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Istartek GPS Tracker Communication Protocol V1.0-1

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File Name iStartek GPS Tracker Protocol Ver. 1.

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iStartek GPS tracker Communication Protocol

Ver.: V1.0


Applied Models

The document describes the format of position/alarm GPRS data, and it is applied

for the following models:

 VT200 L

 VT200

 PT60
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1. Copyright and Disclaimer............................................................................................................................................4
2. GPRS Command Format..............................................................................................................................................4
3. GPRS Event Data Format............................................................................................................................................. 4
4. SMS Command Format............................................................................................................................................... 7
5. SMS Event Data Format.............................................................................................................................................. 8
6. Command List..............................................................................................................................................................8
000 – Ordinary upload of device positioning data package .................................................................................8
010 – Ordinary upload of device positioning data package .................................................................................9
020 – Compressed upload of device positioning data package ........................................................................... 9
100 – Set the GPRS parameters of server 1............................................................................................................9
101 – Set up a Backup Server for Server 1........................................................................................................... 10
102 – Set the GPRS Time Interval of Server 1.......................................................................................................10
103 – Set the Reliable Data Transmission Mode of Server 1............................................................................... 11
104 – Set Server 1 Data Sorting Transmission Mode........................................................................................... 12
105 – Set the GPRS Parameters of Server 2......................................................................................................... 12
106 – Set the GPRS Time Interval of Server 2.......................................................................................................12
107 – Set the Reliable Data Transmission Mode of Server 2............................................................................... 13
108 – Set Server 2 Data Sorting Transmission Mode........................................................................................... 14
109 – Set APN........................................................................................................................................................14
110 – Set Device ID............................................................................................................................................... 14
111 –Set DNS IP.....................................................................................................................................................15
120 – Set Track by Distance Interval..................................................................................................................... 15
121 – Set Heading Change Report........................................................................................................................ 15
122 – Set Heartbeat.............................................................................................................................................. 16
123 – Set Speeding Alarm.....................................................................................................................................16
124 – Set Sleep Mode........................................................................................................................................... 17
125 – Set a Circular Geo-fence............................................................................................................................. 17
126 – Set Geo-fence Name................................................................................................................................... 18
127 – Delete Circular Geo-fence...........................................................................................................................18
128 – Set Acceleration Alarm............................................................................................................................... 19
129 – Set Deceleration Alarm............................................................................................................................... 19
130 – Set Harsh Turning Alarm............................................................................................................................. 19
131 – Set Impact Alarm.........................................................................................................................................20
132 – Set Vibration (tow) alarm............................................................................................................................20
133 – Set Idling Alarm (stop without ACC OFF)....................................................................................................21
134 – Set Fatigue Driving Alarm........................................................................................................................... 21
135 – Set Temperature Sensor..............................................................................................................................22
136 – Set High and Low Temperature Alarm........................................................................................................22
137 – Get Temperature Value............................................................................................................................... 23
138 – Set Fuel Tank Parameters............................................................................................................................23
139 – Set Fuel Sensor Type................................................................................................................................... 24
140 – Set Fuel Steal Alarm.................................................................................................................................... 24
141 – Set Low Fuel Alarm..................................................................................................................................... 25
144 – Authorize RFID/iButton...............................................................................................................................25
145 – Delete RFID/iButton.................................................................................................................................... 26
146 – Check Authorization Status of RFID/iButton Card......................................................................................26
150 – Set GPS Log Time Interval........................................................................................................................... 27
151 – Set Vibration Detection Sensitivity............................................................................................................. 27
152 – Set Arming/Disarming.................................................................................................................................28
153 – Set GSM Jamming Alarm.............................................................................................................................28
200 – Set SMS Time Interval................................................................................................................................. 28
201 – Set Authorized Phone Number...................................................................................................................29
202 – Set Device Call Event...................................................................................................................................29
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203 – Set the Authorized Number SMS Alarm Event........................................................................................... 30

204 – Set the Characters for Event SMS Alarm.................................................................................................... 30
205 – Set Two-way Audio Events.......................................................................................................................... 31
206 – Set up Listening Events............................................................................................................................... 31
210 – Set GPRS Alarm Event................................................................................................................................. 32
211 – Set Photo Taking Event................................................................................................................................32
212 – Set Output to Generate Output Events...................................................................................................... 32
250 – Set Input Working Mode.............................................................................................................................33
251 – Set Output Working Mode..........................................................................................................................33
252 – Set RS232 Port to Connect External Devices.............................................................................................. 34
600 – Set SMS Command Password..................................................................................................................... 35
601 – Set SMS Time Zone..................................................................................................................................... 35
602 – Set SIM Card PIN Code................................................................................................................................35
610 – Set Initial Mileage....................................................................................................................................... 36
611 – Clear GPRS/SMS Buffer............................................................................................................................... 36
612 – Initialization Parameter...............................................................................................................................37
620 – Set Device LED Indicator Mode...................................................................................................................37
800 – Get Current Location...................................................................................................................................37
801 – Get Device SN, IMEI, Software Version.......................................................................................................38
802 – Get Device Working Status......................................................................................................................... 38
900 – Output Control............................................................................................................................................ 39
901 – Output Control(Mode Output)..............................................................................................................39
910 – Restart Device or Module........................................................................................................................... 40
990 – FOTA Upgrade Detection.............................................................................................................................40
991 – FOTA Upgrade Authorization...................................................................................................................... 41
992 – Send FOTA Packet........................................................................................................................................41
993 – FOTA Data Check......................................................................................................................................... 42
994 – Device Update FOTA Program.....................................................................................................................42
995 – Cancel FOTA.................................................................................................................................................43
Appendix A-Alarm Event Codes and Alarm Characters................................................................................................ 43
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1. Copyright and Disclaimer

Shenzhen iStartek Technology Co., Ltd. All rights reserved Copyright © 2019 iStartek.

iStartek and are registered trademarks of Shenzhen iStartek Technology Co., Ltd.
This manual cannot be copied for any purpose, disseminated in any way without the written authorization of
iStartek shall not be liable for direct, indirect or all losses (including but not limited to economic losses, personal
injuries, property and assets) caused by the use or inappropriate use of the product or documents.

2. GPRS Command Format

GPRS command packet format(from server to tracker):
GPRS command packet format(from tracker to server):
The comma (,) is a symbol used to separate each data item, and there is no space before and after the comma.
&&: It is the header of packet from tracker to server
$$: It is the header of packet from server to tracker
pack-no:Data packet number, 1 byte, calculated cyclically from 0x3A to 0x7E. When the platform receives the
request instruction from the device, or the device receives the instruction sent by the platform, and needs to reply
to the other party, the reply pack-no must be consistent with the received instruction.
pack-len: Data packet length, in decimal format, the data packet length includes the data of
",<ID>,<cmd-code>,<cmd-data>" (note: include the comma before the ID).
ID:Device ID number, the default is the IMEI number of the device.
cmd-code:Command code.
cmd-data:The content of the command data, see the description of each command in the following protocol.
checksum:Checksum of the data packet, 2 bytes, in hexadecimal format, is the cumulative sum calculation of all
the data before the checksum (&&<pack-no><pack-len>,<ID>,<cmd-code>,<cmd-data >)
\r\n:It is the ending character,<CR><LF>。
If not specified, multi-byte binary data in cmd-data use big endian format. i.e. Most significant byte first.

