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Wastelands of The Seraphim

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Wastelands of the Seraphim


by Noel Joshua Hadley

LOOK at the difference between
Medieval art and that of the
Renaissance, why don’t you? I have
just delivered something like two
pages of surviving masterpieces for
your consideration, all of which
derive from the lost world of the
Middle-Ages. When I finally get
around to the Renaissance, you will
see that they are clearly at odds with
its predecessor. Medieval art was
intended to teach morality lessons
using Scripture as its peripheral
vision, all of which directed the soul
towards a heavenly pilgrimage,
whereas the Renaissance gloried in
the individual. This is Art 101 stuff,
by the way, and there’s even a word for it. Humanism can be defined as
an outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to the
human individual rather than the divine or supernatural. That’s just a nice
way of saying the Renaissance Controllers sought to usurp Elohiym by
igniting the divine spark within, and they used art to do it.

Another word deriving from the Renaissance is individualism which, as

you can probably already deduce, stresses the philosophical role of each
person within the hieroglyph. The very word Renaissance means rebirth. It
was a movement which is said to have originated in Italy but then swept
like a wildfire across Europe, devouring nearly all facets of life, not only
in art but in the political arena as well. Propagandists like Francesco
Petrarch, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Dante had a heavy hand in
classifying the medieval period as slow and dark. Get it? The Dark Ages.
Simply adorable. For them it was a stagnant period without growth,
education, or innovation, an unwelcomed interruption from the pre-
Christian world. To sum this up, mortals of the Middle-Ages studied
ancient literature to learn about the Creator of heaven and earth whereas
the patron saints of humanism exhumed the ruins of Greece and Rome,
the beasts of old, so as to glory in themselves.

Eventually every man has a decision to make, and I chose to go with only
one page of Renaissance art rather than two. I don’t know, perhaps I will
add to the collection in second draft. It just seems to me that the point
has already been made. Rebirth art had a curious renewed interest in the
pantheon of paganism, and taking one’s clothes off was suddenly all the
rage. We’re talking naked dudes and boobs assaulting every passing patron
from the canvas. And I haven’t even gotten into Baroque art yet. Without
even breaking down the esotericism as well as the eroticism, it’s not
difficult to see the blatant rebellion against the Most High Elohiym that
is taking place. What the occult managed to do though, and rather
brilliantly, is come right out into the open while repackaging it as

But then something else changed between the centuries as well. Take a
closer look at the collage on the left in errant contrast with Baroque artist
Luca Giordano’s depiction of fallen angels on the right. Evil angels as
well as unclean ruachoth were often depicted as serpentine dragons or
gargoyle-like devils during the Middle Ages. That all went away
afterwards. Renaissance artists gave them buns of steel and chabongas.
Check out their chiseled thighs. Where is Miyka’el the archangel sending
them to, the U.S. of Abs? Only chubby Cherubs are choosing to stay
behind with the milk cart. For whatever reason, the artmakers decided
that fallen angels no longer looked like dragons. Is it any coincidence then
that the general public ceased believing in dragons? Why the switch of
perception? And among nearly all the artists too. I think I know.

There has ever only been two dominate transmitter devices for the spread
of paranormal perception on this side of the spiritual curtain: words and
images working together. FYI, I have just described the human brain. The
left side of our brain handles reading, writing, and calculations in our day
to day, and is referred to as ‘the brains of the operation,’ where logic is
concerned. The right side is visual, dealing more often than not in the
images behind our artistic endeavors. Though it is also home to emotion,
intuition, and the ‘Spidey Sense’ which pries at our impulses. Cross those
train tracks from the left side of town and you’ve entered the
neighborhood of make-believe. And that’s just the thing about our brain.
The left and the right hemispheres work in synchronicity with the other,
or in the very least are expected to. Though the left may be doing all the
talking, the right turns to a storybook of images so as to inform its logical
counterpart, thereby informing our very perception of Truth.

How the spiritual realm materializes itself within our mind’s eye is based
largely on art, and the occult know is. It’s why they need pop culture. They
need paintings and cathedral ceilings, though in today’s terms they need
toys, comic books, and movies as well as the News reporters’ desk and
the Media teleprompter. The question you should be asking yourself is
what an angel actually looks like, and who is to say they don’t have baby
fat thigh-rolls? I am inclined to believe the Medievalists had it right. They
were dragons, at least many of them, and I aim to show you.

Many of you were hoping I’d

say they look like little green
men. I hate to be the bearer
of bad news, but the little
green men never made an
appearance at any time during
the Middle Ages. Not even
the Renaissance afterwards.
The little green men are a
product of 1950’s space age
propaganda, by which Soviet
fear mongering probably had
something to do with it. The earliest reference that I can find derives from
Washington Irving. Yeah, the Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van
Winkle guy. There were other authors imagining extra-terrestrial beings
through the centuries, but Irving appears to be the very first to describe
the men from the moon as pea green. If you are capable of finding earlier
references, then don’t hold back. I want to know. To Irving’s credit,
mention was made in 1809, which just so happens to fall in the
whereabouts of the mud flood, though perhaps more importantly, the
release of the Watchers.

The next notable mention doesn’t happen for

another century. Edgar Rice Burroughs, the
creator and writer of the Tarzan books,
referred to the green men as well as the green
Martian women when writing his first science
fiction novel, ‘A Princess of Mars’ in 1912.
Except that the green people were described as
10 or 12 feet tall on this go-around. Edgar got
the skin color right but they’re hardly little.
Come on, get with the program, Burroughs.
I’m willing to accept that Irving and Burroughs
were in the know, and they most certainly were,
but not in the way that you’re probably
thinking. Something else is going on.

Folklore researcher Chris Aubeck found that the little green men began
cropping up in the Media starting at the turn of the 20th century. One
notable mention derives from the Atlanta Constitution in 1899, whereas
green-skinned aliens inhabited a planet called Hurrah. In the following
decades Hollywood and the comic book industry basically went ape crazy
over the secondary color, making a craze out of it, and what do you think
came of that? People reportedly began seeing the little green men from a
not-so distant planet.

