Risk in Capital Structure Arbitrage 2006
Risk in Capital Structure Arbitrage 2006
Risk in Capital Structure Arbitrage 2006
We would like to thank Inquire Europe for their generous financial support and European Credit Management
for help with the data. Svetlana Kolvalskaia provided valuable research assistance. We are responsible for all
remaining errors. Address for correspondence: Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, 518 Memorial
Way, Stanford, CA, 94305. E-mail: istrebulaev@stanford.edu.
Risk in Capital Structure Arbitrage
Capital structure arbitrage attempts to profit from inconsistencies in the
relative pricing of a firm’s liabilities and typically combines the firm’s
straight or convertible with its equity. Using a large database on US
corporate debt, we examine the risks of portfolios of capital structure
arbitrage positions under a variety of hedging strategies but focussing
particularly on hedges that include the issuing firm’s equity. We also ex-
amine strategies that include variables, such as the Fama-French factors,
momentum and the S&P, that previous studies have found to be signifi-
cantly related to corporate debt returns. Second, we use index data to ask
whether the relation between corporate debt and these “non-structural”
variables is a feature of only recent data or is also evident in long-run
data. Finally, we examine the surprisingly low sensitivity of corporate
debt and, particularly, high yield debt, to interest rate movements.
Capital structure arbitrage is a trading strategy that attempts to exploit mispricing between
a company’s liabilities, most commonly between equity and straight or convertible debt. In
recent years such strategies have become increasingly popular, particularly among hedge funds,
possibly as a result of the development of the credit default swap market that has allowed market
participants to take short positions in a credit risk more easily (Currie and Morris (2002)).
While the mechanics of capital structure arbitrage are now widely understood, there is little
formal evidence on its risk. Structural models provide one framework for analyzing the risk but,
in the classical models of Merton (1974), Leland (1994), Leland and Toft (1996) and others, a
correctly constructed triangular hedge between a company’s debt, its equity, and riskless debt
should be risk free. On the other hand, recent events in the credit markets suggest that there are
times when capital structure arbitrage may be very risky. For example, when S&P downgraded
Ford and GM in early 2005, Kirk Kerkorian chose that moment to announce a tender offer
for around 5% of GM’s stock, resulting in the prices of GM’s debt and equity going opposite
The academic literature on capital structure arbitrage is limited. Yu (2005) analyzes conver-
gence trades involving credit default swaps (CDS) and equity. He finds these “quite risky” and,
in particular, prone to large losses when CDS spreads rise quickly. In an analysis of a number of
fixed-income arbitrage strategies, Duarte, Longstaff, and Yu (2005) analyze CDS-based capital
structure arbitrage and find that these produce promising Sharpe ratios of approximately 0.8.
Agarwal and Naik (2000) analyze the performance of hedge funds following a variety of strategies
including capital structure arbitrage. Schaefer and Strebulaev (2005) investigate hedge ratios of
A report by Reuters on 19 May 2005 said: “Market gyrations after a cut in Ford’s and General Motors’ credit
ratings turned predictive models on their heads and, according to market talk, produced huge losses at hedge funds
that had effectively sold the companies’ equity and bought their debt”.
corporate debt against equity and find that, at the level of individual bonds, the quality of the
hedge is quite poor, particularly for bonds with higher levels of credit risk.
Unlike Yu (2005) and Duarte et. al. (2005), the focus of this paper is not the profitability of
capital structure arbitrage but its risk and, specifically, its risk at a portfolio level. While Schaefer
and Strebulaev (2005) and others have found that the returns on an individual corporate bond
are not well explained by the issuing firm’s equity and riskless debt, it remains an open question
analysis of CDS, Yu (2005) finds that “. . . when the individual trades are aggregated into monthly
capital structure arbitrage portfolio returns, the strategy appears to offer attractive Sharpe ratios
The focus of this study is, then, the risk of capital structure arbitrage, and the effectiveness of
alternative strategies for managing this risk.2 In this context, it is important to point out that our
calculations are carried on portfolios that are chosen in a mechanical, i.e., passive manner while,
in practice, capital structure arbitrageurs choose positions because they judge the debt and equity
to be relatively mispriced. It is possible that these latter positions may be systematically more
or less risky than the passive positions we study precisely because of the presence of mispricing
but we lack the data on actual capital structure arbitrage positions that would be required to
The paper addresses three main questions. First, how much of the risk of hedged positions
is diversifiable? This question is important because the earlier work of Schaefer and Strebu-
laev (2005) shows that, while the statistical relation between corporate debt and equity can be
identified quite well in large samples, the degree of sensitivity is typically quite small and the
We – along with capital structure arbitrageurs – would also like to be able to say something about the average
profitability of this activity, i.e., the αj ’s, however, the relatively short period covered by our data makes this
fraction of the variability in return accounted for by equity is also small. For example, Table
IV of Schaefer and Strebulaev reports that the average “beta” of BBB debt against the issuing
firm’s equity is 0.04. However, even though the t-statistic on this average is large (approximately
13.0) this arises because the size of the cross-section is large rather than because, at the level of
an individual bond, equity accounts for a large fraction of the return variability. Indeed, in these
same regressions Schaefer and Strebulaev report that, compared with a regression that includes
only a Treasury bond, including equity increases the R2 by only 5% (from 43% to 48%).
While this small increase in the R2 shows that equity is not a very effective hedge at the
level of the individual corporate bond, the high t-statistic for the average beta suggests that at
least some significant part of the remaining variability is diversifiable. This is the issue that we
examine in this paper by computing the risk of portfolios of capital structure arbitrage positions,
i.e., where many bonds are hedged simultaneously against riskless debt and the many underlying
In discussing these results we also examine the relation between the risk of hedged positions
and the credit quality of corporate bonds. Previous results on credit spreads on individual bonds
suggests that, for bonds with low credit ratings, equity and riskless debt account for less than
50% of the return variability. For example, Collin-Dufresne et al. (2001) find that, for the BBB
and BB categories, less than 20% of the variability of credit spreads is accounted for by the
return on the firm’s equity and changes in the riskless yield curve. We therefore investigate how
Of course, as many authors have pointed out (e.g., Collin-Dufresne et al. (2001)), finding that
equity and riskless debt provide a poor hedge for corporate debt is inconsistent with the standard
structural approach to credit risk. Accordingly, the second issue we address is the contribution of
other instruments to the management of the risk in capital structure arbitrage positions. Collin-
Dufresne et al. (2001) and Elton et al. (2001) find that corporate bond returns are related to
the Fama-French HML and SMB factors. Again, since these results have been obtained at the
level of individual bonds, we assess their importance in managing risk at the portfolio level.