3. GPRS Event Data Format

ystem-sta>,<in-sta>,<out-sta>,<ext-V|bat-V|ad1-V| …
GPRS event data description:
Item Description Example
pack-head Data header, 2 bytes &&
pack-no Data packet number, 1 byte, calculated cyclically from 0x3A to A
0x7E. When the platform receives the request instruction from
the device, or the device receives the instruction sent by the
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platform, and needs to reply to the other party, the reply

pack-no must be consistent with the received instruction
pack-len Data packet length, decimal character format, the length is 147
sum of
ID Device ID number, composed of 3~16 numbers or English
letters, the default is the IMEI number of device
cmd GPRS command data type flag
000 is a normal data from tracker to server, and the platform
does not need to reply to receive confirmation;
010 is a normal data from tracker to server, which requires the 000
platform to reply to the receipt confirmation;
020 is a compressed data package from tracker to server,
which requires the platform to reply and confirm receipt.
alm-code Event code of the alarm, please refer to Appendix A 0
alm-data Additional description of alarm events, please refer to Empty means the event has no
Appendix A additional description
date-time GMT0 date & time, format: YYMMDDHHmmss
01 YY: Year, which is the value of the year minus 2000, 2
02 MM: Month, 01-12, 2 characters 180106093046 means
03 DD: day, 01--31, 2 characters 2018-1-6 9:30:46
04 HH: hour, 00--23, 2 characters
05 mm: minutes, 00-59, 2 characters
06 ss: second, 00--59, 2 characters
fix_flag GPS Location status indicator, A = valid, V = invalid A
latitude Latitude, the unit is degree, decimal format
If it is south latitude, add-in front
longitude Longitude, the unit is degree, decimal format
If it is west longitude, add-in front
sat-quantity Number of satellite signals received, decimal format 8=8 satellites
HDOP Horizontal positioning accuracy, decimal format, the smaller
the value, the more accurate the accuracy
speed GPS speed, the unit is km/h, decimal format 54
course The direction and angle of the movement, in degrees, in
decimal format
altitude Altitude, in meters, decimal format 76
odometer The accumulated total mileage, in meters, in decimal format 326781
MCC|MNC|LA Base station information, ‘|’ is used to separate each data; 460|0|27B3|0EA7
C|CI MCC, MNC: Decimal format MCC=460;
LAC, CI: Hexadecimal format MNC=0;
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CSQ-quanlity GSM signal value, 0-31, decimal format 27
system-sta The working status of tracker, in 8-bit hexadecimal format,
each bit represents a working status:
Bit0: GPRS connection status of IP1, 1=connected,
Bit1: GPRS connection status of IP2, 1=connected,
Bit2: GPS positioning status, 1=valid, 0=invalid
Bit3: External power connection status, 1=connected, 0000000F
Bit4: GPS antenna connection status, 1=connected,
Bit5: Stop status, 1=stop, 0=move
Bit6: Armed state, 1=armed, 0=disarmed
Bit7: RFID/iButton login status, 1=log in, 0=log out
Bit8~bit31: reserved
in-sta Input status, 2-digit hexadecimal format, each bit represents a
working status: 02
bit[0]-input1 status, 1=triggered, 0=non-triggered input2 is in the trigger state,
bit[1]-input2 status, 1=triggered, 0=non-triggered other inputs are in the
bit[2]-input3 status, 1=triggered, 0=non-triggered non-trigger state
out-sta Output status, 2-digit hexadecimal format, each bit represents
a working status:
bit[0] – output1 status, 1=active, 0=inactive 01
bit[1] – output2 status, 1=active, 0=inactive output1=active
bit[2] – output3 state, 1=active, 0=inactive
ext-V|bat-V|a 04E2|018C|01C8|0000
d1-V|…|adn-V The external power supply
voltage value is 0x04E2=1250,
Voltage value, the value of V*100, in hexadecimal format;
The internal battery voltage
‘|’ is used to separate each data;
value is 0x018C=396,
ext-V: external power supply voltage value;
bat-V: internal battery voltage value;
The AD1 input voltage value is
ad1-V… and-V: is the voltage value of the corresponding AD
input ports ad1… adn. Different devices support different
numbers of AD input ports;
AD2 input voltage value is
0x0000=0, V=0/100=0V;
The device supports two AD
pro-code Extended protocol version number to distinguish different
extended protocol functions. Decimal format.
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fule_liter The number of liters of the fuel tank. If the device is connected 0104B0
to multiple fuel sensors, upload the value of multiple fuel 01# Fuel tank: 0x04B0, the
tanks in hexadecimal format; decimal value is 1200, the fuel
‘|’ is used to separate each fuel tank data; volume is 120.0 liters
The number of liters of a fuel tank is expressed in 6-digit The 138, 139, and 140
hexadecimal format, the first 2 characters are the number of commands must be used to
the fuel tank, and the last 4 characters are the number of set the fuel tank parameters to
liters*10. detect the liters.
temp-sensor 01013D|028135
01#Temperature sensor:
The temperature value of the temperature sensor, if the
0x013D, the highest bit is 0 for
device is connected to multiple sensors, upload the value of
positive temperature value,
multiple sensors in hexadecimal format;
decimal value is 317,
‘|’ is used to separate each data;
3176/10= 31.7℃
A sensor value is expressed in a 6-digit hexadecimal character
02#Temperature sensor:
format, the first 2 characters are the sensor number, the last 4
0x8135, the highest digit is 1
characters are the temperature value, the highest bit of the
for negative temperature
temperature value is the sign bit, and the value is the actual
value, the decimal value is 309
temperature value *10.
(0x0135), 309/10= 30.9, then
checksum The checksum of the data packet, in 2-digit hexadecimal
format, the accumulation and calculation result of all the data
before the checksum
>,<date-time>,<fix_flag>,<latitude>,<longitude>,< 46
\r\n End of data packet, which is <CR><LF> \r\n

4. SMS Command Format

SMS command format (data sent from mobile phone to tracker):

SMS command format (data is sent from tracker to mobile phone):

The comma (,) is a symbol used to separate each data, and there is no space before and after the comma.
password: SMS command password, 4 characters, can be composed of any numbers, letters, and symbols. The
default is 0000.
cmd-code: command code.
cmd-data: command data content, see the description of each command in the following protocol.
If not specified, multi-byte binary data in cmd-data use big endian format. i.e. Most significant byte first.
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5. SMS Event Data Format

GPRS Event data description:
SOS,082619 09:30:46,A,54,286,76,31,http://maps.google.com/maps?q=22.646430,114.065730
Item Description Example
Alarm_Head_String The header name of the SMS alarm event,
please refer to Appendix A. SOS
In and out of the fence event, add (fence name) Exit Fence(Home)
after Alarm_Head_String
date-time GMT0 + Time zone, date & time, format:
MMDDYY hh:mm:ss
01 MM: month, 01-12, 2 characters
02 DD: day, 01--31, 2 characters
03 YY: year, which is the year minus 2000, 2
082619 09:30:46=2019-08-26
04 hh: hour, 00--23, 2 characters
05 mm: minutes, 00-59, 2 characters
06 ss: second, 00--59, 2 characters
07 YY and hh are separated by a space symbol
08 hh, mm, ss are separated by ":"
fix_flag GPS Location status indicator, A = valid, V =
speed GPS speed, the unit is km/h, decimal format 54
course The direction and angle of the movement, in
degrees, in decimal format
altitude Altitude, in meters, decimal format 76
CSQ-quanlity GSM signal value, 0-31, decimal format 31
Links located on Google Maps http://maps.google.com/maps?q=
latitude Latitude, in degrees, decimal format
If it is south latitude, add - in front
longitude Longitude, in degrees, decimal format
If it is west longitude, add - in front

6. Command List

000 – Ordinary upload of device positioning data package (no need for platform to reply receipt confirmation)