Just so you are aware, I am not questioning the alien-angel connection. I
too have seen an alien gray and stand by my close encounter. The
experience will not be easily forgotten. What I do question however is my
own ability to accurately translate a higher dimensional being, having
pierced through the spiritual curtain which divides us and then broken
down for somebody like me, incapable of recognizing shapes and forms
beyond the third dimension. There are probably several theories on who
the grays and the greens are and their existence in places like DUMB
tunnels. Perhaps they are the children of a recent incursion. I wouldn’t be
the slightest surprised if that turns out to be the case. Try not to let what
I’m stating enter through one ear and then right back out the other
without swishing it around for a few. Sometimes these things need to
marinate. Pop culture in league with the Media created the alien
phenomenon. Only then did they begin to materialize within the public

Even the abduction idea was only recently incorporated into the alien
experience. It all began with Barney and Betty Hill. On the night of
September 19, 1961, the Hill’s became the first alien abductees in
recorded history after having been followed home by a bright light on a
rural highway. Their story, which they told first to a psychiatrist, then to
the book and TV movie rights people, unleashed the floodgates of
abduction stories to follow. For the longest time the abduction experience
appears to have been an American phenomenon. Do yourself a favor and
don’t come to the land of the free and the brave unless you want your ass
prodded in the middle of the night, that sort of thing. I read one number
that claimed a whopping 2.5% of Americans have had a close encounter
with the Mother Ship, huh? That’s 3 out of 100 Midwesterners. With
numbers like that I should be able to call for a raise of hands at the next
county fair and, on a good day, nab at least 100 farmers who’ve been taken
up. Though I’ve yet to meet one. Where are all these people?

Pop culture icon Jack Kirby created his fair share of quote-unquote “real
world” manifestations, the most popular of which is the face on mars. His
landed in a 1958 comic book. It would take everybody’s favorite liars at
NASA to manifest Kirby’s doodle with their 1976 Viking compositing.
Kirby was born a Kurtzberg, by the way. In NYC of all places. His
mother was a Bernstein. I checked. They were Joos of the Austrian variety.
A few of you may be wondering what I mean by that. The Kurtzberg’s
may have originated from Spain, though Bernstein is a German name,
telling us we have another puzzle piece to the Ashkenazi equation.

Jack Kirby isn’t exactly a one-time offender. His uncanny ability to
manifest a supposed reality from the comic book page is so recognized by
the fanboys that I have seen it referred to as the Kirby Effect. In his
OMAC: One Man Army series, Kirby depicted an evil dictator named
Kafka who was arrested in an underground bunker and then put on trial
for a series of crimes, conveniently replicating those of the Iraqi leader
Saddam Hussein.

Look, I totally get the difference between predictive programming on the

part of the Intel department and the greater reality of our spiritual
Controllers pulling the strings from the rafters. Though they are also in
bed with the other. What I am trying to do here is show you that the
higher dimensions employ the ever-evolving mediums of pop culture,
backed no less by the occult, in order to manifest themselves into our own
reality. There are enough modern examples to fill a book when it is the
shift from Medieval to Renaissance thinking that requires my present

The physicality of the principalities, if I am phrasing that right, as well as

the part they play in bringing the Millennial kingdom to its conclusion is
what I’m mainly after in this particular exercise. I imagine the angelic
world comes in a great variety of creatures, though when it comes to the
class of Seraphiym, I have already given you the answer. They’re
dragons. The medieval artists got it right and that says something about
their spiritual insight. They were attempting to line the words up with the
images. In the following pages I will show you why I’ve come to that

The other thing you should know is that I had originally written a paper
before tackling this one discussing a prophecy regarding the phoenix
rising out of the ashes in a post Millennial Kingdom society. I purposely
neglected to comment upon the seraphim dragons who escorted Chanok
up to heaven. They make an appearance in the rather short text, ‘Account
of Chanok’. I don’t expect you to have read it anyways. So, here’s the
CliffsNotes. The eyeballs of everyone who attempted to stop Chanok on
his ascent to heaven were melted off, like something from ‘Raiders of the
Lost Ark’. There’s another pop cultural reference for you, though the
book most definitely predates it this time around. Some may have
interpreted my oversight as neglect. Malpractice even. But I was only
thinking ahead. This is a progressive conversation, and I knew where it
was headed. I’m referring to this passage right here.
After he [Chanok] said this, the multitude took up arms
to kill him. Suddenly, a whirlwind came from heaven, as a
storm of fire. Within the whirlwind of fire
were seraphim, dragons of the power of Elohim. All
who saw this became blind in that moment for their eyes
were burned from their sockets.

The Account of Enoch 1:4

Epic. So much better than the Spielberg movie. Dragons in a whirlwind of
fire really shouldn’t be too surprising, and is certainly not foreign to
Scripture, as that’s precisely what an angel is. A dragon. Only some angels
are dragons though. Specifically, seraphim angels. The meaning of the
Hebrew word saraph, when applied as a verb, means: “to burn
completely.” The noun saraph would then mean: “the burning-fiery one.”
The fact that their eyes were burned, and that they became blinded by the
sight of them, is immediately associated with the very framing of the
word, saraph. Come to think about it, descriptions such as these give even
more authenticity to ‘Account of Chanok’ as having originally been
written in Hebrew, rather than simply Greek or Latin.

What does any of this have to do with dragons? I was just getting to that.
You see, several passages in Scripture identify seraphim with serpents.
Remember that time when Yahuah sent venomous snakes among the
children of Yashar’el because of their rebellion? The event went down in
Bemidbar (Numbers) chapter 21. The snakes had a burning bite and
nearly killed everyone. They were seraphim. Flaming serpents. The
people were saved by staring up at a bronze seraph hung from a pole. And
I know what you’re probably thinking. ‘There’s nothing more to see here.
It was only an army of well-trained snakes, and certainly not a band of
destroying angels.’

Well, before you make up your mind on that, do consider that the prophet
Yesha’yahu applied seraphim to heavenly beings. You’re likely already
familiar with the account, but we’ll rehearse it anyways. There’s more to
the wilderness story too. After all, seraphim dragons in the wilderness,
among other supernatural beings, is the focus of this paper. Particularly as
they pertain to the Millennial Kingdom of Yahusha HaMashiach.
Understand that the case for Yahusha’s kingdom, as something which has
already physically happened upon the earth, will not be made here. It will
only be presumed. It’s a big topic and I certainly can’t cover everything, as
usual, nor do I intend to. Hopefully though, the canvas will be painted
with enough veracity, as well as the added strokes of speculation, to
enable you to continue the research on your own. The thing is, before we
delve into the wilderness narrative, a case needs to be made as to why the
dragons spoken about on earth correspond with the dragons in heaven,
or else you probably won’t believe anything I say. It certainly wouldn’t be
the first time. Let’s get to it then.

There’s probably some fortune cookie out there that reads: “It’s not what
you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” But even if there isn’t, it’s
what I’m saying because, when it comes to the Numbers 21 event, I’m
seeing seraphim angels, not just snakes. Look at what the Aramaic Targum

And the people thought (wickedly) in their heart, and

talked against the Word of Yahuah, and contended with
Mosheh, saying: Why didst thou bring us up from Mizraim
to die in the wilderness; for there is neither bread nor
water, and our soul is weary of manna, this light food?

