Leadership, Decision Making, Management and Administration: Bataan Heroes College
Leadership, Decision Making, Management and Administration: Bataan Heroes College
Leadership, Decision Making, Management and Administration: Bataan Heroes College
Leadership, Decision Making,
Management and
This module or any portion thereof may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted or distributed in any manner
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A. Preliminaries
Course number : CFLM2
Descriptive title : Leadership, Decision Making, Management and Administration
Segment : 1
Semester & school year : Second Semester SY 20-21
1. Translate knowledge of fundamental leadership management and administration
2. Apply the dynamics and patterns of decision-making through management and
administration through criminalistics or forensic science.
3. Express personal philosophy of leadership set within the context of Criminal Justice
4. Demonstrate the importance of character formation to social responsibility. 5.
Articulate the principles and discipline that strengthen leadership credibility and decision
making in law enforcement administration public safety and criminal justice.
C. Intended learning outcome
1. Demonstrate the application of effective leadership.
2. Understand the frames of judgment and skills needed to affect positive change in
a wide array of settings and to transform cultures, organizations, and institutions
through effective leading, management
3. Critically evaluate the distinct difference between Leadership and Management;
4. Familiarize the types of leaders and leadership styles;
5. Apply the principles effective leadership and decision making in law enforcement
administration public safety and criminal justice;
6. Roles of Managers within the Organization: Decisional, interpersonal, and
informational; Effective Management of Organizational Resources
7. Discuss the different theories of Leadership;
8. Understand the fundamental functions of Management: Planning, Organizing,
Leading, Staffing and Controlling.
9. Understand the concept and principles of basics of police administration and
theories of community policing;
10.Be able to deal problem-solving and make wise decisions and understands its
Characteristics and difference
D. Terminal Requirements
✔ No final requirements other than taking the Final examinations and completing the
assigned work sheets.
a. Grades computed as follows;
Self- Forum Quizzes Long Quiz Term Exam TOTAL
assessment/ partici
Comprehensio pa tion
n activity
5 5 30 10 50 100
✔ Typically the number of quizzes per module is three and it comprise 30% of overall
course grade, Self-assessment/ Comprehension activity is 5 %, Long Quiz is also
10% and is given the day before the Term exam, unless there is poor attendance or
behavior in the class. I reserve the right to increase or decrease the quizzes
WITHOUT notice.
✔ Each quiz will cover the course content due that day and/or the class prior, and may
include all lectures, videos covered in class or readings assigned in the required
✔ Class participation points are only awarded to students who positively contribute to
the class. Students who attend class forum via zoom or any media platform that is
convenient to them as students will be more engaged, will synthesize the course
content or topic better, and will have the opportunity to contribute to the interactive
discussions and earn participation points during the said forum
✔ While online
participation is graded subjectively the following are taken into
consideration; 1) Positive preparation for class;
2) Involvement in class forums and discussion and;
3) Demonstrated level of enthusiasm for module material
That contribution to class discussion
does not simply involve talking but should demonstrate that student have read and und
erstood content of the module. Online forum participation comprises 5 % of overall
course grade.
Felkenes, George T. Effective Supervision. San Jose California. San Jose, California:
Prentice hall, 1977
Effectiveness http://www.thechurning.net/about/what-is-leadership-where-to-
begin/ https://www.chriswirz.com/management/what-is-leadership
traits/ https://leadthyself.blogspot.com/2018/12/leader-or-
About the faculty:
NB Dacasin is a graduate of BS in Criminology (2011) at Bataan Heroes Memorial
College. Passed the criminology licensure examination for criminology 2012. Joined the
criminology faculty of her alma mater in 2013 up to present. Currently completing her
thesis writing for her Master’s Degree in criminology at Metro Manila College.
