this indicates the default variation for this
group. In the response, however, variation 0 cannot be used to specify the object. A
specific variation has to be given. By requesting data with variation 0, it is not
necessary for the master to know what variations the outstation supports. However,
the master must be able to interpret the object headers and have some knowledge of
the structure of each variation.
Qualifier field
The4XDOLILHUfield specifies the5DQJHfield.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit
R Index Size 4 bit Qualifier Code
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for REC 523
The 5DQJHfield is used to index data or as an identifier. The structure and use of the
5DQJHfield are dependent on the value in the ,QGH[6L]Hfield and the 4XDOLILHU&RGH
• In a Request Object Header where 4XDOLILHU&RGH equals 11
The ,QGH[6L]H bits are valid only when the 4XDOLILHU&RGH is 11. These bits
indicate the size, in octets, of each entry in the 5DQJH field.
0 = not valid with 4XDOLILHU&RGH11
1 = 1 octet identifier size
2 = 2 octet identifier size
3 = 4 octet identifier size
4 = reserved
5 = reserved
6 = reserved
7 = reserved
• In a Response or Request Object Header that is part of a message containing data
The 3-bit ,QGH[6L]H field specifies the size of an index or the object size
prefixing each object.
0 = objects are packed with no index prefixing them
1 = objects are prefixed with 1 octet index
2 = objects are prefixed with 2 octet index
3 = objects are prefixed with 4 octet index
4 = objects are prefixed with 1 octet object size
5 = objects are prefixed with 2 octet object size
6 = objects are prefixed with 4 octet object size
7 = reserved
The 4XDOLILHU&RGH field is used to specify the 5DQJH field.
0 = 8-bit start and stop indices in the 5DQJH field
1 = 16-bit start and stop indices in the 5DQJH field
2 = 32-bit start and stop indices in the 5DQJHfield
3 = 8-bit absolute address identifiers in the 5DQJH field
4 = 16-bit absolute address identifiers in the 5DQJH field
5 = 32-bit absolute address identifiers in the 5DQJH field
6 = no 5DQJH field (implies all specified objects)
7 = 8-bit single field quantity
8 = 16-bit single field quantity
9 = 32-bit single field quantity
10 = reserved
11 = free format qualifier used to specify objects when other 4XDOLILHU&RGHV are
inadequate or do not provide enough identifying information.
12 = reserved
13 = reserved
14 = reserved
15 = reserved
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for REC 523
Qualifier Code 7, index size 0, points are 0…Q-1 inclusive
8 bit
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for REC 523
16 bit
32 bit
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for REC 523
Qualifier Code 11, index size 1, octets Oi1…OiN form the object identifier for
Object i where 0<=i<Q (quantity)
Quantity Size O11 O12 ... O1N ... Size OQ1 ... OQN
8 bit 8 bit 8 bit
Qualifier Code 11, index size 2, octets Oi1…OiN form the object identifier for
Object i where 0<=i<Q (quantity)
Quantity Size O11 O12 ... O1N ... Size OQ1 ... OQN
16 bit 16 bit 16 bit
Qualifier Code 11, index size 3, octets Oi1...OiN form the object identifier for
Object i where 0<=i<Q (quantity)
Quantity Size O11 O12 ... O1N ... Size OQ1 ... OQN
32 bit 32 bit 32 bit
Qualifier Code 11 is not supported by the REC 523 DNP interface.
Range field for messages with data objects
Qualifier Code 0 or 3, index size 0, points are I1 to I2 inclusive
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for REC 523
Note: A 16- and 32-bit object size can also be used by using I size 5 and 6
Qualifier Code 1 or 4, index size 5, points I1 to I2 inclusive
Note: An 8- and 32-bit object size can also be used by using I size 4 and 6
Qualifier Code 2 or 5, index size 0, points I1 to I2 inclusive
Note: An 8- and 16-bit object size can also be used by using I size 4 and 5
Qualifier Code 7, index size 0, points are 0...Q-1 inclusive
Quantity DO ... DO
8 bit I0 I(Q-1)
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for REC 523
Quantity DO ... DO
16 bit I0 I(Q-1)
Quantity DO ... DO
32 bit I0 I(Q-1)
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for REC 523
Qualifier Code 11, index size 1, octets Oi1...OiN form the object identifier for
Object I, where 0<=i<Q (quantity) which is followed by the object identified. The
size of the object is contained in the Object Identifier and thus the application layer
must be able to interpret some fields of the object identifier in order to process a
Quantity Size O11 ... O1N DO ... Size OQ1 ... OQN DO
8 bit 8 bit ID1 8 bit IDQ
Qualifier Code 11, index size 2, octets Oi1...OiN form the object identifier for
Object I, where 0<=i<Q (quantity) which is followed by the object identified. The
size of the object is contained in the Object Identifier and thus the application layer
must be able to interpret some fields of the object identifier in order to process a
Quantity Size O11 ... O1N DO ... Size OQ1 ... OQN DO
16 bit 16 bit ID1 16 bit IDQ
Qualifier Code 11, index size 3, octets Oi1...OiN form the object identifier for
Object I, where 0<=i<Q (quantity) which is followed by the object identified. The
size of the object is contained in the Object Identifier and thus the application layer
must be able to interpret some fields of the object identifier in order to process a
Quantity Size O11 ... O1N DO ... Size OQ1 ... OQN DO
32 bit 32 bit ID1 32 bit IDQ
Qualifier Code 11 is not supported by the DNP interface of REC 523.
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for REC 523
Frame type Service function
0 SEND - CONFIRM expected Reset of remote link
1 SEND - CONFIRM expected Reset of user process
2 SEND - CONFIRM expected Test function for link
3 SEND - CONFIRM expected User data
4 SEND - NO REPLY expected Unconfirmed user data
9 REQUEST - RESPOND expected Request link status
Selection of functions supported in frames sent from the secondary station (PRM=0)
Frame type Service function
0 CONFIRM ACK - positive acknowledgement
1 CONFIRM NACK – message not accepted, link
11 RESPOND Status of link (DFC=0 or DFC=1)
14 RESPOND Link service not functioning
15 RESPOND Link service not used or implemented
The REC 523 is able to communicate with multiple master stations using the SEND-
NO-REPLAY service. Before using the SEND-CONFIRM service, the data link
layers of both the primary and secondary stations have to be reset (UHVHWRIUHPRWH
OLQN service function). In this case, REC 523 is able to communicate with one
designated master (the address of this station is stored as a parameter) and one
“virtual” master. If another master wants to use the SEND-CONFIRM service to
communicate with REC 523, it first has to send a UHVHWRIUHPRWHOLQN request. This
will enable SEND-CONFIRM communication with this station and disable SEND-
CONFIRM communication with the previous “virtual” master.
When using a modem connection through the PSN (Public Switched Network),
string parameters are used. These parameters include initialization, hang-up and
dialing strings. Please refer to section /LQNSDUDPHWHUVfor further information.