And the Bath-Kol fell from the high heaven, and thus
spake: Come, all men, and see all the benefits which I have
done to the people whom I brought up free out of
Mizraim. I made manna come down for them from
heaven, yet now turn they and murmur against Me. Yet,
behold, the serpent, whom, in the days of the beginning
of the world, I doomed to have dust for his food, hath
not murmured against me: but My people are murmuring
about their food. Now shall the serpents who have not
complained of their food come and bite the people who
complain. Therefore, did the Word of Yahuah send the
basilisk serpents, and they bit the people, and a great
multitude of the people of Yashar’el died.

Numbers 21:6 [Targum]

And there you have it. The serpents were angels. Fallen angels. Why else
would the Bath-Kol think to bring up the serpent from the Garden when
speaking about the serpents who were on their way to teach the children
of Yashar’el a lesson on appreciation? By the way, the Bath-Kol is always
ever known as the “heavenly voice,” but just as importantly, the “daughter
of voice.” It is used to separate the speech otherwise deriving from the
Word of Yahuah. We are being treated to a voice from heaven and it’s
feminine, telling us that it is the Ruach HaQodesh who is doing the
speaking. Amazingly, the Bath-Kol is often symbolized by a dove. Sound
familiar? It is also no surprise that she acts as a Mother here. Like any
mother really. A mother who prepares food for her children come
breakfast, lunch, and dinner, only to hear them whine and complain about
it. Sounds like she feeds the angels too. The defining difference being that
not even the serpents murmured as the children of Yashar’el had.

I found this passage in the Targum as well.
When seraphim [snakes] are stirred up to bite and to
cause harm in the world, it is on account of the sins of
Yashar’el who do not engage in the words of Torah
quietly, and also there is no advantage for a slanderer who
speaks with a third tongue for he will be burned in the fire
of Gehenna.

Ecclesiastes 10:11 [Targum]

Believe it or not, I’ve just summed up the entire paper. The intent was to
show a passage which might collaborate with the Numbers 21 affair—and
it does. But then it goes on to explain why these snakes are released into
the world. It is on account of the sins of Yashar’el, having not engaged in
the words of the Torah. So, you could say something like what has just
been described happened towards the closure of the Millennial Kingdom.
You will have to act surprised when we get back around to it again at the
end. Since I’m on a roll however, here is one more cooperating passage.

And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and
between the seed of thy son, and the seed of her sons; and
it shall be when the sons of the woman keep the
commandments of the law, they will be prepared to
smite thee upon thy head; but when they forsake the
commandments of the law, thou wilt be ready to
wound them in their heel. Nevertheless, for them there
shall be a medicine, but for thee there will be no medicine;
and they shall make a remedy for the heel in the days of
the King Meshiha.

Genesis 3:15 [Targum]

Take a mental note of the fact that the serpent has a son. I won’t be
visiting that theme here, though the serpent seed narrative is undoubtedly
important to the rising and falling tide of Messiah’s kingdom on earth.
The immediate takeaway is that the seraphim serpents cannot hurt the
sons of A’dam and daughters of Havah who guard the commandments
of the Torah. The same cannot be said of those who forsake the
commandments. Therefore, it is safe to say that HaSatan and the
Watchers were released upon the earth because the condition of men’s
hearts ultimately wished it to be so. Sad but true.

Here is how Yesha’yahu describes the Seraphiym angels.

6 In the year that king Uzziyahu died I saw also Yahuah

sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled
the Temple. 2 Above it stood the Seraphiym: each one
had six wings; with two he covered his face, and with two
he covered his feet, and with two he did fly. 3 And one
cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is Yahuah
Tseva’oth: the whole earth is full of his glory. 4 And the
posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried,
and the house was filled with smoke.

Yesha’yahu 6:1-4

Still not dragons though—you tell me. They’re just angels. Oh, are they,
now? Just because Yesha’yahu neglected to describe them as serpentine
creatures doesn’t mean that they’re not. I decline telling you things all the
time. Every Hebrew word has intended meaning, and I have yet to see
anything else attributed to seraph than a fiery-burning serpent. You have
just peered in upon dragons in heaven.

Anyhow, back to further descriptions of seraph on earth. I kind of just

skimmed over the Bemidbar 20 event. Yesha’yahu does too. Knowing
what he has already detailed as factual in heaven, notice how he then
describes the road from Canaan to Egypt.

The burden of the beasts of the They carry upon their beasts of
Negev: into the land of trouble burden on the way southward,
and anguish, from whence come into a land of oppression and
the young and old lion, the viper distress, a place of the lion, and the
and fiery flying serpent, they will whelps of the lionesses, and
carry their riches upon the serpents, and of the flying
shoulders of young asses, and basilisks—they carry upon the
their treasures upon the bunches shoulders of their young cattle
of camels, to a people that shall their treasures, and they bring
not profit them. upon the bunches of camels
whatever is in their treasuries unto
Yesha’yahu (Isaiah) 30:6 [Cepher] a people, that shall not profit

Targum Isaiah 30:6

Both the Hebrew Masoretic and Aramaic Targum make a distinction

between your typical creepy-crawly serpent and flying serpent. The
Hebrew even tells us the non-flying serpent is a poisonous one—hence,
viper. Therefore, you cannot claim that the burning serpent is simply a
viper. There is more than meets the eye here. The Aramaic Targum takes
this a step further and calls the flying serpent a basilisk. What I believe
Yesha’yahu is telling us is that spiritual as well as physical serpents live in
the wilderness, troubling the road to Egypt.

A comparable account can be related to Yahusha’s own infancy. When
Yoceph, Mariyam, and the family made their escape to Egypt, we read
the following account:

And having come to a certain cave, and wishing to rest in

it, the blessed Mariyam dismounted from her beast, and
sat down with the child Yahusha in her bosom. And there
were with Yoceph three boys, and with Mary a girl, going
on the journey along with them. And, lo, suddenly there
came forth from the cave many dragons; and when the
children saw them, they cried out in great terror. Then
Yahusha went down from the bosom of his mother and
stood on his feet before the dragons; and they adored
Yahusha, and thereafter retired.

The Infancy Gospel of Matthew 18

Okay, fine. Maybe these are only physical dragons and not spiritual ones.
It’s difficult to tell. My point still stands. Spiritual entities, unclean ruach if
you will, reside in the wild places of the earth. Yahusha even tells us so.

Now, when the satan goes out of a man he walks by

difficult places, seeking rest, and he does not find it.

The Hebrew Gospel of Matthew 12:43

Translations taken from the Greek will stress ‘desert places,’ but ‘difficult
places’ seems just as deserted to me.

