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The Anti-Kritik Handbook
by Roger Solt

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Copyright 2004
The Anti-Kritik Handbook





- language kritiks
- pure philosophical kritiks (metaphysical and epistemological)
- practical philosophical kritiks (moral and political)
- accompanying theoretical arguments


- characteristic beliefs of the modern world view
- characteristic beliefs of postmodernism
- historical development of modern and postmodern perspectives


A. The case for the kritik
B. General tactics
C. General arguments against the kritik
- not germane in policy debate
- some assumptions necessary
- no alternative
- conditionality
- indictments of postmodernism and deconstruction
- answers to the case for the kritik
D. Generic answers to language kritiks
E. Generic answers to metaphysical kritiks
F. Generic answers to epistemological kritiks
G. Generic answers to moral and political kritiks
H. Answers to specific kritiks
1. Reason
2. Causality
3. Foucault
4. Heidegger/posthumanism
5. Normativity
6. Statism
7. Critical legal studies
8. Feminism
9. Anthropocentrism
10. Narrative
11. Non-violence
12. Cultural Relativism
13. Nuclearism
14. Threat Construction
15. Pragmatism
16. Terror Talk
I. Kritiks of Environmentalism and International Relations
- Deep Ecology
- Social Ecology
- Ecofeminism
- Heidegger
- Kritiks of International Relations Realism and Liberalism
- Radical Environmentalism
J. Counter-Kritiks


The Anti-Kritik Handbook

Countering The Kritik:

An Introductory Essay

INTRODUCTION what is frequently called "postmodern" thought. They also tend to

fit within recognizable categories to which various kinds of generic
The kritik began its controversial career in academic debate at the answers are possible. The key to coping with the kritik, I think, is
University of Northern Iowa inter-collegiate debate tournament in understanding. Once one understands the intellectual background
September 1991. At that tournament, teams from the University of to the kritik, then dealing with particular kritiks becomes less
Texas combined what was essentially a critical legal studies daunting and difficult.
critique of rights with a theoretical argument concerning the nature
of fiat. The result was a new form of debate argument: the "kritik." The evidence included in this handbook performs several
Immediately controversial, the kritik was also almost immediately functions. You will find many cards answering particular kritiks.
successful. Different kritiks (and even kinds of kritiks) proliferated, But you will also find many cards indicting the general approach
and use of the kritik spread rapidly from squad to squad. Quickly which the kritik embodies. You will also find plenty of evidence
penetrating the high school ranks, the kritik proved even more indicting the method and assumptions of the kritik itself--criticisms
popular with some segments of the high school circuit than it had of postmodern philosophy and the process of "deconstruction." The
been in college. goal is to provide evidence and arguments which can be adapted to
any kritik and any kind of kritik you may encounter. In addition,
Though successfully argued in many debates, the kritik has this introduction hopes to further a process of "demystifying" the
remained tremendously controversial. This is because the kritik kritik. It will attempt to define and to describe the various kritiks
attacks many of the most deeply held assumptions about both the which have been run to date. Most importantly, perhaps, it will
nature of policy debate and the nature of the contemporary world. detail some of the real world intellectual background from which
Different kritiks have argued for the rejection of reason, have the kritik emerged. The kritik has perhaps its main root in a
denied the validity of causal predictions, have indicted a focus on tradition of European philosophy which is not easy to comprehend
human welfare, and have even disputed the value of engaging in (nor do I pretend to be an expert on contemporary European
value-laden policy argument at all. Moreover, proponents of the thought), but to deal with the kritik on any but the most superficial
kritik sometimes seem literally to speak a different language. The level requires at least some familiarity with this body of thought.
word "kritik" itself is a German term corresponding to the word Finally, this introduction will review major arguments both for and
"critique" in the English language. The use of the German form by against the kritik.
kritik proponents is not incidental; it is intended to connote the
strangeness and distinctiveness of the argument. But even more Neutrality about the kritik is rare, and I do not pretend to be neutral
significantly, many of the authors quoted in kritik debates, while on the subject myself. I continue to believe that the kritik is on
they write in English also seem to be employing another language, balance bad for debate, especially high school debate. The major
an academic jargon derived largely from recent European thinkers from whom the kritik most directly derives--Heidegger,
philosophy. So it is no wonder that the kritik has proved Foucault and Derrida are difficult and problematic even for
disconcerting: it attacks some deeply held but seldom questioned professional philosophers. For those with next to no philosophical
assumptions, and it does so in a language which often seems background, such thought must be virtually unintelligible.
impenetrable to those outside its inner circle. Many of those who Furthermore, this kind of difficult philosophical thought does not
have lost to the kritik have undoubtedly not known what hit them. seem to translate well into the format and conventions of
contemporary academic debate. The result is that some extremely
Kritiks sometimes embody powerful arguments, but often their cryptic philosophies are selectively reinterpreted (and probably
success rests in important measure on a combination of confusion often misinterpreted) by self-interested participants in a
and shock, shock that some assumptions which seem so competitive activity. These arguments are then presented at a rate
self-evident are actually being questioned and confusion with which makes it difficult to understand even the simplest of
regard to what the particular kritik is actually saying. This arguments. These are not, of course, highly principled objections
handbook offers numerous arguments against particular kritiks, but to the kritik (some more theoretical objections will come later), but
even more importantly it attempts to offer a general framework they do seem to go the heart of how the kritik is employed in
within which to approach kritiks. The kritik, after all, is an practice. Although I find philosophical argument interesting, I have
extremely fluid form of argument. Virtually any argument in yet to hear what I would consider a good kritik debate. In terms
debate could be presented as a kritik, and there are probably therefore of its ultimate product, the kritik seems extremely
millions of implicit assumptions made within debates which could disappointing.
be kritiked. Simply to gather evidence on every kritik which is
relevant to a particular topic and which has actually been run This said, I do not believe that the kritik has been an unadulterated
would be a daunting enterprise. To anticipate all potential kritiks evil. Many of the issues which the kritik raises are interesting, and
is impossible. Fortunately, most kritiks embody some characteristic the attempt to introduce a new argument framework into debate has
themes and concerns. They tend to share a common grounding in certainly stimulated thought. From a personal standpoint, the kritik

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

has induced me to become more familiar with a body of individual, actually exists. Each of us lives our lives making
contemporary thought that I had largely neglected previously. I numerous unexamined assumptions. These assumptions in many
have learned a lot from thinking about and trying to respond to the ways structure our world, and according the advocates of the kritik,
kritik. So, while I will probably continue to make occasional satiric it is profoundly liberating to question such assumptions.
digs against the kritik, this handbook represents in sum an attempt
to take the kritik seriously. It makes no real attempt at a balanced Third, the kritik is usually an argument made by the negative. This
exposition (though I do not, of course, wish to misrepresent the is not invariably true. Language kritiks, in particular would seem
views of kritik proponents). This is, after all, the ANTI-kritik to be fair game for either side, and indeed there have been some
handbook. But it now seems clear that to deal with the kritik affirmative kritiks. The affirmative, however, is generally held to
requires a serious and systematic effort. And while I continue to be responsible for advocating something--ordinarily a plan--and for
believe that there are some compelling arguments for why most upholding the resolution. This tends to force the affirmative into a
kritiks are not germane in conventional policy debate, the main comparative mode, opposing what they propose to the status quo.
emphasis of the handbook is to make arguments against particular Most resolutions call for an action, whereas the negative can
kritiks on their merits and against the philosophical assumptions conceivably negate the resolution merely by justifying a suspended
which they employ. Jon Brody has argued that believers in liberal judgment or by negating the affirmative case while not defending
humanism and scientific rationalism should welcome the a constructive alternative of its own. This view of the negative's
opportunity to defend their core assumptions. This handbook and role, it should be added, is not unique to the kritik. For hypothesis
this essay are, in part at least, attempts to do just that. testers, the negative did not need to defend an alternative (though
that usually helped), but merely needed to persuade the judge that
DEFINING THE KRITIK he or she should not endorse the resolution. And even the stock
issues paradigm allowed the negative the option of straight
Proponents of the kritik are reluctant to ascribe to it a formal refutation--to simply indict the affirmative case's internal
definition. Since they see it as properly a highly fluid argument coherence without necessarily supporting an alternative. The policy
form, they see definition as a restraint on its potential evolution. making paradigm, of course, has generally insisted that both sides
But for those trying to respond to the kritik, a definition is defend well-articulated constructive alternatives.
useful--it helps to pin it down. So, with the reservation that the
kritik is an evolving theory, I propose the following definition: a Fourth, a related point is that the kritik rarely embraces a policy
kritik is an argument operating outside the framework of normal, alternative. The kritik is not totally non-comparative; it necessarily
comparative policy debate, attacking a (usually implicit) offers some theory, whether it be about morals or metaphysics,
assumption of an opponent's analysis. which it is willing to compare to the affirmative's theory. But the
fact that the kritik may offer an alternative theory does not mean
I wish to highlight several points about this definition. First, it that it offers an alternative policy. For kritik proponents, an
suggests that the kritik is a non-policy argument. This is not a alternative theory about some aspect of the world seems to bee
statement which all kritik proponents would accept. Bill Shanahan, enough. Kritik opponents, however, generally argue that the
for example, who is probably the leading pro-kritik theoretician, counter-theories the kritik may raise are irrelevant unless they are
insists that the kritik can function both within and outside the shown to support a specific policy alternative.
policy framework. This corresponds to a distinction found among
some non-debate scholars between internal and external critiques. Finally, fifth, the kritik is, in at least a broad sense, a conditional
The problem here may turn in part on two somewhat distinctive argument. That is it is made with other inconsistent arguments. The
meanings of "critique." In common usage, a critique is a kind of claim is made that the kritik functions like a topicality argument.
systematic criticism of a position. In that sense, debate has always For the affirmative to justify some basic assumption is said to be
possessed critiques--every affirmative case is a critique of the a threshold test which must be met before the specifics of
status quo and every lNC a critique of the affirmative. A "kritik," affirmative policy analysis become relevant. But, according to this
however seems distinctive precisely because it steps outside the perspective, the fact that the affirmative assumption has been
normal policy framework. Arguments within the policy framework proven does not mean that its plan is a good idea, merely that it's
may still be "critiques," but they are not necessarily "kritiks" in the an idea we can now consider on its merits. Some kritiks, however,
technical debate sense. Or, to put it another way, a kritik which was seem to function more like conditional counterplans. The kritik of
seen as functioning within the normal policy framework would be statism, for example, is often just a way of recasting the old
dealt with essentially like any other policy argument; it is only if anarchy counterplan--in a way which avoids normal standards of
it challenges that framework that it becomes distinctive or acquires negative competitiveness, fiat, and conditionality. More broadly,
theoretical interest. the kritik may represent (when combined with other positions) a
kind of waffling between contradictory world views. Whether it is
Second, the kritik attacks usually unstated assumptions. Again, appropriate to both attack a basic philosophical position and then
were the kritik countering explicit claims made by the affirmative, to proceed to make negative arguments within the framework
it would seem to be functioning in the normal policy framework. which has been attacked is a question for later discussion. For the
Instead, it generally attempts to move the debate to a higher (or present, descriptive and definitional purpose, it is enough to note
occasionally a lower) level of abstraction. Whereas the affirmative that the kritik frequently operates in just such a way, both attacking
may have argued for a specific immigration policy, the kritik will the affirmative's framework and arguing against the affirmative's
question whether there should be borders (or even a state) at all. plan within that same framework.
Or, in response to a rights advantage, the kritik might question
whether the "autonomous subject," that is, the free self-determining TYPES OF KRITIKS

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

As with definition, the categorization of kritiks is something which important than policy. No policy is actually adopted at the end of
kritik proponents sometimes resist. The process of categorization the debate, but our linguistic patterns can actually be affected. At
is believed to be part of a process of excessive rationalization the very least, it is argued, language counts for something and
which the kritik and its intellectual mentors often attack. It should should be a factor in the decision calculus.
also be noted that some kritiks fit into more than one category, and
that categories in general should be regarded as provisional and can The second major type of kritik is what I have called pure
sometimes become too rigid. All of that said, it should be added philosophical kritiks. There are basically two subcategories of this
that categorization seems to be a necessary tool of human type of kritik, kritiks which focus on metaphysical questions and
understanding. Categories are fluid, and the importance of certain kritiks which focus on epistemological issues. Metaphysics
categories will certainly change with time, but they remain involves the first principles of philosophy. It is concerned with
necessary analytical instruments. questions such as the existence of God, free will, human nature,
and the nature of being. Whereas metaphysics asks questions about
In practice, there seems to be some degree of consensus about the the ultimate nature of reality, epistemology concerns itself with the
various types of kritiks, both among proponents and opponents of nature and possibility of knowledge. Questions of empiricism, the
the strategy. First, there are language kritiks (sometimes referred rational foundations of knowledge, the philosophy of science, and
to as kritiks of rhetoric). Second, there are what I would call "pure the logical status of morality are all epistemological issues.
philosophical" kritiks. These are sometimes referred to as kritiks of
thought or systems of thought. Third, there are what I will call The pure philosophy kritiks question some core philosophical
"practical philosophical" kritiks. These are sometimes referred to assumptions of an opponent's analysis. One metaphysical kritik
as kritiks of value or as moral and political kritiks. Finally, there involves questioning the idea of the "subject." We have
are arguments pertaining to the framework of the kritik, arguments traditionally thought of the subject or self as a unified ego, an
about the nature of fiat and of the debate process. These could be integrated and autonomous individual. This kritik argues that the
treated as a separate fourth category, as something like "kritiks of integrated self is in fact a myth. Rather than unified wholes, people
the debate process," but since they generally operate in conjunction are an ever shifting composite of disparate elements. One is not the
with other kritiks, it seems better to simply think about them as same self today that one was yesterday, or the same self in one
theory arguments expounding the impact of the other types of setting that one is in another. Going along with the kritik of the
kritik. subject is a kritik of free will. This argument, which frequently
forms a part of the kritik of normativity, asserts that freedom is an
There are three main types of language kritiks. First, there are illusion, and that autonomous, self-determination is also mythical.
kritiks of the language embodied in the resolution. Second, there Since affirmative analysis arguably rests on belief in just such an
are kritiks of language found in opponents' evidence. Third, there autonomous individual, its case is fundamentally flawed. Other
are kritiks of the language or rhetoric used by the opposing team metaphysical kritiks are possible to imagine. One might kritik the
members themselves. existence of an objective, external, material reality. Indeed, radical
empiricism of the type proposed by Bishop George Berkeley, an
A number of examples should help to clarify these distinctions. eighteenth century British philosopher, suggests just such a kritik.
One of the earliest common kritiks centered around the wording of The famous question which Berkeley asked is whether when a tree
the 1991-92 college topic concerning development assistance to falls in the forest, but no one is there, it makes a sound. He
South Asia. The argument made was basically that the term concluded that we have no basis in our experience for concluding
"development," as embodied in the resolution was inherently that it does, that all we directly know are our sense experiences,
ethnocentric. To call one part of the world developed and the other and therefore that the external world is cast into doubt. As a
undeveloped implies concepts of superiority and inferiority and minister, Berkeley had a way out of this dilemma: the
therefore should be rejected. Another kritik of resolutional omnipresence of God serves to secure an enduring reality whether
language has centered on the term "and/or." This has been said (by humans are around or not. But the negative in a debate need not
some overly finicky grammarians, I would suppose) to be a make this final religious retreat from skepticism. A kritik of the
"grammatical abomination." Since the topic embodies such an existence of other minds would also be possible. Since we only
abomination, it therefore should be rejected. A common kritik of directly experience our own existence, we can only infer but never
a term often found in evidence is the kritik of "Islamic positively prove that other selves exist. If we don't even know that
fundamentalism." The argument is that this phrase embodies a other selves exist, then it might be futile to argue about what
derogatory ethnic stereotype, that it conjures up images of potentially unreal public actors should do about some alleged
turban-wielding bomb throwers, which is both demeaning to a problem. (Of course, if other minds don't exist, the judge might
group of people and an intellectually stultifying stereotype. well wonder what he or she is doing judging this debate.)
Another such kritik is directed at "nuspeak " This argues that
rhetoric which trivializes the nuclear threat, using, for example, a Metaphysical kritiks represent a kind of reductio ad absurdum, and
dehumanizing jargon such as "nuking" another country, makes they are likely to stir the greatest resistance among judges. In fact,
nuclear war more thinkable and therefore more likely. Other kritiks though various kritiks may contain metaphysical elements, purely
have been made referring to the language of race, gender, and metaphysical kritiks are rarely run. Much more common are
sexual orientation. various epistemological kritiks. Among these is the kritik of cause.
This kritik derives from another eighteenth century British
Why are such language kritiks a voting issue? Basically, the philosopher, David Hume. Hume noted that we can never directly
following argument is made. Language matters; it structures our observe causation. All we can do is to observed repeated sequences
world view and thereby our actions. Arguably, it is even more of events, that eating alleviates hunger or drinking satisfies thirst,

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

for example. Inductive reasoning is based on just such a process of are a number of readily accessible kritiks of science which may be
repeated observation. Nonetheless, causal relations and inductive forthcoming at some later date. Among these is the argument that
reasoning remain logically uncertain. We do not know, as a matter reality is socially constructed. The way we view the world is
of logical certainty, that the future will repeat the past. merely a function of social mores, training, and outlook. Science
Furthermore, the observed sequence of events might just be is therefore wrong in claiming to reveal an objective external
coincidental and not causally necessary. As applied to debate, the reality. As the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche suggested,
argument follows that if we cannot logically make causal there are no facts, only interpretations. Feminist and
predictions, then there is no reason to believe that the affirmative environmentalist kritiks of science are also available. Science is
plan will actually solve the problem to which is it is addressed. said to be a masculine way of viewing the world, as opposed to the
more intuitive and empathetic female ways of knowing.
A second epistemological kritik takes issue with the idea of reason Environmentalists tend to disparage the way in which science
or rationality. In intellectual history, the seventeenth and analyzes the holistic natural world into component parts. In an
eighteenth centuries are commonly referred to as the early nineteenth century critique of the scientific approach to
Enlightenment or the Age of Reason. Though certainly not the only nature, the romantic poet Wordsworth noted that "We murder to
rationalistic period in human history, the Enlightenment was dissect." And, his more recent followers might add, in the process
definitely an era in which reason was venerated and believed to of dissecting, we falsify the nature of the whole; our categories
hold a solution to many if not all social problems. This faith in attempt to break apart an indissoluble unity.
reason has, over time, generated many critics, from religious
conservatives to romantic writers to postmodern philosophers. Why should these highly abstract philosophical kritiks constitute
There is not, therefore, just one kritik of reason; there are many. voting issues in debate? At least two answers seem to be possible.
Among the common arguments directed against reason are the First, it might be argued these are the most fundamental of issues,
following. Reason is an instrument of domination and oppression. and the unexamined life is not worth living. A second, more
As French philosopher Michel Foucault argued, in establishing the pragmatic, answer is that policy questions rest ultimately on these
category of "reason" we create simultaneously the counter-category metaphysical and epistemological assumptions. If they are proven
of unreason or madness. And speech which we define as "not untrue (or least cast into serious doubt), then there is no basis left
reason", we then feel free to ignore. Another argument is that for voting affirmative.
reason is impotent when it comes to moral questions. This view,
also associated with Hume, holds that reason is purely The third basic type of kritik is what I have called a practical
instrumental; values are merely subjective preferences about which philosophical kritik. Rather than dealing with questions of pure
reason ultimately has nothing to say. But the idea that reason is reason, such as metaphysics and epistemology, these kritiks deal
purely instrumental has also been subject to critique. It is argued with the questions of practical reasons in particular questions of
that a narrowly focused, purely instrumental reason undermines ethics and politics. These kritiks are obviously closer to policy
imagination, intuition, and empathy. At its worst, it may lead to debate in the way in which it has commonly been practiced.
atrocities such as the holocaust in which highly "rational" and Nonetheless, they still operate at a relatively high level of
efficient techniques are employed in the pursuit of morally philosophical abstraction. A number of essentially ethical or moral
barbarous ends. Finally, it is argued that reason lacks firm kritiks have proven popular.
foundations, that it can not validate its own first principles. It is
often said that modern philosophy begins with Rene Descartes in One of these is the kritik of anthropocentism. An anthropocentric
the early 1600s. Descartes' philosophical quest was to find some view is one which centers on humans, and this is an attitude which,
absolutely certain foundation for knowledge. He thought that he from the perspective of the so-called deep ecologists, is
had found such a foundation in his own intuitive certainty of his fundamentally perverse. Humans are not in fact. uniquely
own existence. "I think, therefore I am." important, this kritik would argue, and their tendency to
self-aggrandizement is in fact the root of many of the earth's
More recent philosophers, however, have found even this environmental problems. Rather than being anthropocentric, we
formulation of certainty to be questionable, and have opted instead need to become ecocentric or biocentric. The affirmative, however,
for a doctrine commonly called "antifoundationalism." According by focusing solely on human welfare preserves the anthropocentric
to this position:, there are no certain foundations for knowledge, focus.
either in reason or experience; thus, once again the pretensions of
reason need to be deflated. As the kritik of reason goes in debate, Another, closely related kritik, has been labeled "posthumanism."
affirmative analysis relies on reason, but reason is inherently This kritik derives from the work of German philosopher Martin
flawed; thus, the basis of affirmative analysis has been undermined Heidegger. Heidegger's argument (and his technophobia) in many
and there is no reason to vote affirmative. ways parallels that of the deep ecologists. Most of the world's
problems are linked to human self--centeredness. Instead of
Sometimes the kritik of statism has taken on an epistemological focusing on human being, attention should be directed to the nature
flavor. It has been argued that the affirmative assumes that the state of Being in general. Were we to do this, we would reject the
is a rational actor, one whose behavior is predictable. But if in fact narrow self-centered concerns of humans and become post-
as the negative argues, the state's behavior is irrational and humanists.
unpredictable, then there is no basis for concluding that the
affirmative plan will make things better rather than worse. A third ethical kritik is the popular kritik of normativity. A
normative question asks what should be done. But to raise
Though I have not yet heard them formally argued in debate, there normative questions in a policy context, it is said, assumes that

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

humans are free, politically efficacious beings. The normativity first amendment and the right to privacy are in effect used to
kritik questions just this assumption, arguing that people are in fact preserve male dominance.
determined and that political power is really held not by the people
but by impersonal bureaucratic forces not subject to democratic Though both CLS and feminist arguments against rights and the
control. To ask what should be done, therefore, merely masks the rule of law have been made as kritiks, they have probably been
reality of our political impotence. made more often simply as policy arguments either turning or
neutralizing affirmative value claims. And whether or not they are
Deontological arguments, that is, claims that something should be presented as kritiks does not really alter their logical force very
done because it is morally right, regardless of its consequences, are much. Given this, it isn't clear that it is worth taking on the added
sometimes treated as if they were a species of ethical kritik. I theoretical baggage to run these arguments as kritiks, though of
believe that this is a misunderstanding. While one could certainly course their impact could be articulated both in kritik and
construct and label a deontological argument as a kritik, there is no non-kritik terms.
real value in doing so. Deontological arguments can function
within the realm of policy discourse. The abortion debate, for Another popular kritik has been the kritik of statism. This argument
example, centers around questions of moral rights and wrongs has taken several forms. In its most common incarnation it seems
more than it does on the actual consequences of banning abortion. to be essentially a recasting of the familiar anarchy counterplan.
And if deontology is proven to be the proper moral perspective, The affirmative employs the state, but the state is inherently
then a deontological argument is almost always by nature absolute. oppressive and destructive; therefore every policy which employs
In other words, it need not be cast into the form of a kritik in order the state should be rejected. Another version of the statism kritik
to be a voting issue. focuses on the effectiveness of state action. It basically argues that
the state never succeeds in what it sets out to accomplish, that its
Essentially political kritiks are also among the most common. efforts are as likely to be counterproductive as successful. Thus,
Probably the earliest kritik was a kritik of rights grounded in a once again, state action should be rejected. Finally, the notion that
perspective known as critical legal studies. Critical legal studies the state is neither a rational nor a predictable actor has been
became popularized in the 1970s and 1980s. The critique of rights, discussed above as an example of an epistemological kritik.
however, is far older. The utilitarian philosopher Jeremy Bentham
was a forceful critic of the doctrines of natural rights popular in the Related to statism is a kritik very popular on the high school
later eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Even more immigration topic, a kritik of borders. Borders inherently limit free
influential was Karl Marx's "kritik" of rights. According to Marx, movement of people and generally tend to reinforce inequality; so,
the appeal to rights is merely an ideological mask for class the kritik goes, they need to be rethought. One problem with this
oppression. kritik is that it offered no clear alternative to the present system.
Anarchy would be a world without borders, but so perhaps would
The CLS kritik in many ways parallels the Marxist, but it goes be a state of world government. And even within the present nation
even further. Rights claims, CLS authors such as Georgetown's state system, a regime of completely open borders would be
Mark Tushnet argue, are inherently indeterminate; that is, one possible. The kritik of borders thus seems to have provided a way
rights claim can always be countered by another rights claim in a for the negative to covertly run three radically utopian conditional
way which is ultimately irresolvable. Furthermore, the emphasis on counterplans in the same round.
rights leads to a process of "reification." This means that rights
which are merely empty abstractions, are treated as if they were Another kritik which has gained some currency is one which
actually something real. And in the process actual human interests indicts the idea of "the national interest," especially in contrast to
and experiences are neglected. CLS also provides the basis for "foreign" interests. Focus on the national interest (assuming that
another common kritik, one of the rule of law. The argument here such a concept is even coherent) tends to be xenophobic; that is, it
is similar to the argument against rights. The idea is that the rule of excludes and marginalizes "other" people.
law, conceived of as a neutral and objective arbiter of differences,
in fact merely masks the ongoing oppressiveness of an Finally, there have been a number of kritiks based on Michel
economically racially, and sexually hierarchical society. Foucault's theories concerning the nature of social power. Power
has traditionally been conceived of as hierarchical, with the state
Feminist perspectives also have provided the basis for a number of seen as the central focus of power. In contrast, Foucault argues that
kritiks of the political order. The relational feminism of Harvard power is diffused throughout society. Social control is not
psychologist Carol Gilligan contrasts the female "ethic of care" produced primarily by the central authority of the state but rather
with the essentially masculine "ethic of justice." The argument, at is supported by a type of disciplinary power spread throughout the
least in its extreme formulation, is that the ethic of justice is society. The prison is an example of disciplinary power, but so is
excessively legalistic and rule-bound, whereas the ethic of care is the hospital, the asylum, the school, and the workplace
empathetic and compassionate. Other kritiks derive from a school (presumably even the family). The implication of this is that
of legal thought known as feminist jurisprudence, of which political action may be futile; attacking power in one form merely
University of Michigan law professor Catherine MacKinnon is causes it to shift to another manifestation and locale.
probably the most prominent advocate. MacKinnon is especially
critical of the idea of neutral rule of law. Sincere historically Another; related kritik, also based on Foucault, has been labelled
women have been placed at a tremendous disadvantage, "the panopticon." Historically, the panopticon was a model prison
supposedly neutral legal rules merely lock into place preexisting designed by utilitarian philosopher Jeremy Bentham. Its distinctive
inequalities. Ostensibly neutral procedures and rights, such as the feature was that it provided a central vantage point from which all

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

of the prisoners could be observed. For Foucault, the panopticon leading theorists and practitioners. (The two best articles defending
serves as a symbol of liberal reformism run amok. Bentham a great the kritik with which I am familiar are Shanahan's "Kritik of
liberal social reformer, ends up designing more efficient ways to Thinking," published in the 1993 Debater's Research Guide, and
exercise social control. For Foucault this seems to demonstrate the Brody's essay, "The Praxis of Kritiks," available on Harvex.)
limits of liberal reformism--that is always ends up reinforcing the
repression it attempts to alleviate. This, however, is only the label Speaking more broadly, however, the kritik brings together a
of the argument. In its substance it attacks the time honored number of intellectual tendencies both within and outside of
distinction between knowledge and power. According to Foucault, debate. There is a good deal of intellectual background to be
these two concepts have been wrongly separated. The assumption grasped in order to really understand where the kritik is coming
has been that power is always oppressive and knowledge always from. Within debate itself the kritik seems mainly to represent an
liberating. In fact, knowledge and power are inextricably tied. extension of the tabula rasa perspective toward judging.
(Foucault, indeed, uses a composite term "knowledge/power" to
indicate this unity.) Rather than embodying a desire for Tabula rasa judging is an attempt to minimize judge intervention;
disinterested truth, Foucault believes that knowledge is merely it basically accepts all claims made in a debate on their face until
another form of power; knowledge is merely the perspective which they have been answered. One result of a tabula rasa (or blank
those with power succeed in imposing on everyone else. slate) approach is that many arguments tend to be labelled as
Affirmative analysis is said to rest on this false distinction between "voting issues," which would not ordinarily be considered to be so.
knowledge and power, which Foucault labels as "the repressive Similarly, the kritik takes arguments which would not ordinarily be
hypothesis." To reject the repressive hypothesis therefore requires absolute within the traditional policy framework and devises a
rejecting the affirmative. framework intended to make them into voting issues. the kritik also
has some affinities to hypothesis testing, both because it sometimes
In addition to a specific kritik of one of these three types (or some focuses on resolutional rather than specific plan wording and
hybrid thereof), arguments are frequently made pertaining to the because it possesses an orientation toward academic scholarship
framework of the kritik, especially in terms of how it relates to the rather than practical political concerns. The kritik may also
idea of fiat. The initial "kritik of fiat" argued that fiat is utopian, embody vestiges of the old stock issues approach of straight
that no policy is really enacted at the end of the round. And refutation. But, as noted above, it definitely departs from the
because no policy is adopted, the actual effects on the in-round prevailing policy advocacy paradigm.
participants are more important than any policy conclusions which
might be reached. It became clear fairly quickly, however, that the The kritik also has affinities to trends in contemporary politics,
object of the kritik of fiat was something of a strawman. No one especially the politics of the university campus. Over the past few
ever really thought that real policies were put into place at the end years, one of the hottest topics of academic controversy has been
of the debate; all that happens is the judge makes a tentative the idea of "political correctness." One aspect of political
endorsement of one side or the other. And, while this tentative correctness has been a great increase in sensitivity to language
endorsement may not be of earth-shattering significance, it has which might be disparaging to some group. Kritiks of language
some importance because our political judgments do matter--they obviously parallel this political correctness concern.
constitute forces in process of democratic decision-making and
they structure how we respond to our environment. Over time, Most significantly, however, the kritik appears to be an attempt to
advocates of the kritik have come to recognize at least some of this, introduce some of the traditional problems of philosophy into
and their arguments concerning the nature of fiat have been debate. Questions of cause and induction, rationality, and the state
refined. One approach, argued by Jon Brody, is that while policy are all familiar philosophical concerns. But, more particularly,
arguments may matter, they are not the only thing that matters. many if not most kritiks appear to be grounded in a specific
Aspects of the round such as the participants' language also help to philosophical perspective, commonly termed "postmodernism."
structure their view of the world, and therefore should also count (Postmodernism, in turn, has had a good deal of influence on the
in the decision calculus. Another alternative framework for politics of political correctness.)
evaluating the kritik has recently been advanced by Bill Shanahan.
His current position is apparently that a vote for the kritik is "Postmodernism" is on its face a fairly ambiguous term. It is
essentially a decision to "rethink" the idea or assumption in probably most readily grasped as a historical concept. In the
question. In effect, this seems to be an attempt to redefine the kritik traditional division, Western civilization has passed through three
as an alternative (such as a plan or a counterplan) which one can stages: antiquity (the classic Greeks and Romans), the Middle
vote for at the end of the round. We will discuss later on whether Ages, and the modern age. What postmodernism asserts, in part, is
or not this approach really disposes of the "no alternative" problem. that the modern age (or modernity) has ended or is coming to an
end. Postmodernity, therefore is the period coming after the
THE KRITIK'S INTELLECTUAL BACKGROUND modern age. This is paradoxical, of course, since we commonly
equate the modern with the contemporary--that is, we customarily
In terms of its immediate genealogy, the kritik is part of the Austin think of ourselves as living in modern times. Furthermore, to say
sound--it was initially developed by coaches and debaters at the that something comes after the modern age says nothing particular
University of Texas. Probably the most influential of the kritik's about what that something is. The postmodern, it therefore seems,
developers has been Bill Shanahan, though Joel Rollins, Ryan can only be understood in relationship to the modern, and in many
Goodman, and others appear to have been important as well in the ways as a reaction against the modern. Nor is postmodernism a
kritik's initial development. More recently, Jon Brody, another completely unified set of beliefs. Post-structuralism and
University of Texas debater has emerged as one of the kritik's deconstruction, neopragmatism, radical feminism, and critical legal

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

studies, among others, are all considered to be postmodern Enlightenment of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Both
philosophies. of the predominant schools of modern philosophy are rationalistic
in a broad sense. The first school, the continental rationalists
In addition to offering a theory about history, postmodernism can begins with Descartes in the 1630s and continues through Spinoza
be understood as a criticism of and alternative to the prevailing and Leibniz. Later descendants of this view include Kant and
philosophy of modernity. To say that there is a single Hegel. For the continental rationalists the world was objectively
characteristically modern perspective is a vast oversimplification. knowable mainly through reflective thought. Descartes believed
Modern times arguably begin in the Renaissance Italy of the that merely through reflection he could establish various
fourteenth century. Modernity was certainly in full swing by the intellectually foundational truths, beginning with the certainty of
seventeenth century, and it continued at least into the twentieth his own existence. The other major school of modern philosophy,
century. Obviously not all moderns shared a single philosophy any British empiricism, took a very different approach but still arrived
more (and probably less) than all postmoderns do. Nonetheless, at the conclusion that the world is rationally knowable. For the
there are a set of characteristic beliefs which seem to typify the empiricists, the world is knowable through sense experience. This
modern view. Furthermore, it is precisely these characteristic empirical orientation arguably begins with Sir Francis Bacon in the
beliefs which postmodernism tends to attack and the kritik to early 1600s. It was furthered by Hobbes and Locke in the later
indict. So, to understand both postmodernism and the kritik, it seventeenth century and by Berkeley and Hume in the eighteenth
seems necessary to offer some discussion of the general world view century. The utilitarians, such as Bentham and Mill, follow in this
of modernity. empiricist tradition, as do such twentieth century analytical
philosophers as Bertrand Russell and A.J. Ayer.
A belief in humanism is the first characteristic of the modern world
view. If the Middle Ages was the age of faith, the Renaissance and Related especially to empiricism is a fifth characteristically modern
the period which followed it placed far greater emphasis on idea: science. Science was not of course invented in the modern
secular, human concerns in this world rather than in an afterlife. As era, but modernity has been the period in which it flourished. The
Alexander Pope, the eighteenth century poet put it: "The proper seventeenth century was in particular a great period of scientific
study of mankind is man." discovery, with major figures ranging from Galileo to Newton,
Science rests on the belief that the world is knowable through
A second trait of the modern world view is an emphasis on repeated observation and controlled experiment.
individualism. If a secular versus a religious focus is what mainly
separates the modern from the medieval, an emphasis on the A sixth, related idea is progress. The view that human history is
individual rather than on the group (the community or the polis, the essentially progressive, that despite its ups and downs things
city or the state) is what is generally said to separate the modern generally tend to improve, is an old idea, but it is one which was
age from antiquity. In the typically modern view humans are especially pronounced in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
understood first as individuals and only secondly as members of Hegel's philosophy is perhaps the most systematic expression of
groups. This individualistic emphasis is in part an outgrowth of the this idea. Hegel believed that both history and philosophy proceed
Protestant Reformation, which attacked the central authority of the dialectically. In terms of intellectual matters, the dialectic occurs
Catholic Church. An important expression of this attitude is the as follows. One begins with an idea (a thesis). That idea, however,
modern emphasis on individual rights. is likely to be incomplete, and its inadequacies are likely to
generate a counter-idea, or antithesis. This antithesis too, however,
A third typical attitude of modernity is a belief in universalism. is likely to be onesided, so superior understanding is gained if the
This is the idea that values and standards should apply to all people two ideas can be combined to form a synthesis. The new synthesis
equally (or perhaps even to all rational or sentient beings). The two however, is still likely to leave something out; so in effect it
major modern moral philosophies, utilitarianism and Kantian becomes a new thesis, generating a further antithesis, another
deontology, both express this universalism. Utilitarianism seeks to synthesis and so on. (Hegel himself may not have developed the
promote the greatest good for the greatest number. This might dialectic in precisely these terms; they are, however, the terms in
seem like a rather communitarian approach, but for the utilitarian which his philosophy has commonly been understood.)
overall utility is merely the sum of all individual utilities. And in
making this utilitarian calculation, the interests of everyone are to A similar dialectical process occurs in terms of human history. For
count equally. Kant's ethical formula, the categorical imperative, Hegel, history is the working out of the idea of rational freedom,
asserts that it is morally essential to act as if the principle on the its progressive enlargement and completion. Though Hegel's is
basis of which you are acting would be universalized. That is, if obviously a theory of progress, it is a somewhat ambivalent one
you do something, you have to be willing to accept that everyone because he believed that as of the early nineteenth century (the
else would do it too. In another version, Kant argues that the period at which he was writing), the end of history had been
fulfillment of the categorical imperative requires that one always reached. In terms of politics, he saw the early nineteenth century
treat others as ends in themselves, not merely as means to some German state as the perfect embodiment of reason, a view that not
other end. Thus, in effect, Kant unites universalism with too many would embrace today. Furthermore, he saw his own
individualism. He universalizes the principle of respect for each philosophy as the capstone of human thought, the final
individual. philosophical synthesis. Not surprisingly, subsequent philosophers
disagreed; indeed, much of subsequent nineteenth philosophy,
A fourth hallmark of modernity is the belief in rationality. In from Schopenhauer and Kierkegaard to Marx and Nietzsche
essence, this view states that the world is rationally knowable represents a militant reaction against Hegel. Still, despite Hegel's
through observation and reflection. This belief dominated the vagaries, the idea of progress remained extremely influential at

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

least until the early twentieth century, when the period of the two particular communities and cultures. From this standpoint, the idea
world wars provided it with something of a setback. of universal human rights would seem especially misguided.

A seventh precept of modernity is the idea of freedom or liberty. A fourth attribute of the postmodern view involves radical
Freedom is a term which is used in an incredible variety of ways, skepticism towards the use of reason. Postmodern thinkers are
but two are important for present purposes. As a metaphysical probably all anti-foundationalists, meaning that they believe that
concept, freedom implies the idea of free will as opposed to there are no certain foundations for human knowledge. They thus
determinism. As a political doctrine it is associated with the belief are skeptical both towards Cartesian rationalism and scientific
that people should possess both personal and political liberty. empiricism. According to the French philosopher Lyotard, what
These beliefs, especially the latter, are associated with the tradition distinguishes the postmodern is its rejection of all "grand
of natural rights and limited government which extends from narratives," that is, all comprehensive explanations of human
Locke to Jefferson and Madison to Mill. reality. According to this perspective, great systems such as
Hegel's, Marx's, or Freud's inevitably fail. Any system is simply
An eighth and final characteristically modern view is the belief in one perspective on the world and therefore is bound to leave
democratic problem solving. The Greeks, of course, are commonly something out. Finally, reason is seen in essentially political terms
credited with having invented democracy, but the great expansion , as an aspect of power rather than a disinterested instrument of
of democratic institutions has occurred only over the past several truth. The kritiks of reason and the Foucault-based kritiks
centuries. The English, American, and French Revolutions were discussed above are obviously grounded in this outlook.
obviously important in the process of democratization, as was the
gradual extension of the franchise throughout the nineteenth and Fifth, for postmodernists, technophobia tends to replace the respect
twentieth centuries. More broadly speaking, the democratic faith for science. On one hand, based on postmodern
appears to be that humans can collectively and rationally solve anti-foundationalism, the unique truth value of science is cast into
problems. The twentieth century American philosopher John doubt; it is merely seen as another, no longer "privileged"
Dewey has been among the foremost exponents of this view, and perspective. On the other hand, science and technology are seen as
it is certainly one of the most fundamental presuppositions profoundly destructive forces, massively increasing the
underlying policy debate--an activity which has been traditionally destructiveness of war and threatening the natural environment.
conceived of as an adjunct to democratic decision making.
Sixth, postmodernism also tends to reject progress. One argument
In contrast to the modern world view, the postmodern perspective is that all "progress" involves costs. The twentieth century may
seems to reject each of these perspectives in all or in part. (It is of have achieved a "higher" standard of living in purely material
course important to remember that there is no one postmodern terms, but it has been at the cost of a loss of religious faith, what
world view. But to be postmodern implies at least a departure from Max Weber, echoing Friedrich Schiller, called "the disenchantment
the perspectives of modernity in some important particular.) of the world." Furthermore, a belief in progress is undermined by
a widespread attitude that non-progressive forces dominate the
First, postmodernism tends to reject humanism. This rejection world, forces of racism, classism, and sexism. The twin threats of
occurs in part on environmental grounds. Humanism is nuclear war and environmental destruction have also cast a deep
anthropocentric, and anthropocentrism is equated with shadow over the idea of progress.
environmental destruction. The most prominent critic of
humanism, however, is probably the German philosopher, Martin Seventh, postmodernism tends to believe in determinism rather
Heidegger. For Heidegger, the tendency to focus on human being than freedom. The individual is seen as trapped in a network of
encourages the forgetfulness of Being in general. (Just what vast impersonal forces. The autonomous self is rejected as a myth,
Heidegger means by Being remains an open question.) The and the individual is seen as totally socially constructed. Again, the
Heideggerian rejection of humanism is associated with a doctrine kritik of normativity is grounded in part in this set of ideas.
commonly termed "posthumanism," the source for a kritik of the
same name. Finally, postmodernism tends to replace the idea of constructive,
democratic problem solving with pure critique. Based on the
Second, postmodern perspectives tend to focus on the group rather assumptions discussed above, it is easy to see why this would be
than the individual. Group identity based on class, race, gender, the case. If reason is inherently flawed, if no grand theories can
ethnicity, or sexual orientation is what is seen as key. This attitude withstand scrutiny, then arguably all that one can do is to debunk
tends to be associated with a kind of cultural determinism, one or deconstruct the theories that other have futilely attempted to
which insists that individuals are socially constructed and that the build. Again, the parallel to the kritik in debate seems obvious.
autonomous individual is a myth. Group orientation seems to be an
important part of "political correctness," and the rejection of the In sum, it seems fair to say that traditional policy debate rests on a
autonomous individual is an important element of the normativity set of assumptions closely associated with the modern world view.
kritik. Similarly, the kritik seems to be associated in general with the
characteristic attitudes and assumptions of postmodernism. This is
Third, postmoderns tend to embrace particularism rather than not to say that all kritiks are grounded in postmodernism. The
universalism. In this regard, outlooks such as cultural relativism kritik of statism is based on anarchist thought which is highly
and communitarianism appear to be characteristically postmodern. rationalistic. Even Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism has been
Both these perspectives would insist that there are no universal turned into a kritik, and Rand would have embraced all of the
values or standards. Rather, values develop over time within characteristic beliefs of modernity as I've described them and none

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

of the beliefs of postmodernism. Still the idea of kritik itself seems The eighteenth century is commonly seen as the age of reason, a
closely related to deconstruction, a primary technique of at least period of Enlightenment in which reason was virtually deified.
one branch of postmodern thought. To deconstruct is in effect to (Indeed, at one point in the French Resolution, reason was literally
kritik, to indict without an alternative because in a world of deified.) This stereotypical view of the eighteenth century certainly
overwhelming uncertainties there really are no compelling has some degree of validity. The French philosophers, figures such
alternatives to embrace. as Voltaire, Montesquieu, and Diderot, were great believers in
reason both as a means of combating religious prejudice and
Unquestionably, postmodernism is a very important and influential hereditary privilege. The philosopher were for the most part
contemporary intellectual perspective. In fields such as sociology believers in the kind of social engineering of which liberals are still
and literary criticism it has been a pervasive presence; its influence accused today; they believed profoundly in the abilities of the
extends from architecture to law to philosophy. In some sections human mind to progressively reshape social realities. But even at
of academia it has achieved something of the status of an the height of the age of reason, there were counter-tendencies. The
orthodoxy. Still, it would be a mistake to perceive the postmodern radical skepticism of Hume, for example, placed severe limits on
perspective as intellectually triumphant. Certainly outside of the power of reason. And Jean-Jacques Rousseau, though often
academia, characteristically modern attitudes continue to reign classed among the philosopher, was a fervent critic of the modern
supreme, and even within academia postmodernism remains an age. In contrast the highly mannered and artificial society of the
embattled outlook, one challenged by many alternative views. period of Louis XV, Rousseau defended the natural world and the
noble savage.
Postmodernism may well prove to be a kind of intellectual fad,
rather like existentialism was in the 1950s and 1960s. Some The philosophy of the eighteenth century climaxed in the work of
authors even claim that in France, where many of its key ideas the German philosopher, Immanuel Kant. Kant is important for our
originated, postmodernism is already obsolete. At any rate, it is purposes for several reasons. First, Kant popularized the term
certainly not my intent to suggest that there is any kind of "kritik" in the world of philosophy. He wrote three famous
historical inevitability at play in the displacement of modern ideas critiques: THE CRITIQUE OF PURE REASON (concerning
by postmodern ones. The characteristically modern ideas detailed metaphysics and epistemology), THE CRITIQUE OF
above have been challenged but none has been decisively rejected. PRACTICAL REASON (having to do with ethics), and THE
Postmodernism enjoys the benefit of relative novelty, but novelty CRITIQUE OF JUDGMENT (mainly about esthetics). I have
wears out, as the proponents of communism eventually discovered. borrowed Kant's distinction between pure and practical reason in
This said, it still seems worthwhile to spend some time discussing my own categorization of the various types of kritiks. This
how the postmodern perspective emerged, if not to decisively distinction is of more than terminological interest. In terms of pure
displace then certainly to challenge the modern perspective. reason, that is in terms of what we can ultimately know, Kant
remains predominantly a skeptic (even though he purported to be
The modern period is most commonly said to begin with the Italian answering Hume's skepticism). For Kant, pure reason has the
Renaissance of the fourteenth century. Still, it was not until the ability to outline possibilities and alternatives but is largely
seventeenth century that the distinctively modern world view powerless to resolves the dilemmas that it creates. Thus, for
seems to have been in full flower. The 1600s were a great era of example, Kant sees the opposition between free will and
scientific advance, in astronomy and physics especially. Kepler and determinism to be one of the antinomies (oppositions) of pure
Galileo were the great figures of the early part of the century, and reason which pure reason itself is powerless to resolve. Practical
it climaxed in its later years with the development of the reason, however, is concerned with the realm of action, and the
Newtonian system. Newton, in particular, was seen as the great belief in free will is a necessary assumption of all practical activity.
unveiler of the mysteries of nature, and his work greatly expanded This distinction between what we can in theory doubt and what we
the prestige of science. must practically assume in terms of any practical activity such as
politics suggests some limits to the skepticism which the kritik
The 1600s were also the century in which the major schools of embodies. Still, despite his critiques, Kant was essentially a
modern philosophy first distinctively emerged. Descartes attempted rationalist, especially in his ethical theory, in which he believed he
to establish certain foundations for knowledge through a process had established objective and universal standards of morality.
of systematic doubt and concluded by establishing a philosophical
system based on rationalism and mathematics. Francis Bacon, an The nineteenth century in many ways continued the rationalism of
early apostle of the methods of experimental science, and his the eighteenth century. The utilitarian philosophers, most notably
followers, especially John Locke, established British empiricism, Bentham and Mill, followed in the philosophical tradition of
the other leading school of modern philosophy. Locke and Thomas British empiricism, and were active proponents of the use of reason
Hobbes also made important contributions to political philosophy to solve social problems. And Hegel stands as one of the most
developing early versions of the social contract theory. ambitious rationalists in the history of philosophy. But throughout
the nineteenth century, Hegel's belief in the supremacy of reason
Yet even in the seventeenth century, one of the most significant in was attacked in numerous ways. Schopenhauer downplayed the
terms of modern science and philosophy, the modern view was importance of reason and stressed "the will to life" as the main
subject to extensive criticism. Its main attackers at this point were motivation. Kierkegaard rejected reason in favor of religious faith.
Add religious conservatives, such as those members of the And Marx, of courser is said to have turned Hegel on his head,
Inquisition who forced Galileo to recant his defense of the accepting much of the Hegelian dialectic, but insisting that it is
Copernican theory that the earth goes around the sun. material, economic forces which drive history not ideas.

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

In literature, the romanticism of the late eighteenth and early is dead, and the loss of religious belief has brought the modern
nineteenth centuries was a sustained attack on Enlightenment world to a state of nihilism, a condition without viable moral
rationalism. Wordsworth followed Rousseau in stressing nature standards or beliefs. For Nietzsche, what this situation requires is
over the artificiality of human society. In his prophetic poems, a new set of values, values which for Nietzsche would presumably
William Blake indicted "Urizen" (your reason) as an oppressive be both more aristocratic and more life enhancing. What
tyrant. Percy Bysshe Shelley argued that the poet is the post-modernism has taken from Nietzsche is the sense of cultural
unacknowledged legislator of mankind, and his wife, Mary crisis, while at the same time essentially rejecting his alternative.
Shelley, wrote the classic anti-scientific masterpiece,
FRANKENSTEIN. In sum, the romantics tended to downplay Second, Nietzsche has been extremely influential because of his
reason in favor of the powers of creative imagination. moral subjectivism. He argued that there are essentially two kinds
of morality, master morality and slave morality. Master morality,
This period, the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries also which he obviously prefers, is associated with aristocratic
saw influential conservative critiques of the intellectual pretentions civilizations such as ancient Greece; slave morality he associates
of the Enlightenment. Edmund Burke, the British statesman and with Christianity. Despite his obvious personal preferences,
philosopher, is commonly seen as the father of modern Nietzsche fellows Hume in seeing the choice among basic moral
conservatism. In his REFLECTIONS ON THE REVOLUTION IN values as essentially arational. For Nietzsche, the philosopher is
FRANCE, he defended an organic view of society and therefore not the discoverer of objective values but rather is a legislator or an
opposed ideas of mechanistic social engineering. He also opposed artistic creator of values. Again, the Nietzschean critique has
the predominant emphasis on reason by defending decisions based proven far more influential than the Nietzschean alternative. He
on the accumulated "prejudices" of a given cultural tradition. A contributed strongly to contemporary doubt about the validity of
second conservative critic of the Enlightenment was the Reverend moral rationalism; his postmodern followers, however, have been
Thomas Malthus. Malthus' "Essay on Populations was a sustained far less willing to propose a clear set of alternative values.
attempt to show why the perfectibility of human society was
impossible (population will always outstrip resources). Though Third, it is also possible to derive from Nietzsche an extremely
neo-Malthusianism is considered today to be a philosophy of the radical epistemological skepticism. His position in this area is
left, Malthus' own motives in writing his essay seem clearly commonly referred to as "perspectivism." Each person views the
conservative--Enlightenment perspectives left too little room for world from a particular perspective or angle of vision, and all
God. Darwin's theory of evolution through natural selection also perspectives are partial. This means at minimum that a claim such
dealt a blow to the power of reason, with its emphasis on blind, as Hegel's to have produced the ultimate synthesis should be
instinctual forces. treated with extreme skepticism. No philosophical system can be
all-encompassing or ever reveal definitive truth. It is clear that
As Jon Brody suggests, Karl Marx stands as a kind of transitional Nietzsche meant his perspectivism to critique philosophical
figure, part modern, part anti-modern. He can be seen as in part a systems such as Hegel's. Whether he would have agreed with the
debunker of the power of rational ideas. For him, economic forces, more radical conclusion, drawn by some postmodernists, that all
not ideas, are what make history. He also stands as an early critic perspectives are equivalent, none better than any other, is more
of universalist moral thinking. Marx saw rights (and all other moral doubtful.
formulations) as rationalizations for class oppression. Furthermore,
Marx's emphasis on the interests of the working class and his A fourth Nietzschean idea of great importance for postmodern
defense of the dictatorship of the prolitariat constitutes a rejection thought is the will to power. Most centrally, this is a theory about
of the idea that all persons should be treated as ends in themselves. human motivation. On one hand it is anti-utilitarian; whereas the
Still, Marx was in many ways still a modern thinker. He believed utilitarians believed that pleasure is the ultimate motive, Nietzsche
that he was a "scientific" economist, and he certainly saw history claimed that the ultimate motive is power. (Power is, of course, a
as involving a progressive movement toward a socialist utopia. multifaceted notion. It can be equated with the sense of vitality in
a biological sense, power over others in a political sense, creative
Writing toward the end of the nineteenth century, the German artistic power, or even power over oneself.) The emphasis on
philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche is the first thinker who is power also deemphasizes the idea of knowledge. For Nietzsche,
commonly labelled as postmodern. Nietzsche is an extremely thought is not undertaken out of any will to disinterested truth but
complex thinker (though unlike Kant, Hegel, or Heidegger, he is rather is also an expression of the will to power. This idea is the
also an extremely readable one), and to approach Nietzsche primary source of Foucault's conflation of knowledge and power.
through the lens of postmodernism is only one of many ways to
understand his work. Nietzsche is also widely seen as an early In many ways, Nietzsche was not postmodern. His affinities for
existentialist, and efforts have been made, notably by Columbia aristocratic cultures like ancient Greece and his ideal of heroic
philosopher Arthur Danto, to assimilate him to the tradition of individualism (expressed in his concept of "the overman") would
analytical philosophy. Other thinkers have depicted him as find few fans among the postmodern or the politically correct. Still,
everything from a liberal humanist to a proto-Nazi. My point in all it is arguable that with Nietzsche there is a decisive turn in modern
of this is that one can admire Nietzsche and still not follow him thought. But it is highly contested just how that turn should be
very far down the postmodern path. interpreted.

Nonetheless, there are still at least four major themes in Nietzsche Moving into the twentieth century, a certain paradox presents
which have been very important for postmodern thought. The first itself. At an institutional level, the modern scientific world view
of these is the idea of cultural crisis. According to Nietzsche, God continues to reign supreme. Science and technology have made

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

unprecedented progress, and, through bureaucracy, more and more is a large literature exclusively devoted to postmodernism in
of social life has become subject to rationalistic and rationalizing architecture.)
procedures, But among intellectuals the sense of cultural crisis has
continued to prevail, and even as human life has become more and Modernism in the arts began well before the first world war, but it
more rationalized, the power of reason has been more and more was in the period immediately following the war that modernism
disparaged. may have come into its full ascendancy. The war also, not
surprisingly, turned both literature and the other arts in a far more
Clearly one of the most influential thinkers of the century was the pessimistic direction. What remained of the nineteenth century
Austrian psychologist, Sigmund Freud. With regard to reason, faith in progress received a decisive shock. Perhaps the single work
Freud's ideas have a dual thrust. On one hand, he stresses the idea which best captured this new cultural pessimism was a two volume
of the unconscious--the forces of id and superego, of sex and treatise entitled THE DECLINE OF THE WEST, by German
aggression, are seen as the dominant human motives. Yet Freud historian Oswald Spengler.
considered his own work to be part of the Enlightenment project.
By understanding the irrational forces of the psyche, Freud thought In place of the view that history is in the long run progressive,
it was possible, at least in part, to bring them under the control of Spender argued that civilizations are essentially organic entities,
the rational ego . He attempted, in sum, to rationally understand possessing a period of growth, a time of maturity, and an inevitable
and control human irrationality. period of decline and death. As his title indicated, Spengler thought
that Western civilization was on the downward path.
The sociological thought of the early twentieth century, as seen in
figures such as Emile Durkheim and Max Weber, also displays an It was in the midst of this climate of cultural pessimism that the
ambivalence toward rationality. Weber in particular displays a second major postmodern philosopher, Martin Heidegger began his
certain discontent with regard to the modern scientific world view career. Heidegger has been a very influential philosopher, but he
(a view which he nonetheless embraces). The rationalism of is also a very obscure one. He also had an extremely long
modern life has led to "the disenchantment of the world," and it has philosophical career, living from 1889 to 1976. Given this, a
also led to the ascendancy of impersonal control, a process which summary of his major ideas within this limited a scope seems
Weber sees as pretty much inevitable. This idea of pervasive impossible, and I will only attempt to outline a few of his themes
bureaucratic forces is presumably one source Schlag's kritik of especially those which have intersected with debate.
normativity. The rise of sociology has had another important
influence on postmodernism; it has substituted essentially The major kritik which has been derived from Heidegger has been
sociological explanations of human behavior for the primarily titled "posthumanism." For Heidegger, most of the world's
biological explanations of the nineteenth century. Thus, it provides problems stem from the narrow, anthropocentric attitude which
an important source for the postmodern insistence on the "social makes "man" the measure of all things. He especially sees modern,
construction" of reality. technological civilization as shallow and riddled with
Another important cultural force which would strongly influence
postmodernism (as well as the rest of twentieth century) was the Heidegger believed that the excessive preoccupation with human
development of "modernism" in literature as well as many other art being and human problems results in the neglect of Being. Being
forms. The terms "modernism" is sometimes used as a synonym for is Heidegger's central philosophical concept, but it remains an
the belief system of the modern age. In this usage, its relationship extremely elusive one. We might think of Being as the totality of
is to modernity what postmodernism is to postmodernity. But what exists, or perhaps as that which exists apart from all particular
"modernism" also has a technical meaning within literature and the beings. But neither of these formulations is highly illuminating.
fine arts. It connotes a style of intense experimentalism, coupled This obscurity has led many readers of Heidegger to view Being as
with what is often a rather bleak view of the modern world and a kind of quasi-religious concept. Heidegger appears to take over
(especially} in literature) an attempt to formulate a new set of from Nietzsche the idea of a cultural crisis based on the death of
myths appropriate to the modern age. Postmodernism is thus Cod. For Heidegger, it seems that the debased, fallen state of the
closely related to modernism in its artistic sense; both are highly modern world is closely associated with the loss of faith which the
critical of modern life. Perhaps the definitive work of modernist phrase "death of God" connotes. Even if we do not literally equate
literature was T.S. Eliot's poem "The Waste Land," the title of Being with God, it seems that for Heidegger the recovery of Being
which serves as an extended metaphor for the modern world. Other entails a revival of faith in something beyond the merely human.
important literary modernists included James Joyce, Ezra Pound,
William Faulkner, and Franz Kafka. (Modernists in various other Coupled with this indictment of the humanistic perspective is a
art forms include Picasso, Stravinsky, and Frank Lloyd Wright.) repudiation of the central thrust of the Western philosophical
Literature which is commonly described as postmodern, including tradition, at least from Socrates on. One aspect of this tradition
the novels of John Barth, Thomas Pynchon, Italo Calvino, and which Heidegger indicts is the distinction between subject and
Umberto Eco, continues in many ways the experimental emphasis object (the self-conscious ego versus the external world).
of early twentieth century modernism; in fact, the distinction Heidegger seems to feel that this dichotomy obscures the degree to
between modernism and postmodernism in literature is a much which humans are immersed in the world. Heidegger coins the
disputed one. (In contrast, in architecture the difference between phrase; "being-in-the world" to connote this sense of being situated
modernism---which emphasized a unity of form and function, as in rather than detached from reality. Heidegger also uses the term
seen for example in skyscrapers and postmodernism--which tends "dasein," which means literally "being there" to refer to the human
to be more eclectic and ornate--seems considerably greater. There condition. This appears to suggest that human being does not exist

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

abstractly or in isolation but that human being is always being theme of postmodern thought. Structuralism exerted a large
there, in a particular situation. influence in virtually all of the social sciences, especially in
anthropology, where the work of Claude Levi-Strauss is central.
Along with his critique of the Western philosophical tradition, Pierre Schlag's insistence that humans are determined by
Heidegger is a critic of the technology which Western scientific institutional structures also reveals a strongly structuralist
rationalism has produced. His indictment is basically that orientation.
technology represents a manipulative, instrumental attitude toward
the world, which is, once again, an attitude which tends to alienate In France, the intellectual orientation which succeeded
one from Being. structuralism has been called, appropriately if ambiguously
enough, post-structuralism. Post-structuralism seems to be
Given these beliefs, Heidegger seeks a fundamental reorientation simultaneously an extension of the principles of structuralism and
of philosophy. Whereas philosophy, especially modern philosophy, a reaction against some of those principles. Among the things
has previously attempted to be like science, Heidegger believes which leading post-structuralists such as Michel Foucault and
that philosophy should be more like poetry. Logic and careful Jacques Derrida seem to have carried over from structuralism is the
reasoning, therefore, are not central elements of Heidegger's emphasis on language. Foucault seems less concerned with
thought. Instead, his method of philosophy tends to be meditative describing reality than with discussing "discourses" ostensibly
and contemplative, a kind of intellectual wandering which waits for about reality. And in Derrida any idea of an objective, trans-human
truth to "unveil" itself. reality seers to have pretty much disappeared; his emphasis is
solely on the reading, interpreting, and deconstructing of "texts."
Heidegger has been associated with virtually all of the major (Among Derrida's most famous statements is the assertion that
developments in continental European philosophy in the twentieth "there is nothing outside the text.") This emphasis on the text is one
century. His early work developed out of a philosophical approach of the hallmarks of postmodern thought; at its extreme it expresses
known as phenomenology. Developed by the German philosopher itself in a tendency to refer to individual people as "texts." One
Edmund Husserl, under whom Heidegger studied, phenomenology point of this rather extravagant metaphor seems to be to further
attempts to arrive at an understanding of "the thing itself " through denigrate the idea of the subject (that is, the autonomous,
a process of introspective psychological inquiry. Later on, self-conscious ego). Rather than a self-directing, volitional being,
Heidegger would influence and be associated with the a text is something which is written (i.e., socially constructed) and
existentialism of French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre. Sartrean is there to be read and interpreted.
existentialism, however, is self-avowedly humanistic, and
Heidegger emphatically insisted that he was neither a humanist nor Post-structuralism and post modernism are sometimes used
an existentialist, even though he is commonly categorized as such interchangeably. To be more precise, however, post-structuralism
and certainly shares some existentialist themes. Finally, of course, should be understood as one of a number of "postmodern"
Heidegger has been associated with the postmodernism of the past philosophies. (Neo-pragmatism, radical feminism, and critical legal
twenty years. studies have already been mentioned as other examples of
postmodern thought.) This said, it is also probably the case that
For a period of twenty years or so following the Second World post-structuralism has been the most influential (and the most
War, the French existentialism of Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, and radical) of these postmodern theories. When postmodernism is
Albert Camus was the most influential philosophy in the world. generically indicted, it is probably the post-structuralist variant
The central thesis of at least Sartrean existentialism is that there is which is being attacked. I've introduced these terminological
no pre-set human nature. Rather, existence precedes essence, a distinctions in order to try to clarify prevailing usage, but it should
formula which means basically that one becomes the person that be noted that all of these terms are ambiguous and used in
one is through experience rather than innate characteristics. This somewhat different ways by different authors.
anti-essentialism has been taken over by many postmodern
thinkers, but much of the rest of Sartre's philosophy has been The major ideas of Foucault which have had impact in debate have
rejected. Sartre remains in many ways within the Cartesian already been discussed for the most part in terms of the specific
framework. Sartre's philosophy stresses consciousness and the kritiks which his work has inspired, so I will just briefly summarize
responsibility of each individual for the choices he or she makes a few of his major themes here. First, Foucault denies the
and the self that he or she becomes as a result of those choices. distinction between knowledge and power. Knowledge isn't
objective but rather is an interpretation which gains power over
In contrast to existentialism, structuralism, a far ranging others. Second, power is diffused throughout society in the form of
intellectual orientation which became popular in the 1960s and disciplinary controls; it is not simply the top down influence of a
1970s, views conscious choice as secondary and stresses the degree central authority. Third, "reason" is seen as a method of
to which behavior is determined by underlying structures of domination. In setting up the category of reason, we
various types. In a very broad sense, one could say that Marx and simultaneously create the category of unreason or madness. This
Freud were both structuralists. Marx saw underlying economic thereby justifies the repression and institutionalization of the
structures and Freud saw underlying psychological structures as "insane." Fourth, liberal reformism is generally seen, from a
decisive, rather than conscious choice. In a narrower sense, Foucaultian perspective, as an instrument of social control.
however, structuralism is grounded primarily in the linguistic Foucault sees the prison, for example, not as a means of controlling
theories of Ferdinand de Saussure. Saussure stressed the degree to crime but as a mechanism for branding a certain category of people
which thought is governed by the basic structures of language, and as "delinquent." Reforming the prison, however, is seen as merely
this emphasis on the primacy of language has become a primary a means of extending and enhancing social control.

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

The second major thinker whose work has been labelled extent of this influence. Postmodernism has had little if any
post-structuralist is Jacques Derrida. Even more than Heidegger, influence on the natural sciences, and even in important areas of
Derrida's thought is extremely elusive (even Foucault criticizes him social science such as economics its influence seems negligible.
for his obscurity), so I can only offer a tentative summary of some The idea, popular among many conservatives, that the whole
of Derrida's themes. Probably Derrida's most influential idea is the university has been taken over by "tenured radicals" is a definite
concept of deconstruction. In common usage, deconstruction seems exaggeration.
to have come to mean something very similar to what "kritik"
means in debate; that is, it involves the debunking or dismantling Likewise, since this discussion has aimed primarily at explaining
of an idea or theory. For Derrida himself, deconstruction seems to the emergence of postmodern thought, it has tended to exaggerate
have a slightly different meaning. Derrida deconstructs the importance of these postmodern tendencies. I therefore wish to
philosophical texts by revealing their internal contradictions. To conclude this section by discussing a number of perspectives which
put it in a slightly different way, the central theme or point of can be opposed to postmodernism. Some of them explicitly attack
emphasis is displaced or decentered in favor of what had the postmodern view, others represent perspectives which clearly
previously been marginalized or neglected. The process of clash with postmodernism. Before doing this, however, I wish to
deconstruction produces a new interpretation, but not necessarily briefly draw a few conclusions from this description of the
the "correct" interpretation, for the new perspective which thereby emergence of postmodern thought. First, it should be noted that the
emerges is likewise subject to deconstruction. The process of kritik of modernity is not something new; indeed, it is as old as
deconstruction thus does not lead to "truth" or even to a superior modernity itself. Religious conservatives have always been critics
interpretation, but it does serve as a recurrent reminder that all of modernity, and the romanticism of the eighteenth and nineteenth
perspectives are partial, that all exclude or marginalize certain centuries was essentially opposed to modern scientific rationalism.
considerations. Second, the kritik seems grounded in modernity. Postmodern
thought is radically skeptical, but so to a substantial degree was
A second key concept for Derrida is the idea of "difference." This modern thought. Descartes may have thought that he had found a
term (which in the original French includes a pun on the words foundational truth, but he began by doubting everything. Berkeley,
"differ" and "defer") seems to have both a social and a linguistic in the early eighteenth century managed to doubt external reality,
significance. In social terms, the emphasis on difference involves and Hume, only slightly later was questioning cause.
an attack on the idea of universal standards. The argument would Postmodernism merely carries the critical, skeptical nature of
be that the attempt to universalize or totalize always leaves modern thought one step further.
something out, always marginalizes some group. In what is
sometimes referred to as the politics of difference, the emphasis is Third, to some extent postmodern thought beats dead horses.
on what uniquely distinguishes a certain group, rather than what Bacon and Descartes are favorite targets, but both were writing in
unites them with others. In terms of language, Derrida sees the first half of the seventeenth century. Modern thought developed
meaning as based on difference rather than resemblance. According a long way after them. Fourth and finally, it seems that many of the
to the theory of meaning which Derrida attacks, words stand for or insights of postmodernism can be accounted for within the
represent objects in nature, or at least in the world outside of framework of the modern world view. Freud, for example,
language. recognized the profound force of irrational motives, but still
attempted to understand and control those forces within a
For Derrida, in contrast, language is essentially self-enclosed. rationalistic framework.
Words, for him, gain their meaning from their difference from
other words. What this seems to imply is that humans exist totally One perspective from which postmodern thought can be fruitfully
within language; if there is an objective, external reality, we seem criticized is pragmatism. Pragmatism is probably the leading
to have no access to it . Hence, the emphasis on texts and on the indigenous American philosophical tradition. With roots in the
unending process of interpretation and reinterpretation. writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson, pragmatism was developed as
an explicit philosophy by Charles Pierce and William James in the
Obviously, within this perspective, reason has limited power to late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The leading
discover "truth," and indeed it is "logocentrism" (the emphasis on pragmatist philosopher of the first half of the twentieth century was
logic and rationality) which Derrida seeks to displace from the John Dewey. Pragmatism is useful in this context because it
center of philosophy. basically accepts the principle of anti-foundationalism (that no
knowledge is certain) and argues that that really doesn't matter. For
Though Derrida is a philosopher and most of his writing involves the pragmatist, truth is defined in terms of what works; thus even
the deconstruction of philosophical texts, his main influence has if knowledge lacks absolutely certain foundations, we can still base
not been in philosophy but rather in fields such as literary criticism. our actions on the probabilistic truths of our experience. In
In addition, both Derrida and Foucault have had considerable particular, pragmatism tends to vindicate the use of science, since
influence on groups seeking to construct an "oppositional" politics. science clearly has great predictive powers. Pragmatists, especially
It is relatively easy to see why groups such as radical feminists Dewey, also tend to defend the viability of democratic
would find post-structuralist thought appealing. Both Foucault and decision-making. Although pragmatism is not a new philosophy,
Derrida are concerned with the oppression of marginalized groups, it has experienced a recent revival. The philosopher Richard Rorty
and the idea of difference has proved appealing for groups seeking of the University of Virginia is probably the leading figure in this
to formulate a distinctive identity. Especially in the American neo-pragmatism. The problem here is that neo-pragmatism is
university, this post-structuralist/postmodernist species of thought commonly classified as a postmodern philosophy. Nonetheless, it
remains highly influential. It is possible, of course, to overstate the still provides a perspective from which to attack such

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

post-structuralist thinkers as Derrida and Foucault. Like responsibility of each individual. For Sartre, humans are free
post-structuralism, neo-pragmatism accepts the limits of essentially because they can envision alternative futures; the ability
knowledge, but, in the face of uncertainty, it seems far more to hold these different possibilities in consciousness is what gives
willing to say that we must still act on the basis of what knowledge humans the power of choice. Because human beings possess the
we have rather than simply suspending judgment altogether. authentic possibility of choice, they are not completely the
products of their society; humans are also self-creating and
A perspective closely related to pragmatism is articulated by the therefore have responsibility for the selves which they have
leading German philosopher, Jurgen Habermas. Habermas likewise produced.
rejects eternal, external standards of rationality. But he also
believes that functional standards of rationality can be established Linguistic philosophy has been one of the central themes in
based on intersubjective agreement. That is, Habermas believes twentieth century Anglo-American thought in the twentieth
that we can arrive at what are for us "good reasons" based on free century. Associated with figures such as Bertrand Russell, Ludwig
and equal dialogue. Habermas also defends the project of Wittgenstein, and A.J.Ayer, linguistic philosophy offers another
modernity as an essentially valid one, believing that the basic perspective from which a good deal of postmodern thought can be
framework of Enlightenment thought needs to be refined rather criticized. The basic insight of linguistic philosophy is that many
than rejected. of the traditional problems of philosophy are essentially artifacts
of language. Thus, for example, it is argued by Ayer that
A third critic of postmodernism is the British sociologist Anthony Heidegger's idea of "Being" is essentially empty. The idea of Being
Giddens. Giddens argues that we are not, in fact, entering the is a linguistic confusion resulting from the grammatical structure
postmodern era, but that the basic social forces which characterized of the verb "to be." The verb "to be" is useful in ascribing attributes
modernity are still in play. According to Giddens, what we are now to things; for example, the sky is blue. But the idea of being,
experiencing is the period of "high modernity," analogous to the divorced as it is in Heidegger from any particular attributes, is
high Middle Ages which followed the dark ages of the early nonsensical; it is a grammatical fiction. One form of linguistic
medieval period. philosophy is logical positivism. The central theme of logical
positivism is that statements are meaningful only if they are
Among younger French philosophers, Luc Ferry and Alain Renault objectively verifiable. One conclusion which Ayer and others draw
have been especially critical of the "60s philosophy" they associate from this is that metaphysical statements (such as statements about
with Foucault and Derrida. They see Foucault as largely a more Being) are incapable of being tested and therefore are literally
radical version of Nietzsche and Derrida as a radicalization of meaningless.
Heidegger. They see similar tendencies in other thinkers of this
period to radicalize Freud and Marx. The basic point made by The politics of difference can be effectively criticized from the
Ferry and Renault appears to be that while great thinkers such as standpoint of liberal egalitarianism. According to Harvard
Nietzsche, Marx, and Freud invariably have useful insights, that philosopher John Rawls a diverse society can only function with
they almost always overstate their central themes. So, for example, a shared value of liberal tolerance. For difference to function
Freud's emphasis on sex was a useful corrective to the Victorian effectively, there must be a universal principle of respect for
repression of sexual issues but still probably went too far in the difference. Without such a universal norm, the emphasis on
other direction. Similarly, Marx has a valid insight in noting the differences tends to pull societies apart, as the former Yugoslavia
influence of economics on history but goes too far in suggesting all too graphically illustrates.
that history is solely the product of economic forces. Postmodern
thought is characterized by its extremity; and while it may validly Ayn Rand's Objectivism is on almost every point diametrically
criticize perspectives such as the extreme rationalism of the opposed to postmodernism. She was a particularly strong defender
eighteenth century, it goes too far if it rejects reason altogether. of the position that the use of reason is key to human survival.
According to her, rationality is the one unique tool humans possess
Much of postmodern thought is ultimately directed against Hegel, which enables them to preserve their lives. Among the other
but Hegel also has his contemporary defenders. Francis Fukuyama, anti-postmodern themes in her thought is the belief that there is an
a former State Department analyst who now works for the Rand objective, external reality which is neither linguistically nor
Corporation, offers one such defense. In THE END OF HISTORY socially conditioned, and her belief in the ethical primacy of the
AND THE LAST MAN, Fukuyama argues that Hegel was individual.
essentially right about the evolution of political institutions. What
Hegel glimpsed, and what the history of the twentieth century While this obviously does not exhaust the list of anti-postmodern
confirms, is that liberal democratic institutions are indeed the best perspectives, it should illustrate the point that there are many
form of government. Thus, arguably, history in terms of the vantage points from which postmodern thought can be critiqued.
evolution of political structures is at an end. Kritiks such as For a good many years, debate has been drawn to counter-intuitive
Foucault's gain much of their force from the sense that positions--growth is bad, rights are bad, death checks are good,
contemporary society is intolerably oppressive. A perspective such even nuclear war is good. The appeal of such positions is that they
as Fukuyama's both restores a progressive movement to history and are so generic. Thus, they are able to turn a wide range of
denies the essential oppressiveness of contemporary institutions. affirmative advantages. Because of this generic utility, debaters
often invest a great deal of time and energy into researching such
Sartre's existentialism provides another viewpoint from which to positions, and because so much effort has been invested in them,
attack postmodernism. While postmodernism tends towards social they tend to be popular. Nonetheless, when effectively countered
and linguistic determinism, Sartre insists on the freedom and most of these counter-intuitive positions ultimately fail--the

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

arguments in favor of the intuitive (life, rights, growth, etc.) prove Fifth, the kritik is said to be justified because it reflects and
stronger. I believe that this is also the case in terms of most if not translates into debate a controversy with which academia is deeply
all of the themes of postmodern thought. engaged. The argument here is that the kritik is grounded in
postmodernism and deconstruction. These ideas are major concerns
In the end, there are probably good reasons why humanism, within the university, and it frustrates debate's educational mission
individualism, universalism, reason, science, progress, freedom, to ignore such issues.
and democracy are valuable. Of course, this is all debatable, but
once one gets over the initial shock of hearing these intuitive Sixth, while policy debate may be valuable, policy questions are
assumptions challenged, it should not be too difficult to muster a not the only ideas worth discussing. Basic philosophical and moral
defense. Furthermore, there are a limited number of core issues are also worthy of debate, as are issues of language. The
assumptions which the affirmative needs to be ready to defend. ideas and attitudes we form in debate rounds are said to be more
Many kritiks will, at least implicitly, attack the idea of reason or important than particular policy conclusions.
the concept of the autonomous individual. Thus, more general
defenses of these concepts will be applicable in responding to Seventh, rejection of the kritik is said to be a mechanism of
many different kritiks. For someone well prepared to defend the exclusion. In some cases it excludes unpopular views. At other
modern, scientific world view, the various kritiks which are times it involves a fairly explicit attempt to exclude certain people
grounded in postmodernism should not prove too daunting. from the activity. Arguments of the "so join LD" or "Go join
CEDA" variety are taken to be the equivalent of "Policy debate,
ANSWERING THE KRITIK love it or leave it."

THE CASE FOR THE KRITIK Finally, eighth, the questioning of all assumptions is either said or
implied to be intellectually liberating and empowering Such a
At this point I wish to turn from the more abstract consideration of process of questioning offers hope of removing the blinders of our
definition, categorization, and intellectual background to the more social conditioning and to open up a brave new world of free
immediately practical issue of arguments against the kritik. In order spirited thought.
to do this effectively, however, it seems useful to briefly indicate
common arguments made in favor of the kritik. It will be helpful None of these arguments is totally without merit, and we will
to keep some of these ideas in mind in the process of developing return to them at a later point in this essay. For the moment,
anti-kritik arguments. however, they can merely stand as a point of reference as we
consider the basic arguments against the kritik.
A first argument in favor of the kritik is that contemporary policy
debate is stagnating. An excessively narrow version of the policy GENERAL TACTICS
making paradigm has become the prevailing orthodoxy, and it
currently has a stranglehold on the debate process. The result of I wish to begin this discussion of how to answer the kritik with
this is the exclusion of innovative arguments and a failure to deal some tactical considerations. I believe that this will help to
with fundamental issues. Debate remains preoccupied with the illuminate many of the more specific arguments which will be
narrowly political (i.e., the Clinton disadvantage) and with the discussed subsequently.
apocalyptic (contrived scenarios leading to nuclear war or
environmental destruction). First, it is almost always advisable to attack both the theory and
substance of the kritik. That is, one should make arguments both
Second, new ideas are good. Creative thought is said to be a key against the kritik as an argument form and against the particulars
value of debate, and the kritik is hailed as a central device for of the specific kritik. While an increasing number of judges are
introducing "new thinking" into an activity sadly in need of it. coming to accept the kritik's theoretical legitimacy, many still do
not. Such judges expect its theoretical framework to be contested
Third, kritik proponents appeal to what is basically a classic liberal and may even react unfavorably to arguments against the specifics
defense of free enquiry. They argue, correctly I believe, that free of the kritik if it is not. This said, it is also important to attack the
inquiry is a basic assumption of debate. Debate does seem to rest actual argument that the kritik is making.
in part on standard Millean arguments that truth will win out in the
battle of ideas. Given this premise, it is then argued that it Many judges do accept the kritik's theoretical legitimacy, and these
contradicts a basic value of debate to exclude unpopular positions. judges are likely to react unfavorably to what they see as a
mindlessly generic list of anti-kritik answers. Furthermore, most
Fourth, it is asserted that everything should be debatable. This kritiks should not be that difficult to answer. The more basic or
argument essentially restates the basic premise of the tabula rasa fundamental the assumption that they question, the more
judging framework. The standard arguments in favor of tabula rasa counter-intuitive they are likely to be. But most kritiks are
mainly concern fairness. Judge intervention is said to be unfair to persuasive enough that if they are allowed to carry their full
the participants, to take the debating out of their hands and to put asserted weight, the option of voting affirmative is unlikely to be
it in the hands of the judge. More sophisticated defenders of tabula very appealing. Finally, the more specific anti-kritik arguments
rasa, such as the late Walter Ulrich, also argue for its educational will often parallel and reinforce the more general ones.
benefits. Tabula rasa does clearly emphasize one of debate's
primary values--direct clash. Second, often the best arguments against particular kritiks occur on
what I would call "the middle level." At the highest level of

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

generality are the arguments that the kritik is illegitimate as an unintelligibility of the 1NC presentation to bolster arguments
argument form. At the lowest level are arguments denying the against the kritik's legitimacy. (Unintelligible presentation
substantive claim advanced by the particular kritik. Mid-level especially strengthens the argument that philosophical kritiks can't
arguments are those which claim that this particular kritik is not a be effectively accommodated within the conventions of present
reason to reject the particular affirmative plan. In effect, they deny policy debate.) A minimum standard for any argument is
that the kritik is really addressing an essential assumption of coherence, and highly abstract philosophical argument addressing
affirmative analysis. Often, in fact, it should be possible to win that core assumptions should be held to especially high standards of
the affirmative doesn't make the assumption being indicted at all. clarity. There are several common incoherences to which many
Or, even if affirmative evidence or analysis rests partly on such an kritiks are prone. First, they will often make unsupported
assumption, it may well be possible that there are other assertions, for example, that the kritik renders all affirmative
independent reasons for voting affirmative. analysis and evidence moot. If there is no reason given for this
conclusion, you need to say so. Again, good cross-examination can
Third, it is extremely important to pin down the kritik as early in help here. A second common incoherence is evidence which fails
the debate as possible. Many kritiks can be answered on their to really support the argument being made. Of course, the
merits even without evidence, but to do so requires that you mistagging and overclaiming of evidence is not unique to kritiks,
understand the kritik from the outset. The less clear the kritik is the but they may be especially prone to this abuse. Most debate
more of a tendency there is to rely on generic anti-kritik arguments. arguments are supported partly by evidence and partly by a story,
This is understandable, but it is still a counterproductive reaction. but kritiks are sometimes almost all story. The evidence on which
Especially if the kritik is obscure in the lNC, it is important to kritiks commonly rely is not produced for or directly related to a
undertake a probing cross-ex. What assumption is being indicted? policy context. This increases the likelihood of a gap between the
Why should the affirmative be understood to be making that claim being made and the supporting evidential data. Again, if a
assumption? Why is it critical to affirmative analysis? And why is piece of evidence doesn't support the accompanying claim or story,
it false? This sort of series of questions should help in clarifying it is important to point this out. Also, sometimes the evidence read
initially hazy kritiks--or should serve to demonstrate their complete will support one part of the story but not another; again, such
lack of substance. evidential gaps should be noted. Two final points about the general
issue of the coherence of kritiks are worth noting. First, the specific
Fourth, be attentive to evolving kritiks. Many, if not most, kritiks practice of the negative team may well support the general claim
have a habit of mutating as the debate progresses. If the kritik has that difficult philosophical issues cannot be debated at two hundred
been effectively pinned down in the lNC, it may be useful to repeat and fifty words per minute. This is not an indictment of a kritik
the same basic series of questions in the 2NC cross-ex. This should which is clearly and coherently presented, but it may well be a
help to demonstrate if in fact the kritik has changed its fundamental powerful indictment of one that is not.
nature from one speech to the next. If the kritik does radically
mutate, then new answers are both legitimate and probably Second, although this should be carefully done, you may in effect
necessary. Even if the kritik is not fundamentally transformed, it is wish to challenge the judge, arguing that if he or she can
very likely to be significantly expanded and clarified. If the real coherently explain the kritik after the round, then s/he should
import of the kritik only becomes clear in the negative block, new consider voting on it, but that if even s/he can't articulate its logic,
answers are probably legitimate. (A 2AC argument that the kritik then you can hardly be expected to answer it. This may help to
is vague and underdeveloped will help in justifying these new dramatize the fact that this particular kritik really is incoherent. Of
responses.) course, this tactic will only work if it can be carried out in a
non-antagonistic fashion--something difficult for many debaters.
As a final related point, I believe that standup 1ARs are rarely
advisable if the negative has made a significant investment in a Sixth, you may wish to deny that you are in fact making the
kritik. Standup 1ARs tend to be highly mechanical speeches. They assumption being indicted at all. Often kritiks seem to force
work best on issues which are evidence intensive and which the assumptions onto opposing teams which they don't really make.
affirmative debaters clearly understand. Extending kritik answers Kritiks are, after all, generics, so there is no reason to assume that
usually requires more thought and precision than a standup 1AR is a generic kritik will link better to a particular affirmative than will
likely to provide. a generic disadvantage.

Fifth, be willing to indict kritiks as fundamentally incoherent. Seventh, you can often deny that the indicted assumption is crucial
Sometimes kritiks, especially as presented in the 1NC, simply to your analysis. In effect, this is an argument that the kritik is not
make no sense. If this is the case, then you should say so. And, if absolute. If, for example, the affirmative is claiming both a
the kritik has been especially abusive either in terms of rights-based and a non-rights based advantage and the negative
underdevelopment or unclear presentation, you may wish not to responds with a kritik of rights, the logical force of the kritik is
devote cross-ex time to having it clarified. Doing so may help the only to neutralize the rights-related portion of the case. (The
negative more than it helps you. While there may be a time and negative might argue that the kritik in fact turns the rights
place for this tactic, it is a somewhat dangerous one. It might be advantage, but given the ubiquity of rights claims in our culture,
that the judge understood the kritik even if you didn't or that time the turn is unlikely to be unique.) A second way in which the kritik
tradeoffs will be too unfavorable if you don't get a handle on the may not be absolute is that its uncertainty makes it less than a
kritik from the outset. In this case, you probably should try to have voting issue. For example, the real impact of a kritik of causality
the kritik clarified in cross-ex (or at least carefully read the 1NC is to undermine reliable predictions of affirmative solvency. But if
shell). Furthermore, even if you seek clarification, you can use the there is any chance that causality is valid, then there is likewise a

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

chance that the plan can solve. Given no disadvantage, this chance defense of rationality would probably be useful against a
of solvency would seem to be sufficient reason to vote affirmative. postmodern kritik, but might tend to support an essentially
Sometimes the negative will argue in response that if a key rationalist kritik such as statism. What seems best, in light of this,
affirmative assumption is probably false that this in itself justifies is to have one general anti-kritik block, including one's most
voting negative. This argument seems flawed, however, because it generic anti-kritik arguments and to have another block answering
misunderstands what the affirmative needs to do to justify the each of the major types of kritiks: language, metaphysics,
endorsement of its plan. Depending on the nature of the risks epistemology, ethics, and politics. Finally, you should have blocks
involved, almost all of one team's analysis could be wrong and answering particular kritiks whenever possible. Even kritiks with
their policy option could still be justified. Policies are often common names, such as statism, will differ in terms of their
designed not to secure the most likely outcome but to preclude (or particular development. Recognizing the distinctiveness of each
render less likely) some relatively remote possibility. The classic particular kritik is essential.
example of this is nuclear weapons policy. Hopefully, at the
present time the risk of general nuclear war is not very high. Eleventh, it may sometimes be advisable to argue counter-kritiks.
Nonetheless, it would be foolhardy not to do whatever can be done Counter-kritiks can take at least two forms. First, one could issue
to further reduce that risk (assuming no offsetting disadvantages). a kritik of some assumption of your opponents' language or
So, a central premise of an affirmative case might well be that the analysis. This would not, of course, relieve you of the
world is a very risky place, and the negative might be able to responsibility for answering their kritik but it might help to offset
almost totally undermine that assumption. But even if the its impact. A second, and I think preferable, alternative is to attack
affirmative analysis is almost totally wrong, any chance that they some underlying assumption of the kritik.
are right would still justify voting affirmative, absent disadvantage.
Although the idea of risk is most dramatically illustrated in terms This might be an assumption generic to all kritiks, such as the
of large impact scenarios, the same logic applies in less extreme desirability of questioning all assumptions, or it might be an
situations. Possible benefits, no matter how remote, are still a assumption specific to one type of kritik. Finally, it might be an
reason to act, as long as there is no risk associated with that action. assumption specific to one particular kritik. For example, Pierre
Schlag, the main source for the kritik of normativity, explicitly
Eighth, you should be prepared to defend those assumptions which appeals to deconstruction as one source of his analysis. Thus, it
you think are likely to be challenged. There are not so many kritiks could be argued that if deconstruction is a bankrupt method, that
in the world that this should prove to be an impossible task (and the normativity kritik also fails. In fact, arguments against
many kritiks have commonalities permitting generic response). postmodernism and deconstruction are probably applicable to quite
Assumptions such as the validity of causation or the necessity of a few kritiks.
the state should not prove impossible to defend; there are good
reasons why these assumptions are so commonly taken for granted. A twelfth suggestion is to try to think about how the kritik would
Much of the force of a kritik often stems from its shock value--the function as a policy argument. In terms of its policy implications
argument it makes will seem so implausible that it may be difficult does the kritik function as a counterplan, a disadvantage, a
to attack. In instances like this, a little reflective thought and a solvency argument, or as something else? By thinking about what
modicum of common sense can do wonders. the kritik's logical weight would be as a policy argument, you are
likely to be better able to think of how to attack it. If it functions
Ninth, kritiks can often be effectively "permuted." This can be basically as a disadvantages then questions of link, uniqueness, and
accomplished in at least two ways. First, some kritiks will prove impact are obviously raised. As a solvency argument, the kritik
susceptible to fairly standard policy permutations. This is because will raise issues of absoluteness. If it is implicitly a counterplan, a
a number of kritiks (such as statism) do, in effect suggest different set of arguments will come to mind. The negative may of
alternative policies, such as anarchy. If there is an implicit course argue that the kritik should not be construed in policy terms,
alternative lurking within the kritik, then you may well want to but many judges will be more comfortable in conceptualizing it as
make that alternative explicit in order to permute. In the case of such. Furthermore, most kritiks have policy implications
statism, the obvious permutation is to abolish all government independent of their kritik impacts and it is important to forestall
except for the those portions needed to carry out the plan. Second, their evolution into a policy argument. It might even be suggested
in the case of kritiks which do not contain implicit policy that argument labels are really irrelevant. Like any other argument
alternatives, it is still possible to employ a kind of conceptual by the negative, the kritik involves a claim, a link to the
permutation. For example, even if rationality is rejected, it might affirmative, and an impact. If it can be defeated at one of these
still be possible to justify an affirmative plan on emotive grounds. three levels, then what the argument is called may not be all that
The argument is, in effect, that the judge can embrace the kritik and important. What is most counter-intuitive about many kritiks is the
still have a reason to vote affirmative. impact claim--that argument X should be a voting issue. But
debaters made dubious claims that things should be voting issues
Tenth, it is important to recognize that kritiks do differ. One set of long before kritiks emerged. Any claim that something is a voting
all purpose anti-kritik blocks will therefore prove less useful than issue should serve as a red flag commanding your attention. To
will blocks geared to specific types of kritiks. Many of the label something a kritik may be in effect nothing more than a
arguments against language kritiks, for example, apply only to that shorthand way of saying, "this is a voter."
type of kritik. Similarly, arguments against highly abstract
philosophical kritiks may not apply well to a fairly narrowly My thirteenth and last tactical suggestion is to combine evidential
tailored, topic-specific kritik. Sometimes the answers to one type and analytical arguments against the kritik. This seems rather
of kritik will even feed another, different kritik. For example, a obvious advice coming in the introduction to a handbook

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

containing over a thousand anti-kritik cards, but its rationale is least am perfectly willing to concede that they are) but whether
worth at least briefly expanding on. Obviously when attacking the they are relevant, that is, germane to the subject at hand.
substance of a kritik, evidence will often be useful and sometimes
essential. Even in debating the theory of the kritik, evidence can Academic debate is not a soapbox or a radio talk show, that is, an
help. For better or worse, carded arguments simply receieve more essentially open forum where opinions on any subject whatsoever
credibility from ost debate judges. Theory debates often degenerate can be expressed. Rather, debate has a subject matter, and that
into wars of tag lines, and reading evidence may help to keep such subject matter determines in large part what arguments are
debate on a somehwta higheer intellectual level. But, just as in relevant. What is the subject matter of debate? At the simplest
answering a disadvantage, analytical arguments have a definite level, it would seem to be the resolution. The resolution is, after all,
place, especially at the link level. As I suggested above, sometimes the topic which the debate community has chosen to discuss. In
the strongest arguments against a kritik will challenge its link to practice, however, we do not really debate resolutions; rather, we
the particular affirmative. debate examples of resolutions, that is, particular affirmative plans.
(Plans must of course also pass tests of germaneness; that is, they
Analytical arguments also help to diversify one's set of 2AC must actually be examples of the resolution.) There are a number
answers. Still, in the end, many judges are likely to call for the of reasons why a focus on specific plans rather than the resolution
cards, and for that reason analysis in the evidence is more likely to as a general statement seems preferable. First, the kinds of
be better understood and given more weight than the analysis of resolution commonly debated tend to be too broad and vague to
the debaters themselves. meaningfully endorse or reject as a general proposition. Second,
the attempt to treat the resolution as a kind of general statement
GENERAL ARGUMENTS AGAINST THE KRITIK entails various theoretical conundrums such as counterwarrants.
(Counterwarrants attempt to disprove the resolution by attacking
In this section I will consider some arguments which can be made a different example from the one proposed by the affirmative.) The
against almost all kritiks. This is not to say that these arguments standard answer to the counterwarrants objection is that the
should be made in every kritik round; selectiveness is always resolution can be proven true by one example. This seems to be a
necessary, especially since more specific answers are usually more valid point, but it again brings us back to debating specific plans
powerful. Still, in most kritik rounds you should probably make at rather than the resolution as a whole. Furthermore, this answer
least one of the standard anti-kritik arguments, and against new and seems, at the same time that it rejects counterwarrants, to embrace
unanticipated kritiks they may be especially important. the idea of alternative justification--that the affirmative can offer
multiple examples of the resolution, and that if they win that any
I suggested at the outset of this essay that the kritik itself rests on one of them is a good idea, they should win the round. Especially
a number of assumptions. Among these are that the policy on bidirectional topics, the acceptance of alternative justification
framework is itself subject to kritik, that all assumptions are massively skews debate toward the affirmative. Finally, one can
appropriate to question, that the negative need not propose an question whether or not the focus on the resolution really has any
alternative, and that the kritik can be run with other, apparently significant truth value. Most debate topics are very broad,
inconsistent, policy arguments. In the discussion of the kritik's suggesting hundreds, if not thousands of possible plans. The
intellectual background, it was also argued that the kritik relies likelihood that none of those numerous alternatives is in fact a
heavily on the intellectual postulates of postmodernism and that the good idea seems on face to be incredibly remote. Thus, it seems
kritik closely parallels the process of deconstruction. Each of the that the literal "truth" of the resolution is almost a foregone
four major theoretical assumptions of the kritik is subject to attack, conclusion, and the real question becomes what examples of the
as are its philosophical roots. resolution are valid, not whether there is a valid example of the
resolution. And, if one is focusing on a particular policy, then
A first major argument is that to be relevant the kritik must minimizing resolutional concerns (for example, with regard to
function within the framework of public policy debate. At one topicality of counterplans) seems better calculated to help in
level, this argument may do limited damage to the kritik. Almost finding the best policy.
all kritiks do function, at least to some extent, within the policy
framework; that is, they deny value claims, offer counter-values, This brief defense of plan versus resolutional focus may or may not
impugn solvency, postulate implicit counterplans, etc. But, at be persuasive. But even if one accepts resolutional focus, the basic
another level, the insistence on the policy framework obviously point remains the same: each individual debate has a subject,
does great damage to the kritik. In effect, it denies that the kritik is whether the resolution or a particular plan, and to be relevant,
a unique argument form; it functionally transforms "kritik" into arguments must be germane to that subject. What this means in
mere "critique"--that is, an everyday argument against some aspect practice is that all negative arguments must be reasons to reject the
of the affirmative. And, of course, the reason most kritiks are affirmative plan, or at least the resolution. (As an aside,
presented as such is that they lack some necessary element of a resolutional focus does seem to allow more scope for the kritik
sound policy argument--uniqueness, impact at the policy level, etc. than plan focus because it allows debate over the resolution's
specific wording.) The fact that the negative has come up with an
Why should "policy debate" be regarded as an exclusively policy issue which is interesting or worthy of discussion in its own right
forum? Opponents of the kritik stress the importance of public does not make it relevant to the debate at hand. Egyptian
policy issues, but kritik proponents can persuasively argue that archeology is an interesting and worthy subject, but I have never
other basic moral and philosophical issues, as well as questions of heard a debate in which its issues were relevant.
sensitive language use, are also important. The real issue here,
however, is not whether certain kinds of issues are important (I at The negative, of course, will argue in response that its kritik is a

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

reason to reject the specific affirmative plan--if the affirmative plan philosophical issues would be simply taken for granted.
rests on a certain assumption and that assumption is fundamentally
flawed, then the affirmative plan should be rejected. Again, though, This basic argument, that specific policy propositions delimit a
this seems to confuse a statement about the relative truth of some sphere of appropriate argumentative response, was made some
component of affirmative analysis with a statement about the years ago in the context of the so-called "utopian" counterplans
relative truth of the affirmative's overall position. Under certain such as anarchy and world government. The argument was made
circumstances, remember, the affirmative can lose most of the that the topic assumes the existence of an international system of
arguments it makes and still win. This is because, absent a distinct nation states and that not to make this assumption imagines
disadvantage, the chance that a plan might have an advantage is a away the real world context and concerns which generated the
sufficient reason for endorsing it. To simply cast substantial doubt topic to begin with.The same argument can be made in the context
on even the most basic premise of an affirmative's analysis is not of kritiks. Distinct nations exist and will continue to exist, and any
enough in itself to discredit its policy conclusion. Most policy topic asking what one nation should do in relation to another
decisions are made in the face of considerable doubts. What assumes that such an international arrangement prevails (It does
matters therefore is not so much the certainty of an advantage but not necessarily assume that it is good, but it does correctly assume
the overall direction of risk. What the kritik seems to try to do is to that it does exist.) Given this, it may not be useful to question
in a sense revert to the old stock issues standard that if the negative whether or not the state system should exist. It does exist, and its
raises lots of doubt about the affirmative's analysis, they should existence provides the context within which the particular topic has
win. The standard answer to this is that even marginal, comparative been raised.
advantages justify an overall policy conclusion, unless there are
equal offsetting risks. This method of policy analysis can be How does one determine what arguments are germane, or, to put
challenged (for example, based on some theory of presumption), it another way, what determines the appropriate realm of
but to the best of my knowledge no pro-kritik theorist has seriously discourse? In the context of counterplans, I have argued that a field
attempted to do so. context standard is the most appropriate. If a counterplan is
proposed in the literature surrounding the topic, then it is
If fed into a consistent policy framework (even a liberal one which presumably germane; otherwise, it probably is not. This standard
might allow conditionality or radically counter-intuitive value has its limits and its ambiguities, but it does parallel a major
arguments), the kritik is likely to fail. It simply will not be standard, field context, used in determining the germaneness (i.e.,
absolute. Since causality might be true, doubts about it are not a the topicality) of affirmative plans. A similar standard could be
reason to vote negative. (Such doubts would equally implicate any profitably applied to kritiks.
disadvantage.) If reason has any credibility, then a rationally
justified plan should be accepted, absent an alternative The alternative standard, which the defenders of kritiks would
decision-making process which is shown to lead to the contrary presumably propose, is that arguments are relevant if they can be
conclusion. (It should not be enough for the negative to suggest logically related to affirmative analysis. Thus, for example, since
alternative modes of decision-making; they need to show that they the kritik of causality is logically related to solvency, it would be
would lead to rejecting the plan.) If there's any chance of relevant. This is, however, a somewhat odd standard for a theory
constructively altering the network of power relations, then it is of argument based in postmodern thought to defend.
worth trying. To put simply, at root, the kritik misunderstands the Postmodernism, after all, indicts absolute standards of rational
nature of the policy calculus. judgment and defends instead the position that truths are always
situational and contextual. To make no concessions to the
Another implication of accepting a basic public policy framework contextual limits of argument seems like an odd position for a
is that not only are most kritiks not absolute, but many kritiks are postmodern theory to take.
absolutely not relevant. The position here is that all arguments
occur within a context, and that context determines what arguments Why should we assume that our basic subject matter is policy
are relevant. In a discussion over where to go to dinner, an debate? Several considerations converge to support this judgment.
argument over the logical status of cause would not be considered First, the topic being debated is a proposition of policy. Second, a
relevant. In a debate in Congress over gun control, questions of defining characteristic of one branch of this activity is policy
fundamental ontology (the nature of being) would not be debate. The selection of policy topics is not incidental but rather
considered germane. In a biology class, the question of the reflects an important part of the activity's self-definition. Finally,
existence of other minds would simply never come up. In terms of and perhaps most importantly, debate has to began somewhere. It
policy debate, the point is very similar. In debating a specific either begins with the plan or with the resolution. And if either a
policy or a specific policy proposition, arguments occur on a policy plan or a policy proposition is the center of the discussion,
certain level of abstraction. then by definition it seems to be a policy discussion which is being
undertaken, with whatever limits are appropriate to policy
This is not to say that argument over specific policies never appeals discourse taken for granted.
to higher levels of abstraction. All policy argument is grounded in
certain moral conceptions, so different moral values are often The attempt to displace policy concerns from the center of debate
appropriately discussed. Sometimes general questions of political rested initially on the argument that fiat is utopian because nothing
theory may be relevant, but it extremely rare that a specific policy really happens at the end of the round. Problems with this theory
discussion would ever invoke fundamental metaphysical or of fiat have already been discussed. No one ever really thought that
epistemological concerns. Within any context in which specific fiat actually put policies into place; it is simply an assumption of
policies would be debated, standard assumptions about these action, made in order to assess desirability. What does happen at

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

the end of the round is that a tentative judgment is made framework. These arguments need not bee the equivalent to "policy
concerning the desirability of the affirmative plan. The judge either debate, love it or leave it." They are merely arguments about
endorses the affirmative plan or withholds his or her endorsement. whether the negative position is germane to the affirmative. They
Still, a real judgment based on the arguments in the round has been no more exclude or marginalize the negative than a topicality
made (To this extent, arguments that debate is not real world seem argument marginalizes the affirmative. In both cases, arguments
misguided. The issues are real, the arguments are real, the are dismissed as not relevant to the issues at hand, but there is no
participants are real, and a real decision is made. ) Furthermore, the implication that the people making those arguments should quit
process of arguing for and making decisions about public policy policy debate--rather, they should make arguments within its
questions is an important one. Citizens in a democracy have at least framework.
some influence on public decisions and an accompanying
responsibility to be informed. Many debaters do rise to positions The second major premise of the kritik is that it is appropriate to
of power and influence, either as actual decision makers or as question all assumptions. But this assumption can itself be
opinion leaders. Finally, even for the most apolitical, awareness of questioned. A first problem with the questioning of all assumptions
public policy issues can be important if only for self--defense. It's is its potential for infinite regression. Every answer given to every
hard to know how to resist oppression if public policy issues are question can itself be questioned. How do we know we exist?
being ignored. Indeed, to resist oppression at all (especially in an Because we have an immediate intuition of our existence. Why
intelligent way) requires some sensitivity to the nuances of public should we believe our immediate intuitions? Because that's the way
policy. in which our minds are structured. Why are our minds structured
that way? Well, perhaps because of the pressures of natural
At this point, probably few kritik proponents would argue that selection. How do we know that natural selection is a valid theory?
policy debate has no value (though this is of course what the kritik It seems clear that this questioning process could continued
of normativity directly asserts). Instead, they will argue that while infinitely. At some point, certain axioms have to be accepted as
policy concerns may have importance, so do other issues, for self-evident; otherwise no provisional judgments are ever possible.
example, questions of language. Most of thee arguments against To ask, as Heidegger did, why is there something rather than
this position will be discussed under the section on answers to nothing? may be simply meaningless. There is something, and why
kritiks of language, but a couple of points are worth mentioning at there is may well be completely moot.
this juncture. First, the things that are most important either to us
personally or in the cosmic scheme of things may still not be The problem of infinite regressiveness seems especially acute if
relevant to the topic which has been selected for debate. If one accepts, as postmodernists typically do, the validity of
immediate relevance to our lives were the ultimate standards then anti-foundationalism. If there are no ultimate intellectual
kritiks of attire or personal hygiene would seem to come into play. certainties, the questioning of all assumptions will by definition
If we rule out kritiks like these as not relevant to whether or not the lead into an infinite loop. One can only act on assumptions which
plan is a good idea, then it seems that arguments about the rhetoric seem most plausible. Even if this is true, of course, the question
of the resolution, evidence, or analysis would not be very relevant still remains of what assumptions we should question and which
either. ones we should accept. Again, the best answer seems to be that this
should be determined by the context of the discussion. In the
Second, the "other issues should be weighed" standard seems to context of a Malthus debate, the assumption that death checks are
completely lack any principled method for weighing arguments. always bad is probably not an appropriate one to make, but for
How does one weigh the risk of a policy impact against a babysitters it is an excellent assumption.
somewhat prejudicial use of language? It is a classic case of apples
and oranges, that is, of ideas which are completely The infinite regress objection is sometimes dismissed as overly
incommensurate. One might reasonably claim that one or the other theoretical, as not a problem that would actually arise in a debate.
takes priority, but to try to weigh them against each other seems There have been debates, however, where the negative has
completely arbitrary. regressed to the point of questioning whether human life has any
value. At that point there really seems to be not much further to go.
The argument is also sometimes made that the suspension of policy Mill's answer was that things have value because people value
debate in light of other issues is not unique to the kritik; it also them. If an answer like that is unacceptable, then it is hard to know
occurs in the case of typicality and evidence falsification. At least how one would go about validating such a fundamental value
two points can be made in terms of this argument. First, both of question.
these suspensions of the consideration of policy alternatives
arguably serve as means of safeguarding the policy The second major objection to the questioning of all assumptions
decision-making process. Topicality serves to assure that it is a is that it leads to nihilism, that is, the belief in nothing. To revert to
relevant policy which has been proposed. Voting against teams the above example, to vote negative because the affirmative cannot
who misrepresent evidence is generally seen as necessary to assure "prove" that life has value seems to me, at least, to be profoundly
the integrity of the policy discussion process. Finally, even if some nihilistic. Is it really good to question whether racism or sexism are
ethical infractions might justify a decision, it seems that these bad? Hitler's questioning of the basic assumptions of liberal
should be significant violations of shared standards. An infelicitous humanism is certainly not a very savory example. Nor, once again,
word choice hardly seems to justify calling out the heavy moral is this problem academic. Precisely because ultimate values are so
artillery. difficult to justify, incessantly questioning them can really lead to
radical skepticism. And, as Dostoevsky put it, if nothing is true,
One final point should be made about the defense of the policy everything is permitted, from mayhem to mass murder.

