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Data Processing SS1

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First Term SS 1


Theme 1: Information Age

1. History of Computing
(i) Concrete devices in computing (ii) Number system
2. Digitalization of Data (i) Definition of digitalization of data (ii) History of computer
3. Digitalization of Data (iii) Types of computers (iv) Components of computer: Input,
4. Data and Information (i) Definition of data (ii) Meaning of information
5. History of computer Generation of computer: 1st generation 2nd Generation
3rd Generation 4th Generation 5th Generation
6. Classification of computers
Classification of computers: (i) by type (ii) by size (iii) by functionality istorey His
8. ICT Application in everyday life (i) Uses of ICT (ii) ICT and the society

Theme 3: Information Processing

9. The Art of Information processing (i) Definition of information processing
(ii) Procedures for information processing: - Collation of information
- Organization of Information - Analysis of Information - Interpretation of Information

10. Revision

11-13 Examination.

Reference book: Textbook on Data Processing for SS one by Adedapo F.O, Mitchell A. S
TOPIC: History of Computing
CONTENT: (i) Concrete devices in computing
(ii) Number system
SUBTOPIC 1: History of Computing
Computers are affecting every sphere of human life and bringing about many changes in research,
industry, education, government, scientific medicine, law and social sciences and even in arts like
music and painting.
The history of computing is longer than the history of computing hardware and modern computing
technology and includes the history of methods intended for pen and paper or for chalk and slate with
or without the aid of tables.

Concrete Devices in computing

Concrete computing is intimately tied to the representation of numbers. But long before abstractions
like the number arose, there were mathematical concepts to serve the purpose of civilization.

Tally Stick
This was an ancient memory aid device to record and document numbers, quantities or even messages.
Tally sticks first appear as notches carved on animal bones, in the Upper Paleolithic Age. E.g. Ishango
Types /Kinds of TallyStick
There are two different kinds of tally sticks, the single and the slit tally
i. Single tally: This was an elongated piece of bone, ivory, wood or stone which is marked with a
system of notches (like Tally marks).
ii. Split tally: The split tally was a technique which became common in medieval Europe, which
was constantly short of money (coins) and predominantly illiterate, in order to record
bilateral exchange and debts. A stick (squared Hazelwood sticks were most common) was marked with
a system of notches and then split lengthwise. This way the two halves both record the same notches
and each party to the transaction received one half of the marked stick as proof.

TallyMarks or Hash Marks

They are a form of numerical used for counting. They allow a form of numerical used for counting.
They allow updating written intermediate results without erasing or discarding anything written down.
However, because of the length of large numbers, tallies are not commonly used for static text.

Measuring Rod

This is a tool used to physically measure lengths and survey areas of various sizes. Most measuring
rods are round or square sectioned, however they can be flat boards. Some have markings at regular

The first calculating deice was probably Abacus. The Chinese invented it. It is still being used in some
countries because of its simple operation. It is made up of a frame divided into two parts by horizontal
bar and vertical threads. It is used for addition and subtraction.

Napier’s Bones
John Napier, a Scottish Mathematician, invented Napier’s bones. John Napier invented logarithms
which are a technology that allows multiplication to be performed via addition. It comprises of a set
of eleven rods, with four sides each, which was used as a multiplication tool. These rods were made
from bones and were the reason why they were called Napier’s Bones. Products and quotients of large
numbers could be obtained.

Slide Rule
Napier’s invention led directly to the slide rule, first built in England in 1632 and still in use in the
1960’s by the NASA engineers of the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs which landed men on
the moon. Slide rule uses two logarithms scales to allow rapid multiplication and division of numbers.

1. What is Abacus?
2. What was Napier’s bones made of?

Sub-topic 2 Number System

Number system is a way to represent numbers. Is also a way of counting.

Number Representation
A numeral system is a collection of symbols used to represent small numbers, together with a system
of rules for representing larger numbers. Each numeral system uses a set of digits.