There can be one default and 4 spare dialling strings. The dialling string contains a
phone number of the designated master station. The REC 523 unit will open the
channel only when communication with the designated master station is needed and
the channel is actually closed. If the default master station does not answer the call
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for REC 523
spare dialling numbers will be used. If all attempts to connect will fail then the
emergency number will be dialled. REC 523 will hung up immediately after
connecting. The emergency number can be e.g. operator GSM number.
When dial-up connection is used, following parameters must be set to configure
REC 523 with DNP protocol:
• Parameter “Connection mode” must be set to GLDOXSPRGH
• Parameter “Modem init str” must be set to parameterize modem (according to
manual of the used modem)
• In case of using GSM modem “GSM PIN code” parameter must also be set
Each modem operation is started by hanging-up any active connection. This
includes also the procedure of establishing the connection between REC523 and
SCADA system. Modem configuration/initialization is done every time when the
link initialization is performed (this does not apply to entering the GSM modem
In case of using GSM modems, two levels of modem initialization are used:
• hard initialization after the device start-up, which includes the entering of PIN-
code and common modem configuration,
• soft initialization, which includes only modem reconfiguration.
If the REC 523 unit is allowed to open the connection – the “reporting flag” in DNP
POD should be set to HQDEOHG for those items that are allowed to cause opening of
the connection. For lower priority items that should not cause REC 523 to open the
connection the “reporting flag” should be set to GLVDEOHG.
To be able to connect to the master station at least “Modem dial str” must be set to
dial master stations number (Note that this string must include ATD prefix).
Communication channel is opened only after a request from the protocol software.
The algorithm of this operation assumes a predefined number of 6 attempts done
with random and increasing intervals between consecutive tries (intervals are given
in Figure 2.1.1.-1). It is possible to define more than one telephone number of the
SCADA system using separate dialing strings as link handler parameters (1 primary
number, up to 4 spare numbers).
During each attempt of establishing a connection all configured dialing numbers
from the list will be used one after another (without delays). It is also possible to
define one emergency number that is used only when it is not possible to establish
the connection with any of the configured numbers (primary and spare numbers)
after all attempts. This emergency number can be e.g. a number of the operator's
telephone. The idea of using this number is to inform the operator about traffic
problem in the telephone switching network or possible error in system
configuration. After a call has been made to the emergency number (if defined) or
all attempts to all configured numbers has failed, REC 523 initializes the link (and
hang-ups the connection) and waits for the master station to connect. Detailed
behavior of the dialing algorithm is shown on the figure below:
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for REC 523
Dial emergency
number (if in use)
initialize modem
and wait for master
to connect
When master station dials the number of REC 523 unit and successfully connects
between dialing attempts, this situation is treated the same way as if REC 523 would
successfully connect.
REC 523 is responsible for closing the communication channel when there is no
communication with the master station for a predefined time (no valid frame is
received, including also the frames addressed to other units). A watchdog function
supervising the incoming valid frames has been added to the protocol software; the
watchdog timeout is defined by a configurable parameter “Watchdog TO” in the
protocol parameter group.
When communication with another station is required and the communication
channel is closed, the transaction fails. The REC 523 unit may only call the
designated master station, and a connection with another station must be established
by this station.
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for REC 523
Important notes:
• Implementation of the 'HOD\PHDVXUHPHQW function in REC 523 does not fully
follow the procedure described in the protocol specification. Only an
approximated delay value is supported by the outstation.
• Multi-fragment application messages are not supported.
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for REC 523
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for REC 523
Data size:
Each information element is composed of data type and data size. Data size L is noted
after the data type symbolic notation, and it is a cardinal number that specifies the
length of the data field in bits or octets, as appropriate. Example:
BS12 specifies BITSTRING of 12 bits.
Bit position:
In defining an information object, which is a combination of information elements,
the position of individual bits can be significant. The bit position of a specified field
of data size n is denoted in square brackets [p] where p1 and pn denote the first
and the last bits of the field.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
This variation contains no points status information. 2QOLQHUHVWDUWand such bits
which are part of the ELQDU\LQSXWZLWKVWDWXV variation, are not included in this
variation. The use of the VLQJOHELWELQDU\LQSXW implies that the point is on-line and
all other status bits are cleared (i.e. UHVWDUWbit, FRPPXQLFDWLRQORVWbit, etc. are
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for REC 523
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
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for REC 523
The ELQDU\LQSXWFKDQJHZLWKRXWWLPH object is used to represent the changed state
of the digital input point (hardware or software). It also indicates the status of the
point as follows:
• The on-line bit indicates that the binary input point has been read successfully. If
this field is set to off-line, the state of the digital point may not be correct.
• The restart bit indicates that the field device that originated the data object is
currently restarting. This device may be the device reporting this data object.
• The communication lost bit indicates that the device reporting this data object has
lost communication with the originator of the data object.
• The remote forced data bit indicates that the state of the binary input has been
forced to its current state at a device other than the end device.
• The local forced data bit indicates that the state of the binary input has been
forced to its current state at the end device.
• The chatter filter bit indicates that the binary input point has been filtered in order
to remove unnecessary transitions in the state of the point.
• The state bit indicates the current state of the binary input point.
Object coding:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
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for REC 523
The ELQDU\LQSXWFKDQJHZLWKWLPHobject is used to represent the changed state of
the digital input point (hardware or software) and the time at which the state
changed. It also indicates the status of the point as follows:
• The on-line bit indicates that the binary input point has been read successfully. If
this field is set to off-line, the state of the digital point may be incorrect.
• The restart bit indicates that the field device that originated the data object is
currently restarting. This device may be the device reporting this data object.
• The communication lost bit indicates that the device reporting this data object has
lost communication with the originator of the data object.
• The remote forced data bit indicates that the state of the binary input has been
forced to its current state at the device other than the end device.
• The local forced data bit indicates that the state of the binary input has been
forced to its current state at the end device.
• The chatter filter bit indicates that the binary input point has been filtered in order
to remove unneeded transitions in the state of the point.
• The state bit indicates the current state of the binary input point.
The WLPHRIRFFXUUHQFH indicates the absolute time at which the end device detected
the change of state. The accuracy of this time will depend on the accuracy of the
individual device. Time of occurrence is recorded as milliseconds since midnight,
January 1st, 1970, at zero hours, zero minutes, seconds and milliseconds.
Object coding:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Time of occurrence
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32
47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40
{FLAG = BS8[0...7]
Time of occurrence = UI48[0...47] <248-1 ms>
FLAG = {
On-line = BS1[0] <0, off-line; 1, on-line>
Restart = BS1[1] <0, normal; 1, restart>
Communication lost = BS1[2] <0, normal; 1, lost>
Remote forced data = BS1[3] <0, normal; 1, forced>
Local forced data = BS1[4] <0, normal; 1, forced>
Chatter filter = BS1[5] <0, normal; 1, filter on>
Reserved = BS1[6] <0 >
State = BS1[7] <0, 1 BIN>
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for REC 523
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
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for REC 523
Control code
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
On time
31 0
Off time
31 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
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for REC 523
Control code = {
Code = BS4[0...3] <0...15>
Queue = BS1[4] <0, normal; 1, requeued>
Clear = BS1[5] <0, normal; 1, clear>
Trip/Close = BS2[6...7] <00, NUL; 01, Close; 10, Trip>
This field determines the control relay to be activated in a system where a trip and
close relay pair is used to energize and de-energize the field points. The NUL value
in this field can be used to activate the field point select relay only without activating
trip or close relays. In a system without field point select relays, the NUL value
would not perform any control operation. In a system without trip/close relays, this
field should always be NUL to indicate a normal digital control operation where the
exact control point is inherently known. This field does not support both the trip and
close attributes simultaneously, as this is an illegal operation for the system.
