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Shop Detail Drawing Presentation

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AASHTO/NSBA Steel Bridge Collaboration

G 1.3 - 2002

Shop Detail Drawing Presentation Guidelines

AASHTO/NSBA Steel Bridge Collaboration







This document is a standard developed by the AASHTO/NSBA Steel Bridge Collaboration. The
primary goal of the Collaboration is to achieve steel bridges of the highest quality and value
through standardization of the design, fabrication, and erection processes. Each standard
represents the consensus of a diverse group of professionals.

As consensus documents, the Collaboration standards represent the best available current
approach to the processes they cover. It is intended that Owners adopt and implement
Collaboration standards in their entirety to facilitate the achievement of standardization, but it is
understood that local statutes or preferences may prevent full adoption for some. In such cases
Owners should adopt these documents with the exceptions they feel are necessary.

All data, specifications, suggested practices presented herein, are based on the best available
information and delineated in accordance with recognized professional engineering principles and
practices, and are published for general information only. Procedures and products, suggested or
discussed, should not be used without first securing competent advice respecting their suitability for
any given application.

Publication of the material herein is not to be construed as a warranty on the part of the American
Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) or the National Steel Bridge
Alliance (NSBA) - or that of any person named herein - that these data and suggested practices are
suitable for any general or particular use, or of freedom from infringement on any patent or patents.
Further, any use of these data or suggested practices can only be made with the understanding that
neither AASHTO nor NSBA makes any warranty of any kind respecting such use and the user assumes
all liability arising therefrom.

AASHTO Publication No: SDDP-1


Voting Members


President: James C. Codell III, Kentucky

Vice President: Tom Stephens, Nevada

Secretary-Treasurer: Larry King, Pennsylvania

Regional Representatives:

REGION I: Carol Murray, New Hampshire, One-Year Term

Patricia McDonald, Vermont, Two-Year Term

REGION II: Fred Van Kirk, West Virginia, One-Year Term

Whitting Clement, Virginia, Two-Year Term

REGION III: Henry Hungerbeeler, Missouri, One-Year Term

Mark Wandro, Iowa, Two-Year Term

REGION IV: Mike Behrens, Texas, One-Year Term

Sleeter Dover, Wyoming, Two-Year Term

Non-Voting Members

Immediate Past President: Dan Flowers, Arkansas

AASHTO Executive Director: John Horsley, Washington, D.C.

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Tom Lulay, Oregon, Chairman

Sandra Larson, Vice Chairman
James D. Cooper, Federal Highway Administration, Secretary

ALABAMA, William F. Conway, George H. Connor PUERTO RICO, Jamie Cabre

ALASKA, Richard A. Pratt RHODE ISLAND, Kazem Farhoumand
ARIZONA, F. Daniel Davis SOUTH CAROLINA, Randy R. Cannon, Jeff Sizemore
CALIFORNIA, Richard Land TENNESSEE, Ed Wasserman
COLORADO, Mark A. Leonard TEXAS, Mary Lou Ralls
CONNECTICUT, Gordon Barton U.S. DOT, Nick E. Mpras
DELAWARE, Doug Finney, Dennis O’Shea UTAH, David Nazare
D.C., Donald Cooney VERMONT, James McCarthy
FLORIDA, William N. Nickas VIRGINIA, Malcolm T. Kerley
GEORGIA, Paul Liles, Brian Summers WASHINGTON, Jerry Weigel, Tony M. Allen
HAWAII, Paul Santo WEST VIRGINIA, James Sothen
IDAHO, Matthew M. Farrar WISCONSIN, Stanley W. Woods
ILLINOIS, Ralph E. Anderson WYOMING, Gregg C. Fredrick, Keith R. Fulton
INDIANA, Mary Jo Hamman ALBERTA, Dilip K. Dasmohapatra, Bob Ramsey
IOWA, Norman L. McDonald MANITOBA, Ismail Elkholy
KENTUCKY, Stephen E. Goodpaster John C. Pangalinan
LOUISIANA, Hossein Ghara, Mark J. Morvant NEW BRUNSWICK, David Cogswell
MAINE, James E. Tukey NORTHAMPTON, R. T. Hughes
MASSACHUSETTS, Alexander K. Bardow NOVA SCOTIA, Alan MacRae, Mark Pert
MICHIGAN, Steve Beck ONTARIO, Vacant
MINNESOTA, Dan Dorgan, Kevin Western SASKATCHEWAN, Hervé Bachelu
MISSISSIPPI, Harry Lee James MASS. METRO. DIST. COMM., David Lenhardt
MISSOURI, Shyam Gupta N.J. TURNPIKE AUTHORITY, Richard Raczynski
NEBRASKA, Lyman D. Freemon William Moreau
NEVADA, William C. Crawford, Jr. PORT AUTHORITY OF N.Y. AND N.J.,
NEW HAMPSHIRE, Mark Richardson Joseph J. Kelly, Joseph Zitelli
NEW MEXICO, Jimmy D. Camp COMMAND, Robert D. Franz
NEW YORK, James O'Connell, George A. Christian U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS-
NORTH DAKOTA, Terry Udland Paul C. T. Tan
OHIO, Timothy Keller U.S. COAST GUARD, Jacob Patnaik
OREGON, Mark E. Hirota FOREST SERVICE, Nelson Hernandez
PENNSYLVANIA, R. Scott Christie