A natural way in which to estimate the composition of the hedge portfolio is to estimate a
regression of the excess return on the corporate bond on a vector of excess returns on hedge
instruments. The betas obtained in this way represent the positions in the hedging instruments
that provide the minimum variance in-sample hedge. However, to be implementable, the hedge
ratios must be estimated using only information available up to the time of portfolio formation.
Therefore, as well as an in-sample analysis we also calculate the corresponding results when the
betas used to construct a hedged position are estimated using only prior data (out-of-sample
Much of the empirical work on credit risk has focussed on changes in credit spreads (e.g.,
Collin-Dufresne et. al. (2001)) rather than on rates of return. Although this difference may
appear minor, the sensitivity of credit spreads to the rates of return on hedging instruments has
rate of return on corporate debt give the composition of the minimum variance hedging portfolio.
Perhaps because of the difficulty of linking an analysis of credit spreads to the normative problem
of hedge construction, none of these studies investigate the out-of-sample properties that we give
in Section III.5 3 .
The analysis in Section III provides what is perhaps the main result of the paper which is
3 ∗
The excess return on a position in a corporate bond hedged with a Treasury bond of equal duration, rj,t , is
(approximately) equal to:
rj,t = M Dj ∆y − M Dj ∆yT = M Dj ∆Sj
where M Dj is the modified duration of both the corporate and Treasury bonds, ∆y the change in the yield-to-
maturity on the corporate, ∆yT the change in the yield on the Treasury and ∆Sj the change in the corporate minus
Treasury spread. Thus rj,t , the excess return on a position in a corporate bond hedged against the corresponding
Treasury bond is – approximately – proportional to the change in the credit spread.
that much of the risk in hedging individual corporate bonds against the equity of the issuing
firm and the riskless term structure turns out to be diversifiable. What this means is that the
return on a portfolio of corporate bonds and is explained by the riskless term structure and a
portfolio containing the equity of the issuing firms to a much greater extent than has previously
been observed. Although our analysis is in no sense a test of the structural approach to credit
In Section IV we turn our attention to the variables such as VIX and the Fama-French SM B
and HM L factors that previous studies have found to be related to credit spreads. In almost all
cases these studies have been based on individual bond data and, as a result of data availability,
have usually spanned a period of less than ten years. In the second part of our study we use
long-run data on bond indices to establish whether these variables have a long-run relation to
corporate bond returns or whether the results that others have obtained are particular to the
relatively short and recent periods that have been studied. Our results show that the sensitivity of
corporate debt to the Fama-French factors is indeed a persistent feature of the data, particularly
Finally, in Section V we turn our attention to the interest rate sensitivity of corporate debt.
It has been reported elsewhere in the literature (for example, see Fons (1990), Gautier and
Goodman(2003)) that the empirical interest rate sensitivity, or duration of corporate debt is
significantly lower than its McCaulay duration. Schaefer and Strebulaev (2005) show that the
lower empirical duration is not explained by the Merton model even with the inclusion of interest
rate uncertainty. Section V therefore provides some further evidence on this puzzle. Our results
suggest, first, that the relation between the empirical interest rate sensitivity of corporate debt
and conventional (McCaulay) duration varies significantly across bonds and, second, that at least
some of this variation is explained by a bond’s maturity, its credit exposure and whether it has
an investment grade credit rating. Finally, Section VI concludes.
In this section we describe the individual bond data used in the first part of the paper and the
We use monthly prices on individual corporate bonds that are included either in the Merrill
Lynch Corporate Master index or the Merrill Lynch Corporate High Yield index. These indexes
include most rated U.S. publicly issued corporate bonds. The data cover the period from Decem-
ber 1996 to December 2003 and contain more than 380,000 bond-month observations on about
2140 issuers and 10,400 issues. Detailed information on each bond is obtained from the Fixed
Income Securities Database (FISD) as provided by LJS Global Services; equity and treasury
bond returns are from CRSP. For riskless rates of return we use constant-maturity US Trea-
sury monthly returns as reported by CRSP. Further details are given in Schaefer and Strebulaev
Our analysis is performed on a subsample that includes bonds satisfying the following criteria:
(1) we can match the bond return data with CRSP and COMPUSTAT (this allows us to use
about 62% of the total number of observations); (2) the bond is issued by a U.S. company and
denominated in $U.S.;4 (3) it is possible to match unambiguously the bond issuer with a company
in CRSP using the CUSIP; (4) the bond is issued by a non-financial corporation; (5) the bond
is straight (i.e. does not have any option-like embedded features); (6) the bond has at least 25
consecutive monthly price observations; (7) the bond has an initial maturity of at least four years.
Table I gives summary statistics for the subsample of 1370 bonds that meet these criteria.
More specifically, the company is of the U.S. origin according to the FISD definition. In particular, its head-
quarters should be located in the U.S. and it is subject to U.S. legal practice.
All rating categories (from AAA to CCC) are represented in the sample. The categories with the
largest numbers of bonds are A and BBB (603 and 539 respectively) but there are also quite large
samples of AA (127) and BB (50) bonds. The mean time-to-maturity of decreases – as might be
expected – for lower credit ratings but it is interesting to note that the median maturity actually
increases. The median nominal amount in issue declines from $300 million for AAA to $175
million for B.
The index data used in Section IV are the Merrill Lynch (ML) investment grade and high yield
indices and their associated sub-indices. For the Corporate Master Index, qualifying bonds must
have at least one year remaining term to maturity, a fixed coupon schedule, at least $150 million
outstanding and be rated investment grade based on a composite of Moody’s and S&P ratings.
The index is re-balanced on the last calendar day of the month. Issues that meet the qualifying
criteria are included in the index for the following month. Issues that no longer meet the criteria
during the course of the month remain in the index until the next month-end re-balancing at
which point they are dropped from the index. For the US High Yield Master Index the minimum
nominal amount outstanding is $100 million and bonds must be rated below investment grade,
again based on a composite of Moody’s and S&P. Our data on the Corporate Master Index start
in December 1975 and on the High Yield Index in September 1986. Both indices are rebalanced
We also report results on investment grade sub-indices for (i) individual credit ratings (AAA,
AA, A and BBB) and (ii) maturity intervals (1-5 years, 5-10 years, 10-15 years and over 15 years).
For the sub-investment grade we use sub-indices for the BB, B and CCC rating categories.
