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Health Care Professionals' Experiences and Perspectives On Using Telehealth For Home-Based Palliative Care: Protocol For A Scoping Review

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Health Care Professionals’ Experiences and Perspectives on

Using Telehealth for Home-Based Palliative Care: Protocol for a
Scoping Review

Elias David Lundereng1, OCN, MSc; Andrea Aparecida Goncalves Nes2, RN, PhD; Heidi Holmen3, RN, PhD; Anette
Winger3, RN, PhD; Hilde Thygesen4,5, OT, PhD; Nina Jøranson4, RN, PhD; Chrstine Råheim Borge6,7, RN, PhD;
Weiqin Chen8, PhD; Olav Dajani9, MD, PhD; Kari L Mariussen2, Lib, BSc; Simen A Steindal2,4, RN, PhD
Section for Palliative Treatment, Department of Oncology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
Lovisenberg Diaconal University College, Oslo, Norway
Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing and Health Promotion, Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo, Norway
Faculty of Health Studies, VID Specialized University, Oslo, Norway
Department of Occupational Therapy, Prosthetics and Orthotics, Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo, Norway
Lovisenberg Diaconal Hospital, Oslo, Norway
Department of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Department of Computer Science, Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo, Norway
Section for Gastrointestinal Oncology, Department of Oncology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway

Corresponding Author:
Elias David Lundereng, OCN, MSc
Section for Palliative Treatment
Department of Oncology
Oslo University Hospital
Kirkeveien, 166
Oslo, 0450
Phone: 47 97526659
Email: daellu@ous-hf.no

Background: Telehealth seems feasible for use in home-based palliative care. However, acceptance among health care
professionals (HCPs) is essential for the successful delivery of telehealth in practice. No scoping review has mapped the experiences
and perspectives of HCPs on the use of telehealth for home-based palliative care.
Objective: The aim of this review is to systematically map published studies on HCPs’ experiences and perspectives on the use
of telehealth in home-based palliative care.
Methods: The proposed scoping review will employ the methodology of Arksey and O’Malley. This protocol is guided by the
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Protocol (PRISMA-P). A systematic search will be performed
in MEDLINE, PsycINFO, EMBASE, CINAHL, Allied and Complementary Medicine (AMED), and Web of Science for studies
published between January 2000 and July 5, 2021. We will also hand search the reference lists of included papers to identify
additional studies of relevance. The search will be updated in 2022. Pairs of authors will independently assess the eligibility of
studies and extract data. The first 2 stages of thematic synthesis will be used to thematically organize the data. Because the scoping
review methodology consists of reviewing and collecting data from publicly available materials, this study does not require ethics
Results: The database searches; testing of eligibility criteria; and screening of titles, abstracts, and full-text papers will be
performed by fall 2021. The results from this scoping review will be presented as a descriptive summary of the results from all
included papers, and will be inductively organized into descriptive themes. A frequency table illustrating which papers were
included in which descriptive themes will be made. Results are anticipated by the fall of 2022.
Conclusions: A mapping of studies could identify research gaps regarding HCPs’ experiences and perspectives on the use of
telehealth in home-based palliative care and may determine the value and feasibility of conducting a full systematic review.

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International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID): PRR1-10.2196/33305

(JMIR Res Protoc 2021;10(10):e33305) doi: 10.2196/33305

health care technology; home care services; palliative care; review; telehealth; telemedicine

