A History of Railway Signalling
A History of Railway Signalling
A History of Railway Signalling
Keywords: History, operations, technology, signalling. One can well imagine Stephenson’s feelings as Huskisson
stumbled into the Rocket’s path, but consideration of the
Abstract reasons why he was unable to stop in time brings us to the
theme of Signalling and its development.
The paper presents a historical overview of railway signalling
and its development from the opening of the first purpose- 3 The Beginnings of Signalling
built passenger-carrying railway in 1830 with hand signals,
through the developments of fixed lineside signals, electric Those of us used to driving cars are familiar with the concept
telegraphs and interlocking mechanisms for points and of ‘stopping distance’. To stop a car travelling at speed
signals. From the appearance of power signalling at the turn requires a distance proportional to that speed. The Highway
of the 20th century, it follows the development of first Code tells us that to stop from 30 mph, even with the high
electrical and then electronic signalling technology through to level of friction available between rubber tyres and a dry,
present day communication-based systems. well-maintained road surface, will require a distance of 23
metres or 75 feet, and under the same conditions from 60
1 Preamble mph, not twice but over three times as far, 73 metres or 240
The following chapters present an outline history of Railway But for a train rolling on steel wheels along a guideway of
Signalling. Although the basic principles of railway signalling steel rails, levels of friction, and hence adhesion, are much
and control are universal, the way in which signalling has reduced. In the case of a modern passenger train such as the
developed in Britain differs in a number of details from diesel-powered ‘Inter-City 125’, the distance required to stop
practices used in Continental Europe and America. The from its maximum speed of 200 km/h (125 mph) is nearly one
technology described in this paper is therefore essentially that and a quarter miles, even with superior brakes. This is not an
of ‘British Signalling’, although the opening of the Channel unreasonable comparison with early trains; back at the dawn
Tunnel and the consequent promotion of Interoperability of of the railway age, the problem uppermost in the minds of
rail traffic throughout the European Union has led to engineers and operators was how to keep them going rather
important developments, and continues to drive technological than how to get them to stop safely and the rudimentary
change. braking technology then available would not stop a train
travelling at 50 mph on the level in much less than three-
2 Introduction quarters of a mile.
In September 1830, the Duke of Wellington opened the So, with trains hauled by steam locomotives that could reach
Liverpool and Manchester Railway, the world’s first purpose- speeds of 50 mph or more, you could not rely on a driver who
built passenger-carrying railway with haulage by saw an obstruction ahead being able to brake sufficiently hard
locomotives. There is an irony in the fact that its opening is to avoid colliding with it. Neither could he steer out of the
now remembered not so much as the dawn of the railway era way, so there arose the need for new disciplines that would
but because there occurred during the celebrations Britain’s ensure a safe separation of moving trains by means of signals
first public railway accident, in which the local MP, William to drivers from the lineside.
Huskisson, was run down and severely injured by a train
hauled by the ‘Rocket’, driven by George Stephenson.
Despite Stephenson himself driving a special train conveying
the unfortunate man to obtain medical attention, at a speed
reported to be nearly 40 miles per hour, Huskisson died later
the same day.
Before proceeding, it is worth remembering that at this time Adoption of a white light for ‘clear’ seems odd to us
none of the facilities regarded today as essential to safe nowadays, but in the early to mid-19th century, before the
railway operation existed: widespread use of gas (and later electricity) to light houses,
x no telegraphs, telephones, or other form of roads and public spaces, the countryside at night was
instant communication; profoundly dark, and there was little chance of confusion
x no lineside signals; between signals and external lights.
x no brakes at all on the majority of vehicles;
x no centralised control of points;
x no whistles on locomotives until 1833.
The first signalling systems were therefore entirely human-
based, the line being divided into sections of approximately
two miles with hand signals being given to train drivers by
Railway Policemen stationed at the beginning of each section.
A policeman would indicate a clear way ahead by standing
facing an oncoming train with his arm outstretched. After a
train passed him and entered the section he would assume a
‘stand at ease’ position. He would continue to signal an
obstruction, if another train approached his position, until a
time interval (typically 7 – 8 minutes) had elapsed, after
which he could permit a following train to proceed, but under
caution. In this way train separation was maintained, and to
allow policemen to impose consistent time intervals, the
railway company would issue them with sand glasses or ‘egg
The Time Interval system of signalling did have one
insurmountable drawback. If a train broke down and stopped
in a section, out of sight between two policemen, a member of
the train crew (usually the guard) had to run back along the
line as far as possible to show a hand signal when the next
train approached. Given the poor efficiency of train brakes in
those early days, this would have required a run of at least
half a mile, or more if time allowed, to gain sufficient Figure 1: Great Western Railway ‘Disc and Crossbar’ signal
distance in which a following train could stop.
