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Chapter Iii

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This chapter presents the methodology of this research. The research

methodology consists of place and time of research, approach and type of the

research, source of data, technique of collecting data, procedure of the research,

technique of the validating data, and technique of analyzing data.

A. Place and Time of Research

1. Place of Research

This research takes place at SMPN 3 Mejayan which is located on

Jalan A. Yani, No. 134, The reason for selecting this school as the place

of research is that there have not been any researches at this school yet,

particularly concerning with the implementation of Task Based Teaching

technique in teaching writing recount text. In the teaching and learning

narrative text, the students know many stories related to narrative text but

when they have to produce their own narrative text, they face many

difficulties. Many students cannot get and generate their own idea. Some

students have idea but cannot express it in their own sentences. They also

have difficulties in arranging the idea into good order to form a good

narrative text. They also lack of vocabularies related to the idea that they

want to write.


2. Time of Research

This study has been conducted for 5 months; from March to July

2016. The research activities that the researcher does during the time are

presented as follows:

Table 3.1. Time of Research

Research Year 2016
Activities March April May June July
1. Pre-Research
Arranging for
research design
related literature
2. Collecting data
3. Analyzing data
4. Reporting the
result of study

B. Approach and Type of the Research

1. Approach of Research

This research applies a qualitative research because this study has a

goal of observing phenomenon without presenting hypothesis. The

phenomenon in this study is the implementation of task based teaching to

teach writing narrative text for the eighth grade students of SMPN 3

Mejayan in the schooling year of 2015/2016.

According to Flick (2009: 4),


Qualitative research is establishing itself in many social sciences, in

psychology, in nursing, and the like. As a novice to the field or as an
experienced researcher, you can use a great variety of specific
methods, each of which starts from different premises and pursues
different aims. Each method in qualitative research is based on a
specific understanding of its object.

Berg (2001: 2) states that qualitative methodologies have not

predominated in the social sciences. After all, qualitative research takes

much longer, requires greater clarity of goals during design stages, and

cannot be analyzed by running computer programs. Qualitative research

methods and analytic strategies are not associated with high-tech society in

the ways quantitative techniques may be.

Qualitative research is descriptive. The data collected take the form

of words or pictures rather than numbers. By using this method, the

researcher takes some steps such as observing, collecting, documenting

and analyzing the data, and finally drawing a conclusion. In obtaining the

purpose above, the researcher applies descriptive qualitative method in

carrying out her research in order to describe the fact in the

implementation of task based teaching on writing narrative text for the

eighth grade students of SMPN 3 Mejayan in the schooling year of


2. Type of Research

The researcher uses description research as approach of research to

analyze the problems in this research. According to Borg and Gall (2005:

38): “Descriptive research is unique in the number of variables employed.

Descriptive research emerges following creative exploration, and serves to


organize the findings in order to fit them with explanations and then, test

or validate those explanations.” The descriptive function of research is

heavily on instrumentation for measurement and observation.

The researcher analyzes the implementation of task based teaching

on writing narrative text for the eighth grade students of SMPN 3 Mejayan

in the schooling year of 2015/2016 by using descriptive research approach.

By this research approach, the implementation of task based teaching in

writing narrative text is evaluated and describes. The researcher is

collecting, analyzing, and using information about the fact in the

implementation of task based teaching on writing narrative text and the

advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of task based

teaching on writing narrative text.

C. Source of Data

In a research, there must be a subject. A research subject is any object

or phenomenon that is observed for the purpose of the research.

1. Population

Population is “wilayah generalisasi yang terdiri dari obyek atau

subjek yang mempunyai kuantitas dan karakteristik tertentu yang

ditetapkan oleh peneliti untuk dipelajari dan kemudian ditarik

kesimpulannya (Sugiyono, 2010: 117). It means that population is the

research object used to obtain and collect data. According to the opinions,

population can be defined as the object of research from which the


researcher may collect data. Population provides the researcher with

information or data used to solve the research problems.

The subject in this research was the students of the English teacher

and the eighth grade students of SMPN 3 Mejayan in the schooling year of

2015/2016. There are six classes, namely VIII A, V III B, V III C, VIII D,

VIII E, and VIII F. The total number of the students is 127 students. All of

them were given English teaching writing narrative text in learning

process. Moreover, they are chosen as the population of the research.

2. Sample

Sample can be the persons as the subject of the research. Gall et al,

(2007: 166) state, “Researchers attempt to discover something about a

large group of individuals by studying a much smaller group. The smaller

group they actually study is called a sample”. Shortly, sample is a portion

of the greater population. The sample represents the characteristic of all

population. In this study, the researcher takes class VIII B, which consists

of 28 students, as a sample of study because based on observation, from

seven class above, class VIII D is a class that has the lowest level of

mastery of writing narrative text than other classes.

