Gotco Catalog
Gotco Catalog
Gotco Catalog
External Catch
GOTCO Series150 Releasing & Circul Circula ating Overshot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Series150 OvershotAccessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Series70Short-Catch Overshot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
General Catalog Multi-Catc
Multi -Catch Overshot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Sucker Rod Overshots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Die Collar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56
External Catch – Series 150 Releasing & Circulating Overshot
Series 150 Releasing & Circulating Overshot – External Catch
with an external helix that con- truding above it. The upper or
truding spiral grapple, a typeA packer is
forms to the interior of the over- small
diameter wi wickers
ckerscatchthe used to seal between theovershot
shot bowl. Specially hardened pipe
pi peabovethecol colllar, provi
ng a bowl and the f ish. IfI f a bas
wi cker threads assure a posi positi
ve stop against thecouplcoupliing sothat it grapple is used, pack-off is
gri p to engage the fish securelcurely.
y. can becaught by the lower lower set of achie
achieved by the inner
inner seal on the
Thrree types of basket grapple
Th less wickers and packed-off by the control packer.
able: control packer.
• The standard basket grapple is is Grapple Controls – Grapple
used to catch a fish with with a uni
uni-- controls
control s transmit torque from the
for m outside
outside diameter. The The fi
fish overshot bowl to the grapple
passes compl
etely through
through the while allowing the grapple to
grapple during
during engagement. Thi Thiss movevertical
verticallly inside
inside thebowl wl..
type of grapp
grapple is standard equip- • Spiral grapple contro controlls are
ment. furnished without milling teeth or
• The long catch stop stop bas
basket a pack-
off mechanism.
grapple has an internal shoulder • Basketgrapple controls canbe
at its
its upper end to prevent thefish furnished plain, with pack-off
from passing completely through capabil
biliities, or with
with milling teeth
the grapple. WhenWhen engaging a and pack-off capabilities.
coupling or upset secti tion
on of a tool Pack-off Mechanism – A Basket Grapple
jo intt, this should
lde er posit
ns the pack-
off mechani nism
sm is necessary
control packer for
for optimu
optimumpack- if circulation is required during
off around the fish.
fi sh. thefishing operati tion.
on. Packing off
• The short catch stop basket assures ci circul
on through, rather
grapple has two sets of internal than around, the fi fish. The
The pack-
wi ckers cut on diffffere
erent diam
diameters. off system empl ploye
oyed wil
will depend
It is
is used to engage a coupling on the type of grapgrapplple
e selected. If
I f
Control Packer
with a short section of pipe pro- the overshot is is equi
pped with
with a 3
External Catch – Series 150 Releasing & Circulating Overshot
Notes: • FS – Full Strength • XFS – Extra Full Strength • SFS – Semi Full Strength • SH – Slim Hole • XSH – Extra Slim Hole
Series 150 Releasing & Circulating Overshot – External Catch 5
External Catch – Series 150 Releasing & Circulating Overshot
Notes: • FS – Full Strength • XFS – Extra Full Strength • SFS – Semi Full Strength • SH – Slim Hole • XSH – Extra Slim Hole
Series 150 Releasing & Circulating Overshot – External Catch
Notes: • FS – Full Strength • XFS – Extra Full Strength • SFS – Semi Full Strength • SH – Slim Hole • XSH – Extra Slim Hole 7
External Catch – Series 150 Releasing & Circulating Overshot
Notes: • FS – Full Strength • XFS – Extra Full Strength • SFS – Semi Full Strength • SH – Slim Hole • XSH – Extra Slim Hole
Series 150 Releasing & Circulating Overshot – External Catch
Notes: • FS – Full Strength • XFS – Extra Full Strength • SFS – Semi Full Strength • SH – Slim Hole • XSH – Extra Slim Hole 9
External Catch – Series 150 Releasing & Circulating Overshot
Notes: • FS – Full Strength • XFS – Extra Full Strength • SFS – Semi Full Strength • SH – Slim Hole • XSH – Extra Slim Hole
Series 150 Releasing & Circulating Overshot – External Catch
Notes: • FS – Full Strength • XFS – Extra Full Strength • SFS – Semi Full Strength • SH – Slim Hole • XSH – Extra Slim Hole 11
External Catch – Series 150 Overshot Accessories
How to Order
Gotco Mill Containers
• Overshot type and assembly number
Oversized Guide • Fish diameter to bedressed (specify size of carbide)
• Mills can befurnished withouttungsten carbideuponrequest.
