Category 4 3 2 1
Content The topic is covered in Details include essential Details include essential There is little content
depth with details, and the knowledge about the topic knowledge, but and several factual
subject matter is excellent. topic, as well as good there are factual errors. errors.
subject matter.
Organization The content is well- The content is well- The content is somewhat The content is
organized, and there are organized, but the organized, but there are not organized.
clear and effective transition is weak. some gaps.
Grammar Content includes proper There are two or fewer There are several There are numerous
grammar, correct grammatical and spelling grammatical errors and grammatical errors,
punctuation, and correct errors in the content. incorrect spellings in the incorrect punctuation,
spelling. content. and incorrect spelling in
the content.
Sources All source information are Most of source Some sources contain There was very little
facts, quoted, and information is factual, facts and quotes that are source information
documented. quoted, and documented. not documented. collected.