The count field determines how many times the control operation is executed until
completed. If the count is 0, do not execute the control.
The control block can be used with devices which support control queuing on a
point-per-point basis, or devices which have other control mechanisms. In the
former case, any control command should be queued for the particular point in
question. In the latter case, each control is performed until completion before next
control is accepted for that point.
Place the operation at the back of the control queue when it is complete. If the
control code is NUL then no control operation is queued, and the queue is cleared of
all controls including the currently running control, if the clear attribute is set.
When a control function is executed and completed, it is removed from the queue.
If the control block for that operation had the queue attribute set, the control
operation is re-queued (to the end of the queue) for that point.
Cancel the currently running operation and remove queued operations on affected
points immediately before activating this new operation (if not NUL). If the control
operation has the clear attribute set, all control operations, including the currently
running control, are removed from the queue and this control operation is
The meaning of the code field and the operation to be performed is determined by
the following:
0: NUL operation. No operation specified. Only the R attribute is processed.
1: Pulse On - the point(s) is turned on for the specified on-time, turned off for
the specified off-time and left in the off state
2: Pulse Off - The point(s) is turned off for the specified off-time, then turned
on for the specified on-time and left in the on state.
3: Latch On - This latches the point(s) on.
4: Latch Off - This latches the point(s) off.
5 - 15: Undefined
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for REC 523
The reserved bit of the control point after the operation can be determined if the
control output is on.
The success or failure of the requested control operation is indicated in the status
field. The meaning of this field is determined as follows:
0: Request accepted, initiated or queued
1: Request not accepted as the operate message was received after the arm
timer timed out. The arm timer was started when the select operation for the
same point was received.
2: No previous matching select message (i.e. an operate message was sent to
activate a control point that was not previously armed with the select
3: Request not accepted as there were formatting errors in the control request
(either select, operate or direct operate).
4: Control operation not supported for this point.
5: Request not accepted, as the control queue is full or the point is already
6: Request not accepted because of control hardware problems.
7-127: Undefined
• In REC 523, the DNP close command will be interpreted as a close or earth
command and the DNP trip command will be interpreted as an open or free
• Maximal delay between a select and an operate command is by default 20
seconds. After that time, the response to the operate request will contain the value
2 in the status field (QRWDUPHG).
• If the device is in the local state (remote operations on relays are blocked) or
control operation for single relay is blocked (block input was activated) the
response to the select request will contain the value 4 (QRWVXSSRUWHG)
31 0
32 ABB Automation
1MRS 750958-MUM Remote Communication Protocol DNP 3.0
for REC 523
The use of this variation implies that the input point is on-line and that all other flag
bits are normal (i.e. this variation implies that flag=1: on-line bit is set, the other bits
are cleared - see flag field definition given in section 2.2.6).
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
31 0
{FLAG = BS8[0...7]
Value = UI32 [0...31] <0...232-1>
FLAG = {
On-line = BS1[0] <0, off-line; 1, on-line>
Restart = BS1[1] <0, normal; 1, restart>
Communication lost = BS1[2] <0, normal; 1, lost>
Remote forced data = BS1[3] <0, normal; 1, forced>
Local forced data = BS1[4] <0, normal; 1, forced>
Roll-over = BS1[5] <0, normal; 1, roll-over>
Reserved = BS1[6] <0 >
ABB Automation 33
DNP 3.0 Remote Communication Protocol 1MRS 750958-MUM
for REC 523
Current value
31 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
31 0
{FLAG = BS8[0...7]
Value = UI32 [0...31] <-231...232-1>
FLAG = {
On-line = BS1[0] <0, off-line; 1, on-line>
34 ABB Automation
1MRS 750958-MUM Remote Communication Protocol DNP 3.0
for REC 523
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Actual value
31 0
This object can be returned after an analogue output operation has been performed,
in order to determine the success of the operation.
ABB Automation 35
DNP 3.0 Remote Communication Protocol 1MRS 750958-MUM
for REC 523
• The 32-bit analogue output block information object represents the desired value
of a hardware DAC analogue output or software point. The value represented is
merely logical, as the value may be scaled and/or manipulated before any output
level is set.
• The requested value field contains the desired value of the analogue output. The
actual value of the analogue output is returned in the analogue output status
• The control status field indicates the status of the analogue control operation. The
meaning of this field is as follows:
0:Request accepted, initiated, or queued.
1:Request not accepted as the RSHUDWH message was received after the DUP timer
timed out. The DUPtimer was started when the VHOHFWoperation for the same
point was received.
2:No previous matching VHOHFWmessage (i.e. an RSHUDWHmessage was sent to
activate a control point that was not previously armed with the VHOHFW message)
3:Request not accepted as there were formatting errors in the control request
4:Control operation not supported for this point.
5:Request not accepted, as the control queue is full or the point is already active.
6:Request not accepted because of control hardware problems.
Object coding:
Requested value
31 0
Control status
7 0
Absolute time
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32
47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40
Absolute time = UI48[0...47] <0...2 -1>
36 ABB Automation
1MRS 750958-MUM Remote Communication Protocol DNP 3.0
for REC 523
$EVROXWHWLPH is recorded as milliseconds since midnight, January 1st, 1970, at zero
hours, zero minutes, zero seconds, and milliseconds.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
ABB Automation 37
DNP 3.0 Remote Communication Protocol 1MRS 750958-MUM
for REC 523
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
• Value Q(size) is treated as unsigned and can be 0...255.
38 ABB Automation
1MRS 750958-MUM Remote Communication Protocol DNP 3.0
for REC 523
The SPA message object is an information object that represents a transparent SPA
message. This object is intended to be used for transferring transparent SPA
This is an extension to the DNP 3.0 specification.
Object coding
This is not a fixed format object, but it is a variable format/size object.
ABB Automation 39
DNP 3.0 Remote Communication Protocol 1MRS 750958-MUM
for REC 523
40 ABB Automation
1MRS 750958-MUM Remote Communication Protocol DNP 3.0
for REC 523
PC POD editing
tool on PC
visible POD
Download of
Upload for modified POD
review/modification to the device
POD Visible Operational
in program POD POD
memory only at
start-up of initialization of
unconfigured communication
device interface
REC 523
Modifications of the POD contents may be required due to the following situations:
• a different addressing concept is used in the system because of the master
station’s requirements or limitations in protocol data addressing (re-addressing of
mapped application objects),
• elimination of obsolete function blocks (not used in the application setup),
• elimination of obsolete data and events from active function blocks (data items
not required or not processed by the master station),
ABB Automation 41
DNP 3.0 Remote Communication Protocol 1MRS 750958-MUM
for REC 523
Class Assignment
0 (static data) The set of static data important from the process point of view is assigned
to class 0. This solution makes it possible to read all these values using a
single request from the master station (e.g. to update the master station’s
database after communications trouble, power loss, etc.).
