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Please do not open this question booklet until you are told to do so.
While you are waiting, read the following instructions carefully.

This paper consists of

two sections: I & II. Section I consist of thirty (30) multiple-choice questions and Section II consists of
three essay questions, out of which you are to answer TWO. Both sections will last for 1 hour.



1. Use HB pencil only

2. Write your Name, Subject, and your class boldly written on the answer sheet provided. Also, write
and shade appropriately Date of Exam, your DOB, Student ID & your Examination number, where
applicable, in the spaces provided.

3. Answer each question by shading the box that corresponds to the option you have chosen.

4. Do not waste time on any question. If you find any difficult, go to the others and finish them before
you come back to the difficult one(s).

5. There must not be more than one shading for an answer. Any shading with more than one box will be
marked wrong.

6. If you change your mind about an answer, completely erase the first shading.

7. Do not start until the Supervisor tells you to do so.

Turn Over
1. The storage devices of the first 8. A network of computers that allow
generation computers consists of information exchange across the world is
……………… called________
A. Diodes A. Communication
B. Electrostatic devices B. Internet
C. Vacuum tubes C. Telecommunication
D. Circuits D. Intranet
E. Transitors E. Information
2. The following are types of analogue data 9. Which of the following devices is not
except connected to a telephone line to
A. Pressure in a tube send/receive message?
B. Body temperature A. Radio
C. Speed of a moving car B. Pager
D. Sum of 5 and 34 C. Telex
E. Voltage of a light bulb D. Fax machine
3. Analogue data are represented in E. None of the above
………………. 10. The largest network among the following
A. Discrete form is
B. Separate form A. Home Network
C. Continuous form B. Metropolitan Area Network
D. Hard form C. Local Area Network
E. None D. Wide Area Network
4. Which of the following is NOT used in E. Telephone Network
information technology? 11. A computer that counts and accepts data
A. Computer through various means is called…………..
B. Satellite A. Hybrid computer
C. Webcam B. Fifth generation computer
D. Radio C. Analogue computer
E. Thermometer D. Digital computer
E. Super computer
5. _____ is a telecommunication device 12. The following are classes of computers
used to transmit and receive sound according to the way they represent
across distance information except
A. Telex A. Supercomputers
B. Fax B. Hybrid computers
C. Telegram C. Analogue computers
D. Telephone D. Digital computers
E. Typewriter 13. Which of the following devices would
require the use of paper to transmit/
6. The following are characteristics of receive information?
analogue computers except ……………. A. Telephone
A. Its values are definite B. GSM phone
B. Measures physical quantities C. Radio
C. It represents continuous values D. Telex
D. Time is continuously observed. E. Pager
E. None of the above 14. SIM is an acronym for
7. The full meaning of Fax is A. Service Identity Market
A. Facial B. Subscriber Identity Module
B. Facts C. Subscriber Internet Module
C. Facilitation D. Service Identity module
D. Faxile E. None of the above
E. Facsimile 15. Which is the odd one out?
A. Fax C. Interrelation
B. Telex D. Interconnection
C. Pager E. joining
D. GSM 23. A computer that is not connected to a
E. Pen network is called a ___ computer.
16. A semiconductor device with several A. Standalone
transistors built into one physical B. Solo
component is called……. C. Lonely
A. Diodes D. Unnetworked
B. Vacuum tubes E. alone
C. Integrated circuits 24. Which network spans across towns or
D. Transistor cities?
E. Solenoid A. LAN
17. GSM stands for B. MAN
A. Global System for Mobile C. PAN
communications D. WAN
B. General Service Machine E. CAN
C. Global Service Machines 25. Which of these cannot be referred to as
D. General System for Mobile a microcomputer?
communications A. Desktop
E. None of the above B. Personal digital assistant
18. One of the following does Not transmit C. Typewriter
signals D. Laptop
A. Satellite E. Tablet
B. Computer 26. A computer that is task specific is called
C. Radio …………………….
D. Telephone A. Special-purpose computer
E. Typewriter B. Task-purpose computer
19. One of the negative effects of ICT is____ C. Application computer
A. Globalisation D. General-purpose computer
B. Innovation E. One task computer
C. Creativity 27. The following processes are controlled
D. Cyber crime by special-purpose computers except
E. Media integration A. A spreadsheet application
20. ICT promotes ______ in new and better B. A traffic light control system
ways C. Weather forecast system
A. Human interference D. Aircraft navigational system
B. Human interaction E. A graphic artist would use:
C. Human destruction 28. The following are features of the third
D. Capital loss generation of computers except……………
E. Job loss A. Smaller size
21. Computers can be classified based on B. Used integrated circuits
the following except……………….. C. Support high level languages
A. Size D. Less expensive
B. Means E. Use of punched cards
C. Type 29. Which of these is not a band used for
D. Purpose radio signals
E. Generations A. Amplitude Modulation
22. An interconnection of multiple B. Short Wave
computing devices is known as computer C. Frequency Transition
_______ D. Frequency Modulation
A. Network E. None of the above
B. Connectivity
30. The process of performing an application B. Remote processing
on a computer from another location C. Networking
other than the local computer is referred D. Communication
to as…………… E. Distance working
A. Timesharing

Answer only TWO questions

1. (a) List three types of computers

(3 marks)
(b) With examples, explain the general purpose and special purpose computers
(10 marks)
(c) Classify computers by size and explain two (2) (7

2. (a) Explain five (5)disadvantages of ICT

(10 marks)
(b) Give five (5) differences between a GSM handset and a Fax machine
(10 marks)

3. (a) State five (5) benefits of networking (5

(b) Explain the following:
i. PAN ii. LAN (6
(c) What is an ICT gadget? Mention 8 examples. (9

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