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The One World

The Greatest Civilization Ever
to Be Erased From History

James W. Lee
Other Books by James W. Lee

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No copyrights reserved.
ISBN: 9798678049261
Book Design: Creative Publishing Book Design

would like to dedicate this book to all you open minded “Truthers” who seek learning and
knowledge, wherever it may lead you. This book is like no other revisionist history book you
will ever have read. It should, and will open your mind, if your mind is open, to some truly
incredible revisionist his-story.
Also, I would like to give a shout out and huge THANK YOU to all those most excellent
re-Searchers who have brought the Tartarian narrative to the light so that we may all upload and
download this exciting new narrative about who our ancestors once were. Not limited to, but in
the forefront of my gleaning of knowledge are the likes of Martin Liedtke at Flat Earth British, Jon
Levi and Marcia Ramalho of The Blue on Face Book. Other most excellent websites that I have
learned so much from are Stolenhistory.org and wewarrior.wordpress.com. Also, Philipp Druzhinin,
Richard Lopez, Subphotonic,UAP, Observation Deck Darryle Marble, the North American Mud
Evidence Group, Mudflood & Hidden History Researchers, and many more missed.
Starting from 1975 a group of mathematicians,
mainly from the Moscow State University, were
engaged in the development of this problem.
Interesting results were received and published
both in scientific periodical print and in separate
monographs. We underline, that new concept of
chronology is based, mainly, on analysis of historical
A.T.Fomenko sources with the methods of modern mathematical
statistics and vast computer calculations. Anatoly Fomenko is a full member (Academician) of
the Russian Academy of Sciences (1994), the International Higher Education
Academy of Sciences (1993) and Russian Academy of Technological Sciences
(2009), as well as a doctor of physics and mathematics (1972), a professor
(1980), and head of the Differential Geometry and Applications Department
of the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics in Moscow State University
(1992). Fomenko is the author of the theory of topological invariants of an
integrable Hamiltonian system. He is the author of 180 scientific publications,
26 monographs and textbooks on mathematics, a specialist in geometry and G.V.Nosovskiy​
topology, variational calculus, symplectic topology, Hamiltonian geometry
and mechanics, and computational geometry. Fomenko is also the author of a number of books
on the development of new empirico-statistical methods and their application to the analysis of
historical chronicles as well as the chronology of antiquity and the Middle Ages. Mr. Fomenko
is the author of extensive writings in his original fields of mathematics, and is also known for
his original drawings inspired by topological objects and structures.
Table of Contents

Preface xi

Intro Deduction 1

Chapter 1 Who Were the Tartarians? 13

Reclaiming their past… Tartary language, flag, crest, Emperor’s, and its
own Universal Language…The Most Ancient Writings of the Tartarians…
Tarturus in “The” King James Bible… History is a Lied Agreed Upon…
Tartar History

Chapter 2 Maps & Flags of the Great Tartary 37

Griffins, Symbol of The Great Tartaria

Chapter 3 Mudflood’s & Liquefication 47

Why All The Half-Floor First Floors?... Civilizations 200 ft. Below the Sea…
The Great Reset of 1811-1812… The Island of California … Jesuits and Free-
masons Founded the “New” California… The Legend of San Francisco and
Conflicting Population Numbers…1850’s Los Angeles, California.

Chapter 4 Tartarian Culture 69

Kings of Tartary… The Elegant and Beautiful Women of Tartary… The
First Natives of America ~ Black Moors… Destroying the Identity of the
Black Moor Tartarians… Another Huge NWO Lie ~ The Transatlantic
Slave Trade Out of Africa…4.25 million African Slaves Shipped to Brazil
& Mexico?... Toltecs, Mayans, Aztecs, etc...All Were Black Moors…Dressed
to the Nines in the 1900’s.

Chapter 5 Flat Earth Tartarians 83

Earliest World Map of Flat Earth (1587)

Chapter 6 Energy Star Forts 87

Starforts of Energy, Frequency and Vibration… Over 71 Starforts in the
USA Were Built in the 1850’s Alone Starforts Worldwide.

Chapter 7 Healing Centers 97

Tiergarten, Germany. Animal Healing Center for the World… Cymatic
Gardens to Heal the Soul…The Healing Resonance of Churches…Magnif-
icent Opus Healing Pipe Organs
Chapter 8 The Magnificent Worldwide Tartarian Architecture 105
Columns and Statues of Elaborate and Elegant Design…Magnificent Stained-
Glass Architecture…Dome is Ohm…Grand Arches...Grand Worldwide
Tartary Architecture… Private Residences Now Occupied by the Elite

Chapter 9 Impossible Engineering 123

The USA Canal System… Great Wall of China…The Grand Canal of China…
Precision Cut Massive Stones Worldwide by Whom, With What Tools?...
Deep In the Ground Cathedrals and Water Works… Underground Travel
Through Pneumatic Tubes… Washington D.C.’s Underground Tunnel
Systems How Did They Build These Castles?

