IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts - Summary
IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts - Summary
IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts - Summary
In March 2004 the International Accounting Standards Board (Board)
issued IFRS 4 Insurance Contracts (IFRS 4). IFRS 4 was an interim Effective Date
standard which was meant to be in place until the Board completed its IFRS 17 is effective for annual periods
project on insurance contracts. In May 2017, the Board completed its beginning on or after 1 January 2023.
project on insurance contracts with the issuance of IFRS 17 Insurance Earlier application is permitted.
Contracts (IFRS 17). IFRS 17 replaces IFRS 4 and sets out principles for
the recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure of insurance
contracts within the scope of IFRS 17. It also requires similar principles to be applied to reinsurance contracts held and
investment contracts with discretionary participation features issued.
IFRS 17 requires a company to recognise profits as it delivers insurance services (rather than when it receives premiums)
and to provide information about insurance contract profits the company expects to recognise in the future. This
information will provide metrics that can be used to evaluate the performance of insurers and how that performance
changes over time.
An entity shall recognise a group of insurance contracts it issues from the earliest of the following:
the beginning of the coverage period of the group of contracts;
the date when the first payment from a policyholder in the group becomes due; and
for a group of onerous contracts, when the group becomes onerous.
IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts
Subsequent measurement
Subsequent The carrying amount of a group of insurance contracts at the end of each
measurement reporting period shall be the sum of:
(a) the liability for remaining coverage comprising:
(i) the fulfilment cash flows related to future service allocated to the group at
that date;
(ii) the contractual service margin of the group at that date;
(b) the liability for incurred claims, comprising the fulfilment cash flows related
to past service allocated to the group at that date.
Contractual service The contractual service margin at the end of the reporting period represents
margin the profit in the group of insurance contracts that has not yet been recognised
in profit or loss because it relates to the future service to be provided under the
contracts in the group.
Onerous contracts An insurance contract is onerous at the date of initial recognition if the
fulfilment cash flows allocated to the contract, any previously recognised
acquisition cash flows and any cash flows arising from the contract at the date
of initial recognition in total are a net outflow.
An entity shall recognise a loss in profit or loss for the net outflow for the group
of onerous contracts, resulting in the carrying amount of the liability for the
group being equal to the fulfilment cash flows and the contractual service
margin of the group being zero.
Determine the risk adjustment for non-financial risk so that it represents the
amount of risk being transferred by the holder of the group of reinsurance
contracts to the issuer of those contracts.
Using the premium allocation approach, an entity shall measure the liability for
remaining coverage as follows:
(a) the liability for remaining coverage shall be initially recognised as
premiums, if any, received at initial recognition, minus any insurance
acquisition cash flows.
(b) subsequently the carrying amount of the liability is the carrying at the start
of the reporting period plus the premiums received in the period, minus
insurance acquisitions cash flow, plus amortisation of acquisition cash flows,
minus the amount recognised as insurance revenue for coverage provided on
that period, minus any investment components paid or transferred to the
liability for incurred claims.
If insur anc e contr acts in the group have a signi ficant financing c omponent, the liability for r emai ning c overag e needs to be dis counted, however , this is not r equired if, at i nitial rec ogniti on, the entity expec ts that the time between provi ding each part of the cover age and the due date of the rel ated premium is no mor e than a year.
If insur anc e contr acts in the group have a signi ficant financing c omponent, the liability for r emai ning c overag e needs to be dis counted, however , this is not r equired if, at i nitial rec ogniti on, the entity expec ts that the time between provi ding each part of the cover age and the due date of the rel ated premium is no mor e than a year.
The simplifications arising from the premium allocation approach do not apply
to the measurement of the group’s liability for incurred claims, measured under
the general model. However, there is no need to discount those cash flows if
the balance is expected to be paid or received in one year or less from the date
the claims are incurred.
Investment contracts An investment contract with discretionary participation features does not
with discretionary include a transfer of significant insurance risk. The requirements
participation features of the Standard are modified for such investment contracts.
IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts
Modification Derecognition
If the terms of an insurance contract are modified, an An entity shall derecognise an insurance
entity shall derecognise the original contract and contract when, and only when:
recognise the modified contract as a new contract, if, it is extinguished, i.e. when the obligation
and only if, any of the conditions are satisfied. specified in the insurance contract expires
or is discharged or cancelled; or
The exercise of a right included in the terms of a any of the conditions of a substantive
contract is not a modification. modification of an insurance contract are
The conditions are that:
(a) if the modified terms had been included at
contract inception:
(i) the modified contract would have been
excluded from the scope of the Standard;
(ii) an entity would have separated different
components from the host insurance
contract, resulting in a different insurance
contract to which the Standard would
have applied;
(iii) the modified contract would have had a
substantially different contract boundary;
(iv) the modified contract would have been
included in a different group of contracts.
(b) the original contract met the definition of an
insurance contract with direct participation
features, but the modified contract no longer
meets that definition, or vice versa; or
(c) the entity applied the premium allocation
approach to the original contract, but the
modifications mean that the contract no
longer meets the eligibility criteria for that
IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts
An entity shall disaggregate the amounts recognised An entity shall present separately in the statement of
in the statement(s) of profit or loss and other financial position the carrying amount of groups of:
comprehensive income (hereafter referred to as the (a) insurance contracts issued that are assets;
statement(s) of financial performance) into:
(b) insurance contracts issued that are liabilities;
(a) an insurance service result, comprising
(c) reinsurance contracts held that are assets;
insurance revenue and insurance service
expenses; and
(d) reinsurance contracts held that are liabilities.
(b) insurance finance income or expenses.
To achieve that objective, an entity shall disclose qualitative and quantitative information about:
(a) the amounts recognised in its financial statements for insurance contracts;
(b) the significant judgements, and changes in those judgements, made when applying IFRS 17; and
(c) the nature and extent of the risks from insurance contracts.
Transition measurement
Determine transition
method by group
contracts applying
full retrospective
approach (applying
IAS 8).
Choose between
-maximise full
retrospective information.