Series 150 Overshot Accessories – External Catch
fish, centralize it, then properly LockRings& Spacer Rings bled between the top sub and the
guide the fish into the bowl. – A lock ring assembly can be used bowl.Whenselectingaspiral grap-
Oversized Guide – When to prevent unscrewing of the top ple andtype A packer, the spacer
the hole size is considerably larg- subfrom the bowl during left-hand ring must be used with the lock
er than the diameter of the fish, rotation of thefishing string. Lock ring assembly to keep the typeA
theremay be sufficient room for rings comein pairs and are assem- packerinthecorrectposition.
the overshot to pass alongside of
the fish without engaging it. I n
this case, an oversized guide can
be used to assure fish engage- Control Packers
ment and to properly guide the Type-R Replaceable Inner Seals
fish into the overshot. Fish Size 17 /8 2 21 /8 21 /4 23 /8 21 /2 25 /8
ExtensionSubs– When the
Gotco Part No. G10803 G10804 G10805 G10806 G10807 G10808 G10809
upper portion of the fish is dam-
aged or otherwise cannot be Fish Size 2 /
34 2 /
78 3 3 /
18 3 /
14 3 /
38 31 /2 Overshot
engaged, an extension sub can be Gotco Part No. G10810 G10811 G10812 G10813 G10814 G10815 G10816 Milling Shoe
used to allow the overshot to be Fish Size 35 /8 33 /4 37 /8 4 41 /8 41 /4 43 /8
lowered further over the fish to
Gotco Part No. G10817 G10819 G10820 G10821 G10822 G10823 G10824
assure proper engagement and
Fish Size 41 /2 45 /8 43 /4 47 /8 5 51 /8 51 /4
pack-off. The extension sub is
assembled between the top sub Gotco Part No. G10825 G10826 G10827 G10828 G10829 G10830 G10831
and the bowl, and is available in Fish Size 5 /
38 5 /
12 5 /
58 5 /
34 5 /
78 6 61 /8
lengths from 24 to 60 inches. Gotco Part No. G10832 G10833 G10834 G10835 G10836 G10837 G10838
Overshot Milling Shoe –
Fish Size 61 /4 63 /8 61 /2 65 /8 63 /4 67 /8 7
Used in place of the standard
guide, the overshot milling shoe Gotco Part No. G10839 G10840 G10841 G10842 G10843 G10844 G10845
allows the top of the fish to be Fish Size 7 /8
7 /4
7 /8
7 /2
7 /8
7 /4
77 /8
milled clean. This removes exces- Gotco Part No. G10846 G10847 G10848 G10849 G10850 G10851 G10852
sive burring or jagged edges and Fish Size 8 81 /8 81 /4 83 /8 81 /2 85 /8 83 /4
assures proper grapple engage- Overshot
Gotco Part No. G10853 G10854 G10855 G10856 G10857 G10858 G10859
ment andpack-off. Milling Extension
Overshot Mill Extension – Fish Size 87 /8 9 91 /8 91 /4
The mill extension is used with Gotco Part No. G10860 G10861 G10862 G10863
the standard guide. It is assem-
bled between the bowl and guide
and, like the overshot milling
shoe, allows the topof thefish to
HollowMill Container and
Mill Insert – The Hollow Mill How to Order Gotco Inner Seals
Container provides a means to Whenordering,pleasespecify:
dress thefish and recover the fish • Control Packer Number.
with a standard Overshot in one • FishSize.
trip. The Hollow Mill container is • Inner Seal Number.
located between the Overshot
Recommended Spares:
Bowl andStandard Guide. A Mill
Insert, dressed with Tungsten • 3 Inner Seals
Carbide to the desired milling • GotcoAdhesive
diameter, is placedinsidethe low- Gotco Adhesive Compound: Overshot
ermost section of the Hollow Mill Extension Sub
• Resyn #41241-1
Container andis secured in place • Catalyst #41241-2
by theStandard Guide. This will
allow for the fish to be dressed
prior to entering theOvershot for
Inner Seal 13
External Catch – Series 70 Short Catch Overshots
/8 SR
35 /8
21 /2 Eue
33 /4
23 /8 Reg
45 /8
21 /2 Eue
41 /8
27 /8 Reg
The Gotco Series 70 Short-Catch Overshot is an external catch Type SH SH SH FS SH
Comp. Assembly Part No. SC-1 SC-2 SC-3 SC-4 SC-5
fishing tool designed to retrieve tubular members from thewell XRef. No. 38506 17615 13535 11290 10434
bore when thetop of thefish is too short to beengagedwith a Replacement Parts
standard overshot. Designed with the grapple positioned at the Top Sub Part No. SC-1-3 SC-2-3 SC-3-3 SC-4-3 SC-5-3