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

The third major assumption of the kritik is that the negative need it was not considered necessary to have a better alternative, merely
not defend a policy alternative. The basic argument against this to have sufficient doubt to withhold assent. In the policy
stance is that policy argument is inherently comparative. All policy framework, the rethinking option most closely resembles the study
alternatives involve costs, and all possess flaws. As Churchill counterplan, which also advocated suspended action while further
noted about democracy, it is the worst system of government study was undertaken.
except for all the rest. If the negative is allowed to simply kritik the
affirmative proposal they will inevitably find flaws, but unless Despite its roots in these venerable theoretical constructs, I doubt
there is some better alternative, even a flawed proposal is best. If that rethinking will salvage the kritik from the change of no
imperfect analysis or an imperfect policy is a basis for voting alternative First, it might be argued that even rethinking cannot
negative, then the negative should always win. proceed effectively if there is no explicit policy alternative to
consider. One can rethink forever, but without at least two
Sometimes pure kritik is defended on the grounds that critical alternatives to choose from, no coherent policy decision can really
thinking is the central skill which debate has to teach. While I occur.
would not deny the value of critical thought, learning to think
constructively is also important. The world's real problems require Second, one might well raise the question of what level of doubt is
real, if imperfect solutions. To encourage an attitude which needed to justify rethinking. There is almost always some doubt at
promotes pure criticism without any appeal to a constructive the end of every round. Does this mean that the judge should
alternative seems fundamentally irresponsible. Nor is the kind of always vote to rethink? Presumably not. But when then is there
carping criticism which offers no alternative usually very enough doubt to justify rethought? Third, one can question the
persuasive in most argument situations. solvency of the rethinking process. If rethinking is to be an
appealing alternative, then there must be some reason to believe
In its defense of non-comparative argument, what the kritik seems that rethinking a set of issues which has presumably been thought
to assure is that the focus of the debate is the affirmative's analysis through once in the course of the debate is likely to come to a
(including its rhetoric) and not the affirmative plan. The point once superior conclusion. Especially if what is to be rethought is
again needs to be made that an affirmative's case might be almost something like the Western philosophical tradition, the idea of
totally flawed while still justifying at the margin that its plan is a humanism, or the nature of power, there is little reason to believe
good idea. Rhetoric and analysis are merely means to the end of that more thought will resolve issues such as these which have
justifying the policy. Affirmative assumptions need not all be been mulled over for millennia. Fourth, rethinking is justified only
totally true to accomplish this end; even the chance that an if the direction of advantage versus disadvantage is in doubt. If the
assumption is true gives the plan a net benefit, and a net benefit (or logical impact of the kritik is simply to serve as a harm reduction
comparative advantage) is enough, all things equal, to justify a argument, that is, if there is no risk of a disadvantage, then there is
policy. The end of proving its plan desirable can still be sustained no point in rethinking in order to determine just how desirable the
even if most affirmative arguments are extremely dubious. affirmative policy is. Fifth, the solvency of rethinking may be
undermined by the kritik itself. Kritiks which challenge the process
The kritik also seems to rest on the flawed assumption that of rational thought itself or which fail to distinguish knowledge
arguments should be judged in black and white terms, rather than from power can hardly defend further thought as an alternative.
in terms of probabilities. In fact, the only absolute judgment which Sixth, and perhaps most important, rethinking seems perfectly
the judge needs to make is for or against the plan. On most other consistent with the tentative endorsement of the affirmative plan.
issues there is likely to be some doubt at the end of the round (at Rethinking, after all, is a life long process. (Heidegger, for
least if they have been meaningfully contested). Few kritiks (or example, spent over fifty years trying to rethink the nature of
critiques) are so devastating that one would conclude that they are being.) Especially while engaged in the process of rethinking some
one hundred percent certain. But absent such certainty, and lacking fundamental philosophical issue, one will customarily continue to
an alternative, they should rarely amount to more than partial make provisional political judgments. Especially if there is doubt
arguments reducing an affirmative advantage. Again it seems about the kritik, tentative endorsement of the plan within one
paradoxical that a debate theory which purports to be based in a thought system seems justified while that thought system is being
philosophy as relativistic about truth claims as postmodernism rethought. (For example, I might tentatively endorse a plan as a
would insist on the judge making absolute judgments rather than good idea within the humanist framework while still rethinking the
recognizing that choice must be based on inherent uncertainties. Of general concepts of humanism.) Another point is that the
course, even if the kritik were, through some strange eventuality, uncertainty of the rethinking process justifies tentative judgments.
determined to be absolute, it may only serve to render the debate The rethinking process (and the call to rethink) could go on pretty
a tie. At that point, at minimum, some theory of presumption is much forever. We never reach certain knowledge. So, once again,
required to serve as a tie-breaker. (Either that or a convenient coin.) it seems justified to make a tentative endorsement while rethinking.
Finally, the debate itself should be regarded as part of the process
The latest attempt to answer the no alternative objection is a of rethinking. The judge's vote at the end of the round represents
defense of the idea of "rethinking. The argument here is that the his or her best thought, based on the debate, of the issue at hand.
judge does have an alternative at the end of the round, the Voting one way or another doesn't suspend all future thought (the
alternative of rethinking. In effect, the kritik is redefined as an next round may be only ten minutes away); rather, it constitutes a
alternative, the option of deferred judgment. In this approach to the provisional judgment rendered in the ongoing process of
no alternative problem, the kritik again displays close affinities to rethinking.
hypothesis testing. In the hypothesis testing paradigm, the judge
evaluated the truth of the resolution. To reject the resolution's truth, The fourth major assumption of the kritik is that kritiks of the

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

policy framework can be made in the same round as other, Similar arguments are directed against deconstruction. It is said to
conventional policy arguments. The argument, based in part on the be nihilistic, politically ineffectual and reactionary, as well as
analogy of topicality, is that if the assumption is true, then the essentially irrationalist. The argument is made that deconstruction
question of policy desirability becomes relevant, but that if the is infinitely regressive, that it fails to offer alternatives, and that it
assumption is flawed, then the policy debate is moot. In effect, they is intellectually unintelligible. The argument is even made that we
make an if/then statement: if the affirmative assumption being should both act and deconstruct.
challenged is true, then its plan is still a bad idea.
What is the import of these arguments for debate? It does seem that
This premise of the kritik is probably less important to challenge many of the indictments of deconstruction and of postmodernism
than are the three premises discussed above. (And of those three do authentically implicate the theory of the kritik. Proponents of
the policy framework and the no alternative arguments are the kritik explicitly ground their theory in postmodern thought, and
probably the most important.) Still, it may be useful on some deconstruction seems to closely parallel the kritik. Thus, the
occasions to attack the "conditional" nature of the kritik. First, if affirmative might well wish to argue that the kritik rests on these
the kritik is implicitly offering one or more policy alternatives, and philosophical assumptions and that they are fundamentally flawed.
if the negative is also defending the status quo or some other I make this suggestion with a certain reservation. Not all kritiks
counterplan, then in effect the negative is defending conditional rely on explicitly postmodern premises, even though the process of
policy alternatives. At this point, arguments against conditionality kritik may do so implicitly. The negative might easily choose to
do seem relevant. Second, if the kritik offers a radically different answer such arguments by claiming that they are just general
view of the world, it is arguably inconsistent to then proceed to indictments which don't apply to the particular kritik. Still, this
make arguments within the framework being attacked. A true does embroil the negative in something of a paradox. If
post-humanist wouldn't both militantly indict the legacy of assumptions are fair game for attack then the assumptions of the
humanism and make arguments based on the humanist framework. kritik likewise seem legitimate to indict. And, of course, most
This kind of inconsistency seem as contrary to common notions of kritiks are also generic and fail to clash very specifically with
advocacy as is the advancing of two conditional policy alternatives. affirmative analysis. Finally, if the kritik is claimed to have
intellectual respectability in part because of its academic pedigree
In addition to arguing that the theoretical presuppositions of the in postmodernism, then surely that pedigree can itself be subjected
kritik are questionable, have suggested that its philosophical roots to critique.
in postmodernism and deconstruction are also subject to attack.
Some of the arguments against these perspectives have already I want to conclude this section on general arguments against the
been discussed in the section on the intellectual background to the kritik by responding to the arguments made in favor of the kritik
kritik, but there are a number of other points worth making. which were listed earlier. Some have been touched on in places,
but it seems useful to address this set of concerns in a more
Many of the arguments made against postmodernism as a systematic way.
philosophical perspective are very similar to arguments made
against the kritik as a theory in debate. First, postmodernism is The first argument was that a narrow version of policy debate has
often said to produce a paralyzing skepticism. In doubting a stranglehold on the activity. Though overstated, I do have some
everything, it undermines respect for reason, science, and even sympathy for this argument. If there is a theoretical orthodoxy in
truth itself. Despite their limits, reason and science can both be debate today, it probably is a rather conservative variant of the
defended as necessary tools of human survival, especially in the policy paradigm which places primary emphasis on advocacy and
modern age. Second, postmodern thought, though often embraced is militantly anti-conditional. In addition, this group of judges and
by persons on the contemporary political left, is said at root to be coaches tends to be conservative on counterplan theory (an
profoundly reactionary. At best, the denial of rational standards is affirmative bias), liberal on topicality (also another affirmative
said to lead to political paralysis; at worst, the postmodern kritik of bias), and is often willing to in effect censor substantive policy
modern democratic liberalism has been associated with the various arguments which they find offensive (generally speaking, still
totalitarianisms of the twentieth century. Third, postmodernism is another affirmative bias). It is probably not coincidental that since
indicted as nihilistic. Fourth, the postmodern "theory of history" is this orthodoxy has become solidified, the case versus Clinton has
said to be both wrong and self-contradictory. Some would deny become pretty much the standard debate. But pet peeves aside, the
that we have either entered or are on the verge of entering a "stranglehold" of policy conservatives seems like an exaggerated
postmodern period. Others have argued that the idea of concern. First, the kritik has hardly been stifled; indeed, for such
postmodernism is self-contradictory. Lyotard defined the a radically new theory, it has gained remarkably fast acceptance.
postmodern in terms of the rejection of "grand theory." But the idea (Part of this no doubt stems from negative debaters hard up for a
of a fundamental transition from modern to postmodern may itself strategy.) Indeed, the kritik perspective (which I am tempted to
be a grand theory, an overarching theory of history no less relabel as the "critical gaming" paradigm) has rather rapidly
ambitious than Hegel's or Spengler's. Fifth, the perspective of the created its own counter-orthodoxy.
Enlightenment is still defended as fundamentally valid. While the
eighteenth century was certainly somewhat naive about the power The benefit of orthodoxy is predictability. the relative quiet on the
of reason to reshape society, many of its libertarian and egalitarian theory battlefront which prevailed in the late 1980s allowed
ideals have in fact been realized. (Not many of us would trade substantive policy debate to proceed largely without theoretical
places with a French peasant of the age of Louis XVI.) And even distraction. The kritik introduced a whole new dimension of debate
if reason is not a panacea, it may still be necessary to check the theory argument into the activity, and argument over debate theory,
irrational elements of the human makeup. while it can be interesting, is ultimately rather trivial. Currently,

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

debate seems radically polarized between the forces of policy the appeal to free inquiry as a basic value in debate. In effect, it
advocacy and tabula rasa kritikers. So now, instead of one accuses kritik opponents of hypocrisy, or at least of possessing a
orthodoxy we have two, both dogmatic, who only come together profound split in their thought between freedom and structure. I
to battle over the strike card. My own view, some of the polemics take this argument seriously enough that I do not believe that the
of this essay notwithstanding, I believe to be somewhere in the kritik should be dismissed out of hand. Kritiks which are
middle. I would favor a more liberal version of policy debate, one coherently argued should be considered. But this does not mean
which would allow the negative more options. This would both that arguments about their germaneness are not relevant. It is not
alleviate to some extent the narrowness of the policy advocacy intellectually intolerant to dismiss arguments about quantum
paradigm and limit the temptation of kritik as a means to gain some mechanics in a discussion of HAMLET. Again, the judge should
leverage on the negative. (In sum, I would recommend the not do this arbitrarily, but there is no reason why he or she should
replacement, or at least the supplementation, of the policy not listen to arguments that kritik is not relevant to a policy
advocacy paradigm with a paradigm of policy criticism and framework. Also, if free speech liberals find themselves in a
analysis. While the focus would remain on policy, making the somewhat paradoxical situation in opposing the kritik, pro-kritik
kritik of limited relevance, the perspective from which policy postmodernists may be in some tension in defending the kritik on
would be viewed would be definitely broadened. That, however, is liberal free speech grounds. Much, though not all, of postmodern
clearly another essay.) All of this said, defenders of the orthodox thought is profoundly illiberal. (Whatever else Nietzsche,
policy view have at least one other strong argument to make here. Heidegger, and Foucault may have been, they were not liberal
The topic does change every year, and every topic has innumerable democrats; nor does Derrida appear to be.)
elements. If debaters were as creative in devising policy arguments
as they have been of late in devising kritiks, policy stagnation This does not justify excluding their ideas--I am willing the let the
would be much less of a problem. In addition, it can be questioned Nazis march through debate just as I was willing to let them march
whether in the long run the kritik really will be so intellectually through Skokie. But it is still worth noting that the values of liberal
stimulating. The kind of philosophical arguments which the kritik tolerance which would justify such speech are not shared by many
tends to raise are ultra-generic. It would be possible to debate them of the thinkers whose thought is being put forward. (Please note,
year after year. Some of them even date from the time of the above comment is intended mainly as a dig against
Protagoras (the reputed founder of debate). Nor has the revival of Heidegger--more on that later. I am emphatically not accusing
the anarchy counterplan in the form of the statism kritik brought a proponents of the kritik in debate of being Nazis.)
breath of fresh air into the activity.
The fourth main argument for the kritik is the tabula rasa position
The second main pro-kritik argument is that the kritik represents that everything should be debatable. In terms of the kritik, I am
"new thinking." As suggested above, some of the ideas which the willing to accept the proposition that any reasonably developed,
kritik has rejuvenated are not especially new even for debate. It coherent, substantive position should be considered on its merits.
also seems a bit odd to characterize ideas that Martin Heidegger But even if the judge should be open to all well-developed
formulated in the 1920s and 1930s as "new thinking." I have positions, this need not imply the necessity of voting on every blip
already noted that the critique of modernity is probably as old as tagged as a "voting issue." The problem with the tabula rasa
modernity itself. Neither Malthus, Wordsworth, Hume, Burke, or approach to judging is that it tends to promote a clerical speed and
Rousseau would exactly qualify as "new thinkers." (Nor would the accuracy attitude toward debate. It places a great premium on
figures of the Inquisition who kritiked Galileo's radically modern proliferating cheap shots and, I believe, definitely undervalues the
belief that the earth goes around the sun appear to be the more intellectually substantive goals of debate.
embodiment of "new thought.") According to some scholars, the
thinking of even Derrida and Foucault is already out of date in Insofar as tabula rasa is used as a basis for defending the kritik, it
France, and others see postmodernism in America as simply a is important to have some arguments against it; otherwise, it is
passing fad. Many of these ideas are, of course, new to debate but somewhat peripheral to this discussion.
the appeal to newness seems to be a more rhetorical than
substantive one. (It also seems suspiciously grounded in the The fifth argument in favor of the kritik which I want to consider
preeminently modern belief in progress.) is the claim that the kritik is justified by the prominence of
postmodern thought in contemporary academia. This argument
Obviously not all new ideas are good. Nazism was new once too, does, I think, have some merit. Postmodern thought is more or less
and it derived much of its intellectual force from the kind of unavoidable today, and it was probably only a matter of time
critique of modernity found in Nietzsche and Heidegger. If we before it penetrated policy debate. It should be noted that a good
really wanted to revolutionize debate we could speak totally in deal of postmodern thought can be accommodated within the
German rather than simply adopting one German word. Since framework of normal, comparative policy debate. Feminism and
language supposedly structures thought, this should really CLS, for example, have provided many non-kritik arguments. Even
revolutionize our thinking. On a more practical note, innovation the Foucauldian power kritik could be run as a disadvantage,
has costs as well as benefits. If the kritik has been stimulating for although doing so would probably help dramatize its weaknesses.
some, it has been profoundly confusing and alienating for others. (This is also another reason why the free speech argument is less
Paradigm transformation probably always entails a period of compelling; most people's objection is to the form not the radical
intellectual chaos; it isn't clear that it is something to be sought content of these arguments.) Debate should accommodate some
simply for the sake of intellectual novelty. postmodern themes. Nonetheless, it does not follow from this that
academic policy debate should mindlessly parrot modes of
The third argument for the kritik is more substantive. It involves argument and discourse found in academia simply because debate

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

is an academic activity, any more than it follows that we should answer to everything, and thought which challenges the
mimic all the procedures of Congress because we are debating a perspective tends to be screened out. Of course, this is true of
policy proposition. I do not think that the main purpose of debate almost any world view--it will repel contrary viewpoints. But if
is to teach students about trends in academic thought; if it is, then kritikgeist becomes the one way to look at things, then it seems at
different topics should certainly be selected. Trends in international least as confining as the viewpoints it rejects.
relations scholarship are certainly relevant to debating about China
or the Mid-east; trends in deconstructive, reader response criticism A second danger is alienation. Not all alienation is necessarily bad;
seem far less germane. Finally, the trends associated with there are values as well as costs in attaining some degree of
postmodernism in the academy are far from non-controversial. detachment from one's society. But carried too far, doubt can
Many critics believe that they are making the university ever more become debilitating. Proponents of the kritik make the valid point
detached from the rest of society. Many regard deconstruction and that our language and our discourse, our ideas and our arguments
associated phenomena was purely ivory tower efforts to escape the have consequences. But given this, it seems likely that too much
fact that the leftist agenda has failed. The deconstructionists and kritik, too much skepticism, too much doubt too long sustained can
other postmoderns withdraw into their enclaves and talk to each also have consequences of a less than savory sort. At the risk of
other in a jargon unintelligible to the rest of society. If academic overusing an example, it still seems clear to me that it was in part
policy debate best functions, as I think it does, at the intersection the sustained critique of modernity current in Germany in the
of academic policy scholarship and public policy making, then a 1920s which paved the way for Hitler. Of course, World War I, the
retreat into the more esoteric confines of academic theorizing Treaty of Versailles, and the Great Depression were critical factors
seems distinctly counterproductive. as well. But it seems unlikely that Germany would have taken the
virulently racist direction it did if the basic framework of Western
The sixth argument that I want to consider here is that rejecting the values had not been cast so severely in doubt.
kritik constitutes a mechanism of exclusion. This argument, I think,
gets things almost completely backwards. I doubt that anyone has Closer to home, it does not seem unreasonable to suspect that the
been drawn into the activity (for more than a tournament) out of a bombers of the Oklahoma City Federal Building may have taken
desire to debate kritiks. Perhaps if the kritik were banished from the kritik of statism a bit too seriously. Is the kritik intended to turn
debate tomorrow, a few committed kritikers would leave the debaters into domestic terrorists? Obviously not. Could it have that
activity, but this is uncertain at best, and besides such an immediate effect? Well, hopefully not. But if we take seriously the claim of
banishment is not going to occur. What I think is far more likely to the kritik's supporters that the actual effects of the words and ideas
happen is that if the kritik continues to gain in prominence, policy on of those in the round are what matters most, then this does not
debate will become attractive to fewer and fewer participants. seem to be a possibility to dismiss out of hand. Debaters typically
develop a certain callousing in terms of the arguments they make.
Policy debate is already difficult to learn. It involves a mastery of Debate is seen fundamentally as a game, so they tend to think that
a broad subject matter, an esoteric body of theory, and a difficult they can make some fairly horrific arguments without their own
technique. Introduction of the kritik adds the realms of philosophy belief systems being strongly implicated. This is a tendency we
and modern social theory to the purview of debate and it also sometimes criticized, and perhaps it is an unfortunate one, but if we
introduces a whole new set of theory concerns. Policy debate may tear down the screens between our arguments and "the real world,"
in some ways be simplistic, but it is navigable. In postmodern then it is also necessary to consider the real world implications of
debate, there are no clear standards (even defining or categorizing trying to persuade a judge (and indirectly yourself and the rounds'
kritiks is criticized as overly structured), and everything is up for other participants) of propositions like "the state should be
grabs. I seriously doubt that over time that many people will want abolished," "humanism should be rejected," "human welfare is
to play a game so difficult or so unstructured. The value of a policy irrelevant in light of the overwhelming importance of the
focus is that most educated people are interested in public policy ecosystem," or "human life has no value." Probably each of these
issues. There are far fewer philosophy majors. The point of all this positions is defensible, but I highly question the desirability of
is that the kritik is far more likely to effectively exclude people defending them. The kritik has borrowed a number of things from
from the activity than it is to engage them in it. Of course, this is a hypothesis testing. If indeed it takes seriously its own stated
mild venture on my part into speculative doom-saying; I hope I position that real world effects on participants are what matter
don't prove prophetic. most, then perhaps it should borrow another of hypothesis testing's
precepts: debaters should argue for what they actually believe in.
A final theme which seems to run, at least implicitly, through
defenses of the kritik is the idea that the process of kritik is GENERIC ANSWERS TO LANGUAGE KRITIKS
intellectually liberating and empowering. It is liberating to
encounter new perspectives, to challenge ideas that had always In addition to the general arguments against kritiks, a number of
been accepted. This is a value of debate which probably almost arguments can be made specific to language kritiks. First, if the
everyone has experienced--both before and since the kritik. the central focus of the debate is on policy, that is, on the desirability
kritik encompasses some extremely stimulating ideas, and I do not of the plan, then poorly chosen language isn't a reason to vote
doubt that it produces intellectual experiences of this sort. But all negative (or affirmative, if it is the negative's language which is
this admitted, there are still certain dangers associated with what being kritiked). Second, in other argument forums, we wouldn't
Jon Brody has called "kritikgeist." The first danger is one suspend the process of policy debate over poor word choices.
associated with entering a total system of thought. Deconstruction Congress wouldn't suspend debate to focus exclusively on the
appears to be rather like Marxism and Freudianism in that it offers propriety of a phrase such as "Islamic fundamentalism." And while
a complete world view. Within these perspectives there is an a policy scholar might dispute the word choice, s/he wouldn't

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

abandon the search for the best policy simply because such an terms of the value of free speech.
expression had been used. Third, too much preoccupation with
language can distract from substantive policy analysis. This is the In light of this the affirmative may wish to play down some of the
standard argument made against excessive preoccupation with normal arguments about debate not being an open forum for any
topicality. Fourth, too much focus on words can lead to the and all viewpoints. Probably, though, the affirmative position at
ignoring of reality. This is a common indictment of deconstruction. least is reconcilable. The affirmative can consistently defend free
Fifth, language focus can be trivializing. A good example of this is speech. They are not presumably, arguing to punish the negative
the debate over the propriety of the "and/or" expression. Sixth, the with a loss for running a kritik, but merely arguing that the kritik
affirmative should not be accountable for resolutional language. is an irrelevant argument in this context. Whether the negative can
Their responsibility is to defend a topical example of the as easily reconcile its apparent contradiction is less clear. It might
resolution; they need not defend the felicity of the topic framers' be argued that the kritik is not a code, but it can function the same
word choice. way in terms of chilling speech. Indeed, codes might be less
offensive since they at least provide some notice, whereas language
Seventh, language found in evidence also isn't absolute. At most it kritiks can apply to everything from grammatical constructions to
indicates a possible reason to distrust that source. Eighth, in most ethnic references. And both punish a form of expression rather than
cases it should be possible to defend your language choices. The debating it on its merits.
phrase "Islamic fundamentalism," for example, has both a
denotative and a connotative meaning. Denotatively, it simply The affirmative should certainly argue that only the most offensive
refers to persons who believe in the literal truth of the Islamic language expressions should be voting issues. Perhaps there are
religion. It is the negative, not the affirmative, that is suggesting some expressions so commonly taken to be offensive that they
that the phrase inherently implies an adverse image. Furthermore, should be punished with a loss (statements which are commonly
it is a bona fide argument that extremely conservative versions of understood to be bigoted). Perhaps such usages (especially if
Islam are associated with terrorism and anti-Western attitudes. Not applied to one of the participants in the round) do as much to
all Muslims are fundamentalist, and not all fundamentalists are compromise the activity as falsifying evidence. If so, then the
terrorists, but this does not mean that there is not a tenable link dramatic sanction of punishment with a loss might be justified.
between Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism. Ninth, to Generally, though, punishment seems to be a bad idea. It obviously
immediately suspend debate because some politically incorrect distracts from policy issues, may well be excessive in light of the
phrase has been used is anti-intellectual. The point of the debate is severity of the offense (or arbitrary in its application), chills the
presumably to determine whether fundamentalism is the source of free expression of ideas, and highlights judge prejudice. And if we
a significant threat and what can be done about it. To label this as punish word choice, why not punish other things? Styles, theories,
racial stereotyping and to suspend debate is to beg the question; even substantive arguments which we dislike would all seem to be
whether it is a stereotype grounded in some reality is the key issue. fair candidates. Finally, proliferating claims that your opponents'
Furthermore, if one side makes an argument about the nature of language is bigoted hardly figures to promote a friendly and
Islamic fundamentalism in good faith and loses that argument, that collegial atmosphere in debate. The punishment theory was
should not automatically produce a loss. To do so figures to stifle popularized in the middle 1980s but was rather rapidly discredited.
the free exchange of ideas, chilling potentially valid arguments. It would be unfortunate to see it revived in the moralistic wrapping
Tenth, it may be useful to challenge the theory of language which of a language kritik. Finally, punishment with a loss seems grossly
insist that our words structure our reality. While this is certainly excessive when no offense is intended. The offensiveness of
true to some extent, the reverse is also true: language reflects and language is strongly conditioned by the intent of the speaker. If a
represents non-linguistic reality. Also, language is not a speaker's language is inadvertently offensive, then one might bring
straightjacket. It contains an infinite number of possible statements that to his or her attention, but a brief apology (or clarification)
combining different words. Also, language changes; new words should be sufficient to compensate for the miscue.
appear and old words are given new senses. Nor does linguistic
change necessarily mean social change. Not every racist uses racial The language kritik is probably the one instance where claiming
epithets. A person, under pressure, may hypocritically change his the loss of the kritik as a reverse voting issue is most appropriate.
or her language, while retaining prejudicial attitudes unaffected. If one side's language is said to be so offensive, so bigoted or
Finally, eleventh, there are a wide range of anti-political prejudicial, that they should lose, then this is tantamount to an
correctness arguments which can be made against language kritiks. ethical challenge. And, just as false (or even unsubstantiated)
Much of the literature in support of these arguments will come accusations of evidence falsification are commonly seen as voting
from the discussion of university speech codes. It is commonly issues, so should unsustained accusations of bigoted language. The
argued that such codes are a form of censorship, that speech limits voting issue impact claimed by the kritik suggests that these
snowball that limiting speech undermines the role of the university, offenses are on a comparable moral plane, and discouraging
that they chill free expression, and that they are ineffective and frivolous accusations of bigoted language also is a valid goal. Of
counterproductive because they produce backlash and/or drive course, to sustain this argument, it is necessary to accept the
prejudice underground. Social reform is said to depend vitally on framework of the kritik; argument about the primacy of policy
free speech and learning to confront prejudice is said to be argument undercut its impact.
especially important for minorities.
And many argue that offensive speech is the price of freedom. You
will probably have noticed that when language kritiks are at issue, Against these kritiks, one branch of the genre of pure philosophical
the pro- and anti-kritik positions seem to be reversing their sides in "kritiks of thought," a number of relatively distinctive arguments

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

can be made. First, it can be argued that metaphysical (as well as probably have policy implications in the round (or will be claimed
epistemological) questions are outside of our realm of discourse. to have at a later point). Also, if these arguments are beaten on
These questions involve high level abstractions which would their merits as policy positions, they are likely to also fail as
almost never be raised in a policy debate. You don't need to prove kritiks. Second, it is also important to point out where these
that you exist in order to debate about China policy. A field context arguments fail conceptually as policy arguments. For example,
standard proves that these kritiks are invalid. Arguments of this rights kritiks don't really function too well as case turns because
sort are never raised in the literature surrounding the topic (at least they are non-unique. Third, alternative worldview kritiks such as
any topic I've encountered). Thus, they are not germane. Third, statism, should be debated basically like counterplans. If the
high school debate especially is the wrong forum for this type of alternatives to the state, such as anarchy, are bad, then the state is
argument. Most high school debaters have never even had an vindicated by default. Also, in pointing out that these are in effect
introductory philosophy course, making it unreasonable to expect non-texted conditional counterplans, a number of other theoretical
them to deal with arguments of this sort. Fourth, the pure arguments become available. Fourth, it may be useful to
philosophy kritiks are rarely absolute because metaphysics is so generically kritik the idea of utopianism. Utopian thinking is
inherently uncertain. Humans might possess free will; no one has indicted for distracting attention from real solutions; it also can
ever definitively proven that they don't. Given this, the argument produce a willingness to commit present atrocities in the name of
that we should never make normative judgments seems quite some far off future. (You would need to win, of course, that the
dubious. Fifth, this sort of kritik destroys the discussion directing kritik presumes some utopian alternative--or perhaps that the lack
function of the topic. A major purpose of the topic is to direct of an alternative makes it utopian.) A fifth argument might be that
discussion to new, important, and timely issues each year. The if a position is implicitly a counterplan it needs to be presented as
topic fails in this purpose if the negative can ignore the topic and such; if it isn't, it is underspecified in the same way as an
debate two thousand year old philosophical quandaries. affirmative without a plan.

From a more philosophical standpoint, logical positivism argues ANSWERS TO SPECIFIC KRITIKS
strenuously that because they are not verifiable, metaphysical
arguments are meaningless. Even if meaningful most contemporary Since the carded answers to the specific kritik should be relatively
thinkers probably believe that metaphysical questions are self-explanatory, my discussion of particular kritiks will be brief.
inherently unanswerable. Both pragmatists and postmodernists In a few instances, there are some especially strong analytical
unite in their contempt for metaphysics. Even Nietzsche and arguments which merit addition. Also, there may be some
Heidegger (though much of their thought arguably is metaphysical) particular feature of one of the evidenced arguments which merits
join in this condemnation. special mention. but most of the relevant analysis will be found in
the tags and cards.
REASON. The "kritik of reason" was among the early kritiks, but
Pretty much all of the debate theory derived arguments against it was rapidly abandoned, probably because it was provoking too
metaphysical kritiks also apply to epistemological kritiks. In much judge resistance. It is easy to see why this would be the case:
addition, pragmatism can also be used as a perspective from which if debate is anything, it is a reason giving activity. But, while the
to attack epistemology. Cornel West argues that a central theme of kritik of reason is rarely run overtly any more, many of its themes
pragmatism is its rejection of epistemological questions as and assumptions intersect with numerous other kritiks. Certainly
inherently sterile. (Pragmatists, remember, define truth as whatever a central theme (perhaps the central theme) of postmodernism is a
works.) Second, it is important to argue that epistemological doubt critique of reason. So, arguments in this section should have fairly
doesn't justify policy paralysis. Especially from an wide applicability against both epistemological and other kritiks.
anti-foundationalist perspective, nothing is certain, implying that
we must always act in the face of doubt. Third, it will often be It should be noted that there are many critiques of reason, so not all
useful to be prepared to defend that valid knowledge of the world of these arguments will apply especially well to each of them. Still,
is indeed available. Some common means through which reliable in most instances many of these will apply. First, the kritik of
knowledge is said to be gained are sense experience, deductive reason assumes too limited a view of the nature of rationality. A
logic, history, scholarly sub-disciplines, and perhaps most narrowly focused, purely instrumental, rationality might be
importantly, through science. Evidence defending the importance destructive, but rationality in a broad sense, encompassing both
of reason and science is especially significant because it can apply means and ends, need not be. Second, reason is a proper part of the
to many other kritiks. thought process. All thoughts probably begin as intuitions, but to
check our intuitions we need to rationally reflect on them.
Postmodernism in general and many postmodern thinkers, Intuitions are sometimes erroneous and often conflict; only rational
including Nietzsche, Heidegger, Foucault, and Derrida, are reflection can sort them out. Third, there is no effective alternative
commonly said to be irrationalist and anti-scientific. to reason, especially on matters of public concern. The basic
alternatives to reason are intuition and emotion. Both may have a
GENERIC ANSWERS TO MORAL AND POLITICAL KRITIKS place in decision making, but they are essentially private
experiences. When people disagree, what are they to do, empte or
Moral and political kritiks (or kritiks of value) are closest in nature intuit at each other? Reasons, in contrast, have a public quality
to normal policy arguments; thus, they need to be treated in a which makes them more directly comparable. As many argue, the
somewhat different way from other kritiks. First, it is generally alternative to reason is the rule of force. Fourth, the kritik of reason
desirable to debate them as policy arguments. On one hand, they is probably not absolute against most affirmatives. Most

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

affirmatives employ a process of rational inference, but most also causality is invalid, that fact should not cause the judge to vote
make emotive value judgments. Even if the rational appeal of a negative. The idea of trying to produce a distinct effect (a win)
case is dismissed, its emotive force can remain. Fifth, the through the argument that there are no distinct effects seems
indictment of "reason" is overbroad. "Reason" is a huge paradoxical to the point of absurdity.
abstraction. What the affirmative might well argue is that they don't
appeal to any abstract, eighteenth century ideal of "right reason", FOUCAULT. There are two somewhat distinct kritiks based on
rather, they give particular reasons designed to reach a particular Foucault's theories about power. The "disciplinary power" kritik
conclusion. It is therefore up to the negative to indict the argues that because power is totally decentralized, any attempt to
affirmative's specific reasons, not "reason" in general. Again, reform the system will inevitably fail (and is as likely to be
postmodernism, with its emphasis on situationalism and counterproductive as it is productive). The second kritik, which has
contextualism, would seem sympathetic to this claim. Sixth, been labelled the "panopticon" argues that affirmative analysis
reason, and its subsidiary science, are necessary tools of human rests on the repressive hypothesis--the false assumption that
survival. knowledge is always good and power always bad. (At least this is
my understanding of these two kritiks; their ambiguities make them
Seventh, some idea of "good reasons" is essential for making hard to pin down.)
choices. Foucault can talk all that he wants about marginalizing the
discourses of the mad--but to give equal weight to schizophrenic A first argument which can be made against these kritiks is that the
or paranoid thought seems to be a recipe for disaster. Eighth, the affirmative doesn't make the assumption that they indict. Even if
lack of certain foundations for knowledge is irrelevant; it simply power is decentralized and disciplinary, that power still manifests
means that we must do the best we can with probabilistic itself in the form of the affirmative harm. The affirmative simply
knowledge. Ninth, through argument we can come to attempts to redirect that particular form of disciplinary power.
intersubjective agreement about some things, but this process still Foucault to the best of may knowledge never argues that no
requires the comparison of reasons. Tenth, rejection of reason leads manifestations of power can ever be affected, nor that any effort to
to nihilist and violence The Nazis were probably the leading redirect power necessarily produces an equally harmful offsetting
political irrationalists of the twentieth century, and their example counter-effect.
should prove cautionary. Eleventh, reason produces the best policy
results. Even if scientific rationalism is the source of many In terms of the panopticon, I cannot recall any affirmative that
problems, in an overpopulated world it is likely that it also offers claimed that power is always bad or that knowledge is always
the only solution. Finally, it can be argued that rather than good. Some affirmatives may try to enhance knowledge but rarely
marginalizing, reason in fact empowers disadvantaged groups. if ever is their claim that knowledge is always beneficial. (And who
Certainly the alternative of Burkean "prejudices" seems far less would ever claim this anyway? Knowledge obviously can be
favorable to the marginalized. harmful--witness the knowledge of bomb making that resulted in
the destruction of the Oklahoma City Federal Building.)
CAUSALITY. The kritik of causality is grounded in the Furthermore, most affirmatives employ power, hardly implying
philosophy of David Hume, so it is important to know exactly what that they regard it as inherently oppressive.
Hume said about it. What he argued is that there is no logical
sanction for a belief in the process of inductive reasoning. We can't Second, there is no impact to disciplinary power shifting as a result
know as a matter of logical certainty that the future will repeat the of the plan. This is a completely unspecified scenario which cannot
past or that one event which always follows another was in fact be meaningfully weighed against a big affirmative impact. To
caused by the preceding event. Despite this, Hume still believed accept a war or some other disaster because disciplinary power
that inductive and causal reasoning were psychologically might react by doing something worse carries the risk of the
compelling. Hume as an empiricist, and he believed that humans unknown to an absurd point.
always act on the basis of their experience. Thus, the kritik of
causality is really more a demonstration of the limits of logical Third, Foucault's theory of power has been widely criticized. It
proof than it is a refutation of the principles of causation. seems to imply that the disciplines of a democratic society are as
oppressive as the manacles of a police state. Furthermore, the
Second, Hume draws an explicit line between philosophy and notion that there is no centralized power is silly. When Bush gave
practical affairs. He certainly would never have recommended the orders, the troops went to Kuwait; when Truman gave the
trying to act on the basis of a rejection of causality. In terms of his order, the bomb fell on Hiroshima.
psychological theories, in fact, he was essentially a determinist,
and in his later career as a historian he obviously assumed the Fourth, Foucault's theory is said to warrant complete political
validity of cause. passivity. It suggests that nothing constructive can be done, so one
might as well do nothing. Sometimes the power kritik is
Third, our daily experience confirms causality. Certain acts (absent accompanied by an argument suggesting the possibility of
intervening causes) invariably produce certain effects. Without a consciousness change, but it is hard to see where this idea is
belief in causality, it is hard to see how human life could proceed. grounded in Foucault's thought.
No one would eat or drink unless they believed that doing so
would cause certain effects. Fourth, if causation is even possibly Fifth, it can be argued that social discipline is necessary.
valid, it provides a reason to vote affirmative. If valid, the plan Disciplines which result from democratic choice and social
produces an advantage; if it is invalid, there is still no DA. Fifth, as convention are not self-evidently oppressive. Rejecting all forms
a kind of reduction to the absurd, you should also argue that if of social discipline-in the form of the prison, the school, the

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

business, even the family--is tantamount to anarchy. (But of course argument.) Finally, the kritik also appears to argue that by
that is another debate.) "rethinking" and the "refusal of spontaneous consent" the
repressive forces of the status quo can be "outflanked." Given their
A sixth argument attacks the historical basis of Foucault's theories. overwhelming power, it is difficult to see how this will be
A considerable body of evidence exists to the effect that he accomplished. There is no reason to believe that enough people
misrepresents historical facts and that his theories are not grounded will refuse "spontaneous consent" to make a difference (this is not
in evidence. Indeed, Foucault may not even have intended for his after all a unique disadvantage), nor is it clear why the judge's
theories to be taken literally, but rather as enlightening myths. single decision to rethink will make any real difference.
Again, though, it can be argued that myth is not a good basis for Furthermore, acts of assent and policy judgments are taking place
public policy. all of the time; it is unclear why this particular decision will be
decisive. In sum, this kritik, in effect, appears to be a super-generic
Seventh, if discipline pervades society then small, incremental social movements disadvantage, with the barest hint of uniqueness.
changes may be all that is possible. Despite has rather depressing It in effect calls on everyone to reject all policy ideas, no matter
sociology, Foucault was something of a political activist himself, how beneficial on their face, in the hope of obtaining a utopian
implying that he believed in the possibility of incremental change. mindshift of "galactic" significance. This seems far too vague to be
Finally, it is argued that Foucault's thought is essentially nihilistic, compelling.
that it lacks any consistent moral basis and that it essentially rejects
reason. HEIDEGGER/POST-HUMANISM. This kritik, also primarily out
of Spanos, but this time primarily based on Heidegger, is also
In terms of the panopticon kritik specifically, since I have never extremely vague. It argues essentially that humanism needs to be
heard this argument debated, it is unclear to me exactly how it rejected in favor of post-humanism, but it is somewhat short on
would play itself out. I have already suggested that few if any specifying just what either of these two positions entails. The
affirmatives actually make the "repressive hypothesis" on which essence of Heidegger's post-humanism appears to be the idea that
the kritik seems to rely. Second, this kritik also seems to rely in primary philosophical emphasis should be placed on "Being" rather
part on the idea of an "indissoluble continuum of forces." Exactly than human beings. But it is extremely unclear why one could not
what this means is a bit unclear. Presumably it means that believe this and still support any affirmative plan that has ever been
everything is connected and that actions in one part of a system can run. Surely neither Heidegger nor Spanos recommend completely
produce feedbacks in another. Again, this does not seem to be rejecting any concern with matters of practical politics; to be
something that the affirmative needs to deny. (Nor is this a vastly post-humanist does not mean to be anti-humanist. To win this
original insight--general systems theory has been around for some kritik, the negative needs to do two things. First, they need to win
time.) Feedbacks may, of course, produce disadvantages (or they that humanism should be rejected in favor of post-humanism, and
might snowball to reinforce the advantage). Or they might interfere second, they need to establish that from the post-humanist
with solvency. But it is presumably the burden of the negative to perspective the plan is a bad idea. This is not really established
prove just what feedbacks are likely to occur--otherwise this is even if the negative manages to prove that William Spanos
simply a glorified presumption argument. Nor does the fact that disagrees with some aspect of affirmative analysis. If the bottom
everything is connected mean that predictable localized effects line impact of an affirmative advantage is to prevent some global
cannot be produced. The most immediate effects are almost always or national catastrophe (or even to simply benefit a few people), it
the most pronounced. The pond ripples most dramatically at the is hard to see why even a post-humanist would reject it.
point of contact. And Mike Tyson swinging his fist may affect the
rest of the universe, but it affects the chin with which it connects In terms of the argument that post-humanism is superior to
the most forcefully. Third, insofar as the kritik rests on Foucault's humanism, a number of points can be made. First, liberal
equation of knowledge with power, it becomes paradoxical; that is, humanism can be defended as essentially progressive. This kritik
the kritik itself becomes just one more exercise in power and has rests once again on the idea that America and its new world order
no logical claim to possess a truth value. Fourth, knowledge isn't are inherently oppressive. Defeating this assumption should defeat
just power. Sometimes theories gain acceptance even though the the kritik. Second, the rejection of humanism can be said to lead to
powerful oppose them; the Copernican theory was eventually barbarism. Whatever one believes about Heidegger's own
accepted despite the opposition of the Church. Also, sometimes implications in Nazism, the two great political movements which
people adopt positions simply because they find them compelling. rejected liberal humanism in this century, Nazism and communism,
They may have no particular self-interest either way, or they might both slaughtered millions. Third, post-humanism is based on
even be compelled by the weight of the evidence to adopt a Heidegger's philosophy, and his thought has been indicted at
conclusion they would prefer to reject. Fifth, equating knowledge numerous levels. His obscurity has been said to mask intellectual
with power undermines science and rationality which, arguably, confusion, his thought has been described as intellectually
would be disastrous. Sixth, this kritik, which seems based authoritarian, he has been branded as a pseudo-theologian and a
exclusively on a book by English Professor William Spanos called nihilist. His central idea of Being has been criticized as
HEIDEGGER AND CRITICISM, in which he interprets Heidegger meaninglessly vague. (What does it mean to place central emphasis
and Foucault, explicitly assumes the overwhelming oppressiveness on Being?) Finally, there is the issue of Heidegger's Nazism.
of contemporary American society and the "New World Order"
with which it is connected. Thus, if the premise that the new world In terms of this question, there are really two distinct issues. The
order is evil can be defeated, or the assumption that America is a first is the actual degree of Heidegger's involvement with the
fundamentally oppressive society denied, then the kritik loses most Nazis. Two major biographers, Victor Farias and Hugo Ott, have
of its force. (Evidence under the CLS kritik makes this later argued that his involvement was extensive. In 1933, after the Nazi

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

ascendance, Heidegger accepted the state's appointment as rector that escape from normative thought is impossible. Schlag himself
of the University of Freiburg, an appointment heralded in Nazi is making a normative argument, that we should reject normativity.
publications. His speeches of this period have a definite pro-Nazi In fact, he recognizes this "performative contradiction," and talks
slant. In one of them he referred to "the inner truth and greatness his way around it, but never really seems to solve the problem.
of national socialism." What seems clear is that at least in the
middle 1930s, Heidegger admired and was politically involved The negative may argue that this merely shows how entrenched
with Hitler and Nazism. Nor is it clear that even after his short normativity is--that not even its opponents can escape its
tenure as rector, he repudiated Nazi beliefs. He was banned from terms--but that it still doesn't prove that it is valid. The affirmative
teaching from 1945 to 1951 because of his Nazi ties, and to the end can counter this argument by claiming that instead what it proves
of his life his condemnations of Nazism were relatively faint. is that human thought is inherently normative. It simply is the case
that we are constantly confronted with choices, and those choices
Still, probably the key question is not Heidegger's own degree of can only be made on the basis of value judgments. Third, there are
involvement in Nazism, but the degree to which his philosophy a wide variety of indictments of Schlag himself. One law review
parallels Nazism. This is contentious, but Stanley Rosen (in article develops at length the idea that his thought is warped by his
NIHILISM) and Richard Wolin (in THE POLITICS OF BEING) "paranoid intellectual style." Fourth, the affirmative should be
both argue strongly that his philosophy and his Nazism are prepared to defend individual autonomy. The normativity kritik
integrally related. Clearly Heidggger accepted the prevailing, seems to assume a fairly extreme form of hard determinism-that
mainly Nietzschean, critique of modernity, and therefore rejected people are directly determined by their immediate environments.
the liberal humanism of universal respect for persons. Heidegger
was also clearly something of a German nationalist. He believed in At least two perspectives are available for countering this
the metaphysical mission of Germany to regenerate the decadent argument. The first, indeterminism, argues that people are free in
West and saw the German state as the instrument of this mission. an absolute sense. The future is open and determined by individual
His rejection of humanism seems to have led him in two directions choices. The second position, compatiblism, argues that
at once. He moved on one level to the focus on Being, a determinism and free will are in fact compatible. Individuals are
perspective from which human lives are certainly not of the not directly determined by their environment, but rather by the
greatest significance, and on another level he moved in the total sum of their life experiences, including their reflections on
direction of German nationalism and veneration for the German those life experiences, as they interact with innate genetic
"volk." Again, it is hard to see this as unrelated to the Nazi project. predispositions. From this perspective, choice is still meaningful,
None of this is to imply that Heidegger has no valuable even if, there is only one choice which can be arrived at in the end,
philosophical insights, but in terms of his central rejection of the choice dictated by one's preponderant motives, including one's
humanism, the barbarous inhumanity of the political movement sense of identity. In choosing among these theories, indeterminism
with which he at least temporarily aligned himself suggests too seems to be in the most accord with our psychological experiences,
striking a parallel to be ignored. but compatiblism still maintains that human behavior is highly
flexible. determined by a whole set of conscious and unconscious
If Heidegger's politics are problematic, so is his ontology, or life experiences, and is not the simple product of direct
philosophy of being. Though Heidegger sometimes criticizes environmental pressure. Finally, it might be argued that whatever
metaphysics, it is difficult to conceive what could be more one thinks about the essentially metaphysical question of free will
metaphysical than a preoccupation with Being as opposed to versus determinism, free choice is one of the necessary
beings. Not only does this raise arguments about the meaningless, presuppositions of practical reason. Every action assumes the
or at least irresolvability, of metaphysical questions, it also seems power of choice; to reject freedom would seem to result in
irrelevant to decisions about public policy. Even if one accepts that complete passivity. The normativity kritik also attacks the idea of
philosophy should be a meditative rather than analytical process, the individual subject. This is part of the more general
the idea that ruminations about Being have relevance (in a positive postmodernist attack on the subject-object distinction. But while
sense) for public policy seems remote. the subject-object distinction may result in some intellectually
inelegant dualisms (i.e., the mind as free, the body as determined),
NORMATIVITY. This is among the more common kritiks but also to reject the idea of the individual subject seems to completely
one of the most radical. Whereas most other kritiks can be violate our experience of the world. Consciousness is individual;
conceived of as functioning as policy arguments, the normativity my experiences are my own, not someone else's. (They may
kritik explicitly challenges that framework. It argues that resemble other's, but this is a matter of inference.) Indeed, the mind
normative, that is, value-laden, thought assumes the existence of is sufficiently private and individual that the existence of other
autonomous freely choosing individuals who have the ability to minds is itself a matter of intellectual doubt. What produces the
influence the political institutions around them. Instead, the kritik individuality of consciousness? Presumably it is based on the fact
argues, individuals are determined by impersonal bureaucratic that individuals exist in separate bodies. Each body experiences its
forces, making normative thought and argument futile. own sensations; it may empathize with others, but no one directly
experiences what another body feels. The individual body,
Because this kritik makes such a complex set of assumptions, it can individual consciousness, and individual experience ultimately
be attacked at a number of levels. First, it is important to note that produce the sense (and indeed, I think, the reality) of being an
the key author behind the kritik, University of Colorado law individual self. And because each self is unique, the desire for
professor Pierre Schlag, is writing in the context of normative legal autonomy, that is, the desire to be self-determining, is a common
argument. He does not argue that no one should ever think about one.
any public policy questions. Second, a widely made argument is

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

No one of course is completely self-determining, but to have more acceptance of this kritik would ensure in terms of finding political
control of one's life and more ability to express one's individuality solutions to actual problems.
still remains a valid goal.
One variant of the normativity kritik also needs to be mentioned.
Fifth, the affirmative should also argue that some degree of Rather than directly arguing that normativity is meaningless, it
freedom clearly exists in the political sphere. Arguments do matter. holds that the affirmative to win must still justify its values. This
One set of arguments led to involvement in Vietnam; another set leads on occasion to an argument that the affirmative cannot prove
reversed the prevailing bureaucratic momentum and led to that life itself has value. The basic problem with this argument is
withdrawal. Also, bureaucracy is not an impervious, monolithic that it seems to confuse the realms of fact and value. Value
block. In 1973, seven judges decided that abortion was a statements and judgments simply cannot be proven true in the same
fundamental right of women. No bureaucratic imperative mandated way as a factual statement. Values are subjective (at least many
that decision, nor does any deterministic force preclude its reversal. would argue); they are based on emotion and decision, not
Judges of course are influenced by previously established primarily on objective fact. Based on this perspective, things have
convictions, but they still evaluate arguments and articulate reasons value because people value them. Thus, the press to "justify your
for choices that are in no clear and direct way dictated by outside values" becomes a classic illustration of the problem of infinite
forces. To believe that political action has no effect is to deny the regression. (Similarly, the unwillingness to accept on face that life
obvious reality that many grassroots movements have been has value seems to be a prototypical illustration of the kind of
incredibly influential over the past thirty years, including the civil nihilism which the kritik can engender.) Some values, such as
rights movement, the anti-war movement, the women's movement, efficiency, are clearly instrumental; that is they are not ends in
the pro-life movement, and the gay liberation movement, to name themselves, but rather means to enhance other values. An argument
only a few. that instrumental values must be justified in terms of an ultimate
value is coherent, but the argument that one must "justify" ultimate
Sixth, history belies the idea of institutional determinism. values is probably not. Though the idea that basic values can be
Ironically enough, Marxism, which believed in historical justified in an ultimate sense is probably wrong, there are still some
inevitability, may provide the best example of the power of ideas. arguments which can be made in terms of defending the value of,
With hindsight, it seems fairly clear that the rise of Soviet say, life. It might be argued that people empirically value life.
communism was not inevitable; rather it resulted in substantial part Suicide is relatively rare, and most people strive extremely hard to
anyway from the persuasive power of Marx's ideas on talented defend their lives. It might be argued that the will to live, the will
leaders such as Lenin and Trotsky. Similarly, the fall of Soviet to survive is a basic biological value, built in to our genetic
communism hardly seems to have been dictated by bureaucratic structures. It might be argued that social consensus validates the
imperatives (the bureaucracy would have wanted to perpetuate value of life. Finally, it might be argued that life is a prerequisite
itself through the retention of communism), but rather was the to the pursuit of any values at all, so that if anything is of value,
result of the rejection of the idea of communism in favor of the idea life is. This version of the normativity kritik also contains a
of liberal democracy. performative contradiction of sorts since the person questioning the
value of life is living and has presumably found reasons to
Seventh, the normativity kritik rests explicitly on postmodern and continue to do so. While I would not challenge your opponents to
deconstructive premises. Of all the major kritiks, therefore, commit suicide (because I at least value life), this apparent paradox
arguments attacking these perspectives are most directly relevant is probably still worth noting.
here. Also, since the normativity kritik argues for the rejection of
public policy debate, all of the arguments defending the public STATISM. As noted in the section describing the types of kritiks,
policy framework apply well here. the statism kritik takes several forms. The one I will be mainly
concerned about here argues that the nation state system is
Eighth, the kritik of normativity seems paradoxical and fundamentally flawed, that it is oppressive and militaristic. The
self-defeating. The kritik obviously rests on the idea that people implicit alternative which this kritik suggests is anarchy, although
should have power but that power is denied them by repressive the negative sometimes waffles between anarchy and world
institutions. If it were not for normative thought, however, this government as both being preferable to the nation state system.
condition would not even be noteworthy. The sense of oppression
itself rests on a normative idea. Further, to reject normativity In answering this kritik, you should argue first that you do not
would seem to entail complete political passivity. It would ensure assume that the state is necessarily on balance good. The case
tyranny by leading individuals to completely refrain from even merely argues that in a statist world, the plan would be an
thinking about policy issues, let alone attempting to influence improvement. Thus, the kritik is not really competitive. The state
policy. might be bad on balance, but in a world of states the plan might
still be a good idea. Second, the affirmative can permute, arguing
At a certain point in his argument, Schlag employs the analogy of that the best option would be a state system scaled back to that
being lost in the forest. If one doesn't know which way to go, he minimum needed to carry out the plan. Arguably, this would solve
argues, there is no point in wandering aimlessly. One can deny for the real abuses of statism (such as excessive militarism) while
certainly that being lost in the forest is an apt metaphor for our still gaining the affirmative advantage. Third, the statism kritik can
condition when it comes to making normative decisions. But even be indicted as utopian. The state is not going to be abolished, so
if it is, by wandering aimlessly there is at least a chance that one why question the state as a framework for evaluating policy?
will find his or her way out. Not going in any direction ensures that Fourth, the argument can also be made here that this kritik is too
one will remain lost, which seems to be pretty much what the generic. Since it can be run on any topic, it violates the topic's

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

discussion directing function. This is reinforced by the lack of a was able to sustain its empire.
literature advocating anarchy in the context of the specific topic.
In terms of the version of the kritik that insists that government can
Fifth, there are many arguments which can and should be made never be effective, the best option is probably to try to find as
against anarchy. Hobbes argued that we need the state for many examples of effective government action as you can. Most
self-defense, that life in the state of nature would be "poor, nasty, government efforts have their defenders, and potential examples
brutish, and short." Biologists such as E.O.Wilson and Konrad range from anti-poverty efforts to environmental protection to
Lorenz argue that humans are innately aggressive; thus, it can be foreign policy. (America's major foreign policy initiatives in this
argued the state is needed to check the war of all against all. century, including World War I, World War II, the Cold War, and
Harvard philosopher Robert Nozick has argued that at least the the Gulf War did all end in success, at least in terms of the goals
minimal state is not necessarily unjust because it could naturally being sought. Vietnam, of course, was a failure, but it was only a
emerge out of a desire for self-defense in a way in which no one's battle in the Cold War.)
rights would be violated. Analogously, if the state were abolished,
there is no reason to believe that it would not be immediately CRITICAL LEGAL STUDIES. Critical legal studies was discussed
reinvented. People would inevitably band together for self-defense. in some detail in the Introduction to Volume II of THE
Stronger groups would come to dominate weaker ones and a legal HANDBOOK OF MORAL AND POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY, so
hierarchy would reemerge in order to maintain social control. I will not repeat the discussion of rights found in that source. CLS
Others argue that the state is needed to protect rights which would is the source of policy arguments as well as kritiks; indeed, CLS
be trampled on in the state of nature, that the state is needed to arguments are probably made less often as kritiks than as case
prevent the exploitation of the weak by the strong (slavery would arguments against the value of rights or of the rule of law.
arguably reemerge if there was no central authority to suppress its
practice) and that the state is needed to protect the environment. In response to the rule of law kritik, several points can be made.
The later point is confirmed by basic economic theory which First, rule of law is essential to check government tyranny. Law
insists that pollution is an economic externality (a cost imposed may be imperfect, but in a world without rule of law, individuals
upon others) which businesses would never check without would be subject to arbitrary arrest, indefinite detention, and
regulation. potentially torture and death. It seems relatively clear that states
where the rule of law is not respected, such as the People's
The statism kritik is somewhat anomalous because it grows out of Republic of China, are far more oppressive than those where rule
an intellectual tradition, the anarchism of the eighteenth and of law is at least imperfectly upheld. Second, rule of law also
nineteenth centuries, which is distinctly rationalist. Its assumption protects minorities. Arbitrary rule is especially likely to fall on
is that people are basically good and rational, but that they have minorities, and again, while the equal protection of law is
been corrupted by evil institutions. Given this argument, the imperfect, it seems to be better than nothing. Liberty, democracy,
affirmative may well wish to defend contrary arguments by and prosperity are all also linked to the rule of law.
modernist and postmodernist thinkers such as Nietzsche and Freud
who stress the importance of unreason and aggressiveness in the In terms of critical legal studies positions in general, several points
human makeup. Most thought from Darwin tends to deny the can be made. The most important, I think, is to deny the central
optimistic views of the early anarchists. premise of CLS -- that the present US political and economic
system is intolerably oppressive. It can be argued that America has
A final point about anarchy as an option is that it is a viewpoint made major progress in terms of racial and sexual equality.
rejected by probably every major figure in the history of Western America is obviously not the most economically egalitarian of
philosophy. Plato and Aristotle believed that humans are inherently societies, but disparities in wealth can be defended as a just
political animals. The major political theorists of the modern age, reflection of differences in effort and talent. Most of the rest of the
including Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Kant, Rawls, and Nozick, all world, at least at present, seems to have concluded that some form
conclude that some sort of state, generally said to be based on an of liberal democracy with a mixed economic system is optimal.
at least implicit social contract, is necessary to public order. Despite democracy's discontent, I think it is a persuasive argument
Though anarchy has its defenders t they remain a miniscule that there is no better system available. The CLS authors are
minority, both in their numbers and influence. certainly indicted for lacking an alternative. Presumably most of
them favor some form of democratic socialism, but there is no
It is important to prevent the negative from shifting to a defense of noticable movement in that direction in contemporary America.
world government as an alternative to either the state or anarchy. (Even debaters have pretty much given up on running socialism as
You should try to pin the negative down as early as possible as to a disadvantage.)
what alternative they envision to the state. If they indicate multiple
alternatives, you should argue that this is an unacceptable degree FENIMINISM. Feminist perspectives have served as the basis for
of conditionality, that it is impossible to debate the merits of the kritiks of rights and kritiks of the rule of law. Feminism could also
plan, the merits of anarchy, the merits of world government, and be used as the basis for a kritik of objective reason as an essentially
perhaps the merits of open borders all in the same round. In terms male way of looking at the world. Feminism generally, and
of world government itself, some arguments are that it is absurdly feminist rights theories in particular, have been discussed in some
utopian (the tendency of the present international system is toward depth in THE HANDBOOKS OF MORAL AND POLITICAL
devolution, not concentration), that an effective world government PHILOSOPHY (a 6-volume set also available from Paradigm), so
would be intolerably oppressive, and that world government I will limit my comments here mainly to these latter two kritiks.
probably couldn't sustain itself, any more than the Soviet Union

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

In terms of the feminist kritik of the rule of law, most of the other kritiks. This section includes evidence for example on the
answers to the CLS rule of law kritik should also apply here. difficulty of paradigm change which might apply to
Second, it is important to realize that even radical feminists don't post-humanism, the panopticon, etc.
reject all law; few if any of them are anarchists. What feminists
such as MacKinnon object to is neutral rule of law which NARRATIVE. The most prominent use of critical race theory in
entrenches gender inequality. They would favor a rule of law debate to date has been as the primary source for the narrative.
which benefited women. Thus, for their kritik to be applicable, two Narratives are not necessarily kritiks (though they have sometimes
conditions would need to hold. First, the plan would have to deal been described as post-kritiks), but they have both practical and
with a women's issue. And second, it would have to apply legal theoretical affinities to the kritik and therefore warrant some
neutrality in a way unfavorable to women. It should be noted attention here.
finally that "rule of law bad" arguments cannot really function as
disadvantages because they are so non-unique. Neutral legal A narrative is essentially a story. The story can be fictional or true,
standards are pervasive, and one more such standard won't make but it is intended to support a conclusion or make a didactic point.
any real difference. Narratives are said to dramatize the actual realities of a situation
more effectively than more coldly rational, analytic argument.
It is arguable that rejecting neutral rules would in fact be bad for Narratives are also said to more effectively give voice to the
women. As long as women are in a disadvantaged position, neutral distinctive perspectives of women and minorities.
principles such as nondiscrimination should work in their favor.
And if women were strong enough politically to pass laws biased The first narratives in debate, run by Weber State on the college
in favor of women, then arguably such laws would no longer be criminal procedure topic, drew on the critical race literature. The
necessary. Weber 1AC was simply two extended stories, one involving the
return by time travel of a black woman to the Constitutional
It also seems doubtful that rejecting reason would benefit women. Convention of 1787 and the other concerning a proposal by
Women's advance to date has depended heavily on liberal extra-terrestrials to provide earth with utopian technologies in
rationalist appeals. Rejecting reason may make power the only exchange for the enslavement of blacks. Another narrative, run by
norm, which would be counterproductive from the feminist the University of Texas on the Middle East topic, argued that the
standpoint. voices of the Palestinians have been largely ignored in American
policy toward the mid-east and concluded with a personal narrative
A fundamental issue in terms of all of the feminist kritiks in the by a Palestinian woman. In neither case was a plan presented, and
current status of women. If women are making bona fide advances the link between the narratives and the resolution (that criminal
within the current liberal, rationalist framework, then once again, procedure should be changed or security assistance increased) was
much of the force of these kritiks is mitigated. Thus, arguments left as a matter of inference rather than explicitly articulated.
that women are advancing rapidly, both socially and economically,
seem useful to make against all of these kritiks. In legal scholarship, narratives have been criticized on a number of
grounds. One indictment is that narratives are ineffective. The
ANTHROPOCENTRISM. This kritik, arguing that a central focus appeal to personal experience is unlikely to be persuasive unless
on human beings is environmentally destructive, in some ways the audience has similar experiences on which they can draw. This
parallels the Heideggerian/post-humanist kritik. It also is means that narrative can be effective for consciousness raising
commonly made as a environmental ethic, or deep ecology within a group but is unlikely to be effective when it comes to
disadvantage. Since the cards in this section seem especially persuading those outside the group. Second, narratives are indicted
self-explanatory, I will only make a few brief comments on this as counterproductive. Telling stories is, of course, one of the oldest
kritik. forms of persuasion, and some stories clearly are persuasive. The
danger is that the story may be overly simplistic, atypical, or even
First, an ecocentric or biocentric perspective does not necessarily untruthful. Mark Tushnet makes this indictment of stories about
mean that human interests become irrelevant. Humans are also part "political correctness." Ronald Reagan's simplistic stories about the
of the biosphere, that is, they are also part of nature, and all "evil empire" and the nuclear shield provided ostensibly by
animals have a natural tendency to seek to advance their own ballistic missile defense may have distorted public policy and
interests. If helping humans doesn't hurt other species, then even wasted billions of dollars. The Nazi story about the international
from a ecocentric or "deep ecological" framework, there is no Jewish conspiracy was even more pernicious in its results. The
reason not to help them. Second, many affirmative advantages will point of all these examples is that narratives can undermine sound
also help other species and the environment at large. War is bad for argument at least as easily as they can enhance it. The answer to
living things other than humans, and nuclear war might be the this indictment might be that this just means that we need to
ultimate environmental tragedy. Third, if every species mainly critically assess stories to determine their validity. This is difficult,
seeks to maximize its own advantage, then rejecting however, especially where fictional stories are concerned. Stories
anthropocentrism might, paradoxically, constitute an effort to place like this may be designed to make a point, but a counter-story
humans uniquely above nature. Fourth, anthropocentrism is making the opposite potent could just as easily be constructed. And
defensible. Only sentient life can have ultimate value because only since neither is true, it's next to impossible to choose between
sentient life can experience value. Human consciousness may also them. Most of these problems with narrative in law carry over to
give people a unique capacity to experience value. narrative in debate. In addition, there are a number of problems
with the use of narrative unique to debate. First, the narratives
Some of the evidence in the anthropocentrism section will apply to offered to date haven't included a plan. In this sense, it seems fair

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

to say that they have functioned as kritiks of the status quo but always counterproductive, as well as immoral. Non-violent
have failed to propose an alternative. Also, since there is no plan, methods, in this view, offer the best hope for peace and progress.
it is difficult if not impossible to conclude that the affirmative is
topical. This is especially so because the narratives offered often The doctrine of pacifism has been indicted at a number of levels.
fail to clearly even support the resolution. The narratives about Some defenses of non-violence are grounded in deontological
time travel and space aliens at most seem to suggest that there is considerations of absolute morel right and wrong. But even
racism in American society; they offer no direct reason to believe approached deontologically, non-violence is not clearly justified.
that criminal procedure should be changed. In Kantian terms, it would be possible to universalize the principle
that violence should be used only in self-defense; thus, at least a
And to say that Americans need to be more attentive to Palestinian limited use of violence seems consistent with the categorical
voices hardly proves that security assistance should be increased. imperative. Further, it is argued that non-violence inevitably
(It may prove the opposite--that Israel's security assistance should involves sacrificing some lives in the short term, an approach
be cut.) The standard affirmative answer to the topicality which would seem to violate the Kantian prohibition against using
indictment is to accuse the negative of trying silence the others solely as means. In consequentialist terms, the case for
affirmative and the perspectives it is seeking to advance. To me absolute non-violence is even more problematic. If avoiding
this is unpersuasive. No one has interrupted the affirmative violence is the primary goal, then it seems acceptable to use
speeches; the negative has simply argued that what the affirmative violence if greater violence is thereby avoided. The notion that
has said is irrelevant to the subject of the debate. Also, by this military force never succeeds is denied by every successful war
logic, the affirmative should never lose for being non-topical, an ever fought in history, and the forty-five year history of the cold
outcome which would probably destroy debate as we know it. war seems to prove that military preparedness can sometimes
prevent war. It is also argued that non-violence can succeed only
Another basic problem with the narrative, at least as it has so far under limited circumstances. Gandhian non-violence was effective
appeared in debate, is that it fails to advocate anything. The against the British because they shared many of Gandhi's values,
narratives are simply offered and allowed to stand on their own, but against an adversary like the Nazis, there is little reason to
letting the audience draw its own conclusions. Debate, I would believe that non-violence would have succeeded. (Jewish
argue, is best understood as a process of making competing claims. resistance to the Nazis was largely non-violent.) When the Soviet
The narrative in a sense is irrefutable simply because it never tanks rolled into Czechoslovakia in 1968, non-violent resistance
makes an explicit claim. And since it also fails to offer a policy, it proved of no avail.
provides nothing tangible to either endorse or attack.
Beyond the broader question of pacifism, this kritik has additional
Stories are clearly a part of persuasion, and there is nothing wrong problems applied to the question of domestic law enforcement.
with stories in debate. Debaters, indeed, clearly tell stories in every Many pacifists probably believe that while war is always wrong
round. The problem is that to be meaningfully evaluated those (that it is too destructive, inevitably takes innocent lives, and even
stories need to fit into a broader argumentative framework. threatens human survival), state coercion against criminals is
Narrative can be a tool of persuasion, but simply standing alone acceptable. Even King didn't advocate disbanding the police. If, on
narrative should not persuade very much. the other hand, non-violence is carried even to the extent of
prohibiting state coercion against criminals, it becomes a version
In sum, there are several powerful arguments against narrative as of anarchy; that is, it effectively rejects all civil authority. This is,
an exclusive form of argument in a debate. First, the lack of a plan of course, a defensible position, but it goes far beyond the debate
makes the debate too intangible. Plans, especially on broad topics, over non-violence as it normally occurs.
provide the specificity needed for intelligent discussion. Second,
the negative should try to argue that the stories offered fail to CULTURAL RELATIVISM. Cultural relativism argues that there
support the resolution. Whines about being silenced don't obviate are no moral values which transcend particular cultures. Values,
the affirmative need to be topical. Third, even if the affirmative instead, emerge out of the particular history and traditions of a
argues for the resolution exclusively by means of narrative, the group of people. If this is the case, then to criticize one culture in
negative need not rely solely on narrative to deny the resolution. If terms of the standards of another is seen as ethnocentric and
the negative can prove with non-narrative evidence the resolution oppressive. In some versions of relativism it is argued that it is
is untrue, then the inferential impact of the affirmative stories essential to recognize difference in order to respect "the other" as
should be undercut. a person or group of equal dignity.

NON-VIOLENCE. Non-violence is a kritik which has been run for Themes associated with cultural relativism have appeared in a
several years, mainly on international topics. Because of this, and number of debate arguments. They figure prominently in
because it could conceivably be applied to the juvenile crime topic, arguments indicting universal standards of human rights. The
I am treating it here. Non-violence has been conceived both as a Orientalism kritik, popular on the Middle East topic, made the
doctrine of systematic opposition to war and as a method of social relativist claim that Asian cultures cannot be effectively understood
reform. Grounded in part in Thoreau's theories of civil from the standpoint of Western values. Finally, discussion of "the
disobedience, it has been applied most successfully in this century other" figured in kritiks associated with the China topic.
by Gandhi in India and Martin Luther King, Jr. in the United
States. The idea of non-violent resistance blurs fairly readily into Cultural relativism can be a persuasive argument, but it also poses
the idea of pacifism or total opposition to war. In both its a number of problems. First, an absolute commitment to the idea
international and its domestic forms, it argues that violence is of cultural relativism requires one to defend the moral

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

acceptability, under some circumstances, of slavery, cannibalism, this regard. According to one author, this process can create a
human sacrifice, and infanticide, not to mention numerous forms "rupture" in nuclear discourse, leading to potential salvation.
of racism and sexism. Second, the idea of respecting all cultures is Second, you should remember the definition of "nuclearism":
in effect an appeal to ad universal standard--tolerance--not found veneration or worship of nuclear weapons. Based on this
in most cultures. If respecting difference is a universal norm, then definition, most teams, I think, can plausibly deny that they are
this implies that there are universals which apply across cultures, nuclearist. Certainly, to claim nuclear war as an impact is hardly to
but if it is not a universal standard, then it is just another culture worship nuclear weapons--it labels them as the ultimate threat.
specific convention, without any ethical priority attached to it. Even reliance on nuclear deterrence may not be "nuclearism."
Third, it is easily possible to exaggerate cultural differences. In the Deterrence can be regarded as a tragic necessity but one which is
modern world, faced with the conditions of industrial and unavoidable. (As is often argued, the nuclear genie, once let loose,
post-industrial society, cultures have become much more similar in can never again be bottled up.)
many of their values. There is, for example, at least almost
universal lip service paid to the idea of democracy. Finally, The argument that focusing on small risks leads to neglect of larger
cultures are not unitary. Who, for example, speaks for Chinese ones has several problems. First is the question of uniqueness
culture--the communist party or the demonstrators in Tianamen (which seems relevant here since this form of the kritik is basically
Square? Who better spoke for American culture in the a policy argument). For there to be a unique "turn" impact, it is
1950s--pro-segregation Southern whites or Martin Luther King? necessary to show that we are now addressing the greater nuclear
Arguments could be made for either side in terms of either of these risk which the smaller risk is said to distract from. Second, the link
examples, but it may be that the best answer is "none of the above." seems suspect. Nuclear strategists consider all kinds of nuclear
If there are a plurality of cultures within the world, then it seems risks--and properly so. Where millions of lives and potential
reasonable to believe that their are a plurality of perspectives human extinction are at stake even remote scenarios should be
within a given culture. If this is the case, then the appeal to cultural considered. Third, it might be that focus on smaller risks can in fact
values becomes a good deal less viable. heighten concern about the greater ones. Consciousness concerning
the risk of nuclear war is a general kind of thing. Nuclear activists
NUCLEARISM. The term "nuclearism" was apparently coined by tend not to be worried about only one kind of nuclear threat; they
the psychologist, Robert Jay Lifton, an author who has written are concerned with the whole gamut of risks. Raising
extensively about the potential physical and psychological effects consciousness about one risk thus might well heighten
of a nuclear war. By "nuclearism" Lifton means an excessive consciousness about others.
reliance upon, to the point of veneration or worship of, nuclear
weapons. The critique of nuclearism often takes the form of an The kritik has its most valid application against teams who really
indictment of the language or discourse of nuclear weapons. An do increase reliance on nuclear weapons by expanding their use,
example would be to refer to a nuclear missile, which is after all a developing new technologies, and devising new strategies. And
weapon of mass destruction, as the "peacekeeper." This kind of there is some plausibility to the claim that devising elaborate
language is said to obscure the true dangers of nuclear war and scenarios for nuclear war fighting (as defense planners do) tends to
therefore to increase the risk of the ultimate cataclysm. desensitize by glossing over the true horrors of a nuclear exchange.
But even here there are a number of potential responses. First, it is
There are various ways in which the critique of nuclearism has arguable that nuclear weapons have kept the general peace for over
been and can be translated into policy debate. The clearest link fifty years. It has not been a particularly comfortable peace, lived
would seem to be to affirmatives which expand the nuclear arsenal, under the nuclear sword, but the central war in Europe which
developing some new form of nuclear weapon or nuclear strategy. seemed so threatening in the 1940s and 1950s has been avoided,
The language and assumptions of such an affirmative may well be largely, many think, because of nuclear deterrence. Second, if
nuclearist in Lifton's terms; that is, they may express an nuclear weapons are a fact of life, as they certainly are currently,
overconfident reliance on nuclear weapons as a savior. Of course, then it is also a fact of life that there is going to be some nuclear
the number of affirmatives who call for expanding nuclear forces strategy--and better a sound, thoughtful strategy than one adopted
is quite limited; thus, teams wanting to run the nuclearism kritik by indifference or default. Third, if the affirmative wins its case,
have looked for more generic links. Sometimes it has been argued then it wins that the approach it employs is likely to enhance peace.
that even referring to the threat of nuclear war (for example, by And there is a good likelihood that the detailed specifics of
claiming it as a case or disadvantage impact) is self-fulfilling. affirmative analysis will be more compelling than the highly
Thus, by this logic, we shouldn't even discuss the nuclear threat. generic (and largely non-unique) indictment provided by the
Alternatively, it has sometimes been argued that to focus on nuclearism kritik.
smaller nuclear risks leads to the neglect of more substantial ones.
Thus, there are several actual and potential "nuclearism" kritiks. THREAT CONSTRUCTION. The threat construction kritik was
How should one respond? developed and popularized in 1995-96 on the college Middle East
debate topic. One main source of this kritik is political scientist
First, the idea that we should simply ignore the risks of nuclear war Ronnie Lipschutz, editor of a 1995 book titled, ON SECURITY.
seems untenable. Considerable evidence (much of it from members What this kritik argues is that military threats are subjective rather
of the peace movement, including Lifton himself) insists that the than objective entities. Rather than objectively existing in the
nuclear threat can be checked only by constant vigilance and natural world, threats are constructed in the minds of those who
unceasing inquiry. A contemplation of the possibility of human feel threatened. This is not to deny that an objective, physical
extinction, such as that conducted by Jonathan Schell in his book, world exists; subjective threat perception doesn't change the
THE FATE OF THE EARTH, is said to be particularly salutary in number of tanks, planes, and nuclear warheads in various countries'

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

arsenals. But military hardware, the weapons themselves, is not reality. And "objective" reality includes the doctrines and
what constitutes a threat. Rather, threats are construals or intentions of potential adversaries, not only their military hardware.
constructions of the significance of those weapons, based on a A third argument is that if constructed threats become real, then the
certain reading of opposing intentions. The arms exist "out there" threats which we have constructed in the past are now real threats
in the world, but the threat exists only in the mind. Unfortunately, which need to be countered. It might be that initially the Arabs and
the subjective construction of threats can be self-fulfilling. In Israelis constructed each other as threats, but the result has been a
perceiving some nation as a threat, a state of mind is created which history of hatred and warfare which is not "deconstructed" simply
leads to certain potentially belligerent responses. If one nation by recognizing its origins. (Of course, there also seem to be real
perceives a threat, it is likely to become threatening in response. conflicts of interest here--who controls what lands. It isn't just "a
This can lead to an escalatory process of action and reaction. (This failure to communicate.")
is the essential process of an arms race.) The end result is that
constructed threats become real. Taken, as I have so far, as a relatively straightforward foreign
"policy" argument, the threat construction kritik has both strengths
This argument, concerning the creation of enemies through a and weaknesses. Its strength is that mainstream foreign policy
process of misperception, is a common one in foreign policy experts recognize that the false construction of threats is a real
literature. Such mainstream, "realist" foreign policy experts as problem, a real danger. The weakness is that this hardly seems to
George F. Kennan and Hans Morgenthau discuss this as a major be an absolute argument. Since it is offset, in the abstract, by the
problem in foreign policy assessment. And treated as a foreign danger of failing to sufficiently appreciate a threat, the relative
policy argument, the issue here seems relatively straightforward. weight to be given to the kritik can only be resolved on a case by
Yes, there are dangers associated with exaggerating threats--doing case basis--which means by actually debating the case (or
so can lead to mythical "missile gaps," arms races, unneeded disadvantage) scenario.
interventions, and nuclear brinkmanship. Much of the history of
the Cold War is an illustration of these perils. But there are also There is, however, an epistemological dimension to this kritik
dangers associated with under-assessing threats. The second world which makes it more complicated. The kritik is often defended in
war is, of course, the classic case in point. Hitler developed into a terms of a particular postmodern epistemological perspective
major world menace, it is often argued, because the threat he posed commonly referred to as "social constructivism." This argues, in
was ignored or at least under-valued. It seems, then, that there are essence, that "reality" is socially constructed. There is no
two dangers which foreign policy must avoid: "constructing" "objective" reality "out there." "Reality" is simply our
unreal threats and ignoring real ones. Which of these concerns interpretation of reality--and there are many equally valid
should be greater? Clearly a case can be made for either side, and interpretations. This isn't the place for a detailed discussion of
the answer will hinge on what one thinks generally motivates social constructivism, but I do want to make a few comments
nations to go to war. If wars mainly start reactively, out of fear, concerning how this idea functions in terms of this particular kritik.
then the threat construction side seems to have a compelling case.
(During the Cold War, this argument took the form of the claim First, the kritik claims to avoid "radical relativism" because it
that the United States needed to avoid "encircling" the Soviet doesn't question the existence of actual physical objects (i.e.,
Union. The Soviets were said to be essentially defensive, but the military hardware). Instead, it makes the less radical claim that
wounded bear was deemed capable of striking back.) But, if wars social reality is socially constructed. In some sense, this statement
are mainly offensive, designed to secure some policy objective, is unexceptionable. Many aspects of the world (including the
then the pro-deterrence, anti-appeasement side seems strong. (This, intentions of foreign leaders) are relatively opaque and do have to
of course, led in the Cold War to the policy of containment.) be interpreted. Thus, our view of the international scene is, in some
sense, a "construct." But what an epistemological and metaphysical
From the anti-kritik side, one strong argument is that most wars in realist would insist is that it can be a better or worse construct--one
this century have been started by aggressor or "imperialistic" which is closer to or further from reality. And again, it seems
nations who wish to restructure the international status quo. And, important to insist that motives and intentions do actually exist in
according to this argument, such aggressor nations have almost the minds of other people. Those motives and intentions are, in
always underestimated the strength (either the military capabilities part, influenced by how they perceive others. But they also have an
or the will to fight) of their opponents. The invasion of Kuwait in objective dimension. Hitler and Saddam, Stalin and the Kaiser had
1991 is offered as a classic example of this process. If this theory real aims, and hard as Chamberlain tried to "construct" Hitler as a
of war initiation is true, then faulty threat construction seems less peace-lover, that attempted construction didn't change the reality
of a problem. Countries which perceive threats are likely to be of Nazi racism and aggression. There is a hard and a soft version
deterred; those which don't see threats are more likely to become of social constructivism. The soft version admits that we do have
expansionist and actually threaten peace. to interpret the world but insists that there is still an objective
world which we are interpreting-so it's important for us to get it
Another argument which can be made against this kritik is that right. Hard constructivism seems to claim that reality is nothing but
since both under-valuing and over-valuing threats is a danger, it is our interpretations -- that those interpretations are, in effect,
necessary to decide the question of what really is a threat on a case constitutive of reality. There are a number of problems with this
by case basis. To say that there are no real threats (until we "perspective." If reality is just a construction, then we seem to have
construct them) seems patently false. Hitler really was a threat to done a relatively bad job of constructing it. But the pain in the
the jews. Saddam really was a threat to Kuwait. The perception of belly of a starving person doesn't seem to be just an interpretation.
threats is, of course, subjective; it is a mental construct. But that The world has a hard, recalcitrant reality which seems independent
mental construct either corresponds or fails to correspond to of our wishes. The person falling from a fifty story building can't

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

simply reinterpret the pavement into something softer. Finally, the postmodern) authors from whom kritiks generally derive. (In fact,
distinction between a "real" physical world and an interpreted neopragmatism is sometimes itself classified as a postmodern
social world is also problematic. It implies an extreme dualism; philosophy.) But whereas the leading European philosophers who
that is, it suggests that humans are somehow separate from actual are associated with postmoderism, such as Nietzsche, Heidegger,
physical nature rather than a part of it. and Foucault, tend to derive from their anti-foundationalism
extremely radical ethical and political positions, pragmatism sees
Two final comments. First, it is not clear to me that Lipschutz anti-foundationalism as compatible with the tenets of liberal
himself embraces anything like hard (or even semi-hard) morality and politics.
constructivism. In a number of places, he seems to suggest that
there are some real threats or at least that the evaluation of threats Many kritiks stress our inherent inability to establish certain things,
is unavoidable. Second, while this kritik works reasonably well from the basis of science to the value of life. The pragmatist would
against teams who focus on particular threatening agents in the agree that we can never establish things with complete certainty.
international environment (i.e., we need to be strong to counter But lacking certainty, this simply means that we are forced to act
"rogue" nations like Iran and Iraq), it works far less well against on the basis of our admittedly incomplete, relative, and ultimately
impacts which focus on more systemic causes of war. To say, for foundationless knowledge. The fact that there are no certainties
example, that depression could lead to another world war doesn't shouldn't lead to paralysis, but to doing the best we can with our
seem to construct a threat (at least in any pernicious way). No one limited means.
will fear us and arm against us because we think prosperity is
important for peace. Rather than constructing an enemy, the peace Like the postmodernists, pragmatists see humans as socially
through prosperity argument is a reading of history, and even if constructed, but rather than leading to inevitable conflict,
history is an ambiguous text, it is not one which we can escape pragmatism sees this as the basis for democratic social cooperation.
attempting to read. Thus, the threat construction kritik should not In the pragmatist perspective, such mainstream values as humanism
be seen as an all-purpose response to all war impacts. It has and human welfare, social reform and political problem solving,
argumentative force under certain circumstances (where specific scientific and technological progress are all vindicated. In contrast,
threats are isolated), but it is not a universal indictment against pragmatism questions the usefulness of radical critique (especially
teams who try to promote peace. critique located at the highly abstract levels of ontology or
epistemology). Pragmatists see abstract philosophizing as disabling
PRAGMATISM. Though not a counter-kritik per se, pragmatism rather than liberating. Rorty, in fact, argues that the American
is a counterperspective which can be quite useful in answering political left has been undermined by the postmodern "cultural"
kritiks. In fact, the final round of the 1998 National Debate left.
Tournament was won by a team from Northwestern University
who defended a pragmatist perspective in opposition to the Thus, pragmatism is critical of many of the practices associated
Heidegger/Spanos kritik run (quite successfully) by Emory with kritiks: an ideological or paradigmatic focus, an emphasis on
University. language or discourse, the failure to offer alternatives, and so on.
Pragmatism also provided the basis for indicting many of the
Pragmatism is considered to be the major philosophical tradition leading philosophers associated with postmodernism and the kritik,
to originate in the United States. Pragmatism is generally said to be including Heidegger, Foucault, Derrida, Lyotard, and Spanos.
grounded in the writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson, who flourished
during the middle decades of the nineteenth century, but as a The pragmatic perspective can also be applied in a number of
formal philosophy, pragmatism was first articulated around the turn specific areas. "Environmental pragmatism" is a very useful
of the century in the writings of authors such as C.S. Pierce and perspective from which to indict kritiks such as deep ecology,
William James. The most influential figure in the pragmatist social ecology, and ecofeminism. Pragmatism is also defended in
tradition was probably John Dewey, a philosopher whose work the foreign policy field. A pragmatic approach to foreign policy
profoundly affected progressive education. Among contemporary implies at least two things. First, it suggests skepticism toward
"neopragmatists," probably the most noteworthy is Richard Rorty, "grand strategies" such as the containment policy of the cold war
a philosopher who teaches at the University of Virginia. years. What foreign policy pragmatists suggest is that in the
post-cold war world there are simply too many uncertainties to
Pragmatism, as its name suggests, attempts to focus its attention on make reliable long range predictions and to make dependable long
the practical, rather than the purely theoretical, problems of range plans. What foreign policy pragmatism suggests is support
mankind. In doing so, it tends to reject most of the traditional for the logic of incrementalism, cautious, step by step reform,
problems of philosophy (especially those of a metaphysical or rather than radical redirection. Second, foreign policy pragmatism
epistemological nature) as pseudoproblems, that is, as either implies that we should be cautious with regard to general foreign
meaningless or moot. Especially noteworthy is the pragmatist policy paradigms such as realism, liberalism, or constructivism.
theory of truth. Rather than searching for epistemological The pragmatic view would seem to be that we need not be
foundations, pragmatism equates "truth" with whatever works. Our exclusively wedded to any of these perspectives. Each probably
senses and understanding, the pragmatists argue, developed in captures part of the truth (that is, it works some of the time), but no
order for us to function in the world, not to discover pure truth. theory is likely to work all the time. Thus, the best foreign policy
Thus, truth becomes a functional rather than an absolute concept. is likely to be flexible, adaptive, and eclectic. In terms of kritiks,
this means that teams defending pragmatism may well wish to
The value of pragmatism in terms of answering kritiks is that the answer the paradigmatic foreign policy kritiks by suggesting that
pragmatists accept many of the premises of the (primarily they endorse no single foreign policy framework. They may draw

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

on elements of each in arguing for a particular policy conclusion. from "nature' and therefore feel justified in exploiting and
degrading it. Thus, a true solution to the environmental crisis
TERROR TALK. Terror talk is the discourse surrounding the issue requires a shift away from anthropocentrism and a move to an
of terrorism. This is a kritik which has been in existence for some ecocentric (eco-system centered) or biocentric (life-centered) ethic.
time. It will definitely be run on the weapons of mass destruction This deep ecology is said to uniquely offer.
topic, and in fact is likely to appear on any topic in which terrorism
is an impact. The kritik argues that the language/discourse of The term "deep ecology" was coined in the early 1970s by the
terrorism is fundamentally misguided. "Terrorism" is an Norwegian philosopher, Arne Naess, who remains among the most
amorphous idea, without any clear definition, one man's terrorist prominent of deep ecological thinkers. Naess contrasted the
maybe another man's freedom fighter. position of deep ecology, with its rejection of anthropocentrism
and its commitment to radical social and individual life style
Also, the threat of terrorism is significantly exaggerated. In fact, reform, with what he called "shallow" environmentalism. Shallow
lightening kills more each year than do terrorists, and incidents of environmentalism remains anthropocentric, and though it seeks
terrorism have declined over time. Terrorism as a term is used environmental improvement, it does so mainly to make things
inconsistently; our enemies are terrorists; our friends, once again, better for human beings. These distinctions, between deep and
are freedom fighters. The danger of exaggerating terrorism is that shallow, anthropocentric and non-anthropocentric, provide the
it may be self-fulfilling. Terrorism is uniquely a discursive issue. basis for most links to the kritik.
It exists in order to communicate a political message, so talk about
terrorism tends to fuel its occurrence. Also, terror talk may justify Perhaps the most obvious and straightforward link is the appeal by
limits on civil liberties in order to ensure "security." the affirmative to human interests. Protecting the environment in
order to benefit humans is the hallmark of anthropocentrism and
In answering the terror talk kritik, you should be able to defend shallow ecology. The reliance on reformist strategies is another
that it can be adequately defined. Though definitions do vary, link to most affirmatives. Piecemeal reform, as opposed to radical
almost all definitions would agree that certain core acts involving consciousness shift, is another defining trait of shallow
the indiscriminate killing of innocent people in order to make a environmentalism. Avoiding an environmental crisis is another
political statement and/or to secure political ends are terroristic. link; some deep ecologists argue that only through crisis can the
Also, perfect definition is unnecessary. Like most general terms, necessary paradigm shift to deep ecology be accomplished. A
terrorism may not be subject to absolutely unambiguous definition, fourth link, especially relevant to the oceans topic, is the focus on
but it can be defined clearly enough to be a useful term. natural resources. The idea that some objects in nature are
"resources" for human consumption is clearly anthropocentric, and
Terrorists, however defined, do really kill people. The citizens of it is again described as one of the defining features of shallow
Oklahoma City, for example, would undoubtedly be surprised to environmentalism. There are, of course, many other possible links;
learn that the impact of terrorism is mainly discursive. Left these are only the most generic.
unchecked, terrorism may threaten democracy and the
constitutional order. The worst case predictions of the impact of Deep ecology has been subject to widespread criticism, most
terrorism may not have proven correct, but there may also be a new fiercely perhaps from proponents of the rival environmental
breed of terrorist more willing to inflict mass casualties. At any philosophies of social ecology and ecofeminism. Both of these
rate, the fact that a disastrous occurrence has not a occurred is not perspectives agree that anthropocentrism is NOT the root cause of
a reason not to be concerned. There has never been an all out the environmental crisis. Social ecologists, such as Murray
nuclear war either. The term terrorist may be used somewhat Bookchin, believe that it has its roots in social hierarchies like
inconsistently, but the equation of terrorists with freedom fighters those embedded in capitalism and the state. Ecofeminism sees
is unfounded. It confuses means and ends. Terrorists may be environmental problems as grounded in sexism. Thus, exponents
pursuing freedom (though in most cases this is doubtful), but the of these rival positions believe that deep ecology fails both
problem is the means they are employing, which inherently violate practically and analytically because it misidentifies the true cause
just war principles regarding attacks on noncombatants. Media of the problem. And, indeed, deep ecology may even make things
attention may further terrorist aims, but there's no way to stop worse, by entrenching capitalism or patriarchy.
media coverage of terrorism. Scholarly and policy talk, however,
is not what terrorists aim at, and such discussions are necessary to Another common criticism of deep ecology is that it is
devise strategies to contain terrorism. misanthropic, that is, that it hates humans. Some deep ecologists
have flirted with Malthusian population policies, and probably all
KRITIKS OF ENVIRONMENTALISM AND INTERNATIONAL deep ecologists would like to see a significant, if gradual, decline
RELATIONS in human numbers. The misanthropy charge is often linked to the
claim that deep ecology is eco-fascist. That is, it is willing to
DEEP ECOLOGY. Deep ecology is the most prominent of current engage in extreme acts of coercion (or even extermination) in order
radical environmental philosophies. Like all radical environmental to achieve its ends. Critics note affinities between the veneration of
views, it begins with the perception that there is an environmental nature associated with deep ecology and similar appeals to nature
crisis and that the survival of humanity (and many other species) made by the Nazis. Another common criticism is that deep ecology
is threatened. According to deep ecologists, the root cause of the would abandon the poor of the world to their destitution. Only
environmental crisis is "anthropocentrism" (human-centeredness). economic growth (which deep ecology militantly opposes) can free
The preoccupation with things human leads to the devaluation and them from their poverty.
neglect of the non-human. Humans view themselves as distinct

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

Deep ecologists, of course, contest all of these claims, making for the material basis for environmental protection.
a good debate. The literature on deep ecology is a mature one,
widespread and relatively accessible. Its links to most In response to charges of this sort, social ecologists maintain that
environmental policies are relatively clear, and its impacts are also their ideal avoids the negative features of previous forms of
strong. The kritik "alternative" is relatively well defined. All of anarchy, socialism, and communitarianism. Social ecology, it is
these factors mean that this kritik is likely to be one of the most said, defends radically decentralized direct democracy, not pure
popular ones on the oceans topic. anarchy. As a libertarian socialism, it hopes to avoid the abuses of
both state socialism and coercive community. Whether such
SOCIAL ECOLOGY. Social ecology is another of the three major distinctions are viable makes for a good debate.
environmental philosophies, along with deep ecology and
ecofeminism. Whereas deep ecology argues that it is Another set of criticisms is leveled against social ecology from the
anthropocentrism (human-centeredness) that is at the root of the standpoint of the rival positions of deep ecology and ecofeminism.
environmental crisis, social ecology argues that the true cause of Deep ecologists argue that social ecology remains anthropocentric.
environmental degradation is social hierarchy. Hierarchical social Its focus on social problems means that it neglects ecological
relations involve the domination of one group by another. It is this problems at the deepest, most fundamental level. What
ideology of domination which justifies the human domination of ecofeminists object to most is the relative neglect of gender in
nature. Hierarchy takes a variety of forms. Social ecologists social ecological analyses. Since ecofeminists see patriarchy as the
(including most notably Murray Bookchin, the leading social root cause of environmental crisis, social ecology's failure to focus
ecological thinker) point especially to capitalism and the state as on feminist concerns dooms it to ineffectiveness.
forms of hierarchy which must be transcended in order for
environmental problems to be adequately addressed. Unless such In response to the deep ecological indictment, social ecologists
hierarchies are dismantled, the environmental crisis threatens maintain that it is not all humans who despoil the environment but
human survival. rather those wealthy and powerful persons at the top of the social
hierarchy. To the ecofeminists, they respond that patriarchy is a
To overcome hierarchy, social ecology calls for the radical form of hierarchy that needs to be dismantled, but it is not the only
decentralization of society. Instead of nation-states, society should such form. Ecofeminism, it argues, is likely to fail because it
be organized into ecocommunities, existing in harmony with local focuses too much on just this one form of hierarchy.
bioregions. These communities would be characterized by direct
democracy and lives of voluntary simplicity. Within such Reform policies may buy off the radical reform truly needed to
communities, ecologically benign technologies should be able to dismantle hierarchy; thus, reformism may be the most generic link
provide a humane standard of living for all, while offering their to the kritik. Policies which protect the oceans and ocean resources
inhabitants true freedom and community. may also tend to protect capitalism. Finally, all affirmative plans
employ the nation-state and may even call for forms of global
There are two major issues which arise concerning the viability of governance. This seems to be antithetical to the eco-anarchist
the social ecological alternative. First is the question of whether desire for radically decentralized decision-making.
such communities could be effective. Critics argue that they would
be too small scale to deal with global environmental problems ECOFEMINISM. Ecofeminism is one of the three major
(such as oceans). Decentralization might even involve greater environmental philosophies, the other two being deep ecology and
environmental impacts. More dispersed populations might absorb social ecology. All three of these perspectives share a common
more hitherto unoccupied parts of nature. The second issue belief in the reality of an environmental crisis, but each has a
concerns, assuming social ecological communities are desirable, unique slant on just what root cause underlies this condition. Deep
just how to get there. Here there are also a number of indictments ecology argues that ultimately environmental destruction is linked
of Bookchin and his colleagues. It is argued that social ecology is to anthropocentrism -- human-centeredness. Ecofeminism, in
simply too radical, too at odds with prevailing cultural norms to be contrasts, focuses on androcentrism -- male-centeredness -- as the
effective. People living in advanced consumer cultures simply don't ultimate source of the problem. Social ecology is similar to
want to adopt lives of voluntary simplicity. And capitalism and the ecofeminism in tracing environmental problems to social causes,
state are too powerful, too entrenched, for grassroots but while social ecology points to hierarchy in general as the root
environmental movements to overcome. cause, ecofeminism stresses patriarchy in particular.