Getting back to the seraphim dragons again. There’s a conspiracy you may
have heard of regarding our reptilian overlords. Try not to roll your eyes
too heavily, as they may get stuck like that one of these times, and that
would be unhealthy. In the following text we are given a description of one
such reptilian.

[I saw Watchers] in my vision, a dream vision… vacat…

And behold, two (of them) argued about me and said….
And they were engaged in a great quarrel concerning me.
I asked them: ‘You, what are you… thus…. [about me?’]
They answered and said to me: ‘We have been made
masters and rule over all the sons of men.’ And they said
to me: ‘Which of us do you choose….’

I raised my eyes and saw one of them. His looks were

frightening like those of a viper, and his garments
were multi-colored, and he was extremely dark …

And afterwards I looked and behold … by his appearance

and his face was like that of an adder, and he was
covered with … together, and over his eyes …

this Watcher: Who is he?’ He said to me: ‘This Watcher

… and his three names are Belial, Prince of Darkness
and Melkiresha’… vacat… And I said: ‘My Lord, what
rule … ‘[And he said to me] … and all his paths are
darkness, and all his work is darkness, and he is… in
darkness … you sec. And he rules over all darkness… and
I rule over all light and all…

The Vision of Amram

I probably should have told you it was about a Watcher or two in advance.
Also, given some context to the passage before asking you to read it.
Amram, you see, was the grandson of Levi and the father of Moshe. The
book of Yashar gives us some details surrounding his present
circumstances. The sons and grandsons of the twelve patriarchs began
burying them in Canaan as they died, each in turn. Only Yoceph was kept
in Egypt under lock and key, as a prophecy was made by Pharoah’s
magicians that the entire land would go dark on the day of his removal. It
was while Amram was on one such burial mission that war broke out
between both countries, Egypt and Canaan. The border was closed, and
Amram remained there, separated from his wife and family for something
like forty-one years.

It is there in Canaan where he had his vision of the two Watchers.

The first Watcher is presented to Amram as Belial, Prince of Darkness.
Recognize the name? I do. He’s none other than HaSatan. The other figure
is somebody named Melchizedek. You might have heard of him. He’s
the Prince of Light and King of Righteousness, but also a Watcher. Bet
you never thought of Melchizedek as a Watcher before. And no,
Melchizedek isn’t a reptilian, as it has already been explained in a past
paper who the first Melchizedek is. He was Noach’s nephew. At any rate,
Amram describes Belial as having the literal looks of a viper and the face
of an adder. Not poetry. HaSatan, or rather Belial, is a Watcher but also a
reptilian. But again, that shouldn’t surprise anyone, as he’s already
described to us as a dragon in Revelation.

And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood
after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried
away of the flood. 16 And the earth helped the woman,
and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the
flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth. 17 And
the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make
war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the
commandments of Elohiym, and have the testimony of
Yahusha Ha’Mashiach.
Chizayon (Revelation) 12:15-17 [Cepher]

I chose this passage for a very specific purpose, as it seems kind of like a
mud-flood event to me. Perhaps just a coincidence. Or perhaps not. The
earth swallows up the waters before the entire world can be flooded. That
is precisely what we are observing on every single continent, as entire cities
(and really, pick any city older than 200 years) are buried under 12 to 20
feet of mud and sediment. It’s also what HaSatan is perfectly capable of.
Remember the time when Yitschaq volunteered to fill in for sacrificial
lamb on Mount Tsiyon? On his journey there with Avraham, Satan
became that very thing. A current of floodwater.
And Avraham still rebuked Satan, and Satan went from
them, and seeing he could not prevail over them he hid
himself from them, and he went and passed before them
in the road; and he transformed himself to a large
brook of water in the road, and Avraham and Yitschaq
and his two young men reached that place, and they saw a
brook large and powerful as the mighty waters. 35 And they
entered the brook and passed through it, and the waters
at first reached their legs. 36 And they went deeper in the
brook and the waters reached up to their necks, and they
were terrified on account of the water; and while they were
going over the brook Avraham recognized that place and
he knew that there was no water there before. 37 And
Avraham said to his son Yitschaq, I know this place in
which there was no brook nor water, now therefore it is
this Satan who does all this to us, to draw us aside this
day from the commands of Elohiym. 38 And Avraham
rebuked him and said unto him Yahuah rebuke you, O
Satan, begone from us for we go by the commands of
Elohiym. 39 And Satan was terrified at the voice of
Avraham, and he went away from them, and the place
again became dry land as it was at first.

Yashar (Jasher) 23:34-39 [Cepher]

Satan and his angels can appear to us as many things, it seems. Dragon.
Running brook of water. Perhaps even a mud flood. During the Millennial
Kingdom of Messiah however, Satan was bound in prison. You probably
knew that already. The Watchers were in prison as well, obviously. The
remainder of the devils and the demons were relegated to the wastelands
of Babylon though. That’s what Scripture tells us. The wilderness places
became a haunt for dragons. It says so right here.

18 AND after these things I saw another angel come

down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was
lightened with his glory. 2 And he cried mightily with a
strong voice, saying, Babel the great is fallen, is fallen, and
is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of
every foul ruach, and a cage of every unclean and hateful
bird. 3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath
of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have
committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the
earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come
out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins,
and that ye receive not of her plagues.

Chizayon (Revelation) 18:1-4

We will undoubtedly search Scripture for further confirmation, but really,

that’s everything you need to know, right there. With the commencement
of the Millennium, Babylon is destroyed. While the remainder of the
world shares in the joys of Yahusha’s kingdom, the ruin of Babel then
becomes “a habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul ruach.” Also,
I want you to take a special note of the concluding phrase, “and a cage of
every unclean and hateful bird.” Ask yourself, what sort of unclean bird
is a hateful bird? Vultures, I suppose. Not exactly the happy go-lucky sort.
But what if it’s also speaking of another species of bird? A non-physical
bird, perhaps. Hold that thought.

There is one other phrase which needs appraisal. A voice from heaven
says, “Come out of her my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins.”
Yerushalayim has already fallen. How could anyone still partake in her
sins? It probably has something to do with the fact that Yerushalayim-
Babylon has become the habitation of devils and unclean ruach. A
stunning contrast, indeed. We should then probably ask ourselves, what
would happen if some people chose not to come out of her? We just read
the answer. They would receive her plagues. Before this is over, you shall
see why Yahusha allowed these unclean ruach to live on in the desolate
places, rather than simply destroying them, once and for all.