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Shop Detail Drawing Presentation Guidelines

Table of Contents
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1
Standard Abbreviations ................................................................................................................... 2
Section 1: Preferred Uniform Procedures ....................................................................................... 3
1.1 Shop Drawing Format ...................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Shop Drawing Numbering System................................................................................... 3
1.3 Shop Detail Drawing Numbering Sequence .................................................................... 4
1.4 Marking System for Shipping Pieces ............................................................................... 5
Section 2: Calculation Plan ............................................................................................................. 6
Section 3: Typical Layouts.............................................................................................................. 8
Section 4: General Shop Notes...................................................................................................... 10
4.1 Specifications ................................................................................................................. 10
4.2 Material .......................................................................................................................... 10
4.3 Fabrication and Workmanship ....................................................................................... 10
4.4 Shop Welding and Testing Notes................................................................................... 10
4.5 Shop Cleaning and Painting Notes................................................................................. 10
4.6 Optional Details Which May Appear on GN1 ............................................................... 11
Section 5: Web Camber................................................................................................................. 13
Section 6: Flange Splicing Diagram.............................................................................................. 18
6.1 Straight Girders .............................................................................................................. 18
6.2 Curved Girders ............................................................................................................... 18
Section 7: Horizontal Curve Diagram........................................................................................... 20
Section 8: Girder Standards........................................................................................................... 22
8.1 Stiffeners and Connection Plates.................................................................................... 22
8.2 Field Splices - Option 1.................................................................................................. 22
8.3 Field Splices – Option 2 ................................................................................................. 23
Section 9: Crossframe Standards................................................................................................... 27
Section 10: Erection Framing Plan................................................................................................ 29
10.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 29
10.2 Field Bolt List................................................................................................................. 29
10.3 Field Bolt Summary ....................................................................................................... 29
Section 11: Shop Assembly Diagram............................................................................................ 32
11.1 Shop Assembly Diagram................................................................................................ 32
11.2 Vertical Blocking Diagram ............................................................................................ 32
11.3 Plan View Blocking Diagram ........................................................................................ 32
Section 12: Girder Details ............................................................................................................. 34
Section 13: Crossframe Details ..................................................................................................... 40
Commentary .................................................................................................................................. 45

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The presentations shown in these Guidelines are based on a general consensus and are not
intended to be binding on any Fabricator. Since fabrication drawings have information on them
based on each Fabricator's equipment and fabrication processes, they may vary from the
drawings shown.
At this time, for the purpose of presentation, metric dimensions have been used on all of the shop
detail drawings. English dimensions shall be used if specified in the contract documents.
Regardless of the system used, the presentation shown would apply to either metric or English

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Shop Detail Drawing Presentation Guidelines

Standard Abbreviations

BRG Bearing
BTS Bolt To Ship
CL Centerline
CVN Charpy V-Notch Testing
DA Drill Assembled
DEV Developed
DT Drilling Template
DOR Direction Of Rolling
DWG Drawing
FCM Fracture Critical Member Or Fracture Critical Material
FCW Fracture Critical Weld
FLG Flange
FS Far Side Or Field Splice
FWS Field Weld Shrinkage
HCL Horizontal Control Line
MK Mark
MATL Material
MT Magnetic Particle Ndt
NC Numerical Control
NDT Nondestructive Testing
NS Near Side
N.T.S. Not To Scale
OBG Orthotropic Box Girder
OPP. Opposite
PC Point Of Curvature
PCC Point Of Compound Curve
PT Point Of Tangency
R Radius
RA Ream Assembled
RT Radiographic Ndt
SECT. Section
STIFF. Stiffener
U.N. Unless Noted
UT Ultrasonic Ndt
WP Work Point
WS Weld Shrinkage
WT Wrench Tight Bolts (Snug Tight)

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Shop Detail Drawing Presentation Guidelines

