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The document discusses and compares the teachings of Paul Rolland and Karen Tuttle regarding string playing fundamentals and expression.

The document discusses coordinated action in string playing through a comparative study of the teachings of Paul Rolland and Karen Tuttle.

The two prominent pedagogues discussed are Paul Rolland and Karen Tuttle.









Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of Doctor of Musical Arts
in the School of Music
in the Graduate School of
The University of Alabama


Copyright Lauren Burns 2013

Paul Rolland and Karen Tuttle were two prominent pedagogues in the twentieth century

with remarkable similarities regarding emphasis on naturalness and freedom of motion for string

playing. This study provides biographical information on each pedagogue and a comparison of

their specific teachings in the following categories: teaching philosophy, posture, bowing and the

left arm. Some relevant examples from Rolland’s Action Studies are interspersed to provide the

viola teacher with examples of this resource, useful for developing these fundamentals or

correcting a student’s faults in preparation for studies in Tuttle’s “coordination” system. I then

set forth a group of studies, modeled after Rolland’s Action Studies, that the viola teacher may

use for exploring Tuttle’s “coordination” ideas and training musical expression in students.

Tuttle’s “coordination” system is useful for teaching artistry and expression, especially if

the student has expressive potential as well as the ability to understand tension and release. The

“Coordination” Studies that I have provided in this document make these ideas available and

accessible to other teachers, with concrete exercises for developing each technique in a teaching

situation. When combined with proper technical fundamentals that can be established by the use

of Rolland’s Action Studies, a viola teacher can use these two systems to train students as

complete artists with sufficient technical and expressive skills.


I dedicate this work to my viola students, present and future.


I deeply appreciate all of the friends, colleagues, and faculty members who have helped

me with this research project. I would like to thank Karen Tuttle’s students, Karen Ritscher,

Susan Dubois, Jeffrey Irvine, Carol Rodland, Kim Kashkashian, Michelle LaCourse, Pamela

Ryan, and Sheila Browne, for introducing me to Tuttle’s ideas during private lessons over the

past decade, at the Tuttle Workshop in 2011, and at the ASTA conference in 2012. I would like

to thank Rebecca Henry for introducing Paul Rolland’s concepts during my pedagogy training at

Peabody Conservatory, and Lynne Denig, Nancy Kredel, and Mimi Zweig for more teaching

ideas inspired by Paul Rolland.

I would also like to thank my beginners at the South Georgia String Project as well as my

college students at Valdosta State University for trying out all of these ideas. This project would

not have been possible without the support of my friends, fellow DMA students, and my family

who provided encouragement for me to continue and finish this paper. I would also like to thank

my committee at the University of Alabama, especially my viola teacher Daniel Sweaney, for

advising me on this project for proofreading this paper.


ABSTRACT ................................................................................................ii

DEDICATION........................................................................................... iii

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .......................................................................... iv

LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................vii

1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................. 1

a. History of Viola Pedagogy ..................................................................... 1

Paul Rolland’s Pedagogical Lineage .......................................................... 3

Karen Tuttle’s Pedagogical Lineage ........................................................... 6

b. Why Rolland and Tuttle? ........................................................................ 7

2. BACKGROUND ................................................................................... 11

a. Paul Rolland Biographical Summary ................................................... 11

b. Karen Tuttle Biographical Summary .................................................... 23

3. COMPARISON AND CONTRAST .................................................... 31

a. Teaching Philosophy............................................................................. 31

b. Posture and Stance ................................................................................ 35

c. Bowing .................................................................................................. 47

d. Left Hand .............................................................................................. 62

e. Differences/Integration ......................................................................... 72


DEVELOPMENT...................................................................................... 76

a. Connecting Emotionally With the Musical Character .......................... 78

b. Body Awareness ................................................................................... 80

c. Breathing ............................................................................................... 83

d. Intensity and “Re-pull” ........................................................................ 84

e. Articulation, Groupings, and “Over the bow” ..................................... 86

f. “Coordination:” How All of These Things Work Together .................. 88

g. Problems with Teaching “Coordination” ............................................. 92

5. CONCLUSION .................................................................................... 94

REFERENCES .......................................................................................... 96

APPENDIX ............................................................................................... 99


3.1 Paul Rolland Stance ............................................................................. 36

3.2 Rolland Case Walk .............................................................................. 37

3.3 Cantilever Principle ............................................................................. 37

3.4 The Statue of Liberty ........................................................................... 39

3.5 The Shuttle Game ................................................................................ 40

3.6 Paul Rolland Bow Hold ....................................................................... 47

3.7 Rolland Early Bow Hold ..................................................................... 48

3.8 “Flap Your Wings” .............................................................................. 51

3.9 Roll the Arm ........................................................................................ 51

3.10 Shadow Bowing ................................................................................. 51

3.11 Wandering Bow Exercise .................................................................. 51

3.12 Bow Gymnastics ................................................................................ 52

3.13 Silent Bow Transfer ........................................................................... 53

3.14 Flying Pizzicato and Rebound ........................................................... 54

3.15 Karen Tuttle’s Bow Hold .................................................................. 55

3.16 Finger Action ..................................................................................... 62

3.17 Left Hand Pizzicato ........................................................................... 64

3.18 Shifting Motions ................................................................................ 65

3.19 Shifting Exercises .............................................................................. 66

3.20 Arm Balance for Vibrato ................................................................... 66

3.21 Tapping Exercise for Vibrato ............................................................ 67

3.22 Tuttle Left Hand ................................................................................ 68

4.1 Karen Tuttle’s Emotion Chart ............................................................. 80

4.2 Human Anatomy.................................................................................. 82

4.3 Re-pull Demonstrated by Kim Kashkashian ...................................... 85

4.4 Over the Bow ....................................................................................... 87

4.5 Karen Tuttle’s Markings in Brahms Sonata No. 2 in E-flat ................ 90

4.6 Karen Tuttle’s Markings in Schubert’s “Arpeggione” Sonata ............ 90


My interest in this project stems from my current teaching position, where my duties

include teaching viola lessons to college students as well as large string classes for young

beginners. I was very interested in teaching Karen Tuttle’s ideas about sound production and

musicality to the college students, but I found that they often needed remedial work on the basics

before this was feasible. At the same time, I was also interested in teaching Paul Rolland’s ideas

to the beginners, to escape the poor technique and rigidity that I often saw in children who learn

to play in school classes. The purpose of this project is to explore the teachings of Rolland and

Tuttle in depth so that the two methods may then be used together as a pedagogical system for

teaching viola at any level.

a. History of Viola Pedagogy

The viola, as an instrument in its own right, has existed since the 1500’s with a similar

history to its smaller relative, the violin. Although Hoffmeister, Campagnoli, and Bruni authored

method books specifically for viola in the eighteenth century, there was no mention of teaching

viola in music schools at this time. Unfortunately, the viola player was often an inadequate

violinist, and his/her repertoire reflected this deficit. Berlioz summarized the inferior status of

the viola, the prevailing view in the nineteenth century, when he wrote:

It is to be regretted that there is no special class for the viola. This instrument,
notwithstanding its relation to the violin, needs individual study and constant practice if it
is to be properly played. It is an antique, absurd, and deplorable prejudice that has
hitherto handed over the performance of the tenor part to second or third-rate
violinists…a condition of inferiority in any one part with regard to any other is not

Maurice W. Riley, The History of the Viola, Volume 1 (Ann Arbor, MI: Braun-Brumfield, 1993), 184.

In addition to problems related to pedagogy, repertoire and technique, additional

limitations arose because of the viola’s size and range. The viola is an awkward instrument, too

large for a typical person to maneuver when it is proportioned for proper acoustics, but lacking in

resonance when it is cut down into a manageable size. In the nineteenth century, violinists did

most of the viola teaching, using transcriptions of common violin etudes, like Kayser, Mazas,

Kreutzer, and Fiorillo, rather than unfamiliar viola repertoire. These pedagogues believed that

the viola was played exactly like the violin and considered these basic studies to be sufficient.

Maurice Riley, a historian of the viola, wrote, “Violinists, who had not analyzed special

fingering or bowing problems as related to the viola, used identical teaching procedures for the

two instruments. Furthermore, they felt more comfortable using etudes and techniques with

which they were familiar.2

The first champions of the viola appeared around the turn of the twentieth century:

Maurice Vieux and Louis Bailley in France; Vladimir Bakaleinikoff and Samuel Belov in

Russia; Leo Van Hout in Belgium; and Lionel Tertis in Great Britain.3 These violists performed

as virtuoso soloists, commissioned new music for viola, arranged known pieces for viola

ensemble, and established viola curricula in the conservatories. In so doing, they paved the way

for the great William Primrose, who enabled the viola to finally “emerge as an equally rewarding

string instrument to other members of the string family.”4

These viola virtuosi and pedagogues did so much performing, teaching and

commissioning that they established the viola as a solo instrument in its own right. Today, it is

possible to study viola at virtually any school of music; however, it first became available as a

Ibid., 183.
Gregory Barnes, ed., Playing and Teaching the Viola: A Comprehensive Guide to the Central Clef Instrument and
Its Music (Fairfax, VA: American String Teachers Association, 2010), xix.
Barnes, Playing and Teaching, xix.

course of study when the Paris Conservatory appointed a viola professor in 1894. In the United

States, the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, NY established a viola curriculum in 1922,

and the Curtis Institute in Philadelphia followed suit in 1925.5 After the Second World War,

universities in the United States began to hire string quartets in residence, with the violist also

functioning as the viola professor.

Thus, violin and viola pedagogy were considered to be virtually the same until very

recently. Players were expected to perform adequately on both the violin and viola and have

only specialized in viola for the past sixty or seventy years. Born in the early 1900’s, both

Rolland and Tuttle trained as violinists in their formative years and then added viola as young

professional adults. Rolland trained as a violinist at the Franz Liszt Academy in Budapest,

Hungary, and he added viola for chamber music and as a co-requisite for a violin diploma.

Tuttle trained as a violinist in Washington and California in the United States and then switched

to viola to study with William Primrose at the Curtis Institute in Philadelphia. Since there were

no established schools of viola pedagogy in the early twentieth century, we must instead trace

their pedagogical lineages from the prominent schools of violin playing in the nineteenth

century. A player’s pedagogical lineage is informative when studying his/her technical approach

to the instrument, because there are several distinct European traditions that can combine with

prevailing philosophies of the time in unique ways.

Paul Rolland’s Pedagogical Lineage

Paul Rolland’s pedagogical lineage was a synthesis of intuitive European traditions,

passed down to Jenő Hubay in Hungary via Joseph Joachim and Henri Vieuxtemps, combining

Riley, History 1, 184.

the European traditions of the “Franco-Belgian” school with the “Hungary-Vienna” school.6 His

training with Imre Waldbauer also included analytical modern pedagogy developed by Carl

Flesch, Lucien Capet, and F. A. Steinhausen.7 Carl Flesch, one of the primary influences on

Rolland’s teacher, wrote that “the most important of bodily hindrances… [is] excessive, incorrect

or entirely missing rhythmic movements of the body.” Improper usage of rhythmic movements

influences the “capacity for expression in an unfavorable manner.”8 Flesch advocated swaying

in the lower body, using the arms as craftsmen and allowing movement in the head, upper, and

lower body. F. A. Steinhausen, a physician, was the first to analyze string playing from a

biomechanical point-of-view, publishing the Physiology of Bowing in 1903. Steinhausen argued

that traditional pedagogy focused mainly on skill development in the fingers, hands, and arms in

an atomistic way that encouraged motions that were too small. This type of teaching failed to

address the importance of muscular relaxation and natural physical responses in the whole body.9

Steinhausen applied Gestalt theory to movement and violin playing, teaching that when the body

is properly balanced and relaxed, the parts assume their most natural positions for optimal

function. He aimed to reduce tension in small joints by assigning control to the main joints and

teaching “whole body” technique rather than isolating motions within each hand. Gestalt, when

applied to teaching, means that whole facets of technique such as slurring, full bows, staccato,

Hilary Behrens, “Paul Rolland Interviewed by Hilary Behrens, July 1977,” The Strad 89, no. 1066 (1979): 963.
Marianne Murray Perkins, A Comparison of Violin Playing Techniques: Kato Havas, Paul Rolland, and Shinichi
Suzuki (Bloomington, IN: Tichenor Publishing, 1995), 29.
Paul Rolland with Marla Mutschler, The Teaching of Action in String Playing: Developmental and Remedial
Techniques (Bloomington, IN: Tichenor Publishing, 2000), 30.
Perkins, Comparison, 94.

and finger patterns are introduced as soon as possible.10 The teacher then isolates and refines

each specific technique before re-introducing it into repertoire.11 Rolland wrote:

Good violin playing possesses a specific “Gestalt” quality, which is not determined by
the individual elements it contains but rather by the structural relationships between these
elements and the whole. Within this whole, each element serves a specific and
significant function, but only through the smooth coordination of all elements will
successful performance result.12

Paul Rolland’s philosophy of string playing displayed such ideas about the unity of the human

organism. Rolland taught that whenever we make a change in one part of the body, it alters the

use of the whole; therefore, faulty adjustment in one joint would necessitate readjustment

elsewhere, creating extra muscular effort and strain as a result.13

Another notable method from this time period is the Alexander Technique, originally a

technique for breathing and speaking promoted by the Australian reciter, F. M. Alexander.

Alexander explored balance and alignment, focusing on the head and neck relationship as it

relates to ordinary tasks like sitting and standing. He then taught students how to apply his

discoveries to complicated tasks like playing music or sports, after bringing the head and neck

relationship under conscious control during mundane tasks. Paul Rolland developed an interest

in this technique after Alexander Murray, an accomplished Alexander Technique teacher,

became his colleague at the University of Illinois-Urbana in 1977. Carol Porter McCullough, an

Alexander Technique teacher, wrote, “Rolland knew that the Alexander Technique had much in

Henry Barrett, The Viola: Complete Guide for Teachers and Students (Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama
Press, 1978), 94.
Ingrid Kovacs, “The Influence of Gestalt in Paul Rolland’s Theory of Pedagogy,” American String Teacher 61,
no. 3 (2011): 47.
Gerald Fischbach, “A Comprehensive Performance Project,” (DMA thesis, University of Iowa, 1972), 26-27.
Rolland, Teaching of Action, 30.

common with his own pedagogical ideas,” and he was on the verge of incorporating it into his

teaching at the time of his death.14

Rolland studied the role of movement as it relates to each technique and analyzed the

almost undetectable movements that occur in the whole body when a player is well balanced and

relaxed. “Tenseness, awkwardness and poor timing of a beginner performing a complex skill,”

he wrote, “are due to a combination of superfluous movement, use of unnecessary muscles, and

either excessive or insufficient applications of power.”15 Rolland stands out as “one of the first

pedagogues to discuss free physical motions of the body and their importance for playing

musically with technical fluidity.”16 Rolland created a method for introducing these concepts to

young children, enabling beginners to learn advanced techniques in their embryonic forms with

freedom and ease. His Action Studies booklet, published in 1974, introduces playing techniques

sequentially with a series of games and exercises; other teachers can easily use the resource to

train proper motions in a beginner or to rehabilitate a student with technical problems.17 The

simple exercises that Rolland set forth are easy enough for a young child, but they develop

advanced skills such as shifting, vibrato, spiccato, and string crossings that had hitherto been

reserved to older, more advanced students.

Karen Tuttle’s Pedagogical Lineage

A student and teaching assistant at Curtis, Karen Tuttle’s lineage as a violist comes

directly from her teacher, William Primrose. Primrose was initially a violin prodigy whose early

training was with Camillo Ritter, from the Austro-Hungarian tradition of Joachim and Sevcik.

He later studied for three years with Eugène Ysäye, who encouraged him to change to the

Carol Porter McCullough, “The Alexander Technique and The Pedagogy of Paul Rolland,” (DMA diss., Arizona
State University, 1996), 3.
Ibid., 31.
Mimi Zweig, “Paul Rolland and His Influence,” American String Teacher 61 (May 2011): 20.
Perkins, Comparison, 95.

viola.18 Ysäye was from the Franco-Belgian pedagogical tradition, having studied with both

Henryk Wieniawski and Henri Vieuxtemps. Therefore, Tuttle also has roots that combine the

Austro-Hungarian and Franco-Belgian traditions; however, Tuttle’s pedagogy is more specific to

the viola. Primrose, “did not consider the viola as a large-size violin, but rather as a separate,

autonomous instrument, with its own individual bowing and fingering problems.”19 He was one

of the first pedagogues who taught the viola exclusively.

The other hallmark of the Tuttle-school of playing is “a holistic approach to the study of

the instrument, a seeking of physical comfort with the viola and using natural reflexes and

impulses instead of following an absolutely prescribed way of playing.”20 Tuttle’s teaching

stands out as one of the first true systems of viola pedagogy, and like Rolland’s method, it

prioritizes naturalness and ease in the whole body.

b. Why Rolland and Tuttle?

This project compares Paul Rolland and Karen Tuttle, two prominent pedagogues of the

past century, who independently analyzed how and why great players get results on the

instrument. They radically transformed viola pedagogy by training students to think about their

playing in this way. Their methods of teaching marked a radical departure from contemporary

violin/viola pedagogy, which relied heavily on demonstration by the master teacher. Students

would merely mimic the teacher without any understanding of why they must do something a

certain way. It is easy to imitate a teacher but difficult to learn to think for oneself, a process

which both Rolland and Tuttle valued. Julie Lieberman believed that if a teacher instead focuses

Watson Forbes. "Primrose, William." In Grove Music Online. Oxford Music Online,
http://www.oxfordmusiconline.com/subscriber/article/grove/music/22359 (accessed August 18, 2012).
Riley, History 1, 283-4.
Hanani, “Intuitive,” 309.

on the principle behind the issue addressed in the lesson, students could progress more quickly

and learn to become independent thinkers. She wrote:

This enables the students to develop the ability to think for themselves and to apply these
principles in an accelerated fashion on their own, automatically developing their
technique on a consistent basis rather than waiting to be spoon-fed the next morsel of

Rolland and Tuttle both focused on naturalness and ease as general principles behind all aspects

of good technique, and they trained students to think through these concepts and to apply them to

their playing.