Supported GPRS
Command to See above GPRS event data packet format
Command 01 Upload the positioning data package, the device will automatically delete the data after
Description uploading
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Command No
Command See above GPRS event data packet format

010 – Ordinary upload of device positioning data package (requires platform to reply receipt confirmation)

Supported GPRS
Command to See above GPRS event data packet format
Command 01 The positioning data package is uploaded. After uploading, the platform must reply receipt
Description confirmation before deleting the positioning data
02 The pack-no in the platform's reply must be the same as the pack-no in the uploaded
positioning data package
Command 010,1
Command See above GPRS event data packet format

020 – Compressed upload of device positioning data package (requires platform to reply receipt confirmation)

Supported GPRS
Command to See above GPRS event data packet format
Command 01 Multiple positioning data packages are compressed and uploaded. After uploading, the
Description platform must reply receipt confirmation before deleting the positioning data
02 The pack-no in the platform's reply must be the same as the pack-no in the uploaded
positioning data package
Command 020,1
Command See above GPRS event data packet format

100 – Set the GPRS parameters of server 1

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 100,mode,IP,Port
Command 01 mode: GPRS connection mode,
Description 0-Close GPRS connection, at this time any GPRS event will not be generated and sent to
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1-TCP connection mode;

2-UDP connection mode;
02 IP: The IP address or domain of the server, up to 32 characters;
03 Port: server port, decimal format, range value: 2~65534;
04 This command sets the IP and port of the main server, and 101 command sets the IP and port
of the backup server. After the backup server is set, if the main server fails to connect (try to
connect 5 times), the device will actively connect to the backup server (if it fails to connect to the
backup server after 5 attempts, try to connect to the main server again).
Command 100,<result>
Reply result: The result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport- the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 100,1,istartracker.com,8011

101 – Set up a Backup Server for Server 1

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 101, IP,Port
Command 01 IP: The IP address or domain of the backup server, up to 32 characters;
Description 02 Port: the port of the server, in decimal format, range value: 2~65534;
03 This command sets the IP and port of the backup server. After the backup server is set, if the
main server fails to connect (try to connect 5 times), the device will actively connect to the backup
server (if you try to connect to the backup server 5 times) If the connection fails, try to connect to
the main server again);
04 The connection mode is subject to the mode set by 100 instructions;
05 The device will not connect to the main server and backup server at the same time.
Command 101,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport-the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 101,,8011

102 – Set the GPRS Time Interval of Server 1

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 102,normal_time,ACC_Off_time,stopping_time
Command 01 normal_time: Normal time interval. When the conditions of ACC_Off_time or stopping_time are
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Description not met, the device will upload GPRS positioning data at normal_time intervals; the unit is second,
and the maximum is 65535 seconds.
02 ACC_Off_time: The time interval when ACC is off. When ACC_Off_time is set, normal_time is the
time interval when ACC is on. The unit is seconds, and the maximum is 65535 seconds.
03 stopping_time: the time interval when the device stops. When stopping_time is set, the device
will upload at normal_time intervals when the device is moving. The unit is seconds, and the
maximum is 65535 seconds.
04 When both ACC_Off_time and stopping_time are set at the same time, the data will be
uploaded according to the conditions of ACC_Off_time first.
Command 102,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport- the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 102,10
Example Set the normal time interval to 10 seconds;
Set the ACC on time interval to 10 seconds, and the ACC off time interval to 60 seconds;
Set the normal time interval to 10 seconds when moving, and 60 seconds when stationary;

103 – Set the Reliable Data Transmission Mode of Server 1

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 103,mode
Command 01 mode: The method of reliable data upload, =0 means the device automatically deletes the data
Description after the data is uploaded, =1 means the device needs the platform to reply to confirm data
uploaded before deleting the data; the default is 0.
02 When selecting UDP to upload data, it is recommended to set the mode=1 transmission mode,
because UDP is an unreliable transmission protocol.
03 When mode=0, the positioning data is uploaded with the 000 command;
04 When mode=1, the positioning data is uploaded with the 010 command, The receipt
confirmation command returned by the platform also needs to be responded with the 010
command, and the pack-no must also be consistent with the pack-no of the positioning data
Command 103,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport-the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 103,0
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104 – Set Server 1 Data Sorting Transmission Mode

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 104,mode
Command 01 mode: the method of sorting and uploading data, =0 means that real-time data is uploaded
Description first when there is buffer, =1 means that all data is uploaded in FIFO mode; the default is 0.
02 When real-time tracking is required, it is recommended to set mode=0 transmission mode.
Command 104,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 104,0

105 – Set the GPRS Parameters of Server 2

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 105,mode,IP,Port
Command 01 mode: GPRS connection mode,
Description 0-Close the GPRS connection, and no GPRS events will be sent to server 2 at this time;
1-TCP connection mode;
2-UDP connection mode;
02 IP: The IP address or domain of the server, up to 32 characters;
03 Port: the port of the server, in decimal format, range value: 2~65534;
04 When data needs to be uploaded to two servers at the same time, server 2 can be set. For
example, when you need to upload data to your own server and government server.
Command 105,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 105,1,istartracker.com,8012

106 – Set the GPRS Time Interval of Server 2

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 106,normal_time,ACC_Off_time,stopping_time
Command 01 normal_time: Normal time interval. When the conditions of ACC_Off_time or stopping_time are
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Description not met, the device will upload GPRS positioning data at normal_time intervals; the unit is second,
and the maximum is 65535 seconds.
02 ACC_Off_time: The time interval when ACC is off. When ACC_Off_time is set, normal_time is the
time interval when ACC is on. The unit is seconds, and the maximum is 65535 seconds.
03 stopping_time: the time interval when the device stops. When stopping_time is set, the device
will upload at normal_time intervals when the device is moving. The unit is seconds, and the
maximum is 65535 seconds.
04 When both ACC_Off_time and stopping_time are set at the same time, the data will be
uploaded according to the conditions of ACC_Off_time first.
Command 106,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 106,10
Example Set the normal time interval to 10 seconds;
Set the ACC on time interval to 10 seconds, and the ACC off time interval to 60 seconds;
Set the normal time interval to 10 seconds when moving, and 60 seconds when stationary;

107 – Set the Reliable Data Transmission Mode of Server 2

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 107,mode
Command 01 mode: The method of reliable data upload, =0 means the device automatically deletes the data
Description after the data is uploaded, =1 means the device needs the platform to reply to confirm data
uploaded before deleting the data; the default is 0.
02 When selecting UDP to upload data, it is recommended to set the mode=1 transmission mode,
because UDP is an unreliable transmission protocol.
03 When mode=0, the positioning data is uploaded with the 000 command;
04 When mode=1, the positioning data is uploaded with the 010 command, The receipt
confirmation command returned by the platform also needs to be responded with the 010
command, and the pack-no must also be consistent with the pack-no of the positioning data
Command 107,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 107,0
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108 – Set Server 2 Data Sorting Transmission Mode

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 108,mode
Command 01 mode: the method of sorting and uploading data, =0 means that real-time data is uploaded
Description first when there is buffer, =1 means that all data is uploaded in FIFO mode; the default is 0.
02 When real-time tracking is required, it is recommended to set mode=0 transmission mode.
Command 108,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 108,0

109 – Set APN

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 109,APN,APN_User_Name,APN_Password
Command 01 If APN does not have an APN username and APN password, leave it blank when setting;
Description 02 Please confirm the correct SIM card APN information with the local network operator.
Command 109,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 109,internet,internet,internet
Example 109,CMNET

110 – Set Device ID

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 110,ID
Command 01 ID: 3-16 digits or English letters, the default is the 15-digit IMEI number of the device;
Command 110,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
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Command 110,827643321798018
Example 110,myID123456