III Hedging Portfolios of Corporate Debt
Consider a capital structure arbitrage position at time t in which a corporate bond issued by
firm j is hedged with number of instruments. The latter may include firm j’s equity, one or more
riskless (i.e., Treasury) bonds, the S&P index and so forth. The excess return on this position
where rj,t is the excess return on the corporate bond from time t − 1 to t, rth is the vector of
excess returns on the hedging instruments and β j is a vector of amounts (in dollars) of the hedging
instruments that are sold short per dollar of firm j’s debt that is held. We refer to the elements
of β j as “hedge ratios”; accordingly, the second term in this expression, β j rth , represents the
excess return on the hedging portfolio and the entire expression the excess return on the hedged
The excess return on this hedged position may also be regarded as the hedging error which,
without loss of generality, may be written as the sum of its mean value αj and a zero mean
variable εj,t :
A natural way to estimate the hedge ratios is via regression. This has the disadvantage that it
treats the sensitivities, β j , as constants while, in general, they are not. Nonetheless the approach
has several advantages compared with the alternative of using a model. The first, clearly, is
the S&P and the Fama-French factors that find no place in standard models.
Our approach, therefore, has two steps. First, at the level of the individual bond, we estimate
the hedging portfolio composition and the hedging errors. Second, we aggregate these errors to
III.2 Implementation
In this Section we describe the calculation of the risk of portfolios of capital structure arbitrage
The first step is to identify those bonds that are eligible for inclusion in month t. We define
these as bonds that (1) were in the ML database in month t; (2) had at least four years to
maturity in month t; (3) had at least 20 (monthly) return observations in the data set; (4) had
Our portfolio formation rules must accommodate the fact that a bond rated AA, say, in
January 1997 may, at some later date, have a different rating. We must also deal with entry to
and exit from the database. Accordingly, we present results based on two alternative eligibility
rules. Under the first (“5A”) a bond is eligible for inclusion in the portfolio for credit rating
category K in month t if it belongs to K at the end of the first month in our analysis (January
1997, month τ ) and no account is taken of (i) subsequent changes in rating or (ii) subsequent
entry into the database of bonds belonging to K. Under the second, simpler rule, (“5B”), a bond
is eligible for inclusion in the portfolio for credit rating category K in month t if it belongs to
credit rating category K in month t.
Applying one of these two conditions completes the set of five eligibility conditions. The
The in-sample results are calculated as follows. For each bond in the database meeting criteria
(1) to (4) above, (i.e., “eligible”) we first estimate the hedge ratios from equation (3) by regressing
the excess return on each eligible bond j in month t, rj,t , on the excess returns on a set of hedging
instruments. These regressions use all the available data from January 1997 to December 2003.
We run the in-sample procedure in the following way. For each portfolio formed in month t, we
estimate hedge regressions (as specified in the next subsections) for each bond in this portfolio
between t and either December 2003 or the last date the bond is recorded in the data set. We
next calculate the portfolio hedging errors by averaging the hedging errors for individual bonds
within each month and finally calculate the variance of the portfolio hedging errors over time .
We follow this procedure for each portfolio formed between January, 1997 and December, 1999
We present results for four alternative sets of hedging instruments: (i) a 10-year and a one-
year Treasury bond; (ii) set (i) together with the firm’s equity; (iii) set (ii) together with the
S&P, the Fama-French factors (SMB & HML) and the momentum mimicking portfolio; (iv) set
Let KA B
t [Kt ] denote the set of bonds that is eligible for inclusion in the hedged portfolio
for credit category K in month t under rule 5A [5B]. The corresponding number of bonds is
denoted NtA [NtB ]. Under rule 5A, the hedged portfolio at date t invests a fraction 1/NtA in
each of the eligible bonds and takes a short position in the hedging instruments of 1/NtA times
(equation (3)). The (demeaned) portfolio hedge
the corresponding vector of estimated betas, β j
εK,P,A = 1/NtA
rj,t − β j rt − 1/NtA αj (4)
t j∈KA
= 1/NtA εj,t (5)
We now measure the time series variance of the portfolio hedging error, εK,P,A
t , and express
this as a fraction of the variance of the unhedged portfolio excess returns. This fraction, which
V ar(εK,P,A )
H K,A = t
, (6)
V ar(rtK,P,A )
rtK,P,A = 1/NtA rj,t . (7)
Table II shows the results on in-sample hedging effectiveness using the eligibility rule 5A. The first
column, “All”, gives the results for a portfolio containing all the eligible bonds; the remaining
The first four rows show H K,A , defined above, for the four alternative sets of hedging instru-
ments. The final two rows show the maximum and minimum number of bonds in the portfolio
For a portfolio composed of all the eligible bonds hedged against one- and ten-year Treasury
bonds only, the value of H K,A , the variance of the portfolio hedge errors as a fraction of the
variance of portfolio returns is 49.6%. Including individual firm equity reduces this fraction by
almost a half to 27.5%. This is equivalent to R2 of over 70%. Including the S&P, the Fama-French
HML and SMB factors and the momentum mimicking factor reduces the factional error variance
In the fourth row the hedging instruments are the one- and ten-year Treasury bonds and the
S&P index. Comparing this result to the second row we can see that replacing firm equity as
a hedging instrument with the S&P produces a much worse hedge. When the S&P is used, the
reduction in variance from the “Treasury Curve only” case for the “All” bond portfolio is only
around 10% (49.6% to 39.6%) as compared with over 20% when firm equity is used.
It is no surprise that the importance of firm equity in hedging is much greater for lower
credit rating categories and, in particular, non-investment grade bonds than for bonds with little
credit and, therefore, equity exposure. For AAA and AA the inclusion of firm equity reduces
the percentage error variance from 18.7% to 17.9% and 23.3% to 19.4% respectively. Hedging
with the S&P rather than firm equity gives 15.2% for AAA and 19.6% for AA. (The hedging
error variance for AAA is actually lower with the S&P than with firm equity but the sample
size is very small). However, for BBB and even more for BB, the inclusion of firm equity makes
a very substantial difference. For BBB the error variance percentage is 47.2% when hedging
against the Treasury curve alone and this falls to 27.5% when firm equity is included. For BB
the corresponding figures are 92.9% and 26.9%, in other words including firm level equity reduces
the error variance percentage by over 60%. The inclusion of the “other” instruments (the S&P,
Fama-French factors and momentum) reduces the error variance further (by around 5% to 10%
of the total variance) but the improvement is small compared to the inclusion of firm equity.
The results for the alternative eligibility rule (“5B”), given in Table III, are not substantially
different and, although not quite as large as in Table II, the reduction in the risk when firm equity
is included rather than the S&P is still substantial. For the BBB category, for example, hedging
against the Treasury curve alone produces a hedging error variance of 64.4% of the unhedged
returns. Including firm equity reduces this by over 30%, i.e., by almost half, to 33.1% while using
the S&P gives a reduction of only around 8% to 56.2%. For BB the results are similar: including
firm equity reduces the error variance from 86.0% (using only Treasury bonds) to 47.2%, while
with Treasury bonds and the S&P the percentage error variance falls by less than 10% to 77.1%.
