Beee20 - Nonconventional Energy Sources Unit - 1 Part - A
Beee20 - Nonconventional Energy Sources Unit - 1 Part - A
Beee20 - Nonconventional Energy Sources Unit - 1 Part - A
UNIT - 1
2 marks
16 marks
b) fuel cells
3) Give the layout and working of solar power generation from lowtemperature.
4) Give the types of solar collectors and explain the operation of flat plate liquid
10) List out the various types of solar collectors used for solar power and explain
with diagram the characteristics and principles of a typical flat plate liquid
2.Describe with a neat sketch the working of a WECS with main components
3.Explain in detail about vertical axis wind mill with its merit and demerit
4.Explain in detail about horizontal axis wind mill with its merit and demerit
2 marks
1. What is OTEC?
2. Give the principle of tidal power generation.
3. What are the possible sources of geothermal pollution. How are these
4. Mention the types of geothermal power plant
5. Give the expression for average power generated in single basis single effect
tidal scheme
6. Define magmetic & meteoritic steam
7. Define geothermal energy sources
8. Mention the nature of geothermal fields
9. Define magma
10.Mention the components of tidal power plant
11.What are the types of turbine in tidal power generation
12.What are the difficulties in tidal power developments
13.Justify your answer, why storage is necessary in tidal power plant
14.Mention the types of storage
15.What are the conversion devices for wave energy
16.What is potential energy
17.What are Advantages of tidal energy
1. What is Anaerobic Digestion of Bio-Mass
2. What are the advantages of Bio-Mass conversion & its application
3. Discuss the principle of fuel cell
4. What is meant by a thermo-electric generator
5. What are the various types of Bio-gas plant
6. What are the technique followed for Bio-Mass conversion
7. What is meant by Bio-gas generation
8. Mention the factors affecting the generation of Bio-gas
9. What are the advantages of fixed dome type & floating drum type
10.How does Bio-Mass conversion takes place
11.Write the main applications of Bio-Mass
12.What are the problems in straw fermentation
13.Explain the process of photosynthesis & also state the condition which are
14.What are the technique involved in maintaining the Bio-gas production
15.Define pyrolysis
1. Describe in detail about the classification of Bio-gas plant.
2. What are the factors affecting the Bio-digestion and also explain in brief.
3. What are the methods for maintaining the biogas production
4. Explain the principle of fuel cell and also state its advantages.
5. Describe an MHD open cycle system. What are the advantages of an MHD
power Generation
6. Explain fluidized bed combustion chamber in detail.