Section 1
Preferred Uniform Procedures
1.1 Shop Drawing Format
1.1.1 Sheet Size and Layout
• The sheet size should be 610 mm x 915 mm (24” x 36”) with a 38 to 50 mm (11/2”
to 2”) border on left edge and a 12 mm (1/2”) border on the other 3 sides.
• Title block to be as required by Fabricator, contain all the required information as
specified by the Owner and located in the lower right of drawing.
• Allow ample open space near the title block for approval review stamps. Normal
size should be 50 mm x 25 mm (2” x 1”) for full size sheets and an appropriate
size for reduced size sets.
1.1.2 Line Weights and Text
• Object lines to be shown with approximately 0.70 mm width lines and dimensional
lines shown with approximately 0.30 mm width lines.
• Text to be a minimum of 2.8 mm in height and be in block form with a line weight
of 0.35 mm. Text must be legible when reduced to half size prints. (Detailing
reference information may be shown smaller.)
• Upper case is generally used for all text except shop assembly piece marks, which
are usually shown in lower case.
1.1.3 Drawing Medium
• Electronic files for approval and final distribution to be in either TIFF or PDF
format based on prior agreement with Reviewer and Owner.
• Hard copy approval to be half size paper prints. Full size if required by
specification. (half size preferred)
• Final hard copy distribution to be per specification: paper, vellum, film or
microfilm. Electronic files on a CD is preferred and may be utilized upon mutual
1.2 Shop Drawing Numbering System
For Type of Drawing
Prefix Contents Description
Worksheets (calculation and layouts used to prepare shop drawings;
not to be reviewed as shop fabrication drawings)
Typical details and layouts (details and layouts to prepare shop
drawings; not to be reviewed as shop fabrication drawings)
General shop notes and typical details (lists appropriate notes for
welding, paint, etc.)
BG Basic girder diagrams (web and flange cutting diagrams)
WC Web camber details (camber cutting and splicing of webs)
Flange splicing details (assembly and splicing of flanges). Web to
FS flange welds may be shown here, on WC drawing, or on girder detail
Field work sheets (used to obtain field dimensions and/or show
required fieldwork, including field reaming and drilling)
Horizontal curve diagrams (final line curve diagrams per piece with
horizontal ordinates shown)
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Prefix Contents Description

Girder job standards (parts details for I girders, box girders and tub
Z Stringer job standards
Miscellaneous job standards (parts details, rolled beams, cross frames,
diaphragms, etc.)
Sub-assemblies (parts, shop or field assembled, as units prior to
SB or SD
incorporating into a shipping piece or the structure)
Anchor bolt plans, field bolt and erection framing plans (location of
shipping piece marks). Note: these are not erection procedure plans.
SA Shop assembly diagrams (line assembly reaming, unit assembly, etc.)
1 thru... Details of girders, cross frames, stringers, diaphragms, etc.
SP Shipping procedures (detailed procedure to ship unique pieces)
Welding procedures (used to show required welding procedures; to be
submitted and approved separately from shop detail drawings)
Note: Prefix typically followed by numerical identification 1,2,3, etc.

1.3 Shop Detail Drawing Numbering Sequence

There should be a logical sequence in shop detail drawings that will aid the reviewer and
shop personnel. The approval review process will be expedited if all structure drawings are
organized in a common sequence. The prefixed drawings should be located within sets in
the order shown in Section 1.2.
Numbered drawings should be sequenced similarly to the following example:

Description Drawing No.

Bearing Details 1
Girders 2G1A 2AC, 2BC, 2C*
3G2A 3
4G3A 4
5G4A 5
6G1B 6
7G2B 7
8G3B 8
9G4B 9
Cross Frames, Diaphragms & other Misc. 10
*Use letters as suffix when details require more than one drawing.
NOTE: Certain projects may require deviation from the Shop Detail Drawing Numbering
System Sequence, dependent upon the Fabricator's requirements. Also, WS, TD, GN, WC
& FS drawings may be prepared and submitted [with other necessary sheets/information (E
& WP)] prior to balance of detail drawings on large projects in order to begin with
fabrication of these pieces. Partial submittals must be complete enough to allow checkers
to adequately cross-reference information and avoid requiring later re-checking.

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1.4 Marking System for Shipping Pieces

Identifier Description
G Girder (member built up of plates for flanges & web)
BG Box Girder (closed box member)
TG Tub Girder (open box member)
S Stringer (rolled beam member)
Diaphragm (single rolled shape between main members or built
up plate type)
Cross Frame (built-up member between main members made up
CF, K, X
of rolled shapes such as wide flange sections, channels or angles)
L or LB Lateral Bracing (all horizontal plane, diagonal bracing)
MS Miscellaneous (shipping pieces not in any other group)
Deck Units (usually railroad bridge floor beams with plates
AB Anchor Bolts
BP Bronze Plate
BR Brackets (cantilever type)
EB Elastomeric Bearing
FB or B Floorbeams (rolled beam or built-up I-girder)
PP Preformed Pad
LP Leveling Plate
MP Masonry Plate
P Pin
RP Rocker Plate
SP Sole Plate
W Washer
Weld Detail Drawing (for use on complex structures with many
weld details)
Fracture critical pieces may be prefixed ‘F’, such as FG, FBG, FTG, etc. This is optional
and may be used by a Fabricator to differentiate this material. The above letters may be
prefixed with the sheet number on which the piece is detailed, serving as a self-indexing
system, and suffixed with a numerical identification. Longitudinal main members shall be
suffixed A, B, C, etc. in addition to their numerical suffix. See sheets WS1 and E1 for

