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Question Bank: Name of Faculty: Prof. Chetan O Yadav Sem: 8 Subject: Renewable Energy Engineering Subject Code: 2181910

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Name of Faculty: Prof. Chetan O Yadav Sem: 8th

Subject: Renewable Energy Engineering Subject code: 2181910

Question Bank
Chapter: 1 Scenario of Renewable Energy (RE) Sources:
Sr. Questions
1. Discuss in brief advantages of renewable energy.
2. List the advantage and limitation of Renewable Energy.
3. Describe the essentiality for exploration of renewable sources of energy.
4. Classify the various renewable energy sources and their availability with
reference to Indian Context.
5. Why the exploration of renewable sources of energy has become essential?

Chapter: 2 Solar Energy

1 Define terms : Angle of Incidence, Declination, Solar constant

2 Explain construction and working of Pyranometer with schematic diagram
3 Explain working of solar still with neat sketch.
4 List the factors affecting for the performance of flat plate collector.
5 Explain working of solar pond
6 Define term: Solar Azimuth Angle, Solar Altitude Angle, Hour Angle
7 Derive the expression of collector efficiency factor, heat removal factor and
useful heat gain for the air heater.
8 Explain the working of indirect solar drying system with neat sketch. Also
discuss the advantages.
9 Derive the expression of collector efficiency factor, heat removal factor and
useful heat gain for the cylindrical parabolic collector.
10 Explain the construction of solar pond with neat sketch.
11 Write a short note on solar saving
12 Explain Bean radiation and Diffuse radiation with neat sketch?
13 Define solar constant. Also explain about the variation of extraterrestrial solar
radiation during the year with graph.
14 Explain briefly construction and working of sunshine recorder?
15 What are the components of a flat-plate collector? Explain function of each
with neat sketch?
16 Explain with neat sketch various sun-earth angles?
17 Explain construction and working of Pyrheliometer with schematic diagram
18 Discuss performance analysis of a solar cell?
19 Explain the working of solar cell power plant with neat sketch?
20 Describe construction and working of a typical flat plate solar collector for air
heating with figure.
21 Describe a natural circulation solar water heating system?
22 Explain Domestic solar cooker and state the dis-advantages of it.
23 Explain the working of compound parabolic concentrator and state its
advantages and dis-advantages.
24 Explain construction and working of a forced circulation type solar dryer with
neat figure.
25 Explain solar furnace with neat sketch?
26 Explain with the help of neat sketch solar heliostat.
27 Write a short note on solar pumping?
28 Describe working of solar pond as energy storage with the help of neat
29 Differentiate Beam and Diffuse Radiation.

Chapter: 3 Wind Energy

1 List the basic component of wind mill and draw the wind energy conservation
2 Explain importance of drag and lift force in wind power generation.
3 Describe the effect of different parameter on the power generating capacity of
wind mill. Also explain control mechanism of a wind turbine
4 Prove that the maximum turbine output can be achieved when Ve = Vi/3,
Where Vi and Ve are upstream and downstream velocities of the wind.
5 Explain with neat sketch the geometry of airfoil terminology. Also explain
with neat sketch indicating the direction of lift force, drag force, pitching
moment coefficient.
6 Derive the one dimensional momentum theory and Beltz’s limit for the wind
mill. Also state the assumption in theory and draw the variation of pressure
and velocity in wind mill.
7 Prove that in case of horizontal axis wind turbine maximum power can
develop when exit velocity=1/3 of wind velocity and Pmax=8 ρAVi3/27.
Describe the main considerations in selecting the site for wind
8 energy conversion system.
9 Write a short note on (i) Savonious rotor (ii) Darrieus rotor
Chapter: 4 Bio- Energy

1 Distinguish between Fixed dome plant and floating dome type biomass plant.
2 Explain upward draft gasifier with diagram
3 Explain with neat sketch the three stage scheme for methane fermentation.
4 Discuss the following factors affecting the biogas generation
(1) pH (2) Nutrient (3) Temperature (4) Diameter to Depth ratio (5) Carbon –
Nitrogen ratio.
5 How is bio-gas plants classified? Explain continuous and batch type plants.
6 Discuss the factors which affect the biogas production in details.
7 State and explain various routes of Biomass energy conversion to other form
of energy?

Chapter: 5 Ocean Energy

1 List the geothermal resources. Explain binary fluid hydrothermal system.

2 Explain single basin, two-way tidal power plant.
3 State the principle of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC). Explain
working of closed cycle OTEC system.
4 Explain with neat sketch the working of hybrid OTEC system
5 Explain with neat sketch the liquid dominated geothermal system.
6 Explain with neat sketch the vapour dominated geothermal system.
7 Explain basic principle of Magneto Hydro Dynamic generation.
8 Explain with neat sketch the basic and working principle of MHD generator.

Chapter: 6 Economic Analysis

1 List the need for economic analysis of renewable energy system.
2 State the objectives of clean development mechanism. Explain clean
development mechanism project cycle with flow diagram.
3 Define (1) Payback time (2) Return on investment (3) Life cycle cost
4 What do you understand by “energy management” and “energy audit”?
Classify the energy audit and discuss them in brief.
5 Write a note on energy audit?
6 Explain what do you understand by energy conservation and its importance?
Also discuss some of the strategy used in the process of energy conservation.
7 What are cogeneration plants? Discuss the gas turbine co-generation systems
with help of neat sketches? What are their advantages?

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