1 PCB Design With Simple and Easy Steps
1 PCB Design With Simple and Easy Steps
1 PCB Design With Simple and Easy Steps
Multisim: It is a schematic capture and simulation application that assists you in carrying out the
major steps in the circuit design flow. Multisim can be used for both analog and digital circuits and
also includes mixed analog/digital simulation capability, and microcontroller co-simulation.
Simulating the circuits before building them, catches errors early in the design flow, saving time
and money.
Ultiboard: Ultiboard is fed from Multisim, is used to design printed circuit boards, perform certain
basic mechanical CAD operations, and prepare them for manufacturing. Ultiboard also provides
automated parts placement and layout.
Step 2: STEP 1
In this exercise, you will place and wire the components in the circuit shown below,
Step 3: STEP 2
Step 5: STEP 4
Transfer the schematic design to Ultiboard 10 by selecting Transfer » Transfer to Ultiboard 10.
Step 6: STEP 5
Select [Transfer] / [Transfer to Ultiboard 10]. A standard Windows Save As dialog box appears. Specify
the name and location of the files to be created and click [Save]. Multisim creates files that can then
be loaded into Ultiboard.
Enter the desired parameters and click [OK].
Step 7: STEP 6
The following dialog should appear after select [Transfer] / [Transfer to Ultiboard 10]. Change the
width to 10 mils, and the clearance to 10 mils. Click [OK] to close dialog box.
Step 9: STEP 8
Make sure all fields are selected in Import Netlist Action selection and click [OK].
Step 10: STEP 9
A board outline (a yellow rectangular) is placed on the workplace with the components (above the
board outline) ready to be placed.
Working with the Board Outline. Right-click the edge of yellow rectangle and select Properties
from the menu. This launches a Rectangular Properties dialog.
Step 12: STEP 11
Under the rectangular tab, set the Units to mil, the Width to 1000 and the Height to 900. Click OK
to close the dialog box and the board outline becomes much smaller.
Select the components and drag them until they are above the board outline.
Select ‘view’ and click on ‘3D preview’.
Place the components in preferred location and then check the design rule.
After ‘start auto router trace optimization’ the board will appear like the figure shown in below
Ultiboard Configuration. Select [Options] >> [Global Preferences], and then select the General
Settings tab. Make sure it matches below settings.
Step 22: STEP 21
Select PCB Design tab and make sure you choose Auto trace narrowing and Auto add teardrop.
Click OK to close the dialog box.
Select [Options] >> [PCB Properties], and then go to Copper Layers tab. Change Board thickness to
59.00 mil. *Refer to LPKF’s PCB board.
Step 24: STEP 23
Next, go to the Pad/Vias tab, and modify the settings as shown. How to calculate annular ring?
For example, a 50 mil drill hole (radius of 25 mils) with a relative value of .6 (60%) will create an
annular ring of 15 mils (60% of 25 mils).
Go to Design Rules tab, and the “Use multiple clearances” checkbox must be selected. Otherwise,
only clearance to traces will be operational. Set the “Clearance to Traces” parameter to 40.000000
mils; “Clearance to Pads”, “Clearances to Vias” and Clearance to” Copper Areas” parameters to
32.000000 mils. Click OK to close dialog box.
Step 26: STEP 25
Power and Ground Planes. Select [Place] >> [Power plane]. Select net 0 for Copper Bottom Layer.
Click [OK] to close the dialog box. The bottom layer fills in red color plane.