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Section 2
Calculation Plan
(SHT No. WS1, page 7)

• Show the horizontal/geometric control line (HCL) with all defining points (e.g., PT, PC,
PCC), azimuths and radii as applicable along with skew angle to bearing line.
• Indicate the stations for the intersections of the centerlines of bearings and the
• Show dimensions for center to center of bearing along the HCL in a horizontal
• Dimension the sloping length (along centerline of member) from field splice to
field splice and crossframe to crossframe with corrections made for geometric
camber. Note if correction for dead load camber has been made to the
• Show transverse dimensions for center to center of girders in a horizontal plane.
• Indicate the direction of NORTH relative to the structure.
• Show value and direction of crossframe drops with arrow pointing towards low
end of member. Label designation of crossframe as per contract drawings.
• Indicate the type of bearing at each support (i.e., fixed, expansion).
• Label field splices (e.g., FS1, FS2), piers, abutments and span numbers.
• Show grade of member at bearings and direction of grade (positive numbers for
uphill grades left to right and negative numbers for downhill grades).
• Show elevation view of girders when required to fully define dimensions.
• Crossframe drops (difference in elevations) can be either given in their final
(fully deflected) position or in a cambered (or erected) position. The camber
position could be with all of the camber included or partial dead load camber
after steel deadload deflection occurs. The Engineer should specify this value.
This is extremely important on skewed or curved bridges where a different
camber and deadload deflections exists between adjacent girders.

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Section 3
Typical Layouts
(SHT No. TD1, page 9)

• Typical layouts are used to coordinate the geometry of connections that appear
throughout the structure. Field splices are not generally shown on these sheets.
• Illustrate crossframes with the side that requires the most welding as the near side.
Indicate whether this is up or down station or the direction looking (such as “Looking
East”). Welds are not required to be shown here. (See crossframe details)
• Assign and label location of work points (WP) controlling the geometry of the crossframe.
Crossframe WPs should be kept on the crossframe. Establish new fabrication WPs that are
on the crossframe if the design drawings specifically indicate WPs not located on the
• Dimension horizontal distance from center to center of girders.
• Show the horizontal distance from centerline of girder to the first vertical row of holes in
the connection plate, and horizontal spacing of the rows of holes in the connection plate.
• Indicate depths of girder webs.
• Show the vertical dimensions along the centerline of girder web for crossframe: WP to WP
and connection plate hole spacing.
• Indicate thickness and width of crossframe connection plates, gussets and fill plates,
along with the size of all rolled shapes.
• Provide the AASHTO and/or ASTM specification for the material.
• Note bolt and hole diameters.
• Show edge distances on crossframe components.

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Section 4
General Shop Notes
(SHT No. GN1, page 12)
A general note sheet must be made for all bridge contracts. It lists the specifications and
requirements for fabrication, material, shop procedure, inspection, cleaning and painting, and
shows standard details required for the particular structure. Notes are not intended to be all-
inclusive, and compliance with relevant specifications remains a requirement.

4.1 Specifications
List the appropriate documents that pertain to the structure and any provisions that may
modify them. These typically include AASHTO, state and AWS specifications. If there
are multiple edition dates for a particular specification or code stipulate the relevant version
used in preparing shop drawings.

4.2 Material
• Identify the ASTM/AASHTO material specifications for the main and secondary
members, bolts and shear studs. If thin fills are required and when A709M/M270 bridge
steel is not available, alternate equivalent materials may need to be proposed for the
Owners acceptance (e.g., ASTM A606).
• For CVN or FCM testing provide the zone, energy and frequency that corresponds to the
grade and thickness of the material to be used.
• Specify whether the shear studs are to be shop or field applied.
• Note if the bolts are to be rotational capacity tested in shop, field and/or before delivery.
4.3 Fabrication and Workmanship
• Provide requirements for making re-entrant cuts.
• Indicate reaming or drilling procedures.
• Define Fabricator terms or identifiers (i.e., “DA”, “DT”, ”RA”, etc.).
• The remainder of this section is Fabricator/Owner dependant. Additional information
shall be provided as necessary to eliminate repetitive notes or procedures on the actual
detail drawings. In the example, the shop has provided a note prohibiting or taking
exception to the use of the weights shown on the detail drawings for lifting or shipping
• A field splice plate match-marking scheme is necessary if the splice plates are reamed or
drilled assembled. An additional match-marking scheme is shown on the shop assembly
drawings addressing like-marking of plates when CNC drilled holes are used.
4.4 Shop Welding and Testing Notes
• Indicate the welding processes that may be utilized during fabrication of the structure.
• Define the specifications that control the welding procedures.
• Identify the type and extent of non-destructive testing and specifications required. Define
the location and terms for each test (e.g., radiograph tension flange plate splices 100%
and compression flange plate splices 25%)
4.5 Shop Cleaning and Painting Notes
• Identify the specifications for performing blast cleaning and any applicable profile
requirements or time limits between blasting and priming.

