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The Raven's 2 Progressive Matrices Tests and Manual Pearson, 2018

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Matrices:rpmarts:Raven’s 2 EOS.


Commentary on
The Raven’s 2 Progressive Matrices Tests and Manual
Pearson, 2018

John Raven
Version date: 18 August 2021


Arising out of an initial felt need to pen a personal comment on the non-matrix form of many
of the items included in the Raven’s 2 test and the apparent lack of appreciation of the
meaning and significance of the term "matrix", this article grew into a rather detailed
comparison of the Raven's 2 with the Standard Progressive Matrices Plus. This in turn grew
into something that might be viewed as a treatise on "widely neglected considerations in test
construction". These have resulted in serious errors in research (eg when comparing the
differential effects of remedial programmes on “more” and “less” able students) and in
practical applications (such as making life-changing decisions about individuals whose scores
fall in the tails of the distribution). The article concludes with a discussion of the extent to
which the Raven’s 2, in comparison with the SPM+, facilitates avoidance of these pitfalls.


I feel obliged to write some kind of commentary on Pearson’s Raven’s 2 Progressive

Matrices tests and Manual in part because we had earlier developed tests (the Parallel
Coloured and Standard Progressive Matrices and the Standard Progressive Matrices Plus1)
to meet the needs2 the authors advance to justify the production of the new tests, and in part
because I feel somewhat embarrassed to find my name, and that of Progressive Matrices,
attached to tests many of the items of which bear little resemblance to those in the Raven
Progressive Matrices.

While I have little doubt that the new tests will serve the purposes for which the Progressive
Matrices are most commonly used, it is less clear that they will be as well suited to the
purposes for which the tests were originally developed or, indeed, to some specialised uses to
which the tests are currently put.

It cannot be too strongly emphasised that J.C.Raven’s tests (which include his Vocabulary
scales) were developed as theoretically-based tools for use in research and not primarily as
tools for practical applications such as in personnel selection. As such, particularly in the
context of the cross-cultural and historical data that have accumulated, they have proved of
inestimable value. I am much less sure about the ethics of many of their practical

It is not at all clear that the Raven’s 2 tests will be able to contribute in the same way to the
advance of scientific understanding.

First, a brief description of Raven’s 2.

The Raven’s 2 suite of tests depends on a pool of 329 items all of which have been assessed
for conformity to the “Rasch” measurement model4 and assigned difficulty levels determined
through the application of Item Response Theory.

From this pool it is possible to extract thousands of individual constellations of items which
differ from each other in specific content but are nevertheless statistically equivalent. As a
result, it is not possible for any one individual to have memorised the answers or to copy
from his or her neighbour.

The on-line program routinely constellates a set of 60 items arranged in five Sets, roughly
equivalent to the Standard Progressive Matrices.

However, users can request a test consisting of three Sets of easier items (total 36 items) (for
children and the less able) and four Sets (48 items) of more difficult items for adults.

Each of these extracted sets of items is virtually unique so, although no two people take “the
same” test, each set of items is equivalent in terms of difficulty and other properties as judged
in Item Response Theory terms. Time limits are set for the testing sessions, although most
people finish well within those limits. In other words these are not timed tests.

Although the computerised administration incorporates a “discontinue” rule whereby testing

stops if the respondent gives 6 incorrect responses in a row, the administrations are not
“adaptive” in the sense that such programs present additional items around the point at which
the respondent begins to fail and, in this way, generate a more accurate score.

There is also a published, printed, set of 60 items drawn from the full set of 329 items and
arranged, as in the Classic Standard Progressive Matrices test, in five sets of 12 items which
increase in difficulty within each Set and then revert to easier items at the beginning of the
next Set.

Testing can be arranged such that only Sets A, B, and C are administered to younger children
or B, C, D and E to older children and adults.

The Items

Raven’s Progressive Matrices tests5 consist of a series of 2x2 or 3x3 dimensional matrices, or
patterns, the cells of which display non-verbal figures showing progressive change following
the same logic in two dimensions (vertically and horizontally). The bottom right hand cell is
left empty and the person taking the test is asked to choose from a number of options that
which is required to logically complete the pattern.

An example, not from any of the tests is shown below.

Figure 1
An Illustrative Progressive Matrices Item

Many of the items included in the Raven’s 2 Progressive Matrices (and incidentally, also in
the “Matrix Reasoning” subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Test), do not follow this
format but consist of a one-dimensional, linear series of figures such as would be obtained by
extracting the bottom row of the stimulus matrix shown Figure 1 (although the series
presented consist of six rather than three cells).

This suggests that the authors have not fully grasped what the term “matrix” is intended to

Although it has a number of uses, the term typically refers to an array of figures, symbols,
organs, or tissues bearing some meaningful relationship to each other.

When, in mathematics, the terms in the matrix bear some mathematical relationship to each
other the array, or matrix, is referred to as a determinant.

In the Raven Progressive Matrices tests, the patterns in the cells of the array display the same
progressive change in two dimensions and thus uniquely determine the nature of the piece
required to complete the overall pattern, or matrix.

The nature of the piece required to complete the matrix, or pattern, is determined by the
features of the matrix presented and can be generated without reference to the range of
options presented6.

