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Eva Vincent

445 Ed Tech Section 1

Block 1

1. Identify 4 technologies available in the classroom (You may use any examples from
classrooms you have been in.)  (Technology examples, iPads, Chrome book computers, Smart
Board, Document Camera, CD player, projector, classroom speaker system, etc.)      

 Describe each of these technologies and how you have seen them being used in the

  The first technology that comes to my mind is ipads because they are such a versatile and

useful tool when it comes to enhancing learning. I have seen them used in a collaborative way

where small groups of students will read a text together on the device and then answer the

questions together while taking turns with who types, holds and scrolls on the ipad. I think this

is a great way to use the ipads because it promotes teamwork and sharing amongst students. I

would love to have a classroom speaker system so that students can clearly hear any video that I

might show them on the projector and so I can play music during assessments to help mitigate

test anxiety among students. I would also love to be able for each student in my classroom to

have their very own Chromebook or something similar to that that they can take back and forth

between home and school. I think that Chromebooks help students to all have more equal access

and opportunity with schoolwork when they all have the same devices to work on. This would be

extremely helpful for the times that we are currently navigating with online school because this

would help all students to have access to a device to do their schoolwork and attend class on.

Finally, I would love to have a projector in my classroom so that students can clearly see the

board, video or anything else that I put under the document camera. This projector along with

the classroom speaker system will also allow for potentially doing a whole class virtual reality

experience if I do not have the supplies to do them independently with the VR goggles.

2. Discuss 2 of the technologies from the questions above and how you would like to use them in
your own classroom.

 Identify and discuss the content areas they could be used in (Examples, math, English,
science, social studies, reading, etc.)       

Chromebooks are the first technology I would love to have in the classroom because they are

so versatile and can work for a variety of subjects. Even though Chromebooks are so versatile, I

think they could be especially beneficial for math because students can use online manipulatives

or other online resources like Math Café or Envision to help them master their math skills and

build a deeper understanding. In addition to Chromebooks, I would love to be able to have a

projector in my future classroom because it can help students to clearly see everything at the

front of the room. This would make showing example videos, short clips or tutorials much easier

to the entire class so they can clearly understand the instructions or what is expected of them in

the upcoming activity. Each of these technologies will help students in my class have equal

opportunities and will enhance their learning experiences.

3. Please give 2 examples, describing how you would use assistive technology, or other
forms of technology, to instruct or assist ELL or Special Need students.
  To best help and accommodate the needs of all students in my classroom, I can utilize

technology to help close any gaps and make learning more equal for all students. First, I would

like to use apps on my Weebly page like Boardmaker, Starfall and Word Lens in a way to assist

ELL students with their assignments and give them an equal opportunity to participate. These

programs use visuals to really help students to understand material. I also think that by using

ipads to read and annotate a text could be helpful to ELL students because they could translate

the text or look up certain words to help them better understand the material. This way, students

can receive answers instantly in their first language instead of carrying on with the material

being confused about something which would negatively affect their learning.

4. Identify 3 technology tools and describe how you would like to incorporate them into
your own classroom. Think about the various technologies you have learned about this
semester. (Examples, Tablets, Laptops, Doc Cam, Sphero, OSMO, etc.). 
In my future classroom, I would love to have access to ipads/tablets because I feel that

they are such a versatile and useful tool. By using ipads or tablets, students can engage with

material in new and interactive ways that they can’t do with print text. Ipads also give students

the opportunity to use a variety of other technologies and programs like green screen editing,

online learning activities and they can share work with their classmates and families with online

platforms like class dojo, email or google docs. In addition to ipads or tablets, I would also

really like to have access to Sphero robots so that students can learn about coding in a fun and

interactive way. Coding is becoming more and more relevant and common everyday so it is

important that my future students have an understanding of what it is and how to do it so that

they can have a better understanding of other things in their everyday life. Sphero makes

learning about coding exciting, interactive and fun for students because they are working with a

physical robot that they can learn to control. In addition to these interactive classroom

technologies like ipads and Sphero, I would also really love to have a document camera in my

classroom. I think that document cameras make it so much easier to share work with the class on

a large projector screen rather than just work with a smaller white board or a chalk board. The

document camera would allow me as an educator to more easily and widely share information,

instruction and activities with students because they can easily see the information on the large


5. Please list 3 apps or websites that you plan to use in your classroom. (For
Example, Zoom, Class Dojo, Nearpod, Kahoot, Quizizz, Powtoon, Weebly, Prezi, Emaze, etc.)
I. Describe how you would use each of these apps or websites with your students

II. Describe the content areas each of these apps or websites would be helpful for. (Example,
Math, Literacy, Science, etc.)