10 @Seismicisolation
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• For structures that are to be completely or partially painted, the specifications should be
given (e.g., State DOT supplemental provision 123). Indicate the type of paint, paint
system, areas of no paint/mist coats and color for painted structures.
• For structures with complicated painting requirements, painting details and notes may be
shown on a separate paint sheet (P1).
4.6 Optional Details Which May Appear on GN1
• For web or flange shop splices, the appropriate ANSI/AASHTO/AWS weld designation
should be shown. When consumables must match weathering characteristics of
unpainted steel, they shall be noted. Special weld details may be shown on this drawing
on complex structures with special weld details. If there are many special details a 'WD'
drawing may be provided.
• Weld termination details for stiffener/crossframe connection plates and other typical
welds are to be given.
• Identify the spacing, size, method and testing required for shop installed shear studs.

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Section 5
Web Camber
(SHT No. WC1 – WC4, pages 14 - 17)

Note: These drawings may illustrate webs and flanges, as shown, or just webs
• Show camber ordinates at equal spaces or spaces per Fabricator request relative to a
baseline. The baseline should go through the end points of the web plate at the bottom,
unless the web plate is haunched or tapered, then take the baseline through the top end
• On web camber diagrams with an end overhang or simple span web cambers, baseline
should go through the centerline of bearing(s).
• Show end overhang and centerlines of bearing (if applicable).
• Show top and bottom dimensions and end cuts relative to the baseline.
• Show dimension from end of web plate to centerline of bearing along baseline at both top
and bottom of the web plate for web plates that go over a pier bearing. Or, as an option,
baseline could be shown from end to end of the girder.
• Show camber ordinates perpendicular to the baseline. If required for final dimensional
accuracy, camber ordinates are to be adjusted for anticipated weld shrinkage.
• Give web plate thickness, width, length and mark. Width of web plate is usually billed as
nominal width. A camber cutting allowance is to be added to the width when material is
ordered. Some Fabricators might bill the ordered size in lieu of the nominal.
• Show location of shop web splices (if any).
• Note web plate material to be Charpy V-Notch tested.
• Give the corresponding girder mark for which the web plate is detailed in title for the web
plate (optional as per Fabricator's standards).
• Note FMC and FCW for fracture critical material and associated welds when applicable.
• Give the page and line number of the advance bill of materials where the material is
• A correction for dead load deflection may be included to aid in setting bearing at time of

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Section 6
Flange Splicing Diagram
(SHT No. FS1, page 19)
Note: These drawings are included when flanges are not shown on WC drawings.
6.1 Straight Girders
Similar to flanges shown on WC1 - WC3, pages 14 - 16)
• Show elevation of web plate and flanges
• Identify and locate centerline of bearings.
• Locate shop splices.
• Show the overhang and end cut dimensions.
• Identify whether flange splices are in tension or compression.
• Give the thickness, width and length of each flange plate.
• Identify plate requirements (Charpy V-Notch testing).
• Give the size and location of fillet welds for flange to web connections.
• Note the procedure for making flange splice connections or reference the general note
sheet if it is located there.
• Note the ASTM and/or AASHTO designation for the material.
• Show any bevels for flange width and/or thickness transitions.
• Note FCW for fracture critical welding if applicable.
• For curved girders see sections 6.2 and 7.
• Give the page and line number of the advance bill of materials where the material is
6.2 Curved Girders
• Define centerline of flange plate and a baseline through the end points.
• Show chord lines between ends of steel segments to center line of shop butt splices along
centerline of flange plate. Space ordinates along each chord in accordance with
Fabricator's standards.
• Identify centerline of field splices and the set-back dimension.
• Locate work points.
• Show offsets of shop splice relative to baseline chord to the centerline of flange plate.
• Along the baseline, show the overall length and lengths from ends to center of splice.
• Assign flange plate marks.
• Give overall arc length along centerline of spliced flange plate and arc length of
individual flange plates.
• Show plate offset dimensions along and perpendicular to baseline and along and
perpendicular to the plate chord lines.
• Provide flange plate thickness and width.
• Identify plates requiring Charpy V-Notch testing.
• Note the ASTM and/or AASHTO designation of the material.
• Show flange plate assembly diagram with flange to web welding, plate marks, and
direction of ends (East, West). Identify and label centerline of bearing and reference
camber diagram for web plate
• Give the page and line number of the advance bill of materials where the material is
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Section 7
Horizontal Curve Diagram
(SHT No. HC1, page 21)
• Show curving with baseline through end points. On girders with end bearing overhangs,
show the baseline through the bearing points, not to the end of girder.
• Identify and label centerline of bearings.
• Space curve ordinates at equal spaces relative to the baseline.
• Show dimensions for the radius, chord and arc length along the centerline of each girder.
• Show offsets and dimensions to baseline at centerline PC, PT, or PCC points.