It is not clear that all the items of the Raven’s 2 have this property. These items can thus be
said to be indeterminate.

A “solution” which fails to complete the progression in both rows and columns using the
same logic is unsatisfactory.

This has the great advantage that whoever is taking the test can, by checking in two (or three)
directions, be certain that he or she has the correct answer.

But, to set this commentary in context, the matrix display can itself be used to illustrate what
the test is intended to measure7.

In technical terms the Raven Progressive Matrices tests were designed to measure eductive
ability, a term which Spearman8 introduced to refer to one of the two major abilities
constituting g. The other component being reproductive ability9.

The first major component, eductive (not educative) ability consists of the ability to educe, or
draw, meaning out of, apparent confusion, draw logical conclusions from the insights gained,
and test those conclusions.

Unfortunately, the phrase “make and test logical inferences” already leads us into a trap
because it seems to imply verbalisation which is not necessarily the case.

In much of life – in the booming, buzzing, confusion in which we live – the elements of the
multi-dimensional matrix around us are not pre-formulated and have to be educed, or
abstracted, from the whole. A recursive process which involves paying attention to the whole
to discern, and conceptualise (beware the verbalisation overtones of the term) the parts, and
then using that conceptualisation of the parts to reconceptualise the whole is needed.

This is essentially the process of perception itself.

Contrary to what was once taught in elementary psychology courses the visual field is not
projected onto the retina in something like a photographic image and from there transmitted
to the brain.

The retina consists of an overlapping array of different types of nerve endings with a major
gap at the point of entry of the optic nerve and sparse provision at the periphery.

The brain has to make sense of the complex and distorted information it receives. It fills in
gaps so that we see what is not there and does not see things that are there.

It is misleading to call variance in the ability to do these things “cognitive ability”.

Yet it is this very process that the Raven Progressive Matrices sets out to measure.

When most readers of this article look at the easier items in the RPM, the whole process takes
place automatically, unconsciously. Many deride the items as “merely perceptual”. But, as
the item analysis10 shows, this is anything but the case for the less able individuals.

When they come to more difficult items many more able individuals11 begin to ask
themselves (often in non-verbalised form) “What is going on here? If I am right, I should pay
attention to this and this and this should happen. Whoops. No. That does not work. Let’s try
again. Now I am attracted by this idea”. And so on. Certain details of the pattern come to
attract and demand attention. Feelings of excitement, elation, frustration, and satisfaction wax
and wane.

This is not the kind of process which comes to mind when one hears the term “cognitive

Yet it is the process which occurs as people set about “intuitively” organising their lives to
achieve their often unclear goals.

They say to themselves “There are many things going on here, but for this purpose I need to
concentrate on these and these things … and change my perceptions if things don’t work out
as I expect”.

The more things they consider, the more systemic their thinking.

And it is the quality and comprehensiveness of their perceptions and inferences which
determines their success.

Unfortunately, everyday observation tells us that many of those who (for example) make vital
policy decisions have not considered the whole, taken account of multiple “variables”, or
checked their inferences from a range of perspectives12.

All of these processes are required to engage with the classic Progressive Matrices items but
are much less likely to be called upon in relation to items which consist merely of linear

The internal properties of the Raven’s 2 test.

Range of item difficulties

One of the reasons we set about developing the Standard Progressive Matrices Plus was to
introduce more difficult items to compensate for what has become known as the “Flynn
effect”, i.e. for a, previously unsuspected, inter-generational secular increase in performance
on measures which relied on, or indexed, eductive ability13, i.e. the ability to make meaning
out of confusion (which, as we have seen, Spearman had identified as one component of g).

From the point of view of evaluating the Raven’s 2 test it is important to note how it came
about that we were among the first to demonstrate this increase. It stemmed, at least in part,

from the fact that the same (unchanged) test had been widely used in the same way in many
different countries14 over a long period of time. Note that this calls into question the wisdom
of making fundamental changes to the test.

More specifically, we were able to compare the results of a 1979 UK-wide norming study
with data collected some 40 years earlier.

We published our data in tabular form and focussed on the differential increase at different
levels of ability.

We did not express the overall increase in terms of the percentage of test variance that the
increase represented – and would, in any case, have been reluctant to do so because, as will
be seen from Figure 2 below, the scores are not Gaussianly (often misleadingly called
“normally”) distributed. This renders the application of the statistical procedures traditionally
used to summarise data – i.e. means and standard deviations – inappropriate.

As it happened, Thorndike had documented a similar effect with the Stanford-Binet test a few
years earlier15, and Flynn16 had become seriously concerned about the implications of the

Undeterred by statistical niceties, Flynn converted our data to means and standard deviations.

The results were striking. As reported by Flynn, scores were increasing at about 1 Standard
Deviation per generation. Some fifty percent of our grandparents would have been consigned
to special education classes had their scores been judged by reference to the more recent

The graphs in Figure 2 below show the rise in Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) scores
across the best part of a century

The X axis shows both the age of the respondents at the time of testing and the years in which
they were born.

The graphs to the left come from data collected between 1941 and 1942 (as reported in 1948)
and those to the right from the 1979 study.