HCPs feel that technology is inappropriate for the palliative

Introduction care population due to age, burden of illness, and rapidity of
More people will require palliative care in the future due to the deterioration [16]. The most common fear of technology is that
growing number of older people and the increasing prevalence machines will replace all human contact [21]. Previous studies
of chronic illnesses [1,2]. Palliative care is an approach that have shown that HCPs may characterize palliative care as high
aims to improve the quality of life of patients and their families touch rather than high tech and concerns about telehealth being
facing life-threatening illness. Palliative care is applicable early burdensome for the patients may limit their interest in
in the course of illness, in conjunction with treatments that implementing and applying telehealth solutions [22,23]. Further,
intend to prolong life [3]. Palliative care is relevant for various reduced face-to-face contact with patients and lack of acceptance
diseases and conditions such as cancer, dementia, chronic lung of this way of working among HCPs seem to be barriers in
diseases, and heart diseases [4]. Most patients receiving implementing telehealth in palliative care [24].
palliative care prefer to be cared for and spend as much time as Previous literature reviews regarding the use of telehealth in
possible in their own homes [5,6]. Home-based palliative care palliative care have primarily examined patient or caregiver
is associated with a reduction in symptom burden and increased outcomes and experiences [13,17,23,25] or have focused on
patient and caregiver satisfaction [7]. A key goal in palliative elderly patients, patients with chronic conditions [26,27], or
care is to enable patients to spend more time at home by children in need of palliative care [28,29].
providing access to coordinated, continuous, and specialized
palliative care at home [8]. However, many patients experience Bienfait et al [22] published a systematic review regarding
that the palliative care trajectory is unpredictable, and complaints HCPs’ perceptions of using telehealth for monitoring patients
about uncoordinated care, unmet palliative care needs at home, with chronic disease and how those findings could transpose to
lack of regular communication with both health care palliative care. Another systematic review examined the use of
professionals (HCPs) and between specialist and home care video consultations in general and specialized palliative care to
professionals are common [9,10]. various patient groups from the perspectives of patients,
caregivers, and HCPs [30]. They found that HCPs were positive
The recent and ongoing COVID-19 pandemic presents additional toward the use of video consultations in palliative care, but
challenges for HCPs in providing home-based palliative care. expressed concerns regarding technical challenges, increased
Physical distancing requirements, lockdowns, and lack of workload, and the required additional training in how to conduct
personal protective equipment may limit the access to video consultations. A systematic review [31] examined the use
home-based palliative care. Subsequently, increased isolation of technology for communication in palliative care from the
and suffering may increase the care burden on the families and perspectives of HCPs, patients, and caregivers. They found that
caregivers [11]. the use of technology for communication efficiency resulted in
Telehealth is increasingly used in home care and is defined “as improved quality of care and communication, and reduction of
the provision of healthcare remotely by means of a variety of documentation efforts and overall health care costs. However,
telecommunication tools” [12]. A scoping review [13] suggests they did not report nor investigated HCPs’ experiences or
that telehealth is feasible for use in home-based palliative care perspectives of utilizing technology apps in home-based
as it improves access to palliative care at home, promotes palliative care [31].
self-monitoring, and enhances patients’ feelings of security and With the emergence of new research regarding the use of
safety [13]. There is a significant increase in health care costs telehealth in palliative care, there is a need for a comprehensive
in the final years of life [14], and it is expected that telehealth review of the existing literature on how HCPs experience and
solutions may contribute to more efficient use of resources in perceive the use of telehealth to deliver home-based palliative
palliative care by preventing and reducing hospital admissions, care. Identifying facilitators and barriers for implementation of
emergency department attendances, and deaths in hospitals telehealth among HCPs is important, as acceptance of this way
[15-17]. It may also enhance collaboration between different of working is essential to the successful delivery of telehealth
health care services by improving the information flow [17,18]. in practice [32]. In line with the recommendations of Arksey
Recent policy changes during the COVID-19 pandemic have and O’Malley [33], we have chosen to conduct a scoping review,
reduced barriers to implement telehealth services and have as this allows the inclusion of studies with different study
promoted the use of telehealth in palliative care as a way to designs and is suitable to describe findings and range of studies
improve communication between isolated patients and their within the field of telehealth. A mapping of studies could also
families, and between patients and HCPs [19,20]. identify research gaps regarding telehealth in palliative care and
Although the possibilities within telehealth appear promising may determine the value and feasibility of conducting a full
in facilitating high-quality care for various conditions, many systematic review. Further, a scoping review may also be
suitable to more accurately define a research question for a
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systematic review [33] and is also suitable to bringing together [34]. This scoping review will employ the methodology of
literature in disciplines with emerging evidence [34]. To the Arksey and O’Malley [33], which consist of the following
best of our knowledge, no scoping review has targeted the stages: (1) identifying the research question; (2) identifying
experiences and perspectives of HCPs on the use of telehealth relevant studies; (3) selecting studies; (4) charting the data; and
for home-based palliative care. Consequently, the aim of this (5) collating, summarizing, and reporting the results. The
scoping review is a systematic mapping of published studies reporting of this protocol is guided by the Preferred Reporting
on the use of telehealth in home-based palliative care with focus Items for Systematic review and Meta-Analysis Protocols
on experiences and perspectives of HCPs. The research question (PRISMA-P) [35], while the reporting of the upcoming scoping
is: What is known from published studies about HCPs’ review will be guided by the PRISMA extension for scoping
experiences and perspectives on using telehealth for home-based reviews (PRISMA-ScR) [36].
palliative care?
Eligibility Criteria
Methods The inclusion and exclusion criteria are shown in Table 1. The
first and last author will independently test the inclusion and
Overview exclusion criteria on the same 5% of the retrieved studies to
Scoping reviews begin with the development of a protocol that assess the robustness of the criteria in capturing relevant
aims to predefine the objectives and methods of the scoping publications. The inclusion and exclusion criteria may be revised
review and detail the proposed plan. Because of the more based on conflicts during or after this initial testing. Once the
iterative nature of a scoping review in contrast to a systematic final set of criteria is agreed upon, the entire group of researchers
review, some deviations from the protocol may be necessary will screen the remaining titles and abstracts. The language
criteria are based on authors’ fluency in the included languages.