1 (event data) All points of type Binary input change event are assigned to this class. By
default, unsolicited reporting of these points is on.
2 (event data) All points of type Analogue input change event are assigned to this class.
By default, unsolicited reporting of these points is on.
3 (event data) All points of type Counter change event are assigned to this class. By
default, unsolicited reporting of these points is on.
42 ABB Automation
1MRS 750958-MUM Remote Communication Protocol DNP 3.0
for REC 523
The set of generic data types was enumerated for encoding the types of REC 523
application objects in the POD.
Data type codes:
ABB Automation 43
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for REC 523
44 ABB Automation
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for REC 523
ABB Automation 45
DNP 3.0 Remote Communication Protocol 1MRS 750958-MUM
for REC 523
After POD has been downloaded and stored into the unit, it is possible to upload
POD diagnostics from the unit.
The meaning of each parameter has been introduced in the table below.
46 ABB Automation
1MRS 750958-MUM Remote Communication Protocol DNP 3.0
for REC 523
If seen necessary, one can further analyze the result of diagnostics by selecting
“Show data...” (see Fig. Diagnostic details introduces a list of items
belonging to the selected category. The list is sorted out based on the row number of
the item. Using this information, required changes and corrections can be made to
the POD.
ABB Automation 47
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for REC 523
48 ABB Automation
1MRS 750958-MUM Remote Communication Protocol DNP 3.0
for REC 523
Function Op. In
Meaning* DB name DB type Object Point Class VM FM UR
block* type use
COIND1 Position LO F127V001 DPBOOL 24 1 1400 0 0x0003 0x00000001 0 1
Position HI F127V001 DPBOOL 25 1 1401 0 0x0003 0x00000001 0 1
Change to F127E000 EV_2BIT 15 2 1400 1 0x0002 0x00380001 1 1
Change to F127E001 EV_2BIT 16 2 1400 1 0x0002 0x00380001 1 1
Change to F127E002 EV_2BIT 16 2 1400 1 0x0002 0x00380001 1 1
Change to F127E003 EV_2BIT 15 2 1400 1 0x0002 0x00380001 1 1
Change to F127E000 EV_2BIT 16 2 1401 1 0x0002 0x00380001 1 1
Change to F127E001 EV_2BIT 15 2 1401 1 0x0002 0x00380001 1 1
Change to F127E002 EV_2BIT 16 2 1401 1 0x0002 0x00380001 1 1
Change to F127E003 EV_2BIT 15 2 1401 1 0x0002 0x00380001 1 1
ABB Automation 49
DNP 3.0 Remote Communication Protocol 1MRS 750958-MUM
for REC 523
The function block CODC1 is used to control and monitor the position of a
disconnector switch. Two types of control operations are available:
• one-step GLUHFWcommand - F122V004 and F122V005 for direct open and direct
• two-step VHOHFWH[HFXWH commands - F122V006 and F122V007 to select open and
close, F122V011 to execute the selected operation and F122V010 to cancel the
Feedback information about the current state of the switch is available from the
F122V001 object.
In the DNP protocol these data items are mapped as:
• control relay output block - for control commands,
• related binary output with status - for the current state of the switch.
The following encoding of the switch state is used in the DNP protocol:
• open - the input is on-line and has the value 1,
• closed - the input is on-line and has the value 0,
• middle - the input is off-line and has the value 0,
• faulty - the input is off-line and has the value 1,
The DNP protocol provides close and trip commands (trip command corresponds to
Function Op. In
Meaning* DB name DB type Object Point Class VM FM UR
block* type use
CODC1 Direct open F122V004 BOOL 4 12 2200 4 0x0001 0x0000003C 0 1
Direct close F122V005 BOOL 5 12 2200 4 0x0001 0x0000003C 0 1
Open select F122V006 BOOL 1 12 2200 4 0x0001 0x0000003C 0 1
Close select F122V007 BOOL 2 12 2200 4 0x0001 0x0000003C 0 1
Execute F122V010 BOOL 3 12 2200 4 0x0001 0x0000003C 0 1
Cancel F122V011 BOOL 6 12 2200 4 0x0001 0x0000003C 0 1
Position F122V001 DPBOOL 0 10 2200 0 0x0002 0x00000001 0 1
50 ABB Automation
1MRS 750958-MUM Remote Communication Protocol DNP 3.0
for REC 523
• Database type: double-point binary value
• Operation type: no operation (data not converted)
• Object: binary output (10)
• DNP point: 2200 must be the same as for command
• Data item assigned to class 0 (containing important static data)
• Variation supported: 2 - binary input with status (mask: 00000010)
• DNP function supported: 1- read
• Not reported spontaneously
• Entry in use
The MECU1A function block provides neutral current measurement and two
methods of supervising this signal - limit (high warning and high alarm) and
threshold (delta change).
Two kinds of information are available from the MECU1A block:
• neutral current value - database item F201I001,
• events that indicate crossing of the limit levels (E0, E1, E2 and E3) or the
threshold level (E5).
In the DNP protocol these items are mapped as:
• DQDORJXHLQSXWpoint - for static value of neutral current,
• related DQDORJXHLQSXWFKDQJHZLWKRXWWLPHpoints - for events.
In addition, since the DQDORJXHLQSXWFKDQJHtype does not identify the cause of
event (which level has been crossed), the events E0, E1, E2 and E3 are mapped as
ELQDU\LQSXWFKDQJHZLWKWLPH points (separate for warning and for alarm).