The following are different types of number system:

Denary/Decimal = Base 10 - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Binary = Base 2 - 0, 1

Octal = Base 8 - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Hexadecimal = Base 16 - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,

15 14,
Decimal System
This consists of ten digits ranging from 0 to 9. These digits can be used to represent any numerical

Binary System
The binary number system is base 2 and therefore requires only two digits, 0 and 1. The binary system
is useful for computer programmers, because it can be used to represent the digital on/off method in
which computer chips and memory work.

Octal System
This consists of eight digits from 0 to 7. Each digit position in this system represents a power of 8.
Octal number system is used as a shorthand representation of long binary numbers.

Haxadecimal System
This consists of 16 digits from 0 to 9 and A to F. The alphabets A to F represent decimal number from
10 to 15. The base of this number system is (16).

1. What is computing device?
2. Give 3 examples of concrete devices.
1. What is tally stick?
2. Name 2 types of tally stick
3. What is single tally?

Students are expected to read digitalization of data from the textbook. Textbook of Data
Processing SS 1 Page 8

1. List concrete devices used in computing and explain two of them.
2. In hexadecimal numbers system, B, D, E represents.
3. Slide rule uses ____ logarithmic scales to allow rapid multiplication and division of numbers.
(a) three (b) two (c) one (d) none of the above
4. The number of various unique digits, including zero, that a numeral system uses to represent
numbers is called. (a) base (b) radix (c) both the above (d) none of the
5. Napier’s bones had ____ (a) 11 rods (b) 9 rods (c) 10 rods (d) 12 rods

CONTENT: (i) Definition of digitalization of data
(ii) History of Computer Development
SUBTOPIC 1: Definition of digitalization of data
Digitalization is the process of converting information into a digital format. In this format,
information is organized into discrete units of data (called bit s) that can be separately
addressed (usually in multiple-bit groups called byte s).

Digitalization of data is a means or process of converting physical or written records such as text,
images, video and audio into digital form. Digitalization of data gives room for accessing, preservation
and sharing of information.

Digitization at the British Library of a Dunhuang manuscript
the International Dunhuang
Digitalized data offers the following benefits: Long term preservation of documents, orderly archiving
of documents, easy & customized access to information, easy information dissemination through
images & text, CD-ROMs, internet, intranets, and extranets.

History of Computer Development

ABACUS: Abacus is an instrument used in performing arithmetic calculations. It is probably the first
calculating device. The Chinese invented it, and because of its success it spread from China to other
countries. The abacus is also called a counting frame, it consist of a tablet or frame bearing parallel
wires or grooves on which counters or beads are moved. A modern abacus consists of wooden frame
with beads on parallel wires, and a crossbar oriented perpendicular to the wires that divides the beads
into two groups. Each column or wire represents one place
in the decimal system. The Abacus was used for addition and
subtraction. It could not carry out complex mathematics

The Abacus

NAPIER’S BONE: Napier's bones is an abacus created by John Napier of Merchiston for
calculation of products and quotients of numbers, in 1600. John Napier was a Scottish mathematician
who invented logarithms and the decimal point. The device consists of a set of graduated rods based
on the principle of logarithms. It was then used as a multiplication aid.
To use Napier’s bones, the rods are moved up and down in a sliding manner against each other,
matching the graduated rods. The device was a fore-runner of the slide rule which emerged in the
middle of 17th century. Formerly used to perform multiplication and division but now taken over by
modern electronic calculator.

Napier Bones
PASCAL’SCALCULATOR: Blaise Pascal a French Mathematician, Physicist and a religious
philosopher, invented the Pascal’s calculator in 1642. Pascal’s calculator was first called the arithmetic
machine, Pascal’s calculator and then the Pascaline. This machine was invented as a result of trying to
help his father who was a tax collector and had the need for subtraction, addition, multiplication and
division. Hence the need for this machine.
Pascaline's mechanism was very promising but in practice was very complicated and the weighted
ratchets have a tendency to jam. Except that the ratchets didn't let the gears to rotate in both directions,
so subtraction had to be implemented with nines complements trick, which is not so elegant way to
perform a subtraction.
In addition as you can see from the previous examples, Pascaline is not a calculating machine, but
actually just an adding machine. In fact all similar machines with stylus setting mechanisms should be
called adding machines rather than calculating machines.
Despite all that Pascaline was a historical achievement and it is considered today as the first
calculating device that the human race has discovered.