extreme lower end of the tool, this overshot can engage a fish XRef. No. 38507 17616 13536 11295 10435
Bowl Part No. SC-1-1 SC-22-1 SC-3-1 SC-4-1 SC-5-1
with a very short top end. XRef. No. 38508 17617 13537 11291 10436
Basket Grapple Part No. SC-1-4 SC-2-4 SC-3-4 SC-4-4 SC-5-4
XRef. No. 38509 17618 13538 11292 10437
Construction Assembly and Operation Basket Grapple Part No. SC-1-5 SC-2-1 SC-3-5 SC-4-5 SC-5-5
Control XRef. No. 38510 17619 13539 11294 10438
The assembly consists of a Screw basket grapple into Series 70 Short-Catch Overshot
top sub, bowl, basket grapple, and bowl so that control slot in grap- Maximum Catch 33 /8 321 /32 321 /32 33 /4 33 /4
basket grapple control. These ple aligns with slot in bowl. Slide Standard OD 43 /8 411 /16 55 /8 43 /4 51 /2
components function in thesame grapple control into bowl until Standard Connection 2 /8 Reg 27 /8 Reg
31 /2 FH 31 /2 FH 31 /2 FH
manner as those in the standard tang engages both the bowl slot Type SH SH FS SH FS
Gotco Series 150 Releasing and andgrapple slot. Makeup top sub Comp. Assembly Part No. SC-6 SC-7 SC-8 SC-9 SC-10
CirculatingOvershot. to bowl. XRef. No. C11023 10543 11297 12645 12785
Engagement& Retrievalof Replacement Parts
Fish – Attach the overshot to the Top Sub Part No. SC-6-3 SC-7-3 SC-8-3 SC-9-3 SC-10-3
XRef. No. A11024 10544 11298 10544 12786
bottom of the fishing string and
Bowl Part No. SC-6-1 SC-7-1 SC-8-1 SC-9-1 SC-10-1
run into hole. When the overshot XRef. No. B11025 10545 11299 12646 12787
nears the top of the fish, gradually Basket Grapple Part No. SC-6-4 SC-7-4 SC-8-4 SC-9-4 SC-10-4
lower the fishing string while XRef. No. B11026 10546 11300 12647 12788
slowly maintaining the right-hand Basket Grapple Part No. SC-6-5 SC-7-5 SC-8-5 SC-9-5 SC-10-5
rotation. When the fish is engaged, Control XRef. No. A11027 10547 11301 12648 12789
releaseright-handtorqueandpull. Series 70 Short-Catch Overshot
Release of Fish – Bump Maximum Catch 41 /4 43 /4 43 /4 6 61 /4
down on the overshot. Then rotate Standard OD 5- /4
5-7 /8 6-5 /8 7-5 /8 77 /8
the fishing string to the right Standard Connection 3 /2 FH
31 /2 IF 41 /2 FH 41 /2 FH 41 /2 IF
while picking up slowly.
Comp. Assembly Part No. SC-11 SC-12 SC-13 SC-14 SC-15
XRef. No. 13065 10560 11303 11630 16975
Replacement Parts
Top Sub Part No. SC-11-3 SC-12-3 SC-13-3 SC-14-3 SC-15-3
XRef. No. 13066 10561 11304 11631 16976
Bowl Part No. SC-11-1 SC-12-1 SC-13-1 SC-14-1 SC-15-1
XRef. No. 13067 10562 11305 11632 16977
Basket Grapple Part No. SC-11-4 SC-12-4 SC-13-4 SC-14-4 SC-15-4
XRef. No. 13068 10563 11306 11633 16978
Basket Grapple Part No. SC-11-5 SC-12-5 SC-13-5 SC-14-5 SC-15-5
Control XRef. No. 13069 10564 11307 11634 16979
Series 70 Short-Catch Overshot
Maximum Catch 61 /2 7 73 /4 8 9
Standard OD 81 /4 81 /2 91 /4 93 /4 111 /4
Standard Connection 5 1 /2 Reg 41 /2 FH 41 /2 IF 65 /8 Reg 75 /8 Reg
How to Order
Gotco Series 70
Comp. Assembly Part No. SC-16 SC-17 SC-18 SC-19 SC-20
Short-Catch Overshots XRef. No. 38939 20050 25030 20060 33878
Whenordering,pleasespecify: Replacement Parts
• Assembly name. Top Sub Part No. SC-16-3 SC-17-3 SC-18-3 SC-19-3 SC-20-3
XRef. No. 38940 20051 25031 20061 33878
• Assembly part number.
Bowl Part No. SC-16-1 SC-17-1 SC-18-1 SC-19-1 SC-20-1
• Top connectionrequired. XRef. No. 38941 20052 25032 20062 33880
• OD of fishto beretrieved. Basket Grapple Part No. SC-16-4 SC-17-4 SC-18-4 SC-19-4 SC-20-4
Short-Catch Overshot
• OD of tool, if nonstandard. XRef. No. 38942 20053 25033 20063 33881
Basket Grapple Part No. SC-16-5 SC-17-5 SC-18-5 SC-19-5 SC-20-5
Control XRef. No. 38943 20054 25034 20064 33882
Multi-Catch Overshots – External Catch
Overshot 15
External Catch – Sucker Rod Overshots
Series 10 and Series Construction will allow for the exposed por-
The Series 10 Sucker Rod
tion of the fish to enter the
20 Sucker Rod Overshot consists of a Top
Basket Grapple further since
theGrapple is now located in
Overshots Sub, Bowl, Grapple, and a
the lowermost position in the
Guide. The internal compo-
The Gotco, Series 10 and 20 Sucker Rod Overshots are Bowl.
