Intelligent 3D Multisensor
Note: Some features described here may not be supported by all
control systems. Check your control panel’s Installation and S
Operation Guide for details. MEA CHINA
Application Notes
! Integrates photoelectric smoke and 135o F (57o C) fixed-
temperature heat sensing technologies
The information stored in the detector’s memory includes:
! Non-volatile memory
- detector type, serial number, and address
! Automatic device mapping
- date of manufacture, hours of operation, and last maintenance date²
! Electronic addressing
- current detector sensitivity values and the extent of
! Environmental compensation environmental compensation
! Integral microprocessor - intelligent detector - original detector sensitivity values upon manufacturing²
! Wide 0.67% to 3.77%/ft. sensitivity range - number of recorded alarms and troubles²
! Twenty pre-alarm sensitivity values, set in 5% increments¹ - time and date of last alarm¹
! Identification of dirty or defective detectors - analog signal patterns just before the last alarm¹
! Automatic day/night sensitivity adjustment - most recent trouble code logged by the detector—32 possible
! Twin RED/GREEN status LEDs trouble codes may be used to diagnose faults
! Standard, relay, fault isolator, and audible mounting bases In the unlikely event that an unwanted alarm does take place, the
control panel’s history file can be called up to help isolate the
! Designed and manufactured to ISO 9001 standards problem and prevent it from happening again.
Automatic Device Mapping - The loop controller learns where
Description each device’s serial number address is installed relative to other
devices on the circuit. This mapping feature provides supervision
EST’s Signature Series Model SIGA-PHS Intelligent 3D Multisensor of each device’s installed location to prevent a detector from
Detector gathers analog information from each of its two fire being reinstalled (after cleaning etc.) in a different location from
sensing elements (photoelectric and heat) and converts it into where it was originally. The history log for the detector remains
digital signals. The detector’s on-board microprocessor measures relevant and intact regardless of its new location.
and analyzes these signals separately with respect to a third
element - Time. We call this technology 3D. It compares the The Signature Series Data Entry Program also uses the mapping
information to historical readings, time patterns, and several feature. With interactive menus and graphic support, the wired
known fire characteristics to make an alarm decision. Digital filters circuits between each device can be examined. Layout or “as-
remove signal patterns that are not typical of fires. Unwanted built” drawing information showing wire branches (T-taps), device
alarms are virtually eliminated. types and their address are stored on disk for printing hard copy.
This takes the mystery out of the installation. The preparation of as-
The microprocessor in each detector provides four additional built drawings is fast and efficient.
benefits - Self-diagnostics and History Log, Automatic Device
Mapping, Stand-alone Operation and Fast Stable Communication. Device mapping also allows the Signature loop controller to
Self-diagnostics and History Log - Each Signature Series detector
constantly runs self-checks to provide important maintenance - unexpected additional device addresses
information. The results of the self-check are automatically updated - missing device addresses
and permanently stored in the detector’s non-volatile memory. This - changes to the wiring in the circuit.
information is accessible for review any time at the control panel,
PC, or by using the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. ¹ EST3 V.2 only.
Retrievable with SIGA-PRO programming tool.
PHONE : (001) 905-270-1711 • FAX: (001) 905-270-9553 • WORLD WIDE WEB: WWW.ESTINTERNATIONAL .COM
U.S. SALES: SARASOTA, FL; PHONE 941-739-4638; FAX 941-727-1214 • CANADA SALES: OWEN SOUND, ON; PHONE 519-376-2430; FAX 519-376-7258
Issue 5 Literature Sheet #85001-0247 Page 1 of 4
Not to be used for installation purposes.