ANOTHER discovery made since turning out this first draft is that Satan
was bound in prison in Revelation 20, but it wasn’t his first rodeo. He’d
been bound before. Multiple times. Did you know that no satan could be
found within Pharaoh’s kingdom during Yoceph’s tenor in Egypt? I didn’t
either until last week. But that’s what it says right here.
And the land of Mitsrayim was at peace before Phar’oh
because of Yoceph, for Yahuah was with him, and gave
him favor and mercy for all his generations before all
those who knew him and those who heard concerning

him, and Phar’oh’s kingdom was well ordered, and there
was no Satan and no evil person therein.

Yovheliym (Jubilees) 40:9 [Cepher]

Second confirmation.
And there was no Satan nor any evil all the days of the
life of Yoceph which he lived after his father Ya’aqov, for
all the Mitsriym honored the children of Yashar’el all the
days of the life of Yoceph.

Yovheliym (Jubilees) 46:2 [Cepher]

Yoceph is an obvious Messianic prototype, and so, it only makes sense

that no satan would be allowed within Yahusha’s kingdom of shalom as
well. And just as it was with Yoceph, satans were only granted permission
to enter again afterwards. It happens again in Yovheliym, you know. Only
this time to Moshe. A couple of chapters over we read:
And on the fourteenth day and on the fifteenth and on
the sixteenth and on the seventeenth and on the
eighteenth the prince Mastema was bound and
imprisoned behind the children of Yashar’el that he
might not accuse them. 16 And on the nineteenth, we let
them loose that they might help the Mitsriym and
pursue the children of Yashar’el. 17 And he hardened their
hearts and made them stubborn, and the device was
devised by Yahuah Elohaynu that he might smith the
Mitsriym and cast them into the sea.

Yovheliym (Jubilees) 48:15-16 [Cepher]

Did you follow the line of logic? Profound, no? Mastema was bound and
imprisoned at Passover. That was to allow the children of Yashar’el a
passage of escape. He was then released with his confederacy of angels in
order that the heart of Egypt might be hardened. And we all know what
happened. Pharaoh drove his army into the Red Sea. If Yoceph paints a
picture of the Millennial Kingdom, then the slavery of Yashar’el incites
the short season by which HaSatan is permitted to go about deceiving the
world. Hardening hearts. But unlike the Sea of Reeds, it is HaSatan who
is meeting his end when he turns upon the camp of Yah.

Contrarily, unclean spirits dominate the desolate places during the

kingdom of Messiah, which includes Babel.
The sea is come up upon Babel: she is covered with the
multitude of the waves thereof. 43 Her cities are a
desolation, a dry land, and a wilderness, a land wherein no
man dwells, neither does any son of A’dam pass thereby.

Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 51:42-43 [Cepher]

Not exactly a second witness, as Yirmeyahu speaks nothing

of unclean ruach. Still though, we can at least establish that the former
kingdoms of HaSatan have become a desolation and a wilderness, by
which no son of A’dam dwells therein. Reading on.

This is the rejoicing city that dwelt carelessly, that said in

her heart, I am, and there is none beside me: how is she
become a desolation, a place for beasts to lie down
in! Everyone that passes by her shall hiss and wag his

Tsephanyahu (Zephaniah) 2:15 [Cepher]

Beasts. Hmmm, another added detail. Tsephanyahu tells us of Yirmeyahu’s

desolated cities, only now beasts find rest in them. Also, it says that
people do pass by. Or rather, somebody passes by—whoever “everyone” is.
The point being, everyone who passes hisses and shakes their hands at the
ruinous capitols of those who once compared themselves with the I Am.

Next witness.
Take a good heart, O Yerushalayim: for he that gave you
that name will comfort you. 31 Miserable are they that
afflicted you, and rejoiced at your fall. 32 Miserable are the
cities which your children served: miserable is she that
received your sons. 33 For as she rejoiced at your ruin, and
was glad of your fall: so, shall she be grieved for her own
desolation. 34 For I will take away the rejoicing of her great
multitude, and her pride shall be turned into
mourning. For fire shall come upon her from the
Everlasting, long to endure, and she shall be inhabited of
devils for a great time.

Baruk 4:32-35 [Cepher]

A dutiful inquiry will ask to see evidence of this so-called fire which came
down and destroyed those cities. Oh, believe me, entire cities were melted.
The evidence is there. You just have to look for it. Following those
breadcrumbs however would be a distraction from the topic at hand, as
Baruk has escalated the severity of the situation. Ruinous Babylon has just
been upgraded from being a desolation without people, or a desolation
with beasts and any number of hissing passerbys, to one which is
inhabited of devils. Still not seeing anything about dragons though. Let’s
keep combing Scripture.

And they shall be ashamed: for it is a land of graven

images; and in the islands, where they boasted.
Therefore, shall idols dwell in the islands, and the young
of monsters shall dwell in it. It shall not be inhabited
anymore forever. As Elohim overthrew Sodom and
Gomorrah, and the cities bordering upon them, said
Yahuah: no man shall dwell there, and no son of man shall
sojourn there.

Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 27:22 [LXX]

The destruction of Mystery Babylon is compared with the overthrow of

Sodom and Gomorrah. We should probably expect to see lots of melted
buildings then. And we do. But again, let’s not get distracted. Here we see
the “young of monsters” dwelling within. Is that the same thing as saying
the offspring of monsters? I don’t know. You tell me. It shouldn’t be too
difficult to imagine that monsters do have babies. I mean, why wouldn’t
they? Even monsters have reproductive organs. That being said, I think I
know what the LXX is hinting at here, but at present, it’s just conjecture.
I’m not quite ready to give it away quite yet. You’ll have to read what I
think a little further ahead.

And Chatsor shall be a dwelling for dragons, and a

desolation forever: there shall no man abide there, nor any
son of A’dam dwell in it.

Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 49:33 [Cepher]

Ah, there it is! We’re back in Yirmeyahu again. The prophet certainly
didn’t let us down this time. He says it. Dragons. I’ll let you look up the
location of Chatsor, or rather Hazor, for yourself. When you do, remind
yourself that it was a dwelling for dragons. Before you tell me it’s not yet a
dwelling for dragons, pay attention to the fact that every place being
described to us is not only ruinous, but they were also dug up out of the
sand in the 1800’s or sometime thereafter. That tells us something. The
prophecy being referred to was fulfilled.