D. Technique of Collecting Data

Data are needed in a research, so collecting data is one of the most

important steps in doing a research. There were some techniques of data

collecting used. The aims of using these techniques were to know the students’

response during the activities, to see their abilities in implementing of Task


Based Teaching technique in teaching writing narrative text and their progress,

to gather information. Concerning this case, the researcher uses interview,

observation, and documentation as the techniques for collecting data.

1. Interview

Interview is good technique of collecting data by asking some

questions. Grabe and Stoller (2013: 166) state “Interviews are face-to-face

interactions conducted by the teacher in a structured, semi-structured, or

unstructured format with teachers, administrators, librarians, aides, and

parents”. Interview is done by face-to-face interaction and telephone to the

subjects of research to gather information.

In the research, the researcher is interview the English teacher. It is

to gather the information of the students’ behavior in writing class. The

researcher used the result of the interview as the primary data for

conducting the research procedure. In addition, the researcher is got the

teacher’s perspective from the interview. The researcher also interview the

students. The researcher interview them in the end of implementation of

Task Based Teaching technique in teaching writing narrative text. It is

conduct to know the students’ perspective about the implementation of

Task Based Teaching technique in teaching writing narrative text.

2. Observation

Observation has purpose to get the information from the object of

observation. According to Murray (2003: 60) ”Observation is gathering

information involves watching and listening to events then recording what


occurred”. It means that observation is the way to research directly by

watching and listening the object the record what happened in the events.

In case, the researcher as observator. So, the researcher involves directly in

teaching process.

The observation is using by recording in the field notes. Field notes

are descriptions and accounts of observed events, including non verbal

information, physical setting, group structures, and interactions between

participants. The notes were made based on the activities on the lesson

plan. In writing field notes, the researcher was helped by the collaborator

in every meeting. Observation is used to find the advantage and

disadvantage in the implementation of Task Based Teaching technique in

teaching writing narrative text for eighth grade students of SMPN 3

Mejayan in the schooling year of 2015/2016.

3. Documentation

This research also uses documentation to collect the data. Lincoln

and Guba (in Gall, et. al., 2007: 166) state, “Documentation is as written

communication that are prepared for personal rather than official reasons”.

While, Grabe and Stoller (2013: 166) say “Document gathering is

collection of sets of documents (interpreted broadly) that are relevant to

the research question (e.g. in-class exam; lesson plans; pre-and post-test,

software, students exercises, worksheets, writing assignment or projects,

student record; textbooks)”.


Document is the result of observation has been done that are written

or printed, such as letter or text record from research, and checklist.

According to Bogdan and Biklen (2007: 64),

Document refers to materials such as photographs, videos, memos,

letters, diaries, clinical case records, and memorabilia of all sorts that
can be used as supplemental information as part of a case study
whose main data source is participant observation or interviewing.”

Based on the statement above, it can be said that documentation in

collecting data means collecting all written documents which are relevant

to the research question. From the documentation technique, the researcher

gets some data of the students’ writing narrative text achievement, text

book, and English lesson plan at SMPN 3 Mejayan.

E. Procedure of the Research

The researcher analyzes the implementation of Task Based Teaching

technique in teaching writing narrative text and advantage-disadvantage of

the implementation of Task Based Teaching in teaching writing narrative text

for eighth grade students of SMPN 3 Mejayan in the schooling year of

2015/2016. According to Arikunto (2010: 61), procedures of the research are

planning, application and reporting. From the statement above, it can be

concluded that there are procedures of research as stated as follows:

1. Planning

Activities done before doing the research are:

a. Proposing the title of the research

b. Getting the permission letter from the department of English


c. Arranging the research methodology

2. Application

The application activities are:

a. Collecting the data as follows:

1) Making interview with the English teacher and


2) Making observation students learning process.

3) Give interviews to students to get information about

the implementation of Task Based Teaching technique to teach

writing narrative text in their classroom.

b. Analyzing the data by data reduction, data display, and conclusion


3. Reporting steps; after collecting the data, the researcher arranges the result

of the study in the form of thesis writing.

Based on Arikunto’s theory above, it can be summarized that the

procedures of research include planning, application, and reporting steps.

Planning is done before conducting the research. Application is the activities

in doing research which include collecting and analyzing the data. The last is

reporting steps in which the researcher arranges the result of the study in the

form of thesis.

F. The Validity of Data

To check validity of data, the researcher chooses the triangulation.

