IND As 104
IND As 104
IND As 104
from paragraph
Embedded derivatives 7
Unbundling of deposit components 10
Temporary exemption from some other Ind ASs 13
Changes in accounting policies 21
Insurance contracts acquired in a business
combination or portfolio transfer 31
Discretionary participation features 34
Explanation of recognised amounts 36
Nature and extent of risks arising from insurance
contracts 38
Appendix A- Defined terms
Appendix B- Definition of an insurance contract
Appendix 1- Comparison with IFRS 4, Insurance
Ind AS 104, Insurance Contracts
Insurance Contracts #1
(This Indian Accounting Standard includes paragraphs set in bold type and plain
type, which have equal authority. Paragraphs in bold type indicate the main
1 The objective of this Indian Accounting Standard (Ind AS) is to
specify the financial reporting for insurance contracts by any entity
that issues such contracts (described in this Ind AS as an insurer).
In particular, this Ind AS requires:
(a) limited improvements to accounting by insurers for insurance
(b) disclosure that identifies and explains the amounts in an
insurer’s financial statements arising from insurance contracts
and helps users of those financial statements understand the
amount, timing and uncertainty of future cash flows from
insurance contracts.
2 An entity shall apply this Ind AS to:
(a) insurance contracts (including reinsurance contracts) that it
issues and reinsurance contracts that it holds.
(b) financial instruments that it issues with a discretionary
participation feature (see paragraph 35). Ind AS 107,
Financial Instruments: Disclosures, requires disclosure about
financial instruments, including financial instruments that
contain such features.
3 This Ind AS does not address other aspects of accounting by
# This Ind AS was notified vide G.S.R. 111(E) dated 16 th February, 2015 and was
amended vide Notification No. G.S.R. 365(E) dated 30th March, 2016, G.S.R. 310(E)
dated 28th March, 2018 and G.S.R. 273(E) dated 30th March, 2019.
1 This Indian Accounting Standard shall come into effect for insurance companies from
the date to be separately announced.
Ind AS 104, Insurance Contracts
2 Substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 365(E) dated 30 th March, 2016 and, thereafter,
substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 310(E) dated 28th March, 2018.
3 Substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 365(E) dated 30 th March, 2016 and, thereafter,
substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 310(E) dated 28th March, 2018 and G.S.R.
273(E) dated 30 th March, 2019.
Ind AS 104, Insurance Contracts
Embedded derivatives
7 Ind AS 109 requires an entity to separate some embedded
derivatives from their host contract, measure them at fair value and
include changes in their fair value in profit or loss. Ind AS 109
applies to derivatives embedded in an insurance contract unless the
embedded derivative is itself an insurance contract.
8 As an exception to the requirements in Ind AS 109, an insurer need
not separate, and measure at fair value, a policyholder’s option to
surrender an insurance contract for a fixed amount (or for an amount
based on a fixed amount and an interest rate), even if the exercise
price differs from the carrying amount of the host insurance liability.
However, the requirements in Ind AS 109 do apply to a put option or
cash surrender option embedded in an insurance contract if the
surrender value varies in response to the change in a financial
variable (such as an equity or commodity price or index), or a non-
financial variable that is not specific to a party to the contract.
Furthermore, those requirements also apply if the holder’s ability to
exercise a put option or cash surrender option is triggered by a
change in such a variable (for example, a put option that can be
exercised if a stock market index reaches a specified level).
9 Paragraph 8 applies equally to options to surrender a financial
instrument containing a discretionary participation feature.
4 The relevant insurance liabilities are those insurance liabilities (and related deferred
acquisition costs and related intangible assets) for which the insurer’s accounting
policies do not require a liability adequacy test that meets the minimum requirements
of paragraph 16.
Ind AS 104, Insurance Contracts
5 In this paragraph, insurance liabilities include related deferred acquisition costs and
related intangible assets, such as those discussed in paragraphs 31 and 32.
Ind AS 104, Insurance Contracts
an insurer may change them if the change does not make the
accounting policies more diverse and also satisfies the other
requirements in this Ind AS.
26 An insurer need not change its accounting policies for insurance
contracts to eliminate excessive prudence. However, if an insurer
already measures its insurance contracts with sufficient prudence, it
shall not introduce additional prudence.
Future investment margins
27 An insurer need not change its accounting policies for insurance
contracts to eliminate future investment margins. However, there is a
rebuttable presumption that an insurer’s financial statements will
become less relevant and reliable if it introduces an accounting
policy that reflects future investment margins in the measurement of
insurance contracts, unless those margins affect the contractual
payments. Two examples of accounting policies that reflect those
margins are:
(a) using a discount rate that reflects the estimated return on the
insurer’s assets; or
(b) projecting the returns on those assets at an estimated rate of
return, discounting those projected returns at a different rate
and including the result in the measurement of the liability.
28 An insurer may overcome the rebuttable presumption described in
paragraph 27 if, and only if, the other components of a change in
accounting policies increase the relevance and reliability of its
financial statements sufficiently to outweigh the decrease in
relevance and reliability caused by the inclusion of future investment
margins. For example, suppose that an insurer’s existing accounting
policies for insurance contracts involve excessively prudent
assumptions set at inception and a discount rate prescribed by a
regulator without direct reference to market conditions, and ignore
some embedded options and guarantees. The insurer might make its
financial statements more relevant and no less reliable by switchi ng
to a comprehensive investor-oriented basis of accounting that is
widely used and involves:
(a) current estimates and assumptions;
Ind AS 104, Insurance Contracts
Explanation of recognised amounts
36 An insurer shall disclose information that identifies and
explains the amounts in its financial statements arising from
insurance contracts.
