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1 - 1 Abahan Kul Phylum

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H. Iwan Suyatna

Marine invertebrates
Marine invertebrates are multicellular animals that inhabit a marine environment and
are invertebrates, lacking a vertebral coloum.

In order to protect themselves, they may have evolved a shell or a hard exoskeleton,
but this is not always the case.

As on land and in the air, invertebrates make up a great majority of all macroscopic life
in the sea. Invertebrate sea life includes the following groups, some of which are phyla:
Organ bag. dalam Mantel (Mantle): bag.utama tubuh cumi-cumi
Yang melindungi organ bagian dalam.
Organ dalam Cumi-cumi
1) Acoela, among the most primitive bilateral animals;
2) Annelida, (polychaetes and sea leeches);
3) Brachiopoda, marine animals that have hard "valves" (
shells) on the upper and lower surfaces ;
4) Bryozoa, also known as moss animals or sea mats;
5) Chaetognatha, commonly known as arrow worms, are a phylum of
predatory marine worms that are a
major component of plankton;
6) Cephalochordata represented in the modern oceans
by the lancelets (also known as Amphioxus);
7) Cnidaria, such as jellyfish, sea anemones, and corals;
8) Arthropoda , crustacea including lobsters, crabs, shrimp, crayfish,
barnacles, hermit crabs, mantis shrimps, and copepods;
9) Ctenophora, also known as comb jellies, the largest animals
that swim by means of cilia;
10) Echinodermata, including sea stars, brittle stars, sea urchins, sand
dollars, sea cucumbers, crinoids, and sea daisies;
11) Echiura, also known as spoon worms;
12) Gnathostomulids, slender to thread-like worms, with a transparent body
that inhabit sand and mud beneath shallow coastal waters;
13) Gastrotricha, often called hairy backs, found mostly interstitially in
between sediment particles;
14) Hemichordata, includes acorn worms, solitary worm-shaped organisms;
15) Kamptozoa, goblet-shaped sessile aquatic animals, with relatively
long stalks and a "crown" of solid tentacles, also called Entoprocta;
16) Kinorhyncha, segmented, limbless animals, widespread in mud or
sand at all depths, also called mud dragons;
17) Loricifera, very small to microscopic marine sediment-dwelling animals
only discovered in 1983;
18) Merostomata; also known as horseshoe crabs;
19) Mollusca, including shellfish, squid, octopus, whelks, Nautilus,
cuttlefish, nudibranchs, scallops, sea snails, Aplacophora,
Caudofoveata, Monoplacophora, Polyplacophora, and Scaphopoda
20) Myzostomida, a taxonomic group of small marine worms which are parasitic on
crinoids or "sea lilies"
21) Nemertinea, also known as "ribbon worms" or "proboscis worms";
22) Orthonectida, a small phylum of poorly known parasites of marine invertebrates
that are among the simplest of multi-cellular organisms;
23) Phoronida, a phylum of marine animals that filter-feed with a lophophore
(a "crown" of tentacles), and build upright tubes of chitin to support and protect their soft
24) Placozoa, small, flattened, multicellular animals around 1 millimetre across and the simplest
in structure. They have no regular outline, although the lower surface is somewhat concave,
and the upper surface is always flattened;
25) Porifera (sponges), multicellular organisms that have bodies full of pores and channels
allowing water to circulate through them;
26) Priapulida, or penis worms, are a phylum of marine worms that live marine mud. They are
named for their extensible spiny proboscis, which, in some species, may have a shape like
that of a human penis;
27) Pycnogonida, also called sea spiders, are unrelated to spiders, or even to arachnids which
they resemble;
28) Sipunculida, also called peanut worms, is a group containing 144–320 species (estimates
vary) of bilaterally symmetrical, unsegmented marine worms;
29) Tunicata, also known as sea squirts or sea pork, are filter feeders attached to rocks or
similarly suitable surfaces on the ocean floor; Some flatworms of the classes Turbellaria and
30) Xenoturbella, a genus of bilaterian animals that contains only two marine worm-like species;
31) Xiphosura, includes a large number of extinct lineages and only four recent species in the
family Limulidae, which include the horseshoe crabs.
Makro avertebrata yang umum si sungai (John T Jennings, 2009):