Traditionally, string players were labeled “talented” if they could use their bodies well

and create musical gestures and good motions for sound production and basic technique. The

teacher taught by example and students with the natural athletic ability to catch on instinctively

did very well, while others with less natural coordination did poorly and developed habits of the

“untalented” student. Tuttle and Rolland were unique as teachers because they both analyzed

string-playing motions in incredible detail as they corrected their own faults and poor usage

habits from improper training in the beginning stages. They then spent their lives

communicating their discoveries to students, teaching coordinated patterns of motion that the

naturally talented player does instinctively. Rolland and Tuttle both worked to correct habits of

tension and to train correct actions with well-balanced and coordinated motions.

Rolland and Tuttle also stand out as pedagogues, because they both promoted a whole

body approach to string playing, emphasizing natural motions analogous to sports. Although

they seemed to have developed their ideas independently, Rolland and Tuttle were

contemporaries who taught simultaneously at major American institutions. Initially, both began

as violinists with poor training and rigid technique. In their late teens and early twenties, they

Julie Lyonn Lieberman, You Are Your Instrument (New York: Huiksi Music, 1991), 86.

both encountered master artist-teachers who overhauled their playing and enabled them to

progress to a professional level by using their bodies in more natural and relaxed ways. Both

players, moreover, learned viola and began performing careers as violists within string quartets.

In spite of their similar backgrounds, Rolland and Tuttle chose to focus on different age

groups when they began careers in teaching. Rolland’s interest in teaching led him to devote his

life to researching and developing materials for beginners in an effort to revolutionize string

education in the United States. Rolland realized that a teacher must sow the seeds for proper

technique on the violin or viola in the very first lessons, because this early training establishes

the foundation for everything else, for better or for worse.22 Rolland’s studies were mostly

geared towards beginners, with his teachings remaining somewhat violin-centric, since most

young players begin to train on the violin at a young age and then switch to the viola during the

teenage years as intermediate or advanced players. He was one of the first pedagogues to discuss

free physical motions of the body and their importance to playing musically with technical

fluidity.23 Tuttle, on the other hand, began teaching viola as Primrose’s assistant and then as a

chamber music and viola faculty member at several of the most prominent conservatories in the

Northeast, including Peabody Conservatory, the Juilliard School and the Curtis Institute. Tuttle

taught only college-aged students at relatively advanced levels in these environments. In spite of

this difference, both Tuttle and Rolland understood and explained technique in similar ways.

The analytical teaching style and whole body approach, employed by both Rolland and

Tuttle, provides rationale for comparing the two methods with the intent of integrating the

teachings into one system. My study attempts to fuse Rolland and Tuttle’s pedagogical systems

to create a comprehensive resource for teaching technique and musicality to a violist at any level.

Zweig, Rolland, 21.
Ibid., 20.

I propose that the two systems could complement each other very well, each providing necessary

information and skill-development where the other method is lacking. Paul Rolland’s method is

already clearly laid out in his Action Studies booklet, and excerpts from this work provide a step-

by-step process for developing the fundamentals of posture, right hand, and left hand technique.

Karen Tuttle’s method can then develop the fundamentals of artistry and musicality if we create

a similarly accessible resource for teachers called “Coordination” Studies. To develop these

“Coordination” Studies, I will distill the main concepts from Tuttle’s teaching system into

several categories and then provide step-by-step exercises for developing skills in each area.

Then, I will provide the strategies that Tuttle and her students used to integrate these techniques

and teach “coordination” between the physical body and the musical expression.

My study begins with biographies of Paul Rolland and Karen Tuttle to provide

background for each pedagogue. In the following chapter, I compare the teachings of the two

pedagogues to discover areas of similarity or difference in regards to the teaching philosophy,

posture, bowing, and left-hand technique. This section will include many of Rolland’s exercises

for each category, excerpted from his Action Studies publication, which viola teachers may use

for developing good fundamental technique or correcting mechanical flaws in a student’s

playing. Next, I set forth “Coordination” Studies, based on the teachings of Tuttle and her

students, and explore how to integrate the two methods, using Rolland to develop basic technical

fundamentals and using Tuttle for teaching musicality, expression, and artistry. Taken together,

I argue, the Action Studies and the “Coordination” Studies offer the viola teacher a

comprehensive resource for teaching technique and musicality to the viola student at any level.


a. Paul Rolland Biographical Summary

Perhaps Paul Rolland’s greatest contribution to music education in American was his set

of values from Hungary, where “the teaching of the violin to children is considered most

important… [It is] a sacred duty and only those of the highest dedication are entrusted with it.”24

Previously, very few professional musicians had devoted time or interest to improving string

instruction at the elementary levels. It is important to know Paul Rolland’s biography to

understand his unique dedication to string pedagogy.

Paul Rolland was born in 1911 in Budapest, Hungary as Pali Reisman, the second child

of Julius and Ethel Reisman. He was exposed to music at an early age because he lived in an

apartment for a period of time with three pianists - his grandmother, mother and sister. He

showed interest in traveling Gypsy violinists and had a toy violin from the age of four, but he did

not begin formal instruction until the relatively late age of eleven. Rolland built and sold crystal

radio sets and later taught lessons to young students to pay for his education.

Rolland’s first teacher was Arpad Kigyosi, a member of the nineteenth-century German

school that traced its roots to Joachim, notorious for “posture utilizing a low right elbow

accompanied by a very elastic wrist which tensed up the entire body.”25 Teachers of this school

believed that a violinist could create a big sound by using lots of bow pressure near the bridge.

To this end, Rolland began with pages of long tones and was told to practice with a book under

his right arm to force the low elbow. Needless to say, there were so many errors of usage, sound

Fanelli, “Paul Rolland,” 294.
Michael Paul Fanelli, “Paul Rolland: His Teaching Career And Contributions To String Pedagogy And
Education.” (DME diss., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2001), 51.

production, and physical well-being that Rolland does not acknowledge this teacher, except

perhaps as an important example of how not to teach.

Rolland credits his second teacher Dezós Rados at the Fodor School of Music for his

early training. Rados embraced the “latest ideas concerning theories of biomechanics in string

playing” and taught free body motion for performing in a relaxed manner with emphasis on

releasing tension in the bow arm and left hand.26 Although it is an ordeal to completely overhaul

one’s playing, Rolland valued the experience because he learned analytical thinking during the

transformation of his technique, which made him a better performer and teacher.27 After five

years of study, Rolland had improved enough to be accepted by Imre Waldbauer at the Franz

Liszt Academy in Budapest.

Waldbauer was known as first violinist of the Waldbauer-Kerpely or Hungarian Quartet,

famous for premiering works of Bartók and Kodály, but he was also highly regarded as a

pedagogue, especially for remedial teaching. Trained by Jenő Hubay, who had studied with

Joseph Joachim and Henri Vieuxtemps, he was also familiar with the contemporary teachings of

Carl Flesch and Lucien Capet and was profoundly influenced by Dr. F. A. Steinhausen.28

Steinhausen was a German physiologist who set forth his theory of biomechanics in his book The

Physiology of Violin Bowing, which “advocated leadership of large limbs rather than wrist

activity.”29 Waldbauer’s teaching was highly analytical and all verbal. In contrast to the usual

method where the master demonstrates for students to imitate, Waldbauer would explain

technical and musical concepts in detail, often using analogies to sports. A few of the key ideas

which would resurface in the teaching of Paul Rolland include: body balance, good natural

Ibid., 51.
Fanelli, “Paul Rolland,” 51.
Perkins, Comparison, 30.
Fanelli, “Paul Rolland,” 51.

playing posture, balance of right and left arms, balance of the chin hold and the left arm, tone

production, and playing from the back. Everything in technique must sound good, big muscles

are used for basic tone production and small ones for delicate nuances, and “weight and

momentum come from the back in order to activate the muscles in the hierarchy system.”30

Rolland’s other primary influence during his studies at the Franz Liszt Academy was Leo

Weiner, the composition, piano and chamber music professor. Weiner emphasized the concepts

of pulse, breathing, direction of the beat and how to listen and hear in ensemble playing.

In 1937, Paul Rolland graduated from the Franz Liszt Academy with a MM degree,

having distinguished himself as a performer and teacher in spite of his poor early training. He

held positions as section first violin of the Hungarian Symphony Orchestra, as violist of the Pro

Ideale Quartet, as teaching assistant for the Waldbauer studio, and as violin instructor at the

Gimes Institute of Music in Budapest. In 1936-37 Rolland wrote a seventy-page curriculum

entitled, “Method of Violin Playing for the Training Course” for a string methods class at the

Academy. These accomplishments demonstrate Rolland’s determination as well as his

dedication to his art. His training at the Franz Liszt Academy improved and refined his playing

to a professional level and imbued him with very high pedagogical and musical standards that he

would carry with him throughout his career.

In 1938 Rolland immigrated to the United States with the Pro Ideale Quartet on a

fellowship as teaching assistant to the Roth Quartet at Westminster Choir College in Princeton,

NJ. Rolland was very interested in teaching but he was unprepared for the remedial work that

American students needed. In 1938-39, he wrote a proposal called “The Necessity for a String

Course for Beginners” out of concern for raising playing standards for college students who were

poorly prepared. Rolland wanted to create a preparatory division so that he could train string
Ibid., 66.

players locally from a young age who were properly prepared musically and technically;

however, Rolland was never able to implement his plan, because the Pro Ideale quartet broke up

(due to personality clashes) in 1939 and the outbreak of World War II depleted program funding.

In 1940 Rolland accepted a teaching position at a small liberal arts school called Simpson

College in Indianola, IA. When he began the job, there were no string students and so he

immediately began visiting the public schools, giving recitals and lecture demonstrations on the

violin. After hearing a presentation by Iowan teacher Marjorie M. Keller about teaching violin

to groups of children,31 he began to experiment with teaching in homogeneous and

heterogeneous class settings between 1940-45. Here he developed a method that synthesized

European master class style and simultaneous playing, applying the kinesiology and rhythmic

training that he had learned in Hungary to instill good playing technique without excessive

tension.32 To create the hallmarks of beautiful violin tone, freedom of bowing and perfect

rhythm, Rolland admitted, “I have used both rote teaching and note reading devices, motion and

marching games”33

In 1944, Rolland toured as violist of the Lener Quartet and was afterward offered a

permanent position with them. Rolland, however, truly loved teaching and declined the offer.

At Simpson College, there were few violin majors and the salary remained very low, but Rolland

took advantage of the opportunity to work while earning a Bachelor’s degree and awaiting

permission to legally immigrate to the United States. In 1944-5 Rolland served as visiting

professor at the University of Iowa in addition to his duties at Simpson College, and he began

searching for positions at larger universities that would enable him to work with more college-

McCullough, “Alexander,” 17.
Fanelli, “Paul Rolland,” 94.
Ibid., 87.

level students and develop a preparatory division. He was “in need of culturally inspiring

circumstances” that could only be found amidst the resources of a city and large university.34

In 1945, Rolland was appointed Professor of Violin and Chair of the String Division at

the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, a position that he held until his death in 1978. His

first fifteen years there were very active, building the reputation of the string department as he

worked with the other faculty members to raise standards for admission and graduation with the

idea of making the university a center for string education first within the state of Illinois, then in

the Midwest and finally in the country. He was concerned that many of the current university

students at the University of Illinois had enrolled at a remedial level, because their educators had

not been properly taught. He cited an inadequate methods course as well as a lack of

observation, apprenticeship teaching, and public school experience and as the primary problems

in teacher-training curricula. Rolland rewrote the curriculum and began outreach to students and

teachers in area schools to improve the quality of developmental training.

Initially, Rolland spent time visiting school districts for clinics and workshops, and later

he began broadcasting a weekly string class on the radio for Illinois private and public schools.

In 1946 he founded the Illinois Summer Youth Music Program and started a string festival for

school orchestras and teachers that included master-class teaching and intensive remedial work

for students at the university campus. Rolland was also very active in forming the American

String Teachers Association in 1946, and he edited its affiliated journal, the American String

Teacher from 1950-60.35 These activities gave him a platform for sharing ideas nationally with

other leading teachers and performers.

Ibid., 116.
Michael Paul Fanelli. "Rolland, Paul." Grove Music Online. Oxford Music Online. Oxford University Press,
accessed October 23, 2012, http://www.oxfordmusiconline.com/subscriber/article/grove/music/A2087558.

By 1960 Paul Rolland had become one of the leading string pedagogues in the United

States, showing tireless dedication to the profession by the amount of time and energy that he

devoted to all areas of string education. Michael Fanelli, a Rolland student who has written

extensively about his teacher’s life and work, described Rolland’s unique contribution as a

pedagogue in this way:

What was unique about Rolland in comparison to other string educators was that he had a
classically trained background, oriented to a professional performance level, and yet he
purposefully involved himself in string education in the schools, both public and private,
because he believed that these students in the schools were the future string educators and
performers in this country.36

Rolland’s methods used media and the latest technology to reform string education and to

uniquely address the “biomechanical, kinesthetic, musical, and technical aspects of string

teaching and its totality, especially with regard to young beginning students.”37

Before taking on the monumental task of reforming string education in the United States,

Rolland wanted to travel internationally to learn about current methods of string pedagogy

around the world. By 1960, the string program at the University of Illinois had exhibited great

transformation and growth, and Rolland was well-established on the national stage. During

1960-61, he took a sabbatical to tour post-war Europe and to observe string teaching in Austria,

Germany, Yugoslavia, Hungary, and Turkey using grant money from the US State Department.

While visiting the Franz Liszt Academy in Budapest, he traveled to a nearby gypsy school,

where rote teaching produced students with “meticulously clean intonation, [and] warmth of tone

not to mention dazzling technique.”38 Rote teaching would later become a prominent factor in

both Rolland and Suzuki methods for beginners. Impressed with string instruction in Hungary,

Yugoslavia, and Israel, Rolland found the Turkish system poorly funded and felt that the

Fanelli, “A Century Celebration,” 22.
Fanelli, “Paul Rolland,” 167.
Ibid., 173.

Austrian system produced orchestral musicians as if in a factory. His travels also afforded him

the opportunity to meet with Oistrakh and Menuhin and to give lectures about the American

system of music education.

On Rolland’s return to the United States, education as a whole was entering a period of

reform, motivated by Sputnik and the race to space. Music education was no exception: artists

and teachers gathered at two summer conferences at Tanglewood in 1963 and 1964 to discuss

performance level and curriculum standards in string programs in America. String education

was at such a low ebb that the renowned conductor Sir Georg Solti complained that it was

“difficult to find young players of sufficiently high standard” for the Chicago Symphony.

Participants in the Tanglewood Symposia identified the main problem in string education as a

lack of qualified string players willing to serve as public school teachers: first class performers

were not interested in teaching. Allen Britton, a music educator on the panel in 1964, discussed

the harmful bias of conservatory-trained performing musicians as superior to music educators.

He wrote that the “high disdain for music education often expressed by musicians stems in part

from the fact that many music educators are not as good musicians as they should be” and causes

the “hesitancy with which good young musicians go into music education.”39 Unfortunately, the

result was poor elementary training for young people and a generation of poorly trained

musicians. The summit proposed many ideas including magnet schools and public music

schools, and Paul Rolland was inspired to make a documentary about the recent success of

Suzuki, winning a 1965 grant from the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.

After completing the Suzuki film project, Paul Rolland began plans for a major project

about the basic principles of violin playing that could be applied to any method and adapted for

use in the private studio, homogeneous group class or a heterogeneous public school setting for
Ibid., 184.

students in any age group. Rolland’s purpose was to develop materials useful to any method

teaching natural and tension-free violin playing movements, good tone production, and solid

basic technique.40 His materials would include musical examples and exercises as well as

recordings for use during at-home practice as well as a series of films for the purpose of teacher

training and demonstration. Rolland’s proposal entitled, “Development and Trial of a Two Year

Program of String Instruction” was approved by the US State Department, and he received a

$270,000 grant from the Department of Education in 1966 to complete his research in string

education. The Illinois String Research Project that ensued between 1966 and 1970 became

Rolland’s life work. Here Rolland defined his teaching philosophy and methods, tested his ideas

on children in private and group settings and shared his discoveries with other teachers in his

publications, clinics and workshops after the project was completed.

Rolland implemented the Illinois String Research project in two phases. The first phase

of the project included planning and developing books, manuals and recordings in consultation

with a panel of other leading pedagogues and performers. During the second phase, cooperating

teachers tried the new materials for two years on elementary school aged beginners at twenty-

two in-state and five out-of-state laboratory sites. Graduate students visited sites and collected

data, and Paul Rolland himself taught the Urbana groups and made films of his work with the

children. Paul Rolland also held a short course for middle school and high school players for

rehabilitation and remedial teaching, wherein he would try to improve the “stiffness, excessive

tension, and lack of coordination”41 of hundreds of students. He believed that knowledge from

kinesiology and physiology, currently used for dancing and sports, could benefit string teachers.

Ibid., 208.
Nancy Kredel, “Paul Rolland, Teacher of Teachers,” The Strad 89 (1979): 1029.

Rolland decided to apply these fields of study and to research a method of string teaching based

on good motion techniques.