Table 1. Inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Criterion Inclusion Exclusion
Types of studies Qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods studies. Any type of review, case report, letter, book chapter, guideline,
comment, discussion, editorial, conference abstract, study protocol,
master’s thesis, or PhD thesis.
Period January 1, 2000, until the updated search. Before January 1, 2000, and after the updated search.
Language English, Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, Norwegian, All other languages.
Swedish, or Danish.
Type of participants Papers including HCPsa using telehealth with patients Papers including HCPs using telehealth with patients outside of a
in home-based palliative care. palliative care environment, those that only tend to family caregivers,
or studies that do not present data from the perspective of HCPs.
Phenomenon of interest HCPs’ experiences of and perspectives on the use of HCPs’ experiences of and perspectives on the use of telehealth at
telehealth in home-based palliative care. home without interaction with the patient, or experience of use of
telehealth in hospital, nursing home, or hospice. Telehealth including
only telephone follow-up.

HCP: health care professional.

the reference lists of included papers to identify additional

Information Sources studies of relevance.
We aim to perform a systematic search in the following
electronic databases: MEDLINE, PsycINFO, EMBASE, Data Management
CINAHL, Allied and Complementary Medicine (AMED), and The research librarian will upload the publications identified in
Web of Science. the searches to EndNote for removal of duplicates and transfer
the publications into the web application Covidence [38] to
Search Strategy facilitate independent selection of eligible publications, as well
The search strategy in MEDLINE (Multimedia Appendix 1) as storage.
will be built by an experienced research librarian (KM) and 2
of the other authors (EL and SS) using MeSH terms and text Selection Process
words. The search will consist of 3 elements: (1) palliative care, Pairs of authors will independently screen titles, abstracts, and
(2) telehealth, and (3) home setting. The search strategy will be full-text papers to determine their eligibility. EL and SS will
piloted to validate appropriateness of text words and MeSH solve potential conflicts among the pairs based on consensus.
terms, and will be peer reviewed by a second experienced The study selection process will be reported using the PRISMA
research librarian (MAØ), using the Peer Review of Electronic flowchart [39], alongside the reasons for exclusion of full-text
Search Strategies checklist [37]. The search strategy will then publications.
be adopted for each database. The database searches will be
updated 2 months prior to publication. We will also hand search