Function Op. In
Meaning* DB name DB type Object Point Class VM FM UR
block* type use
MECU1A Io F201I001 REAL 7 30 50 0 0x0004 0x00000001 0 1
Io HW reset F201E000 EV_FLOAT 15 1 50 4 0x0003 0x00000001 0 1
Io HW activated F201E001 EV_FLOAT 16 1 50 4 0x0003 0x00000001 0 1
Io HA reset F201E002 EV_FLOAT 15 1 51 4 0x0003 0x00000001 0 1
Io HA activated F201E003 EV_FLOAT 16 1 51 4 0x0003 0x00000001 0 1
Io HW reset F201E000 EV_FLOAT 15 2 50 1 0x0002 0x00380001 1 1
Io HW activated F201E001 EV_FLOAT 16 2 50 1 0x0002 0x00380001 1 1
Io HA reset F201E002 EV_FLOAT 15 2 51 1 0x0002 0x00380001 1 1
Io HA activated F201E003 EV_FLOAT 16 2 51 1 0x0002 0x00380001 1 1
Io HW reset F201E000 EV_FLOAT 7 32 50 2 0x0001 0x00380001 1 1
Io HW activated F201E001 EV_FLOAT 7 32 50 2 0x0001 0x00380001 1 1
Io HA reset F201E002 EV_FLOAT 7 32 50 2 0x0001 0x00380001 1 1
Io HA activated F201E003 EV_FLOAT 7 32 50 2 0x0001 0x00380001 1 1
Io delta F201E005 EV_FLOAT 7 32 50 2 0x0001 0x00380001 1 1
ABB Automation 51
DNP 3.0 Remote Communication Protocol 1MRS 750958-MUM
for REC 523
• Database type: floating point
• Operation type: multiplied by 10 (to achieve maximum accuracy since data will
be sent as 32-bit integers)
• Object: analogue input (30)
• Point: 50
• Data item assigned to class 0 containing important static data
• Variation: 3 - 32-bit analogue input without status (mask: 00000100)
• DNP function supported: 1 - read
• Not reported spontaneously
• Entry in use
• Database type: floating-point event
• Operation type: value multiplied by 10 (to achieve maximum accuracy since data
will be sent as 32-bit integers)
• Object: analogue input change event (32)
• Point: 50 (the same as for static data)
• Data item assigned to class 2 (containing analogue change events)
• Variation supported: 1 - 32-bit analogue input change without time
(mask: 00000001)
• DNP functions supported: 1 - read , 22 - assign class, 20 and 21 - spontaneous
reporting on and off
• Reported spontaneously
• Entries in use
• Database type: floating-point event
• Operation type: according to the meaning (on line 1 when warning/alarm
activated and on line 0 when alarm/warning deactivated)
• Object: binary input (1)
• Points: 50 for warning and 51 for alarm state (note that these point numbers have
nothing in common with point numbers for analogue measurements as they
represent different kind of information - binary, NOT analogue)
• Data item not assigned to class (4)
• Variation supported: 1 – one bit binary input and 2 - binary input with status
(mask: 00000011)
• DNP functions supported: 1 - read
• Not reported spontaneously
• Entries in use
• Database type: floating-point event
52 ABB Automation
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for REC 523
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for REC 523
54 ABB Automation
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for REC 523
ABB Automation 55
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for REC 523
56 ABB Automation
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for REC 523
ABB Automation 57
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for REC 523
58 ABB Automation
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for REC 523
ABB Automation 59
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for REC 523
60 ABB Automation
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for REC 523
ABB Automation 61
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for REC 523
62 ABB Automation
1MRS 750958-MUM Remote Communication Protocol DNP 3.0
for REC 523
F207E015 1- activated
P3 high warning reset/activated F207E000 2 401 2 1 Read/Unsolicited 0 – reset
F207E001 response 1- activated
P3 high alarm reset/activated F207E002 2 402 2 1 Read/Unsolicited 0 – reset
F207E003 response 1- activated
Q3 high warning reset/activated F207E004 2 403 2 1 Read/Unsolicited 0 – reset
F207E005 response 1- activated
Q3 high alarm reset/activated F207E006 2 404 2 1 Read/Unsolicited 0 – reset
F207E007 response 1- activated
P3 low warning reset/activated F207E008 2 405 2 1 Read/Unsolicited 0 – reset
F207E009 response 1- activated
P3 low alarm reset/activated F207E010 2 406 2 1 Read/Unsolicited 0 – reset
F207E011 response 1- activated
Q3 low warning reset/activated F207E012 2 407 2 1 Read/Unsolicited 0 – reset
F207E013 response 1- activated
Q3 low alarm reset/activated F207E014 2 408 2 1 Read/Unsolicited 0 - reset
F207E015 response 1- activated
P3 F207I001 30 400 3 0 Read -999999..
Q3 F207I002 30 401 3 0 Read -999999..
Power factor PDF F207I003 30 404 3 - Read -100..100
Power factor PF F207I004 30 405 3 - Read -100..100
P3 demand F207I005 30 406 3 - Read -999999..
Q3 demand F207I006 30 407 3 - Read -999999..
ABB Automation 63
DNP 3.0 Remote Communication Protocol 1MRS 750958-MUM
for REC 523
Q3 delta/high/low/warning/alarm F207E004 32 401 1 2 Read/Unsolicited -999999..
F207E005 response 999999
F207E006 -999999kvar..
F207E007 999999kvar
S3 delta F207E021 32 402 1 2 Read/Unsolicited -999999...999999
response -999999 kVa
DPF delta F207E023 32 404 1 2 Read/Unsolicited -100...100
response -1.00...1.00
Active energy delta F207E025 32 408 1 2 Read/Unsolicited 0...899999
response 0 kWh...999999
Reversed active energy delta F207E027 32 409 1 2 Read/Unsolicited 0...899999
response 0 kWh...999999
Reactive energy delta F207E029 32 410 1 2 Read/Unsolicited 0...899999
response 0 kVarh...999999
Reversed reactive energy delta F207E030 32 411 1 2 Read/Unsolicited 0...899999
response 0 kVarh...999999
64 ABB Automation
1MRS 750958-MUM Remote Communication Protocol DNP 3.0
for REC 523
ABB Automation 65
DNP 3.0 Remote Communication Protocol 1MRS 750958-MUM
for REC 523
66 ABB Automation
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for REC 523
ABB Automation 67
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for REC 523
68 ABB Automation
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for REC 523
ABB Automation 69
DNP 3.0 Remote Communication Protocol 1MRS 750958-MUM
for REC 523
70 ABB Automation
1MRS 750958-MUM Remote Communication Protocol DNP 3.0
for REC 523
ABB Automation 71
DNP 3.0 Remote Communication Protocol 1MRS 750958-MUM
for REC 523
START signal from ∆ I > stage F051O001 1 1100 1,2 - Read 0 – reset
1 - activated
72 ABB Automation
1MRS 750958-MUM Remote Communication Protocol DNP 3.0
for REC 523
ABB Automation 73
DNP 3.0 Remote Communication Protocol 1MRS 750958-MUM
for REC 523
TRIP signal from 3I >>→ stage F036O004 1 1251 1,2 - Read 0 – reset
1 – activated
CBFP signal from 3I >>→stage F036O005 1 1252 1,2 - Read 0 – reset
1 – activated
DIRECTION signal from F036O001 1 1253 1,2 - Read 0 – reset
3I >>→ stage 1 – activated
74 ABB Automation
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for REC 523
ABB Automation 75
DNP 3.0 Remote Communication Protocol 1MRS 750958-MUM
for REC 523
76 ABB Automation
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for REC 523
ABB Automation 77
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for REC 523
78 ABB Automation
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for REC 523
ABB Automation 79
DNP 3.0 Remote Communication Protocol 1MRS 750958-MUM
for REC 523
* Because this item provides double-point information, two concecutive DNP points are used to
represent its value. Values in last column of the table should be read as follows: 01 means point with
higher address has value 0 and point with lower address has value 1.
** Binary output status is read only, and provides only one point information about state of the
disconnector switch: 1-open (freed) or faulty, 0-closed (earthed) or middle. Full information about the
state is available from binary inputs 2704 and 2705 (O/C position) or from binary inputs 2706 and
2707 (F/E position).
*** Because this point is write only, a dummy 0 value will be reported while reading.
80 ABB Automation
1MRS 750958-MUM Remote Communication Protocol DNP 3.0
for REC 523
* Because this item provides double-point information, two concecutive DNP points are used to
represent its value. Values in last column of the table should be read as follows: 01 means point with
higher address has value 0 and point with lower address has value 1.