In summary, therefore, Tables II and III show that there is a substantial benefit to hedging
bonds in the lower credit rating categories with the equity of the issuing firm rather than simply
with a broad equity index. Since firm equity provides a relatively poor hedge at the level of the
individual firm, the results imply that much of the risk of capital structure arbitrage positions is
The results also provide some modest support for the structural view of credit risk under
which, of course, changes in the value of firm equity and in the riskless yield curve should explain
100% of the return variability on corporate debt. While certainly not upheld precisely in the
data, this implication holds much better at the portfolio level than for individual bonds. What
accounts for the noise in the returns at the individual bond level remains unclear: it could be a
III.5 Out-of-sample hedging error estimation
For the out-of-sample estimates we start by forming the same portfolio as for the in-sample
estimation (we report here only portfolios constructed under rule 5A) at date τ and choose only
the bonds that are in the database for at least three years. For each bond we use observations
up to three years from month τ and run the following individual regressions:
rj,t = αj,τ ,τ +36 + β j,τ ,τ +36 rth + εj,t , t = τ , ..., τ + 36. (8)
In other words, time-series regressions are run for 36 months, and the notation β j,τ ,τ +36 underlines
the fact that we estimate the hedging regression over the interval from τ to τ + 36.
Then, for each bond that has more than 36 observations we estimate the out-of-sample hedging
εj,τ +37 = rj,t − α
j,τ ,τ +36 + β h
j,τ ,τ +36 τ +37 .
r (9)
We then re-estimate the hedging regression but including the 37th month and then calcu-
late the out-of-sample hedging error for the 38th month. We continue this procedure until the
last month the bond is recorded in the data set. We then compute the out-of-sample portfolio
hedging errors and their time series variance. As for the in-sample estimation, we form overlap-
ping portfolios between January, 1997 and December, 1999, and report averages over all these
Table IV contains our out-of-sample results. The risk of these positions stems from two
sources: first, as before, fluctuations in the bond price that are not accounted for by the hedge
instruments and second, errors in predicting the hedge ratios. These results simply use the raw
hedge ratios from the regressions on prior data; these are inevitably noisy.5
The important result that emerges from this analysis is that the broad pattern of results is
quite similar to that in Tables II and III. The error variances are, inevitably, larger in Table
IV, but, again particularly for bonds with higher credit exposure, hedging with firm equity
substantially dominates hedging with the S&P. For BBB, for example, hedging with firm equity
reduces the error variance from 79.7% (yield curve only) to 53.5% while, with the S&P the
corresponding reduction is only just over 1% to 78.3%. For BB, the difference is, once again,
even more dramatic. Using firm equity the reduction from the “yield curve only” case is from
106% to 47.6% while with the S&P it is reduced only to 92.2%. In all these case, just as in the
earlier results, including the Fama-French factors etc. reduces the risk further but the impact is
The results of the previous section demonstrate that a firm’s equity provides a better hedge for
its debt than has previously been supposed in the literature. While this is, as we have pointed
out, supportive of the structural model of credit risky debt, the sensitivity of corporate debt to
instruments such as the Fama-French factors is not predicted in the standard structural “story”.6
Both Collin-Dufresne et al. (2001) and Elton et al. (2001) – the two studies that have so
far examined this question – use the Warga (1998) database and analyze very similar periods.
This leaves open the question of whether the sensitivity of corporate debt to the Fama-French
It should be possible to improve the precision of the predicted hedge ratios by making use of cross-sectional
information and later versions of this paper will attempt to do this. Thus the results in Table IV should be viewed
as representing a lower bound on the effectiveness of the hedging strategies.
While the “other” variables such as the Fama-French factors do not appear in standard structural models,
it is not difficult to envisage ways in which other factors could be important. In the standard structural model
uncertainty derives only from the value of the firm and the riskless yield curve. However, it is possible that, for
example, one or both of the recovery rate and the level of the default boundary exhibit variability that is at least
to some degree dependent on the Fama-French factors.
and other factors is persistent phenomenon or is limited to a particular period. This is the issue
that we now address and, because reliable long-run price data on individual corporate bonds are
not available, we use indices. For investment grade bonds, indices have been available since the
Tables V and VI give summary statistics on the equity related data and the Treasury data
respectively and Tables VII and VIII on the Merrill Lynch corporate bond indices. The difference
between these last two tables is the period covered by the data. In Table VII the statistics are
computed using all the available data for each series. However, although all the series have the
same end date, they have different start dates; for example, the broad investment grade index
(column one) is available from December 1975 while the single credit category non-investment
grade indices (columns 11 - 13) are available only from January 1997.7 Accordingly, Table
VIII presents summary statistics for the maximum common period of the data that is available
Section V discusses the interest rate sensitivity of corporate bonds in some detail. Here
the issue is their sensitivity to the remaining three factors and Table IX shows the results of
regressing the one-month excess return on each of the indices on the return on the 10-year
benchmark Treasury (RF 10Y ), the return on the S&P and the two Fama-French factors, HM L
and SM B. These sensitivities are significant in almost all cases. For the broad investment grade
(IG All ) index, for example, the t-statistic on the S&P is 5.53 and on HML and SMB it is 3.18
and 3.68 respectively. Both the sensitivities and their significance are higher for the broad junk
bond index (HY all ) and this pattern is mirrored for the sub-indices.8
The start date for each index is given in row 7.
One reason that corporate debt may be sensitive to the S&P, HML and SMB is because the firm’s underlying
assets (and therefore its equity) are sensitive to these factors. In regressions for individual bonds, including the
firm’s equity controls for this channel of sensitivity and it is possible to distinguish between sensitivity to SMB,
say, that derives from the firm’s assets and sensitivity that is specific to the bond. However, no such control is
possible in an analysis of a bond index and so it is not possible to say for sure whether the sensitivity to SMB etc.
derives from firm’s underlying assets or is specific to the corporate bond market.
Table X shows the corresponding results for the period from January 1997 to December 2004;
this is he longest period for which data are available for each of the 13 indices. Overall, the
sensitivities are similar to those in Table IX and the significance levels are only slightly lower
despite the much shorter time period for investment grade indices (and the correspondingly
smaller number of observations). In Table XI we re-run the regression on all available monthly
data including changes in VIX, the inflation rate (CPI ) and the momentum mimicking factor
(UMD). The sensitivities to the S&P, HML and SMB – particularly for junk bonds – are not
significantly changed.
