Example of A Technical Report For A Construction Project
Example of A Technical Report For A Construction Project
Example of A Technical Report For A Construction Project
Technical Report 2
Kendall Slivka
Construction Management
Faculty Advisor; Dr Robert Leicht
Executive Summary
The final product could not come together so well without a thorough design
phase. During the design phase multiple estimates were created to budget the College’s
funds and to ensure they could receive the most, and best building for their money. In
order to understand the budget’s created, a detailed structural systems estimate has
been quantified to compare with the owner’s existing one. The detailed estimate
includes footings, slab on grade, structural steel and accessories. A general conditions
estimate was also formed to understand the expenses of working onsite. The general
conditions estimate includes estimated costs for temporary offices, and power,
equipment, and the cost of the Construction Management staff.
Building Information Modeling and its uses are currently an area of much
attention in the construction industry. Companies are putting large amounts of time and
money into developing strong BIM departments to aid with marketing, coordination and
the actual construction process. It may seem overwhelming to enter the world, but with
a development and implementation plan, the process could go very smoothly. However,
this is still the construction industry and there are events that happen every day onsite
that haven’t been or couldn’t be planned. During the construction of the Student Life
Building, there have been a few constructability challenges that have slowed progress.
The challenges relate to site work and construction and involve multiple contractors.
Communication between contractors is a necessity in order for a project as large as the
new Monroe Campus to develop.
Table of Contents
Detailed Project Schedule______________________________________4
Constructability Challenges____________________________________11
Appendix A________________________________________________ 15
Appendix B ________________________________________________20
Appendix C________________________________________________ 30
Detailed Project Schedule
*A full version of the schedule is attached in Appendix A
The new Monroe Campus of Northampton Community College began its design
phase in late 2011. Actual construction of the campus began in spring ‘12 when the site
was prepared. A large amount of site work needed to be completed on the project. The
work comprised of creating access roads in May 2012 and then preparing the grade for
the buildings foundation in August Before excavation began, the sediment basins,
staging areas and temporary facilities need to be created. Site work for the rest of the
campus is ongoing; however the Student Life Building could begin pouring footings and
slabs in July ‘12.
The shell of the building consists of the footings and slab, steel erections, and
finally the exterior facades. The overall timeline for the shell is about a year -- June ’12-
June’13. It will begin with building pad construction in July, move to foundations the
next month, and then underground rough-ins of MEP systems will begin. This is an
integral step in order for the future systems of the building to perform well. The
milestone set for completion of the slab is January 2013, however by that time the
structural steel should also be complete.
Some interior work, like forming metal stairs, can begin prior the slab milestone.
However, interior wall partitions will not begin until February 2013. Interior MEP rough-in
will occur almost simultaneously and once they have been inspected, drywall can be
placed in late February. Finishes like painting and wall covering will not start until spring
2013 and will carry over into the summer. The milestone set for completion of interior
walls finishes is November 11, 2013.
The building should be completed by late November 2013. This gives time for
quality assurance inspections and for the systems to be tested. The certificate of
occupancy will be obtained in January 2014 and Northampton Community College will
have full use of their facilities.
Detailed Structural Systems Estimate
*full estimate and calculations are attached in Appendix B
The superstructure of the Student Life Building was analyzed to create a detailed
unit estimate. Instead of creating takeoffs for the entire building, a typical section was
observed and the details of that section
could then be scaled to relate to the entire
building. The price estimated for the small
section is about $99,600. Scaled to reflect
the overall structure it would be about
$996,500. This price however will varies
from the actual superstructure cost that
could be found by creating a full takeoff.
The difference in prices occurred because
the building has varying spaces and
rooflines. These spaces are all framed
differently and have unique roof heights
and designs. For example the gymnasium
has a much higher roof height at 41.5’
than the campus store which has a roof height of only about 16’. In the areas where the
roof height is extended, there are truss bracing systems in place. This allows for larger
spans between columns. Finally, because the lower level only runs through the spine of
the building, the first floor framing only exists there. The surrounding gym and cafeteria
are on a slab on grade foundation.