Another from Yirmeyahu reads:

And Babel shall become heaps, a dwelling place for

dragons, an astonishment, and a hissing, without an

Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 51:37 [Cepher]

It says Babel shall become heaps. Now ask yourself, did Babel become
heaps? Check. Babylon is in heaps. That means it has already become a
dwelling place for dragons. I have included the picture of a dragon as
represented on ancient Babylon’s Ishtar gate. Notice the bird-like talons
for hind legs. A clue. Somebody on the Intel-net will surely demand
evidence that such a dragon ever physically existed. If so, then you might
as well demand scientific evidence for the presence of angels. Same thing.
Because, while I do believe in the historical relevance of dragon animals,
the subject of this paper is seraphim dragons. If you’re paying attention, the
haunt which I’m suggesting is dragons of the fallen nature. During the
Millennial Kingdom, only HaSatan and the 200 Watchers who descended
upon Mount Hermon are described to us as imprisoned. But as we have
already seen, there were others.

The wild beasts of the desert shall And there shall meet one another,
also meet with the wild beasts of martens and wild cats,
the island, and the satyr shall cry and demons, each shall sport
to his fellow: the screech owl also with its companion: verily
shall rest there and find for herself dryads shall dwell there, and
a place of rest. they shall find rest for themselves.

Yesha’yahu 34:14 [Cepher] Isaiah 34:14 [Targum]

The Cepher says screech owl. Most translations do. Must be an unclean
bird then. How did Revelation describe them birds? They were hateful.
Owls don’t exactly come across to me as hateful, but maybe my wires are
crossed. The thing is though, the Hebrew word being used for “screech
owl” is ‫לִ ילִ ית‬. Or Lilith, if you’re Hebrew illiterate, and I am. That’s
pronounced liyliyth. Strong’s Concordance 3917, for all-you fact checkers
out there. It’s a feminine word. No other ancient source, be it Assyrian,
Babylonian, Akkadian, or the other surrounding languages, refers to
this word as anything but a night hag or night demon. A bird perhaps, but
not a screech owl. Somebody’s screeching in the night, alright, and her
name is Lilith.

The ASV says ‘night-monster.’ The BBE says ‘night-spirit.’ Many

translations however leave it as it is and says ‘Lilith.’ The Aramaic Targum
however drops another clue and tells us this Lilith character is a dryad.
Just so we’re clear, a dryad is a nymph or nature ruach who lives in trees.
By now my serial reader knows the earth is a spiritual realm, a womb really,
and that ruach are in everything, including lightning. I have long been
seeking a Scriptural reference to the inhabitation of ruach in trees, and I
have just now found one.

Wait, what’s this? It is a carved stone depicting a woman with angel wings.
Is that a snake for a crown? Hard to tell. She’s naked for certain though.
Looks to be a fertility goddess. Owls flank her on either side. Rather
interesting because, as we have already seen, the word Lilith is sometimes
translated as ‘screeching owl’, even in the ‘Epic of Gilgamesh.’ The
Mesopotamian terracotta plaque is known to us today as the Burney
Relief, though its far more appropriate title is ‘The Queen of the Night.’
It’s okay, you can say it. Something’s screeching in the night, alright, and
her name is Lilith.

From what I’ve so far been able to gather, Lilith makes yet another
appearance in the Aramaic Targum. Let’s see if it delivers any further
On the day at the beginning of the week, while his sons
and his daughters were eating and drinking wine in the
house of their eldest brother, 14 a messenger came to Job
and said: “The cows were ploughing and the she’asses
were grazing at their side, 15 when Lilith, the Queen of
Sheba and of Margod, fell upon them suddenly and led
them away, and they killed the young men, crowds of
them, at the edge of the sword; I alone have escaped to
tell you.

The Targum of Job 1:13-15

No, I don’t believe the Targum of Job is saying Solomon’s Queen of

Sheba and Lilith are the same. Calling Lilith ‘the Queen of Sheba’ may in
fact be little different than describing the Prince of Persia who held the
archangel Miyka’el back for twenty-one days. We are simply being told
about the spiritual entities who take an active part in the physical
realm. Thus, given everything we’ve just experienced, Yesha’yahu might
literally read:

And desert beasts shall meet with the island beasts,

and a goat-demon [satyr] shall call to his neighbor;
surely there Lilith shall repose, and she shall find a resting
place for herself.

Yesha’yahu 34:14

Something I forgot to comment upon in Yesha’yahu 34:14 is the mention

of a goat-demon. Most translations prefer relegating it simply to a demon,
so as not to have people poking their noses where it doesn’t belong, but
the Cepher translates it accurately here. The goat-demon is a satyr. Half
man, half goat. You might know him as the kind Mr. Tumnus, but the
ancient world knew him as Pan. Why are Pan and Lilith hanging out
together. Probably up to no good.

What do we have here? It’s a painting. A Baroque painting. More
importantly though, we see a ruinous landscape inhabited by
a nymph and a satyr. To erase any doubts, its title even says as much.
‘Landscape with Nymph and Satyr Dancing.’ The Intel-net tells me its
artist is somebody named Claude Lorrain, and is described to us as a
French painter, draughtsman, and etcher of the Baroque era. My serial
reader undoubtedly knows the satyr as the child-rapist Pan. Is the nymph
Lilith then? We are not told. Truth in plain sight, perhaps, as we’re pressed
to ask ourselves if we’re gazing in upon a literal scene from the book of
Yesha’yahu. A satyr and a tree-ruach, identities unknown, have found rest
among the haunts of civilization. Sounds literal to me. They are now
enacting rites of the Mystery religion. And if I’m not mistaken, they’re
making a neophyte out of someone. I knew it. Up to no good.

Lilith’s place in this story serves its purpose. The story of her origin can
be found in ‘The Legend of the Jews’, but most assuredly can be traced
elsewhere. I’ve already hinted at that fact, but presently, you’ll have to do
that digging for yourself. I remind you that ‘Legend of the Jews’ is based
upon tradition—officially speaking. I’m not saying Lilith was the first wife
of A’dam. Rather, I’m simply laying out the possibility. She may very well
have been. I don’t really know. Either she was or she wasn’t. Which is the
lie—who knows? I’ve never lost any sleep over it. All I can do is report
on this stuff. What we are doing here, you see, is researching. After another
day of backbreaking work in the mine, I present to you the shiny stuff and
you decide whether its gold or fools’ gold. I will probably be flogged for
providing the same account side-by-side with ‘The Aleph Bet of ben Sira’,
given the source material, but I simply don’t care anymore. In a post mud
flood society, you can’t dig for the Truth unless you’re willing to get your
hands dirty. I therefore present to you the story of Adam and Lilith.