As the graph shows, the main result of the increase has been to undermine the SPM’s ability
to discriminate among more able adolescents and adults. (Since the test has 60 items there is
a marked ceiling effect.)

As shown by the solid line to the right (which shows a projection of the increase in scores for
the 95th percentile) a dozen or so additional, more difficult, items would be required to restore
the test’s ability to discriminate among high-scoring individuals.

Figure 2
Classic Standard Progressive Matrices
Rise in test scores over 100 years.
With projection of true score increase for 95th percentile.

Generating additional difficult items turned out to be more easily said than done and, as
reported in our Manual17, we had great difficulty … indeed found it impossible … to generate
items that were more difficult than the most difficult items of the Advanced Progressive

So the question we have for the Raven’s 2 is whether its authors have succeeded not only in
this task but also in making provision for further increases in the future.

So far as I can make out from Table A1 in their Manual, the last two or three items in the
paper version of their test are indeed extremely difficult.

Few of those in the standardisation sample (and they are actually the 25 year olds) have
abilities, expressed in IRT terms, of above 650. This corresponds to a raw score of 45 on the
“adult” selection of items included in the paper version of the test.

There does therefore seem to some room for a further increase in scores as per the “Flynn

It is important to note that, expressed in IRT ability terms, there is a big jump in the abilities
required to progress from raw scores of 45 to 46, 46-47 and 47-48, i.e. in the difficulty levels
of the three most difficult items.

One implication of this is that, if scores continue to increase, it will, once again, be
impossible to discriminate between more able individuals.

I will return to this in a moment.

But first let us note that the normative data published in the Raven’s 2 Manual actually
suggest that such an increase is likely – because the top scores in the norm table decline from
age 25 onward!

This may sound like an odd statement.

And so it would be but for the fact that what Flynn showed (and what Figure 2 above shows)
is that the cross-sectional data that had previously been interpreted as indicating a decline in
scores with advancing age in reality represented mainly an increase with date of birth.

This is of profound significance because what it reveals is that there had always been
massive amounts of evidence for the “Flynn effect”! It just had not been recognised for what
it was.

Very many authors had reported from one-off, cross-sectional18, norming studies that scores
on many tests – especially those which rely heavily on eductive (meaning-making) ability [in
contrast with reproductive ability (ability to store and retrieve information)] – declined with

If graphed and the X axis renamed “date of birth” instead of “age” (as has been done on the X
axis on the Graph shown in Figure 2 above) the graphs reveal an unmistakable increase with
the date of birth of the respondents.

When the data the available for many tests are re-plotted in this way it quickly becomes
apparent which scores have been increasing over the years and which have not.

A brief summary of the outcome of doing this is that, by and large, eductive (meaning
making) ability has been increasing while reproductive ability (knowledge) has not.

While our ability to make sense of the world has increased, it seems that we cannot register
and retrieve any more information than we could a century ago.

We can run faster and think better but do not retain more in our heads. Why not?

This, not the “Flynn effect”, is the real puzzle to be addressed by psychologists.

But will the Raven’s 2 test be able to register the increase which the authors’ own data
suggest is likely to occur?

Yes … And No.

Fluid and Crystallised Intelligence

At this point it is useful to go on a slight digression before we consider the terminology in the
Raven’s 2 Manual.

It is important to caution against the substitution of the words “fluid” and “crystallised”
“intelligence” for the terms eductive and reproductive ability.

Although Horn, along with Cattell, was responsible for introducing the fluid/crystallised
terminology, Horn19 later joined Spearman in emphasising that reproductive ability is not a
crystallised form of “fluid” ability. The abilities differ at birth, have different genetic origins,
are influence by different things in the environment, and predict different things in life. They
simply work closely together (see endnote 9)20 21.

And, as to the word “intelligence”, Spearman had long ago shown that this was such a
slippery concept, being used by different people to refer to different things and by one person
to refer to different things at different points the same discussion22 that it was best to avoid
the use of the word at all costs.

The terminology in the Raven’s 2 Manual

With this behind us, let us consider the terminology in the Raven’s 2 Manual.

The very first sentence in that Manual immediately leads into a quagmire.

It says:

“The Raven’s Progressive Matrices 2 … is a nonverbal assessment of general cognitive


The problem could be partially corrected by inserting the words one component of before
“cognitive ability”.

Unfortunately, the term “cognitive ability” is itself used, measured, and understood in many
very different ways. This leads to endless disputes and misunderstandings between
researchers, educational administrators, school psychologists, and in courts of law.

The authors then proceed to rescue themselves in the remainder of the paragraph. But the
gain is short- lived. A few sentences later they are talking about “mental ability” as if this
were some kind of unitary “thing”. They even write about “a full range of cognitive ability”.

They then fully exonerate themselves by introducing material which looks as if it was copied
out of the main Raven, Court and Raven Manual for the Raven Progressive Matrices tests23.

However even the intrusion of a paragraph referring to “the contemporary theory of

intelligence” suggests that they have not fully understood and accepted what is being said.

As one progresses through the Raven’s 2 Manual, the authors drift back into the general
cognitive ability terminology, implying that the Raven’s 2 test provides an index of this.