In Rolland’s final report, the results of the study were inconclusive because of the

difficulty in gathering and measuring data in a quantitative way and in some cases because of

non-compliance and a lack of cooperation from participating teachers at test sites. The

performance level and technical facility of participating students document that Rolland’s

method for teaching biomechanical motions was indeed successful; however, it is difficult to

evaluate this qualitative judgment with empirical data. After watching Paul Rolland’s group of

children with eighteen months of instruction, Ishaq Arazi published an article that provided the

following qualitative evaluation of the students:

[The] kids played with classical form. The stance, the holding of the instrument, the
placement of the left hand, the holding and drawing of the bow, the use of generous
vibrato added to a magnificent tone production…featuring such items as harmonics in
altissima, many forms of bow articulation, détaché in variato, arpeggios, chromatics,
string crossings, tremolos, sul ponticello and sul tasto, sautille and many other
techniques…characterized by a sense of involvement…done with much élan and
spirit…They played with an ease and freedom that many older persons could well envy.42

Rolland’s own qualitative evaluation was that his research proved that “an awareness of the body

and its movements will benefit the well-being, comfort, and free movement of the player.”43

According to Fanelli, the greatest impact of the project was that it produced teaching

materials that were “new, innovative, and applicable to private and school teaching,”44 examined

the traditional string teaching approach, and analyzed physiological components of violin-

playing motions. Rolland’s study resulted in the publication of the film series, The Teaching of

Action in String Playing, in 1974 and its accompanying text co-authored with Marla Mutschler

with an additional chapter on kinesiology by Dr. Frances Hellebrandt, MD. These materials are

Ishaq Arazi, “ ‘Pied Piper’ of Urbana,” American String Teacher (Summer 1969): 13.
Gerald Fischbach, “A Letter From Paul Rolland,” The Instrumentalist (January, 1987): 35.
Fanelli, “Paul Rolland,” 292.

incredibly useful for teacher training because they demonstrate how to teach an effortless good

tone and technique via “natural and coordinated use of the whole body and its components.”45

The series is comprised of seventeen films that isolate technical problems in violin playing by

topic: Young Violinists in Action; Principles of Motion in String Playing; Rhythm Training;

Establishing the Violin Hold; Holding the Violin Bow; Violin Playing At The Middle Of The

Bow; Principles Of Left Hand Finger Action; Establishing Left Hand And Finger Placement;

Extending The Bow Stroke; Developing Finger Movement; Basic Shifting Movements;

Bouncing The Bow; Martelé And Staccato; Developing Flexibility; First Steps In Vibrato

Teaching; Sustained And Détaché Bowing; and Remedial Teaching. The project also produced

teachers’ manuals, wall charts, curriculum guides, recordings of tunes, a beginner’s method book

called Prelude to String Playing with piano accompaniment, and the Action Studies in booklet

and poster forms. Action Studies provides an accessible and user-friendly summary of Rolland’s

exercises for developing each technique, intended for display on a classroom wall or for use by

the teacher as a quick guide. Another offshoot of the project was “Tunes for String Players” by

Stanley Fletcher, contemporary violin music for children based on nursery rhymes and American

folk songs. Patterned after the training of gypsy children in Hungary, Rolland commissioned

appropriate material so that the children could begin by rote from their own folk tradition.

Rolland spent the following six years giving more than two hundred clinics and

workshops around the United States and Europe in addition to teaching full-time at the

University of Illinois. In 1978, at the apex of his influence, he experienced a sudden heart attack

and passed away at the age of 68. Since that time, Rolland’s method has been somewhat

Ibid., 209.

eclipsed by popularity and accessibility of the Suzuki Method.46 At the University of Illinois,

Rolland’s successor had no interest in continuing his studies and they faded into obscurity

although many teachers around the world continued to use his ideas and methods without

knowing their source. Fanelli wrote, “Had Rolland lived another ten years, his method would be

more widely recognized today.”47 Rolland’s method had no formal teacher-training system as

found in the Suzuki method, and his action studies were never neatly packaged into a user-

friendly method book. Rolland intended for teachers to adapt his materials and use them along

with any other musical material or method book most appropriate for the age of the student(s)

and setting for instruction. This philosophy burdened the teacher with preparation and planning,

and many instructors opt for systems that have this work already laid out for them.

In spite of the problems with dissemination and propagation of Rolland’s method, his

influence can still be found today in a method book widely used in public school settings since

1994: Essential Elements by Robert Gillespie. Although it is a traditional method book, it has

content inspired by Rolland’s theories of movement and the author adapts some Rolland’s ideas

for use in a public school group setting. For example, the student first learns the third finger to

encourage a good hand frame, and there are many bow hold and position exercises included

which encourage fluid mobility from the beginning stages of development. A teacher with

training in the Paul Rolland method could use it to achieve effective results with a beginning

class of string students.48

Another indirect source for Rolland’s teaching methods is the master pedagogue, Mimi

Zweig. Zweig apprenticed to Nancy Kredel, one of Rolland’s students, and learned from Paul

Rolland’s video series. She cites Rolland as a major influence in her pedagogical approach.

Perkins, Comparison, 202.
Fanelli, “Paul Rolland,” 294.
Gillespie, Essential Elements for Strings, (Milwaukee: Hal Leonard Publishing Co, 2000)

Zweig has spread her ideas widely via stringpedagogy.com and its accompanying teacher-

training CD-rom, and she hosts an annual retreat for professional violinists and violists at the

Indiana University String Academy where she has been working since 1972.49 There has been a

revival of interest in Rolland since ASTA republished Basic Principles of String Playing and The

Teaching of Action in String Playing (book and DVD) in 2000. More recently, several of

Rolland’s students, Nancy Kredel, Lynne Denig, and Gerald Fischbach, have established an

annual teacher-training workshop as an outreach program of George Mason University in

Fairfax, VA. The inaugural workshop was held in 2011, which would have been Paul Rolland’s

100th birthday year.

The resurgence of interest in Paul Rolland, more than thirty years after his death,

indicates time-tested truths in his method of teaching. His biography shows his qualifications,

capabilities, renown, and influence, but it especially gives an appreciation for his lifelong

dedication to teaching. Rolland’s unique attention to elementary and remedial music education

led him to devise a step-by-step system for skill development that continues to serve as a useful

aid for the pedagogue today.

Zweig, “Rolland,” 20.

b. Karen Tuttle Biographical Summary

Karen Tuttle’s personal life and musical influences contribute to her unique approach to

the viola and influenced her teaching methods. Tuttle was famous for her free spirit and vitality

as well as her passionate dedication to teaching. She created a unique synthesis of ideas, that she

later named “coordination, based on a few pivotal characters in her musical development. She

applied these ideas both to her own life and to her teaching.

Born March 28, 1920 as Katherine Ann Tuttle in Lewiston, Idaho, Tuttle later changed

her name to Karen. Tuttle began her musical studies on violin in Walla Walla, Washington at

age twelve, but she had been exposed to music at an early age because her father played fiddle

and her mother sang and directed church choir. Tuttle explains, “The reason I started to play the

violin was that after eighth grade I made an announcement that I was not going to go to school

anymore.”50 She disliked the rigid discipline and hours spent taking notes, and her parents

agreed on condition that she spend the same amount of time doing something that she liked.

Karen chose violin but said, “If I ever ‘goofed off,’ [her mother would] pick up the phone and

give me a look to warn me.”51 In her article about Karen Tuttle’s influences and approach to

teaching, Hannah Hanani wrote that Tuttle’s decision to quit school was indicative of her free

spirited personality: it was the “first in a lifelong series of pivotal decisions she made based on

instinct and gut feeling about what was right for her.”52 While officially a home-schooler, Karen

read avidly and studied violin with Joan Heers, a young teacher whose rebellious personality

endeared her to Karen in spite of her rigid playing habits.

After a few years, Tuttle left home to study in Pullman, Washington with Czech violinist

Karel Havliček, a student of Leopold Auer, and she ultimately followed him to Berkley,

Hannah Hanani, “The Intuitive Path,” The Strad 98, no. 1164 (April 1987): 309.
Karen Ritscher, “An Interview with Karen Tuttle,” American String Teacher 43 (Autumn 1993): 86.
Carol Rodland, “In Honor of Karen Tuttle as She Retires,” American String Teacher 54 (May 2004): 45.

California. Tuttle began touring the Pacific coast with him in a duo, performing showpieces and

earning about $100 per week playing as many as four or five school concerts per day. On the

tour, she absorbed her teacher’s passion and enthusiasm for music, but she also picked up some

terrible technical shortcomings. She was physically miserable playing the violin and would later

mock her own rigidity by striking a distorted virtuoso pose with a grimace and crunched hands.53

This affected posture caused her to play the violin with too much tension and effort, and

ultimately with too much pain.

In spite of her discomfort, Tuttle regularly practiced seven or eight hours per day,

eventually quitting the duo tour and moving to Los Angeles to work as a freelancer. Tuttle

worked at NBC and occasionally played in the orchestra as a substitute, very rare for a woman at

that time. Tuttle studied briefly with Henri Temianka but found that he could not explain how to

be comfortable while playing the instrument, and he was not interested in helping her change her

technique. Tuttle complained about pain to her teacher who responded, “Don’t worry, Honey,

you’ll get used to it.”54 In an interview with former student, Susan Dubois, Tuttle explained, “I

was physically miserable on the violin. At age sixteen, I was in pain while I was on a concert

tour. I then met Primrose, and he changed my life.”55

Tuttle reached this pivotal life moment when she attended a concert of the London

Quartet and heard William Primrose play the viola. She thought, “Is it possible for one to play

so beautifully and still look so comfortable?”56 Watching Primrose, she noted how “he looked so

beautiful; I couldn’t conceive of anyone being so natural with the instrument.”57 She greatly

admired the natural beauty of his playing and immediately asked to study with him. Primrose

Hanani, “Intuitive,” 309.
Ritscher, “Interview,” 86.
Dubois, “Current Methods,” 181.
Rozanna Weinberger, “Body and Soul.” Strings 66 (December 1998): 68.
Hanani, “Intuitive,” 309.

agreed on the condition that she switch to viola and move to Philadelphia to study with him at

the Curtis Institute of Music. Tuttle happily complied and studied with Primrose for four years,

unraveling her technical problems by analyzing and mimicking Primrose to learn his playing

habits. She described Primrose’s playing as the most natural and effortless that she had ever

seen. Primrose had been a boxer in his youth, and his athletic inclination enabled him to use his

body well for the viola. Because of this natural aptitude, however, Primrose found it difficult to

explain technical concepts to students who did not possess such innate facility, and he began to

send students in need of a technical explanation to Tuttle. In an article honoring her former

teacher upon retirement from Juilliard, Carol Rodland wrote, “It was she who could articulate

what he actually physically did to achieve his beautiful sound and virtuosity.58 Because she

started viola as a young adult, Tuttle was very analytical about her playing and teaching.59 In

contrast to young children who imitate the teacher in instinctive and intuitive ways, older

students, like Tuttle, tend to have an intellectual approach to instrumental technique and sound


Primrose made Tuttle his assistant in 1945, and she acted as his substitute while he

toured. After graduating in 1948, Tuttle moved to New York to perform but commuted to

Philadelphia to continue as Primrose’s assistant. When Primrose left Curtis in 1951, Tuttle

became head of the viola and chamber music departments until 1956, coaching musicians such

as Michael Tree, John Dalley, Arnold Steinhardt and Joseph Silverstein. In New York, Tuttle

was violist of the Gotham, Galamir, and Schneider quartets and also the first female member of

the NBC Orchestra. She refused the job as Principal Viola of the Philadelphia Orchestra because

of her distaste for the city, but she would eventually return to live there nonetheless.

Rodland, “Retires,” 45.
Emmanuella Reiter-Bootiman, Karen Tuttle’s Heritage: The Theory and Practice of Co-ordination (Boston:
Allegra Print & Imaging, 2008): 36.

In her search for “musical and technical health,”60 Tuttle credits a few others in addition

to William Primrose: Marcel Tabuteau, Pablo Casals, Alexander Schneider, Demetrius

Constantine Dounis and Wilhelm Reich. From oboist and conductor Tabuteau, Tuttle learned to

“make every note count, to mean something and have some intensity.”61 Tabuteau used a

numbering system for grouping notes together to enable phrasing beyond the dictates of regular

bar lines. She found this useful for developing pacing, attaining an intuitive feel for musical

direction and energy, and for learning how and why to organize notes within a phrase.

After meeting Pablo Casals at the Prades Festival in 1950 in France, Tuttle stayed in

France for six months to study with him and bore the wrath of the Curtis Institute’s

administration for her long absence. Casals was naturally comfortable at the cello, and his

teaching focused on discovering the inherent character in music, especially in solo Bach. He

taught Tuttle to find the musical character of a piece, to show it in the facial expression, and to

evoke an emotional response while playing Bach. When Tuttle asked Casals if he had analyzed

what he did on the instrument technically, he answered simply that he had disregarded a

teacher’s advice to hold a book under his arm while bowing because it did not feel good. In a

later interview with her student Karen Ritscher, Tuttle explained, “This reinforced my feeling

that if it doesn’t feel good, it’s wrong!”62

Tuttle also met Alexander Schneider at the audition for the Prades Festival, and they later

formed the Schneider Quartet along with Madeline Foley and Isidor Cohen. Together they

aspired to record all of the Haydn Quartets. The project remained unfinished because of funding

problems, but the quartet did perform all of the quartets in a series of twenty-one concerts at New

York’s 92nd Street Y. Tuttle and Schneider had a fiery love-hate relationship marked by intense

Hanani, “Intuitive,” 309.
Ibid., 309.
Ritscher, Interview, 87.

arguing: Schneider could be rude and rough and Tuttle disagreed with his physical approach to

the violin, but he was also a fantastic violinist with an excellent sense of spacing.

Tuttle also had five lessons with Dr. Demetrius C. Dounis, the violinist and physician

whose expertise at physiological and biomechanical use made him something of a guru for

musicians and dancers. He charged the exorbitant rate of $100 per lesson, but a lesson could last

up to five hours.63 Tuttle said that Dounis was able to “verbalize everything I learned from

watching Primrose”64 using many analogies to athletes and emphasizing balance rather than

clutching for all technical actions on the viola, starting from the feet and teaching healthy use of

the body and mind for string playing technique, an element that would become a keystone of

Tuttle’s own teaching philosophy.

The final musically influential character, Wilhelm Reich, found his way into Tuttle’s

teaching philosophy by way of her personal life. Karen had two brief marriages as a young

woman that had both ended in divorce, and she gave birth to a daughter while working in the

NBC Orchestra, unconventional for the time since she was unmarried. Karen explained, “Since I

had two marriages behind me and didn’t expect to marry again, I just had a baby.”65 Two years

later, she met and married Dr. Morton Herskowitz, a Reichian therapist who would remain with

her for the rest of her life.

Wilhelm Reich a famous psychoanalyst in the 1920s, controversial because of his focus

on the sexual orgasm as a phenomenon of tension and release that combines the physical, mental

and emotional aspects of a person. “Biopsychic energy” ordinarily flows freely through a

person’s body, but in an orgasm it becomes concentrated and is released. Excessive muscular

tension in the body can restrict the natural flow of this biopsychic energy, and Reich discovered

Weinberger, “Body and Soul,” 68.
Ibid., 69.
Hanani, “Intuitive,” 310.

that emotional barriers or character armoring has an identical effect.66 Reich addressed muscular

tension and emotional issues as equal problems and worked from the physical point of view,

after determining where a person held excessive muscular tension in the body due to emotional

or psychological reasons.67

Tuttle integrated Reichian ideas into her teaching to develop a system for teaching

expression and communication of emotions, fully expanding the concept of musical character

that she learned from Casals. Tuttle taught that music has basically five emotions - love, anger,

fear, joy, and sorrow – and she distributed a chart to her students with each category subdivided

into about twenty nuances to help them pinpoint the exact meaning. She believed that the goal

for a musician was to connect physical and emotional realms and to convey this to an audience in

a musical performance, while overcoming excessive tension that could often form “physical

barriers that inhibit one’s full expression of emotions.”68 Healthy physical habits enhance

powers of expression and help to rid the performer of inhibitions; therefore, musicians need to

work diligently to prevent injury and enjoy professional longevity. Tuttle encouraged students to

journey inward and to understand their emotional lives, to live richly and communicate from a

“deeply felt well of personal experience.”69 The controversial aspect of Tuttle’s teaching was

that she also applied Reich’s research about the sexual orgasm to musical performance on the

viola. Tuttle made frequent references to sex in her teaching, because it was “indispensable for

her understanding of the phenomena of the physical release and pulsation in the realm of musical


Dane, Coordinated Effort, 14-15.
Weinberger, “Body and Soul,” 69.
Rodland, “Retires,” 47.
Ibid., 47.  
Robert Dew, “In Response to Instinct,” The Strad 104, no. 1241 (September 1993): 838.

In 1960, Karen Tuttle made her Carnegie Hall début performance with a program of

Vaughan Williams, Hindemith, Bach and Brahms and was described in the review by Harold

Schonberg as, “a superb instrumentalist with decided ideas” who gave a concert that “seemed to

be attended by every string player in town.”71 She also participated in summer festivals in

Norfolk (CT), Marlboro (VT), and Kneisel Hall (ME) during this time.

During the 1970’s Tuttle’s teaching career included the University of Albany in 1970 and

the Philadelphia Musical Academy in 1971. She began teaching at the Peabody Conservatory in

Baltimore, trying out her ideas about “coordination” on students such as Karen Ritscher and Kim

Kashkashian. In 1978, she began teaching and coaching unofficially at Curtis and then added

Mannes and Manhattan in 1980. During the summers, Tuttle taught at the Aspen Festival from

1979 until 1986 and established an annual master class at Banff in 1983. Curtis officially

reappointed Tuttle to teach viola in 1986 and Juilliard appointed her in 1987. At this point, she

quit Peabody, Manhattan, and Mannes to split her time equally between the two schools for the

next fifteen years, continuing the master classes at Banff during the summers. In 1994 she won

the Artist Teacher award from the American String Teachers Association and an honorary

doctorate from Curtis in 2005. Tuttle died on December 16, 2010 at the age of ninety from

complications from Alzheimer’s disease at her home in Philadelphia. 72

Karen Tuttle had a profound influence on a generation of more than 1500 violists: her

former students work as soloists, quartet players, principal and section players in orchestras, and

teachers at conservatories and universities all over the world. She taught her students how to

teach and insisted that they become a supportive family of good colleagues. A group of these

former students (i.e. Jeffrey Irvine, Carol Rodland, Karen Ritscher, Susan Dubois, Michelle

New York Times (New York), 28 February 1960.
New York Times (New York), 27 December 2010.