A concern consistently expressed about data on corporate bonds is their low level of liquid-
ity and the consequent potential for observed prices to be unreliable and, in particular, non-
To study the robustness of our results with respect to the illiquidity of corporate bonds, we
perform the following experiment. We assume that we observe each of the independent regressors
every month, but observe the true value of corporate bonds less frequently. In particular, at date
0 (the starting date of the index or of the regression subperiod) we observe the true value of the
index. In month t the observed value of the index is It . Then, in month t, with probability p,
to the last observed value, It+1 = It . If p = 1, corporate bonds are as liquid as regressors. In the
benchmark robustness case, we take p = 4/12, i.e. on average the true value is observed every
three months. We then run regressions many times (simulating the p process anew with each
For the junk bond index, for example, the sensitivity to SMB is 0.24 with a t-value of 4.33
compare to 0.23 with a t-value of 6.77 with monthly data. For the S&P and HML the level
of the sensitivity is lower and HML in particular becomes insignificant for all investment grade
indices. Interestingly, however, SMB remains highly significant, indeed for the investment grade
indices the t-statistics are higher on SMB than on the S&P. Overall, therefore, and despite the
undoubted illiquidity of the market, there is no evidence that the results are strongly sensitive
Finally, in Table XIII we present the results of regressions similar to those in Tables IX and X
but for the sub-periods 1975-85, 1985-90 and 1990-95. The question we wish to address is whether
the sensitivities to SMB and HML that are significant in regressions for the entire sample period
and for the period since the mid-1990’s are also significant for earlier years.
For junk bonds the only data available for these earlier years is the broad index HY All
and this is available only from 1990. Nonetheless, we see that the sensitivity to SMB is highly
significant in both the 1985-90 and 1990-95 sub-periods. HML is significant in the earlier period
and just insignificant for the later period. For investment grade bonds, however, neither SMB
nor HML is significant in the 1985-90 subperiod and, over 1975-85 HML is significant but SMB
In summary, and consistent with earlier results, high yield bonds have highly significant
sensitivities to SMB and HML in all periods. For investment grade bonds the sensitivities are
lower and not always significant. On some occasions SMB appears more significant than HML
and on others the reverse is true. In general the sensitivity to both factors increases with declining
credit quality.
Although corporate bonds are infrequently traded (Chacko et. al. (2005)), the prices used are quotations
rather than transactions and, for this reason, it is moot as to whether these are good or poor proxies for the prices
at which transactions would take place.
V The Duration Puzzle
A striking feature of the price of corporate debt is that its sensitivity to the riskless yield curve is
significantly smaller than would be predicted by its conventional (“McCaulay”) duration (Fons
(1990), Gauthier and Goodman (2003), Schaefer and Strebulaev (2005)). This same phenomenon
can also be understood in terms of the negative sensitivity of credit spreads to changes in the
riskless rate (Longstaff and Schwartz (1995), Collin-Dufresne et. al. (2001)).
A negative relation between the credit spread and the riskless rate is, as Longstaff and
Schwartz (1995) point out, a natural consequence of the structural model of credit risk since
an increase in the riskless rate decreases the (riskless) present value of the firm’s debt and so
increases the distance-to-default. So far, however, there is no evidence that structural models
are able to account for the size – as distinct from the direction – of the interest rate sensitivity
of the spread (or, equivalently, the difference between the empirical and conventional duration of
corporate debt). For example, using a the Merton model with stochastic interest rates, Schaefer
and Strebulaev (2005) find that the durations predicted by the model are much higher than those
observed empirically.
In this section we do not attempt – still less claim – to solve this puzzle. What we try to do,
however, is document the effect in some detail and outline some issues that future research on
Consider a regression of the type described by equation (3) in which the hedging instruments
rf rf,T
rj,t = αj + β E E
j rt + β j rt + εj,t . (10)
where rtE is the excess return on the firm’s equity, β E
j is the sensitivity to equity, rt is the
The results of this regression, with T = 5 years and for the 1370 individual bonds in our full
sample (see Section II), are reported in Table XIV. If the spread were constant and the yield
For all 1370 bonds, the average value of the coefficient on the Treasury return is 0.77,10 in
other words, the empirical duration of a corporate bond is, on average, about 77% of the duration
of a 5-year Treasury bond. From table I, the average McCaulay duration of the bonds in the
sample is 5.63 years and, since this is necessarily larger than the duration of a five-year Treasury,
the empirical duration of corporate bonds must indeed be lower than its McCaulay duration.
A problem with the specification of the regression in Equation 10 is that the duration of both
the corporate and Treasury bond attenuate with time and, almost certainly, at different rates.
better (though still imperfect) specification that accommodates changes in durations over time
rj,t = αj + β E E ∗
j rt + β j rtrf,T + εj,t . (11)
where Dj,t is the McCaulay duration of corporate bond j at time t and Dtrf,T the McCaulay
duration of Treasury bond time t. In this case the coefficient β ∗j measures the empirical duration
In the table the coefficients are reported in basis points (i.e., multiplied by 100)
of bond j as a percentage of its McCaulay duration.
The results of this regression are given in Table XV. For the entire sample (“All”), we
find that, on average, a corporate bond has a duration that is around two-thirds (0.67) of its
McCaulay duration. However, as we see from the results for individual credit ratings, the results
for investment grade and sub-investment grade bonds are quite different.
Investment grade bonds have durations that are in the region of 70% to 75% of their McCaulay
durations. For BB bonds, however, this figure is much lower (0.43) and for B grade bonds the point
estimate is actually negative (though insignificantly different from zero). By way of comparison,
Fons (1990), using data from 1979 - 1988, obtains estimates of 74% for AAA, 62% for A, 48% for
If a bond has a duration that is a fraction β ∗ of its McCaulay duration, then the sensitivity
of its credit spread to changes in the Treasury rate is (β ∗ − 1). Using index data, Longstaff and
Schwartz (1995) estimate the sensitivity of spreads by sector. For utility bonds they estimate
the sensitivity of spreads to the 30-year Treasury yield as -0.18, implying a value of β ∗ of 0.82;
their corresponding implied estimate of β ∗ for industrial bonds is 0.37 and for railroad bonds,
0.18.11 Collin-Dufresne et. al (2001) obtain estimates that imply values of β ∗ of around 0.85 for
investment grade, 0.7 for BB and 0.14 for B. Thus, both our results and those found previously
suggest that the empirical duration of corporate debt is lower than its McCaulay duration.12
Table XVI repeats the analysis in Table XV but for maturity sub-samples. For the three
maturity bands that are less than 12 years (1-5 years, 5-8 years and 8-12 years), the values of β ∗
are higher than for the entire sample. For example, for A rated bonds, for which the estimate
The data used by Longstaff and Schwartz are Moody’s indices.