Sub-topic 2

JACQUARD LOOM: The Jacquard loom is a mechanical loom, invented by Joseph Marie
Jacquard, first demonstrated in 1801, that simplifies the process of manufacturing textiles with
complex patterns such as brocade, damask and matelasse. The loom was controlled by a "chain of
cards", a number of punched cards, laced together into a continuous sequence.Multiple rows of
holes were punched on each card and each row of punched holes corresponded to one row of the
design. Several such paper cards, generally white in color, can be seen in the images below. Chains,
like the much later paper tape, allowed sequences of any length to be constructed, not limited by the
size of a card.

Jacquard’s Loom
Babbage Difference engine is an automatic mechanical calculator designed to tabulate
polynomial functions. It was designed in 1822. The name derives from the method of divided
differences, a way to interpolate or tabulate functions by using a small set of polynomial coefficients.
Both logarithmic and trigonometric functions, functions commonly used by both navigators and
scientists, can be approximated by polynomials, so a difference engine can compute many useful sets
of numbers.
The historical difficulty in producing error free tables by teams of mathematicians and human
"computers" spurred Charles Babbage's desire to build a mechanism to automate the process.

Difference engine
HOLLERITH CENSUS MACHINE: Herman Hollerith (February 29, 1860 – November
17, 1929) was an American statistician and inventor who developed a mechanical tabulator based on
punched cards to rapidly tabulate statistics from millions of pieces of data. He was the founder of the
TabulatingMachine Company that later merged to become IBM. Hollerith is widely regarded as the
father of modern automatic computation.

Herman Hollerith
In 1937, Harvard A. Aiken of Harvard University, using the techniques already developed for punched
card machinery, began work on the design of a fully automatic machine in collaboration with
International Business Machines Corporation. His aim was to develop a machine that could help in the
solution of difficult differential equations, the large calculations of which would have been unreal
Seven years later, in May 1944, the designs became a reality. In August of the same year, the now
historically famous Harvard Mark 1 was donated to Harvard University in Cambridge.

In full Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator, the first programmable general-purpose
electronic digital computer, built during World War II by the United States. In the United States,
government funding during the war went to a project led by John
Mauchly, J. Presper Eckert, Jr., and their colleagues at the Moore

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School of Electrical Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania; their objective was an all-
electronic computer.

EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer) was one of the

earliest electronic computers. Unlike its predecessor the ENIAC, it was binary rather than decimal, and
was a stored program computer.
The EDVACwas a binary serial computer with automatic addition, subtraction, multiplication,
programmed division and automatic checking with an ultrasonic serial memorycapacity of 1,000 44bit
words (later set to 1,024 words, thus giving a memory, in modern terms, of 5.5 kilobytes).

The UNIVACI (Universal VariableAutomatic Computer I) was the second commercial computer
produced in the United States. It was designed principally by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly, the
inventors of the ENIAC. Design work was started by their company, Eckert–Mauchly Computer
Corporation, and was completed after the company had been acquired by Remington Rand (which
later became part of Sperry, now Unisys). In the years before successor models of the UNIVACI

appeared, the machine was simply known as "the UNIVAC".

1. What are the two types of data?
2. What is a computing device?

11 | P a g e
1. What is punched card?
2. Explain digitization of data 3. How is data handled?

Students are expected to read types of data from the textbook. Textbook of Data Processing SS 1
Page 16

1. ___ was probably the first calculating device
2. ENIAC was the result of very high speed _____
3. Jacquard’s loom was used in __ (a) weaving industry (b) Machinery industry (c) Food
industry (d) Cosmetic industry
4. The size of UNIVACwas that of (a) one-car garage (b) Two-room house (c) Two-
story building (d) A block of houses
5. Herman Hollerinth’s machine was used in ___________

CONTENT: (i) Types of Computers
(ii) Components of Computer: Input, Output

SUBTOPIC 1: Types of Computers


When computers are classified according to type, three different groups or classes of computers are
recognized. They are the digital analogue and hybrid computer.