The area chosen to represent a typical bay was partly under the low roof and
partly under the high roofline of the gym. It was also had one area with the lower level
foundation, framing, metal deck, floor slab, and roof framing, and then a second section
with only the slab on grade and roof framing. The area chosen as a typical bay lies
between column lines 3-6 and A-E. The overall floor area in the section is 6,968ft2 and
is called out in orange on the floor plan provided.
From the square foot extrapolation, other pricing quantities can be inferred. For
example, the labor and material prices can be separated and scaled accordingly. Labor
for the typical section is about $11,900. Scaling this amount to the overall building would
make labor for the superstructure cost $. Materials, which were $84,500 in the section,
would then be about $ overall. These amounts will vary from the actual price but the
process could be a useful tool in the overall superstructure budget.
General Conditions Estimate
The general conditions of the Student Life Building are a large part of the general
conditions of the entire campus. For example, the Construction Managers’, and prime
contractors’ trailers have been placed and will remain in the same position until the third
building is completed and handed over to the owner. The temporary utilities and
equipment are also going to be used during the construction of each building. For the
estimate below, only the construction period pertaining to the Student Life Building was
considered. The amount, $2.6 million, reflects a percentage of the buildings overall cost,
$18.5 million. The percentage of the total building cost is around 12% which is high for
general conditions, but considering the permit values were included, the pricing is
The Construction Manager’s project team is comprised of a field coordinator,
project manager and senior project manager. These terms weren’t fully represented in
the RSMeans data, so the field coordinator is equivalent to the field engineer and the
superintendent is used as the senior project manager. The minimum rate was used for
the senior project manager because he will be overseeing various jobs and will not be
onsite daily.
The estimates for temporary facilities, services, equipment and utilities were also
calculated with the RSMeans data. The temporary facilities, i.e. trailers, were only
considered as the CM’s cost. The multiple prime contractors and sub-contractors will
have trailers onsite at various times of construction. The total for having three trailers
with air conditioning, and electricity for the duration of the project is approximately
Temporary Facilities & Unit Quantity
Cost/Unit Total Cost
01 52 13.20 Office and Storage Space
01 52 13.20 0350 Office trailer. 32'X8' month 19 190 3610 10830
(rent) (3)
01 52 13.20 0700 air conditioning month 19 46 874 2622
01 52 13.40 Field Office Expense
01 52 13.40 0160 Lights/HVAC month 19 152 2888 8664
01 52 13.40 0120 Office Supplies(2) month 19 75 1425 2850
01 74 13.20 0020 Final Cleanup job 0.30% 555,000 555,000
01 41 26 Regulatory Requirments
01 41 26.50 0100 Permits, Most Cities job 0.50% 925,000 925,000
Total $1,488,797 $1,504,966
The final estimate that was compiled for the general conditions dealt with
temporary utilities and equipment. The temporary heating was only considered for the
CM’s trailers and the temporary lighting should cover then square footage of the
Student Life Building. The signage and temporary fencing quantities were taken from
the information on the phasing drawings.
Temporary Utilities & Equipment Unit Quantity
Duration Cost
01 51 13 Temporary Electricity
01 51 13.80 0350 Temporary Lighting CSF Flr 700 38.38 19 510454
01 51 13.80 0100 Temporary Heating CSF Flr 7.68 15.17 19 2213.6064
01 56 26 Temporary Fencing
01 56 26.50 0100 Chain link, 6' high L.F 6500 4.48 29120
01 58 13.50 0020 Project Signage S.F 65 34 2210
Total 543997.61
BIM Use Evaluation
*Level 1 Process Map attached in Appendix C
Building Information Modeling (BIM) has quickly come to the forefront of most
discussions regarding the construction industry. It may seem intimidating to jump into,
but companies at all levels can start implementing the various uses of BIM to assist with
everything from marketing, to coordination, to the actual fabrication of materials. The
most important part of moving into the ‘BIM world’ is having an implantation plan that
your company can follow. It’s necessary to understand which uses of the process are
best suited to help your company succeed.