LaCourse, and Kim Kashkashian) now co-host an annual Karen Tuttle “Coordination” Workshop

to pass on Tuttle’s ideas to young violists. Jeffrey Irvine first hosted the “Coordination”

Workshop at the Cleveland Institute of Music, but the event changes locations as each teacher

hosts the event in turn. Tuttle participated and taught at the workshop after her retirement from

Juilliard until 2006, when her health made it impossible to continue. The Tuttle workshop

continues to be popular since much of her teaching survives only by oral tradition, imparted to

students in one-on-one private lessons. Written sources include Matthew Dane’s 2002

dissertation, “Coordinated Effort: A Study of Karen Tuttle’s Influence on Modern Viola

Teaching;” Emmanuella Reiter-Bootiman’s book and DVD, Karen Tuttle’s Heritage: the Theory

and Practice of Co-ordination; and numerous journal articles by Karen Tuttle, her students and

Dr. Robert Dew, M.D.

Tuttle used the term “coordination” to describe her teaching method, a unique synthesis

of a broad range of principles drawn from the divergent sources. It would be difficult to grasp

Tuttle’s specific meaning for this word without full knowledge of her life and influences. Dane

wrote that the operative function of Tuttle’s teaching philosophy is integration, wherein “our

physical bodies and sound combine to serve as a conduit connecting our emotional lives with

those of others.”73 A full understanding of Tuttle’s background will enable us to align her

methods with Rolland’s for accurate comparison.

Dane, Coordinated Action, 19.


This section compares the teachings of Rolland and Tuttle with the purpose of integrating

the two methods. Rolland’s materials are intended for beginning children, while Tuttle’s

techniques are generally reserved for very advanced college students and professionals. Rolland

built solid technique by distilling advanced concepts into basic motions, simple enough for a

beginner to grasp. He introduced these methods sequentially using a series of exercises and

games, which he then published in an illustrated booklet called Action Studies in 1974. Tuttle’s

method, by contrast, requires technique that functions at a relatively advanced level. I will

describe the views of each pedagogue and discuss specific areas of concurrence and

disagreement between Rolland and Tuttle in the following categories: teaching philosophy,

posture, bowing, and left hand. I will include Rolland’s most relevant exercises, illustrations,

and examples to demonstrate consistency between the pedagogues. This synthesis will provide

tools for building technical skills in young students and rehabilitating problems in students with

deficiencies so that the viola teacher may then introduce Tuttle’s teachings without difficulty.

a. Teaching Philosophy

Great natural players generally use the same principles for basic techniques, because the

laws of physics dictate that all fine players must be doing the same kinds of things physically.

Most string pedagogues, therefore, will agree on certain areas in teaching correct technique on

the instrument. Beyond this reality, however, the teaching philosophies of Rolland and Tuttle

bear remarkable similarities regarding freedom of motion and emphasis on beauty of sound.

Rolland taught the following formula for technical success: players should strive to

achieve maximum results with minimum expenditure of energy. “Music educators should strive

to develop players who not only play in tune with a good sound but who also feel comfortable

and happy in so doing, and who use well coordinated movements without excessive tension as

they play,” he advised. The key concept for Rolland is “naturalness, naturalness, naturalness.”74

Rolland taught students to transfer the instrument’s weight onto large muscle groups so that the

arms and fingers remain free to move, keeping both hands as close as possible to their natural

resting positions. He prepared students for advanced techniques from the beginning stages of

instruction, instilling fundamental patterns of motion that would prevent the development of

physical problems.75 Rolland believed that “all static tensions in the body caused by playing

could be dissolved by movement.”76 Static tensions often occur unconsciously in the ankles,

knees, waist, shoulders, and neck, affecting the arms, fingers and hands in a negative way. Since

the primary muscles, joints, and limbs remain flexible while moving, he believed that good

motion habits would preclude immobility and its consequences.77 Therefore, excessive tension is

the enemy of good technique and musical expression. Good movement patterns produce a better

tone and technique, which provides the player with the necessary tools for musical expression.

Rolland’s highly analytical teaching style displays his interest in biomechanics and

Gestalt theory for analyzing how the body works. As he developed his whole-body approach to

playing, Rolland spent countless hours at the mirror analyzing all muscular movements used in

playing and applied kinesiology research from colleagues in dancing and sports, “knowledge that

has not penetrated into the string fraternity.”78 He addressed physiological concepts such as

balance, synergy, movement, tension, and relaxation. Rolland stated, “If I will be remembered at

Mark Joseph Eisele, The Writings of Paul Rolland: An Annotated Bibliography and a Biographical Sketch
(American String Teachers Association, 1980), 11.
Ibid., 196.
Rolland, Teaching of Action, x.
Ibid., 31.
Behrens, “Interviewed,” 965.

all, it will be the awakening of body awareness, and the use of sensory stimuli in teaching.”79

Rolland believed that in both developmental and remedial work, “an awareness of the self, in

feeling and visualizing the efficient movement, will help to develop a good technique, tone and

style.”80 Learning repertoire must remain secondary to eliminating faults and weaknesses as a

player, and sensory images, metaphors, and analogies might prove more helpful to young players

than rational explanations.

Karen Tuttle agreed with Rolland about the importance of finding the most natural

approach to playing the instrument. She asserts that the player should continuously experiment

to find the most comfortable, free and natural way of playing with a full understanding of the

balance between tension and release. Self-awareness is key because it can be difficult “to get rid

of muscular habits you’ve counted on for so many years.”81 The goal is to “integrate a player’s

emotions with the physical expression of music”82 so that the player, like a child, can

communicate directly and whole-heartedly without inhibition. The “Tuttle School” is based on

Primrose’s viola technique, but it allows some variation from one individual to the next. The

player’s primary goal is physical comfort using natural impulses and reflexes for actions on the

instrument. Tuttle emphasized the importance of subtle body movements, which she described

as a rippling sensation throughout the body. She often referred to the ease and freedom of great

jazz players as exemplars of this technique.83 “It is vital that students become aware of how they

are using their bodies, so that they can identify and relax areas of tension.”84 Her methods relied

Perkins, Comparison, 29.
Ibid., 124.  
Weinberger, “Body and Soul,” 70.
Ibid., 67.
Dubois, “Current Methods,” 36.
Ibid., 36.

on imitation and the use of a mirror so that students can hear and see what they are doing

physically,85 analyze the results, and learn to correct bad habits.

Both Rolland and Tuttle focused heavily on naturalness, whole-body awareness, and

sound production, and the two systems complement each other well. The Rolland method offers

strategies for replacing muscular tension with good patterns of movement, and the Tuttle method

expands on this concept by teaching body-awareness, analytical thinking, musical

communication, and coordinated gestures.

Ibid., 183.

b. Posture and Stance

Paul Rolland taught that good posture and balance are fundamental for good technique

and sound production, whereas poor posture inhibits breathing and causes about two-thirds of the

problems in faulty body mechanics.86 When properly balanced, every part of the body is free to

move at all times and the joints and limbs are light, as if floating in air. Rolland wrote, “It is of

paramount importance to develop a well-balanced stance, balanced right and left arms, and a


philosophy was that anything held static would stiffen and create discomfort or technical

problems; therefore, all body parts should remain in fluid motion in sync with the internal

balance of the body in order to prevent muscular lock. He used analogies to the movements of

professional athletes such as a golfer or baseball player, whose balanced stance enables the

athlete to swing using the whole body, with fluid preparation and follow-through gestures. A

violin or viola player should emulate the stance and balance of an athlete and create similar

preparatory and follow-through gestures for fluid execution while making music.

Rolland, Teaching of Action, 31.
Arazi, “Pied Piper,” 16.  

Rolland recommends that the player stand with feet slightly apart in a V-shape, angled

approximately forty-five degrees (Fig. 3.1). The player can gently transfer weight between the

two feet or lean more weight on the left foot with it placed slightly forward. This stance permits

the greatest flexibility of movement but still provides support for the instrument in a dynamically

live way involving the legs, diaphragm and back. The posture is upright but not stiff. Rolland

recommends a few exercises for developing proper posture, balance, and support in students.

The first exercise, performed without the !

instrument, is a way to practice finding a good

standing posture. Swing both arms in wide arcs

violently enough to involve the knees and whole

body in the motion. When at the top of the arc, stop

and drop the arms into playing position. The feet

will be firmly planted, the knees unlocked, and the

upper body erect or slightly back with the shoulders

back and down and the chest open. This can be a

useful activity for younger students and players Figure 3.1. Paul Rolland stance.
Action Studies: Developmental and Remedial Techniques,
Violin and Viola by Paul Rolland
who are not entirely aware of what they are doing © Copyright 1975 by the Illinois String Research Association
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Reprinted by permission.
with their bodies at all times.

The second exercise is known as the case walk. This exercise involves carrying the

empty case over the head or in front of the body like a tray while marching in time to a

recording. This activity helps with discovering and strengthening the core muscles in the back,

abdomen and arms needed to support the instrument properly. Rolland likens this exercise to a

batter swinging two bats so that when he returns to only one, it feels light and easy (Figure 3.2).

When bringing the instrument to playing

! position, Rolland recommends that the weight of
! the head balance the instrument but the left hand
! and instrument also support the bow from
! underneath. This is quite similar to the Tuttle
! discussion of balancing and polarizing gravity
! and counter-gravity to maintain upright posture
! and maximize leverage for good sound
! production. Rolland warns against permanently
! raising the left shoulder and/or twisting the neck,
! creating a static hold where the instrument is
! locked between the shoulder and chin. If the left
! shoulder is relaxed, small compensating
! movements in the rest of the body can result
Figure 3.2 Rolland Case Walk !
! large or bold arm movements. The
Figure 3.3. Cantilever Principle
Action Studies: Developmental and Remedial Techniques, Violin instrument is supported by the weight of the
and Viola by Paul Rolland
© Copyright 1975 by the Illinois String Research Association
Boosey & Hawkes, Sole Agent head on the chinrest by the cantilever principle,
Reprinted by permission.

acting as a bridge to a supportive left hand rather

than as a diving board, which strains the neck (Fig. 3.3). The instrument is held with balanced

support, never in a vise-like grip so that the head is free to move a little. The instrument

balances on six contact points with the body, which can be constantly monitored for support

without excessive tension: the collarbone, chin, thumb, side of the first finger, fingertips, and

inside of wrist in high positions. The instrument should be placed in a spot where the bow

makes a right angle with the string at the frog and tip, and it should be angled so that the left

hand can reach high positions without strain.88 The instrument, arm and bow are in a balanced

relationship, with the bow resting on the string and the right thumb.

The player’s first goal is to balance the instrument and to learn how to produce a good

tone: it is impossible to have good bowing habits without first holding the instrument and bow

correctly. The viola hold may differ from the violin hold in the following ways: the instrument

may be placed higher on the shoulder; the scroll may be further to the right; the scroll may be a

little lower; and the instrument may be more slanted. Rolland developed the following exercises

to help students properly establish the instrument-hold and prevent common problems. These

exercises are presented as games or drills so that young children can work on the fundamentals

of good playing posture without understanding all of the ramifications for advanced technique

yet to come. The step-by-step drills are especially useful for beginners or for remedial work with

older students.

As part of his method, the statue of liberty game drills the V-shaped stance as students

raise the instrument like a torch with the left hand in middle positions, training the chest to open

and the shoulders to relax down and back (Fig 3.4).

Paul Rolland, Basic Principles of Violin Playing (Bloomington: Tichenor Publishing, 2000), 4.

Figure 3.4. The Statue of Liberty
Action Studies: Developmental and Remedial Techniques, Violin and Viola by Paul Rolland
© Copyright 1975 by the Illinois String Research Association Boosey & Hawkes, Sole Agent
Reprinted by permission.

The students guide the end button to the center of the neck and then practice dropping the weight

of the head onto the instrument to experience leverage by the cantilever principle. The left eye

should be aligned with the fingerboard and nut. A variant of this exercise uses fourth finger

pizzicato to shape and release the left hand while the student practices transferring the instrument

from rest position to playing position with the right hand. Students may do this variant while

tuning the instrument.

The shuttle game helps to establish balance and mobility, preparatory motions for the

more advanced techniques of shifting and vibrato. The student does a variety of exercises

sliding, tapping, playing ghost-tone glissandi, and matching harmonics between low, middle and

high positions to get comfortable moving all around the fingerboard without clenching the neck,

shoulder or left hand (Fig. 3.5).

Figure 3.5. The Shuttle Game - low, middle and high positions for the left hand
Action Studies: Developmental and Remedial Techniques, Violin and Viola by Paul Rolland
© Copyright 1975 by the Illinois String Research Association, Boosey & Hawkes, Sole Agent
Reprinted by permission.

Rolland also uses balancing games where students establish the proper angle, tilt, and

location of the instrument hold by balancing a ping pong ball on the lower two strings of the

instrument near the bridge. Students may also develop skills and awareness of balance by

leaning the side of the bow across the strings at the balance point in the same fashion.

Like Rolland, Tuttle agreed that comfortable posture is vital for sound production,

because it provides secure balance and freedom of motion. Good posture is also necessary for

feeling comfortable on the stage in spite of nervousness or long hours of playing. In his article

reiterating the basic tenets of Tuttle’s method, Dr. Robert Dew wrote, “any positioning of the

body, head and limbs that creates superfluous muscle contraction or tension interferes with

necessary movement, absorbs energy, inhibits pleasurable sensation and the flow of


Postural misalignment or faulty positioning of the instrument can cause tension that

prevents release and contributes to a sense of instability. This instability or insecurity, in turn,

can become an additional source of tension, creating a vicious cycle. When balanced from foot

to head, the body is aligned and has the greatest range of motion; however, as Tuttle notes,

“without body freedom, one cannot balance.”90 In her article about projection, Tuttle wrote:

Free musculature must be nurtured, guarded, and cherished as one would a newborn
baby. This is the most serious responsibility of a teacher. Methods of position and
posture are devastating to healthy mobility. They bind muscles, stop the natural flow of
rhythm in the body, and build in rigidities that take a lifetime to overcome.91

Tuttle believed that learning to stay free and open was not only good for instrumental technique,

but it was also fundamental for developing the ability to communicate and project musical ideas

without inhibition. The mental fortitude to perform and the emotional capacity to express

oneself are inextricably tied to good body balance without unnecessary tension.

According to Tuttle’s method, a violist’s feet should be hip-width apart and turned out

slightly when standing, grounded and firmly planted as if continuing underground like the roots

of a tree. Tuttle stated, “one also needs to get a grounded feeling, from the bottom up instead of

the top down.”92 The body’s weight is balanced between the heels and toes on the floor, never

hovering or tenuous even though calves are active and knees are ready to spring. The feet must

remain flat and toe tendons loose as well as the backs of the thighs. Knees can be problematic,

because players have a tendency to lock them for a false sense of security. The pelvis, chest,

Robert Dew, “Technique Without Tension,” The Strad 106 (1995): 934.
Karen Tuttle, “ ‘Staying Open’ = Projection = Musical Excitement.” American String Teacher 35 (Winter 1985):
Ibid., 65-66.
Dubois, “Current Methods,” 176.

shoulders, neck, and head must be aligned and supported on the spine and sternum so that the

body does not become hunched, working against the force of gravity. The pelvis and hips must

be balanced so that the player can maximize leverage, balancing gravity and counter-gravity in

order to stand upright. The lower back and pelvis are also very important in sound-production,

tension release, and Tuttle’s technique of “re-pull” that will be addressed in the section for the

right arm.

In the upper body, the shoulders are back, chest is open, stomach is loose, and the player

is body-aware and balanced before approaching the instrument at all. The shoulder blades can be

a source of pain and problems for string players, who must understand that the arms begin at the

bottom of the shoulder blades in order to access their full capacity of arm weight. The common

mistake of hunching the shoulders prevents the arms from being strong. Tuttle explained:

When I see someone hunched over, I explain that gravity is working against them if they
carry themselves that way. The shoulders should be back and the chest area open,
without looking like a soldier – otherwise, you’re creating a different set of problems.93

With proper posture, a violist can gain access to the strength and power of the back.

The body’s weight should be centered on a vertical axis, as if a third leg continues from

the end of the spine, and balanced on a horizontal axis or circle that surrounds the player.94

When seated, the feet should remain active so that the player could jump up at any time. Seated

posture remains upright with an open chest and loose belly, so that motions remain free and

breathing unhampered. Raised shoulders are a common problem that can cause tension in the

neck, back, and arms. The head should remain in a neutral position, facing forwards to keep the

neck free from tension. Turning the head to look at the instrument can interfere with the nerve

Weinberger, “Body and Soul,” 69.
Reiter-Bootiman, Heritage, 6.

supply to the arm and fingers, and it can create tension that radiates to the whole body.95 If the

neck and jaw are free, the player should be able to talk freely while playing. Michelle LaCourse,

one of Tuttle’s prominent students, describes Tuttle-school playing posture as, “weight on both

legs, springy knees, grounded feeling, and weight over hips.”96 When grounded, the player is

securely and flexibly connected to the floor. “If a person is not aware of proper body alignment

and balance before a viola is placed under the jaw, the probability of discomfort and injury is

greatly increased once the instrument is added.”97

When bringing the instrument to playing position, body weight should remain settled on

the hips so that the instrument comes to the body rather than vice versa. When students are

accustomed to clutching rather than balancing the instrument with the passive weight of the

body, they will complain that they have no control until they come to realize that the control is in

the balance. Primrose advocated balancing the instrument as a bridge between the collarbone

and left hand. He “opposed a vice-like grip between the chin and shoulder, and suggested that

the violist raise his head frequently and gaze at the ceiling while playing as a way of unlocking

the chin and shoulder grip.”98 Tuttle’s advice is similar but suggests kinesthetic and emotional

issues as well. She wrote, “Let him snuggle the instrument in and around between shoulder and

chin until he finds a balance that fits his physical mold. It is the only way he will ever feel it part

of himself.99 The passive weight of the head holds the viola so that neck clenching and shoulder-

raising are unnecessary. Generally, the left ear faces the scroll so that the chest and back may

remain open. Keeping the left shoulder down, the head is straight and the neck muscles are at

ease. The neck muscles are often overused and contracted, making complex passages overly

Dew, “Technique Without Tension,” 935.  
Michelle LaCourse, “A Violist’s Body-Awareness Checklist,” American String Teacher 44 (Summer 1994): 49.
Dubois, “Current Methods,” 48.
Ibid., 50.
Tuttle, “Staying Open,” 65.  

difficult. “As soon as students...learn how to ‘release’ these muscles, they realize the importance

of a mobile neck, they learn that the complex passages are not quite as difficult as they

previously thought, and they produce a better tone.100 The left arm hangs between the hand and

shoulder with a straight wrist, and it is never stuck or static.