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Data Collection Process among all the authors. The qualitative data analysis software
A standardized data charting form in Covidence will be NVivo (QSR International) [41] will be used to organize the
developed and used to chart relevant data from the included data. The codes and the descriptive themes will be discussed
papers. The following data may be included: authors, publication with all members of the research team who have diverse research
year, country, aim, sample, telehealth solution, design, and and clinical expertise regarding telehealth, palliative care, and
results related to the research question. The data charting form chronic illness. This could enhance the trustworthiness of the
will be reviewed by the entire research team and pilot tested by results.
the first and last author on 5 studies to ensure that the form is
capturing the information accurately. More studies may be Results
piloted based on the number of included studies. Based on these
In a scoping review, the results may be presented in a logical,
experiences, the data charting form may be revised. Pairs of
diagrammatic, or tabular form, or in a descriptive format that
authors (EL/SS, AN/HH, WC/AW, CB/EL, NJ/HT, and SS/OD)
aligns with the objectives of the review [34]. The results from
will conduct the data charting. One author will extract data,
this scoping review will be presented as a descriptive summary
while the other author will check accuracy. Any discrepancies
of the results from all included papers, and will be inductively
will be further discussed among the pairs of authors and
organized into descriptive themes. A frequency table illustrating
agreement will be based on consensus or the involvement of
which papers were included in which descriptive themes will
the first and last author.
be made. A figure illustrating the hierarchical coding tree may
Risk of Bias and Quality Appraisal also be developed to further illustrate the results [39].
A key difference between scoping reviews and systematic
reviews is that the former is not intended to be used to critically Discussion
appraise or assess the risk of bias of a cumulative body of
We introduced the rationale and design of a scoping review to
evidence. Generally, scoping reviews aim to provide an
answer our research question: “What is known from published
overview of existing literature regardless of methodological
studies about HCPs’ experiences and perspectives on using
rigor or risk of bias [36]. Therefore, the included sources of
telehealth for home-based palliative care?”. Research indicates
evidence in this review will not be assessed for risk of bias or
that telehealth is feasible for use in palliative care [13], may
methodological quality. This is in line with the framework of
increase patient and caregiver satisfaction, and may contribute
Arksey and O’Malley [33] and Tricco et al [36].
to increased resource efficiency in home-based palliative care
Data Synthesis [15-17]. However, research also indicates that HCPs may be a
key barrier in implementing technology, and that acceptance of
A scoping review seeks to provide an overview of the data rather
this way of working among HCPs is vital for the successful
than synthesize the evidence like that in a systematic review.
implementation of telehealth in practice [32]. This scoping
However, a scoping review still needs an analytic framework
review will be important to provide an overview on published
to present a narrative account of the data [33]. We will use the
studies on HCPs’ experiences and perspectives on the use of
first 2 stages of thematic synthesis [40] to inductively organize
telehealth in home-based palliative care. This review may
our data. In stage 1 of the thematic synthesis, the data from the
identify gaps in the existing literature and determine whether a
result section of the included studies will be read multiple times
full systematic review is feasible. Furthermore, this review could
and line-by-line coding will be applied to identify patterns,
provide a deeper understanding of HCPs’ perspectives and
similarities, and differences in the experiences and perspectives
experience in telehealth in home-based palliative care. This may
of HCPs on the use of various technological solutions in
aid policy makers and telehealth developers in designing
home-based palliative care. In stage 2, the codes will be
user-centric, demand-driven telehealth solutions. Because the
compared for similarities and differences and organized into
scoping review methodology consists of reviewing and
descriptive themes with low degree of abstraction and
collecting data from publicly available materials, this study does
interpretation. The first, second, third, and last author will
not require ethics approval.
organize the data. The final descriptive themes will be
determined by the authors through discussion and consensus

The authors express their gratitude to the research librarian Mia Alexandra Ølnes for her peer-review of the search strategy.

Conflicts of Interest
None declared.

Multimedia Appendix 1
Medline search strategy.
[PDF File (Adobe PDF File), 74 KB-Multimedia Appendix 1]

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HCP: health care professional
PRISMA-P: Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Protocol
PRISMA-ScR: PRISMA extension for scoping reviews

Edited by G Eysenbach; submitted 09.09.21; peer-reviewed by S Hancock, N Doreswamy; comments to author 14.09.21; revised
version received 22.09.21; accepted 28.09.21; published 29.10.21
Please cite as:
Lundereng ED, Nes AAG, Holmen H, Winger A, Thygesen H, Jøranson N, Borge CR, Chen W, Dajani O, Mariussen KL, Steindal SA
Health Care Professionals’Experiences and Perspectives on Using Telehealth for Home-Based Palliative Care: Protocol for a Scoping
JMIR Res Protoc 2021;10(10):e33305
URL: https://www.researchprotocols.org/2021/10/e33305
doi: 10.2196/33305

https://www.researchprotocols.org/2021/10/e33305 JMIR Res Protoc 2021 | vol. 10 | iss. 10 | e33305 | p. 6

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©Elias David Lundereng, Andrea Aparecida Goncalves Nes, Heidi Holmen, Anette Winger, Hilde Thygesen, Nina Jøranson,
Chrstine Råheim Borge, Weiqin Chen, Olav Dajani, Kari L Mariussen, Simen A Steindal. Originally published in JMIR Research
Protocols (https://www.researchprotocols.org), 29.10.2021. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution,
and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work, first published in JMIR Research Protocols, is properly cited. The
complete bibliographic information, a link to the original publication on https://www.researchprotocols.org, as well as this
copyright and license information must be included.

https://www.researchprotocols.org/2021/10/e33305 JMIR Res Protoc 2021 | vol. 10 | iss. 10 | e33305 | p. 7

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