The estimates of β ∗ obtained by these earlier studies vary widely. There are many potential reasons for this
but two possibilities are: (i) the use of quite different data sets and sample periods, and (ii) the use of different
proxies for the Treasury rate (the 5-year rate in Table XV, the 10-year rate in Collin-Dufresne et. al. (2001) and
the 30-year rate in Longstaff and Schwartz (1995))
of β ∗ for the entire sample is 0.71, we obtain estimates of 0.76 (0-5 years), 0.85 (5-8 years) and
0.79 (8-12 years) but only 0.55 for the 12-15 year bucket. The results are much the same for the
other investment grade credit ratings: bonds up to 12 years have durations that are in the region
of 80%-85% of their McCaulay durations while the results for longer maturities are around 55%
to 65%.13
For non-investment grade bonds the sensitivities are uniformly lower (although the sample
sizes for B-grade bonds are small). For BB we obtain 0.57 for 0-5 years and 5-8 years, 0.34 for
For the entire sample of 1370 bonds,14 Figure 1 shows the values of the interest rate sensitivity,
β rf
j , estimated in equation (10) against McCaulay duration (“Average duration”) .
The figure is quite informative. A large number of those bonds with McCaulay durations of
around eight years or less lie on a “boundary” that is approximately the 45 degree line. In other
words, for these bonds, empirical and McCaulay duration are approximately equal. Next, bonds
that have a McCaulay duration above around eight years – long term corporate bonds – have
interest rate sensitivities that are substantially below their McCaulay duration. The behavior
of these bonds appears markedly different from the shorter bonds. Finally, for the shorter –
less than eight year duration – bonds, there is a certain amount of scatter about the 45 degree
boundary with a few bonds having an anomalously high interest rate sensitivity while, at the
same time, a much larger number have lower interest rate sensitivity.
Figure 2 shows a subset of the same data: those bonds with ratings of AAA, AA and A.
The corresponding result for the AAA category is 0.10 but this outlier should be treated with caution since
the sample size i this case is just one.
less 11 outliers
The figure is similar to Figure 1 but there are some clear differences. First, bonds with Mc-
Caulay durations lower than about eight years, a greater proportion of the empirical durations
lie roughly on the 45 degree boundary; in other words there are fewer outliers. Similarly, there
are proportionally fewer bonds with long McCaulay durations and very low sensitivities.
Figure 3 shows bonds with a rating of BBB and below, i.e., those that appear in Figure 1
but not in Figure 2. Here, a much smaller proportion lie on the boundary. This sub-sample also
includes the small number of bonds, visible in Figure 1, that have short “McCaulay” durations
and anomalously high interest rate sensitivity. Altogether, a large proportion of these bonds have
In summary, these figures show that the low relative duration that bonds have on average is
not a feature that is uniform across the market. Many bonds, particularly higher quality bonds
with durations of under around eight years McCaulay duration, have empirical durations that
are quite close to their McCaulay durations. Others, particularly longer term and lower quality
bonds have empirical durations that are much lower than McCaulay duration.
Finally Table XVII shows the results of a cross-sectional regression of the determinants of
∗ (equation XV). The table reports the results of three regressions. In all three there is
β j
a strongly negative relation between relative empirical duration and duration itself. In other
words, as we have seen, empirical duration is, on average, a smaller fraction of McCaulay the
longer the McCaulay duration. Second, there is a strong negative relation between relative
empirical duration and quasi-market leverage, firm volatility and the coupon rate. All three
variables are proxies for credit exposure and the negative sign on each of them implies that
increasing credit risk lowers relative empirical duration. Finally, regressions (2) and (3), that
include an investment grade dummy, show that, all else equal and investment grade bond has a
relative empirical duration that is higher by about 15% of its McCaulay duration.
VI Conclusions
The main result in this paper is encouraging for those charged with managing the risk of capital
et. al. (2001) has suggested that using the issuing firm’s equity to hedge corporate debt was
unlikely to be effective. At the portfolio level, however, the picture is different since much of the
residual risk at the individual bond level turns out to be diversifiable. The differences between
the portfolio results described here and those for individual bonds are particularly striking for
lower credit ratings. For the BB bonds, for example, the average R2 at the individual bond level
in a regression of returns on Treasury returns and firm equity, is 33%. At the portfolio level the
Second, we confirm the findings of Elton et al. (2001) and Collin-Dufresne et. al. (2001)
that corporate debt returns are significantly related to the Fama-French factors, SMB and HML.
In particular we find that these results hold over long periods and over sub-periods. High yield
bonds are highly sensitive to the Fama-French factors in all periods; investment grade bonds
are less sensitive and, in some periods, their sensitivities are statistically insignificant. From a
hedging perspective, however, the importance of the Fama-French factors is less clear. Within
sample, hedging against the Fama-French factors naturally reduces portfolio risk but the same is
not true out-of-sample and it appears that the hedge ratios of corporate bonds against the Fama-
French factors may not be sufficiently predictable for hedging against these factors to make a
Third, and finally, we find that the empirical duration of corporate debt is on average markedly
lower than its McCaulay duration but that the degree of difference varies significantly by credit
rating and maturity. For low grade debt the difference is substantial. The precise reason for this
difference is a topic for further research.
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Table I
Summary statistics for Sample of Bonds used in Analysis
This table reports summary statistics for the bonds used in the analysis. The period covered is
12.1996–12.2003. The sample selection criteria are: (1) we can match the bond return data with
CRSP and COMPUSTAT (this allows us to use about 62% of the total number of observations);
(2) the bond is issued by a U.S. company and denominated in $U.S.;15 (3) it is possible to match
unambiguously the bond issuer with a company in CRSP using the CUSIP; (4) the bond is issued
by a non-financial corporation; (5) the bond is straight (i.e. does not have any option-like embedded
features); (6) the bond has at least 25 consecutive monthly price observations; (7) the bond has
an initial maturity of at least four years. Where relevant, statistics are first calculated for each
bond and then for averaged across bonds. Each bond is classified by rating on the date of its first
occurrence in the data set. T − t is the time to maturity remaining on the date of each observation
and is given in calendar years. The annual coupon rate is in percent. The nominal value (of the
amount outstanding) is in million $US dollars.
Table II
Hedging Effectiveness: In-Sample Estimates (Eligibility rule 5A)
Each of the first four rows of the table shows H K,A , the variance of the hedged portfolio as a
percentage of the variance of the unhedged portfolio for a particular set of hedging instruments
(shown in the first column) when the eligibility rule 5A is used. Here “Yield Curve (YC)” means the
one- and ten-year Treasury bonds; “Yield Curve + firm equity” means the yield curve instruments
and, for each bond, the equity of the issuing firm; “YC + equity + other” means the yield curve
instruments, the firm’s equity and, in addition, the S&P, the Fama-French factors (SMB & HML)
and the momentum mimicking portfolio; “Yield Curve + S&P” means the yield curve instruments
and the S&P. T indicates the number of months of data used in the calculations and min (max) the
minimum (maximum) number of bonds in the portfolio in any one month.
