English Conversation
English Conversation
English Conversation
4. Patience and gratitude through the mawlid: more gratitude is the basis of its Sabr
and šukr are the basis of faith, they're the same thing if you have šukr to Allah and
sabr in the face of misfortunes that is iman, iman has noother definition. if you're
going to walk around upset with one problem rather than giving thanks for the
many blessings that Allah is giving you-something is wrong with your iman, this is
the crisis of the Muslims today.
5. -we can reclaim the Adamic perfection which we once lost, that we can be true
representatives of the qualities on earth that's why he's good news because he
shows we can become better than what we ordinarily are, even in the midst of
jahiliya and darkness and ignorance.
6. -we like to get together and revive this tradition of singing sometimes victorian
melody sometimes even Elizabethan melodies, in order to maintain this this
beautiful Islamic tradition is a very effective way of getting the message across in a
non-confrontational way to ears that othervise would not.
Rhetoric - Two speeches by Malcolm X
1. the first video is about black discrimination that is well known to all of us and
Malcolm in his own way encourages people not to be ashamed of what they are
and what God has given them.
the second video touches on the same topic as the first from the perspective of
Islam, in a way that talks about Islam, what religion he has accepted, that in Islam
everyone is equal and there is no difference between people except in deeds
2. he starts with a general speech about what the problem is in the community, then
addresses in a way that everyone who listens understands that it concerns him,
points his fingers at the parts of the body he is talking about, facial expressions,
attitude, eloquence