Topic 1: Which skills are the most important for the young to master in this century?
2. Outline: 7h03-7h18
1. Communication
Express their opinions on a range of subjects
+ understand people better, removing misunderstanding and creating clarity of thoughts and expression
+ For example, when you have to work in teams to solve a problem, this skills assist you to work effectively and
quickly jump to decision
Speaking more clearly and confidently leaves a good impression on others outside of the class when it comes to
studying, working or traveling.
=> Play such a vital roles
2. Collaboration: This skill links nicely with communication, as good collaborators work effectively with others to
achieve a common goal.
brings people (and organizations) closer together
collaboration to break down some walls in your relationships, and tighten up connections between you and your
friends .
makes us more efficient workers
helps people learn from each other
Topic 2: Should children be taught to work individually or cooperate with others?
1. OUTLINE: 7H35-7H50
- Individual:
+ Independence: children have to cope with problems on their own and without any help => be responsible for
their doings and know what to do in case of emergency => Not reliant on their parents or teammates to finish
their assignments.
+ DEVELOP IMPORTANT SKILLS: Some hidden abilities only revealed when one facing their self alone:
Improvisation, Multitasking, Problem-solving (talents?) TIME-MANAGEMENT => One must know to work with
themselves first before working with others.
- Group:
+ Loads of tasks: Some tasks can only be completed in coop (global issues) in which the competence of only one
individual is not enough => Learning cooperation skills allows dealing with further problems in the future.
+ Prospects: Many crucial skills in groups (leadership, sharing, avoiding conflicts, …) are important when applying
for jobs (having to work with colleagues) => Improve job prospects in the
future, esp when our group are involved in the topic that is attracting much attention.
1. Work independently.
+ Self-comparison with other peers, especially for those of lower calibre in the field => afraid to raise their voice
and confidently express their perspectives.
+ Prevent arguments among the members due to the overwhelming number of different ideas => impeding the
speed of finishing the task.
- Instill independence in children: working alone forces children to do everything on their own and take
responssibility for the work regardless of the performance; otherwise, they may over-rely on their teammates,
which is an undesirable trait.
- 2. Cooperate:
- Receive help from their teammates: when a member encounter a setback along the way, they will earn
feedback and advice from others when they will normally have to figure out the problems on their own