nents are used to establish a
small, durable Overshots for retrieving sucker rods, cou- secure grip on the fish to Assembly and Operation
plings and other items from inside tubing strings. retrieve it easily. Depending The Overshot should be
The Gotco, Series 10 Sucker Rod Overshots are designed to on the diameter of the fish to dressed with the proper size
retrieve Sucker Rod Boxes up to 2” O.D. inside of 27 / 8” tubing be retrieved, a Spiral Grapple andtype of Grapple andrelat-
and up to 15 / 8” O.D. inside of 23 / 8” tubing. or a Basket Grapple will be ed support equipment.
The Gotco Series 20 Sucker Rod Overshots are designed for used. When the fish diameter Makeup the Overshot on the
short catch retrieval conditions. These tools engage the tubular approaches the maximum fishing string and run into the
portion of the fish that is too short for retrieving with a standard catch of the Overshot a Spiral hole. When theOvershot nears
Overshot Grapple is required. When a thetop of thefish, engage it by
Spiral Grapple is used, a slowly rotating to the right
Control Guide must also be while gradually lowering the
used on the tool. When the Overshot over the fish.
fish diameter is substantially Releaseany right-hand torque
under the maximum catch out of the fishing string and
limits of theOvershot a Basket pull on the fish by elevating
Grapple is used. This assem- thefishingstring.
bly will require a Basket To Release from the Fish
Grapple Control and a Plain
Bump down thefull weight
of fishing string. Rotateto the
The Series20 Short Catch
right while picking up slowly.
Top Top Sucker Rod Overshot consists
Sub Sub
The left hand wicker threads
of a Top Sub, Bowl, Basket
on the inner surface of the
Grapple and aBasket Grapple
grapple will allow the grapple
Control. The arrangement of
to unscrew from the fish.
the internal parts is slightly
To Release from the
different from the Series 10
retrieved fish, follow this same
Overshot in that the Grapple
procedure while securing the
Control is placed at thetop of
fish below theOvershot
the tool between the Top Sub
Bowl Bowl and the Basket Grapple. This
Grapple Basket
Grapple Plain
Control Guide
Series 10 Series 10
Sucker Rod Overshot Sucker Rod Overshot
with Spiral Grapple with Basket Grapple
Sucker Rod Overshot – External Catch
How to Order
Gotco Series 10 and 20 Overshots Basket
Whenordering,pleasespecify: Grapple
• Nameandnumberof assembly orpart.
• Top connection desired.
• Size and typeof fishto becaught. Bowl 17
External Catch – Die Collars
The Die Collar is manufac- Assemble the Die Collar to Gotco Die Collars
tured from high grade alloy and the bottomof the fishing string. Nominal Size 23 /8 Reg 23 /8 IF 27 /8 Pipe 27 /8 Upset 27 /8 Reg 27 /8 I.F.
specially heat treated. The hard- Run in the hole until reaching the To Catch 31 /8 33 /8 27 /8 37 /32 33 /4 41 /8
ened cutting teeth (wickers) are fish. Apply minimum weight Total Length 24 24 24 24 24 24
machined on a shallow taper (less than one point) and rotate Outside Diameter 4 /16
4 /16
4 4 /8
4 /8
51 /4
(approximately 3 /4 inch per foot) to sufficiently to allow the wicker Small Wicker Diameter 2 /2 1
2 /4
2 /4
2 /8
3 /8
31 /2
providean excellent grip and pos- threads to become embedded in Large Wicker Diameter 3 5 /16 39 /16 31 /16 37 /16 315 /16 45 /16
itive engagement. Plain water- the exterior surface of the fish. Gotco* Part No. DC-7 DC-8 DC-9 DC-10 DC-11 DC-12
tight wicker's are furnished as Caution: Be careful not t o apply Gotco Die Collars
standard equipment. Fluted wick- excessive weight or to rotate Nominal Size 31 /2 Pipe 31 /2 Upset31 /2 Reg 31 /2 F.H. 31 /2 I.F. 41 /2 Pipe
ers are also available on request. excessively. This could cause To Catch 3 /2
3 /16
4 /4
4 /8
4 /4
41 /2
Die Collars are available with damage to the wi ckers. Once the Total Length 32 32 32 32 32 36
plain, lipped, or mill type bottom, fish has been securely engaged, it Outside Diameter 43 /4 51 /16 51 /2 57 /8 6 57 /8
or with threaded bottom for can be liftedfrom the hole. Small Wicker Diameter 2 5 /8 215 /16 33 /8 33 /4 37 /8 /
Taper Taps – Internal Catch 19
Internal Catch – Grapple Releasing Spear
Junk Catchers – Reverse Circulating Junk Basket
Reverse Circulating Junk Basket – Junk Catchers 23
Junk Catchers – Jet Type Junk Basket
Core-Type Junk Basket – Junk Catchers
Gotco Assembly Part No. CB-475 CB-575 CB-512-1 CB-512-2 CB-575-1 CB-650
Gotco Assembly Part No. CB-750 CB-850 CB-937 CB-1037 CB-1137 CB-1375 25
Junk Catchers – Fishing Magnet
Ditch Magnet, Impression Block – Junk Catchers
Ditch Magnet
The Gotco Ditch Magnet is a junk retrieval tool designed to
remove metal particles from drilling mud. High quality stainless
steel is used to encapsulatea series of extra strength magnet ele-
ments assuring maximum pick-up capacity.