111 –Set DNS IP

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 111,IP
Command 01 IP: The IP address of the DNS server, up to 16 characters;
Command 111,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 111,

120 – Set Track by Distance Interval

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 120,distance
Command 01 distance: The distance interval, in meters. The value range is 0~65535 meters, if it is 0, the
Description function is turned off; the default is 0.
02 The recommended setting is not less than 100 meters.
03 When installed on a slow-moving vehicle, the track by distance interval function can be set to
reduce the generation of GPRS traffic.
Command 120,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 120,200
Example Set distance interval to 200 meters

121 – Set Heading Change Report

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 121,course
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Command 01 course: The value of heading change, in degrees. The value range is 0~180 degrees, and it is 0
Description to turn off the function; the default is 0.
02 When the driving direction changes beyond the set value, a position information will be
Command 121,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 121,30
Example Set the heading change to 30 degrees

122 – Set Heartbeat

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 122,time
Command 01 time: Heartbeat interval, in minutes. The value range is 0~65535 minutes. If it is 0, the function
Description is turned off; the default is 0.
02 The heartbeat is only generated in the sleep state.
03 Heartbeat data is complete GPRS positioning data.
Command 122,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 122,60
Example Set the heartbeat interval to 60 minutes

123 – Set Speeding Alarm

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 123,speeding
Command 01 speeding: speeding alarm value, in km/h. The value range is 0~255 km/h, if it is 0, the function
Description is turned off; the default is 0.
Command 123,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 123,100
Example Set speeding alarm to 100 km/h
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124 – Set Sleep Mode

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 124,mode,wait_time
Command 01 mode: sleep mode, =0 to turn off sleep function, =1 to normal sleep mode, =2 to deep sleep
Description mode; the default is 0.
02 wait_time: The device enters sleep mode after no input trigger, no vibration, no phone, no
messages reaches the preset time, in seconds. If the sleep mode is set and the wait_time
parameter is not set, the default is 300 seconds;
03 Normal sleep mode: GPS module power off, GSM module sleeps, it can be triggered by the
input port, vibrate, call SMS activation;
04 Deep sleep mode: GPS module power off, GSM module power off, it can only be triggered by
the input and vibration is activated.
Command 124,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 124,1
Example Turn on the normal sleep mode, the time to enter the sleep mode is the default 300 seconds


125 – Set a Circular Geo-fence

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 125,index,flag,radium,latitude,longitude
Command 01 index: Geo-fence number, the value range is 1~8, up to 8 electronic fences;
Description 02 flag: Alarm flag, =1 means exiting the fence alarm, =2 means entering the fence alarm, =3
means both exiting and entering the fence alarm;
03 radium: the radius of the circular Geo-fence, in meters, the maximum is 65535 meters;
04 latitude: the longitude of the center of the Geo-fence, in degrees;
05 longitude: the latitude of the center of the Geo-fence, in degrees;
06 When latitude, longitude are empty, use the current longitude and latitude of the device;
07 When the radius, latitude, and longitude are empty, use the current latitude and longitude of
the device with a radius of 200 meters;
08 When flag, radius, latitude, longitude are empty, use the current location latitude and
longitude of the device with a radius of 200 meters, which is an alarm for exiting the fence;
09 Set 06, 07, 08 when the GPS signal is valid, the setting can be successful, otherwise the setting
will fail.
Command 125,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
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OK-The command is set successfully;

Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 125,1
Example 125,1,1
The above 3 commands are all for setting the first Geo-fence with current location of the device in
the longitude and latitude, the radius is 200 meters, exit the fence alarm;

126 – Set Geo-fence Name

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 126, index,name
Command 01 index: Geo-fence number, the value range is 1~8, up to 8 Geo-fences;
Description 02 name: composed of 1~16 characters;
03 If name is set, it will be displayed as name in the SMS fence alarm event, see the above SMS
event data format;
04 If the name is not set, it will be displayed as the fence number in the SMS fence alarm event.
Command 126,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 126,1,Home

127 – Delete Circular Geo-fence

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 127,index
Command 01 index: Geo-fence number, the value range is 1~8, up to 8 Geo-fences;
Description 02 When index is empty, delete all Geo-fences.
Command 127,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 127,1
Example Delete the first Geo-fence;
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Delete all Geo-fences.


128 – Set Acceleration Alarm

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 128,acceleration
Command 01 acceleration: acceleration value, the unit is mg, the default is 450mg; when it is 0, the function
Description is canceled.
02 When the acceleration exceeds acceleration, an emergency acceleration alarm is generated.
Command 128,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 128,450

129 – Set Deceleration Alarm

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command 129,deceleration
to Tracker
Command 01 deceleration: deceleration value, the unit is mg, the default is 800mg; when it is 0, the function
Description is canceled.
03 When the deceleration exceeds the deceleration, an deceleration alarm is generated.
Command 129,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 129,700

130 – Set Harsh Turning Alarm

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 130,value
Command 01 value: harsh turning alarm value, the smaller the value, the more sensitive, the value range is
Description [0,32], the default is 19; when it is 0, the function is canceled.
03 When the harsh turning exceeds preset value, a harsh turning alarm is generated.
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Command 130,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 130,17

131 – Set Impact Alarm

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 131,value
Command 01 value: impact sensitivity, the value range is 0~10, the smaller the value, the more sensitive, 0 is
Description cancel function, and the default is 5;
02 When using this function, it is recommended that the device be installed parallel to the
horizontal plane.
Command 131,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 131,5

132 – Set Vibration (tow) alarm

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 132,time,mode
Command 01 time: The duration of continuous vibration (movement). When the vibration time reaches the
Description set value, an alarm will be generated. The value range is 0~255, the unit is second; =0 is to turn off
the vibration alarm function, the default is 0;
02 mode: Check the conditions of vibration;
=0, detect vibration under the condition of ACC OFF, the default is 0, when set to 0, the device
needs to be connected to ACC detection.
=1, no need to detect vibration based on ACC.
03 If this function is used for vehicles, it is recommended to connect ACC and set mode=0.
04 The trailer tow will only be triggered when the tracker enters a static state (no vibration or
movement within 3 minutes), and vibration occurs again.
Command 132,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
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Unsupport -the command is not supported;

Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 132,10
Example 132,10,1

133 – Set Idling Alarm (stop without ACC OFF)

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 133,time
Command 01 time: Idling time, the value range is 0~255, the unit is minute; =0 close the function, the default
Description is 0;
02 Idling condition: ACC is ON and the speed is 0, the tracker needs to be connected to ACC
Command 133,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 133,5
Example Alarm after 5 minutes of idling

134 – Set Fatigue Driving Alarm

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 134,fatigue_time,rest_time,total_drive_time
Command 01 fatigue_time: single fatigue driving time, in minutes, 0 means to cancel the fatigue alarm
Description function, the default is 0 minutes. When the time of parking after ACC OFF exceeds rest_time, the
driving time is automatically cleared to 0.
02 rest_time: The minimum rest time, in minutes, the value range is [0, 255], and the default is 0
minutes; when the rest time exceeds rest_time, the driving time is automatically cleared to 0.
03 total_drive_time: total driving time. When the accumulated driving time in 24 hours exceeds
total_drive_time, an fatigue driving alarm will be generated. 0 means to cancel the fatigue driving
function, and the default is 0 minutes;
Command 134,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 134,240,20,480
Example Set the fatigue driving time to 240 minutes, the rest time to 20 minutes, and the cumulative
driving time to 480 minutes
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135 – Set Temperature Sensor

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 135,index,name
Command 01 index: the serial number of temperature sensor, 1~8, supports up to 8 sensors at the same
Description time;
02 name: The name of the temperature sensor, up to 16 characters.
03 Installation of temperature sensor:
A. Connect a temperature sensor, send the command 135, index, name, and the device will
automatically configure the sensor as the sensor at the index position;
B. Remove the previous sensor, connect another sensor, and send the command 135, index, name,
and the device will automatically configure the sensor as the sensor at the index position;
C. Repeat the above steps to set more sensors. Only one sensor can be connected at a time;
04 When the name is empty, delete the index sensor;
05 When both index and name are empty, delete all sensors.
Command 135,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 135,1,Storage room
Example Set 1# temperature sensor, named Storage room.