According to Flick (2009: 417), “Triangulation is also used as a strategy for

improving quality of qualitative research by extending the approach to the


issue under study.” It means that this study involves the main source and

secondary source so it is called as a data triangulation. The main sources in

the study are the implementation and the advantages and disadvantages of

Task Based Teaching in teaching writing narrative text for eighth grade

students of SMPN 3 Mejayan in the schooling year of 2015/2016. The

secondary source is the theories. The researcher tries to recheck the result of

the study by reviewing the theories.

In this study, the researcher uses methodological triangulation because

the researcher analyzes the three kinds of data namely the result of interview,

observtion, and documentation. This study involves the main source and

secondary source so it is called as a data triangulation. The researcher

describe and analyze the implementation of Task Based Teaching in teaching

writing narrative text, the advantages and disadvantages in the

implementation of Task Based Teaching in teaching writing narrative text,

and review the theories of Task Based Teaching technique in teaching writing

narrative text in analyzing data.

G. Technique of Analyzing Data

As the purposes of this research is to investigated the implementation of

task based teaching in teaching writing narrative text, it necessary to choose

the most suitable methods of data analysis to ensure that the data is treated

thoroughly and the conclusions drawn can be substantiated. This research

applied the interactive model by Miles, et.al. (2014: 31) that state, “Analysis

as three concurrent flows of activity: (1) Data Condensation, (2) Data display,

and (3) conclusion drawing/verification.” The procedures of data analysis can

be drawn as below:

Data collection Data display

Data condensation Conclusions:


Figure 3.1. Components of Data Analysis: Interactive Model (Miles,

et.al., 2014: 33)

That is, the data were analyzed through three cyclical steps, namely,

data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification.

1. Data condensation

During the study, the researches who directly spaciousness will

surely find a lot of data, complexand complicated. Then it is necessary to

undertake analyze is of the data by condensation data. Miles, et.al. (2014:

31) explain, “Data condensation refers to the process of selecting,

focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and/ortransforming the data that appear

in the full corpus (body) of written-up field notes, interview transcripts,

documents, and other empirical materials.” It is supported by Sugiyono

(2014: 92) states that reduce is to summarize, select and focus on the

important things like themes and patterns that have been set and then

discard uneeded. So, after having reduced, the data become increasingly

apparent, which allow researchers to gather further data or search for it

again when needed.

The steps that are used by the researcher to reduce the data are:

a. Selecting of the data

In this step, the researcher collects the data used during analysis

by selecting the condition of how task based teaching technique is

implemented, the advantages and disadvantages in the implementation

of task based teaching technique in teaching writing narrative text.

b. Focusing

After selecting the data, the researcher focuses on the

implementation of task based teaching technique in teaching writing

narrative text. Then, the researcher finds out the advantages and

disadvantages in the implementation of task based teaching technique

in teaching writing narrative text.

2. Data display

Next technique is to display the data. According to Miles, et.al.

(2014: 31), “The second major flow of analysis activity is data display.

Generically, a display is an organized,compressed assembly of information

that allows conclusion drawing and action.” It means that display data is

explanation of the conclusion and what happened in the researcher.

While, Sugiyono (2014: 95) says (in qualitative research, data

display can be done in the form of a short description, cahrt, relations


between categories, clow chart and the like.” It means that, data can be

presented with short description, chart, and relations of the categories,

flowchart, and others. This process of the data reduction. It means that

display data is to present data in the form of written, chart, and others. In

this research, the data is displyed in the form of brief description and table.

3. Drawing and verifying conclusions

Verification is making conclusions from the researchers draws and

does verification after finishing data reduction and data display . it can be

temporary and change able if there is no strong evidence. Miles, et.al.

(2014: 32) state:

Conclusion drawing, in our view, is only half of a Gemini

configuration.Conclusions are also verified as the analyst proceeds.
Verification may be as brief as a fleeting second thought crossing
the analyst’s mind during writing, with a short excursion back to
the field notes; or it may be thorough and elaborate, with lengthy
argumentation and review among colleagues to develop
“intersubjective consensus” or with extensive efforts to replicate a
finding in another data set. The meanings emerging from the data
have to be tested for their plausibility, their sturdiness, their
confirmability-that is, their validity. Otherwise, we are left with
interesting stories about what happened but of unknown truth and

It means that the conclusion drawing is only half of a final result,

because the conclusion will be verified later. This verification is done by

coming back to the place of research and reviewing the results of the

research with colleagues to develop the back and result. The verification

aims to get the research results really accurate. In this research, the

researcher concludes the result of the research.

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