In the absence of physical safety devices, signalling at the What also appears as odd to later generations is the accepted
dawn of the modern railway age depended on a detailed code practice of a signal conveying a ‘Clear’ or ‘Proceed’ simply
of rules, procedures and instructions that the railway’s by the absence of a Danger indication. Red flags or discs
servants were expected to follow with military discipline. would be turned edge-on to allow a train to proceed, and in
Where mechanical failures led to accidents this was often due the most famous example, a ball signal was displayed at the
as much to lack of understanding of where the system might approach to Reading Station on the Great Western Railway
fail as to the failure itself. and described in that railway’s Regulations thus: ‘A Signal
Incidentally, when a modern train driver calls a signalman Ball will be seen at the entrance to Reading Station when the
(who he may not have spoken to before) on the radio or from Line is right for the Train to go in. If the Ball is not visible the
a signal post telephone, he will often address him as ‘Bobby’, Train must not pass it’. Not until the late 1870s that a serious
a reminder of his railway policeman ancestry. accident called this arrangement into question and the practice
was changed.
4 Fixed Signals In 1841 C H Gregory adapted the moving arm of the
Admiralty’s semaphore telegraph as the basis for a signal,
Although Time Interval working remained in widespread use first used on the London & Croydon Railway. The result was
up until the 1860s, fixed lineside signals began to appear as the first example of what we would now recognise as a
an alternative to the policemen’s hand or flag signals in the ‘railway signal’. The signal was ‘fixed’ in position alongside
late 1830s. At first these simply mimicked hand signals on a the track, but still needed a man there to operate it so, in 1843,
larger scale, with arrangements of moveable flags or discs and Gregory built a device to operate a number of signals and
coloured lights being mounted on tall posts and operated by a points from a central location, together with a mechanism to
policeman, but with the advantage of being visible at greater prevent a signalman from operating them so as to lead to
distances. Signals were displayed in accordance with the derailment or collision. This was however extremely crude,
convention that Red indicated ‘Stop’, Green ‘Caution’ and and didn’t provide what we now understand as ‘interlocking’,
White ‘Clear’. a development that would not appear until 1860.
5 Elements of Signalling device that would provide this communication and start the
long story of electrical railway safety devices was the Cooke
At the most basic level, railway signalling has the & Wheatstone electric telegraph, first demonstrated in 1837.
fundamental objective of preventing trains from colliding This instrument used a pointer or ‘needle’ that could be
with one another or, in other words, providing a means of moved to the left or right to allow messages to be sent by
ensuring Safe Separation. In ‘traditional’ signalling systems spelling out words using a telegraphic code. In the railway
(i.e. from the earliest days of the railway up until the end of application this allowed a policeman to report a train entering
the 20th century), this has required that the railway be divided the section to his colleague down the line, who could in turn
into sections or ‘blocks’, with only one train being allowed to report back when it left the section. If the train didn’t arrive,
enter a block at any one time. The state of a block section was or arrived incomplete, and no report was received, any
established by observing when a train entered the block and, following train would be stopped and detained.
based on the assumption that the train would then keep
moving, it could be inferred that the block would be clear at In this way, a system of signalling in which the whole of a
the end of the measured time interval. Overcoming the train entering a ‘block section’ must be positively observed to
shortcomings of the time interval system requires a more have left it before another can be admitted was a practical
positive form of Train Detection, as will be explained later. possibility. As it provided ‘absolute’ assurance of the state of
the section, rather than the assumption on which time-interval
The second basic signalling element is the signal itself; a working relied, the system came to be called ‘Absolute
visual means of conveying instructions to the driver of a train Block’, the term still used in Network Rail’s Rule Book.
to stop or proceed. On main line railways throughout the
world, the majority of train movements are still controlled by
such signals, using combinations of coloured lights or, in a
dwindling number of cases, movable arms or boards operated
A third important function of the signalling system is to
provide a means of moving points so that train movements
can be directed to different tracks as required, and conversely,
to ensure that such points are not moved or disturbed while a
train is passing, so as to prevent derailment. This feature is
generally referred to as ‘holding the route’ and will be
explained in the section on Interlocking, the fourth element.