Table III
Hedging Effectiveness: In-Sample Estimates (Eligibility rule 5B)
Each of the first four rows of the table shows H K,B , the variance of the hedged portfolio as a
percentage of the variance of the unhedged portfolio for a particular set of hedging instruments
(shown in the first column) when the eligibility rule 5B is used. Here “Yield Curve (YC)” means the
one- and ten-year Treasury bonds; “Yield Curve + firm equity” means the yield curve instruments
and, for each bond, the equity of the issuing firm; “YC + equity + other” means the yield curve
instruments, the firm’s equity and, in addition, the S&P, the Fama-French factors (SMB & HML)
and the momentum mimicking portfolio; “Yield Curve + S&P” means the yield curve instruments
and the S&P. T indicates the number of months of data used in the calculations and min (max) the
minimum (maximum) number of bonds in the portfolio in any one month.
Table IV
Hedging Effectiveness: Out-of-sample Estimates
Each of the first four rows of the table shows the variance of the hedged portfolio as a percentage
of the variance of the unhedged portfolio. The first column shows the hedging instruments that are
used. Here “Yield Curve (YC)” means the one and ten-year Treasury bonds are used as hedging
instruments; “Yield Curve + firm equity” means the yield curve instruments and, for each bond,
the equity of the issuing firm; “YC + equity + “other”” means the instruments in the previous case
and, in addition, the S&P, the Fama-French factors (SMB & HML) and the momentum mimicking
portfolio. T indicates the number of months of data used in the calculations and min (max) the
minimum (maximum) number of bonds in the portfolio in any one month. [Add - out of sample]
Table V
Descriptive Statistics for Equity Related Indices: Jan 1976 - December 2003
The table gives summary statistics for the equity related indices used in the analysis. The
variables included are the S&P 500 (SP500), the consumer price index (CPI), the Fama-French
SMB, HML and momentum (UMD) factors, the CRSP one-month Treasury bill rate (RF) and
the Fama-French one-month Treasury bill rate (RF/FF). The statistics on rates of return are
Table VI
Descriptive Statistics for CRSP Treasury Indices: Jan 1976 - December 2003
The table gives summary statistics for CRSP constant maturity (“Fixed Term”) Treasury
indices. The statistics on rates of return are monthly.
Table VII
Descriptive Statistics on Merrill Lynch Corporate Bond Indices: All Years
The table gives summary statistics on the Merrill Lynch corporate bond indices described in
Section II. The first column refers to the broad IG index that includes all maturities and the
next four columns to sub-indices chosen on the basis of maturity. The next four columns (AAA
to BBB) are credit rating sub-indices of the broad IG index. The remaining four columns give
statistics on high yield debt with the first column a broad index and the remaining three chosen
on the basis of credit rating. Note that for some indices data on maturity, duration and yield
are available only for recent years and that the indices do not all share a common start date
(see row 7).
N. Bonds 3981 1085 1159 404 1117 175 564 1695 1302 1028 496 639 18
Index start 7512 7803 7701 7604 7512 8901 8901 8901 8901 8609 9701 9701 9701
Maturity 12.46 3.06 7.52 12.28 25.81 12.50 11.87 11.24 12.40 9.17 8.94 7.37 8.12
Duration 6.45 2.70 5.62 7.82 10.24 6.61 6.36 6.21 6.57 5.51 5.56 5.18 6.91
Yield 8.00 7.29 8.04 8.22 8.73 6.80 6.84 7.09 7.76 11.65 8.42 10.75 4.62
N. Obs. 349 322 336 345 349 192 192 192 192 220 96 96 96
Table VIII
Descriptive Statistics on Merrill Lynch Corporate Bond Indices: Jan 1997 - Dec 2004
The table reports statistics for the same Merrill Lynch indices as in Table VII and for the
maximum common period of availability across all the indices (January 1997 - December 2004).
Table IX
Corporate Bond Index Hedging Regressions: All Available data
The table shows the results of regressing the excess return on corporate bond indices on the
excess return on the 10-year Treasury bond and the S&P index and on the Fama-French SMB
and HML factors. The regressions are calculated using all the available data for each series
and, as a result, are based on different numbers of observations and periods.
( 3.68) ( 6.77) ( 3.28) ( 3.18) ( 4.63) ( 4.18) ( 3.13) ( 2.54) ( 3.95) ( 5.24) ( 4.33) ( 3.57) ( 4.18)
R2 0.81 0.37 0.72 0.36 0.83 0.79 0.94 0.91 0.89 0.79 0.34 0.31 0.28
N 347 219 320 334 343 347 191 191 191 191 96 96 96
Table X
Corporate Bond Index Hedging Regressions: January 1997 - December 2004
The table shows the results of regressing the excess return on corporate bond indices on the
excess return on the 10-year Treasury bond and the S&P index and on the Fama-French SMB
and HML factors. The regressions are calculated using the data from January 1997 to December
2004, the maximum period for which data is available for all the series.
( 3.74) ( 4.18) ( 1.41) ( 3.44) ( 4.76) ( 4.18) ( 3.37) ( 2.50) ( 3.22) ( 4.09) ( 4.33) ( 3.57) ( 4.18)
R2 0.81 0.33 0.75 0.84 0.85 0.71 0.92 0.88 0.84 0.70 0.34 0.31 0.28
N 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96
Table XI
Corporate Bond Index Hedging Regressions: All Available data
The table shows the results of regressing the excess return on corporate bond indices on the
excess return on the 10-year Treasury bond and the S&P index, VIX, the Fama-French SMB
and HML factors, the CPI and the momentum factor (UMD) . The regressions are calculated
using all the available data for each series and, as a result, are based on different numbers of
observations and periods.
HML 0.03 0.14 0 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.15 0.09 0.26
( 2.28) ( 3.11) ( 0.23) ( 2.59) ( 3.27) ( 2.10) ( 1.93) ( 1.39) ( 1.73) ( 2.85) ( 3.12) ( 1.28) ( 2.40)
SMB 0.05 0.24 0.01 0.04 0.07 0.10 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.17 0.21 0.39
( 4.00) ( 6.32) ( 1.11) ( 3.86) ( 4.97) ( 4.67) ( 2.55) ( 1.89) ( 3.58) ( 5.03) ( 4.31) ( 3.78) ( 4.41)
CPI 0.01 -0.28 0.13 -0 0.24 -0.25 0.07 0.04 0.03 -0.06 -0.09 -0.28 0.26
( 0.05) (-0.51) ( 1.15) (-0.00) ( 1.13) (-0.78) ( 0.62) ( 0.26) ( 0.22) (-0.27) (-0.15) (-0.34) ( 0.20)
UMD -0.02 -0.09 -0.01 -0.02 -0.01 -0.05 -0.01 -0 -0.02 -0.03 -0.04 -0.10 -0.13
(-2.30) (-3.19) (-1.45) (-2.51) (-1.35) (-3.09) (-1.26) (-0.43) (-2.22) (-2.58) (-1.62) (-2.58) (-2.19)
R2 0.87 0.39 0.77 0.88 0.89 0.79 0.94 0.91 0.89 0.78 0.34 0.33 0.29
N 177 177 177 177 177 177 177 177 177 177 95 95 95
Table XII
Corporate Bond Index Hedging Regressions: All Available data, Three-monthly observations
The table shows the results of regressing the excess return on corporate bond indices on the
excess return on the 10-year Treasury bond and the S&P index and on the Fama-French SMB
and HML factors. A three-month differencing interval is used for calculating returns. The
regressions are calculated using all the available data for each series and, as a result, are based
on different numbers of observations and periods.