This is most common type of computer today. It is used in processing discrete data that have to do
with counting. Digit is a number therefore, digital computers measure physical quantities by
counting. Most applications of computer have to do with data processing. As such, the digital
computer is so much in use. Many modern devices are now using digital system. Examples of such
devices are: calculator, digital wrist watches, digital
fuel dispenser etc.

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Analogue computer processes continuous data such as speed, temperature, heartbeat etc. They are
mostly used in scientific measurement which may require the processing of continuous data. These
are the type of specialized computers you are likely to see in the hospitals connected to patients.
Analog means continuity of associated quantity just like an analog clock measures time by
means of the distance traveled by the hand of the clock around a dial.
• Thermometer
• Analog clock
• Speedometer
• Tire pressure gauge

This type of computer combines the features of digital and analogue computers together. It can
count and as well as measure. A hybrid computer may use or produce analog data or digital
data. It accepts a continuously varying input, which is then converted into a set of discrete
values for digital processing. Examples:
• Hybrid computer is the computer used in hospitals to measure the heartbeat of the
• Devices used in petrol pump.

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• Hybrid Machines are generally used in scientific applications or in controlling industrial

1. State three type of computers with examples.
2. Explain briefly the most common type of computer.
3. Digitalization of data means

Sub-topic 2
Components of Computer
A computer system consists of main parts otherwise called components. These are:
1. Input devices
2. Output devices
3. Storage devices
4. Central Processing Unit
5. Control

Any computer, to qualify as a computer, must have internal parts that serve the following five
functions: Input, Output, Processing, Information holding (Memory), Control.
In computing, an input device is (a piece of computer hardware equipment) used to provide
data and control signals to an information processing system such as a computer or
information appliance. Examples of input devices include keyboards, mouse, scanners,
digital cameras and joysticks.

An output device is any device used to send data from a computer to another device or
user. Most computer data output that is meant for humans is in the form of audio or video.
Thus, most output devices used by humans are in these categories. Examples include
monitors, projectors, speakers, headphones and printers.

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A storage device is any computing hardware that is used for storing, porting and extracting
data files and objects. It can hold and store information both temporarily and permanently,
and can be internal or external to a computer, server or any similar computing device.


A central processing unit (CPU) is the electronic circuitry within a computer that carries
out the instructions of a computer program by performing the basic arithmetic, logical,
control and input/output (I/O) operations specified by the instructions.

1. What does I-P-O means?
2. Define Input

1. What does a computer do?
2. Define processing 3. What does CPU consist of?

Students are expected to read data and information from the textbook. Textbook of Data
Processing SS 1 Page

1. ___ Input means collection of ___ and entering into a computer
2. The collection of raw facts is called _______
3. In the I-P-O cycle, P stands for (a) Output (b) memory (c) processing (d) problem
4. ALU performs the following operation. (a) Accurate (b) Mathematical (c) English
(d) Controlling
5. CPU is made up of (a) ALU & control unit (b) Memory & control unit (c) Memory
& ALU (d) Storage & ALU
TOPIC: Data and Information
CONTENT: (i) Definition of data
(ii) Meaning of Information


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Definition of Data & Information
Is a collection of facts, such as numbers, words, measurements, observations or
even just descriptions of things.

Data is a collection of numbers represented as bytes that are in turn composed of bits (binary
digits) that can have the value one or zero. Data is processed by the CPU, which uses logical
operations to produce new data (output) from source data (input).

In general, information is a raw data that has been verified to be accurate and timely.
Information is also raw data that is presented within a context that gives it meaning and relevance, and
which leads to increase in understanding and decrease in uncertainty.

The words information and data are used interchangeably in many contexts. This may leads to their
confusion. However, they are not synonyms.