The Divine resolution to bestow a “The angels who are in charge of

companion on Adam met the healing are Sanoy, Sansenoy and
wishes of man, who had been Semangel. While God created
overcome by a feeling of isolation Adam, who was alone, He said, ‘It
when the animals came to him in is not good for man to be alone’
pairs to be named. To banish his (Genesis 2:18). He also created a
loneliness, Lilith was first given to woman, from the earth, as He had
Adam as wife. Like him she had created Adam himself, and called
been created out of the dust of the her Lilith. Adam and Lilith
ground. But she remained with immediately began to fight. She
him only a short time, because she said, ‘I will not lie below,’ and he
insisted upon enjoying full said, ‘I will not lie beneath you, but
equality with her husband. She only on top. For you are fit only to
derived her rights from their be in the bottom position, while I
identical origin. With the help of am to be the superior one.’ Lilith
the Ineffable Name, which she responded, ‘We are equal to each
pronounced, Lilith flew away other inasmuch as we were both
from Adam, and vanished in the created from the earth.’ But they
air. Adam complained before God would not listen to one another.
that the wife He had given him When Lilith saw this, she
had deserted him, and God sent pronounced the Ineffable Name
forth three angels to capture her. and flew away into the air. Adam
They found her in the Red Sea, stood in prayer before his Creator:
and they sought to make her go ‘Sovereign of the universe!’ he
back with the threat that, unless said, ‘the woman you gave me has
she went, she would lose a run away.’ At once, the Holy One,
hundred of her demon children blessed be He, sent these three
daily by death. But Lilith angels to bring her back.” Said the
preferred this punishment to Holy One to Adam, ‘If she agrees
living with Adam. She takes her to come back, what is made is
revenge by injuring babes—baby good. If not, she must permit
boys during the first night of their one hundred of her children to
life, while baby girls are exposed to die every day.’ The angels left
her wicked designs until they are God and pursued Lilith, whom
twenty days old. The only way to they overtook in the midst of the
ward off the evil is to attach an sea, in the mighty waters wherein
amulet bearing the names of her the Egyptians were destined to
three angel captors to the children, drown. They told her God’s word,
for such had been the agreement but she did not wish to return. The
between them. angels said, ‘We shall drown you in
the sea.’“‘Leave me!’ she said. ‘I
The woman destined to become was created only to cause sickness
the true companion of man was to infants. If the infant is male, I
taken from Adam’s body, for have dominion over him for eight
“only when like is joined unto like days after his birth, and if female,
the union is indissoluble.” The for twenty days.’ “When the
creation of woman from man was angels heard Lilith’s words, they
possible because Adam originally insisted she go back. But she
had two faces, which were swore to them by the name of the
separated at the birth of Eve. living and eternal God: ‘Whenever
I see you or your names or your
The Legend of the Jews 1:2:42-43 forms in an amulet, I will have no
power over that infant.’ She also
agreed to have one hundred of her
children die every day.
Accordingly, every day one
hundred demons perish, and for
the same reason, we write the
angels names on the amulets of
young children. When Lilith sees
their names, she remembers her
oath, and the child recovers.”

Otzar Midrashim: The Aleph Bet

of ben Sira

What really stuck out to me here is that Lilith is described as the mother
of demons. Rather than filling the role of the Matriarch of humanity, by
which the ruachs created before Yah’s throne might ultimately be
conceived and born in their allotted hour, Lilith wanted to create ruach of
her own. Demons. In return, the Most-High promised to handicap their
daily population growth, perhaps to compensate for the number of
Adam’s sons on earth. It’s all conjecture—obviously. Again, you are free
to roll your eyes. I’m only the reporter. Her stated role as matriarch though
should call your attention to the fact that we have already read how the
wastelands would become the haunts of little monsters and devils. During
the Millennial Kingdom, it might be said that the Queen of Sheba was
ruling over her children.

The other half of the equation

in Yesha’yahu 34:14 is the
satyr. You already know that
Pan was a satyr. Well, what if I
told you that the satyr
was Ham? Same Ham. The
one and only. Noah’s son. Pan
and Ham are the same.
The following text is once again
questionable. In other
chapters, red flags may be
planted on the Roman
propaganda. ‘The Travels of
Noah into Europe’ makes historical claims however which are indeed
stunning. Continuing with the sons of Cain tradition [hint, serpent seed],
the sons of Ham became the toppler of thrones and kingdoms on every

19 Having thus touched the death of this good Patriarch

Noe, it shall not be now impertinent something to
remember and speak of the wicked and abominable life of
his son Cham, which although of itself it be worthless of
any recapitulation or recital, yet to descend to the line all
genealogy of the Lybian, Hercules the Great, it cannot be
well omitted: from which Hercules, Dardanus the first
founder and erector of Troy, descended and came.
20 It hath been already specified, how Noe dividing the
universal earth unto his children, and how Cham
abounding in all vices and detestable courses,
notwithstanding was not deprived of his portion, but had
his right of inheritance justly allotted unto him, which was
the third part of the world, and particularly Africa to the
hither part of Egypt; for which countries he was
commanded by his father to depart, with his wife Noegla,
and five and thirty rulers (which is as much to say, as the
chiefs of family of his blood and house) as also with all
their children and issue: which was accordingly
performed, and presently he established himself as king
and Saturn of Egypt, where he erected and build a city
called Chem-Myn: and among them also, he himself was
called Pan, and Silvanus, which people likewise (so
engendered and issued of that family) to honor and
worship him the more, and to show their love unto him,
lived in all impious and ungracious manner, perpetrating
most odious and soul-damming villainies, affirming
publicly. That men ought lawfully to have the company of
their own mothers, sisters, and daughters, in all lusts and
concupiscence of the flesh; and other many most inhuman
and shameful acts, not to be recited. And to show that
they gloried and boasted in the wickedness of such their
king and ruler, they entermed him by the name Cham
Esenuus, which signified their infamous god Pan. And
thus he ruled in Egypt long time, even unto the six and
fiftieth year of the reign of Iupiter Belus, the second king
of Babylon: in which year he began to travel, and came
into Italy (which was then called Kytim) to his brother
Comerus Gallus, the first king of that country; after whose
death Cham presently usurped and undertook that mighty
government who instead of virtuous instructions and gold
laws, in which all other princes round about him, his
kinsmen (commanding Germany, Spain, and France) had
instructed and taught their people, clean contrary infected
the youth of Italy with all manner of impieties, incivility,
and corruptible vices: persuading them (being of
themselves well addicted) to usury, robbery, murder,

poisonings, and the study of the Magic art, who by reason
of his own great skill therein, was surnamed Zoroastes,
and was the first inventor and practicer of that of that vile
and diabolical learning, of the use of which he composed
and writ many books, and he was called generally
throughout the world, Cam Esennus, id est Cam infamis,
& impudicus, propagator Some have thought, That the
Turk for those such like causes, is called in his letters
patents, le grand Cam de Tartaria.