Stand-alone Operation - A decentralized alarm decision by the Stability - The SIGA-PHS 3D detector’s sensitivity remains stable in
detector is guaranteed. On-board intelligence permits the detector wind velocities up to 5,000 ft/min (25.3 m/sec). Ambient tempera-
to operate in stand-alone mode. If loop controller CPU communi- ture has very little affect on the detector. The detector may be
cations fail for more than four seconds, all devices on that circuit installed in rooms with ambient temperatures up to 100oF (38oC).
go into stand-alone mode. The circuit acts like a conventional
alarm receiving circuit. Each detector on the circuit continues to Status LEDs - Twin LEDs are visible from any direction. A flashing
collect and analyze information from its surroundings. The GREEN LED shows normal system polling from the loop controller.
detector alarms if the preset smoke obscuration level is reached or A flashing RED LED means the detector is in alarm state. Both
the ambient temperature reaches 135oF (57oC). If the detector is LEDs on steady shows alarm state - stand-alone mode. Normal
mounted to a relay base, the relay operates. Similarly, if it is GREEN LED activity is not distracting to building occupants, but
mounted to an audible base, the on-board horn sounds. can be quickly spotted by a maintenance technician.
Fast Stable Communication - On-board intelligence means less Quality and Reliability - EST detectors are manufactured in North
information needs to be sent between the detector and the loop America to strict international ISO 9001 standards. All electronics
controller. Other than regular supervisory polling response, the utilize surface mount technology (SMT) for smaller size and greater
detector only needs to communicate with the loop controller when immunity to RF noise. A conformal coating is used for humidity
it has something new to report. This provides very fast control and corrosion resistance. All critical contacts are gold plated.
panel response time and allows a lower baud rate (speed) to be
used for communication on the circuit. The lower baud rate offers
several advantages including: Installation
- less sensitivity to circuit wire characteristics
Signature Series detectors mount to North American 1-gang
- less sensitivity to noise glitches on the cable
boxes, 3-1/2 inch or 4 inch octagon boxes, and to 4 inch square
- less emitted noise from the datag wiring electrical boxes 1-1/2 inches (38 mm) deep. They mount to
- twisted or shielded wiring is not required. European BESA and 1-gang boxes with 60.3 mm fixing centers.
Electronic Addressing - The loop controller electronically ad-
dresses each detector, saving valuable time during system
commissioning. Setting complicated switches or dials is not
required. Each detector has its own unique serial number stored in
its on-board memory. The loop controller identifies each device
on the circuit and assigns a “soft” address to that device’s serial
number. If desired, detectors can be addressed using the
SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool.
Environmental Compensation - Detection sensitivity for the
SIGA-PHS is virtually independent of its installed environment and
its physical condition. Environmental compensation means the
sensing element adapts to long-term changes caused by dirt,
humidity, aging etc. It even compensates for small amounts of
normal ambient smoke. Approximately six times every hour, the
detector adjusts and updates the sensitivity (% obscuration) base-
line for its photoelectric sensing element. Every hour this informa-
tion is written to its permanent memory.The detector’s “learned”
baseline is not lost, even when the detector is removed for cleaning.
Signature Series environmental compenstion is so reliable that it
meets NFPA72 field sensitivity testing requirements — without
the need for external meters.
The detector’s sensitivity setting selected by the installer floats up
or down to remain constant relative to the changing baseline. This Testing & Maintenance
is called differential sensing.
Each detector automatically identifies when it is dirty or defective
Sensitivity Range - The SIGA-PHS 3D detector has a sensitivity and causes a “dirty detector” message. The detector’s sensitivity
range or window of 0.67% to 3.77% obscuration per foot. The measurement can also be transmitted to the loop controller. A
installer selects the detector’s ALARM sensitivity level from five sensitivity report can be printed to satisfy NFPA sensitivity meas-
available settings within the range. urements which must be conducted at the end of the first year and
every two years thereafter.
Pre-Alarm - The detector stores one of 20 pre-alarm sensitivity values
to alert local personnel prior to the sensor reaching a full evacuation The user-friendly maintenance program shows the current state of
sensitivity. Sensitivity values can be set in 5% increments.1 each detector and other pertinent messages. Single detectors may
be turned off temporarily, from the control panel. Availability of
Automatic Day/Night Sensitivity Selection - Signature Series maintenance features is dependent on the fire alarm system used.
detectors may be programmed for different sensitivities during day Scheduled maintenance (Regular or Selected) for proper detector
and night periods. This allows the detector to be more sensitive operation should be planned to meet the requirements of the
during unoccupied periods when lower ambient background Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Refer to current NFPA 72 and
conditions are expected. ULC CAN/ULC 536 standards.
