SS1 Scheme of Work For First Term
SS1 Scheme of Work For First Term
SS1 Scheme of Work For First Term
a. Input
b. Processing
c. Output
d. Storage
Input: data are entered into the computer through the input unit. Data are raw
facts that are to be processed into meaningful form.
Output: The result of what has been processed will be displayed by the output
device such as the monitor.
Storage: Inputted data and processed information are stored in the memory and
permanent storage on the computer.
Constituents of a Computer system
These are the physical components of the computer system. They are the
tangible parts that can be seen and touched. There are two major parts, namely:
· The peripherals
System unit: The system unit is the rectangular casing that houses (contains)
several important components that controls the operation of the computer
system such as the motherboard, CPU (Microprocessor), RAM, Sound card,
video card, CD drive, Floppy disk drive etc. It also provides interface for
connection of the peripherals.
Peripherals: These are the devices connected to the system unit for the purpose
of input, output and storage operations. Examples of peripheral devices are
keyboard, Mouse, Monitor, Printer, Scanner, DVD, CD, USB flash drive etc.
The software is a term used to describe the collection (or set) of programs that
can be run on a computer system. A program is a set of instructions that tells the
computer what to do, when to do it and how to do it.
System software
Application software
System software: This software controls the computer hardware and the
internal operations of the computer system. Examples include Windows OS
(Windows XP, Windows ME, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8,
Windows 10), Linux OS(Redhat, Fedora, Ubuntu etc.), MAC OS etc.
Characteristics of a Computer
Data are raw facts and figures without any added interpretation. Data can be
defined as a representation of facts or concepts in a formalized manner which
should be suited for interpretation or processing by human or electronic
machine. Examples of data include:
Sources of data
Data are used for information generation and this can be obtained from different
sources. Some of the sources of data include:
Interviews, survey and fieldwork
Form filling
Sources of information
Data Information
Data is used as input for the computer Information is the output of data.
Data is unprocessed facts and figures. Information is processed data.
Data doesn’t depend on Information Information depends on data.
Data is not specific. Information is specific.
Data doesn’t carry a meaning Information must carry a logical
Data is the raw material. Information is the product.
Data cannot be used for decision making. Information is used for decision making
· Napier’s Bone
Features and components
John Napier in 1617 invented the Napier’s bone. The device involves a
collection of moveable numbered rods and a board.
Used to perform multiplication
· Slide rule
Features and components
William Oughtred invented the slide in 1632. The Slide rule is a
mechanical analog computer. In its most basic form, the slide rule uses
two logarithmic scales to allow rapid multiplication and division of
The slide rule is used mainly for multiplication and division, and also
for "scientific" functions such as roots, logarithms and trigonometry,
but usually not for addition or subtraction.
· Pascal’s calculator
Features and components
Blaise Pascal invented the Pascal’s calculator otherwise called
PASCALINE in 1642. It is a gear or dial driven (just as that on analogue
telephone) calculating device.
It could only be used for addition and subtraction operations. It’s use is
evident in odometer and electricity meter.
· Leibniz multiplier
Features and components
Leibniz multiplier or (Stepped Reckoner) was invented by Gottfried
William Leibniz in 1671. It was an improvement on the PASCALINE. It
contains a special kind of gear called “Leibniz wheel”.
It could add, subtract, multiply and divide.
· Jacquard’s loom
Features and components
In 1801, Joseph Marie Jacquard invented the Jacquard’s loom. This
machine was controlled by a number of punched cards, put together
into a continuous sequence.
Used for producing fabrics with beautiful patterns
· Difference engine
Features and components
In 1822, An English mathematics professor called Charles Babbage
invented the Difference engine. It was composed of 25000 parts,
weighed 15 tons and stood 8 feet (2.4m) high.
Used for calculating differential equations.
· Analytical engine
Features and components
In 1832, Charles Babbage designed another machine called Analytical
engine which was deemed to be the first mechanical computer. The
machine was steam-powered, though never completed, outlined the
basic elements of a modern day general purpose computer. It contains
input in the form of punched card containing operating instructions
and a "store" for memory of 1,000 numbers of up to 50 decimal digits
long. It also contained a "mill" with a control unit that allowed
processing instructions in any sequence, and output devices to produce
printed results. Augusta Ada, Countess of Lovelace (1815-1842) created
the instruction routines to be fed into the computer, making her the
first female computer programmer.
It could store 1000 numbers of up to 50 decimal digits long. It was
· Herman Hollerith machine
Features and components
Herman Hollerith invented the Herman Hollerith machine which used
punch card to store information which he fed into the machine to
compile the results mechanically.
It was used for collating, sorting and summing the data gotten from
1980 US census.
These are the hardware devices that are used for entering data and instructions
into the computer system. The input devices allow human to interact with the
computer system. The following are some examples of Input devices:
Keyboard: Most important input device. The keyboard is very much like a
typewriter keyboard with a few additional keys. The keys when pressed send an
input signal into the computer.
Mouse: A mouse is a small object you can roll along a hard or flat surface. It
controls the movement of the cursor on a display screen.
Light pen: An input device that utilizes a light-sensitive detector to select,
create and modify object on a display screen.
Bar code reader: These are photoelectric scanners that read bar codes
printed on product containers. They are generally used in super markets.
Keyboard Mouse
Used to enter instructions Used to point and select
Keys are pressed Buttons are clicked
Combination of keys can be Left or right button is clicked
Cannot drag and drop text Drags and drops text
It has keys It has buttons
Requires no mouse pad Requires a mouse pad