Social ecology can be characterized as a form of communitarian, Ecofeminism believes that all forms of domination are linked, and
anarcho-socialism. This characterization suggests some other it points to a principle of domination underlying sexism, racism,
obvious lines of affirmative attack. Communitarianism can be militarism, environmental degradation, and so forth. In particular,
attacked as intolerant and oppressive of individual differences, as Western culture tends to associate women with nature, with the
well as inclined towards inter-group conflict and war. Anarchy is body as opposed to the mind, instinct as opposed to reason. In
widely indicted as unable to provide for personal and collective contrast, male rationality is seen as transcending nature, which it
security, and it may also be impossible, absent the protective is therefore licensed to dominate. The result of this kind of
apparatus of the state, to effectively protect the environment. dualistic thinking is the system of domination which ecofeminism
Socialism also has a poor empirical track record with regard to the indicts.
environment, and it may not be able to sustain acceptable standards
of living. Defenders of capitalism argue that by promoting There are many links to this kritik. One of the most generic is
prosperity it ultimately serves the interests of the poor and provides reformism. Reformist environmentalism ultimately fails because it

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

doesn't address the underlying gender-related causes of ecological existence, a "fallen" and fundamentally dehumanized condition. It
destruction. Only a feminist ecology can truly succeed because may also threaten our survival. Treating nature as an object
only it properly discerns the systematic logic of domination. inevitably leads to its degradation and neglect.
Similarly, a non-ecological feminism fails because it doesn't see
how patriarchy is linked to the domination of nature. Another The "natural resources" wording in the topic is probably the
generic link is "instrumentalism." An instrumental approach to clearest link to this kritik. Focus on natural resources is part of the
protecting nature (including the oceans) is one which does so for mindset of management and manipulation of nature. Science and
the benefits this accrues to human beings as opposed to protecting technology also are important parts of this mindset, and they
the environment because of its intrinsic worth. The focus on marine therefore provide additional links. Political activism and political
"natural resources" grounds this instrumentalist logic in the reform may be still further ways in which humans willfully attempt
wording of the oceans resolution. to control their environments rather than allowing the process of
releasement (or "letting be") to take place.
The basic ecofeminist argument that all forms of domination are
linked is attacked in a variety of ways. Some cultures, such as the To let things be means to allow them to manifest themselves as
Chinese, seem to be pro-environmental without being feminist. bona fide beings, not just as objects of manipulation. It also means
Likewise, Nazi Germany displayed pro-environmental attitudes to let nature and natural beings unfold according to their own
without rejecting other forms of domination. Conversely, we can nature, as opposed to reshaping them for human ends. Humanity
easily imagine a pro-feminist culture which still exploited nature. has real hope of survival only if it can recover this process of
Affluent women are not notably less consumer-oriented than non-manipulative appreciation.
affluent men. As deep ecologists observe, a gender-neutral culture
could still place humans in a position of dominance over nature. A starting point for many answers to the kritik is Heidegger's
membership in the Nazi Party. There has been an ongoing (and
For social ecologists, ecofeminists error in giving so much weight very heated) debate in the Heidegger literature concerning the
to one form of domination -- patriarchy -- while relatively significance of this biographical fact. His defenders argue that
neglecting other forms of hierarchy such as capitalism and the though it was a profound political misjudgment, it does not
state. If all forms of domination are linked, why ecofeminism as fundamentally impugn his thought. There are good reasons to
opposed to eco-antiracism, eco-socialism, eco-queer theory, or believe that Heidegger did not embrace the entire Nazi worldview;
what have you? for example, he does not personally appear to have been
anti-Semitic. (A number of his most famous students, including
Its emphasis on patriarchy may make ecofeminism less truly Hanna Arendt and Herbert Marcuse, were Jewish.) Nor does one
ecological than deep ecology. Likewise, its emphasis on ecology need to be a Nazi to embrace Heidegger's criticism of the modern,
may make it less than truly feminist. Some ecofeminists seem to manipulative, technological worldview.
essentialize women -- to view them as pro-environmental because
they truly are closer to nature. This may simply reverse the On the other hand, Heidegger's radical antagonism towards the
traditional male sexist stereotype. Because of this, many critics modern world may well have disposed him to favor the Nazis.
argue that ecofeminism actually reinforces sexism. Certainly, he was no friend of liberal democracy. His critics charge
that an authoritarian and even totalitarian bent is inherent in his
Finally, one can argue that ecofeminism rejects vital parts of the thought. In one of their aspects, the Nazis were quite
Western tradition. Various ecofeminists; indict capitalism, science pro-environmental (at least in their rhetoric), lending further
and technology, justice and rights, global trade and economic credence to charges that radical environmentalism could become
development, objectivity and rationality. It may be that most if not ecofascist.
all of these ideas and institutions are vital for human welfare,
which includes of course the welfare of women. According to one view, Heidegger's work underwent a fundamental
turn or transition, and it is the latter work, with its emphasis on
HEIDEGGER. Martin Heidegger was a German philosopher who releasement and the rejection of willful striving and manipulation
lived from 1889 to 1976. One measure of his philosophical stature which many environmentalists embrace. This too, however, poses
is the influence he has exerted over virtually every major problems. One answer to the charge of Nazism is that the later
movement in continental philosophy from the 1920s to the present. Heidegger withdrew from active political engagement. But saving
These include phenomenology, existentialism, hermeneutics, and the environment may require activism, rather than simply "letting
postmodernism. Heidegger has also had an important influence on things be."
recent environmental thought, and it is the environmental
implications of his philosophy which are central to this kritik. Heidegger's philosophy focuses on the ontological, that is, on the
way that things fundamentally ARE. This ontological focus is said
Heidegger's thought is notoriously difficult, and he is probably best to be essential for humans to transcend their debased modern lives
approached, at least initially, through secondary sources. His and to recover an authentic existence. But there are several
environmentalist interpreters tend to emphasize his criticism of the problems with this stance. First, ontological issues may be
modern, technological world. The technological worldview leads ultimately irresolvable. The basic nature of existence is something
us to regard nature as a "standing reserve," that is, as an object (or that has been debated for thousands of years without being
natural resource) to be manipulated for human ends. The result of resolved. Second, we might question why we should embrace
this is that we no longer experience the world as it is; its true being Heidegger's view of authenticity. If people prefer more
is hidden from us. This leads to an alienated and inauthentic materialistic and manipulative lives, why are they wrong and

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

Heidegger right? Finally, there is the problem that an ontological Along with realism, liberalism remains one of the two major
focus may lead to the neglect of ethical concerns. A focus on paradigms of international relations. While there are many
nature and the appreciation of being can lead to estrangement from disagreements among liberals, the following are tenets which many
human concerns and can create an indifference to human suffering. liberals share. First, liberalism tends to be highly internationalist.
It seeks wide and deep international engagements, including aid,
KRITIKS OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS REALISM AND trade, and collective security ties. Second, liberalism, unlike
LIBERALISM. Realism is still widely regarded as the leading realism, sees considerable opportunities for international
paradigm of international relations. As a general theory of cooperation. Third, liberalism tends to favor international arms
international politics and the international system, realism takes a control regimes as well as other international institutions. Fourth,
number of forms: the classical realism of Morgenthau and Kennan, liberalism is cosmopolitan, meaning liberals are more likely than
the neorealism (or structural realism) of Waltz, neoclassical realists to give equal weight to the interests of non-Americans.
realism, offensive realism, defensive realism, motivational realism, Fifth, contemporary liberalism embraces democratic peace theory,
and so on. Some think that the range of "dueling realisms" has the idea that democracies are very unlikely to fight with each other,
become so wide that the term is no longer meaningful. There are, and because of this liberalism tends to support democracy
however, certain perspectives common to most realists, and maybe promotion. Sixth, following Kant, many liberals lean toward
more important realism is still treated as a unitary theory. This is deontological ethical positions. This is sometimes expressed in
especially true among those who critique realism. On almost all their strong human rights advocacy. Seventh, liberalism tends to
foreign policy topics, kritiks of realism are common, and the stress the values of economic interdependence and therefore to
Oceans topic will prove no exception. advocate globalization. Eighth, whereas realists tend to favor
strong deterrence policies, liberalism is more disposed toward
As the name suggests, "realism" stands in oppositions to "idealism" minimal deterrence postures. And whereas some leading realists
as a way of understanding foreign policy. This means that realism even support nuclear proliferation, liberals tend to be proliferation
is "tough minded.." It tends to emphasize material forces, rather pessimists and to favor limits on other forms of WMD. All of these
than ideas or institutions. It also tends to center on nation-states traits of liberalism can be used as links to the kritik.
and to see them as the central actors in the international system.
Realism also sees the international system as generally prone to I believe that this kritik has wide application. Negative debaters
conflict and war. For many realists, this is because of the anarchic often attempt to label affirmative policies as realist, but in fact most
structure of the global system -- a world of nation states not subject affirmatives on this topic will be more liberal than realist, as the
to an overarching authority. Realists also tend to emphasize above links suggest. This also suggests an important potential use
national security. They generally believe that national security is for the affirmative answer side of this volume. If, on the
best achieved by means of deterrence or military strength, rather affirmative, you are charged with realism, you may wish to counter
than through interdependence, democratization, or international that you are actually liberal and that liberalism is good. This may
law. All of these traits can be isolated as links to this kritik. also be an effective answer to threat construction kritiks, since
realists are more prone to threat construction than liberals.
The kritik argues that realism fails as a theory of international Similarly, you might counter feminist or critical/constructivist
politics. It exaggerates the state, it exaggerates conflict, and it kritiks by defending liberalism. In sum, this volume has many
neglects opportunities for cooperation. It fails to effectively explain potential uses in response to a wide variety of kritiks.
the continuing vitality of international institutions like NATO. It
has a hard time explaining events like the end of the Cold War and Liberalism is attacked both from the right and the left. The right
the demise of the Soviet Union -- neither event seems compatible often argues that liberalism leads to military weakness. Liberalism
with traditional power politics assessments. In general, realism is is too prone to see potential for cooperation and insufficiently wary
said to be outdated, to no longer apply effectively in the post-Cold about potential threats. Liberal Wilsonianism is often castigated as
War world. a recipe for myopic foreign policy. Critics from the left offer a
somewhat different set of indictments. Environmentalists dislike
One impact to the kritik is to turn solvency. Policies based on the free trade/globalization emphasis of liberalism. Other critics
realist assumptions are likely to be misguided because of the flaws from the left think that liberalism is imperialistic and even prone to
in those assumptions. By exaggerating conflict, realist threat genocide. Critics from both the left and right argue on occasion
perceptions are said to be self-fulfilling. By seeing enemies that liberalism is overly interventionist and may even be prone to
everyone, realism may actually create such enemies. Realism is moralistic global crusades based on liberal ideology. (The Vietnam
also said to reinforce statism and international hierarchy in general. War is often cited as an example of this.)
Its security focus leads it to neglect environmental issues. Finally,
a number of authors (especially of a constructivist bent) explicitly Defenders of liberalism, of course, counter both sets of claims.
the language or discourse of realism as evil (conflict-enhancing) in Liberals claim that free trade, globalization, human rights and
itself. democracy promotion all encourage peace. Liberal theorists claim
that there theory is sensitive to security issues and that it is better
Kritik of realism are launched from a number of perspectives, able to deal with contemporary conditions than are rival theories.
which implies that there are a number of alternatives to realism that Its defender claim that liberalism is not excessively interventionist
you may wish to defend. These include liberalism, constructivism but that it is still willing to intervene (for example, against
or critical international relations theory, and international relations genocide) when intervention is truly needed.
RADICAL ENVIRONMENTALISM. With regard to the kritik of

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

radical environmentalism proper, I want to highlight a few of its kritik--a kind of "turn." A defensive argument against a kritik (a
features. There are three basic link stories. The first focuses on takeout) only renders the kritik moot, i.e., not a reason to vote
radical environmentalism and argues that it attacks capitalism. To negative. For a counter-kritik to work effectively, it may be
win this link, you need to be able to successfully characterize the necessary to assume much of the theoretical framework of kritiks.
affirmative as "radical" environmentalism. The other two links A counter-kritik can work in several ways. It can demonstrate that
discussed below should help you in doing this. Also, you should the negative is relying on faulty discourse. Or it can prove that they
point to elements in the affirmative case analysis which suggest employ erroneous assumptions. Finally, it can simply show that the
radical environmentalist themes (for example, ecocentrism, animal thought process employed by the kritik is harmful rather than
rights, intrinsic value to nature, and so forth). The kritik should beneficial. Counter-kritiks seem especially valuable when debating
work especially well against "critical" affirmatives because they in front of judges who are favorably disposed towards the kritik.
will wear their radicalism up front. You may also wish to argue The counter-kritik functions within the framework which these
that even mainstream environmentalism is radical -- that is, that it judges prefer; hence they are likely to give it more weight than
shares anti-growth and anti-free market attitudes. The second main more standard arguments for why the kritik is not a voting issue.
link story focuses on oceans. The key source here is probably Of course, like a turn against a disadvantage, a counter-kritik does
Philip Steinberg's book, THE SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION OF not necessarily take out the initial negative indictment of the
THE OCEANS. Steinberg argues that the oceans are a social as affirmative discourse or assumptions. In the remainder of this
well as a physical space. The oceans can be constructed in various introduction, I want to discuss several examples of counter-kritiks.
ways -- as a void, a neutral space between nations, as an extension
of national territory, or as something in the middle, a site of strong Utopianism. An argument made against many kritiks is that the
political influence but not sovereign control. Various ways of perspective they assume is utopian--that is, based on a wildly
constructing this ocean space seem to support, while other unrealistic and ultimately unrealizable ideal. The utopianism
constructions impede what Steinberg terms "postmodern argument can be a powerful one, but it is usually underdeveloped.
capitalism." (Thus, his book provides evidence supporting both It strengthens the argument considerably if the affirmative explains
links and link turns.) In general, though, he seems to believe that (and documents) just why utopianism is so pernicious. (Common
disputes over the uses of the oceans offer one arena in which arguments are that the utopian perspective can never be realized,
capitalism can be challenged and it "contradictions" exposed. The or that if it is it will only be in a distorted, potentially totalitarian,
third link focuses on environmental doomsaying. The exaggeration form. Willingness to sacrifice millions of lives in order to reach
of environmental impacts is used to fuel radical environmentalism. some utopian future was a characteristic of both fascism and
Here you would probably need to win that affirmative harm claims communism.) It is frequently argued that utopianism must fail
really are much exaggerated; a robust case attack should help in because it attempts to totally restructure society based on some
doing this. comprehensive theory. But society is too complex for any theory
to grasp or any blueprint to alter. It is better, according to this
The impact debate is more straightforward. As this shell is written, argument, to engage in piecemeal reform, in incremental
it is argued that capitalism is key to both prosperity and adjustment, rather than attempting to wipe the slate clean and start
democracy, each of which in turn is strongly linked to peace and over.
environmental protection. You can also argue that capitalism itself
promotes peace and a clean environment directly. If you wish to The indictment of utopianism also applies with some force to the
avoid the capitalism good and bad debate, there are a number of idea of comprehensive "rethinking." As authors such as Yale
other reasons included here for why radical environmentalism is political scientist Charles Lindblom have argued, human cognitive
bad. These include ecofascism, anti-Americanism, anti-modernism, capabilities are simply insufficient to engage in comprehensive,
and irrationalism. These arguments can also be deployed as a series rationalistic rethinking. It's better, by this logic, to make
of impact turns against other kritiks grounded in the various radical adjustments at the margin, rather than trying to revamp the whole
environmental philosophies. system. Since "rethinking" is often said to be the "alternative"
which the kritik embraces, this argument should be of frequent
On the affirmative, you can try to deny the link in various ways. value.
You might argue that your plan is shallow, rather than radical,
environmentalism. You might also argue that capitalism is too There are authors who defend the position that "utopianism" is
deeply entrenched to be dislodged. Evidence is available which good. It may be that they think the system is so flawed that it does
will allow the affirmative to argue that many plans can and will be need to be totally made over. Or, they may argue that utopian
constructed in ways favorable to capitalism. If you win all or most thinking is needed in order to establish a regulative ideal in order
of your case harm debate, this should offset most of the to guide future thought.
doomsaying link. Also, the long history of environmental
doomsaying doesn't appear to have done too much damage to This kind of thinking is often used to defend so-called "utopian"
capitalism. The capitalism bad turn strategy is, of course, also counterplans, such as anarchy and world government. (These
available. counterplans are in many ways the direct ancestors of the kritik.)
These arguments are not without merit, and my point is not to
COUNTER-KRITIKS dismiss them out of hand. But the countercase against utopianism
is also strong, and it is important to be prepared to make it.
A counter-kritik can be defined loosely as any argument used in
answering a kritik which makes the kritik a reason to vote Nihilism. Another common argument, made especially against
affirmative. It is an offensive rather than a defensive answer to the postmodern kritiks such as Heidegger and Foucault, is that they are

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

"nihilist." Nihilism means literally believing in nothing. This is an potentially effective way to express a common anti-kritik
allegation which has been made against numerous forms of perspective.
extreme skepticism, and it was one of the early charges directed
against the kritik. This argument tends to suffer, however, from the Postmodernism. Many kritiks rely on postmodern perspectives.
familiar "familiarity breeds contempt" problem. Thus, to be Heidegger and Foucault are both part of the pantheon of preferred
powerful, the argument needs to be enhanced, and I believe that postmodern thinkers. The normativity kritik draws heavily on the
this can best be done by articulating reason for why nihilism is so postmodern thought process of deconstruction. The threat
especially dangerous. One common argument is that nihilism construction kritik employs basically a postmodern perspective on
produces political paralysis. Lacking some kind of affirmative faith international relations. Postmodern thought is currently popular,
and rigorously doubting everything, the nihilist is said to lack the but it is also widely indicted. Thus, if you can successfully identify
grounds needed for commitment to political reform. This kind of a position as resting on postmodern assumptions, you have the
reasoning, it should be noted, applies particularly well to certain basis for a potentially powerful counter-kritik.
kritiks--especially those which call for ongoing inaction because
of the lack of a foundational certainty about some aspect of Common arguments against postmodernism are that it is overly
affirmative analysis. relativistic, nihilistically skeptical, and politically paralyzing. Since
postmodernism has been discussed in depth above, I will not repeat
In contrast to the quiescence argument is the claim that nihilism all of these arguments here. My point is simply that these can serve
can produce vast destruction. "If nothing is true, then everything is as offensive arguments for the affirmative in a kritik debate.
permitted." The French existentialist, Albert Camus, wrote a long
essay, THE REBEL, in which he outlined the history of European Cultural crisis. The last counter-kritik I wish to discuss is one
nihilism over the past two hundred years and concluded that which attacks an underlying assumption of many kritiks, which is
nihilism ultimately led to the mass bloodlettings of the twentieth that we exist in a period of cultural crisis. The attitude of historical
century. and cultural pessimism has a long history, but it began to be
especially pronounced during the late nineteenth century (a
Language games. The idea of language games was developed by reaction perhaps to Enlightenment and Victorian ideas of progress).
the Austrian philosopher, Ludwig Wittgenstein. He argued that The cultural crisis view is seen in works like Nietzsche's
there are numerous different kinds of language activity and that TWILIGHT OF THE IDOLS, Spengler's THE DECLINE OF THE
each different language activity, or "game," has its own distinctive WEST, Eliot's "The Waste Land," and Yeats' "The Second
rules and assumptions. These rules and assumptions, he goes on to Coming." And, to update the story, such postmodern figures as
argue, cannot be meaningfully challenged from a perspective Heidegger and Foucault draw heavily on the same sense of cultural
outside the particular language game. An example is religion and crisis and decline.
science. The two positions a built upon such different, and
incommensurate, assumptions that they really have nothing This perspective can be indicted as both harmful and untrue. As far
meaningful to say to each other. Philosopher of science Thomas as its truth goes, Spengler announced "the decline of the West"
Kuhn made a similar point about those organizing belief systems approximately eighty years ago. (Marx's prediction of the downfall
which he referred to as "paradigms." of capitalism is, of course, of even more ancient vintage.)
Nietzsche announced the crisis of the Western World in the 1870s
The significance of all this for debate is that the kritik can be and 1880s. It may well be that in part Nietzsche was right--the
indicted for operating within the wrong language game. The twentieth century has been an era of conflict and crisis, of the great
language game we are playing, it can be argued, is policy debate. wars and "great politics" that Nietzsche foresaw. But crises rarely
(This is demonstrated by the fact that we are debating and always last over a hundred years. And the West, having weathered two
choose to debate policy topics.) The kritik attempts to challenge the world wars and the challenges of both fascism and communism
basic assumptions of policy argument, but this cannot be seems to have settled into a period of considerable, prosperity and
meaningfully accomplished because these are intrinsic to the relative calm.
language game of policy debate. The policy debate language game
assumes comparative marginal analysis, while the kritik tends to Numerous indicators, from affluence to life expectancy, suggest
make absolute judgments (of right or wrong, correct or incorrect) that the present is a period of progress, not of decadence. This is,
in a non-comparative mode. It is simply not playing the same of course, a very large debate and not one which can be very
language game. The kritik is like dribbling a football or punting a meaningfully addressed in a paragraph. But you should at least be
basketball. aware that there is a powerful counter-position opposed to the
fashionable doom and gloom.
If this argument has a familiar ring, that is probably because it
restates, in a somewhat more sophisticated way, the familiar Beyond being empirically suspect, the reason that the cultural crisis
argument that the kritik is operating in the wrong forum. Since this perspective is dangerous is that it can be self-fulfilling. The
argument, in its traditional form, no longer seems to carry much example of Heidegger provides a telling case in point. Heidegger
weight, perhaps the "language game" reformulation of the position was convinced (in part by Nietzsche and Spengler) of the
will make it more salable. This argument is probably not a decadence of modernity. Accepting such a cultural critique, he was
"counter-kritik" according to the definition which I gave above--it predisposed toward radical alternatives. Unfortunately, the
justifies rejecting the kritik, but isn't a reason, independently to alternative which presented itself to Germany in the 1920s and
vote affirmative (unless, of course, the kritik is the only negative 1930s was Nazism, a position and party which Heidegger, to his
argument in the round). But it is, I think, an interesting and considerable notoriety, embraced. A similar indictment is made of

The Anti-Kritik Handbook

the radical wing of the environmental movement. Being convinced

that ecological apocalypse is at hand, radical environmentalists are
willing to contemplate such "solutions" as starving millions in the
less developed world in order to reduce pressures on natural
eco-systems. They also seek to limit technological development
and economic growth, both of which are arguably key to
environmental protection.

Other counter-kritiks. I have highlighted these five positions as

counter-kritiks, but the evidence is available in this volume for
many other counter-kritiks. The section on metaphysical kritiks
provides evidence which could be used to produce a counter-kritik
of metaphysical thought; the section on epistemology offers
evidence which indicts epistemology. Cards in the section on
language kritiks provide the basis for a counter-kritik of political
correctness and excessive language focus. Many other possibilities
exist. The kritik is an imaginative form of argument, and it calls for
an imaginative response.


As should be clear by now, many of the arguments in this book

interact. Thus, for example, there will be links to arguments found
in one section with impacts found in another. Many kritiks are
indicted as having irrationalist roots and tending to destroy science.
The impacts to science are found mainly in the section on general
answers to epistemological kritiks; impacts to rationality are found
in the "kritik of reason" answer section.

Against any kritik, you might choose to argue that the kritik relies
on postmodernism, and then proceed to indict postmodern thought.
You would find evidence to do this in the answers to the kritik of
modernity section. In indicting postmodernism, you might decide
to indict Derrida as the typical postmodern thinker. To find
evidence indicting Derrida, you would need to go to the section on
deconstruction. As part of your indictment of Derrida, you might
argue that he relies heavily on Heidegger and is thereby corrupted
by Heidegger's intellectual authoritarianism.

Evidence for this impact would be found in the post-humanism

section. Even a casual perusal of this volume should reveal
numerous other interactions. Careful reflection on the evidence
should reveal many uses for cards beyond the use to which they are
assigned in the book's current structure.

The Anti-Kritik Handbook



A. FRONTLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
1. DEBATE SHOULD ASSUME A POLICY CONTEXT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-16
2. MEANINGFUL DEBATE REQUIRES AN ALTERNATIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-25
3. LACK OF ALTERNATIVE ENSURES POLITICAL FAILURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-28
4. LACK OF ALTERNATIVE PRODUCES INEFFECTIVE CRITICISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-31
5. KRITIK LEADS TO NIHILISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-33
6. MEANINGFUL INQUIRY REQUIRES ASSUMPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-35
7. NOT ALL ASSUMPTIONS SHOULD BE QUESTIONED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-40
8. POLICY DEBATE ESSENTIAL TO THE PUBLIC GOOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-50
9. THE KRITIK THREATENS SCIENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
10. SPEECH LIMITS ARE JUSTIFIED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52-61
11. THE APPEAL TO "NEW IDEAS" DOESN'T JUSTIFY THE KRITIK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62-65
12. RADICAL SKEPTICISM IS COUNTERPRODUCTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66-68
13. KRITIK IS BASED ON POSTMODERN AND DECONSTRUCTIONIST THOUGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69-72
A. FRONTLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73-78
1. CHANGING SPEECH WON'T SOLVE SOCIAL PROBLEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79-80
2. "POLITICALLY CORRECT" CODES OF LANGUAGE ARE CENSORSHIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81-83
3. SPEECH LIMITS SNOWBALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84-95
4. SPEECH LIMITS UNDERMINE THE ROLE OF THE UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96-100
5. SPEECH LIMITS CHILL EXPRESSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101-02
6. CENSORSHIP OF SPEECH IS INEFFECTIVE AND COUNTERPRODUCTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103-08
7. FREE SPEECH IS KEY TO REFORM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109-13
8. CENSORING SPEECH HURTS MINORITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114-18
A. FRONTLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119-25
1. METAPHYSICAL STATEMENTS ARE MEANINGLESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126-34
2. METAPHYSICAL QUESTIONS ARE UNANSWERABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
3. METAPHYSICAL SPECULATION IS USELESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136-39
4. MODERN PHILOSOPHY REJECTS METAPHYSICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140-41
5. PHILOSOPHY SHOULDN'T REJECT COMMON SENSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
6. WE MUST ASSUME OBJECTIVE EXTERNAL REALITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143-44
7. SEPARATE SELVES EXIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145-50
A. FRONTLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151-61
1. FOCUS ON EPISTEMOLOGY IS BAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162-64
2. EPISTEMOLOGICAL DOUBT DOESN'T JUSTIFY INACTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
3. RELIABLE KNOWLEDGE IS POSSIBLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
4. THE WORLD IS KNOWABLE THROUGH SENSE EXPERIENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167-73
5. LOGIC PROVIDES VALID KNOWLEDGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174-80
6. HISTORY PROVIDES VALID KNOWLEDGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181-84
7. FIELD SPECIFIC SCHOLARSHIP PROVIDES VALID KNOWLEDGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
8. SCIENCE PROVIDES VALID KNOWLEDGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186-90
9. SCIENCE IS OBJECTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191-96
10. SCIENCE OFFERS THE MOST RELIABLE KNOWLEDGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197-200
11. SUCCESSFUL PREDICTIONS VALIDATE SCIENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201-06
12. RELATIVISM DOESN'T UNDERMINE SCIENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207-12
13. SCIENCE COMPATIBLE WITH CREATIVE IMAGINATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213-16
14. REJECTING SCIENCE IS DISASTROUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217-20
15. SCIENCE IS POLITICALLY PROGRESSIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221-24
16. THE KRITIK OF SCIENCE FAILS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225-27
A. FRONTLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228-38
1. REASON PRODUCES THE BEST RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239-42
2. REASON KEY TO DIGNITY, LIBERTY, DEMOCRACY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
3. REJECTING REASON LEADS TO FASCISM AND TYRANNY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244-57
4. REJECTING REASON LEADS TO NIHILISM AND INHUMANITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258-60
5. REJECTION OF REASON IS SELF-CONTRADICTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261-66
6. REASON HAS VALUE DESPITE ITS LIMITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267-70
7. CERTAIN KNOWLEDGE IS IMPOSSIBLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271-72
8. ACTION MUST BE BASED ON PARTIAL KNOWLEDGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273-76
9. ANTI-FOUNDATIONALISM DOESN'T UNDERMINE REASON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277-78
10. REASON CORRECTS ITS OWN ABUSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
11. LIMITED PERSPECTIVES STILL ALLOW KNOWLEDGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280-82
12. REASON COMPATIBLE WITH INTUITION/CREATIVITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283-84
13. REASON NEEDED TO CHECK INTUITION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285-91

14. REASON KEY TO BENEVOLENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
15. REASON KEY TO HUMAN SURVIVAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293-97
16. REASON KEY TO MORALITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298-99
17. REASON NECESSARY FOR MEANINGFUL KRITIK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300-02
18. TRUTH REQUIRES REASON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-04
19. HISTORY VALIDATES REASON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
20. REASON IS GROUNDED IN INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306-09
21. REASON IS PRAGMATICALLY JUSTIFIED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
A. FRONTLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311-14
1. CAUSALITY IS VALID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315-16
2. CAUSE IS A NECESSARY ASSUMPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317-21
3. HUME DIDN'T DENY CAUSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322-24
4. THE INDUCTION PROBLEM DOESN'T DISPROVE SCIENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
A. FRONTLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326-34
1. POSTMODERN THOUGHT IS NIHILISTIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335-36
2. POSTMODERNISM IS POLITICALLY REACTIONARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337-43
3. POSTMODERNISM UNDERMINES RATIONALITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344-50
4. POSTMODERNISM UNDERMINES SCIENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351-53
5. POSTMODERN KRITIK OF SCIENCE FAILS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354-56
6. POSTMODERN THOUGHT SELF-CONTRADICTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357-61
7. POSTMODERN THOUGHT INCOHERENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362-65
8. REALITY ISN'T JUST SOCIALLY CONSTRUCTED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366-68
9. STRESSING "DIFFERENCE" IS COUNTERPRODUCTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369-75
10. POSTMODERNISM JUST AN OBSOLETE FAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376-79
11. POSTMODERNISM RESTS ON INTELLECTUAL PARANOIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380-81
12. INDICTMENTS OF NIETZSCHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382-83
13. POSTMODERNISM FAILS AS A THEORY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
14. WE AREN'T ENTERING A POSTMODERN PERIOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385-90
15. MODERNITY HASN'T FAILED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391-98
16. MODERN VIEW KEY TO PEACE, DEMOCRACY, FREEDOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399-401
17. ENLIGHTENMENT PRINCIPLES VALID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402-12
18. POSTSTRUCTURALISM FLAWED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413-20
19. PRAGMATISM SUPERIOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
A. FRONTLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422-35
1. DECONSTRUCTION IS NIHILISTIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436-41
2. DECONSTRUCTION LACKS CREATIVE INSIGHTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442-44
3. DECONSTRUCTION DESTROYS DEBATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445-47
4. DECONSTRUCTION LACKS POLITICAL VALUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448-56
5. DECONSTRUCTION POLITICALLY REACTIONARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457-60
6. SHOULD BOTH ACT AND DECONSTRUCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461-62
7. DECONSTRUCTION DOESN'T OFFER USEFUL ALTERNATIVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
8. DECONSTRUCTION IS INFINITELY REGRESSIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464-68
9. DECONSTRUCTION RESTS ON FLAWED ASSUMPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469-71
10. DECONSTRUCTION OVERSIMPLIFIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472-77
11. DECONSTRUCTION UNDERMINES RATIONALITY AND TRUTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478-85
12. DECONSTRUCTION CAN BE RATIONALLY ATTACKED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486
13. DERRIDA'S THOUGHT MYSTICAL AND METAPHYSICAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487-90
14. DECONSTRUCTION IS INTELLECTUAL ANARCHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491
15. DECONSTRUCTION CAUSES DEBILITATING SKEPTICISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492
16. DECONSTRUCTION JUST DISAPPOINTED ABSOLUTISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493-94
17. DECONSTRUCTION LACKS REAL WORLD UTILITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495-96
18. EVEN DECONSTRUCTION RESTS ON UNCHALLENGED ASSUMPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497-98
19. DECONSTRUCTION IS AN INTELLECTUAL FAKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499-502
20. DECONSTRUCTION JUST AN EXERCISE IN SELF-DRAMATIZATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-04
21. DECONSTRUCTION IS JUST WORDPLAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505-09
22. DECONSTRUCTIONIST WRITINGS FATALLY OBSCURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510-11
23. DERRIDA SELF-CONTRADICTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512-13
24. DECONSTRUCTION LACKS LOGICAL FOUNDATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514-15
25. DERRIDA'S THEORY OF MEANING FAILS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516-20
26. DERRIDA'S SOCIAL THEORY FAILS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521-24
27. ANTI-FOUNDATIONALISM IS IRRELEVANT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525-27
A. FRONTLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528-35
1. FOUCAULT ANTI-DEMOCRATIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
2. FOUCAULT NIHILISTIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537-41
3. FOUCAULT'S THEORY OF POWER FLAWED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542-58
4. FOUCAULT'S METHOD BANKRUPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559-61
5. FOUCAULT'S THEORY POLITICALLY COUNTERPRODUCTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 562-91
6. FOUCAULT'S VIEW PRESERVES PATRIARCHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592
7. FOUCAULT'S KRITIK OF MODERNITY FAILS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593-94
8. FOUCAULT'S THEORIES UNDERMINE SCIENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595

ISN'T "INDISSOLUBLE" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596
10. CRIMINAL SANCTIONS ARE GOOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597-602
11. FOUCAULT'S CRITIQUE OF REASON FLAWED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603-14
12. FOUCAULT'S THEORY UTOPIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615-16
13. FOUCAULT OFFERS NO ALTERNATIVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617-20
14. LATE FOUCAULT RECANTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 621-24
15. FOUCAULT OVERLY RELATIVISTIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625
16. FOUCAULT MISUNDERSTANDS INSTITUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626-28
17. FOUCAULT'S PERSPECTIVE WON'T LIBERATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629-30
A. FRONTLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631-36
1. GENERAL INDICTMENTS OF HEIDEGGER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637-42
2. HEIDEGGER AN INTELLECTUAL AUTHORITARIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 643-44
3. HEIDEGGER JUST A PSEUDO-THEOLOGIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645
4. HEIDEGGER'S THOUGHT INVITES FANATICISM/NIHILISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646-48
5. HEIDEGGER'S CONCEPT OF AUTHENTICITY FLAWED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 649-51
6. HEIDEGGER'S CONCEPT OF BEING INCOHERENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652-64
7. HEIDEGGER WAS A NAZI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 665-69
8. HUMANISM IS GOOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 670-73
1. HEIDEGGER'S WRITINGS/SPEECHES REVEAL HIS NAZISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 674-77
2. HEIDEGGER VENERATED HITLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-82
3. HEIDEGGER REJECTED DEMOCRACY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 683-88
4. HEIDEGGER GLORIFIED POWER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689-91
5. HEIDEGGER'S NAZISM WASN'T INCIDENTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 692-705
6. HEIDEGGER RETAINED NAZI SYMPATHIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 706-10
1. HIS CRITIQUE OF MODERNITY FAILS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711-13
2. HIS CRITIQUE OF RATIONALITY FAILS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 714-18
3. HIS FOCUS ON BEING IS DESTRUCTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719-22
4. HIS POLITICS ENCOURAGE NATIONALISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 723-25
5. HIS POLITICS ENCOURAGE STATISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 726-27
6. HIS POLITICS ENCOURAGE TOTALITARIANISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 728-31
7. HIS CONCEPT OF TRUTH IS WRONG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 732-35
8. HIS RETHINKING FAILS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 736
9. HIS CONCEPT OF AUTHENTICITY FAILS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 737-38
10. HIS CRITIQUE OF TECHNOLOGY IS MISGUIDED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 739-42
11. HIS PHILOSOPHY CAN LEAD TO POLITICAL PASSIVITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 743-45
12. HIS LANGUAGE IS AUTHORITARIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 746
13. HE IGNORES REALITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 747
14. HE WAS A COVERT THEOLOGIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 748
1. DESTROYS FREEDOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 749-50
2. LEADS TO TOTALITARIAN OPPRESSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 751-57
F. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION CONSISTENT WITH RELEASEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 758-59
A. FRONTLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 760-70
1. NORMATIVITY IS INESCAPABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 771-76
2. EVEN SCHLAG CAN'T ESCAPE NORMATIVITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 777-81
3. SCHLAG'S VIEW IS PARANOID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 782-85
4. EXPERIENCE DENIES THE KRITIK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 786
5. THE KRITIK OF NORMATIVITY IS INCOHERENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 787
6. SCHLAG OVERSIMPLIFIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 788-90
7. SCHLAG CAN'T TRANSCEND THE CARTESIAN FRAMEWORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 791-92
8. REJECTING NORMATIVITY REACTIONARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 793
9. REJECTING NORMATIVITY SCREENS OUT OTHER VIEWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 794
10. NORMATIVITY IS ESSENTIAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 795-98
11. NORMATIVE THOUGHT CAN SUCCEED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 799-803
12. FEMINIST JURISPRUDENCE IS NORMATIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 804
13. HISTORICAL INSTITUTIONAL DETERMINISM WRONG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 805-13
14. HUMAN AGENCY IS MEANINGFUL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 814-15
15. REJECTING THE SUBJECT DEHUMANIZES AND DESTROYS REASON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-17
16. DETERMINISM DESTROYS HUMAN VALUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 818-20
17. FREE WILL EXISTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 821-23
18. FREE WILL A FUNCTIONAL REALITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 824-25
19. DETERMINISM LACKS PRACTICAL SIGNIFICANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 826-30
20. DETERMINISM IS UNPROVEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 831-33
21. WE SHOULD ACT AS IF FREE WILL EXISTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834-35
22. ARGUMENT AGAINST FREE WILL SELF-CONTRADICTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 836
DETERMINISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 837-42
24. STRONG DETERMINISTISM IS WRONG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 843-45
25. SKINNER'S BEHAVIORISM IS WRONG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 846-53
26. THE FREE WILL QUESTION IS MEANINGLESSLY METAPHYSICAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 854-55
27. AUTONOMY IS POSSIBLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 856-62
28. AUTONOMY IS GOOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 863-72
29. VALUES CAN'T BE OBJECTIVELY PROVEN--THEY MUST BE ASSUMED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 873-82

30. NIHILISM IS SELF-REFUTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 883-84
31. VALUES REQUIRE PERSONAL CHOICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 885-87
32. VALUE OF LIFE CAN'T BE ESTIMATED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 888-89
33. LIFE IS VALUABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 890
34. NORMATIVE STATEMENTS ARE MEANINGFUL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 891
35. NORMATIVITY KRITIK RESTS ON POSTMODERNISM AND DECONSTRUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 892-93
A. FRONTLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 894-903
1. ANARCHY INCREASES VIOLENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 904-05
2. ANARCHY CAN'T PERSIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 906
3. CLASSICAL POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY REJECTS ANARCHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 907
4. HUMAN RATIONALITY LIMITED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 908-13
5. HUMANS INNATELY AGGRESSIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 914-25
6. SOCIAL ORDER REQUIRES GOVERNMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 926
7. THE STATE IS LEGITIMATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 927-29
8. THE STATE CAN LIMIT WAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 930
9. UTOPIANISM IS BAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 931-35
10. ANARCHIST THOUGHT UTOPIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 936-38
11. PRIVATE ARMIES/PROTECTION AGENCIES DESTROY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 939-41
12. EXTERNAL AGGRESSION DESTROYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 942-46
13. ANARCHY CAN'T ENDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 947-49
14. FAILURE LEADS TO FASCISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 950
15. FAILS UNDER CURRENT CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 951-54
16. HISTORICAL EXAMPLES DON'T SUPPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 955-59
17. ANARCHY PRODUCES CRIME AND DISORDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 960-64
18. ANARCHY NOT ECONOMICALLY VIABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965-69
19. ANARCHY UNDERMINES FREEDOM/INDIVIDUALITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 970-84
20. ANARCHY DESTROYS JUSTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 985-86
21. ANARCHY DESTROYS PERSONAL IDENTITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 987-88
22. ANARCHY PRODUCES SELF-DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 989
23. ANTI-GOVERNMENT RHETORIC CAUSES TERRORISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 990
24. GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS ARE SUCCESSFUL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 991-92
25. GOVERNMENT LOWERS POVERTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 993-99
26. GOVERNMENT MORE EFFECTIVE THAN THE MARKET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000-06
27. GOVERNMENT MEDICAL CARE EFFECTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1007-10
28. FOOD AND HOUSING PROGRAMS EFFECTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1011-12
29. JOBS PROGRAMS EFFECTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1013-16
30. HEAD START EFFECTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1017-18
31. POLLUTION CONTROL EFFECTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1019-21
32. GOVERNMENT NOT INEFFICIENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1022-24
33. GOVERNMENT DOESN'T PRODUCE DEPENDENCY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1025-28
A. FRONTLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1029-36
1. LIBERAL DEMOCRACY IS BEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1037-38
2. AMERICAN INSTITUTIONS RESPONSIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1039
3. AMERICA NOT OPPRESSIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1040-45
4. AMERICA RELATIVELY EGALITARIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1046-49
5. AMERICA NOT RACIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1050-57
6. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS IMPROVING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1058-61
7. GLOBAL DEMOCRACY EXPANDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1062
8. RADICAL REFORM WON'T OCCUR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1063
9. KRITIK OF LAW FLAWED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1064-66
10. RULE OF LAW GOOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1067-70
11. RULE OF LAW KEY TO LIBERTY AND DEMOCRACY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1071-75
12. RULE OF LAW KEY TO JUSTICE AND EQUALITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1076-78
13. RULE OF LAW KEY TO GROWTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1079
14. FORMAL PROCEDURE GOOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1080-85
15. MORAL RULES NECESSARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1086-93
1. CRT GENERALLY UPHOLDS RIGHTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1094-95
2. CRT ANSWERS CLS CRITIQUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1096-97
3. CRT ANSWERS FEMINIST CRITIQUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1098
4. RIGHTS PRODUCE PROGRESS - THEY DON'T MASK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1099-106
5. RIGHTS AREN'T REIFIED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1107-10
6. NEEDS TALK NO BETTER THAN RIGHTS TALK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1111
7. RIGHTS SHOULD BE EXTENDED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1112
A. FRONTLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1113-19
1. WOMEN PROGRESSING POLITICALLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1120-24
2. FEMINISM IS IRREVERSIBLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1125-26
3. REASON HELPS WOMEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1127-31
4. OBJECTIVITY NOT BAD FOR WOMEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1132-34
5. REJECTING REASON AND OBJECTIVITY HURTS WOMEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1135-37
6. OBJECTIVITY AND UNIVERSALISM HELP WOMEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1138-40
7. ANSWERS TO FEMINIST KRITIK OF RIGHTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1141-43
8. NO UNIQUELY FEMALE EPISTEMOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1144

9. ETHIC OF CARE COUNTERPRODUCTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1145
10. RADICAL FEMINISM TOTALIZES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1146-47
11. ANSWERS TO FEMINIST KRITIK OF SCIENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1148-54
1. GENERALLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1155-59
2. DOESN'T EMPOWER MINORITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1160-67
3. DOESN'T EMPOWER WOMEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1168-69
1. ANTI-RATIONAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1170
2. UNDERMINES ARGUMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1171-75
3. STORIES DISTORT DECISION MAKING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1176-83
4. STORIES ARE ATYPICAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1184-89
5. STORIES UNDERMINE LEGAL SCHOLARSHIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1190-92
1. STORIES REQUIRE ANALYTICAL INTERPRETATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1193-202
2. STORIES MUST BE VALID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1203
3. STORIES MUST BE CLEARLY RELEVANT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1204
D. REJECTING NARRATIVE DOESN'T SILENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1205
1. GENERALLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1206-11
2. KANTIAN PRINCIPLES JUSTIFY REJECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1212-14
3. CONSEQUENTIALIST PRINCIPLES JUSTIFY REJECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1215
4. NATURAL RIGHTS THEORY JUSTIFIES REJECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1216
5. CONSENSUS REJECTS COMPLETE PACIFISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1217
1. CRIMINAL JUSTICE CONSISTENT WITH PACIFISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1218-19
2. PURE PACIFISM UNDERMINES THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1220
3. CRIMINAL JUSTICE IS NEEDED AND JUSTIFIED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1221-25
4. POLICE POWER JUSTIFIES MILITARY POWER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1226
1. GENERALLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1227
2. INCREASES VIOLENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1228-32
3. LEADS TO WAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1233-36
4. UNDERMINES LIMITED WAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1237-39
5. UNDERMINES REFORM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1240
6. LEADS TO TOTALITARIAN RULE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1241-42
1. GENERALLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1243-49
2. GANDHIAN NON-VIOLENCE FAILS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1250-54
E. NON-VIOLENCE UTOPIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1255-58
1. HISTORY AND REASON DENY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1259-60
2. NON-WESTERN WORLD ACCEPTS MODERN VALUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1261
3. SOME CULTURES ARE SUPERIOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1262-70
4. NO RIGHT TO CULTURAL SURVIVAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1271-72
1. JUSTIFIES MORAL ATROCITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1273-74
2. RELATIVISM IS ETHNOCENTRIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1275-76
C. ANSWERS TO ORIENTALISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1277-80
D. EMPHASIS ON DIFFERENCE/"OTHER" COUNTERPRODUCTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1281-91
A. NUCLEARISM DEFINED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1292
B. NUCLEAR EXTINCTION STILL A THREAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1293-95
C. IGNORING THE NUCLEAR THREAT HEIGHTENS THE RISK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1296-98
D. CONFRONTING THE NUCLEAR THREAT LOWERS THE RISK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1299-308
E. DISCOURSE ABOUT THE NUCLEAR THREAT NECESSARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1309-11
F. SCHELL'S NUCLEAR DISCOURSE UNIQUELY FERTILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1312-14
G. THE SLIGHTEST NUCLEAR RISK MUST BE AVOIDED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1315
H. NUCLEAR SCENARIOS MUST BE CONFRONTED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1316-19
I. MILITARY DETERRENCE EFFECTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1320-21
J. NUCLEARISM THREAT EXAGGERATED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1322
A. THREAT ASSESSMENT IS UNAVOIDABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1323-28
B. NOT COUNTERING REAL THREATS LEADS TO WAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1329-31
C. UNDERASSESSING THREATS IS A GREATER RISK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1332-41
D. DETERRENCE IS NECESSARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1342-44
E. POSTMODERN APPROACHES TO FOREIGN POLICY FAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1345
F. THREAT CONSTRUCTION KRITIK NOT ABSOLUTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1346-50
G. SOME ENEMIES ARE REAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1351
H. NEGLECTING SECURITY CONCERNS IS A MAJOR CAUSE OF WAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1352
COUNTRIES' INTENTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1353
J. REAL THREATS EXIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1354-7
K. MOTIVES NOT HARD TO ASSESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1358-60
L. ANSWERS TO TERRORIST THREAT CONSTRUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1361-4

A. TERRORISM CAN BE ADEQUATELY DEFINED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1365-7
B. TERRORISTS KILL MANY - THEIR IMPACT IS REAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1368-9
C. TERRORISM RISKS ESCALATION TO WAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1370
D. STATE VIOLENCE DOESN'T JUSTIFY TERRORISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1371
E. TERRORISM REINFORCES THE POWER OF THE STATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1372
F. RESPONSES TO TERRORISM ARE NEEDED TO PRESERVE CONSTITUTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1373
G. VALID DEFINITIONS OF TERRORISM EXIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1374-9
H. PERFECT DEFINITION UNNECESSARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1380
I. EVALUATIVE DEFINITIONS OF TERRORISM ACCEPTABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1381
J. TERRORISM IS IMMORAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1382-9
K. CURRENT TERRORISM NOT JUSTIFIED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1390
L. TERRORISTS NOT FREEDOM FIGHTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1391-3
M. TERRORISM IS INEFFECTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1394
N. STATE VIOLENCE DOESN'T EXCUSE TERRORISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1395-6
O. STATE TERRORISM NOT IGNORED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1397
P. TERRORISM THREATENS DEMOCRACY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1398
Q. TERRORISM NOT JUST DISCURSIVE - REAL PEOPLE DIE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1399
R. PAST IS A POOR GUIDE TO FUTURE TERRORISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1400-2
S. WMD TERRORISM IS A REAL THREAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1403
A. FRONTLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1404-20
B. ANTHROPOCENTRISM DOESN'T CAUSE ECO-CRISIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1421-2
C. DEEP ECOLOGICAL DISCOURSE ISN'T USEFUL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1423-4
D. DEEP ECOLOGY POLITICALLY IMPOTENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1425
E. DEEP ECOLOGY PRONE TO CONSERVATIVE COOPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1426-7
F. DEEP ECOLOGY ENCOURAGES AUTHORITARIANISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1428-9
G. DEEP ECOLOGY IS GENOCIDAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1430-1
H. DEEP ECOLOGY HURTS THE POOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1432-3
A. FRONTLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1434-45
B. SOCIAL ECOLOGY MISUNDERSTANDS HIERARCHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1446-7
C. CAPITALISM DOESN'T CAUSE ECOLOGICAL CRISIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1448-9
D. REJECTION OF THE STATE NOT NECESSARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1450
E. REFORMISM LEGITIMATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1451-2
F. ANARCHY FAILS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1453-4
G. SOCIAL ECOLOGY POLITICALLY COUNTERPRODUCTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1455
H. SOCIAL ECOLOGY UNDERMINES COALITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1456
I. SOCIAL ECOLOGY LACKS WIDE APPEAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1457
J. SOCIAL ECOLOGY CAN'T MAKE NEEDED TRANSITION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1458
K. ATTACKING CAPITALISM ECOLOGICALLY COUNTERPRODUCTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1459
L. DECENTRALIZATION IS DISASTROUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1460
M. DECENTRALIZATION CAUSES CONFLICT AND WAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1461
N. SOCIAL ECOLOGY HURTS THE POOR AND VIOLATES JUSTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1462
O. SOCIAL ECOLOGY CAUSES ECONOMIC COLLAPSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1463
A. FRONTLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1464-71
B. ECOFEMINIST THEORY OF DOMINATION IS WRONG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1472-3
C. ALL FORMS OF DOMINATION NOT LINKED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1474-5
D. PATRIARCHY NOT LINKED TO DOMINATION OF NATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1476-7
E. WOMEN NOT INNATELY PRO-ENVIRONMENTALIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1478-9
F. FEMINISM SCAPEGOATS MEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1480
G. ECOFEMINISM IS INTELLECTUALLY UNSOUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1481-2
H. ECOFEMINISM DOESN'T SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1483
I. ECOFEMINISM HURTS THE ENVIRONMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1484
J. ECOFEMINISM HURTS THE STATUS OF WOMEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1485-6
K. ECOFEMINISM REINFORCES STEREOTYPES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1487-8
L. ECOFEMINISM IS POLITICALLY REACTIONARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1489-90
M. ECOFEMINISM ANTI-DEMOCRATIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1491
N. ECOFEMINISM ESSENTIALIZES WOMEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1492-3
A. FRONTLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1494-8
B. HEIDEGGER'S THOUGHT NOT ENVIRONMENTALLY BENIGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1499-1500
C. ONTOLOGICAL FOCUS UNDESIRABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1501-2
D. HEIDEGGER ANTI-DEMOCRATIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1503
E. HEIDEGGER'S THOUGHT POLITICALLY REACTIONARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1504
F. HEIDEGGER'S THOUGHT DESTROYS FREEDOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1505-6
G. PERMUTATION: KRITIK AND ACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1507-8
A. FRONTLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1509-21
B. REALISM PRODUCES EFFECTIVE POLICIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1522-3
C. REALISM PROMOTES PEACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1524-5
D. DISCURSIVE CHANGE FAILS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1526
E. CONSTRUCTIVIST CRITIQUE OF REALISM WRONG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1527
F. REALISM SUPERIOR TO CONSTRUCTIVISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1528-9

A. FRONTLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1530-7
B. LIBERAL HEGEMONY BENIGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1538-9
C. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS EFFECTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1540
D. LIBERALISM NOT OVERLY INTERVENTIONIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1541
E. LIBERALISM NOT PRONE TO IDEOLOGICAL CRUSADES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1542-3
F. LIBERALISM GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1544
G. LIBERALISM ENCOURAGES PEACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1545-6
H. LIBERALISM BETTER THAN ITS ALTERNATIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1547-8
A. FRONTLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1549-54
B. RADICAL ENVIRONMENTALISM REJECTS CAPITALISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1555
C. DEEP ECOLOGY REJECTS CAPITALISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1556
D. ECOFEMINISM REJECTS CAPITALISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1557
E. SOCIAL ECOLOGY REJECTS CAPITALISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1558
F. ECO-RADICALISM REPUDIATES GROWTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1559-60
G. CAPITALISM KEY TO PROSPERITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1561-2
H. CAPITALISM KEY TO DEMOCRACY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1563-4
I. CAPITALISM PROMOTES PEACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1565-6
J. GROWTH PROMOTES PEACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1567-8
K. GROWTH AIDS THE ENVIRONMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1569-70
L. GROWTH IS KEY TO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1571-2
M. DEMOCRACY CAUSES PEACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1573-4
N. CAPITALISM INCREASES LENGTH AND QUALITY OF LIFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1575-6
O. RADICAL ENVIRONMENTALISM THREATENS THE ENVIRONMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1577-8
P. RADICAL ENVIRONMENTALISM IS ECOFASCIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1579-80
Q. LOGIC OF ECOFASCISM JUSTIFIES MASS KILLING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1581
R. RADICAL ENVIRONMENTALISM ATTACKS DEMOCRACY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1582-3
S. ECO-RADICALISM THREATENS CIVILIZATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1584
T. ECO-RADICALISM REJECTS TECHNOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1585-6
U. RADICAL ENVIRONMENTALISM EMBRACES ANARCHISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1587
V. STATE ESSENTIAL FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1588
XXVIII. COUNTER-KRITIKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1589-1689
XXIX. PRAGMATISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1690-1750

The Anti-Kritik Handbook 1
DISCOURSE Paul Berman, fellow, New York University Institute for the Humanities, DEBATING P.C.
Stanley Fish, Duke English and Law prof, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS FREE 1992, p.6.
SPEECH, 1994, p.129. No three people agree about the meaning of central terms like "deconstruction,"
The ordinary situation is one in which what you can say is limited by the decorums you are "difference," "multiculturalism," or "poststructuralism." Every participant carries around
required to internalize before entering. Regulation of free speech is a defining feature of his own definitions, the way that on certain American streets every person packs his own
everyday life, not because the landscape is polluted by censors, but because the very gun. And when you take these numberless definitions into consideration, the entire
condition of purposeful activity (as opposed to activity that is random and inconsequential) argument begins to look like . . . what? I would say it looks like the Battle of Waterloo as
is that some actions (both physical and verbal) be excluded so that some others can go described by Stendhal. A murky fog hangs over the field. Now and then a line of soldiers
forward. In the very few contexts in which the idea of "free expression" is really taken marches past. Who are they? Which army do they represent? They may be Belgian
seriously- call-in talk shows and major league baseball games (and even these have their deconstructionists from Yale, or perhaps the followers of Lionel Trilling in exile from
limits)-it is understood that the speech freely produced is tolerated because it doesn't Columbia. Perhaps they are French mercenaries. It is impossible to tell. The fog thickens.
matter. When speech does matter, when it is produced in the service of some truth or Shots go off. The debate is unintelligible. But it is noisy!
preferred agenda, the sign of its mattering is the fact that only some forms of it will be
welcome. If we keep in mind that regulation of speech is constitutive of meaningful AKH0008 THE KRITIK FALSELY ASSUMES A CRISIS OF MODERN CULTURE
discourse, we will not regard proposals for regulation as anomalous but receive them as J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.260.
suggested modifications of a condition-the condition of productive constraint--that has By stating that Foucault's anti-Enlightenment philosophical history, as well as Derrida's
always obtained. brand of irrationalism, are not only instances of a literarization of thought but also a
surrender of thought to modernist ideology, that is, to the pious countercultural worldview
AKH0002 REJECTING WITHOUT AN ALTERNATIVE LEADS TO NIHILISM of most modern art, I meant to stress how questionable are the assumptions that gave birth
Luc Ferry and Alain Renaut, French philosophers, FRENCH PHILOSOPHY OF THE to the radical tradition within Kulturkritik. Do the many failures and shortcomings of
SIXTIES, 1990, p.62. modern culture actually warrant such a massive indictment of modernity's achievements?
From the disintegration of norms to the rise of neo-nihilism was but a single step, which, Can we really say that the historicist appraisal and approval of an industrial order, where
when taken, rather easily undermined the fragile order of existing society: "to reject one knowledge, art and morals work as separate though obviously not wholly unrelated
social order without having any notion of which order might be erected in its place" spheres, has been convincingly shown to be erroneous? Are there not sufficient grounds
demonstrates "one of the reasons for the decomposition we saw in May."[1968] to present a case for what Hans Blumenberg has called 'die Legitimitat der Neuzeit'? That
a deep cultural crisis is endemic to historical modernity seems to have been much more
AKH0003 THE CRITIQUE OF ASSUMPTIONS IS INFINITELY REGRESSIVE eagerly assumed than properly demonstrated, no doubt because, more often than not, those
Stanley Fish, Duke English and Law prof, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS FREE who generally do the assuming-humanist intellectuals-have every interest in being
SPEECH, 1994, p.18. perceived as soul doctors to a sick civilization. Yet is the medicine that necessary, or the
Why not, then, one might ask, go deeper (in the wonderful world of rationality accidents sickness that real? Perhaps we should be entertaining second thoughts about it all.
are always being peeled away in order that essences might be revealed) and put those
underlying assumptions on the table so that they could be scrutinized and assessed? To this AKH0009 NEGLECTING POLICY SPECIFICS IS DEBILITATING AND
suggestion I would pose a simple question: if you propose to examine and assess ESSENTIALIST
assumptions, what will you examine and assess them with? And the answer is that you will Michael Wickham. Professor at Murdoch University in Australia, TOWARD A
examine and assess them with forms of thought that themselves rest on underlying CRITIQUE OF FOUCAULT, 1986, p.149.
assumptions. At any level, the tools of rational analysis will be vulnerable to the very A non-essentialist analysis treats its objects in terms of its specificity, its particular
deconstruction they claim to perform. You can never go deep enough, for no matter how conditions of existence, without reference to an eternal external essence. In this way a
deep you go, you will find reasons whose perspicuity is a function of just those non-essentialist analysis allows a far more thorough understanding of its object as it is not
factors-institutional history, personal education, political and religious affiliation--from restricted to considerations in terms of an essence. An essentialist analysis. on the other
which Reason supposedly stands apart. hand, is bound by such restrictions-it must ignore or marginalize those aspects of the object
being maintained But an essentialist analysis is not only analytically debilitating, it is also
AKH0004 CERTAIN ASSUMPTIONS SHOULD NOT BE QUESTIONED politically debilitating. Essentialism means that strategies and tactics developed to achieve
Amitai Etzioni, GW govt prof, THE SPIRIT OF COMMUNITY, 1993, p.24. policy objectives must be limited to considerations only in terms of the essence maintained
We need to return to a society in which certain actions are viewed as beyond the pale, and not in terms of the specific conditions of existence of the policy concerned.
things that upright people would not do or even consider: to walk out on their children, file
false insurance claims, cheat on tests, empty the savings accounts of others, or force sexual AKH0010 MEANINGFUL DISCOURSE CAN ONLY OCCUR WITHIN THE
advances on unwilling employees. We also need to return to a state in which there are a LANGUAGE OF A PARTICULAR ACTIVITY
fair number of positive compelling commitments-the dos rather than the don'ts-that are Stanley Fish, Duke English and Law prof, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS FREE
beyond debate and dispute. When a sick child cries at night, a parent rushes to help. There SPEECH, 1994, p.23.
is no need to consult clergy or a book by Kant to determine what one's duty is under such Since the features of the legal (or any other) landscape come into view by virtue of the
clear, elementary conditions. This is what Tocqueville and Communitarian sociologist descriptive terms certified practitioners unreflectively employ, the removal of those terms
Robert Bellah mean by "habits of the heart": values that command our support because will not clean up that landscape but depopulate it, or repopulate it with the terms, and
they are morally compelling. therefore with the entities, of some other enterprise. Insofar as you value the job being
done by a particular enterprise-be it law, literary criticism, or anything else-it behooves
AKH0005 DEMOCRACY REQUIRES EFFECTIVE DEBATE you to retain and strengthen the vocabulary that marks its distinctiveness; for you can not
Christopher Lasch, Professor of History, University of Rochester, THE REVOLT OF THE get rid of the vocabulary without depriving yourself of the resources (including resources
ELITES, 1995, p.162-3. of action) it makes available.
What democracy requires is vigorous public debate, not information. Of course, it needs
information too, but the kind of information it needs can be generated only by debate. We AKH0011 MEANINGFUL ARGUMENT REQUIRES A SHARED DISCURSIVE
do not know what we need to know until we ask the right questions, and we can identify SYSTEM
the right questions only by subjecting our own ideas about the world to the test of public Stanley Fish, Duke English and Law prof, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS FREE
controversy. Information, usually seen as the precondition of debate, is better understood SPEECH, 1994, p.136.
as its byproduct. When we get into arguments that focus and fully engage our attention, It follows then that persons embedded within different discursive systems will not be able
we become avid seekers of relevant information. Otherwise we take in information to hear the other's reasons as reasons, but only as errors or even delusions. This, I think,
passively- if we take it in at all. is Carter's point when he observes that "to the devout fundamentalist . . . evolutionary
theory is not simply contrary to religious teachings; . . . it is demonstrably false." I take the
AKH0006 THE KRITIK THREATENS PRODUCTIVE RELATIONS OF SCIENCE stress on the word demonstrably to mean that Carter understands fully that the clash
AND SOCIETY between liberals and fundamentalists is a clash between two faiths, or if you prefer (and
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and it is my thesis that these two formulations are interchangeable) between two ways of
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.4. thinking undergirded by incompatible first principles, empirical verification and biblical
The danger for the moment at least, is not to science itself. What is threatened is the inerrancy.
capability of the larger culture, which embraces the mass media as well as the more serious
processes of education, to interact fruitfully with the sciences, to draw insight from
scientific advances, and, above all, to evaluate science intelligently. To the extent that the
academic left's critique becomes the dominant mode of thinking about science on the part
of nonscientists, that thinking will be distorted and dangerously irrelevant.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 2
Stanley Fish, Duke English and Law prof, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS FREE Amitai Etzioni, GW govt prof, THE SPIRIT OF COMMUNITY, 1993, p.24.
SPEECH, 1994, p.27. The problem is that the waning of traditional values was not followed by a solid
Although the New Historicist polemic emphasizes the virtue of hard archival work, New affirmation of new values; often nothing filled the empty spaces that were left when we
Historicist assumptions permit interpreters to get away with doing almost no work at all razed existing institutions. The result is rampant moral confusion and social anarchy.
of the kind that would result in persuasive arguments as opposed to discrete, ad hoc
speculations. Persuasive arguments are arguments that can be seen as advancing a project AKH0020 WE NOW NEED MORAL RECONSTRUCTION, NOT JUST
whose goals are clearly articulated. Persuasive arguments are disciplinary arguments. DESTRUCTIVE CRITICISM
Amitai Etzioni, GW govt prof, THE SPIRIT OF COMMUNITY, 1993, p.12.
AKH0013 MEANINGFUL CRITIQUE CAN ONLY FUNCTION WITHIN A FORM OF Since the early sixties many of our moral traditions, social values, and institutions have
DISCOURSE been challenged, often for valid reasons. The end result is that we live in a state of
Margaret Radin and Frank Michelman, Professors of Law, Stanford and Harvard, increasing moral confusion and social anarchy. Once we were quite clear about what
UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA LAW REVIEW, 1991, p.1043. young couples were supposed to do-and refrain from doing-even if many of them did not
Concepts are distinguishable by us only relative to discourses in which we participate (and fully live up to these expectations. The trouble now is not that the traditional family was
which participate in us); there is no discourse we can deconstruct except our own discourse undermined; it did deserve a critical going-over. The trouble is that no new concept of the
in use at the moment. But there is no discourse in use except colloquially, by people family-of responsibility to children, of intimacy, and of commitment to one another-has
sharing some particular form of life So the poststructuralist critic is limited to detailed emerged to replace the traditional form. (The fate of two books by Betty Friedan illustrates
observation, from within a form of life, of practices embedded in that form of life. the difference: The Feminine Mystique, which was critical of the traditional family, was
all the rage in the 1960s and early 1970s. Her second book, The Second Stage, published
AKH0014 ARGUMENTS HAVE RELEVANCE ONLY WITHIN SPECIFIC SPHERES in 1981, which advocated the restructuring of the family, fell on deaf ears.) Moral
OF DISCOURSE transitions often work this way: destruction comes quickly. A vacuum prevails.
YALE LAW JOURNAL, 1986, p.979. Reconstruction is slow. This is where we are now: it is time to reconstruct, in the full sense
Habems posits that the objective, social, and subjective spheres which constitute our of the term-not to return to the traditional, but to return to a moral affirmation,
worlds all consist of understandings negotiated according to "communicative rationality," reconstructed but firmly held.
a process procedurally similar in each case Yet each sphere has a specific rationality that
is substantively distinct, because the standard according to which clams in each sphere are AKH0021 KRITIK ISN'T ENOUGH EVEN IN THEORY
evaluated varies. In the objective realm, where subject confronts object (e.g., scientific or Ken Kress, University of Iowa Professor of Law, CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW, 1989,
empirical investigation), Claims are made to truth or success. In the subjective realm, p.320.
where subject expresses experiences (e.g., aesthetic expression), Claims are to sincerity. But critique is not enough. All legal systems and all legal theories are flawed. We are, after
And in the social realm, where subject interacts with subject (e.g., moral theory, law), all, humans, not gods. Legal argument is comparative, and so is theory, We decide which
claims are to rightness. theory to believe by provisionally accepting that theory which has the best overall
combination of virtues and vices. It is therefore incumbent on critical scholars to present
AKH0015 COMMON LANGUAGE IS NECESSARY FOR DIALOGUE not only critiques. but also alternatives preferable to the doctrine and theories they critique.
Diane Michelfelder and Richard Palmer, MacMurray College, DIALOGUE AND (Some critical scholars are now vigorously making that attempt). Otherwise, critical
DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.6. scholars give us no cause to change our beliefs or our actions.
In Truth and Method Gadamer asserts that without this common language, partners in a
conversation would talk at cross purposes and fail to make any headway toward mutual AKH0022 CRITIQUE DOESN'T RECOGNIZE THE IMPERFECTION OF ALL
understanding (WM 360/341). His remark in "Destruktion and Deconstuction"-that when SOLUTIONS
a dialogue starts out in two different languages, there comes a time when those speaking Congressman Barney Frank, THE NEED FOR U.S. HEALTH REFORM: UNINSURED
have to switch to one language for the conversation to advance echoes this point. AND CHRONICALLY ILL AMERICANS, SuDoc#Y4.AG4/2:Un3/5 Feb 6, 1992, p.16.
What we have to understand, however, when we design a solution is, and its a rule that is
AKH0016 REJECTING THE LANGUAGE OF A CERTAIN FIELD PRODUCES too often ignored, when you are dealing with a very difficult problem that is going to leave
MISUNDERSTANDING AND BACKLASH its earmarks on the solution No solution can be by some order of magnitude more elegant
YALE LAW JOURNAL, 1986, p.988. than the problem at which it is aimed, and it will be a mistake to critique every solution
Whether the judge wants to change or to conserve the language of power spoken by a because it is not going to be perfect. We have let the situation go on too long.
society, he or she will use it to communicate. It is a common tongue that evokes agreement
and produces effect, while alien approaches provoke misunderstanding, ridicule, reversal, AKH0023 SIMPLE REJECTION IS INTELLECTUALLY VACUOUS
official censure, widespread noncompliance, or lack of support from other branches. John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST
Indeed the judge is not chosen, in either a hierarchical polity or an egalitarian one, unless DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.82.
he or she has demonstrated a "know-how" of the current legal medium and a level of Ultimately, then, the position that the traditional and obvious must be systematically
commitment to it. opposed and deconstructed is vacuous; it is not really a position in critical theory at all, for
it tells us nothing about original thinking in criticism and where it may lead us. Logically,
AKH0017 RADICAL CRITIQUES END IN SUPPORT FOR TOTALITARIANISM it seems to me on a par with the slogan of the younger generation in the 1960S: "Don't trust
Berman, NYU Institute for the Humanities, DEBATING P.C., 1992, p.9-10. anyone over thirty!" Both advocate an indiscriminate response to authority that lacks
The many dazzlements of '68 Philosophy were never any use in addressing mundane reflectiveness or discrimination. (To be fair, the younger generation of the sixties never
questions like these. The great god of the Paris thinkers was Heidegger, who was second thought of this as a positive program in its own right, and it was busy thinking up
to none in holding Western rationalism and humanism responsible for all the unhappiness alternative views of war and society that had their own logic.)
of modern life and for hinting at millenarian alternatives. But the alternative he ended up
embracing was the Nazism of Adolf Hitler. Of course, the Paris ultra-radicals who imbibed AKH0024 MERE CRITICISM IS TRIVIAL)ALTERNATIVES ARE WHAT MATTER
the theories of '68 Philosophy were anything but right wing. Yet there was nothing in their John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST
leftism to prevent a substantial number of them from tilting to an opposite extreme and DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.105.
celebrating dictators like Mao Zedong, so long as the horrors of liberal civilization were No one will object to the view that all traditional, conventional views should be given
being opposed. For the whole point of postmodern theorizing was, after all, to adopt close scrutiny-though, to be sure, one might object to the assertion that an interpretation
positions that were so far out, so wild, as to blow your mind. can be dismissed or declared incomplete simply because it is traditional. The real objection
here is surely that it is just too easy to express a generalized scorn for all received opinion:
AKH0018 DECONSTRUCTION LEADS TO NIHILISM much more valuable is the hard work of finding out what is wrong with a particular
Irving Howe, literary and social critic, DEBATING P.C., Paul Berman ed, 1992, p.157-8. received view and thinking up a better one.
As for the French theorizing-metacritical, quasi-philosophical, and at times of a stupefying
verbal opacity-it has provided a buttress for the academic insurgents. We are living at a
time when all the once-regnant world systems that have sustained (also distorted) Western
intellectual life, from theologies to ideologies, are taken to be in severe collapse. This leads
to a mood of skepticism, an agnosticism of judgment, sometimes a world-weary nihilism
in which even the most conventional minds begin to question both distinctions of value
and the value of distinctions.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 3
John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST Brian Barry, Professor of Political Science, London School of Economics, PHILOSOPHY
DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.95-6. AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS, Fall 1990, p.363-4.
Imagine a conference on cancer research at which the general sense is that recent research All criticism)as opposed to lamentation)presupposes that it is possible for things to be
is going nowhere. A deconstructionist rises to tell the conference that it must look at better than they are now as a result of human action(CC pp.17-18). I think that Walzer
hitherto marginalized, thus neglected, ideas. A researcher, intrigued by the possibility of skews his analysis by taking as his paradigmatic social critic the prophet Amos. (He is the
a new idea, asks what specific suggestion or suggestions the deconstructionist has in mind. major figure in the last third of ISC, and reappears at key points in CC.) For the burden of
But the deconstructionist replies only that the field must question its concept of what is Amos's complaint is that the Jews (and in particular the rich) are failing to live up to the
central to cancer research. Evidently, replies the researcher, but just what aspect of the precepts of the Covenant-failing, for example, to return to their owners each night clothes
current consensus on centrality is the problem, and which of the thousands of currently given in pledge (ISC, pp.81-82). Charles Dickens was a critic of this kind: avarice was for
neglected chemical possibilities is the one that the deconstructionist is recommending? If him, too, the root of evil. As George Orwell observed, Dickens's solution was that
now the deconstructionist replies that he is recommending a general strategy not a concrete businessmen should model themselves on (post-spirit) Scrooge and the Cheeryble brothers.
proposal, the audience will conclude, correctly, that he has nothing to say after all. For This is no doubt to be counted as social criticism of a sort, but typical social critics of the
what he has just said is rather like saying, "Have a good new idea." That is not even a left in this century (including those on Walzer's list) have rejected as naive the formula of
strategy for finding new ideas, much less a new idea in itself. social reform constituted by individual reform. A critic of institutions as distinct from a
critic of conduct, must surely have a social theory in order to explain why the reforms that
AKH0026 KRITIK WITHOUT ALTERNATIVES PRODUCES POLITICAL he proposes will deal with the complaints that he articulates. Thus, for example, Orwell
OPPRESSION had a theory (at any rate from, say, the late 1930s to the mid-1940s) to the effect that a
Louis Schwartz, UC-Hastings Law Prof, STANFORD LAW REVIEW, 1984, p.414. capitalist economy was hopelessly inefficient compared with a socialist economy, and that
The pieces exhibited that species of irresponsibility that denounces the political status quo the abolition of private education would have beneficial effects on the class system. This
without considering available alternatives; Churchill's aphorism that "[d]emocracy is the theory may have been a good one or a bad one, but it was, I suggest, the belief that he
worst form of Government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to knew of a better way that made Orwell a critic rather than a mere grouser.
time" apparently left no impression on these writers. Moreover, these writers were
contemptuous of "compromise" and "balancing,"-- and often explicitly advocated violent AKH0031 CONTEMPORARY "THEORY" UNDERMINES TRUE SOCIAL CRITICISM
solutions to political differences. They were receptive to paternalistic coercion to override Christopher Lasch, Professor of History, University of Rochester, THE REVOLT OF THE
the stated preferences of real human beings on the ground that those tastes had been ELITES, 1995, p.193.
corrupted by the 'system." Grotesque proposals were frequently advanced without "Theory" is no substitute for social criticism, the one form of intellectual activity that
pragmatic basis or sensitivity to institutional issues. would seriously threaten the status quo and the one form that has no academic cachet at all.
Social criticism that addressed the real issue in higher education today-the university's
AKH0027 NOT MOVING BEYOND CRITICISM MEANS POLITICAL FAILURE assimilation into the corporate order and the emergence of a knowledge class whose
Catharine MacKinnon, Professor of Law, University of Michigan, TOWARD A ''subversive" activities do not seriously threaten any vested interest-would be a welcome
FEMINIST THEORY OF THE STATE, 1989, p.241. addition to contemporary discourse. For obvious reasons, however, this kind of discourse
Failure to move beyond criticism, a failure of determinism and radical paralysis, is failure is unlikely to get much encouragement either from the academic left or from its critics on
of feminism in its left forms. the right.

John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST David Caudill, University of Texas Adjunct Law Professor, IOWA LAW REVIEW, 1987,
DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.91-2. p.287.
As a program for criticism, then, this version of deconstructive criticism is vacuous in Yet the prospect of CLS ending in skepticism is nevertheless at hand. "By arguing that
theory and counterproductive in practice. To oppose a particular tradition or viewpoint decisionmaking is not grounded on objective criteria and denying the impossibility of
with a particular alternative program is to set out a real position; but to announce simply 'liberal' theory's capacity to formulate objective criteria, democratic radicals have produced
an indiscriminate and unspecified opposition to any tradition in general and none in a critique that cannot be distinguished from that of the complete skeptic...Once skeptics
particular, with no particular alternative in mind in any given case, is not to take a position finish announcing the impossibility of making rational choices or of finding truth about
at all but only to gain rather too easily acquired feelings of iconoclastic superiority. anything, they recognize that they themselves must make choices and must proceed upon
Thinking about real problems is thus circumvented. assumptions of reality...Skepticism is a philosophy of talk and not of life. Skeptics are
walking contradictions: they have to be...[Further, if] no human process can avoid
AKH0029 THE PROPER METHOD OF CRITIQUE INVOLVES COMPARISON subjective decisionmaking, it seems absurd to indict a process as illegitimate merely
Karl Popper, Professor of Philosophy, University of London, THE ABDICATION OF because it does not avoid subjectivity.
PHILOSOPHY, Eugene Freeman, ed., 1976, p.46.
We thus can logically distinguish between a mistaken method of criticizing and a correct AKH0033 NIHILISTIC KRITIK IS A WORSE CURE THAN ANY CULTURE ILLNESS
method of criticizing. The mistaken method starts from the question: how can we establish J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.242.
or justify our thesis or our theory? It thereby leads either to dogmatism; or to an infinite But although Megill is shrewd enough to realize that 'the problem with the crisis notion is
regress; or to the relativistic doctrine of rationally incommensurable frameworks. By that it can only speak in vague generalities'-which is music to our ears-he actually
contrast, the correct method of critical discussion starts from the question: what are the swallows a great deal of the Kulturkrisis myth and does not see that Derrida's nihilistic
consequences of our thesis or our theory? Are they all acceptable to us? Thus it consists equivocations, including his underrating of crisis theory itself, are a cure still worse than
in comparing the consequences of different theories (or, if you like, of different the illness. Briefly, Megill's able characterization of crisis thinking as aestheticism falls
frameworks) and tries to find out which of the competing theories or frameworks has short of the crucial critical step: it balks before the acknowledgement that the
consequences that seem preferable to us. It is thus conscious of the fallibility of all our Kulturkritik-be it 'prophetic' (Heidegger), rebel-like (Foucault) or cynical-ironic (Derrida)
methods, and it tries to replace all our theories by better ones. This is, admittedly, a -is not a mimetic but a productive concept, a theory that begets its own object and then lays
difficult task, but by no means an impossible one. it in a humanist mind only too eager to hatch it, as an insignia of its self-important wisdom.
Post-structuralist thought marks the ultimate intellectual decay of this vacuous ideological
posturing; and within it, deconstruction, the tame pseudo-Nietzscheanism of academe, is
a gloomy histrionics passing for theoretical insight.


Charles Frankel, Columbia philosopher, THE CASE FOR MODERN MAN, 1956, p.135.
It is a truism that every inquiry, whether in history or the natural sciences, must proceed
by taking something for granted. But this does not mean that in every inquiry we take the
same assumption for granted. What we leave unquestioned in one context we can very well
question in another.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 4
Frederich Nietzsche, German philosopher, UNTIMELY MEDIATIONS, (Cambridge U. Christopher Lasch, Professor of History, University of Rochester, THE REVOLT OF THE
Press),1873, p.187. ELITES, 1995, p.162.
The only critique of a philosophy that is possible and that proves something, namely trying As for the claim that the information revolution would raise the level of public intelligence,
to see whether one can live in accordance with it, has never been taught at universities: all it is no secret that the public knows less about public affairs than it used to know. Millions
that has ever been taught is a critique of words by means of other words. of Americans cannot begin to tell you what is in the Bill of Rights, what Congress does,
what the Constitution says about the powers of the presidency, how the party system
AKH0036 A GOOD LIFE REQUIRES AN UNCRITICAL SET OF BELIEFS emerged or how it operates. A sizable majority, according to a recent survey, believe that
Francis Fukuyama, Rand, THE END OF HISTORY AND THE LAST MAN, 1992, p.306. Israel is an Arab nation. Instead of blaming the schools for this disheartening ignorance
For according to Nietzsche, a living thing cannot be healthy, strong, or productive except of public affairs, as is the custom, we should look elsewhere for a fuller explanation,
by living within a certain horizon, that is, a set of values and beliefs that are accepted bearing in mind that people readily acquire such knowledge as they can put to good use.
absolutely and uncritically. "No artist will paint his picture, no general win his victory, no Since the public no longer participates in debates on national issues, it has no reason to
nation gain its freedom," without such a horizon, without loving the work that they do inform itself about civic affairs. It is the decay of public debate, not the school system (bad
"infinitely more than it deserves to be loved." as it is), that makes the public ill informed, notwithstanding the wonders of the age of
information. When debate becomes a lost art, information, even though it may be readily
Isaiah Berlin, Professor of Social and Political Theory, Oxford, FOUR ESSAYS ON AKH0043 REASONED DEBATE IS NEEDED TO FORM KNOWLEDGE
LIBERTY, 1969, p.92. Christopher Lasch, Professor of History, University of Rochester, THE REVOLT OF THE
If I am an historian and wish to explain the causes of the great French Revolution, I ELITES, 1995, p.170.
naturally assume or take for granted certain general propositions. Thus I assume that all Arguments were what took place in the absence of reliable information. Lippmann had
the ordinarily accepted physical laws of the external world apply. I also assume that all or forgotten what he learned (or should have learned) from William James and John Dewey:
most men need and consciously seek food, clothing, shelter, some degree of protection for that our search for reliable information is itself guided by the questions that arise during
their persons, and facilities for getting their grievances listened to or redressed. arguments about a given course of action. It is only by subjecting our preferences and
projects to the test of debate that we come to understand what we know and what we still
AKH0038 ALL KNOWLEDGE MUST BEGIN WITH ASSUMPTIONS need to learn. Until we have to defend our opinions in public, they remain opinions in
Bertrand Russell, Professor of Philosophy, Cambridge, THE PROBLEMS OF Lippmann's pejorative sense-half-formed convictions based on random impressions and
PHILOSOPHY, 1912, p.150. unexamined assumptions. It is the act of articulating and defending our views that lifts
When, however, we speak of philosophy as a criticism of knowledge, it is necessary to them out of the category of "opinions," gives them shape and definition, and makes it
impose a certain limitation. If we adopt the attitude of the complete skeptic, placing possible for others to recognize them as a description of their own experience as well. In
ourselves wholly outside all knowledge, and asking, from this outside position, to be short, we come to know our own minds only by explaining ourselves to others.
compelled to return within the circle of knowledge, we are demanding what is impossible,
and our skepticism can never be refuted. For all refutation must begin with some piece of AKH0044 DEBATE ENHANCES DEMOCRACY
knowledge which the disputants share; from blank doubt, no argument can begin. Hence Jerry Anderson and Paul Dovre, Michigan State and Concordia College, READINGS IN
the criticism of knowledge which philosophy employs must not be of this destructive kind, ARGUMENTATION, 1968, p.55.
if any result is to be achieved. Against this absolute skepticism, no logical argument can Whereas Lippmann relates debate to freedom of speech in a democracy and Ehninger
be advanced. But it is not difficult to see that skepticism of this kind is unreasonable. speaks of the ideal objectives and method of debate, Mills attempts to relate debate to the
broad spectrum of political ideals and forces. He develops the view that debate reinforces
AKH0039 NOT ALL ASSUMPTIONS NEED TO BE JUSTIFIED; SOME ARE democratic values and mitigates the forces which naturally tend to erode those values.
AXIOMATIC Professor Mills begins by identifying the ideals of democracy, then enumerates some of
Ronald Dworkin, Oxford professor of Jurisprudence, MORALITY AND THE LAW, the forces which may undermine these ideals, and finally indicates the role of
Richard Wasserstrom, ed.,1971, p.65. argumentation in securing the ideals.
But do I really have to have a reason to make my position a matter of moral conviction?
Most men think that acts which cause unnecessary suffering, or break a serious promise AKH0045 DEMOCRACY DEPENDS ON PUBLIC ADVOCACY SKILLS
with no excuse, are immoral, and yet they could give no reason for these beliefs. They feel Jerry Anderson and Paul Dovre, Michigan State and Concordia College, READINGS IN
that no reason is necessary because they take it as axiomatic or self-evident that these are ARGUMENTATION, 1968, p.xiii.
immoral acts. It seems contrary to common sense to deny that a position held in this way The continuing strength of a democratic society depends on a public forum of competing
can be a moral position. arguments by informed, responsible, and skilled citizen-advocates. This is especially true
today in an era when our world and nation are challenged by a greater number, complexity,
AKH0040 THE PHILOSOPHICAL KRITIK OF ASSUMPTIONS IS IRRELEVANT TO and scope of social issues; when we are bombarded from all sides by a smoke screen of
PRACTICAL AFFAIRS mass persuasion; and when the amount of knowledge and information accessible to us
Louis Schwartz, UC-Hastings Law Professor. STANFORD LAW REVIEW, 1984, p.413. burgeons daily. The study of argumentation is based on the premises that thoughtful
It is we that jurisprudential scholars are under no moral obligation to pass for practical deliberation, intensive research, rational analysis, and the testing of ideas through reasoned
politicians. A philosopher may legitimately restrict his inquiry to questions such as those discourse provides a vital means of conflict resolution and decision making; and that the
concerning the assumptions that underlie particular systems of thought or the student who firmly grasps principles of argumentation theory is best equipped to become
inconsistencies or logical flaws in the systems put forward on the basis of those a responsible and competent practitioner of argumentative discourse.
assumptions, The philosopher certainly may also develop a system of thought and indicate
the anticipated practical consequence of adopting that system, without proffering a draft AKH0046 POLICY DEBATE IS INTEGRAL TO FREE SOCIETY
of a statute to carry out these views, which in any event have up to this point solely the Jerry Anderson and Paul Dovre, Michigan State and Concordia College, READINGS IN
merit of consistency with postulated premises. The philosopher becomes vulnerable only ARGUMENTATION, 1968, p.53.
when he leaves the self-contained and assumption-bounded world of theory and assumes "Give the people the facts and freedom to discuss and all will go well" was a favorite
the role of leader in practical affairs. aphorism of the late Wisconsin Senator and leader of the Progressive Party, Robert M.
LaFollette, Sr. Political practitioners and theorists long before and after LaFollette have
AKH0041 DEMOCRACY REQUIRES DEBATE maintained that applied argumentation, debate, is integral to a free society.
Christopher Lasch, Professor of History, University of Rochester, THE REVOLT OF THE
If we insist on argument as the essence of education, we will defend democracy not as the Russell Windes and Arthur Hastings, Professors of Speech, Queens College and Stanford,
most efficient but as the most educational form of government, one that extends the circle ARGUMENTATION AND ADVOCACY, 1965, p.8.
of debate as widely as possible and thus forces all citizens to articulate their views, to put Lord Bryce termed public opinion "the great source of power, the master of servants who
their views at risk, and to cultivate the virtues of eloquence, clarity of thought and tremble before it." Government by public opinion exists, Bryce wrote, "where the wishes
expression, and sound judgment. As Lippmann noted, small communities are the classic and views of the people prevail, even before they have been conveyed through the regular
locus of democracy-not because they are "self-contained, " however, but simply because law-appointed organs. . . ." Through public opinion the "national will shall be most fully
they allow everyone to take part in public debates. Instead of dismissing direct democracy expressed, most quickly known, most unresistingly and cheerfully obeyed." What is the
as irrelevant to modern conditions, we need to recreate it on a large scale. From this point power that makes public opinion such a potent force? Why do public officials obey the
of view the press serves as the equivalent of the town meeting. dictates of public opinion so eagerly once they have learned its meaning? Public opinion
has influence because it has behind it both the authority of the vote and the so-called
voting threat.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 5
PUBLIC OPINION Stanley Fish, Professor of Law and English at Duke University, THERE'S NO SUCH
Russell Windes and Arthur Hastings, Professors of Speech, Queens College and Stanford, THING AS FREE SPEECH, 1994, p.129-30.
ARGUMENTATION AND ADVOCACY, 1965, p.17. If we keep in mind that regulation of speech is constitutive of meaningful discourse, we
Even if people should concern themselves over a public controversy, that concern alone will not regard proposals for regulation as anomalous but receive them as suggested
is not sufficient. Along with concern goes the responsibility of making oneself modifications of a condition --the condition of productive restraint--that has always
knowledgeable, of making oneself qualified to examine various alternatives to the solution obtained. In this light the question: 'Should hate speech be regulated?' will lose much of
of a problem in order to arrive at positions on those alternatives. If public opinion is not its sexiness, for it will no longer be heard as an extraordinary question provoked by
based on thorough analysis of an issue and the support of a resulting position through extraordinary circumstances, as a limit case that tests the resources of philosophy; rather
evidence and reasoning, then that opinion may be not only worthless but pernicious it will be heard as a perfectly ordinary question, no more or less difficult that the question
Witch-hunting in the seventeenth century represented a certain public opinion, opinion of whether spectators at a trial can applaud or boo the statements of opposing counsels.
based on false information and indefensible analysis. Witch-hunting still exists. And how would I answer the question? I would say, 'It depends,' an answer that may be
philosophically unsatisfying but one that is responsive to the messy contingency of a world
AKH0049 INFORMED PUBLIC DEBATE IS KEY TO FREE INSTITUTIONS that defies the neatness of philosophical formulations.
Christopher Lasch, Professor of History, University of Rochester, THE REVOLT OF THE
We have already seen that the survival of free institutions depends on the opportunity and Stanley Fish, Professor of Law and English at Duke University, THERE'S NO SUCH
the ability of sovereign people to make responsible decisions in social matters. We have THING AS FREE SPEECH, 1994, p.13.
observed that opportunity and ability depend on the constitutional guarantees of a free Recently Frederick Schauer, a noted First Amendment scholar, said the unsayable when
marketplace, as well as the concern free people demonstrate in public affairs and their he suggested that standard free-speech arguments have all the earmarks of an ideology
willingness to knowledgeably participate in the decision-making process. because it is assumed in the society that counterarguments are dangerous and must be
rejected by all right thinking persons. There is, observes, Schauer, 'little free inquiry about
AKH0050 INTELLECTUAL PROGRESS IS POSSIBLE THROUGH ARGUMENT free inquiry and little free speech about free speech' in the current climate. It is a paradox
John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST that an orthodox of tolerance is intolerant of those 'who have less protective rather than
DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.128. more protective views about freedom of speech.'
In the real world in which we live, progress in all fields occurs through the clash of
different views and of conflicting opinions. In that clash, views do not simply persevere AKH0056 APPEALS TO FREE SPEECH ARE ESSENTIALLY RHETORICAL PLOYS
unaltered; the world does not consist of individuals stubbornly clinging to their first Stanley Fish, Professor of Law and English at Duke University, THERE'S NO SUCH
thoughts and not talking to others. On the contrary, individuals present their views for THING AS FREE SPEECH, 1994, p.16.
discussion by others, and there is modification, alteration, even abandonment of ideas in The First Amendment is not a self-declaring statement and will assume the form given to
the process of discussion. Some views are persuasive and grow in influence; others do not it by powerful and authoritative interpreters. And the moral that follows from that one is
persuade and are forgotten. The development of knowledge is a social process argument that the First Amendment does not in and of itself (finally a meaningless phrase) direct a
between differing individuals counts for a great deal in this process. politics but will display the political 'spin' of whatever group has its hand on the
interpretive machinery. 'Free speech' is thus just like 'fairness' and 'merit'--rather than a
AKH0051 ANY KRITIK OF WESTERN VALUES ULTIMATELY ATTACKS concept that sits above the fray, monitoring its progress and keeping the combatants
SCIENCE honest, it is right there in the middle of the fray, an object of contest that will enable those
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and who capture it to parade their virtue at the easy expense of their opponents: we're for
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.5-6. fairness and you are for biased judgment; we're heir opponents: we're for fairness and you
On the other hand, science, together with its immediate realization as technology, is-as are for biased judgment; we're for merit and you are for special interests; we're for
much as anything can be-the single aspect of Western thought and social practice that objectivity and you are playing politics; we're for free speech and you are for censorship
defines the Western outlook and accounts for its special position in the world. and ideological tyranny. It is a wonderful (not here a word of approbation) strategy, and
Non-Western societies-Japan, to take the obvious example-can simultaneously succeed and if it is pursued as successfully as it has been in recent years by the neoconservatives, the
maintain their identities only to the degree that they naturalize the science and technology result is to place the opposition in the difficult position of having not only to respond to
of Western culture. Consequently, if one is predisposed to regard that Western position of arguments but to dispute the very vocabulary in which the issues have come to be framed,
privilege as wicked, for its prejudices and for its history of conquest, then one will a vocabulary which, because it occupies the rhetorical high ground, stigmatizes
inevitably regard Western science with suspicion and perhaps with contempt. Sooner or counterarguments...
later any critique of Western values aspiring to be comprehensive must offer an analysis
of natural science, preferably scathing. AKH0057 WHETHER SPEECH SHOULD BE REGULATED DEPENDS ON THE
AKH0052 FREE SPEECH ONLY HAS VALUE AGAINST BACKGROUND OF Stanley Fish, Professor of Law and English at Duke University, THERE'S NO SUCH
Stanley Fish, Professor of Law and English at Duke University, THERE'S NO SUCH In saying this, I would not be heard as arguing either for or against regulation and speech
THING AS FREE SPEECH, 1994, p.103-4. codes as a matter of general principle. Instead my argument turns away from general
I want to say that all affirmations of freedom of expression are like Milton's, dependent for principle to the pragmatic (anti)principle of considering each situation as it emerges. The
their force of an exception that literally carves out the space in which expression can then question of whether or not to regulate will be a local one, and we can not rely on
emerge. I do not mean that expression (saying something) is a realm whose integrity is abstractions that are either empty of content or filled with the content of some partisan
sometimes compromised by certain restrictions but that restriction in the form of an courses of action. In the course of this consideration many things will be of help, but
underlying articulation of the world that necessarily (if silently) negates alternatively among them will not be phrases like 'freedom of speech' or 'the right of individual
possible articulations, is constitutive of expression. Without restrictions, without an inbuilt expression,' because, as they are used now, these phrases tend to obscure rather than clarify
sense of what it would be meaningless to say or wrong to say, there could be no assertion our dilemmas. Once they are deprived of their talismanic force, once it is no longer
and no reason for asserting it. The exception to unregulated expression is not a negative strategically effective simply to invoke them in the act of walking away from a problem,
restriction but a positive hollowing out of value--we are for this, which means we are the conversation could continue in directions that are now blocked by a First Amendment
against that--in relation to which meaningful assertion can then occur. It is in reference to absolutism that has only been honored in the breach anyway.
that value-- constituted as all values are by an act of exclusion--that some forms of speech
will be heard as (quite literally) intolerable. AKH0058 THE VALUE OF THE FREE SPEECH INTEREST VARIES WITH THE
AKH0053 WE SHOULD SUPPRESS SPEECH COUNTER TO CONSTITUTIONAL Stanley Fish, Professor of Law and English at Duke University, THERE'S NO SUCH
Stanley Fish, Professor of Law and English at Duke University, THERE'S NO SUCH The Florida case allows us to see exactly what balancing means. It means that the value of
THING AS FREE SPEECH, 1994, p.123-4. the 'free-speech' interest, which is a real interest, will vary with the underlying purpose for
It may sound paradoxical but the First Amendment has a positive claim on us only if we which some social space has been organized. It is only in the most peculiar and eccentric
understand it to be self-qualifying; you will not abridge speech that is supportive of the of social spaces, like a Hyde Park corner, where the production of speech has no purpose
values in the name of which we have joined together. Regulation of other forms of other than itself that absolute toleration will make sense, and it is one of the oddities of
speech-- speech either irrelevant to the maintenance of those values of subversive of 'official' First Amendment rhetoric that such peculiar spaces are put forward as the norm.
them--should not be regarded as an exception to the amendment but as a fulfillment of its
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 6
Stanley Fish, Professor of Law and English at Duke University, THERE'S NO SUCH ABSURDITIES
THING AS FREE SPEECH, 1994, p.111. Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
And when someone warns about the slippery slope and predicts mournfully that if you Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.224.
restrict one form of speech, you never know what will be restricted next, one could reply, We put it forward as a general rule that the indulgence of one kind of heterodoxy betokens
'Some form of speech is always being restricted, else there could be no meaningful a further susceptibility to eccentric or highly speculative ideas. In the eighteenth century,
assertion; we have always and already slid down the slippery slope someone is always for instance, the nascent political radicalism of groups such as the Freemasons was often
going to be restricted next, and it is your job to make sure that they someone is not you.' associated with esoteric magical doctrine; historical figures like Cagliostro and the
Illuminati attest to this. Earlier in this century, radical intellectuals, their patrons and
AKH0060 SLIDES DOWN SLIPPERY SLOPES ARE ALWAYS HALTED sympathizers, mingled with theosophists, spiritualists, Jungians, and the like. A
Stanley Fish, Professor of Law and English at Duke University, THERE'S NO SUCH predilection for the unconventional almost always reigns among rebellious spirits.
THING AS FREE SPEECH, 1994, p.130.
But the slippery slope argument is another one of those exercises in abstract reasoning that AKH0065 THE KRITIK IS RADICALISM WITHOUT RISK
imagines a worse-case scenario every time because nothing fills up its landscape but its Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
own assumptions. That is, the slippery slope argument assumes that there is nothing in Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.74.
place, no underbrush, to stop the slide; but in any complexly organized society there will The idea that close attention to the words, tropes, and rhetorical postures of a culture gives
always be countervalues to invoke and invested persons to invoke them. Slippery slope one transmutative power over that culture finds acceptance for a number of reasons. First
trajectories are inevitable only in the head, where you can slide from A to B to Z with of all, it shifts the game of politics to the home turf of those who by inclination and
nothing to retard the acceleration of the logic. In the real world, however the step even training are clever with words, disposed to read texts with minute attention and to attend
from A to B will always meet with resistance of all kinds from persons differently to the higher-order resonances of language. At the same time, it allows scholars of a certain
positioned, and, as a line will be drawn beyond which regulators will be prevented from stamp to construe the pursuit of their most arcane interests as a defiantly political act
going, at least for a time, until new pressures and new resistances provoke a new round of against the repressive strictures of society. This is exhilarating: it is radicalism without
debates, at the end of which still another line will be provisionally drawn. risk. It does not endanger careers but rather advances them. It is a radicalism that university
administrators and even boards of governors have found easy to tolerate, since its calls to
AKH0061 COMMUNITY IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN FREE EXPRESSION arms generally result in nothing more menacing than aphorisms lodged in obscure
Stanley Fish, Professor of Law and English at Duke University, THERE'S NO SUCH periodicals. It is, finally, a politics upon which the wear-and-tear of ordinary political life
THING AS FREE SPEECH, 1994, p.108. can have little effect. If something bad happens, one's doctrine is confirmed: if something
The objection to this line of reasoning is well known and has recently been reformulated good happens, it is vindicated.
by Benno Schmidt, former president of Yale University. According to Schmidt, speech
codes on campuses constitute 'well intentioned but misguided efforts to give values of AKH0066 RADICAL SKEPTICISM IS SELF-CONTRADICTORY
community and harmony a higher place than freedom' (WALL STREET JOURNAL, May Frederick Crews, U Cal-Berkley, English prof, SKEPTICAL ENGAGEMENTS, 1986,
6, 1991). 'When the goals of harmony collide with freedom of expression,' he continues, p.xviii.
'freedom must be the paramount obligation of an academic community.' The flaw in this But the Poststructuralist Two-Step is not as novel as it looks. In one form or another, it
logic is on display in the phrase 'academic community,' for the phrase recognizes what characterizes the whole "School of Suspicion"-the line of radically anti-consensual
Schmidt would deny, that expression only occurs in communities- -if not in an academic philosophy that runs from Marx, Freud, and Nietzsche through Heidegger to Derrida and
community, then in a shopping mall community or a dinner party community or an Foucault. All of those thinkers described a general human state of epistemic occlusion-of
airplane ride community or an office community. In these communities and in any others inevitable subjection to the warping effects of class membership or species-wide cowardice
that could be imagined (with the possible exception of a community of major league or the repressed unconscious or the hermeneutic circle or the prisonhouse of language; yet
baseball fans), limitations on speech in relation to a defining and deeply assumed purpose each, in the act of making his claims, implied that a superior mind, his own, was unaffected
are inseparable from community membership. by those forces. Marxism and Freudianism became the modern movements par excellence
that induced fervid belief by holding out this double promise: enlightenment for you and
AKH0062 THE KRITIK ISN'T NEW me, darkness for the others.
Hans Reiss, Professor of German, University of Bristol, KANT'S POLITICAL
It must not be forgotten that the Enlightenment was only one body of thought in the QUO
eighteenth century, even if it was the dominant one. There were other strands. Criticism Frederick Crews, U Cal-Berkley, English prof, SKEPTICAL ENGAGEMENTS, 1986,
of the Enlightenment arose not merely in its decline, but accompanied its rise and p.118.
predominance. In Germany, and not only in Germany, the eighteenth century saw the As we ought to have learned by now from the larger political realm, a scorn for
spread of scientific ideas through the thinkers of the Enlightenment, but it was also independent criteria of judgment is ultimately a means, not of fostering spontaneity and
characterized by a religious way of life centered on the emotions and inward experience. liberation, but of guaranteeing that entrenched leaders will not be contradicted by upstarts
In Germany, Pietism stressed the cultivation of the inner life and fostered an emotional possessing uncongenial ideas.
approach to religion. (It was not without its counterparts elsewhere-- e.g. Methodism and
Quietism.) Kant's fervent conviction of man's inward sense of morality may well have been AKH0068 RADICAL SKEPTICISM CAN PRODUCE FASCIST
rooted in that particular soil. Furthermore, persistent criticism of the Enlightenment came ANTI-INTELLECTUALISM
not only from the orthodoxy of established religion and from privileged or traditional H. Stuart Hughes, Stanford historian, CONSCIOUSNESS AND SOCIETY, 1977, p.17.
political interests, but also, as the century progressed, from various new irrationalists. It In nearly every case, it was to a greater or lesser extent self-defeating. The new
came from those who preferred intuition to reason, the perception of genius to common self-consciousness could readily slip into a radical skepticism: from an awareness of the
sense, and spontaneity to calculated reflection. They tended to base their understanding on subjective character of social thought it was an easy step to denying the validity of all such
the individual instance and example rather than on the universal rule, and even on poetry thought-or, alternatively, to a desperate resolve to "think with the blood." In evaluating the
rather than on science. permanent significance of the generation of the 1890's, we need constantly to bear in mind
the central paradox of their achievement: more often than not, their work encouraged an
AKH0063 REJECTION OF ABSOLUTE TRUTH ISN'T AN INTELLECTUAL anti-intellectualism to which the vast majority of them were intensely hostile.
John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST AKH0069 POSTMODERNISM INTELLECTUALLY PARALLELS THE KRITIK
DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.100-1. Jon Brody, University Of Texas Debater, THE PRAXIS OF KRITIKS, 1994, Harvex.
Charles Sanders Peirce, more than a century ago, saw already that all knowledge was in The parallel between postmodernism and kritiks is obvious: both criticize attempts to
the nature of a hypothesis, subject to modification and critical reformulation by future control the objects and methods of thinking. Since the decline of the system counterplans,
experience. And these opinions and many like them have become an entrenched part of the debate has begun to settle into a comfortable equilibrium. Although we all hear about
thinking of the learned world. Viewed against this broader background, a reasonable paradigms, we rarely debate them. To be sure, we have preserved their implications as they
judgment of the value of the recent debate over the meaning and usefulness of "all relate to topicality or counterplan burdens, but their extended presence as counter-warrants,
interpretation is misinterpretation" will be obvious enough: it is not very well informed and justification arguments, minor repairs, plan amendments, among other forms, has faded.
not really very interesting. On the one hand, proponents cannot really be allowed to get Just as philosophy triumphed in the ancient battle against rhetoric and capitalism emerged
away with the claim that they deserve the credit for having gotten rid of absolute truth and victorious in the war against communism, policymaking has defeated the hypothesis-
objective knowledge. That was really done a very long time ago, and the resulting testing, games-playing, and the tabula rasa paradigms. But just as postmodern thinkers
epistemological position is not a new and provocative one but instead a commonplace. such as Derrida have renewed the challenge to philosophy's privileged status and the
market system has come under criticism for its failure to protect the homeless, the
uninsured, and other marginalized groups, kritiks contest the dominance of "traditional"
policymaking analysis.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 7
Jon Brody, University Of Texas Debater, THE PRAXIS OF KRITIKS, 1994, Harvex. UNEXAMINED
If we believe that debate, being an academic activity, should reflect and educate us about Nat Hentoff, WASHINGTON POST Columnist, FREE SPEECH FOR ME--BUT NOT
developments in Academy, debate should clear a space for postmodern thinking. Docherty FOR THEE, 1992, p.168-9.
notes that postmodern "leaves its traces on every cultural discipline from architecture to Steven Rhode. a constitutional lawyer, who was co-chairman of the Los Angeles Bar
zoology, taking on its way biology, forestry, geography, history, law, literature, and the Association Bill of Rights Bicentennial Committee. points out: 'A university campus,
arts in general, medicine, politics, philosophy, sexuality, and so on. Those who oppose whether public or private, must be a place for robust wide-open and free discussion
postmodern thinking should welcome the opportunity, based on their own standards, to Students bring to college all their prejudices, their fears, their doubts, their misconceptions.
defend their beliefs. If they spend four years cooped up under repressive regulations, they might well dutifully
obey the rules, offend no one, and leave with all their prejudices, fears, doubts, and
AKH0071 THE KRITIK EMBODIES POSTMODERN THOUGHT misconceptions firmly intact. Punishing bigoted speech only treats the symptoms, not the
Jon Brody, University Of Texas Debater, THE PRAXIS OF KRITIKS, 1994, Harvex. disease. It often creates martyrs and drives them underground where they attract new,
Since postmodernism and kritiks challenge the accuracy and desirability of modernist impressionable followers on the pretext that they themselves [the bigots] are an oppressed
processes of understanding, processes that categorize things by dividing them into distinct minority whose truths are so powerful they are banned by the Establishment.'
boxes, it is only by fitting that kritiks be difficult to divide and describe according to those
processes. Language kritiks, in their understanding of the power of discourse, contain the AKH0077 FREE SPEECH IS KEY TO ADVANCING CIVIL RIGHTS
elements of thinking kritiks. Nat Hentoff, WASHINGTON POST Columnist, FREE SPEECH FOR ME--BUT NOT
FOR THEE, 1992, p.164
AKH0072 THE KRITIK RELIES ON DECONSTRUCTION A number of blacks on the CLUM board are in agreement with Hagler, but there is also
Jon Brody, University Of Texas Debater, THE PRAXIS OF KRITIKS, 1994, Harvex. Byron Rushing, a forthright member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives.
Briefly, deconstruction seeks to destabilize the enlightenment project in order to uncover 'Bigotry thrives underground,' Rushing told me. Rather than curb speech on campus, he
what modernist practices hide from us. Deconstruction seeks to overturn the dominant added, 'we need to train people in how to deal with free speech.' Without hesitation, he
order in order to resurrect what has been subordinated, to think what remains unthought. calls himself 'a First Amendment Absolutist,' having learned the crucial importance of free
Deconstruction observes the Western thought operates through binary oppositions, speech, he points out, during his work in the civil rights movement in the 1950s and since.
hierarchies where one element is subordinated to the other. Examples include: And Rushing notes how effective Martin Luther King Jr, and Malcolm X were by
Rationality/Mysticism, Speech/Writing, Man/Woman, and Man/Nature. Deconstruction vigorously exercising their freedom of speech.
temporarily inverts these hierarchies in order to think about the subordinated element in
such a way that it is not defined by the dominant one. Although the reversal is temporary, AKH0078 MINORITIES NEED TO BE EXPOSED TO WOUNDING LANGUAGE TO
after the hierarchy reverts to its original form we leave with a different understanding of COUNTER IT
the elements, and their respective roles, in the hierarchy. In the debate, the negative could Nat Hentoff, WASHINGTON POST Columnist, FREE SPEECH FOR ME--BUT NOT
argue that voting negative signifies a temporary inversion or overturning of the dominant FOR THEE, 1992, p.167
element (normative practice) and represents an attempt to think what the dominant order There is also the damaging effect of these 'protective' regulations on the very people who
prevents us from thinking. In this case, the dominant order wants to deflect questions away are insisting they be safeguarded. Malcolm X used to talk about the need to learn how
from the subject. language works, how to dissect it, how to use it as both a shield and sword. Above all, he
felt, blacks should not be fearful of language. They should not let language intimidate them
AKH0073 CHANGING SPEECH WON'T SOLVE SOCIAL PROBLEMS but rather fight back--when words are used against them--with more powerful words of
Christopher Lasch, Professor of History, University of Rochester, THE REVOLT OF THE their own. If you read Malcolm X's collected speeches and listen to his recordings, it's clear
ELITES, 1995, p.7. he was an extraordinarily resilient, resourceful, probing master of language. How did he
The current catchwords--diversity, compassion, empowerment, entitlement--express the get that way? Not by being protected as he grew up from wounding language.
wistful hope that deep divisions in American society can be bridged by goodwill and
sanitized speech. We are called on to recognize that all minorities are entitled to respect AKH0079 WORDS AREN'T KEY
not by virtue of their achievements but by virtue of their sufferings in the past. Barbara Ehrenreich, social critic, DEBATING P.C., ed. Paul Berman, 1992, p.336.
Compassionate attention, we are told, will somehow raise their opinion of themselves; Now, I'm all for verbal uplift. I like being called Ms. I don't want people saying "man"
banning racial epithets and other forms of hateful speech will do wonders for their morale. when they mean me, too. I'm willing to make an issue of these things. But I know that even
In our preoccupation with words, we have lost sight of the tough realities that cannot be when all women are Ms., we'll still get sixty-five cents for every dollar earned by a man.
softened simply by flattering people's self-image What does it profit the residents of the Minorities by any other name-people of color, or whatever-will still bear a huge burden
South Bronx to enforce speech codes at elite universities? of poverty, discrimination, and racial harassment. Verbal uplift is not the revolution.