  In the future, I plan to use a variety of different apps and websites to enhance learning

within my classroom. One website that instantly came to my mind is Kahoot because of how

prevalent it has been in my own education experience. Kahoot allows teachers to conduct

informal knowledge checks with their students in a fun and low stakes way so students do not

have any kind of test anxiety. I as a student really enjoyed Kahoot and in the past when I have

been in elementary classrooms, I have seen students become so excited when they are told they

get to play Kahoot. Another app I plan to use in the classroom is Nearpod as it is a more fun and

interactive alternative to PowerPoint or Google Slides. Nearpod allows you to create slides with

interactive features and responses that will go out to each of your students’ individual devices as

you go through the presentation after they put in the code. I think this feature is extremely

helpful for the current times we are in with distance learning because it allows students to

participate in responses and in the presentation while being far away. As a future educator I also

plan to use Class Dojo to streamline communication with students and their families because it

has so many great sharing features. I really like Class Dojo because students can showcase their

work with their parents and communication between the teacher and students’ parents is

simplified and more accessible as it can all be in one place.

6. Consider the importance of identifying language objectives in classroom assignments.

Login to Tagul https://wordart.com/create (Links to an external site.) Create your user ID
l.  Create your Tagul Word Art using 15 or more words that relate to technological language
objectives, such as Google, internet, websites, apps, web searches, coding, robotics, etc., that
have changed the way we think about and teach content, using technology.
ll. Change the color and size of the words you have chosen, pick a shape, and if you would like
you can change the font as well.                                                                                                        
III. Copy and paste the final Word Art Tagul link to this question. 

My link: https://wordart.com/lhqmmwv1lmax/word-art

7. Please identify 1 student-related,  http://www.iste.org/standards/for-students   and 1

educator-related, https://www.iste.org/standards/for-educators (Links to an external
site.)  ISTE standard, that you intend to implement in your future classroom. (Remember to
write the standard, you've chosen, in your own words, or cite the copied standard at the end of
your responses to this question, using APA format).
I. Which standards did you choose? 
II. In a short paragraph, describe a simple project where you would implement the use of these
III. How will you assess student understanding after you have completed the project you've

  For this question, I chose the student standard 1a which focuses on helping students to set

their own learning goals and strategies to help themselves achieve their goals and then

successfully reflect on and grow from their learning experience. I really liked this standard

because I think it does a really good job at encompassing how students should take control of

their learning and be excited to do so. In my future classroom I want students to feel empowered

and be encouraged to really think about what they want to get out of activities and their

experience in my classroom as a whole. I think that by giving students this power it really makes

them think about what they need to do themselves to contribute and gain something from each

activity. For the teacher standard, I chose standard 6a which focuses on creating a classroom

culture where students are encouraged to take control of their own learning through both goals

and outcomes in both individual and group settings. I chose this standard because I thought that

it really complimented the student standard that I chose up above and conveyed how I want my

classroom culture to be. I think that I can really help students be motivated and set up for

success by showing them how to take control of their own work and by giving them tools and

resources to help them be successful learners.

8. Please discuss how Student Voice plays a role in the K-8 classroom. (For Example, what
are some of the methods teachers use to discover a student's understanding of a particular
concept or subject?)

 Please identify 2 web-based technologies you have learned about in this class that could
be used for Student Voice. (Nearpod, Quizizz, etc.) Describe how they would help you
discover student understanding of a particular concept.

I think that Nearpod would be an amazing tool to use when encouraging and listening to

student voices.  This application allows students to be have information presented to them and

then have opportunities to engage with it in a variety of ways like through pictures, short

responses or one-word answers. As an educator, it is extremely valuable to collect these

responses from students to hear where exactly they are at in their understanding of a topic. You

can analyze students’ responses, record them or just briefly look at them to gage where your

class is at as a whole and what they might need more instruction on or even what certain

individuals might need a little more help with. Kahoot is another really fun and great way to

gage how students are doing with material because it keeps their identity to their classmates

anonymously so they will be more likely to answer honestly and not be nervous about getting

something wrong publicly. This way, you as the teacher can see how the class as a whole is

doing while the students just feel like they are playing a fun game.

9. Take a few minutes to consider what you have learned this semester in the technology
course. Write a paragraph reflecting on your experience and how it has changed your thinking
about technology and its usefulness in the classroom. This is an open-ended question, you may
write about any topic you choose.
  This course was eye-opening to me for a variety of reasons and was not what I was

expecting it to be. I was expecting this course to just be solely about different technologies but

instead we also were asked to use them and think about them in a way that was relevant to using

them in the classroom with students. I was surprised by how inspired this course left me and

how it showed me everything that is possible to do in the world of educational technology which

I had always thought was such a rigid category. Prior to this class, I did not realize how helpful

technology could be as an educator such as tools such as the Weebly website, Prezi, Class Dojo

and many others. I had always been under the assumption that technology should be limited in

the classroom because it could be a distraction to students instead of a great tool for them to

utilize, which I now know is completely false. Technology has the potential to really elevate

learning and collaboration within the classroom to empower and foster creativity amongst

students of any age, making it a powerful and crucial learning tool to expose students to over the

course of their academic career. My perception of technology use in the classroom has been

completely changed as this course has inspired me to be creative with technology and its uses in

the classroom.

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