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Brand Name: Berirab Contents: Indication / Action:: Rabies

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Brand Name: Berirab

Contents: Human rabies Ig, pasteurized

Indication / Action: Rabies prophylaxis after suspected exposure for persons who have no or incomplete vaccine
protection; following all injuries caused by animals, wild or domestic, known or suspected to be rabid, as well as after
contact of the mucous membranes or of the skin, esp of the injured skin w/ saliva of such animals.
Click to view Berirab P detailed prescribing infomation

Dosage: 20 IU/kg body wt IM as a single dose.


Adverse Reaction: Transient tenderness at inj site, cutaneous reactions & elevations in temp. Rarely, nausea,
vomiting & circulatory reactions (tachycardia, bradycardia, hypotension, sweating, vertigo) or anaphylactoid reactions.
In isolated symptoms, shock, particularly if inadvertently injected intravascularly.

Nursing Consideration: Not for multiple administration. Do not inject via intravascular route to prevent shock-like
symptoms. Administer in divided fractions in required comparatively large total doses. Administer in combination w/
rabies vaccine but on different site on the body.

Brand Name: Verorab

Contents: Inactivated purified rabies vaccine prepared on Vero cells

Indication / Action: Pre-Exposure Immunization: Verorab is particularly recommended for: Professional groups
exposed to frequent contamination: Veterinary surgeons including students at veterinary colleges, technical
personnel working with veterinary surgeons, laboratory personnel handling material contaminated with rabies virus,
personnel in abattoirs and knacker's yard, taxidermists, gamekeepers, forestry workers and naturalists in enzootic
areas. Infants particularly exposed to the risk of rabies.

Post-Exposure Immunization: Treatment of subjects bitten by rabid animals or those suspected of being so.
Treatment of contact subjects.

Dosage: Pre-exposure 3 inj D0, D7 & D28, booster 1 yr later, & then 5 yrly (WHO experts). Post-exposure In
subjects unvaccinated against rabies: IM-schedule 5 x 0.5 mL on days D0, D3, D7, D14 & D30. ID-schedule2 x 0.1
mL at different sites on days D0, D3, D7 & 1 x 0.1 mL at a single site on days D30, D90.

Contraindications: Post-Exposure Immunization: All contraindications are secondary in cases of suspected rabid

Pre-Exposure and Booster Immunization: In case of pregnancy or acute febrile illness, the vaccination should be

Side Effects: Local minor reactions eg, redness and slight induration at the injection site. Rare febrile reactions.

Adverse Reaction: Local minor reactions. Rare febrile reactions.

Nursing Consideration: Cases of true allergy to streptomycin &/or neomycin. Do not use the intradermal route in
patients receiving long-term corticosteroid or other immunosuppressive therapy or chloroquine, immunocompromised
patients, patients w/ severe wounds esp to head & neck.
Brand Name: Tetanus toxoid


Indication / Action:  This medication is given to provide protection (immunity)

againsttetanus (lockjaw) in adults and children 7 years or older. Vaccination is the best way to
protect against this life-threatening disease. Vaccines work by causing the body to produce its own
protection (antibodies). Tetanus vaccine is usually first given to infants with 2 other vaccines
for diphtheriaand whooping cough (pertussis) in a series of 3 injections. This medication is usually
used as a "booster" vaccine after this first series. Closely follow the vaccination schedule provided
by the doctor.Booster injections may be needed at the time of injury in older children and adults if it
has been 5-10 years since the last tetanus vaccine was received. Booster injections should also be
given every 10 years even if no injury has occurred. This injection or an injection with
tetanus/diphtheria or tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis may be used for the booster.


Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to any component of the vaccine, including thimerosal, a mercury

derivative, is a contraindication to receipt of Tetanus Toxoid Adsorbed manufactured by Aventis Pasteur Inc.
(See DESCRIPTION section.)

It is a contraindication to use this vaccine after anaphylaxis or other serious allergic reaction following a
previous dose of this vaccine, any other tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine, or any component of this
vaccine. Because of uncertainty as to which component of the vaccine may be responsible, no further
vaccination with a tetanus component should be carried out. Alternatively, such individuals may be referred
to an allergist for evaluation if further immunizations are to be considered.

Side Effects:  allergic reaction Confusion

 convulsions (seizures)
 fever over 103 °F (39.4 °C)
 headache (severe or continuing)
 sleepiness (excessive)
 swelling, blistering, or pain at place of injection (severe or continuing)
 swelling of glands in armpit
 unusual irritability
 vomiting (severe or continuing)
 Redness or hard lump at place of injection

Less common

 Chills, fever, irritability, or unusual tiredness

 pain, tenderness, itching, or swelling at place of injection
 skin rash

Adverse Reaction:

Brand Name:Human Tetanus Immunoglobulin

Contents: Tetanus Ig G

Indication / Action: Tetanus prophylaxis in persons w/ recent injuries eg trauma & burns that might be

contaminated w/ Clostridium tetani; those who did not receive tetanus vaccination in the last 10 yr or in whom the
immune response is insufficient & when the status of immunization is unknown or when active immunization is

Dosage: IM Patients w/ insufficient or unknown immunological status 250 iu. In case of infected wounds or
presence of foreign bodies in the wound, adult >90 kg of severe or continued blood or plasma loss, >24 hr
since the injury 500 iu. Patients not immunized or partially immunized Clean w/ minor wound Begin or
complete immunization as per schedule at standard dose. Clean w/ major &/or tetanus prone250 iu contralaterally
at standard dose & complete immunization as per schedule. Tetanus prone, delayed or incomplete
debridement 500 iu contralaterally at standard dose & complete immunization as per schedule plus antibiotic
therapy. Patients completely immunized since last booster dose 5-10 yr Clean w/ minor wound None. Clean w/
major &/or tetanus prone Standard dose. Tetanus prone, delayed or incomplete debridement Standard dose
plus antibiotic therapy. >10 yr Clean w/ minor wound Standard dose. Clean w/ major &/or tetanus prone 250 iu
contralaterally at standard dose. Tetanus prone, delayed or incomplete debridement 500 iu contralaterally at
standard dose plus antibiotic therapy.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to any of the components.

Hypersensitivity to human immunoglobulins. Must not be given IV as patient could develop shock. Should not
be given in severe thrombocytopenia & in hemostasis.

Adverse Reaction: Chills, headache, fever, nausea, vomiting, allergic reactions, dizziness, low BP, arthralgia &
moderate low back pain.

Nursing Consideration: Closely monitor & carefully observe patients for any adverse events for at least 20 min
after administration. Suspicion of allergic or anaphylactic shock requires immediate discontinuation of of the inj.
Pregnancy & lactation.

Brand Name:


Indication / Action:


Adverse Reaction:

Nursing Consideration:

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