The Travels of Noah into Europe 19-20

That’s the other thing about ‘The Travels of Noah into Europe.’ We are
given several quips about Tartaria. I wish I could pause and comment
upon that more, but we’ve got other matters to attend to. The hope is to
conclude our discourse over the next few pages. But before doing so,
there’s an interesting passage from the book of Yovheliym (Jubilees) that
deserves tending to, as I expect it will help fill in the missing details of the
overall narrative.
8 IN the twenty ninth jubilee, in the first week, in the
beginning thereof Arpakshad took to himself a woman
and her name was Rasu’eya, the daughter of Shushan, the
daughter of Eylam, and she bore him a son in the third
year in this week, and he called his name Qeynan. 2 And
the son grew, and his father taught him writing, and he
went to seek for himself a place where he might seize for
himself a city. 3 And he found a writing which former
generations had carved on the rock, and he read what
was thereon, and he transcribed it and sinned owing to it;
for t contained the teaching of the Watchers in
accordance with which they used to observe the omens of
the sun and moon and stars in all the signs of
heaven. 4 And he wrote it down and said nothing
regarding itl for he was afraid to speak to Noach about it
lest he should be angry with him on account of it.

Yovheliym (Jubilees) 8:1-4

We have already established that the Watchers were reptilian, which is to

say, the same as seraphim. And where did this Qeynan fellow find their
writings again? In the waste places. With Qeynan, the religion of the
Watchers carried on.

There is a point to this exercise. Imagine Yahusha HaMashiach physically

ruling over the face of the earth. The beast has been thrown into the lake
of fire. Mystery Babylon has been overturned and left to ruin. The devils
and dragons have been relegated to those wastelands however for a
purpose. Elsewhere, mankind is still sinful by nature. Torah however is
the supreme law of the land. In that Law we are instructed not to invoke
the names of any other elohim but Yahuah, the Most-High Elohiym.

And in all things that I have said unto you be

circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other
Elohiym, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth.

Exodus 23:13

The idea is, if the land were purged of all other elohim, including
unclean ruach, then children and future generations of children would
grow up knowing nothing about them—naturally. It would be very
difficult indeed to invite them into a clean space if the inhabitants of the
land knew nothing about unclean living. Being set apart would be the
standard, just as it is in heaven. In those regards, we can see Torah in
action with the following passage.

And it shall come to pass in that day, says Yahuah

Tseva’oth, that I will cut off the names of the idols out of
the land, and they shall no more be remembered: and also,
I will cause the prophets and the unclean ruach to pass
out of the land.

Zakaryahu (Zechariah) 13:2 [Cepher]

There it is. During the Millennial Kingdom, unclean ruachoth were not
welcome in the land. It says there were also no prophets. I take that to
mean there were no false prophets in the land; only speakers of Truth; as
the kingdom had taken the broom to everything of deceit. That is not to
say that false prophets could not be found anywhere in creation. It simply
means they could not be learned from within the land, as all surviving
false prophets would the made the move with the unclean ruach into the
outer rim of the kingdom. On a side note, it never says the sons of Cain
could not be found in the wastelands.

Well, what would happen if you told humanity, or rather, the sons of
Adam, not to go into the whereabouts of the wasteland? In say, the ruins
of ancient Egypt and Babylon. People would be tempted to go—naturally.
They would want to explore the windswept ruins for themselves, just to
see what it was exactly that the King had forbidden. There they would
meet the monsters and the devils. The nymph and the satyr. Dragons of
old. Fallen angels. Lilith. Pan. Watchers. Seraphim. Like Qeynan after the
flood of Noach, they would then be instructed by them. Also, like Qeynan
with Noach, they might return to society and neglect telling anyone. They
would then have hidden knowledge.

But what if those individuals with so-called enlightenment began
instructing others in ancient occult practices? Torah tells precisely what to
do. Follow along.

13 IF there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of

dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder, 2 And the sign
or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spoke unto you,
saying, ‘Let us go after other elohiym, which thou hast not
known, and let us serve them;’ 3 You shalt not hearken
unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of
dreams: for Yahuah Elohaykem proves you, to know
whether ye love Yahuah Elohaykem with all your heart
and with all your soul. 4 Ye shall walk after Yahuah
Elohaykem, and fear him, and keep his commandments,
and obey his voice, and ye shall serve him, and cleave unto
And that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams, shall be
put to death; because he hath spoken to turn you away
from the Yahuah Elohaykem, which brought you out of
the land of Mitsrayim, and redeemed you out of the house
of bondage, to thrust you out of the way which Yahuah
Elohaykem commanded you to walk in. So shall you put
the evil away from the midst of you.

Devariym (Deuteronomy) 13:1-5 [Cepher]

The answer is: the person who teaches others to follow any other elohiym,
but Yahuah should be put to death. Then again, what if the emissaries of
Yahusha’s kingdom became lack in judgement? A transgression here. A
transgression there. Last decades tolerance becomes next decades norm.
Turn a blind eye to justice and the little white lies that pervert it. And what
if that said individual who had learned firsthand knowledge from the
dragons and the devils of the wasteland were, say, an artist? Or how about
a musician? An architect or a Master Mason even. Scribe? What
would then happen to Yahusha’s kingdom? If judgement were not enacted
and the worship of the serpent not nipped in the butt, Truth itself would
be marred. Holy would be mixed with the profane. Mankind would once
again be pressed with the age-old decision: to choose that day whom they
would serve. You probably know where this is going, as history has a habit
of repeating itself. Mankind has a penchant for rebellion.

You will ask me why Yahusha HaMashiach would allow the teachings of
other elohiym to enter his kingdom. It says right there in Devariym 13
that Yahuah does it in order to prove you, “to know whether ye love
Yahuah Elohaykem with all your heart and with all your soul.”

And if you’ve been following the mud flood narrative, then you know
precisely what happens next. Those who chose the curse rather than the
blessing were either destroyed or tossed out of Yah’s camp when HaSatan
and the Watchers were released from prison. The great reset. We’ve all
seen the photos. They were left to blindly wander the vacant cities and the
magnificent buildings that their forefathers had built in the light of a
universal government, assigned now to an inferior technology and a past
narrative which deceptively speaks of a darkened age. Those of us just
now waking up to the Truth of Yahuah’s Law are the descendants of
rebels. They did not heed to Yahuah’s warning when he said:
You shall not make you any graven image, or any likeness
of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth
beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth. 9 You
shall not bow down yourself unto them, nor serve them:
for I Yahuah Elohayka am a jealous El, visiting the
inequity of the fathers upon the children unto the third
and fourth generation of them that hate me, 10 And
showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and
guard my commandments.

Devariym (Deuteronomy) 5: 8-10 [Cepher]


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