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Section 8
Girder Standards

8.1 Stiffeners and Connection Plates

(SHT No. X1, page 24)
• Show length, width and thickness for each stiffener.
• Dimension hole spacing from the top of the stiffener and from the edge that is to connect
to the web. Do not dimension holes to the bottom of the stiffener or to the edge of the
stiffener not in contact with the girder web.
• Show skewed and/or vertical bearing stiffeners to provide a "finish to bear" at bearing
flange (usually bottom) and tight fit at other flange, unless contract drawings otherwise
• Check theoretical gap to web at corner of skewed stiffeners and connecting plates. If gap
exceeds 2 mm (1/16"), bevel the edge of the stiffener to be in align with the girder web.
Adjust fillet weld size when and as required by AWS D1.5.
• Dimension skewed connection plates and stiffeners to the web face; do not dimension to
the centerline of web plate. Detail edges that must be beveled for proper fit to webs and
• Identify the type of stiffener (i.e., bearing, intermediate, etc).
• Indicate whether the ends of each stiffener are tight fit or finished to bear.
• Identify plates requiring Charpy V-Notch testing.
• Indicate the ASTM and/or AASHTO material designation.
• Fracture critical material must be identified as FCM.
• Note clip, snipe, and chip dimensions.
• Indicate hole and/or slot size(s).
• Note material that is to be plain.
• Give the page and line number of the advance bill of materials where the material is
8.2 Field Splices - Option 1
(SHT No. X2, option 1, page 25)
• Identify thickness, width and length of splice material.
• Show vertical and horizontal bolt spacing with edge distances.
• If the designs use minimum edge distances for the splice plates, request that the designer
permit an increase in the edge distance according to shop preference.
• Indicate direction of mill rolling (DOR), typically longitudinal.
• Identify plates requiring Charpy V-Notch testing.
• Indicate the ASTM and/or AASHTO designation for field splice material.
• To simplify detailing show field splice plates stacked on top of one another. Show an
elevation of how the plates are stacked.
• Give the advance bill order page and line number for all material.
• Note if the holes are to be drilled or reamed in assembly or by CNC.
• Determine if there is sufficient bolting clearances at field splice plates, and if spacing and
clearances of splice holes meet minimum AASHTO requirements. If clearances are
inadequate, contact the Engineer or designer and propose desired alterations.
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8.3 Field Splices – Option 2

(SHT No. X2, Option 2, page 26)
• Show the field splice as an assembly and assign a sub-assembly mark that correlates to
the field splice number on the worksheet.
• Identify thickness, width and length of splice material.
• Show vertical and horizontal bolt spacing with edge distances.
• If the designs use minimum edge distances for the splice plates, request that the designer
permit an increase in the edge distance according to shop preference.
• Determine if there is sufficient bolting clearances at field splice plates, and if spacing and
clearances of splice holes meet minimum AASHTO requirements. If clearances are
inadequate, contact the Engineer or designer and propose desired alterations.
• Indicate gap between girders at centerline of field splice.
• Indicate direction of mill rolling (DOR), typically longitudinal.
• Indicate the ASTM and/or AASHTO designation for the field splice material.
• Detail field splices showing top flange, web and bottom flange connections.
• Note if the holes are to be drilled or reamed in assembly.
• Show bevels or cuts for transitions in bottom flange width
• Give the advanced bill order page and line number for all material.

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Section 9
Crossframe Standards
(SHT No. M1, page 28)

• The crossframe standards sheet should be used for crossframe gusset plate material.
Gussets and fill plates are typically repeated and may be shown on this sheet or detailed
once on the crossframe detail sheet.
• All pieces should be given a piece mark. Labeling varies by Fabricator, but most use a
similar method to that shown for recurring material: the piece mark may be the drawing
number followed by a letter.
• Identify type of piece (i.e., gusset, fill, etc.).
• Detail gusset plates approximately to scale with the following applicable information:
length, width, and thickness, edge distances and hole to hole, dimension of clips, material
specification, testing that is to be done to the material, quantity and piece mark.
• Indicate hole and/or slot sizes.
• Note material that is to be plain.
• Consult the Fabricator for additional detailing information.
• Give the page and line number of the advance bill of materials where the material is

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Section 10
Erection Framing Plan
(SHT No. E1, page 31)