136 – Set High and Low Temperature Alarm

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 136,index,high_temp,low_temp
Command 01 index: the serial number of the temperature sensor, 1~8;
Description 02 high_temp: high temperature alarm value, the unit is ℃, accurate to one decimal place, if it is
empty, cancel the high temperature alarm;
03 low_temp: low temperature alarm value, the unit is ℃, accurate to one decimal place, if it is
empty, the low temperature alarm will be canceled;
Command 136,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 136,1,40.5,-10
Example Set 1# temperature sensor high temperature alarm to 40.5℃, low temperature alarm to -10℃.

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137 – Get Temperature Value

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 137
Command 01Read all the configured sensor temperature values.
Command 01 If the command is failed, reply:
Reply 137,<result>
result: the result of Command Reply;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
02 If the command is successful, reply:
index: The Nth sensor, if the response does not contain the Nth, then the Nth position is not
Temp: temperature value, the unit is ℃, if it is empty, it means that the temperature value of the
sensor cannot be read.
Command 137
Example Reply:137,1:29.0,2:28.8

138 – Set Fuel Tank Parameters

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 138,index,length,wide,high
Command 01 index: the serial number of the fuel tank,
Description 1=1# fuel tank, corresponding to AD1;
2=2#fuel tank, corresponding to AD2;
02 length: The length of the fuel tank, in mm; the default is 0.
03 wide: the width of the fuel tank, it is the diameter of the circle if it is a cylindrical fuel tank, the
unit is mm; the default is 0.
04 high: the height of the fuel tank, in mm; when high=0, it is a cylindrical fuel tank. The default is
05 When length, wide, high, and name are all empty, delete the fuel sensor of the index.
Command 138,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 138,1,1000,500,600
Example Set the length of 1# fuel tank to 1000mm, width to 500mm, and height to 600mm.
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139 – Set Fuel Sensor Type

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 139,index,type,name
Command 01 index: the serial number of the fuel tank,
Description 1=1# fuel tank, corresponding to AD1;
2=2#fuel tank, corresponding to AD2;
02 type: the type of fuel sensor, 0=no fuel sensor 1=stick fuel sensor (including resistance,
capacitive oil feel, 0~5V output), 2=ultrasonic fuel sensor (range 100CM, 0~5V output) . The
default is 0.
03 name: The name of the fuel tank, up to 16 characters.
Command 139,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 139,1,1,Right Tank
Example Set 1# fuel tank as the ultrasonic oil sensor connected to AD1, and the name of the fuel tank is
Right Tank.

140 – Set Fuel Steal Alarm

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 140,index,theft-liter,time
Command 01 index: the serial number of the fuel tank,
Description 1=1# fuel tank, corresponding to AD1;
2=2#fuel tank, corresponding to AD2;
02 theft-liter: The change in liters of the fuel stealing alarm. An alarm will be generated when the
amount of fuel decreases within the time period and exceeds the set value. The unit is liter;
03 time: The time for check the change of the fuel quantity. An alarm will be generated when the
fuel quantity decreases within the time period and exceeds the set value. The value range is
[0,255], and the unit is second.
06 It is necessary to use commands 138, 139, and 140 to set the parameters of the fuel tank to
detect the alarm.
Command 140,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 140,1,20,60
Example Set 1# fuel tank to generate fuel steal alarm when the reduction exceeds 20 liters within 60
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141 – Set Low Fuel Alarm

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 141,index,low-liter
Command 01 index: the serial number of the fuel tank,
Description 1=1# fuel tank, corresponding to AD1;
2=2#fuel tank, corresponding to AD2;
02 low-liter: The number of liter changes for low fuel alarm. An alarm will be generated when the
fuel volume is lower than the set value. Value range [0,255], the unit is liter;
03 It is necessary to use commands 138, 139, and 141 to set fuel tank parameters to detect alarms.
Command 141,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 141,1,10
Example Set 1# fuel tank to generate low fuel alarm when the fuel volume is less than 10 liters.

144 – Authorize RFID/iButton

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 144,ID1,ID2,…,IDn
Command 01 ID[1,n] is the RFID/ibutton card number, one command can authorize multiple ID numbers.
Description 02 The RFID card number is a decimal string; the ibutton card number is a hexadecimal string, the
card number with a # sign in front is a hexadecimal number.
03 If only command 144 is sent and the card number is empty, it enters the manual card
authorization mode. In this mode, the card number is automatically saved as authorization
number after the card is swiped. Each time the card is swiped, it will automatically delay for 30
seconds to maintain the swiping authorization mode, and the mode will end after 30 seconds of
not swiping card. Card swiping in this mode does not generate a card swiping event.
04 When the device uses the ibutton swiping function, Output2 is fixed as the card swiping sound.
A beep when swiping the iButton is detected.
Command 144,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 144,123456789,987654321
Example Authorization ID number 123456789,987654321
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Authorization ID number 0x00000A678C, 0x00000E4321F

Enter manual swiping authorization mode, the device will reply “Under authorization”first, and
then reply OK after 30 seconds without swiping the card

145 – Delete RFID/iButton

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 145,ALL/ID1,ID2,…,IDn
Command 01 ID[1,n] is the RFID/ibutton card number, one command can delete multiple ID numbers.
Description 02 The RFID card number is a decimal string; the ibutton card number is a hexadecimal string, and
the card number with a # sign in front is a hexadecimal number.
03 145, ALL, means delete all authorization cards
04 If only command 145 is sent and the card number is empty, it will enter the manual card
deletion mode. In this mode, the card number will be deleted automatically after swiping the card.
Each time swipe card, it will automatically delay 30 seconds to maintain the swipe delete mode,
and the mode will end after 30 seconds of no swipe. Card swiping in the swipe delete mode does
not generate a swiping event.
05 When the device uses the ibutton swiping function, output2 is fixed as the card swiping sound
(a buzzer should be connected to output 2). A beep when swiping the iButton is detected.
Command 145,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 145,123456789,987654321
Example Delete the ID number 123456789,987654321
Delete ID number 0x00000A678C, 0x00000E4321F
Delete all authorization cards
Enter manual swipe delete mode, the device will reply “Delete” first, and then reply OK after 30
seconds without swiping the card

146 – Check Authorization Status of RFID/iButton Card

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 146,ID1,ID2,…,IDn
Command 01 ID[1,n] is the card number of RFID/ibutton, one command can query multiple ID numbers.
Description 02 The RFID card number is a decimal string; the ibutton card number is a hexadecimal string, and
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the card number with a # sign in front of it is a hexadecimal number.

