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X3 Training Program - The Basics of TFM

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The Basics of FMC and TFM

Olympus Scientific Solutions

DSM Team | Quebec | April 2020

1. FMC/TFM basics
2. Wave Sets (propagation modes)
3. Inspection setup in TFM
4. Advantages and limitations of TFM
5. Conclusion

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• Full Matrix Capture and Total Focusing Method
▪ FMC: full matrix capture is a data acquisition process
▪ Pulse/receive sequence designed to obtain a large amount of waveform data from a single PA probe
▪ Data is collected by pulsing one element and receiving on all elements (process is repeated until each element is pulsed)
▪ Firing sequence creates A-scan data for every element set up to receive

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▪ FMC: Transmitter sequence

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▪ FMC: Receiver sequence

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▪ This allows to collect all A-scans information for this transmitter/receiver combination and build what we call the matrix of
elementary A-scans thus, Full Matrix Capture name.

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▪ The different amplitude of the signal is represented by colors, where the red is being the highest amplitude and the light blue
the lowest, just like Phased Array.

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▪ The sequence is repeated until all the elements of the probe have emitted.

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▪ TFM: total focusing method is a processing of the acquired data.
– TFM is an imaging technique and should be considered separate from the FMC process.
– TFM takes the waveform data from the FMC process and arranges the data in the image grid, or zone.
– The image constructed in the TFM zone is based on time of flight, element spacing, and the proper measurement mode.
▪ The user selects a reconstruction path called a wave set. The instrument then selects the right combinations of delays and
sums in the elementary A-Scans to provide the maximum focus at a given point in the grid.

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▪ The data collected from each Transmitter Receiver combination is processed to create the “Focused everywhere” image.

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▪ The data collected from each Transmitter Receiver combination is processed to create the “Focused everywhere” image.
– The complete sequence can be seen on our website: https://www.olympus-ims.com/en/fmc-tfm-basic-principles/

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2. Wave Sets
• LL, TT, TTT, TTL, etc.
TFM Modes
▪ TFM reconstruction using FMC elementary A-scans is based mainly on the time of flight calculated according to the
inspection mode (pulse echo or self tandem) and the selected wave type: longitudinal, transverse or a combination of both.

▪ Pulse-echo mode (TT, LL, TTTT) is like standard PAUT, part geometry variations could affect the precision of the provided
position of detected indications.

▪ Self-tandem mode (TTT, TTL, LLL, LTL, TTTTT, etc.) yields additional scan sets compared to standard PAUT.
– However, results are very sensitive to geometry variations.

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Most Common Wave Sets

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3. Inspection Setup in TFM
• WaveSet and Probe selection, Amplitude Fidelity, Envelope
Standard PAUT: Scan Plan Setup
▪ The steps of creating an inspection setup with Phased Array go as follow:

– Part and/or weld definition

– Probe selection
– Wave mode selection: shear or longitudinal
– Scan type selection: sectorial, linear, or compound
– Scan parameters: focal laws, angular range and resolution, index offset, focus, etc.

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TFM: Scan Plan | Modeling Setup
▪ With TFM, the steps are quite similar yet, different essential variables are added:

– Part and/or weld definition

– Probe selection
– Zone setting
– Wave set selection: TT, TTT, TTTT, LL, LLL, etc.
– Flaw definition: planar or spherical, expected angle
– AIM and sensitivity index evaluation
– Amplitude fidelity verification

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Modeling with TFM
▪ Why modeling is crucial:
– Proper wave sets are critical for detection.
– Many wave sets are available (commonly 9+).
– The type of flaw influences wave set selection.
– The orientation of flaws also has an impact on wave set selection.
– The position (depth) of the flaw in the part also impacts the wave set you choose.
– Part geometry (curvature) will change the results.
– Focus is expected everywhere in the TFM zone as long as it is defined inside the Near Field.
• To confirm proper probes, frequencies, etc.

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TFM Zone
▪ The TFM zone is the area of the part that the technician chooses to view as images.
– In PAUT, it is typically defined by the Ultrasound axis Start and Range as well as the Angle range.
▪ This is adjusted by the technician and can be moved anywhere within the part’s volume.
▪ Images are constructed in the zone grid using the preselected wave set and the time of flight of the FMC data.

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Wave Set Selection
▪ Flaw detection and characterization capabilities are dependent on the selected wave set.
▪ As an example, here is the detection of a root crack using 2 different wave sets.
– With Pulse-Echo TT, we detect the corner trap and the tip diffraction similar to PAUT.
– With Self-Tandem TTT, the representation of the crack is best.

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Wave Set Selection
▪ Flaw detection and characterization capabilities are dependent on the selected wave set.
▪ However, when changing the type of flaw and its location, the TTT wave set completely misses it.

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AIM Simulation Tool
▪ AIM: Acoustic Influence Map
– Olympus’ AIM simulation tool helps the user to select the proper mode for the inspection and understand the effects for a
given flaw.
– AIM is a semi-analytical model that predicts and maps the amplitude sensitivity for TFM inspection.
– Accounts for probe frequency, element directivity, transmission/reflection coefficients, geometric beam spread, material
attenuation, and the directionality of the flaw.

• Displays the expected ultrasonic response for a given

wave set and reflector.
• Assists in optimal wave set selection.
• Gives a sensitivity index value

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Multi Groups
▪ Some applications require more than a unique TFM wave set to ensure the proper detection of all flaws.
▪ It is possible to configure and run an inspection using up to 4 simultaneous groups.