Ditch Magnet
The magnet should be used before the shale shaker. Metal
any time metal particles may particles passing by the magnet
Gotco Ditch Magnet
accumulatein themud. This is a will then be caught and retained,
Overall Length 18” 24" 30" 36"
required tool during milling and protecting the shale shaker, mud
Ditch Magnet Part No. DM-18 DM-24 DM-30 DM-36
washover operations. Position the pumps and other costly compo-
magnet in the mud return line nents of the mud system.
The Gotco Impression Block is an accessory tool used to accu- Make up the impression
block to the bottomof the fishing
rately determinethedimensions and configuration of theupper
string. Run into hole until impres-
end of a fish as well asto check its condition and position in the sion block is near top of fish.
well bore. Thesoft lead lower endof theimpression block cap- Slowly lower pipe until making
turesanimpression of thefish upon making contact. Impression contact with fish. Do not rotate.
blocks are manufactured with a pin connection up and a layer of Apply weight to impression block
soft lead on the lower end of the tool. Circulation holes will be and then pull out of hole. The
providedonrequest. impression made will assist the
operator in determining what
tools are needed to prepare and
Gotco Lead Impression Blocks retrievethefish.
OD not over 15 /8" 21 /4" 23 /4" 43 /4" 51 /2" 53 /4"
Length 12 12 12 15 15 15
Gotco Part No. IB-162 IB-225 IB-275 IB-475 IB-550 IB-575 27
Junk Catchers – Wireline Spear
Wireline Spear
Fishing Jar – Accessory Tools 29
Accessory Tools – Bumper Sub
Jar Impact Amplifier – Accessory Tools
Recommended Spares
(1) 1 ServiceKit
How to Order Gotco Jar Impact Amplifier (2) 1 Washpipe
Whenordering,pleasespecify: (3) 2 PistonAssemblies
• Name and part number of assembly. (4) 16 Non-Extrusion
• Sizeand typeof connection, if nonstandard. Rings
• O.D., if nonstandard. (5) 16Seal Protector Rings
(6) 4 Mandrel Body
Fill Plugs
(7) 4 MiddleBody
Fill Plugs
(8) 8 PackingSets
(9) 1 Mandrel Body
Setting Tool Jar Impact Amplifier 31
Accessory Tools – Lubricated Bumper Sub
Drilling Safety Joints – Accessory Tools 33
Milling – Junk Mills
Junk Mills – Milling
Standard Round
Pilot Mill Nose Mill 35
Milling – Junk Mills
Boot Basket (Junk Sub) – Milling
31 /8
2 /8
33 /4
3 /2
41 /4
3 /2
41 /4
31 /2
41 /4
The Gotco Boot Basket (Junk Sub) is an accessory tool used in Body OD (Under Cup) 2 25 /8 31 /8 31 /4 31 /4
milling or drilling operations. It is designed to prevent cuttings Cup OD 3 /11 16 4 4 /
1 2 5 51 /2
Cup ID 35 /8 35 /8 41 /4 49 /16 47 /8
that are too heavy to becirculated from settling to the bottom of
Diam. of Bore /4
1 /4
1 /2
1 /2
11 /2
the hole.