The nature of the authors’ thoughtways emerges clearly on page 43 where, under the chapter
heading Interpretive Considerations, they repeat:

“The Raven’s 2 is a nonverbal assessment of general cognitive ability …”

The question of terminology (and associated thoughtways) is no academic matter.

It acquires profound significance as one enters the endless quagmire of contradictory
legislation and cut-off points relating to access to different types of educational provision and
other administrative procedures relating to access to, and compulsion to engage in (or be
excused compliance with) social provisions … including such things as whether or not one is
“too dumb to die”24 25.

Such terms as “IQ” and “Cognitive Ability” are used and understood by researchers,
legislators, school administrators, school psychologists, lawyers, judges, and jurors in very
different ways. There are serious questions about how substitutable the results of one test are
for another. It behoves the writers of test Manuals to be as clear as they can about what their
tests do, and do not, measure.

J.C.Raven claimed only that the Progressive Matrices measures “the ability to perceive and
think clearly” … technically eductive ability26. This is only one component of g – which is
itself only one kind of “intelligence”. Which is itself concerned with only one domain of

In contrast, the term “cognitive ability” is deeply contested and sloppily used … for example
educational credentials (which mainly measure reproductive ability) are often used as a
sufficient index of it27.

Although they are not alone in this, the authors’ failure to choose and use their words
carefully is, to say the least, alarming … particularly because the Raven Progressive Matrices
tests are used to take decisions which strongly influence the lives and livelihoods of millions
of people’s and thus the operation of whole societies and the future of the planet28.

In the past, the RPM has intruded directly into the lives of billions of people worldwide and
had a dramatic influence on their lives and careers. Via its use in the allocation of personnel
in the military systems of many countries it has probably even had a major influence on the
outcomes of wars29.

Language free and culture free.

The notion that the tests are “nonverbal” has been widely disputed by researchers, some of
whom argue that language is required to solve the problems.

Yet the fact that the Raven Progressive Matrices tests are, in some sense, language free is
readily apparent.

Unfortunately, this has led many to believe that it is “culture free”.

This again turns out to be an ambiguous term carrying with it many varying assumptions and

The briefest dip into research shows that there are huge differences between the scores
obtained by different cultural groups30.

The ramifications and implications of this are far from obvious.

The Raven’s 2 manual offers only overall US norms, not broken down by cultural group.

The implication seems to be that these can be used, without further ado, to do such things as
assign pupils to educational programmes or to select personnel.

But think about this.

Readers of the Raven’s 2 Manual are referred to the Research and References sections of the
Raven, Raven, & Court Manual for evidence on the validity of the test31.

If one visits this material, what quickly emerges is that, whatever about the language-free
nature of the test, different cultural groups within the United States of America, never mind
elsewhere, achieve very different scores.

Stability of Internal properties.

Yet the test works - scales - in much the same way in most of the groups that have been

We checked that, however different their mean scores, the sequence of item difficulties was
much the same in many cultural groups, but the point is neatly illustrated in the following
graph generated by Nicola Taylor32 from data derived from applicants for jobs in the mines of
South Africa33.

But, before looking at it, note that there are huge differences in the mean scores of miners
from different backgrounds.

Figure 3
Test characteristic curves for the SPM



Expected score




-9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Person Ability

Predictive Validity

Not only does the SPM, to all intents and purposes, have the same internal properties within
different cultural groups, it also has similar predictive validity to external criteria within the

Figures 4 and 5 show the regression lines for Anglos and Hispanics for the RPM against a
couple of scores on the California Achievement Test in Douglas, Arizona around 199034.
Figure 4 shows the regressions of CAT Math scores on the Coloured Progressive Matrices
among first-grade students. Figure 5 shows the regressions of CAT Reading scores on the
Standard Progressive Matrices among fourth-grade students. Similar graphs are available for
other subject areas (Redrawn from Hoffman, 1990).

Figure 4

Figure 5

The graphs are essentially parallel but operate at different levels of ability.

In other words, despite the fact that the test is not “culture free” in the sense in which that
term is commonly understood, the test works, and works in the same way, for different
cultural groups and also has similar predictive validity to external criteria within those

Some implications

So far, so good.

But what happens when the overall norms are used, for example, to assign pupils from
different cultural backgrounds to mandated variance in educational provision (such as
programmes for those deemed in need of “special” or “gifted” education) or to select people
for jobs?

Well, obviously, a disproportionate number of the highest scoring group are going to be
selected for “gifted” programmes and vice versa for allocation to “special education”.

And that decision will indeed be a valid decision when evaluated against performance


There appears to be a danger of, in this way, perpetuating the very social differences which
may have contributed to the differential scores in the first place35.

In short, one has to challenge the widespread unverbalised assumption that, once one has a
“language free” test, one has solved the problem – that that is the end of the matter. It clearly
is not … and the issue merits explicit discussion36.

The Test Characteristic Curve and the meaning of “difference” or change scores.

I turn now to another question about the internal properties of the test.

It has to do with the regularity of the increase in item difficulty from item to item and thus the
relative meaning of any given increase in raw score at different points in the scale.