The Monroe Campus plan has not been a fully integrated BIM project. The
companies and owner have chosen to go a more traditional construction route for
various reasons. The owner does not have the need for a functioning maintenance
model, and the contracting companies involved are smaller and do not have developing
BIM departments.
The fact that models were not passed between contractors does not mean that
that the clash detection process was ignored. The prime contractors, together with the
construction managers worked together for months before construction began. They
compared drawings and notes and even discussed coordination and scheduling issues
as a team.
I feel that despite not feeling comfortable implementing BIM uses, the companies
involved could definitely have benefitted from them. The owner felt it wasn’t necessary
to have a working model because maintenance staffing would need to be instructed on
its uses, however providing training to the staff may prove to be a wise investment. The
campus equipment and facilities could be monitored and controlled much more
efficiently. The contractors involved could benefit even more from implementing BIM
processes. Despite all coordination efforts, there have been issues on site. Even more
of these issues could be avoided with the use of 4D modeling, or modeling in general.
The BIM use analysis below describes the different areas in which a company
can use and benefit from the process. Instead of creating one based on the actual
project’s BIM use, I’ve created a plan to explain how they could have used BIM.
10 | P a g e
Constructability Challenges
The construction of the Student Life Building, like most construction projects, has
not gone as smoothly as planned. Owners spend an exuberant amount of time and
money planning the design, site work and construction phases of a project, and
Northampton Community College has been planning their new campus since they
purchased the land in 2005. Despite the attention, there have been three major
challenges to the site thus far. There have been problems with the watershed, a large
foundation wall, and....
The first challenge was exposed very early in the sitework process. Because the
site is considered a green field -- meaning there has not been previous construction --
Erosion and Sedimentation Plan Report needed to be created. Herbert, Rowland, and
Grubic, a civil engineering firm, was commissioned to complete the report and their
findings show that the site needs to distribute runoff between two separate watersheds.
Considering the large site, this isn’t extremely unusual; however a lot of planning and
erosion control methods will need to be used.
11 | P a g e
In order to control erosion
there will sediment basins, silt
fences around all topsoil
stockpiles and around the site in
general. Also, the GC must
monitor and remove any runoff
that could possibly get into
surrounding roadways. The most
prominent aspect of the erosion
control plan is the use of the
sediment basins. Twelve basins
will be created throughout the
project. The basins will be
distributed throughout the site, 8
in the northern section and 4 in
the southern and their distribution
areas can be seen in the tables from the Report. No ground can be broken before
corresponding sediment basins are created and inspected. Different basins will be
created in each phases of the project, and at the end of the project basins---- will
become permanent retention ponds. The transformation to retention ponds includes
adding gravel, vegetation, and permanent drainage lines.
The process may not seem like it would cause constructability issues, however
the basin placement created stress
on the existing runoff piping. The
existing piping on the corner of
NCC road and SR 0715 does not
have a diameter large enough for
the amount of runoff it could
potentially see. This basin will
become a permanent retention
pond and the pipe must be
replaced. However, the positioning
of the pipe caused challenges to
the schedule and overall cost of the
project. The ownership of the pipe
needed to be transferred from the county to Northampton Community College. Once
NCC obtained ownership of the pipe, they needed to convince PennDot that tearing up
12 | P a g e
their road was necessary. This permit and ownership process was extremely elongated
as a result, the overall schedule was delayed and sitework costs were expanded.
The second challenge that the project team experienced occurred after sitework
and construction were well underway. There is a large foundation wall on line 5 of the
foundation. It can be seen in the drawings on page 2S101, and 2S102. There is also a
section detail that can be seen from 2.S301. The section detail shows that there were
changes to the design in the addendum; however that changed only the thickness of the
wall and the current problem is related to coordination.