Standard-Type Boot Basket
Gotco Assembly Part No. BB-1 BB-2 BB-3 BB-4 BB-5
XRef. No. 20340 15450 15455 15460 15465
Construction Length of Cup 10 10 10 10 10
Total Length 29 29 /21
30 /21
30 /21
301 /2
Boot baskets are manufac-
Long-Type Boot Basket
tured from high-strength heat Gotco Assembly Part No. BBL-1 BBL-2 BBL-3 BBL-4 BBL-5
treated alloy steel to withstand XRef. No. 20345 17060 17065 17070 17075
wear. Heavy-duty ribs are Length of Cup 20 20 20 20 20
attached to the cup to prevent it Total Length 43 / 1
2 44 45 45 45
from being crushed and to guide Extra-Long-Type Boot Basket
thetool through tight places while Gotco Assembly Part No. BBXL-1 BBXL-2 BBXL-3 BBXL-4 BBXL-5
tripping out of the hole. These XRef. No. 20295 20300 20305 20310 20315
ribs are not welded to the main Length of Cup 30 30 30 30 30
body of the tool, further enhanc- Total Length 531 /2 54 55 55 55
ing its strength. Gotco Boot Basket (Junk Sub)
Hole Size 71 /2-81 /2 85 /8-95 /8 95 /8-113 /8 111 /2-13 143 /4-171 /2
Assembly and Operation
API Connection 4 /12
4 /
6 /
5 8
6 /
75 /8
Boot baskets are useddirectly Body OD (Top Conn.) 51 /2 51 /2 73 /4 73 /4 87 /8
above the mill or drill bit. On Body OD (Under Cup) 4 /21
4 /2
5 /4
5 /4
75 /8
severe milling jobs, it is custom- Cup OD 65 /8 7 85 /8 95 /8 127 /8
ary to run two or three baskets in Cup ID 55 /16 69 /32 715 /16 817 /32 115 /8
tandemabove the mill. This tan- Diam. of Bore 2 /41
2 /4
3 /2
3 /2
dem running not only increases Standard-Type Boot Basket
the capacity to remove the cut- Gotco Assembly Part No. BB-6 BB-7 BB-8 BB-9 BB-10
tings, but also provides extra sta- XRef. No. 15470 15475 15480 15485 55306
bilization for the mill. Boot bas- Length of Cup 10 10 10 10 10
kets can berun in either open hole Total Length 31 /2 1
31 /21
33 33 36
or insidecasing. When the basket Long-Type Boot Basket
is working inside a casing, hard- Gotco Assembly Part No. BBL-6 BBL-7 BBL-8 BBL-9 BBL-10
faced pads, dressed to the same XRef. No. 17080 17085 17090 17095
O.D. as the mill or bit, should be Length of Cup 20 20 20 20 20
used. Total Length 46 46 48 48 50
Extra-Long-Type Boot Basket
Optional Components Gotco Assembly Part No. BBXL-6 BBXL-7 BBXL-8 BBXL-9 BBXL-10
and Accessories XRef. No. 20320 20325 20330 20335
Length of Cup 30 30 30 30 30
The standard boot basket is a
Total Length 56 56 58 58 60
welded assembly with a 10 inch
Boot Basket deep cup. L ong and extra long
(Junk Sub) baskets are available; these pro-
vide a 20 or 30 inch deep cup.
How to Order Gotco Boot Basket (Junk Sub)
• Name and part of assembly number.
• Connection, if nonstandard. 37
Milling – Washover Equipment
Washover Equipment – Milling
the drill pipe and the washover Maximum I.D. 37 /8 4 4 45 /8 47 /8 51 /8
Gotco Washover pipe. Gotco Washover Safety Gotco Lift Plugs
Safety Joint Joints are provided with a tool Washpipe 65 /8 7 75 /8 81 /8 85 /8 9
Pipe Part No. Pipe Part No. joint box thread up and a Plain Length 6 6 6 6 7 7
Size Size
washover pipepin threaddown. With Bail Length 141 /2 1413 /16 17 18 19 191 /2
31 /2 WSJ-350 33 /4 WSJ-375
To disengage the safety joint Plain Lift Plug Part No. LP-65 LP-7 LP-75 LP-81 LP-85 LP-9
4 WSJ-400 41 /2 WSJ-450
while down-hole, place pipe in Lift Plug with Bail Part No.LPB-65 LPB-7 LPB-75 LPB-81 LPB-85 LPB-9
43 /4 WSJ-475 5 WSJ-500
tension and apply left-hand Shoulder F.J.W.P 77 /16 8 85 /8 93 /32 95 /8 10
53 /8 WSJ-537 51 /2 WSJ-550
torque. Hold torque while slowly Maximum I.D. 5 /8
6 65 /8 71 /8 75 /8 8
53 /4 WSJ-575 6 WSJ-600
lowering pipe until safety joint Gotco Lift Plugs
61 /4 WSJ-625 63 /8 WSJ-637
breaks. Continueto unscrew safe- Washpipe 95 /8 103 /4 113 /4 133 /8
6 /
WSJ-662 6 /
ty joint to the left. To re-engage Plain Length 7 7 7
7 WSJ-700 73 /8 WSJ-737
the safety joint, lower pipe until With Bail Length 20 21 21
7 /8
WSJ-762 8 WSJ-800
pin section of safety joint lands Plain Lift Plug Part No. LP-95 LP-106 LP-116 LP-133
8 /8
WSJ-812 8 /8
on box section. Apply one point Lift Plug with Bail Part No.LPB-95 LPB-106 LPB-116 LPB-133
9 WSJ-900 9 /
3 16
of weight. Rotate to the left oneor Shoulder F.J.W.P 105 /8 113 /4 123 /4
95 /16 WSJ-931 91 /2 WSJ-950
two turns. Then rotate to theright Maximum I.D. 8 /8
95 /8
95 /8 WSJ-962 103 /4 WSJ-1075
until torque builds up, indicating
113 /4 WSJ-1175 133 /8 WSJ-1337
safety joint is made up.