For example: Is a raw score increase from say 8 to 11 in any way the same as an increase
from 48 to 51?

It has taken many years for the significance of this question to become fully apparent
although its neglect has resulted in endless misleading conclusions being drawn from
research (such as in the assessment of the relative impact of remedial or educational
enrichment programmes on the more or less able) and in the unjustifiable advocacy of a
number of derivative (difference) scores (such as “Learning potential” or “sensitivity to
stress”) where a given difference is assumed to have meaning and predictive validity
(correlation with other variables) regardless of the point on the scale at which the difference
occurred. It also shows up in legal procedures relating to claims about such things as the
effects of accidents or injuries on mental abilities, where much turns on the magnitude of the
decline in scores from before till after the injury.

Although J.C.Raven and others involved in the development of the tests mentioned trying to
make sure that the items were “as far as possible” equally spaced in difficulty, no great
attention was paid to doing this and there was no recognition whatsoever of the implications
of not doing so.

In short, the problems involved in the measurement of change were simply not recognised.

We were fortunate in having the matter forcefully drawn to our attention by a student of
G.H.Fisher who happened to get involved in our work via the Schuhfried Company in

He illustrated the problem by means of the following graphs.

Figure 6 illustrates the problem in connection with trying to evaluate the impact of a
managerial development programme on high ability personnel and Figure 7 on low ability
If we employ a test having the Test Characteristic Curve shown on the left in Figure 6, the
mean scores of the high ability group increase from A at the pretest (i.e. before training) to B
at posttest (i.e. after training). This is a relatively small increase. But if we use the more
difficult test shown on the right, the same increase in score on the latent trait of the high
ability group shows up as a huge increase in raw score, moving from X to Y.

Figure 6
Illustration of changes in raw scores on “easy” and “difficult” IRT-Based tests of cognitive
ability for identical changes in latent ability
High ability group only 

Figure 7
Illustration of changes in raw scores on “easy” and “difficult” IRT-Based tests of cognitive
ability for identical changes in latent ability
Low ability group only

As can be seen from Figure 7, exactly the opposite effect occurs at the other end of the scale.
The apparent increase in score from pretest to posttest is huge on Test 1 and trivial on Test 2.

Putting the two cases together, it is obvious that, if a researcher employs Test 1 to assess the
impact of a training (or other) programme, the relative gains of the low ability group are huge
while those of the high ability group are trivial. On the other hand, if the researcher employs
Test 2, exactly the opposite findings emerge.

The general, and vitally important, conclusion which emerges from these examples is that the
apparent magnitude of any real increase in latent ability arising from a developmental
experience, accident, or natural change over time depends (a) the general difficulty level of
the test relative to the ability tested and (b) the distribution of the item parameters relative to
the interval on the latent trait where change occurs.

This makes it virtually impossible, without employing techniques which are described in the
2004 update of the Y2K Standard Progressive Matrices section of the Raven Court & Raven
Manual and in Prieler and Raven37 , to make any meaningful statement about the relative
magnitude of gains or losses of high, medium, and low ability groups.

It also renders the use of most difference scores (“Learning Potential”, “Sensitivity to Stress”)

Except …. there remains the intriguing possibility of using a test with a linear Test
Characteristic Curve.

The possibility of developing such a test – which is to say a test with an equal interval scale –
has widely been regarded as a pipe dream in psychology.

Nevertheless, the procedures employed in the development of the SPM+38 resulted in the test
having following graph of item difficulties:

Figure 8
Standard Progressive Matrices Plus
1996 Item-Equating Study
One-Parameter Item Difficulties (in Logits): 60 Items, Including ALL from Parallel Sets A and B and 5
each from Parallel Sets C and D, Arranged in Order of Difficulty

A cross validation of the test’s properties in the course of a Romanian standardisation yielded
the following Test Characteristic Curve39:

Figure 9

Test Characteristic Curve for 3-PL




SU M o f P(u =1 | T H ET A )






-3 -2,5 -2 -1,5 -1 -0,5 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3

In short, the SPM+, almost uniquely among psychological tests, offers its users something
approaching an interval scale.

The question now is whether the Raven’s 2 does the same.

According to Table A1 in the Raven’s 2 Manual, there are large increases in the IRT ability
indices needed to achieve a one point raw score gain in the tails of the distribution yet only a
small increase in ability is needed to achieve a one raw score gain in the middle of the scale.

So, no, the Raven’s 2 test does not yield this property and so is not suitable for making easily
interpretable statements about the relative effects of interventions or accidents.

More on discrimination in the tails of the distribution: The test information function.

Most practical uses of psychological tests are in the tails of the distributions … where their
ability to discriminate is poor40.

In other words, most tests provide poor information in the domains in which it is most

Worse, as mentioned earlier, those who use tests to make discriminations in these areas get
tangled up in an impenetrable morass of legislation drawn up by a variety of administrators
and legislators with varying backgrounds and objectives. They have varying levels of
familiarity with the problems associated with cut off points especially in relation to eligibility
for, or compulsory consignment to, “services”. Small score differences in the tests used or
scores in the area around cut off points (specified in different ways) can have major

The huge jumps in differences in ability required to secure a one raw point gain at both ends
of the Raven’s 2 scale have already been noted.