When choosing a chinrest and shoulder rest, the player’s body type, length of neck, width

of shoulders, and personal preference must be taken into consideration for proper set up. Some

Tuttle students, like Kim Kashkashian, use only a make-up sponge to prevent slippage, but Tuttle

recommended that students “use a shoulder rest – absolutely. Otherwise they wind up trying to

grip the instrument with the neck and shoulders…if the student is balanced rather than clutching

it, there should be no problem with using shoulder rests.”101 Sometimes Tuttle helped students

release extra tension by filling all of the space between the head and shoulder with a high chin

rest, a shoulder rest, and sponges which were removed later when the student learned to stop

clenching and raising the left shoulder. “I think balancing the viola is so important,” she

explained, “if they have to balance the viola this way [by raising the shoulder] you should just

fill in the spaces with sponges [in place to avoid raising the shoulder to hold the instrument]. I

like a Kun shoulder rest.102 Tuttle students also often use the malleable Bon Musica shoulder

rests and/or a raised chin rest.

Contra Tuttle, Paul Rolland advised against shoulder rests because of the common

problem of clenching the instrument between the shoulder and chin. “Those who find it

impossible to play without the use of a pad,” Rolland discerned, “should keep in mind that the

instrument should not be locked in with a strongly fixed grip, thus canceling the upward support

of the left arm…it should be laid on the shoulder, but must not be compressed with strong grip of

Dubois, “Current Methods,” 50-51.
Weinberger, “Body and Soul,” 69.
Dubois, “Current Methods,” 182.

the neck muscles…(The) relaxed weight of the head is sufficient with gentle support of the left

arm and thumb.103 The shoulder rest becomes unnecessary with the proper chinrest and a well-

balanced left arm. For players with long necks, he advocated a raised chin-rest. Rolland stated:

The holding of the violin without the aid of the left hand is not encouraged and since the
instrument is balanced, rather than held tightly, the use of a pad becomes unnecessary in
most cases. The chinrest, however, should be high enough for a long-necked person, and
it should have a well-shaped ridge to keep the instrument in place during descending

Although both Tuttle and Rolland agreed on the main points of balance and posture, they differ

about the use of shoulder rests for correct instrumental posture. However, all of Rolland’s

advice about the instrument hold applies just as clearly to players who use a shoulder rest. Tuttle

helped players rid their bodies of excess tension by completely filling all space between the head

and left shoulder while Rolland worked towards the same result by removing any pads or

shoulder rests that the player habitually used as a crutch to prop up the instrument in faulty ways.

Rolland and Tuttle also differ on the exact instructions for placement of the feet and the

head. Rolland wrote that the feet should be shoulder width apart, and he also allowed the feet to

turn out with the left foot slightly forward and the body weight shifting back and forth. Tuttle

generally advised that the body weight remain centered and grounded over the feet at all times,

keeping the feet generally symmetrical and neutral in position. Jeffrey Irvine, one of Tuttle’s

students, described a relaxed standing posture as follows: the feet are shoulder-width apart, and

one foot is forward with the weight on the back foot and knees slightly bent.105 This description

is indeed similar to Rolland’s stance since one foot is forward. Both pedagogues are in

agreement about the importance of a relaxed upright posture that is supported from the feet at

shoulder width.

Ibid., 6.
Rolland, Basic Principles,  5.
Irvine, “The Advanced Violist,” 92.

Both pedagogues also agreed philosophically that the instrument is supported by the

passive weight of the head without undue strain on the neck muscles, but there is a slight

difference about the angle of the head. Rolland wrote that the neck should not strain or twist

severely to the left, and he advised students to align the left eye with the fingerboard. Tuttle

advised students to align the left ear with the fingerboard so that the head remains straight. In the

illustrations for Rolland’s method, the students turn their heads more significantly to the left than

do the students in Tuttle’s method. Irvine wrote that the head should remain upright and face

forwards as much as possible:

“The more one turns one head to the left, the more strain is put on the back, neck, and
shoulders. Imagine walking around all day with your head turned to the left – the effect
is not much different if one is playing for several hours a day. A slight turn to the left
will not cause too much strain, however.”106

Therefore, both methods advise against a large turn to the left and agree that students must find a

position for the head where the neck muscles remain relaxed.

Irvine, “The Advanced Violist,” 94.

c. Bowing

Rolland’s ideas about sound production and bowing actions align well with Tuttle’s

because both teachers taught the Franco-Belgian bow hold, a ringing and open core sound, and

naturalness and freedom in bowing gestures that involve the whole body. Rolland taught that the

bow hold should be as natural as possible, just as

when the arm is resting by the side. “A relaxed

free-bowing style may be achieved by a natural,

flexible but firm bow grip.”107 The thumb and

middle finger form the axis of the bow hold and

all other fingers are used for leverage (Fig. 3.6).

Figure 3.6. Paul Rolland Bow Hold
The main principle of leverage is that “the greater Action Studies: Developmental and Remedial Techniques,
Violin and Viola by Paul Rolland
© Copyright 1975 by the Illinois String Research Association
the distance between the fulcrum and the Boosey & Hawkes, Sole Agent
Reprinted by permission.
application of power, the better the leverage and

the easier the work.”108 Rolland warns against allowing the fingers to creep up on the stick,

assigning them with the following functions: the front two fingers (index and middle) are used

to create the necessary pressure for forte, accents, and for sustaining sound at the tip, while the

back three fingers (middle, ring and pinky) support the weight of the bow for piano dynamics,

lifted strokes, and for controlling the sound at the frog. Aside from these general principals, he

added, “I do not believe in a bow hold that will work for all players all the time, but I believe that

the bow hold can be changed while the player is at work depending on the demands of the

music.”109 Beginners in the Paul Rolland method initially learn to hold the bow at the balance

Rolland, Teaching of Action, 33.
Ibid., 33.
Behrens, “Interviewed,” 965.

! point so that the bow feels lightweight and easy

to manage and the bow hold forms without extra

tensions (Fig. 3.7).

Rolland’s method also resembles Tuttle’s

in that his primary focus was on teaching

Figure 3.7. Rolland Early Bow Hold
Action Studies: Developmental and Remedial Techniques,
Violin and Viola by Paul Rolland
students to produce a full and beautiful tone,
© Copyright 1975 by the Illinois String Research Association
Boosey & Hawkes, Sole Agent
Reprinted by permission.
enabling them to enjoy playing and connect

musically with the sound. The bow lies on the strings with a well-formed bow hold with the arm

relaxed, hanging from the shoulder to rest on the bow. A full sound may be achieved in this way

without very much effort, and the player can then modify it for finer effects. The ideal tone has a

full, singing quality, with enough release to allow the strings to ring freely.110 The bow forms a

right angle with the string and should not be pressed too hard so that the tone is scratchy or dull

or too little so that the tone is thin, colorless, or whistling. The ear must be the guide for desired

arm weight: too little weight produces overtones without core sound, and too much weight stifles

the vibrating string so that the overtones are lost. Sound quality and tone are dependent on the

controlled release of arm weight into the string, the bow speed, and the contact point. The

fingers are necessary for regulating the contact point and for refinement, nuances and accents. In

addition to speed, weight, and contact point, the player must also address issues of bow

distribution to achieve the desired musical results. String players should strive to imitate the

human voice, with variety in inflections, articulations, and consonant or vowel sounds so that the

bow can speak or sing. Taken alone, a sustained beautiful sound can become rather boring

without the nuances that arise from skilled usage of the right hand. The left hand is responsible

for shading and color in the sound, but the right arm can provide an infinite variety of inflections.
Ibid., 969.  

Rolland’s main focus with the mechanics of bowing was the leadership of large muscle

groups in free circular motions that involve the whole body. All playing movements should be

accomplished with freedom and ease, in accordance with the laws of physics and physiology.

Paul Rolland was very analytical and scientific in his study of the bow arm, using ideas from

athletes, researchers in the field of kinesiology, and F. A. Steinhausen’s book about the

physiology of bowing. Like a golf swing or a batting action, artistic bowing motions are graceful

and circular, involve the whole body, and include preparatory and follow-through gestures. The

shape of the bow stroke is like a swinging pendulum from the large muscles in the shoulder and

back with the wrist and fingers contributing in a passive way. During the bow change, the bow

must continue moving in a clockwise or counter-clockwise circle instead of making an abrupt

stop and start, and string crossings must also follow the curve of the bridge in a circular path.

The small muscles follow the leadership of large muscles, akin to the way the cars of a train

follow the engine. When properly balanced, the right elbow seems to float. The player’s

movements will appear disorganized and confused unless he has a good concept of the pulse and

rhythm of the music.111 Players should strive for smooth and unhurried motions in a comfortable

way without fidgeting.

Rolland differentiates between two types of bowing actions: free “ballistic” bowing

motions like the martele, spiccato, and fast détaché bow strokes require passive, relaxed arm

weight while the arm, fingers, hand, and bow move in the same direction, just as when throwing

a dart. Sostenuto legato playing, however, is a slow controlled movement that uses resistance

from antagonistic muscle groups to increase the friction of the bow moving horizontally across

the strings. Capet used the tem “horizontal pressure” to describe the imaginary resistance that

slows the movement of the bow and causes it to sink into the string. Rolland advocated
Rolland, Teaching of Action, 60.

practicing the “one-minute bow stroke” with a firmly held bow to produce the core sound needed

in this type of stroke. In this exercise, the bow moves so slowly that the student gains an

appreciation for horizontal resistance and learns to pull the bow towards the bridge while trying

to maintain a consistent tone.

Rolland devised a number of exercises for developing correct patterns of motion and

sound techniques for the bow arm that may be used to instill good fundamentals or remedy

problems in viola students of any age or ability level. These exercises develop the basics for

correct motion and clear articulation, instilling good fundamental technique for the right side in

preparation for the more advanced refinements offered in Tuttle’s teachings.

In Rolland’s method, beginning students learn short bow strokes at the middle but first do

many silent exercises for balance, placement and the release of extra tension. Students place and

lift the bow on each string at a right angle in different parts of the bow, tap each finger to release

tension in the bow hold, roll the arm (Fig. 3.9) between strings along the curve of the bridge to

release shoulder tension and establish the arm level and weight, and rock the hand in different

parts of the bow to release the wrist and hand. The teacher may guide the bow in a straight path,

shake the student’s elbow or check for tension by lifting and dropping the student’s bow. A

student may also practice “shadow bowing” (Fig. 3.10) in a toilet paper tube or walking and

“flapping your wings” (Fig. 3.8) with the tip of the bow attached to the left pinky at the base of

the neck. These silent exercises are incorporated into playing as early as possible. The “roll

your arm” and “flap your wings” exercises enable beginners to learn the curved path of slurred

patterns on two, three and four strings. Continuing the small circular motions of short strokes in

the middle of the bow, students wander and explore with the bow from frog to tip, stopping to

check the bow hold, rock the bow, roll the arm, and tap the fingers to release any extra tension

along the way (Fig. 3.11).

Figure 3.8. (Right) “Flap Your

Wings.” Reproduced by permission
from Rolland, Action Studies, 4.

Figure 3.9. (Left) Roll the Arm. (5)

Figure 3.10 (Bottom Right) Shadow

Bowing. (4)

Figure 3.11 (Bottom Left)

Wandering Bow Exercise. (8)

Action Studies: Developmental and

Remedial Techniques, Violin and
Viola by Paul Rolland
© Copyright 1975 by the
Illinois String Research Association
Boosey & Hawkes, Sole Agent
Reprinted by permission.

Additional silent bow gymnastics include these exercises: the crawl, the teeter-totter, the tug-of-

war, the press/release, and the thumb-flex (Fig. 3.12).

Figure 3.12. Bow Gymnastics

Action Studies: Developmental and Remedial Techniques, Violin and Viola by Paul Rolland
© Copyright 1975 by the Illinois String Research Association Boosey & Hawkes, Sole Agent
Reprinted by permission.

In the “crawl,” the student uses the fingers to crawl up and down the stick, maintaining a good

bow hold and learning finger action and control. The “teeter-totter” requires the student to hold

the bow horizontally and raise and lower the stick like a seesaw. The thumb and middle finger

act as an axis and the weight transfers among the other fingers. The “tug-of-war” has the student

hold the stick firmly with the left hand and push and pull against the resistance while maintaining

a perfect bow hold. In the “press/release,” the student practices pronating the forearm to transfer

weight onto the index finger and then supinating to allow the weight to transfer to the pinky side

of the hand. The thumb flex requires the student to hold the bow vertically and practice rotating

the stick by bending and flexing the right thumb. Finally, the “silent bow transfer” involves the

student using arched motions to practice transferring the bow from frog to middle to tip and vice

versa, using round gestures and keeping a perfectly straight bow and free body (Fig. 3.13).

Figure 3.13. Silent Bow Transfer

Action Studies: Developmental and Remedial Techniques, Violin and Viola by Paul Rolland
© Copyright 1975 by the Illinois String Research Association Boosey & Hawkes, Sole Agent
Reprinted by permission.

Rolland also invented an exercise he called the “flying pizzicato” for extending the bow

stroke and teaching students to use the whole body to produce graceful, curved bowing motions

with follow-through. Using Offenbach’s “Barcarole” because of its lyrical quality and swinging

6/8 meter in D major, students learn to transfer weight between their feet, making anticipatory

and follow-through motions while casting the whole arm in continuous elliptical motions to play

an accompanying pizzicato line. When students have mastered this exercise in pizzicato, they

may progress to the rebound exercise and try it with the bow, playing down-bow strokes and

retaking the bow to the frog (Fig. 3.14).

Figure 3.14. Flying Pizzicato and Rebound
Action Studies: Developmental and Remedial Techniques, Violin and Viola by Paul Rolland
© Copyright 1975 by the Illinois String Research Association Boosey & Hawkes, Sole Agent
Reprinted by permission.

The bow and arm move as one unit and the whole body continues to participate in the gesture in

a free and relaxed manner that matches the character and pulse of the music. Done correctly, the

scroll and right hand will move in opposite directions on the down bow, and the body weight will

transfer to the left foot as when taking a step. This exercise helps to train curved tone releases

and arced follow-through motions as well as subtle gestures that anticipate changes in direction,

all of which contribute to a resonant sound.112

Rolland also trained “up-down” and “down-up” releases, where two notes result from one

impetus in the basic détaché bow stroke. After students show mastery of the “silent bow

transfer” exercise by maintaining a right angle with the bow, they may add a “ta-da” sound,

creating two short notes with one impulse from the arm. Students may also practice long, slow

strokes in this way to refine a smooth bow change. This exercise is useful in all parts of the bow

for developing awareness of placement, speed, and pressure while refining tone beginnings and


Tuttle’s teachings about the right arm in regards to the bow hold, sound production and

bowing mechanics, are important because they go beyond the basic technical mechanics. Like

Rolland, Tuttle’s bow hold is best described as Franco-Belgian, with emphasis on keeping the

hand in a natural position so that it can efficiently use the weight of the arm (Fig. 3.15). Based

on advice from Primrose and Ysaÿe, Tuttle promoted a technique in which the right hand should

fall naturally as if not worried about

holding the bow. The thumb and middle !

finger create a circle to hold the bow with

the other fingers acting as support. The

depth of finger-contact on the frog can vary

according to the player’s personal

preference as long as the bow hold is “solid

and secure while at the same time supple Figure 3.15. Karen Tuttle’s Bow Hold. Reproduced by
permission from Reiter, 23.

Figure 3.6. Karen Tuttle’s Bow Hold. Reproduced by permission from Reiter, 23.
Rolland, Teaching of Action, 97.

enough to permit fine and rapid adjustments.”113 Students can find this bow hold by setting the

bow onto the right fingers while the hand is relaxed and open. The thumb is opposite the second

finger when the fingers wrap around the stick and it rests on the curve of the frog, rounded as

when in its natural position when making a fist. The student rotates the bow onto the string,

keeping the fourth finger rounded and “on its pulp”114 and placing the index finger close so that

it does not stretch the natural frame of the hand or create unnecessary tension. The center of the

right palm stays soft and round so that arm weight can transfer evenly onto the fingers, which

remain relatively square to the stick during the down bow stroke. In legato playing, the fingers

passively drag the bow regardless of its direction, allowing a side-to-side paintbrush motion to

smooth out the bow change at the frog. It is very important to monitor the right thumb because

extra tension or upward pressing can prevent the arm weight from sinking into the strings.115

The third and fourth fingers can scoop out the up-bow in a motion similar to kneading dough or

scooping ice cream. In spiccato bow strokes the fingers are more active.

Tuttle’s philosophy of sound production deals mainly with “getting into the string,”

transferring the natural weight of the arm into the string for a full, rich sound with center and

core. A big sound is not merely loud, but it is penetrating and focused - even at a soft dynamic.

Students often try to produce sound with muscular effort, pressing and forcing the instrument so

that they suffocate the vibrating string. For the amount of effort expended, we see diminishing

returns in quality and quantity of sound produced. On the viola, she argued, less is more.

The first task in sound production is to allow a light arm to generate pressure on the

string without excessive pronation from the index finger or force from the right shoulder. Any

Robert Dew, “The Coordinated Action, Part 2: Instinctive Responses,” Journal of the American Viola Society 18,
no. 2 & 3 (2002): 65.
Reiter-Bootiman, Heritage, 25.
Dubois, “Current Methods,” 58.  

squeezing could interfere with the freedom of motion of the elbow, wrist and fingers, preventing

legato bow changes or variations in intensity. Ideally, the bow rests on the strings with the

passive downward force of gravity, and the strings provide enough support underneath to counter

this force. The right arm feels light and well supported and any excess arm weight is transferred

to the bottom of the shoulder blades, using the right elbow as a monitor for the desired arm

weight. The elbow and wrist are usually at or above the hand and stick, and the bow feels

suspended in the hand with a passively curved thumb. The right shoulder never holds weight or

tension, but it stays down with the feeling of sinking into the waist. A student may experience

the hanging weight of his head and arms upside down and then feel the shoulder blades drop into

position as s/he stands upright.

