Environmental Problems: Nipah and Lassa Viruses, and Parasites That Cause Malaria and Lyme Disease
Environmental Problems: Nipah and Lassa Viruses, and Parasites That Cause Malaria and Lyme Disease
Environmental Problems: Nipah and Lassa Viruses, and Parasites That Cause Malaria and Lyme Disease
What are the effects of these problems to people’s health? How will you prevent/reduce the impacts of these problems in your
Because of deforestation, there’s an increase in the spread of life-threatening By planting a tree where I can, reducing the use of paper, buying recycled
diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. For a host of ecological reasons, the products and then recycling them again, supporting the products of companies
loss of forest can act as an incubator for insect-borne, other infectious diseases Deforestation that are committed to reducing deforestation, raising awareness in my circle
and dealy pathogens such as Nipah and Lassa viruses, and parasites that and in my community, buying only what I will use, and not using Palm Oil or
cause malaria and Lyme disease that afflict humans. products with Palm Oil.
Mining has harmful effects on human’s health such as respiratory By doing these practices that include measures such as reducing water
complications, injuries and fatalities, cancers due to radioactive and energy consumption, minimizing land disturbance and waste
material exposure, poisoning and organ damage due to heavy Mining production, preventing soil, water, and air pollution at mine sites, and
conducting successful mine closure and reclamation activities.
metals exposure.
Land pollution can cause many things to the human body. People can be By reusing materials such as cloth, plastic bags and glass
exposed to toxic waste and chemicals. Land pollution is also caused by at home rather than disposing of them, reducing and recycling,
disposal of harmful toxic wastes. Long term health effects can include Land Pollution
reducing the amount of solid refuse going to landfills and also
chronic respiratory disease, lung cancer, heart disease, and even brain
by making a contribution toward saving natural resources.
Soil erosion increases the amount of dust carried by wind, By using soil-friendly agricultural practices, rehabilitating,
which not only acts as an abrasive and air pollutant but also avoiding cutting down trees and plant instead, and by
Soil erosion
carries about 20 human infectious disease organisms, including convincing others to do so.
anthrax and tuberculosis that affects human’s health.
The immediate health impacts of floods include drowning, injuries, hypothermia, and By cleaning our surroundings and picking up garbages then
animal bites. Health risks also are associated with the evacuation of patients, loss of
health workers, and loss of health infrastructure including essential drugs and supplies. putting it in the appropriate trash bin, avoiding cutting
In the medium-term, infected wounds, complications of injury, poisoning, poor mental Flash Flood down trees and plant instead, doing activities to reborn
health, communicable diseases, and starvation are indirect effects of flooding. In the
long-term, chronic disease, disability, poor mental health, and poverty-related diseases again the nature, and convincing others to do so.
including malnutrition are the potential legacy.
Because of deforestation, there’s an increase in the spread of life-threatening diseases such
as malaria and dengue fever. For a host of ecological reasons, the loss of forest can act as
an incubator for insect-borne and other infectious diseases that afflict humans.
Over the past two decades, a growing body of scientific evidence suggests that deforestation, by triggering a complex cascade of events, creates the conditions for a range of
deadly pathogens—such as Nipah and Lassa viruses, and the parasites that cause malaria and Lyme disease—to spread to people.
Due to blasting and drilling, the fine mineral particles of dust are
inhaled and accumulate in the lung causing pneumoconiosis. And
when miner inhales excessive amounts of quartz or crystalline
silica, he or she is likely to suffer an irreversible disease called the
Plus, some mining activities are associated with a lot of heavy lifting
and shoveling which can cause back injuries. Studies indicate that
25 percent of the total injuries reported in mining are due to slips
and falls.
Land pollution can cause many things to the human body. People can be exposed to toxic waste and
chemicals. Land pollution is also caused by disposal of harmful toxic wastes. Long term health effects
can include chronic respiratory disease, lung cancer, heart disease, and even brain damage.
Reforestation involves replanting an area with trees. This can be needed
for areas that have experienced wildfires, for instance, or where trees had
been chopped down and milled. This process helps to bind the soil, which
helps to protect it from land pollution and prevents soil erosion and
Flooding brings a lot of diseases and infections including fever, pneumonia and dysentery.
The consequences of events triggered by a flash flooding usually overwhelms local
response capacity and seriously affects the social and economic development of the
The immediate health
impacts of floods include Permanent, contingent and emergency flood-proofing of your
drowning, injuries, business’ property.
Install backflow prevention check valves to stop floodwater
hypothermia, and animal
from entering at vulnerable points where utility and sewer
bites. Health risks also are lines enter the facility.
associated with the Reinforce walls to resist water pressure and adequately
seal walls to prevent or reduce seepage.
evacuation of patients,
Build watertight walls around equipment or work areas
loss of health workers, and within the facility that are particularly susceptible to
loss of health damage should floodwater enter the building.
infrastructure including Construct floodwalls or levees outside the facility to keep
flood waters away.
essential drugs and Install permanent sump pumps with solar and backup
supplies. In the medium- power solutions. Backup power generators or battery
term, infected wounds, supplies should be located well above the high-water
complications of injury, Install watertight barriers called flood shields to prevent the
poisoning, poor mental passage of water through doors, windows, ventilation
health, communicable shafts, or other openings.
Install permanent watertight doors and pumps to remove
diseases, and starvation
flood waters and construct movable floodwalls.
are indirect effects of Have backup systems available for use during
flooding. In the long-term, emergencies, such as portable pumps to remove flood
chronic disease, disability, water, alternate power sources, such as generators or
gasoline-powered pumps, and battery-powered
poor mental health, and emergency lighting, located well above the high water
poverty-related diseases mark.
including malnutrition are Planting trees
the potential legacy.