Types of Data
The two types of data are:
1. Qualitative
2. Quantitative

Qualitative data is data that is not given numerically. Qualitative data is a categorical measurement
expressed not in terms of numbers, but rather by means of a natural language description

For example: favorite color = "blue"

height = "tall"
i hated the most = "loryel"

Quantitative data is numerical. Quantitative data is a numerical measurement expressed not by means of
a natural language description,
For example: molecule length = "450 nm"
height = "1.8 m"

Quantitative data always are associated with a scale measure

All quantitative data is based upon qualitative judgments; and all qualitative data can
be described and manipulated numerically.

Method of gathering Data

Data can be gathered in the following ways:
1. By counting, using counters and also by measuring using tapes
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2. By observation carried out by people
3. Using Questionnaires
4. Through Interviews
5. Filing of forms

1. What are data and information; differentiate them.



1. Paper Based Method
2. Computer Based Method

Paper Based Method

This method uses paper and ink to handle data. The information is recorded in black
and white, another name for it, is called traditional paper based method.

Computer Based Method

Computer handles data when data is input and store on a computer. The data is then
processed in some way to turn it into useful information.

1. What are the two types of data?
2. How is data handled?

Students are expected to read History of computers – generation from the textbook. Textbook of
Data Processing SS 1 Page
TOPIC: History of Computer
CONTENT: (i) Generation of Computers: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th

SUBTOPIC 1: Generation of Computer

These include sets of computer built between 1940-1956. They employed electronic vales (vacuum
tubes) for their circuits. Examples include Leo Mark III, Atlas Series. Universal Automatics computer

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(UNIVAC), Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic computer (EDVAC), Electronic Delay Storage
Automatic computer (EDSAC). This was developed by two engineers Dr. John W. Mauchly and J.
Prespert Eckert.

The IBM 650 Magnetic Drum Calculator

It uses punch card
It relied on machine language
It has valve-based machine and uses vacuum tube for storing and processing of data.
It has limited internal storage
It consumes too much electronic power and thereby generates too much heat.


This computer generation existed between (1956 - 1963). They used transistor in place of valve.
William Shockley invented transistors in 1947, but however the effect was not felt until late 1950.
They were smaller in size and faster in operation compared with the 1 st generation. Besides, they
were more reliable and then use English as computer language. High level language like BASIC,
FORTRAN, COBOL etc. Examples are IBM 7000, series 7030, 7090, UNIVAC 1102, LEO MARK SERIES

- It uses transistors instead of valves therefore more reliable.
- Transistors was far superior to the vacuum tube
- It is faster in operation more than the first generation computers
- It uses magnetic tape as storage medium
- It is smaller in size compared to first generation computer - It accepts external storage
device like magnetic tape or disk.


The third generation computers mark the beginning of keyboards for input and video display unit
(monitor) for output. It came between 1964-1971.
Some of the computers, its major component was
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integrated circuits (IC) instead of transistor used during second generation. The introduction of
integrated circuit drastically increased the speed and efficiency of computer. They came in three (3)
different sizes ie mainframe, mini, micro computers.
The IBM 360/91

Some of its features includes:

- use of circuits instead of transistors used in second generation
- it is more reliable than the second generation computers
- It has extensive processing storage
- It came in three different sizes – Mainframe, Mini, and Micro computers.

Sub-topic 2


This generation of electronic computer came into existence (19714-1984). Their technology is based
on the use of semi-conductor device called silicon chips or micro processors. One of the most
important results of large scale integration was the introduction of the micro processors.
Over time, larger units were introduced to generate an improved performance. These were LSI, VLSI
AND ULSI. The arrival of this generation of computer gave rise to more powerful and less expensive
but realistic computers development. Examples IBM 3030 and 7700.