SMB 0.08 0.24 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.11 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.10 0.21 0.23 0.40
( 3.46) ( 4.33) ( 1.95) ( 3.18) ( 3.58) ( 3.98) ( 2.97) ( 2.94) ( 3.72) ( 4.27) ( 3.17) ( 2.85) ( 2.70)
R2 0.88 0.44 0.81 0.90 0.88 0.88 0.95 0.90 0.89 0.80 0.36 0.38 0.31
N 114.00 72.00 105.00 109.00 112.00 114.00 62.00 62.00 62.00 62.00 31.00 31.00 31.00
Table XIII
Corporate Bond Index Hedging Regressions: All Available data
The Table shows sub-period regressions for the regression described in Table ??.
Panel (b) 1985-90
RF10Y 0.66 0.25 0.28 0.56 0.74 0.82 0.68 0.70 0.73 0.69
(17.54) ( 3.31) (13.53) (15.42) (15.27) (14.57) (11.30) (12.28) ( 9.10) (14.26)
SP 0.04 0.17 0.00 0.02 0.06 0.06 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.03
( 1.78) ( 5.19) ( 0.27) ( 0.76) ( 2.09) ( 1.75) ( 0.65) ( 1.12) ( 0.82) ( 1.25)
HML 0.05 0.27 0.02 0.03 0.09 0.06 0.08 0.04 0.06 0.04
( 0.93) ( 3.18) ( 0.56) ( 0.62) ( 1.44) ( 0.87) ( 0.92) ( 0.51) ( 0.52) ( 0.60)
SMB 0.05 0.28 0.01 0.02 0.07 0.08 0.03 0.09 0.11 0.12
( 1.11) ( 4.05) ( 0.54) ( 0.44) ( 1.25) ( 1.24) ( 0.47) ( 1.25) ( 1.11) ( 2.05)
R2 0.86 0.53 0.78 0.83 0.83 0.81 0.94 0.95 0.90 0.96
N 60.00 40.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00
Table XV
Empirical Duration of Corporate Debt as Fraction of McCaulay Duration
Table XVI
Empirical Duration of Corporate Debt as Fraction of McCaulay Duration: by
Maturity. Maturities are on the first date of bond entering the data set. For
details see Table XV and text
Intercept 0.02 -0.01 -0.02 0.01 0.00 0.06 0.87 0.44
( 1.11) (-0.21) (-1.65) ( 0.80) ( 0.03) ( 1.05) ( 1.48) ( 1.26)
β ∗j 73.86 82.54 80.04 75.89 75.90 56.97 -12.59 -15.12
(29.34) (26.29) (42.10) (35.76) (17.44) ( 7.00) (-0.22) (-0.32)
j 1.20 0.29 -0.08 0.87 1.84 0.44 19.12 -0.83
( 8.65) ( 0.75) (-0.43) ( 6.38) (10.00) ( 1.06) ( 6.78) (-0.34)
R̄2 0.61 0.84 0.78 0.63 0.58 0.38 0.37 -0.03
N 31.47 29.43 31.44 31.26 32.06 30.73 34.25 32.00
(372.00) ( 7.00) (36.00) (197.00) (104.00) (22.00) ( 4.00) ( 2.00)
Intercept -0.12 -0.15 -0.18 -0.18 -0.19 0.03 1.42
(-3.98) (-4.62) (-8.74) (-7.36) (-4.97) ( 0.32) ( 3.22)
β ∗j 77.36 92.18 89.07 85.18 83.60 57.38 -105.15
(28.93) (26.00) (47.87) (38.25) (24.31) ( 8.01) (-3.23)
j 3.39 -0.06 0.58 2.21 3.25 7.51 15.78
(15.93) (-0.14) ( 2.48) (10.06) (12.60) (14.17) (10.85)
R̄2 0.59 0.77 0.75 0.64 0.57 0.38 0.39
N 47.58 62.75 55.24 48.84 45.64 45.65 35.86
(300.00) ( 4.00) (25.00) (107.00) (123.00) (34.00) ( 7.00) ( 0.00)
Intercept -0.21 -0.25 -0.21 -0.28 -0.24 0.05 0.31
(-5.54) (-4.22) (-4.50) (-8.40) (-4.62) ( 0.39) ( 1.06)
β ∗j 72.40 83.73 80.86 79.33 73.48 34.00 23.85
(32.13) (23.43) (32.80) (43.25) (22.63) ( 4.87) ( 1.40)
E ret 4.23 0.70 1.94 3.54 4.46 6.27 14.67
(14.34) ( 0.99) ( 4.69) (11.20) (11.65) ( 8.15) (14.38)
R̄2 0.52 0.69 0.61 0.58 0.47 0.29 0.35
N 52.51 68.80 62.61 50.25 53.36 48.63 42.08
(343.00) ( 5.00) (36.00) (146.00) (120.00) (24.00) (12.00) ( 0.00)
Intercept -0.33 10.43 -0.43 -0.39 -0.26 -0.24 -0.41
(-5.36) ( 3.33) (-5.83) (-6.38) (-3.00) (-1.16) (-0.73)
β ∗j 52.15 10.43 66.30 55.38 56.03 22.87 17.27
(24.72) ( 3.33) (26.23) (28.04) (17.90) ( 3.24) ( 0.85)
E ret 7.79 10.43 2.67 5.08 6.20 26.70 14.95
(15.40) ( 3.33) ( 3.24) ( 8.63) ( 9.29) (22.22) ( 4.92)
R̄2 0.40 10.43 0.54 0.42 0.35 0.36 0.16
N 58.06 49.00 71.00 52.81 61.28 63.26 60.00
(167.00) ( 1.00) (12.00) (80.00) (53.00) (19.00) ( 2.00) ( 0.00)
Table XVII
Cross-Sectional Analysis of Estimated Ratio of Empirical Duration as Fraction of
McCaulay Duration. The Table shows the results of a cross sectional regression
with β ∗j , estimated in equation XV as dependent variable.
Average Duration vs BetaR for Straight bonds
0 5 10 15 20
Average Duration
Average duration vs BetaR for Straight IG bonds
0 5 10 15 20
Average Duration
Average bond duration vs BetaR forStraight BBB and below
0 5 10 15 20
Average duration