If the arms are lightly balanced and the shoulders are supported in this way, the bowing

action is no more complicated than merely opening the arm, changing directions, and closing the

arm. On the down-bow, the arm weight transfers from the pinky at the frog to the index finger at

the tip as the arm opens. A downward scooping action of the elbow transmits the arm weight

into the string on the up-bow. Tuttle taught that the elbow should remain on the same plane as

the rest of the arm, explaining:

[The bow arm] is organic. I think that not only the elbow, but the elbow allows the wrist,
arm, and shoulder particularly to go in, so that you are using your whole right side to
make a sound, rather than getting it from a low elbow or wrist…A low elbow generally
tightens the pectoral muscle, which in turn tightens the chest.116

Power comes from the back, and the player merely steers the bow and regulates arm weight with

little strain or effort, feeling stable as if there is traction to spare. A student can find a way to use

the back for sound by releasing any tension held in the chest and armpit areas.

Ibid., 188.

The contact point is also crucial for good sound production: it must remain the same from

frog to tip, and the change of bow direction cannot affect the sound or dynamic. It can be helpful

to think of threading a needle or of opening the arm diagonally away from the body on the down-

bow and closing it towards the body on the up-bow, in order to counteract the common fault of

an arced bow path. Players with short arms must reach the shoulder blade forward for the last

few inches of bow, and they might not be able to reach the tip at all. Players with long arms

might have trouble when approaching the frog, needing to raise the wrist and focus on staying

open across the collarbone. Power comes from pulling the bow towards the bridge, as if there is

an elastic band connecting the contact point to the bottom of the right shoulder blade. The elbow

lifts slightly to remove excess weight from the bow at the frog and to sustain sound at the tip.

Tuttle’s system, like Rolland’s, also emphasizes circular patterns of motion in the bow arm.

Susan Dubois, another of Tuttle’s students, points out the following:

The student has a tendency to play over the fingerboard and on the side of the bow hair
rather than to play closer to the bridge and through the flat of the hair; and bow strokes
are conceived from horizontal motions and angles, rather than from a circular system that
should allow a smoothness and connection to the strokes.117

Beyond the basic mechanics of bowing action, Tuttle offered specific ways to connect

expression and musicality with the right arm. She taught students to appreciate the visceral

sensation of sound production, tasting the vibrating string with the fingers and tongue as if

singing. Although it can be helpful to sing along, make guttural phonations, or choreograph the

breathing with bowing actions, these exercises must not become a habit or crutch. Students

instinctively make the minute adjustments necessary to maintain the desired sound after

connecting with the vibrating string in this way. Tuttle said, “The main thing is to listen for a

Ibid., 56.

core sound, then usually a student with a good ear will make small adjustments.”118 When

dealing with chronic anxiety, students must learn to release any tension held in the belly along

with all of the air from the chest before initiating sound with the bow. It can also be useful to

stamp the foot or take a step to overcome inertia when beginning to play. The bow is used to

coax out maximum vibration from the instrument only after the character and pulse of the music

are fully established in the mind.

A frequent problem among violists is holding the breath or stiffening the neck for fear of

disrupting the bow change. This is detrimental to sound production and musical expression, and

it is restrictive to freedom of motion, spontaneity, and the generation and transmission of

excitement. Tuttle created specific terminology for release-actions around the changes in bow

direction that have become trademarks of her method. The “re-pull” occurs around the balance

point during the down bow stroke and can best be described by a melting sensation accompanied

by a release in the lower back, knees and pelvis and an exhalation on the syllable “ha.” The right

hand rolls towards the pinky side (supination) during the “re-pull,” found by stopping the bow at

the lower 1/3 and rebalancing the hand with a tug-of-war in the opposite direction. The sound

intensifies in richness and core, enabling sostenuto for the full length of the bow and allowing

the vibrato to adjust and the bow speed to slow in response. Tuttle often taught this technique on

dotted or tied long notes, filling them with musical direction and purpose within a phrase.

Analogies such as a roller-coaster, springboard, a crouching dancer, or a singer opening the

vowel sound from “oh” to “ah” can help students to understand the function and musical concept

of the “re-pull” action.

“Over the bow” is Tuttle’s name for the accompanying action in the upper third of the

bow, a release after the intensification of sound provided by the “re-pull.” A neck release is
Ibid., 181.

programmed into the bow change at the tip, done at the exact point where most players

instinctively want to press and squeeze the neck. “Over-the-bow” creates a smooth bow change,

enabling legato playing and long phrases that are not dictated by the bowings. The head tilts

back slightly just before the bow-change as when nodding and saying “uh-huh” in assent or as

when singing an ascending octave glissando. Dew described a neck release in his article about


The physical movements of the neck, etc., are collectively referred to as a ‘release.’ The
aptness of this term can be appreciated from a simple experiment. If one sings a
glissando of an octave interval on the consonance, “Ah,” one observes that in preparation
for (and simultaneous with) the shift from the low to the high note, the head tilts back
slightly…If one intentionally prevents the movement of the head alone, one is
immediately aware of greater difficulty in performing the glissando…It is evident that the
movement of the head – actually a yielding, backward flexion of the neck – in this
instance has a ‘releasing’ effect upon the throat which profoundly influences the
modulation of the sounds produced.119

Just as extra neck tension affects the sound of the voice in a negative way, it is detrimental to

viola sound production. This head motion, described as a neck release, serves to help the player

get out of the way of the bow, keeping the sound open, ringing, and continuous during the

change of direction. Done properly, notes with an “over-the-bow” feeling should come out in a

group with increased bow speed and musical direction. The motion is best described as whiplash

in response to the active motion of the right arm. Images such as a bobble-head toy or cueing in

chamber music can be helpful for teaching this response.120

Rolland’s exercises for bowing actions are essential for teaching viola students the basics:

how to hold the bow, how to perform basic bow strokes, and which muscles to use in bowing

actions. Tuttle’s refinements for sound production and bow changes may then complement

Rolland’s basic bowing actions. The one area of difference is the function of the right index

Robert Dew, “In Response,” 835.
“Re-pull” and “over the bow” will be explained in further detail as “Coordination” Studies in Chapter 4.

finger: Rolland recommended that students add pressure to the index finger for accents and forte

dynamics, and Tuttle advised that students transfer the arm weight from the back through all four

fingers onto the bow stick. Many violists overuse the index finger so that the back does not

participate in bowing action. This can contribute to too much tension overall in the bow arm.

Irvine wrote, “One should release the pressure on the first finger in the lower quarter of the bow,

letting the pinky support the bow and using the weight of the frog to get the sound.”121 He

believed that releasing the index finger, thereby eliminating the extra tension in the bow arm,

would enable the viola student to gain more control and colors in his/her sound.

Irvine, “The Advanced Violist,” 101.

d. Left Hand

Left hand technique on the viola involves issues of hand shape, finger action, shifting and

vibrato, which Rolland and Tuttle addressed with similar focus on naturalness, ease, and

impulse. Rolland taught that the back of the hand, wrist and forearm should form a straight line

with the elbow in the first position and that the balanced “native” hand favors the second and

third fingers. The wrist may adjust in for vibrato, third and fourth fingers, or it may briefly lean

out for a trill. The left hand should maintain flexible contact with the neck of the instrument

with the thumb, base of the first finger, and the fingertip, always allowing for movement and

slight adjustments. The base of the first finger is in line with the edge of the fingerboard beside

the highest string, and the index finger leans towards the peg of the lowest string. Some players

do not use contact with the base of the first finger, and all players must release this contact for

vibrato or notes higher than the fifth position. The thumb is important for providing slight

support to counter the pressure of the fingers;

however, it must always remain light and

sensitive. Its height and exact position are

matters of personal choice. The elevation of the

hand and fingers above the fingerboard may be

taller on the lower strings or for fast and

articulate passages, enabling the player to use

the fingertips. The elevation may be lower for

Figure 3.16. Finger Action
cantabile playing so that the vibrato occurs on Action Studies: Developmental and Remedial Techniques,
Violin and Viola by Paul Rolland
© Copyright 1975 by the Illinois String Research Association
the fleshiest part of the finger pads. Players Boosey & Hawkes, Sole Agent
Reprinted by permission.

may alternate between high, medium, and low

hand elevation depending on the demands of the music and their personal preference due to hand

and finger size and shape.

In regards to the left hand, the main difference between Rolland and Tuttle concerns

hand frame and finger action. Rolland taught that the player should balance the hand so that he

can easily reach a perfect or augmented fourth at all times within the hand frame (Fig. 3.16),

while Tuttle taught that the hand rebalances on each independent finger. This difference arises

because of Rolland’s primary focus on the violin, since many petite violists with small hands

would find such a hand frame painful or impossible. Rolland emphasized the need for learning

finger patterns within the hand frame as well as finger movements horizontally on the same

string, vertically above the string, and laterally across adjacent strings, where position and speed

trump force. Although both Tuttle and Rolland use words such as “release” and “springy” for

left hand action, Rolland’s focus is on decisively lifting the fingers while Tuttle’s is on dropping

the weight of each finger into the palm from the base knuckles. Rolland taught that the fingers

sustain a light downward pressure on the string, maintaining a good angle and covering both

sides of the string. The impact of the finger must be decisive, firm and equal, and the lifting

action an instantaneous and springy release.

Rolland developed a number of exercises to help beginners establish proper left hand

shape and action. From the very first class, students use left hand pizzicato to strengthen the

pinky finger and to shape the hand, wrist, and forearm without excessive tension (Fig. 3.17). To

eliminate a common problem of dependence and tension on the first finger, Rolland introduces

all four fingers at the same time, closely spaced and angled so that the fingernails point towards

the player’s face. Students can learn the relaxed, hanging feeling of the “native hand” by first

clinging to a pencil, with the weight of the arm balanced equally on all four fingers. Students

begin with the finger pattern 1_234 by extending the first finger back and finding an octave to

establish proper intonation between the third finger and the adjacent open string. The student

may progress to the common 1_23_4 pattern when the fourth finger has developed enough

strength. Students using Rolland’s method do many exercises sliding, tapping, plucking, and

swinging the elbow to preempt common tension problems on the left side.

Figure 3.17. Left Hand Pizzicato

Action Studies: Developmental and Remedial Techniques, Violin and Viola by Paul Rolland
© Copyright 1975 by the Illinois String Research Association Boosey & Hawkes, Sole Agent
Reprinted by permission.

For shifting action, Rolland also used an analogy to walking, where the hand and arm

lean to anticipate a shift just as the body leans towards the next step while walking. He created a

number of exercises to teach freedom of motion and the ability to release the left hand and arm

so that students learn to use the whole fingerboard and do not rigidly lock down in first position.

His exercises for beginners greatly clarify and simplify the concept of shifting. A beginner taps

rhythms on the upper bout of the instrument and then learns the “shuttle game,” moving between

low, middle, and high positions to establish shifting facility with the hand and thumb relaxed

(Fig. 3.18). In the beginning, the teacher puts signal dots on the instrument and an x on the base

joint of the index finger to help the student navigate the exercises. The student begins by gliding

on the x in rest position and then proceeds to sliding on individual fingers in playing position.122

Figure 3.18. Shifting Motions

Action Studies: Developmental and Remedial Techniques, Violin and Viola by Paul Rolland
© Copyright 1975 by the Illinois String Research Association Boosey & Hawkes, Sole Agent
Reprinted by permission.

Zweig, “Rolland,” 21.

The student may then progress to long silent shifts or ghost tones with the bow, sliding to

match octaves and harmonics in low, middle and high positions and keeping the finger-weight

very light. Students begin to shift by playing scales with one finger and by using shifting

fingerings on known tunes. They also play “Au Clair de la Lune” or “Hot Cross Buns” on one

string beginning in first position and repeating the tune transposed by step as the left hand inches

higher and higher (Fig. 3.19). This exercise enables the student to develop facility in all

! !

Figure 3.19. Shifting Exercises
Figure 3.20 Arm Balance for Vibrato
Figure 3.21. Arm Balance for Vibrato. Reproduced by
Action Studies: Developmental and Remedial Techniques, Violin and Viola by Paul Rolland
permission from Rolland, Action Studies, 19.
© Copyright 1975 by the Illinois String Research Association Boosey & Hawkes, Sole Agent
Reprinted by permission.

positions while using a simple tune so that the ear can easily regulate intonation.123 Additional

tapping and sliding exercises over the signal dots, between the strings, and on the strings

continue to train left hand facility.

Rolland taught vibrato as an impulse that evolves naturally from his tapping exercises for

finger dropping. Children in Rolland’s method learn tapping exercises on the collarbone, the

upper bout, and on the strings from the very beginning stages of instruction, not only for shifting

and left hand action, but also as preparation for the advanced technique of vibrato. Each child

must find his/her own natural impulse, which will flow when there is a “constant awareness of

the released motions within the entire body.”124 Rolland stressed that fluid motions on a stringed

instrument, including the vibrato motion must be circular or curved. The repetitious vibrato

movement uses balanced rotary movements where the upper arm and lower arm move in

opposite directions, with its beauty arising from its regularity (Fig. 3.20). Stiffness, fatigue or a

lack of coordination between finger, wrist, and arm could cause vibrato to become irregular.

Figure 3.21. Tapping Exercise for Vibrato

Action Studies: Developmental and Remedial Techniques, Violin and Viola by Paul Rolland
© Copyright 1975 by the Illinois String Research Association Boosey & Hawkes, Sole Agent
Reprinted by permission.

Ibid., 21.
Ibid., 21.

“The key to a beautiful vibrato is to release the impulse in the arm, wrist, and fingers.”125

Rolland does not specify whether a vibrato should be arm, wrist, or finger, but recommends the

following exercise: throw the finger and allow it to spring back as if it accidentally touched a hot

stove (Fig. 3.21).

Tuttle’s teachings about the left hand have much in common with Rolland’s; however,

there are a few specific differences. Tuttle, unlike Rolland, avoided teaching the traditional hand

frame established between the index and fourth finger of the left hand. This approach can create

extra tension by holding down fingers while they are not in use; a rigid hand frame can

eventually cause injury, especially on the viola. Tuttle taught the independence method, where

“every finger has its own weight and balance, and the arm and hand constantly re-balance to

support and accommodate the

depressed finger”126 (Fig. 3.22).

Independent fingers promote

relaxation in the left hand, wrist and

arm, and students learn to navigate

the fingerboard with accurate

intonation as they develop the

kinesthetic ability to measure and

Figure 3.22. Tuttle Left Hand. Reproduced by permission from Reiter, 11. sense the distance from one note to

the next. Tuttle coined the term “plop” to describe a finger dropped onto the fingerboard as a

release, with action from the base knuckles. This method encourages the player to use his/her

body in the most natural way, because there is an immediate muscle release after the finger is

Ibid., 21.
Dubois, “Current Methods,” 66.

triggered. A finger should always remain rubbery and flexible so that it can find its own balance

and center of contact on the pad of the finger. The wrist may bend inward slightly to promote

elasticity and release in the back of the hand and wrist and to encourage upward support for the

hand,127 reinforcing the weight of the fourth finger. The hand might also need to pivot on the

second or third finger to help the pinky finger to reach. The player transfers weight from finger

to finger as if walking, releasing any extra tension so that each finger feels heavy and there is

space between the knuckles. It can be helpful to think of the knuckles as a springboard, releasing

the hand between notes while transferring weight to the next finger. The height of the thumb can

vary, but it must remain round and follow the rest of the hand, never clamping or leading. It

retains its natural shape, just as when the hand is relaxed with the palm to the sky. When the left

hand is properly centered and balanced, the player feels his relaxed finger-weight dropping into

the middle of a soft and round palm, shaped as if grabbing an orange. Although Tuttle did not

describe the shape of the left hand in exactly the same way as Rolland, a hand that is centered

and balanced in this way will, in fact, be set up to favor the second finger (as Rolland advised).

Tuttle differentiated between two reasons for shifting: transportation or expression. For

either kind of shifting, the movement occurs in three steps: the finger is released, the arm moves

to the new location as a unit, and the finger drops into place on the new note. The weight of the

fingers rests in the palm, and the tactile sensation in the finger pads allows the player to measure

the distance from point to point during a shift. Students should practice shifts slowly but in

proportion to the tempo of the music, checking for any tension barriers in the left thumb, arm, or

shoulder. The shifting finger feels light and allows the hand and wrist to lead it to the new

location by opening or closing the left elbow. The analogy to walking is again useful, because

one must release weight from one foot before putting it on the other. Above the third position, a
Ibid., 67.

rounded left hand should stay above the fingerboard with the thumb sliding up to the side of the

fingerboard if necessary. The best way to find the natural position for the thumb is to lightly and

quickly slide the whole length of the fingerboard, allowing the elbow to swing back and forth.

The thumb leads on the descent from thumb-position.128 Rolland’s ghost tone and sliding

exercises could be used to appropriately develop these skills.

Upon examination, both Rolland and Tuttle describe vibrato as an impulse that originates

in finger action, but they explain it in slightly different ways. Tuttle taught vibrato as a natural

reflex action that arises from the bouncy, “ploppy” left hand finger action, where the base

knuckles of the left hand let go and allow the fingertips to go into the palm of the hand as a

reflex. The gesture of tension and release in vibrato is exactly the same as when putting the

fingers down on the strings. The tactile sensation of vibrato in the finger pad is also very

important, and Tuttle taught the proper feeling by demonstrating vibrato on a student’s forearm

as if it were the fingerboard.129 She recommended wrist vibrato with the fingers following in a

reflex action. Vibrato can be done on the finger’s pad, tip, side, or bone for different timbres,

and students should be able to create a continuous vibrato between notes and during shifts.

Tuttle devised a number of exercises for developing left hand action, vibrato, and shifting

that could work rather well alongside Rolland’s exercises. For left hand shape, students can

make a fist beside the fingerboard and then try to replicate the feeling on the neck.130 Without

the instrument, students can practice repeatedly dropping the weight of the fingers into the palm

of the left hand until they learn the reflex necessary for finger action, trills, and impulse vibrato.