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Amplitude Fidelity
▪ Definition: Amplitude fidelity (AF) is the measurement (in dB) of the maximum amplitude variation of an indication caused by
the TFM grid resolution.
▪ Parameters that have influence on the value:
– Probe frequency and bandwidth
– Material velocity
– Grid resolution
– TFM Envelope
– Etc.
▪ ASME Code compliance for weld inspection: AF should not exceed 2 dB.
– Mandatory Appendix XI Full Matrix Capture (FMC) and Nonmandatory Appendix F Examination of Welds Using Full
Matrix Capture (FMC) – ASME BPVC Sec. V, Article 4. 2019
▪ If the Amplitude Fidelity is above 2 dB, the user can either reduce the zone size, increase the resolution, or increase the
probe frequency until the requirement is met.

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Amplitude Fidelity
▪ Here is an example of the effect on the Resolution of an indication with different Amplitude Fidelity.

AF = 0.3dB AF = 1.2dB AF = 5.2dB

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TFM Envelope
▪ The TFM envelope is obtained by computing the norm of two different TFM images: one computed using the standard
acquired FMC and a second computed using the Hilbert transformed FMC.
– No information is lost.
– This is signal processing and not a smoothing filter.

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TFM Envelope
▪ Advantages of the TFM Envelope:
– Improved basis for amplitude-based sizing methods.
– Higher acquisition rate for equivalent Amplitude Fidelity value.
– Improved Signal-to-Noise ratio.

Envelope OFF Envelope ON

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TFM Envelope
▪ Advantages of the TFM Envelope:
– Improved basis for amplitude-based sizing methods.
– Higher acquisition rate for equivalent Amplitude Fidelity value.
– Improved Signal-to-Noise ratio.

Resolution: 0.08mm Resolution: 0.17mm

Amplitude Fidelity: 1.9dB Amplitude Fidelity: 2.0dB
PRF: 12.4Hz PRF: 25.0Hz
Envelope OFF Envelope ON

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4. Advantages and Limitations
• What to keep in mind when using TFM
▪ Indication resolution.
– Ability to resolve closely spaced reflectors.

▪ With PAUT:
– If unfocused beams are used then the resolution of PAUT can be poor, the primary objective being the detection of
discontinuities rather than sizing.
– If focusing is used then good resolution can be achieved but it is limited to the area of focusing.
▪ With TFM:
– Image optimal resolution is achieved at all points within a well defined zone.
– Point reflectors in the region of interest, when spaced apart larger than the grid resolution, will image well and can be
– Improving also the ability to characterize the nature of the reflectors.

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▪ Indication resolution.
– Ability to resolve closely spaced reflectors.
5L32-A32 contact

PAUT Linear Scan TFM LL Scan

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▪ Indication resolution.
– Ability to resolve closely spaced reflectors.

5L32-A32 contact

PAUT Linear Scan TFM LL Scan

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▪ Near-Surface resolution
– Detection of flaws close to the scanning surface and improved capability to inspect components of smaller thickness.

▪ With PAUT:
– Generally large dead zones with pulse-echo.
– We use beams where the receive direction is identical to the transmit direction.
– The beam is formed of multiple elements, it is called a wave front.
▪ With TFM:
– Detection of flaws close to the scanning surface and improved capability to inspect components of smaller thickness.
– Multiple transmit-receive paths between elements of the aperture spread over a much larger area of the front wall leads
to smaller dead zones in the image.
– Only 1 element is pulsed at a time.

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▪ Near-Surface resolution
– Detection of flaws close to the scanning surface and improved capability to inspect components of smaller thickness.
5L32-A32 contact

PAUT Linear Scan TFM LL Scan

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▪ Indication orientation accuracy
– With right wave set, the representation and orientation of the defect can be imaged accurately.
5L32-A32 with 55SW wedge

PAUT Sectorial scan plan TFM TTT scan plan

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▪ Indication orientation accuracy
– With right wave set, the representation and orientation of the defect can be imaged accurately.
5L32-A32 with 55SW wedge

PAUT Sectorial Scan TFM TTT Scan

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▪ Part Geometry
– Self-tandem mode results are very sensitive to a part’s thickness and geometry. An error in the time of flight calculation
may lead to poor detection capabilities or no detection at all.

▪ Thickness or Geometry changes will affect the accuracy of the readings when skipping the ultrasound.
– An accuracy error in the thickness input results in inaccurate readings.
– The computation of the time of flight relies heavily on the first and/or second bounces. If the TOF is shorter then expected
(material being thinner than the entered parameter), the indication can be entirely missed.

▪ Care should be taken when examining welds of complex geometry like weld joining materials of unequal thickness, materials
that are joined at an angle, nozzles, etc.
– This is also true for Pulse-Echo Wave Sets.

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▪ Part Geometry
– Self-tandem mode results are very sensitive to a part’s thickness and geometry. An error in the time of flight calculation
may lead to poor detection capabilities or no detection at all.

▪ Velocity input: 2.5% difference (80m/s) in value in TTT resulted in a loss in signal of 17.9 dB for this vertical notch.

Accurate Velocity 80m/s Velocity difference

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▪ FMC/TFM technique provides additional inspection solutions when set properly.

▪ Probe selection is important for accurate results (Near Field).

▪ TFM procedures should be based on modeling and wave set validations.

▪ Orientation, location (depth), and type of flaw impact the results.

▪ Each inspection application requires a dedicated TFM technique/procedure that includes a detailed scan plan.

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