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It uses very large scale integrated circuit.
It has high speed and higher storage capacity
It is faster in operation and cheaper than the earlier ones
It has extensive processing storage

The present day computers are classified into this category. The fifth generation of computers are
capable of performing functions of human experts solving problems that require human intelligent,
judgment, insight and experience.
Fight generation computers can learn, take decisions and perform other activities exclusive of human
beings. It marks the era of Pentium i.e. Pentium 1 Pentium 2, 3, 4, and M which combine artificial
intelligence with expert system.

Artificial intelligence is the ability of the computer to behave like an intelligent human being while
expert system is the capability of computer to the judgment and decisions like an expert in a
specialized field i.e. Diagnosis and prescription of drugs like a medical doctor.

Artificial Intelligence e.g Robot
It appears to be reasoning in some type of work.
It helps in planning financial management
Speech Synthesis
Expert System – ability of making judgment and decision like an expert.

1. Mention at least 3 generations of computers and their features.
2. Distinguish between the first generations of computers and the Second generations
of computers.

1. What do you mean by first generation computer?
2. When was the first PC built?

1. ICs were introduced in which generation of computers?
2. Which is the fifth generation of computer?

Students are expected to read data and information from the textbook. Textbook of Data
Processing SS 1 Page
20 | P a g e
1. 2nd generation computers moved from machine language to (a) binary language
(b) assembly language (c) HLL (d) VHLL
2. First generation computer relied on ___ language.
3. _____ Is not a feature of first generation computers (a)It uses punch card (b)It has
limited internal storage (c)It consumes too much electricity (d)It does not generate much
4. The following are examples of fifth generation computers except_____
(a)Pentium I (b) Pentium 2(c) Pentium M (d)Pentium None

CONTENT: (i) Classification by type
(ii) Classification by size
(iii) Classification by Functionality (purpose)

SUBTOPIC 1: Classification by type

When computers are classified according to type, three different groups or classes of computers are
recognized. They are the digital analogue and hybrid computer.

This is most common type of computer today. It is used in processing discrete data that have to do
with counting. Digit is a number therefore, digital computers measure physical quantities by
counting. Most applications of computer have to do with data processing. As such, the digital
computer is so much in use. Many modern devices are now using digital system. Examples of such
devices are: calculator, digital wrist watches, digital fuel dispenser etc.

Analogue computer processes continuous data such as speed, temperature, heartbeat etc. They are
mostly used in scientific measurement which may require the processing of continuous data. These
are the type of specialized computers you are likely to see in the hospitals connected to patients.

This type of computer combines the features of digital and analogue computers together. It can
count and as well as measure.

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Micro computers came in different sizes ranging from desktop, laptop, palmtop, notebook computers

This category of micro computer can be set on the top of a desk “Desktop”. It supports other
peripherals and has a very high storage capacity and speed.

This type of computer can be placed on the lap and also in a belief case. They can be either AC
powered, battery powered or both. They combine the power of the PC with mobility.

These are very high PCs but have all the capacities of a PC.
Palm top: They are small enough to be held in the palm of your hand: They are equally as powerful as
the Desktop.

These are more powerful than the PCs. They are used by the engineers and scientists who process a

lot of data. It is a kind of special purpose computer.

A computer that has been optimized to provide services to other computers over a network. Servers
usually have powerful processors, lots of memory and large hard drives.

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This is a medium size general purpose digital.
It is a multi-user i.e. it allows many users at once and has the ability to perform many tasks
simultaneously. The distinguished features of mini from micro computers are: memory size, speed of
operation, faster input and output devices and higher cost. They are specially designed to solve and
handle wide variety of commuting problems. It has become a popular and powerful network server
to help manage large internet web sites, corporate intranet and client server networks.

These are multi-user and multi-tasking general purpose computers.
They have large storage capacity and cost more than typical mini computers. They are used by large
organizations such as banks, universities, central bank, national population commission etc.
Mainframe is now known as enterprise server.


This can be seen as technological improvement on mainframe computers. It is used in the scientific
environment such as for space studies and weather forecast. They have higher processing powers
and large storage capacities.

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Classification of computer according to purpose can be grouped into two, namely:

1. General purpose computers
2. Special purposes computers


These are computers designed solely to solve a restricted class of problems e.g. computer for medical
diagnosis, weapon guidance, traffic control, wealth study and forecast, control of airplanes and
production control of refinery and guidance etc.