The area was
first excavated and the
18’ wall was then cast
in place. The area
cannot be backfilled
until all work around the
wall is complete, and
this is what had been
agreed upon in the
meetings. The process
agreed upon was to
pour the wall, erect the
steel and metal
decking, and then have the wall be
backfilled. However, due to the
positioning of the wall, numerous
sanitary lines run toward it and these
lines need to be placed as soon as
13 | P a g e
into his workspace. The coordination comes into play with the multiple prime
contractors. While the PC is placing his pipe work, the GC needs to oversee both the
steel erection and concrete pours. There are remaining column footings that need to be
poured – one located on line 4 of the drawings. Not only will a crane need to be in the
area to erect the steel but a concrete truck will need access to line 4’s column footing.
Discussions on this coordination have delayed the process of installing the sanitary
Final decisions on the process have not currently been made, but each
subcontractor has posed their side. The general contractor wants to proceed with steel
erection because the equipment is already on site – keeping a crane etc. onsite and idle
would be costly. Also, the GC wants to continue to pour the remaining footings so that
the columns on top of them can be placed sooner. The plumbing contractor is adamant
about not wanting to work in such confined spaces and does not want to put the safety
of his workers at any risk. It seems the best solution for this issue is to continue with the
process approved during preconstruction meetings. It should also be made clear that in
the future it is the contractors’ responsibility to understand what scope of work and
scheduling they are agreeing to.
Because the site is in the early phases of construction, there hasn’t been another
constructability challenge as large as the two described. The only other challenges had
been to continuously keep workers on schedule. The campus is an extremely large
scope of work that needs to be completed in a relatively short time period. All parties
involved must be constantly communicating and being productive.
14 | P a g e
Appendix A
15 | P a g e
29 MILESTONE MAKE WATER TAP IN RT715 AND EXTEND WATER LINE ONTO NCC 1 day Fri 10/26/12 Fri 10/26/12 10/26
31 Site grading and excavation 109 days Wed 5/29/13 Tue 10/22/13
32 concrete curb 2012 91 days Tue 6/26/12 Thu 10/25/12
33 EC site lighting 60 days Tue 7/3/12 Tue 7/3/12
34 concrete curb 2013 40 days Tue 5/14/13 Mon 7/8/13
Page 1
38 site linestriping & signage 30 days Thu 1/9/14 Wed 2/19/14
39 concrete bumper blocks 20 days Tue 1/14/14 Mon 2/10/14
40 concrete sidewalks & ramps 60 days Tue 7/23/13 Tue 10/8/13
42 unit pavers 30 days Tue 9/24/13 Sat 11/2/13
43 exterior masonry seat walls and site walls 45 days Mon 5/20/13 Fri 7/19/13
44 exterior site railings 40 days Wed 8/28/13 Mon 10/21/13
45 timber guide rail 30 days Wed 8/21/13 Wed 8/21/13
46 segmented retaining wall 30 days Wed 10/24/12 Tue 12/4/12
47 site benches 30 days Wed 8/21/13 Mon 9/30/13
48 bus shelters 30 days Thu 8/22/13 Tue 10/1/13
49 flagpoles 30 days Wed 8/28/13 Mon 10/7/13
50 parking control equipment 30 days Tue 9/17/13 Mon 10/28/13
51 relocate available boulders 30 days Tue 9/24/13 Sat 11/2/13
52 Landscaping trees and shrubs fall 2012 42 days Thu 11/22/12 Thu 1/17/13
53 landscaping trees and shrubs spring 2013 55 days Fri 5/24/13 Tue 8/6/13
54 landscaping trees and shrubs fall 2013 76 days Thu 10/17/13 Mon 1/27/14