CONDITIONS Paul Berman, fellow, New York University Institute for the Humanities, DEBATING P.C.
Roger Kimball, author of TENURED RADICALS, DEBATING P.C, ed. Paul Berman, 1992, p.23-4.
1992, p.64-5. And there is the idea that, sparkling like jewels here and there, a millenarian alternative is
This celebration of 'difference' may sound like a prescription for tolerance and genuine somewhere lurking, that we can turn the world upside down-if we, the anti-bigot reformers,
pluralism. But in fact it has fostered a positively Orwellian situation in which 'diversity' can only get hold of the dominating verbal structures. For if we can only command the
really means strict intellectual conformity, and 'tolerance' is reserved exclusively for those school curriculum, or dictate the literary canon, or get everyone to abandon certain
who subscribe to one's own perspective. As has been widely reported in the press recently, previously unanalyzed phrases that contain the entire structure of oppressive social
attempts to endorse the ethic of 'difference' have led to egregious violations of academic domination, and replace these phrases with other phrases that contain a new, better
freedom and have poisoned the atmosphere for honest intellectual exchange at campuses society-if we can only do that, great results will occur, and the radiant new day will be at
across the country. Deviation from the multiculturalist orthodoxy on any number of issues hand. That is a wild notion, which consciously no one believes, at least not in full. Yet bits
is punished by social ostracism, mandatory 'consciousness raising' classes, or even and pieces of that idea peek out from within the academic vocabulary.
suspension or expulsion. It is precisely this cluster of phenomena that is summed up in the
Dinesh D'Souza, author of Illiberal Education, DEBATING, P.C., ed. Paul Berman, 1992,
Benno Schmidt, former President of Yale University, quoted in: FREE SPEECH FOR ME, And finally, liberal education should be about high standards and about free speech, free
BUT NOT FOR THEE, 1992, p.134. and open debate. Instead, many campuses are witnessing attack on academic standards as
Thus, on many campuses around the country, perhaps most, these is little resistance to being the sole property of white males and, further, many campuses, more than a hundred,
growing pressure to suppress and to punish rather than to answer, speech that offends now have censorship regulations outlawing racially and sexually offensive speech. So we
notions of civility and community. These campuses are heedless of the oldest lesson in the have gone from liberal education to its antithetical opposite, to illiberal education.
history of freedom of expression, which is that offensive, erroneous and obnoxious speech
is the price of freedom. Offensive speech cannot be suppressed under open-ended
standards without letting loose an engine of censorship that cannot be controlled. Vague
and unpredictable possibilities of punishment for expression on campus not only fly in the
face of the lessons of freedom, but are in addition antithetical to the idea of the university..
If fear, ignorance and bigotry exist on our campuses, it is far better than they be exposed
and answered than that they be bottled up.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 8
Nat Hentoff, WASHINGTON POST columnist, DEBATING, P.C., ed. Paul Berman, 1992, Nat Hentoff, WASHINGTON POST Columnist, FREE SPEECH FOR ME--BUT NOT
p.218-9 FOR THEE, 1992, p.133-4
Students at New York University Law School have also told me that they censor 'The problem of freedom of expression on our campuses lies at the intersection of two
themselves in class. The kind of chilling atmosphere they describe was exemplified last extremely disturbing tendencies. One is a general anxiety in our society that is eroding our
year as a case assigned for a moot court competition became subject to denunciation when commitment to enduring principles in our national life, an unsteadiness that especially
a sizable number of law students said it was too 'offensive' and would hurt the feelings of threatens freedom of expression, the freedom that is the indispensable condition, as
gay and lesbian students. The case concerned a divorced father's attempt to gain custody Benjamin Cardozo reminded us, of all our liberties. What the near-miss of amending the
of his children on the grounds that their mother had become a lesbian. It was against PC First Amendment to deal with flag burning, the political agitation over indecency in the
to represent the father. Although some of the faculty responded by insisting that you learn arts, and the steady march toward an official-secrets-act regime of national-security secrecy
to be a lawyer by dealing with all kinds of cases, including those you personally find all have in common in a pervasive doubt about the capacity of our society to live and
offensive, other faculty members supported the rebellious students, praising them for their flourish in conditions of freedom.
sensitivity. There was little public opposition from the other students to the attempt to
Nat Hentoff, WASHINGTON POST columnist, DEBATING, P.C., ed. Paul Berman, 1992, Those who begin coercive elimination of dissent soon find themselves exterminating
p.217-8 dissenters...Freedom to differ is not limited to things that do not matter much. That would
One of the myths about the rise of PC (politically correct) is that, coming from the left, it be a mere shadow of freedom. The test of its substance is the right to differ as to things that
is primarily intimidating conservatives on campus. Quite the contrary. At almost every touch the heart of the existing order.'
college I've been, conservative students have their own newspaper, usually quite lively and
fired by a muckraking glee at exposing 'politically correct' follies on campus. By and large, AKH0089 SUPPRESSING INTOLERANT SPEECH IS SELF-DEFEATING
those most intimidated--not so much by the speech codes themselves but by the Madame Nat Hentoff, WASHINGTON POST Columnist, FREE SPEECH FOR ME--BUT NOT
Defarge-like spirit behind them--are liberal students and those who can be called politically FOR THEE, 1992, p.254
moderate. I've talked to many of them, and they no longer get involved in class discussions Holmes' logic is inescapable. If speech is to be free, there is always the risk that those who
where their views would go against the grain of PC righteousness. Many, for instance, would destroy free speech may be sufficiently eloquent to use that constitutional freedom
have questions about certain kinds of affirmative action. They are not partisans of Jesse to end it. But if speech is to be limited to prevent that possibility, then the enemies of free
Helms or David Duke, but they wonder whether progeny of middle-class black families expression have already won a significant victory-- even as they are silenced. And once
should get scholarship preference. Others have a question about abortion. Most are not the concept of curbing speech is established, those enemies, each time the state suppresses
pro-life, but they believe that fathers should have a say in whether the fetus should be sent speech, will have moved closer to their goal of destroying free speech.
off into eternity.
Frederick Schauer, College of William & Mary Law professor, FREE SPEECH: A FOR THEE, 1992, p.259
PHILOSOPHICAL ENQUIRY, 1982, p.83 Harvard Law School Professor Lawrence Tribe pointed out in THE NEW YORK TIMES,
The hypothesis here is that 'slippery slope' and 'where do you draw the line?' arguments that this case came before the Court at a time when the First Amendment is under siege
may have special relevance with respect to regulating speech. This suggestion is hardly throughout the country, and not only from the political religious Right: '...people in so
novel. Lord Chesterfield, speaking against the Theatres Act of 1737, remarked that: There many contexts-- hate speech on campus, feminists against pornography, political
is such a connection between licentiousness and Liberty, that it is not easy to correct the correctness--are making the argument that you can suppress certain kinds of speech just
one, without dangerously wounding the other. It is extremely hard to distinguish the true because it does so much harm. The First Amendment is almost always tested with speech
limit between them; like a changeable silk, we can easily see there are two different colors, that is profoundly divisive or painful. But if you start making exceptions, and suppressing
but we cannot easily discover where one ends, or where the other begins. Censorship is a speech that is hurtful, these exceptions will swallow free speech, and the only speech that
double futility. It cannot prevent any single intended criticism; and it is bound to suspect will be left protected will be abstracted, emotionally lightweight speech that doesn't pack
a theoretically infinite number of unintended ones. any wallop.'

Frederick Schauer, College of William & Mary Law professor, FREE SPEECH: A Leslie Williams, American Civil Liberties Union, quoted in: FREE SPEECH FOR ME,
If our descriptive language about speech is less refined or less precise than our descriptive We all believe in free speech for us, but not for them. Holocaust survivors think
language about other forms of conduct-- and this seems by no means an implausible anti-Semitic speech should be outlawed; Senator Jesse H elms thinks whatever he
hypothesis--then any regulating rule may be particularly vulnerable to the vice of linguistic considers indecent should not be protected by the First Amendment; George Bush and a
over-inclusiveness. And if this is so, then there is some validity to the claim that slippery lot of others think flag-burning is an unacceptable form of expression; some women's
slope fears are more well- founded in reference to regulation of speech than in reference rights advocates think any speech that degrades women ought to be outlawed; anti-choice
to other forms of conduct. Such a conclusion would support recognition of a Free Speech groups think it's okay to impose their religious principles and moral values on everyone
Principle solely to counteract the special slipperiness of this particular slope. else; indulging in 'hate speech' can get you thrown out of some colleges. If all these people
and others are able to make exceptions to the First Amendment, we might as well kiss free
FOR THEE, 1992,, p.132-3 George Will, Columnist, DEBATING, P.C., Editor- Paul Berman, 1992,, p.260.
Under Benno Schmidt, Yale became the leading university in the country in the defense This orthodoxy is reinforced--and enforced--by codes of conduct called 'anti-harassment'
of free speech. Schmidt, along with Donald Kagan and others, continued the spirit of the codes, under which designated groups of victims are protected from whatever they decide
Woodward Report. In March 1991, Schmidt, speaking at the 92nd Street Y in New York offends them. To cure the offensiveness of others, therapists, and thought police are
said: 'The most serious problems of freedom of expression in our society today exist on our proliferating on campuses, conducting 'racial awareness seminars' and other 'sensitivity
campuses. On many...including some of the finest universities...freedom of thought is in training.' These moral tutors have a professional interest in the exacerbation of group
danger from well-intentioned but misguided efforts to give values of community and tensions, to which university administrations contribute by allowing, even encouraging,
harmony a higher place in the university than freedom. The assumption seems to be that the Balkanization of campus life. This is done by encouraging group identities--black
the purpose of education is to induce correct opinion rather than to search for wisdom and dorms, women's centers, gay studies, etc. The status of victim is coveted as a source of
to liberate the mind. The issue of freedom in our universities is not only of critical moral dignity and political power, so nerves are rubbed raw by the competitive cultivation
importance to the quality and integrity of higher education. Attitudes on campus often of grievances. The more brittle campus relations become, the more aggressive moral
presage tendencies in the larger society. If that is so with respect to freedom of expression, therapy becomes, making matters worse.
the erosion of principle we have seen throughout our society in recent years may be only
Nat Hentoff, WASHINGTON POST columnist, DEBATING, P.C., ed. Paul Berman, 1992,
A precedent has been set at, of all places, colleges and universities that the principle of free
speech is merely situational. As college administrators change, so will the extent of free
speech on campus. And invariably, permissible speech will become more and more
narrowly defined. Once speech can be limited in such subjective ways, more and more
expression will be included in what is forbidden.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 9
Nat Hentoff, WASHINGTON POST Columnist, FREE SPEECH FOR ME--BUT NOT Woodward Commission-Yale University, quoted in FREE SPEECH FOR ME, BUT NOT
FOR THEE, 1992, p.158 FOR THEE, 1992, p.116
Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz--among the boldest and bravest of First The conclusions we draw, then, are these: even when some members of the university
Amendment defenders--writes: 'I feel this problem quite personally, since I happen to community fail to meet their social and ethical responsibilities, the paramount obligation
agree as a matter of substance with most politically correct positions. But I am appalled at of the university is to protect their right to free expression. This obligation can and should
the intolerance of many who share by substantive views. And I worry about the impact of be enforced by appropriate formal sanctions. If the university's overriding commitment to
politically correct intolerance on the generation of leaders we are currently educating.' free expression is to be sustained, secondary social and ethical responsibilities must be left
Leaders will emerge from the ranks of these college and university graduates. Among them to the informal processes of suasion, example, and argument.
will be the lawyers, judges, educators, legislators, and Supreme Court Justices of the
future. And the mind-set with which some leave the campus in these years is: some AKH0100 DIVERSE SOCIETIES ESPECIALLY NEED FREE SPEECH
censorship is okay--provided that the motivations are okay. Benno Schmidt, Yale University, quoted in: FREE SPEECH FOR ME, BUT NOT FOR
THEE 1992, p.136
AKH0095 SPEECH CODES ARE INHERENTLY OVERBROAD I have often heard the argument...that unhibited freedom of speech was somehow more
Nat Hentoff, WASHINGTON POST Columnist, FREE SPEECH FOR ME--BUT NOT appropriate in the days when our universities were more homogeneous, while current
FOR THEE, 1992, p.169 conditions of far greater racial, religious, and cultural diversity call for controls in the
Stanford prides itself on being one of the elite universities, and yet the majority of its interest of harmony and community. That so many people of goodwill would make such
faculty and students have yet to learn so basic a historical truth as this--stated by Eleanor an argument shows how far we have drifted from our confidence in and commitment to
Holmes Norton, former chairwoman of the federal Equal Employment Opportunity freedom. I can only imagine what James Madison or Holmes would have thought of this
Commission: 'It is technically impossible to write an anti-speech code that cannot be complete inversion of the theory of free expression. It is precisely societies that are diverse,
twisted against speech nobody means to bar. It has been tried and tried and tried.' pluralistic, and contentious that most urgently need freedom of speech and freedom of
On Fred Friendly's Public Broadcasting System program, Schmidt said: 'I take a FOR THEE, 1992, p.152-3
completely different view of what a university is..I don't think the university is first and Conservative students are enjoying their role as champions of free speech, taking great
foremost a community. It's not a place, first and foremost, that is about the inculcation of sardonic pleasure in depicting the righteous left as neo-McCarthyites. On many campuses,
thought [and] habits of mind that I might agree are correct and constructive. The university conservatives--usually with the help of funds from highly conservative foundations--are
has a fundamental mission which is to search for the truth. And a university is a place publishing alternative papers. They tend to be quite lively and witty (humor being in
where people have to have the right to speak the unspeakable and think the unthinkable exceedingly short supply among the Jacobins.) And these papers take much muckraking
and challenge the unchallengeable. Now it's not a place of violence. It's not a place for pleasure in exposing the surrenders, small and large, of university administrators to the
threats...There's no place for violence, or threats of it, in a regime of freedom. But beyond demands of the ultra-orthodox. Those most stifled by the pall of orthodoxy on campus are
that, I think that these [speech] codes make a terrible mistake...Students think that they are students who are liberals but of an independent mind--and moderates. On campus after
codes about building communities that are based on correct thoughts, and that's campus, from Brown to Stanford, I have talked to students who say there are some views
antithetical, I think, to the idea of a university.' that hold--or questions they want to ask--that they no longer bring up in class or in most
places outside of class. It's not worth the hassle--or being placed in Coventry. Questions,
AKH0097 CENSORSHIP VIOLATES THE ESSENCE OF THE UNIVERSITY for example, about affirmative action. How far should it go? Should the progeny of the
Nat Hentoff, WASHINGTON POST columnist, DEBATING, P.C., ed. Paul Berman, 1992, black middle class get preference? And questions about abortion. Should the father have
p.223 any say at all in what happens to the fetus?
One of the exceedingly few college presidents who speaks out on the consequences of the
anti-free speech movement is Yale University's Benno Schmidt: Freedom of thought must AKH0102 SPEECH CODES CHILL ARTISTIC EXPRESSION
be Yale's central commitment. It is not easy to embrace. It is, indeed, the effort of a Nat Hentoff, WASHINGTON POST Columnist, FREE SPEECH FOR ME--BUT NOT
lifetime...Much expression that is free may deserve our contempt. We may well be moved FOR THEE, 1992, p.168
to exercise our own freedom to counter it or to ignore it. But universities cannot censor or Also overlooked by students especially concerned with artistic expression is that a 'hostile
suppress speech, no matter how obnoxious in content, without violating their justification atmosphere' can be created by a painting or a piece of sculpture because obviously,
for existence...On some other campuses in this country, values of civility and community 'expression' can be graphic as well as verbal. When the University of Wisconsin's speech
have been offered by some as paramount values of the university, even to the extent of code was being debated before the state's Board of Regents, E. David Cronon, dean of the
superseding freedom of expression. Such a view is wrong in principle and, if extended, is university's Madison College of Letters and Sciences, testified that the code would indeed
disastrous to freedom of thought...The chilling effects on speech of the vagueness and chill student's rights to artistic expression.
open-ended nature of many universities' prohibitions...are compounded by the fact that
these codes are typically enforced by faculty and students who commonly assert that vague AKH0103 SPEECH CODES DON'T REDUCE RACIST ATTITUDES
notions of community are more important to the academy than freedom of thought and Nat Hentoff, WASHINGTON POST Columnist, FREE SPEECH FOR ME--BUT NOT
expression... FOR THEE, 1992, p.168
Furthermore--and this is a poignant dimension of the rush to virtuous censorship--it won't
AKH0098 IN A UNIVERSITY, FREE SPEECH VALUES OUTWEIGHS VALUES OF do a bit of good. Let us suppose these codes were in place on every campus in the country.
CIVILITY Would racism go away? Racism would go underground, in the dark, where it's most
Woodward Commission-Yale University, quoted in FREE SPEECH FOR ME, BUT NOT comfortable. The language on campus could become as pure as country water, but racist
FOR THEE, 1992, p.115 attitudes would still fester. The only way to begin to deal with racism is to bring it out in
If a university is a place for knowledge, it is also a special kind of small society. Yet it is the open--not pretend it has been scared away.
not primarily a fellowship, a club, a circle of friends, a replica of the civil society outside
it. Without sacrificing its central purpose, it cannot make its primary and dominant value AKH0104 SPEECH CODES COULD BE USED TO SUPPRESS BLACKS AND
the fostering of friendship, solidarity, harmony, civility, or mutual respect. To be sure, WOMEN
these are important values other institutions may properly assign them the highest, and not Nat Hentoff, WASHINGTON POST Columnist, FREE SPEECH FOR ME--BUT NOT
merely a subordinate priority; and a good university will seek and may in some significant FOR THEE, 1992, p.168
measure attain these ends. But it will never let these values, important as they are, override In my view, I said, Farrakhan ought to be able to speak anywhere he chooses, and certainly
its central purpose. We value freedom of expression precisely because it provides a forum on a college campus. So long as the students have the right to question him and argue with
for the new, the provocative, the disturbing, and the unorthodox. Free speech is a barrier him, they'll have something to gain from the experience. But under some of the speech
to thy tyranny of authoritarian or even majority opinion as to the rightness or wrongness codes at more and more colleges. Farrakhan--having created a 'hostile atmosphere'--would
or particular doctrines or thoughts... quite likely not be permitted on campus again. Is that what the black students pressing for
speech codes want? To have black speakers they invite on campus rejected because of what
they say and how they say it? Do women students want radical feminist Andrea Dworkin
barred because of possible charges that she creates a 'hostile environment' for nearly all
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 10
FOR THEE, 1992, p.181-2 FOR THEE, 1992, p.159
But what about a claim by the university made by its chancellor, Donna Shalala, many The leader of the opposition at Stanford was law Professor Gerald Gunther, arguably the
minority students, black state legislators, members of the Board of Regents, and a good nation's leading authority on constitutional law. But Gunther did not have much support
many members of the faculty? Judge Warren addressed that claim directly: 'The Board [of among other faculty members, conservative or liberal. Gunther pointed out during the
Regents] first asserted compelling interest in increasing minority representation to add to campus debate that he received his elementary school education in a very small town in
the diversity of the University of Wisconsin System campuses. Increasing diversity is Nazi Germany. There his teacher, classmates, and other townspeople would address him
clearly a constitutionally permissible goal for an institution of higher education.' However, as 'Judensau' (Jew pig). That, he recalls, was one of the milder ways in which they used to
the UW rule does as much to hurt diversity on Wisconsin campuses as it does to help it. make his day. Professor Gunther, knowing what constant harassment by vilification feels
By establishing content-based restrictions on speech, the rule limits the diversity of ideas like, learned, he says, in Nazi Germany and his life here that it's necessary to denounce 'the
among students and thereby prevents the robust exchange of ideas which intellectually bigots' hateful ideas with all my power yet at the same time challenge...any community's
diverse campuses provide.' attempt to suppress hateful ideas by force of law.' The way to deal with bad speech,
Gunther emphasized, is 'with more speech, with better speech, with repudiation and
Dinesh D'Souza, author of Illiberal Education, in DEBATING, P.C., ed. Paul Berman,
The problem is that students are beginning to talk among themselves about the taboo topics Benno Schmidt, Former President- Yale University, quoted in, FREE SPEECH FOR ME,
surrounding racial preference, surrounding racial separatism, surrounding activism, BUT NOT FOR THEE, 1992, p.136
homosexuality, homosexual rights activism and so one, and the university is seeking to It does not follow that because the university is committed to nondiscrimination, it should
regulate the students' discussion of these topics so as not to give offense. To take a fairly suppress any speech that can plausibly be though to be racist. What is racial prejudice,
typical example, the University of Michigan, a student was hauled before a disciplinary after all, but a particularly vicious form of ignorance and fear? It is precisely the function
committee and accused of making the statement that homosexuality was immoral. The of free expression to dispel ignorance and fear with the light of truth. A university ought
student pleaded guilty. This, in fact, was his view, based, I suppose, on religious or to be the last place where people are inhibited by fear of punishment from expressing
aesthetic preference, and the university administrators told him your punishment is that ignorance or even hate, so long as others are left free to answer.
you will have to write a forced apology titled 'Learned My Lesson' to be published in the
campus newspaper, and we to enroll you in sensitivity education to raise your AKH0112 FREE SPEECH IS EFFECTIVE DESPITE UNEQUAL RESOURCES
consciousness on this issue. So a subject that is a matter of legitimate discussion is, Nat Hentoff, WASHINGTON POST Columnist, FREE SPEECH FOR ME--BUT NOT
instead, settled not by reference to persuasion but by reference to force. FOR THEE, 1992, p.183
The MILWAUKEE JOURNAL interviewed Svovata Edari, president of the Black Student
AKH0107 SPEECH CODES FAIL Union. 'Minority students,' Edari said, 'don't need to hear views such as Belling's spoken
Barbara Ehrenreich, TIME magazine Columnist, DEBATING, P.C., ed. Paul Berman, again. Free speech to us is just a joke anyways,' Edari said. 'We don't own any major
1992, p.335 newspapers or radio stations. How can you have free speech when you can't be heard?' By
First, there's a tendency to rely on administration-enforced rules to stop offensive speech continuing to speak. As Malcolm X and Frederick Douglass and William Du Bois and
and to enforce a new, and quite admirable, kind of civility. Quite aside from the free Martin Luther King had. They were heard. Obviously, there is an enormous imbalance in
speech issue, the problem is: Rules don't work. If you outlaw the use of the term 'girl' institutional resources, but no change in the laws would have been accomplished without
instead of 'woman' you're not going to do a thing about the sexist attitudes underneath. free speech and assembly--including speech by those who did not own any major
Changing sexist, racist, and homophobic attitudes is a challenge for those of us who newspapers or television stations.
believe in a multicultural, just, and equal world. It is not a problem you turn over to the
police, to the administration, or anybody else. The only route is through persuasion, AKH0113 FREE SPEECH WORKED TO END MCCARTHYISM
education, and organizing. Nat Hentoff, WASHINGTON POST Columnist, FREE SPEECH FOR ME--BUT NOT
FOR THEE, 1992, p.306
AKH0108 SPEECH CODES HAVEN'T LIMITED OFFENSIVE SPEECH Beginning with James Madison and including, in our time, Justice Hugo Black, the idea
Nat Hentoff, WASHINGTON POST Columnist, FREE SPEECH FOR ME--BUT NOT was that so long as there is room and time to reply to bad speech, counterspeech would
FOR THEE, 1992, p.390 provide the punishment that was needed. Not money damages, not imprisonment, but the
To Francis Lawrence, president of Rutgers University, the need for censoring insulting shining of a pitiless verbal light on the lies and distortions and sheer meanness of the awful
speech on campus is so obvious that, he says, 'it is difficult to credit the seriousness of speech in question. Joe McCarthy, for instance received his terrible punishment not in his
those who assail [speech codes] as evidence of...censorship.' Accordingly, Rutgers has a eventual censure by the Senate, but before that, from devastating counterspeech: Ed
stiff speech code which hauls into the dock students whose words offend on the basis of Murrow on television and Boston lawyer Joe Welch during the Army-McCarthy hearings.
race, religion, color, ancestry, sex, handicap, marital status, and sexual orientation. The
blanket of protection would seem to omit no one, and yet there is a veritable plague of AKH0114 MINORITIES ULTIMATELY LOSE FROM SUPPRESSION OF SPEECH
racist graffiti and other rawly offensive expression on campus. Nat Hentoff, WASHINGTON POST Columnist, FREE SPEECH FOR ME--BUT NOT
FOR THEE, 1992, p.213
AKH0109 EVEN HIGHLY OFFENSIVE SPEECH STRENGTHENS THE POLITICAL And more fundamentally, if more law professors do not join the law students supporting
COMMUNITY free inquiry, Anthony Amsterdam's prophecy will come true: 'More basically, once you
Jan Naverson, University of Waterloo Philosopher, THE LIBERTARIAN IDEA, 1988, begin to exclude ideas from the discourse of a community on the ground that they are
p.291 wrong or offensive, you start in motion a process that inevitably ends up justifying
We may agree that some speech activities may plausibly be singled out as requiring special suppression of the unpopular ideas of unpopular minorities. It is fanciful to think that
protection, for example, the dissemination of weird political ideas at London's famed Hyde bigots cannot beat you at the game you have begun. They always have and they always
Park Corner. Thus Dworkin again: 'In the case of free political speech, we might well will.'
concede...that each person has an important interest in developing his own independent
political convictions, because that is an essential part of his personality...also...that political AKH0115 LEARNING TO COUNTER OFFENSIVE SPEECH IS A KEY SKILL FOR
activity in a community is made more vigorous by variety, even by the entry, that is, of MINORITIES
wholly despicable points of view. These are decent arguments why individuals and the Nat Hentoff, WASHINGTON POST Columnist, DEBATING, P.C., ed. Paul Berman,
community as a whole are at least in certain respects better off when the Nazi has spoken 1992, p.224
his piece.' In the national board debate at the ACLU on college speech codes, the first speaker and
I think she had a lot to do with making the final vote against codes unanimous--was Gwen
Thomas. A black community college administrator from Colorado, she is a fiercely
persistent exposer of racial discrimination. She started by saying, 'I have always felt as a
minority person that we have to protect the rights of all because if we infringe on the rights
of any persons, we'll be next.' 'As for providing a nonintimidating educational
environment, our young people have to learn to grow up on college campuses. We have
to teach them how to deal with adversarial situations. They have to learn how to survive
offensive speech they find wounding and hurtful.'
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 11
HOSTILITY Anthony Giddens, Professor of Sociology, Cambridge, THE CONSEQUENCES OF
Dinesh D'Souza, author of Illiberal Education, in DEBATING, P.C., ed. Paul Berman, MODERNITY, 1990, p.93.
1992, p.35 The same is not true of a minority of people who treat our inability to be certain about such
I think that America is becoming a multiracial society and the whole issue is transcending matters not just as an intellectual worry, but as a deep disquiet that feeds into many of the
black and white. We are going to have four or more groups, whites, blacks, Hispanics, and things that they do. A person who is existentially unsure about whether he or she is several
Asians in this diverse culture. It's very important to have a fair set of rules to arbitrate the selves, or whether others really exist, or whether what is perceived really exists, may be
differences among these groups. And the problem is that universities and to some extent entirely incapable of inhabiting the same social universe as other human beings. Certain
society at large are moving away from a fair or neutral set of principles and are engaging categories of individuals regarded by others as mentally ill, particularly schizophrenics,
in a politics of expediency, or racial rationing, of racial preference. I think this is a formula do think and act in this way.
for division, for Balkanization, and ultimately for racial hostility.
AKH0117 REJECTING POLITICAL CORRECTNESS KEY TO DEALING WITH Roger Trigg, Professor of Philosophy, University of Warwick, RATIONALITY AND
Dinesh D'Souza, author of Illiberal Education, in DEBATING, P.C., ed. Paul Berman, For the pragmatists, as for Wittgenstein, metaphysical speculation should be ruled out
1992, p.38 Instead of reasoning about the nature of reality, or searching for firm foundations of
Well, the central paradox is that affirmative action or racial preference policies that are not knowledge, the pragmatist typically believes that we should start from where we are and
routinely practices by colleges are saying to students that the best way to fight build up our conception of knowledge out of our present practices. Because metaphysics
discrimination in America is to practice discrimination. This is to say the least a tends to point to a reality beyond our knowledge, it can open up the possibility of
paradoxical assertion, one that at the very least needs to be publicly stated and defended. skepticism. If something is beyond our grasp, it might appear that we have no very great
Maybe there are good arguments for affirmative action, but they need to be named. Look reason for believing it is there, and it is easy for anyone to deny its existence. Pragmatism
at the case of Georgetown University, where the kid released partial data about the subject begins with our actions and our actual purposes, and so avoids this.
and the university responded not by releasing full information, not by debating the issue,
but by punishing the student. Critics of political correctness are not saying get rid of AKH0125 PHILOSOPHY SHOULDN'T REJECT COMMON SENSE
affirmative action, but (a) let's talk about it and (b) let's discuss some possible alternatives. A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH
AND LOGIC, 1946, p.51.
AKH0118 CONTROLLING RACIAL SLURS ISN'T THE REAL POINT OF SPEECH It follows that the philosopher has no right to despise the beliefs of common sense. If he
CODES does so, he merely displays his ignorance of the true purpose of his enquiries. What he is
Dinesh D'Souza, author of Illiberal Education, in DEBATING, P.C., ed. Paul Berman, entitled to despise is the unreflecting analysis of those beliefs, which takes the grammatical
1992, p.35 structure of the sentence as a trustworthy guide to its meaning.
I'm not a free speech absolutist. I might part company here with the ACLU. I don't believe
that people should be able to say anything they want, whenever they want. But you could AKH0126 METAPHYSICS IS MEANINGLESS BECAUSE IT ISN'T BASED ON
have a code on campus that simply had one line in it: A student shall not yell racial epithets SENSE EXPERIENCE
at each other. None of the codes say this because, as I said, that's not the problem. The A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH
universities are trying to outlaw and suppress a different kind of discussion. AND LOGIC, 1946, p.34.
Consequently one cannot overthrow a system of transcendent metaphysics merely by
AKH0119 METAPHYSICAL STATEMENTS ARE MEANINGLESS criticizing the way in which it comes into being. What is required is rather a criticism of
A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH the nature of the actual statements which comprise it. And this is the line of argument
AND LOGIC, 1946, p.31. which we shall, in fact, pursue. For we shall maintain that no statement which refers to a
To test whether a sentence expresses a genuine empirical hypothesis, I adopt what may be "reality" transcending the limits of all possible sense-experience can possibly have any
called a modified verification principle. For I require of an empirical hypothesis, not literal significance; from which it must follow that the labours of those who have striven
indeed that it should be conclusively verifiable, but that some possible senses-experience to describe such a reality have all been devoted to the production of nonsense.
should be relevant to the determination of its truth or falsehood. If a putative proposition
fails to satisfy this principle, and is not a tautology, then I hold that it is metaphysical, and AKH0127 METAPHYSICAL STATEMENTS DON'T MEET THE CRITERIA FOR A
that, being metaphysical, it is neither true nor false but literally senseless. MEANINGFUL SENTENCE
A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH
THE WORLD ARE METAPHYSICAL Our charge against the metaphysician is not that he attempts to employ the understanding
R.J. Hollingdale, philosopher, WESTERN PHILOSOPHY: AN INTRODUCTION, 1979, in a field where it cannot profitably venture, but that he produces sentences which fail to
p.42-3. conform to the conditions under which alone a sentence can be literally significant. Nor
By the broadest definition, metaphysics is the study of the basic structure of existence and are we ourselves obliged to talk nonsense in order to show that all sentences of a certain
of the nature of being. It can also be defined as the study of those things which transcend type are necessarily devoid of literal significance. We need only formulate the criterion
experience, or as a theory of the first principles or ultimate truths of the universe. In which enables us to test whether a sentence expresses a genuine proposition about a matter
general, any philosophy which purports to "get down to fundamentals" and to describe the of fact, and then point out that the sentences under consideration fail to satisfy it.
nature of life and the world as a whole, or which speculates about the aim of existence,
may be called metaphysical. The questions considered by this department of philosophy AKH0128 METAPHYSICAL STATEMENTS ARE MEANINGLESS BECAUSE THEY
fall into three big groups: i questions about the nature of God and being, ii questions about ARE NOT JUSTIFIABLE IN PRINCIPLE
the nature of mankind, iii questions about the nature of the world. A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH
AND LOGIC, 1946, p.36.
AKH0121 METAPHYSICAL QUESTIONS ARE RATIONALLY UNANSWERABLE On the other hand, such a metaphysical pseudo-proposition as "the Absolute enters into,
Anthony Giddens, Professor of Sociology, Cambridge, THE CONSEQUENCES OF but is Itself incapable of, evolution and progress," is not even in principle verifiable. For
MODERNITY, 1990, p.92-3. one cannot conceive of an observation which would enable one to determine whether the
Philosophers have shown us that on a cognitive level there are few, if any, aspects of our Absolute did, or did not, enter into evolution and progress.
personal existence about which we can be certain. This is perhaps part of the reflexivity
of modernity, but is certainly not limited in its application only to a specific historical AKH0129 METAPHYSICAL PROPOSITIONS ARE MEANINGLESS BECAUSE
period. Certain questions-"Do I really exist?" "Am I the same person today as I was THEY ARE NEITHER EMPIRICAL NOR TAUTOLOGICAL
yesterday?" "Do other people really exist?" "Does what I see in front of me continue to be A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH
there when I turn my back on it?"-cannot be answered in an indubitable way by rational AND LOGIC, 1946, p.41.
argument. It should be mentioned here that the fact that the utterances of the metaphysician are
nonsensical does not follow simply from the fact that they are devoid of factual content.
AKH0122 METAPHYSICAL SPECULATION IS USELESS It follows from that fact, together with the fact that they are not a priori propositions. And
R.J. Hollingdale, philosopher, WESTERN PHILOSOPHY: AN INTRODUCTION, 1979, in assuming that they are not a priori propositions, we are once again anticipating the
p.152. conclusions of a later chapter in this book. For it will be shown there that a priori
The proposition which unites all philosophers who can be called positivist is that all propositions, which have always been attractive to philosophers on account of their
genuine knowledge is based on sense experience, and that metaphysical speculation can certainty, owe this certainty to the fact that they are tautologies. We may accordingly
produce no genuine knowledge and must be abandoned in favour of the methods of define a metaphysical sentence as a sentence which purports to express a genuine
science. proposition, but does, in fact, express neither a tautology nor an empirical hypothesis. And
as tautologies and empirical hypotheses form the entire class of significant propositions,
we are justified in concluding that all metaphysical assertions are nonsensical.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 12
A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH Roger Trigg, Professor of Philosophy, University of Warwick, RATIONALITY AND
AND LOGIC, 1946, p.54. SCIENCE, 1993, p.37.
Of Hume we may say not merely that he was not in practice a metaphysician, but that he Pragmatists object to metaphysics because it fails to guide our actual practices. Instead of
explicitly rejected metaphysics. We find the strongest evidence of this in the passage with starting with the conception of some reality which may not even be attainable, we must,
which he concludes his Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. ''If," he says, "we take they believe, begin with the concrete things around us in our every day world William
in our hand any volume; of divinity, or school metaphysics, for instance; let us ask, Does James put the matter succinctly (1907, p.45) when he said that the pragmatist method
it contain any abstract reasoning concerning quantity or number? No. Does it contain any aimed to settle metaphysical disputes that might otherwise never end. It appeals to what,
experimental reasoning concerning matter of fact and existence? No. Commit it then to the if any, would be the practical consequences of the truth of one theory rather than another.
flames. For it can contain nothing but sophistry and illusion." What is this but a rhetorical In a famous image he said that 'you must bring out of each word its practical cash value'
version of our own thesis that a sentence which does not express either a formally true (1907, p.53).
proposition or an empirical hypothesis is devoid of literal significance?
AKH0131 STATEMENTS WHICH AREN'T LOGICAL OR EMPIRICAL ARE A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH
R.J. Hollingdale, philosopher, WESTERN PHILOSOPHY: AN INTRODUCTION, 1979, The view that the metaphysician is to be reckoned among the poets appears to rest on the
p.153-4. assumption that both talk nonsense. But this assumption is false. In the vast majority of
Extremely dissatisfied with every philosophical position ever adopted, logical positivists cases the sentences which are produced by poets do have literal meaning. The difference
maintained that the task of philosophy was not to produce propositions about the world but between the man who uses language scientifically and the man who uses it emotively is
only to clarify the meaning of statements made by others. According to this outlook, there not that the one produces sentences which are incapable of arousing emotion, and the other
are three possible kinds of statement: logical (including mathematics), scientific (including sentences which have no sense, but that the one is primarily concerned with the expression
statements of empirical observation) and nonsensical (including almost all philosophy of true propositions, the other with the creation of a work of art. Thus, if a work of science
hitherto). The object of classifying statements into one of these three kinds is to determine contains true and important propositions, its value as a work of science will hardly be
which discipline is appropriate For dealing with questions arising from it. Nonsensical diminished by the fact that they are inelegantly expressed. And similarly, a work of art is
propositions are held to be those which are not propositions of formal logic nor capable not necessarily the worse for the fact that all the propositions comprising it are literally
of being the subject of some scientific discipline: such propositions are not true or false, false. But to say that many literary works are largely composed of falsehoods, is not to say
but literally without meaning, as a sentence of gibberish is without meaning. that they are composed of pseudo-propositions. It is, in fact, very rare for a literary artist
to produce sentences which have no literal meaning. And where this does occur, the
AKH0132 NON-VERIFIABLE QUESTIONS ARE MEANINGLESS sentences are carefully chosen for their rhythm and balance. If the author writes nonsense,
R.J. Hollingdale, philosopher, WESTERN PHILOSOPHY: AN INTRODUCTION, 1979, it is because he considers it most suitable for bringing about the effects for which his
p.154. writing is designed.
The criterion for distinguishing between a scientific proposition and a nonsensical one is
called the principle of verifiability: a statement can be considered significant if one knows AKH0138 METAPHYSICAL STATEMENTS ARE INHERENTLY PARTIAL, HENCE
what observations would have to be made in order to verify or refute it; if no conceivable UNTRUE
observation could either verify or refute a statement, it is without meaning. Thus the R.J. Hollingdale, philosopher, WESTERN PHILOSOPHY: AN INTRODUCTION, 1979,
statement "All men have free will" is declared, not true or false, but meaningless, since no p.157.
observation can be imagined which would verify or refute it. To Nietzsche, all truth except scientific truth had been "unmasked" as error: a
metaphysical, religious, moral or rational "truth" was true only from a certain
AKH0133 METAPHYSICAL IDEAS ARE MEANINGLESS WHEN APPLIED TO perspective--considered absolutely it was false.
p.141. ERRORS
The Ideas of the soul, of the world as a totality, and of God-which are the three forms of A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH
absolute unity demanded by the three forms of logical inference-can never be objects of AND LOGIC, 1946, p.45.
experience, but pure reason demands them as concepts. But if these concepts are applied The metaphysician, on the other hand, does not intend to write nonsense. He lapses into
to supposed objects of experience-- as if they were a posteriori concepts or categories then it through being deceived by grammar, or through committing errors of reasoning, such
error and illusion results. The propositions of metaphysics are without meaning if they as that which leads to the view that the sensible world is unreal. But it is not the mark of
involve either the application of the categories to things-in-themselves or the application a poet simply to make mistakes of this sort. There are some, indeed, who would see in the
of the Ideas to experienced reality. The foregoing is expounded in the Critique of Pure fact that the metaphysician's utterance are senseless a reason against the view that they
Reason, Kant's masterpiece. have aesthetic value. And, without going so far as this, we may safely say that it does not
constitute a reason for it.
R.J. Hollingdale, philosopher, WESTERN PHILOSOPHY: AN INTRODUCTION, 1979, R.J. Hollingdale, philosopher, WESTERN PHILOSOPHY: AN INTRODUCTION, 1979,
p.43. p.159.
The argument that metaphysical propositions are not meaningful can be stated as follows: Martin Heidegger, the third of the most famous "existentialists", objected to that term to
only empirical or analytic propositions are meaningful; but metaphysical propositions are characterize his own philosophy on the ground that, while Sartre's definition was certainly
neither empirical nor analytic; therefore they are not meaningful. correct, to say that "existence precedes essence" is still to speak the language of
metaphysics, and he, Heidegger, believed metaphysics to be impossible. To Heidegger,
AKH0135 METAPHYSICS CAN'T REVEAL THE NATURE OF THE UNIVERSE Nietzsche was the "last metaphysician of the West" who had demonstrated the
Bertrand Russell, Professor of Philosophy, Cambridge, THE PROBLEMS OF impossibility of metaphysics: Heidegger's study is ontology- the nature of being-and
PHILOSOPHY, 1912, p.141. human existence he regards as a "window" through which being can be observed.
Most philosophers--or at any rate, very many- profess to be able to prove, by a priori
metaphysical reasoning, such things as the fundamental dogmas of religion, the essential AKH0141 LINGUISTIC PHILOSOPHY DEMONSTRATES THE FUTILITY OF
rationality of the universe, the illusoriness of matter, the unreality of all evil, and so on. METAPHYSICS
There can be no doubt that the hope of finding reason to believe such theses as these has R.J. Hollingdale, philosopher, WESTERN PHILOSOPHY: AN INTRODUCTION, 1979,
been the chief inspiration of many life-long students of philosophy. This hope, I believe, p.154.
is vain. It would seem that knowledge concerning the universe as a whole is not to be In the view of ordinary language philosophers, it is still possible to make positive
obtained by metaphysics, and that the proposed proofs that, in virtue of the laws of logic discoveries in philosophy, but not of the metaphysical kind. The philosopher's task is to
such and such things must exist and such and such others cannot, are not capable of understand the world through understanding the correct use of words. The analysis of
surviving a critical scrutiny. language in terms of the use of words leads, it is claimed, to the correction of many
misleading ideas. To understand how such words as "know", "believe", "promise" are
actually used is to come nearer to a knowledge of the mind and of the nature of man.
Philosophical perplexity is shown to arise in many cases not from any inherent difficulty
in the subject-matter but in a subtle misuse of language, which suggests entities which
have no real existence. For example, in his well-known book The Concept of Mind, Gilbert
Ryle shows that many untenable ideas concerning the nature of the mind have arisen
directly from the misunderstanding of how such words as "know, "believe" and "infer" are
actually used.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 13
A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH
AND LOGIC, 1946, p.52. AND LOGIC, 1946, p.130.
Locke is generally regarded as being one who, like G. E. Moore at the present time, puts And just as I must define material things and my own self in terms of their empirical
forward a philosophy of common sense.' But he does not, any more than Moore, attempt manifestations, so I must define other people in terms of their empirical manifestations-that
to give an a priori justification of our common-sense beliefs. Rather does he appear to have is, in terms of the behaviour of their bodies, and ultimately in terms of sense-contents. The
seen that it was not his business as a philosopher to affirm or deny the validity of any assumption that "behind" these sense-contents there are entities which are not even in
empirical propositions, but only to analyze them. For he is content, in his own words, "to principle accessible to my observation can have no more significance for me than the
be employed as an under-labourer in clearing the ground a little, and removing some of the admittedly metaphysical assumption that such entities "underlie" the sense-contents which
rubbish that lies in the way of knowledge"; and so devotes himself to the purely analytic constitute material things for me, or my own self. And thus I find that I have as good a
tasks of defining knowledge, and classifying propositions, and displaying the nature of reason to believe in the existence of other people as I have to believe in the existence of
material things. material things. For in each case my hypothesis is verified by the occurrence in my
sense-history of the appropriate series of sense-content.
John Searle, Berkeley philosopher, DEBATING P.C., ed. Paul Berman, 1992, p.114. AKH0149 COMMUNICATION JUSTIFIES BELIEF IN THE EXISTENCE OF OTHERS
The person who denies metaphysical realism presupposes the existence of a public A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH
language, a language in which he or she communicates with other people. But what are the AND LOGIC, 1946, p.132-3.
conditions of possibility of communication in a public language? What do I have to In the same way, each of us has good reason to suppose that other people understand him,
assume when I ask a question or make a claim that is supposed to be understood by others? and that he understands them, because he observes that his utterances have the effect on
At least this much: If we are using words to talk about something, in a way that we expect their actions which he regards as appropriate, and that they also regard as appropriate the
to be understood by others, then there must be at least the possibility of something those effect which their utterances have on his actions; and mutual understanding is defined in
words can be used to talk about. Consider any claim, from particular statements such as terms of such harmony of behaviour. And, since to assert that two people inhabit a
"my dog has fleas," to theoretical claims such as "water is made of hydrogen and oxygen," common world is to assert that they are capable, at least in principle, of understanding one
to grand theories such as evolution or relativity, and you will see that they presuppose for another, it follows that each of us, although his sense-experiences are private to himself,
their intelligibility that we are taking metaphysical realism for granted. has good reason to believe that he and other conscious beings inhabit a common world. For
each of us observes the behaviour, on the part of himself and others, which constitutes the
AKH0144 OUR BASIC LINGUISTIC PROCESSES PRESUPPOSE METAPHYSICAL requisite understanding. And there is nothing in our epistemology which involves a denial
REALISM of this fact.
John Searle, Berkeley philosopher, DEBATING P.C., ed. Paul Berman, 1992, p.114.
I am not claiming that one can prove metaphysical realism to be true from some standpoint AKH0150 THE KNOWLEDGE OF OTHER PEOPLE IS A FICTITIOUS PROBLEM
that exists apart from our human linguistic practices. What I am arguing, rather, is that A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH
those practices themselves presuppose metaphysical realism. So one cannot within those AND LOGIC, 1946, p.130-1.
practices intelligibly deny metaphysical realism, because the meaningfulness of our public It appears, then, that the fact that a man's sense-experiences are private to himself,
utterances already presupposes an independently existing reality to which expressions in inasmuch as each of them contains an organic sense-content which belongs to his body and
those utterances can refer. Metaphysical realism is thus not a thesis or a theory; it is rather to no other, is perfectly compatible with his having good reason to believe in the existence
the condition of having theses or theories or even of denying theses or theories. This is not of other men. For, if he is to avoid metaphysics, he must define the existence of other men
an epistemic point about how we come to know truth as opposed to falsehood, rather it is in terms of the actual and hypothetical occurrence of certain sense-contents, and then the
a point about the conditions of possibility of communicating intelligibly. Falsehood stands fact that the requisite sense-contents do occur in his sense-history gives him a good reason
as much in need of the real world as does truth. for believing that there are other conscious beings besides himself. And thus we see that
the philosophical problem of "our knowledge of other people" is not the insoluble, and,
AKH0145 SEPARATE BODIES AND SENSE EXPERIENCES CREATE SEPARATE indeed, fictitious, problem of establishing by argument the existence of entities which are
SELVES altogether unobservable, but is simply the problem of indicating the way in which a certain
A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH type of hypothesis is empirically verified.
AND LOGIC, 1946, p.125.
But, as it is logically impossible for any organic sense-content to be an element of more AKH0151 EPISTEMOLOGICAL EMPHASIS IMPEDES PROGRESS
than one body, the relation of "belonging to the sense-history of the same self" turns out Cornel West, Professor of Religion, Harvard, THE AMERICAN EVASION OF
to be a symmetrical and transitive relation. And, from the fact that the relation of belonging PHILOSOPHY, 1989, p.93.
to the sense-history of the same self is symmetrical and transitive, it follows necessarily The epistemological problematic of modern philosophy now, in Dewey's view, stands in
that the series of sense-experiences which constitute the sense-histories of different selves the way of American and world progress. Like religion, for him, it misdirects human
cannot have any members in common. And this is tantamount to saying that it is logically powers and misleads human energies. Similar to the opiates of old, this problematic lingers
impossible for a sense-experience to belong to the sense-history of more than a single self. on owing to cultural lethargy, academic entrenchment, and existential quests for certainty.
To go beyond the epistemological problematic is to be a twentieth-century pioneer
AKH0146 PERSONAL IDENTITY IS GROUNDED IN BODILY IDENTITY "wandering in a wilderness" (his self-description in his only autobiographical account)
A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH ready to reflect critically upon and realize new possibilities for a better future.
AND LOGIC, 1946, p.127.
For we have solved Hume's problem by defining personal identity in terms of bodily AKH0152 EPISTEMOLOGICAL CRITIQUES DON'T JUSTIFY ABANDONING
identity, and bodily identity is to be defined in terms of the resemblance and continuity of NORMAL POLICY ARGUMENTS
sense-contents. And this procedure is justified by the fact that whereas it is permissible, Stanley Fish, Duke English and law prof, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS FREE
in our language, to speak of a man as surviving a complete loss of memory, or a complete SPEECH, 1994, p.20.
change of character, it is self-contradictory to speak of a man as surviving the annihilation This is the hardest of lessons for the cultural and intellectual left, whose members want
of his body. For that which is supposed to survive by those who look forward to a "life very much to think that what they take to be their epistemological sophistication gives
after death' is not the empirical self, but a metaphysical entity-the soul. And this them an advantage over their adversaries and makes their reasons different in kind from
metaphysical entity, concerning which no genuine hypothesis can be formulated, has no the reasons of those who retain a faith in objectivity. But this is a flat-out misreading of the
logical connection whatsoever with the self. lesson anti-foundationalism preaches, for if all arguments are inevitably intermixed with
policy and therefore challengeable, no argument, even the argument that all arguments are
AKH0147 THE STATEMENT OF HOLISM IS LOGICALLY NONSENSICAL inevitably intermixed with policy, can claim an epistemological superiority that would give
A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH its proponents an advantage independent of the hard work of presenting evidence,
AND LOGIC, 1946, p.146. elaborating analogies, marshaling authorities, and so on. It is because all arguments owe
We have, indeed, already remarked that the assertion that Reality is One, which it is their force to contingent historical factors that no meta-argument can make contingency
characteristic of a monist to make and a pluralist to controvert, is nonsensical, since no a matter either of suspicion or of celebration; contingency is a given and can count neither
empirical situation could have any bearing on its truth. for nor against an argument; any argument must still make its way by the same routes that
were available before contingency was recognized as a general condition.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 14
Cornel West, Professor of Religion, Harvard, THE AMERICAN EVASION OF Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
PHILOSOPHY, 1989, p.44. Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.23-4.
Fourth, the Cartesian philosophical method of inference overlooks the relatedness of ideas There are many reasonably well read people to whom the growing antagonism toward
to other ideas, propositions to other propositions. Indubitable foundations and absolute science on the part of a large number of left-wing intellectuals will come as something of
certainty are beyond human attainment, but warranted claims and reasonable conclusions a surprise. There is a tendency, mostly justified, as we have seen, to think of political
result from a"multitude and variety" of forms and styles of argumentation that "form an "progessivism" as naturally linked to a struggle against obscurantism, superstition, and the
integral unbroken part of the great body of truth." Peirce's image here is not that of "a chain dead weight of religious and social dogma. In this effort, the obvious ally and chief
which is no stronger than its weakest link, but a cable whose fibers may be ever so slender, resource is scientific knowledge of the world and the systematic methodology that supports
provided they are sufficiently numerous and intimately connected." it, as these have developed over the past few centuries, chiefly in Western culture.

A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
AND LOGIC, 1946, p.50. Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.58-9.
Thus it is common for writers on the subject of perception to assume that, unless one can Latour's picture of science is bleak and ominous: a war of all against all! Science is
give a satisfactory analysis of perceptual situations, one is not entitled to believe in the presented as a savage brawl in which, from day to day, the dominant chieftain is he who
existence of material things. But this is a complete mistake. What gives one the right to assembles, by dint of wealth, prestige, and warrior cunning, the biggest and nastiest gang
believe in the existence of a certain material thing is simply the fact that one has certain of henchmen (i.e., a "network," in Latour's parlance). We must remind ourselves-with a
sensations: for, whether one realises it or not, to say that the thing exists is equivalent to pinch if necessary- that this process is alleged to account for the emergence of celestial
saying that such sensations are obtainable. mechanics, Maxwell's equations, the periodic table of the elements, plate tectonics, the
genetic code, algebraic topology, quantum mechanics, massive parallel processing, and a
AKH0155 DEDUCTIVE LOGIC PROVIDES CERTAIN KNOWLEDGE million other insights and advances, modest as well as exalted. Empirical verification is
R.J. Hollingdale, philosopher, WESTERN PHILOSOPHY: AN INTRODUCTION, 1979, dismissed as a species of bluster, or as a kind of collective hallucination of the
p.40. power-crazed.
A form of knowledge apparently free from these limitations is deductive logic and
mathematical knowledge. In this case, certain knowledge seems to be attainable: the AKH0162 EMPHASIS ON EPISTEMOLOGY IS INTELLECTUALLY
conclusion of a valid syllogism is true, beyond any doubt. IMPOVERISHING
Cornel West, Professor of Religion, Harvard, THE AMERICAN EVASION OF
Herbert Muller, Indiana U Govt prof, THE USES OF THE PAST, 1952, p.38. Dewey's metaphilosophy is essentially an act of intellectual regicide; he wants to behead
And least of all can we afford to explain away our own shortcomings as historic modern philosophy by dethroning epistemology. For too long, modern philosophy has
necessities. Although the irresponsibility of America after the First World War was quite deferred to the authority of knowledge" in the name of science, without questioning this
understandable and predictable, it was not strictly inevitable. It was a moral and intellectual authority and demystifying science, i.e., bringing it down to earth, as it were. Therefore,
failure, for which Americans were responsible. They have learned something from it, and the diversity, complexity, and plurality of experience have been "assimilated to a
must continue to learn; for in all history no nation has faced such staggering nonempirical concept of knowledge." This impoverished empiricism "has said Lord, Lord,
responsibilities as face America today. Experience, Experience, but in practice it has served ideas forced into experience, not
gathered from it."
Frederick Crews, U Cal-Berkeley, English prof., SKEPTICAL ENGAGEMENTS, 1986, Cornel West, Professor of Religion, Harvard, THE AMERICAN EVASION OF
p.174. PHILOSOPHY, 1989, p.78.
We now know that individual sub-disciplines, not the sciences en masse, become coherent Dewey's aim is to evade the epistemological problematic of modern philosophy and
and progressive when their practitioners have developed solutions to major problems and thereby emancipate philosophy from its arid scholasticism and cultural conservatism. Just
acquired a feeling for what Thomas Kuhn calls the "good reasons" that tacitly inhabit those as Peirce evaded Cartesianism, so Dewey calls into question the most fundamental project
solutions: "accuracy, scope, simplicity, fruitfulness, and the like" (Kuhn 1974b, 261). Each of modern philosophy: the bridging of the gulf between subject and object by means of
of the human studies contains comparable specialties-research traditions that generate epistemological mechanisms. Unlike Peirce--and similar to James--Dewey embarks on his
well-focused debate, high standards of reasoning, and even a degree of consensus. I critique by interrogating the notion of experience deployed by modern philosophers and
suggest, not that we stop theorizing and expressing our sociopolitical views, but that we suggests a deeper and richer conception of experience. His basic claim is that the marginal
notice where our most substantial theories always originate: in concrete disciplinary significance of modern philosophy in North Atlantic cultures results from paltry notions
engagement. of experience derived from a ''spectator theory of knowledge" and the ''idea of invidiously
real reality." Dewey's goal is to show just how poverty-ridden (and wrong!) these notions
AKH0158 THE RELIABILITY OF SCIENCE IS BEYOND IS BEYOND SERIOUS of experience are; to reveal the concomitant spectator theory of knowledge as a blinding
QUESTION philosophic fiction; and to blame the idea that philosophy somehow knows Reality more
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and ultimately than other science for the cultural isolation and irrelevance of philosophy In this
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.256. way, Dewey's metaphilosophy is a kind of counterepistemology that is, a creative revision
At this point in history, for anyone who has read it honestly, the status of science as a of Emerson's evasion of epistemology-centered modern philosophy.
reliable, profound, and productive source of knowledge ought to be beyond serious
Roger Trigg, Professor of Philosophy, University of Warwick, RATIONALITY AND PHILOSOPHY, 1989, p.93.
SCIENCE, 1993, p.35. Dewey echoes these metaphilosophical sentiments in his 1919 lectures at the Imperial
Any discussion about the possible justification of science is likely to be met by the University in Tokyo, Japan, published as Reconstruction in Philosophy (1920). Modern
conviction that whatever its rational foundations, it certainly works. Scientists seem philosophic thought has been so preoccupied with these puzzles of epistemology . . . that
progressively more able to control the physical world. It has made more difference to the. many students are at a loss to know what would be left for philosophy if there were
lives of ordinary people than any other human activity. Modern life is dominated, even removed both the metaphysical task of distinguishing between the noumenal and
cocooned, by the products of this century's physical science. Every time we turn a switch phenomenal worlds and the epistemological task of telling how a separate subject can
to obtain light or heat, every time we watch television or get a cool drink out of the know an independent object. But would not the elimination of these traditional problems
refrigerator, we affirm the obvious success of science. Our transport by road, rail, air or sea permit philosophy to devote itself to a more fruitful and more needed task? Would it not
depends on modern inventions. Life, in short, would be unimaginable without the benefits encourage philosophy to face the great social and moral defects and troubles from which
of modern science. humanity suffers, to concentrate its attention upon clearing up the causes and exact nature
of these evils and upon developing a clear idea of better social possibilities . . . ?
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 15
Stanley Fish, Duke English and Law prof, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS FREE A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH
SPEECH, 1994, p.113. AND LOGIC, 1946, p.39.
That reasoning, as I understand it, goes as follows: although we ourselves are certain that A good example of the kind of utterance that is condemned by our criterion as being not
the Holocaust was a fact, facts are notoriously interpretable and disputable; therefore even false but nonsensical would be the assertion that the world of sense-experience was
nothing is ever really settled, and we have no right to reject something just because we altogether unreal. If must, of course, be admitted that our senses do sometimes deceive us.
regard it as pernicious and false. But the fact-if I can use that word-that settled truths can We may, as the result of having certain sensations, expect certain other sensations to be
always be upset, at least theoretically, does not mean that we cannot affirm and rely on obtainable which are, in fact, not obtainable. But, in all such cases, it is further
truths that according to our present lights seem indisputable; rather, it means exactly the sense-experience that informs us of the mistakes that arise out of sense-experience. We say
opposite: in the absence of absolute certainty of the kind that can only be provided by that the senses sometimes deceive us, just because the expectations to which our
revelation (something I do not rule out but have not yet experienced), we must act on the sense-experiences give rise do not always accord with what we subsequently experience.
basis of the certainty we have so far achieved. Truth may, as Milton said, always be in the That is, we rely on our senses to substantiate or confute the judgements which are based
course of emerging, and we must always be on guard against being so beguiled by its on our sensations. And therefore the fact that our perceptual judgements are sometimes
present shape that we ignore contrary evidence; but, by the same token, when it happens found to be erroneous has not the slightest tendency to show that the world of
that the present shape of truth is compelling beyond a reasonable doubt, it is our moral sense-experience is unreal.
obligation to act on it and not defer action in the name of an interpretative future that may
never arrive. By running the First Amendment up the nearest flagpole and rushing to salute AKH0171 NO OBSERVATION CAN PROVE THE WORLD OF SENSE EXPERIENCE
it, the student editors defaulted on that obligation and gave over their responsibility to a UNREAL
so-called principle that was not even to the point. A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH
AND LOGIC, 1946, p.39.
AKH0166 REJECTING THE POSSIBILITY OF SYSTEMATIC KNOWLEDGE IS And, indeed, it is plain that no conceivable observation, or series of observations, could
ABSURD have any tendency to show that the world revealed to us by sense-experience was unreal.
Anthony Giddens, Professor of Sociology, Cambridge, THE CONSEQUENCES OF Consequently, anyone who condemns the sensible world as a world of mere appearance,
MODERNITY, 1990, p.46-7. as opposed to reality, is saying something which, according to our criterion of significance,
Let us first of all dismiss as unworthy of serious intellectual consideration the idea that no is literally nonsensical. . . .
systematic knowledge of human action or trends of social development is possible. Were
anyone to hold such a view (and if indeed it is not inchoate in the first place), they could AKH0172 ALL KNOWLEDGE COMES THROUGH EXPERIENCE
scarcely write a book about it. The only possibility would be to repudiate intellectual Bertrand Russell, Professor of Philosophy, Cambridge, THE PROBLEMS OF
activity altogether-even "playful deconstruction" -in favour, say, of healthy physical PHILOSOPHY, 1912, p.148-9.
exercise. Whatever the absence of foundationalism in epistemology implies, it is not this. Thus knowledge as to what exists becomes limited to what we can learn from experience -
not to what we can actually experience, for, as we have seen, there is much knowledge by
AKH0167 THE EXTERNAL WORLD IS KNOWABLE THROUGH DIRECT description concerning things of which we have no direct experience. But in all cases of
OBSERVATION knowledge by description, we need some connexion of universals, enabling us, from such
Hazel Barnes, Professor of Philosophy, University of Colorado, AN EXISTENTIALIST and such a datum. Thus in regard to physical objects, for example, the principle that sense-
ETHICS, 1967, p.132. data are signs of physical objects is itself a connexion of universals; and it is only in virtue
If one is speaking about physical objects, I see no objection here. If one identifies a table of this principle that experience enables us to acquire knowledge concerning physical
as a table, knows its typical function and the molecular structure of its material, one does objects. The same applies to the law of causality, or, to descend to what is less general, to
indeed know what a table is. Even if Sartre is right in insisting on a certain such principles as the law of gravitation.
transphenomenality of Being, claiming that after one has performed a host of examinations
of an object, there is still something left over-even so one knows what a table is. It is those AKH0173 ALL FACTUAL PROPOSITIONS ARE EMPIRICAL, SO THEY SHOULD
things I have discovered about it even if it is something more too. Stating that one never BE VERIFIABLE
knows absolutely is not to deny all knowledge as such. Rand is right in insisting that we A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH
have certainty about many specific things even if absolute certainty is lacking. AND LOGIC, 1946, p.41.
As to the validity of the verification principle, in the form in which we have stated it, a
AKH0168 THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE TO LEARNING FROM EXPERIENCE demonstration will be given in the course of this book. For it will be shown that all
Roger Trigg, Professor of Philosophy, University of Warwick, RATIONALITY AND propositions which have factual content are empirical hypotheses; and that the function of
SCIENCE, 1993, p.235. an empirical hypothesis is to provide a rule for the anticipation of experience. And this
With his doctrines about scientific revolutions and the incommensurability of scientific means that every empirical hypothesis must be relevant to some actual, or possible,
theories, no one has done more to challenge the place of rationality in science than T. S. experience, so that a statement which is not relevant to any experience is not an empirical
Kuhn. Yet it is intriguing that even he feels an urge for a rational grounding for induction. hypothesis, and accordingly has no factual content. But this is precisely what the principle
He notes that the whole problem arises from the recognition that we have no rational of verifiability asserts.
alternative to simply learning from experience.
AKH0169 WE SHOULD ASSUME THE VALIDITY OF SENSE DATA Irving Copi, Professor of Philosophy, University of Hawaii, INTRODUCTION TO
Bertrand Russell, Professor of Philosophy, Cambridge, THE PROBLEMS OF LOGIC, 1972, p.vii.
PHILOSOPHY, 1912, p.151. There are obvious benefits to be gained from the study of logic: heightened ability to
Some knowledge, such as knowledge of the existence of our sense-data, appears quite express ideas clearly and concisely; increased skill in defining one's terms; enlarged
indubitable, however calmly and thoroughly we reflect upon it. In regard to such capacity to formulate arguments rigorously and to scrutinize them critically. But the
knowledge, philosophical criticism does not require that we should abstain from belief. But greatest benefit, in my judgment, is the recognition that reason can be applied in every
there are beliefs--such, for example, as the belief that physical objects exactly resemble our aspect of human affairs. Democratic institutions are under attack today from all directions.
sense-data- which are entertained until we begin to reflect, but are found to melt away They can best be defended by being made to work. And this can be accomplished only by
when subjected to a close inquiry. Such beliefs philosophy will bid us reject, unless some each citizen thinking for himself, discussing issues freely with his fellows, deliberating,
new line of argument is found to support them. But to reject the beliefs which do not weighing evidence, and acknowledging that with effort we can tell the difference between
appear open to any objections, however closely we examine them, is not reasonable, and good and bad arguments. If we are to govern ourselves well and responsibly, we must he
not what philosophy advocates. reasonable. The study of logic can give us not only practice in reasoning but respect for


Morris Cohen, Professor of Philosophy, City College of New York, A PREFACE TO
LOGIC, 1944, p.10.
Reflection shows that logic cannot be isolated from any realm of being, cannot, for
example, be confined to the analysis or description of thought or of symbolism, even
assuming it were possible to have thought without objects, or symbols without things
symbolized. Indeed, logic could not possibly illumine thoughts and symbols if it did not
illumine that which is the object of thought and symbolism. If logic were indeed only a
manipulation of symbols it would be as devoid of philosophical significance and scientific
utility as chess or tic-tac-toe.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 16
A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH Herbert Muller, Indiana U Govt. Prof., THE USES OF THE PAST, 1952, p.31-2.
AND LOGIC, 1946, p.81. It is always easy to be cynical about history, as 'a pack of tricks we play on the dead.' Yet
A point which is not sufficiently brought out by Russell, if indeed it is recognised by him it is impossible to deny the impressive advance that has been made in the last hundred
at all, is that every logical proposition is valid in its own right. Its validity does not depend years. Historians have built up an immense body of factual knowledge, knowledge that is
on its being incorporated in a system, and deduced from certain propositions which are no less genuine because it is subject to different theoretical interpretations. They have
taken as self-evident. The construction of systems of logic is useful as a means of systematically widened, deepened, and clarified the sources of knowledge by philological,
discovering and certifying analytic propositions, but it is not in principle essential even for paleographical, archaeological, and ethnological research. They have come to realize the
this purpose. For it is possible to conceive of a symbolism in which every analytic importance of commonplace, everyday events, in particular the economic activities that
proposition could be seen to be analytic in virtue of its form alone. had been neglected in favor of the political and military. They have learned a great deal
about the influence of both the physical and the cultural environment, what lies below
AKH0177 LOGIC AND MATH ARE TRUE BY DEFINITION factual history and above it. They have become aware of evolutions of origins and growths,
A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH of the history of history itself. Their very ignorance is suffused with knowledge, which at
AND LOGIC, 1946, p.77. least keeps them from being ignorant of their ignorance.
The principles of logic and mathematics are true universally simply because we never
allow them to be anything else. And the reason for this is that we cannot abandon them AKH0184 OUR SOCIAL COMPLEXITY ENHANCES OUR HISTORICAL
without contradicting ourselves, without sinning against the rules which govern the use of UNDERSTANDING
language, and so making our utterance self-stultifying. In other words, the truths of logic Herbert Muller, Indiana U Govt. Prof., THE USES OF THE PAST, 1952, p.33-4.
and mathematics are analytic propositions or tautologies. Our distinctive interests and beliefs make it possible for history to be relatively
disinterested and impartial. Through Marx, Freud, Sumner, Pareto, Boas, Spengler, and
AKH0178 PURE LOGIC CAN RESOLVE ALL AUTHENTICALLY PHILOSOPHICAL many others, we have become more aware of the inveterate habit of rationalization and the
QUESTIONS sources of bias--the class interests, the mores, the conditioned reflexes of culture, the
A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH unconscious assumptions, the 'climate of opinion.' Although we can never entirely escape
AND LOGIC, 1946, p.133. or control our climate, never attain a God's-eye view, we can more freely discount and
That is to say, the questions with which philosophy is concerned are purely logical supplement-at least when we read the other fellow's history. The very crisis of our
questions; and although people do in fact dispute about logical questions, such disputes are civilization is in this aspect an aid to understanding. In a stabler society we might expect
always unwarranted. For they involve either the denial of a proposition which is to have a simpler, stabler past, whose primary meaning was the wisdom of the ancestors.
necessarily true, or the assertion of a proposition which is necessarily false. In all such We are not naturally wiser than our ancestors; but the revolutionary conditions of our
cases, therefore, we may be sure that one party to the dispute has been guilty of a thought and life have forced a realization of relativity and complexity, the uncertainties of
miscalculation which a sufficiently close scrutiny of the reasoning will enable us to detect. all history, and the ambiguities of the good old days that somehow led to these very bad
So that if the dispute is not immediately resolved, it is because the logical error of which days.
one party is guilty is too subtle to be easily detected, and not because the question at issue
is irresoluble on the available evidence. AKH0185 SCHOLARLY CONSENSUS PROVIDES SUFFICIENTLY RELIABLE
Morris Cohen, Professor of Philosophy, City College of New York, A PREFACE TO My reply to the School of Suspicion is that its Romantic, individualistic model of the
LOGIC, 1944, p.9. search for knowledge has been erroneous from the start. The turn toward nihilism is
In the history of ideas the past century is one marked by an extraordinary development of unavoidable if we begin by picturing the single mind alone with the enigmatic universe on
logic. A discipline which had remained for more than 20 centuries in approximately the one side and a meager stock of metaphors on the other. My own starting point is an
state to which the mind of Aristotle reduced it, suddenly entered upon a period of rapid acknowledgment that we do, by now, know a great many things with enough assurance to
growth and systematic development. While the essential elements of the Aristotelian logic profit from their consequences. We know them, not because the isolated mind is a reliable
have not been overthrown or shaken, the labors of Boole, Peirce, Schroder, Frege, Russell, instrument or because some magus has bequeathed us his vision, but because our
Whitehead, and a host of fellow workers have produced a calculus of classes and a calculus disciplinary communities have evolved ways of choosing shrewdly between an array of
of propositions in which the Aristotelian theory of the syllogism is seen to occupy only a (mostly poor, often foolish) cognitive opportunities.
tiny corner.
AKH0180 MODERN LOGIC CAN DEAL WITH PROBABILITIES Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
Morris Cohen, Professor of Philosophy, City College of New York, A PREFACE TO Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.234.
LOGIC, 1944, p.11. Science is, above all else, a reality-driven enterprise. Every active investigator is
Again, the traditional logic has seemed to assume a world of hard and fast concepts, a inescapably aware of this. It creates the pain as well as much of the delight of research.
world in which everything is black or white and where there are no gradations or twilight Reality is the overseer at one's shoulder, ready to rap one's knuckles or to spring the trap
zones. But modern logic is a more flexible instrument than the Aristotelian syllogism, and into which one has been led by overconfidence, or by a too-complacent reliance on mere
it is fully capable of dealing with the world of probabilities and uncertainties which is the surmise. Science succeeds precisely because it has accepted a bargain in which even the
true object of science and the material of daily life. boldest imagination stands hostage to reality. Reality is the unrelenting angel with whom
scientists have agreed to wrestle.
Herbert Muller, Indiana U Govt. Prof., THE USES OF THE PAST, 1952, p.41-2. Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
History itself is the deadliest enemy of the Eternal and Absolute. The whole history of Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.220.
thought is a refutation of the finality to which thinkers have endlessly aspired. I conclude, The natural view-that science gives power to those who understand and underwrite it
accordingly, that in first and last matters we cannot conclude with absolute certainty. But precisely because it sees accurately into the workings of nature-is, of course correct; but
I should at once add that the admission of ultimate uncertainty does not mean complete it sorts ill with the temperament of the would-be exorcist.
uncertainty. The absolutist tradition of Christendom leads men to assume that if we don't
have absolute standards we can't have any standards, and that if we are not standing on the AKH0188 ENDURING SCIENTIFIC RESULTS CAPTURE OBJECTIVE REALITY
Rock of Ages we are standing on nothing. Actually, we can and do know plenty of Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
objective truths without knowing the whole or final Truth. Beneath the manifold diversity Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.139.
of human history, more specifically, we can discern the basic uniformities and continuities No serious thinker about science, least of all scientists themselves, doubts that personal and
that make it an intelligible history, not a chaos. social factors influence problem choice and the acceptance of results by the scientific
community. Few serious thinkers about science, however, outside the camps of feminists
AKH0182 HISTORICAL UNDERSTANDING IS KEY TO COPING WITH THE and social constructivists, argue that the stable results of science, those that have been
FUTURE subject to empirical test over time and have survived, are not written in nature! Most know
Cornel West, Professor of Religion, Harvard, THE AMERICAN EVASION OF that whatever the underlying calligraphy, self correcting science is the best translation of
PHILOSOPHY, 1989, p.91. it we have.
Dewey's prospective instrumentalist viewpoint here is deeply indebted to Emerson, yet his
pervasive historical consciousness leads him to take with more seriousness than Emerson
the role of the past in the present and its use for the future. Imaginative recovery of the
bygone is indispensable to successful invasion of the future, but its status is that of an
instrument the movement of the agent-patient to meet the future is partial and passionate,
yet detached and impartial study of the past is the only alternative to luck in assuring
success to passion.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 17
Frederick Crews, U Cal-Berkeley English Prof., SKEPTICAL ENGAGEMENTS, 1986, Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
p.xvii. Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.131.
The undoubted achievements of twentieth-century science are sufficient testimony against We share with enthusiasm the hope that the ethnic and sexual demography of the sciences
the envious proposal that scientists possess no evidential basis for choosing between rival will come to resemble that of the human species as a whole. But the idea that physics is in
ideas. The truism that all facts are theory-laden is irrelevant; what counts is whether a for a major conceptual upgrade because multiethnic perspectives will be brought to bear
given piece of evidence, when judged by an expert community possessing common values upon it is sheer fantasy. Recall that since the end of the eighteenth century various groups
and rules, is sufficiently independent of the particular theories in conflict. at one or another time regarded by European Christians as lesser breeds have come
increasingly to be represented in science. These groups include, inter alia, Jews, Indians,
AKH0190 SCIENCE ALLOWS THE PROGRESSIVE DISCOVERY OF TRUTH Arabs, Pakistanis, Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans. As individuals, many of them have
Charles Frankel, Columbia philosopher, THE CASE FOR MODERN MAN, 1956, p.143. made contributions of the first rank and of enormous influence, and many have been
In the simplest terms, the only effective world community that now exists is the honored appropriately. To claim that their ethnicity left a particular stamp on the content
community of science. In this respect, if in no other, the vision of eighteenth-century of their achievement is to revert to the odious ethnic essentialism of Professor Lenard.
liberal philosophers has been achieved. For the progress of science, as they saw, is not the
progress of some one creed at the expense of others. It is the progress of a set of rules and AKH0196 SCIENTIFIC METHOD OFFERS OBJECTIVE KNOWLEDGE OF SOCIETY
procedures which allow men to co-ordinate their thinking and to co-operate in the search Herbert Muller, Indiana U Govt. Prof., THE USES OF THE PAST, 1952, p.32.
for truth. In spite of all their disagreement, moreover, historians are now generally agreed in
discounting the most obvious explanation, that Rome succumbed to barbarian invasions;
AKH0191 SCIENCE'S IMPERSONAL STANDARDS MAKE IT OBJECTIVE they have a deeper insight than the great Gibbon had, and perceive the dry rot that had set
Charles Frankel, Columbia philosopher, THE CASE FOR MODERN MAN, 1956, p.139. in during the Golden Age he celebrated. For they now have the advantage of a vast,
Individual scientists, accordingly, are likely to be just as jealous of their reputations, international, cooperative enterprise, conducted in a scientific spirit. Although every
attached to their own ideas, and incapable of taking the ideas of others seriously, as the rest historian remains fallible and subject to bias, his work remains subject to correction and
of the human race. But the ideas that come to be accepted by the scientific community are criticism by his fellows, in professional journals and congresses. The relative objectivity
objective; and they are objective in the precise sense that they meet impersonal standards of contemporary social science, as Karl Popper points out, is due not to the impartiality of
which are independent of the peculiar perspective of any individual. all the social scientists, but to the publicity and community of the scientific method.

Charles Frankel, Columbia philosopher, THE CASE FOR MODERN MAN, 1956, Roger Trigg, Professor of Philosophy, University of Warwick, RATIONALITY AND
p.138-9. SCIENCE, 1993, p.40.
There are two principal reasons why scientific ideas are objective, and neither has anything Rescher's pragmatism, however, means that he goes further than Wittgenstein. He does
to do with the personal merits or social status of individual scientists. The first is that these believe that science, by any test, provides the most reliable route to knowledge: The
ideas are the products of a co-operative process in which the individual has to submit his mechanisms of scientific reasoning clearly represent the most developed and sophisticated
results to the test of public observations which others can perform. The second is that these of our probative methods. No elaborate argumentation is necessary to establish the all-too
ideas are the results of a process in which no ideas or assumptions are regarded as evident fact that science has come out on top. (1992, p.178).
sacrosanct, and all inherited ideas are subject to the continuing correction of experience.
Charles Frankel, Columbia philosopher, THE CASE FOR MODERN MAN, 1956, p.143. PHILOSOPHY, 1989, p.97-8.
The achievement of such an institutional technique for achieving objective beliefs is, The cultural implication here is that Dewey's acceptance of the authority of science is itself
indeed, the signal intellectual achievement of modern liberal society. It is the one point at instrumental-science is simply the best tool we conscious organisms have to cope with our
which that society differs most fundamentally from other societies. There are techniques environment. The metaphysical implication is that although science has no monopoly on
in all societies for fixing men's beliefs, and for bringing them into some sort of agreement what is true and real, its predictive and explanatory powers help us deal more effectively
on the facts. All of these methods involve accepting something without question--custom, with the world than anything else available to us.
a revelation, the superior judgment of selected individuals; most of them also contain an
element of coercion; none of them are self-corrective in a steady and deliberate way. The AKH0199 THOUGH UNCERTAIN, SCIENCE OFFERS THE MOST RELIABLE
institutions of modern science, in contrast, represent a radically new technique for KNOWLEDGE POSSIBLE
coordinating men's ideas without coercion, and for bringing unquestioned assumptions or Anthony Giddens, Professor of Sociology, Cambridge, THE CONSEQUENCES OF
"ideologies" under criticism. The emergence of such a revolutionary institution in the MODERNITY, 1990, p.39.
modern world represents a turning point in the way in which human society achieves its Even philosophers who most staunchly defend the claims of science to certitude, such as
beliefs. Karl Popper, acknowledge that, as he expresses it, "all science rests upon shifting sand."
In science, nothing is certain, and nothing can be proved, even if scientific endeavour
AKH0194 SCIENCE IS NOT DETERMINED BY SOCIAL CONDITIONS provides us with the most dependable information about the world to which we can aspire.
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
The notion that such work as that of Newton and Einstein was "needed" by the UNCERTAIN
technological infrastructures of their respective societies is plain nonsense. Herbert Muller, Indiana U Govt. Prof., THE USES OF THE PAST, 1952, p.362.
Seventeenth-century merchants and navigators needed innovation in the form of an Scientific knowledge is no less useful because of ultimate uncertainty; it serves the quite
accurate chronometer, not an explanation of Keplerian ellipses in terms of the inverse sufficient purpose of enabling us to go about our business in a world whose metaphysical
square law. Turn-of-the-century industrialists were not sending out desperate requests for 'reality' we do not absolutely need to know. Reliable knowledge is not enough by itself but
a more subtle understanding of the invariance of physical law under change of inertial nothing can take its place no arbitrary assertion of higher truths and goods.
frame. To offer this sort of "explanation" as an account of profound intellectual
developments is to show unlimited contempt for the very notion of explanation, as well as AKH0201 SCIENCE IS VALIDATED BY ITS HIGH DEGREE OF PREDICTIVE
a boundless ignorance of the phenomena one is trying to explain. Aronowitz's thesis is no SUCCESS
more than an unsupported dictum that declares, in effect, that by some mystifying process, Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
the Zeitgeist Fairy of 1665 contrived to tickle Newton's brain cells with her magic wand, Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.128
while her counterpart of 1905 did the same for Einstein! This is not intellectual history, Does physics, then, have an explanation for the history of physics? In one very strong
sociology, philosophy, or anything else worth a scholar's serious attention. sense it does: the history of physics as a collection of ideas is largely explained by the
objective nature of the phenomena it describes and schematizes. Thus Kepler's laws of
motion are explained by the fact that, to a high degree of precision, the planets move as
predicted by those laws This seeming tautology will leave relativists and cultural
constructivists feeling quite out of sorts; but, as explanations go, it is supremely solid and
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 18
PREDICTIONS Charles Frankel, Columbia philosopher, THE CASE FOR MODERN MAN, 1956,
A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH p.142-3.
AND LOGIC, 1946, p.50. But all of these soft impeachments of science rest on the view that science, like any other
The task of defining rationality is precisely the sort of task that it is the business of body of belief, depends on certain "ultimate" or unquestioned assumptions that it is, in a
philosophy to undertake. But in achieving this it does not justify scientific procedure. What word, another ideology. And this involves a fundamental misconception. For science is not
justifies scientific procedure, to the extent to which it is capable of being justified, is the a single, unified creed, and it does not rest on any wholesale presuppositions. It makes no
success of the predictions to which it gives rise: and this can be determined only in actual advance commitments which it is unprepared to discard under any circumstances. The
experience. By itself, the analysis of a synthetic principle tells us nothing whatsoever about so-called "metaphysical foundations of science," about which we hear so much, are at best
its truth. a misnomer for the historical origins of scientific ideas, and have nothing to do with the
content or truth of these ideas. For science, quite simply, is not a creed in competition with
AKH0203 SUCCESSFUL PREDICTIONS ARE NECESSARY FOR SURVIVAL other creeds; it is not the view of a sect. It is a way of bringing all creeds to the test of
A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH certain common techniques and methods. And when we reject it for being provincial, we
AND LOGIC, 1946, p.97. reject the one language which has been able effectively to cross boundaries and to draw
The function of a system of hypotheses is to warn us beforehand what will be our men together.
experience in a certain field-to enable us to make accurate predictions. The hypotheses may
therefore be described as rules which govern our expectation of future experience. There AKH0209 EVEN KUHN IS NOT A STRONG SCIENTIFIC RELATIVIST
is no need to say why we require such rules. It is plain that on our ability to make Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
successful predictions depends the satisfaction of even our simplest desires, including the Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.139.
desire to survive. Those "recent developments" turn out to be not so recent. Chief among them is--of
course-the work of Thomas Kuhn, whose studies of theory choice led him to conclude that
AKH0204 NATURAL SCIENCE SUCCESSFULLY PREDICTS major upheavals of scientific theory-- "paradigm shifts"-are conditioned not only by the
Isaiah Berlin, Professor of Social and Political Theory, Oxford, FOUR ESSAYS ON officially recognized cognitive processes of textbook science, but by various social factors
LIBERTY, 1969, p.43. as well as personal whim and aesthetic considerations. Only the most superficial reading
The notion that one can discover large patterns or regularities in the procession of of this work and of subsequent commentary by Kuhn on his critics can lend support to
historical events is naturally attractive to those who are impressed by the success of the strong forms of relativism, a position that Kuhn is at pains most energetically to deny. He
natural sciences in classifying, correlating, and above all predicting. is a firm believer in scientific progress and in the power of science to "solve puzzles,"
while harboring doubts only about the permanent representational value of any regnant
AKH0205 SUCCESS IN PRACTICE IS THE ONLY TEST OF A SCIENTIFIC THEORY paradigm. Moreover, he clearly believes that the dominant factors in theory choice are,
A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH indeed, the ones traditionally celebrated by scientists: logical economy, explanatory
AND LOGIC, 1946, p.50. parsimony, and the capacity to synthesize once-disparate theories into a conceptual unity.
Actually, we shall see that the only test to which a form of scientific procedure which
satisfies the necessary condition of self-consistency is subject, is the test of its success in AKH0210 KUHN'S PERSPECTIVE IS NOT GENERALLY ACCEPTED
practice. We are entitled to have faith in our procedure just so long as it does the work Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
which it is designed to do- that is, enables us to predict future experience, and so to control Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.139.
our environment. Even that clarification of Kuhn's position, an epistemological progenitor of the more
iconoclastic social-constructivist critiques, is hardly a recent development, and it hardly
AKH0206 MODERN KNOWLEDGE PROVIDES BONA FIDE CUMULATIVE justifies Keller's hopes for epistemic reform, especially when one considers that Kuhn's
KNOWLEDGE work, well known as it is, is regarded with considerable skepticism by a majority of
Francis Fukuyama, Rand, THE END OF HISTORY AND THE LAST MAN, 1992, p.72. contemporary philosophers of science.
For if we look around at the entire range of human social endeavor, the only one that is by
common consensus unequivocally cumulative and directional is modern natural science. AKH0211 SCIENCE IS PROGRESSIVE, NOT JUST A SUCCESSION OF
The same cannot be said for activities like painting, poetry, music, or architecture: it is not PARADIGMS
clear that Rauschenberg is a better painter than Michelangelo or Schoenberg superior to Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
Bach, simply because they lived in the twentieth century; Shakespeare and the Parthenon Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.180.
represent a certain kind of perfection and it makes no sense to speak of ''advancing" The story of AIDS, more so perhaps than any other in contemporary science, refutes,
beyond them. Natural science, on the other hand, builds upon itself: there are certain simply as it is recounted, the notion that science is not so much a matter of expanding
"facts" about nature that were hidden from the great Sir Isaac Newton, that are accessible knowledge as it is of competing, culturally constructed paradigms. To be sure, paradigms
to any undergraduate physics student today simply because he or she was born later. The compete; and they contribute at any moment to the formulation of questions and the choice
scientific understanding of nature is neither cyclical nor random; mankind does not return of "puzzles" (Thomas Kuhn's word); but the succession of paradigms does not involve
periodically to the same state of ignorance, nor are the results of modern natural science starting each time from scratch. Theory choice is not just a matter of politics and style, as
subject to human caprice. Human beings are free to pursue certain branches of science Kuhn himself insisted in defending his work against its critics.
rather than others, and they can obviously apply the results as they please, but neither
dictators nor parliaments can repeal the laws of nature, much as they are tempted to do so. AKH0212 PERSPECTIVISM DOESN'T EFFECTIVELY INDICT SCIENCE
Scientific knowledge has been accumulating for a very long period, and has had a Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
consistent if frequently unperceived effect in shaping the fundamental character of human Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.40.
societies. Those that possess ferrous metallurgy and agriculture were quite different from So far as we are concerned, perspectivism, in its soberest and most prudent form, has
ones that only knew stone tools or hunting and gathering. But a qualitative change interesting things to say about the history of science, the shape of modern science as a
occurred in the relationship of scientific knowledge to the historical process with the rise social institution, the rhetoric of scientific debates. When it comes to the core of scientific
of modern natural science, that is, from the discovery of the scientific method by men like substance, however, and the deep methodological and epistemological questions-above all,
Descartes, Bacon, and Spinoza in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. the incredibly difficult ontological questions-that arise in scientific contexts, perspectivism
can make at best a trivial contribution. The attempts to read scientific knowledge as the
AKH0207 KUHN DOESN'T UNDERMINE SCIENTIFIC RATIONALITY mere transcription of Western male capitalist social perspectives, or as the deformed
Frederick Crews, U Cal-Berkeley, English Prof., SKEPTICAL ENGAGEMENTS, 1986, handicraft of the prisonhouse of language, are hopelessly naive and reductionistic. They
p.168. take no account of the specific logic of the sciences and they are far too coarse to deal with
Kuhn happens to be a fervent believer in scientific rationality and progress, which, he the conceptual texture of any category of important scientific thought.
argues, can occur only after a given specialty has gotten past the stage of "theory
proliferation" and "incessant criticism and continual striving for a fresh start" (Kuhn AKH0213 SCIENCE IS COMPATIBLE WITH IMAGINATION
1974b, 246, 244). By incommensurability Kuhn never meant that competing theories are Charles Frankel, Columbia philosopher, THE CASE FOR MODERN MAN, 1956, p.157.
incomparable but only that the choice between them cannot be entirely consigned to the A scientific theory thus makes a positive contribution to human experience. When men
verdict of theory-neutral rules and data. (What looks like a "mistake" in one theory's terms approach their world within the framework of a theory, their experience has a dimension
may be a legitimate inference in the terms of its rival.) Transitions between which simple observation alone cannot give it. The primary function of theory is to lead
paradigms-which in any case are mere problem solutions, not broad theories or to new experiences, to be an instrument by which men can deliberately and intentionally
methodologies-must indeed be made globally, through "gestalt switches," but the expand their horizons. Scientific theory is not the opposite of imagination. It is a product
rationality of science is not thereby impaired. As Kuhn asked, and as he has continued to of imagination, and an instrument for emancipating it from enslavement to the familiar, the
insist with mounting astonishment at his irrationalist fan club, "What better criterion than routine, and the here-and-now.
the decision of the scientific group could there be?" (Kuhn 1970,169).
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 19
Charles Frankel, Columbia philosopher, THE CASE FOR MODERN MAN, 1956, CREATED
p.157-8. Herbert Muller, Indiana U Govt. Prof., THE USES OF THE PAST, 1952, p.362.
And it is an instrument, as well, for stabilizing and disciplining the human imagination. Science has had very little to do, indeed, with the administration of our economic and
The mathematical side of modern science is probably responsible for the popular political life. It remains the author of our major problem, in its gift of tremendous power
impression that science is cold, mechanical, and remote, But the mathematical side of that has been terribly abused; but for the wise use of this power we need more, not less, of
modern science is in fact a remarkable example of how the human imagination can be at the objective, dispassionate scientific spirit.
once liberated and disciplined. Mathematical methods are ways of overcoming at least four
weaknesses to which our ordinary everyday experience is liable-its grossness, its AKH0221 REPUDIATING SCIENCE MAINTAINS OPPRESSION
instability, its idleness and disorder, and its idiosyncrasy. Far from being less refined than Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
the qualitative judgments we usually make, quantitative techniques permit us to make more Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.81-2.
minute and precise distinctions; they allow us to render the same verdict on things at Moreover, those whose politics inclined toward the left were all too happy to have a
different times and independently of how we feel; they enable us to put our perceptions in rationale for reconstituting their discipline as part of a social movement to champion the
a definite order so that we can reason from them with more assurance and to more oppressed races, castes, genders, and sexual outcasts of the earth, freed of any need to
far-reaching consequences; and, perhaps most important, they provide a way of analyze their situation "objectively." In Fox's view, however, many of the peoples whom
transcending the idiosyncrasy of different perspectives and of bringing the experience of this strategy is designed to help are, in the end, poorly served: "Science, with its objectivity
different men together: Mathematical methods thus represent not merely professional . . . remains the one international language capable of providing objective knowledge of
techniques, but social inventions, man's own instruments against his obtuseness, the world. And it is a language that all can use and share and learn . . . The wretched of the
waywardness, and egoism. Their emergence constitutes a sociological phenomenon of earth want science and the benefits of science. To deny them this is another kind of
first-rate importance-the emergence of a new technique for co-ordinating human racism."
experience and for bringing men into uncoerced agreement.
SCIENCE Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.24.
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.138. The dissecting blade of scientific skepticism, with its insistence that theories are worthy
Closeness to, identification with, the object, the substitution of ideals for logic and of respect only to the extent that their assertions pass the twin tests of internal logical
abstraction, of unfettered intuition for analysis, was a transcendent characteristic of consistency and empirical verification, has been an invaluable weapon against intellectual
romantic natural philosophy. Taken as principle, that characteristic was a root cause of its authoritarianisms of all sorts, not least those that sustain social systems based on
failure to produce useful science. exploitation, domination, and absolutism. The notion that human liberation ought to be the
chief project of the intellectual community is, it seems to us, coeval with the idea that
AKH0216 SCIENCE LIBERATES HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS superstition and credulity are among the most powerful foes of liberation, and that science,
Charles Frankel, Columbia philosopher, THE CASE FOR MODERN MAN, 1956, p.158. in particular, holds out the best hope for cutting through their fogs of error and confusion.
Theoretical science, in short, is an example par excellence of a liberal art-a deliberate, Towering figures of political and ethical thought over the last three or four centuries make
selective reordering of experience, which releases men from the narrowness and urgency this point; one thinks, in this regard, of Galileo, Spinoza, Locke, Voltaire, Diderot,
of their routine affairs, carries them beyond the limitations and accidents of their lives, and Lessing, Hume, Kant, Mill, Herzen, Turgenev, Russell, Einstein-the list could be extended
makes it possible for their commerce with the world to have scope, order, and systematic endlessly.
consequences. It has been used as an instrument of industry and of war, but its primary
function is more humane and, as it were, aesthetic-to cause human experience to be fruitful AKH0223 SCIENCE HAS AIDED OPPOSITIONAL MOVEMENTS
and to multiply. And its relation to practice is the relation of any fine and liberating art-it Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
carries men beyond the foreground of their experience, and enlarges the dimensions of Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.229.
human choice by acquainting men with the alternative possibilities of things. Quite apart On the other hand, science has been in some crucial respects a positive source of support
from its technological applications, it represents, to use an old philosophical expression, to oppositional movements. It has dispelled much of the nonsense that sustained sexual and
a "final good" something which has its own inner dynamism, goes its own way, and can racial discrimination, in spite of early attempts to ally it with the forces of repression. It has
give stability and direction to the rest of our lives. given powerful evidence of the ineluctable importance of environmental consciousness in
the application of technology.
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and AKH0224 SCIENCE HAS BEEN POLITICALLY PROGRESSIVE HISTORICALLY
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.178. Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
And here's to Baconian science-if that misattribution is to persist in our Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.23.
universities-Baconian in the sense of a rigorous adherence to the empirical, and a faith that In the final analysis, a real if grossly imperfect alignment persisted between the scientific
what we learn that way can improve the prospects for human life. The more Baconian outlook and the great emancipatory sentiments-abolitionism, women's rights, social reform,
science we get, the easier it will be to believe that we have a fighting chance, if no more socialism itself-that drove the most idealistic souls of the era. To put it another way, the
than that, on this lovely planet that spins its way through an unimaginably violent-and "science" that sustained the most ferociously antiegalitarian ideas-racist eugenics, "social
indifferent-space. Darwinism," and the like-has long since been effaced, while the claims put forth to bolster
the egalitarian view have endured, on the whole, rather well. At any rate, if we are to judge
AKH0218 SCIENCE IS THE ONLY HOPE FOR DEALING WITH AIDS a body of ideas by its worst enemies, it is simply absurd to impugn science as the tool of
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and the most embittered reactionaries. Those forces, represented by Maistre and by Pius IX,
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.179. the pope who denounced socialism, modernism, and the scientific outlook in a single
Chiefly, we shall be concerned with the abiding problem of racial justice, and with the breath, were convinced that their quarrel with science was a struggle to the death. Martin
AIDS epidemic that has reawakened slumbering fears of plague and fatal contagion. Heidegger was their recent offspring. To the extent that the liberatory and democratic
Science, obviously, has a great deal to do with the latter problem. In fact it is our only ideals that roiled the nineteenth century and persist to our day with amplified force face the
defense, and our only source of hope. adamant resistance of dogmatic religions of one sort or another (hardly a dead issue in a
world beset by a swarm of angry fundamentalists), science, it would seem, has been and
AKH0219 REJECTING SCIENCE LEADS TO DISASTROUS POLICY ERRORS will be their strongest and least dispensable ally.
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.159.
To the extent that science-the only reliable source of numbers for environmental
cost/benefit analysis-is battered in the course of a primarily ideological crusade, so much
greater will be the chance of making disastrous errors of policy.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 20
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and Roger Trigg, Professor of Philosophy, University of Warwick, RATIONALITY AND
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.6. SCIENCE, 1993, p.230.
A curious fact about the recent left critique of science is the degree to which its instigators The human ability to reason must be the starting-point for all our thinking. Once we try to
have overcome their former timidity or indifference toward the subject not by studying it deny it, or explain it away, we merely use the very ability we attack. Such an exercise in
in detail but rather by creating a repertoire of rationalizations for avoiding such study. self-contradiction is worse than being involved in an infinite regress.
Buoyed by a "stance" on science, they feel justified in bypassing the grubby necessities of
actual scientific knowledge. This is not because any great number of science apostates has AKH0232 THE LIMITS OF REASON DON'T JUSTIFY ITS ABANDONMENT
flocked to their banner, although a handful of figures with scientific credentials, as well Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, FROM SHAKESPEARE TO
as the occasional refugee from an unsatisfactory scientific career, can be found on the EXISTENTIALISM, 1980, p.368.
movement's fringes. The assumption that makes specific knowledge of science dispensable If there is one thing above all that we have learned since their time--and especially in our
is that certain new-forged intellectual tools-feminist theory, postmodern philosophy, time it is this: although reason has its limitations, those who would abandon it on that
deconstruction, deep ecology-and, above all, the moral authority with which the academic account might as well pluck out their eyes because they are not able to see everything, or
left emphatically credits itself are in themselves sufficient to guarantee the validity of the perhaps do not see things as they "really" are. They are like men protected from the ocean
critique. by a dike who tear it down because it does not reach the heavens.

Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, CRITIQUE OF RELIGION AND
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.224-5. PHILOSOPHY, 1958, p.429.
The industrial world's catalysis of population growth and its consequent need for resources Reason is not the great adversary of inclination and passion: it is allied with man's
attacks the forest and pollutes the ocean; its drive for profits adds toxins to the air long profoundest passion, the aspiration to be as God. Reason is creative: it fashions general
after it has become clear that this is in the end a stupid thing to do. It is disheartening to concepts--so-called-- universals-which permit criticism of the given, of being, and
note, however, that such well-founded criticism often leads further to bizarre and shoddy especially of our own being.
theorizing about the epistemic status of science, as if allegiance to such doctrines could
somehow magically generate the power to halt the technological misuse of scientific AKH0234 REASON IS THE KEY TO SURVIVAL
knowledge. Even more discouraging is the fact that among the thinkers who most clearly Ayn Rand, philosopher and novelist, THE VIRTUE OF SELFISHNESS, 1964, p.24-5.
and accurately emphasize the dangers into which technocratic society falls, there are quite Man cannot survive as anything but man. He can abandon his means of survival, his mind,
a few who lose perspective and begin to expound dubious positions concerning modern he can turn himself into a subhuman creature and he can turn his life into a brief span of
science, excoriating it for nonexistent philosophical flaws. agony)just as his body can exist for a while in the process of disintegration by disease. But
he cannot succeed, as a subhuman,in achieving anything but the subhuman)as the ugly
AKH0227 THE UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE IS AN OBJECTIVE TRUTH, NOT AN horror of the antirational periods of mankind's history can demonstrate. Man has to be man
INDICTMENT OF KNOWLEDGE by choice)and it is the task of ethics to teach him how to live like man. The Objectivist
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and ethics holds man's life as the standard of value)and his own life as the ethical purpose of
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.51-2. every individual man.
Once obscurantism has been stripped away, we recognize that the uncertainty principle is
a tenet of physics, a predictive law about the behavior of concrete phenomena that can he AKH0235 REJECTING RATIONALISM LEADS TO ECOLOGICAL DISASTER
tested and confirmed like other physical principles. It is not some brooding metaphysical Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
dictum about the Knower versus the Known, but rather a straightforward statement, Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.176.
mathematically quite simple, concerning the way in which the statistical outcomes of "What is involved here is a reconceptualization of the human side of the human/nature
repeated observations of various phenomena must be interrelated. And, indeed, it has been dualism to free it from the legacy of rationalism," proclaims the feminist philosopher Val
triumphantly confirmed. It has been verified as fully and irrefutably as is possible for an Plumwood, in an ecofeminist version of the credo. With minor variations, the theme
empirical proposition. In other words, when viewed as a law of physics, the uncertainty recurs, insistently, throughout the entire range of ecoradical literature. It is a staple in
principle is a very certain item indeed. It is an objective truth about the world. (If that were Jeremy Rifkin's books. And: it is a recipe for disaster in ecological matters-and in human
not so, there would never have been so much fuss about it!) affairs generally! It is the substitution of moonbeams and fairy-dust for thought, a frequent
human practice, but one that has taught grim lessons in the course of history.
Given a large sample and a long period of time, responsibility succeeds much more often Richard Bernstein, Professor of Philosophy, New School for Social Research, WORKING
than irresponsibility. That is why we want physicians to act responsibly. That is why THROUGH DERRIDA, Gary Madison, ed., 1993, p.223.
scientists and engineers are trained to check and double-check their hunches. It is no For Habermas, we cannot avoid the question, critique "in the name of what?" His quarrel
different in politics. Occasionally, reckless gambles will succeed, but those who continue with many so-called "postmodern" thinkers is that they either fail to confront this question,
to place their trust in them generally come to grief before long; and the great statesmen of obscure it, or get caught in performative contradictions. One reason why Habermas
the past have been thoughtful men who weighed alternatives with care. "speaks" to so many of "us" and is so relevant to the "modern/postmodern" condition is
because however feeble and fragile this aspect of the Enlightenment legacy has become,
AKH0229 NAZISM EPITOMIZED IRRATIONALISM and despite the attacks on this legacy, it nevertheless will not die-the demand for freedom
Leonard Peikoff, Professor of Philosophy, Hunter College, THE OMINOUS and claim to dialogical reasonableness does have a "stubbornly transcending power," as
PARALLELS, 1982, p.47. recent events from South Africa to Eastern Europe so vividly demonstrate.
The politics of Nazism-with its racist obsessions, its anti-Semitic demonology, its
gesticulating Fuhrer transmitting directives from Providence, and its all-obliterating appeal AKH0237 REASON RESPECTS MINORITY VIEWS
to the power of brute force is unprecedented in the West, not for its collectivism but for its Russell Windes and Arthur Hastings, Professors of Speech, Queens College and Stanford,
undisguised irrationality. The brazenness of this revelation is matched (and made possible) ARGUMENTATION AND ADVOCACY, 1965, p.23.
only by the brazenness of the Nazi epistemology. Its distinctive feature is self-proclaimed Rational decision-making respects the rights and dignity of all citizens, the minority no
barbarianism, i.e., undisguised, boastfully trumpeted defiance of reason. less than the majority; it insists that no problem of public policy should be resolved until
all that should be heard about it has been heard and weighed carefully. Such processes may
AKH0230 REJECTION OF REASON LEADS TO NIHILISM be painfully slow, but that very slowness insures against injurious and dangerous
Stanley Rosen, Penn State philosopher, NIHILISM, 1969, p.xiv. alternatives.
Since my book is a defense of reason, it must necessarily be an attack upon what I regard
as the enemies of reason. My claim is that, although the danger of nihilism is a permanent AKH0238 REJECTING RATIONALITY MEANS REJECTING SCIENCE
human possibility, the actual pervasive presence of nihilism today is due to a series of Roger Trigg, Professor of Philosophy, University of Warwick, RATIONALITY AND
specific philosophical decisions in the past. The net effect of these decisions has been to SCIENCE, 1993, p.12.
produce a radical deterioration in our conception of what it means to be reasonable. Attacks on rationality put in jeopardy the very activities that are often being taken for
granted. Without an ability to see what is true and to separate it from what is false, we
cannot continue to practice the physical sciences as they have been traditionally
understood. Our reasoning has to be rooted in the character of the world, whatever it may
be. Otherwise the idea that science can explain anything, let alone everything, is sheer
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 21
Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, WITHOUT GUILT AND JUSTICE, 1973, Walter Kaufman, Princeton philosopher, FROM SHAKESPEARE TO
p.190. EXISTENTIALISM, 1980, p.269.
Typically, it is assumed that because reason alone cannot prove that we should choose this In the light of recent history and of the use to which Plato was put by Nazi educators, we
project rather than that, reason is irrelevant when it comes to fateful decisions. Once that cannot shut our eyes to the great danger of philosophies that thus address themselves to
is granted, the way is clear for one or another of the strategies of decidophobia; one may man's irrationality while paralyzing his critical spirit, half mockingly, half playfully. If
choose a religion or a movement, for example. But what reason and the new integrity can mockery is needed now it is Socratic mockery: irony at the expense of unreason and
do is crucial: safeguard us against decisions and commitments that anyone who asked the uncritical thinking.
seven questions would not make.
Charles Frankel, Columbia philosopher, THE CASE FOR MODERN MAN, 1956, p.67. Of course, one could be sincere and a Nazi or a Stalinist. But nobody who applied the
The mistake in the notion that a relativistic philosophy is narrowly this-worldly or canon could have accepted Hitler's or Stalin's irrational views, and teaching the canon in
materialistic is a simple one. It assumes that a philosophy which says that an appeal to one's classes or openly asking the seven questions would have been a recipe for death. Few
human interests is the indispensable feature of moral or political thinking is espousing a people have ever lived by the canon. Only those who suppose that most people do could
particular set of moral values. But it is not. It is merely trying to put the discussion of possibly suppose that some of Hitler's or Stalin's followers did. Under Stalin, the party line
morals and politics on an objective and public basis. It points out that if men are going to kept changing, and his followers were required to change their views overnight, again and
negotiate their disagreements over values rationally, they have to appeal to evidence that again and again.
is equally available to all; it suggests that the impact of our values on human interests
provide just such a publicly observable kind of test; and it points out, on the other side, that AKH0246 REJECTING REASON LEADS TO AUTHORITARIAN CATASTROPHE
the appeal to absolutes is intellectually stultifying and socially disruptive because it Herbert Muller, Indiana U Govt. Prof., THE USES OF THE PAST, 1952, p.362.
introduces considerations for which there is no common evidence. Many men now take a strange pleasure in emphasizing the limits of scientific knowledge,
as if the validity of poetic, metaphysical, or religious claims to higher truth were thereby
AKH0241 IRRATIONAL DECISION PROCESSES LEAD TO DISASTER automatically proved, and ignorance were not merely bliss but wisdom. Many are attacking
Russell Windes and Arthur Hastings, Professors of Speech, Queens College and Stanford, the claims of reason itself in the name of faith, intuition, instinct, the heart, the voice of the
ARGUMENTATION AND ADVOCACY, 1965, p.21-2. blood. In the world of affairs such attitudes are translated into the kind of common sense
There are basically two approaches to the resolution of conflict, the irrational and the that scorns all 'theory,' ridicules 'brain-trusts,' and identifies learning with
rational approaches. People often reach decisions irrationally. Matters of personal concern absent-mindedness. The way is thus cleared for the positive irrationalism of the dictators
may be privately resolved through the uncontrolled influence of emotion, the influence of the brutal contempt of mind exhibited in their policy when not their creed. We may then
an authority, the influence of group pressures, and so forth. Matters of public concern are realize that a denial of the claims of reason naturally leads to a denial of the claims of the
too frequently resolved in similar ways. A mob may irrationally reach a decision which heart too, and that if its powers are as inadequate as many seem pleased to think, there can
results in lawless violence; a frightened public may react to a problem in such an emotional be no hope of avoiding catastrophe.
manner that hurried decisions may strike at the roots of free government; social pressures
of conformity may force the acceptance of an alternative to a problem by people who have AKH0247 IRRATIONALISM RISKS NEO-FASCISM
reason to doubt the wisdom of the alternative. Social groups may attempt to solve a Richard Bernstein, Professor of Philosophy, New School for Social Research, WORKING
problem by avoiding the problem altogether, rationalizing various reasons for such an THROUGH DERRIDA, Gary Madison, ed., 1993, p.213.
avoidance. These irrational approaches to conflict resolution often lead to errors, mistakes, Iris Murdoch once shrewdly remarked "it is always a significant question to ask of any
even blunders and tragedies. History abounds with decisions made irrationally: the war philosopher: what is he afraid of?" The answer for Habermas is clear. It is "irrationalism"
with Mexico, 1848; the Spanish-American War, 1898; the rejection of the League of whatever guise it takes-whether ugly fascists forms, disguised neo-conservative variations,
Nations, 1919-20; the failure to react to the menace of dictators, 1935-38; general or the playful antics of those who seek to domesticate Nietzsche. In a time when it has
disarmament following World War II; the suppression of minority thought during the become so fashionable to attack, mock, ridicule the claim to Reason, Habermas is not
McCarthy era; 1950-54. In these cases, and in thousands of others, decisions were made afraid to appear "old-fashioned"-to insist on "the stubbornness with which philosophy
irrationally, through reliance on fear, desire, pride, influence of authority, intuition, clings to the role of the 'guardian of reason' "-a role that "can hardly be dismissed as an
ignorance, rationalizations, and so forth. idiosyncrasy of self-absorbed intellectuals, especially in a period in which basic
irrationalist undercurrents, are transmuted once again into a dubious form of politics."
Russell Windes and Arthur Hastings, Professors of Speech, Queens College and Stanford, AKH0248 IRRATIONALISM LED TO NAZISM
ARGUMENTATION AND ADVOCACY, 1965, p.22-3. Hans Reiss, Professor of German, University of Bristol, KANT'S POLITICAL
Why does the use of rational processes guarantee better decision making? Precisely for the WRITINGS, 1970, p.13.
many reasons we have already examined in this chapter, and because through the use of For the Romantic mode of thought introduced into German political thought a note of
rational means the possible use of irrational approaches is excluded. Rational decision- irrationalism which permeated almost all areas of German thinking for a century and a half
making emphasizes the fact that wise decisions ordinarily require time and patience, time between the Napoleonic wars and the end of the Second World War. The Romantics'
to investigate problems thoroughly, the time to analyze alternatives carefully, and the time rejection of Kant's cosmopolitanism in politics meant that, with his death-followed a year
to prepare cogent arguments for and against each alternative; the patience to listen to later by that of Schiller-(most of von Humboldt's political writings were only published
opposing points of view, the patience to suspend judgement until all pertinent arguments many decades later)-the climate of opinion changed drastically. It no longer mattered much
have been heard, and the patience to let public opinion gradually inform itself and make whether the individual was politically free. The organic theory of the state, which
itself known to representatives. subordinated the individual to the community, prevailed.

Herbert Muller, Indiana U Govt. Prof., THE USES OF THE PAST, 1952, p.363. Christina Sommers, Professor of Philosophy, Clark University, WHO STOLE
To live intelligently, in short, we must recognize that man is not simply a 'rational animal.' FEMINISM?, 1994, p.97.
To live decently we must also recognize that this definition of him is more adequate than If one believes that all knowledge is socially constructed to serve the powers that be, or,
such popular definitions as a beast of prey, an illusioned robot, or an imprisoned soul. He more specifically, if one holds that the science and culture we teach are basically a
shares his basic drives and reflexes with other animals, and he may or may not have an "patriarchal construction" designed to support a "male hegemony," then one denies, as a
immortal soul; what most plainly and positively distinguishes him from other animals is matter of principle, any important difference between knowledge and ideology, between
the power of conscious thought and responsible behavior. If we respect him at all we must truth and dogma, between reality and propaganda, between objective teaching and
treat him as if he were rational, and enlist his free consent in joint enterprises. The whole inculcating a set of beliefs. Many campus feminists do, in fact, reject these distinctions,
argument for liberty and democracy ultimately rests on Pascal's dictum that thought makes and that is pedagogically and politically irresponsible and dangerous. For when the Big
the whole dignity of man, and that the endeavor to think well is the basic morality. Brothers in an Orwellian world justify their cynical manipulation of the many by the
tyrannical few, they, too, argue that reality is "socially constructed" by those in power and
that indoctrination is all we can expect. In 1984, George Orwell's tragic hero, Winston
Smith, tries to defy the torturer, O'Brien, by holding fast to the belief in an objective
reality. O'Brien reminds Winston Smith that he will be paying the price for that
old-fashioned belief "You believe that reality is something objective, external, existing in
its own right.... But I tell you, Winston, reality is not external . . It is impossible to see
reality except by looking through the eyes of the Party."
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 22
Leonard Piekoff, Professor of Philosophy, Hunter College, THE OMINOUS Jurgen Habermas, Professor of Philosophy, University of Frankfurt, HABERMAS AND
PARALLELS, 1982, p.302. MODERNITY, Richard Bernstein, ed., 1985, p.195.
Obedience is the precondition of totalitarianism. The preconditions of obedience are fear The stubbornness with which philosophy clings to the role of the "guardian of reason" can
and guilt; not merely the existential fear created by terroristic policies, but the deeper, hardly be dismissed as an idiosyncrasy of self-absorbed intellectuals, especially in a period
metaphysical fear created by inner helplessness, the fear of a living creature deprived of in which basic irrationalist undercurrents are transmuted once again into a dubious form
any means to deal with reality; not merely the guilt of committing some specific crime, but of politics. In my opinion, it is precisely the neoconservatives who articulate, intensify, and
the deeper, metaphysical guilt of feeling that one is innately unworthy and immoral. spread this mood of the times via the mass media - with such an effect that "it itches."
Reason destroys fear; egoism destroys guilt. More precisely: reason does not permit man
to feel metaphysically helpless; egoism does not permit him to feel metaphysically AKH0257 REASON IS THE ONLY ALTERNATIVE TO FORCE
helpless; egoism does not permit him to accept unearned guilt or to regard himself as a Ayn Rand, philosopher, CAPITALISM: THE UNKNOWN IDEAL, 1967, p.22-3.
sacrificial animal. But a man indoctrinated with the notion that reason is impotent and self- If a man believes that the good is a matter of arbitrary subjective choice, the issue of good
sacrifice is his moral duty, will obey anyone and anything. or evil becomes, for him an issue of my feelings or theirs? No bridge, understanding, or
communication is possible to him. Reason is the only means of communication among
AKH0251 REASON IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH TOTALITARIANISM men, and an objectively perceivable reality is their only common frame of reference; when
Leonard Piekoff, Professor of Philosophy, Hunter College, THE OMINOUS these are invalidated (i.e., held to be irrelevant) in the field of morality, force becomes
PARALLELS, 1982, p.302. men's only way of dealing with one another.
What fundamental truths did the Nazis and the American collectivists and all their sources
in the history of philosophy struggle to evade and annihilate? The answer is contained in AKH0258 REJECTING RATIONALISM LEADS TO NIHILISM
two concepts, with everything they include, lead to, and presuppose: reason and egoism. Stanley Rosen, Penn State philosopher, NIHILISM, 1969, p.193.
These two, properly understood and accepted, are the immovable barrier to any attempt to The contemporary nihilist situation is essentially a mood of boredom with the tradition of
establish totalitarian rule. western European rationalism. It arises from a tendency implicit in the origins of the
modern revolution against the classical Greek conception of reason, as is obvious in the
AKH0252 REJECTING REASON LED TO NAZISM existential and ontological attacks against "Platonism" mounted by Nietzsche and
Leonard Piekoff, Professor of Philosophy, Hunter College, THE OMINOUS Heidegger, and which also motivates the ostensibly anti-metaphysical or even
PARALLELS, 1982, p.46. anti-philosophical teachings of Marxism and positivism in its various contemporary guises.
There is a nazi epistemology, in the sense of an unequivocal, consistent, and passionately
urged position on the subject's fundamental issue. "We are now at the end of the Age of AKH0259 REJECTING REASON LEADS TO INHUMANITY AND TERROR
Reason," Hitler declared to Hermann Rauschning[,] "[t]he intellect has grown autocratic, Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, FROM SHAKESPEARE TO
and has become a disease of life." "The life of a race and of people is . . . a mystical EXISTENTIALISM, 1980, p.368-9.
synthesis," writes Rosenburg, "a manifestation of the soul, which cannot be explained by It did not take Heidegger to discover that reason cannot build a metaphysical Tower of
the logic nor by causal analysis." "Even the most profound, the most learned of intellects Babel; but it did take Heidegger to infer that poetry, or some sort of intuitive, associative,
touches the surface of things only," writes Gottfried Neese, a young Nazi intellectual. but hardly really poetic, thinking should replace rational discourse and become immune
against critical reason. There are many men at all times who are willing to be done with
AKH0253 TYRANNY IS GROUNDED IN THE REJECTION OF REASON reason, and especially with critical reason. There will always be a ready audience for all
Leonard Piekoff, Professor of Philosophy, Hunter College, THE OMINOUS who denounce it as essentially a parasite. In truth, the critical function of reason is our best
PARALLELS, 1982, p.45. safe guard against fanaticism, inhumanity, and terror.
It is not an accident that Plato, Kant, Hegel, Marx, and the whole tradition of German
nationalism from Luther on, advocated a variety of anti-senses, anti-logic, anti-intellect AKH0260 REJECTING REASON LEADS TO NIHILISM
doctrines. The statism all these figures upheld or fostered is a result; the root lies in their Roger Trigg, Professor of Philosophy, University of Warwick, RATIONALITY AND
view of knowledge, i.e., of man's mind. The aspiring dictator may not be able to identify SCIENCE, 1993, p.255.
in philosophic terms the clash between reason and his particular schemes. But he, too, is The idea, however, that there is no target for our beliefs, no purpose for our scientific
aware of it. In some (usually unverbalized) form, he knows that he cannot demand investigation, no genuine object on which faith, whether scientific or whatever, can be
unthinking obedience from men, or gain their consent to the permanent rule of brutality, fixed, suggests that all our reasoning is going to be unconstrained. There will be no
until he has first persuaded his future subjects to ditch their brains and their independent, difference between good or bad reasoning, justified or unjustified belief, or pseudoscience
self-assertive judgement. He knows that he can succeed only with a populace conditioned and the genuine article. When every rational suggestion is as good as any other, we can no
to seek neither evidence nor argument, a populace which, having shrugged aside the longer talk of rationality. The threat of nihilism is as real as the threat of a narrow
demands of logic, will agree with, and then endure, anything. scientistic vision which insists on a monopoly of truth, and thereby removes the possibility
of talking about truth.
Leonard Piekoff, Professor of Philosophy, Hunter College, THE OMINOUS AKH0261 THE REJECTION OF THE RATIONAL IS SELF-CONTRADICTORY
PARALLELS, 1982, p.45. Stanley Rosen, Penn State philosopher, NIHILISM, 1969, p.227.
If men uphold reason, they will be led, ultimately, to conclude that men should deal with We cannot insist upon the irrationality of our presuppositions without at the same time
one another as free agents, settling their disputes by an appeal to the mind, i.e., by a making irrational the consequences of those presuppositions. By so doing, we make it
process of voluntary, rational persuasion. If men reject reason, they will be led, ultimately, possible for our opponent to reject our Weltanschauung without being required even to
to conclude to conclude the opposite: that men have no way to deal with one another at all consider it. Why should he, if it is irrational? If whatever we say is irrational, then certainly
- no way except physical force, wielded by an elite endowed with an allegedly superior, we can say anything we like, including that we alone are rational. From such a viewpoint,
mystic means of cognition. he who pretends to deny reason is surely absurd. If there is any reason for us to think as
we do, this reason must itself be reasonable: it must be intelligible. But if it is intelligible,
AKH0255 NEGLECTING REASON IN PERSUASION PRODUCES PROPAGANDA one may discuss it rationally, which is to say that the conditions of its intelligibility are
Glen Mills, Professor of Speech, Northwestern, READINGS IN ARGUMENTATION, independent of its own jurisdiction. If they were not, then every Weltanschauung would
Jerry Anderson and Paul Dovre, eds., 1968, p.73. define the intelligible and there would be as many conceptions of intelligibility as there are
Even if it is deemed necessary, in the interest of persuasion, to motivate the acceptance of Weltanschauungen. As a result, these conceptions would contradict each other (since for
a decision, it is better to begin with a logically adequate case and then to add the so-called every A, one may posit non-A), or reduce each other to silence, to chaos or nothingness.
emotional appeals. This is the meaning of the fourth assumption, which is that affective
appeals work best when they supplement the logical ones which were discussed under the
third assumption. To omit the rational element of persuasion is to violate the ethical
principle which holds that an appeal should not circumvent the critical thinking process.
That would, by definition, result in propaganda.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 23
Charles Frankel, Columbia philosopher, THE CASE FOR MODERN MAN, 1956, p.135. PLAUSIBLE HYPOTHESIS
In the end, indeed, there is an embracing paradox about the idea that all ideas about human Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, WITHOUT GUILT AND JUSTICE, 1973,
affairs are true only from the point of view of a particular culture or social class. This p.191.
statement is itself an idea about human affairs. If, like all other such ideas, it is a doctrine Suppose you consult a doctor, and his reasons and the evidence cannot establish
which is true for some people but false for others, there is no reason why people who hold conclusively what is the cause of your ailment. Imagine that he frankly admitted this and
a different point of view should pay any attention to it. If, on the other hand, it is not then offered to flip a coin or to pluck the petals of a daisy: to cut or not to cut, to cut or not
limited in its validity, then it is an exception to the very generalization it utters. It is one to cut . . . This would be a paradigm of irresponsibility. What you would expect him to do
example of an idea whose truth transcends the historical circumstances in which it is is to invoke the canon. Then the most plausible hypothesis--or one of the most
uttered. And if there is one such idea, it seems arbitrary to suggest that there can be no plausible-would be chosen tentatively, not with the dogged conviction that, once we have
others. In short, it is not easy to dispense with the traditional notion of objective truth. chosen it, we have to stick with it, as if that were the essence of integrity.
Even the Sociology of Knowledge implicitly invokes it.
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, WITHOUT GUILT AND JUSTICE, 1973, p.23.
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.27. Moral irrationalism claims that because reason by itself cannot show people what to do,
The left's flirtation with irrationalism, its reactionary rejection of the scientific worldview, reason is irrelevant when one is confronted with fateful decisions. This view is exemplified
is deplorable and contradicts its own deepest traditions. It is a kind of self-defeating in different ways by Kierkegaard and Heidegger and widely associated with existentialism.
apostasy. It is compatible with any of the first six strategies and need not be considered here at
length as a separate strategy. The moral irrationalist says more or less explicitly that when
AKH0264 CRITIQUES OF REASON ARE SELF-DEFEATING it comes to ultimate commitments reason is irrelevant; and the choice of a religion or a
J.M. Bernstein, Prof. of Philosophy, Univ. Of Essex, RECOVERING ETHICAL LIFE, movement or a school of thought, of a life style like drifting or a way of thinking like
1995, p.159. exegetical thinking or possibly even Manichaeism, involves to his mind an ultimate
In engaging with the distortions of reason and rationality the philosophical discourses of commitment. This is a way of saying that while it may be reasonable to keep your eyes
modernity that are the target of Habermas's critical history - the writings of Heidegger, open when making relatively petty decisions, it makes no sense to keep them open and
Bataille, Derrida, Foucault, Adorno and Horkheimer-- commit a metonymic fallacy, taking examine your impulsive preferences as well as the most significant alternatives when a
subject-centred reason as the whole of reason. Such totalizing critiques of enlightened choice is likely to mold your future. In other words, be careful when you drive slowly, but
reason involve an inevitable recoil, leaving them without any possible rational foundation when you go over fifty miles per hour shut your eyes!
or ground, any place from which their critique can be lodged. As a consequence, these
writers are forced to generate an 'extraordinary discourse' that ' claims to operate outside AKH0271 PHILOSOPHY CAN NEVER ARRIVE AT ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY
the horizon of reason without being utterly irrational' (p.308). Bertrand Russell, Professor of Philosophy, Cambridge, THE PROBLEMS OF
PHILOSOPHY, 1912, p.151-2.
AKH0265 IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO CONSISTENTLY REPUDIATE REASON The criticism aimed at, in a word, is not that which, without reason, determines to reject,
Luc Ferry, Professor at the Sorbonne, RIGHTS--THE NEW QUARREL BETWEEN THE but that which considers each piece of apparent knowledge on its merit and retains
ANCIENTS AND THE MODERNS, 1990, p.22. whatever still appears to be knowledge when this consideration is completed. That some
First, it seems to me undeniable that the radical critique of the principle of reason involves risk of error remains must be admitted, since human beings are fallible. Philosophy may
its practitioners in insurmountable aporias: to dare to write, as did Arendt subsequent to claim justly that it diminishes the risk of error, and that in some cases it renders the risk so
Heidegger, that any use of the principle of causality in the historical sciences leads the small as to be practically negligible. To do more than this is not possible in a world where
historian to repudiate "in fact the very object of his own science" is not only to make an mistakes must occur; and more than this no prudent advocate of philosophy would claim
impossible wager (who can think more than a few minutes without using the principle of to have performed.
reason?) but also to commit a major philosophical error: the error of identifying any use
of the principle of reason with ontotheology. AKH0272 LOGIC AND MATH DON'T GIVE KNOWLEDGE OF THE EXTERNAL
John Searle, Berkeley philosopher, DEBATING P.C., ed. Paul Berman, 1992, p.113. p.40.
Are there convincing arguments for metaphysical realism? The demand for a proof of the But the certainty attainable through deductive logic is gained at the cost of a divorce from
existence of a reality that is independent of our representations of reality is a puzzling one, everyday life and from the actual world. A syllogism can tell us nothing about what really
because it looks like making the demand itself already presupposes what is demanded to exists. It speaks only of itself and of its own terms. An argument of the form "If, if not-p
be proved. The situation is a bit like those challenges one used to hear in the 1960s, when then not-q, and q, then p" is valid whatever propositions we put in place of "p" and "q", but
students would ask for a proof of rationality, "What is your argument for rationality?" But it cannot tell us whether these propositions are true or false: it can give us no information
any demand for an "argument" or "proof" already presupposes standards of rationality, the about the actual world. This is also the case in geometry and trigonometry, which are
applicability of which is constitutive of something's being an argument or proof. You concerned entirely with ideal figures-perfect circles, straight lines, equilateral triangles,
cannot in the same breath appeal to argument and proof and deny rationality. and so forth, which, as we know, have no counterpart in the real world and cannot even be
drawn. The conclusions in all these cases are of the "if . . . then" variety.
Herbert Muller, Indiana U Govt. Prof., THE USES OF THE PAST, 1952, p.42. EPISTEMOLOGICAL DOUBTS
Hence a refusal on principle to say the last word about human history is not a refusal to say R.J. Hollingdale, philosopher, WESTERN PHILOSOPHY: AN INTRODUCTION, 1979,
any word, or to pass any firm judgment. Rather, it defines the conditions of judgment. Say p.41.
that our most cherished beliefs are matters of opinion and it is then our business to get From yet another perspective, theory of knowledge has to inquire, not only what we know,
sound opinions, based on honest thought and the best available knowledge; only a fool will but why: why "knowledge" at all? Clearly we have no "organ of knowledge" as we have
say that any opinion is as good as any other opinion-and even a fool is apt to seek expert an organ of digestion, we are not compelled to know as we are compelled to breathe: yet
opinion when he gets sick. the need to know seems to be as ineradicable and "natural" as the need to breathe and
digest. Or is this need in reality a need, not for knowledge, but for something else security,
AKH0268 THE LACK OF CERTAINTY DOESN'T DENY RELATIVE TRUTH for instance, or growth and expansion ? Is "knowledge" only an instrument, and our search
Herbert Muller, Indiana U Govt. Prof., THE USES OF THE PAST, 1952, p.43. for knowledge a search for the most efficient instrument and not, at all an attempt to
I am therefore led to my final assumption, that the admission of a principle of relativity and discover "the nature of reality" ? Certain typical characteristics of our "knowledge" suggest
uncertainty should not be simply depressing. It does not destroy all possibility of that these questions are not misdirected: we know that fire causes heat so as not to get
knowledge and judgment. Rather, it is the outcome of comprehensive knowledge, and the burned, and this knowledge survives our discovery that we do not know any such thing-it
means to further knowledge of man's history. It enables a higher objectivity, a fuller is the not getting burned which weighs with us, and not any "search for the nature of
understanding of present and past. It enables wiser choices among the possibilities open reality"; we know that the sum of the angles of an equilateral triangle is 180 degrees, and
to us-among goods that are no less real because they are relative, and that are more relevant we continue to know this even when we have understood that in reality equilateral triangles
than arbitrary absolutes. Above all, this principle encourages a positive faith in positive do not exist-here our need is for a simplification of reality, not an understanding of it, and
values: of liberality, breadth of spirit, hospitality to new ideas, willingness to adventure, this is also the case when we posit the existence of straight lines and circles. In these
humility in admitting one's own fallibility and the limitations of the human mind- of the instances, an unpredictable and impossibly complicated world is rendered predictable and
tolerance that is indispensable for the pursuit of truth, for social harmony, and for simple calculable: perhaps that is the purpose, the "why" of all knowledge.
humanity. If these are not the highest values, none are more essential to the hopes of world
order and peace.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 24
IRRATIONAL Herbert Muller, Indiana U Govt. Prof., THE USES OF THE PAST, 1952, p.363.
A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH Traditional rationalism has taken too supercilious an attitude toward the instinctive,
AND LOGIC, 1946, p.72. spontaneous life, the sentiment and passion that alone can give force to its ideals. In this
And this means that no general proposition referring to a matter of fact can ever be shown century many social scientists have displayed an incredibly naive confidence in the power
to be necessarily and universally true. It can at best be a probable hypothesis. And this, we of intelligence to control the 'behavior patterns' with which they play, talking as if social
shall find, applies not only to general propositions, but to all propositions which have a conflict could be handled in the same way as infectious disease. Liberals generally have
factual content. They can none of them ever become logically certain. This conclusion, set their sights too high, overestimating the rationality and virtue of free men. Yet it is still
which we shall elaborate later on, is one which must be accepted by every consistent reason that warns us against such unreasonable expectations. In its most mournful
empiricist. It is often thought to involve him in complete skepticism; but this is not the judgments of its frail powers it still proves its necessity, its responsibility, and its power.
case. For the fact that the validity of a proposition cannot be logically guaranteed in no
way entails that it is irrational for us to believe it. On the contrary, what is irrational is to AKH0280 PARTIALITY OF PERSPECTIVES DOESN'T UNDERMINE TRUTH
look for a guarantee where none can be forthcoming; to demand certainty where Charles Frankel, Columbia philosopher, THE CASE FOR MODERN MAN, 1956, p.133.
probability is all that is obtainable. These questions are the second line of argument on which the Sociology of Knowledge
depends. But they rest, quite simply, on an unwitting play on the word "partiality." Every
AKH0275 WE SHOULD ACT ON TRUTHS WHICH SEEM COMPELLING-NOT human perspective, it need hardly be said, is limited and selective, and human knowledge
SUSPEND JUDGEMENT must always be incomplete. This is partiality -partial truth. But this is a far cry from saying
Stanley Fish, Professor of Law and English at Duke University, THERE'S NO SUCH that all knowledge must inevitably be distorted or biased. For to see only part of what is
THING AS FREE SPEECH, 1994, p.113. to be seen does not mean that whatever we do see is partial in the sense of being
That reasoning, as I understand it, goes as follows: although we ourselves are certain that prejudiced. Partial knowledge does not necessarily mean false knowledge.
the Holocaust was a fact, facts are notoriously interpretable and disputable; therefore
nothing is ever really settled, and we have no right to reject something just because we AKH0281 SELECTIVE KNOWLEDGE DOESN'T IMPLY BIAS
regard it as pernicious and false. But the fact--if I can use that word--that settled truths can Charles Frankel, Columbia philosopher, THE CASE FOR MODERN MAN, 1956, p.134.
always be upset, at least theoretically, does not mean that we cannot affirm and rely on In fact, all knowledge is selective. If we insist, on the basis of this truism, that all
truths that according to our present lights seem indisputable; rather, it means exactly the knowledge is therefore biased, we imply that we can never learn the objective facts about
opposite: in the absence of absolute certainty of the kind that can only be provided by anything until we are omniscient. More, we contradict the very idea of knowledge. For all
revelation (something I do not rule out but have not yet experienced)} we must act on the knowledge involves generalizations, and therefore abstractions. By its very nature, then,
basis of the certainty we have so far achieved. Truth may, as Milton said, always be in the it is selective, and if it were not selective it would not be knowledge. When we apply the
course of emerging, and we must always be on guard against being so beguiled by its term "biased" to our beliefs merely because they are selective, we are using the term
present shape that we ignore contrary evidence; but, by the same token, when it happens "biased" in such a way that the distinction between being biased and being unbiased loses
that the present shape of truth is compelling beyond a reasonable doubt, it is our moral all meaning.
obligation to act on it and not defer action in the name of an interpretative future that may
never arrive. By running the First Amendment up the nearest flagpole and rushing to salute AKH0282 BIASES DON'T PRECLUDE RELATIVITY OBJECTIVE SOCIAL
it, the student editors defaulted on that obligation and gave over their responsibility to a KNOWLEDGE
so-called principle that was not even to the point. Charles Frankel, Columbia philosopher, THE CASE FOR MODERN MAN, 1956, p.133.
Physical science is not the immaculate product of the disembodied mind any more than
AKH0276 THE QUEST FOR CERTAINTY IS DESTRUCTIVE AND MISGUIDED social science is; but this has not prevented men from attaining what everyone accepts as
Christopher Lasch, Professor of History, University of Rochester, THE REVOLT OF THE objective knowledge in the study of the physical world. It is difficult to see, therefore, why
ELITES, 1995, p.13. this should be absolutely impossible in our social thinking. The simple point is that all
The quest for certainty, which became an obsessive theme in modern thought when thinking has its physical, psychic, and social determinants; but this in no way implies that
Descartes tried to ground philosophy in indubitable propositions, was misguided to begin human beings cannot be objective.
with. As John Dewey pointed out, it distracted attention from the real business of
philosophy the attempt to arrive at "concrete judgments...about ends and means in the AKH0283 REASON NEED NOT DESTROY CREATIVITY
regulation of practical behavior." In their pursuit of the absolute and immutable, Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, WITHOUT GUILT AND JUSTICE, 1973,
philosophers took a disparaging view of the time-bound and contingent. "Practical p.219.
activity," as Dewey put it, became in their eyes "intrinsically an inferior sort of thing." In It is a romantic prejudice that a highly developed reason and a critical intelligence are not
the world view of Western philosophy, knowing came to be split off from doing, theory compatible with the creation of great art. Among the ancients Aeschylus, Sophocles, and
from practice, the mind from the body. Euripides give the lie to this legend; among the moderns it may suffice to recall Leonardo
and Goethe.
David Couzens Hoy, Professor of philosophy, University of California-Santa Cruz, H. Stuart Hughes, Stanford historian, CONSCIOUSNESS AND SOCIETY, 1977, p.30.
WORKING THROUGH DERRIDA, Gary Madison, ed., 1993, p.232. For it must be apparent that simply to oppose "intuition" to "reason" as two contradictory
Habermas's stance is later than the modern one, for it recognizes the failure of the modern (or complementary) paths to knowledge offers no real solution to the difficulty. It may be
philosophers to ground the possibility of knowledge in the self-certainty of subjectivity. that the two are no more than different aspects of the same sort of psychological
The modern philosophers privilege subjectivity as the paradigm of philosophical efforts functioning-that what we call intuition is simply a combination of rational and affective
to discover the foundations of knowledge. Habermas claims to have moved beyond the processes too minute to be identified. While reasoning is almost wholly conscious,
philosophy of subjectivity into the philosophy of language. Doing so also means that he intuition is only partially so. Yet intuition is not an "unconscious" process in the Freudian
is not a foundationalist as the modern philosophers were. Instead, he thinks that philosophy sense: it goes on in the area that Freud called the "preconscious" and William James
must recognize that its claims are fallible instead of absolute. Having substituted language termed the "fringe of consciousness." It is characterized by a "fusion of intermediate steps"
for the moderns' philosophy of the subject, and rejected their absolutism and that resists precise identification. Of its importance "for all normal symbolic creative
foundationalism for empirical fallibilism means that in central ways he comes later than thinking, whether artistic or scientific," there can be little doubt. It alone "makes possible
modernity. So it is tempting to think of Habermas himself as a postmodern. Yet, those . . . leaps in art and science by means of which the creative process sometimes dons
supposedly unlike the neo-Nietzschean French postmoderns, he has not abandoned modern seven league boots." Even the most science-minded could scarcely object to such a
philosophy's goal of formulating and defending rationality and universality. characterization.

Hubert Dreyfus and Paul Rabinow, Professors of Philosophy and anthropology, University Herbert Muller, Indiana U Govt. Prof., THE USES OF THE PAST, 1952, p.362.
of California Berkeley, FOUCAULT: A CRITICAL READER, David Couzens Hoy, ed., Whatever higher faculties man may have-of feeling, intuition, or imagination, in vision,
1986, p.111. trance, or ecstasy-can be trusted only after they have been interpreted and judged by
For Habermas, then, the problem of modernity, a unique historical problem, consists in reason. Otherwise anything goes: the visions of Buddha, Christ, Mohammed, Marx,
preserving the primacy of reason articulated most recently and fully in Kant's Whitman, Nietzsche, and Hitler are on the same footing; and what goes best is apt to be
enlightenment critique while facing up to the loss of metaphysical ground of our blind unreason or brute force. No product of social intercourse is more precious than
substantive beliefs. Maturity is the discovery of the quasi-transcendental basis of reasonableness, or more essential to attaining and sharing the goods of life; for love itself
community as all we have and all we need, for philosophy, and human dignity. is a partial sentiment that often goes wrong, leading to division, jealousy, and hatred.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 25
Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, FROM SHAKESPEARE TO Charles Taylor, McGill University philosopher, THE ETHICS OF AUTHENTICITY,
EXISTENTIALISM, 1980, p.268. 1991, p.104-5.
For philosophy, as for the sciences, vision and intuition are indispensable, but we cannot Already in the early seventeenth century, Francis Bacon criticized the traditional
welcome their gifts indiscriminately without inviting superstition and random stupidity. Aristotelian sciences for having contributed nothing "to relieve the condition of mankind."
The genius of a poet is not sufficient warrant against such dangers. He proposed in their stead a model of science whose criterion of truth would be
instrumental efficacy. You have discovered something when you can intervene to change
AKH0287 TO BE RELIABLE, INTUITION MUST BE SUBJECT TO CRITICAL things. Modern science is in essential continuity in this respect with Bacon. But what is
REASON important about Bacon is that he reminds us that the thrust behind this new science was not
Talcot Parsons, sociologist, aqi H. Stuart Hughes, CONSCIOUSNESS AND SOCIETY, only epistemological but also moral. We are heirs of Bacon, in that today, for instance, we
1977, p.312. mount great international campaigns for famine relief or to help the victims of floods. We
Our immediate intuitions of meaning may be real and, as such, correct. But their have come to accept a universal solidarity today, at least in theory, however imperfect our
interpretation cannot dispense with a rationally consistent system of theoretical concepts. practice, and we accept this under the premiss of an active interventionism in nature. We
Only in so far as they measure up to such criticism can intuitions constitute knowledge. don't accept that people should continue to be potential victims of hurricanes or famines.
And without such criticism the door is opened to any number of uncontrolled and We think of these as in principle curable or preventable evils. This practical and universal
unverifiable allegations. Weber had a very deep and strong ethical feeling on this point, benevolence also gives a crucial place to instrumental reason. Those who react against the
to him the intuitionist position made possible the evasion of responsibility for scientific place it has come to take in our lives on aesthetic or lifestyle grounds (and this has been
judgments. a large part of the protest over the decades since the eighteenth century) are often taxed by
defenders with being morally callous and unimaginative, putting their own aesthetic
AKH0288 PRINCIPLES CAN BE DISCOVERED BY INTUITION BUT MUST BE sensibility above the vital needs of masses of suffering people.
A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH AKH0293 REASON IS THE KEY TO HUMAN SURVIVAL
AND LOGIC, 1946, p.137. Ayn Rand, philosopher, CAPITALISM: THE UNKNOWN IDEAL, 1967, p.17.
But while it must be recognized that scientific laws are often discovered through a process If some men do not choose to think, they can survive only by imitating and repeating a
of intuition, this does not mean that they can be intuitively validated. As we have said routine of work discovered by others-but those others had to discover it, or none would
many times already, it is essential to distinguish the psychological question, How does our have survived. If some men do not choose to think or to work, they can survive
knowledge originate? from the logical question, How is it certified as knowledge? (temporarily) only by looting the goods produced by others-but those others had to
produce them, or none would have survived. Regardless of what choice is made, in this
AKH0289 INTUITIONS MUST BE EXPRESSIBLE AS EMPIRICAL PROPOSITIONS issue, by any man or by any number of men, regardless of what blind, irrational, or evil
A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH course they may choose to pursue-the fact remains that reason is man's means of survival
AND LOGIC, 1946, p.118. and that men prosper or fail, survive or perish in proportion to the degree of their
For his part, the mystic may protest that his intuition does reveal truths to him, even though rationality.
he cannot explain to others what these truths are; and that we who do not possess this
faculty of intuition can have no ground for denying that it is a cognitive faculty. For we AKH0294 LIFE REQUIRES RATIONAL INQUIRY
can hardly maintain a priori that there are no ways of discovering true propositions except Roger Trigg, Professor of Philosophy, University of Warwick, RATIONALITY AND
those which we ourselves employ. The answer is that we set no limit to the number of ways SCIENCE, 1993, p.43.
in which one may come to formulate a true proposition. We do not in any way deny that Rescher, himself, makes it clear that the comparison with religious practices is not a threat
a synthetic truth may be discovered by purely intuitive methods as well as by the rational to science or to cognitive inquiry: The religious project is optional: one may simply decline
method of induction. But we do say that every synthetic proposition, however it may have to enter in. But the cognitive project is not so easily evaded. We must act to live, must eat
been arrived at, must be subject to the test of actual experience. We do not deny a priori this or that, move here or there, do something or other. (1992, p.265) It seems that our need
that the mystic is able to discover truths by his own special methods. We wait to hear what to survive and to flourish in this world will immediately generate the need for rational
are the propositions which embody his discoveries, in order to see whether they are inquiry. 'We cannot,' he says, 'act effectively without rationally warranted confidence in
verified or confuted by our empirical observations. But the mystic, so far from producing our (putative) knowledge' (p.266). Our science is built on our communal search for such
propositions which are empirically verified, is unable to produce any intelligible rational warrant, and that cannot take place without a commitment to the real world.
propositions at all. And therefore we say that his intuition has not revealed to him any
A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH "The source of man's rights is not divine law or congressional law, but the law of identity.
AND LOGIC, 1946, p.118-9 A is A-and Man is Man. Rights are conditions of existence required by man's nature for
It is no use his saying that he has apprehended facts but is unable to express them. For we his proper survival. If man is to live on earth, it is right for him to use his mind, it is right
know that if he really had acquired any information, he would be able to express it. He to act on his own free judgment, it is right to work for his values and to keep the product
would be able to indicate in some way or other how the genuineness of his discovery might of his work. If life on earth is his purpose, he has a right to live as a rational being: nature
be empirically determined. The fact that he cannot reveal what he "knows," or even himself forbids him the rational."
devise an empirical test to validate his "knowledge," shows that his state of mystical
intuition is not a genuinely cognitive state. So that in describing his vision the mystic does AKH0296 REJECTING RATIONALITY MEANS REJECTING LIFE
not give us any information about the external world; he merely gives us indirect Ayn Rand, philosopher and novelist, THE VIRTUE OF SELFISHNESS, 1964, p.25.
information about the condition of his own mind. Rationality is man's basic virtue, the source of all his other virtues. Man's basic vice, the
source of all his evils, is the act of unfocusing his mind, the suspension of his
AKH0291 REASON IS NEEDED TO JUSTIFY OUR EMOTIONAL RESPONSES consciousness, which is not blindness, but the refusal to see, not ignorance, but the refusal
Ronald Dworkin, NYU law prof, TAKING RIGHTS SERIOUSLY, 1978, p.250. to know. Irrationality is the rejection of man's means of survival and, therefore, a
If I base my view about homosexuals on a personal emotional reaction ('they make me commitment to a course of blind destruction; that which is anti-mind, is anti-life.
sick') you would reject that reason as well. We distinguish moral positions from emotional
reactions, not because moral positions are supposed to be unemotional or dispassionate - AKH0297 RATIONALITY IS THE ESSENCE OF HUMAN NATURE
quite the reverse is true - but because the moral position is supposed to justify the Hans Reiss, Professor of German, University of Bristol, KANT'S POLITICAL
emotional reaction, and not vice versa. If a man is unable to produce such reasons, we do WRITINGS, 1970, p.36.
not deny the fact of his emotional involvement, which may have important social or Kant adopts a point of view, admittedly a subjective one, from which it is not only
political consequences, but we do not take this involvement as demonstrating his moral 'possible, but profitable, and not only profitable, but necessary' to look at the facts of
conviction. Indeed, it is just this sort of position - a severe emotional reaction to a practice history. Since his main concern is with human freedom, the development of human
or a situation for which one cannot account - that we tend to describe, in lay terms, as a freedom provides him with the necessary clue. He therefore assumes that a plan of nature
phobia or an obsession. must intend the education of mankind to a state of freedom. Or (to put it differently) since
nature has endowed man with reason, and since the purpose of nature is to realize man's
essence, nature has made man in order that he should become rational.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 26
William Frankena, U of Michigan philosopher, ETHICS, 1973, p.25. TO ONGOING CRITICISM
This point is connected with the fact, noted earlier, that particular ethical and value Richard Bernstein, Professor of Philosophy, New School for Social Research, WORKING
judgments can be supported by reasons. If Jones makes such a judgment, it is appropriate THROUGH DERRIDA, Gary Madison, ed., 1993, p.211.
to ask him for his reason for believing that the act is right or the object good, and to expect Habermas's fallibilism is not incompatible with making universal claims and seeking to
an answer like, "Because you promised to do it" or ''Because it gives pleasure." If he redeem them with the strongest arguments we can give. This is the way in which he
answers, "Oh, for no reason whatsoever," we are puzzled and feel that he has misled us by conceives of his own theory of communicative action. In this respect, Habermas sees no
using ethical or value terms at all. Moral and value judgments imply reasons; and reasons epistemological difference between a theory of communicative action and any other
cannot apply in a particular case only. If they apply in one case, they apply in all similar scientific theory. For in advancing any theory we are always making universal validity
cases. Moreover, in order to give a reason in a particular case, one must presuppose a claims which are necessarily open to ongoing criticism and revision.
general proposition.
AKH0299 ADVANCING RATIONALITY IS A MORAL OBLIGATION Leonard Peikoff, Professor of Philosophy, Hunter College, THE OMINOUS
Hans Reiss, Professor of German, University of Bristol, KANT'S POLITICAL PARALLELS, 1982, p.311.
WRITINGS, 1970, p.37. Since men's grasp of reason and their versions of non-reason differ from era to era,
To advance the spread of rationality is a moral obligation, for this advance is the only way according to the extent of their knowledge and their virtue, so does the specific form of the
in which our moral nature can be fully realised. choice, and its specific result. In the ancient world, after centuries of a gradual decline, the
choice was the ideas of classical civilization or the ideas of Christianity. Men chose
AKH0300 NEGLECTING RATIONAL TRUTH UNDERMINE ALL MEANINGFUL Christianity. The result was the Dark Ages. In the medieval world, a thousand years later,
CRITIQUE the choice was Augustine or Aquinas. Men chose Aquinas. The result was the Renaissance.
Richard Bernstein, Professor of Philosophy, New School for Social Research, WORKING In the Enlightenment world, four centuries later, the founders of America struggled to
THROUGH DERRIDA, Gary Madison, ed., 1993, p.211. reaffirm the choice of their Renaissance ancestors, but they could not make it stick
Throughout his intellectual career Habermas has relentlessly sought to track down, expose, historically. The result was a magnificent new country, with a built-in self-destructor.
and defeat the varieties of nihilism, relativism decisionism, historicism, and
neo-Aristotelian contexualism that have been so fashionable in the twentieth century. Here AKH0306 RATIONALITY IS GROUNDED IN EVERYDAY CONVERSATIONAL
too his motivations are not exclusively theoretical-they are motivated by his practical PRACTICES
concerns. For he argues that the logic of all these "positions " when we think them through Jurgen Habermas, Professor of Philosophy, University of Frankfurt, HABERMAS AND
undermines the possibility of critique that is rationally grounded and warranted. He MODERNITY, Richard Bernstein, ed., 1985, p.196.
criticizes all forms of totalizing critique claiming that they lead to performative The most important achievement of such an approach is the possibility of clarifying a
contradictions. What he says about Nietzsche applies equally to all those who work in his concept of communicative rationality that escapes the snares of Western logocentrism.
shadow (including Derrida): "Nietzsche's critique consumes the critical impulse itself." "If Instead of following Nietzsche's path of a totalizing and self-referential critique of reason,
thought can no longer operate in the realms of truth and validity claims then analysis and whether it be via Heidegger to Derrida, or via Bataille to Foucault, and throwing the baby
critique lose their meaning." One is left only with the seductions of a "bad" aestheticism out with the bathwater, it is more promising to seek this end through the analysis of the
that "enthrones taste, the 'Yes' and 'No' of the palate (BGE p. 341) as the sole organ of already operative potential for rationality contained in the everyday practices of
knowledge beyond Truth and Falsity beyond Good and Evil." communication. Here the validity dimensions of propositional truth, normative rightness,
and subjective truthfulness or authenticity are intermeshed with each other.
Habermas, 1992, p.vii. Jurgen Habermas, Professor of Philosophy, University of Frankfurt, HABERMAS AND
Like most contemporary thinkers, Habermas is critical of the Western metaphysical MODERNITY, Richard Bernstein, ed., 1985, p.197.
tradition and its exaggerated conception of reason. At the same time, however, he cautions Rorty takes Western logocentrism as an indication of the exhaustion of our philosophical
against relinquishing that conception altogether. Against the radical critics of Western discourse and a reason to bid adieu to philosophy as such. This way of reading the tradition
philosophy he argues that the wholesale rejection of the metaphysical tradition inevitably can not be maintained if philosophy can be transformed so as to enable it to cope with the
undercuts the possibility of rational critique itself. He thus defends the view that genuinely entire spectrum of aspects of rationality - and with the historical fate of a reason that has
postmetaphysical thinking can remain critical only if it preserves the idea of reason derived been arrested again and again, ideologically misused and distorted, but that also stubbornly
from the tradition while stripping it of its metaphysical trappings. raises its voice in every inconspicuous act of successful communication.

David Couzens Hoy, Professor of philosophy, University of California-Santa Cruz, Francis Fiorenza, Professor of Theology, Harvard, HABERMAS, MODERNITY, AND
WORKING THROUGH DERRIDA, Gary Madison, ed., 1993, p.242-3. PUBLIC THEOLOGY, 1992, p.1.
Similarly, Derrida denies being an enemy of reason. He may want to challenge the Jurgen Habermas is by far the most pre-eminent and influential philosopher in Germany.
rationality of many established conceptual distinctions or institutional practices. The task The breath and depth of his writings are remarkable. Their influence extends over a broad
of criticism involves a double gesture of formulating rationally questions about the limits range of disciplines that include philosophy, social theory, hermeneutics, anthropology,
of rational endeavors. Derrida explicitly acknowledges that his own efforts conform to the linguistics, ethics, educational theory, and public policy.
principle of reason, and he does not recommend that others who would share in these
efforts try to contest reason: "Those who venture along this path, it seems to me, need not AKH0309 HABERMAS AVOIDS DOGMATISM AND POSTMODERN NIHILISM
set themselves up in opposition to the principle of reason, nor need they give way to Francis Fiorenza, Professor of Theology, Harvard, HABERMAS, MODERNITY, AND
'irrationalism'" Since philosophy has always been the "place" where reason must be PUBLIC THEOLOGY, 1992, p.8.
respected, Derrida recognizes that his own discourse is subject to the constraints and rigors In contrast to the global postmodern criticisms of modernity, Habermas criticizes the
of philosophical (as opposed to those of "literary") expression. Early in his career he modern Enlightenment yet does not abandon the project of the Enlightenment. His
opposed the interpretation of deconstruction as advocating the death of philosophy. More dialectical interpretation of modernity steers the middle path between a modern dogmatism
recently, he has acknowledged that his own discourse is institutionally framed by the and a postmodern nihilism. Following Peukert's interpretation that the critique of reason
philosophical profession. belongs to the tradition of the Enlightenment, Lamb underscores the point that rationality
entails a learning and self-correcting process. Communicative action is, therefore, not
AKH0303 TRUTH CLAIMS REQUIRE THE EVALUATION OF REASONS simply a new model that replaces an old one. Rather, it involves an ongoing and critical
William Hohengarter, introduction to POSTMETAPHYSICAL THINKING by Jurgen process so that we can and must interpret modernity in a way that makes us aware of its
Habermas, 1992, p.x. ambiguity, that is, of its potential for domination as well as emancipation.
Habermas argues that, in general, we evaluate truth claims not by directly comparing a
statement with a state of affairs in the objective world but by examining the reasons that AKH0310 RATIONALITY IS DEFINED AS THE BEST AVAILABLE METHODS IN
a speaker can give in support of what she says. Claiming that one's statement is true, or PRACTICE
valid, is tantamount to claiming that good reasons can be given in support of it. In A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH
Habermas's words: "The speaker refers with his validity claim to a potential of reasons that AND LOGIC, 1946, p.100.
could be brought to bear for it." These reasons are in turn evaluated in terms of their For we define a rational belief as one which is arrived at by the methods which we now
intersubjective acceptability as good reasons for holding something to be the case. consider reliable. There is no absolute standard of rationality, just as there is no method
of constructing hypotheses which is guaranteed to be reliable. We trust the methods of
contemporary science because they have been successful in practice. If in the future we
were to adopt different methods, then beliefs which are now rational might become
irrational from the standpoint of these new methods. But the fact that this is possible has
no bearing on the fact that these beliefs are rational now.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 27
Bertrand Russell, Professor of Philosophy, Cambridge, OUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE Bertrand Russell, Professor of Philosophy, Cambridge, OUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE
EXTERNAL WORLD, 1929, p.171. EXTERNAL WORLD, 1929, p.174.
What we have said so far is that there have been hitherto certain observed casual laws, and Not only do memory and hope make a difference in our feelings as regards past and future,
that all the empirical evidence we possess is compatible with the view that everything, both but almost our whole vocabulary is filled with the idea of activity, of things done now for
mental and physical, so far as our observation has extended, has happened in accordance the sake of their future effects. All transitive verbs involve the notion of cause as activity,
with causal laws. and would have to be replaced by some cumbrous periphrasis before this notion could be
John William Miller, Professor of Philosophy, Williams College, THE PARADOX OF AKH0319 OUR MENTAL STRUCTURES NECESSITATE CAUSAL EXPLANATIONS
CAUSE, 1978, p.12-3. Hans Reiss, Professor of German, University of Bristol, KANT'S POLITICAL
But the failure of causal order offers no hope for freedom. Anarchy in nature excludes WRITINGS, 1970, p.17.
power, control, or purpose quite as effectively as does necessity. Indeed, it destroys every Hume had convincingly refuted the possibility of philosophically justifying induction, the
shred of security, every opportunity for will. Purpose can neither formulate nor execute method of establishing necessary universal laws proceeding from individual instances; for
itself apart from dependable sequences in nature. Where objects and events possess no him causality was only the result of a habitual association of the mind. Hume's writings
regular constitution, no definite sequence, the human will gets no intellectual content in roused Kant from his 'dogmatic slumber'. In order to refute Hume and to vindicate science
terms of which to assert its direction and its program. How shall one proceed to cure philosophically, he found it necessary to start his enquiry not from objects of experience,
headaches if pain occurs for no reason at all? What drug could the physician recommend? but from the mind. For him, the laws of nature were not inherent in nature, but
Both head and drug would lose their lawful outlines, would, indeed, cease to be constructions of the mind used for the purpose of understanding nature. We can never
recognizable. explain the world as it appears to us merely by reference to experience; to do so we need
necessary principles logically prior to and independent of experience. Only then can we
AKH0313 HUME DIDN'T DENY THE EXISTENCE OF CAUSE see any order in nature. In fact, uniformity, coherence and order are imposed on nature by
A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH our minds. In other words, we cannot know the world other than as it appears to us, for we
AND LOGIC, 1946, p.54. must see it within the framework of our mind. The world of appearance is thus conditioned
It is true that Hume does not, so far as I know, actually put forward any view concerning by being located in the particulars of space and time and ordered by a priori concepts of
the nature of philosophical propositions themselves, but those of his works which are our understanding or categories such as causality.
commonly accounted philosophical are, apart from certain passages which deal with
questions of psychology, works of analysis. If this is not universally conceded, it is AKH0320 ALL INFERENCES RELY ON CAUSAL LAWS
because his treatment of causation, which is the main feature of his philosophical work, Bertrand Russell, Professor of Philosophy, Cambridge, OUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE
is often misinterpreted. He has been accused of denying causation, whereas in fact he was EXTERNAL WORLD, 1929, p.164-5.
concerned only with defining it. So far is he from asserting that no causal propositions are By a "causal law" I mean any general proposition in virtue of which it is possible to infer
true that he is himself at pains to give rules for judging of the existence of causes and the existence of one thing or event from the existence of another or of a number of others.
effects. If you hear thunder without having seen lightning, you infer that there nevertheless was
a flash, because of the general proposition, "All thunder is preceded by lightning." When
AKH0314 THE PROBLEM OF INDUCTION IS A BOGUS ONE Robinson Crusoe sees a footprint, he infers a human being, and he might justify his
A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH inference by the general proposition, "All marks in the ground shaped like a human foot
AND LOGIC, 1946, p.50. are subsequent to a human being's standing where the marks are." When we see the sun set,
Thus it appears that there is no possible way of solving the problem of induction, as it is we expect that it will rise again the next day. When we hear a man speaking, we infer that
ordinarily conceived. And this means that it is a fictitious problem, since all genuine he has certain thoughts. All these inferences require causal laws for their justification.
problems are at least theoretically capable of being solved: and the credit of natural science
is not impaired by the fact that some philosophers continue to be puzzled by it. AKH0321 HUME'S SKEPTICISM IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH PRACTICAL
A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH p.296-7.
AND LOGIC, 1946, p.50. All this is sheer sophistry, and limping skepticism. Certainly the vulgar notions of nature,
Of course, the fact that a certain form of procedure has always been successful in practice and even the scientific ones, are most questionable; and they may have grown up in the
affords no logical guarantee that it will continue to be so. But then it is a mistake to way these critics suggest; in any case they have grown up humanly. But they are not mere
demand a guarantee where it is logically impossible to obtain one. This does not mean that images; they are beliefs; and the truth of beliefs hangs on what they assert, not on their
it is irrational to expect future experience to conform to the past. For when we come to origin. The question is whether such an object as they describe lies in fact in the quarter
define rationality we shall find that for us "being rational" entails being guided in a where they assert it to lie; the genealogy of these assertions in the mind of the believer,
particular fashion by past experience. though interesting, is irrelevant. It is for science and further investigation of the object to
pronounce on the truth of any belief. It will remain a mere belief to the end, no matter how
AKH0316 CAUSALITY FOLLOWS FROM THE PRINCIPLE OF INDUCTION much corroborated and corrected; but the fact that it is a belief, far from proving that it
Bertrand Russell, Professor of Philosophy, Cambridge, THE PROBLEMS OF must be false, renders it possibly true, as it could not be if it asserted nothing and had no
PHILOSOPHY, 1912, p.69. object beyond itself which it pointed to and professed to describe. This whole school
The general principles of science, such as the belief in the reign of law, and the belief that criticises knowledge, not by extending knowledge and testing it further, but by reviewing
every event must have a cause, are as completely dependent upon the inductive principle it maliciously, on the tacit assumption that knowledge is impossible. But in that case this
as are the beliefs of daily life. All such general principles are believed because mankind review of knowledge and all this shrewd psychology are themselves worthless; and we are
have found innumerable instances of their truth and no instances of their falsehood. But reduced, as Hume was in his deeper moments of insight, to a speechless wonder. So that
this affords no evidence for their truth in the future, unless the inductive principle is whilst all the animals trust their senses and live, philosophy would persuade man alone not
assumed. to trust them and, if he was consistent, to stop living.

Bertrand Russell, Professor of Philosophy, Cambridge, THE PROBLEMS OF A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH
PHILOSOPHY, 1912, p.68-9. AND LOGIC, 1946, p.55.
All arguments which, on the basis of experience, argue as to the future or the But although we are obliged, for these reasons, to reject Hume's actual definitions of a
unexperienced parts of the past or present, assume the inductive principle; hence we can cause, our view of the nature of causation remains substantially the same as his. And we
never use experience to prove the inductive principle without begging the question. Thus agree with him that there can be no other justification for inductive reasoning than its
we must either accept the inductive principle on the ground of its intrinsic evidence, or success in practice, while insisting more strongly than he did that no better justification is
forgo all justification of our expectations about the future. If the principle is unsound we required. For it is his failure to make this second point clear that has given his views the
have no reason to expect the sun to rise to-morrow, to expect bread to be more nourishing air of paradox which has caused them to be so much undervalued and misunderstood.
than a stone, or to expect that if we throw ourselves off the roof we shall fall. When we see
what looks like our best friend approaching us, we shall have no reason to suppose that his
body is not inhabited by the mind of our worst enemy or of some total stranger. All our
conduct is based upon associations which have worked in the past, and which we therefore
regard as likely to work in the future; and this likelihood is dependent for its validity upon
the inductive principle.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 28
R.J. Hollingdale, philosopher, WESTERN PHILOSOPHY: AN INTRODUCTION, 1979, Anthony Giddens, Professor of Sociology, Cambridge, THE CONSEQUENCES OF
p.135. MODERNITY, 1990, p.47-8.
All probable reasoning follows taste and sentiment. There is no abstract justification for To speak of post-modernity as superseding modernity appears to invoke that very thing
preferring one principle to another. If we do prefer one, it is because we like it more. This which is declared (now) to be impossible: giving some coherence to history and
skeptical doubt concerning the validity of all non-deductive reasoning Hume calls a pinpointing our place in it. Moreover, if Nietzsche was the principal author disconnecting
"malady" from which one can free oneself only by "carelessness and inattention": one can postmodernity from modernity, a phenomenon supposedly happening today, how is it
live happily only by forgetting what one knows. So far as he can see, the sole reason for possible that he saw all this almost a century ago? Why was Nietzsche able to make such
studying philosophy is that one likes to do it: that, at any rate, is the reason he does it. a breakthrough without as he freely said, doing anything more than uncovering the hidden
presuppositions of the Enlightenment itself?
A. J. Ayer, Oxford philosopher, HUME, 1980, p.75. Anthony Giddens, Professor of Sociology, Cambridge, THE CONSEQUENCES OF
Considering the relish with which Hume denies the necessity of the proposition that every MODERNITY, 1990, p.3.
event has a cause, we may be surprised to discover how firmly he accepts its truth. There Rather than entering a period of post-modernity, we are moving into one in which the
is, indeed, a passage in the Treatise where, in the course of discussing the passions of fear consequences of modernity are becoming more radicalized and universalized than before.
and hope, he speaks of the probabilities which cause them as belonging to one or other of Beyond modernity, I shall claim, we can perceive the contours of a new and different
two kinds, according as the object is already certain but 'uncertain to our judgement' or order, which is "post-modern"; but this is quite distinct from what is at the moment called
'when the object is really in itself uncertain, and to be determined by chance' (T 444), but by many "post-modernity."
this is a rare departure from his usual view that 'what the vulgar call chance is nothing but
a secret and concealed cause' (T I30). Throughout his analysis of the passions, and his AKH0332 MODERNITY ISN'T A FAILED PROJECT
exploration of the foundations of morals and politics, his official position is that of a Matei Calinescu, Indiana University, FIVE FACES OF MODERNITY, 1987, p.273.
determinist. In this speech the neo-Marxist Habermas identifies the notion of postmodernity with the
(neo)conservative position of those who believe that modernity has failed and that the
AKH0325 THE PROBLEM OF INDUCTION DOESN'T REFUTE SCIENCE utopian impulses it gave rise to should therefore be suppressed. But modernity or the
A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH "project of the Enlightenment," Habermas argues from the standpoint of his own
AND LOGIC, 1946, p.49. emancipatory philosophy, is not a failed project, only an unfinished one. What should be
It is time, therefore, to abandon the superstition that natural science cannot be regarded as rejected is not modernity, whose critical heritage as reappraised by the Frankfurt School
logically respectable until philosophers have solved the problem of induction. The problem of Adorno, Horkheimer, or Benjamin is still a source of "emulation for the intellectual";
of induction is, roughly speaking, the problem of finding a way to prove that certain what should be rejected is the (neo)conservative ideology of postmodernity.
empirical generalizations which are derived from past experience will hold good also in
Anthony Giddens, Professor of Sociology, Cambridge, PROFILES AND CRITIQUES IN
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and I think it valid to say that social and political theory is currently going through a period of
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.73. transition, rather than terminal collapse. There is no need to release hold of 'modernism'
There is a paradox in all this. In scorning the Enlightenment, the postmodern left is clearly yet, to renounce the ideals of the Enlightenment as false gods to be replaced by a brutish
cutting away the roots, emotional as well as intellectual, that formed and sustained its most acquiescence in the reality of power.
deeply held egalitarian ideals. In embracing the brittle skepticism of postmodern thought,
would-be leftists are never more than an inch away from passivity, ineffectuality, and AKH0334 DERRIDA IS THE CHARACTERISTIC POSTMODERN THINKER
cynical despair. A criticism frequently advanced by opponents of Richard Bernstein, Professor of Philosophy, New School for Social Research, WORKING
postmodernism-justifiably, in our view-is that the doctrine, at its most virulent, is hardly THROUGH DERRIDA, Gary Madison, ed., 1993, p.206.
distinguishable from the moral blankness, the Viva la muerte!, upon which fascism was Derrida, who rarely even mentions "modernity" or "postmodernity," is nevertheless taken
erected in the first half of this century. to be the "postmodern" thinker par excellence.

TOTALITARIANISM Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
Paul Berman, fellow, New York University Institute for the Humanities, DEBATING P.C. Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.85.
1992, p.9-10. Secondly, postmodernism, whether chiefly derived from one philosophical source or
The many dazzlements of '68 Philosophy were never any use in addressing mundane drawing eclectically on a flock of them-Lyotard, Baudrillard in addition to Derrida and
questions like these. The great god of the Paris thinkers was Heidegger, who was second Foucault-is, in its skepticism about everything save itself, an incarnation of the
to none in holding Western rationalism and humanism responsible for all the unhappiness anti-Philosopher's Stone. Everything it touches is drained of value, authority, validity, and
of modern life and for hinting at millenarian alternatives. But the alternative he ended up even the right to stand for what it has always stood for and to be understood as it has
embracing was the Nazism of Adolf Hitler. Of course, the Paris ultra-radicals who imbibed always been understood.
the theories of '68 Philosophy were anything but right wing. Yet there was nothing in their
leftism to prevent a substantial number of them from tilting to an opposite extreme and AKH0336 THE POSTMODERN PERSPECTIVE PRECLUDES A POSITIVE
celebrating dictators like Mao Zedong, so long as the horrors of liberal civilization were ALTERNATIVE
being opposed. For the whole point of postmodern theorizing was, after all, to adopt Francis Mootz, Professor of Law, Western New England College School of Law,
positions that were so far out, so wild, as to blow your mind. HOUSTON LAW REVIEW, Fall 1994, p.881.
Fisher goes on to argue that with the radicalized extension represented by postmodernism,
AKH0328 POSTMODERNISM UNDERMINES REASON AND TRUTH where the point is precisely to dismantle with no ground left, but only a multiplicity of
Roger Trigg, Professor of Philosophy, University of Warwick, RATIONALITY AND standpoints which amounts to no standpoint--an everywhere which is nowhere--the
SCIENCE, 1993, p.66. enabling suspicion of the older tradition is extended and intensified into paranoia--and thus
On this understanding post-modernism is an attack on notions of reason and truth. It becomes disabling. The difference is between a critical project which might choose to
dethrones science by attacking the very human rationality which has produced science. exempt itself from presenting a positive alternative, and one which precludes the
Some may welcome the conclusion that science cannot monopolize human reason, but is possibility of a positive alternative.
only one language game amongst many. They might, however, be more reluctant to accept
that science has only lost its authority because all human reason has been rendered AKH0337 POST-MODERNISM IS POLITICALLY REACTIONARY
impotent. We can no longer legitimate any of our activities. Matei Calinescu, Indiana University, FIVE FACES OF MODERNITY, 1987, p.273.
What actually triggered the polemic was Habermas's attack on French "poststructuralism,"
AKH0329 POSTMODERN RELATIVISM CAN'T DISTINGUISH SCIENCE FROM defined as a conservative rejection of modernity and its central values of rationality and
FABLES universality. By suggesting that Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida are profoundly akin
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and to the group of thinkers known during the Weimar Republic as the Jungkonservativen
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.210. (Young Conservatives), Habermas wanted to stress their common descent not only from
Postmodern relativism undercuts any possible protest grounded on the notion of Heidegger but ultimately from the most antimodern of modern philosophers, Friedrich
objectivity. It entails a perspectivism that finds no basis for epistemological distinctions Nietzsche. Although not named in the Adorno Prize speech, a third French man, Jean
between science and fables. Francois Lyotard, was probably the main target of Habermas's criticism.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 29
Andrew Cutrofello, St. Mary's College, SOCIAL THEORY AND PRACTICE, Spring AMORALISM
1993, p.94. Luc Ferry, Professor at the Sorbonne, RIGHTS--THE NEW QUARREL BETWEEN THE
However, retrieval is one thing, and nostalgia another, and there is a disturbing nostalgia ANCIENTS AND THE MODERNS, 1990, p.22.
lurking in most theories of the postmodern today. At its most benign, this nostalgia If, as we have seen, the two basic 'faces' of modern metaphysics are reason (the principle
functions (as I think it does in Habermas) as a wish that modern history could have turned of reason) and free will (the ability to act in accordance to the representation of ends), the
out differently, coupled with the sober acknowledgment that it did not. At its worst, phenomenological deconstructions of modernity run two risks, which they do indeed incur
postmodern nostalgia functions as an undialectical wish to return to some idealized in their less coherent versions-the risks of irrationalism and amoralism. I shall confine
conception of premodern reality. This is a dangerous nostalgia which finds its unlikely (or myself to a brief description of them since their analysis is pursued in the succeeding
maybe not so unlikely) paradigmatic expression in Heidegger's "Only a God can save us volume.
AKH0339 POSTMODERNISM SIMPLY REINFORCES CONSUMER CAPITALISM Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
Matei Calinescu, Indiana University, FIVE FACES OF MODERNITY, 1987, p.293-4. Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.72.
One can now understand why postmodernism precisely by being "anti-aesthetic," by Contrasted to the Enlightenment ideal of a unified epistemology that discovers the
blunting the powerful cutting edge of the aesthetic, ends up being less subversive than foundational truths of physical and biological phenomena and unites them with an accurate
modernism had been. As a domesticated kind of (anti)modernism, confined to an understanding of humanity in its psychological, social, political, and aesthetic aspects,
unavoidably circular "textualism" and refusing to distinguish between the aesthetic and the postmodern skepticism rejects the possibility of enduring universal knowledge in any area.
non-aesthetic, postmodernism cannot help but play, however unwittingly, the part of a It holds that all knowledge is local, or "situated," the product of interaction of a social
"reinforcer of the logic of consumer capitalism. The post-industrial (and culturally class, rigidly circumscribed by its interests and prejudices, with the historical conditions
postmodern) society in which we live, Jameson writes, has brought about "new types of of its existence. There is no knowledge, then; there are merely stories, "narratives," devised
consumption; planned obsolescence; the penetration of advertising, television, and the to satisfy the human need to make some sense of the world. In so doing, they attack in
media to a hitherto unparalleled degree throughout society; . . . the growth of the great net unacknowledged ways the interests, prejudices, and conceits of their devisers. On this
of superhighways and the arrival of automobile culture." Postmodernism, in this broad view, all knowledge projects are, like war, politics by other means.
scenario of a social mutation, is the cultural product of "the emergence of this new moment
of late, consumer or multinational capitalism. [Postmodernism's] formal features in many AKH0346 POSTMODERNISM IGNORES LOGIC AND EVIDENCE
ways express the deeper logic of this particular system." Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.175-6.
AKH0340 POSTMODERNISM LEADS TO POLITICAL IMPOTENCY The postmodern left, however, has introduced a new rhetorical wrinkle that shields it from
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and such rebukes. They are ready, at need, to scorn the canons of logic, evidence, objectivity,
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.88. and coherence on which most of them used to depend for a living. For them, the life of the
For the first time in modern American history, right-wing theorists seem on the point of mind is a dance on thin air.
establishing themselves upon the ethical and philosophical high ground, thanks to the
postmodern contortions of the left. This fact, however has little penetrated left-academic AKH0347 POSTMODERN THOUGHT IGNORES REALITY IN FAVOR OF WORDS
discourse; the entanglement of would-be progressive intellectuals with the conceptual Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
freak show of postmodernism continues to isolate and neutralize them, at least outside the Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.74.
hothouses (i e, academic departments and conferences) in which they flourish. One will If one holds, as most postmodernists do, that "reality" is chimerical or at best inaccessible
cheer or deplore this fact as one's political tendencies dictate. to human cognition, and that all human awareness is a creature and a prisoner of the
language games that encode it, then it is a short step to the belief that mastery over words,
AKH0341 DERRIDA'S AND FOUCAULT'S KRITIK OF MODERNITY EMBODIES over terminology and lexicon, is mastery over the world. As Diggins says, "to the extent
TOTAL PESSIMISM that the Academic Left partook of various structuralist theories, reality eluded its
J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.237. vocabulary. Such terms as 'power and hegemony' and 'domination and discourse' marked
In France, by contrast, chiefly in the schools of Foucault and Derrida, the antinomian a shift from labor to language in which text, speech, and other forms of communication
stance vis a vis the culture of modernity broke with every vestige of anthropological came to be seen as more refined systems of control, with power ubiquitous and
optimism, with every positive appreciation of humanity or polity. Antinomianism without anonymous."2 In the cold light of day, such a creed seems pathetic as well as futile, a
Utopian ingredients became the rule. desperate amalgam of solipsism and magical thinking. But the world of postmodern
thought is well provided with devices for keeping out the cold light of day.
Craig Calhoun,. Director of UNC Program in Social Theory and Cross-Cultural Studies, AKH0348 POSTMODERNISM IS MAGICAL THINKING
SOCIAL THEORY AND THE LAW, 1989, p.457-8. Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
Yet the postmodernist position is radically undermined by its refusal to enter into the world Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.191
of practical, material problems. What of value can postmodernism say about hunger in Harris has leveled his guns at a very curious phenomenon indeed. The spell of postmodern
Africa or unemployment in America's inner cities? Virtually nothing. The postmodernist theory has lured its acolytes into a bizarre philosophical cul-d-sac, where "reality" is
affirmation of the positive value of difference might, as a stimulus to change in other effaced as a meaningful term and where representation, rhetoric, and discourse are the only
theories, ultimately make for better theoretical understandings to inform such practical allowable phenomenological categories. Confronted by an epidemic that is all too grimly
dealings, but it cannot produce such understanding itself. Moreover as suggested above. real, these postulants are driven full circle into a giddy doctrine asserting that control over
the critical dimension of postmodernism is challenged by its inability to ground normative representation and rhetoric, over language and imagery, will, of itself, dispel the menace
positions, an inability that is elevated into an affirmative refusal by some postmodernists. of AIDS. This, beneath its ostensibly up-to-date skeptical veneer, is purely magical
thinking. It recurs to the ancient confusion between names and things, between mention
AKH0343 ACADEMIC RADICALISM ISN'T REALLY SUBVERSIVE and use. In a nearly literal sense, it encodes a faith in charms and magic words.
Christopher Lasch, Professor of History, University of Rochester, THE REVOLT OF THE
The right and the left share another important assumption: that academic radicalism is Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
genuinely "subversive." Kimball takes the radical claims of the academic left at face value. Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.104.
He does not object to the "tenured radicals" because they are more interested in tenure than Whence, we must ask, does such grossly misplaced intellectual self-confidence come? The
in radicalism. He objects to them because in his view, they use the security of their smug, hermetic, self-referential atmosphere of politicized academic postmodernism
academic position to attack the foundations of social order. "When the children of the obviously has a great deal to do with it. In this milieu, there is not much thought given to
sixties received their professorships and deanships they did not abandon the dream of simple scientific accuracy. The caution and scrupulousness that working scientists are
radical cultural transformation; they set out to implement it. Now, . . . instead of attempting conditioned to expect are swept aside, because, in the final analysis, postmodernist work
to destroy our educational institutions physically, they are subverting them from within." is in great measure prophetic and hortatory, rather than analytic it announces and cheers
No doubt they would like to think so, but their activities do not seriously threaten corporate on a sweeping "paradigm shift" within our civilization, a change that is supposed to
control of the universities, and it is corporate control, not academic radicalism, that has liberate us all.
"corrupted our higher education." It is corporate control that has diverted social resources
from the humanities into military and technological research, fostered an obsession with
quantification that has destroyed the social sciences, replaced the English language with
bureaucratic jargon, and created a top-heavy administrative apparatus whose educational
vision begins and ends with the bottom line.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 30
PARTICULAR SUBJECTS Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.105.
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.75. By contrast, there is supposed to be an embryonic "postmodern" science that points to the
The confidence of the postmodern cultural critic is the confidence of a generalizer who overthrow of the old order. This theme can be traced in the continued insistence that the
excuses himself from many of the usual obligations of erudition. Under this dispensation, "chaos theory" postmodernists think they are talking about is "post-Newtonian" (even
a wide variety of disciplines may be addressed and pronounced upon without requiring a though it is perfectly clear to the mathematically literate that Newtonian themes are central
detailed familiarity with the facts and logic around which they are organized. A recent to these new developments, whether they address Newtonian celestial mechanics or the
article by Heather MacDonald wryly analyzes this phenomenon, which, in its most fractal geometry of the basins of attraction of the roots of a polynomial that appear when
impudent form, generates scholarly essays that seem to have as their subject everything in Newton's method is applied in the complex plane). The "Newton" that postmodern cultural
general and nothing in particular, and which, under the postmodernist regime, are equally critics are trying to escape is Blake's figment, not the preeminent mathematician and
suitable for symposia in literature, history, sociology, or feminist theory. She writes physicist of the same name.
specifically about a recent forum devoted nominally to the history and analysis of
twentieth-century art, many of whose participants turned out to have no particular AKH0357 POSTMODERNISM IS ITSELF A GRAND THEORY
knowledge thereof. This is not an anomaly-it comes closer to being characteristic of Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
scholarly life among contemporary humanists. Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.96.
Postmodernism in general and postmodern science in particular have come to liberate us
AKH0351 POSTMODERNISM IS IMPLACABLY HOSTILE TOWARD SCIENCE from repression. This mission is especially crucial since only postmodern science can save
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and us from the ecological catastrophe into which modern science is driving us: "Postmodern
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.106. science draws the conclusion that a new, postmodern paradigm is necessary, one which is
We conclude that hostility to science is, after all, an inextricable element of these philosophically sophisticated, scientifically complex, ethically sensitive, spiritually aware,
postmodern philosophical excursions. It takes the form of the "good guys ( persons?) and ecologically sane." The reader may be inclined to characterize these dicta as a Very
versus bad guys" scenario that the critics impose relentlessly on the history and sociology Grand Theory indeed, which would seem to subvert ab initio their self-proclaimed
of science. It is mirrored in the remarkable arrogance with which postmodernists address postmodernity, within which there is supposed to be no Grand Theory.
these issues. Virtually all of them claim to discern important intellectual themes and
political motifs in past and current science, themes and motifs that are quite invisible to the AKH0358 THE TRUE POSTMODERN WOULDN'T ADVOCATE POSTMODERNISM
scientists themselves. These supposed insights rest, as we have seen, on a technical David Couzens Hoy, Professor of philosophy, University of California-Santa Cruz,
competence so shallow and incomplete as to be analytically worthless. Their arrogance, WORKING THROUGH DERRIDA, Gary Madison, ed., 1993, p.237-8.
then, is comparable to that of "creation scientists" in addressing evolutionary biology, or However, if the postmodern attitude is as I have described it, then the postmodern would
to that of Galileo's persecutors within the Inquisition in their response to his cosmology. be inconsistent in thinking that postmodernism is the most advanced, most rational, or in
general, the only possible attitude. If there is no necessary progress in history, the
AKH0352 POSTMODERNISM TOTALIZES ITSELF BY ATTACKING SCIENCE postmodern cannot claim a normative advantage in being later in time or a sign of the
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and future. Such a normative advantage is implied in the notion of "modernity," and is still
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.89. assumed by the late modern. But the postmodern seems to have abandoned the idea that
The mentality of postmodernism has an emphatically totalizing component, even as it the present is necessarily better than the past, as well as any nostalgia for the past. So the
pretends to denounce the totalizing propensities of whatever it wishes to attack. The postmodern should not claim to be better or more advanced or more clever than the late
centrality of science to the contemporary world, its crucial role in shaping the material modern, and has no argument that the late modern should become a postmodern. Since the
conditions under which we live as well as many of the assumptions we bring into our postmodern could not be an advocate of postmodernism, I think that the label is not really
discussions of the world, guaranteed that sooner or later postmodern dialecticians would a useful one.
feel bound to turn their guns on it.
AKH0353 POSTMODERNIST REJECTION OF SCIENCE UNDERMINES NEEDED Richard Bernstein, Professor of Philosophy, New School for Social Research, WORKING
ANIMAL RESEARCH THROUGH DERRIDA, Gary Madison, ed., 1993, p.224.
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and For Habermas communicative action and rationality are the powerful magnetic poles of his
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.200 work. Everything he explores emanates from and is drawn back to these poles. His reading
If animal research is misleading anyway, if it exists only to make profits or to gratify the of the philosophic discourse of modernity is that "postmodern" philosophic discourses are
ambitions of scientists trapped in a perverted system of rewards and incentives, why not caught within the aporias of a "philosophy of subjectivity" which is now exhausting itself.
ban it and spare the poor animals all that suffering? Postmodernism, with its insistence that These discourses-despite desperate protests to the contrary-have failed to break out of a
science is "just another discourse," provides this impulse with a highly efficient lubricant. philosophy of subjectivity or consciousness. They have failed to make the paradigm shift
That is the nub of the problem. The postmodern position, incorporated into the to a model of communicative dialogical action and rationality.
sloganeering of animal rights militancy, is not only academic nonsense-it is concretely
dangerous nonsense. Animal subject research is, without any question, enormously AKH0360 POSTMODERN FAITH IN THEORY IS TOTALIZING
important to efficient medical practice, and its abandonment would entail incalculable Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
human costs. Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.38-9.
There is, for instance, an abiding cabalistic faith that excursions into theory, if pursued at
AKH0354 POSTMODERNISM IS UTTERLY IMPOTENT IN DEALING WITH great enough length with sufficient intensity, will tease forth all the deepest truths of
SCIENCE human experience. This adds considerably to the impression, common outside of
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and academic-left circles, that the "critical theory" in which academic leftists take such delight
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.95. is a swamp of jargon, name dropping, logic chopping, and massive attempts to obliterate
However, there are in contrast examples of attempts to deal with the same subject that rely the obvious. The irony is that this faith in the omnicompetence of theory runs particularly
for their doctrine and methodology on the arcana of full-blown postmodern theory. The strong in those who claim to abhor "totalizing" theories. "Both [Derrida and Foucault]
results are grotesque. They illustrate both the megalomaniac pretentiousness and the utter have, in different ways, actually stimulated a return to a form of scholasticism, to those
impotence of postmodernism under full sail as it attempts to engage itself with the world abstract and totalizing methods of the traditional Western humanist the new theory claimed
of honest science. to reject."

Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and Margaret Radin and Frank Michelman, Professors of Law, Stanford and Harvard,
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.80. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA LAW REVIEW, 1991, p.1029-30.
Even if we stick to mathematics alone, it is not hard to find other examples of postmodern Postmodernists, we think, are committed not only to the view that at any moment some
thinkers whose urge to pontificate on science far outruns their competence to do so. The stance must be privileged, but to the view that it could be any available stance and that no
recent compendium ZONE 6-Incorporations is replete with examples. This is a volume of privilege is stabilized against dislodgment. If there can be no privilege over privileges, then
meditations on science, technology, and culture by a throng of well-known postmodernists. the claim for a privileged status vis a vis the other "jurisprudences," as critique of them all
In perusing it, we find papers by Gilles Deleuze, Gilbert Simondon, Peter Eisenman, rather than fellow target of criticism, is no less available to any other "jurisprudence" on
Alluquere Roseanne Stone, Frederick Turner, and Manuel de Landa, wherein they attempt our list than it is to poststructuralism To claim otherwise-to insist on a privilege over
to make references to deep mathematics-some of them at length, others just in passing. In privileges-would be to restore a foundation. Poststructuralism, rejecting foundations, here
each case, there are amateurish errors or efforts to pass off mere verbal tinsel as joins pragmatism: which stance stands as critique and which others stand as targets is
mathematical knowledge. Biology is similarly ill served. always and strictly a matter of (i) occasion or focus, and (ii) perspective or interest; it is
not a fixed or stable matter of conceptual structure or logical inference.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 31
Paul Berman, fellow, New York University Institute for the Humanities, DEBATING P.C. SELF-CONTRADICTORY
1992, p.9. Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
The theories were modern art's extension into philosophy. They were the equivalent of Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.56.
Finnegans Wake or canvases by Rothko, and in that respect they were artistically faithful Cultural constructivism, at least in the full-blooded version of ideologues like Aronowitz,
to the bleak twentieth-century spirit. But there was no point in asking whether these is a relentlessly mechanistic and reductionistic way of thinking about things. It flattens
theories were faithful to truth and reality in the ordinary sense of social science or human differences, denies the substantive reality of human idiosyncrasy, and dismisses the
conventional philosophy. Super-brilliance was their panache, and the more super the ability of the intellect to make transcendent imaginative leaps, in a way that O'Brien,
brilliance became the murkier became the ideas. The prose was characteristically mud, as 1984's master manipulator of consciousness, would cheerfully approve. According to the
befitted a philosophy that regarded clarity and lucidity as engines of Western oppression. constructivist canon, all are puppets of the temper of an age, and science is just another
Sometimes the theories were put-ons or jokes. Or the theories were fictions that claimed inadvertent ratification of its ideological premises. Only the cultural constructivists
to be nonfictions. They elevated puns into a literary genre. The truest class struggle in the themselves (of course) are licensed to escape the intellectual tyranny of this invisible hand.
'68 sense was always the struggle between the hip and the unhip, and these theories were, For their part, mathematicians, physicists, chemists, and biologists must all succumb.
in short, the Das Kapital of hip. They were illegal thoughts, so to speak-"provocations, not
programs," in Allan Megill's phrase. Of course that will always be the subversive appeal AKH0368 BELIEF IN THE SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION OF REALITY IS AN
Christopher Lasch, Professor of History, University of Rochester, THE REVOLT OF THE
Christopher Lasch, Professor of History, University of Rochester, THE REVOLT OF THE Their belief in the "social construction of reality"-the central dogma of postmodernist
ELITES, 1995, p.178. thought-reflects the experience of living in an artificial environment from which
But academic radicals, these days, are more interested in the defense of their professional everything that resists human control (unavoidably, everything familiar and reassuring as
privileges against criticism from outside. Joan Scott of Princeton's Institute for Advanced well) has been rigorously excluded. Control has become their obsession. In their drive to
Study dismisses this criticism as the work of "disaffected scholars" and "marginal insulate themselves against risk and contingency-against the unpredictable hazards that
intellectuals." Left-wing academics cannot be bothered to argue with opponents or to enter afflict human life-the thinking classes have seceded not just from the common world
into their point of view. They speak, with irritating complacency, as members of a around them but from reality itself.
professional establishment that has given up the attempt to communicate with a broader
audience, either as teachers or as writers. They defend their incomprehensible jargon as the AKH0369 POSTMODERN POLITICS CAN PRECLUDE MEANINGFUL
language of "subversion," plain speech having been dismissed as an instrument of ENGAGEMENT
oppression. "The language of clarity,'" they maintain, "plays . . . a dominant [role in a] Andrew Cutrofello, St. Mary's College, SOCIAL THEORY AND PRACTICE, Spring
culture that cleverly and powerfully uses 'clear' and 'simplistic' language to systematically 1993, p.105.
undermine . . . complex and critical thinking." But must we view all action on behalf of others as a violation of their otherness? Suppose
I try to persuade the workers that they are being exploited; would I be guilty of trying to
AKH0364 POSTMODERNISM IS THE UNIFYING DOCTRINE OF THE ACADEMIC speak on their behalf since I would be trying to persuade them that my view is the one
LEFT which they should adopt? Carried to an absurd extreme, as it is in William Corlett's attempt
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and to think through a Derridean politics, the postmodern categorical imperative paralyzes any
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.72. meaningful engagement with others.
It is fascinating that postmodernism, a point of view that must flirt continuously with
nihilism, has become so conspicuously identified with radical scholarship and campus AKH0370 EMPHASIS ON "DIFFERENCE" PROMOTES RACISM
political activism on behalf of left-wing causes. As much as anything can be, Paul Berman, fellow, New York University Institute for the Humanities, DEBATING P.C.
postmodernism is the unifying doctrine of the academic left, having largely supplanted 1992, p.16.
Marxism, except to the extent that the latter has been able to cover itself in postmodern It pains the admirers of Yale deconstruction and of race/ class/gender-ism when anyone
dress. In a new and highly politicized area such as women's studies, for instance, virtually mentions the early career of de Man, the Yale critic, on the grounds that a young person's
every scholar and student pays tribute to the supposed depth of postmodernist insight and early mistakes should not be used to hound his later achievements. Yet the controversy
the richness of postmodernist methodology. over de Man and his youthful errors has had one merit at least, which is to give everyone
the opportunity to read some Nazi-style literary criticism, for instance de Man's
AKH0365 POSTMODERNIST KRITIK IS UNCONSTRUCTIVE DOGMA collaborationist article from 1941, "The Jews in Contemporary Literature," which has been
Craig Calhoun. Director of UNC Program in Social Theory and Cross-Cultural Studies, brought back into print. Now, here was an example of cultural analysis in which writers
SOCIAL THEORY AND THE LAW, 1989, p.456-7. were categorized on the basis of racial "difference," the Jews on one hand and the
The stance of the Crits, and of many other postmodernists. is somewhat like that of Europeans on the other.
stereotypical ex-Catholics-as rigidly antagonistic to the Church as they accuse the Church
of being dogmatic. Ultimately, many Crits and especially many other sorts of AKH0371 NOT ALL DIVERSITY SHOULD BE RESPECTED
postmodernists are not engaged in solving material problems about class society, or Richard Bernstein, Professor of Philosophy, New School for Social Research, WORKING
practical problems of social justice. Rather they are engaged in trying to produce a space THROUGH DERRIDA, Gary Madison, ed., 1993, p.226.
for alternative identities. For Habermas the primary question is how one is to respond to this intensified
pluralization. His worry is that the celebration of plurality and difference all-too-easily
AKH0366 NOT ALL HUMAN BEHAVIOR IS SOCIALLY CONSTRUCTED degenerates into a self-defeating relativism, contextualism, and "bad" historicism.
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and Habermas does provide an important corrective to those who uncritically celebrate
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.230-1. contingency, plurality, difference, and otherness. There are manifestations of otherness that
On the other hand, there is evidence, strong to begin with and growing stronger over time, we legitimately seek to eliminate and destroy-when we are convinced the other we are
that a number of perceived behavioral differences between males and females, especially confronting is evil-like the evil of apartheid and fascism.
at an early age, are in fact innate and congenital. This inference is not easily impeached as
the warped product of sexist science, since many of the researchers who came up with it AKH0372 POSTMODERN RACE CONSCIOUSNESS PARALLELS OLD-STYLE
were, in fact, women who would have been happy to reach the opposite conclusion. It is, RACISM
moreover, a fact whose political implications are generally negligible. In no way does it Paul Berman, fellow, New York University Institute for the Humanities, DEBATING P.C.
imply the inadvisability of complete legal and social equality between the sexes. 1992, p.16-7.
Nonetheless feminists who fear the lurking dangers of essentialism are outraged and Exactly what makes de Man's early reactionary harping on race different from the
frightened by this innocuous work. Apparently, no evidence, however strong, is to be postmodern, supposedly progressive harping on race today? It is argued that "race" in the
allowed to dent their conviction that all but the obvious anatomical differences between postmodern, sociological, progressive usage has nothing to do with "race" in the old,
men and women are "socially constructed." This proposition amounts to a credo, a virtual reactionary, biological usage, and that only someone who is motivated by hostility or by
article of faith, a test, in certain circles, of one's loyalty to feminist principles. a stubborn unwillingness to entertain new ideas would detect in these up-to-date
progressive ideas a scent of old-fashioned reactionary rightism. Yet the distinction between
the postmodern ideas and the reactionary ones is not necessarily so clear-if only because,
among some of the deconstructionist masters of literary interpretation, there is a peculiar
inability to detect any Nazism at all in de Man's Nazi articles, which raises doubts about
the reliability of the new techniques. And because, in the movement for multiculturalism
that has emerged out of race/class/gender-ism, a touch of the young de Man's Euro-style
racial thinking does sometimes creep into the discussion, obviously not among the
sophisticated thinkers, who are embarrassed by the problem, but on the margins of the
movement. It was disturbing, for instance, but not terribly surprising, to discover a certain
inappropriate fixation on the Jews in the thinking of a couple of the professors who helped
draw up the proposed new multicultural public school social-studies curriculum in New
York State.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 32
UNIVERSALITY Paul Berman, fellow, New York University Institute for the Humanities, DEBATING P.C.
Richard Bernstein, Professor of Philosophy, New School for Social Research, WORKING 1992, p.12-3.
THROUGH DERRIDA, Gary Madison, ed., 1993, p.226. Still, the sixties Paris ideas did establish some footholds in the United States, in the art
One of the most obfuscating aspects of "modern/postmodern polemics" is the way in which world, for instance, where radical posturing has a certain virtue-the more radical, the more
universality is pitted against plurality and alterity. Even those who celebrate plurality and virtuous, if you do it well. But the biggest and most important of the footholds, the
difference-like Lyotard and Rorty-make an implicit appeal to universality-when, for foothold that has mattered most in the current debate, was in the humanities departments
example they advocate a world in which there is a universal "letting be" where difference of a handful of universities. French ideas established themselves in waves of fashion in
is allowed to flourish. these departments during the course of the seventies and into the eighties. There was an
early vogue for the anthropological/ Marxist/linguistic ideas of Roland Barthes. Next came
AKH0374 POSTMODERNISM ALSO PRODUCES MARGINALIZATION a wave for the Heideggerian/linguistic ideas of Derrida, in the form of "deconstruction"
Andrew Cutrofello, St. Mary's College, SOCIAL THEORY AND PRACTICE, Spring (meaning, interpreting literature in order to show the impossibility of a definite
1993, p.103-4. interpretation). Then came a feminist wave for the Freudian/linguistic ideas of Lacan, and
Obviously we should be cautious in making totalizing claims, and we should critique the after that a wave for Foucault.
effects of marginalization that such claims produce. But in the discourse of postmodernist
politics, general statements about "others" and "marginalized subjects" produce the same AKH0380 POSTMODERNISM FREEZES US IN INTELLECTUAL PARANOIA
effects of marginalization as any other general statement. Francis Mootz, Professor of Law, Western New England College School of Law,
HOUSTON LAW REVIEW, Fall 1994, p.880.
AKH0375 POSTMODERN RESPECT FOR OTHERNESS JUST REPRODUCES THE Paranoia must be distinguished from the mature, skeptical view that not everything can be
LIBERAL VALUE OF TOLERANCE taken at face value. Paranoia amounts to a refusal to take anything at face value. William
Andrew Cutrofello, St. Mary's College, SOCIAL THEORY AND PRACTICE, Spring Bywater recently suggested that some postmodern literary criticism has come to resemble
1993, p.106. a paranoid, rather than simply critical, posture. "Postmodernism's relentless refusal to
Carried to such an extreme--that is, to the point which White rightly critiques as an inactive accept any description, theory, or state of consciousness at face value, its unswerving
responsibility to otherness the postmodern imperative closes off the very openness to insistence that what seems most clear and certain is least likely to be so, and its maneuvers
otherness that it insists upon. After all, pushed to its obvious limit, the next question after which demonstrate that stability in meaning or in sense of self must give way to eternal
"How dare you speak for marginalized group x?" is "How dare you speak for me, this slippage have all been cited as evidence of postmodernism's nihilistic and destructive
particular individual?" What starts out as an absolute commitment to otherness ends in character.... The self which formerly was able to confront nothingness is now dissolved
being a degenerate affirmation of the isolated bourgeois individual the absolute otherness into a concatenation of signifiers or a jumble of disconnected images. The hope which
of others that Hegel describes in the dialectic of the unhappy consciousness. It is just here might have sprung from the dissolution of the old values is rendered as suspect as those
that we see how little difference there is between postmodernist insistence on respect for old values themselves. Postmodernism does not refresh us with a sense of renewal, rather
otherness and the traditional liberal insistence on tolerance. we seem to be frozen with intellectual paranoia."

Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and SUSPICION AND PARANOIA
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.272. Francis Mootz, Professor of Law, Western New England College School of Law,
Michael Rosenthal, in "What Was Postmodernism," suggests, with more relief than regret, HOUSTON LAW REVIEW, Fall 1994, p.880.
that the high-water mark of postmodernism has passed and that it is likely soon to be Linda Fisher intelligently extends Bywater's claim in her comparison of postmodernism
regarded as a mere relic of the discontents of the eighties. and the tradition of the "hermeneutics of suspicion" exemplified by Marx, Nietzsche, and
Freud. The subtle dialectic of the hermeneutics of suspicion and the hermeneutics of
AKH0377 POSTMODERNISM IS OBSOLETE IN FRANCE belonging, elegantly represented in the famous exchanges between contemporary
Paul Berman, fellow, New York University Institute for the Humanities, DEBATING P.C. Continental philosophers Jurgen Habermas and Hans-Georg Gadamer, is flattened by
1992, p.10. postmodernism's radical quest to overturn received traditions. Consequently, at least some
In Paris, the '68 theories had their day, which lasted well into the late seventies and postmodern efforts dissolve the important distinctions "between suspicion and paranoia,
beyond. Then a new generation of writers came along, the people who were students in '68 limitation and abnegation, and, finally, destruction and self-destruction."
but came into adulthood only in the calmer years that followed-writers like Ferry, Renaut,
Pascal Bruckner, Alain Finkielkraut (and writing in English, the late J. G. Merquior), who AKH0382 NIETZSCHE'S ETHIC IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH LIBERAL DEMOCRACY
worried about the mind-blowing ultraradicalism of the older generation. These younger Francis Fukuyama, Rand Corp. Policy Consultant, THE END OF HISTORY AND THE
writers began to suspect that '68 Philosophy, in turning so ferociously against liberalism, LAST MAN, 1992, p.313.
sometimes bore a closer relation to the old German romantic philosophies of the far right It is difficult for those of us who believe in liberal democracy to follow Nietzsche very far
(the cult of irrationalism, the eagerness to disparage universal ideas of rights, etc.) than down the road he takes. He was an open opponent of democracy and of the rationality on
anyone seemed to imagine when the theories were in vogue. They worried that by carrying which it rested. He hoped for the birth of a new morality that would favor the strong over
skepticism to extremes, the '68 Philosophers were turning into a species of idiot, the sort the weak, that would heighten social inequality and even promote a certain kind of cruelty.
of people who can no longer make sensible judgments because they stumble around
wondering: Is that a door? Is that a window? The younger writers raised an eyebrow at the AKH0383 NIETZSCHEAN RELATIVISM HELPED LEAD TO FASCISM
muddy prose style, too, and suspected, as Merquior commented (citing Pope), that: Much Francis Fukuyama, Rand Corp. Policy Consultant, THE END OF HISTORY AND THE
was believ'd, but little understood, and to be dull was constru'd to be good. LAST MAN, 1992, p.333.
Nietzsche's relationship to German fascism has been debated at great length, and while he
AKH0378 CONTEMPORARY FRENCH PHILOSOPHY REEMBRACES LIBERAL can be defended from the narrow charges of being the forefather of National Socialism's
HUMANISM simpleminded doctrines, the relationship between his thought and Nazism is not accidental.
Paul Berman, fellow, New York University Institute for the Humanities, DEBATING P.C. Just as in the case of his follower, Martin Heidegger, Nietzsche's relativism shot out all of
1992, p.10-1. the philosophical props holding up Western liberal democracy, and replaced it with a
The younger writers set out to resurrect the very notions that '68 Philosophy was designed doctrine of strength and domination. Nietzsche believed the era of European nihilism,
to debunk-an admiration for Enlightenment reason, clarity, lucidity, and Western-style which he was helping to inaugurate, would lead to "immense wars" of the spirit, objectless
freedoms. Their resurrections have sometimes leaned in a more leftish direction, wars whose only purpose was to affirm war itself.
sometimes in a more conservative direction (whatever those terms might mean in today's
world). Either way, the drift toward humanism was unmistakable. Even a few of the elders
of the sixties, disturbed by the implications of their own doctrines, pulled back over the
course of the later seventies and the eighties. There were writers like Tzvetan Todorov, the
Paris literary theorist, who shifted camp altogether. And in the realm of ideas a new liberal
age, the era of human rights, was at hand-in Paris.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 33
RELATIONS Leszek Kolalowski, Oxford philosopher, MODERNITY ON ENDLESS TRIAL, 1990,
Ken Booth, professor of international relations, University of Wales, INTERNATIONAL p.6-7.
AFFAIRS, 1995, p.116. How far back modernity may be extended depends, of course, on what we believe
Fifth: the international politics of relativism/post-modernism is undermined by its own constitutes the meaning of the notion. If it is big business, rational planning, the welfare
critique. Postmodernism is an anti-metanarrative metanarrative. Its political logic is that state, and the subsequent bureaucratization of social relationships, the extent of modernity
of universal toleration (once a bold and original idea, and still not universal). If one is to be measured in decades rather than centuries. If we think, however, that the
scratches a committed post-modernist one will almost certainly find a comfortably off foundation of modernity is in science, it would be proper to date it from the first half of the
Western urban liberal. Those who live against the wall, or who have emancipated seventeenth century, when the basic rules of scientific inquiry were elaborated and codified
themselves from such a position, do not hold these views. At British International Studies and scientists realized-thanks mainly to Galileo and his followers-that physics was not to
Association conferences, we do not have panels endorsing post-modern ethics organized be conceived as a report from experience but rather as an elaboration of abstract models
by formerly footbound Chinese women. Nor are they organized by those ANC supporters never to be perfectly embodied in experimental conditions. Yet nothing prevents us from
who identified with the metanarrative and world-wide political movement against racism. probing more deeply into the past: the crucial condition of modern science was the
The reason for this is obvious. and relates to the fact that post-modernism-certainly that movement toward the emancipation of secular reason from revelation, and the struggle for
of a doctrinaire variety-does not deliver an ethics for the emancipation of victims across the independence of the faculties of arts from those of theology in medieval universities
the world. Therefore, as long as the world is full of victims, it is an approach which will was an important part of this process. The very distinction between natural and divinely
not become universal. inspired knowledge, as it was worked out in Christian philosophy from the eleventh
century onwards, was, in its turn, the conceptual foundation of this struggle, and it would
AKH0385 WE'RE EXPERIENCING THE RADICALIZATION OF MODERNITY, NOT be difficult to decide which came first: the purely philosophical separation of the two areas
POST-MODERNITY of knowledge or the social process whereby the intellectual urban class with its claims to
Anthony Giddens, Professor of Sociology, Cambridge, THE CONSEQUENCES OF autonomy was established. Shall we then project our "modernity" onto the eleventh century
MODERNITY, 1990, p.51. and make St. Anselm and Abelard its (respectively unwilling and willing) protagonists?
The break with providential views of history, the dissolution of foundationalism, together There is nothing conceptually wrong with such an extensions but there is nothing very
with the emergence of counterfactual future-oriented thought and the "emptying out" of helpful about it either.
progress by continuous change, are so different from the core perspectives of the
Enlightenment as to warrant the view that far-reaching transitions have occurred. Yet AKH0391 MODERNITY CAN BE REDEEMED BY COMMUNICATIVE
referring to these as post-modernity is a mistake which hampers an accurate understanding RATIONALITY
of their nature and implications. The disjunctions which have taken place should rather be Richard Bernstein, Professor of Philosophy, New School for Social Research, WORKING
seen as resulting from the self-clarification of modern thought, as the remnants of tradition THROUGH DERRIDA, Gary Madison, ed., 1993, p.212.
and providential outlooks are cleared away. We have not moved beyond modernity but are Habermas's entire project can be conceived of as a rethinking and rewriting of the Dialectic
living precisely through a phase of its radicalisation. of Enlightenment. Habermas, like his mentors, has been alert to the self-destructive
tendencies unleashed by the Enlightenment. But against them he argues that we need a
AKH0386 THE MODERN/POSTMODERN DISTINCTION IS UNILLUMINATING more differentiated analysis of the conflicting tendencies of modernity and the
Richard Bernstein, Professor of Philosophy, New School for Social Research, WORKING Enlightenment legacy-one that does justice to the powerful tendencies of the growth and
THROUGH DERRIDA, Gary Madison, ed., 1993, p.205. spread of systems rationality and those fragile practices in which we can still discern the
Although these passages give some indication of the "postmodern" mood, it is becoming transcending power of communicative rationality.
increasingly evident that the terms "modern" and "postmodern" are not only vague,
ambiguous, and slippery, they have been used in conflicting and even contradictory ways. AKH0392 KRITIK NEGLECTS THE RATIONAL POTENTIAL OF MODERN
Even when this confusion is acknowledged there has been a strong temptation to go on CULTURE
using them, to slide into a quasi-essentialism where we talk as if there are a set of J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.259.
determinate features that mark off the "modern" from the "postmodern." The trouble is that Habermas's particular diagnosis of the centrality of the aesthetic is up to now the best
nobody seems to agree about what these distinguishing characteristics are. My own discussion of postmodern and poststructuralist theory. Its advantage over those who
conviction is that we have reached a stage of discussion where these labels (and their correctly note the aestheticist nature of Kulturkritik, but leave it at that, is that unlike them
cognates) obscure more than they clarify-that it is better to drop these terms from our Habermas sees that aestheticism, as far as cognitive standards go, is more of a problem
"vocabularies," and to try to sort out the relevant issues without reifying these labels. than a solution. Moreover, as he is at pains to stress, aesthetocentric thought, whether in
Nietzsche himself or in Heidegger, Foucault or Derrida, overlooks the positive rational
AKH0387 MODERN AND POST-MODERN ARE MEANINGLESS EXPRESSIONS potential of modern culture-its humanizing, emancipatory horizon.
Leszek Kolalowski, Oxford philosopher, MODERNITY ON ENDLESS TRIAL, 1990, p.6.
Having no clear idea what modernity is, we have recently tried to escape forward from the AKH0393 THE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF MODERNITY IS NOT
issue by talking about postmodernity (an extension or an imitation of the somewhat older HISTORICALLY INEVITABLE
expressions postindustrial society, postcapitalism, etc.). I do not know what postmodern Richard Bernstein, Professor of Philosophy, New School for Social Research, WORKING
is and how it differs from premodern, nor do I feel that I ought to know. And what might THROUGH DERRIDA, Gary Madison, ed., 1993, p.212.
come after the postmodern? The post-postmodern, the neo-postmodern, the neo- Habermas is far more dialectical than Horkheimer and Adorno. For the overwhelming
antimodern? thrust of the Dialectic of Enlightenment is negative-it is a dark narrative of ineluctable
self-destruction. But in a more dialectically nuanced manner. Habermas shows that our
AKH0388 THE CRITIQUE OF MODERNITY IS FUTILE present situation, and the future possibilities open to us are systematically ambiguous.
Leszek Kolalowski, Oxford philosopher, MODERNITY ON ENDLESS TRIAL, 1990, Whether we will some day live in the cosmic night of nihilism or restore a proper balance
p.11. between communicative and systems rationality is still an open question. The "colonization
The critique of modernity, whether literary or philosophical, might be seen, in its immense of the lifeworld by systems rationality" is the most powerful tendency of advanced
variety, as a self-defense organ of our civilization, but so far it has failed to prevent technological societies. But this tendency is not the manifestation of a logic of history that
modernity from advancing at an unprecedented speed. is working itself out "behind our backs." The promise of modernity is still an unfinished
project-a project whose realization is dependent upon our present praxis.
Leszek Kolalowski, Oxford philosopher, MODERNITY ON ENDLESS TRIAL, 1990, AKH0394 COMMUNITY HASN'T DECLINED
p.12. Anthony Giddens, Professor of Sociology, Cambridge, THE CONSEQUENCES OF
It would be silly, of course, to be either "for" or "against" modernity tout court, not only MODERNITY, 1990, p.116.
because it is pointless to try to stop the development of technology, science, and economic The idea of the decline of community has been effectively criticised in the light of
rationality, but because both modernity and antimodernity may be expressed in barbarous empirical research into city neighbourhoods, and many have drawn upon such
and antihuman forms. The Iranian theocratic revolution was clearly antimodern, and in investigations in order to challenge these two positions. Thus in criticising Louis Wirth's
Afghanistan it is the invaders who carry in various ways the spirit of modernity against the interpretation of the anonymous nature of urban life, Claude Fischer has sought to show
nationalist and religious resistance of poor tribes. It is trivially true that very often the that modern cities provide the means of generating new forms of communal life, largely
blessings and the horrors of progress are inseparably tied to each other, as are the unavailable in premodern settings. According to the proponents of this third view,
enjoyments and the miseries of traditionalism. communal life either manages to survive under modern circumstances or actively becomes
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 34
Anthony Giddens, Professor of Sociology, Cambridge, THE CONSEQUENCES OF ANCIENTS AND THE MODERNS, 1990, p.20
MODERNITY, 1990, p.48. The political motivation for a return to classical thinking is deeply antidemocratic. Given
It is difficult to resist the conclusion that the break with foundationalism is a significant that democracy seems not incompatible with Hellenism, since democracy found its first
divide in philosophical thought, having its origins in the mid- to late nineteenth century. adherents in ancient Greece, I should make clear what I mean by "antidemocratic." First,
But it surely makes sense to see this as "modernity coming to understand itself" rather than classical political philosophy (in Strauss's sense), insofar as it assumed that politics is an
the overcoming of modernity as such. imitation of the natural order, was inegalitarian:--in both its cosmology and politics--was
naturally hierarchical: just as "`above' is not anything you like, but where fire, and what
AKH0396 THE MODERN WORLD IS PHYSICALLY SAFER THAN THE is light move [to]. Likewise, `below' is not anything you like, but where heavy and earth-
PREMODERN like things move [to]," and "every place should have `above' and `below,' and . . . each
Anthony Giddens, Professor of Sociology, Cambridge, THE CONSEQUENCES OF body should naturally move to and remain in its proper places, and this it must do either
MODERNITY, 1990, p.107. above or below," individuals are similarly and naturally--i.e., irreversibly--destined to
Modern urban milieux are often considered dangerous because of the risk of being attacked occupy different hierarchical stations in the social body--of which Plato's Republic is the
or mugged. But nor only is this level of violence characteristically minor as compared with most striking example. Apart from such a cosmology, Greek slavery is unthinkable; on the
many pre-modern settings; such milieux are only relatively small pockets within wider basis of such a cosmology, slavery is defensible.
territorial areas, in which security against physical violence is vastly greater than ever was
possible in regions of comparable size in the traditional world. AKH0401 THE CRITIQUE OF MODERNITY CAN'T EFFECTIVELY COUNTER
Anthony Giddens, Professor of Sociology, Cambridge, THE CONSEQUENCES OF The critics of modernity then find themselves in an acutely ironic situation when they
MODERNITY, 1990, p.105-6. claim to be attacking totalitarianism: after analyzing the plan for absolute mastery of the
To specify these various contexts of trust in premodern cultures is not to say that social, they condemn the will to transparency that leads to the inevitable terroristic goal of
traditional settings were comforting and psychologically snug, while modern ones are not. suppressing all social division; but once they have performed this "deconstruction"--
There are some definite respects in which levels of ontological insecurity are higher in the analogous at every point to the one conducted against metaphysics--, they remain
modern world than in most circumstances of pre-modern social life, for reasons I shall try resolutely unable, precisely because of the critique of subjectivity on which they based
to identify. Yet the settings of traditional cultures were in a generic way fraught with their critique of totalitarianism, to think of something like human rights.
anxieties and uncertainties. I refer to these, taken together, as the environment of risk
characteristic of the pre-modern world. AKH0402 THE INDICTMENTS OF ENLIGHTENMENT RATIONALITY NEGLECT
AKH0398 LIFE IN THE PREMODERN WORLD WAS NASTY, BRUTISH, AND Richard Bernstein, Professor of Philosophy, New School for Social Research, WORKING
SHORT THROUGH DERRIDA, Gary Madison, ed., 1993, p.208-9
Anthony Giddens, Professor of Sociology, Cambridge, THE CONSEQUENCES OF But at first, almost instinctively, and later, with increasing theoretical finesse, Habermas
MODERNITY, 1990, p.106. argued that this monolithic portrait of the totalitarian character of Enlightenment rationality
The risk environment of traditional cultures was dominated by the hazards of the physical was overdrawn. It failed to do justice to those philosophic and historical tendencies--also
world. Hobbes's celebrated observation that, in a state of nature, human life would be rooted in the Enlightenment--that gave rise to democratic public spaces in which a
"nasty, brutish, and short" is not inaccurate if it is read as a description of the real life different type of communal rationality was manifested. At a deeper level there was a failure
circumstances of many individuals in pre-modern cultures. Rates of infant mortality as well to do justice to what Habermas first called symbolic interaction (and later called
as death of women in childbirth were by modern standards extremely high. For those who communicative action), and its distinctive type of rationality--the type of action that is
survived childhood, life expectancy was relatively low and many people suffered from oriented to mutual understanding and consensual action rather than to the goals of
chronic illnesses as well as being vulnerable to infectious diseases of different kinds. There efficiency and success.
is some evidence that hunters and gatherers, especially those inhabiting naturally bountiful
areas, may have been less subject to infectious illness than individuals living in fixed local AKH0403 THE ENLIGHTENMENT LEGACY CAN BE REHABILITATED
communities or urban areas in larger pre-modern societies, but even they were certainly Richard Bernstein, Professor of Philosophy, Haverford College, HABERMAS AND
not free from the range of endemic illnesses which abounded in pre-modern times. All MODERNITY, 1985, p 31
types of pre-modern social order were affected, often in drastic ways, by the vagaries of One might epitomize Habermas's entire intellectual project and his fundamental stance as
climate and had little protection against natural disasters such as floods, storms, excessive writing a new Dialectic of Enlightenment--one which does full justice to the dark side of
rainfall, or drought. the Enlightenment legacy, explains its causes but nevertheless redeems and justifies the
hope of freedom, justice, and happiness which still stubbornly speaks to us. The project
AKH0399 ETHNIC CONFLICT SHOWS THE EVIL OF REJECTING UNIVERSALISM of modernity, the hope of Enlightenment thinkers, is not a bitter illusion, not a naive
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and ideology that turns into violence and terror, but a practical task which has not yet been
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.203 realized and which can still orient and guide our actions.
As we write, we are confronted with the spectacle of a revived ethnic tribalism in Europe,
where Serbs, Croats, and Bosnian Moslems rape and murder one another in the charnel AKH0404 HABERMAS OFFERS A VALID EMANCIPATORY CRITIQUE
house of the former Yugoslavia; we may soon see something similar between Balts and Francis Mootz, Professor of Law, Western New England College School of Law,
Russians, Russians and Romanians, Romanians and Magyars, or Magyars and Slovaks. HOUSTON LAW REVIEW, Fall 1994, p.881
The murderous hatreds that rend Northern Ireland no longer seem anomalous. Elsewhere, Paul Ricouer popularized the term "hermeneutics of suspicion." See Paul Ricouer, Freud
the racial and religious chauvinism that pits Sikh against Hindu against Moslem, Sinhalese and Philosophy: An Essay on Interpretation 32-36 (Denis Savage trans,, 1970); see Fisher,
against Tamil, Arab Sudanese against black Sudanese goes on unabated. We might expect supra note 8, at 107 n.5 (recognizing Paul Ricouer as an authority on the hermeneutics of
the humanitarian conscience to be especially aware, in such a time, of the horrors lurking suspicion). Jurgen Habermas has provided the most careful translation of this tradition into
in tribalism. Yet in the decidedly less lethal venue of academic life, we find that tribalism, a modern conception of emancipatory critique.
in one form or another, is the most-favored project of leftist ideologues, who appear to
have abandoned, for the moment, the universalism that once shone through even the AKH0405 THE ENLIGHTENMENT DIDN'T DOGMATICALLY BELIEVE IN
dreariest left-wing can't. EMPIRICISM
Anthony Giddens, Professor of Sociology, Cambridge, THE CONSEQUENCES OF
MODERNITY, 1990, p.49
Although most regarded the evidence of our senses as the most dependable information
we can obtain, even the early Enlightenment thinkers were well aware that such "evidence"
is always in principle suspect. Sense data could never provide a wholly secure base for
knowledge claims.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 35
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and H. Stuart Hughes, Stanford historian, CONSCIOUSNESS AND SOCIETY, 1977, p.29.
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.218 And it will be our further responsibility to distinguish between different types of criticism
Yet the mind framed by the ethic of the Enlightenment has no natural path of retreat. The of the Enlightenment. If the greatest minds of the early twentieth century, such as Freud
very clarity of vision, the insistence on calling things by their true names, that defines us and Weber and Croce, were actually "loyal" critics, some of those of second rank may
a heirs to the Enlightenment makes it impossible for us (that is to say, the honest among properly be described as "disloyal": Sorel is the obvious example. Hence it is important to
us) to disguise the rancid corners of our history under gaudy banners of nationalism, distinguish between those who in scoffing at the Enlightenment were consciously attacking
religion, progress, or justice. The very scope of the knowledge we have insisted upon rules the humane values of the West, and those who, by probing more deeply the problem of
out a comforting ignorance. We are bound to Enlightenment values--the universality of human motivation and the structure of society, sought to restate that tradition in terms that
moral principles, the sanctity of individual volition, a detestation of wanton cruelty--and would carry conviction to a skeptical generation.
yet we have no choice but to indict the very civilization that begat those values as it goes
careening through time leaving pain, death, bewilderment, the wreckage of aboriginal AKH0412 FREUDIAN PSYCHOLOGY VINDICATES THE ENLIGHTENMENT
tribes and of rain forests in its wake. But again, the terms of that indictment can be spelled PROJECT
out only in the language of those values. This, and not the mincing word games of the H. Stuart Hughes, Stanford historian, CONSCIOUSNESS AND SOCIETY, 1977, p.152.
deconstructionists, is the true aporia. Thus from one standpoint his discoveries seemed to throw into the discard the optimistic
anticipations inherited from the Enlightenment. From another standpoint, they were a
AKH0407 EVEN FOUCAULT ACCEPTS ENLIGHTENMENT PRINCIPLES triumphant vindication of those same anticipations. The paradox of the matter is that
David Couzens Hoy, Professor of Philosophy, University of California-Santa Cruz, "Freud, the man who above all others is supposed to have destroyed the justification of
FOUCAULT: A CRITICAL READER, 1986, p.22 Enlightenment rationalism, was the greatest child of the Enlightenment which our century
Foucault was working toward the end of his life on an essay also called `What is has known." For "his fundamental assumption" was "that the search for truth must never
Enlightenment?' Here he insists that he is not a `counter-enlightenment' thinker, if by that stop, that only knowledge allows reason to function, and that only reason can make us
is meant someone who denies that `we still depend in large part' on the enlightenment. free." Freud's own career offered the best possible proof that his faith in human reason was
Foucault recognizes that his efforts to show the extent to which the present is historically no mere illusion. For by the use of his faculties of observation and analysis he added more
conditioned by the enlightenment are guided by the enlightenment's own `principle of a to our knowledge about humanity than any other thinker of our time.
critique and a permanent creation of ourselves in our autonomy'. So while he still wishes
to criticize humanism for borrowing a specific theological and metaphysical conception AKH0413 POST-STRUCTURALISM FOCUSES ON FRAGMENTATION,
of human nature, he admits that he cannot claim to stand outside the enlightenment NEGLECTING INTEGRATION AND WHOLENESS
tradition itself. Anthony Giddens, Professor of Sociology, Cambridge, THE CONSEQUENCES OF
MODERNITY, 1990, p.96
AKH0408 18TH CENTURY THOUGHT WAS FLEXIBLE AND BALANCED Lacan's work is significant because it helps capture the fragility and fragmentation of the
H. Stuart Hughes, Stanford historian, CONSCIOUSNESS AND SOCIETY, 1977, p.27. self. In so doing, however--in common with post-structuralist thought in general--it
"More than ever before, it seems to me the time is . . . ripe for applying . . . self-criticism focuses primarily upon one type of process, which is in actuality complemented by
to the present age, for holding up to it that bright clear mirror fashioned by the countertendencies towards integration and wholeness. Object-relations theory is
Enlightenment . . . The age which venerated reason and science as man's highest faculty informative because it analyses how the individual obtains a sense of coherence and how
cannot and must not be lost . . . for us. We must find a way not only to see that age in its this connects with reassurance in the "reality" of the external world. in my view, such an
own shape but to release again those original forces which brought forth and molded" it. approach is (or can be made) consonant with a Wittgensteinian view of the "givenness" of
This profession of faith by the greatest contemporary historian of eighteenth-century the world of objects and events, which can be "experienced" only as it is lived in and
philosophy I should like to make my own. and in so doing I associate myself with his view which is intrinsically refractory to being put into words.
of the Enlightenment--a view that stresses the open, undogmatic understanding for
"sensibility" and "the passions." Thus re-established in it original outlines the philosophy AKH0414 POSTSTRUCTURALISM RESPONDS TO A CRISIS OF ITS OWN
of the enlightenment appears far less intellectualistic than as usually characterized, and its INVENTION
presumed fondness for mechanistic and materialistic explanations and naive faith in human J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.243
progress stand revealed as largely the product of subsequent critical distortion. Post-structuralism essentially makes gestures towards an apocalyptic sense of a crisis
largely of its own invention. The whole thing clearly belongs to the kind of problem
AKH0409 ENLIGHTENMENT RATIONALISM SHOULD BE MODIFIED BUT NOT analysed by Frank Kermode in a crucial chapter (`The modern apocalypse') of his book
REJECTED The Sense of an Ending (1967). Kermode's point was to distinguish between early and late
H. Stuart Hughes, Stanford historian, CONSCIOUSNESS AND SOCIETY, 1977, p.28. modernisms, showing how the latter, having rekindled `eschatological pressures', breathes
What I mean to suggest rather is that certain ethical postulates characteristic of the an ethos of `schismatic nihilism'; but he acknowledged that `the sense of an ending' is `as
eighteenth century--chief among them the insistence, where possible, on rational solutions endemic to . . . modernism as apocalyptic utopianism is to political revolution '; then--
and humane behavior--represent an abiding legacy of overriding importance: as a guide apropos of Pound's fascist leanings--he spoke of a `a failure' or `betrayal' of clerical
for intellectuals no subsequently enunciated principles have been anywhere near as scepticism.
effective Obviously it is our privilege--and duty--to accept as our own the nineteenth- and
twentieth-century criticisms that have corrected the epistemology and psychology of the AKH0415 POSTSTRUCTURALISM BETRAYS THE KRITIK BY ABANDONING
Enlightenment to the extent that they actually were shallow and mechanistic. And after the CRITICAL ARGUMENT
horrors of the past four decades it would be difficult to retain the full eighteenth-century J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.243
confidence in man's potentialities for good. Yet as guides to conduct and intellectual Building on this we could say that when, via post-structuralism, modernist ideology
investigation we can reject the principles of the Enlightenment only at our peril. invades philosophy (in which we called the literization of thought), the 'modern
apocalypse' turns overtly nihilistic. As for the new trahison des clercs, it consists less in
AKH0410 THE ENLIGHTENMENT PERSPECTIVE IS INESCAPABLE embracing spurious political millenarisms than in betraying critique through crisis-
H. Stuart Hughes, Stanford historian, CONSCIOUSNESS AND SOCIETY, 1977, p.27. mongering; it is a betrayal of critical scepticism in that it abandons critical argument and
Throughout the study the point of reference, the base line from which the analysis will shuns debate.
proceed, is the Enlightenment of the eighteenth century. My own position is quite
consciously "eighteenth century." I believe that we are all to a greater or lesser extent AKH0416 POSTSTRUCTURALIST THOUGHT IS POLITICALLY DEBILITATING
children of the Enlightenment, and that it is from this standpoint that civilized members Paul R. Gross, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and Norman Levitt,
of Western society--the heirs to a humane tradition more than two centuries old--almost Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.82.
necessarily judge the political and social movements of their own time. For its part, Foucauldian analysis despite the tender-heartedness of some of its instincts,
seems equally to lead to resignation and quietism. If consciousness is such a prisoner of
power--and Foucault seems much more gloomy than Marx in this respect--then hopes for
a break with the oppressive past must be futile indeed. Notes Alan Ryan, Princeton
professor of politics: "It is, for instance, pretty suicidal for embattled minorities to embrace
Michel Foucault, let alone Jacques Derrida. The minority view was always that power
could be undermined by truth . . . Once you read Foucault as saying that truth is simply an
effect of power, you've had it. . .
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 36
J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.240 John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST
By the same token, post-structuralist theory should be prepared to accept the possibility DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.89
that its One Big Thesis--the massive rottenness of our culture--is a creative fake. Hence the The temper of deconstructionist criticism is, in fact, remarkable for its conformism, rather
invariable phoniness of its thundering against Western (that is modern, enlightened) than the reverse; deconstructive writings tend to go over the same ground and use the same
values: it must sound hollow, since it is all a construct rather than a record of a real vocabulary (logocentrism, difference, demystifying, etc.) without substantial modification
situation. In any case, how can such a school of thought, embattled as it is against all or fresh analysis on each occasion. these are not the signs of a genuinely open,
notions of objective truth, ever convince us that its picture of our cultural predicament is intellectually probing new movement.
the right one? Karl Kraus wryly dubbed psychoanalysis the illness for which it purports
to be a cure. Similarly, nihilist theory might be described as the cultural crisis of which it AKH0424 DECONSTRUCTION IS POLITICALLY INEFFECTUAL AND
deems itself to be a diagnosis. REACTIONARY
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.243-4 Even those among leftist intellectuals who have in part accepted the stance or methodology
As Jacques Bouveresse has recently noted, it is as if this form of philosophy deliberately characteristic of postmodernism are left with a degree of unease. Alexander J. Argyros, is
advanced further and further towards amateurism and frivolity--precisely what those who the statement of purpose that begins his book, flatly asserts: "Since it is essentially a
are concerned with scientific or argumentative standards blame much continental negative methodology, when deconstruction is called upon to address concrete issued, such
philosophy for. Not surprisingly, this fuite en avant from intellectual responsibility reaches as political ones, its penchant for eliding commitment and its resistance to postulating
unheard-of heights of conceptual laxity: question-begging, fallacies and non-sequiturs scales of value render it ineffectual at best and reactionary at worst."
reign unimpeded. For instance, in their Nietzchean epistemology, the post-structuralists
eagerly uphold the idea that there are no thoroughly neutral independent facts, all AKH0425 WE SHOULD BOTH DECONSTRUCT AND POLITICALLY ACT
observations being already theory-laden and thus bound to a prior interpretation of reality. Richard Bernstein, Professor of Philosophy, New School for Social Research, WORKING
But the same thinkers seem keen to conclude, from the premiss that one needs a theory THROUGH DERRIDA, Gary Madison, ed., 1993, p.218
whenever one knows a fact, that facts are actually created by our theories. However, it does Derrida declares "all of our political codes and terminologies still remain fundamentally
not in the least follow that because our knowledge of the world presupposes interests and metaphysical, regardless of whether they originate from the right or the left." But this still
values the world itself is therefore but a product or a projection of those values and leaves open the question whether it is even possible to imagine a "political code" that is
interests. not metaphysical--at least in the "objectionable" sense of metaphysical. Derrida himself
is not clear whether this is possible. When asked again whether he thinks this implies
AKH0419 POST-STRUCTURALISTS SKEPTICISM IS SELF-CONTRADICTORY inaction and noncommitment, he answers: Not at all. But the difficulty is to gesture in
Frederick Crews, U Cal-Berkeley English prof, SKEPTICAL ENGAGEMENTS, 1986, opposite directions at the same time: on the one hand to preserve a distance and suspicion
p.xvii-xvii. with regard to the official political codes governing reality; on the other, to intervene here
Moreover, as E. D. Hirsch, Jr. (1967, 1976) and others have explained, the vanguard and now in a practical and engaged manner, whenever the necessity arises. This position
position of cognitive nihilism can only be managed through a logical trick, one that Gerald of dual allegiance, in which I personally find myself, is one of perpetual uneasiness. I try
Graff has named the "Postructuralist Two-Step." In step one, the theorist asserts a total where I can to act politically while recognizing that such action remains incommensurate
undecidability between propositions, and anyone who doubts his claim is accused of being with my intellectual project of deconstruction.
stuck in the outmoded Cartesian dualism of subject and object, whereby the facts of the
world are innocently thought to lie "out there." But since the theorist is himself a subject AKH0426 DECONSTRUCTION FAILS TO OFFER ALTERNATIVE IDEAS
making a claim that he wants to be deemed objectively true, he must take a discreet hop John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST
toward the cognitive center. In step two, then, he implies that for himself alone the truth DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.41-2.
is accessible after all, thanks merely to his watchfulness against the biases he finds in Perhaps the greatest general weakness of the deconstructive pattern of thinking is visible
others. here--the tendency to place greatest emphasis on "putting in question" a given view,
instead of moving on to search for a more viable idea representing a new and higher level
Frederick Crews, U Cal-Berkeley English prof, SKEPTICAL ENGAGEMENTS, 1986,
Of course the direct intellectual inspiration for most theoriticism has come from such J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.240
French thinkers as Levi-Strauss, Barthes, Lacan, Althusser, Foucault, and Derrida, The kind of theory represented by Derrideanism must be treated less as philosophy stricto
representing various currents of structuralism and poststructuralism. Anglo-American sensu than as a new style of free-wheeling, essayistic cultural criticism with an apocalyptic
academics, who seem only dimly aware that structuralism became vieux jeu in Paris spirit. Its content is not a set of arguments but an axiom of debunking--the indictment of
shortly after they discovered it around 1966, continue to draw liberally on both structuralist modern culture; and its method consists in pinpointing crises in the latter's main
and poststructuralist authorities. In doing so they have absorbed a dogmatism of assumptions about truth and knowledge. Modern culture is deemed to be in crisis because
intellectual style that is plainly apparent in their sources. For, while the gurus of its mental set is `shown' to be fallacious; Kulturkritik presupposes a Kulturkrisis. However,
theoreticism differ sharply among themselves, in another sense they are much alike: all of what if one turns the table against it? What if the crisis, too, has no referent? For it may
them neglect or openly dismiss the principle of intersubjective skepticism, the core of any well be that behind the cultural void and trash alleged by advanced nihilist thought there
empirical commitment. is nothing to be apprehended. The crisis, then, would be less an object than a product of
countercultural thought.
Christopher Lasch, Professor of History, University of Rochester, THE REVOLT OF THE ACCEPTED VIEWS
ELITES, 1995, p.14 John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST
The trouble is academia, however, derives not from the absence of secure foundations but DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.81
from the belief (shared, it must be repeated, by both parties to this debate( that in their Paradoxically, it would seem that deconstruction is a victim of the restrictive binary logic
absence the only possible outcome is a skepticism so deep that it becomes that it likes to denigrate: it thinks in terms of subverting and undermining traditional views,
indistinguishable from nihilism. That this is not, in fact, the only possible outcome would but that excludes the really progressive possibility of just departing from those views, their
have been abundantly clear to Dewey, and the revival of pragmatism as an object of emphases, and their terms. It is surely that kind of departure that provides real progress.
historical and philosophical study--one of the few bright spots in an otherwise dismal
picture--holds out some hope of a way out of the academic impasse. AKH0429 DERRIDEAN PHILOSOPHY IS ESSENTIALLY IRRATIONALIST
J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.226
AKH0422 DECONSTRUCTION IS NIHILISTIC Once removed from this original `theological' and mystical framework, the Derridian
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and ontology of absence makes for an irrationalist philosophy, as well the case with Heidegger.
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.85 Hence its blatant non-sequiturs.
Notes Vincent Pecora, a literary critic of emphatic left-wing sympathies but scornful of
deconstruction and its political consequences: "To many of Derrida's critics, the
deconstructive rejection of humanism and the Enlightenment has seemed mere nihilism.
But it is precisely this anti-`Western' stance that has been the key, I think, to the influence
Derrida's work has had on a broad spectrum of the academic left."
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 37
MYSTICISM J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.227
J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.223-4 Derrida, who has no discernible positive programme, harnesses the ontology of absence
Derrida's grammatology employs Saussurean concepts such as `difference' and `signifier' to a quite different task. His leitmotiv is not the appeal to an uncanny salvation but the
to convey Heideggerian tenets. Thus Saussure's `difference', which in the Course in relentless undermining of the western code of values. Hence the paradoxically parasitical
General Linguistics humbly denotes the diacritical nature of linguistics signs, was status of deconstruction: it feeds on the text of tradition, from Plato and Rousseau to Freud,
converted into a portent of ever-delayed meaning based on a pun on difference (differance, Husserl and Saussure. Yet it has no theory other than the systematic reversal of western
a mix of differing and deferring): a modest scientific conceptual tool became burdened thought--`a complete overturning of cultural domination'. Deconstruction is Kulturkritik
with an unexpected metaphysical load, quite alien to the original empirical analysis of in the form of corrosive commentary; it is the art of lethal paraphrase.
semiotic phenomena. These metaphysical conceits turn deconstruction into a kind of blank
mysticism. Difference theory beckons to a nowhere, a desert of being that is deemed to AKH0438 HABERMAS SEES DERRIDA AS PURELY NEGATIVE
supersede all reality. To Mikel Dufrenne, it all comes down to an ontology of the void that David Couzens Hoy, Professor of philosophy, University of California-Santa Cruz,
recalls Plotinus: `Because there is nothing in the One, all things derive from it; (for) in WORKING THROUGH DERRIDA, Gary Madison, ed., 1993, p.239
order for being to be, the One cannot be being, but the breeder of being' (Enneads, v, 2, I). More strongly than Foucault, Habermas accuses Derrida of being like Heidegger in
maintaining that politics and history are merely ontic, everyday matters that can be ignored
AKH0431 DECONSTRUCTION IS INTELLECTUAL ANARCHISM in favor of the more important ontological investigations. Unlike Heidegger, however,
J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.236 Habermas thinks that Derrida's practice is subversive and anarchistic, with no redeeming
Deconstruction, on the other hand, seems content to undo meaning instead of trying to theory but simply a desire to blow up and trash tradition and continuity.
make knowledge. Its theory of the text is not only anti-empiricist but downright anti-
empirical. At heart, it relishes the starkest intellectual anarchism. Feyerabend abolished AKH0439 DERRIDA NEGLECTS ETHICAL CHOICE
only the hierarchy of contending scientific theories. Derrida goes far beyond this: he wants Diane Michelfelder and Richard Palmer, MacMurray College, DIALOGUE AND
to suppress order among meanings, not just among theories. Feyerabend and his like, the DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.5
anarchists of epistemology, remain logocentric squares: anarchy must free signification, In Derrida, Dallmayr welcomes a more thoroughgoing critique of subjectivism. He is
not just knowledge. bothered, though, by the consequences of Derrida's emphasis on difference and
undecidability: his inclination to avoid the risks of dialogue, to "circumvent and elude"
AKH0432 DECONSTRUCTION IS BASED ON INTELLECTUAL FAKERY interaction with other points of view, and also his indifference to ethics, his "neglect" of
John Searle, Professor of Philosophy, University of California-Berkeley, WORKING the dimension of human activity in which judgment and decision-making are essential.
THROUGH DERRIDA, 1993, p.188
There is deconstructive writing. What becomes even more surprising is that the authors AKH0440 DECONSTRUCTION IS CRITICAL TERRORISM
seem to think it is all right to engage in these practices, because they hold a theory to the HUDSON REVIEW, Autumn, 1991, p.487.
effect that pretensions to objective truth and rationality in science, philosophy, and Deconstruction has indeed become a form of "critical terrorism" (to use a phrase from
common sense can be deconstructed as logocentric subterfuges. To put it crudely, they Foucault) built upon the priestly resentments of extraordinarily intelligent intellectuals who
think that since everything is phony anyway, the phoniness of deconstruction is somehow profess to loathe bourgeois success but who are crazed with a desire for the very power and
acceptable, indeed commendable, since it lies right on the surface ready for further fame they find so vulgar in people like Donald Trump and Lee Iacocca. Since Trump and
deconstruction. Thus, the general weaknesses of the deconstructive enterprise become self- Iacocca have no interest in the involutions of academic cerebration, avant-garde literary
justifying. With such an approach I am indeed not sympathetic. theorists are forced to antagonize their own more conventional colleagues instead, who at
least may be capable of appreciating their insults. An apotheosis of epater le bourgeois is
AKH0433 DERRIDA'S STYLE RELIES ON TERRORISTIC OBSCURITY accomplished by demonstrating that the apparent meaning of whatever we read, hear, and
John Searle, Professor of Philosophy, University of California-Berkeley, WORKING think is little more than an effect of our own subversion by sign-systems whose operations
THROUGH DERRIDA, 1993, p.178-9 we are unaware of. This leaves just about everyone in the position of dupes, except for the
Michel Foucault once characterized Derrida's prose style to me as "obscurantisme people who are telling us we are dupes.
terroriste." The text is written so obscurely that you can't figure out exactly what the thesis
is (hence "obscurantisme") and then when one criticizes it, the author says, "Vous m'avez AKH0441 DERRIDA IS AN INTELLECTUAL NIHILIST
mal compris; vous etes idiot" (hence "terroriste"). Frederick Crews, U Cal-Berkeley English prof, SKEPTICAL ENGAGEMENTS, 1986,
AKH0434 DERRIDA'S PHILOSOPHY IS MERELY A RHETORICAL RESTATEMENT Derrida's judgment that "there is nothing outside the text" (Derrida 1976, 158)
OF HEIDEGGER automatically precludes recourse to evidence. Hence he has no way of arriving at more
J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.218 fruitful ideas than the inherited ones he has doomed himself to deconstruct ad infinitum
Trained philosophers such as Searle usually protest when they read literary critics like and thus to retain in a limbo of combined attention and nonassertion. His contentment with
Culler who, in their enthusing over Derrida, overlook the importance to him of Husserl or that annotative role marks him as an intellectual nihilist, though a learned and exuberant
Heidegger. Few realize--as did Luc Ferry and Alain Renaut--that Derrida's originality is one.
at bottom merely rhetorical, an enterprise of relentless symbolization of Heidegger's theme
of the `ontological difference'. AKH0442 DECONSTRUCTION ONLY PRODUCES THE ILLUSION OF
AKH0435 HEIDEGGER'S NAZISM ALSO IMPUGNS DERRIDA John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.144
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.76-7 These, then, are the essentials of the deconstructive logic: a logic not well adapted to
At about the same time, new facts came to light concerning the enthusiasms of the productive, original thinking, but rather to creating its illusion. This analysis is both
influential philosopher Martin Heidegger for Nazi doctrine, enthusiasms that now appear confirmed by and explains the sometimes baffling behavior of deconstructionists when
to have been heartfelt, and that let Heidegger, as rector of his university during the thirties, they are under attack. Anyone who has engaged in an exchange on deconstruction will
to perpetrate unforgivable acts of repression. Since Derrida had always claimed derivation have noticed that the defense takes very standard forms. The defensive moves correspond
of his thought from Heidegger, his own credibility as a liberatory thinker came under exactly to the essentials of deconstructive logic.
J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.237 John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST
As for Derrida, his own addendum--quickly imparted to all his school--was not a direct DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.142
statement of pessimism, for any direct statement is against the first law of deconstruction: But there is a second and even more important means that deconstruction employs to
perpetual equivocation. His way of unnerving the original Nietzschean temper used not maintain a semblance of viability: the issues are generally cast in new and strange
despair but radicalized unbelief. Yet in the end the result is pretty much the same as in terminology so that familiar positions may not seem so familiar and otherwise obviously
Adorno or Foucault: a Kulturkritik conspicuously lacking positive horizons, constructive relevant scholarship may not seem so obviously relevant. The attack on the reference
alternatives, in a word--historical optimism, however prudently qualified. So one might say theory of meaning is translated into an attack on the "metaphysics of presence," though
that whilst Nietzsche was a tragic but not a pessimist thinker, Derrida is a non-tragic yet both are essentially the same rather naive view of the relation of words and things; but the
a (crypto-) pessimist one. The name of the difference is, of course, Nietzsche's old foe: new terms make the issue seem different and help to conceal the otherwise embarrassing
decadent nihilism. And that is what makes deconstruction, the unscience of the decadent fact that Derrida, in mounting this attack, does not come to terms with the large body of
humanities, so dismal in performance. writing that has already performed this task. To reject the reference theory might seem too
obviously commonplace; to attack "the metaphysics of presence" is to attack at least a new
set of words, if not ideas.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 38
John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST SOLVING
DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.134 David Couzens Hoy, Professor of philosophy, University of California-Santa Cruz,
Imagination and creativity are vital aspects of all thought, in science just as in philosophy WORKING THROUGH DERRIDA, Gary Madison, ed., 1993, p.243-4
and criticism. Deconstruction is not wrong to say that the critic is creative; where it is Habermas thinks that Derrida does not see that philosophy can recognize the problem-
disastrously wrong, however, is in its assumption that creativity means freedom from solving capacity of theory, and that as a result Derrida falls back into an older conception
constraints or from standards of judgment operating on its results. Creativity is not simply of philosophical theory as world-disclosing. He sees Derrida as holistically trying to get
achieved by letting the mind wander with complete freedom into thoughts never previously a global picture of how everything hangs together with everything else, and thus sharing
recorded; in any sphere of activity, we judge someone to have been creative only if he in Heidegger's preference for the ontological over the ontic, philosophy over science,
produces an idea that is both original and valuable. A new idea in a business concern that speculative and poetic over the empirical and practical, world-disclosure over problem-
results in a highly successful new venture is called creative; one that results in bankruptcy solving.
is called a piece of folly.
John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST David Couzens Hoy, Professor of philosophy, University of California-Santa Cruz,
DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.9 WORKING THROUGH DERRIDA, Gary Madison, ed., 1993, p.246
When, for example, it is claimed that Derrida must be judged and evaluated by different Habermas and Foucault both allege that Derrida has not paid enough attention to the social
logical standards, standards uniquely appropriate to him, there is explanation of just what practices that surround textuality. I would express their worry as follows. The practice of
those standards are and how they are to be justified; without some kind of explanation, this deconstruction appears to be subversive. But in reality it offers nothing to replace that
claim cannot be granted. If it were allowed to stand, no debate on or evaluation of differing which it destroys, and it suggests that nothing could serve as a replacement that could not
viewpoints would be possible; theory would degenerate into a series of solipsistic be deconstructed and subvened in turn. At the same time, the deconstructionist's admission
monologues without any points of contact between them. that we cannot think in any other terms than those metaphysically-laden ones being
deconstructed, that we cannot get beyond metaphysics, seems to leave thought in the same
AKH0446 DECONSTRUCTION DESTROYS ARGUMENTATIVE RIGOR situation, and not to change anything. So deconstruction is not even subversion, since
J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.218 subversion implies a desire to change, and deconstruction demurs from thinking about how
For deconstruction is acclaimed in philosophically unskilled quarters precisely because it things could be different, let alone better.
got rid of argumentative rigour while providing the pathos of an apocalyptic
Weltanschauung. The first thing liberated by the Liberation of the Signifier movement is AKH0452 HABERMAS SEES DERRIDA AS REJECTING CONSTRUCTIVE
the right to wild philosophizing--an outcome blessed frivolously by Derrida's own POLITICAL ENGAGEMENT
destruction of the difference between logos and mythos, best expressed in his famous plea David Couzens Hoy, Professor of philosophy, University of California-Santa Cruz,
for `white mythologies'. WORKING THROUGH DERRIDA, Gary Madison, ed., 1993, p.246
Habermas believes that Derrida is like Heidegger in preferring the realm of pure
AKH0447 THE DECONSTRUCTIONIST REJECTION OF REASON STOPS ALL philosophy to that of politics, except that unlike Heidegger's fascistic allegiance to
DEBATE authority, Derrida's stance is anarchistic.
John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST
The inevitable result of this generalized resistance to any change in or analysis of terms, LIMITS HIS POLITICAL VALUE
as opposed to a showing that a particular change involves particular losses in meaning, Richard Bernstein, Professor of Philosophy, New School for Social Research, WORKING
with particular arguments addressed to those changes, can only be a rejection of reason THROUGH DERRIDA, Gary Madison, ed., 1993, p.228-9
itself; Mas'd Zavarzadeh takes just that position in his review of Culler's The Pursuit of When Derrida examines questions of justice, law, violence he does not primarily deal with
Signs. But this is a very serious step indeed, one that must, if taken seriously, stop the specific institutional practices, but with the texts, specifically the writings of those who
whole argument dead. It implies that there can be no discussion of deconstruction at all and have addressed these issues--Aristotle, Kant, Hegel, Kafka, Benjamin, Levinas, etc. I do
no possibility of arguing for or against a particular viewpoint, deconstruction or any other, not want to denigrate this way--this methodus. His analyses are extraordinarily perceptive
and thus no exposition, examination, or evaluation of any views or arguments. and rich in their consequences. But surely--as Derrida himself acknowledges--they need
to be supplemented by the theoretical and empirical study of societal institutions and
AKH0448 DECONSTRUCTION UNDERMINES PROGRESSIVE POLITICAL practices. But this is not what Derrida does. There is nothing in Derrida's writings that
CHANGE seeks to rule out the importance of critical theoretical and empirical research into the
Margaret Radin and Frank Michelman, Professors of Law, Stanford and Harvard, structural dynamics of society and politics. On the contrary, such an endeavor is what his
UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA LAW REVIEW, 1991, p.1055 own questioning of boundary-fixing demands. nevertheless, his neglect of dealing more
Such implications risk not only communicative misunderstanding, but dissipation of directly and explicitly with political and societal institutions in their historical complexity
reformist political will. A conception of politics in which it is intelligible for politics to be does have the consequence of making his own understanding of society and politics sound
"progressive," to aspire to creation of communities that empower human beings, is hard rather "thin."
to couple with a conception of politics that cannot make sense of a commitment to work
toward a vision of a better future. To sustain political motivation, better reason must exist AKH0454 DECONSTRUCTION FAILS TO OFFER A MEANINGFUL GUIDE TO
to dislodge the status quo than the mere fact that it is the status quo. That better reason can POLITICAL ACTION
only be our vision of a better future; yet no vision can motivate if it always arrives already Richard Bernstein, Professor of Philosophy, New School for Social Research, WORKING
(atemporally, foundationally, irreparably, terminally) deconstructed. THROUGH DERRIDA, Gary Madison, ed., 1993, p.227
It is an important virtue to be vigilant--as Derrida is--about the ways in which any general
AKH0449 DECONSTRUCTION CAN'T ENLIGHTEN POLITICAL ACTION social and political theory or code can go awry, how it can deconstruct itself. But it is just
Andrew Cutrofello, St. Mary's College, SOCIAL THEORY AND PRACTICE, Spring as important and necessary to seek, in a fallibilistic spirit, for a general understanding and
1993, p.100 explanation of the institutional dynamics of politics and society. Otherwise the specific
How can we translate the lessons of deconstruction into concrete political action? Any ways in which we intervene "here and now" can lack any orientation. Derrida's claims
such translation must occur by way of language, White seems to think; unless about a "democracy to come" are powerfully evocative. He warns us against identifying
deconstruction gives us a new vocabulary it is useless as a guide to action. The problem, this "democracy to come" with any of its present institutional forms. Like Habermas, he
though, is that deconstructive politics claim that the adoption of any fixed vocabulary will would insist that it is not the task of the philosopher or theorist--as some sort of "master"
involve the construction of a marginalized Other. Yet if we opt for perpetual intellectual--to lay out blueprints for such a democracy. This can and should be decided
deconstruction, we will never rise to the level of the political. Again voicing the typical by participants. But still it is fair to ask for some determinate content. we want some
complaint, White contends that Derrida can recommend nothing other than a "perpetual understanding of what kinds of institutions and practices should be developed for "a
withholding operation," a strategy which never quite rises to the level of the political democracy to come." Or even more minimally, we want some orientation about what
because it is forever problematizing political categories. "It can be interpreted as a strategy changes "here and now" are needed in our present institutional structures. Derrida, thus far,
for avoiding certain sorts of questions that anyone concerned with politics and political has very little to say about any of this. Consequently there is a danger that, for all the
reflection must fact." evocative power of the very idea of a "democracy to come," the idea of such a democracy
can become an impotent, vague abstraction.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 39
Cornel West, Professor of Religion, Harvard, THE AMERICAN EVASION OF Richard Bernstein, Professor of Philosophy, New School for Social Research, WORKING
PHILOSOPHY, 1989, p.236 THROUGH DERRIDA, Gary Madison, ed., 1993, p.219
Although both Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault reject the term "postmodernism," their Nevertheless, responsibility, action, and decision "here and now" demand that we at least
philosophies are widely viewed as major examples of postmodern thought. As with their temporarily suspend constant questioning. (Otherwise we would slip into inaction and
fellow Frenchman Lyotard, Eurocentric frameworks and modernist loyalties loom large noncommitment which are also modes action and commitment.) This is his point about
in the work of Derrida and Foucault. Derrida's deconstructionist version of gesturing "in opposite directions." We cannot escape from the responsibilities and
poststructuralism accents the transgressive and disruptive aspects of Nietzsche and obligations that are thrust upon us--thrust upon us by the other. Given our radical
Heidegger, Mallarme and Artaud. As an Algerian Jew in a French Catholic (and anti- contingency we can never know or control when we are called upon to respond. We must
Semitic) society, Derrida attacks the major philosophic traditions of the West in the form always be prepared to confront new unpredictable responsibilities. So when Derrida speaks
of fascinating though ultimately monotonous deconstructions. This version of relentless of his "perpetual uneasiness" he is not merely expressing an idiosyncratic subjective state
skepticism toward logical consistency and theoretical coherence, which refuses to entertain of mind but rather expressing a condition of undecidability which--to speak in a non-
or encourage novel reconstructions, may be symptomatic of the relative political impotence Derridean manner--is built into "the human condition."
of marginal peoples, their inability to creatively transform and build on the ambiguous
AKH0456 DECONSTRUCTION CAN'T PRODUCE SOCIAL REFORM Richard Bernstein, Professor of Philosophy, New School for Social Research, WORKING
Frederick Crews, U Cal-Berkeley English prof, SKEPTICAL ENGAGEMENTS, 1986, THROUGH DERRIDA, Gary Madison, ed., 1993, p.219-20
p.118. Derrida has an acute sense that, at least since the "rupture" we call Nietzsche, we can no
Taken at face value as efforts to found a new social order, the critical maneuvers of the longer be content with self-satisfied appeals to moral and political foundations, first
more politically minded deconstructionists would appear to border on the delusional. They principles and archai. We are compelled to question these. But he is equally acute in his
fail the first test of any revolutionary utterance, that it be understandable to people outside realization that such a questioning doesn't "solve" anything. We cannot assume a
the revolutionary's immediate circle; and there is something distinctly odd about attacking permanent frozen stance of an-arche. For this is another fixed metaphysical position. We
a system of oppression by altering the rules of its literary criticism. But of course we cannot escape responsibility, decision, and choice. They are thrust upon us by the other.
needn't take these efforts at face value. They are made by people who, to a significant Furthermore, we cannot simply dismiss or ignore those ethical and political principles that
extent, are members in good standing of the academic establishment from which they claim are constitutive of our traditions. The problem--and it is a problem for which there cannot
to be freeing us. And in at least three respects, the benefits they seek are conferred, not be any final or permanent "solution"--is how to live this perpetual uneasiness in a way in
upon the huddled masses, but upon themselves, at the expense of others. which we "gesture in opposite directions at the same time," where we keep alive the
distance of questioning and are prepared to act decisively "here and now"--where we do
AKH0457 DECONSTRUCTION UNDERMINES REFORM not hide in bad faith from the double-blinds that we always confront.
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.82 AKH0463 DECONSTRUCTION FAILS TO SUGGEST INTERESTING
Deconstructionism in its pure form would seem to be an unlikely candidate for such ALTERNATIVES
popularity. It is a uniquely disenchanted and crepuscular philosophy, carrying the reek of John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST
a decadent mandarinate that has seen everything once too often. To toy with ideas in such DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.80-1
an idle and self-vitiating fashion would seem to confess a lack of interest in bringing about The focus of any genuinely new piece of criticism or interpretation must be on the creative
salutary change in human affairs. act of finding the new, but deconstruction puts the matter the other way around: its
emphasis is on debunking the old. But aside from the fact that this program is inherently
AKH0458 DECONSTRUCTION REINFORCES CONSERVATISM uninteresting, it is, in fact, not at all clear that it is possible; for as Charles Saunders Pierce
John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST argued against Descartes's recommendation that we should doubt all that we know, doubt
DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.89 can only really arise from specific causes and anxieties, not from the contemplation of the
In general, any wild and incoherent attack on conservatism always tends to strengthen it present state of knowledge taken only by itself. To find a better, more complex
and to give it added legitimacy. Instead of slowly changing and relaxing with the passage interpretation needs skill, imagination, and thought: it is not at all easy, and the direction
of time, it is suddenly given new life as the legitimate alternative to the current excesses. in which one must go is not at all obvious. But to recognize this is to see both what the
But in the case of deconstruction, there are added reasons to believe that it promotes rather appeal of deconstruction is and why it is fruitless: deconstruction makes the next step easy
than erodes conservatism. For, as we have seen, when deconstruction puts such heavy but trivial. One looks mechanically in the opposite direction. Deconstruction's strategy
emphasis on the undermining of the traditional view, it is giving that view a privileged seems focused but is really random.
status, a permanent existence at stage center where it is to stay while being deconstructed.
The real way forward from a conservative viewpoint that needs revision is to go on from AKH0464 DECONSTRUCTION LEADS TO INFINITE REGRESS
it--to find something better, and that something will not just oppose the older view but Russell Jacoby, University of California, San Diego, THE LAST INTELLECTUALS,
replace it. Finding something better is a genuinely progressive move; running rings around 1987, p.172-3
a dying idea is neither original nor productive. Deconstruction and conservatism are in a This new Marxism converges with, indeed partly promotes, a "poststructuralism" that
kind of symbiosis in which the two feed on each other; and thus ideas that deserve to die concentrates on texts, signs, and signifiers as the stuff of interpretation. Insofar as this
will not be allowed to do so. method, inspired by Jacques Derrida and Roland Barthes, posits, "there is nothing outside
the text" and "interpretation of any signifying chain is necessarily only another chain of
AKH0459 DECONSTRUCTION WOULD FAVOR REACTIONARY IDEAS IF THEY signs," it both surrenders attention to a social or material context--or fails to appreciate its
BECAME MARGINALIZED import--and encourages endless spirals of commentary.
John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST
But feminists and Marxists are very mistaken to see support for their position in J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.222
deconstruction's rhetoric. For they are surely attempting to identify particular omissions However, if deconstruction, a necessarily immanent method, `falls prey to its own work'
from the center and making specific proposals to change the consensus, which is as it by continuously inverting, subverting signifieds, then it only destabilizes logocentric
should be. But given such aims, deconstruction's generalized strategy is a very dangerous readings through a cascade of reinterpretations `en abime'. No meaning escapes the hidden
thing; if, as a result of feminist and left-wing efforts, male chauvinist and fascist voices spell of its contrary, so that the end result of text-deciphering can but be aporetic (from the
become marginalized, will that very fact make them suddenly intellectually respectable Greek apria, puzzle)--a raising of problems without offering any stable solutions.
again? Surely that would be an unacceptable development, but it is the conclusion to which Deconstruction has turned infinite regression from a philosophical vice into an interpretive
we are committed by deconstruction's essentially random theory of the vitality and virtue; in practice, it operates as the euphoria of aporia. It is this abyss-effect, the ultimate
importance of that which has been marginalized. bottomlessness of its readings, that appears to turn deconstruction into a paroxysm of over-
interpretation. Interpretation forever on the move is not a bad description of the art of
AKH0460 DECONSTRUCTIONIST DENIAL OF STANDARDS OF EVIDENCE deconstruction (in fact, Derrida's translator, Gayatri Spivak, insists on this ever-dynamic
ENTRENCHES ELITES character in her introduction to Of Grammatology).
Frederick Crews, U Cal-Berkeley, English prof, SKEPTICAL ENGAGEMENTS, 1986,
In the first place, the deconstructionist denial that there are standards of evidence by which
one critical judgment might be found more adequate than another effectively turns
criticism into a mystery exclusively controlled by its high priests. To be sure, such
exclusivism has always thrived in the academic world. It has been moderated, however,
by a shared willingness to acknowledge that young critic A has said something new and
important about Shakespeare or that young critic B has forced us to revise our
understanding of The Red Badge of Courage.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 40
J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.242 J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.236
Michel Foucault, in his polemic with Derrida (for example his afterword to the second Yet when all is said and done, the general result belies the exaggerated claims of the whole
edition of Histoire de la Folie) singled out the `pedagogic authoritarianism' of the current of thought. For all its official Nietzschean alacrity, deconstruction invariably
deconstructors as a model of `obscurantist terrorism' built on Derrida's resoundingly sounds pretty dull: a vastly repetitive and overpredictable strategy, a tiresome
dogmatic dictum, `there is nothing outside the text'. Foucault was right in attacking the `demonstration' that everybody always says the very opposite of what they mean. In its
navel-gazing of the ideologues of the text, still more so in denouncing the snooty obsessive reductionism, deconstruction turns out to be a rather melancholy business--the
abstruseness of most deconstructionists. dismal unscience of our time.

Margaret Radin and Frank Michelman, Professors of Law, Stanford and Harvard, PRODUCES INTELLECTUAL CHAOS
UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA LAW REVIEW, 1991, p.1054 John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST
Another sort of incompletion to which poststructuralist practice is liable ends in skeptical DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.94
loss of valuational focus or political direction. Deconstruction as an "edifying" discourse Focusing on what is central or essential for a given task or inquiry does not involve a
has been used in the service of emancipatory social change. For example, when it is shown choice between one set of things and another but instead of choice of a small number of
that the feminine, as a dangerous supplement to the masculine, cannot be held outside, but things from a forbiddingly large number--in fact, a universe of possibilities.
is always already inside the masculine, then this, the poststructuralist critic reasonably Deconstructionists write as if to subvert this distinction would be to transfer attention from
hopes, will help us stop privileging the masculine. but there is nothing that could make one idea to another; but, in reality, to subvert the distinction between essential and
deconstruction "by its nature" progressive. Anything can be privileged, and anything can inessential would have considerably more serious consequences. This distinction is one
be deconstructed. Some of the conceptions we privilege may be good (in their places) and that allows us to focus our minds instead of letting them wander aimlessly. Without it we
some may be bad, but this is not something deconstruction can tell us; from inside the should, in fact, be completely disabled and unable to function intellectually. Without the
deconstructive perspective, characterizations of one conception or another as "good" or ability to discern differing degrees of importance and relevance in the potentially infinite
"bad" are not coherently understandable except as more fodder for deconstruction. variety of things around us, we should be completely lost in a meaningless world.
Deconstruction can open the way to new understandings and hence social change, but it
cannot help to guide the direction of change or say whether change (however guided) will AKH0474 DECONSTRUCTION IGNORES RECENT THOUGHT IN ORDER TO
be for the "better" or "worse." Each new understanding can be deconstructed with the very ATTACK STRAW MEN
same vigor as the one it replaces. John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST
AKH0468 DECONSTRUCTION DECONSTRUCTS ITSELF Deconstructionist thinking shifts the context we begin with, away from the most
John Searle, Professor of Philosophy, University of California-Berkeley, WORKING sophisticated thought achieved to date, on to unsophisticated, simple notions. This involves
THROUGH DERRIDA, 1993, p.181 considerable loss. When dealing with meaning, for example, the deconstructive approach
One sometimes gets the impression that deconstruction is a kind of game that anyone can is to focus immediately upon the simple belief that words refer directly to things;
play. One could, for example, invent a deconstruction of deconstructionism as follows: In deconstructionists develop their argument by stressing the naivete of that view, in so doing
the hierarchical opposition, deconstruction/logocentrism (phono-phallo-logocentrism), the avoiding the advanced, subtle work of many decades that has made this view hardly worth
privileged term "deconstruction" is in fact subordinate to the devalued term bothering with any more in any reasonably sophisticated context. Or when discussing the
"logocentrism," for, in order to establish the hierarchical superiority of deconstruction, the issue of certainty in knowledge, deconstruction tends to begin with the naive belief in
deconstructionist is forced to attempt to represent its superiority, its axiological primacy, clear, certain knowledge rather than the work in philosophy of science that abandoned that
by argument and persuasion, by appealing the logocentric values he tries to devalue. But idea long ago.
his efforts to do this are doomed to failure because of the internal inconsistency in the
concept of deconstructionism itself, because of its very self-referential dependence on the AKH0475 DECONSTRUCTION SIMPLY REPLACES PRIMITIVE IDEAS WITH
authority of a prior logic. By an aporetical Aufhebung, deconstruction deconstructs itself. MORE PRIMITIVE ONES
John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST
FAILS The emotional weight of deconstructionist writings leans heavily to positions that reverse
J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.221 and stand on their head the naive beliefs from which the argument begins, regardless of the
But the moral of the exercise is clear: the remedy for bad history is more, and better, claims for a "neither/nor and either/or" logic. From our point of view, however, it scarcely
history--a far cry from wholesale distrust, let along ditching, of the `historical approach', matters whether one takes the position of those deconstructionists who insist that logic is
on the reckless a priori assumption that all historical narratives are equally unwarranted always controlling, and never forgotten, or those who simply embrace and advocate ideas
because they can be questioned. This piece of Derrideanism, like so many others, amounts such as free play and textuality; the logical objections to either one of these two positions
to little more than a sweeping rhetoric of cavalier scepticism. The `historical approach' are much the same, and they are decisive. Primitive ideas reversed produce more primitive
cannot be dispatched in one page of unargued assertion in a cursory interview with the ideas; the jump from one extreme to another is not productive thinking whether one takes
Master of Deconstruction, let alone by epigonic pot-shots from his literary critical the second to have replaced the first or displaced it. Free play is an incoherent notion
disciples. So long as history refuses to be swallowed by `textuality', the odds are against whether one takes it by itself or as a package together with the equally incoherent notion
our dispensing with the historical approach. that was there before it.

John Searle, Professor of Philosophy, University of California-Berkeley, WORKING Margaret Radin and Frank Michelman, Professors of Law, Stanford and Harvard,
Derrida's eccentric reading of the history of Western philosophy, a reading according to If a strength of deconstruction is to disabuse us of rigid dichotomies, a corresponding
which philosophers are supposed to be roundly condemning writing, while privileging danger is to see (construct) rigid dichotomies in places where our discourse is saliently
spoken language, is not grounded on an actual reading of the texts of the leading figures more complex, more "continuum-ized." Deconstruction itself maps structure onto the
in the philosophical tradition. Derrida only discusses three major figures in any detail: thought it deconstructs, rendering that thought into a bimodal categorical form. It is good
Plato, Rousseau, and Husserl. Rather it seems motivated by his conviction that everything to put bimodal categories to the test where these exist in our discourse, but deconstruction
in logocentrism hinges on this issue. If he can treat the features of a suitably redefined may be less useful if applied where usage is already less bimodal. In some cases, in other
notion of writing as definitive of truth, reality, etc.--then he thinks he can deconstruct these words, deconstruction may obscure rather than clarify our situation vis-a-vis our own
notions. discourse.

J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.219 J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.221
In plain english, this means that deconstruction, for all its stress on the text, cares nothing The roots of Derrida's mystique of the text lie in his pansemioticism--in which reality is
for the textual context. Instead texts become mere pretexts for daring speculations based engulfed by the sign. From the assumption, which he has never bothered to prove, that
on rickety etymologies--a spurious habit introduced into continental philosophy by every `embodied' meaning leads directly to what Of Grammatology spurns as the
Heidegger (but then, even the term `deconstruction' is itself a refraction of the `transcendental signified', Derrida infers, in that same seminal book, that `from the moment
Heideggerian `destruction' of metaphysics). there is meaning there are nothing but signs'. Texts, of course, are clusters of signs. It
follows that `there is nothing outside the text'--the saying that so infuriated Foucault.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 41
David Couzens Hoy, Professor of Philosophy, University of California-Santa Cruz, John Searle, Professor of Philosophy, University of California-Berkeley, WORKING
That he rejects epistemological relativism is especially apparent from his attack on What are the results of deconstruction supposed to be? Characteristically the
Derrida's reading of Plato. Foucault believes that the method of textual deconstruction tries deconstructionist does not attempt to prove or refute, to establish or confirm, and he is
incorrectly and unsuccessfully to bracket all questions about the truth claims of texts. He certainly not seeking the truth. On the contrary, this whole family of concepts is part of the
does not hesitate to claim that there are truths about how people do understand themselves logocentrism he wants to overcome; rather he seeks to undermine, or call in question, or
and what sort of life they esteem. overcome, or breech, or disclose complicities. And the target is not just a set of
philosophical and literary texts, but the Western conception of rationality and the set of
AKH0479 DERRIDA REJECTS OBJECTIVE REALITY presuppositions that underlie our conceptions of language, science, and common sense,
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and such as the distinction between reality and appearance, and between truth and fiction.
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.76
Derrida's deep epistemological pessimism has infected his disciples as much as have his AKH0485 DECONSTRUCTION ISN'T CONCERNED WITH TRUTH
stylistic eccentricities. Deconstructionism holds that truly meaningful utterance is John Searle, Professor of Philosophy, University of California-Berkeley, WORKING
impossible, that language is ultimately impotent, as are the mental operations conditioned THROUGH DERRIDA, 1993, p.187
by linguistic habit. The verbal means by which we seek to represent the world are The single most unplausible claim that Mackey makes is that "the deconstructionist is
incapable, it is said, of doing any such thing. Strings of words, whether on the page or in almost obsessively occupied with truth." If he means to imply that they seek the truth, then
our heads, have at best a shadowy and unstable relation to reality. In fact "reality" is itself a purely textual analysis of the works that I have cited would show that is simply not the
a mere construct, the persistent but illusory remnant of the Western metaphysical tradition. case. Authors who are concerned with discovering the truth are concerned with evidence
There is no reality outside the text, but texts themselves are vertiginously unstable, and reasons, with consistency and inconsistency, with logical consequences, explanatory
inherently self-contradictory and self-canceling. adequacy, verification and testability. But all of this is part of the apparatus of the very
"logo-centricism" that deconstruction seeks to undermine.
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.86 DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.13-4
The role of the skepticism and relativism of the deconstructionists is also clear; if no text During his much-publicized dispute with John Searle, Derrida clearly conceded the point
is "privileged," no narrative tradition closer to ethical, aesthetic, or historical truth than any at issue. Believing that Searle's exposition of his position had been unfair to him, Derrida
other, then there are no grounds for regarding the traditional venues of humanist could not resist saying, at several points in his reply, that Searle had misunderstood him
scholars)high literature and high art)as sacred ground. Thus, it becomes permissible for and misstated his views, even adding at one point that what he, Derrida, had meant should
professors of English to inquire solemnly into what are by tradition (and in fact) trivial have been clear enough and obvious to Searle. This is indeed a very far cry from the claim
matters, and to festoon those inquiries with the abundant neologisms of the postmodern that Derrida's essential position cannot be stated as others can (or that a reader should not
lexicon, giving thereby further assurance that the subject at hand, be it rap music or try to grasp the author's intent!). Derrida thus abandons this position, just as others do,
professional wrestling, has deep implications for theory. when he feels the need to replace a misstatement of his view with an adequate statement
of it. And so the claim that deconstruction is a special case, not to be judged or discussed
AKH0481 DECONSTRUCTION REJECTS REASON, TRUTH AND KNOWLEDGE by rational argument and ordinary logic, is a claim that is neither explicated nor really
J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.235 consistently believed and acted upon by those who make it.
Well before the death of Foucault, deconstruction had already conquered a dominant
position in post-structuralism. Its growing spate of texts, ever fulminating against `Western AKH0487 DERRIDA NEGLECTS PHILOSOPHIC ANALYSIS IN FAVOR OF
logocentrism' in all forms, constitutes a glaring confirmation that the chief commitment of RELIGIOUS PROPHESY
recent French new thought is an onslaught on the critical rationalist ethos of the J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.226
Enlightenment tradition. Critical thinking is victimized by lofty proclamations of Yet the tenor of Derridean philosophy shares with Heidegger's a dangerous proclivity
Kulturkrisis; crisis theory declares war on the rigours of critique. Such is the final towards the bombastic translation of problems of being and knowledge into strident moral
consequence of the surrender of philosophy to the literary ideology forged by High dilemmas. Like the cosmic drama of Being repressed by being in Heidegger, Derrida's
Modernism. Every concern with objective knowledge is thrown overboard: no more of protest against phonocentrism sounds more like lay sermonizing than genuine analytical
truth, reason, evidence or reference)they were just ploys of a repressive civilization . . . argument. These manichaean dichotomies)Being versus being, `writing' versus
Yet nobody bothers to prove the point. phone)betray a religious pattern of thought that leaves Derrida)for all his reticence
regarding eschatology)infinitely closer to the prophet Levinas that to the cool-headed
AKH0482 DERRIDA IS AN IRRATIONALIST NIHILIST practitioners of philosophy as analysis.
J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.238
Foucault and Derrida have not just transmuted the disillusionment of the structuralist AKH0488 HABERMAS THINKS DERRIDA IS A NOSTALGIC MYSTIC
world-view into nihilism)they have also directed nihilism against truth. As a result, the David Couzens Hoy, Professor of philosophy, University of California-Santa Cruz,
countercultural idea is no longer just a romantic vision)it is also an openly irrationalist WORKING THROUGH DERRIDA, Gary Madison, ed., 1993, p.233-4
idiom of thought. But there is a difference. While in Foucault, a post-structuralist without Thus, Habermas's analysis is that Derrida is attempting to break with modernity, and his
a proper structuralist background, irrationalism was a question of Nietzschean premisses desire is to be postmodern. But Derrida is unsuccessful in doing so, and his attempt at
and conclusions that did not affect the style of exposition, in Derrida, it manages to engulf postmodernism is a failure. Derrida's desire to transcend the aspirations of modern reason
his very language. is in reality a frustrated desire for a return to the premodern traditions where reason has not
yet undermined the mystery of hidden religious authority. Since the quarrel is between the
AKH0483 DECONSTRUCTION REJECTS CLEAR, RATIONAL EXPOSITION Enlightenment's faith in reason and the counter-Enlightenment rebellion against reason,
John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST what Habermas is objecting to is the vestige of Jewish mysticism (not because it is Jewish,
DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.10 of course, but because it is mystical to the point of being not only mysterious but also
The assumption here is evidently that rational analysis is inherently an inappropriate and unintelligible.
unfair means of approaching deconstruction. Similarly, Steven Rendall has recently written
that "Culler's measured, systematic and reassuring exposition risks exposing him to the AKH0489 DERRIDA'S THOUGHT IS THEOLOGICAL AND ANTIQUATED
charge that he is contributing to the recuperation and revitalization of deconstruction by J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.224
the American critical establishment. I do not think the charge can be summarily Dufrenne also reminds us that in the history of ancient thought this fascination with
dismissed." And Rendall points to the issue of "distortions" and "simplifications" in nothingness has been interpreted as a clash between Greek intellectualism and eastern
Culler's exposition, not as a specific matter of the particular points Culler has misstated theology. Oriental religions had proposed the idea of a supreme Being beyond the grasp
when he when he could and should have stated them properly (for no examples are given), of language. But Greek thinkers were so wont to identify the real and the conceivable with
but rather as a general issue of distortion and simplification that must be present whenever what can be said that they dared not state there is an unintelligible reality; therefore, they
any clear and rational exposition occurs. made it into a non-being, thus originating the ontology of absence whose latest versions
are Heidegger's Being (always placed beyond all positive existence) and its semiotic child,
Derridean difference or `trace', forever avoiding presence and identity. The usefulness of
such comparisons is that they show that, for all the novelty of his terminology, the thought-
structure of Derrida is a philosophical antique with a more theological than epistemological
origin)something that may remain concealed to those who broach deconstruction theory
as though it were just a conceptually sharpened semiotics.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 42
Frederick Crews, U Cal-Berkeley English prof, SKEPTICAL ENGAGEMENTS, 1986, USEFUL
p.170-1 John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST
Unfortunately, however, poststructuralist cynicism is by no means the same thing as DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.149
empirically based skepticism. We can see that divergence quite clearly in the writings of But there is still another contradiction here; on the one hand, we are told that the ideas
Derrida, whose "deconstructionist" viewpoint dominated vanguard opinion on both sides inherent in deconstruction are challenging, disturbing, provocative (and if there is one
of the Atlantic throughout the Seventies. Deconstruction, the technique of laying bare the constant in all the descriptions of and claims for deconstruction, it is this); but on the other
metaphorical nature of all attempts to establish referential terms, holds that any use of hand, we are also told, in effect, that the nature of the challenge cannot be precisely stated,
language points only to further language and that the whole Western "metaphysics of because that would remove the challenge. To this it must be said that any challenge is by
presence" from Plato onward is erroneous. This is an arguable position, but in Derrida's its nature sharp, specific, and clear: a challenge without a well-placed thrust is not a
hands it becomes an inverted metaphysics of its own, an unsupported contention that challenge at all.
"differance," or the endless deferral of meaning, "constitutes the essence of life" (Derrida
AKH0491 DECONSTRUCTION IS A STERILE MIX OF DISPARATE ELEMENTS Margaret Radin and Frank Michelman, Professors of Law, Stanford and Harvard,
J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.235 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA LAW REVIEW, 1991, p.1054-5
As a widespread practice signalling the triumph of `text and theory')an appallingly Of course, something must be privileged for deconstruction to take place. Something must
uncritical mix of wild philosophizing, truistic semiotics, unexamined Lacanese, and be privileged if we are to speak and understand each other, if we are to understand the
occasional bits of ill-digested social science)deconstruction is a drab neo-structuralist deconstructer as saying something. We must assume a common language, and common
scholastics. language must have some fixed points)some points we select (or have had selected for us)
as fixed points, even if we fail to notice the selection happening. Poststructuralists are
AKH0492 DECONSTRUCTION CAN CAUSE DEBILITATING SKEPTICISM often ironically aware of how they willy-nilly reflect such selections as they write, and how
Patricia Smith, Professor of Philosophy, University of Kentucky, FEMINIST their readers do the same as they read. Yet the imperfect poststructuralist may suppress this
JURISPRUDENCE, 1993, p.6-7 ever-present irony. She can forget sometimes that, in her own very act of writing, the same
One problem with postmodern views, particularly those associated with deconstruction, kind of privileging that she deconstructs in others must always already be going on in
is that they tend to be better at destroying theories than at building the, which may generate order to enable her to write)or even to be.
a debilitating skepticism that is not useful to the feminist cause in the long run. One
response to this skepticism has been a revitalization of pragmatism within feminism. AKH0498 DECONSTRUCTION COLLAPSES INTO FOUNDATIONALISM
Pragmatism also subscribes to a postmodern antiessentialist theory of human nature and Margaret Radin and Frank Michelman, Professors of Law, Stanford and Harvard,
knowledge. In law it is associated with legal realist theory, which views law as a dynamic UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA LAW REVIEW, 1991, p.1055
process of conflict resolution and focuses on the function of courts to analyze law and legal So, imperfect poststructuralist writing can tend to be self-privileging. This failing can
reasoning. Feminists are drawn to the practical, personal, contextual approach of extend to the privileging of the methodology itself. Like the skeptic who forgets to be
pragmatism, which coincides with feminist rejection of traditional abstract categories, skeptical about the "truth: of skepticism, the poststructuralist-minded critic may lapse
dichotomies, and the conceptual pretensions of the logical analysis of law. rhetorically into implying that there is something good or right about deconstruction itself,
privileging deconstruction, making it foundational.
J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.233 John Searle, Professor of Philosophy, University of California-Berkeley, WORKING
To Norris, Derrida's philosophical merit lies in his Nietzschean surpassing of the THROUGH DERRIDA, 1993, p.179
`foundational' dreams of the Fregean. yet one can turn the tables on such a claim. For one The trouble with this claim is that it requires us to have some way of distinguishing
might say that, far from rejecting the foundationalist outlook, Derrida offers a mirror- genuine knowledge from its counterfeits, and justified feelings of mastery from mere
image of it. In fact, precisely this charge was levelled at Derrida by an elder statesman of enthusiasms generated by a lot of pretentious verbosity. And the examples that Culler and
American criticism, M.H. Abrams. In a remarkable article in Partisan Review, "How to do Derrida provide are, to say the least, not very convincing. In Culler's book, we get the
things with texts" (1979), Abrams points out that Derrida's urge to deconstruct meaning following examples of knowledge and mastery: speech is a form of writing (passim),
is based on a curious non sequitur. From the fact that language lacks an ultimate ground, presence is a certain type of absence (106), the marginal is in fact central (140), the literal
Derrida concludes that the work of meaning can only be deceptive. Texts may be legible, is metaphorical (148), truth is a kind of fiction (181), reading is a form of misreading
but they are not truly intelligible, since meaning is `undecidable'. Thus in the end Derrida (176), sanity is a kind of neurosis (160), and man is a form of woman (171). Some readers
shares the belief that for determinate meanings to obtain, language must have an absolute may feel that such a list generates not so much feelings of mastery as of monotony. There
foundation. derrida, says Abrams, is `an absolutist without absolutes'. Unlike the later is in deconstructive writing a constant straining of the prose to attain something that
Wittgenstein, he cannot bring himself to trust language games that do not have a bedrock sounds profound by giving it the air of a paradox, e.g., "truths are fictions whose
of ultimate meanings. In a curious negative way, a belief in foundational meaning seems fictionality has been forgotten" (181).
to have survived, in his thought, the demise of the transcendental signified. As so often,
radical scepticism, about meaning as about almost everything else, is at bottom just a AKH0500 DECONSTRUCTION IS PHILOSOPHICALLY TRIVIAL
disappointed absolutism. John Searle, Professor of Philosophy, University of California-Berkeley, WORKING
THROUGH DERRIDA, 1993, p.188
AKH0494 DERRIDA IS A CRYPTIC ABSOLUTIST I believe that any one who reads deconstructive texts with an open mind is likely to be
J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.234 struck by the same phenomena that initially surprised me: the low level of philosophical
But mark: if Derrida is really a `rooted sceptic' with little time or taste for rational dialogue argumentation, the deliberate obscurantism of the prose, the wildly exaggerated claims,
and the hardships of sustained argument, then Abrams is basically right. Instead of viewing and the constant striving to give the appearance of profundity by making claims that seem
him as a Nietszchean Quine, rationally trying to surpass the foundationalist stance in paradoxical, but under analysis often turn out be silly or trivial.
modern epistemology, we should indeed see him as a crypto-absolutist, `an absolutist
without absolutes'. Which is scarcely surprising, since few things suit an apocalyptic AKH0501 DECONSTRUCTIONIST JARGON CREATES A FALSE SENSE OF
prophet better than an all-or-nothing philosophical outlook. Apocalyptic visions make PROFUNDITY
short shrift of relative truths; and deconstruction is pre-eminently a scholastic way of John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST
spelling doom for enlightened culture under the pretext of making `theory'. DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.101
I have not used deconstructive jargon here, e.g., "privileged ideas" or "demystify," because
AKH0495 DECONSTRUCTION ISN'T APPROPRIATE FOR REAL WORLD to do so would be to concede a crucial part of the issue: it would imply acceptance of the
PROBLEMS fact that this point is new and has its origin in this language. But these new coinages are
Stanley Fish, Duke English and Law prof, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS FREE completely unnecessary; there were plenty of quite acceptable ordinary English words for
SPEECH, 1994, p.18. the status of entrenched ideas and for the process of questioning and undermining them.
There is no slide to nihilism or relativism implied here; "going deep" is an analytical action The avoidance of this perfectly ordinary, available vocabulary seems to me to be part and
performed by philosophers and metacritics in the privacy of their seminars; outside those parcel of an attempt to create a feeling that something extraordinary and unusual is going
seminars they, like the rest of us, move quite nicely on the very ground they have on. As my text argues, it is by no means clear that this is really so.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 43
John Searle, Professor of Philosophy, University of California-Berkeley, WORKING J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.239-40
THROUGH DERRIDA, 1993, p.186 To claim, as does Richard Rorty in his influential books, that the difference between these
Deconstructive prose tends to be systematically evasive. Several of the examples that two widely disparate styles of thought-writing is not also a difference in value)of
Mackey gives are typical of this evasiveness. Crucial words are put in quotation marks so cognitive power or at the very least of rational control)would imply too great a
as to suggest an ambivalence in the author's stance toward them. Thus, e.g., "`sanity' is debasement of the standards we have a right to expect from skilled critical thinking. Denis
only a particular determination of neuroses." Or central theses are imbedded in subordinate Donoghue said of a foremost English critic (Christopher Ricks) that `he puns to think'. I
clauses and not stated directly, as in "if truths are fictions whose fictionality has been wish I could say the same of the deconstructionists, who seem to pun instead of thinking.
forgotten . . ." In this way the deconstructionist can make unplausible assertions while
appearing not to; and this is part of what Culler calls the deconstructionist's "nimbleness," AKH0508 DECONSTRUCTION REDUCES REAL ISSUES TO LANGUAGE GAMES
his moving "in and out of philosophic seriousness". Christopher Lasch, Professor of History, University of Rochester, THE REVOLT OF THE
ELITES, 1995, p.183
AKH0503 DECONSTRUCTION IS SIMPLY AN EXERCISE IN SELF- But anyone who reads Kimball's book with an open mind will recognize the accuracy of
DRAMATIZATION many of his observations. By translating the "overcharged verbiage" of deconstruction into
John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST plain English, he deflates its pretensions and shows "just how far" it "can intrude on the
DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.141-2 reader's credulity without making concessions to common sense." He shows, for example,
How, then, does so unproductive a procedure manage to maintain a semblance of being how Michael Fried can torture Courbet's painting The Quarry into a metaphorical
exciting and complex nonetheless? Two factors seem to me important. I have already representation of castration, of the violence inflicted by the artist on nature; how certain
pointed to the emotional component in the performance. By keeping attention fixed on the theorists of architecture "can pretend that architecture is really about `interrogating form,'
initial simple view that is to be displaced and making the denunciation of that view a subverting `the logic of the wall,' etc., not about building appropriate, serviceable, perhaps
central aspect of the whole performance (rather than merely a starting point that is to be even beautiful buildings"; and how apologists for Paul de Man, confronted with his
left behind and forgotten), deconstruction creates a sense of the excitement of intellectual wartime articles in support of the Nazis, can reduce the whole controversy about de Man
progress beyond the commonplace, of the drama of intellectual confrontation, and of the to a debate about language.
exhilaration of provocativeness. Formulations are chosen not for their logical or
intellectual appropriateness but, instead, for their drama and shock. Extremes of AKH0509 DECONSTRUCTION IS SIMPLY LINGUISTIC PARASITISM
formulation are thus required; they are not simply the product of intellectual inadequacy J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.238
but an essential and required part of deconstruction. Deconstruction, after all, as the undoing of meaning, is a parasite of language: it wages war
on meanings by means of a relentless technique of word-stretching. Panofsky said that
AKH0504 DECONSTRUCTION SACRIFICES INTELLECTUAL COMPLEXITY TO Hegel's dialectic was a boa constrictor. Now, each age getting the Hegel it deserves, we
DRAMATIC FLARE have our boa-deconstructor and are none the wiser for it. Between them, Derrida and
John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST Foucault, the two caudillos of post-structuralism, reoriented French philosophy away from
DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.140-1 the last semblance of sustained argument. Both sound decidedly `literary' compared to their
A further typical feature of deconstructionist arguments can bee seen in its manner of Anglo-Saxon or German counterparts. They made a vice out of a necessity: since
introducing the idea that is the polar opposite of the initial naive belief. This is essentially mainstream continental philosophy had a pretty poor analytical performance, why not
and inevitably dramatic and gives the production of the reversal a provocative quality, one jettison the rites of careful analysis?
of iconoclasm. Accordingly, there is heavy emphasis on moral terminology in
deconstructive writings. Deconstruction is "disturbing," "disruptive," it "unmasks," AKH0510 DECONSTRUCTIONIST WRITINGS ARE EXCESSIVELY OBSCURE
"subverts," "dismantles," "exposes," "challenges," and, a favorite word, it is a "scandal." John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST
But with these emotional gains come considerable intellectual losses. If an idea is to make DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.ix.
a dramatic impact, it needs to be simple and direct, and so this in one more factor that tends This attack on the self-confidence of intellectual opponents has probably been assisted by
towards a primitive kind of notion as the counter to the initial commonsense starting point. the obscurity of many deconstructive writings; that obscurity makes it difficult to make
There is no room in this process for the gain in intellectual complexity that comes from interpretive statements about them with confidence, and most scholars are loath to commit
looking carefully at the formulation of the commonsense notion, and the way in which it themselves in print when such confidence is lacking.
poses the question, in order to leave it behind not by reversal but by discarding its terms
completely. And once more, this rush from one end of the spectrum to the other inevitably AKH0511 OBSCURITY IS A FAULT, NOT A DEFENSE
leaps over and avoids previous thought on these issues, thought that had frequently John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST
explored what lies between the two ends of the spectrum with considerable subtlety. DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.16
This obscurity itself is sometimes adduced as the reason why one should not try to state
AKH0505 DERRIDA REPLACES ARGUMENT WITH WORDPLAY deconstruction's positions and arguments in direct, comprehensible terms in order to
J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.228 discuss them: thus difficulty and obscurity are simply equated with complexity and
We will say more about the theme of Kulturkrisis in our concluding pages. For the profundity. Since most of our experience is decidedly to the contrary)that is, texts that are
moment, we can sum up the situation of mainstream deconstruction by pointing out that difficult and obscure are most usually confused and poorly thought out)this can never be
while in literary criticism, where it has a growing constituency, deconstruction now an automatic assumption; it needs to be demonstrated anew in each case claimed to be an
operates basically as a technique for showing)for the umpteenth time)that all literature is exception to the general rule. It cannot be assumed without argument, then, that Derrida's
self-subversive, in Derrida's hands, it has become increasingly quaint in style and obscure style precludes any possibility of his ideas being infected with confusions and
apocalyptic in content. In most later essays by Derrida, oracular assertion by dint of jocular faulty inferences; obscurity, far from insuring against this, as a general rule makes it more,
or half-jocular pun-juggling has come to replace argument almost completely. not less, likely. Derrida, however, explicitly appeals to his own obscurity as a defense in
the exchange with Searle cited above.
Derrida did it in a subtler way. He kept the genre or format of conventional philosophy DETERMINATE MEANING OF HIS OWN TEXTS
only to subvert it from inside. He shuns the burning issues of insanity, punishment and Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
sexuality and remains abstract and theoretical, endlessly commenting not only on the `hot' Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.77
topicalities of Nietzsche or Freud (as in La Carte Postale, 1980) but also on the arduous Derrida's declining prestige was not, however, merely a matter of guilt by association. In
ruminations of Husserl, Hegel or Kant (as in `Economimesis', 1975). Alas, the laborious trying to defend de Man and Heidegger, Derrida and those closest to him sent forth a
cogitations of prior philosophers are to him little more than pretexts for embarking on stream of polemic and vituperation that stupefied many of its readers by its unreason and
long, loose chains of conceptual jokes, as though great and vexed questions of knowledge its resort to special pleading. What is more, Derrida fell into the ironic position of insisting
and signification could be settled by the obiter dicta of a wanton scepticism that that texts, especially his own, have quite determinate meanings which he, as author, was
increasingly substitutes verbal witticisms for argument and analysis. uniquely privileged to understand, and that history and facts were on his side. Thus, at a
crucial point, the panic-stricken deconstructionists ran headlong from the implications of
their own doctrine, which had loudly proclaimed the "death of the author" and had
despised appeals to historical fact.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 44
Frederick Crews, U Cal-Berkeley English prof, SKEPTICAL ENGAGEMENTS, 1986, SPEECH
p.116-7. John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST
Deconstructionism denies that propositions can be true, but it graciously makes an DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.21
exception for the propositions of its own theory. It scorns the idea of extrinsic standards More important still are the obvious logical problems involved in asserting that writing is
of value, but it elevates the subversion of conventional opinions into exactly such an prior to speech. Here we must deal with a strange fact: these objections are so very obvious
extrinsic standard)one that is luckily met by every single text that the deconstructionist that they seem barely to need stating, and yet they are almost never alluded to in the
critic examines. In denying the primacy of authorial intentions, furthermore, voluminous literature on deconstruction. It is as if there were a belief abroad that any
deconstructionism behaves as if those elusive intentions were knowable after all; the objections so simple as these must be beneath the level of sophistication required to make
program of decentering implies recognition of a center. And in asserting that no form of a contribution to this debate:
discourse is more privileged than another, deconstructionism lays claim to knowledge of 1. Speech quite clearly existed long before the invention of writing.
the ultimate order or equality of things)a knowledge, once again, for which the theory 2. There still exist in the world languages that are spoken but not written, but none that are
makes no provision. These anomalies suggest to me that we are dealing here, not with a written without being spoken.
fully considered epistemology, but with a polemical posture or a current of ideological 3. There are large numbers of individuals who speak without writing, but none who write
enthusiasm. without speaking (except when their physical capacity to produce speech is deficient).

APPEALS John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST
John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.65-6
DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.151 What, then, are the results of this discussion of Derrida's ideas on language and meaning?
It follows that deconstructive logic makes its way not by any genuinely logical means but, Derrida's major thrust lies in (1) an attack on the essentialist view of meaning typified in
instead, by its psychological appeal. Deconstruction offers its followers much logical positivism, for example, but also found in Platonism and many other sources and
psychological satisfaction. Essential to its logic)not a by-product, as is the case where a (2) the development of ideas that run counter to that view. Neither of these two aspects of
substantial intellectual innovation really has taken place)is the sense of belonging to an his work is successful. The first fails because Derrida allows it to become embroiled in an
intellectual elite, of having left behind the naivete of the crowd, of operating on a more unnecessary and fallacious argument about the priority of writing and speech; because it
sophisticated intellectual plane than that crowd. I say essential, because the naivete of the lacks the perspective of the many other prior attacks on this theory and thus does not learn
crowd is deconstruction's very starting point, and its subsequent move is as much an from and build on them; and because it is incoherently formulated. The second fails
emotional as an intellectual leap to a position that feels different as much in the one way because its key points are not supported but simply asserted, which means that many
as the other. obvious logical difficulties are ignored and equally obvious objections are not met by any
argument; because while using the terminology developed by Saussure, Derrida misuses
AKH0515 CHAOS THEORY DOESN'T SUPPORT DECONSTRUCTION those terms without explaining why he is doing so and possibly without understanding that
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and he is garbling them; and because the very heavy emphasis on iconoclastic denunciation of
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.99 logocentrism, now surely unnecessary, prevents Derrida from facing the real task he had
Even philosophers who see some parallels between deconstructive literary theory and the to face)developing an alternative, not to logocentrism, but to the alternatives that have
mathematics and physics of chaos theory are loath to push the comparison as far as does already been developed by thinkers that he does not consider.
Hayles. Alexander Argyos, commenting on Hayles's work, notes: "I suspect that this
apparent compatibility may be implying to literary theorists that chaos is a validation of AKH0520 DERRIDA'S THEORY OF MEANING IS COMPLETELY UNORIGINAL
deconstruction. My own view is that such a claim is, for the most part, wrong . . . While John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST
it is certainly true that deconstruction and chaos are both interested in highlighting non- DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.38
linearity, to claim that they are fellow travellers is, I believe, to make an unwarranted Derrida is, in fact, attacking a view of meaning that by now would have to be counted a
assumption." very naive and uninformed one; for example, it has been dismembered in various ways,
with varying emphases, by analytic philosophers such as Wittgenstein and others who have
AKH0516 DERRIDA HAS NO COHERENT VIEW OF MEANING worked in his tradition, by linguists such as J.R. Firth, by anthropological linguists
John Ellis, Professor of German, University of California-Santa Cruz, AGAINST working in the tradition of Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf,and by countless others.
DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.66 When, in 1966, Derrida began to denounce this kind of thinking as a universal error, he
Derrida's rejection of logocentrism is not revolutionary, and because he thinks it is, he is was demonstrating an extraordinary isolation from what had been happening for many
unable to take advantage of the sophistication that the debate on essentialist thinking has years; and the mood of gleeful iconoclasm, revolutionary fervor, and avant-garde daring
already reached; as a result, he jumps from one extreme (meaning is a matter of fixed, of the uniquely enlightened displayed by the followers of the deconstructionist banner
immutable concepts) to the other (meaning is a matter of indeterminate, infinite play of contrasted strangely with the underlying reality that none of this could by now be
signs). This appears very like the undeveloped response of one who has just been surprised considered remarkable or even unusual.
by the realization that real essences do not exist. The conclusion of this discussion can
therefore only be that Derrida's contribution to the debate on language and meaning is not AKH0521 DERRIDA'S FOCUS ON TEXTS IGNORES SOCIAL CONTEXT
substantial; it fails to establish any coherent new view of meaning or of the way language David Couzens Hoy, Professor of philosophy, University of California-Santa Cruz,
functions. WORKING THROUGH DERRIDA, Gary Madison, ed., 1993, p.238-9
Given this problem, there is a genuine question whether Derrida's method of dissemination
AKH0517 DECONSTRUCTION'S EMPHASIS ON LANGUAGE STRUCTURES or deconstruction can help. Habermas is not alone in arguing that Derrida's approach has
NEGLECTS INDIVIDUALITY not been and cannot be applied to such a concrete issue. Foucault also accuses Derrida of
Diane Michelfelder and Richard Palmer, MacMurray College, DIALOGUE AND being overly preoccupied with texts and ignoring their social context. Foucault suspects
DECONSTRUCTION, 1989, p.11 that Derrida's method tacitly claims authority for itself as a result of the authority and
But Frank has another concern: individuality. he faults both hermeneutics and primacy it grants to the text. Furthermore, Foucault believes that a text is not autonomous
"neostructuralism" (which includes both Foucault and Derrida) for bypassing the from the social practices to which it is tied both in its own time and in the time of its later
importance of individuality in interpretation. Taking his lead from Schleiermacher, Frank interpretation. Foucault suggests that deconstruction is blind not only to the ways in which
argues that in their perhaps necessary denial of subjectivity (in the name of language, or the text reflects social practices, but also to the extent to which deconstruction is itself a
structures, or convention, or tradition), neither hermeneutics nor deconstruction come to social practice.
grips with the claims of individuality. Precisely because hermeneutics and deconstruction
have in common the denial of subjectivity and an affirmation of the priority of language,
they also have in common the neglect of individuality.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 45
Richard Bernstein, Professor of Philosophy, New School for Social Research, WORKING Richard Bernstein, Professor of Philosophy, New School for Social Research, WORKING
THROUGH DERRIDA, Gary Madison, ed., 1993, p.226 THROUGH DERRIDA, Gary Madison, ed., 1993, p.210-1
Nevertheless, for all Derrida's affirmation that deconstruction intervenes, that it is a way Habermas is a thoroughgoing fallibilist who rejects classical foundationalist and
of taking an ethical-political "position," and that it may be "too political" for some, there transcendental arguments. One of his criticisms of thinkers like Heidegger, Adorno, and
is a certain "abstractness" in his understanding of politics. Placing Derrida in constellation Derrida is that they still write in the "shadow of the `last' philosopher, as did the first
with Habermas helps to pinpoint this. Deconstruction, he tells us, "should not be separable generation of Hegelian disciples. They still feel the need to battle against those `strong'
from [the] politico-institutional problematic and should seek a new investigation of concepts of system, totality, truth, and completed theory which belong to the past.'"
responsibility." Derrida has shown, in a series of perceptive analyses ranging from Kant Ironically, much of the pathos of their writings gains its force from the specter of The
through Heidegger, how their discourses about the university cannot be separated from Grand System. "they still think that they have to arouse philosophy from what Derrida calls
their discourses about the institutional structure of the modern university. He has `the dream of its heart.' they believe they have to tear philosophy away from the madness
developed a sharp and incisive critique of university institutions and practices. But suppose of expounding a theory that has the last word." Despite their protests to the contrary, they
we step back and ask, what does Derrida mean by a "politico-institutional structure"? Of are still entrapped in the aporias and cul-de-sacs of what Habermas calls "The Philosophy
course, there is no univocal answer to this question. But Derrida never quite rises to the of Subjectivity." Their failure, according to Habermas, is not to realize and fully appreciate
level of necessary generality (as he does in telling us what he means by a "text") where we that the "fallibilist consciousness of the sciences caught up with philosophy too, a long
can gain some perspective, some overview of the complex dynamics of institutional time ago." When they declare that philosophy or metaphysics is over, their image of
structures that shape politics and society in the contemporary world. We will simply not philosophy is still that of the Absolute System)the philosophy of "the last word." Each,
find in his writings anything resembling a social and political theory)as we do find in in his way, wants to keep philosophy or thinking "pure")pure from any contamination by
Habermas. empirical social scientific research.

Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and Christina Sommers, Clark University philosopher, WHO STOLE FEMINISM?, 1994,
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.85 p.230.
Everything by which that civilization contrives to hold itself in high regard)Shakespeare How seriously can one take Foucault's theory? Not very, says Princeton political
and Dante, Descartes and Kant, Locke and Jefferson, Newton and Einstein, Mozart and philosopher Michael Walzer, who characterizes Foucault's politics as infantile leftism.
Beethoven)wilts under the deconstructive gaze (at least in the minds of those doing the Foucault was aware that he was equating modern democracies with repressively brutal
gazing). It is a heaven-sent device for avoiding close argument and the analysis of systems like the Soviet prison camps in the Gulag. In a 1977 interview, he showed some
particulars. Once a postmodern critic has at hand a license to read every proposition as its concern about how his ideas might be interpreted: "I am indeed worried by a certain use
opposite when it suits his convenience, analytic skills of the more traditional sort are . . . which consists in saying, `Everyone has their own Gulag, the Gulag is here at our door,
expendable and logic is effaced in the swirling tide of rhetoric. Once it has been decided in our cities, our hospitals, our prisons, it's here in our heads.'" But, as Walzer points out,
that determinate meaning is chimerical and not worthy of slightest deference from the well- so long as Foucault rejected the possibility of individual freedom, which is the moral basis
honed poststructuralist postmodernist, the entire edifice of hard-won truth becomes a house for liberal democracy, it was unclear how he could sustain the distinction between the real
of cards. Once it has been affirmed that one discursive community is as good as another, Gulag and the one inside the heads of bourgeois citizens.
that the narrative of science holds no privileges over the narratives of superstition, the
newly minted cultural critic can actually revel in his ignorance of deep scientific ideas. AKH0529 FOUCAULT NIHILISTIC
That this is a canny political act is accepted as an article of faith, no matter how much it Michael Walzer, Princeton, FOUCAULT: A CRITICAL READER, 1986, p.613.
seems to elevate wishful thinking over hard social fact. At this last passage suggest, when Foucault is an anarchist, he is a moral as well as a
political anarchist. For him morality and politics go together. Guilt and innocence are the
AKH0524 HABERMAS THINKS DERRIDA FAILS TO RECOGNIZE THE products of law just as normality and abnormality are the products of discipline. To abolish
POSSIBILITY OF SOCIAL LEARNING power systems is to abolish both moral and scientific categories: away with them all! But
David Couzens Hoy, Professor of philosophy, University of California-Santa Cruz, what will be left? Foucault does not believe, as earlier anarchists did, that the free human
WORKING THROUGH DERRIDA, Gary Madison, ed., 1993, p.240 subject is a subject of a certain sort, naturally good, warmly sociable, kind and loving.
The philosophical issues separating them is Habermas's charge that Derrida's aesthetic Rather, there is for him no such thing as a free human subject, no natural man or woman.
contextualism ignores how the idealization procedures built into the communicative action Men and women are always social creations, the products of codes and disciplines. And
of everyday practices require us to redeem and prove the validity of our claims. In seeming so Foucault's radical abolitionism, if it is serious, is not anarchist so much as nihilist. For
to deny that validity claims can be redeemed or proved, Derrida's view is blind to the social on his own arguments, either there will be nothing left at all, nothing visibly human; or
learning processes through which we change and improve our understanding of ourselves new codes and disciplines will be produced, and Foucault gives us no reason to expect that
and our world. Because of this blindness, deconstruction implies that we are stuck in our these will be any better than the ones we now live with. Nor, for that matter, does he give
context, and caught fatalistically in the forces of textual production. We are doomed to us any way of knowing what `better' might mean.
provincialism by the overpowering background of the arche-writing.
FOUNDATIONS MATTERS Charles Taylor, McGill philosopher, FOUCAULT: A CRITICAL READER, 1986, p.82-3.
John Searle, Professor of Philosophy, University of California-Berkeley, WORKING Foucault's attraction is partly that of a terrible simplificateur. His espousal of the reversal
THROUGH DERRIDA, 1993, p.180-1 of Clausewitz's aphorism, which makes us see politics as war carried on by other means,
Derrida correctly sees that there aren't any such foundations, but he then makes the mistake can open insights in certain situations. But to make this one's basic axiom for the
that marks him as a classical metaphysician. The real mistake of the classical examination of modern power as such leaves out too much. Foucault's opposition between
metaphysician was not the belief that there were metaphysical foundations, but rather the the old model of power, based on sovereignty/obedience, and the new one based on
belief that somehow or other such foundations were necessary, the belief that unless there domination/subjugation leaves out everything in Western history which has been animated
are foundations something is lost or threatened or undermined or put in question. It is this by civic humanism or analogous movements. And that means a massive amount of what
belief which Derrida shares with the tradition he seeks to destruct. is specific to our civilization. Without this in one's conceptual armoury Western history
and societies become incomprehensible, as they are for that reason to so many Russians
John Searle, Professor of Philosophy, University of California-Berkeley, WORKING
THROUGH DERRIDA, 1993, p.181
Derrida sees that the Husserlian project of a transcendental grounding for science,
language, and common sense is a failure. But what he fails to see is that this doesn't
threaten science, language, or common sense in the least. As Wittgenstein says, it leaves
everything exactly as it is. The only "foundation," for example, that language has or needs
is that people are biologically, psychologically, and socially constituted so that they
succeed in using it to state truths, to give and obey orders, to express their feelings and
attitudes, to thank, apologize, warn, congratulate, etc.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 46
Charles Taylor, McGill philosopher, FOUCAULT: A CRITICAL READER, 1986, p.81-2. OF WOMEN
But Foucault has missed the ambivalence of these new disciplines. The point is, they have H.F. Haber, Asst. Philosophy Prof., U. Colorado, Denver, BEYOND POSTMODERN
not only served to feed a system of control; they have also taken the form of genuine self- POLITICS, 1994, p.108.
disciplines which have made possible new kinds of collective action characterized by more When Lyotard and Foucault deny the possibility of coherent subjects, when they repudiate
egalitarian forms of participation. This is not a new discovery. It is a truism of the civic consensus and community, it can be argued that their postmodern theories merely
humanist tradition of political theory that free participatory institutions require some reproduce the effects of enlightenment theories; the result of theories which deconstruct
commonly accepted self-disciplines. The free citizen has the virtu to give willingly the subjects is to deny the marginalized to participate in defining their interests, goals,
contribution which otherwise the despot would coerce from him, perhaps in some other desires)to construct a new voice. Foucault emphasizes, and sometimes totalizes, the
form. Without this, free institutions cannot exist. There is a tremendous difference between prepressive effects of power (critique or theory) at the expense of its potential for
societies which find their cohesion through such common disciplines grounded on a public liberation (construction), and this deemphasis on liberatory practices makes him suspect
identity, and which thus permit of and call for the participatory action of equals, on one from the perspective of the disempowered. In The History of Sexuality, Foucault
hand, and the multiplicity of kinds of society which require chains of command based on characterizes confessional practices which aim at self-disclosure and self-discovery as
unquestionable authority on the other. aiding the interests of domination and social control. Indeed, as Jana Sawicki notes,
"Foucault was suspicious of most efforts to tell the truth about one-self."
Frederick Crews, U Cal-Berkeley English prof, SKEPTICAL ENGAGEMENTS, 1986, AKH0536 FOUCAULT ANTI-DEMOCRATIC
p.171. Christina Sommers, Clark U. Philosopher, WHO STOLE FEMINISM?, 1994, p.229.
But Foucault's concreteness, such as it was, by no means entailed a belief in regulating his Michel Foucault, a professor of philosophy at the distinguished College de France and an
ideas according to the evidence he encountered. Indeed, though his historical works attach irreverent social thinker who felt deeply alienated from the society in which he lived,
portentous significance to certain developments and details, his epistemological introduced his theory of interior disciplines in 1975. His book Discipline and Punish, with
pronouncements appear to rule out the very concept of a fact. its novel explanation of how large groups of people could be controlled without the need
of exterior controllers, took intellectual Paris by storm. Foucault had little love for the
AKH0533 DISCIPLINE PERVADES ALL SOCIETY)SMALL REFORMS ONLY modern democratic state. Like Marx, he was interested in the forces that keep citizens of
POSSIBILITY democracies law-abiding and obedient.
Michael Walzer, Princeton, FOUCAULT: A CRITICAL READER, 1986, p.60.
But what other victories can he think possible, given his strategic knowledge? Consider: AKH0537 FOUCAULT'S PERSPECTIVE IS NIHILISTIC
1. that discipline-in-detail, the precise control of behaviour, is necessary to the David Couzens Hoy, Professor of Philosophy, University of California-Santa Cruz,
(unspecified) large-scale features of contemporary social and economic life; FOUCAULT: A CRITICAL READER, 1986, p.10
2. that this kind of control requires the micro-setting, the finely meshed network, the local By denying the possibility of an independent standpoint, Foucault appears to such critics
power relation, represented in ideal-typical fashion by the cellular structure of the prison, to be not simply a functionalist, but a nihilistic, fatalistic one. Thus Walzer interprets
the daily timetable of prison events, the extra-legal penalties inflicted by prison authorities, Foucault as a functionalist who presupposes that society is a whole governed by an
the face-to-face encounters of guard and prisoner; invisible hand rather than by an accountable, legitimate state power and a rational rule of
3. that the prison is only one small part of a highly articulated, mutually reinforcing law. As an anarchist, Foucault is said to disavow any political structure but also any human
carceral continuum extending across society, in which all of us are implicated, and not only nature that could persist without social systems. So Foucault seems to believe that social
as captives or victims; improvement is impossible short of abolishing modern society altogether. But Walzer
4. and finally, that the complex of disciplinary mechanisms and institutions constitutes and thinks that this radical abolitionism is nihilistic because `either there will be nothing left
is constituted by the contemporary human sciences)an argument that runs though all of at all, nothing visibly human; or new codes and disciplines will be produced, and Foucault
Foucault's work, to which I will return. Physical disciplines and intellectual disciplines are gives us no reason to expect that these will be any better than the ones we now live with.
radically entangled; the carceral continuum is validated by the knowledge of human Nor, for that matter, does he give us any way of knowing what "better" might mean.'
subjects that it makes possible.
Given all this ) leave aside for the moment whether it adds up to a fully satisfactory AKH0538 IN REJECTING UNIVERSALISM, FOUCAULT LACKS ANY MORAL
account of our social life ) how can Foucault expect anything more than a small reform BASIS FOR HIS POLITICS
here or there, an easing of disciplinary rigour, the introduction of more humane, if no less Hubert Dreyfus and Paul Rabinow, Professors of Philosophy and anthropology, University
effective methods? of California Berkeley, FOUCAULT: A CRITICAL READER, David Couzens Hoy, ed.,
1986, p.113
AKH0534 FOUCAULT MAKES RESISTANCE IMPOSSIBLE But, Habermas asks how can Foucault legitimately make such normative judgements once
H.F. Haber, Asst. Philosophy Prof., U. Colorado, Denver, BEYOND POSTMODERN he has defined maturity as the relinquishing of dependence on the authority of law, religion
POLITICS,1994, p.101-2. and science as well as formal universal claims put forward by philosophers? From
But if, as this thesis implies, individuals are wholly constituted by the power/knowledge Habermas's point of view, Foucault's propounding a political theory without justification
regime Foucault describes, how can discipline be resisted in the first place? (Unless it must be pure decisionism.
comes about as an inevitable moment in the march of . . . but no, this is a very
unfoucauldian thesis.) If individuals are wholly constituted by the power/knowledge AKH0539 FOUCAULT DEVALUES MORAL DISCOURSE
regime, then it would make no sense to talk about resistance to discipline. As Sandra Lee Cornel West, Professor of Religion, Harvard, THE AMERICAN EVASION OF
Bartky notes, Foucault seems sometimes on the verge of depriving us of a vocabulary in PHILOSOPHY, 1989, p.226
which to conceptualize the nature and meaning of resistance. And where he suggests the The last prophetic pragmatist criticism of foucault's project is that he devalues moral
possibility of an alternative vocabulary, his thesis that individuals "with his identity and discourse. His fervent anti-utopianism)again in reaction to Hegelian and Marxist teleogical
characteristics [are] the product of a relation of power exercised over bodies, multiplicities, utopianisms)rejects all forms of ends and aims for political struggle. Therefore, he
movements, desires, forces" must leave us skeptical about the possibility of alternative replaces reform or revolution with revolt and rebellion. In this way, Foucault tends to
vocabularies. If the subject is "constituted through practices of subjugation," then what reduce left ethics to a bold and defiant Great Refusal addressed to the dominant powers
sense can we make of the claim that it is also constituted "through practices of liberation, that be. Yet by failing to articulate and elaborate ideals of democracy, equality, and
of freedom . . . starting, of course, from a certain number of rules, styles, and conventions freedom, Foucault provides solely negative conceptions of critique and resistance. He
that are found in the culture"? This grossly begs the question: how does one start from the rightly suspects the self-authorizing and self-privileging aims of "universal" intellectuals
rules, styles, and conventions of a disciplinary and normalizing culture and end up with who put forward such ideals, yet he mistakenly holds that any attempt to posit these ideals
practices of liberation and freedom? Foucault never provides us with the missing steps, and as guides to political action and social reconstruction must fall prey to new modes of
in fact, has given us powerful reasons to suppose practices of "liberation" and subjection and disciplinary control.
"freedom")even if these are liberations from one power regime to another)are impossible.
The difficulty of finding the possibility of a revolutionary vocabulary is not a problem
peculiar to Foucault; it haunts many revolutionary proponents of poststructuralist politics.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 47
Murray Bookchin, Institute for Social Ecology co-founder, RE-ENCHANTING POWER
HUMANITY, 1995, p.185-6. David Couzens Hoy, Professor of Philosophy, University of California-Santa Cruz,
There can be little doubt that Foucault was a humane man, viscerally concerned about the FOUCAULT: A CRITICAL READER, 1986, p.10-1
injustices that existed in the world, and frequently prepared to act militancy in defense of Steven Lukes thinks that Foucault treats power exclusively as an impersonal, deterministic
human rights. But he offers no basic philosophy for his actions and in many ways vitiates structure and thereby fails to explain how power is exercised by individuals who bear the
the emergence of one. As a critic of power he in fact leaves us quite powerless to change responsibility for their actions.
our fate, and foresees, along with Nietzsche, not only the end of God but the end of man.
His explicit antihumanism, his rejection of the potentialities opened by the Enlightenment, AKH0547 KNOWLEDGE ISN'T SIMPLY POWER; IT ALSO MAPS REALITY
his ahistoricism, and his treatment of truth as a 'regime' of domination are too debilitating Margaret Radin and Frank Michelman, Professors of Law, Stanford and Harvard,
in their social effects to support the image of the engaged French intellectual. He drifted UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA LAW REVIEW, 1991, p.190
from Stalinism to Maoism to a life-style anarchism - more properly, nihilism within a span When the end of ideology failed to materialize, it was easy to conclude, with Foucault and
of only two decades. It is as a defining thinker of poststructuralism and postmodernism that Derrida, that knowledge of any kind is purely a function of power or, as Stanley Fish puts
his basic ideas are of concern here. it, that "might makes right" if that means that "in the absence of a perspective independent
of interpretation some interpretive perspective will always rule by having won out over its
AKH0541 FOUCAULT'S CRITIQUE FAILS BECAUSE HE LACKS NORMATIVE competitors." Geertz argues, on the other hand, that a given ideology prevails in the
STANDARDS struggle with other ideologies not because its advocates have the power to silence
David Couzens Hoy, Professor of Philosophy, University of California-Santa Cruz, opposition but because it provides a better "map" of reality, a more reliable guide to action.
FOUCAULT: A CRITICAL READER, 1986, p.8 His rehabilitation of ideology)and, by extension, the critique of foundationalism, at least
Habermas contends that Foucault's critique of modernity fails because Foucault loses his in some of its forms)serves to reopen the possibility of subjecting moral and political
sense of direction. This loss occurs because Foucault is both a `crypto-normativist' and an issues to serious discussion and of refuting those who deny the possibility of intelligently
`irrationalist'. The former label applies because Foucault cannot explain the standards defending any moral or political position.
Habermas thinks must be presupposed in any condemnation of the present. Habermas cites
Nancy Fraser's pointed questions, `Why is struggle preferable to submission? Why ought AKH0548 THE STATE IS THE SOURCE OF POWER
domination to be resisted? Only with the introduction of normative notions of some kind Anthony Giddens, Professor of Sociology, Cambridge, PROFILES AND CRITIQUES IN
could Foucault begin to answer this question. Only with the introduction of normative SOCIAL THEORY, 1982, p.223-4
notions could he begin to tell us what is wrong with the modern power/knowledge regime There is a surprising `absence' at the heart of Foucault's analyses)thus far at any rate)an
and why we ought to oppose it.' absence shared with Marxism. It is what I have drawn attention to earlier: an account of
the state. In Marx, as I have commented, this lack is in some part to be traced to his
AKH0542 FOUCAULT'S VIEW OF POWER IS A REDUCTIONISTIC EXPLANATION involvement with political economy. In Foucault, one suspects, it is related to the very
FOR EVERYTHING ubiquity of power as discipline. The state is what Foucault describes as the `calculated
Anthony Giddens, Professor of Sociology, Cambridge, PROFILES AND CRITIQUES IN technology of subjection' writ large, the disciplinary matrix that oversees the others.
SOCIAL THEORY, 1982, p.226-7
Power is a secondary phenomenon, to be added in at second reserve. Foucault, and those AKH0549 FOUCAULT FALSELY GENERALIZES FROM PRISON TO SOCIETY AT
influenced in a more uninhibited way by Nietzsche, are right to insist that power is LARGE
chronically and inevitably involved in all social processes. To accept this, I think, is to Anthony Giddens, Professor of Sociology, Cambridge, PROFILES AND CRITIQUES IN
acknowledge that power and freedom are not inimical; and that power cannot be identified SOCIAL THEORY, 1982, p.222-3
with either coercion or constraint. But I also think it quite wrong to be thereby seduced by Foucault draws too close an association between the prison and the factory. There is no
a Nietzschean radicalisation of power, which elevates it to the prime position in action and doubt that prisons were in part consciously looked to as models by some employers in the
in discourse. Power then becomes a mysterious phenomenon, that hovers everywhere, and early years of capitalism in their search for the consolidation of labour discipline. Unfree
underlies everything. I consider it very important to reject the idea that power has primacy labour was actually sometimes used. But there are two essential differences between the
over truth, or that meanings and norms can be explicated as congealed or mystified power. prison and the factory. `Work' only makes up one sector, albeit normally the most time
A reductionism of power is as faulty as economic or normative reductionisms are. consuming one, of the daily life of individuals outside prisons. For the capitalistic work-
place is not, as prisons are, and clinics and hospitals may be, a `total institution', in
AKH0543 FOUCAULT NEGLECTS THE VITAL ISSUE OF WHO HOLDS POWER Goffman's term. More important, the worker is not forcibly incarcerated in the factory or
Cornel West, Professor of Religion, Harvard, THE AMERICAN EVASION OF office, but enters the gates of the work-place as `free wage-labour'. This gives rise to the
PHILOSOPHY, 1989, p.225 historically peculiar problems of the `management' of a labour force that is formally `free',
Edward Said perceptively states regarding Foucault: Yet despite the extraordinary analysed interestingly by Pollard among others. At the same time, it opens the way for
worldliness of this work, Foucault takes a curiously passive and sterile view not so much forms of worker resistance (especially unionisation and the threat of collective withdrawal
of the uses of power, but of how and why power is gained, used, and held onto. This is the of labour) that are not part of the normal enactment of prison discipline. The `docile
most dangerous consequence of his disagreement with Marxism, and its result is the least bodies' which Foucault says discipline produces turn out very often to be not so docile at
convincing aspect of his work . . . However else power may be a kind of indirect all.
bureaucratic discipline and control, there a ascertainable changes stemming from who
holds power and who dominates whom. AKH0550 THE PRISON DEVELOPED AS A CONSCIOUS SOCIAL CHOICE, NOT
Cornel West, Professor of Religion, Harvard, THE AMERICAN EVASION OF SOCIAL THEORY, 1982, p.222
PHILOSOPHY, 1989, p.225 This first objection has concrete implications for the analysis that Foucault has produced
By downplaying human agency)both individual and collective human actions)Foucault of the prison and the clinic. `Punishment', `discipline', and especially `power' itself, are
surreptitiously ascribes agency to discourses, disciplines, and techniques. there indeed are characteristically spoken of by him as though they were agents)indeed the real agents of
multiple unintended consequences and unacknowledged antecedent conditions of human history. But the development of prisons, clinics and hospitals was not a phenomenon that
actions that both produce and are produced by institutions and structures. methodological merely appeared `behind the backs' of those who designed them, helped to build them, or
individualism in social theory, according to which isolated and atomistic individual actions were their inmates. Ignatieff's work on the origins of prisons is in this respect a useful
fully account for humans' societies and histories, will not suffice. But the alternative is not counterbalance to Foucault. The reorganisation and expansion of the prison system in the
the exclusive ascription of agency to impersonal forces, transcendental entities, or nineteenth century was closely bound up with the perceived needs of state authorities to
anonymas and autonomous discourses. For prophetic pragmatists, human agency remains construct new modes of controlling miscreants in large urban spaces, where the
central)all we have in human societies and histories are structured and unstructured human sanctioning procedures of the local community could no longer apply.
social practices over time and space.
CONTROL One of Foucault's followers, the author of a very intelligent essay on Discipline and
David Couzens Hoy, Professor of Philosophy, University of California-Santa Cruz, Punish, draws from that book and the related interviews the extraordinary conclusion that
FOUCAULT: A CRITICAL READER, 1986, p.10 the Russian Revolution failed because it `left intact the social hierarchies and in no way
Michael Walzer's article is a good place to start for the reader who wants a clear and inhibited the functioning of the disciplinary techniques'. Exactly wrong: the Bolsheviks
incisive representation of the social and political issues more from an Anglo-American created a new regime that overwhelmed the old hierarchies and enormously expanded and
perspective. Walzer begins by accusing Foucault's account of being inadequate on intensified the use of disciplinary techniques. And they did this from the heart of the social
empirical grounds. Foucault is said to underestimate the difference between being in prison system and not from what Foucault likes to call the capillaries, from the centre and not the
and being out of it in a carceral society, or between being in a carceral yet social extremities. Foucault desensitizes his readers to the importance of politics; but politics
democratic society and being in a Gulag. matters.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 48
Alan Megill, University of Iowa, PROPHETS OF EXTREMITY, 1985, p.240-1. Michael Walzer, Princeton, FOUCAULT: A CRITICAL READER, 1986, p.66.
The historian Jacques Leonard makes a similar point, noting how vague Foucault is when A liberal state is one that maintains the limits of its constituent disciplines and disciplinary
it comes to specifying exactly who is exercising the power that is so ubiquitous in institutions and that enforces their intrinsic principles. Authoritarian and totalitarian states,
Discipline and Punish Foucault manages to evade the question of agency in a number of by contrast, override those limits, turning education into indoctrination, punishment into
ways: for example, by making liberal use of reflexive verbs, infinitives, and the impersonal repression, asylums into prisons, and prisons into concentration camps. These are crude
French on--the anonymous "one"; by speaking of strategy, tactics, and the like without definitions; I won't insist upon them; amend them as you will. I only want to suggest the
indicating whose strategy or tactics it is; and by telling us that such and such an historical enormous importance of the political regime, the sovereign state. For it is the state that
reality "can be viewed as" having such and such a significance, with the question of establishes the general framework within which all other radically shuts down the
whether this was its significance for the historical actors themselves not really confronted. possibility of local resistance. The agents of every disciplinary institution strive, of course,
The same anonymity surrounds the related conception of "biopower" in The Will to to extend their reach and augment their discretionary power. Ultimately, it is only state
Knowledge (VS,pp. 177-211/135-159). power that can stop them. Every act of local resistance is an appeal for political or legal
intervention from the centre.
I am arguing, however, against naive readings of Foucault. For example, there is a Frederick Crews, U Cal-Berkeley English prof, SKEPTICAL ENGAGEMENTS, 1986,
temptation to derive from Foucault's history of the prison true propositions regarding the p.177.
actual institution within society that we know as the prison. But it is an error to try to Not coincidentally, it was immediately after 1968 that Foucault switched from his quasi-
derive from Foucault such propositions as, for example, "the prison exists in order to foster structuralist "archaeologies" of Western "epistemes" to more drastic Nietzschean
delinquency and thus to provide a rationale for strengthening the instruments of "genealogies" reducing all truth claims to exercises of power. The attractive new ingredient
repression." Rather, what one can usefully find in Foucault's writings on the prison are in Foucault's thought was Sixties paranoia toward the hidden, all-powerful oppressors
suggestions, pregnant hints for further work and investigation, perspectives that, pursued whom he never attempted to identify.
and tested, may allow us to see more clearly the world in which we live--and may perhaps
help us in any attempts to alter that world. Foucault is best treated as an animator--not as AKH0559 FOUCAULT'S METHOD JUST INFANTILE LEFTISM
an authority. Michael Walzer, Princeton, FOUCAULT: A CRITICAL READER, 1986, p.51.
My concern here is not primarily with Michel Foucault's political positions, the statements
AKH0554 THE CONTINUING MOVE TO DEMOCRACY DENIES FOUCAULT'S he has made, the articles he has written, his response to `events') May '68, the prison
THEORIES revolts of the early seventies, the Iranian revolution, and so on. Though he insists that he
Robert Hughes, critic and historian, CULTURE OF COMPLAINT, 1993, p.76-7. doesn't have a political position and doesn't want to be situated on the chessboard of
Outside its perimeter, real life, real language and real communication go on. In the late 80s, available positions (he doesn't play chess, or any other game whose rules the rest of us
while American academics were emptily theorizing that language and the thinking subject might know), he does indeed respond to events, and his statements and articles have a
were dead, the longing for freedom and humanistic culture was demolishing the very fairly consistent character. They are of the sort I was taught to call, in the political world
pillars of European tyranny. Of course, if the Chinese students had read their Foucault they where I grew up and learned to talk, `infantile leftism', that is, less an endorsement than an
would have known that repression is inscribed in all language, their own included, and so outrunning of the most radical argument in any political struggle.
they could have saved themselves the trouble of facing the tanks in Tiananmen Square. But
did Vaclav Havel and his fellow playwrights, intellectuals and poets free Czechoslovakia AKH0560 FOUCAULT'S ANTI-EMPIRICISM MAKES HIS WORK
by quoting Derrida or Lyotard on the inscrutability of texts? Assuredly not: they did it by AUTHORITARIAN
placing their faith in the transforming power of thought--by putting their shoulders to the Frederick Crews, U Cal-Berkeley English prof, SKEPTICAL ENGAGEMENTS, 1986,
immense wheel of the word. The world changes more deeply, widely, thrillingly than at p.171-2.
any moment since 1917, perhaps since 1848, and the American academic left keeps fretting For Foucault the whole Enlightenment was a continuing nightmare of ever-harsher social
about how phallocentricity is inscribed in Dickens's portrayal of Little Nell. control)a movement to draw "reasonable" distinctions (rational-irrational, sane-insane,
innocent-criminal, normal-abnormal) so as to stigmatize and punish behavior that threatens
AKH0555 THE DISPERSION OF POWER PERMITS REFORM bourgeois self-regard. Foucault's own delicate mission was to trace the origins of that
Stanley Fish, Professor of English and Law, Duke, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS mania without at the same time enlarging its dominion. Such a feat called for a
FREE SPEECH, 1994, p.189. determination not just to "escape the grasp of categories" but to "play the game of truth and
If we have learned anything from Foucault, it is that power is never concentrated in one error badly" (Foucault, 190))in other words, to remain unbound by any norms of evidence
place (or person) but is distributed everywhere throughout a system, so that its exercise is and logic. Foucault could only hope that his books might serve as "Molotov cocktails, or
always reciprocal, a two- (or more) way traffic in relation to which the action of one person minefields" that would "self-destruct after use" (quoted by Megill, 243). The guerrilla
is effective only insofar as some other persons affirm its scope and thereby maintain a imagery, evoking the Romantic anti-rationalism of May 1968, points not only to the
balance that can always be altered at almost any point. What this means is that there is wellsprings of the continuing Foucault cult but also to the common denominator of all
never a situation in which there is "no room for hermeneutics" (Dallmayr, quoting theoreticism: a refusal to credit one's audience with the right to challenge one's ideas on
Gadamer), that is, no room for the interpretive maneuvering that produces change; since dispassionate grounds. It is hard in any case to attach positive significance to the
the structure of any situation or of any system of ideas is one of layered dependencies and replacement of one revered master by another, when the very appetite for unquestioning
coordinations, there are innumerable nodal junctures at which a shift in emphasis and belief is the heart of the problem.
pressure can lead to a systemwide readjustment or even to a systemwide breakdown. As
I have put it elsewhere (Doing What Comes Naturally), a horizon of understanding is not AKH0561 FOUCAULT FAILED TO CONSULT ACTUAL EXPERIENCE
a monolithic unity of which one asks, how can it change'? Rather, it is itself an engine of Robert Hughes, critic and historian, CULTURE OF COMPLAINT, 1993, p.125.
change, a complex mechanism whose every exertion is simultaneously a self-alteration. If What I found useless, by contrast, was the abstract theorizing about prison and power in
we understand criticism as the possibility of correction and reform (a word that should be texts that became sacred in American academe in the early 80s, such as Michel Foucault's
read with a literal emphasis), then it is a possibility that can never be foreclosed. Discipline and Punish. In his ruminations about Jeremy Bentham's theory of the
Panopticon, or total-surveillance prison, Foucault contrived to do exactly what he blamed
AKH0556 POST-STRUCTURALISM CAN'T EXPLAIN HOW CHANGE OCCURS the State for doing in real life: ignore the experience of prisoners themselves, hardly even
Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND bother to consult evidence about it, lest it disturb the autocratic, cuckoo-clock
THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.91. self-referentiality of his own theoretical constructs. Foucault's American admirers fail to
This is why post-structuralism and its New Historicist offshoot are so utterly lacking in see what an authoritarian he was, deep in the closet.
conceptual and ethical resources when it comes to explaining how changes have
occurred--fitfully, no doubt, but often with momentous consequences - in the spheres of AKH0562 FOUCAULT'S DETERMINISM LEAVES NO SCOPE FOR EFFECTIVE
human moral and political awareness. All that they can offer is a textualist MORAL OR POLITICAL ACTION
(discourse-theoretical) variant on the old empiricist notion of the subject as a tabula rasa, Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND
a passive receptacle for whatever impressions, ideas, or meanings happen to constitute the THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.41-2.
current range of ideological structures-in-dominance. Any resistance to those structures New Historicism inherits this dead-end predicament without the least sign of
can only be attributed to a reflex tendency for power to generate some counter-discourse acknowledging its problematic character. That is to say, it follows Foucault in reducing all
likewise complicit with the omnipresent workings of power/knowledge. questions of knowledge, judgment and ethics to the level of an intra-discursive force-field,
an agonistic play of resistances or power/knowledge effects where the subject is just a
ghost in the linguistic machine, an epiphenomenon of discourse. Nor is it in any way
fortuitous that in drawing out the aporias of Foucault's position one is led to invoke these
Cartesian metaphors and echoes of Gilbert Ryle on Descartes. For there is a similar
problem with Foucault: how to overcome the deep-laid conflict that exists between a
thoroughgoing determinism as applied to the body and its various disciplinary-discursive
regimes, and the necessary margin of free-will required to envisage any ethics or politics
worth the name.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 49
CHANGE Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.82
THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.42. For its part, Foucauldian analysis, despite the tender-heartedness of some of its instincts,
But his case appears much less convincing if one asks, with Habermas, what reasons seems equally to lead to resignation and quietism. If consciousness is such a prisoner of
Foucault can offer - factual, ethical, or principled reasons - for bringing that history to power)and Foucault seems much more gloomy than Marx in this respect)then hopes for
book (so to speak) as an instance of certain determinate abuses in the discourse of a break with the oppressive past must be futile indeed. Notes Alan Ryan, Princeton
oppressive instrumental rationality. For he is working with so impoverished a notion of professor of politics: It is, for instance, pretty suicidal for embattled minorities to embrace
'reason' - and so minimal a conception of the subject - that there seems no alternative to the Michel Foucault, let alone Jacques Derrida. The minority view was always that power
power/knowledge nexus that defines every aspect of human social interaction. In short, could be undermined by truth . . . Once you read Foucault as saying that truth is simply an
Foucault deprives himself of any normative (i.e., reasoned and principled) grounds on effect of power, you've had it . . . But American departments of literature, history, and
which to mount his otherwise passionate case as regards the great legacy of suffering, sociology contain large numbers of self-described leftists who have confused radical
injustice, and human waste brought about by such specific perversions of the rationalist doubts about objectivity with political radicalism, and are in a mess.
project. In Habermasian terms he fails to distinguish between the various spheres of reason
- instrumental (problem-solving), ethico political, aesthetic or 'world-disclosive', etc. - and AKH0569 FOUCAULT'S THEORIES UNDERMINE RADICAL ACTION
hence fails to see how encroachments by the first on to the others' domain may result in Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
just the kinds of large-scale abuse that his texts so persistently denounce. By reducing Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.83
'reason' to its lowest common denominator (instrumental rationality) Foucault in effect Though less disdainful of Foucault, Lentricchia is in the end disenchanted with that
closes off any prospect of progressive or emancipatory change. thinker's beatification: "Foucault's theory of power, because it gives power to anyone,
everywhere, provides for a means of resistance but no real goal for resistance . . . In this
AKH0564 FOUCAULT'S PERSPECTIVE UNDERMINES ANY HOPE OF PROGRESS version, the economic version of exploitation seems insignificant." An even more
Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND sweeping uneasiness is expressed by Bogdan Denitch, influential political scientist and co-
THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.108-9. chairman of the Democratic Socialists of America: "Politics of identity and mechanical
We are now better placed to understand why 'theory' (or the version of it promoted by imports of French intellectual fashions have trivialized and decentered attempts to build
post-structuralists, Foucauldians, New Historicists and others) has fallen in so readily with genuinely broad coalitions that could provide an arena for a resurgent left."
this current counter-enlightenment trend. By 'decentring' the subject to the point of
non-existence -reducing it to a mere position within discourse or a figment of the humanist AKH0570 FOUCAULT HAS NO COHERENT BASIS FOR POLITICAL RESISTANCE
Imaginary-post-structuralism has removed the very possibility of reasoned, reflective, and David Couzens Hoy, Professor of Philosophy, University of California-Santa Cruz,
principled ethical choice. From Foucault comes the Nietzsche-inspired (but ultimately FOUCAULT: A CRITICAL READER, 1986, p.10
Hobbesian) notion that 'subjectivity' end 'subjection' are synonymous terms; that all but finally Walzer maintains that the problem is more serious, and that Foucault's political
truth-claims - including ethico-political ideas of reason - are reducible to effects of epistemology is simply incoherent. Foucault calls for resistance but offers no account of
power/knowledge; and hence that we might as well abandon any hope of achieving what would constitute good reasons both for criticising that which is to be resisted and for
progress through the exercise of reason in its enlightened (critical-emancipatory) role. explaining how it should be resisted: `Foucault believes that truth is relative to its sanctions
and knowledge to the constraints that produce it. There would appear to be no independent
AKH0565 FOUCAULT'S THEORY OF POWER IS A POLITICAL DEAD END standpoint, no possibility for the development of critical principles.'
Robert Hughes, critic and historian, CULTURE OF COMPLAINT, 1993, p.75-6.
'To this was joined the belief of French poststructuralism, exemplified by Michel Foucault AKH0571 FOUCAULT'S THEORY OF POWER LEADS TO PASSIVITY
and Jacques Derrida, that the "subject"--the thinking, single agent, the "I" of every David Couzens Hoy, Professor of Philosophy, University of California-Santa Cruz,
sentence--was an illusion: all you had left was language, not mentality: frustration with FOUCAULT: A CRITICAL READER, 1986, p.11
pervasive systems of repressive undecidability written everywhere in the surrounding Yet Cliffort Geertz believes that in reading Discipline and Punish `we seemed to be faced
culture, but no means of overcoming it. Once there were writers, but now there is only with a kind of Whig history in reverse)a history, in spite of itself, of the Rise of
what Foucault derisively called "the author function." The intellectual, under these Unfreedom'. If Foucault's project is to do social criticism without appealing to a utopian,
conditions, is thought to be as helpless against power and control as a salmon in a polluted teleological philosophy of history, his use of the rhetoric of negative or dystopian
stream, the only difference being that we, unlike the fish, know the water is poisoned. functionalism is paradoxical. While dystopian stories can be told to counter the belief in
Thus, by the theory, we are not in control of our own history and never can be. We hold utopias, they are equally as mistaken as the utopian stories if the goal is to avoid all stories
it true that truth is unknowable; we must suspect all utterances, except the axiom that all about where history as a whole is going. Furthermore, the reverse Whiggish narrative has
utterances are suspect. It would be difficult to find a worse-- or more authoritarian--dead a decided moral or practical disadvantage when contrasted to the progressive narrative. The
end than this. John Diggins, in The Rise and Fall of the American Left, puts it in a nutshell: story of the inevitable slide into catastrophe evokes attitudes of fatalism and quietism,
'today the intellectual's challenge is not the Enlightenment one of furthering knowledge to which make social criticism pointless since individual agents are helpless to rectify the
advance freedom: the challenge now is to spread suspicion. The influence French resented social practices and institutions.
poststructuralism enjoys in American academic life . . . answers a deep need, if only the
David Couzens Hoy, Professor of Philosophy, University of California-Santa Cruz,
Anthony Giddens, Professor of Sociology, Cambridge, PROFILES AND CRITIQUES IN Other critics have noted that Foucault's rhetoric often conflicts with his more considered
SOCIAL THEORY, 1982, p.223 articulation of his method. Fredric Jameson argues that Foucault is trapped in a rhetorical
Foucault says of the prison that `prison reform' is born together with the prison itself: it is strategy that Jameson identifies as a `"winner loses" logic': What happens is that the more
part of its very programme. But the same point could be made, and in less ironic vein, powerful the vision of some increasingly total system or logic)the Foucault of the prisons
about various of the political and economic transformations introduced with the collapse book is the obvious example)the more powerless the reader comes to feel. Insofar as the
of feudalism. Liberalism is not the same as despotism, absolutism or totalitarianism, and theorist wins, therefore, by constructing an increasingly closed and terrifying machine, to
the bourgeois ethos of rational, universalised justice has the same double-edged character that very degree he loses, since the critical capacity of his work is thereby paralyzed, and
as prisons and their reform. With this major difference: prisoners are denied just those the impulses of negation and revolt, not to speak of those of social transformation, are
rights which the remainder of the population formally possess. Taken together, freedom increasingly perceived as vain and trivial in the face of the model itself.
of contract and freedom to organize politically have helped generate the rise of labour
movements that have been both a challenge to, and a powerful force for change within, the AKH0573 FOUCAULT'S METHOD OF EXPLANATION REINFORCES STATUS QUO
political and economic orders of capitalism. David Couzens Hoy, Professor of Philosophy, University of California-Santa Cruz,
AKH0567 FOUCAULT'S SKEPTICISM UNDERMINES EFFECTIVE POLITICAL The use of functional rather than causal explanation standardly leads to consequences
PRACTICE Foucault himself would not accept. Foucault's model for analysing `systems' of thought
Cornel West, Professor of Religion, Harvard, THE AMERICAN EVASION OF seems to borrow from sociological functionalism, which sees social life as systematically
PHILOSOPHY, 1989, p.226 interconnected, such that change in any part affects every other part and reconfigures the
Foucault rightly wants to safeguard relentless criticism and healthy skepticism, yet his whole. Since each part of the social system thus appears indispensable, functionalism can
rejection of even tentative aims and provisional ends results in existential rebellion or lead to political conservatism. Functionalist explanations may imply either that the whole
micropolitical revolt rather than concerted political praxis informed by moral vision and is so powerful that attempts to bring about social improvements by particular reforms will
systemic (though flexible) analysis. In stark contrast, prophetic pragmatists take seriously inevitably fail, or that the existent social institutions must be preserved since they are at
moral discourse)revisable means and ends of political action, the integrity and character least better than the social chaos that might result from efforts at social transformation.
of those engaged, and the precious ideals of participatory democracy and the flowering of
the uniqueness of different human individualities.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 50
Frederick Crews, U-Cal Berkeley English prof, THE CRITICS BEAR IT AWAY, 1992, H.F. Haber, Asst. Philosophy Prof., U. Colorado, Denver, BEYOND POSTMODERN
p.xx. POLITICS, 1994, p.98.
Not all New Americanists, it should be emphasized, have ensnared themselves in these While Foucault does mean to leave open the possibility for seeing self-conscious subjects
debilitating contradictions. Those who have personally experienced as necessary to resistance, he does not do much to explain how such self-consciousness is
marginalization)feminists, lesbians and gays, members of ethnic minorities)tend on the possible, or why resistance would result in the transformation of power)and it is not
whole to be wary of doctrines that conceive of society as a seamless fabric of enough of an excuse to say that this is a function of his unwillingness to prescribe what
undifferentiated and mystified oppression. Classical Marxists, too, often fault ought to be done.
poststructuralism for its neglect of "uneven development" among different underclasses
at any given historical moment. As the social ineffectuality of Foucault's world view AKH0580 FOUCAULT NOT EMPOWERING
becomes more generally apparent, New Americanism will surely evolve toward a less H.F. Haber, U Colorado-Denver, Asst. Philosophy Prof., BEYOND POSTMODERN
quixotic critical style. POLITICS, 1994, p.104.
So even if being alerted to the productive effects of power could result in attempts to
AKH0575 FOUCAULT PRODUCES HELPLESSNESS oppose the hegemony of the dominant power regime, the resister who would refuse to be
Frederick Crews, U-Cal Berkeley English prof, THE CRITICS BEAR IT AWAY, 1992, part of that regime is left with the difficult personal, psychological, epistemological, and
p.xix. also the difficult political question of who she might be. Foucault's analysis of power
Taking its cues from such thoroughgoing enemies of democracy as Nietzsche and might lead the disadvantaged to want to formulate alternatives to the subjugating power
Heidegger, poststructuralism projects a deep negativity about the possibilities of both regime, but it also implies the impossibility of this, since the question of being a woman-or
knowledge and social progress)a negativity so unrelenting that it decomposes the any unco-opted, "deviant" identity-has been made more difficult by Foucault than we
individual human "subject" into a helpless vector of forces that typically cannot even be might have originally thought, for to refer to an identity is not just to refer to a social
located, much less stemmed. Obviously, you can't be a very effective spokesman for category, but to a felt sense of self. I find in Foucault no reason for revolting against
freedom when your philosophy tells you that it doesn't exist. oneself, and even more problematic from the standpoint of oppositional politics, no
strategy for recovering an empowered, oppositional self.
Frederick Crews, U-Cal Berkeley English prof, THE CRITICS BEAR IT AWAY, 1992, AKH0581 RESISTANCE IS CO-OPTED
p.xix. H.F. Haber, U Colorado-Denver, Asst. Philosophy Prof., BEYOND POSTMODERN
As John Patrick Diggins has recently argued, it is not coincidental that poststructuralism POLITICS, 1994, p.99-100.
took hold in Western universities immediately after the theatrical student revolutionism Foucault states in the passage quoted above, that the existence of power "depends on a
of 1968 came crashing down. Poststructuralist fatalism toward established power served multiplicity of points of resistance," that resistance "can only exist in the strategic field of
a consoling function, assuring the disillusioned survivors of the New Left that the collapse power relations." But this means that resistance is co-opted for the purposes of disciplinary
of their emancipatory dreams was built into the nature of things. At the same time, its and normalizing regimes of power, and is evidence of the fact that resistance need not
private jargon, its token allegiance to all things "marginalized" by the capitalistic West, and result in transformation. And in fact, Foucault is not wrong. We see this co-opting of
its vision of interpretation without ground or end fostered a clannish leftism-of-the-library resistance all the time. Enough white middle-class women objected to being confined to
that promised immunity from further rude surprises. the role of housewife for it to have become the norm for those women to find jobs outside
of the home. But, far from changing the basic power structure, the phenomenon of women
AKH0577 FOUCAULT DETERMINIST)DENIES POTENTIAL FOR INDIVIDUAL in the workplace has served to strengthen it. The male-dominated society hasn't given
CONTROL much up-women are still responsible for the household; government has not taken on the
Frederick Crews, U-Cal Berkeley English prof, THE CRITICS BEAR IT AWAY, 1992, responsibility of making day care available to all, it has not sufficiently altered the
p.xix-xx. workplace to accommodate demands for maternity (much less demands for paternity)
Methodologically, the key feature of poststructuralist criticism is its downgrading of what leave, women are still not given equal pay for equal work, etc., it would not then be
Michel Foucault belittled as "the author function." Once writers have been discounted as surprising if these women "chose" to go back to being housewives. The dominant power
the primary shapers of their works, critics are free to "liberate" signifiers from the regime assures a no-win situation. If women work, more can be produced, and two-income
signified")that is, to make a text mean anything or nothing according to whim. From families are able to spend more in an inflationary age than a single-income family would.
Roland Barthes through Jacques Derrida to Foucault himself, poststructuralism has On the other hand, if women are forced to go back to being housewives, the patriarchal
conflated such quasi-libidinal linguistic play with political liberty, as if a carnival of power regime wins by having its values reinforced. Either way the dominant power regime
unconstrained textuality could somehow serve as a proxy for the actual release of is able both to benefit from, and deflect, resistance. Or one could take the example of how
oppressed social groups from neglect and exploitation. As many observers have noted, resistances are used as a target to strengthen the hold of the dominant powers by unifying
however, the Foucauldian model of social action)now the leading paradigm for New the people against a common enemy.
Americanists among other theorists on the academic left)is rigidly deterministic. If even
major authors are to be regarded as altogether "socially constructed" from the "discourses AKH0582 DESIRE SUBVERTS RESISTANCE
of power" surrounding them, what hope can the rest of us entertain for taking some control H.F. Haber, U Colorado-Denver, Asst. Philosophy Prof., BEYOND POSTMODERN
over our lives? POLITICS, 1994, p.100.
Resistance is also made problematic at the level of desire. Since we are formed by
AKH0578 FOUCAULT STOPS COMMUNITY RESISTANCE strategies of power we may well identify our interests with the interest of that very power
H.F. Haber, Asst. Philosophy Prof., U. Colorado, Denver, BEYOND POSTMODERN which was formulated to oppress us. This is why Susan Bordo argues that a Foucauldian
POLITICS, 1994, p.104-5. analysis of the strategic uses of power force us to question the integrity of our
At his worst, Foucault's pluralism, which results from his insistence on the proliferation understanding of our oppositional realities. She is right to argue that Foucault "constantly
of localized power struggles)not only intersubjectively, but also interpersonally)keeps reminds us that the results of individual interest and desire do not always lead where
him from allowing for a subject sufficiently coherent to form communities of active imagined and may often sustain unintended and unwanted configurations of power."
resistance and transformation. We saw this in Lyotard's paralogistic and agonistic model Foucault's analysis of power forces all marginalized voices to be alert to the possible
of politics. We see this again in Foucault's commitment to the confrontational co-opting of their particular consciousness. Bordo asks the question Foucauldian analysis
omnipresence of power and its concomitant destabilizing effect of the subject, evident in makes worrisome: "Could feminist gender-skepticism, in all its multifaceted 'deployment'
such passages as "there aren't any immediately given subjects of the struggle . . . who (to continue the Foucauldian motif), now be operating in the service of the reproduction
fights against whom? We all fight each other. And there is always within each of us of white male knowledge/power?" We must be on the lookout to recognize the ways even
something that fights something else." Since the individual is nothing but the effects of defiant alternatives are co-opted.
power, it is better, he thinks, to speak of the subjects of struggle not as "individuals," but
as "sub-individuals" always at war with their own values. But if the very self is thus
fragmented into antagonistic sites of power, then he is no better able to admit consensus
and community than was Lyotard. It is this kind of conclusion that leads those engaged in
oppositional struggles to repudiate the viability of postmodern politics. This is true, for
example, of some feminists who consider Foucault, and postmodernism in general, to be
disadvantageous for oppositional struggles: The postmodern project, if seriously adopted
by feminists, would make any semblance of a feminist politics impossible)to the extent
that feminist politics is bound up with a specific constituency or subject, namely women,
the postmodernist prohibition against subject-centered inquiry and theory undermines the
legitimacy of a broad-based organized movement dedicated to articulating and
implementing the goals of such a constituency. Without a subject there can be no locus of
resistance and without subjects coherent enough to form coalitions there can be no force
to resistance.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 51
H.F. Haber, U Colorado-Denver, Asst. Philosophy Prof., BEYOND POSTMODERN H.F.Haber, U. of Colorado-Denver, Asst. Philosophy Prof., BEYOND POSTMODERN
POLITICS, 1994, p.99. POLITICS, 1994, p.111-2.
This gives us a summary of Foucault's theory of resistance in its relation to power. But However, he failed in his goal insofar as he can also be said to participate in the
how much does this description really tell us? It seems to hold out hope for the possibility patriarchal, colonizing, order. Given Foucault's analysis of the subject as the effect of
of meaningful resistance even though resistance itself is always inscribed within those very power, the possibility for self-consciousness remains problematic. And since he placed the
relations of power it opposes. But I want to ask, "How exactly is this possible?" And on formation of self-identity within the disciplinary and normalizing structure of power, it is
the face of it, at least, Foucault does not do more than merely state the relation of resistance doubtful that such reflection, even if possible, would result in resistance. Despite his
to power as one of logical entailment. This leaves Foucault open to the charge that his is opening up the political space, and freeing "us" to ask correspondingly new and provoking
a world in which things move, rather than people, a world in which subjects become questions of it, he never adequately opened up a space for this "questioning us." This,
obliterated or, rather, recreated as passive subjects." In fact, it seems as if power/resistance despite his active role in prison reform and gay liberation. Though he did indeed work to
follows an inevitable kind of materialist logic: wherever there is power, there will also be help dissonant communities resist or revolt, the possibility of this community formation
resistance; this is simply the logic of the situation. This is rather like a political application is significantly absent from his theory. He did not explain where the self-conscious voice
of Newton's third law: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. But can this of the Other could come from or how it could speak or assert itself for the purposes of
law be applied to people? What reason does Foucault give for believing it can ? And even resistance. I suggest that this failure is at least partially explained by his deemphasis on the
if resistance is logically entailed by power, what does this make of resistance? Can we get importance of community for the formation of the subject of resistance. At its worst,
from resistance to purposive transformation? In fact, though in informal discussions and Foucault's poststructuralism keeps him from allowing for subjects sufficiently coherent to
interviews Foucault speaks as a revolutionary, as a theorist Foucault gives us reason not form communities of active resistance and transformation. At best it could be argued that
to be optimistic about the possibility of resistance and transformation. while he did not exclude the possibility of the formation of community, neither did he take
into account the seminal role of self-disclosure in community and community formation
AKH0584 FOUCAULT DOESN'T ALLOW POLITICAL ACTION for the possibility of oppositional politics. For various reasons, then, all the proponents of
H.F. Haber, Asst. Philosophy Prof. U. of Colorado-Denver, BEYOND POSTMODERN poststructural and postmodern politics I have been examining fail to provide a viable
POLITICS, 1994, p.89. politics for oppositional struggles. It is time to assess this failure and its implications for
Rorty criticizes Foucault for failing to appeal to any "we." He argues that the "rhetoric of an oppositional politics.
emancipation is absent from Foucault's work. Foucault's work "lacks an identification with
any social context, any communication"; he "forbids himself the tone of the liberal sort of AKH0589 FOUCAULT DOESN'T FURTHER OPPOSITIONAL POLITICS,
thinker who says to his fellow citizens: 'we know that there must be a better way to do H.F.Haber, U. of Colorado-Denver, Asst. Philosophy Prof., BEYOND POSTMODERN
things than this; let us look for it together.' " There is, he concludes, "no 'we' to be found POLITICS, 1994, p.107.
in Foucault's writings, nor in those of many of his French contemporaries." The question Foucault's insights regarding the omnipresence of power should have led him to insist, in
is not, however, whether Foucault fails to identify himself with any particular community, a way that he unfortunately did not, that since one's identity is always already the prime
but whether there is anything inherent in his work-as I argued there was in Lyotard-to effect of power, it is always more than a personal question. In failing to insist on this,
preclude the possibility of a ''we": of consensus or community. For the worry behind Foucault makes an important mistake-and an important political mistake, for in the
Rorty's criticism is valid: without some form of community there cannot be an effective formation of resistance, of oppositional consciousness, I would argue that it is necessary
politics. But it is one thing to allow for the formation of communities, and another to to seek others out: to reconstruct, revitalize one's identity in community with others.
specify the form these communities must take. Whether or not Foucault's analysis Foucault misses this point because he does not do enough to differentiate between effects
precludes the formation of community will remain, for the moment, an open question. But of power.
it is true that he does not attempt to specify the form future communities must take, and
this motivates much of the criticism against him. In part, this boils down to a contest AKH0590 FOUCAULT DOESN'T HELP OPPOSITIONAL DISCOURSE
between champions of the tradition and its dominated opponents. H.F.Haber, U. of Colorado-Denver, Asst. Philosophy Prof., BEYOND POSTMODERN
POLITICS, 1994, p.103.
AKH0585 FOUCAULT DOESN'T OFFER A POLITICAL MODEL Given that subjectivity is constituted through disciplinary practices and rationalizing
H.F. Haber, U. of Colorado-Denver, Asst. Philosophy Prof., BEYOND POSTMODERN discourses and is an effect of patriarchal, racist, and classist society, it could be said that
POLITICS, 1994, p.77-8. Foucault cannot account for the fact that oppositional discourses do, in fact, appear. For
However, it is arguable that in itself, Foucault's thesis is no less mystifying than Lyotard's. while on the one hand, Foucault thinks that resistance requires subjects capable of acting
His understanding of the self as an effect of disciplinary and normalizing power regimes in self-conscious and regulatory ways-the hoped-for practical application of his
forces one to he skeptical about the viability of a Foncauldian politics. Poststrutural and genealogical analyses of power presupposes the belief that because human practices are
postmodern politics has yet to be seen to offer a constructive political model. made they can be unmade, "of course, assuming we know how they were made"-on the
other hand, his thesis that resistance only exists in strategic fields of power relations where
AKH0586 INTEREST IN OPPOSITIONAL STRUGGLE DOESN'T LEAD TO those relations of power are conceived of as disciplinary and normalizing, makes it
ABANDONING EXISTING ORDER unlikely that there can be regulatory or even self-conscious subjects of resistance.
H.F. Haber, U. of Colorado-Denver, Asst. Philosophy Prof., BEYOND MODERN Furthermore, while his analysis may enable us to see ourselves as the objects of those
POLITICS, 1994, p.97-8. relations of power which have made us what we are (and have made the world what it is),
In short, the thesis that ''we cannot abandon our own order, even where we would attack it does not help us to see how we can be the makers of new histories-how Foucault can
it," renders Foucault's theory of power problematic for the possibility of resistance, and an begin with resistance and end up with self-conscious transformation. Foucault's thesis is
evaluator of Foucault interested in the formation of oppositional struggles, and the voicing further muddied if we consider passages like the one quoted above in which he seems to
of marginalized voices, can both respect his refusal to shape those struggles while at the be implying that the necessary and sufficient catalyst for resistance is self-conscious
same time refusing to thereby be put off from ' demanding a more constructive (or even subjects. When speaking of his role, Foucault says that by uncovering the multiple effects
coherent) notion of resistance and transformation from a power regime to which we are of power he thereby aids the formation of multiple points of resistance-once we see not just
subjected, to one we control. that, but how forms of rationality and formations of the subject rest upon a foundation of
human practices, once we know how these are made, he believes it then becomes possible
AKH0587 FOUCAULT GENEALOGY UNCALLED FOR for them to be unmade. This possibility rests upon subjects becoming aware of the multiple
H.F. Haber, U. of Colorado-Denver, Asst. Philosophy Prof., BEYOND MODERN effects of power. But it is not obvious that resistance will follow upon awareness of the
POLITICS, 1994, p.83. effects of power. And the inference is even more unlikely if we take seriously the thesis
Foucault's genealogical deconstruction of the public/private is, on Rorty's view, both that the subject and her or his identity is entirely a product of disciplinary and normalizing
uncalled for and unnecessary. It is uncalled for since it encourages intrusion on other discourse. If our personal identity is bound up with the interests of domination, radical
people's private poems and it is unnecessary, since the public humanist values of liberal critiques may in fact be seen as the threat to be resisted.
societies allow for the greatest freedom of private expressions coincident with the greatest
H.F.Haber, U. of Colorado-Denver, Asst. Philosophy Prof., BEYOND POSTMODERN
POLITICS, 1994, p.78.
On the negative side, however, I will argue that Foucault's thesis of power/knowledge
leaves no room for subjects of oppositional resistance. This is a problem which comes
about with the tendency to equate power with terror, a tendency found totalized in Lyotard
and present also in Foucault, though not perhaps consistently. (This is a point to which I
will be returning later in this chapter.)
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 52
H.F. Haber, Asst. Philosophy Prof., U. Colorado, Denver, BEYOND POSTMODERN Amitai Etzioni, GW govt prof, THE SPIRIT OF COMMUNITY, 1993, p.47.
POLITICS, 1994, p.105-6. Second, laws do represent, in every society, a proper method of expressing social and
And yet he doesn't always go this far. It is also clear that Foucault sees himself as moral values and of signaling conduct that the community considers proper or
participating in the formation of oppositional consciousness)in the formation of the abhorrent)even when these laws are rarely enforced through fines, jail sentences, or other
consciousness of oppositional subjects)and that he sees such subjects as necessary for the coercive means.
project of the instantiation of new regimes of power formed from the standpoint of
subjugated knowledges. Unfortunately, where he allows for agents of struggle, these AKH0598 CRIMINAL SANCTIONS ARE NEEDED TO CHECK HARMFUL
agents are "subjects" in an uncomfortably familiar sense of the word, and despite his BEHAVIOR
advances over Rorty, this signifies yet another of those totalizing impulses which mask the Amitai Etzioni, GW govt prof, THE SPIRIT OF COMMUNITY, 1993, p.82.
viewpoint of the bourgeois male. There are (even if he doesn't say how)and this points to Galston argues that it is insufficient merely to express unequivocally society's moral
tensions which can be said to exist between Foucault's modern and postmodern tendencies) opinion. "Mandatory declarations)laws with teeth)are typically needed to convince
times in Foucault's writings where he posits the existence of subjects coherent enough to citizens that the community is serious about its professed standards of responsibility. From
form coalitions, some of which coalitions will even, he says, be "permanent" [sic]. But, as drunk driving to racial discrimination, vigorous enforcement backed by sanctions has
he sees it, the first and last components of these coalitions will be "individuals," and this proved essential in changing behavior."
doesn't get us away from the bourgeois individualism which has dominated modern
patriarchal, racist, and classist power regimes. It also does not, therefore, adequately reflect AKH0599 ONLY CRIMINAL SANCTIONS CAN CONTROL CERTAIN PEOPLE
how we come to achieve the self-consciousness necessary for oppositional political Amitai Etzioni, GW govt prof, THE SPIRIT OF COMMUNITY, 1993, p.191.
struggle. On this point Lacanian theory proves instructive. It helps feminist theory There is a hard core of psychopaths and criminals that the most dedicated parents, the most
articulate the ways in which the very notion of the subject is a masculine prerogative effective schools, and the most attentive and caring neighborhoods cannot reach. To cope
within the terms of culture. As Judith Butler notes, The paternal law which Lacanian with them, all communities require the hand of public authorities, lest people be subject
psychoanalysis takes to be the ground of all kinship and all cultural relations not only to serial killers; wilding gangs out to torture, maim, and kill for kicks; child abusers and
sanctions male subjects, but institutes their very possibility through the denial of the arsonists. To suggest that these people can be reached by involving them in positive
feminine. hence, far from being subjects, women are variously, the Other, a mysterious and community work, meaningful creative work, or national service is a fairy tale. They are the
irrecoverable lack, a sign of the forbidden and irrecoverable maternal body, or some proper subjects for police. Their legal rights should be fully protected, but otherwise there
unsavory mixture of the above. is no denying that when it comes to hard-core criminals and dangerous mental patients,
public authorities are not only essential, but a legitimate, morally appropriate way to
David Couzens Hoy, Professor of Philosophy, University of California-Santa Cruz,
From Habermas's perspective Foucault's belittling of the progressive character of modern SENSE
enlightenment and rationality is mistaken. He thinks Foucault's generalization of Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, WITHOUT GUILT AND JUSTICE, 1973, p.53.
panoptical or conformist forces to the entire process of the modernization of society is A penal code deters people from committing crimes not only (1) by engendering fear but
false. Also, by ignoring the progress achieved through the modern guarantees of liberty also (2) by inculcating a moral sense. A trivial penalty (say, a five cent fine) suggests that
and legality, habermas thinks that Foucault fails to see clearly that the real problem is that an offense is trivial, while a severe penalty conveys the sense that the crime for which it
the legal means for securing freedom also endanger it. Finally, Foucault's attacks on the is decreed is grave. The code may also deter people simply (3) by informing them of what
human sciences for being unconsciously manipulative and thus uncritically co-opted are is forbidden.
out-of-date since for Habermas these fields are genuinely hermeneutical and critical by the
Anthony Giddens, Professor of Sociology, Cambridge, PROFILES AND CRITIQUES IN But crimes occur in spite of all this, and the penalties are intended to undo, or at least to
SOCIAL THEORY, 1982, p.222 minimize, the damage. How? By preventing private vengeance, lynchings, and a general
But the `mere' bourgeois freedoms of freedom of movement, formal equality before the breakdown of order. Often the offense injured others who, in the absence of a penal code,
law, and the right to organise politically, have turned out to be very real freedoms in the might have taken the law into their own hands.
light of the twentieth-century experience of totalitarian societies in which they are absent
or radically curtailed. AKH0602 SOCIAL LIFE REQUIRES PUNISHMENT
Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, WITHOUT GUILT AND JUSTICE, 1973,
SCIENCE Nevertheless I have argued that we need to retain the institution of punishment for future-
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and oriented reasons. To live together, people have to prohibit some kinds of conduct, and
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.236 prohibitions without penalties are ineffective in the face of temptation. If we always
We worry for the reason articulated by Arthur Potynen, for example, among many others waived all penalties, the law would cease to deter men, and the kind of conduct that we
who have begun to ask this question: Those attempting to ignore Post-modernism are sought to prevent would flourish.
many: for example, the natural sciences and business departments often hope that the
affected, yet essentially harmless, humanities will remain isolated and irrelevant. But if AKH0603 FOUCAULT'S REJECTION OF REASON IS A DISABLING
power is the essence of all human endeavors, then can science escape being labeled willful CONTRADICTION
and coercive? Can business be anything other than rapacious? Can either science or Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND
business continue to function in a political culture that assumes them to be oppressive. THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.10-1.
Thus there is no point saying, with breezy assurance, that 'all concepts are metaphors' (all
AKH0596 OUR ABILITY TO MAKE LOCALIZED PREDICTIONS DENIES "THE truth-claims rhetorical, all philosophy just a 'kind of writing' and so forth) if one thereby
INDISSOLUBLE CONTINUUM OF FORCES" deprives criticism of the analytic means - the conceptual resources - required to make good
A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH such an argument. It is the same point that Derrida raises against Foucault with regard to
AND LOGIC, 1946, p.151. certain passages in the latter's book Madness and Civilization. Here again there is a
We have, indeed no a priori ground either for accepting or for rejecting the doctrine that self-disabling paradox - a 'performative contradiction', to adopt the Habermasian term - in
every event is causally connected with every other, but there are good empirical grounds Foucault's strictly exorbitant claim to be somehow speaking from a position outside the
for rejecting it, inasmuch as it denies the possibility of natural science. For it is plain that very discourse of Western (post-Cartesian) reason on behalf of those oppressed or deviant
in making any given prediction we are able to consider only a limited set of data; what we voices which that discourse has sedulously kept off bounds. Foucault cannot advance a
do not take into account, we assume that we are entitled to ignore as irrelevant. I assume, single proposition - let alone a whole book of inter-articulated statements, judgments,
for example, that in order to determine whether it will rain tomorrow I need not take into inferences, and truth-claims - without necessarily falling back into the forms of rational
account the present state of mind of the Emperor of Manchukuo. If we were not entitled argumentation.
to make such assumptions, there would be no likelihood of our predictions ever being
successful, for we should always be ignoring the greater part of the relevant data. The fact
that our predictions are very often successful gives us reason to believe that some at least
of our judgements of irrelevance are correct, and so to reject the monistic doctrine which
denies their legitimacy.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 53
Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND Alan Megill, University of Iowa, PROPHETS OF EXTREMITY, 1985, p.245.
THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.33. But this is not to exempt Foucault from criticism, for his claims are infinitely more radical
This is what Habermas means when he writes of the 'performative contradiction' involved than those of Weaver's "true rhetorician." The "true rhetorician ' in Weaver's reading,
in all such wholesale sceptical assaults on the philosophic discourse of modernity. It is admits the legitimacy of a counterpart to rhetoric--namely, dialectic. Dialectic is here
particularly evident in Foucault's case, since here one finds all the resources of classical defined in the Aristotelian rather than in the Hegelian sense as (in Weaver's words) "a
scholarship and criticism - not to mention those of philosophic argument and textual method of investigation whose object is the establishment of truth about doubtful
exegesis - deployed with a view to discrediting the values of reason and truth, or revealing propositions." In contrast, by his exclusion of representation, Foucault excludes the
their complicity with the will-to-power over minds and bodies alike. Derrida makes the establishment of truth in this sense. Foucault speaks not of truth but of "truth '
same point about Foucault - to subtler and more telling effect - when he shows how understanding this term in the same way that Nietzsche understands it in "On Truth and
impossible is the latter's claim (in his book Madness and Civilization) to be speaking the Lie." Thus, we can call into question, as having a rhetorical significance and no other kind,
very language of madness as against the tyrannizing discourse of post-Cartesian reason. Foucault's claim that he is engaged in "fictioning" a history "on the basis of a political
What Foucault fails to recognise is the flat contradiction involved in presenting an reality that makes it true."
elaborately argued and documented case against the very same standards (of rational,
scholarly, and critical argumentation) which his book avowedly disowns. AKH0610 FOUCAULT'S CRITIQUE OF TRUTH MEANS THERE'S NO REASON WE
Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND But we have not yet fathomed the full extent of the difficulty that Nietzsche and Foucault
THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.33-4. raise for us. As Kaufmann points out, Nietzsche considers the will to power an absolutely
On the one hand - doubtless for strategic purposes - Foucault narrows his genealogical universal principle, to which even the search for truth is subject. But what is Nietzsche's
sights to equate 'reason' with just that singular episode (the Cartesian cogito) and just that project if not the articulation of a truth--namely, the truth that all truth is subject to the will
arguably consequent history (the 'great confinement') which together allow him to press to power? Kaufmann observes that "by including truth within the confines of this theory
the case for condemning rationality and all its works. Thus '(t)o all appearances it is reason of the will to power, [Nietzsche] has perhaps called in a Trojan Horse that threatens his
that he [Foucault] interns, but, like Descartes, he chooses the reason of yesterday as his entire philosophy with ruin." The same objection--if objection it is--applies to Foucault.
target and not the possibility of meaning in general'. For on the other hand - by the strictest Foucault tells us that there is no such thing as a "genuine" rhetoric, that all rhetorics are
order of discursive necessity - Foucault is constrained to abide by the ground-rules of subject to the play of power, that all rhetorics are coercive. But he does so in a rhetoric that
reasoned critical argument even in the act of denouncing them with all the rhetorical means by this very argument cannot be genuine. Why, then, should we believe Foucault? All
at his disposal. Cretans are liars. Or are they? We can hardly be sure. The move that seemed to get us
outside discourse finishes by enclosing us even more deeply within it.
Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND AKH0611 IF KNOWLEDGE IS SIMPLY POWER, THOUGHT IS WORTHLESS
THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.34-5. Amy Gutmann, Professor of Politics, Princeton, MULTICULTURALISM, 1994, p.18-9.
This is precisely his point about Foucault: that the latter falls into manifest absurdity when The argument is self-undermining, both logically and practically. By its internal logic,
he claims that Madness and Civilization is not only a book about the history of 'madness' deconstructionism has nothing more to say for the view that intellectual standards are
but one that is written in the very language and from the deepest interior of the discourse masks for the will to political power than that it too reflects the will to power of
of insanity itself. Foucault could not have advanced a single proposition on the subject - deconstructionists. But why then bother with intellectual life at all, which is not the fastest,
let alone an entire work of sophisticated argument and erudite scholarship - without surest, or even most satisfying path to political power, if it is political power that one is
undermining his own professed objective at every turn. Quite simply, reason is not an really after.
option in the sense that one could leave it behind (or opt out of it) for the sake of
promoting some radically 'other' kind of discourse, some language on the far side of truth, AKH0612 IF KNOWLEDGE IS POWER, THE LESS POWERFUL COULD NEVER
normativity, 'logocentric' thinking, or whatever. WIN.
Amy Gutmann, Professor of Politics, Princeton, MULTICULTURALISM, 1994, p.19.
AKH0607 FOUCAULT HOLDS A REDUCTIONIST OF REASON Deconstructionism is also impractical. If intellectual standards are political in the sense of
Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND reflecting the antagonistic interests and will to power of particular groups, then
THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.35. disadvantaged groups have no choice but to accept the hegemonic standards that society
That Foucault imagines such a break to be possible is a sign of his labouring under a imposes on the academy and the academy in turn imposes on them. The less powerful
twofold confusion. One is the idea that Descartes can be taken as having somehow cannot possibly hope to have their standards win out, especially if their academic
inaugurated the 'age of reason' and, along with it, those various forms of repressive spokespersons publicize the view that intellectual standards are nothing more than
institutional regime from the asylum to psychiatric medicine - which (so it is argued) assertions or reflections of the will to power.
represent the dark side of enlightened thought. But this is to mistake the peculiar character
of Descartes' 'hyperbolical' thought experiment for an instance of what Derrida calls AKH0613 GOOD ARGUMENTS DON'T SIMPLY REFLECT THE WILL TO POWER
'reason in general'. That is to say, it ignores the inescapable requirement that a work like Amy Gutmann, Professor of Politics, Princeton, MULTICULTURALISM, 1994, p.19.
Foucault's - a discourse on or of madness - should itself make sense according to criteria The deconstructionist outlook on the academy not only deconstructs itself, it does so in a
of logic, rational argument, critique of historical source-texts, etc. And the second dangerous way. Deconstructionists do not act as if they believed that common standards
confusion, following from this, is his treatment of 'reason' as a monolithic discourse, are impossible. They act, and often speak, as if they believed that the university curriculum
always on the side of instituted power and repressive (instrumental) rationality. For it is should include works by and about disadvantaged groups. And some version of this
because he holds such a reductive, quasi-Hobbesian conception of 'power/knowledge' that position, as we have seen, is defensible on universalistic grounds. But the reduction of all
Foucault is thus driven to discount all appeals to reason in its other (i.e. intellectual disagreements to conflicts of group interests is not. It does not stand up to
critical-emancipatory) role. evidence or reasoned argument. Anyone who doubts this conclusion might try to
demonstrate in a nontautological way that the strongest arguments for and against
AKH0608 CONFLATING KNOWLEDGE AND POWER UNDERMINES ETHICAL legalizing abortion, not the arguments offered by politicians but the most careful and
ACCOUNTABILITY compelling philosophical arguments, simply reflect the will to power, class and gender
Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND interests of their proponents.
At any rate it offers a more promising option than those other (post-structuralist or
textualist) theories which count 'reality' a world well lost and 'truth' just a cover-term to
mask the operations of an all-pervasive epistemic will-to-power. For the result of such
thinking, if consistently pursued, is to undermine every last standard of scholarly, critical,
and ethical accountability.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 54
ARGUMENT Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND
Amy Gutmann, Professor of Politics, Princeton, MULTICULTURALISM, 1994, p.19-20. THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.126.
Reductionism of intellect and argument to political interest threatens to politicize the In his final interview with Paul Rabinow in May 1984 Foucault makes it clear just why he
university more profoundly and destructively than ever before. I say "threatens" because had abandoned the position taken up in both his early ('archaeological') and his middle
deconstructionism has not actually "taken over" the academy, as some critics claim. But period ('genealogical') writings. 'Thought is not what inhabits a certain conduct and gives
the anti-intellectual, politicizing threat it poses is nonetheless real. A great deal of it meaning.' Rather, he suggests, it is 'what allows one to step back from this way of acting
intellectual life, especially in the humanities and the "soft" social sciences, depends upon or reacting, to present it to oneself as an object of thought and question it as to its meaning,
dialogue among reasonable people who disagree on the answers to some fundamental its conditions, and its goals'. Such critical reflection would be strictly inconceivable - yet
questions about the value of various literary, political, economic, religious, educational, another figment of the obsolete humanist imaginary - on the set of assumptions that had
scientific, and aesthetic understandings and achievements. Colleges and universities are characterized Foucault's previous work, that is to say, the post-structuralist view of
the only major social institutions dedicated to fostering knowledge, understanding, language (or 'discourse') as the absolute horizon and condition of possibility for thought
intellectual dialogue, and the pursuit of reasoned argument in the many directions that it in general. If indeed it is the case that all truth-claims and subject-positions are inscribed
may lead. The threat of deconstructionism to intellectual life in the academy is twofold: within a pre-existent discourse, then clearly one cannot 'step back' from that discourse in
(1) it denies a priori that there are any reasonable answers to fundamental questions, and order to criticize its 'meaning, its conditions, and its goals.'
(2) it reduces every answer to an exercise of political power.
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND
OF BEING, 1990, p.196. THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.124.
In view of his rejection of the present in all its forms, and his related rejection of the visual, Most striking in this regard is the essay 'What Is Enlightenment?', a text that not only
representational metaphor, Foucault is perhaps best regarded as the exponent of an borrows its title from Kant but finds Foucault adopting a very different attitude to the
unaccustomed form of utopianism. I have used the term utopian before, in relation to both Kantian values of truth autonomy, and enlightened self-knowledge. It is still - I should add
Nietzsche and Heidegger. It is essential that I say something about this term now, - a heterodox reading, one that sets out to shift argumentative terrain by pairing Kant
especially since the utopian moment is much more obvious in Foucault than it is in either (improbably enough) with a poet like Baudelaire, and thus re-defining 'modernity' in
of his predecessors. By utopian I mean an orientation that carries idealism, in Berki's sense, relation to the discourse of aesthetic self-fashioning, rather than that of philosophical
to the furthest degree. critique. But taken together with his other late works it shows just how far Foucault had
travelled from the idea of truth as nothing more than a ruse in the service of an epistemic
AKH0616 FOUCAULT IS A RADICAL UTOPIAN will-to-power over minds and bodies alike. What he now discovers in the Kantian project
Alan Megill, University of Iowa, PROPHETS OF EXTREMITY, 1985, p.265. is a moment whose uniqueness in the history of thought has to do with its opening a
The alienation of Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Foucault from "the modern age" is beyond wholly new space for critical reflection on the scope and limits of our freedom. 'How are
question: in one way or another, they all want to make a leap into a utopia that radically we constituted as subjects of our own knowledge? How are we constituted as subjects who
negates this reality. Radical dereliction and radical utopianism go together. Art best exercise or submit to power relations? How are we constituted as moral subjects of our
exercises its ex nihilo creativity where there is a nullity out of which this creation can own actions? No longer can such issues be consigned, as in Les mots et les choses, to the
emerge. status of pseudoproblems thrown up by a mere local perturbation in the sovereign order
of discourse.
Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND AKH0623 THE LATE FOUCAULT MOVED AWAY FROM THE EQUATION OF
Hence, as several commentators have noted, the curious conjunction in Foucault's work Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND
of a passionate address to issues of social injustice with a flat refusal to provide that work THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.124.
with any normative basis for judgments of truth and falsehood (or right and wrong) beyond But in subsequent volumes - The Use of Pleasure and The Care of the Self--Foucault
the idea of localized strategic intervention. All that is left, as in Madness and Civilization, modifies this position at least to the extent of acknowledging that we need to reconstruct
is an ill-defined notion of absolute alterity - of the excluded or marginalized 'other' - whose a more truthful genealogy of morals, of erotic and ethical conduct, which will trace the
locus shifts successively from text to text as Foucault engages the various 'discourses' of 'history of the present' from Greek and Roman antiquity, through the Christian
psychiatry, criminology, penal institutions, confessional practices, gender-role confessional, to Freudian psychiatry and other such modes of sexual
enforcement, and so forth. knowledge-production. And this can be achieved only in so far as we recognize first the
claims of accurate (truth-seeking) scholarship, and second our shared human interest in
AKH0618 FOUCAULT CAN'T EVADE THE LOGICAL ORDER HE SEEKS TO dispelling the sources of imaginary misrecognition and attaining a better, more informed
TRANSCEND or adequate sense of that formative prehistory. In these late writings, as Foucault says, 'a
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS whole morality is at stake, a morality that concerns the search for the truth and the relation
OF BEING, 1990, p.233. to the other'.
As we have seen, in his critique of History of Madness Derrida points out that Foucault is,
by his own argument, trapped within "logocentrism," within the general historical guilt AKH0624 FOUCAULT RELIES ON THE LOGIC OF THE ENLIGHTENMENT
borne by Western language. For whatever his claims to be resurrecting the silent language Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND
of an oppressed madness, Foucault continues to speak the language of the very reason that THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.32-3.
carried out the oppression in the first place. In short, he is still caught within the This would make 'enlightenment' a term more or less synonymous with the critique of
all-powerful order that he is seeking to evade. Thus, the radicalism of Foucault's critique unwarranted doctrinal impositions - especially the truth-claims of revealed religion -
of psychiatry is called into question. carried on by thinkers from Erasmus to Montaigne, Spinoza, Kant, and their latter-day
demythologizing heirs. Indeed - as will be evident to those with a knowledge of the
AKH0619 FOUCAULT OFFERS NO ALTERNATIVE TO THE WESTERN relevant background history -it is this tradition that is tacitly invoked by critics and
TRADITION theorists who eagerly proclaim the eclipse of 'grand narratives', the demise of the
Alan Megill, University of Iowa, PROPHETS OF EXTREMITY, 1985, p.256. 'transcendental signified', the obsolescence of any absolute, unitary Truth, and so forth. In
There is nothing to prevent Foucault from moving off in a different direction in the future. this sense one could argue that just about every school of present-day critical thought, from
Still, most of his work to date is best summed up under the dual headings of utopianism deconstruction to New Historicism, acknowledges its debt whether wittingly or not - to the
and crisis. He is clearly an enemy of the dominant, Western tradition. A major problem legacy of Enlightenment critique. It is a project carried on in the deconstructive
with his attack on the tradition, however, is his inability to specify what we have outside questioning of 'logocentric' values and truth-claims, in the effort to redeem those
it. marginalized voices that have suffered the violence of colonial rule or the enormous
condescension of posterity, and also - despite his anti-enlightenment rhetoric - in
AKH0620 FOUCAULT'S LANGUAGE IS INCOMMENSURATE WITH THE Foucault's genealogies of power/knowledge.
Alan Megill, University of Iowa, PROPHETS OF EXTREMITY, 1985, p.250.
What does seem clear, however, is that Foucault's denial of the objectivity of science
cannot be logically refuted: having adopted the language of power-knowledge, he has
taken up residence within a self-consistent rhetoric. And looking at things from the other
direction, the notion of an objective science--to which many others besides Marx have
adhered--cannot be convincingly established for those who have rejected the language
within which this notion exists. At best, lacunae within each language can be pointed out;
each language speaks about certain things while failing to speak about certain other things.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 55
Murray Bookchin, Institute for Social Ecology co-founder, RE-ENCHANTING Luc Ferry and Alain Renaut, French philosophers, FRENCH PHILOSOPHY OF THE
HUMANITY, 1995, p.185. SIXTIES, 1990, p.xv-xvi.
Foucault, in effect, escalates Nietzsche's own perspectivism without adding any dialectic Since the (recent) collapse of the Marxist dream of a radiant future, it is the
of truth, of knowledge, of thought, and least of all of history. The reader is left with only neoconservative critique of the Heideggerian type that is in turn being politically
the impoverished relativism of a fixed time and place, of power in all its 'masks'. History compromised. That the two major critiques of modern humanism have proven to be linked
appears as 'data' organized into 'regimes of truth', each of which is essentially hermetic and with totalitarian adventures is most significant: Whether conducted in the name of a radiant
self-enclosed. Given these specific 'regimes of truth', social freedom is essentially future or a traditionalist reaction, the total critique of the modern world, because it is
impossible because power, as exercised by these 'regimes', is integral to social life as such. necessarily an antihumanism that leads inevitably to seeing in the democratic project, for
The 'regimes of truth' do depend to one degree or another on each other, in the form of example in human rights, the prototype of ideology or of the metaphysical illusion, is
shredded 'hand-me-downs', not as a developing continuum, let alone a universalistic one. structurally incapable of taking up, except insincerely and seemingly in spite of itself, the
promises that are also those of modernity.
Murray Bookchin, Institute for Social Ecology co-founder, RE-ENCHANTING Luc Ferry and Alain Renaut, French philosophers, FRENCH PHILOSOPHY OF THE
HUMANITY, 1995, p.184. SIXTIES, 1990, p.120-1.
His pseudo-libertarian approach is ultimately so sweeping as to verge on extreme The antihumanism of '68 philosophy opens onto "barbarism," not because it leads to
individualism. No distinction is made between power held by state institutions and power unleashing all kinds of violence but insofar as all possibility of a real dialogue between
claimed by popular institutions or between institutions that lead to tyranny and those that consciousnesses, which had been open to thinking of their differences on the basis of
lead to freedom. Not surprisingly, Foucault, a political activist in his own way, was identity, is destroyed by the accusations brought against subjectivity: When only
committed to episodic events: to demonstrations, protests, battles with the police - in short, exaggerated individual differences survive, then everyone's other becomes "wholly other,"
to discontinuous occurrences, local situations that are entirely ephemeral, that come and the "barbarian." The link between the critique of subjectivity and the expulsion of the
go in the flux of mere events and never lead to the formation of broad social movements. problematics of communication (from the re-public) is so close that we see once again in
Advancing no constructive structural analysis of power as such, Foucault offers no someone like Lyotard the same hostility and incomprehension toward the question of
remedies for social change beyond the impact of incidents - tumultuous at best and passive intersubjectivity: "Consensus obtained through discussion as Habermas believes? It
at worst. violates the heterogeneity of language games." If we think for a moment of the political
implications of this type of statement (in terms of the representation of the community) in
AKH0627 FOUCAULT'S OPPOSITION TO ALL INSTITUTIONS UNDERMINES HIS Lyotard, as well as in Foucault, we should logically congratulate ourselves that the authors
CRITIQUE OF POWER of these statements have so ardently cultivated inconsistency and have fortunately also
Murray Bookchin, Institute for Social Ecology co-founder, RE-ENCHANTING been able to defend human rights and the values of the republic, as almost everyone has.
HUMANITY, 1995, p.183-4.
Foucault's opposition to institutions as such significantly impairs his critique of power. Not AKH0633 POST-HUMANISM IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH HUMAN RIGHTS
only does the substantial and formal exercise of power vex him; institutionalization in all Luc Ferry and Alain Renaut, French philosophers, FRENCH PHILOSOPHY OF THE
forms is so integrally related to the exercise of power that his critique is completely SIXTIES, 1990, p.22.
reductionist, which is to say, vacuously abstract. Institutions are part of even the simplest Nevertheless, from Heidegger to Derrida, the gesture of radicalizing the critique of
of human affiliations, be they families, clans, tribes, or municipalities of one kind or humanism is what constitutes French philosophy of the sixties (in this case what we call
another, not to speak of the multitude of 'establishments' human beings require simply to French Heidegerianism). It began with the relationship between humanism and the
have a society. Thus, Foucault exhibits little or no concern about the nature of power. (modern) metaphysics of subjectivity established by Heidegger and became a hyperbolic
antihumanism that, twenty years later, can be seen to have had some difficulty
AKH0628 INSTITUTIONS ARE ESSENTIAL TO HUMAN FREEDOM accommodating itself to the newly rediscovered reference to human rights.
Murray Bookchin, Institute for Social Ecology co-founder, RE-ENCHANTING
More specifically, power itself is not something whose elimination is actually possible. Luc Ferry and Alain Renaut, French philosophers, FRENCH PHILOSOPHY OF THE
Hierarchy, domination, and classes can and should be eliminated, as should the use of SIXTIES, 1990, p.xii.
power to force people to act against their will. But the liberatory use of power, the It is on the basis of this twofold critique, of abstract man and of instrumental (or technical)
empowerment of the disempowered, is indispensable for creating a society based on reason, that the Heideggerian deconstruction of the metaphysics of subjectivity could join
self-management and the need for social responsibility - in short, free institutions. It seems Marxism in a common rejection of humanism.
inconceivable that people could have a free society, both as social and personal beings,
without claiming power, institutionalizing it for common and rationally guided ends, and AKH0635 HEIDEGGER'S NAZISM DERIVED FROM HIS VIEW OF HUMAN
intervening in the natural world to meet rational needs. NATURE
Stanley Rosen, philosopher, Penn State, NIHILISM, 1969, p.121-2.
AKH0629 FOUCAULT'S VIEW DENIES THE POSSIBILITY OF AUTHENTIC During Heidegger's brief tenure as rector of Freiburg University, he delivered a number
SOCIAL LIBERATION of speeches and official pronouncements which may fairly be described as an effort to
Murray Bookchin, Institute for Social Ecology co-founder, RE-ENCHANTING justify national socialism by assimilating the terms of his own philosophy to those of the
HUMANITY, 1995, p.185. popular Nazi vocabulary. One of the most useful attempts by a student of the period, J-P.
There is enough in Foucault's often equivocal and cryptic writings to suggest that he denies Faye, to demonstrate this point seems to be virtually unnoticed by English writers. In his
the possibility that we can actually attain social liberation. We may resist the social order analysis of Heidegger's language, Faye shows, for example, how Heidegger accommodated
perhaps, but only in the defensive actions of "local insurrections", as Foucault calls them. to the rhetoric of the vulgar and to that of the academic community depending upon the
We can defy protest, strike a blow against the all-embracing authority of "regimes of occasion, and how his own rhetoric permitted him to introduce revolutionary and
truth", but a radical breach with the established order and its replacement with a truly demagogic political idion into theoretical speeches. The least one can say is that the ease
liberated one is precluded by the premise that social life and its indispensable with which Heidegger succeeded in accommodating the teaching of Being and Time to the
institutionalization is essentially a system of subordination and domination that we merely resolute choice of Hitler and the Nazi party provides us with an essential clue to the
"reinscribe" when we try to replace one social form with another. political philosophy implicit in his ontological analysis of human existence.

WITHOUT DOMINATION Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
Murray Bookchin, Institute for Social Ecology co-founder, RE-ENCHANTING Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.217
HUMANITY, 1995, p.182-3. Humanism)post-Enlightenment Western humanism)has created, in the face of all the
Lacking any searching theoretical or historical contextuality, Foucault's statements on the narrow particularism and dogmatic absolutism that has eternally plagued our species, an
profoundly important issue of just treatment for criminal behavior are completely reckless ethic of universal justice and universal tolerance. Moreover, history attests to the value of
and only seemingly radical. To see an 'embryonic' state power in institutionalized human the humanistic view in tokens that go far beyond sentiment. The Western culture that
interaction, even in its strictly functional and ad hoc forms, is as simplistic as it is grows from, extends, and intensifies the Enlightenment proves itself and displays its
misleading. Carried to its logical conclusion, Foucault's view essentially excludes the uniqueness most impressively by its ability to fathom nature and nature's regularities, to
possibility that any kind of society can exist without domination, unless it is a a depth unimaginable in prior civilizations. Western culture converts that knowledge into
free-wheeling mass of individuals who somehow congeal into 'functional' bodies like the the instruments, conveniences, and perceived necessities of daily life with a swiftness that
September crowds. far outspeeds the traditional pace of historical process.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 56
Stanley Rosen, Penn State philosopher, NIHILISM, 1969, p.101. Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, FROM SHAKESPEARE TO
Once again put bluntly, in the deepest sense, Heidegger has no doctrine, no philosophical EXISTENTIALISM, 1980, p.360.
position, no positive teaching. As he himself always emphasized, and as the title of his last Although Heidegger suggests at the end of the Introduction that he is condemned to endure
book explicitly asserts, his thought has been from the beginning "on the way toward in perplexity and that this is the human condition in our time he really ends by "proving"
speech." There is no need to repeat the argument of Chapter 2: the way toward speech, this point with a quotation from Holderlin. It may be objected that the final quotation is
although tangentially illuminating, has led to, and in a sense always been within, the heart merely a pleasant stylistic device. But does Heidegger ever entertain the possibility that
of darkness. Holderlin or Sophocles, Heraclitus or Parmendides might be mistaken about anything? His
attitude toward these men is invariably one of humility before authority. Any criticism of
AKH0638 HEIDEGGER USES OBSCURE LANGUAGE TO MASK HIS CONFUSION the pre-Socratics is out of the question. It is assumed that they, living so near the beginning
Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, FROM SHAKESPEARE TO of Western thought, knew what we do not know and would like to know. When Heidegger
EXISTENTIALISM, 1980, p.339. explores the nature of man, he gives us a translation of the wonderful second chorus from
"Language is the house of Being," says Heidegger; but in truth his language is the house Sophocles' Antigone and then interprets it. He proceeds exactly like a theologian who cites
in which he hides, and his Gothic terminology is like a row of towers that frightens us Scripture.
away while it gives him a feeling of security. His philosophy is like a castle that, though
certainly not beautiful, stands out from a generally dull landscape and catches the eye. We AKH0645 HEIDEGGER SIMPLY SECULARIZED CHRISTIANITY
should not dream of settling down beneath it to spend our lives, like Kafka's K., in futile Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, DISCOVERING THE MIND: NIETZSCHE,
efforts to penetrate the mysteries that, more often than not, are expressions of confusion HEIDEGGER, AND BUBER, 1980, p.209.
rather than profundity. Heidegger secularized Christian preaching about guilt, dread, and death but claimed to
break with two thousand years of Western thought. His teaching that "human Being as
AKH0639 HEIDEGGER WAS SIMPLY AN INTELLECTUAL PERFORMER such is guilty" is a secularized version of the Christian doctrine of original sin. Section 58,
Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, DISCOVERING THE MIND; NIETZSCHE, which deals with guilt, begins with four pages that are devoid of any description of
HEIDEGGER, AND BUBER, 1980, p.234. relevant phenomena as well as anything that one could call an argument. Then we are told:
Some images that recur in Nietzsche's writings seem to me to fit Heidegger beautifully. I "What lies in this, however, is: Being guilty does not result only from becoming guilty, but
see him as a magician or wizard, "a philosophical Cagliostro and pied piper, in short, a it is the other way around: the latter becomes possible only `on the basis of' an original
seducer." He was a great performer who took in large numbers of highly intelligent men Being guilty."
and women and perhaps even himself.
Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, DISCOVERING THE MIND: NIETZSCHE, EXISTENTIALISM, 1980, p.356-7.
HEIDEGGER, AND BUBER, 1980, p.189. The great philosopher, like the great poet, has a vision. Philosophy is not all analysis and
What I mean by calling Heidegger's anthropology "dogmatic" is that he put forward scrutiny and intellectual anatomy. Precisely the greatest philosophers have often sold
apodictically, without considering negative evidence or alternatives, commonplaces carefulness short because it mattered less to them than did the spirit's fight. They were
dressed up in an imposing but confusing jargon. concerned above all else with something they had seen, or were still seeing)something that
seemed to them to belong to a higher order than all mere analysis. Analysis might come
AKH0641 HEIDEGGER HAS NO VALID ALTERNATIVE TO REASON afterward, or might be used as a steppingstone: it can never become a substitute for vision
Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, DISCOVERING THE MIND: NIETZSCHE, any more than criticism can take the place of poetry. But Heidegger fails to see that his
HEIDEGGER, AND BUBER, 1980, p.228. disparagement of logical scrutiny and his scorn of "the cheap acid of mere logical acumen"
Neither Heidegger nor Scheler has come up with any alternative method that could replace open the floodgates to fanaticism, superstition, and stupidity.
the use of hypotheses and the patient weighing of objections and alternatives. But both
claimed that they had found such a method, and as long as they were saying things that AKH0647 HEIDEGGER'S PHILOSOPHY LEADS TO NIHILISTIC PASSIVITY
their audience had "been unconsciously [or for that matter consciously] hoping to hear Stanley Rosen, Penn State philosopher, NIHILISM, 1969, p.135-6.
from someone who could assert them with authority" they were naturally not found out. This mandate, despite its parious and even nihilistic character, with the danger it brings of
the destruction of the human race, also reveals the sense of Being as Historicity. It reveals
AKH0642 HEIDEGGER FAILED TO RECOGNIZE HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT the sense of Being as presence-and-absence, but also as temporal process which, in
Walter Kaufman, Princeton philosopher, DISCOVERING THE MIND: NIETZSCHE, completing each stage, "clears the stage" for new possibilities for which man, and the
HEIDEGGER, AND BUBER, 1980, p.190. exemplary authentic thinker, can only wait. To attempt to accelerate by political action the
Secondly, despite the reference to time in the title of his main work and his insistence that demise or completion of our present parlous stage would be to surrender to its intrinsic
he had illuminated the temporality of human existence, the book is as oblivious of nihilism, for nihilism is the will to will, the will to dominate Being instead of letting it be,
development and possible differences in time and place as Kant was in his Critique of Pure nihilism is both man's forgetting of Being and the gift of Being. Being gives man nihilism,
Reason. Although Heidegger later wrote extensively on Nietzsche and also an article on yet man is the agent of nihilism. Hence the strange conclusion that to act against nihilism
Hegel and has often been linked with both, it is utterly astonishing how little he learned is to act against Being, and so to perpetuate nihilism. This is the ontological conclusion of
from them and how unaffected he remained by their central intentions. To give a single the long revolt against Platonism, in the version given its decisive shape by Nietzsche and
example, in his long discussion of "Being-toward-death" it never seems to have occurred Heidegger. In his desire not to do violence to Being, man is violated by Being. Having
to him to ask whether human attitudes toward death might differ (1) according to one's age identified action with radical destruction, or a purifying self-laceration, the ontological
and the stage one has reached in one's development, (2) at different stages in history, and nihilist retreats into total inaction.
(3) in different cultures. he seems to have looked for timeless truths that are absolutely
certain and his tone frequently gives the impression that he has found such truths. AKH0648 HEIDEGGER'S ATTEMPT TO OVERCOME NIHILISM LED
AKH0643 HEIDEGGER WAS AN INTELLECTUAL AUTHORITARIAN Stanley Rosen, Penn State philosopher, NIHILISM, 1969, p.101.
Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, DISCOVERING THE MIND: NIETZSCHE, In more concrete terms, Heidegger began his journey as a student of Christian theology
HEIDEGGER, AND BUBER, 1980, p.189. and Aristotle's metaphysics. His response to the nihilism of post-Nietzschean Europe, and
Heidegger's thinking is deeply authoritarian. His insistence that he was engaged in specifically to the political situation following the First World War, led him to a
existential ontology or fundamental ontology as well as the proliferation of strange labels reinterpretation of Nietzsche. Heidegger radicalized the significance of Zarathustra's
helped to immunize his discourse against the obvious charge that it was absurdly dogmatic revelation that ''God is dead," making use of elements from Christianity, Greek philosophy,
and apodictic. Any appeal to evidence or rival observations and interpretations was German thought, and the spiritual despair of the decades culminating in the Nazi rise to
discounted in advance. So was empirical research as a matter of principle. All this is as power. His intention was to overcome European nihilism by setting the stage for a new
different from Nietzsche as can be and, of course, also from Goethe. Heidegger, like Kant, understanding of "the question of Being." In my opinion, it is clear that the development
did not admit hypotheses into philosophy, demanded certainty, and purchased the of an ontology of historicity was conditioned by Heidegger's response to the political and
semblance of it through extreme obscurity. social events of 1919 and thereafter.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 57
Stanley Rosen, Penn State philosopher, NIHILISM, 1969, p.100. Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, DISCOVERING THE MIND: NIETZSCHE,
For these reasons it would be a contradiction in terms if Heidegger were to give a positive, HEIDEGGER, AND BUBER, 1980, p.188.
"doctrinal" content to his analysis of the existential process of authenticity. Heidegger's The whole enterprise of S&Z is ill considered. Heidegger's "fundamental question" about
silence in this respect is consistent, but it also reveals the necessarily nihilistic implications "the meaning of Being" simply ignores Hegel's and Nietzsche's critical discussions of
of his thought. Put bluntly, no one can say anything to anyone about what constitutes "Being" and assumes that "Being" has a meaning. Then Heidegger suggests that in order
genuine choice in a specific situation. It therefore becomes impossible to prevent total to discover this meaning we must first lay the foundation by analyzing "human Being" and
suspension of judgment. The Christian may say, "judge not, lest ye be judged," because of above all the two allegedly basic modes of that: authenticity and inauthenticity. In other
the eternal presence of an eternal judge. But the Heideggerian becomes indistinguishable words, even as Kant allegedly laid the foundation for a new metaphysics by first offering
from the nihilist, who says that "everything is allowed," because part of the Christian a critique of reason, Heidegger begins by first offering an analysis of "human Being" and
doctrine has been wedded to a resolute self-reliance in the absence of all gods. of its two dichotomy and his accounts of both modes are utterly inadequate and impede the
discovery of the mind. But even if his "anthropology" were better, how could it possibly
AKH0650 HEIDEGGER'S CONCEPT OF AUTHENTICITY PRODUCES BRUTALITY reveal, or provide the indispensable foundation for a revelation of, "the meaning of
Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, DISCOVERING THE MIND: NIETZSCHE, Being"?
HEIDEGGER, AND BUBER, 1980, p.201. [Editor's Note: S&Z = Heidegger. Sein und Zeit: Erste Halfte]
The whole account of inauthenticity is a mere foil for authenticity, and that does not have
three characteristics but only one: resoluteness. Thus the fundamental contrast is between AKH0656 HEIDEGGER'S CONCERN WITH BEING IS JUST PSEUDO-THEOLOGY
indecisive ambiguity and chatter on one side and resoluteness on the other. Heidegger's Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, FROM SHAKESPEARE TO
definition of resoluteness is emphasized in print: "this taciturn self-projection, ready for EXISTENTIALISM, 1980, p.347-8.
dread, into one's most authentic being guilty)is what we call resoluteness." Kierkegaard's Nietzsche's Zarathustra said in the chapter "On the Afterwordly": "The belly of Being does
critics, I among them, have never been satisfied that he succeeded in Fear and Trembling not speak to humans at all, except as a human. Verily, all being is hard to prove and hard
in establishing sufficient safeguards against inhumane and brutal commitments. to induce to speak." Nietzsche suggests that the concern with Being and metaphysics and
heidegger's reliance on the same old Kierkegaardian notions of silence, readiness for dread, the concern with God and theology ("the afterworldly" is intended as a literal translation
and guilt suggests, and closer examination bears out, that he was unable to improve on of "metaphysicians") are variations of a single attitude; and we shall return to this theme
Kierkegaard. later when comparing Heidegger's approach with that of theologians.

Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, DISCOVERING THE MIND: NIETZSCHE, Stanley Rosen, Penn State philosopher, NIHILISM, 1969, p.143.
HEIDEGGER, AND BUBER, 1980, p.197-8. Similarly, Heidegger was led to mistake madness for courage in 1933 and to identify the
Heidegger's analysis of authenticity and inauthenticity is shallow and Manichaean. The destiny of the Third Reich with that of Being. This mistake would seem to be consequent
shallowness is due in no small measure to the Manichaeism. He denied repeatedly that his upon the elimination of the divine, and hence of divine madness. The least one may say is
contrast of these two modes of Being had anything at all to do with moralizing and insisted that the courageous turn to Being, when unaccompanied by justice or moderation, raises
that his descriptions were value-free; but this may well be the most incredible claim in the political dangers of so great a magnitude as to cast a shadow on the wisdom of unmitigated
whole book. His account of inauthenticity is extremely sarcastic, while authenticity is hybris.
Stanley Rosen, Penn State philosopher, NIHILISM, 1969, p.45. A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH
I have been arguing that ontological speech, in the sense attributed to it by those who AND LOGIC, 1946, p.43-4.
follow Heidegger's distinction between the ontological and ontic, is in fact silence. In general, the postulation of real non-existent entities results from the superstition, just
Ontologists of this type wish to talk about Being as distinct from beings, and speech will now referred to, that, to every word or phrase that can be the grammatical subject of a
simply not permit this. If this is a defect of speech, and the significance of speech is in the sentence, there must somewhere be a real entity corresponding. For as there is no place in
deepest and final sense relative to silence, then there is no reason for what we say or for the empirical world for many of these "entities," a special non-empirical world is invoked
whether we speak at all, other than the mere fact, although there is equally no reason to to house them. To this error must be attributed, not only the utterances of a Heidegger, who
keep silent. The result is absurdism or nihilism. Therefore no reason can be given which bases his metaphysics on the assumption that "Nothing" is a name which is used to denote
would justify our falling into such desperate straits. Every fundamental ontological speech something peculiarly mysterious, but also the prevalence of such problems as those
of the type in question is not just self-refuting but self-canceling. It is exactly as if the concerning the reality of propositions and universals whose senselessness, though less
fundamental ontologist had never spoken (except, unfortunately, for the practical effects obvious, is no less complete.
of his speech).
AKH0653 HEIDEGGER'S QUESTIONS ABOUT BEING ARE FUNDAMENTALLY A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH
Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, FROM SHAKESPEARE TO But, as Kant pointed out, existence is not an attribute. For, when we ascribe an attribute
EXISTENTIALISM, 1980, p.366-7. to a thing, we covertly assert that it exists: so that if existence were itself an attribute, it
In his Introduction Heidegger would still like to unravel Being, and is still unable to do it. would follow that all positive existential propositions were tautologies, and all negative
This is certainly not due to the age we live in. Heidegger finds no answers to his questions existential propositions self-contradictory; and this is not the case. So that those who raise
because he does not ask answerable questions. The questions he poses are questions in the questions about Being which are based on the assumption that existence is an attribute are
same sense in which we speak of a "Jewish question" or "the question of homosexuality." guilty of following grammar beyond the boundaries of sense.
They are exciting but utterly vague)not really questions at all in the ordinary sense, but
labels for vast complexes of problems that must be distinguished before any answers can AKH0660 STATEMENTS ABOUT BEING ARE UNVERIFIABLE
be attempted. Heidegger does not even offer penetrating insights apropos of his questions. A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH
AND LOGIC, 1946, p.42.
AKH0654 EVEN HEIDEGGER ADMITS ONLY HUMAN BEING CAN HAVE A simpler and clearer instance of the way in which a consideration of grammar leads to
MEANING metaphysics is the case of the metaphysical concept of Being. The origin of our temptation
Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, DISCOVERING THE MIND: NIETZSCHE, to raise questions about Being, which no conceivable experience would enable us to
HEIDEGGER, AND BUBER, 1980, p.188-9. answer, lies in the fact that, in our language, sentences which express existential
Finally, Heidegger himself undermines his own "fundamental question" about "the propositions and sentences which express attributive propositions may be of the same
meaning of Being" as well as his repeated insistence that "the purpose of the interpretation grammatical form.
is purely ontological" and that his ultimate concern is not with human existence but with
the meaning of Being, when he admits)and the emphasis is his own: "Only human Being AKH0661 BEING IS AN EMPTY FICTION
can therefore be meaningful or meaningless'. Friedrich Nietzsche, German philosopher, TWILIGHT OF THE IDOLS (in THE
But Heraclitus will remain eternally right with his assertion that being is an empty fiction.
The "apparent" world is the only one: the "true" world is merely added by a lie.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 58
M.C. Dillon, professor of philosophy, SUNY-Binghamton, WORKING THROUGH Stanley Rosen, Penn State philosopher, NIHILISM, 1969, p.134-5.
DERRIDA, Gary Madison, ed., 1993, p.189. The prophet-shepherd of Being is in fact a plaything of the absent gods. he cannot err in
But, whereas Heidegger sought "to destroy the traditional content of ancient ontology" in the human sense because his "errance" is not human or ontic, but ontological. Adherence
order to retrieve "those primordial experiences in which we achieved our first ways of to the Nazi party in 1933, when interpreted at the ontological or genuine level insisted
determining the nature of Being,"' Derrida challenges the core notion of phenomenology, upon by Heidegger himself, cannot be understood as an act of naivete, as Heidegger's
the notion that there is a retrievable domain of primordial experience upon which an admirers inconsistently and (from his viewpoint) superficially maintain. Similarly, his
authentic understanding of Being could be founded. negative attitude toward the party after 1934 cannot be understood as he himself explains
it in his statement to the Allied authorities of 1945, that is, merely as the recognition of a
AKH0663 QUESTIONS OF BEING SHOULDN'T INFLUENCE ORDINARY ACTIONS political miscalculation while in the service of man's philosophical spirit. It is the gift of
Anthony Giddens, Professor of Sociology, Cambridge, THE CONSEQUENCES OF Being, and not the ontic judgment of Martin Heidegger, that must assume responsibility,
MODERNITY, 1990, p.93. and so too credit if credit is due, for the "new" attitude. As Heidegger expounds its
Philosophers pose questions about the nature of being, but they are not, we may suppose, theoretical sense in his philosophical writings, the practical stance of 1934 and thereafter
ontologically insecure in their ordinary actions and in this outlook they are in accord with is not a moral condemnation of the Nazis, but an acceptance of their historical inevitability,
the mass of the population. exactly was the case in 1933.