** Binary output status is read only, and provides only one point information about state of the
disconnector switch: 1-open (freed) or faulty, 0-closed (earthed) or middle. Full information about the
state is available from binary inputs 2804 and 2805 (O/C position) or from binary inputs 2806 and
2807 (F/E position).
*** Because this point is write only, a dummy 0 value will be reported while reading.
ABB Automation 81
DNP 3.0 Remote Communication Protocol 1MRS 750958-MUM
for REC 523
* Because this data item provides double-point information two consecutive DNP points are used to
represent its value. Values in last column of the table should be read as follows: 01 means point with
higher address has value 0 and point with lower address has value 1.
** Binary output status is read only, and provides only one point information about state of the breaker:
1-open or faulty, 0-closed or middle. Full information about the state is available from binary inputs
2900 and 2901.
*** Because this point is write only, a dummy 0 value will be reported while reading
82 ABB Automation
1MRS 750958-MUM Remote Communication Protocol DNP 3.0
for REC 523
ABB Automation 83
DNP 3.0 Remote Communication Protocol 1MRS 750958-MUM
for REC 523
* Because this data item provides double-point information two consecutive DNP points are used to
represent its value. Values in last column of the table should be read as follows: 01 means point with
higher address has value 0 and point with lower address has value 1.
** Binary output status is read only, and provides only one point information about state of the breaker:
1-open or faulty, 0-closed or middle. Full information about the state is available from binary inputs
3000 and 3001.
*** Because this point is write only, a dummy 0 value will be reported while reading
84 ABB Automation
1MRS 750958-MUM Remote Communication Protocol DNP 3.0
for REC 523
* Because this data item provides double-point information two consecutive DNP points are used to
represent its value. Values in last column of the table should be read as follows: 01 means point with
higher address has value 0 and point with lower address has value 1.
** Binary output status is read only, and provides only one point information about state of the
disconnector: 1-open or faulty, 0-closed or middle. Full information about the state is available from
binary inputs 2202 and 2203.
*** Because this point is write only, a dummy 0 value will be reported while reading
ABB Automation 85
DNP 3.0 Remote Communication Protocol 1MRS 750958-MUM
for REC 523
* Because this data item provides double-point information two consecutive DNP points are used to
represent its value. Values in last column of the table should be read as follows: 01 means point with
higher address has value 0 and point with lower address has value 1.
** Binary output status is read only, and provides only one point information about state of the
disconnector: 1-open or faulty, 0-closed or middle. Full information about the state is available from
binary inputs 2302 and 2303.
*** Because this point is write only, a dummy 0 value will be reported while reading
86 ABB Automation
1MRS 750958-MUM Remote Communication Protocol DNP 3.0
for REC 523
* Because this data item provides double-point information two consecutive DNP points are used to
represent its value. Values in last column of the table should be read as follows: 01 means point with
higher address has value 0 and point with lower address has value 1.
** Binary output status is read only, and provides only one point information about state of the
disconnector: 1-open or faulty, 0-closed or middle. Full information about the state is available from
binary inputs 2402 and 2403.
*** Because this point is write only, a dummy 0 value will be reported while reading
ABB Automation 87
DNP 3.0 Remote Communication Protocol 1MRS 750958-MUM
for REC 523
* Because this data item provides double-point information two consecutive DNP points are used to
represent its value. Values in last column of the table should be read as follows: 01 means point with
higher address has value 0 and point with lower address has value 1.
** Binary output status is read only, and provides only one point information about state of the
disconnector: 1-open or faulty, 0-closed or middle. Full information about the state is available from
binary inputs 2502 and 2503.
*** Because this point is write only, a dummy 0 value will be reported while reading
88 ABB Automation
1MRS 750958-MUM Remote Communication Protocol DNP 3.0
for REC 523
* Because this data item provides double-point information two consecutive DNP points are used to
represent its value. Values in last column of the table should be read as follows: 01 means point with
higher address has value 0 and point with lower address has value 1.
** Binary output status is read only, and provides only one point information about state of the
disconnector: 1-open or faulty, 0-closed or middle. Full information about the state is available from
binary inputs 2602 and 2603.
*** Because this point is write only, a dummy 0 value will be reported while reading
* Because this data item provides double-point information two consecutive DNP points are used to
represent its value. Values in last column of the table should be read as follows: 01 means point with
higher address has value 0 and point with lower address has value 1.
ABB Automation 89
DNP 3.0 Remote Communication Protocol 1MRS 750958-MUM
for REC 523
* Because this data item provides double-point information two consecutive DNP points are used to
represent its value. Values in last column of the table should be read as follows: 01 means point with
higher address has value 0 and point with lower address has value 1.
* Because this data item provides double-point information two consecutive DNP points are used to
represent its value. Values in last column of the table should be read as follows: 01 means point with
higher address has value 0 and point with lower address has value 1.
* Because this data item provides double-point information two consecutive DNP points are used to
represent its value. Values in last column of the table should be read as follows: 01 means point with
higher address has value 0 and point with lower address has value 1.
90 ABB Automation
1MRS 750958-MUM Remote Communication Protocol DNP 3.0
for REC 523
* Because this data item provides double-point information two consecutive DNP points are used to
represent its value. Values in last column of the table should be read as follows: 01 means point with
higher address has value 0 and point with lower address has value 1.
* Because this data item provides double-point information two consecutive DNP points are used to
represent its value. Values in last column of the table should be read as follows: 01 means point with
higher address has value 0 and point with lower address has value 1.
* Because this data item provides double-point information two consecutive DNP points are used to
represent its value. Values in last column of the table should be read as follows: 01 means point with
higher address has value 0 and point with lower address has value 1.
ABB Automation 91
DNP 3.0 Remote Communication Protocol 1MRS 750958-MUM
for REC 523
* Because this data item provides double-point information two consecutive DNP points are used to
represent its value. Values in last column of the table should be read as follows: 01 means point with
higher address has value 0 and point with lower address has value 1.