16 WSJ-1600
How to Order Gotco Washover Safety Joints How to Order Gotco Lift Plugs
Whenordering,pleasespecify: Whenordering,pleasespecify:
• Name and part number of assembly. • Lower pin connection (washover pipeO.D.
• Connections. andweight).
• O.D. andI.D., if nonstandard. • With or without liftingbail. 39
Milling – Washover Equipment
Washover Equipment – Milling
Shoes 41
Remedial and Repair – Casing Patch, Lead-Seal Type
Casing Patch,
Packer Type
Gotco Casing Patches, Packer Type with Basket Grapple
Casing O.D. 27 /8 31 /2 41 /2 51 /2 7 95 /8 113 /4
Patch O.D. 4 43 /4 53 /4 613 /16 83 /8 111 /8 133 /8
Part No. PCP-287 PCP-350 PCP-450 PCP-550 PCP-700 PCP-962 PCP-1175
Casing Roller – Remedial and Repair 43
Remedial and Repair – Casing Scraper
Assembly of the casing
scraper is quick and simple and Set blade over body splines at manner. Offset theupper blade set
Casing Scraper can easily be done in the field. center of tool, compress blade from the lower set by one spline.
Secure the tool body. Insert and slide into splines. Install Secure blades to body with split
springs into the bladebody drive. remaining blades in the same collar ring.
Cross-Over Sub (Rotary Sub) – Remedial and Repair
Cross-Over Sub
(Rotary Sub)
Gotco manufactures a completeline of rotary subs. Each sub
provides aconnection between joints of different size or type of
drilling, washover, or tubing strings. Gotco subs may beused in
applications when it is necessary to have frequent disconnection
points. All Gotco subs are manufactured from high-alloy, heat
treated steel and threaded to the customer’s specifications. Subs
can be ordered pin-to-pin, box-to-box, or box-to-pin and are
available in lengths up to 96 inches. Right or left-hand threads
can be provided.
Gotco Cross-Over Subs (Rotary Subs) Cross-Over
Largest O.D., inches 11 /2 13 /4 2 21 /4 21 /2 23 /4 3 31 /4 31 /2 Sub
Gotco Part No. XO-14 XO-16 XO-20 XO-22 XO-24 XO-26 XO-30 XO-32 XO-34
Length, inches 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Sub 45
Nitrogen Pumping Unit - Land - Offshore - Truck Mounted Design
Phone (281) 591-1402 • Fax (281) 999-4251
MODEL 100-10-AMB
Coiled Tubing Units - Land and Offshore Design
Phone (281) 591-1402 • Fax (281) 999-4251
MODEL 8500
MODEL 4250 47
Coiled Tubing Units - Land and Offshore Design
Phone (281) 591-1402 • Fax (281) 999-4251
Coiled Tubing Reel - Land and Offshore Design
Phone (281) 591-1402 • Fax (281) 999-4251
Circulating Swivel 49
EZ-TORK™ Make-Up / Break-Out Unit
Phone (281) 591-1402 • Fax (281) 999-4251
Standard Features:
A. Primary skid 40”W x 132”L x 67”H
B. 30 HP. Hydraulic console
C. PSI Gauge
Optional Features:
A. 19.5’ head beam extension
B. 6 ft. tail stock beam extension
C. Back-up push and pull cylinder
D. Three hydraulic support rollers
E. Spinner Specification Torquing Unit Spinner Push/Pull Unit
F. Computerized torque control system Diameter Capacity – in (mm) 3-1/2” – 14” (89-356) 3-1/2” – 14” (89-356) N/A
Torque Capacity – ft. lbs. 190,000 2,000 N/A
complete with printer.
Push/Pull Stroke – in (mm) N/A N/A 48 (1220)
Overall Length – in 132” 47” With Beam: 234”
Overall Width – in (mm) 48” (1220) 19” 8”
Overall Height – in (mm) 67” (1700) 24 1/2” 46”
Weight – lbs 9,000 480 780
Hydraulic Console Power – 30 Hp (15 Kw) Electrical Requirements – Available in 60/50 hertz Hydraulic Reservoir Capacity - 100 gal
Standard Features:
A. Primary 12’ Skid
B. Head Stock 2-3/8 - 22
C. Tail Stock 2-3/8 - 22
D. Hydraulic Console
E. Power Traverse Tail stock
Optional Features:
A. 20 foot Head & Tail stock
extension beam
B. Support Rollers Specification Torquing Unit Push/Pull Unit
C. Push & Pull Cylinder Assy. Diameter Capacity – in 2-3/8” - 22 N/A
Torque Capacity – ft. lbs. 100,000 N/A
D. Torque Control Computer
Push-Pull Stroke – in N/A 48”
E. Soft Touch Inserts Overall Width – in 72” 10”
Overall Length – in 144 234” with beam
Overall Height – in 96” 46”
Weight-lbs. 14,000 780 lbs.