Ironically, as can be seen from the graph of the test information function for the SPM+
reproduced below, the SPM+ test goes some way toward correcting this.

As discussed by Hambleton et al (1991) the ideal shape of this graph would be rectilinear;
one would get as much information from scores at all points in the distribution.

Figure 10
Standard Progressive Matrices Plus
Romanian Standardisation
Test Information Function




-3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

Unfortunately, a test having a more appropriate overall Test Information Function would not
necessarily yield such a function within e.g. age groups …. which is where such
discriminations are typically made.


As we have seen, the Raven Progressive Matrices tests have, over the years, contributed
enormously to the accumulation of research insights and played a huge role in the
administration of education systems, military systems, organisations, and societies.

What are the chances of the Raven’s 2 test contributing in that way?

Who is to know.

But one thing is certain. Raven’s 2 scores are not convertible to, and thus integratable with,
Classic RPM scores. In contrast, not only are the Standard Progressive Matrices Plus scores
directly convertible to scores on the classic tests, many of the items directly parallel items in
those tests.


Given that the Raven’s 2 test does not possess many of the desirable properties evinced by the
SPM+ one cannot help wondering why the staff at The Psychological
Corporation/Harcourt/Pearson have chosen to go this route.


Flynn, J. R. (1984). IQ gains and the Binet decrements. Journal of Educational Measurement,
21, 283-290.
Flynn, J. R. (1984). The mean IQ of Americans: Massive gains 1932 to 1978. Psychological
Bulletin, 95, 29-51
Flynn, J. R. (1987). Massive IQ gains in 14 nations: What IQ tests really measure.
Psychological Bulletin, 101, 171-191.
Flynn, J. R. (1989). Raven's and measuring intelligence: The tests cannot save themselves.
Psychological Test Bulletin, 2(2), November, 58-61. Hawthorn, Victoria: ACER.
Flynn, J. R. (1999). Searching for justice: The discovery of IQ gains over time. American
Psychologist, 54(1), 5-20.
Flynn, J. R. (2000). How to Defend Humane Ideals. Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press
Flynn, J. (2008). Excerpts from how to defend humane ideals. In J. Raven & J. Raven (Eds.)
Uses and Abuses of Intelligence (see below) Chapter 25, pp. 556-567).
Garfinkel, R., & Thorndike, R. L. (1976). Binet item difficulty: Then and now. Child
Development, 47, 959-965.
Hambleton, R. K. (1989). Constructing tests with item response models: A discussion of
methods and two problems. Bulletin of the International Test Commission, No.28/29, 96-
106. Strasbourg: ITC
Hambleton, R. K., Swaminathan, H., & Rogers, H. J. (1991). Fundamentals of Item Response
Theory. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Press.
Horn, J. L. (1994). Theory of fluid and crystallized intelligence. In R. J. Sternberg (Ed.),
Encyclopedia of Human Intelligence, pp. 443-451. New York: Macmillan.
McKinzey, R. K. (2008). Too dumb to die: Mental retardation meets the death penalty. In J.
Raven & J. Raven (Eds.) (See Below) Chapter 24, pp. 543-555.
Prieler, J. & Raven, J. (2008). Problems in the measurement of change (with particular
reference to individual change [gain] scores) and their potential solution using IRT. In J.
Raven & J. Raven (Eds.) Uses and Abuses of Intelligence (see below) Chapter 7, pp. 173-
210. Also available at: http://eyeonsociety.co.uk/resources/UAIChapter7.pdf also
Raven, J. (2000). The Raven’s Progressive Matrices: Change and stability over culture and
time. Cognitive Psychology, 41, 1-48. But see also
Raven, J. (2008). General introduction and overview: The Raven Progressive Matrices Tests:
Their theoretical basis and measurement model. In J. Raven & J. Raven (Eds.) Uses and
Abuses of Intelligence (see below) Chapter 1, pp. 17-68. Also available at
http://eyeonsociety.co.uk/resources/UAIChapter1.pdf also at
Raven, J. (2008b). Intelligence, engineered invisibility, and the destruction of life on earth. In
J. Raven & J. Raven (Eds.) Uses and Abuses of Intelligence (see below) Chapter 19, pp.
431-471. Also available at http://www.eyeonsociety.co.uk/resources/UAIChapter19.pdf
also at