¹ EST3 V.2 only.
Page 2 of 4 Literature Sheet #85001-0247 Issue 5
Although photoelectric detectors have a wide range of fire sensing capabilities they are best suited for detecting slow, smoldering fires.
The table below shows six standard test fires used to rate the sensitivity of smoke and heat detectors. The table indicates that no single sensing
element is suited for all test fires.
EST recommends that this detector be installed according to latest recognized edition of national and local fire alarm codes.
Type of Detector
SIGA-IS Ion Photo Heat Ion/Photo/Heat
Photo Rate-of-Rise/
3D 4D
Fixed Temp.
Open Wood optimum unsuitable optimum very suitable optimum
Wood Pyrolysis suitable optimum unsuitable optimum optimum
Smouldering Cotton very suitable optimum unsuitable optimum optimum
Poly Urethane Foam very suitable very suitable suitable very suitable optimum
n-Heptane optimum very suitable very suitable optimum optimum
Liquid Fire without Smoke unsuitable unsuitable optimum very suitable very suitable
Typical Wiring
The detector mounting bases accept #18 AWG (0.75mm2), #16 (1.0mm2), #14 AWG (1.5mm2), and #12 AWG (2.5mm²) wire sizes.
Note: Sizes #16 AWG (1.0mm2) and #18 AWG (0.75mm2) are preferred for ease of installation. See Signature Loop Controller catalog
sheet for detailed wiring requirement specifications.
Standard Detector Base, SIGA-SB, SIGA-SB4 Relay Detector Base, SIGA-RB, SIGA-RB4
1.0 Amp @ 30 VDC
(Pilot Duty)
3 DATA IN (-)
4 Not Used
5 Not Used
6 DATA OUT (-)
7 Not Used
From Power Supply To Next Sounder Base or
or Previous Sounder Base E-O-L Relay
24 VDC IN (+) 24 VDC OUT (+)
24 VDC IN (-) 24 VDC OUT (-)
DATA IN (-) To Next Signature Device
From Signature Controller
or Previous Device
Issue 5 Literature Sheet #85001-0247 Page 3 of 4
Accessories Specifications
All detector mounting bases have wiring terminals that are Catalog Number SIGA-PHS
accessible from the “room-side” after mounting the base to the Smoke Sensing
Photoelectric - Light Scattering Principle
electrical box. The bases mount to North American 1-gang boxes Element
and to 3½ inch or 4 inch octagon boxes, 1½ inches (38 mm) deep. Heat Sensing Fixed Temperature
Element Alarms at 135ºF (57ºC) Ambient
They also mount to European BESA and 1-gang boxes with 60.3
Operating and Operating Temp: 32ºF to 100ºF (0ºC to 38ºC)
mm fixing centers. The SIGA-SB4, SIGA-RB4, and SIGA-IB4 mount Storage Storage Temp: -4ºF to 140ºF (-20ºC to 60ºC)
to North American 4 inch square electrical boxes in addition to the Environment Humidity: 0 to 93% RH, Non-Condensing
above boxes. They include the SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt which is used Sensitivity Range ULI/ULC - 0.67% to 3.77%
to cover the “mounting ears” on the base. Most Sensitive: 1.0%/ft.
More Sensitive: 2.0%/ft.
User Selected Alarm
Normal: 2.5%/ft.
Sensitivity Settings
Less Sensitive: 3.0%/ft.
Least Sensitive: 3.5%/ft.