Command 146,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 146,123456789,987654321
Example Query ID number 123456789,987654321, reply 146,123456789:0,987654321:1
Query ID number 0x00000A678C,0x00000E4321F, reply 146,#00000A678C:1,#00000E4321F:1

150 – Set GPS Log Time Interval

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 150,time
Command 01 time: GPS Log time interval, in seconds. The value range is 0~65535 seconds. If it is 0, the
Description function is turned off; the default is 0.
02 Stop recording in sleep state.
Command 150,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 150,2
Example Set GPS Log time interval as 2 seconds

151 – Set Vibration Detection Sensitivity

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 151,sen
Command 01 sen: Sensitivity of vibration detection. The value range is [3,255], the smaller the value, the
Description more sensitive it is. The default is 3.
Command 151,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 151,3
Example Set sensitivity as 3
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152 – Set Arming/Disarming

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 152,flag
Command 01 flag: =0 means disarming, =1 means arming. The default is 0.
Description 02 In the arming state, Input trigger (open door, ignition, etc.), towing, GSM interference will
generate a car theft alarm.
03 The arming alarm function is independent of other events such as input port triggering and
towing. The use of other events is not affected by arming or disarming.
Command 152,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 152,1
Example Armed

153 – Set GSM Jamming Alarm

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 153,time
Command 01 time: the value is [0,255] seconds, =0 is to cancel the GSM jamming detection alarm function,
Description the default is 0.
02 When GSM is interfered for longer than the set time, an jamming alarm will be generated.
Command 153,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 153,10
Example Set the jamming time to alarm after 10 seconds

200 – Set SMS Time Interval

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 200,normal_time, ACC_Off_time,stopping_time
Command 01 normal_time: Normal time interval. When the conditions of ACC_Off_time or stopping_time are
Description not met, the device will upload GPRS positioning data at normal_time intervals; the unit is minute,
and the maximum is 65535 minutes.
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02 ACC_Off_time: The time interval when ACC is off. When ACC_Off_time is set, normal_time is the
time interval when ACC is on. The unit is minute, and the maximum is 65535 minutes.
03 stopping_time: the time interval when the device stops. When stopping_time is set, the device
will upload at normal_time intervals when the device is moving. The unit is minute, and the
maximum is 65535 minutes.
04 When both ACC_Off_time and stopping_time are set at the same time, the data will be
uploaded according to the conditions of ACC_Off_time first
Command 200,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command Set the SMS time interval to 10 minutes;
Example 200,10,60
Set the ACC on SMS time interval to 10 minutes, and the ACC off SMS time interval to 60 minutes;
Set the SMS time interval to 10 minutes when moving, and the SMS time interval to 60 minutes
when stationary;

201 – Set Authorized Phone Number

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 201,num1,num2,num3
Command 01 num1,num2,num3:
Description 01 num1,num2,num3: authorized mobile phone numbers, up to 3 authorized numbers can be set;
02 The mobile phone number is up to 16 digits.
03 The authorized number can receive SMS alarm and phone alarm.
04 After setting the authorization number, the default event selected is event number
05 Delete all authorized numbers when only 201 command is issued
Command 201,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 201,13412345678,13587654321,13856789123

202 – Set Device Call Event

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 202,index,operation,code1,code2,…
Command 01 index: the position number of the authorized number, 1 is the first number, 2 is the second
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Description number, and 3 is the third number;

02 operation: operation code, 1 is setting, 2 is adding, 3 is deleting;
03 code: 0=automatically answer, 1=automatically monitor, 2=automatically hang up the
unauthorized code, 3=automatically reply location information, each event is separated by ‘,’;
04 Priority level: automatic answering> automatic monitoring.
05 is the corresponding processing method of the device when the mobile phone makes a call to
the device.
Command 202,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 202,1,1,0,3
Example Set up automatic answering and automatic reply to the first authorized number incoming call.


203 – Set the Authorized Number SMS Alarm Event

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 203,index,operation,code1,code2,…
Command 01 index: the position number of the authorized number, 1 is the first number, 2 is the second
Description number, and 3 is the third number;
02 operation: operation code, 1 is setting, 2 is adding, 3 is deleting;
03 code: event code, see Annex A event code table, each event is separated by ‘,’;
04 When the set event is generated, the SMS alarm event will be sent to the corresponding
authorized number.
Command 203,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 203,1,2,2,7,15,20,39
Example Add the first authorized number to receive alarms for events 2, 7, 15, 20, 39


204 – Set the Characters for Event SMS Alarm

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 204,code,string
Command 01 code: event code, see Annex A event code table;
Description 02 string: The description character of the SMS alarm, the longest is 32 characters;
03 The default alarm characters are shown in the event code table.
Command 204,<result>
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Reply result: the result of Command Reply;

OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 204,1,help
Example Set the alarm character of the first event code to“help”.

205 – Set Two-way Audio Events

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 205,index,operation,code1,code2,…
Command 01 index: the position number of the authorized number, 1 is the first number, 2 is the second
Description number, and 3 is the third number;
02 operation: operation code, 1 is setting, 2 is adding, 3 is deleting;
03 code: event code, see Annex A event code table, each event is separated by‘,’;
04 When the set event occurs, a call will be made to the corresponding authorized number for
two-way conversation.
Command 205,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 205,1,1,2,7,15,20,39
Example Set the first authorized number to receive two-way calls for events 2, 7, 15, 20, 39

206 – Set up Listening Events

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 206,index,operation,code1,code2,…
Command 01 index: the position number of the authorized number, 1 is the first number, 2 is the second
Description number, and 3 is the third number;
02 operation: operation code, 1 is setting, 2 is adding, 3 is deleting;
03 code: event code, see Annex A event code table, each event is separated by ‘,’;
When the event set in 04 is generated, a call will be made to the corresponding authorized
number to monitor the device.
Command 206,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 206,1,1,2,7,15,20,39
Set the first authorized number to receive monitoring of events 2, 7, 15, 20, and 39
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210 – Set GPRS Alarm Event

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 210,index,operation,code1,code2,…
Command 01 index: server number, 1 is the GPRS event of server 1, and 2 is the GPRS event of server 2
Description 02 operation: operation code, 1 is setting, 2 is adding, 3 is deleting
03 code: event code, see Annex A event code table, each event is separated by‘,’;
04 GPRS alarm event will be generated when the set event is triggered.
Command 210,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 210,1,1,2,7,15,20,39
Example Set the GPRS alarm of server 1 for events 2, 7, 15, 20, 39

211 – Set Photo Taking Event

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 211,index,operation,code1,code2,…
Command 01 index: camera number, 1 is camera 1, 2 is camera 2, 3 is camera 3;
Description 02 operation: operation code, 1 is setting, 2 is adding, 3 is deleting
03 code: event code, see Annex A event code table, each event is separated by‘,’;
04 A photo will be taken when the set event is generated.
Command 211,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 211,1,1,2,7,15,20,39
Example Set up the No. 1 camera to take pictures when events 2, 7, 15, 20, 39 triggered

212 – Set Output to Generate Output Events

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command 212,index,operation,code1,code2,…
to Tracker
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Command 01 index: output port number, 1 is output port 1, 2 is output port 2, and 3 is output port 3;
Description 02 operation: operation code, 1 is setting, 2 is adding, 3 is deleting
03 code: event code, see Annex A event code table, each event is separated by‘,’;
04 will generate output when the preset event is generated, and generate output according to the
mode set by the 251 command.
Command 212,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 212,1,1,2,7,15,20,39
Example Set output 1 for events 2, 7, 15, 20, 39 to generate output.