92 ABB Automation
1MRS 750958-MUM Remote Communication Protocol DNP 3.0
for REC 523
* Because this point is write only, a dummy 0 value will be reported while reading
ABB Automation 93
DNP 3.0 Remote Communication Protocol 1MRS 750958-MUM
for REC 523
* Because this point is write only, a dummy 0 value will be reported while reading
* Because this point is write only, a dummy 0 value will be reported while reading
94 ABB Automation
1MRS 750958-MUM Remote Communication Protocol DNP 3.0
for REC 523
* Because this point is write only, a dummy 0 value will be reported while reading
* Because this point is write only, a dummy 0 value will be reported while reading
* Because this point is write only, while reading a dummy 0 value will be reported
ABB Automation 95
DNP 3.0 Remote Communication Protocol 1MRS 750958-MUM
for REC 523
* Because this point is write only, while reading a dummy 0 value will be reported
* Because this point is write only, while reading a dummy 0 value will be reported
* Because this point is write only, while reading a dummy 0 value will be reported
96 ABB Automation
1MRS 750958-MUM Remote Communication Protocol DNP 3.0
for REC 523
ABB Automation 97
DNP 3.0 Remote Communication Protocol 1MRS 750958-MUM
for REC 523
* Because this point is write only, a dummy 0 value will be reported while reading
3 rd
harmonic 3s average value F513I005 30 6203 3 - Read 0.0...120.0
4 harmonic 3s average value F513I006 30 6204 3 - Read 0.0...120.0
98 ABB Automation
1MRS 750958-MUM Remote Communication Protocol DNP 3.0
for REC 523
* Because this point is write only, a dummy 0 value will be reported while reading
ABB Automation 99
DNP 3.0 Remote Communication Protocol 1MRS 750958-MUM
for REC 523
* Because this point is write only, a dummy 0 value will be reported while reading
SWITCH groups
Description Name Object Point Variation Class Access function Values
Actual checksum SWGRP1 F030S001 30 7100 3 - Read 0...255
Actual checksum SWGRP2 F030S002 30 7101 3 - Read 0...255
Actual checksum SWGRP3 F030S003 30 7102 3 - Read 0...255
Actual checksum SWGRP4 F030S004 30 7103 3 - Read 0...255
Actual checksum SWGRP5 F030S005 30 7104 3 - Read 0...255
Actual checksum SWGRP6 F030S006 30 7105 3 - Read 0...255
Actual checksum SWGRP7 F030S007 30 7106 3 - Read 0...255
Actual checksum SWGRP8 F030S008 30 7107 3 - Read 0...255
Actual checksum SWGRP9 F030S009 30 7108 3 - Read 0...255
Actual checksum SWGRP10 F030S010 30 7109 3 - Read 0...255
Actual checksum SWGRP11 F030S011 30 7110 3 - Read 0...255
Actual checksum SWGRP12 F030S012 30 7111 3 - Read 0...255
Actual checksum SWGRP13 F030S013 30 7112 3 - Read 0...255
Actual checksum SWGRP14 F030S014 30 7113 3 - Read 0...255
Actual checksum SWGRP15 F030S015 30 7114 3 - Read 0...255
Actual checksum SWGRP16 F030S016 30 7115 3 - Read 0...255
Actual checksum SWGRP17 F030S017 30 7116 3 - Read 0...255
Actual checksum SWGRP18 F030S018 30 7117 3 - Read 0...255
Actual checksum SWGRP19 F030S019 30 7118 3 - Read 0...255
Actual checksum SWGRP20 F030S020 30 7119 3 - Read 0...255
Group 1 checksum SWGRP1 F030S041 40/41 7100 1 - Read/Select, 0...255
Operate, Direct
Group 1 checksum SWGRP2 F030S042 40/41 7101 1 - Read/Select, 0...255
Operate, Direct
Link handler
Description Name Object Point Variation Class Access function Values
Remote protocol CTS usage F500V217 10/12 4000 1,2/1 - Read/Write/Select/ 0 – not used
Operate/Direct 1 – in use
Remote protocol RTS usage F500V218 10/12 4001 1,2/1 - Read/Write/Select/ 0 – not used
Operate/Direct 1 – in use
Remote protocol connection F500V220 10/12 4002 1,2/1 - Read/Write/Select/ 0 – fixed line
mode Operate/Direct 1 – dial up
Remote protocol baud rate F500V211 40/41 4000 1 - Read/Write/Select/ 300/600/1200/4800/9600/
Operate/Direct 19200/38400 bps
Remote protocol stop bits F500V212 40/41 4001 1 - Read/Write/Select/ 0...2
Remote protocol CTS delay F500V213 40/41 4002 1 - Read/Write/Select/ 0...10000
Operate/Direct 0ms...10000ms
Remote protocol RTS delay F500V214 40/41 4003 1 - Read/Write/Select/ 0...10000
Operate/Direct 0ms...10000ms
DNP protocol
Description Name Object Point Variation Class Access function Values
Stay silent SILENTFL 10/12 4100 1, 2 / 1 - Read, Write/ Select, 0 or close – normal
Operate, Direct operation*
operate 1 or trip – stay silent
Station address F503V001 40/41 4100 1 - Read, Write/ Select, 0...65534
Operate, Direct
Designated master address F503V002 40/41 4101 1 - Read, Write/ Select, 0...65534
Operate, Direct
Data link layer response timeout F503V003 40/41 4102 1 - Read, Write/ Select, 0...65535
Operate, Direct 0ms...65535ms
Data link layer retry count F503V004 40/41 4103 1 - Read, Write/ Select, 0...65535
Operate, Direct
Data link layer transmitter timeout F503V005 40/41 4104 1 - Read, Write/ Select, 0...65535
Operate, Direct 0ms...65535ms
Application layer response F503V006 40/41 4105 1 - Read, Write/ Select, 0...65535
timeout Operate, Direct 0ms...65535ms
Application layer retry count F503V007 40/41 4106 1 - Read, Write/ Select, 0..65535
Operate, Direct
Time synchronization
Description Name Object Point Variation Class Access function Values
Device time DEVCLK 50 0 1 - Read/Write ms since 1970-01-01
Internal indications
Description Name Object Point Variation Class Access function Values
All stations message received INTINDIC 80 0 1 - Write 1 – received
Class 1 data available INTINDIC 80 1 1 - Write 1 - available
Class 2 data available INTINDIC 80 2 1 - Write 1 – available
Class 3 data available INTINDIC 80 3 1 - Write 1 – available
Time sync. Required INTINDIC 80 4 1 - Write 1 - required
Outputs in local state INTINDIC 80 5 1 - Write 1 – local state
Device trouble INTINDIC 80 6 1 - Write 1 – device trouble
Device restart INTINDIC 80 7 1 - Write 1 – device restarted
Function not implemented INTINDIC 80 8 1 - Write 1 – function not
Object unknown INTINDIC 80 9 1 - Write 1 – object unknown
Format error INTINDIC 80 10 1 - Write 1 – format error
Buffer overflow INTINDIC 80 11 1 - Write 1 – buffer overflow
Operation in progress INTINDIC 80 12 1 - Write 1 – operation in progress
Invalid configuration INTINDIC 80 13 1 - Write 1 – invalid configuration
Reserved for future use INTINDIC 80 14 1 - Write 0
Reserved for future use INTINDIC 80 15 1 - Write 0
Internal indications cannot be read directly. The current state of the internal
indications field is returned in every application layer response (function code 129
or 130) as a part of the response header and follows function code field (see chapter “$SSOLFDWLRQUHVSRQVHIRUPDW”). Although every bit of internal indications
can be written it is not recommended to clear other bits than 'HYLFHUHVWDUW, because
important information about the current status of the device can be lost.
Description Name Object Point Class Access function Values
Application APPLICAT 90 0 1 - Start/Stop application -
Transparent SPA
Description Name Object Point Variation Class Access function Values
Transparent SPA message LONSPAIN 151 0 1 - Read/Write SPA message e.g. “>1RF:<CR>”
Note that object 151 is an extension to the protocol and the use of this type can be
limited by the capabilities of the master station.
Note that the port assignments for protocols are revision dependent. This product
supports only following protocols: DNP 3.0, SPA and LON. Refer to Technical
Reference Manual for revision history.
