Renewable Sources of Energy Question Bank
Renewable Sources of Energy Question Bank
Renewable Sources of Energy Question Bank
1. What are the different types of energy sources?
2. What is meant by primary energy source?
3. What are secondary fuels?
4. Write the reasons for energy crisis.
5. What are the major energy sources?
6. List out the minor energy sources.
. !ame some of the rene"able energy sources.
#. $efine global "arming.
%. Write the ad&antages of rene"able energy sources.
1'. (tate the disad&antages of solar energy.
1. )*plain geothermal energy.
2. )*plain the features of +iomass and )nergy plantation.
3. Write short notes on formation, reser&es, processing and the
en&ironmental impacts of using con&entional sources of energy
4. )*plain about -lobal "arming in detail.
5. )*plain about ./one layer depletion in detail.
6. List out the ad&antages and limitations of 0ene"able )nergy.
1. $efine (olar constant.
2. !ame any t"o types of instruments used for solar radiation measurement.
3. $efine diffused radiation.
4. !ame the different types of concentrating collectors.
5. $efine1 (olar cells.
6. What are the main components of photo&oltaic system?
. List any t"o solar cell materials.
#. List the focusing type collectors?
%. Write any t"o ad&antages of concentrating type collectors o&er flat plate
1'. What is solar pond?
1. )*plain solar radiation
2. )*plain 2lat plate and focusing type collectors
3. $iscuss about solar energy storage system.
4. 3o" solar ponds are "or4ing?
5. )*plain solar "ater heater "ith neat diagram
6. )*plain 5hoto &oltaic cell.
1. List the factors "hich determine the output from "ind energy con&ertor.
2. What are all the forces acting on "ind turbine blades?
3. Write do"n the basic components of W)6(.
4. What is 7a" 6ontrol?
5. $ra" the cross section of an airfoil and sho" the lift and drag forces on it
6. What is meant by 8agma?
. What is the basic principle of ocean thermal )nergy 6on&ersion?
#. What are major components of 9idal po"er plants
%. What is the basic principle of 9idal po"er?
1'. Write t"o limitations of 9idal po"er generation.
1. )*plain the "or4ing of W)6( "ith suitable diagram.
2. $ra" and e*plain 3ori/ontal a*ial Wind 9urbine "ith (ingle, 9"o and 8ulti
3. With a schematic diagram, )*plain the "or4ing of a geothermal preheat hybrid
4. )*plain the operation of a 6laude:s open cycle .9)6 system "ith a neat s4etch.
5. )*plain the operation of a closed .9)6 ;mmonia cycle "ith a neat s4etch.
6. )*plain the 9idal 5o"er plant "ith neat s4etch.
1. What is meant by +iomass?
2. List out the +io mass con&ersion technologies.
3. List any four +iomass resources.
4. What is meant by gasification of +iomass?
5. What is fermentation?
6. What is anaerobic digestion?
. What is fermentation?
#. What is chemical reduction?
%. 6lassify +iogas plants.
1'. What is meant by pyrolysis?
1. )*plain +iomass and +io fuel.
2. )*plain <n detail the "or4ing of 6ontinuous and +atch type +io gas plant
3. )*plain the "or4ing of $ome and drum type +io gas plants.
4. )*plain the "or4ing principle of a common circular fi*ed dome digester "ith
a neat s4etch.
5. )*plain the "or4ing of up=draught and do"n draught gasifies "ith neat
6. )*plain the "or4ing of a small scale pyrolysis unit "ith a neat s4etch.
1. +rief the principle of 83$ po"er generation.
2. +roadly classify the 83$ (ystem.
3. Write any four ad&antages of 83$ system.
4. What is super conducti&ity?
5. What is meant by peltier effect?
6. What is meant by 9homson effect?
. What is joule effect?
#. What is thermionic emission effect?
%. Write the methods of energy storage systems.
1'. What is meant by photo &oltaic effect?
1. With a (chematic diagram e*plain the "or4ing of an open cycle 83$ generator.
2. 3o" the closed cycle 8$3 is "or4ing? )*plain "ith suitable diagram.
3. With the help of a neat s4etch e*plain the "or4ing of a 9hermo > electric po"er
generator and list out the thermo electric materials
4. With the help of a schematic diagram, e*plain the "or4ing of a thermionic
5. )*plain thermionic generator.
6. What are all the re?uirements of nuclear fusion? )*plain.