56 BUILDING SHELL CONSTRUCTION 246 days Fri 7/27/12 Thu 6/27/13
57 construct the building pad 20 days Fri 7/27/12 Wed 8/22/12
59 layout for foundations 5 days Thu 8/23/12 Wed 8/29/12
60 footing excavation and concrete foundations 40 days Fri 8/24/12 Tue 10/16/12
61 B.3 MILESTONE COMPLETE CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS 1 day Wed 10/24/12 Wed 10/24/12 10/24
62 waterproofing 18 days Mon 9/24/12 Tue 10/16/12
63 PC underground sanitary/storm rough-in 15 days Thu 9/6/12 Tue 9/25/12
64 EC deep underground rough in 10 days Thu 9/6/12 Wed 9/19/12
65 B.4 MILESTONE COMPLETE MECH & PC UNDERGROUND ROUGH IN 1 day Wed 10/31/12 Wed 10/31/12
66 erect structural steel and deck 40 days Wed 10/17/12 Tue 12/11/12
67 B.5 MILESTONE COMPLETE STRUCTURAL STEEL 1 day Thu 12/20/12 Thu 12/20/12
68 pour concrete slab on deck 20 days Fri 12/14/12 Wed 1/9/13
69 EC rough in stone under slab 15 days Thu 11/29/12 Tue 12/18/12
70 stone under slab 20 days Thu 11/29/12 Tue 12/25/12
72 CMU walls 40 days Wed 12/12/12 Mon 2/4/13
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Appendix B Detail Structural Estimate notes
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19 | P a g e
20 | P a g e
Mat. & Estimated
Qty LineNumber Description Unit Material Labor
Labor/Unit Total
Welded wire
fabric, sheets, 6 x
6 - W2.9 x W2.9
(6 x 6) 42 lb. per
C.S.F., A185, incl
labor for
accessories, excl
material for
52.3 032205500300 accessories C.S.F. $23.66 $32.02 $55.68 2912.064
Reinforcing Steel,
shop size extra,
#5 bar, A615,
grade 40, material
only, included in
0.05 032110502600 delivered price Ton $36.48 $- $36.48 $1.82
Reinforcing Steel,
shop size extra,
#6 bar, A615,
grade 40, material
only, included in
0.1 032110502650 delivered price Ton $33.03 $- $33.03 $3.30
Reinforcing Steel,
shop size extra,
#7 to #11 bar,
A615, grade 40,
material only,
included in
0.31 032110502700 delivered price Ton $43.88 $- $43.88 $13.60
concrete, ready
mix, normal
weight, 3000 psi,
includes local
aggregate, sand,
Portland cement
and water,
excludes all
additives and
95 033105350150 treatments C.Y. $83.13 $- $83.13 $7,897.35
concrete, ready
mix, normal
weight, 4000 PSI,
includes local
aggregate, sand,
Portland cement
and water,
77.9 033105350300 delivered, C.Y. $83.95 $- $83.95 $6,539.71
21 | P a g e
excludes all
additives and
C.I.P. concrete
forms, slab on
grade, bulkhead
with keyway,
wood, 6" high, 1
use, includes
erecting, bracing,
stripping and
424 031113651000 cleaning L.F. $0.78 $2.34 $3.12 $1,322.88
C.I.P. concrete
forms, footing,
keyway, tapered
wood, 2" x 4", 4
use, includes
erecting, bracing,
stripping and
284 031113451500 cleaning L.F. $0.16 $0.59 $0.75 $213.00
Structural steel
member, 100-ton
project, 1 to 2
story building,
W10x33, A992
steel, shop
fabricated, incl
shop primer,
bolted $10,599.5
215 051223750740 connections L.F. $40.27 $5.94 $49.30 0
Structural steel
member, 100-ton
project, 1 to 2
story building,
W10x49, A992
steel, shop
fabricated, incl
shop primer,
bolted $13,754.0
200 051223750900 connections L.F. $59.74 $5.94 $68.77 0
Structural steel
member, 100-ton
project, 1 to 2
story building,
W12x16, A992
steel, shop
fabricated, incl
shop primer,
82 051223751100 connections L.F. $19.47 $3.71 $25.11 $2,059.02
22 | P a g e
Structural steel
member, 100-ton
project, 1 to 2
story building,
W12x26, A992
steel, shop
fabricated, incl
shop primer,
32 051223751500 connections L.F. $31.86 $3.71 $37.50 $1,200.00
Structural steel
member, 100-ton