Contact Details:
Mobile no. : 0915-719-8380
Email address : dacasinnida1120@gmail.com
FB account : Espinal Bajado
Instagram account : Espinal Bajado
Learning Objectives
Schedule : Week 1
Modality : Mixed
Topics Teaching Learning Assessment
What is Leadership? What is Read the printed module You are required to
Management available for the week answer the pre-test,
Who is a Leader? Who is a and take the “self quizzes, all the
Manager assessment questions” comprehension and
Leader versus Manager, Can it Should participate in the self assessment
be learn? Can it be taught scheduled forum via zoom activities
Types of Leaders and or messenger meeting for The comprehension
Leadership Styles. interactive discussion; questions will be
Components of Effective during the said forum 5%
Leadership you are required to graded but intended to
raise help you well
questions for comprehend the
clarification or course. All the self-
elaboration. assessment activities
premeditated to prepare
you successfully pass
the grading quizzes
and term examination
Theories on Leadership
A leader should know what he is, what he knows and what he does. He should
incessantly seek self-improvement. He should be familiar with the tasks and
environment of employees. He should set an example to the rest of the employees.
Inspiring, encouraging and enabling followers to share his vision and improve the
organization’s performance are the tests of successful leadership.
Always remember “an organization will move forward with or without you” if you want to
move on with an organization, then it’s up to you to prove your leadership skills.
How Does Leadership Work?
Leadership is a process more than it is a position. It does not always have to be a formal
role that one holds. Good leadership requires the correct application of skills and
practices at a time to help the organization reach its goals.
Leadership skills can be learned and improved.
Based on research, great leaders consistently possess these 10 core leadership
skills: 1. Integrity
2. Ability to
3. Communication
4. Self-awareness
5. Gratitude
6. Learning agility
7. Influence
8. Empathy
9. Courage
10. Respect
The importance of integrity should be obvious. Though it may not necessarily be a
metric in employee evaluations, integrity is essential for the individual and the
organization. It’s especially important for top-level executives who are charting the
organization’s course and making countless other significant decisions. Our research
show that integrity may actually be a potential blind spot for organizations. Make sure
your organization reinforces the importance of integrity to leaders at various levels.
Ability to Delegate
Delegating is one of the core responsibilities of a leader, but it can be tricky to delegate
effectively. The goal isn’t just to free yourself up — it’s also to enable your direct reports,
facilitate teamwork, provide autonomy, lead to better decision-making, and help your
direct reports grow. In order to delegate well, you also need to build trust with your
Effective leadership and effective communication are intertwined. You need to be able
to communicate in a variety of ways, from transmitting information to coaching your
people. And you must be able to listen to, and communicate with, a wide range of
people across roles, social identities, and more. The quality and effectiveness of
communication across your organization directly affects the success of your business
strategy, too. Learn how better conversations can actually improve your organizational
While this is a more inwardly focused skill, self-awareness is paramount for leadership.
The better you understand yourself, the more effective you can be. Do you know how
other people view you, or how you show up at work?
Being thankful can make you a better leader. Gratitude can lead to higher self-esteem,
reduced depression and anxiety, and even better sleep. Few people regularly say
“thank you” at work, even though most people say they’d be willing to work harder for an
appreciative boss. Learn how to give thanks and practice more gratitude in the
Learning Agility
Learning agility is the ability to know what to do when you don’t know what to do. If
you’re a “quick study” or are able to excel in unfamiliar circumstances, you might
already be learning agile. But anybody can foster learning agility through practice,
experience, and effort. Explore how great leaders are great learners, with strong
learning agility to get started.
For some people, “influence” feels like a dirty word. But being able to convince people
through logical, emotional, or cooperative appeals is a component of being an inspiring,
effective leader. Influence is quite different from manipulation, and it needs to be done
authentically and transparently. It requires emotional intelligence and trust-building. Find
out how the 4 keys to influencing others.
Empathy is correlated with job performance and a critical part of emotional intelligence
and leadership effectiveness. If you show more empathy towards your direct reports,
our research shows you’re more likely to be viewed as a better performer by your boss.
Empathy can be learned, and in addition to making you more effective, it will also
improve work for you and those around you.