(a). Backswimmer Anisops sp. (Notonectidae); (b). backswimmer Enithares

sp. (Notonectidae); (c). small waterstrider Microvelia sp. (Veliidae); (d).
diving beetle Limbodessus sp. (Dytiscidae); (e). Water scavenger beetle
Berosus sp. (Hydrophilidae); (f). water scavenger beetle Hydrochus sp.
Natural History of the Riverland and Murraylands (Hydrochidae).

Notonectidae (Keluarga). Backswimmers berenang terbalik, menggunakan punggung. Notonectidae

berasal dari kata Yunani Notos (kembali), dan nektos (berenang).

Sisi dorsal backswimmer itu cembung dan berbentuk V, seperti lunas perahu. Serangga air ini
menggunakan kaki belakang panjang sebagai dayung untuk mendorong diri. Kaki dayung
kekurangan tidak bercakar tetapi memiliki rambut panjang. warna backswimmer tidak seperti
kebanyakan serangga, mungkin karena mereka menjalani kehidupan mereka terbalik, memiliki
perut yang gelap dan bisa beruabah berwarna terang kembali. Hal ini membuat mereka kurang
mencolok terhadap predator seperti mereka gaya punggung di sekitar kolam.
Kepala backswimmer adalah khas, memiliki dua mata besar berdekatan, tapi tidak ada ocelli.
Sebuah paruh silinder, lipatan di kepala rapi hanya dengan 3-4 segmen, antena pendek, terlihat
tersembunyi di bawah mata. Seperti Hemiptera lainnya, backswimmers.
Backswimmers dewasa tumbuh sayapnya berfungsi/bisa terbang bisa keluarpermukaan.

Kerajaan - Animalia
Filum: Arthropoda, Kelas: Insecta, Order: Hemiptera, Family: Notonectidae
Larva nyamuk (Diptera: Culicidae), or “wrigglers”, organisme akuatik/air yang bernafas
di udara (atmo-spheric oxygen), mereka menggantung di permukaan air (exploit
habitats) (Lee et al. 1982, 1989). Mereka makan detritus organik, ada juga yang makan
daun, juga bisa sebagai predators smaller invertebrates., kadang juga kanibal
(Clements 1999). Stelah menetas, larva tumbuh 4 instars dan jadi pupal sebelum
dewasa. Nyamuk betina dewasa blood-feeders (“haematophagous”) dan beresiko
sebagay penyebab penyakit terhadap manusia dan hewan (Russell 1993; Russell & Kay

Nyamuk, paling tidk ada 49 spesies. Kiri: instar IV larva of Aedes camptorhynchus,
showing the short caudal siphon typical of Aedes species. Kanan : instar IV larva of
Culex annulirostris showing the long, thin siphon and white antennae with dark apices.
Photographs: S.R. Fricker.
sponge is a member of the phylum Porifera. It is a simple animal with many cells, but
no mouth, muscles, heart or brain. It is sessile: it cannot move from place to place the way most
animals can. A sponge is an animal that grows in one spot like most plants do. Nevertheless,
sponges are quite successful.

The basic body plan is a jelly-like layer sandwiched between two thin layers of cells. Their bodies
are full of pores and channels allowing water to circulate through them. Most of them feed on
bacteria and other microorganisms. A few of them eat tiny crustaceans.

There are more than 10,000 species of sponge. Most sponges live in the ocean. A few live in
fresh water. All sponges take in water through pores (little holes) in their bodies. The water goes
out through a big tube in the center. Most sponges filter (take out) little bits of food from the
water going through their bodies. Animals that get food this way are called filter feeders.

Sponges are the oldest animals with fossil evidence (from ~635 million years ago)

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