Group Object
Description Notes
description name
Transmission F500V220 Connection mode 0 - in case of fixed line or
settings 0 – fixed line leased line connection
1 – dial-up (with preconfigured
1 – in case of dial-up
connection (modem
controlled by REC 523)
F500V211 Communication speed (in bps) The same as configured in
the master station (fixed
Baud rate line) or in the modem
F500V212 Number of stop bits The same as configured in
the master station (fixed
line) or in the modem
Group Object
Description Notes
description name
Modem F500V221 Modem initialization string According to the modem
settings (max. 75 characters) type (refer to the modem
(only to be manual).
used in dial-up
F500V222 Modem dialing string According to the modem
(max. 20 characters) type (refer to the modem
Note: This parameter will be used manual).
only if REC 523 is permitted to
activate the dial-up connection with
the master station (unsolicited
reporting of events will be allowed).
F500V223 Modem hang-up string According to the modem
(max. 20 characters) type (refer to the modem
Note: This parameter will be used in manual).
case of enforced interface restart or
unknown modem state.
Group Object
Description Notes
description name
Address F503V001 Station address The same as configured in the
parameters 0..65534 master station.
Confirm type
F503V008 Channel idle timeout (in Set acccording to the expected
seconds). master station request send
Note: Event mask 1 in the function block parameters should be used to select events
for being reported via DNP protocol.
• This item is handled internally by the protocol and is not accessible via SPA. The
given name is used only in POD configuration.
data link layer acknowledgements, and application layer confirmations used for
all responses (confirmation type selector set to 4).
• Full security on both layers - when the master station supports application layer
confirmations and the connection is of very poor quality - data link layer
acknowledgements and application layer confirmations used for all responses
(confirmation type selector set to 5).
If confirmations or acknowledgements are used, the number of retransmissions on
the link layer or on the application layer must be set to a value greater than 0
(otherwise, the configuration will be the same as with the confirmation type selector
Many RTUs can be connected to one (or more) master stations. Collisions on the
link are possible. To limit the risk of collisions caused by simultaneous responses
from different REC 523 units, the “data link layer transmit after receive timeout”
parameter can be used to assign time slots for every REC 523 unit. The most
privileged unit can have this timeout set to 0 ms and each next unit to a multiple of
the time needed to transmit a link layer frame of maximum size. For example, if we
have one master station connected to three REC 523 units at a speed of 9600 bps,
then we should assign a 0 ms timeout to the first REC 523 unit (the most privileged),
300 ms timeout to the second and 600 ms to the third (the least privileged). 300 ms
is the time needed to transmit the biggest possible link layer frame (292 bytes) at
9600 bps.
This approach can only be applied when it is possible to set this timeout in all
secondary (controlled) stations. Otherwise, acknowledgements or confirmations
have to be relied on (the best solution for this case is to use the confirmation type
selector 2 because of the minimal use of the link throughput).
Only the master station can initiate the connection (dial the number). Unsolicited
reporting should be switched off (by setting the unsolicited reporting flag for all
events to 0 in the POD). There is no risk of frame collisions on the link.
If the master station supports request retransmissions, the confirmation type selector
can be set to 0. Otherwise, data link layer acknowledgements (confirmation type
selector 1) or application confirmations (confirmation type selector 4) have to be
Unsolicited reporting can be switched on. REC 523 will try to connect again in
random intervals after an unsuccessful attempt. There is no risk of frame collisions
on the link. If the master station supports request retransmissions, the confirmation
type selector can be set to 0. Otherwise, data link layer acknowledgements
(confirmation type selector 1) or application confirmations (confirmation type
selector 4) have to be used.
Unsolicited reporting can be switched on. REC 523 will try to connect again in
random intervals after an unsuccessful attempt. To connect to the backup master
station 1st spare dialling string should be used. There is no risk of frame collisions
on the link. If the master station supports request retransmissions, the confirmation
type selector can be set to 0. Otherwise, data link layer acknowledgements
(confirmation type selector 1) or application confirmations (confirmation type
selector 4) have to be used.
• For communication over leased line, REC 523 should be configured as in the
fixed line connection mode. The utilized modem must be set up from the terminal
program. For this kind of communication, the end of frame timeout should be set
according to the channel characteristics.
• For communication in the dial-up connection mode, the utilized modem is
configured by REC 523. The modem initialization string must not include any
command that establishes connection with the remote modem. Only the dialling
string shall be used for this purpose.
• The longest processing time (approx. 440 ms) is required to build a response to
the request for data of all classes. The application layer timeout set on the DNP
master end must take into account this maximum latency and the required
transmission time for both request and response.
• Emergency dialling string can be used to indicate that REC 523 could not connect
to the master station. In this string telephone number of the operator GSM phone
should be included. Caller identification feature should be supported in the
network to make it usable.
• If GSM modem is used and it requires PIN code after start-up then PIN code
string should be used for this purpose. Modem initialization string should not
include any command that send PIN code to the modem.
• If modem signals are to be used only port X5.1 can be used.
• RS485 can be used only in balanced mode (event reporting should be disabled).
To make possible communication via this port RTS signal must be used
• removing the assignment of selected static data items to class 0 – this can be done
by setting the “class” value (column 6) to 4
In the default POD the mapped function blocks occupy the assigned ranges of
addresses (DNP point numbers). Therefore, for a downloaded application the overall
addressing of data will not be continuous. Some master stations, however, may
accept only a continuous address map. In this case the addresses of data items will
have to be changed. When doing this, a certain rule must be obeyed. For further
information about the rule, please refer to the rule 3 in chapter “Point numbering
overall rules” on page 24.
A detailed description of the contents of visible POD and examples of mapping are
given in section “Defining the POD contents” on page 42.
After changing the contents of the visible POD, the table can be downloaded to REC
523 and the tool will enforce the storing of data in the non-volatile memory followed
by the device reset. In this way the updated table will be used to generate the
operational POD.
SysAI MeasOut BOOL2INT PSC_7_LED9_16
RawAI HighWarning B0 Q
IV HighAlarm B1
RESET LowWarning B2
LowAlarm B3
LED 9: blink - measured signal high warning, on - measured signal high alarm
LED 10: blink - measured signal low warning, on - measured signal high alarm
LED 11: on - remote indication open
LED 12: on - remote indication closed
LON interface must be properly configured to use DNP/LON gateway function.
Technical Description
DNP V3.00
Configurable, range from 0 to 255 with Configurable, range from 0 to 255 with
primary data link layer retransmission application layer retransmission count
Requires Data Link Layer Confirmation:
Configurable, with confirmation type selector, default NO ACK
Requires Application Layer Confirmation:
Configurable with confirmation type selector when reporting Event Data (Slave devices only)
Always after response to reset request
Always when sending multi-fragment responses (Slave devices only)
Configurable, with confirmation type selector
Timeouts while waiting for:
Data Link Confirm Configurable with primary data link layer timeout, not relevant when no ACK
Technical Description
(slave must parse) (master must parse)
Technical Description
(slave must parse) (master must parse)
(slave must parse) (master must parse)
Technical Description
(slave must parse) (master must parse)
(slave must parse) (master must parse)
Technical Description