This class of computers is also called multi-purpose computers and are used for variety of works.
They have the ability to store various programs of instructions and perform variety of operations
such as graphics, database inventory and sales analysis.
Most computers are general purpose computers and they can handles different kind of work.
1. What is an analog computer?
2. What is a digital computer?

1. Compare general purpose and special purpose computers.
2. Compare mainframe with minicomputer.

Students are expected to read ICT Application in everyday life from the textbook. Textbook of
Data Processing SS 1 Page 26

1. Personal computer defines a computer designed for general use by (a) a single person
(b) two persons (c) large group (d) non of the above
2. PC that is not designed for portability is a (a) laptop computer (b) desktop (c) PDA –
Personal Digital Assistants (d) none of the above
3. The fastest, most powerful and most expensive computer is (a) Mainframe
(b) Minicomputer (c) Supercomputer (d) Desktop
4. Other name of mainframe is _____ server.


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TOPIC: ICT Application in
CONTENT: (i) Uses of ICT
(ii) ICT and the Society


ICTs stand for information and communication technologies and are
defined, for the purposes of this primer, as a “diverse set of technological tools and
resources used to communicate, and to create, disseminate, store, and manage

ICT applications are useful in numerous instances to facilitate the development of various aspects of
the society.
i. Public administration is a key aspect of civil society and it includes a range of services
to citizens and industry. It provides various functions that enhance the society, economic and
political developments of the citizenry. Example e-government ii. Urban and Rural
ICT application are useful in facilitating development programmes in many countries. These
technologies help in supporting economic and social developments. The establishment of telecentres in
rural communities can facilitate economic empowerment.
iii. Transport
In the transport sector, ICT applications can be used to improve road, air and rail
transportation. ICT applications are noticeable in the air transport control, monitoring of freight and
the day-to-day transport system.

iv. Medicine
ICT applications are becoming valuable resources in the medical field. They support efficient
exchange of information between health professionals, they enable transfer of patient records
between sites and they can improve clinical effectiveness, continuity, and quality of care by
health professionals.
v. Education
The education sector is arguably one major area that ICT are playing a remarkable role. These
technologies help in facilitating learning and exchange of educational materials. ICT are helping
library professional store and manage academic information.

vi. Agriculture
At the micro level, ICT applications can be used to impart information directly to farmers and
the farming community. There are expert system designed to handle agricultural issues such as
water utilization and management, pest control, harvest management and so forth.
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ICT can be used in the following areas of information processing and management.
(i) Typing letters, notes and other documents.
(ii) Distributing and sharing of information.
(iii) Keeping recordsand inventory, storing, retrieving and
manipulating data and information.
(iv) Transmitting information.
viii. Banking Industries
This is a platform that can be used on any device that has access to the internet. It helps to
transfer money from someone’s account to any other account and monitor your account.

Sub-topic 2
ICT and the Society The impact of ICT on society (Importance)
i. Faster communication speed
In the past, it took a long time for any news or message to be sent. Now with the internet, news
or messages are sent via e-mail to friends, business partner or anyone efficiently.

ii. Lower Communication cost

Using the internet is cost-effective in comparison to other modes of communication such as
telephone, mailing or courier service. It allows people to have access to large amounts of data at a
very low cost.

iii. Paperless Environment

ICT technology has created the term paperless environment. This term means the information
can stored and retrieved through the digital medium instead of paper.

iv. Effective Sharing of Information

People can share and exchange opinions, news and information through discussion groups,
mailing list and forums on the internet. The enable knowledge sharing which will contribute to
the development of knowledge based society.
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v. Job Opportunities vi. Voting vii. Defense, Urban planning, World Government

Effect of ICT

Social Problems
There are some of negative effects of ICT.
- Nowadays, people tend to choose online communication rather than having real-time
- People tend to become more individualistic and introvert, prone to theft, hacking pornography
and online gambling. This will result in moral decadent and generate threat to the society.