250 – Set Input Working Mode

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 250,input,mode,time
Command 01 input: the serial number of the input port, 1=input1, 2=input2, 3=input3, 4=input4, 5=input5,
Description 6=input6, and so on;
02 mode: input port working mode, 0=low level trigger, 1=high level trigger, 2=AD analog input;
03 time: The trigger time of the input port. The trigger event will be generated when the trigger
time exceeds the set value. It is only valid for the high and low level trigger input modes, the unit
is ms, the value is [0, 65535], when time =0 It is triggered immediately and the default is 0.
IN1 is fixed to low level trigger and cannot be set.
IN2 is fixed as high level trigger and cannot be set.
IN3 only supports high and low level trigger mode settings.
IN4 only supports high and low level trigger mode settings.
IN5 (AD1) only supports high-level trigger and AD input mode settings.
IN6 (AD2) only supports high-level trigger and AD input mode settings.
Command 250,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 250,2,1,3000
Example Set input2 to high level trigger mode, the trigger time is 3000ms

251 – Set Output Working Mode

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 251,output,mode,time,on_time,off_time,safe_speed
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Command 01 output: the serial number of the output port, 1= output1, 2= output2, 3= output3, and so on;
Description 02 mode: output action mode,
mode=1, turn on the output (the output is in a low-level state) mode, which is a long-time on
mode=2, close the output (the output port is in a floating state) mode, which is a long-term off
mode=3, pulse output (pulse output is generated with on_time and off_time parameters, when
on_time and off_time are 0, turn the current output status into a flip change output);
03 time: The time when the output is generated, the unit is second, the value range is 0~65535; =0
is the infinite time output;
04 on_time: The time to turn on the output (the output port is in a low-level state), the unit is ms,
and the value range is 0~65535;
05 off_time: The time to turn off the output (the output port is in a floating state), the unit is ms,
and the value range is 0~65535;
06 When on_time and off_time are both 0, it is long output mode.
07 safe_speed: The speed limit of the action generated by the output port, the unit is km/h, and
the value range is 0~255;
When safe_speed=0 or empty, the output port immediately generates output action;
When safe_speed>0, the output action is only generated when the current GPS speed is less
than safe_speed and in the valid positioning state
Command 251,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 251,1,2,10,500,500
Example The output 1 mode is 10 pulse output, and the pulse is a cycle of 500ms ON and 500ms OFF.
Remarks no

252 – Set RS232 Port to Connect External Devices

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command 252,index,accessory
to Tracker
Command 01 index: Serial number, 1= RS232-1, 2= RS232-2, 3= RS232-3, and so on;
Description 02 accessory: the external devices,
1=RFID card reader;
3=Ultrasonic sensor;
4=Magnetic stripe card reader;
Command 252,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
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Command 252,1,2
Example 设置 1# RS232 接摄像头。

600 – Set SMS Command Password

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 600,password
Command 01 password: SMS command password, 4 characters, can be composed of any numbers, letters,
Description and symbols; the default is 0000.
Command 600,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 600,PW37
Example Set SMS command passwork as PW37

601 – Set SMS Time Zone

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command 601,time
to Tracker
Command 01 time: Time zone, the unit is minutes, the value range is -720~720, the default is UTC 0;
Description 02 When the time zone is set, SMS data use time in the set time zone;
03 The time in GPRS data uses UTC0 time and cannot be set
Command 601,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 601,480
Example Set SMS time zone to UTC+8 time zone
Set the SMS time zone to UTC-8 time zone

602 – Set SIM Card PIN Code

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 602,pin
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Command 01 pin: The PIN code of the SIM card, a 4-digit number;
Command 602,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 602,1234
Example Set the PIN code to 1234

610 – Set Initial Mileage

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 610,mileage
Command 01 mileage: The initial mileage in GPRS data, in meters.
Command 610,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 610,1000
Example Set the initial mileage of GPRS data to 1000 meters.

611 – Clear GPRS/SMS Buffer

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 611,flag
Command 01 flag:
Description =1: Clear the GPRS cache of server 1;
=2: Clear the GPRS cache of server 2;
=3: Clear SMS cache
Command 611,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 611,1
Example Clear the GPRS cache of server 1.
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612 – Initialization Parameter

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command 612,flag
to Tracker
Command 01 flag:
Description =1: Initialize other parameters except GPRS parameters such as IP, Port, APN, GPRS interval;
=2: Initialize the SMS password to 0000;
=3: Initialize all parameters.
Command 612,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 612,3
Example Initialize all parameters

620 – Set Device LED Indicator Mode

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 620,flag
Command 01 flag=0, when the device is working, the LED indicator works normally to indicate the working
Description status. The default is 0;
02 flag=1, when the device is working, the LED is off without indication.
03 When the device is turned on, the LED indicator will work for 10 seconds and then turn off.
When any button is pressed, the LED indicator will work for 10 seconds and then turn off.
Command 620,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 620,1
Example Turn off the LED indication.

800 – Get Current Location

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 800
Command 01 Get current location information;
Description 02 When SMS Command to Tracker, reply the google map link of the location;
03 When GPRS Command to Tracker, reply the location data of 0 event.
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Command 01 If the command failed, reply:

Reply 800,<result>
result: the result of Command Reply;
Unsupport-The instruction is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
02 If the command is successful, the current location information will be returned.
Command 800

801 – Get Device SN, IMEI, Software Version

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 801
Command 01 Get the SN, IMEI, and software version of the device
Command 01 If the command failed, reply:
Reply 801,<result>
result: the result of Command Reply;
Unsupport-The instruction is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
02 If the command is successful, reply:
801, SN, IMEI, software version
Command 801
Example 801,143190870823,869912033012424,VT100_V100

802 – Get Device Working Status

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command 802
to Tracker
Command 01 Get the working status of device, including device system status, input status, output status,
Description CSQ value, satellite number, internal battery voltage, external power supply voltage
Command 01 If the command failed, reply:
Reply 802,<result>
result: the result of Command Reply;
Unsupport-The instruction is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
02 If the command is successful, reply:
802, device system status, input status, output status, CSQ value, satellite number, internal battery
voltage, external power supply voltage
03 Device system status, 8-digit hexadecimal character format, see the "system-sta" note in GPRS
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04 Input status, 2-digit hexadecimal character format, see "in-sta" note in GPRS data.
05 Output status, 2-digit hexadecimal character format, see "out-sta" note in GPRS data.
06 CSQ value: decimal string.
07 satellite number: decimal string.
08 Internal battery voltage: decimal string, accurate to two decimal places.
09 External power supply voltage: decimal string, accurate to two decimal places.
Command 802
Example 802,0000000F,03,01,31,12,4.15,00.00

900 – Output Control

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 900,output,flag,time,safe_speed
Command 01 output: the serial number of the output port, 1= output1, 2= output2, 3= output3, and so on;
Description 02 flag=1, turn on the output (the output is in low level state). flag=0, turn off the output (the
output port is in a floating state) mode;
03 time: The time when the output is generated, the unit is ms, the value range is 0~65535;
time=0 or empty, it is an infinite time output;
04 safe_speed: The speed limit of the action generated by the output, the unit is km/h, and the
value range is 0~255;
When safe_speed=0 or empty, the output immediately generates output action;
When safe_speed>0, the output action is only generated when the current GPS speed is less
than safe_speed and in the valid positioning state
05 The command control output has priority over the output generated by other events.
Command 900,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 900,2,1
Example output2 produces output
Output1 generates 100ms output
Output1 produces output when the speed is lower than 10km/h

901 – Output Control(Mode Output)

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command to 901,output,flag
Command 01 output: the serial number of the output port, 1= output1, 2= output2, 3= output3, and so on;
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Description 02 flag=1, the output action will be generated according to the mode set by the 603 command.
flag=0, the reverse output action will be generated according to the mode set by the 603
03 The command control output has priority over the output generated by other events.
Command 901,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 901,2,1
Example Output2 produces output
Remarks no