There is one other important function that signalling can
perform. For much of the history of railways in Britain,
systems that assist a driver by activating a device on the train
to warn him when approaching a signal that will require him
to reduce speed or stop have been mostly ignored by signal
engineers, the driver being considered as having sole
responsibility for the train’s safe passage along the railway.
For the same reason, supervision to ensure that trains do not
exceed the maximum safe speed permitted on the line has not
been a signalling system requirement, but has been left up to
driver observation, knowledge of the route, and discipline.
Recent developments have however included the warning and
enforcement of speed restriction, as well as observation of
signals, as a core function of the signalling system, as we
shall see.
The following sections describe how the above requirements
of British main line signalling systems have been fulfilled,
and the technologies used to achieve the systems’ objectives.
Figure 2: Block Telegraph instrument
6 The Coming of the Telegraph
Having established the concept of a ‘block system’ as a Figure 2 shows a typical Block Instrument, capable of
means of keeping following trains apart, what was needed showing three indications – ‘Line Blocked’ (the normal
was a simple and reliable form of communication between the condition of the section), ‘Line Clear’ and ‘Train On Line’,
policeman at one end of a section and his colleague at the and which, in conjunction with a single stroke bell for
other that would allow trains to be operated according to a exchanging messages, provides the basis for the Absolute
system of ‘space interval’ working rather than relying upon Block system that eventually controlled train movements
the somewhat fragile protection of time interval working. The throughout the British railway network.
7 A Digression - Railway Braking systems Unfortunately, it was very seldom the case that innovation in
the field of railway signalling was followed by a headlong
Although strictly outside the scope of a study of signalling, rush by railway companies to implement new technology.
mention must be made of railway brakes, without which a Many of the devices and systems that we now think of as
train cannot be controlled and any signalling system is of little providing undeniable safety benefits were available for many
or no use. years before companies would agree to install them, either
Early train brakes were primitive in the extreme; a because of the costs involved, or often because they had been
mechanical brake being provided on the locomotive or its developed by and used on ‘another Company’s railway’. For
tender, with a similar arrangement on a brake van at the rear example, slow take-up of the telegraph block system was in
of the train. Because there were no brakes at all on the no small way due to the stubbornness and arrogance of
wagons or passenger coaches in between, stopping and railway company directors. This attitude was clearly
starting a train required a fine degree of co-ordination demonstrated by the Company Secretary of the London,
between the driver, who would use the locomotive whistle to Brighton & South Coast Railway in a much-quoted reply to
convey his instructions, and the guard to synchronise the the Board of Trade regarding the Inspecting Officer’s report
braking being applied and avoid the train being squeezed, or into a serious accident in Clayton Tunnel in 1861:
even worse, stretched, and couplings broken. “My Board feel bound to state frankly that they have
Throughout most of the mid-Victorian era from 1840 to 1890, not seen reason to alter the views which they have so
railway engineers sought to devise means of providing long entertained on this subject, and they still fear that
‘continuous brakes’ which would act on all vehicles the telegraphic system of working recommended by
throughout a train. Most of these were unsuccessful, some the Board of Trade will, by transferring much
spectacularly so, but in the absence of legislation, the railway responsibility from the engine drivers augment rather
companies kept experimenting with systems using rods, than diminish the risk of accidents”.
chains, hydraulic, steam and air pressure, and vacuum. It took Note those words - ‘Recommended by the Board of Trade’ –
a truly horrific accident to force the Government to make it was to be nearly 30 years before a catastrophic accident
continuous brakes acting on every vehicle and automatically forced the Government to give legal powers to the Board of
applied in the event of vehicles becoming inadvertently Trade to not just recommend but enforce the adoption of basic
detached from a train a legal requirement. safety systems on passenger railways. In the meantime,
Inspecting Officers continued to investigate every accident,
8 A Word about Accidents recommending in one report after another adoption of the
three basic safeguards of railway safety:
At the beginning of the 21st century we are accustomed to the
x interlocking between points and signals;
concept of ‘engineering for safety’, where design and
x a system of Absolute Block to control trains
implementation of complex systems such as aircraft or
(i.e. rather than the time interval method);
industrial plants whose failure can have serious – or, in the
case of nuclear facilities, unimaginable – consequences are x continuous and automatic brakes on
subjected to rigorous processes of review and analysis passenger trains.
