DIZON - Module 9 SAQ - Eng 103
DIZON - Module 9 SAQ - Eng 103
DIZON - Module 9 SAQ - Eng 103
5. Explain the difference between the Audio-lingual Approach and the Cognitive-
code Approach?
The main difference between the audio-lingual approach and the cognitive-code
approach is that in the former, structural learning without explanation and pattern
drills are viewed as leading to changes in the learners' language behavior,
whereas in the latter, students must understand the linguistic rules.
Repetition, organizing new language, summarizing meaning, guessing meaning
from context, and using imagery for memorization are all examples of cognitive
strategies that involve manipulating language to improve learning. While the
audio-lingual method, also known as the Army Method or the New Key, is a
method for teaching foreign languages. There is no explicit grammar instruction
in audio-lingual; everything is simply memorized in form. The goal is for the
students to practice the specific construct until they can use it on their own.