910 – Restart Device or Module

Supported GPRS/SMS
Command 910,operation
to Tracker
Command 01 operation:
Description =1: Restart the GSM module
=2: Restart the GPS module
=3: Restart the device
Command 910,<result>
Reply result: the result of Command Reply;
OK-The command is set successfully;
Unsupport -the command is not supported;
Failed-The command format or password is incorrect and the setting failed.
Command 910,3
Example Reboot the device

990 – FOTA Upgrade Detection

Supported GPRS
Command 990,firmware_name
to Tracker
Command 01 firmware_name: The file name of the software package, ASCII character type, only the file
Description name, without the directory.
02 After receiving the file name, the device compares with its own software version, and the reply
sign informs the platform whether the upgrade can be performed.
03 FOTA starts with this command.
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Command 990,<flag><device code><maximum support FOTA single data packet length><software

Reply version>
01 flag: comparison result of software file name, 1 byte, hexadecimal data type.
=0x01, indicating that the OTA file matches the version of the device itself, and the upgrade can
be performed.
=0x02, it means that the OTA file does not match the version of the device itself. If upgrade may
cause the device to crash, the platform should pop up a prompt window. If you are sure to
upgrade, you can directly perform the upgrade.
02 Machine code: 2 bytes, hexadecimal character type, big-endian alignment.
03 Maximum support for FOTA single data packet length: the data length of a single software
package, 2 bytes, hexadecimal character type, big-endian alignment, the default support is 1024
bytes (0x0400).
04 Software version: ASCII character type, the software version of the device itself.
Command Send:990,VT100_V101
Example Answer:990,<0x01><0x0003><0x0400><VT100_V100>

991 – FOTA Upgrade Authorization

Supported GPRS
Command 991
to Tracker
Command 01 The platform issues instructions to authorize the device to enter the OTA state. After OTA
Description authorization, if the device fails to receive the OTA data packet from the platform for more than
20 minutes, it will exit the OTA state. At this time, the platform needs to perform the 990->991
process again.
02 After OTA is authorized, the device will no longer send timing interval data or alarm data until
it exits the OTA state.
Command 991,<flag>
Reply flag: 1 byte, hexadecimal data type.
=0x01 means authorization is successful.
=0x00 means authorization failed.
=0xFF, OTA authorization is illegal, that is, the 990 command is not issued in advance to
upgrade the detection.
Command Send:991
Example Answer:991,<0x01>

992 – Send FOTA Packet

Supported GPRS
Command 992, <OTA packet address offset (4 bytes)><OTA packet length (2 bytes)><OTA packet>
to Tracker
Command 01 OTA data packet address offset: the address offset of the OTA data packet issued this time in
Description the entire OTA file, 4 bytes are big-endian alignment, hexadecimal number;
02 OTA data packet length: the length of the OTA data packet issued this time, 2 bytes are
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big-endian alignment, hexadecimal number;

03 OTA data packet: the n-byte OTA data packet issued this time (assuming the length of the OTA
data packet is n).
Command 992, <OTA packet address offset (4 bytes)><OTA packet length (2 bytes)><flag(1 byte)>
Reply 01 OTA data packet address offset: corresponding to the data packet address offset issued by
the platform;
02 OTA data packet length: corresponding to the data packet length issued by the platform;
03 flag:
=0x01, received and saved correctly, the platform can then issue the next OTA packet;
=0x00, receiving or saving error, the platform needs to re-issue the same OTA data packet
to the device;
=0xFF, OTA is not authorized or authorization timed out.
Command Send:992,
Example Answer:992,<0x01>

993 – FOTA Data Check

Supported GPRS
Command 993, <OTA data length (4 bytes)> <OTA data check code (2 bytes)>
to Tracker
Command 01 After the platform sends all the OTA data to the device, it checks whether the data received by
Description the device is wrong.
02 OTA data length: the length of all OTA data (excluding the checksum of the last two bytes of
the OTA file), 4 bytes are big-endian aligned, hexadecimal number.
03 OTA data check code: the checksum of all OTA data, the last two bytes of OTA file, hexadecimal
Command 993,<flag(1byte)>
Reply flag:
=0x01, the data verification is correct, the platform can send 994 command to update the
=0x00, data verification error, need to restart FOTA process;
=0xFF, OTA is not authorized or authorization timed out.
Command Send:993,
Example Answer:993,<0x01>

994 – Device Update FOTA Program

Supported GPRS
Command 994
to Tracker
Command 01 After getting the correct verification result of the terminal, the platform instructs the device to
Description update the OTA program.
Note: You must ensure that the check code is correct before using this command, otherwise
the device may crash.
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Command 994,<flag>
Reply =0x01, the device receives the command and prepares to upgrade, and responds to the
command before the program is updated;
=0x02, the device upgrade is completed, and the command will be returned after the
program update is completed;
=0x00, the device update failed;
=0xFF, OTA is not authorized or authorization timed out.
Command Send:994
Example Answer:994,<0x01>

995 – Cancel FOTA

Supported GPRS
Command to 995
Command After FOTA is authorized, the platform can cancel FOTA accordingly.
Command 995,<flag>
Reply =0x01,FOTA cancel success.

Command Send:995
Example Answer:995,<0x01>

Appendix A-Alarm Event Codes and Alarm Characters

The following is the corresponding table of alm-code and alm-data:
alm-code alm-data SMS Alarm Head String Description
0 NULL Interval Time interval tracking
1 NULL SOS Input1 active
2 NULL IN1 Inactive Input1 inactive
3 NULL Ignition On Input2 active
4 NULL Ignition Off Input2 inactive
5 NULL Door Open Input3 active
6 NULL Door Close Input3 inactive
7 NULL IN4 Input4 active
8 NULL IN4 Inactive Input4 inactive
9 NULL IN5 Input5 active
10 NULL IN5 Inactive Input5 inactive
11 NULL IN6 Input6 active
12 NULL IN6 Inactive Input6 inactive
17 NULL Low Ext-Power Ext-power low
18 NULL Ext-Power Cut Ext-power lost
19 NULL Ext-Power On Ext-power re-connect
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20 NULL Low Battery Internal battery low

21 NULL GPS Antenna Cut GPS antenna cut
22 NULL Speeding Speeding alarm
23 NULL Enter Sleep Enter sleep
24 Trigger Wake Up Exit sleep
25 n: index of fence Exit Fence Exit geo-fence
26 n: index of fence Enter Fence Enter geo-fence
27 NULL Lose GPS Signal Lose GPS Signal
28 NULL Get GPS Signal Get GPS Signal
29 NULL Heading Change Heading Change
30 NULL Distance Distance tracking
31 NULL / Heartbeat Report
32 NULL Power On Device Power On
33 NULL Power Off Device Power Off
34 NULL Current Reply Current
35 NULL Tow Tow Alarm
36 NULL Stop Moving Stop Moving
37 NULL Start Moving Start Moving
38 NULL Idling Idling Alarm
39 NULL Harsh Accelerate Harsh accelerate
40 NULL Harsh Braking Harsh braking
41 NULL Harsh Turning Harsh Turning
42 NULL Impact Impact Alarm
43 NULL Fatigue Driving Fatigue driving
44 NULL Fatigue Relieve Fatigue relieve
45 NULL Overtime Driving Overtime driving
46 n: index of Temperature Temperature High Temperature High
47 n: index of Temperature Temperature Low Temperature Low
48 n: index of tank Fuel Steal Fuel Steal Alarm
49 n: index of tank Fuel Level Low Low Fuel Alarm
50 NULL GSM Jammed GSM Jammed
51 NULL GSM No Jamming GSM No Jamming
52 Trigger Stealing Stealing Alarm
RFID/iButton number,
53 Swiping Card RFID Event
Hexadecimal character
54 Picture name, character / Picture Event
55 NULL dismantling Anti Disassembly Alarm

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