10.1 General
• The framing plan must clearly show the location of all the items provided by the
• Show horizontal span lengths and girder spacing along the bearings. Do not attempt to
dimension the entire structure; general shape and size is the intent.
• Show stationing at supports shown on WS1.
• Label all supports, field splices and spans.
• Indicate the shipping mark in the same relative position as it will be when the steel is
• Field welded items, if any, must be accurately located and weld symbols must be
properly shown.
• Items related to the structural steel but provided by other sources should be identified by
the use of phantom lines and notes.
• Show additional details as required to facilitate proper field placement of pieces.10.2
Field Bolts
10.2 Field Bolt List
• Include all field bolted connections.
• Describe each field connection so the erector can correctly locate it. On complicated
connections with multiple plies and pieces, special sketches may be required.
• List the thickness of each plate to be fastened, the total grip, the number of bolts required,
the number of times the connection occurs, and the diameter and length of bolt for each
• Indicate the type and quantity of washers per bolt for each connection.
• Use the AISC bolt length chart for determining the length of bolts. Bolts less than 5
inches are in ¼ inch increments; bolts that are to be over 5 inches may be in ¼ or ½ inch
increments. Contact the Fabricator to verify preferences. (Domestically produced metric
bolts are not currently available except by special order. For "metric" projects, contact
Owner to verify how U.S. Customary dimensioned bolts and hole sizes are to be detailed.
Bolt lists should show material actually furnished, not a "metric conversion" of inch-
dimension bolts.)
10.3 Field Bolt Summary
• Provide the material specification for each fastener assembly (bolt, nut, washer, etc.).
• Show the actual count for each bolt length/diameter.
• Give the percentage of extra bolts to be added to the actual count and the number of bolts
to be added for testing and possible field losses. The percentage and number for testing
vary with quantity and contract requirements. Verify with Fabricator and Contractor,
based on anticipated erection sequence and duration.
• Calculate the total count of each bolt length/diameter = Actual Count + % extra +
• Provide the total number of washers.

@Seismicisolation 29
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• Indicate if the bolts are to be rotational capacity tested by the manufacturing or Owner’s
representative prior to delivery and if additional testing is required before shop and/or
field installation

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Section 11
Shop Assembly Diagram
(SHT No. SA1, page 33)
11.1 Shop Assembly Diagram
[Dependent upon the shop fabrication process this diagram may be simplified if used only
for a reaming diagram or check assembly diagram.]

11.2 Vertical Blocking Diagram

• Define baseline with equal offsets (305 mm shown in example; U.S. customary
equivalent is 12 inches.) to the bottom of the web plate, from centerline of first bearing to
centerline of last bearing for each line on the bridge. Offsets should be sufficient to keep
all intermediate points above the baseline (positive).
• Show dimensions along and perpendicular to the baseline at all field splices, and bearing
points unless otherwise required by the contract.
• Show all girder shipping marks.
• At each field splice, show the splice plates and their piece marks.
• For splice plates that are drilled or reamed in assembly (DA or RA) use the match-
marking scheme shown on the example diagram or the one shown on the General Notes.
11.3 Plan View Blocking Diagram
• Define baseline from left end of steel or the left-most centerline of bearing to the right
end of steel or the right centerline of bearing.
• Dimension all bearings and field splice points along and perpendicular to the baseline.
• Keep longitudinal presentation approximately to scale. Lateral offsets may be
exaggerated for large radii or small-angle diverging flares.

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Section 12
Girder Details
(SHT No. 1, 5, 9, 16, pages 36 - 39)
• Provide elevation of girder web and flanges. If flange or web is shop butt spliced, show
location of splice(s).
• Show web to flange welding on both top and bottom flanges. (Optional if shown on
camber and flange diagrams; see sections 5 & 6).
• Show web and flange plate marks.
• Show stiffener and crossframe connection plates on the elevation. Note plates as near
side (NS) or far side (FS). When the same plate is on both side of the web, note thus: 2 –
xlf. Do not use (BS) for both sides.
• Label elevation with the corresponding girder mark from the calculation plan.
• At the left end of the girder elevation, note the approximate compass direction the end is
oriented (i.e., East, West, North or South).
• Label centerline of bearings.
• Label centerline of field splice showing the set-back distance from end of girder.
• Show bearing overhang on end girders.
• Develop all longitudinal dimensions with lengths in the cambered position. (This is
usually along the chord line from end to end but may vary based on Fabricator's
• Show full length of curved girders in a developed view.
• Show end cut dimensions and provide reference to the corresponding camber diagram
• Dimension from left end of girder to centerline of bearing and to the right end of steel for
both top and bottom flanges, along baseline.
• Dimension top and bottom flange plate lengths from left end of steel or centerline of
bearing to flange splice(s) and on to the right to end of steel or centerline of bearing along
• Show the center-to-center dimension of all connection plates and stiffeners.
• Give the dimension from each end of steel to the centerline of the nearest stiffener or
connection plate along baseline.Locate intermediate web stiffeners as per designs and
dimension accordingly.
• Start extension dimensions from the left end of steel, NOT centerline of bearing, to the
left face or centerline of the first connection stiffener and to the same location on each of
the remaining connection stiffeners. Some Fabricators may indicate intermediate plain
stiffeners as a single line.
• Provide a section looking toward the left end of the girder at each type of connection
plate or stiffener location.