It can be hard to speak up at work, whether you want to voice a new idea, provide
feedback to a direct report, or flag a concern for someone above you. That’s part of the
reason courage is a key skill for good leaders. Rather than avoiding problems or
allowing conflicts to fester, courage enables leaders to step up and move things in the
right direction. A psychologically safe workplace culture encourages speaking the truth.
Treating people with respect on a daily basis is one of the most important things a
leader can do. It will ease tensions and conflict, create trust, and improve effectiveness.
Respect is more than the absence of disrespect, and it can be shown in many different
ways. Explore how you can cultivate a climate of respect at work.
10 | N B D A C A S I N M O D U L E 1
Types of leaders
Charismatic leaders; they rely on their aura, personality, and inspirational qualities.
Autocratic leaders; they impose their decisions and tend to surround themselves with
“yes people”. They use their position to force people to do what they want.
Visionary leaders; they enable and inspire people with the vision of a
✔ Maintain respect.
✔ Be responsive to the needs of others
✔ Work effectively with people
✔ Have high motivation
✔ Be knowledgeable
✔ Use every available resource
✔ Capitalize on the leadership given to you
Legitimate power: Influence based on the leader’s formal position in the organization’s
EX: “Because I am the boss, you must do as I ask. ”Reward power: is the power
stemming from a leader’s ability to reward follower.
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Coercive power: The ability of a leader to punish their follower.
Ex: “ If you do not do what I ask you, I will punish you. ”Expert power: the power based
on a leader’s specialized knowledge.
Ex: As a source of special knowledge and information. Referent power: Power based
on the follower's the desire to identify with or imitate the leader.
Laissez-Faire Weakness The employees may pursue goals that do not match those of
the organization.
12 | N B D A C A S I N M O D U L E 1
THE EFFECTIVE MANAGER How to make goal-setting work for you Set specific
goals- They lead to higher performance than more generally stated ones, such as
“Do your best.
Set challenging goals- As long as they are viewed as realistic and attainable, more
difficult goals lead to higher performance than do easy goal.
Clarify goal priority- Make sure that expectations are clear as to which goals should
be accomplished first, and why.
For Punishment:
✔ Tell the person what is being done wrong.
✔ Tell the person what is being done right.
✔ Make the punishment match the behavior.
✔ Administer the punishment in private.
✔ Follow the laws of immediate reinforcement.
13 | N B D A C A S I N M O D U L E 1
Leadership vs. Management – is
really a difference?
“To manage” means “to bring about, to
accomplish, to have charge of or
responsibility for, to conduct.”
Just look at the original English meanings of the words manage and lead; To
manage means to handle, which implies a high degree of direct involvement.
To lead means to go before and prepare the way.
Managers supervise staff in the day-to-day operations of an organization, whereas
Leaders create change within organizations and inspire others towards greatness.
14 | N B D A C A S I N M O D U L E 1
5 Ways to be a Leader, Not a Manager
In an article about leadership qualities, titled 5 Ways to be a Leader, Not a Manager,
Jennifer Hill is quoted as stating that a leader has five unique qualities, which are;
7 Things Great Leaders Always Do (but Mere Managers Always Fear) In an article
on Inc.com, Bill Murphy Jr outlines seven differences that he sees between leaders
and managers. They are;
1. A great leader connects daily work with great goals. A mere manager focuses
only on the short-term.
2. A great leader thinks of people as people. A mere manager sees only titles or
organizational charts.
3. A great leader wants to earn respect. A mere manager wants to be liked.
4. A real leader is thrilled when team members achieve great things. A mere
manager is threatened.
5. A great leader empowers people with honesty and transparency. A mere
manager parcels out information as if it costs him personally.
6. A great leader understands that if the team falls short, he is responsible. A mere
manager blames the team.
7. A great leader cares mainly about results. A mere manager is more concerned
with process.
In Summary
Here are a few personality traits that I see great leaders display in their work and