Starting in third position with the hand pulled back below the pitch, a violist may allow his/her

hand to spring back to position with a passive impulse to develop a wrist vibrato, varying the

Reiter-Bootiman, Heritage, 18.
Dubois, “Current Methods,” 71.
Reiter-Bootiman, Heritage, 20.

speed from slow to fast. This is similar to Rolland’s exercise, where a player would pretend to

touch a hot stove and then spring back into position. For shifting, it can be useful to lengthen the

note prior to the shift, encouraging the feeling of release during a relaxed and unhurried shift. To

prevent a student from rushing into a shift, it can also be useful to think of an upbeat or an extra

subdivision of the pulse on this note. It can also be useful to release the left hand but not the

right during a slow shift, producing an audible glissando while navigating the distance between

shifting notes.

Rolland and Tuttle both advocated a relaxed and natural shape for the left hand, with

reflex and impulse causing finger action and vibrato. In shifting, both pedagogues emphasized a

relaxed gliding motion with the finger’s weight released from the string. For this reason, the

exercises provided are compatible with both approaches to playing and teaching the viola.

e. Differences/Integration

Paul Rolland’s method is ideal for building technical fundamentals because of its step-by-

step approach that can be used for any stage of developmental or remedial training for a violinist

or violist. Rolland’s brilliance was that he realized that the first lessons have bearing on

everything to come; therefore, a teacher must approach the basics with advanced techniques in

mind. According to Zweig, Rolland was “one of the first pedagogues to discuss free physical

motions of the body and its importance to playing musically with technical fluidity.”131 Rolland

created exercises and games to distill advanced techniques to their most basic components and to

train proper patterns of motion for students at any level, beginner to advanced.

Rolland’s exercises are invaluable for the teacher who must provide some remedial

training for intermediate and advanced viola students, since Tuttle’s methods require as a

prerequisite that the basic technical fundamentals are already functioning at a relatively advanced

level. There is enough common ground in the two methods because both pedagogues constantly

emphasized naturalness, fluidity, whole body action, and minimal effort in all technical

categories. These themes prevail throughout the discussion of teaching philosophy, posture,

bowing, and the left hand in spite of minor differences between Rolland and Tuttle on specific

techniques (i.e. the exact position of the feet and head in proper playing posture and the use of

the right index finger). Rolland and Tuttle are in agreement that a player can be most musically

expressive when using natural movements with minimal muscular tension in the whole body.

Therefore, their explanations of proper technique are remarkably similar, although they provide

different exercises, analogies, and images to arrive at the same goal. A student with proper

patterns of motion developed by Rolland’s method would be well prepared to begin exploring

Zweig, 20.

Tuttle’s ideas, and a viola teacher may use Rolland’s exercises for children to prepare students

for Tuttle’s advanced techniques.

In spite of their kindred ideals, Rolland and Tuttle differ on two additional points: how to

release tension and how to enable artistic expression. Rolland’s basic assumption, that

movement will release tension, leads him to teach students to sway and swing and make

preliminary shifting and vibrato movements from the onset of their training. He argues that a

moving muscle cannot remain rigidly contracted and create detrimental habits of static tension.

The problem with this idea is that some students exhibit excessive movements that detract from

music making and do not, in fact, help to release tension. It is possible to fidget, readjust and

wiggle without actually letting go of muscular tension which may be caused by emotional

inhibition, fear, holding the breath, or any number of things that are addressed in Karen Tuttle’s

teachings. Susan Dubois, the teaching assistant of Tuttle, wrote:

Teachers will occasionally find students who play with excess body movement. Just as
tension will inhibit the natural outpouring of music, so will superfluous movement. The
body has to be moving in conjunction with the music. Most students are unaware of how
they look and move when they play.132

Students need “coordination” training in Tuttle’s system so that they can deal with the root of the

problem for excessive tension and then learn to use their bodies in the most efficient and

musically appropriate ways, so that their gestures begin to match the musical content. Static

muscular tension must be released and body movements must be coordinated with the music;

used together, Rolland’s and Tuttle’s methods can complement rather than contradict each other.

The other point of difference, how to enable artistic expression, provides another instance

where the two methods can again be complementary rather than contradictory. Rolland’s

pedagogical system teaches functional technique, but it expects musicality and artistry to emerge

Dubois, “Current Methods,” 38.

spontaneously if the body is moving properly. Musical imagination and expression are expected

to evolve naturally. Potential problems such as a lack of creativity, emotional or psychological

inhibition, and other barriers to artistic projection are not addressed and appear to be an area of

weakness in Rolland’s methodology. However, these issues are discussed in great detail in

Tuttle’s system of “coordination.” “Coordination” can facilitate a student’s artistic development

by teaching projection and emotional communication and by addressing inhibition and the

psychological aspects of playing.

Teachers may utilize Rolland’s exercises provided in the previous sections to develop

basic posture, right hand, and left hand fundamentals and to prepare students for Tuttle’s

“coordination” ideas. Students must have functional right and left hand technique, basic set-up,

and sound production as a prerequisite for “coordination” training, and Rolland’s exercises are

ideal for developing or repairing the necessary fundamentals. Rolland’s action studies provide

short explanations, photos, drawings, and musical examples to explain each technical concept in

detail and to build skills in a progressive fashion, and we need a similar user-friendly guidebook

for teaching “coordination” that can be applicable to students at any level of training. Because

Tuttle addressed each student as an individual in the context of a private lesson, her ideas are not

laid out in a step-by-step, formulaic way for other teachers. In addition, they are generally

geared towards the advanced student or professional, because Tuttle spent most of her teaching

career in the conservatory setting at Curtis or Juilliard.

In the next section, I will set forth “coordination” studies, based on interviews, articles,

books and teachings by Tuttle and her students. These will develop a student’s ability to

communicate as an artistic performer by integrating good posture, right arm motions, and left

hand actions with the emotional and expressive demands of the music. I will use photos, short

descriptions, and/or musical examples to clearly illustrate each concept, as Paul Rolland did in

his Action Studies. Used together, Rolland’s Action Studies and Tuttle’s “Co-ordination” Studies

will provide the viola teacher with a comprehensive pedagogical system for training a viola

student in basic technique and musicality at any level of development or remediation.


The viola student must learn to coordinate all of the technical aspects of playing into the

movements of the whole body, in such a way that displays and communicates the emotional

intent of the music to listeners. Tuttle named her particular approach “coordination” wherein

“our physical bodies and sound combine to serve as a conduit connecting our emotional lives

with those of others.”133 “Coordination,” simply defined, is a state of harmonious adjustment or

functioning, but in Tuttle’s usage it is meant to describe “a method of adapting the mechanical

movements of the body to both the technical and musical aspects of playing.”134 A player of the

“Tuttle School” learns to coordinate the physical features of playing with the musical ones to

reach his/her fullest capacity as a musician, healthy and free from over-use injuries that are

common in string players. “Coordination” is beneficial to technical and musical health, because

the violist avoids injury by using his/her body in the most natural way and then finds that sound

production and musical expression improve as a result. Tuttle’s genius is that she developed

“coordination” as a technique for being musical, and she taught the average student how to play

like the naturally gifted artist-performer.

Tuttle’s teaching emphasized the release of physical and mental tension while playing a

note or phrase, largely by choreographing subtle release gestures in the neck, pelvis, lower back

and knees. Students understand “coordination” in different ways, since the teacher can only

suggest analogies, images, and movements, but each individual must experience his/her own

release. Tuttle used creative approaches, such as getting her students to more fully experience

the sensation of vibrating wood against the skin, by cutting holes in their clothes. The main

concepts of Tuttle’s technique will be discussed in detail later, but the most salient benefits

Matthew Dane, “Coordinated Effort: A Study of Karen Tuttle’s Influence on Modern Viola Teaching,” (DMA
diss., Rice University, 2002), 19.
Reiter-Bootiman, Heritage, 37.

include an open sound with resonance felt throughout the entire body, musical releases at the end

of a note, phrase or musically tense moment, long phrases and a full palette of colors and

dynamics, and increased body-awareness to eliminate any extra muscular effort used while

playing that could later result in injury.

“Coordination” can be tricky to teach because it is a process that will happen naturally

and spontaneously if nothing interferes with it, but it cannot overcome barriers of rigidity if the

basic mechanics of playing are not already in place at a relatively advanced level. Dr. Dew

noted, “A flexible bow technique, the capability of a true sostenuto over the entire length of bow,

and smooth, assured bow changing are necessary prerequisites for the successful operation of co-

ordination.”135 “Coordination” depends on the student’s innate capacity for release; the teacher’s

role is to help eliminate obstacles like excessive tension, depending on metaphor and

demonstration when verbal descriptions fail. If the student has tension or discomfort from

technical weaknesses, “coordination” could only be haphazard at best. When performing, this

student would focus physically and psychologically on getting through the piece rather than

expressing himself musically.136 In other words, when technical fundamentals and proper

patterns of motion are in place, “coordination” can integrate the function of the whole body with

the musical demands of the moment.

In interviews, articles, books and other writings, Tuttle and her disciples elucidate

“coordination” teaching through the following five categories: emotional connection, body

awareness, breathing, intensity, and articulation/grouping. A viola teacher may cycle through the

exercises in each category to integrate all of the technical fundamentals in an advancing student.

Dew, “In Response,” 838.
Dew, “Part 2, Instinctive Response,” 68.

As the student learns “coordination” in this way, s/he learns how to play expressively and

approaches artistic maturity.

a. Connect Emotionally with the Musical Character

Tuttle’s method enabled students to connect with the musical character of a piece. This

skill was useful for bridging the gap between technical proficiency and artistry and for enabling a

student to fully define and express the music’s intent. Tuttle created a chart that divided many

different emotions into the five basic categories that she considered to be the most important:

love, fear, joy, anger, and sadness. Tuttle’s students continue to use this chart and describe the

process several different ways. Jeffrey Irvine, the most technically specific teacher in the Tuttle-

school, describes how a student might make changes to express an intended emotion. He wrote:

I ask my students to try to feel that emotion as they play, in much the same way that a
“method” actor tries to feel what his character is feeling. Then I ask them what kind of
sound would put across that emotion; for instance, close to the bridge with a slower bow
and more weight, or further from the bridge with more bow and less weight. What kind
of vibrato would reflect that emotion? What attack, articulation, and timing would
support that emotion? There is no one right answer, but again, the teacher can be a

Irvine also recommends getting the student to make up a story to coincide with the musical

meaning of the piece, as an additional way to connect with the character and artistic content.

Tuttle’s ultimate goal was to have the student access feelings from the “solar plexus,” a

person’s core and the center of all feelings, defined as the round concentration of nerves shooting

in every direction surrounded by muscles in the pit of the stomach. She said:

That really is the toughest thing to teach, especially if the students had a lot of garbage in
their life to contend with. You have to watch out for the red flag when you’re talking
about emotions. However, deep-down, people are really eager to hear and understand

Jeffrey Irvine, “Chapter Three: The Advanced Violist,” in Teaching and Playing the Viola, ed. Gregory Barnes
(Fairfax, VA: American String Teachers Association, 2010), 122.

emotion and the solar plexus, but I always feel that’s the most discomfort I’ve had in
teaching, to get at that; but that’s where it is.138

Students may discover the solar plexus by softening the eyes and mouth and imagining

something in life that has had a deep emotional effect while letting out a long, slow exhale.139

The teacher can also “get them to go ‘ruarrgh’ [a deep, accented guttural sound] or laugh from

deep down in the belly”140 to find the location of the solar plexus. In an interview, Tuttle

described the solar plexus as follows:

[The solar plexus] is where you clutch when you’re sad or happy or experiencing grief -
all different emotions. But to get from one note to another with feeling, this opening up
of the solar plexus is crucial. Because it’s always in the space between the notes that one
must learn to feel.141

Tuttle also mentioned that serious armoring often occurs in the genitals, and she was well known

for making purposefully shocking references to sex to help students let go in this area. She often

referenced jazz players to describe the desired body freedom.

Dubois, “Current Methods,” 184.
Ibid., 84.
Ibid., 185.
Weinberger, “Body and Soul,” 69.

A violist may try several different exercises when learning to connect emotionally with the

musical character of a piece. First, choose an emotion from the list (Fig. 4.1) and do your best to

make the corresponding facial expression while playing. Next, think of a life experience or

create a story that fits this emotion and try the exercise again. Third, locate the solar plexus by
! trying the following exercises:
Abandon! Buoyant! Grim! Terror! Lost!
Amiable! Twinkle! Tortured! Awe! Bleak! exhale slowly until all air is
Cry! Sprightly! Anguish! Reverence! Pensive!
Flirt! Frank! Torment! Torment! Stale! emptied from the torso; make a
Forthright! Rollick! Morose! Urgent! Tragic!
Frolic! Capricious! Stormy!! Anxious! Torment!
Gracious! Naïve! Frenzy! Ominous! Sad! deep belly laugh or sharp,
Languor! Peaceful! Complain! Shock! Longing!
Laughter! Effusive! Restless! Startled! Tortured!
Longing! Tickle! Agitated! Agitated! Stark!
forceful busts of air saying “ha”
Lust! Boisterous! Kvetch! Mystery! Cry!
Majestic! Inner!Joy! Rage! Ghostly! Supplicant! with one hand on the belly; and
Melancholy! Luminous! Snarl! Evil! Despair!
Noble! Whimsy! Madness! Pain! Doldrums!
Nostalgia! Exaltation! Frustrated! Beg! Plead! make a “ruarrgh” growling or
Passion! Ecstatic! Grouch! Timid! Wail!
Plead! Mischief! Fury! Apprehension! Shriek!
Quiet! Gay! Sarcastic! Suspense! Heartbreak!
moaning sound from deep inside
Rejoice! Vigor! Nettled! Grind! Prayer!
Sentimental! Comic! Irritated! Uneasy! Stagnant! while playing open strings or a
Supplicant! Sassy! Violent! Depressed! Yearning!
Tease! Caricature! Vehement! Panic! Agony!
Tender! Frolic! Fierce! Cold! Melancholy! simple scale. After locating this
! Buffoon! Crotchety! Ophelia! Death!toll!bell!
! Mimic! Cranky! Insane! Passion! spot, connect emotion and sound
! Elegant! Hate! Eerie! Noble!
! Wonder! Peevish! ! !
! Glory! Impatient! ! ! production to the solar plexus, the
! Flutter! Irascible! ! !
! Skittish! Provoke! ! ! ! pit of the stomach, or “gut” by
Figure 4.1. Karen Tuttle’s Emotion Chart. There are five basic categories,
each containing many different nuances. singing along while playing.

Finally, try playing a musical example with all mental and kinesthetic energy remaining centered

and focused on this spot.

b. Body Awareness

Tuttle’s teaching focused on using the body in a healthy way with minimal muscular

effort, ensuring that all motions match the musical context. A player must find a way to use

natural leverage by balancing and polarizing the forces of gravity and “counter-gravity.”142

Michelle LaCourse, another of Tuttle’s students who is now a prominent teacher in Boston,

created a body-awareness checklist that requires a player to monitor breathing, balance, right and

left hand technique, and mental state. She also mentions Yoga, Progressive Relaxation,

Feldenkreis, and Alexander Technique as useful tools for increasing body awareness.143

Although Tuttle herself did not follow these particular methods, she acknowledged that some

students find them very helpful. Susan Dubois’s Body Checklist, located in the appendix of her

dissertation, categorizes areas of focus into stance, balance, right and left hands, and bowing

motions.144 Dubois also recommends that teachers make use of video equipment so that students

can become aware of how they are using their bodies when nervousness and negative habits

become apparent in a performance setting. Body awareness is the first step in learning to play

without excessive tension. Students may initially walk around or move excessively in an effort

to release tension, but they must then learn to internalize the release motions or minimize them

into subtle swaying motions that are appropriate for the musical context.

Reiter-Bootiman, Heritage, 39.
LaCourse, “Body Awareness,” 49-53.
Dubois, “Current Methods,” 203-205.

! A violist may try the following

exercises, gleaned from Tuttle and her

students, for increasing body awareness

as part of “coordination” training. First,

learn basic anatomy from studying a

chart (Fig. 4.2)145 to increase awareness

about which muscles are used for

playing. Next, use a mirror to monitor

muscular usage while playing. Make

Figure 4.2. Human Anatomy (Reproduced from “Fitnwell,” accessed August 8, sure that the chest and armpits stay free
2012, http://www.fitnwell.net/exercises.htm)

and open and that large motions initiate from the back. Beware of extra muscle groups that

contract and participate in actions that should be reserved primarily for the large back muscles.

Try using a checklist to continuously scan the entire body while practicing in this way. Another

group of exercises are intended to minimize any interfering extraneous motions in the body and

to increase awareness and stability in the lower half of the body. Lean body parts against the

wall to eliminate extra motions, and plant the feet on two pieces of paper or stand on a chair

while playing to work on stability and awareness in the feet and legs. Finally, try body

awareness classes such as Yoga, Alexander Technique, Feldenkreis, or Progressive Relaxation to

further increase awareness skills. Tuttle acknowledged the unity of these methods, and several

of her students strongly continue to advocate for them.

