Chapter Iii
Chapter Iii
Chapter Iii
methodology consists of place and time of research, approach and type of the
1. Place of Research
Jalan A. Yani, No. 134, The reason for selecting this school as the place
of research is that there have not been any researches at this school yet,
narrative text, the students know many stories related to narrative text but
when they have to produce their own narrative text, they face many
difficulties. Many students cannot get and generate their own idea. Some
students have idea but cannot express it in their own sentences. They also
have difficulties in arranging the idea into good order to form a good
narrative text. They also lack of vocabularies related to the idea that they
want to write.
2. Time of Research
This study has been conducted for 5 months; from March to July
2016. The research activities that the researcher does during the time are
presented as follows:
1. Approach of Research
teach writing narrative text for the eighth grade students of SMPN 3
much longer, requires greater clarity of goals during design stages, and
methods and analytic strategies are not associated with high-tech society in
and analyzing the data, and finally drawing a conclusion. In obtaining the
2. Type of Research
analyze the problems in this research. According to Borg and Gall (2005:
organize the findings in order to fit them with explanations and then, test
on writing narrative text for the eighth grade students of SMPN 3 Mejayan
C. Source of Data
1. Population
research object used to obtain and collect data. According to the opinions,
The subject in this research was the students of the English teacher
and the eighth grade students of SMPN 3 Mejayan in the schooling year of
2015/2016. There are six classes, namely VIII A, V III B, V III C, VIII D,
VIII E, and VIII F. The total number of the students is 127 students. All of
2. Sample
Sample can be the persons as the subject of the research. Gall et al,
population. In this study, the researcher takes class VIII B, which consists
seven class above, class VIII D is a class that has the lowest level of
collecting used. The aims of using these techniques were to know the students’
Based Teaching technique in teaching writing narrative text and their progress,
1. Interview
questions. Grabe and Stoller (2013: 166) state “Interviews are face-to-face
researcher used the result of the interview as the primary data for
teacher’s perspective from the interview. The researcher also interview the
2. Observation
watching and listening the object the record what happened in the events.
teaching process.
participants. The notes were made based on the activities on the lesson
plan. In writing field notes, the researcher was helped by the collaborator
3. Documentation
and Guba (in Gall, et. al., 2007: 166) state, “Documentation is as written
communication that are prepared for personal rather than official reasons”.
the research question (e.g. in-class exam; lesson plans; pre-and post-test,
Document is the result of observation has been done that are written
collecting data means collecting all written documents which are relevant
gets some data of the students’ writing narrative text achievement, text
1. Planning
2. Application
3. Reporting steps; after collecting the data, the researcher arranges the result
in doing research which include collecting and analyzing the data. The last is
reporting steps in which the researcher arranges the result of the study in the
form of thesis.
issue under study.” It means that this study involves the main source and
the study are the implementation and the advantages and disadvantages of
Task Based Teaching in teaching writing narrative text for eighth grade
secondary source is the theories. The researcher tries to recheck the result of
the researcher analyzes the three kinds of data namely the result of interview,
observtion, and documentation. This study involves the main source and
and review the theories of Task Based Teaching technique in teaching writing
the most suitable methods of data analysis to ensure that the data is treated
applied the interactive model by Miles, (2014: 31) that state, “Analysis
as three concurrent flows of activity: (1) Data Condensation, (2) Data display,
be drawn as below:
That is, the data were analyzed through three cyclical steps, namely,
1. Data condensation
(2014: 92) states that reduce is to summarize, select and focus on the
important things like themes and patterns that have been set and then
discard uneeded. So, after having reduced, the data become increasingly
The steps that are used by the researcher to reduce the data are:
In this step, the researcher collects the data used during analysis
b. Focusing
narrative text. Then, the researcher finds out the advantages and
2. Data display
(2014: 31), “The second major flow of analysis activity is data display.
that allows conclusion drawing and action.” It means that display data is
between categories, clow chart and the like.” It means that, data can be
flowchart, and others. This process of the data reduction. It means that
display data is to present data in the form of written, chart, and others. In
this research, the data is displyed in the form of brief description and table.
does verification after finishing data reduction and data display . it can be
coming back to the place of research and reviewing the results of the
research with colleagues to develop the back and result. The verification
aims to get the research results really accurate. In this research, the