Pre-alarm Sensitivity 5% increments, allowing up to 20 pre-alarm settings
Operating Voltage 15.2 to 19.95 Vdc (19 Vdc nominal)
Audible Base Standard Base Isolator Base Relay Base Remote LED Quiescent: 45µA @ 19 V
Alarm: 45µA @ 19 V
Standard Base SIGA-SB, SIGA-SB4 - This is the basic mounting Emergency Stand-alone Alarm Mode: 18mA
Pulse Current: 100 µA (100 msec)
base for EST Signature Series detectors. The SIGA-LED Remote During Communication: 9 mA maximum
LED is supported by the Standard Base.
Construction &
High Impact Engineering Polymer - White
Relay Base SIGA-RB, SIGA-RB4 - This base includes a relay. Finish
Normally open or closed operation is selected during installation. Compatible SIGA-SB Standard Base, SIGA-RB Relay Base,
Mounting Bases SIGA-IB Isolator Base, SIGA-AB Audible Base
The dry contact is rated for one amp (pilot duty) @ 30 Vdc. The
On-board Green LED - Flashes when polled
relay’s position is supervised to avoid accidentally jarring it out of On-board Red LED - Flashes when in alarm
position. The SIGA-RB can be operated as a control relay if LED Operation Both LEDs - Glow steady when in alarm (stand-alone)
programmed to do so at the control panel (EST3 V. 2 only). The Compatible Remote Red LED (model SIGA-LED)
relay base does not support the SIGA-LED Remote LED. Flashes when in alarm
Compatibility Use With: SIGNATURE Loop Controller
Audible Base SIGA-AB4 - This base is designed for use where Address
localized or group alarm signaling is required. When the detector Uses one Device Address
senses an alarm condition, the audible base emits a local alarm Agency Listings UL, ULC, CSFM, MEA
signal. The optional SIGA-CRR Polarity Reversal Relay can be used UL Listed Spacing 30 ft
for sounding to other audible bases on the same 24 Vdc circuit.
Relay and Audible Bases operate as follows:
- at system power-up or reset, the relay is de-energized
- when a detector is installed in the base with the power on, the Ordering Information Table
relay energizes for four seconds, then de-energizes Catalog Ship Wt.
- when a detector is removed from a base with the power on, Number Description lbs (kg)
the relay is de-energized Intelligent 3D Multisensor Detector
SIGA-HFS .5 (.23)
- when the detector enters the alarm state, the relay is energized. - UL/ULC Listed
Isolator Base SIGA-IB, SIGA-IB4 - This base includes a built-in line
SIGA-SB Detector Mounting Base
fault isolator for use on Class A circuits. A detector must be
4-inch Detector Mounting Base
installed for it to operate. The isolator base does not support the SIGA-SB4
c/w SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt
SIGA-RB Detector Mounting Base w/Relay
The isolator operates as follows: 4-inch Detector Mounting Base w/ Relay
SIGA-RB4 .2 (.09)
- a short on the line causes all isolators to open within 23 msec. c/w SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt
SIGA-IB Detector Mounting Base w/Fault Isolator
- at 10 msec intervals, beginning on one side of the Class A circuit
nearest the loop controller, the isolators close to provide the 4-inch Detector Mounting Base w/Fault Isolator
c/w SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt
next isolator down the line with power.
SIGA-LED Remote Alarm LED
- when the isolator next to the short closes, it reopens within 10 msec.
SIGA-AB4 Audible (Sounder) Base .3 (0.15)
The process repeats beginning on the other side of the loop controller.
SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt (supplied with 4-inch bases) .1 (.04)
Remote LED SIGA-LED - The remote LED connects to the SIGA-SB
or SIGA-SB4 Standard Base only. It features a North American size
1-gang plastic faceplate with a white finish and red alarm LED.
SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt - Supplied with 4 inch bases, it can also be
ordered separately to use with the other bases to help hide surface The SIGA-PHS detectors are compatible only with EST’s Signature
imperfections not covered by the smaller bases. Loop Controller.
It is our intention to keep the product information current and accurate. We can not cover specific applications or anticipate all requirements.
All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information or questions relative to this Specification Sheet, contact EST International.
Printed in Canada
© 1999 EST
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