34 @Seismicisolation
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• In each section, show the corresponding stiffener or connection plate with hole pattern, if
applicable. Dimension laterally from the centerline of web and vertically from the top of
the web to the first hole. Show whether fit-up of stiffener is tight fit or finished to bear,
and show required welds to web and/or flange).
• Show a camber diagram with top and bottom flange lengths along baseline, depth,
overhang and actual camber mid-ordinate dimensions before any dead load deflection
occurs. Identify the centerline of bearing, where applicable, and when girder has an
intermediate bearing, dimension from ends of bottom flange at field splices or end
bearings to centerline of intermediate bearing. Show offset dimension from top of web to
bottom of web relative to a chord taken through the top of the web plate between field
splices or from field splice to end bearing.
• Identify which cross-frame connection plates and/or stiffeners are perpendicular to the
bottom flange and which are vertical (plumb) after erection.
• Studs may or may not be shop installed, based on contract requirements. If shop installed,
show stud spacing and a section looking toward the left end of girder, and reference the
typical section on the General Shop Notes sheet. Check clearance from edge of splice
plates to studs. If shop installed studs fall on splice plates, request an increase in the
number of studs adjacent to the splice. Omit shop primer in those areas when required.
• At field splices, refer to the splice detail sheet and the assembly piecemark for the field
splice (8.2 Field Splices - Option 1and sheet no. X2, option 1, page 25). Alternatively,
show splice plates in position and piece marks along with flange transition when required
(8.3 Field Splices – Option 2 and sheet no. X2, option 2 page 26).
• Bill all pieces for the girder assembly in the bill of materials starting with the assembly
mark label, web and flange plates, splice plates, connection plates, stiffeners and shop
installed studs.

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Section 13
Crossframe Details
(SHT No. 20 - 22, pages 42 - 44)
• Detail crossframe with the side that requires the most welding on the near side.
• Charting or scheduling of crossframes is acceptable. However, keep the number of
variables to a minimum and do not expand the numbers in the table to a point where the
crossframe no longer resembles the picture.
• When charting or scheduling crossframes, sequence items according to depth first, length
second, and drop third. (Optional)
• Consecutive shipping marks within the chart and drawings are preferred.
• Shipping marks are generally a combination of sheet number, shipping type designation
(e.g., CF for crossframe or D for diaphragm), and a number. This varies with Fabricator.
See 1.4 for the preferred marking system.
• Crossframe drops should be combined as stated on the calculation plan. Preferably show
drops from top to top hole.
• Crossframe work points (WP) must be kept on the crossframe. If the design drawings
specifically indicate WPs not located on the crossframe, then new fabrication WPs shall be
established that are on the crossframe.
• Dimension crossframes from WP to WP horizontally, vertically and along slope.
• Dimension horizontal and vertical hole spacing.
• Locate crossframe members with set-back dimensions from only one end.
• All pieces should be rounded to a standard increment (e.g., 5mm, 10mm or 25mm; ¼”,
½” or 1”).
• Slopes shown are for reference. They are used to calculate angle to angle or hole to hole
clearances, and lengths of welds.
• Show location and size of all welds. “TYPICAL" or "typ" may be used for common
• Provide all hole sizes.
• Indicate painting requirements when applicable. Do not detail crossframes as “Opposite
Hand”; most Fabricators require a new picture. Check with Fabricator before using
negative drops.
• If an identical assembly piecemark repeats on other sheets and is not on a standard sheet,
use the same mark and bill the piece on each sheet.
• All gusset plates should be the same size and have the same hole spacing whenever
possible. Contact the Fabricator if varying sizes are required by the contract so
Fabricator may request appropriate changes.
• For K-type cross frames the check dimensions are for squaring up the crossframe jig and
are optional.

40 @Seismicisolation
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• Showing the piece mark of the crossframe connection plate/bearing stiffener is a

reference item for checking and is optional.
• Dimensions from centerline of girder or to top or bottom web are reference dimensions
that can be found on the TD sheet and are not required by all shops.
• The shop bill should include the quantity, weight and mark for each assembly. Following
each shipping mark, all pieces used to create the crossframe assembly should be listed.
• In the bill, provide the quantity, piece mark, shape, dimensions, page and line number
and material specification for each piece detailed on the sheet. If all the material is of the
same specification, provide one common note below the bill.
• Specify ASTM and/or AASHTO material type and any element requiring CVN testing.
CVN testing may be required for bracing on curved or heavily skewed structures, cross-
members supporting terminating main members, or elements subject to wind loads or
traffic-induced vibration
• Some Fabricators may not require unique marks for crossframe component material such
as angles, channels, etc.
• When applicable, clearly show and note "Painting" requirements on detail.

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C4.6 Designate all fracture critical welds FC and governed by AWS bridge welding
C6.1 & 6.2 Show, when applicable, flange width transitions at shop welded splices
(radius or straight temper) as preferred by Fabricator.
C12 Locate skewed stiffeners to edge in contact with web and not to center line of
stiffener. Show section for clarity.

@Seismicisolation 45

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