throughout their life-cycles to identify, record, and control all On 12 June 1889, however, the inadequacies of both time
possible hazards. interval block working and non-automatic brakes were
Development, adoption and use of these processes has been highlighted by the collision at Armagh in which 78
very largely dependent on experience and understanding of passengers were killed, a third of them children on a school
systems and their behaviour. In the middle years of the 19th treat. Public opinion was so outraged that the British
century, however, with railway engineering and safety Government was compelled to pass – less than three months
disciplines still in their infancy, there was little or no such later - the Regulation of Railways Act 1889, which finally
experience on which to draw, the evolution of safety being gave the Board of Trade’s Railway Inspectorate legal powers
slow and mostly reactive with accidents frequently providing to compel any railway company in the UK operating
an incentive to improve equipment, rules or practices. passenger trains to provide the above safeguards, often
shortened to the more memorably monosyllabic ‘Lock, Block
Legal regulation of the early railways was surprisingly and Brake’.
limited, the best description of the Government’s philosophy
being ‘supervision without interference’ which under an Act The history of railway signalling in the Victorian era is thus
of Parliament passed in 1840 allowed the Board of Trade (the linked closely with that of accidents. For further insights,
Government’s economic advisory committee) to appoint readers are encouraged to obtain the original, and arguably
Railway Inspecting Officers. These were serving officers the best, study of British railway accidents, ‘Red For Danger’
recruited from the Army’s Corps of Royal Engineers with by L. T. C. Rolt, first published in 1955 and reprinted and
powers to inspect and report on new railways and approve updated a number of times since then.
their opening for public use, and to investigate the causes of
railway accidents.
9 The march of technology - Signals intervals. When in the early 1900s, the tramways started
pushing out into the suburbs, particularly in South London,
Arrangement and layout of signals the railway companies were very concerned at tramways
The story of the development of signals over the history of unashamedly trespassing on their turf and so started a
railways has been one of steady, but slow progress. The programme of electrification of existing suburban railway
evolution from the policeman’s hand signals to the ‘fixed networks so that they could compete on a more even footing
signals’ of the 1840s has already been mentioned in section 4 in an attempt to win back lost passengers.
and, apart from the development of the signal-box concept, by At the beginning, the electrified services were operated using
which control of a number of signals was concentrated at one traditional mechanical signalling methods of the type we have
point to enable easier – and safer – operation by one man, the already seen. However, as electrified networks spread and
form of the semaphore signal as we would recognise it today levels of train service increased, it became obvious that the
had emerged by the 1860s. At this point, signals on British ability to operate a suburban network with frequent and fast
railways were designed to present a horizontal red signal arm electric trains interspersed with longer-distance steam-hauled
to drivers as a ‘Danger’ or ‘Stop’ indication, the arm being services required radical improvements in the signalling
lowered to signify ‘Proceed’. Figure 4 shows such a ‘lower arrangements. Not only was it necessary to increase line
quadrant’ Stop’ signal with, to the right of the arm, the capacity, but the ability to keep trains moving in all weather
coloured spectacles that would move in front of an oil lamp conditions, particularly the dense fogs with which London
and give corresponding Red and Green indications at night. and other cities suffered, demanded an improved signal.
In November 1921 A E Tattersall read a paper to the
Institution of Railway Signal Engineers (IRSE) on ‘Three-
Position Signalling’, which was a defining moment in the
history of railway safety and control. This paper examined
the future direction of signalling, what signals should be
presented to drivers, how these should be given, and how the
system should be controlled. As a result, the Institution set up
the ‘Three Position Signal Committee’, which reported in
December 1924 that future signalling developments should
adopt three-aspect colour-light signals as their basis,
including the long-argued use of Yellow as the colour for
Caution signals. With this agreed, the way forward was
finally clear for signalling using the aspects we know today.
A further outcome of what was now the ‘Three-Aspect Signal
Committee’ had been the recommendation that a fourth aspect
should be considered to allow differentiation on lines carrying
mixed traffic and, in 1925, the resignalling of London’s
Blackfriars and Holborn Viaduct stations (now part of the
Thameslink route) introduced the first four-aspect signal.
Introduction of the Double Yellow, or ‘preliminary caution’
aspect, allowed not only more trains to be accommodated on
a given section of line, but for them to run closer together.