“Fitnwell,” accessed August 8, 2012, http://www.fitnwell.net/exercises.htm.

c. Breathing

Michelle LaCourse also noted the importance of breathing for good coordinated playing

on the viola. She wrote, “The relationship between full breathing and virtually every function of

the body is indisputable. Fluid motion, manageable nerves, and good concentration are all

extremely dependent on healthy breathing.”146 Breathing is absolutely vital for sound production

and musical expression, but many students will hold their breaths or use shallow chest breathing

while playing. This problem usually intensifies during shifts, difficult passages, or in

performance situations where nerves may become a factor and a student stops breathing

normally as a reaction to fear, fright or anxiety. Students may learn to correct this problem by

singing before or pretending to sing while playing, allowing the ear to lead the voice which in

turn leads the hands. Singing while playing is also useful but must not become a crutch so that a

student forms the habit of singing or making guttural noises while playing. Like a singer, a

violist must learn to coordinate his/her breath with body motions and the musical phrasing,

enabling fluid expression and instinctive musicality to emerge. Susan Dubois recommends that

student smile while playing in order to encourage natural patterns of respiration. The chest, rib

cage, and middle section should not collapse during exhalation, but should remain open,

balanced and stable.147 Students may find more freedom and ease in breathing by walking

around while playing and then trying to replicate the same feeling with subtle rocking in a

stationary position.148

A violist who wishes to learn coordination must first breathe well, since movements

become jerky and uncoordinated and the tone sounds strained whenever breathing habits are

poor. Tuttle’s students recommend several breathing exercises in the pursuit of “coordination”

LaCourse, “Body Awareness,” 49.
Dubois, “Current Methods,” 44.
Ibid., 45.

on the viola. First, practice open strings and simple scales while coordinating exhalations with

down bows and inhalations with up bows. Second, monitor exhalations while playing, regulating

a consistent air stream as if singing. Third, play while hissing. Next, sing while performing the

bowings with the right arm in the air. Finally, count aloud, talk or smile while playing to

encourage regular, natural breathing patterns.

Since “coordination” is an abstract concept, a violist must approach it from all angles and

work on each category independently. After the student exhibits a basic understanding and some

mastery in each area, the teacher will help him/her integrate all of these ideas so that

“coordination” can occur. Most students are ready for this training at the college level if they

have good technical fundamentals in place.

d. Intensity and “Re-pull”

Tuttle’s students are known for producing a big, rich sound that keeps its clarity and core

even within a soft dynamic. Quality and volume are both important for good sound production;

the student must eliminate excess tension and use only natural weight so that s/he can play freely

and musically with uninhibited shifting and vibrato actions.149 Proper sound production is

achieved by pulling the bow towards the bridge with appropriate speed and weight, scooping out

each up-bow to get the string vibrating fully. Tuttle developed a unique technique that she

named “re-pull” that was already described in some detail in the section on right hand technique.

Simply stated, the “re-pull” enables the violist to release into the depth of his/her core sound and

to sustain the sound all of the way to the tip by supinating the right hand towards the pinky near

the balance point of the bow. The effect is that long notes are no longer straight tones, but they

are filled-up with emotional and rhythmical content. The added intensity occurs after the first

third of the down-bow due to forearm supination, a slower bow speed, and responsive vibrato
Ibid., 87-88.  

action. This is accompanied by a melting feeling as the bow sinks further into the string with a

release in the lower back, knees, and pelvis. The change in timbre is like the sound when a

singer opens an “oh” vowel to an “ah” without changing in dynamic.

There are several exercises that will help a

violist learn to sink into the string with a “re-pull” !

action. First, use the photo provided as a model (Fig.

4.3) for a correct “re-pull” hand position. Next, stop

the down-bow after the first third of the stroke, and

supinate the right hand using the tug-of-war exercise,

pulling the bow in the opposite direction with the left

hand. After learning a segmented “re-pull” motion in

this way, take out the pauses for a continuous down-

bow motion. Notice a melting or sinking sensation,

saying “ha” or “ah” and allowing the knees to bend

Figure 4.3. Re-pull Demonstrated by Kim Kashkashian.
Reproduced by permission from Reiter, 45.
slightly when the “re-pull” occurs. Susan Dubois

describes the sensation as relaxing into a Jacuzzi that seemed much too hot initially, and Karen

Ritscher describes it as finally finding a bathroom when in desperate need of one. The bow

speed slows slightly as the sound deepens in core. When the “re-pull” is continuous and the

whole body has learned to participate in the sinking sensation, try adding the left hand. Observe

how the vibrato responds sympathetically to the change in timbre provided by the “re-pull.” The

vibrato intensifies to match the depth and core in the sustained sound.

e. Articulation, Groupings, and “Over the Bow”

Tuttle’s overarching idea of balance requires that any tension must be followed by a

musical or physical release. The accompanying physical release motion to the intensifying “re-

pull” action is called “over the bow.” In the lower third of the bow, a violist uses “re-pull” to

intensify or sustain a big sound and then employs “over the bow” as a release gesture. “Over the

bow” occurs approximately in the upper third of the bow, the location where many violists tend

to press out of fear of the bow change or in an excessive effort to sustain sound. When

approaching the tip, the violist should tilt the head back slightly as if nodding and saying, “aha.”

It may be useful to think of getting out of the way of the bow, cuing the up-bow, or making a

whiplash movement in response to the action of the right hand. The effect of “over the bow” is

an increase in bow speed, a neck release, an exhalation, and a smooth bow change at the tip.

Just as the musical feeling of “re-pull” applies to long tones (especially when dotted or

tied), an “over the bow” feeling pertains to groups of notes that occur as a release between strong

beats. Note-groupings are very important for articulation and timing within a phrase: they allow

for small inflections and nuances to become audible while the phrase remains long and coherent.

Groupings decompose a difficult passage into a series of easy ones, making it musically clear to

both the performer and the listener.


Figure 4.4. Over the Bow - Kim Kashkashian demonstrates a neck release.
Reproduced by permission from Reiter, 49-50.
There are several exercises that students may practice while developing the skills and

understanding necessary for the neck release gesture known as “over the bow.” First, refer to the

photo provided (Fig. 4.4) of Kim Kashkashian, one of Tuttle’s students, before and after the neck

release motion. Try to imitate both positions of the head and neck. Secondly, make fast détaché

right arm motions in the air and notice how the head bobbles in response. Purposefully stiffen

the neck and notice how the right arm motion becomes much more labored. In the third exercise,

the teacher must surprise the student by yanking his/her arm, pointing out the whiplash motion in

his/her head. Try this exercise at the mirror so that the student may observe the head motion.

Next, sing a pitch and note how the head tilts back when ascending to a pitch one octave higher.

After developing a full understanding of the head motion and a kinesthetic awareness of the neck

release gesture, practice the bow change in the upper 1/3 of the bow, tilting the head back, saying

“uh- huh,” and tracing a circular pattern with the bow during the change. Prepare for up-bows as

if cueing in chamber music. After isolating and practicing the neck release as a technique

employed during a bow change, try applying the concept to a larger musical example. Find the

large pulse in a musical excerpt and play the small notes as pick-up notes belonging to each beat.

The image of a roller coaster or bouncing pulse may be helpful. Walking while playing or

clapping large circles in the air while singing will also facilitate this concept.

The concepts of “re-pull” and “over the bow” are essential to Tuttle’s understanding of

tension and release in music as both physical and musical gestures that organize a passage.

Together with breathing, body awareness, and an emotional connection to the musical character,

a student with good technical fundamentals will have all of the tools necessary for achieving

“coordination” and can begin to integrate all of these skills to become a performing artist who

communicates with mature musical expression.

f. “Coordination:” How All of These Things Work Together

“Coordination” is Tuttle’s overarching word for the manner in which all of these

techniques work together to create a fully integrated musical performance. A technical

definition, provided by Tuttle’s student Dubois, is as follows: “[coordination is] the relationship

between the horizontal movement of the bow and the instrument, and discrete movements of the

neck, shoulders, chest, and pelvis.”150 However, “coordination” is most significant because of its

musical purpose: it permits the inner excitement of the performer to be transmitted into the sound

that s/he is producing, making nuances audible with small changes in dynamics and intensity.

Dubois, “Current Methods,” 87.

“Coordination” breathes life into the music and enables the player to transmit emotion directly

through the sound.151

After a violist has mastered all of the exercises provided in the previous section, s/he may

begin to work on “coordination,” combining all of the new skills while working on a short,

lyrical, and expressive musical example. Tuttle preferred to use Brahms’ Sonata No. 2 in E-flat

(Fig. 4.5) and Schubert’s “Arpeggione” (Fig. 4.6) to illustrate the combined concepts of “re-pull”

and “over the bow” applied to a musical example. The intensifying moments of “re-pull” on

long or tied notes are marked with R, and the release gestures of “over the bow” are marked with

a horizontal s-shaped symbol.

Dew, “In Response,” 835.

Figure 4.5. Karen Tuttle’s Markings in Brahms Sonata No. 2 in E-flat. Reproduced by permission from Reiter, 67.

Figure 4.6. Karen Tuttle’s Markings in Schubert’s “Arpeggione” Sonata. Reproduced by permission from Reiter, 38.

After studying the musical examples provided, choreograph these movements into the

music, practicing the techniques of “re-pull” and “over the bow” in a musical context and using

them to improve sound production as well as grouping and timing within each phrase. Next,

revisit some of the exercises for developing emotional connection to the musical character, body

awareness, and breathing in the context of the same musical example. Go through the steps of

choosing a musical character word for each musical example, locating the solar plexus and using

method-acting skills to express it. Use a mirror and body-awareness skills to monitor muscular

use while playing each example. Finally, mark in places to breathe or say “ha,” and practice

counting, hissing, or singing to regulate airflow. All of these exercises integrate technical skills

and musical expression, but ultimately the artist must learn to do these things instinctively.

Spend enough time cycling through all of the steps provided until they begin to feel comfortable

and natural. Then, try the following exercises to return to simplicity and ease: imitate a singer

while playing and strive for the loose, easy groove of a great jazz player in the musical pulse.

g. Problems with Teaching “Coordination”

We would be remiss if we did not also consider potential problems for teaching

“coordination” to students. Because the concept of release is somewhat abstract, many of the

exercises are heavily dependent on imagery. Each individual experiences release in a different

way, and it could be difficult for a teacher to communicate this in a concrete, technical way for

introducing the concept to a beginner. Much like a vocal pedagogue, the viola teacher must lead

by analogy and example and rely on changes in sound for feedback while teaching


Another potential problem may occur if a student has any tension or discomfort that is

caused by a technical weakness. A teacher will remain focused on remedial technical training

and the student will be preoccupied with getting through the piece until enough technical

fundamentals are in place to address the specifics of “coordination” and musical expression. In

this case, it would be useful for the teacher to return to Rolland’s exercises for remedial work

before introducing Tuttle’s ideas.

If a student understands the concept of release and has the basic technical fundamentals,

“coordination” could still pose a problem if the student lacks musical imagination. It could be

useful to encourage the student to attend concerts, listen to great players, or create a narrative to

go along with a piece of music, but this can only create suggestions as a general guide. In this

case, the student has the physical capacity for “coordination,” but as stated by Dr. Dew in his

articles about Tuttle’s system of “coordination,” it is rather like putting wings on a potato.152

This is part of the reason for Tuttle’s insistence that her students live richly and feel emotions

fully, so that they may learn to know themselves and return to music with something to express.

Dew, “Part 2: Instinctive Response,” 68.

The final, perhaps most serious barrier, is emotional inhibition where the student feels

passion and musical expression, but the pathway to the instrument is blocked. It could be that

the student has an anxious nature and is disturbed or frightened by the occurrence of release,

which s/he views as a threat. In this case, the student’s playing may seem flat or boring.

Alternatively, s/he may aggressively scratch at the instrument, trying to force the instrument

rather than caress it to respond. Students with emotional inhibition may also have muscular

tension due to problems in the inner life. Although the teacher sometimes assumes the role of

counselor, friend, or confidante, the teacher “will not attempt to handle with teaching that which

really requires a therapist.”153 In some cases, the student needs counseling more than a viola

lesson and the teacher must tread with caution when encountering emotional problems.

Ibid., 68.


After a brief survey of the history of viola pedagogy, Paul Rolland and Karen Tuttle

emerged as prominent contemporary pedagogues with a similar emphasis on naturalness and

freedom of motion. I provided a brief biography for each and then analyzed their teachings in

regards to basic idea, posture, right arm and left arm. Some of Rolland’s exercises from Action

Studies were interspersed to provide the viola teacher with examples of this resource, useful for

developing these fundamentals or correcting faults in students in order that they may be prepared

for additional studies in Tuttle’s “coordination” system. I then set forth a group of studies

modeled after the format of Rolland’s Action Studies that the viola teacher may use for exploring

Tuttle’s “coordination” ideas and training musical expression in students.

Tuttle’s “coordination” system is useful for teaching artistry and expression, especially if

the student has passion within as well as the capacity to release. The “Coordination” Studies that

I have provided in this document make these ideas available and accessible to other teachers,

with concrete exercises for developing each technique in a teaching situation. When combined

with proper technical fundamentals that can be established by the use of Rolland’s Action

Studies, a viola teacher can use these two systems to train students as complete artists with

sufficient technical and expressive skills.

Additional research may include a trial of the Action Studies and “Coordination” Studies

used together as a comprehensive method for teaching technique and musicality. The method

could be tested by a group of participating viola teachers in private lesson and group class

situations with students at various ages and ability levels. The studies could be further refined

and edited after receiving feedback from the trials. Additional teacher resources, such as an

accompanying video and manual, could be produced to further illustrate the Tuttle

“coordination” ideas. The materials would provide teacher training in the same way that the

Teaching of Action manual and video series provides in depth teacher training in Rolland’s ideas

and methods.


Arazi, Ishaq. “ ‘Pied Piper’ of Urbana.” American String Teacher (Summer 1969): 12-17.

Barnes, Gregory, ed. Playing and Teaching the Viola: A Comprehensive Guide to the Central
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The University of Alabama Press, 1978.

Behrens, Hilary. “Paul Rolland Interviewed by Hilary Behrens, July 1977.” The Strad 89, no.
1066 (1979): 961-971.

Dane, Matthew. “Coordinated Effort: A Study of Karen Tuttle’s Influence On Modern Viola
Teaching.” DMA diss., Rice University, 2002.

Dew, Robert. “In Response to Instinct – Karen Tuttle’s Insights into the Coordinated Action – Its
Mechanisms, Articulation, And Prerequisites” The Strad 104, no. 1241 (September
1993): 835-838.

________. “The Coodinated Action, Part 2: Instinctive Responses.” Journal of the American
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a. Letters of Permission
August 28, 2012

Lauren Burns
1616 Beauford Pl
Valdosta, GA 31602

August 28, 2012 Action Studies: Developmental and Remedial Techniques, Violin and Viola by Paul Rolland

Dear Ms.Burns
1616 Beauford Pl
We herebyGA 31602
grant permission for you to include excerpts from the above referenced publication in your dissertation for
the University of Alabama. As we assume you will not distribute your paper beyond that which is required for the
degree, no fee is payable.
RE: Action Studies: Developmental and Remedial Techniques, Violin and Viola by Paul Rolland
We do require that you include the following copyright notice immediately following the music examples:
Dear Ms. Burns:
Action Studies: Developmental and Remedial Techniques, Violin and Viola by Paul Rolland
We hereby grant permission © forCopyright
you to include
1975excerpts from the
by the Illinois above
String referenced
Research publication in your dissertation for
the University of Alabama. As we assume you will not
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Alabama. Should you wish to
place your paper elsewhere you will have to contact us in advance as a royalty may be payable.
Action Studies: Developmental and Remedial Techniques, Violin and Viola by Paul Rolland
© Copyright 1975 by the Illinois String Research Association
With kind regards, Boosey & Hawkes, Sole Agent
BOOSEY & HAWKES, INC. Reprinted by Permission.

Permission is also granted to deposit a physical copy with the library at the University of Alabama. Should you wish to
place your paper elsewhere you will have to contact us in advance as a royalty may be payable.

With kind regards,

John White
Copyright Administration, Associate

John White
Copyright Administration, Associate

Boosey & Hawkes, Inc.

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Telephone (212) 358 5300 Fax (212) 489 6637
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Boosey & Hawkes, Inc.

229 West 28th Street, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10001
Telephone (212) 358 5300 Fax (212) 489 6637
Tax ID: 11-1590300

To: Emmanuela Reiter Reference: photos in Karen Tuttle’s Heritage
Date: August 9, 2012

I am writing to request permission to print the following material:

Author/Title/Date of publication:
Emmanuela Reiter/ Karen Tuttle’s Heritage: The Theory and Parctice of Co-ordination/2008

Pages as they appear in your publication:

• Photo  of  left  hand,  p  11  
• Photo  of  Karen  Tuttle’s  bow  hold  (bottom),  p  23  
• Arpeggione  excerpt  with  markings,  p  38  
• Photo  of  re-­‐pull,  p  45  
• Photo  before  neck  release,  p  49  
• Neck  release  photo,  p  50  
• Brahms  E-­‐flat  excerpt  with  markings,  p  67  

Other identifying information and remarks:

This material is to appear as originally published (any changes or deletions are noted on the reverse side of this
letter) in the following work which the University of Alabama Press is presently preparing for publication:

Author (Editor)/Title: Lauren Burns/”Coordinated Action in String Playing: A Comparative

Study of the Teachings of Paul Rolland and Karen Tuttle”

Proposed date of publication: Spring 2013

Remarks: DMA document at the University of Alabama

I request nonexclusive world rights, including electronic rights, but only as part of my volume, in all languages, for
all editions, and in all media. In addition, I ask permission for the Univ. of Alabama Press to include the
illustrations in connection with advertising and promoting the book.

If you are the copyright holder, may I have your permission to reprint the above material in my book? If you do not
indicate otherwise, I will use the usual scholarly form of acknowledgment, including publisher, author, title, etc.

If you are not the copyright holder, or if additional permission is needed for world rights from another source, please
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Thank you for your consideration of this request. A duplicate copy of this form is enclosed for your convenience.

Sincerely yours,

The above request is hereby approved on the conditions specified below, and on the understanding that full credit
will be given to the source.


From: Emmanuella Reiter <violaaholic@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Karen Tuttle book
Date: August 8, 2012 3:30:03 PM EDT
To: Lauren Burns <elaurenburns@gmail.com>Hi Lauren,

Thanks for your email. That's fine for you to use my photos as long as you credit me.
Best of luck with your dissertation.

Best wishes,


Sent from my iPad

On 7 Aug 2012, at 18:12, Lauren Burns <elaurenburns@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello Emmanuella,
I have enjoyed reading your book and watching the DVD, and I was wondering if I could have
permission to reproduce some of the photos from the book in my doctoral dissertation. I'm not
sure about the process for this since it looks like you copyrighted the material yourself...please
let me know if you do. Thanks for your help!
Lauren Burns


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