Health Problem
- A computer may harm the users if they use it for a long hours frequently.
- Computer users are also exposed to bad posture, eyestrain, physical and mental stress.

1. What are the impacts of ICT on society?

1. What is the full meaning of ICT?
2. List 4 gadgets used for ICT
Students are expected to read ICT Application in everyday life from the textbook. Textbook of
Data Processing SS 1 Page 26

1. ICT is used for the following except ________________
(a) e-learning (b) e-banking (c) e-travelling (d) e-passport
2. Which of the following is not a form of Computer Aided Instruction
(a) CD-ROM encyclopaedias
(b) Drills
(c) Textbooks
(d) Simulations
3. Application of computers in banking include all of the following except:
(a) ATM
(b) EFT
(c) CAI
(d) Smart cards

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TOPIC: The Art of Information processing
CONTENT: (i) Definition of information processing
(ii) Procedures for information processing: - Collation of information
- Organization of Information - Analysis of Information - Interpretation of

SUBTOPIC 1: Definition of information processing

Information Processing is the change (processing) of information in any manner detectable by an

observer. As such, it is a process which describes everything which happens (changes) in the universe,
from the falling of a rock (a change in position) to the printing of a text file from a digital computer

Information processing refers to the manipulation of digitized information by computers

and other digital electronic equipment, known collectively as information technology (IT).
Information processing systems include business software, operating systems, computers,
networks and mainframes.

Information processing may be sequential or parallel, either of which may be centralized or

decentralized (distributed).
Sub-topic 2
Procedures for information processing
Information represent digitally in two-state, or binary, form is often referred to as digital information.
Modern information systems are characterized by extensive metamorphoses of analog and digital

1. Collation of Information
Collation is the assembly of written information into a standard order. One common type of
collation is called alphabetization, though collation is not limited to ordering letters of the
alphabet. Collation lists of words or names into alphabetical order is the basis of most office filling
systems, library catalogs and reference books.

Collation defines a total preorder on the set of possible items, typically by defining a total order
on a sort-key.

2. Organization of Information
In any collection, physical objects are related by order. The ordering may be random or
according to some characteristic called a key. Such characteristics may be intrinsic properties of the
objects (e.g. size, weight, shape, or colour) or they may be assigned from some agreed- upon set, such
as object class or date of purchase.

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In most cases, order is imposed on a set of information objects for two reasons: to create their
inventory and to facilitate locating specific objects in the set.
Possible ways of organizing information are: i. Alphabetical by name ii. Alphabetical by
Title iii. Chronologically iv. Statistically v. Subject (can be organized in alphabetical
order) vi. Geographically vii. Computer Databases (can be searched by subject, keyword,
title, etc)

3. Analysis of Information
Information analysis is the science of evaluating information content, and refining
information to build portfolios. Information analysis work both for managers who use a
nonquantitative process and for those who use a quantitative investment process.
Information analysis can work with something as simple as an analyst’s buy and sell
recommendations. Or it can work with alpha forecasts for a broad universe of stocks.
Information analysis can be precise. It can determine whether information is valuable onnthe
upside, the downside, or both.
4. Interpretation of Information
During the interpretation stage, searchers assess the usefulness of their information and reflect
to develop personal meaning. Information requires interpretation to become knowledge. The
interpretation stage engages searchers in the process of analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating
information to determine its relevancy and usefulness to their research question or information need.
Interpretation is another stage in this holistic process that is very important and often neglected.

1. What do you mean by information processing?
2. What is digital information?
3. How does collation differ from classification?

1. What is information analysis?
2. What is interpretation of information?

Students are expected to read all the topics for the term from the textbook. Textbook of Data
Processing SS 1 Page

1. Intrinsic properties of the objects are (a) size(b) weight (c) colour (d) all the above
2. Data that presents percentages in different groups (a) line chart (b) bar chart (c) pie
chart (d) OHLC chart
3. ___ is the change of information in any manner detectable by an observer.

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