High-performance electric trains, stopping frequently and
rarely reaching more than 50 mph, could drive confidently at
Figure 3: Lower quadrant semaphore Stop signals this speed and not brake until sighting the single yellow
aspect, whilst heavier, faster and less well-braked trains could
start to brake on sighting the double yellow aspect, which
Signals such as this were used throughout the British railway would give two sections in which to stop.
network from the 1860s through to the end of the 20th century
An overwhelming advantage of colour-light signals however
(two new lower quadrant signals were in fact installed at
is that they can be operated automatically, with no human
Banbury as recently as 2011). Even with the advent of power
intervention, simply by the passage of trains. Instead of the
signalling schemes from 1900 onwards, signals still took the
railway being divided into block sections of several miles,
form of semaphore arms, operated either electrically or by
from one signalbox to the next, automatic colour-light signals
compressed air power.
can be positioned at regular intervals along the railway, each
The early years of the 20th century were characterised by the controlling its own block section, the status of which is
development, all over Britain, of what we would now call monitored by means of track circuits or some other means of
‘urban transit systems’. First to come had been the Train Detection (see section 11).
underground railways in London, followed by the deep-level
Tubes. Next on the scene were the new electric tramways,
providing fast (and clean) door-to-door transport at frequent
The use of sequences of colour-light signals has been the boxes, each with a coloured lens at the front; a four-aspect
basis of British signalling since the ‘Modernisation’ era of the signal thus consists of four such boxes stacked vertically and
1950s and 1960s. The system is based on a sequence of four arranged, reading downwards, Y – G – Y – R. The optical
distinct indications or ‘aspects’, as follows: arrangements uses a pair of Fresnel lenses (i.e. with the glass
x Green (G) – Clear; proceed at maximum formed into a number of concentric prisms) for each aspect,
permitted speed. with the inner lens coloured and the outer clear. A 24 watt
x Double Yellow (YY) – Caution; next signal lamp, fed at 12 volts, is accurately positioned with its filament
ahead at Single Yellow. at the focal point of the lens arrangement (the low voltage
allows a short filament to be used), giving a concentrated
x Single Yellow (Y) – Prepare to stop; next
beam with a spread of no more than 5°, visible at up to
signal ahead at Danger.
1200m in daylight when correctly sighted and adjusted.
x Red (R) – Danger; do not pass this signal.
Each lamp is provided with two independent filaments, the
For a modern passenger train travelling at up to 125mph
second (which is of necessity slightly out of focus) being
(200km/h), the distance required to stop from first sighting a
switched in when the first is detected as having failed, so
signal showing a Caution aspect is approximately 1¼ miles
keeping the signal alight. Failure of the first filament causes
(2km). This means that if the railway is divided into block
an alarm to be raised at the controlling signalbox, so alerting
sections of 1km, with a signal positioned at the entry to each
the technician; in the event that no action is taken and the
block, a driver sighting a Double Yellow aspect and initiating
second filament also fails, the next signal in the rear will be
a service brake application will have the 2km distance
held at Red, so avoiding the possibility of a driver
required to stop before reaching the Red signal. Conversely,
approaching and missing a ‘dark’ signal.
a driver seeing Green aspects can continue at the maximum
permitted speed for the line. Although colour-light signals of this type are simple in
construction and effective in operation, the need for constant
supervision of filament lamps with a rated life of only 5000
hours (7 months) has proved a strong incentive for
development of signals that are both more fault-tolerant and
require less energy. Within the past ten years, therefore,
signals using Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) have seen
widespread adoption on Britain’s rail network. Although
these give the same indications as filament lamp signals, the
size of an LED allows each aspect to be formed by a matrix
of individual devices in which failure of one, or even a
Figure 4: Colour-light signals - sequence of aspects number of LEDs will have little or no effect on the readability
of the signal, and hence on the safe operation of the railway.
A significant benefit of this arrangement of signals is that the
regular and frequent placement of signals and hence block
section will allow trains to follow one another at much closer
intervals, or ‘headway’. As a train moves along the line, it
will cause each signal to show Red as it passes. In the case of
fully automatic signals, however, as the train vacates the
block section approaching the signal that is now showing Red
to protect it, the aspect of the next signal back in the sequence
will change from Red to Single Yellow, the one behind that
from Single Yellow to Double Yellow, and the one behind
that from Double Yellow to Green. With signals spaced every
1km, therefore, the driver of a second train following more
than 3km behind the first will continue to see Green aspects.
For a line with trains running at 200km/h, with signals 1km
apart, therefore, the practical headway interval for non-
stopping trains following one another is less than two
This arrangement is referred to as Multiple Aspect Signalling
or ‘MAS’ and is in use on all main lines, as well as a number
of secondary lines, throughout the network