37 To comply with paragraph 36, an insurer shall disclose:
(a) its accounting policies for insurance contracts and related
assets, liabilities, income and expense.
(b) the recognised assets, liabilities, income and expense (and, if
it presents its statement of cash flows using the direct
method, cash flows) arising from insurance contracts.
Furthermore, if the insurer is a cedant, it shall disclose:
Ind AS 104, Insurance Contracts
6 Heading and paragraphs 40-41G, inserted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 310(E) dated
28th March, 2018.
* Refer Appendix 1
Paragraphs 41H-41I inserted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 273(E) dated 30th March,
Ind AS 104, Insurance Contracts
Appendix A
Defined terms
This appendix is an integral part of the Ind AS.
Cedant The policyholder under a reinsurance contract.
deposit A contractual component that is not accounted for as a
component derivative under Ind AS 109 and would be within the scope
of Ind AS 109 if it were a separate instrument.
direct An insurance contract that is not a reinsurance contract.
discretionary A contractual right to receive, as a supplement
participation to guaranteed benefits, additional benefits:
feature (a) that are likely to be a significant portion of the total
contractual benefits;
(b) whose amount or timing is contractually at the
discretion of the issuer; and
(c) that are contractually based on:
(i) the performance of a specified pool of
contracts or a specified type of contract;
(ii) realised and/or unrealised investment returns
on a specified pool of assets held by the
issuer; or
(iii) the profit or loss of the company, fund or other
entity that issues the contract.
fair value Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an
asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction
between market participants at the measurement date. (See
Ind AS 113.)
financial A contract that requires the issuer to make specified
guarantee payments to reimburse the holder for a loss it incurs
contract because a specified debtor fails to make payment when due
in accordance with the original or modified terms of a debt
Ind AS 104, Insurance Contracts
Appendix B
Definition of an insurance contract
This appendix is an integral part of the Ind AS.
B1 This appendix gives guidance on the definition of an insurance
contract in Appendix A. It addresses the following issues:
(a) the term ‘uncertain future event’ (paragraphs B2–B4);
(b) payments in kind (paragraphs B5–B7);
(c) insurance risk and other risks (paragraphs B8–B17);
(d) examples of insurance contracts (paragraphs B18–B21);
(e) significant insurance risk (paragraphs B22–B28); and
(f) changes in the level of insurance risk (paragraphs B29 and
Payments in kind
B5 Some insurance contracts require or permit payments to be made in
kind. An example is when the insurer replaces a stolen article
directly, instead of reimbursing the policyholder. Another example is
when an insurer uses its own hospitals and medical staff to provide
medical services covered by the contracts.
B6 Some fixed-fee service contracts in which the level of service
depends on an uncertain event meet the definition of an insurance
contract in this Ind AS but are not regulated as insurance contracts
in some countries. One example is a maintenance contract in which
the service provider agrees to repair specified equipment after a
malfunction. The fixed service fee is based on the expected number
of malfunctions, but it is uncertain whether a particular machine will
break down. The malfunction of the equipment adversely affects its
owner and the contract compensates the owner (in kind, rather than
cash). Another example is a contract for car breakdown services i n
which the provider agrees, for a fixed annual fee, to provide
roadside assistance or tow the car to a nearby garage. The latter
contract could meet the definition of an insurance contract even if
the provider does not agree to carry out repairs or replace parts.
B7 Applying this Standard to the contracts described in paragraph B6 is
likely to be no more burdensome than applying the Ind ASs that
would be applicable if such contracts were outside the scope of this
Ind AS:
(a) There are unlikely to be material liabilities for malfunctions
and breakdowns that have already occurred.
(b) 8IfInd AS 115 applied, the service provider would recognise
revenue when (or as) it transfers services to the customer
(subject to other specified criteria). That approach is also
acceptable under this Ind AS, which permits the service
provider (i) to continue its existing accounting policies for
these contracts unless they involve practices prohibited by
8Substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 365(E) dated 30th March, 2016 and, thereafter
substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 310(E) dated 28th March, 2018.
Ind AS 104, Insurance Contracts
9Substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 365(E) dated 30 th March, 2016 and, thereafter,
substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 310(E) dated 28 th March, 2018.
Ind AS 104, Insurance Contracts
10Substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 365(E) dated 30th March, 2016 and, thereafter,
substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 310(E) dated 28th March, 2018.
Ind AS 104, Insurance Contracts
11 For this purpose, contracts entered into simultaneously with a single counterparty
(or contracts that are otherwise interdependent) form a single contract.
Ind AS 104, Insurance Contracts
Appendix 1
Note: This Appendix is not a part of the Indian Accounting Standard. The
purpose of this Appendix is only to bring out the differences between Indian
Accounting Standard (Ind AS) 104 and the corresponding International Financial
Reporting Standard (IFRS) 4, Insurance Contracts, issued by the International
Accounting Standards Board.
12Inserted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 310(E) dated 28th March, 2018 and, thereafter,
substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 273(E) dated 30th March, 2019.