project, 1 to 2
story building,
W12x35, A992
steel, shop
fabricated, incl
shop primer,
23 051223751520 connections L.F. $42.48 $4.04 $48.62 $1,118.26
Structural steel
member, 100-ton
project, 1 to 2
story building,
W14x26, A992
steel, shop
fabricated, incl
shop primer,
bolted $13,276.8
360 051223751900 connections L.F. $31.86 $3.30 $36.88 0
Structural steel
member, 100-ton
project, 1 to 2
story building,
W14x34, A992
steel, shop
fabricated, incl
shop primer,
70 051223752300 connections L.F. $41.60 $4.04 $47.74 $3,341.80
Structural steel
member, 100-ton
project, 1 to 2
story building,
W16x26, A992
steel, shop
fabricated, incl
shop primer,
160 051223752700 connections L.F. $31.86 $3.26 $36.82 $5,891.20
23 | P a g e
Structural steel
member, 100-ton
project, 1 to 2
story building,
W16x31, A992
steel, shop
fabricated, incl
shop primer,
85 051223752900 connections L.F. $37.61 $3.63 $43.13 $3,666.05
Structural steel
member, 100-ton
project, 1 to 2
story building,
W16x40, A992
steel, shop
fabricated, incl
shop primer,
50 051223753100 connections L.F. $48.68 $4.09 $54.89 $2,744.50
Structural steel
member, 100-ton
project, 1 to 2
story building,
W16x67, A992
steel, shop
fabricated, incl
shop primer,
63 051223753140 connections L.F. $81.42 $4.30 $87.96 $5,541.48
Steel plate,
structural, for
connections &
stiffeners, 3/4" T,
shop fabricated,
11 051223650450 incl shop primer S.F. $34.07 $- $34.07 $374.77
Steel plate,
structural, for
connections &
stiffeners, 1" T,
shop fabricated,
9 051223650500 incl shop primer S.F. $45.14 $- $45.14 $406.26
Metal decking,
steel, slab form,
galvanized, 2" D,
22 gauge, type
1742 053133506800 UF2X S.F. $2.34 $0.53 $2.90 $5,051.80
Metal roof
decking, steel,
open type B wide
rib, galvanized, 50 $11,706.2
5226 053123502650 to 500 Sq, 1-1/2" S.F. $1.75 $0.46 $2.24 4
24 | P a g e
D, 20 gauge
Total 1
25 | P a g e
Appendix C
26 | P a g e
Level 1: BIM Execution Planning Process
Student Life Building, Northampton Community College Monroe Campus
Developed with the BIM Project Execution Planning Procedure
by the Penn State CIC Research Team
Project Title: Student Life Building, Northampton Community College http://www.engr/psu.edu/ae/cic/bimex
Schematic Design Design Development Construction Documents
Perform Cost Estimate Perform Cost Estimate Perform Cost Estimate
Cost Cost
Contractor Estimation Contractor Estimation Contractor Detailed Map Operations
Compile Record Model
Planning Schematic Design Schematic Design Design Development Design Development Construction Documents Construction Documents
Author Construction
Validate Program Author Schematic Design Develop Virtual Prototype Author Design Development Develop Virtual Prototype Develop Virtual Prototype
Engineer Engineering
Analysis Engineer Engineering
Analysis Engineer Engineering
Schematic Design Design Development Documents (WP)
Program Model Architectural Model Schematic Design Cost Schematic Design 4D Schematic Design Architectural Model Design Development Cost Design Development 4D Design Development Architectural Model CD (MP) 3D Macro CD (MP) CD (MP) Cost Record Model
Estimation Model Engineering Analysis Estimation Model Engineering Analysis Coordination Model 4D Model Estimation
Model Model
Schematic Design 3D Schematic Design 3D Design Development 3D Design Development 3D CD (MP) Engineering CD (MP) 3D Virtual CD (MP) 3D Micro
Macro Coordination Virtual Prototypes Macro Coordination Virtual Prototypes Analysis Model Prototypes Coordination Model
Model Model