Raven, J. (2019). The pervasive and pernicious effects of neglecting systems thinking
(especially when combined with a disposition toward fascism).
http://eyeonsociety.co.uk/resources/Unwillingness-to-engage-in-systems-thinking.pdf also
Raven, J. (2020). ‘Closing the gap’: Problems with its philosophy and research – A keynote
address prepared for BPS Education Section Conference, September 2019 The Psychology
of Education Review, Vol. 44, No. 3, Special Issue, 2020 pages 2 – 40. ISSN: 1463-9807.
2020-0 also available at: http://eyeonsociety.co.uk/resources/CAT-2376.pdf also at
Raven, J., Prieler, J. & Benesch, M. (2008). Using the Romanian data to replicate the IRT-
based Item Analysis of the SPM+: Striking achievements, pitfalls, and lessons. In J. Raven
& J. Raven (Eds.) Uses and Abuses of Intelligence. (see below) Chapter 5, pp. 127-159.
Also available at: http://eyeonsociety.co.uk/resources/UAIChapter5.pdf also at
Raven, J., & Raven, J. (Eds.). (2008). Uses and Abuses of Intelligence: Studies Advancing
Spearman and Raven’s Quest for Non-Arbitrary Metrics. Unionville, New York: Royal
Fireworks Press; Edinburgh, Scotland: Competency Motivation Project; Budapest,
Hungary: EDGE 2000; Cluj Napoca, Romania: Romanian Psychological Testing Services
SRL. Also available at: http://eyeonsociety.co.uk/resources/Uses-and-Abuses-of-
Intelligence.pdf and http://eyeonsociety.co.uk/resources/fulllist.html#uses_and_abuses
Raven, J., Raven, J. C., & Court, J. H. (1998, revised and up-dated 2003). Manual for Raven's
Progressive Matrices and Vocabulary Scales. Section 1: General Overview. San Antonio,
TX: Harcourt Assessment.
Raven, J., Raven, J. C., & Court, J. H. (2000, updated 2004). Manual for Raven's Progressive
Matrices and Vocabulary Scales. Section 3: The Standard Progressive Matrices, Including
the Parallel and Plus Versions. San Antonio, TX: Harcourt Assessment.
Raven, J., Raven, J. C., & Court, J. H. (2000, updated 2004). Manual for Raven's Progressive
Matrices and Vocabulary Scales. Sections 1 to 7 with three Research Appendices. San
Antonio, TX: Harcourt Assessment.
Raven, J., Rust, J., & Squire, A. (2008). Manual: Coloured Progressive Matrices and
Crichton Vocabulary Scale. London, England: NCS Pearson, Inc.
Raven, J., Rust, J., & Squire, A. (2008). Manual: Standard Progressive Matrices - Plus
Version - and Mill Hill Vocabulary Scale. London, England: NCS Pearson, Inc.
Spearman, C. (1927). The Abilities of Man: Their Nature and Measurement. London,
England: MacMillan.
Taylor, N. (2008). Raven’s Standard and Advanced Progressive Matrices among adults in
South Africa. In J. Raven & J. Raven (Eds.) Uses and Abuses of Intelligence (see above)
Chapter 15, pp. 371-391. Also available at:
Thorndike, R. L. (1975). Mr. Binet's Test 70 Years Later. Presidential Address to the
American Educational Research Association

Wicherts, J. (2007) Group differences in intelligence test performance. University of
Ironically, these tests and associated Manuals (generated by the author and colleagues) were, and
are, published by Pearson US (see Raven, J., Raven, J. C., & Court, J. H. (2000, updated 2004)
[Section 3] and the SPM+ had been standardised by a team at Pearson (UK) and published in the
UK (Raven, Rust & Squire, 2008).
These needs revolve around such things as the lack of security of the tests arising from such things
as the availability of copies on the internet and the problems posed by the intergenerational increase
in scores that has become known as the “Flynn effect”. As discussed below, the latter generates
misleading information when old norms are used as reference data against which to view the scores
of people tested more recently.
Some examples of these abuses are discussed in Raven (2008b) Intelligence, engineered invisibility,
and the destruction of life on earth.
We are not told which application of this model was applied. As will be seen from the discussion in
endnote 10, item-equivalence according to a 3-parameter model including both difficulty and shape
of item characteristic curve would be extremely demanding. 
There are, in fact, multiple versions of the tests now known as Classic Standard, Coloured, and
Advanced versions, Parallel versions of the Coloured and Standard SPM, and the Standard
Progressive Matrices Plus version.
It seems that more able respondents characteristically mentally “solve” the problem before looking
at the options while less able are more likely to resort to looking at the options in their quest for a
See Raven, J. (2008). General introduction and overview or the General section of the Manual for
more details.
Spearman (1927)
Spearman distinguished the two as follows "To understand the respective natures of eduction and
reproduction – in their trenchant contrast, in their ubiquitous co-operation and in their genetic
inter-linkage – to do this would appear to be for the psychology of individual abilities the very
beginning of wisdom".
 Although somewhat out of place in this commentary, it might be of interest to introduce the
evidence needed to justify this statement using material drawn from Raven, Prieler and Benesch
The graphs in the Figures below are the Item Characteristic Curves for all items in the SPM+.
Each individual graph plots the proportion of respondents with each total score who get the item
right. Thus we see that while many low ability people fail to get the easier items right, 100% of
more able people do so. On the other hand, while most low ability people fail to get the most
difficult items right (those that do so do so as a result of randomly selecting the correct answer from
one of the options available) more of the more able do so.
The program used to generate the graphs plotted in the first figure – known as a 1 parameter IRT
model – has smoothed the raw data rather heavily.
The 3-parameter plot shown in the next Figure creates a more realistic impression.