Chapter 10 Grand Interiors of Elegance and Beauty 139

Great Tartary Libraries…

Chapter 11 Peace on Earth – Free Energy Everywhere 141

The Origins of Electricity…Wireless Technology & Weather Modification
in the 19th Century… Harvesting Lightning…Harvesting Magnetricity
Through Copper Domes… Copper Extracting and Processing Was Not
Easy, Even Today…Skyscrapers Are Energy Harvesters…Wireless Poles
and Lamps..Worldwide Round Stone Energy Towers…Tartary Power
Stations…Pyramid Power…Grand Canyon, USA Pyramids The Tibetan
Thunderbolt ~ The Most Powerful Weapon in the Universe

Chapter 12 Free Travel Anywhere 169

Flying Machines & Refueling Stations…Harnessing the Ether; Sailing
Anywhere...Vimana Flying Machines California Airships of 1852…
Compressed Air Trains…Compressed Air Cars…Wirelessly Heating Castles,
Cathedrals and Estates…Gas Lit Lamp Posts…Robots of 1883…

Chapter 13 There Were Giants Among US 185

Giants Across USA…Giants Doorways…Fossilized Giants?...

Chapter 14 From Russian With Love 193

History Science of Fiction?...The Romanov’s Did It…The White Cities of

Chapter 15 The Great Tartary Railway Train Systems 199

Origins of the Transcontinental Railways…The First Trains Worldwide…
Amazing Railway Terminals Luxurious Traveling…1895 Mail Order Every-
thing Delivered by Rail
Chapter 16 Tartar U.S.A. 209
State Capitols Buildings…US Postal Buildings…Horse n’ Buggy Construc-
tion; NYC 1880…The Destruction of US Tartary Buildings…Freemason

Chapter 17 Grand Exhibition’s & Amusement Parks 221

The Great London Exhibition…Paris Exposition Universelle…Brussels
International Exposition… National Exposition of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro…
USA Expositions and Exhibitions from 1838 -1930…Women’s Public Art &
Architecture…Infant Incubators at the World’s Fairs…The Incredible Light
Shows of Electricity - The Button That Turned on The Columbian Expo-
sition Electricity…Construction and Destruction of the Chicago World’s
Fair in 1893…

Chapter 18 The Western Capitol of Tartary; San Francisco 247

The Cliff House…Sutro Bath Houses…1894 California Midwinter Inter-
national Exposition 1915 Pan-Pacific Exhibition…San Diego’s 1915
Panama–California Exposition…The Boardwalk Santa Cruz, Ca.

Chapter 19 Children 4 Sale; All Aboard the Foundling Trains 263

Foster Care Was Created to Harvest Children…Origins of US Foundling
Homes…Foundling Wheels

Chapter 20 Insane Insane Asylums of the 19th Century 267

Worldwide Asylums… USA Insane Asylums of the 19th Century…Burning
and Burying the Evidence

Chapter 21 The Destruction of Great Tartary 279

Tarty Star Wars…Under City Buried Boneyards…Destruction of Structures
…Destruction of the Tartarian People…Technological Genocide?...The
American Holocaust …The Great Fires in History

Appendix I List of Tartarian Architecture Worldwide (Gothic) 297

Appendix II List of World Fairs and Exhibitions 1790 – 1930 315


irstly, please do not believe anything
written in this book to be true. Re-Search
for yourselves what you find to be
truthful or not using your own discernment
and judgement.
Secondly, assume nothing to be true. The
ancients had a term called “tabula rosa” which
means to start anew with a fresh open mind
where everything and anything is possible.
The New World Order (NWO) I call those that eliminated the history of the Old World Order
(OWO) Tartarians use the one-symbol frequently. This is because they say “that in the land of
the blind, the one-eyed man is King”. The two eyes represent a subjective and objective view-
point. So, they cover up the subjective to just look at the world objectively, in cold, calculating
terms. (In the 1920’s Edward Bernays was under the employment of Nelson Rockefeller, one of
the wealthiest men in the world at the time. Rockefeller founded the modern-day school system
and owned the school text book companies as well.)

Digitalization ~ The Modern Day Burning of Alexandria

Those who are truthers have understood that the NWO has had the ability
to alter images, or photoshop, for decades and decades. A prime example
being the obvious photoshopped images of Earth from ‘space’. Google’s
secret effort to scan every book in the world, codenamed “Project Ocean”.
Back in 2004 Google decided to digitalize every single book they could
find and then replace hard cover books with online books on Kindle…as in
‘kindling’ a fire aka book burning. Thusly, they could effectively alter and
control any digitalized books and images to portray the ‘story’ the NWO
wish to tell/sell us. By 2004, Google had started scanning. In just over a
decade, after making deals with Michigan, Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, the
New York Public Library, and dozens of other library systems, the company
had scanned about 25 million books. It cost them an estimated $400 million. It was the first project
that Google ever called a “Moonshot.” What made the system so efficient is that it left so much of
the work to software. Rather than make sure that each page was aligned perfectly, and flattened,
before taking a photo, which was a major source of delays in traditional book-scanning systems,
cruder images of curved pages were fed to de-warping algorithms, which used the LIDAR data
along with some clever mathematics to artificially bend the text back into straight lines. Effec-
tively, now that most get all their news and information on his-story from online, the “official”
narrative is only held in cyberspace and if, when, the internet no longer becomes viable, those
that own books, and oral narratives will be the only ones to provide an “Alternative History”
of our not so distant past. On a sidenote, please keep in the forefront of your minds that Eric
Schmidt is the former CEO of Google and now is employed by the CIA and NSA.

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