FAZTORK™ Make-Up / Break-Out Unit
Phone (281) 591-1402 • Fax (281) 999-4251
Standard Features:
A. Primary skid 58”W x 144”L x 66”H
Adding to the skid possible at customers
request for additional cost.
B. Hydraulic control console – 30 hp, 220 / 440 v.
(console dimensions 66W x 60L x 58H)
C. PSI Gauge 6”
D. Two speeds – high / 12 rpm, low / 6 rpm
E. Hydraulic Oil – AW 68-100 gallons
Optional Features:
A. 234” H-Beamextension
B. 72” H-Beamextension FAZTORK SPECIFICATIONS - Model 40,000
C. Back-uppushandpull cylinder Specification Torquing Unit Push/Pull Unit 20' Beam 6' Beam
D. Two hydraulic support rollers Diameter Capacity – in 2-3/8" N/A N/A N/A
Torque Capacity – ft. lbs. 35,000 N/A N/A N/A
E. Two manual support rollers
Push/Pull Stroke – in N/A 48" N/A N/A
F. Computer torquecontrol system Overall Length – in 156" H-BEAM 228" 234" 72"
Overall Width – in 58" 8" 8" 8"
Overall Height – in 66" 45" 8" 8"
Weight – lbs 6,800 lbs 78 lbs 800 lbs 240 lbs
Standard Features:
A. Primary skid 57-1/2”W x 144”L x 76”H
Adding to the skid possible at customers
request for additional cost.
B. Hydraulic control console-
66”W x 60”L x 58”H
C. PSI Gauge6”
D. Electric motor – 30hp, 220 / 440v.
E. Two speeds– high/ 9 rpm, low / 3 rpm
F. Hydraulic Oil – AW 68-100 gallons
Optional Features:
A. 234” H-beamextension
B. 72” H-beamextension Specification Torquing Unit Push/Pull Unit 20' Beam 6' Beam
C. Back-uppushandpull cylinder Diameter Capacity – in 2-3/8" - 12-3/4 N/A N/A N/A
Torque Capacity – ft. lbs. 55,000 N/A N/A N/A
D. Two hydraulic support rollers Push/Pull Stroke – in N/A 48" N/A N/A
E. Onemanual support roller Overall Length – in 108" 234" 72"
F. Computer torquecontrol system Overall Width – in 57-1/2" 8" 8" 8"
Overall Height – in 88-1/2" 48" 8" 8"
Weight – lbs 8,900 780 800 240 51
PEDCOR Coiled Tubing Products
Division of GOTCO International
PEDCOR was incorporated in 1990 in Houston, Texas. The company designs and manufactures equipment
specifically for the Coiled Tubing Industry, which includes downhole tools and wellhead equipment.
The innovative equipment designed by Pedcor has enabled us to become a “Leader by Design”.
The patented “SAFESET”® series of coiled tubing hangers have gained wide acceptancethroughout the indus-
try and are yet un-matched by any other company. The “SAFESET”® has becomeknown as the safest and eas-
iest way to hang coiled tubing in the well while maintaining well control at all times.
All tools designed by Pedcor are of unique design, incorporating the highest quality materials. All downhole
tools are designed with the operator in mind. The tools may be field redressed easily and maintained with lit-
tle effort. All tools are pressure rated at 10,000 psi working pressures.
The success of Pedcor is due in large part to our customers who have had input on equipment design and
Pedcor is continually developing new products to meet the increasing demand of the coiled tubing industry.
We invite you to contact our office for special requirements you may have or for equipment not listed herein.
Thank you for your interest in the Pedcor products and we look forward to continuing to serve you in the
future. 53
PEDCOR Coiled Tubing Products
Product Listing
"SAFESET" and "LARGE BORE SAFESET" Registered Trademark of PEDCOR INC., Houston, Texas
Brake Rims & Bands
Master Oilfield, a division of Gotco International, Inc., is a leading manufacturer in O.E.M. and after mar-
ket-brake rims and brake bands. Our print files are continuously updated and expanded to offer the latest in
technological advances. Brake rims and brake bands are manufactured to meet and exceed O.E.M. specifica-
tions. Material certification will be supplied upon request.
Quality BrakeBands
All brake bands are fabricated from certifiable and traceable high strength alloy steel. Bolt hole patterns are
to be drilled on flat surface prior to rolling as per API standards or to measurement per O.E.M. specifications
that pertain to drawwork type.
Master Oilfield
P.O. Box 691245
Houston, TX 77269
Phone (281) 591-1402
Fax (281) 999-4251 55