ICC Plots for 1-PL SPM (Romania Data)











0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60


Although few of those who use the off-the-shelf statistical packages appear to understand it, the
mathematical indices generated by these packages indicate how closely the set of items in a test
conform to an ideal 1-parameter IRT model.
The graphs derived from a 3 parameter plot show more deviance from this ideal.


ICC Plots for 3-PL SPM (Romania Data)











0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60


What these Figures show is that, at least to a considerable extent, the abilities required to solve
each more difficult item build on, and extend, those required to solve the easier items. No “new”
abilities are required and there are no transformations or “metamorphoses” in the abilities required
to solve the more difficult items. What is more, the exact same abilities are required to solve the
easiest items. The psychological processes required to generate “mere perception” are the same as
those required to engage in complex systemic thinking. 
Many, to the amazement of most researchers, continue simply to see even the most difficult items
as patterns immediately implying the figure required to complete them.
.The failure to engage in systems (systemic) thinking lies at the heart, not only of many
inappropriate policy decisions, but also at the heart of many of the erroneous conclusions drawn
from “scientific” studies Raven (2019, 2020).
Interestingly, this increase in some psychological test scores parallels a similar increase in other
biological characteristics like height and athletic ability. Thus the real puzzle for psychologists is,
not the “Flynn effect” but why other psychological test scores have not been increasing.
The significance of the cross-cultural data became even more apparent when it came to generating
an explanation of the “Flynn effect”. It emerged that, at any point in time, the norms for countries
with a tradition of literacy were remarkably similar – this despite the fact that they had very
different income levels, diets, and access to education and television. It followed that the variables
usually put forward to explain the increase over time actually had very little demonstrable effect.
Thorndike (1975)
Flynn (1984)
Raven, J., Raven, J. C., & Court, J. H. (2000, updated 2004). Manual for Raven's Progressive
Matrices and Vocabulary Scales. Section 3: The SPM.
i.e. studies in which a cross section of age groups had been tested at a single time point.
Horn (1994).
Note that, except via the inclusion of “marker variables” they do not emerge as separate factors in
factor analyses.

J.C.Raven attached considerable importance to discrepancies between estimates of ability derived
from Progressive Matrices (eductive ability) and Vocabulary (reproductive ability) test scores.
Given that the Raven’s 2 is not accompanied by a parallel measure of reproductive ability, it will not
be possible for users to generate such diagnostic information.
Flynn (1989 and 1999) found himself ensnared in this mess when he found himself asking whether
the increase he had documented “really” represented an increases in “intelligence”.
Raven, J., Raven, J. C., & Court, J. H. (2000, updated 2004). Manual for Raven's Progressive
Matrices and Vocabulary Scales. Sections 1 to 7.
McKinzey, R. K. (2008).
Serious disputes often arise around small differences in scores around legislatively prescribed cut
off points. As the authors note when discussing the concept of “age equivalents”, a small difference
in raw score can make a big difference to the mental age assigned. Reversing this observation, a few
months difference in age can make a big difference to the standard score assigned and thus to the
educational programme to which a child is assigned. This is because there are big differences in
item difficulties, particularly in the tails of the distribution. The test is simply not suitable for
mechanical application in such situations. Interestingly, in discussing Case Study No 3 the authors
find it necessary to recommend broadening the range of assessment instruments used.
Interestingly enough even this is never made explicit. It is only implied by an introductory quote,
which now appears in endnote 9 but which initially appeared simply as a stand-alone paragraph at
the front of J.C.Raven’s Guide to the use of the Progressive Matrices.
Raven (2020).
See Raven, J. (2008). Intelligence, engineered invisibility … (Raven & Raven 2008 chapter 19) for
a fuller discussion.
The ethics of this process has been discussed by Flynn in Flynn (2000) … which is summarised in a
chapter in our Uses and Abuses of Intelligence (Flynn, 2008).
Some of these are reported in various sections of the main Raven, Court and Raven Manual and
more are available in in Raven & Raven (ed) 2008.
This is more than a little odd since this section was first superseded by a computerised version and
then by the digitisation of the entire Raven archive by The Psychological Corporation, San Antonio.
Taylor, N. (2008).
Prospective miners still come from very different tribes who speak different languages and often do
not understand each other, never mind English.
The Hispanic/White difference has probably declined since then, but this does not affect the point
being made.
John Rust has drawn my attention to the way in which non-verbal algorithms (Artificial Intelligence
[nb use of the term “intelligence”]) are being used to cyclically evolve discriminations (unverbalised
constructs) which are then recursively accorded differential treatment on an undiscoverable basis to
enhance those discriminations and without regard to their wider consequences.
An important discussion of this and several other issues raised in this review has been provided by
Wicherts (2007).
Prieler and Raven (2008).
See Raven, J., Raven, J. C., & Court, J. H. (2000, updated 2004). Manual for Raven's Progressive
Matrices and Vocabulary Scales. Section 3.
Raven, Prieler, and Benasch (2008). On the face of it, this provides a solution to our problem.
Unfortunately, there can be no guarantee that, just because the overall distribution is as illustrated,
the distributions for different ability groups will be similar. I leave the task of checking on this to
Raven, Prieler and Benasch (2008) but see important discussion of Test Information Function in
Hambleton (1991).


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