TOWARD OTHERS Stanley Rosen, Penn State philosopher, NIHILISM, 1969, p.122-4.
J.G. Merquior, King's College, London, FROM PRAGUE TO PARIS, 1986, p.225. At least in the early period of Heidegger's thought, the process by which Being reveals
According to Levinas, It was not enough to condemn, like Heidegger, the ontological itself in history (as historicity) was regarded as a consequence of human activity.
oblivion of technological civilization: one should also stop looking for being as such, for Therefore, the process could be modified by man's will or choice, and indeed would have
every ontology brings about a tyranny of sameness; all theory of being is violent, both to be so modified in order to continue to occur. The fate of Being in the west was said to
because it is 'theory' and because it deals with 'being', with the One as a mask of the Same. be dependent upon the authentic and profound resolution with which Germany responded
The only way to save a true respect for the other(s) is to insist on ethics, the realm of duty to its historical situation. In a rather Hegelian sense, Hitler was described as the leader not
towards others, instead of pursuing ontology-a point missed by Heidegger because, with simply of the state or people, but of the next epoch of world history. In a sense peculiar to
his 'pagan' peasant roots, he remained ensnared in the cautious, possessive love for Heidegger, German students were told by him that "the Fuhrer himself and alone is the
sameness characteristic of agrarian culture, and therefore had no grasp of the value of present and future German reality and its law." The will of the Fuhrer as the expression of
infinite alterity so strong in Jewish piety and in the Jew's long experience of exile and the historical destiny of the German people thus replaces Ideas, science, and the specious
outsiderness. freedom, academic or otherwise, by which an objective rationalism duped the west. These
practical translations of Heidegger's teaching, which remind us of the previously studied
AKH0665 HEIDEGGER ACTIVELY SUPPORTED THE NAZIS assertions of Junger and scarcely conform with Heidegger's own account of his
Stanley Rosen, Penn State philosopher, NIHILISM, 1969, p.119. professional activities under the Nazi regime, have never been repudiated by him, nor were
I have given a brief summary of some aspects of Junger's teaching as a prelude to the they altogether superseded by later developments in his thought. They follow from
discussion of the connection between historicity and political nihilism in Heidegger. It is Heidegger's peculiar identification of Being with Time (which I capitalize to indicate its
interesting to observe that Junger, the soldier, war hero, and political journalist, however ontological sense) or Historicity, in the first as well as the last stages of his thought.
he may have assisted indirectly the Nazi rise to power, never became a member of the party
and from a rather early period (1930) began a process of increasing criticism, both direct AKH0670 REJECTING HUMANISM WOULD BE HISTORY'S GREATEST
and in the form of literary parables. The same cannot be said of Heidegger, the only thinker TRAGEDY
of the first rank to join the Nazi Party and to speak out, albeit for a brief period, regularly Herbert Muller, Indiana U govt prof, THE USES OF THE PAST, 1952, p.366.
and with great force on its and the Fuhrer's behalf. Humanism, or the religion of humanity, may not do either. Toynbee attacks it as peculiar
enough)it has not had the chance of religion. No doubt it makes too heavy demands on
AKH0666 HEIDEGGER'S THOUGHT REQUIRED THE IDENTIFICATION OF BEING human nature in its present state, especially when it asks men to put humanity above the
WITH NAZISM tribe)something they have never succeeded in doing under the fatherhood of God. Yet I
Stanley Rosen, Penn State philosopher, NIHILISM, 1969, p.131. still hold that the Western humanistic faith is not perverse, and not so pathological as
The openness of Sein and the openness of Da-sein are one and the same. For this reason, historic religion has often been. It has proved itself in many good men, by many good
the dominance of political nihilism in the actions of man is identical with the self- works. It has brought finer possibilities of life to masses of men who in the past could
concealing "gift" of Being to and through man. It is a strange consequence of Heidegger's invest their hope only in a hypothetical life to come. The utter defeat of this cause would
doctrine that the dominant political configuration of the day must be taken as a sign of the be the worst tragedy in history.
character of the revelation of Being in the given epoch. Ostensibly beyond theory and
practice, this doctrine gives a special importance to practice. Such is the result of AKH0671 HUMANISM SUPPORTS THE NEW WORLD ORDER
Heidegger's adaptation of Parmenides' dictum that "thinking and Being are the same" to William Spanos, SUNY-Binghamton English prof, HEIDEGGER AND CRITICISM,
a teaching of radical Historicity. 1993, p.9-10.
Indeed, it could be argued that the recently renewed effort to delegitimize Heidegger's (as
AKH0667 HEIDEGGER REGARDED HITLER AS THE ONLY AUTHENTIC CHOICE well as Paul de Man's) "antihumanist" discourse is implicated in the present massive
FOR GERMANS multisituated effort to recuperate the authority humanism lost in the Vietnam decade,
Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, DISCOVERING THE MIND: NIETZSCHE, when, in the face of the overt complicity of the institutions of knowledge production
HEIDEGGER, AND BUBER, 1980, p.224. (especially the university) in the conduct of the state's colonial war against the Vietnamese
On November 3, 1933, with national elections impending, Heidegger published this people, the students and a large segment of the American public refused their spontaneous
summons: ". . . The Fuhrer himself and alone is the present and future actuality and its law. consent to its discursive principles. It could be said, further, that this effort to discredit
Learn to know ever more deeply: Henceforth everything demands decision . . . " And on Heidegger's antihumanist discourse and that of the posthumanists it enabled allies itself
November 10: "The German people has been summoned by the Fuhrer to vote. But the with that interpretation of the events of 1989 in Central and Eastern Europe that represents
Fuhrer does not beg anything from the people. Instead he gives the people the most them in the global terms of the Cold War narrative: the "fall of communism" or,
immediate possibility of highest free decision: whether it)the whole people)wills its own alternatively, the "triumph of democracy." It is not possible to read this mounting
Dasein or whether it does not want this . . ." Thus authenticity required a vote for the campaign to delegitimize Heidegger's interrogation of humanism as the closure at the site
Fuhrer! of ontology of the dominant culture's effort to annul the only critical discourse that, at this
historical conjuncture, is capable of resisting the planetary hegemony of the United States?
I mean the (neo-)imperialism that now masks itself in the language of the Pax Americana:
the "end of history" and the "coming of the new world order."
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 59
William Spanos, SUNY-Binghampton English prof., THE END OF EDUCATION, p.xxiii. Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
This imperative is underscored by recent history, specifically the events in Central and OF BEING, 1990, p.20.
Eastern Europe in 1989 and the Gulf War in 1991. The collapse of Stalinist Marxism and The extent to which Heidegger may have consciously or unconsciously incorporated such
the decisive defeat of a tyrannical dictator have been interpreted by the agencies of putatively "ideological elements" into the philosophical framework of Being and Time is
knowledge production and the information media in the Western capitalist nations, most contestable; their overall presence, however, is not. Here, I am referring to various
notably in the United States, as the "fall of Communism" or "the triumph of democracy": components of the so-called conservative revolutionary world-view that became so
indeed, as the emergence of a "new world order" determined by the relay deontological influential among the German mandarin intelligentsia in the middle to late 1920s; a
principles subsuming the discourse of Man and the Western liberal democratic tradition. world-view that, in many crucial respects, laid the intellectual foundations for Hitler's rise
This representation of contemporary global history has already gone far in effacing the to power. For a full understanding of the overall cultural significance of Being and Time,
memory of the Vietnam War, a forgetting synecdochically suggested by the reduction of an appreciation of the work's so-called "ideological" dimension will prove essential. For
the healthy crisis of the American cultural identity (defined by its self-ordained global were this dimension to be omitted from the picture, Heidegger's "existential decision" for
"errand in the wilderness") precipitated by the United States' brutally executed, if finally National Socialism in 1933 would be explicable solely as a leap of faith; a commitment
abortive, intervention in Vietnam to the "Vietnam Syndrome": a collective psychological possessing only the most adventitious and ephemeral connection with his philosophical
sickness that the decisive defeat of Saddam Hussein cured (what President George Bush standpoint of the late 1920s.
announced in the wake of victory as "kicking the Vietnam Syndrome".
William Spanos, SUNY-Binghampton English prof., THE END OF EDUCATION, Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
p.xxiii-iv. OF BEING, 1990, p.86.
To counter this increasingly reactionary momentum, an oppositional discourse and practice On the one hand, it is precisely the innovative mixture of existential categories and Nazi
can no longer, as in the past, rely either on a Marxist critique that continues to be oratory that prevents the address from degenerating into one of the standard professions
determined by the base/superstructure model or on a poststructuralist critique that is of faith--so fashionable at the time--in the virtues of the National Revolution. On the other
vestigially disciplinary. The task contemporary history has assigned oppositional hand, it is the same seamless interlacing of philosophical and political motifs that creates
intellectuals is that of thinking contemporary power relations in terms of a relay extending the impression that the categorial framework of Being and Time had found its consummate
throughout the indissoluble continuum of being, from the ontological (the anthropologos) historical embodiment in the total state of Adolf Hitler.
through the cultural (the discourse of Man) to the economic and socio-political (the
practices of consumer capitalism, patriarchy, and racism). Only such a mode of critical AKH0679 HEIDEGGER SAW HITLER AS THE EMBODIMENT OF AUTHENTICITY
thinking can enable effective resistance to and subversion of the neoimperialism that masks Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
itself in the hegemonic discourse of the "new world order." Because the modern humanist OF BEING, 1990, p.107.
university is, above all, the locus of production of the hegemonic discourse overdetermined Heidegger's portrayal of the Hitler regime as an embodiment of "authenticity," moreover,
by the new world context, the educational project-vis-a-vis the intellectual, pedagogy, and betrays a profound, philosophically grounded affinity with the political self-understanding
the curriculum-I will provisionally articulate in this book becomes an imperative of our of the regime itself. As J. P. Stern reminds us: "[Hitler's] originality consists in a deliberate
contemporary occasion. reversal of the functions normally attributed to personal-existential values on the one hand
and social-political values on the other. Hitler's discovery . . . is astonishingly simple: it
AKH0674 HEIDEGGER ENDORSED "THE INNER TRUTH AND GREATNESS" OF is to introduce a conception of personal authenticity into the public sphere and proclaim
NAZISM it as the chief value and sanction of politics."
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
The key to comprehending Heidegger's political judgments in his postrectorship phase is Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
a distinction he makes toward the conclusion of An Introduction to Metaphysics (1935) OF BEING, 1990, p.105.
between "the inner truth and greatness of National Socialism" as opposed to the "works Whereas from a metaphysical standpoint, Russia and America are the same--they exhibit
that are being peddled about nowadays as the philosophy of National Socialism." That is, "the same dreary technological frenzy, the same unrestricted organization of the average
Heidegger comes to view the movement in terms of a dialectic of "appearance" and man"--Germany alone, because of a more primordial relation to the thought of Being--a
"essence," whose true nature the philosopher himself is best able to discern. Potentially, spiritual superiority that was for Heidegger evinced in the incomparable greatness of its
the movement contains the prospect of the "radical overcoming of Western nihilism" that poets, its thinkers, in the very structure of its language--possessed the capacity to deliver
had been prophesied by Nietzsche. In actuality, its ultimate philosophical "truth and European destiny from the specter of perpetual spiritual decline. Thus, according to one
greatness" has been perverted by epigones and pretenders--by Heidegger's philosophical commentator, Heidegger believed that "Philosophy is for Hitler, because Hitler stands on
opponents (E. Krieck, A. Baumler, and A. Rosenberg), who threaten to banish this the side of Being."
potential for greatness back to the nether world of everydayness.
AKH0675 HEIDEGGER'S RECTORAL ADDRESS WAS INTENSELY PRO-NAZI Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS OF BEING, 1990, p.126-7.
OF BEING, 1990, p.85. And thus, in an allusion to the contemporary German political situation (1934-1935),
The consummate fusion of the conservative revolutionary and metaphysical dimensions Heidegger illustrates how his theory of demigods might gain concrete historical
of Heidegger's thought may be found in the 1933 Rectoral Address, "The Self-Affirmation application: "The true and only Fuhrer points by virtue of his Being toward the realm of
of the German University"; a work, according to Lowith, whose interweaving of Nazi the demigods. To be Fuhrer [Fuhrersein] is a fate and therefore finite Being."
rhetoric with the language of classical philosophy was so extreme that at the end "the
listener was in doubt as to whether he should start reading the pre-Socratics or enlist in the AKH0682 HEIDEGGER FREQUENTLY HAILED HITLER
SS." Dinesh D'Souza, American enterprise institute, ATLANTIC MONTHLY, March 1991,
AKH0676 HEIDEGGER'S ACCEPTANCE OF THE RECTORSHIP ENDORSED THE In 1989 deconstructionists became alarmed when it was confirmed by Victor Farias, in his
NAZIS book Heidegger and Nazism, that the philosopher Martin Heidegger, whom Jacques
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS Derrida has called the intellectual progenitor of deconstruction, harbored strong Nazi
OF BEING, 1990, p.85. sympathies until (and probably during) the Second World War. "The Fuhrer, and he alone,
From a contemporary political standpoint, Heidegger's acceptance of the rectorship in May is the sole German reality and law, today and in the future," Heidegger said in 1933. In a
1933 was a far from innocent affair. It provided a tacit semblance of cultural respectability letter requesting endorsements for a speech of his the: praised Hitler, Heidegger wrote, "Of
for the fledgling Nazi dictatorship: Heidegger, its most prestigious convert to date from course it is clear that no non-Aryans should appear on the signature page." His
the world of letters, was then at the very crest of his renown. Despite his own repeated correspondence was frequently signed "Heil Hitler."
claims that he took on the position only in order to prevent the politicization of university
life (a fact that can now be easily refuted on the basis of the evidence compiled by Farias
and Ott), his appointment was widely perceived as an instance of political Gleichschaltung.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 60
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS THE PROBLEM OF BEING
OF BEING, 1990, p.46. Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
The political philosophical implications of this theory are as unequivocal as they are OF BEING, 1990, p.123-4.
distasteful to a democratic sensibility. On the basis of the philosophical anthropology Given his philosophical self-understanding as someone in possession of privileged access
outlined by Heidegger, the modern conception of popular sovereignty becomes a sheer non to the mysteries of Being, it is far from mere chance that in the mid-1930s, Heidegger
sequitur: for those who dwell in the public sphere of everydayness are viewed as attempts to formalize the notion of an elite cadre of poets, thinkers, and statesmen--a cadre
essentially incapable of self-rule. Instead, the only viable political philosophy that follows of authentic "leader-types"--who stand in a more immediate proximity to Being, and whose
from this standpoint would be brazenly elitist: since the majority of citizens remain historical responsibility it is to lead the unenlightened many into the vicinity of such
incapable of leading meaningful lives when left to their own devices, their only hope for "nearness" (Nahe). The Fuhrerprinzip--refunctioned as an existential theory of authentic
"redemption" lies in the imposition of a "higher spiritual mission" from above. Indeed, this leadership--thus serves as the essential ground for Heidegger's thinking about the way in
was the explicit political conclusion drawn by Heidegger in 1933. In this way, Heidegger's which politics, philosophy, and poetic creation should become historically actualized. In
political thought moves precariously in the direction of the "Fuhrerprinzip" or "leadership vintage Nietzschean fashion, the nihilism of the indigent historical present can only be
principle." vanquished via the iconoclastic heroism of a creative elite, referred to by Heidegger as the
"great creators" (die grosser Schaffende). And in consequence of the a priori divide
AKH0684 HEIDEGGER SAW FASCISM AS THE ONLY POLITICAL OPTION between authentic and inauthentic natures, it is in the hands of this clique of superior
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS human types that the destiny of Being rests.
OF BEING, 1990, p.98.
The same differentiation between the appearance and essence of the movement is implicit AKH0689 HEIDEGGER'S EXISTENTIALISM VENERATES POWER
in his 1936 claim that "These two men, Hitler and Mussolini, who have, each in essentially Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
different ways, introduced a countermovement to nihilism, have both learned from OF BEING, 1990, p.108-9.
Nietzsche. The authentic metaphysical realm of Nietzsche has not yet, however, been Toward the end of a long discussion of the intellectual origins of Nazi imperialist
realized." The statement itself is a reaffirmation of Heidegger's conviction that the fascist geopolitical doctrines, Neumann offers the following observations: What is left as
movements of the 1920s and early 1930s represent the only real historical alternatives justification for the [Grossdeutsche] Reich? Not racism, not the idea of the Holy Roman
("countermovements") to the darkness of European nihilism so presciently diagnosed by Empire, and certainly not some democratic nonsense like popular sovereignty or
Nietzsche. However, whether they have learned enough from Nietzsche is by no means self-determination. Only the Reich itself remains. It is its own justification. The
clear, since the "authentic metaphysical realm" that would embody the true epochal philosophical roots of the argument are to be found in the existential philosophy of
overcoming of nihilism has yet to be realized. Heidegger. Transferred to the realm of politics, existentialism argues that power and might
are true: power is a sufficient theoretical base for more power. Germany lies in the center,
AKH0685 HEIDEGGER'S THOUGHT IS ANTI-DEMOCRATIC AND it is well on its way toward becoming the mightiest state. Therefore, it is justified in
AUTHORITARIAN building the new order. An acute critic has remarked about [Christoph] Steding [author of
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS the 1938 work, The Reich and the Sickness of European Culture]: "From the remains of
OF BEING, 1990, p.56. what, with Heidegger, was still an effective transcendental solipsism, his pupil constructs
Hence, the rudiments of a "collectivist" interpretation of the social ontology of Being and a national solipsism."
Time are to a certain extent confirmed by the category of resolve. However, as we have
already noted, the political implications of this social ontology are anything but benign AKH0690 HEIDEGGER GLORIFIED VIOLENCE
given the unabashedly elitist motifs that inform the existential analytic. The de facto Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
separation of human natures into authentic and inauthentic is radically undemocratic. The OF BEING, 1990, p.126.
political philosophy that corresponds to this ontological dualism suggests that human Thus, in Heidegger's metaphysical schema, violence takes on the character of an
beings are divided by nature into leaders and followers. Indeed, this authoritarian ontological imperative; it is an essential means possessed by the Fuhrer elite to combat the
conviction was a longstanding precept of the German mandarin intelligentsia and was well forces of everydayness and routine, whose predominance prevents the posing of the
reflected in the traditional class divisions of German (especially Prussian) social structure. question of Being. However, what comes through unmistakably in this philosophical
By celebrating this division between human types and their capacities, Heidegger in effect glorification of violence are the patent affinities between Heidegger's Gewalt-tatige--the
merely codified in ontological form a time-honored commonplace of German authoritarian "shock-troops of Being," as it were--and the National Socialist rhetoric of Sturm und
political thought. Kampf. Whatever its intrinsic philosophical merit, this theory of a creative elite who are
"apolis" and "without statute" cannot help but strike one as a fanciful but crude, post
AKH0686 HEIDEGGER EXTOLLED A NEW RULING CLASS festum justification of the Nazi Fuhrerprinzip and its train of illegalities. As devoid of any
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS underlying moral or legal restraints, Heidegger's glorified image of a Fuhrerstuat zealously
OF BEING, 1990, p.127. underwrites the totalitarian claims of the ruling elite. The elevated metaphysical terms of
Consequently, for Heidegger, "The authentic idea of the state must necessarily be discussion cannot mask the ease with which his approach lends itself to abuse: despite
antiliberal, requiring . . . a new ruling caste which can lay the foundations for the coming Heidegger's qualification that "rulers alone" must rule, the theory represents carte blanche
of a new kind of man, the superman." Even then, of course, there was the real danger that for authoritarian licentiousness.
"the many" would remain immobilized in their inauthentic torpor, failing to recognize the
prospects for historical greatness awaiting them. Thus, the Fuhrerprinzip, as it manifested AKH0691 HEIDEGGER ASPIRED TO BE THE SPIRITUAL FUHRER OF NAZI
itself in Heidegger's own philosophical theory, far from being an expendable, subaltern GERMANY
component, took on the role of a sine qua non, the indispensable key to the authentic Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
unfolding of history as the "history of Being. OF BEING, 1990, p.188.
In point of fact, one of Heidegger's colleagues, the economist Walter Eucken, complained
AKH0687 HEIDEGGER REJECTED DEMOCRACY in May 1933 to Heidegger's predecessor as Rector, Joseph Sauer (then pro-rector), that
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS Heidegger saw himself as the greatest philosopher since Heraclitus and that he aspired to
OF BEING, 1990, p.125. become the "spiritual Fuhrer" of the new movement.
Nowadays, a little too much fuss is made over the Greek polis," remarks Heidegger; that
is, the Greek polis as the historical origin of the democratic idea. Instead, all Heidegger can AKH0692 NEW BIOGRAPHICAL RESEARCH SHOWS HEIDEGGER'S NAZISM
find to admire about the polis as a political entity is the primacy of "rank and domination," WASN'T INCIDENTAL
the traces of that same Fuhrerprinzip he wishes to see transposed to the modern political Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
context. OF BEING, 1990, p.8.
But given the results of the new biographical researches into Heidegger's past--which have
established that Heidegger's National Socialist sentiments, far from being an episodic
phenomenon in the philosopher's life, continued to haunt his thinking at least until the
mid-1940s--it has become increasingly difficult to avoid the conclusion that Heidegger's
Nazi experience stood in an "essential" relation to his philosophical project as a whole.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 61
PHILOSOPHICAL CATEGORIES Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS OF BEING, 1990, p.89.
OF BEING, 1990, p.21. The political object of Heidegger's speech is clear. The shallowness of bourgeois
We know that during the years 1933-1934, Heidegger went to great lengths to justify his life--evident, for example, in the fact that knowledge is shorn of essential ties to the
partisanship for National Socialism in categories explicitly culled from the theoretical Volksgemeinschaft--can only be radically overcome via the wholesale integration of life
framework of Being and Time; categories such as "decision," "resolve," "fate," in a society of total mobilization. The multiple fragmentations and divisions of bourgeois
"authenticity," and so forth. Indeed, the most cursory glance at his political speeches and society--those of political parties, classes, academic disciplines, and competing
writings from this period readily confirms this impression. And thus, the posing of a value-claims--can be resolved only by recourse to a total state. Since Heidegger fully
quasi-Kantian question would seem to be in order. Given the fact that Heidegger himself shares the conservative revolutionary critique of liberal democracy, not only does he have
sought to ground and justify his participation in the National Socialist movement on the no reservations concerning a totalitarian alternative; he in face perceives the latter as a
basis of his early philosophy of existence, how was this possible? Could it be that in a form of political deliverance. The various Bindungen he emphasizes in the address--labor
qualified sense, the existential framework of Being and Time may have provided a type service, military service, and service in knowledge--aim at the creation of an
of "transcendental grounding" for Heidegger's political conduct in the 1930s? If our all-encompassing, total state in which the (modern) specialization of competences is
preliminary reflections concerning the essential interrelatedness of the philosophical and abolished and all pursuits are integrated by a common goal: the realization of the
ideological components of Being and Time are valid, this would suggest the necessity of historical-spiritual destiny of the German Volk.
submitting the work to a "double reading." One would have to understand it not only as
a work of "first philosophy," but also as a work of its time. AKH0698 HEIDEGGER RELIED HEAVILY ON BASIC NAZI CONCEPTS
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
DIVORCED FROM ACTION It is with the 1933 Rectoral Address that Heidegger, in his public utterances, passes over
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS from the language of conservative revolutionary cultural criticism to the Sturm and Kampf
OF BEING, 1990, p.33. vocabulary of National Socialism proper. From a purely rhetorical standpoint, the evidence
Although an understanding of Heidegger's political thought should in no way be reduced is telling enough. Though direct appeals to the theme of "race" are absent from the speech,
to the concrete political choices made by the philosopher in the 1930s, neither is it entirely there is hardly an additional Nazi shibboleth that Heidegger fails to invoke. The content
separable therefrom. And while the strategy of his apologists has been to dissociate the of the address revolves around categories such as Volk, deutsches Volk,
philosophy from the empirical person, thereby suggesting that Heidegger's Nazism was an Volksgemeinschaft, Volklich, "the forces of earth and blood" (erd- und bluthaftigen
unessential aberration in the hope of exempting the philosophy from political taint, this Krafte), followers and leaders, "fate," "mission," "affliction," and "hardness." There are
strategy will not wash for several reasons. To begin with, Heidegger's philosophy itself detailed discussions of "will," the "essential will," "decisiveness," and "power." Some of
would seem to rule out the artificial, traditional philosophical separation between thought these terms, were they to appear in a different historical and cultural context, would present
and action. In truth, much of Being and Time is concerned with overcoming the no great cause for alarm. However, in 1933 Germany--with the nation swarming with
conventional philosophical division between theoretical and practical reason; a fact that Brown Shirts, the Reichstag in ruins, parliament suspended, the trade-unions broken, and
is evident above all in the "pragmatic" point of departure of the analytic of Dasein: "Being the first Jewish boycotts of the previous month fresh in memory--the stakes were of an
in-the-world" rather than the Cartesian "thinking substance." More importantly, though, entirely different order.
what is perhaps the central category of Heidegger's existential ontology--the category of
"authenticity"--automatically precludes such a facile separation between philosophical AKH0699 HEIDEGGER HIMSELF SAW A PROFOUND LINK BETWEEN NAZISM
outlook and concrete life-choices. AND HIS PHILOSOPHY
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS In a 1936 conversation with Heidegger outside of Rome, Karl Lowith expressed his
OF BEING, 1990, p.95. disagreement with recent reports alleging that there was no intrinsic connection between
Heidegger's involvement with National Socialism has often been described as a Heidegger's philosophy and his political option for National Socialism. Instead, Lowith
misunderstanding or an error that had little to do with his basic philosophical orientation. suggested that his former mentor's "partisanship for National Socialism lay in the essence
But as Franzen observes: Such a misunderstanding and error were only possible because of his philosophy." Heidegger agreed with Lowith "without reservation, and added that his
of those "consonances," hidden and manifest, between National Socialist ideology and concept of 'historicity, was the basis of his political 'engagement.' ' Lowith's description
Heidegger's philosophy.... Only because so many "depth-dimensions" in Heidegger's of his "last meeting with Heidegger" is fascinating not only for the crucial information it
thought--in Being and Time and then in his investigation of the "history of Being"--were supplies toward a proper understanding of the philosopher's political biography. It also
related to those of the National Socialist worldview could Heidegger fall victim to the contains a striking confirmation by Heidegger himself that his political convictions
illusion that National Socialism was something greater and larger than it was in fact. evolved directly from his philosophy; and that, moreover, it is the concept of "historicity,"
as elaborated in Being and Time, that specifically accounts for his "engagement" on be half
AKH0696 THE SINCERITY OF HEIDEGGER'S NAZISM IS UNDENIABLE of the National Socialist cause. While Heidegger's claim is far from unambiguous, there
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS is one interpretation that seems to recommend itself above all others.
OF BEING, 1990, p.91-2.
Heidegger's commitment to the National Socialist program of radical social reform as AKH0700 HIS NAZISM REFLECTED THE INNERMOST TENDENCIES OF
articulated in the Rectoral Address can be seen in both his future conduct as Rector as well HEIDEGGER'S THOUGHT
as in the numerous political articles and speeches he composed during his year in office. Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
In this respect, there can little doubt concerning the sincerity of his support for the policies OF BEING, 1990, p.66.
of the new regime. As he says at one point, "The National Socialist Revolution brings the Heidegger's involvement with National Socialism--which was of the order of deep-seated,
total transformation of our German Dasein.... Let not propositions and 'ideas' be the rules existential commitment--was far from being an adventitious, merely biographical episode.
of your Being. The Fuhrer alone is the present and future German reality and its law."As Instead, it was rooted in the innermost tendencies of his thought. This claim in no way
his former student, Herbert Marcuse, would later comment about these lines: such a claim entails the assumption that Nazism is somehow a necessary and inevitable outgrowth of
is "actually the betrayal of philosophy as such and of everything it stands for." What the philosophy of Being and Time. It does suggest, however, that the politics of the Nazi
Marcuse found incomprehensible about this and similar claims was how this matchless movement emphatically satisfied the desiderata of authentic historical commitment
interpreter of the Western philosophical tradition could come to view the National Socialist adumbrated in that work.
movement as the positive culmination of this intellectual heritage.
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
OF BEING, 1990, p.65-6.
The aporetic nature of Heideggerian decisionism is thus indicated by its "negative" and
"positive" dispositions. Both determined, in a complementary manner, Heidegger's
partisanship for the National Socialist cause. For this was a partisanship that was carefully
grounded in premeditated philosophical conviction. The "negative" side lies, as we have
just seen, in a nihilistic historical opportunism that promotes unprincipled conformity with
what ever-choices are presented under given historical conditions. It is this side as well that
mandates the a priori rejection of "bourgeois" political forms--liberalism,
constitutionalism, parliamentarianism, etc.--and predisposes Heidegger toward a choice
of "extreme" solutions: since bourgeois life-forms--represented by the Existenzialien of
"everydayness"--are discounted in advance as degraded and profane, only radical
alternatives to this thoroughly prosaic order of life will suffice.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 62
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
OF BEING, 1990, p.65. OF BEING, 1990, p.98-9.
The consequences of this decisionistic "ethical vacuum," coupled with the prejudicial That Heidegger continued to adhere even after the war (and very likely, until the end of his
nature of Heidegger's conservative revolutionary degradation of the modern life-world, life) to the distinction between the original historical potential of National Socialism as a
suggests an undeniable theoretical cogency behind Heidegger's ignominious life-choice "countermovement" to nihilism and its subsequent factual degradation is evidenced by the
of 1933. In its rejection of "moral convention"--which qua convention, proves inimical to following unguarded admission in "The Rectorate 1933-34": "I saw in the movement that
acts of heroic bravado--decisionism shows itself to be distinctly nihilistic vis-a-vis the had come to power the possibility of an inner gathering and renewal of the Volk and a way
totality of inherited ethical paradigms." For this reason, the implicit political theory of for it to find its western-historical [geschichtlich-abendlandischen] destiny." Similarly,
Being and Time--and in this respect, it proves a classical instance of the German when questioned as late as 1966 in the Spiegel interview about the paean to the "greatness
conservative-authoritarian mentality of the period--remains devoid of fundamental "liberal and glory of the [National] Awakening" with which the Rectoral Address concludes,
convictions" that might have served as an ethicopolitical bulwark against the enticement Heidegger simply confesses, "Yes, I was convinced of that."
of fascism. Freed of such bourgeois qualms, the National Socialist movement presented
itself as a plausible material "filling" for the empty vessel of authentic decision and its AKH0708 HEIDEGGER REMAINED A NAZI ENTHUSIAST
categorical demand for existentiell-historical content. The summons toward an "authentic Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
historical destiny" enunciated in Being and Time was thus provided with an ominously OF BEING, 1990, p.97.
appropriate response by Germany's National Revolution. The latter, in effect, was viewed But Heidegger's enthusiasm for the National Socialist revolution persisted for quite some
by Heidegger as the ontic fulfillment of the categorical demands of "historicity": it was time. In a 1936 conversation with Karl Lowith, he reaffirmed his conviction that "National
Heidegger's own choice of a "hero," a "destiny," and a "community." Socialism was the proper course for Germany; one only had to 'hold-out' long enough."
Moreover, his published lectures of this period are replete with positive allusions to the
AKH0703 HEIDEGGER APPLIED HIS PHILOSOPHICAL CATEGORIES TO NAZI historical course pursued by contemporary Germany. To be sure, the unreserved
POLITICS enthusiasm for the "National Awakening" that suffused the 1933 Rectoral Address as well
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS as his political speeches of the same year was mitigated in his subsequent political
OF BEING, 1990, p.107-8. pronouncements. But even when he at tempts to distance himself from the pedestrian and
Only in view of this existential orientation--only in light of a "politics of authenticity"--can vulgar currents of National Socialism which had assumed responsibility for providing the
one make sense of Heidegger's repeated utterances (e.g., in the Rectoral Address) that movement with "philosophical direction" (e.g., the Rosenberg-Krieck faction, which on
engagement on behalf of National Socialism is a question of "wanting ourselves." In the occasion took to attacking Heidegger's own philosophy), the break Heidegger makes never
same way, in his pre-plebiscite address of November 10, 1933, he will explain that the goes far enough.
Fuhrer, by summoning the people to vote, accords it "the possibility of making, directly,
the highest free decision of all: whether it--the entire Volk--wants its own Dasein or AKH0709 HEIDEGGER SUPPORTED THE NAZIS EVEN AFTER THEIR ABUSES
whether it does not want it." In his partisanship for National Socialism, Heidegger has in WERE CLEAR
effect transposed an entire series of categories from Division II of Being and Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
Time--resolve, potentiality-for-Being, historicity, and, above all, authenticity--to the OF BEING, 1990, p.130.
contemporary historical situation. As these lines were composed, the German army stood in ruins before Stalingrad, and there
could no longer be any doubt about the gruesome nature of Hitler's Endlosung to the
AKH0704 HEIDEGGER SAW NAZISM AS THE AUTHENTIC CHOICE OF THE "Jewish question": the entire Jewish population of Germany had been forcibly removed,
GERMAN NATION and the reports from the death-camps had already made the rounds among the civil
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS population. That the world conflagration alluded to by Heidegger had been unleashed by
OF BEING, 1990, p.107. Germany itself--specifically, by a political movement that Heidegger had once vigorously
A "politics of authenticity"--although Heidegger never uses this expression per se, it and wholeheartedly supported--which thus represented the "cause" of the catastrophe
accurately captures the metaphysical transfiguration of politics he anticipated from the rather than its "solution," is a fact that--appallingly--seems beyond the pale of the
Third Reich. In terms of the categories of Being and Time, he viewed the turn toward philosopher's powers of historical comprehension.
National Socialism as nothing less than an "authentic decision" based on Germany's
ownmost potentiality-for-Being a nation or Volk. Because it was an "existential decision" AKH0710 HEIDEGGER EMBRACED NAZISM INTO THE 1940S.
("from now on, every single thing demands decision," he would go on to observe in the Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
address cited above), Germany was choosing itself--affirming its own existential basis and OF BEING, 1990, p.129.
future, opting for an authentic mode of historicity. And thus there can be little doubt that, in the mind of the philosopher himself, there existed
profound affinities between his project for the historical reclamation of Being and German
AKH0705 HEIDEGGER'S NAZISM WAS THE ESSENCE OF HIS THOUGHT National Socialism--despite Heidegger's own increasing misgivings concerning the
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS determinate empirical form the movement had assumed in actual practice. That his
OF BEING, 1990, p.102. confidence in the ultimate historical mission of Germany as a "nation in the middle"
With the incorporation of the category of "the destiny of a historical Volk" into the very remained unshaken at least through the mid-1940s is illustrated by a number of startling
heart of his theory of the history of Being, Heidegger undertakes a final retreat from the observations from his lecture courses of 1942-43. Though these years signify the historical
quasi-solipsistic, Kierkegaardian theory of subjectivity advanced in Being and Time. Not turning point in the course of World War II, this fact seemed to be of little consequence
only is the question of Being thoroughly historicized; but now the very posing of the for Heidegger's own political sensibilities. Instead, as late as the summer of 1942, he
question has become inseparable from the capacity of a collective megasubject--a astonishingly persists in alluding to the "historical singularity [geschichtlichen Einzigleit]
historically situated Volk-- to heed Being's call. Given the influence of the conservative of National Socialism."
revolutionary critique of modernity on Heidegger, as well as his own longstanding
conviction concerning the innate superiority of Germany as a nation of "poets and AKH0711 HEIDEGGER'S CULTURAL CRITIQUE LED TO NAZISM
thinkers," it is clear that his theoretical justification of the "inner truth and greatness of Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
National Socialism"--far from being a random biographical error--was rooted in the OF BEING, 1990, p.74-5.
essence of his thought. As Franzen observes, there is little doubt that a vitalist preference for danger, risk, and
excess, coupled with a pronounced distaste for conditions of bourgeois "everydayness,"
AKH0706 HEIDEGGER RETAINED TO THE END THE NAZIS CRITIQUE OF may be counted as among the "most important ingredients of the mentality of National
MODERNITY Socialism." Nor would it take Heidegger himself long to draw the logical political
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS conclusions from this program of cultural critique.
OF BEING, 1990, p.24.
Heidegger's career may be treated as a paragon of the cultural dynamic described by AKH0712 HEIDEGGER WAS SEDUCED TO NAZISM BY ITS CRITIQUE OF
Abendroth. The smug apoliticism of the Weimar years gives way to a period of radical MODERNITY
engagement on behalf of the National Socialist cause in 1933. His eventual disillusionment Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
with Nazism is then followed by a return to an apparently unshakable apoliticism in the OF BEING, 1990, p.105-6.
postwar years. But this later "apoliticism" is preserved in name only, insofar as Heidegger In part, many of the virtues of National Socialism were deduced by Heidegger ex negativo:
retains to the end--for example, in his frequent lamentations concerning the universal fate they pertained more to what National Socialism was against than what it advocated in a
of Seinsvergessenhert that characterizes the modern age--the basic categories of the positive sense. Among these components must be numbered its disdain for democratic
antimodernist critique of posttraditional societies. institutions, political parties (it always strove to present itself as a "movement" rather than
as a political party in the traditional sense), "intellectualism," bourgeois egalitarianism,
aesthetic modernism, and "cosmopolitanism." In sum, the movement seemed in many ways
to be the legitimate political heir to the conservative revolutionary critique of Western
modernity with which Heidegger identified in so many crucial respects.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 63
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
OF BEING, 1990, p.166-7. OF BEING, 1990, p.152.
In the end, Heidegger's critique of modernity ends up by retracing the well-worn path This verdict gives cause for dismay, for it suggests that the philosopher has drawn
already trod by the German romantics: "poetic transcendence" is abstractly counterposed precisely the wrong conclusions - from the political events of 1933-1945: instead of
to the ills of modern world consumed by the imperatives of technical reason. Thus, "To participating in the attempt to forge, out of the ravages of postwar Europe, a new
'dwell poetically' means: to stand in the presence of the gods and to be involved in the conception of reason and truth, Heidegger himself has become an even greater
proximity of the essence of things." This is Heidegger's solution to an age of (double) "stiff-necked" advocate of counterenlightenment. His thought seeks refuge in the
"affliction": an age that is caught between "the no-longer of the gods that have fled and the recrudescence of myth: "openness for the mystery," "the remembrance of Being," and "the
not-yet of the god to come." mirror-play of the four-fold" (gods and mortals, heaven and earth) becomes the mystified
categorial scheme around which his later thinking revolves. The notion that analogous
AKH0714 HEIDEGGER'S NAZISM STEMS FROM HIS CRITIQUE OF counterenlightenment attitudes and doctrines might have played a key role in the spiritual
RATIONALISM preparation for the German catastrophe is a thought that has obviously never crossed his
Allan Bloom, Professor of Philosophy, University of Chicago, THE CLOSING OF THE mind.
AMERICAN MIND, 1987, p.311.
Thus it was no accident that Heidegger came forward just after Hitler's accession to power AKH0719 THE EMPHASIS ON BEING DESTROYS HUMAN FREEDOM
to address the university community in Freiburg as the new rector, and urged commitment Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
to National Socialism. His argument was not without subtlety and its own special kind of OF BEING, 1990, p.153.
irony, but in sum the decision to devote wholeheartedly the life of the mind to an emerging Consequently, the major problem with Heidegger's later philosophy is that the doctrine of
revelation of being, incarnated in a mass movement, was what Heidegger encouraged. That Being, in its oppressive omnipotence, causes the conceptual space in which freedom can
he did so was not a result of his political innocence but a corollary of his critique of be meaningfully thought to all but disappear. In light of this fact, Jaspers' verdict
rationalism. concerning Heidegger's inability to grasp the nature of human freedom--"Heidegger doesn't
know what freedom is"--becomes readily intelligible. For according to the theory of the
AKH0715 HEIDEGGER WAS INFATUATED WITH IRRATIONALITY "destining of Being," all the worldly events we experience undergo a prior, other-worldly,
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS metaontological determination.
OF BEING, 1990, p.43-4.
The peculiar aversion of the call to discursive articulation thus seems to indicate little more AKH0720 EMPHASIS ON BEING IS ETHICALLY IMPOVERISHING
than a willful obscurantism on Heidegger's part. That Heidegger seeks to make a virtue out Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
of the call's incommunicability, that he goes out of his way to laud its "conspicuous OF BEING, 1990, p.149.
indefiniteness," suggests a deliberate infatuation with the forces of unreason. Whereas the For Heidegger, what is of primary importance is that "man is 'the neighbor of Being'--not
ethos of modernity makes a virtue out of insights that can be linguistically redeemed, and the neighbor of man." And thus, as Emmanuel Levinas has pointed out, the ethical
thereby subjected to the approval of the senses communis, Heidegger disappoints us by impoverishment of Heidegger's standpoint derives from the fact that it lacks the all
dogmatically regressing behind the terms of this program. In fundamental ontology, the important counterweight of the Other--without which all reflection on the nature of human
idea of the senses communis is flatly degraded to the "publicness" of the "They"-- in affairs threatens to succumb to a nihilistic abyss of moral meaningless. By radically
Heideggerian parlance, a term of derision from which no conceivable good can emerge. privileging "Being," physis, and "fate" over the mundane, inner-worldly encounters of
In his thought, the metaphor of the "light of reason" has no place. We are once more sentient human beings--that is, by radically privileging ontology over ethics--the
provided with evidence for Tugendhat's claim concerning the predominantly amoralism to which Heideggerianism succumbs in actual fact seems theoretically
"nonargumentative and evocative" character of Heideggerian discourse. foreordained. The tendency to write off the intersubjective character of the human
life-world as simply a staging-ground for "inauthenticity" is inherited from Being and
AKH0716 HEIDEGGER'S NAZISM SHOWS THE DANGERS OF POLITICAL Time. But this practice is radicalized in Heidegger's post-Kehre thought, where all
IRRATIONALISM prospects for choosing an authentic potentiality-for-Being are preempted a priori by the
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS "world-night" of nihilism and Seinsverlassenheit.
OF BEING, 1990, p.106.
However, another undeniable factor in Heidegger's enthusiasm for the movement was his AKH0721 THE EMPHASIS ON BEING UNDERMINES HEIDEGGER'S PHILOSOPHY
personal attraction to Hitler as an archetypal embodiment of charismatic leadership. In this Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
connection, the following exchange between Heidegger and Karl Jaspers in June 1933 may OF BEING, 1990, p.148.
be of more than merely anecdotal import. To the latter's query, "How could you think that With the deification of Being at the expense of Dasein, Heidegger's later philosophy enters
a man as uncultivated as Hitler can govern Germany?" Heidegger responds: "It's not a into contradictions that undermine its entire credibility as theoretical project. At certain
question of culture. Take a look at his wonderful hands!" When understood within the times, he speaks of Seinsvergessenheit as a "fate" that is merely a logical consequence of
framework of Seinspolitik, the meaning of this claim is clear: existential qualifications are Dasein's narcissistic obsession with its own "self-assertion" (the "will to will"), as a result
more important than intellectual ones. It would be unfair to overburden with theoretical of which the question of Being itself never gets posed. In a similar vein, he frequently
significance an offhand conversational remark made by Heidegger. But in a far from trivial discusses our abandonment by Being as if it could be directly attributed to a series of
sense, Heidegger's response is superbly illustrative concerning the pitfalls involved in category mistakes perpetrated by three "essential" philosophers--Plato, Descartes, and
employing "irrationalist," existential criteria in the formulation of political judgments. Nietzsche. In both cases, how ever, there seems to be a direct and consequential
relationship between the "conduct" of Dasein and the specific "destiny of Being" that
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS AKH0722 HEIDEGGER'S VIEW OF BEING IS AUTHORITARIAN
OF BEING, 1990, p.106. Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
Heidegger will express a similar thought five months later, this time in a public context, OF BEING, 1990, p.147-8.
when, in view of the upcoming plebiscite called by Hitler (ex post facto) on Germany's According to Karl Jaspers, Heidegger's way of thinking is "essentially unfree, dictatorial,
withdrawal from the League of Nations, he implores his student audience: "Let not and incapable of communication [communikationslos]." Nowhere would this judgment
doctrines and 'ideas' be the rules of your Being. The Fuhrer alone is the present and future prove more apt than with respect to the articulation of the relationship between Being and
German reality and its law." According to Heidegger's logic, the greatness of the National human existence in his later philosophy. "But Being--what is Being?" inquires Heidegger
Socialist movement is ultimately irreducible to a given set of intellectual precepts or in the "Letter on Humanism." "It is It itself," he rejoins in a phrase redolent of the "I am
"ideas." It is not so much "ideological," but existential, rooted in the authenticity of the who I am" of the Biblical God. It is as though the tautological definition of the word itself
Fuhrer as an individual, historically existent Dasein. In this sense, Heidegger would have were a self-evident indicator of its philosophical profundity. In Being and Time, Heidegger
undoubtedly seconded Carl Schmitt's proclamation that "On this day [January 30, 1933] could still claim that, "Only so long as Dasein is--that is, the ontic possibility of the
one can say that 'Hegel died' "--viz., the idea of the German Rechtsstaat as an entity based understanding of Being--'is there' Being."
on universal principles and norms.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 64
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS TOTALITARIANISM
OF BEING, 1990, p.33. Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
As Lowith observes: Whoever . . . reflects on Heidegger's later partisanship for Hitler, will OF BEING, 1990, p.143.
find in this first formulation of the idea of historical "existence" the constituents of his There is no small measure of irony that such shortcomings must be attributed to a thinker
political decision of several years hence. One need only abandon the still quasi-religious whose claim to philosophical originality in the 1920s was based on an avowed revival of
isolation and apply [the concept of] authentic "existence"--always particular to each the dimension of existential concreteness that was otherwise so lacking in modern
individual--and the "duty" which follows from it to "specifically German existence" and philosophy; a thinker whose great achievement was a purported reincorporation of
its historical destiny in order thereby to introduce into the general course of German "history"--via the category of "historicity"--into modern philosophical discourse. In truth,
existence the energetic, but empty movement of existential categories ("to decide for it is the essential facts of twentieth-century political life that Heidegger, time and again,
oneself," "to take stock of oneself in face of nothingness," "wanting one's ownmost shows himself incapable of comprehending. Or, as Franzen has remarked, "In Heidegger's
destiny," and "to take responsibility for oneself") and to proceed from there to late philosophy . . . the avoidance of concrete history is in a certain sense perfected." This
"destruction" now on the terrain of politics. dilemma is perhaps nowhere as evident as in his leveling conflation of twentieth-century
ideologies: fascism, communism, and democracy all stand under the accursed sign of the
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
And though Heidegger may not have shared the Nazi emphasis on race, he, too, was Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
convinced that Germany and the Germans occupied a special niche in world-history--they OF BEING, 1990, p.115-6.
had a "destiny" to fulfill. Thus, only German Kultur, as opposed to the Zivilisation of the There are many dangers lurking in the statist conception of politics advanced by Heidegger
Western nations, offered the prospect of a true revival of the "Greek beginning." His belief in the preceding citation. The specifically political danger of this theory of the polis/state
in a special affinity between German language and culture and that of the ancient Greeks is that it is latently totalitarian: when the state--and the "destiny of a historical volk" that
was one shared by many of his countrymen since the end of the eighteenth century. When is its raison d'etre--are accorded unchallenged ontological primacy as "the work for the
viewed from this perspective, there was unquestionably an inner conceptual logic behind works," the autonomy and integrity of the other spheres of life (social, cultural, religious)
his "enlistment" for the National Socialist cause in the 1930s. disappears: they are gleichgeschaltet or immediately subsumed within the political sphere.

Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
OF BEING, 1990, p.129-30. OF BEING, 1990, p.116.
And in his Heraclitus lectures of the same year, Heidegger reaffirms his delusory Many similar objections to Heidegger's political philosophy have been raised by Karsten
conviction--against a massive weight of historical evidence to the contrary--that Germany Harries in his essay on "Heidegger as a Political Thinker": Unfortunately this project [i.e.,
and the Germans represent the only force capable of redeeming the West from a fate of the extension of Heidegger's analysis of the work of art to the state] became intertwined
impending catastrophe: "the Germans and they alone can save the West for its history," he with a rejection of the modern conception of the state, with its separation of the ethical and
declaims. "The planet is in flames. The essence of man is out of joint. Only from the the political, of the private and the public, separations which are difficult to reconcile with
Germans can there come a world-historical reflection--if, that is, they find and preserve the kind of unity and self-integration demanded by Heidegger's conception of authenticity.
'Germanness' [das Deutsche]." Recalling Nietzsche's hope for a creative resurrection of Greek tragedy, Heidegger calls
for a state which would be a "repetition"--in his sense of the word--of the Greek polis, a
AKH0726 HEIDEGGER'S STRESS ON TRUTH AS UNCONCEALMENT JUSTIFIED state which would assign man his ethos, his place as member of a genuine community. It
STATISM is this romantic conception of the state with its fusion or confusion of the political and the
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS social which we must question. The attempt to restructure the modern state in the image
OF BEING, 1990, p.113-4. of the polis will tend towards totalitarianism.
"Clearings" are produced by works of art; for example, the environmental openness
established by the Greek temple as "work." But they are produced by other types of works AKH0731 BY GIVING POLITICS A METAPHYSICAL DIMENSION, HEIDEGGER
as well. As Heidegger observes: "One essential way in which truth establishes itself in the MADE IT TOTALITARIAN
beings it has opened up is truth setting itself to work. Another way in which truth occurs Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
is the act that founds a political state." With this claim, we have arrived at the threshold of OF BEING, 1990, p.117.
Heidegger's political philosophy proper: viz., the role played by the state in the setting to Though we may readily accept and even welcome Heidegger's claim that works of art
work of truth. The state--in a way that remains as yet unspecified--participates in the work reveal the truth or essence of beings ("The work [of art] . . . is not the reproduction of some
of unconcealment. It, too, is a type of work, a rescuing of openness from the shadows of particular entity that happens to be present at any given time," observes Heidegger; "it is,
concealment, a clearing in which the phenomenal glory of truth first comes to light. on the contrary, the reproduction of the thing's general essence"), we must question the
attempt to transpose aesthetico-metaphysical criteria to the realm of political life proper.
AKH0727 EXISTENTIALIST REJECTION OF REASON SURRENDERS TO THE Is it in point of fact meaningful to speak of the "unveiling of truth" as the raison d'etre of
TOTAL STATE politics in the same way one can say this of a work of art or a philosophical work? Is not
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS politics rather a nonmetaphysical sphere of human interaction, in which the content of
OF BEING, 1990, p.130. collective human projects, institutions, and laws is articulated, discussed, and agreed upon?
As a disillusioned former student would write of his fallen mentor shortly after the Is it not, moreover, in some sense dangerous to expect "metaphysical results" from
Rectoral Address: Existentialism collapses in the moment when its political theory is politics? For is not politics instead a sphere of human plurality, difference, and
realized. The total-authoritarian state which it yearned for gives the lie to all its truths. multiplicity; hence, a realm in which the more exacting criteria of philosophical truth must
Existentialism accompanies its collapse with a self-abasement that is unique in intellectual play a subordinate role? And thus, would it not in fact be to place a type of totalitarian
history; it carries out its own history as a satyr-play to the end. It began philosophically as constraint on politics to expect it to deliver over truth in such pristine and unambiguous
a great debate with western rationalism and idealism, in order to redeem the historical fashion.
concretion of individual existence for this intellectual heritage. And it ends philosophically
with the radical denial of its own origins; the struggle against reason drives it blindly into AKH0732 HEIDEGGER'S VIEW OF TRUTH CAN'T DISTINGUISH TRUTH FROM
the arms of the reigning powers. In their service and protection it betrays that great ERROR
philosophy which it once celebrated as the pinnacle of western thinking. Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
OF BEING, 1990, p.122-3.
Thus, for Marx, the "perilous character" of Heidegger's concept of truth derives from its
obstinate insistence on treating "error, sham, and evil" as coexistent moments of truth. The
central dilemma of this theory of truth is that it is essentially non-falsifiable: since error
and truth are for Heidegger equiprimordial aspects of the Ereignis, we are given no criteria
on the basis of which we might distinguish between them. Only the philosopher himself,
who possesses privileged access to the history of Being qua "Mystery," is capable of
determining authentic from inauthentic manifestations of truth and error. The philosopher
thus becomes a "high priest of Being" who no longer need prove his case by reason or
force of the better argument. Instead, his status as an "initiate" of the secret rites of Being
should suffice to allay all questions and doubts (except in the case of nonbelievers, who
are beyond redemption in any event).
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 65
POLITICAL ERRORS Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS OF BEING, 1990, p.52-3.
OF BEING, 1990, p.120-1. For what might be described as the nonnative impoverishment of the Heideggerian
However promising Heidegger's ontological critique of the traditional philosophical ideal category of "resolve" or "decisiveness" goes far toward explaining the failings of
of propositional truth may have been it ultimately founders in consequence of his inability decisionism in all its forms. For when it is devoid of any and every normative orientation,
to distinguish between "truth" and "error." In fact, as a result of the radicalism with which "decision" can only be blind and uninformed--ultimately, it becomes a leap into the void.
Heidegger seeks, from the standpoint of the history of Being, to re-pose the question of Without any material criteria for decision, it becomes impossible to distinguish an
philosophical truth he comes to perceive the inseparability of truth and error explicitly as authentic from an inauthentic decision, responsible from irresponsible action--let alone on
a gain in metaphysical profundity. In point of fact, however, it is precisely the what grounds an individual would even prefer one course of action to another. Indeed, at
complacency with which he allows this fundamental intellectual distinction to blur into times, Heidegger seems to openly glorify the irrationalist bases of decision; for example,
meaninglessness that accounts for his egregious errors of political judgment. Just as the when he observes: "Every decision bases itself on something not mastered, something
Nietzschean superman is "beyond" the traditional moral divide between good and evil, so concealed, confusing; else it would never be a decision."
Heidegger's political judgments--by virtue of a claim to greater metaphysical
profundity--are able to imperiously disregard all conventional, modern standards of AKH0739 HEIDEGGER'S MORAL OBTUSENESS UNDERMINES HIS CRITIQUE OF
political and intellectual judgment. TECHNOLOGY
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
CONCEALS The ultimate proof of the bankruptcy of Heidegger's later thought--including the critique
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS of technology that represents an integral moment thereof--may well be contained in a
OF BEING, 1990, p.119. relatively obscure remark from his 1949 lecture series, "Insight into That Which Is." For
However (and what follows constitutes a crucial admission by Heidegger), insofar as it is this observation that perhaps best reveals the "leveling" tendencies inherent in his
letting beings be always lets beings be in a specific way--that is, because letting be is itself theory of the "destiny of Being," his incapacity for making rational sociohistorical
always perspectival or selective--its very manner of disclosing beings also conceals them. judgments, as well as his insensitivity to the suffering of the victims of Nazism. According
Thus, every act of unconcealment, is simultaneously an act of concealment. Or as to Heidegger: Agriculture is today a motorized food industry, in essence the same as the
Heidegger himself expresses this thought: "Precisely because letting be always lets beings manufacture of corpses in gas chambers and extermination camps, the same as the
be in a particular comportment which relates to them and thus discloses them, it conceals blockade and starvation of countries, the same as the manufacture of atomic bombs. That
beings as a whole." Heidegger can in good conscience equate mechanized agriculture with the genocidal
politics of the Nazis is not only a monumental non sequitur in historical reasoning; it
AKH0735 REJECTING PROPOSITIONAL TRUTH IS AN OPENING TO ABSOLUTE suggests a fundamental incapacity for both moral and theoretical discernment. It is at this
EVIL point that his thought fully regresses behind the standards of the healthy human
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS understanding that he treated with unremitting condescension throughout his life. This
OF BEING, 1990, p.118-9. judgment, far from representing a momentary lapse, is wholly consistent with the "leveling
This breakthrough (as we have already indicated) is to be achieved via Heidegger's gaze" of the theory of Seinsgeschick in general, viz., its endemic propensity for equating
conception of truth as "unconcealedness." But in the end, one cannot but doubt whether incomparables. Ironically, here we see metaphysics at its purest: a theoretically conditioned
the overall losses are not greater than the partial gains. For the rash dismissal of the idea insensitivity to the concrete specificity of the phenomena of contemporary historical life.
of propositional truth at the same time entails a wholesale rejection of the truth/untruth Above all, Heidegger's observation proves shocking insofar as it signifies a calculated
dichotomy; the net result being that Heidegger has rendered himself intellectually (and regression behind the received standards of twentieth-century morality, which have been
morally) defense less against the "absolute historical evil" of the twentieth century: the "indexed" in relation to the unspeakable crimes of the Holocaust.
genocidal imperialism of German National Socialism. Heidegger is not merely defenseless
in face of this evil' but remains sufficiently deluded to defend its true "inner potential" even AKH0740 TECHNOLOGICAL DOMINATION IS DUE TO A DEARTH OF REASON
at a point where the horrific truth of the movement was unveiled for all to see. Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
OF BEING, 1990, p.167.
AKH0736 HEIDEGGER'S RETHINKING LEADS TO NOWHERE Heidegger's theory of technology ultimately collapses under the weight of its own
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS self-imposed conceptual limitations. And thus, the intrinsic shortcomings of his theoretical
OF BEING, 1990, p.53. framework prevent him from entertaining the prospect that the problem of technological
According to the formidable Heidegger interpretation set forth by Reiner Schurmann, the domination owes more to the dearth of reason in the modern world rather than an excess.
antinormativism of fundamental ontology is in truth an antifoundationalism: it represents For in modern life, the parameters of rationality have been prematurely restricted: formal
a thoroughgoing assault against philosophical "essentialism," i.e., against all metaphysical or instrumental reason has attained de facto hegemony; practical reason--reflection on
doctrines in which fixed, eternally valid meanings are proclaimed. In Schurmann's view, ends--has been effectively marginalized. Instead of the "overcoming" of reason
Heidegger understands Being as something inherently "polyvalent" which must be thought recommended by Heidegger, what is needed is an expansion of reason's boundaries, such
of as an "ever-new event." Heidegger's significance as an ethical thinker thus lies in the that the autonomous logic of instrumental rationality is subordinated to a rational reflection
fact that he devalues the "teleological model of action." This means that action (and by on ends.
implication, politics) can have no final goal or purpose: the Heideggerian Holzwege are
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
IDEA OF AUTHENTICITY Since the doctrine of the history of Being has already banished all categories of practical
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS reason from its theoretical purview, we are left with two complementary extremes that
OF BEING, 1990, p.34-5. combine to produce the image of a totally reified world from which there can be no
The conclusion to be drawn from what we might define as the "existentiell imperative" of escape--for, strictly speaking, there are no "social actors" left to alter its course. On the one
Being and Time--from the fact that its ontological categories necessitate ontic hand, there is the implacable advance of technology itself, which "can never be stopped";
realization--is of great moment for an understanding of Heidegger's own political on the other hand, there is a wholesale devaluation of the possibilities for human action,
experiences; It suggests the possibility that Heidegger intended his political involvements which has the performative consequence of encouraging a total submission to fate. In the
of the 1930s as the existentiell consummation of the categorial framework of his 1927 last analysis, Heidegger's theory ends up reinforcing the logic of technological domination
book; more specifically, that the philosopher viewed his entry into the Nazi Party as a it claims to oppose: technology is ontologized as the modern condition humaine, and our
concrete, historical manifestation of authentic, resolute existence. This conclusion, already historical capacities for resisting or reshaping this fate are written off a prioiri as merely
suggested in the remarks by Karl Lowith cited above, is forcefully borne out by a further expression of the nefarious and omnipresent "will to will."
Heidegger's numerous political writings and speeches, in which he has gone to no small
lengths to articulate his support for National Socialism in categories explicitly gleaned
from the existential analytic of his 1927 work.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 66
BYPASSES SCIENCE Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS OF BEING, 1990, p.153-4.
OF BEING, 1990, p.123. Heidegger's incapacity to comprehend the concept of freedom is merely a logical
But as Lowith has observed: Philosophical reflection on the whole of what exists in nature, outgrowth of his post-Kehre radical antihumanism. The philosophical economy of
which is the world . . . cannot merely "pass science by" without falling into the void. It is Seinsgeschichte necessitates that the autonomy of human conduct be negated, for in this
easily said, and it would be a relief, if philosophical thought were to dwell beyond what way alone can Heidegger reconceptualize Dasein as an abject and pliable conduit for
is provable and refutable; if, however, the realm of "essential thinking" were to surpass all Being's "coming to presence." In order to secure Dasein's compliance with the goals of
proof and refutation, then philosophy would have to do neither with truth nor with Seinsgeschichte, it must be divested of the capacity for free action. Thus, in his 1936
probability, but rather with uncontrollable claims and allegations. Schelling lecture, Heidegger essentially proclaims the obsolescence of "freedom" as a
viable philosophical category--that is, when understood from the "essential" standpoint of
AKH0743 THE EMPHASIS ON BEING LEADS TO TOTAL PASSIVITY Seinsgeschichte: "From the originary perspective of the history of Being, 'freedom' has
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS forfeited its role. For Being [Seyn] is more originary than the totality of beings and
OF BEING, 1990, p.147. subjectivity."
As we suggested earlier, the essential thinking of the later Heidegger promotes an "eclipse
of practical reason." For his post-Kehre reformulation of the relation between Being and AKH0750 FREEDOM IS INDISPENSABLE TO MEANINGFUL HUMAN LIFE
Dasein rebels so fervently against the voluntarist dimension of his own earlier thinking that Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
the very concept of "meaningful human action" is seemingly rendered null and void. If the OF BEING, 1990, p.154.
early Heidegger attempted to rally Dasein to "decisiveness" (Entschlossenheit), the thought The project of human freedom, incessantly belittled by "essential thinking," receives its
of the later Heidegger appears at times to be a summary justification of human passivity inspiration from the conviction that "it is more honest, courageous, self-clairvoyant, hence
and inaction (Gelassenheit)--so prejudicially is the balance between Sein and Mensch a higher mode of life, to choose in lucidity than it is to hide one's choices behind the
struck in favor of the former term. supposed structure of things." In this respect, the concept of freedom, as it has been handed
down to us on the basis of the Greek ideal of autonomic or self-rule, represents an
AKH0744 HEIDEGGER CULTIVATES DEBILITATING PASSIVITY indispensable touchstone of the Western tradition: it has become a sine qua non for the
Alan Megill, University of Iowa, PROPHETS OF EXTREMITY, 1985, p.180. ideal of a meaningful human existence. And thus, in a far from trivial sense, we view a life
Heidegger inculcates a quietism. This quietism is dangerous: those who think that the led under conditions of "unfreedom" as a life deprived of an essential prerequisite for the
forces of technology lie utterly beyond human control are likely to find that this is in fact fulfillment of human potential. It would be a life bereft of those autonomous capacities of
the case; those who believe that only a god can save them will likely need such salvation. decision and choice on the basis of which alone we are able to identify and define our
projects as our projects. We are of course simultaneously defined by a preexisting network
AKH0745 HEIDEGGER'S RADICAL PASSIVITY LEADS TO POLITICAL of values, institutions, and belief-systems, which have themselves been shaped and
IMPOTENCE handed-down by the members of a given community or group. Yet, it is our capacity to
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS "choose in lucidity" as to which among these would endow our projects with direction and
OF BEING, 1990, p.194-5. significance that forms the indispensable basis of a meaningful human life.
This conviction leads in Heidegger to a radical passivity, to the notion that we ought to let
beings be. Heidegger's position has political implications, though it denies its own political AKH0751 REJECTING HUMANISM TOLERATES OPPRESSION
nature, for it amounts to nothing less than an acceptance--indeed, a confirmation--of the Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND
existing social and political order. THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.87-8.
This is what distinguishes Montaigne's scepticism from the wholesale varieties currently
AKH0746 HEIDEGGER'S PHILOSOPHER JARGON REVEALS HIS in vogue among postmodernists, New Historicists, and others. It works on a principle
AUTHORITARIANISM directly counter to the 'radical alterity' thesis: that is to say, on the assumption that however
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS deep such cultural differences may run, they are still (in William Empson's fine phrase) 'a
OF BEING, 1990, p.20. small thing by comparison with our common humanity'. The trouble with the current
For the "mimesis of fate" promoted by Heidegger's imperious and presumptive use of anti-humanist doxa is that it swings so far against those bad old forms of quasi-universalist
philosophical terminology reveals the latently authoritarian tendencies of his thought in subject-centred thought that it leaves no room for treating other subjects - including the
general. Or, as Sollner concludes, "the authoritarian sense or non-sense of Heideggerian victims of colonial oppression - as in any way capable of reasoned enquiry or reflective
philosophy lies in its jargon and its linguistic gestures." moral awareness. At this point scepticism passes over into cynicism, or the critique of
prejudice into another (just as damaging) kind of prejudice that regards all truth-claims and
AKH0747 HEIDEGGER FAILS TO UNDERSTAND THE REAL WORLD ethical values as relative to this or that 'discourse', or again, as mere products of the
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS will-to-power in its protean manifestations.
OF BEING, 1990, p.180.
But I do not think that quietism is the main danger of Heidegger's thought. For I would AKH0752 REJECTING HUMANISM LEADS TO NAZISM
argue that a Heideggerian activism risks equal danger. It is not simply a matter of rejecting Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND
the passive for the active mode. It is a matter of moving beyond Heidegger's utopian THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.100
idealism toward an understanding of the forces, structures, passions, and desires at work Her position now amounts to a point-for-point rebuttal of the entire post-structuralist doxa
in the real world. (Admittedly, the world in question is the "ordinary" world, not on Enlightenment and its supposed evil legacy. 'The Nazis', she writes, did not lose their
Heidegger's "extraordinary" world.) The danger, in short, lies in the tendency of humanity because of the 'abstraction' that may have existed in the notion of 'man' . . . On
Heidegger's utopianism to obscure this world, enveloping it in a utopian haze. Heidegger the contrary - it is because they had lost the lofty, abstract, fully symbolic notion of
is a poor guide for those who want to grasp how the "ordinary" world operates. His humanity and replaced it with a local, national, or ideological membership, that savageness
archaizing idealism tempts one into ignoring the forms of social, economic, and political materialized in them and could be practiced against those who did not share such
power at work within it. If this sounds like a defense of an intelligent empiricism against membership. Had they abandoned it because it was 'abstract' to the point of lacking
Heidegger's utopianism, this is indeed what it is. meaning or, on the contrary, because in that so-called 'abstraction' there was a symbolic
value that went against the desire to dominate and possess others under the aegis of a
AKH0748 HEIDEGGER'S VENERATION OF BEING REINVENTS THE MEDIEVAL national, racial, or ideological membership that was considered superior?
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS AKH0753 HEIDEGGER'S REJECTION OF HUMANISM CONDEMNS THE MASS OF
OF BEING, 1990, p.152. HUMANITY
For Blumenberg, the unchallengeable primacy of Being in Heidegger's later work signifies Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
recourse to an ersatz divinity; a divinity, moreover, that assumes vengeful traits in response OF BEING, 1990, p.46.
to the hubristic self-assertion of modern man. The end result is a secularized replay of In point of fact, the purportedly "timeless" categories of fundamental ontology seem to be
medieval ontology. In the words of Blumenberg: The [modern] age appears as an absolute based upon a prejudicial, antihumanist philosophical anthropology, whose political
"fact"--or better: as a "datum"; it stands, sharply circumscribed, outside of any logic, implications are distinctly unsavory. The a priori division between authentic and
adapted to a state of erring [Irrnis]; and in spite of its immanent pathos of domination (or inauthentic spheres essentially condemns the inhabitants of the latter realm to a life of
precisely on account of it) finally permits only the one attitude that is the sole option that perdition; Heidegger is quite explicit on this score, insofar as their lot is generally
the "history of Being" leaves open to man: submission. The absolutism of "Being" is in described by variants of the German fallen. On the basis of this division, the vast majority
truth only the continuation of the medieval result by other means. of men and women are deemed incapable of meaningful self-determination.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 67
FROM HIS ANTI-HUMANISM Leslie Paul Thiele, Professor of Political Science, University of Florida,
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS, Summer 1995, p.184.
OF BEING, 1990, p.146-7. As Bruce Foltz observes in his discussion of Heidegger: To save the earth is to let it be
In the recent debate spurred by the appearance in France of Victor Farias' book, Heidegger earth in its inherent self-withholding, rather than demanding only its availability as a
et le Nazisme, a number of prominent French intellectuals--Maurice Blanchot, Emmanuel storehouse of energy. But letting the earth be earth does not entail our somehow ceasing
Levinas, Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe--have found the most disturbing aspect of " l'affaire to need it, for the earth is that which preeminently supports and sustains.
Heidegger" to be the philosopher's unpardonable refusal to utter a word of remorse for the
victims of the Holocaust. But in light of our reconstruction of Heidegger's post-Kehre AKH0759 LIMITING ENVIRONMENTAL EXPLOITATION IS CONSISTENT WITH
world view, it becomes clear that this refusal was far from a simple crime of omission; nor RELEASEMENT
as several Heideggerians have claimed--thus perpetuating the duplicity of their Leslie Paul Thiele, Professor of Political Science, University of Florida,
mentor--was "silence" Heidegger's way of expressing his solidarity with those who had ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS, Summer 1995, p.184.
perished, owing to the "unspeakable" character of the crimes that had been committed. Use and predation in themselves are neither unwarranted nor illegitimate -- as long as we
Instead, Heidegger's reticence was fully consistent with his postmetaphysical, understand the origin of human freedom and dignity to lie not in the mastery and
philosophical antihumanism. For, according to this view, it was not the conscious acts of possession of beings, but in the witnessing of their Being. Humans are inextricably
men and women that were responsible for the unfolding of historical events, but the integrated with the natural world. Since we cannot (and should not) isolate ourselves from
"destining of Being." A gesture of penitence or contrition toward the victims of National nature, we must establish limits to our exploitation of it, and to our attempts at its
Socialism would have been wholly superfluous according to the strictures of his theoretical "restoration." Although there can be no categorical and timeless resolution to this problem
standpoint. Moreover, by means of this conceptual framework, the question of historical of balance, we can initiate a strategy of restraint.
"fault" or "blame" could not even be posed. Perhaps nowhere more than in this
philosophically engendered reticence vis-a-vis the sins of the German past does "essential AKH0760 SCHLAG'S KRITIK APPLIES TO NORMATIVITY IN LAW, NOT PUBLIC
thinking" stand convicted of moral bankruptcy: by systematically denying the legitimacy POLICY
of questions of historical responsibility, it even proves capable of effacing the difference Francis Mootz, Professor of Law, Western New England College School of Law,
between "victims" and "executioners." HOUSTON LAW REVIEW, Fall 1994, p.873.
Pierre Schlag lays it on the line in his recent contribution to the Michigan Law Review:
AKH0755 HEIDEGGER'S POLITICAL VIEWS DESTROY ALL CHECKS ON judges and legal academics are trapped in a jointly constructed maze of meaningless
TOTALITARIANISM normative justifications of the legal system.
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS
According to a charitable reading of Heidegger's doctrine of Sernspolitik--his theory of the Francis Mootz, Professor of Law, Western New England College School of Law,
integral interrelationship between creators, the yolk, and the state as viewed from the HOUSTON LAW REVIEW, Fall 1994, p.885-6.
standpoint of the history of Being--the philosopher is merely advocating a theory of Escape from the maze of normative legal thinking is the familiar dream of empiricists and
national self-determination to be based on the "higher powers" of poetry, philosophy, and rationalists alike, but it simply is not possible. Talking about the reality of law as distinct
statesmanship; a doctrine that, thus understood, is essentially unobjectionable. In truth, from our representation of this reality in normative legal dialogue constitutes a
however, the historical and conceptual bases of Heidegger's theory are decidedly more performative contradiction. This is not to say that reality is wholly linguistic, but rather
complex. They are inseparable from his acceptance of the (proto-fascistic) conservative that our experience and understanding of reality is always linguistically mediated in a
revolutionary critique of modernity, including the imperialist vision of Germany as "master shared realm of normative public dialogue.
of Mitteleuropa"; from a systematic devaluation of all conceivable institutional checks
vis-a-vis the eventuality of totalitarian state power; and from a glorification of the ideals AKH0762 SCHLAG DISPLAYS PARANOID INTELLECTUAL STYLE
of authority, hierarchy, and rank that in its essentials is indistinguishable from the Nazi Francis Mootz, Professor of Law, Western New England College School of Law,
Fuhrerprinzip itself. When these systematic aspects of his philosophical theory are in turn HOUSTON LAW REVIEW, Fall 1994, p.874-6.
viewed against the background of the philosopher's own numerous observations and asides In this essay I will argue that the psychoanalytic imagery in Schlag's article runs deeper
in support of Germany's National Revolutionary course in the 1930s, the portrait of the than Schlag intends. Schlag champions the postmodern legal critic who can pierce the
man and the thinker that emerges is far from innocent. Philosophy and politics are not delusions of normative legal justifications, but upon close inspection Schlag's critic
related in a contingent or nonessential fashion. Instead, as our theoretical reconstruction exhibits the style of functioning that we commonly would attribute to a paranoid
has attempted to show, they exist as communicating vessels. individual. My thesis is that this affinity between Schlag's account of postmodern criticism
and the symptoms of paranoia reveals that Schlag's project is desperately misguided. I do
AKH0756 HEIDEGGER'S ANTI-HUMANISM IS INHERENTLY TOTALITARIAN not mean to suggest in any way that Schlag personally exhibits any symptoms of paranoia,
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS but only that his account of the postmodern critic describes a person whose approach to
OF BEING, 1990, p.151. the world parallels that of a paranoid individual. Neither Schlag nor any similarly
Is the resolute antihumanism of the coercive doctrine of Seinsgeschichte not, at least in intelligent and well-adjusted critic seriously can propose to adopt in real life the critical
part, politically overdetermined? Do not the ceaseless polemics against the Enlightenment pose that Schlag describes in his article.
ideal of autonomous subjectivity represent an unconscious reenactment of Germany's own
struggle against Weimar liberalism in the name of a more primal, superordinate destiny? AKH0763 SCHLAG'S VIEW OF THE WORLD IS CONTRADICTED BY OUR
Would it be correct to observe that in a crucial sense, Heidegger's later philosophy has EXPERIENCE
remained "unregenerate"; that, in the last analysis, it has remained a philosophy of Francis Mootz, Professor of Law, Western New England College School of Law,
hetironomy--in a manner strongly suggestive of that politics of "total mobilization" whose HOUSTON LAW REVIEW, Fall 1994, p.876.
rhetoric of Sturm and Kampf ultimately proved so seductive? This is indeed the On a deeper level, I argue that Schlag does not and cannot exhibit the paranoid tendencies
uncharitable conclusion reached by Karl-Heinz Haag in Kritik der neutered Ontologie. As that he describes. Just as the motivating world view of the founding fathers no longer rings
Haag observes: "The world to which ontology as a system corresponds is the totalitarian true, the assumptions about individual and social life that motivate Schlag's critical
world whose social organization it imitates and whose metaphysical hierarchy it glorifies." paranoid style appear to be contradicted by the manner in which we conduct our "real"
(that is to say, not our "scholarly") lives. In other words, Schlag is not paranoid, and so his
AKH0757 HEIDEGGER'S ANTI-HUMANISM LEADS TO TOTALITARIANISM account of the legal critic can hold no appeal, even for himself, except on a very stylized,
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE POLITICS provocative, and intellectual level.
OF BEING, 1990, p.150.
The profound antihumanism of the later Heidegger compels one to inquire in all AKH0764 THE ARGUMENT AGAINST NORMATIVITY IS INCOHERENT
seriousness whether he has in fact ever surmounted those habits of thought that Jaspers Margaret Radin and Frank Michelman, Professors of Law, Stanford and Harvard,
described as "essentially dictatorial and unfree." And thus, as Jaspers observes, UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA LAW REVIEW, 1991, p.1021.
"[Heidegger's] manner of speaking and his actions have a certain affinity with National We should talk more normatively (WSTHN, for short) is the name of a certain
Socialist characteristics; these alone begin to make his 'error' comprehensible." For in the sentence--the one that says we should talk more normatively. If uttering WSTMN is
helplessness of Dasein visa-vis the mysterious coming to presence of the primordial contemptible as just talk or as normative talk (and, to boot, as naively presupposing that
powers of Being, there survives distinct traces of that masochistic submission of the how we talk, what we do, is within our power to decide), then what is a reader supposed
individual to the collective destiny of the Volksgerneinschaft under a totalitarian regime. to make of the sentence that says that uttering WSTMN is contemptible on those grounds?
In the later Heidegger, pride of place is accorded to the idea that only via the total It seems that saying that cannot (coherently) be an argument about whether or how we
self-prostration of Dasein in face of the superior destining of Seinsgeschichte might the should (or should not) talk. How can one argue that what makes an utterance (or a genre)
truth of Being be preserved. The very capacity of Dasein to receive the truths that the lofty unworthy of attention or respect is that it is normative talk? To argue is to involve the
forces of Being on occasion deign to dispense is, moreover, a matter that is ultimately practice of argument, and that practice consists of normative talk. (Maybe you could try
determined by the whims of Being itself. by some other means to remove that practice from societies repertoire, but you can't well
do that by arguing about it).
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 68
Luc Ferry, Professor at the Sorbonne, RIGHTS--THE NEW QUARREL BETWEEN THE Margaret Radin and Frank Michelman, Professors of Law, Stanford and Harvard,
It next seems to me that the criticism of the modern idea of freedom conceived as the Other critical practitioners evidently try to abstain from commitment to any jurisprudence
faculty of acting spontaneously according the representation of ends (the will), also runs and devote themselves abstemiously to excavating the hidden, mystifying, self-enclosing,
into insurmountable difficulties. Certainly, here again, the criticism is not baseless: it seeks but also self-liquidating, structures they know (and so do we) they can find in every
to save the "miraculous," or, to put it less emphatically, the unpredictable character of candidate jurisprudence that comes along. We think even their practice cannot be non-
action. To infer from this that the very idea of will is in essence "forgetfulness of normative in the broadest sense in which some of them use the term, because (as we
Being"-since it amounts to thinking of the event as based on the voluntary consciousness explained in Parts I and II) no discursive utterance)and in particular no argument)can be
of the subject, and not as Ereignis; a prompting of Being itself-, once again there is a step seriously entertained as non-normative in so broad a sense.
that cannot be taken without absurdity: for if it is Being that "acts" through us, if under
these conditions it behooves us "to do nothing, merely to wait" and to adopt the pure and AKH0773 NORMATIVE THOUGHT IS REQUIRED BY OUR LANGUAGE
simple attitude of "releasement" (Gelassenheit), any ethical view of the world, every form STRUCTURES
of criticism should vanish. It would be pointless, then, to clutter up the marketplace with Isaiah Berlin, Professor of Social and Political Theory, Oxford, FOUR ESSAYS ON
books denouncing the ravages of technology, the horrors of totalitarianism, or "the banality LIBERTY, 1969, p.115
of evil", because for someone thinking philosophically, "coherence," however conceived, Those who are concerned with human affairs are committed to the use of moral categories
cannot be a vain word. and concepts which normal language incorporates and expresses. Chemists, philologists,
logicians, even sociologists with a strong quantitative bias, by using morally neutral
AKH0766 LIFE REQUIRES NORMATIVE JUDGMENTS technical terms, can avoid doing so. But historians can scarcely do this. They need
Douglas Den Uyl and Douglas Rasmussen, Professors of Philosophy, Bellarmine College not)they are certainly not obliged to)moralize: but neither can they avoid the use of
and St. John's University, READING NOZICK, Jeffrey Paul, ed., 1981, p.238. normal language with all its associations and `built in' moral categories.
Values come into existence because life is a way of being that requires that a certain type
of entity (a living one)be an actor for ends, a valuer of ends. Living things are the only type AKH0774 IN POSTMODERNIST UNDERSTANDING, THERE IS NO
of beings that can be affected by their actions, and if such actions could not ultimately NON-NORMATIVE UTTERANCE
make a difference to the life of a living being, there would be no values. Margaret Radin and Frank Michelman, Professors of Law, Stanford and Harvard,
AKH0767 HISTORICAL CHANGE REQUIRES FREE AGENCY Most importantly, all of these philosophical denials are utterances bound by their own
H. Stuart Hughes, Stanford historian, CONSCIOUSNESS AND SOCIETY, 1977, p.5. (loosely speaking) postmodernist understandings of language, knowledge, power, value,
For the essence of history is change-and change must be at least partially the result of and their interconnections. According to these postmodernist understandings, knowledge
conscious mental activity. Somewhere at some time someone must have decided to do and power are interfused, and so are knowledge and value, knowledge and imagination,
something. "Vast impersonal forces"' are simply abstractions the sum of an infinite number power and value, value and imagination, imagination and power. The fusing medium is
of small but strictly personal decisions. In a statistical sense, the outcome of a large number language. There is no power-free language. There is, finally, no non-normative utterance.
of choices may be predictable, but in a metaphysical and ethical sense most of us are There are only kinds and degrees of normativity.
convinced that each individual choice is free. Our vocabulary and categories of thought
imply this conviction. Hence, Croce was right-although not quite in the way he imagined- AKH0775 SCHLAG'S POSITION IS RHETORICALLY FUTILE
when he insisted that history was necessarily the "story of freedom." Margaret Radin and Frank Michelman, Professors of Law, Stanford and Harvard,
AKH0768 WE'RE FREE IF OUR ACTIONS REFLECT OUR DESIRES, NOT THE That ubiquity and that pertinacity, however, set rhetorical traps that we're not sure have
DESIRES OF SOMEONE ELSE been avoided. The issue, we emphasize, is not logic; it is rhetoric. It is in the coin of
Bertrand Russell, Professor of Philosophy, Cambridge, OUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE persuasion that the question of the "logic" of Schlag's position finally pays. In the
EXTERNAL WORLD, 1929, p.182-3 prevailing discourse of academics and intellectuals, "logic" functions as what Wittgenstein
Freedom, in short, in any valuable sense, demands only that our volitions shall be, as they calls a "philosophical superlative"; our use of the term here signifies that, try as they might,
are, the result of our own desires, not of an outside force compelling us to will what we readers will find it difficult to see Schlag's position as other than self-contradictory. What
would rather not will. Everything else is confusion of thought, due to the feeling that accordingly strikes us is the rhetorical futility of argumentatively tying legal scholarship's
knowledge compels the happening of what it knows when this is future, though it is at once failures of critical self-consciousness and methodological reflectiveness to its undeniable,
obvious that knowledge has no such power in regard to the past. Free will, therefore is true but seemingly inexpungible, trait of normativity.
in the only form which is important; and the desire for other forms is a mere effect of
Margaret Radin and Frank Michelman, Professors of Law, Stanford and Harvard,
Daniel Dennett, Tufts philosopher, ELBOW ROOM, 1984, p.108. In seeking to stand apart from law's normativity, the classical positivists were prompted
We cannot help acting under the idea of freedom, it seems; we are stuck deliberating as if by desire for reform. Thus, were the critics here aspiring to be our generation's neo- (or
our futures were open. super-) legal positivists, they would have to notice that legal positivist aims (on our
understanding of those aims), are ultimately normative (on the critics' broad understanding
AKH0770 IMAGINATION ALLOWS AUTONOMOUS SELF-CREATION of the normative). Legal positivists contend that it will be better for us to put aside the
Walter Kaufman, Princeton philosopher, WITHOUT GUILT AND JUSTICE, 1973, p.225. mythology of law's inexorable convergence on the good and the right and so we ought to
For creativity is not encountered in the arts only but also in the dimension of human do so--not merely in the academic interest of clear thought, but in the social interest of
relationships and in the practice of the new integrity. We have noted how the new integrity justice and good government. Progressive positivism expects that when we do ascertain
involves autonomy: making decisions for oneself)especially those decisions that mold our what a law is, we are going to exercise upon it our valuational judgment and act
character and future. Thus the autonomous human being makes himself and gives shape accordingly.
to his life. he not only considers alternatives that others present to him, but he uses his
imagination like a novelist or dramatist to think up possibilities. AKH0777 SCHLAG FAILS TO ESCAPE THE MAZE OF NORMATIVITY
Francis Mootz, Professor of Law, Western New England College School of Law,
Margaret Radin and Frank Michelman, Professors of Law, Stanford and Harvard, The epistemological problems posed by modernist critical projects are only partially
UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA LAW REVIEW, 1991, p.1022 answered by adding a postmodern gloss. Schlag's effort to analyze legal scholarship from
For, even if by dint of great concentration we can occasionally and fleetingly glimpse a outside the maze is extremely problematic. Schlag believes that most scholars reside within
different possibility, normative moments do seem irrepressible from what any of us ever a maze characterized by "dreariness," but that a select few have found a way out, gained
does as legal scholar, whether our study be first-order, of "law," or second-order, of "legal perspective on the maze, and now engage in a fruitful questioning that reveals rather than
thought." obscures the law. In sharp contrast, I reject the idea that such a dramatic escape can take
place. Just when a scholar believes that she has scaled the last wall of the maze, she will
be confronted by a boundless horizon of paths endlessly circling within the ambit of the
same maze. Hope for escape must always be dashed in the end, but this does not mean that
an individual's comportment within the maze is without ethical or political significance.
The central problem for contemporary jurisprudence is not the maze of normative legal
discourse, but the failure to recognize the maze as an unavoidable condition that is
productive of knowledge.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 69
ESCAPE THE MAZE Francis Mootz, Professor of Law, Western New England College School of Law,
Francis Mootz, Professor of Law, Western New England College School of Law, HOUSTON LAW REVIEW, Fall 1994, p.885.
HOUSTON LAW REVIEW, Fall 1994, p.881-2. Some might argue that such detachment is not paranoid if it is warranted by the facts. In
Some might argue that Schlag's approach does not mirror the paranoid style of functioning other words, if Schlag's description is correct, he is piercing socially held delusions rather
to the extent that his picture of the postmodern legal critic ostensibly reaffirms the than exhibiting paranoia. My point is this: Schlag's jurisprudential claims are analogous
importance of ethics and intellectual creativity. However, the classic paranoid personality to a person's assertion that he is being followed by martians who are disguised as average
never espouses a bleak, total nihilism. Instead, paranoid individuals attempt to secure the human pedestrians. Although we would not consider this person to be paranoid if it turns
integrity of their world view against the widespread delusions that they attribute to out that they are in fact being followed by martians, we might agree that this person
virtually everyone else. The paranoid believes in the possibility of providing a true exhibits a paranoid style by virtue of his thorough-going skepticism about the apparent
description, but also that only she and perhaps a few other people are capable of seeing this reality surrounding him, and that this paranoid style draws into strong question the
truth. There is precious little assistance that the paranoid can offer to members of the accuracy of his beliefs. The paranoid style not only is a suspect strategy at the outset, it is
general populace, whose inability to see things correctly is, as Schlag asserts in the context a strategy that feeds on itself and becomes more and more fantastic in each of its
of legal theory, "a constitutive aspect of their very being as legal academics." The paranoid incarnations. With an ever increasing intensity, the paranoid style co-opts the theorist and
regards her special insight as the product of "an accident or a miracle," and so there simply prevents her from retrenching or revising her approach, even when the bankruptcy of the
is no point in trying to educate others about the error of their ways. "Like the paranoid, the paranoid style is manifest.
critic will see change as something foreign; as something which befalls a person and which
can be spoken about only after it has occurred." The way out of the maze cannot be AKH0785 PARANOID STYLE HAS A GREATER AFFINITY FOR BAD CAUSES
described, reports Schlag, but those lucky academics who awake one morning to find Francis Mootz, Professor of Law, Western New England College School of Law,
themselves outside the maze can begin participating (with Schlag) in "an extraordinarily HOUSTON LAW REVIEW, Fall 1994, p. 876.
exciting time in American legal thought." When I speak of the paranoid style, I use the term much as a historian of art might speak
of the baroque or the mannerist style. It is, above all, a way of seeing the world and of
AKH0779 SCHLAG RELIES ON NORMATIVE LANGUAGE expressing oneself.... Of course, the term "paranoid style" is pejorative, and it is meant to
Margaret Radin and Frank Michelman, Professors of Law, Stanford and Harvard, be; the paranoid style has a greater affinity for bad causes than good. But nothing entirely
UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA LAW REVIEW, 1991, p.1021 prevents a sound program or a sound issue from being advocated in the paranoid style, and
To work, in writing, at the displacement or destabilization of some named practice of it is admittedly impossible to settle the merits of an argument because we think we hear in
writing (like normative legal thought) is already to exemplify and thereby to commend its presentation the characteristic paranoid accents. Style has to do with the way in which
some different, some critically chastened, practice. Moreover, it is extremely difficult to ideas are believed and advocated rather than with the truth or falsity of their content.
carry on the work of destabilization without appearing to lapse into normative modes of
discourse. Take, for example, this passage from an article by Schlag: [T]his [talk-talk AKH0786 AGENCY IS PART OF OUR INTRINSIC EXPERIENCE OF LIFE
genre] simply argues that we should talk [some] new talk . . . Variations on this old Margaret Radin and Frank Michelman, Professors of Law, Stanford and Harvard,
talk/new talk include the following: we should talk . . . more normatively, [or] more UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA LAW REVIEW, 1991, p.1058
contextually . . . [etc.] or in that hopeful humanist way until we figure out what the hell As the reconstructive moment seems ineradicable, so too does the human experience of
we're doing up here 30,000 feet from earth arguing about how we should land. agency. It seems, in other words, a possibility worth considering that the problematic,
elusive, "humanist" experience of subjectivity)agency)is an historically irreversible,
AKH0780 SCHLAG'S ONLY SOLUTION IS A CONVERSION EXPERIENCE inexpungible, constitutive aspect of our experience of (human) being. Part of what we do,
Francis Mootz, Professor of Law, Western New England College School of Law, as concept-making strivers caught in forms of life, is think about the good)the
HOUSTON LAW REVIEW, Fall 1994, p.878 better)world and ourselves acting towards it. We cannot deny our own agency. (We cannot
As Schlag emphasizes, the way out of the maze "does not, indeed it cannot, reduce to a speak the sentence of denial except as speaking subjects, affirming by speaking the
prescription or a recommendation or a solution or even a criticism." Freud's psychic sentence what the sentence means to deny.) We can call agency into question, and we had
architecture and Marx's historical materialism give way to the mysterious experience of a better, but to call into question is also to (re)affirm, (re)create, (re)construct.
paradigm shift, a flash of insight that does not tell us what to do because it is the act of
telling that is being put into question. AKH0787 SCHLAG'S RADICALISM DISSOLVES INTO IRRELEVANCE
Francis Mootz, Professor of Law, Western New England College School of Law,
TRANSFORMATION As described by Schlag, the postmodern legal critic bears an uncanny resemblance to a
Pierre Schlag, University of Colorado Professor of Law, Cardozo Law Review, 1990, paranoid individual. I have no doubts that Schlag, as a person dealing with everyday life,
p.1646. is entirely free from paranoid tendencies. Why, then, does his asserted intellectual persona
Indeed, ideas, theories, etc., are not dangerous)they are not consequential)unless they can assume such a counterproductive posture? Quite simply, the imperative to radicalize the
change people's cognitive-social practices. And there is no reason to suppose the anyone's critique of foundationalism and formalism eventually carries theory, and the persona
cognitive or social practices will necessarily or even generally be transformed simply adopted by the theorist, beyond the realm of ordinary discourse. Schlag does not engage
because he or she comes to hold or mouth some new radical "substantive" idea, theory, his readers in a shared quest for decency and happiness in an often brutal and traumatic
method, or technique. To believe that "substantive" ideas, theories, methods, etc. do have world, but instead challenges such a normative quest as being symptomatic of
such power is to remain caught within the pervasive ideological overstatement that deeper-seated problems. Schlag's radicalism is extended to the point of cannibalizing its
substance controls form and theory governs practice. it is to assume)in complete own presuppositions. "A collection of discourses that in their strategic maneuvering have
accordance with the ruling ideology)that one's thoughts can control one's cognitive precluded the possibility of being discursive, have succeeded not just in being destructive,
practices in an automatic unproblematic sort of way. but in being self-destructive." When the hermeneutics of suspicion is pushed to the point
of paranoia, the critical effort dissolves into a self-described irrelevance.
Francis Mootz, Professor of Law, Western New England College School of Law, AKH0788 SCHLAG OVERSIMPLIFIES THE PROBLEM OF NORMATIVITY
HOUSTON LAW REVIEW, Fall 1994, p.879. Francis Mootz, Professor of Law, Western New England College School of Law,
I want to clarify what I mean by paranoia. The paranoid style of functioning is HOUSTON LAW REVIEW, Fall 1994, p.879
characterized by "an intense, sharply perceptive but narrowly focused mode of attention" Postmodern thought is a stimulating force, but it has been overused and abused by more
that results in an attitude of "elaborate suspiciousness." Paranoid individuals constantly than one scholar in search of a truly radical break from the politics of normalcy. The
strive to demystify appearances; they take nothing at face value because they regard reality questions raised by the maze are much more subtle and complex than Schlag allows.
as an obscure dimension hidden from casual observation or participation. Schlag's confusion over what the maze represents, how it operates, and the consequential
function of critical theory, exemplifies the postmodern crisis in legal theory. Put
AKH0783 SCHLAG'S RADICALLY CRITICAL WORLD VIEW PRODUCES A differently, Schlag's characterization of the maze, offered with a sly wink and a
PARANOID STYLE conspiratorial nod to others in the know, comes off sounding just a bit paranoid.
Francis Mootz, Professor of Law, Western New England College School of Law,
HOUSTON LAW REVIEW, Fall 1994, p.876.
Wood's thesis is helpful in clarifying the distinction drawn in this article between being
paranoid and exhibiting a paranoid style. On one level I am arguing that Schlag
participates in a wider intellectual world view that leads to the adoption of the paranoid
style. Just as the founding fathers, steeped in the Enlightenment milieu of their day, needed
to ascribe social conditions to conscious human agency, so too contemporary postmodern
legal scholars operate on the basis of a critical world view that compels them to radically
challenge appearances and commonly held beliefs. Schlag is no more paranoid than the
founding fathers, although like them he adopts the paranoid style.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 70
Margaret Radin and Frank Michelman, Professors of Law, Stanford and Harvard, Francis Mootz, Professor of Law, Western New England College School of Law,
For purposes of critical insight and incision, the field of legal thought As Hilary Putnam concisely states, "the elimination of the normative is attempted mental
contains)arguably)not one normativity, but many normativities. The styles of scholarly suicide." I would refine Putnam's observation by including paranoid distanciation within
activity that currently and colloquially fall under the heading of normative legal thought the scope of mental suicide. Professor Schlag writes powerfully, invariably capturing my
are diverse and in some respects incompatible. A partial listing, contrived for our own interest and leading me to important new insights. However, his effort to distance himself
purposes here, would include the normative jurisprudences of autonomous doctrinal from the normative legal language that is our heritage falls short, as it must.
elaboration ("the artificial reason" of the law), instrumentalist economics, rights and
principles, dialogism, poststructuralism, pragmatism, feminism, and critical race theory. AKH0796 NORMATIVITY IS ESSENTIAL FOR GOOD ETHICAL AND LEGAL
Rhetorically treating all these jurisprudential practices as satellites of grand theory risks REASONING
repelling or excusing too many normative practitioners from debates that ought to concern Martha C. Nussbaum, Brown Professor of Philosophy, HARVARD LAW REVIEW, 1994,
them. p.737-8.
To remove the beliefs about worth on which love, fear, grief, and so on are based is indeed
AKH0790 NORMATIVITY CRITICS IGNORE ANTI-FOUNDATIONALIST to remove many sources of pain, but the resulting life may seem flat and lacking in
NORMATIVITIES wonder. And it may also be lacking in a type of information that is critical to good ethical
Margaret Radin and Frank Michelman, Professors of Law, Stanford and Harvard, and also legal reasoning: to respond with the pain of compassion at the sight of another
UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA LAW REVIEW, 1991, p.1045 person's suffering is to understand the importance of that suffering in a way no
New wave assaults on "normative legal thought" so far have tended to chart their uncommitted person could possibly do. Without the information given by such emotions
campaigns around the citadel of foundationalistic grand theory. So far, they have said few difficult issues concerning poverty, or damages, or privacy, or mitigation, could be
relatively little about legal scholarly normativities that have already crossed over well addressed.
(professedly, at any rate) into postmodernist anti-foundationalism: not only
poststructuralism, but also pragmatism and (for the most part) feminism and critical race AKH0797 REJECTING NORMATIVITY ENTRENCHES THE RULE OF FORCE
theory. It's not that such normativities are placed beyond any need for critical attention. It Philip E. Hesch, attorney, and Christopher J. Grabarek, Deputy Prosecutor, Porter County,
may rather be that on the map of legal thought mercatorized around formalistic-deductive- Indiana, ST. THOMAS LAW REVIEW, 1994, p.351.
prescriptive grand theory, they-re Antarctica. Only dedicated specialists visit Antarctica. Such a plurality of emotive experience, based upon a plethora of subjective experiences,
is indeed a poor substitute for reason and may, in fact, be an anodyne for the pains of
AKH0791 SCHLAG'S APPROACH IS LIKE CARTESIAN RATIONALISM IN ITS reasoning. Something that makes one person cry or stirs his heart into battle may not move
DETACHMENT FROM COMMON SENSE his neighbor. Emotions alone cannot serve as a valid base by which a society can evaluate
Francis Mootz, Professor of Law, Western New England College School of Law, the competing ideas within any legal system. Absent a conceptual framework grounded in
HOUSTON LAW REVIEW, Fall 1994, p.885. absolute presuppositions (i.e., a natural law), legal decisions, as well as moral and value
Schlag's relentless attack on the ubiquitous presumption of the integrity of the legal subject judgments, are inevitably left to a political process that can only justify its outcomes by a
challenges Descartes at the most fundamental level of his philosophy, but in a very "might makes right" philosophy.
important sense Schlag's critique carries forward the same virulent paranoid style. Thus,
although Schlag likely believes that carrying out Descartes' method is less plausible than AKH0798 NORMATIVE ARGUMENT IS THE ONLY ALTERNATIVE TO MOB
discovering that Elvis was abducted by martians, he proposes to overcome Cartesian RULE
rationalism by radicalizing the gesture of distancing thinking from common-sense Philip E. Hesch, attorney, and Christopher J. Grabarek, Deputy Prosecutor, Porter County,
assumptions about human existence. Indiana, ST. THOMAS LAW REVIEW, 1994, p.363.
Without grounding judgments in an objective cause, nothing exists that can legitimize one
AKH0792 SCHLAG FAILS TO TRULY REJECT ENLIGHTENMENT THOUGHT moral preference over another. Judges may make decisions based solely on political policy,
Francis Mootz, Professor of Law, Western New England College School of Law, but what is there, absent mob rule, to legitimize one political preference over another? If
HOUSTON LAW REVIEW, Fall 1994, p.885. all political alternatives are equally valid, why should the relativists care which political
Schlag's theoretical posture is parasitic upon Descartes' paranoid style in a startling way. system or theory is chosen? The answer is that not all possible choices suit the relativists'
Descartes viewed radical doubt as a tool to be utilized by an individual having free will and purpose. If a particular purpose, however, cannot be grounded objectively in a
autonomy, an individual created in the image of God. Schouis, supra, at 48. Every good transcendental cause (a natural law), then even choosing on the basis of the purpose is
postmodernist now ridicules Descartes' presuppositions--and their culmination in the inevitably in vain.
Enlightenment--but rather than questioning the paranoid style on the basis of its bizarre
fruits, some postmodern thinkers conclude that Descartes is to be faulted because he was AKH0799 NORMATIVE PHILOSOPHICAL ARGUMENT CAN BE SUCCESSFUL
insufficiently radical in his approach, in other words because he wasn't paranoid enough. Brian Barry, Professor of Political Science, London School of Economics, PHILOSOPHY
AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS, Fall 1990, p.373
AKH0793 LEGAL POSITIVISM CAN ENTRENCH CONSERVATIVE VALUES Rawls digs deeper and seeks to unearth widely shared post-Enlightenment ideas on which
Margaret Radin and Frank Michelman, Professors of Law, Stanford and Harvard, the American polity (among others) is founded, and to show that these have subversive
UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA LAW REVIEW, 1991, p.1025-6. implications for almost all existing forms of inequality. In judging between these
Contemporary legal positivisms do not always carry the nineteenth century progressive approaches, let us set aside the matter of truth (something about which Walzer frequently
motivation. Today, it is often conservatism that prompts insistence on separating questions expresses unease) and focus on his preferred criterion of efficacy. the Rawlsian approach
of legal content from questions of value. For some conservative positivists, the aim is of identifying principles of broad scope and universal aspiration and using them to attack
surely sometimes that of entrenching a normatively preferred, legal-doctrinal status quo entrenched inequalities has to its credit the success)partial but still significant)of antiracist
against disruption by ideologically deviant reformist judges. For others, insistence on and antisexist movements within the past thirty years.
law/value separation is rhetorically oriented towards the values connoted by the ideal of
the Rule of Law, values that they claim are (at least partially) independent of legal content. AKH0800 NORMATIVE LEGAL THOUGHT IS ALWAYS RELEVANT
Rule of Law values such as consistency, calculability, democracy, and official Francis Mootz, Professor of Law, Western New England College School of Law,
accountability depend, these conservative positivists say, on habits of respect for the fixed HOUSTON LAW REVIEW, Fall 1994, p.885
and "objective" character of legal content, as opposed to the variability and "subjectivity" Traditional normative legal thought ordinarily is criticized as being unhelpful because it
believed to inhere in judgments of moral value. Thus they moralize against moralistic offers a constricted and artificial conception of legal norms, not because normative legal
judges, who can subvert the Rule of Law by bringing to bear "their own subjective values" thought is by nature irrelevant to legal practice. Quite the opposite seems true: every
under the guise of adjudication. assertion of legal power is predicated on a normative conception of politics that always is
subject to attack and reassessment.
Francis Mootz, Professor of Law, Western New England College School of Law, Francis Mootz, Professor of Law, Western New England College School of Law,
HOUSTON LAW REVIEW, Fall 1994, p.885. HOUSTON LAW REVIEW, Fall 1994, p.888
By claiming that everyone else is trapped in a meaningless maze, Schlag conveniently The theme of this essay is that the practice of law, the real practice of law that occupies the
avoids placing himself at risk in normative dialogue. By asserting that normative legal great majority of judges and lawyers in this country, is a normative dialogue in which the
dialogue is irrelevant, Schlag eliminates the possibility that he might have to change his needs and interests of individuals, communities, and nation constantly are assessed and
mind in light of the force of a better argument, and he avoids an obligation to rescue the adjudicated.
hoi polloi from the maze. In sum, Schlag's approach insulates him from the contingent and
provisional language of social discourse.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 71
THE LIMITS OF NORMATIVE THOUGHT Herbert Muller, Indiana U govt prof, THE USES OF THE PAST, 1952, p.37.
Francis Mootz, Professor of Law, Western New England College School of Law, Yet the great man may indeed be epoch-making, by the decisions he makes, the direction
HOUSTON LAW REVIEW, Fall 1994, p.886 he gives to the forces at his disposal. Although it is clear)in retrospect)that the time was
Gadamer's insight has direct application to my discussion. Normative legal language, ripe for such adventurers as Alexander, Mohammed, Jenghiz Khan, and Lenin, their
including discussions of the rule of law, might easily become an unhelpful, rigid success was not clearly inevitable. Their will)even their whim)made a profound
schematization, but it is always within this same medium of normative discourse, in the difference in history.
give-and-take form of dialogue, that the encrustations can be overcome.
Francis Mootz, Professor of Law, Western New England College School of Law, Ben Wattenberg, Fellow, American Enterprise Institute, THE FIRST UNIVERSAL
HOUSTON LAW REVIEW, Fall 1994, p.888 NATION, 1991, p.16-7
I congratulate Schlag for his skill in destroying some of the most cherished talismans in Recall that through the 1970s there was a near-ritual sentence in the public dialogue: "The
our legal vocabulary, including the rule of law. But destruction is never total. In the wake growth of the welfare state is inexorable." Liberals gloated about it, conservatives
of destruction we inevitably chart new paths in the maze. Legal theory properly is viewed grumbled about it, but almost everyone believed it. The welfare state (it was believed) had
not as an attempt to escape the maze of normative legal thought, but as an effort to develop so many constituencies that it could not be stopped. Now, I am no knee-jerk critic of
shared strategies for navigating through the maze. Forging a path, rather than finding an government spending. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I'm even sort of for it, less
exit, is the goal. so than at an earlier time, but still for it. We need environmental spending, federal health
research, highway spending, monetary aid to the poor. It's the "inexorable" part that makes
AKH0804 FEMINIST JURISPRUDENCE IS NORMATIVE me think bad thoughts. The power and glory of democratic nations is that the people
Patricia Smith, Professor of Philosophy, University of Kentucky, FEMINIST believe that they control their own destiny. That means that the growth in government
JURISPRUDENCE, 1993, p.10 services can be halted, indeed reversed. We are the sovereigns. Reagan and Thatcher, in
Similarly, feminist jurisprudence challenges basic legal categories and concepts rather than the eighties, tested that principle. It lives. We have learned that if we want to, we can at
analyzing them as given. Feminist jurisprudence asks what is implied in traditional least slow down the spending machine. We did. Now we can decide what to do next, in
categories, distinctions, or concepts and rejects them if they imply the subordination of fact pick and choose how to go about it with a clear head. Most everything is on the table,
women. In this sense, feminist jurisprudence is normative and claims that traditional which is as it should be in a democratic society.
jurisprudence and law are implicitly normative as well.
Herbert Muller, Indiana U Govt Prof, THE USES OF THE PAST, 1952, p.36. But it is surely plan to all, save those under the sway of historical materialism, that the
Civilization, or culture grown more varied and complex, represents a more conscious, material involvements of nation-states are not governed purely by economic
determined, resourceful effort to master the natural environment and set up a world of considerations, real or perceived. The influence of any particular state within the global
man's own. Amid its complexities one may see only that the individual is a product of his political order is strongly conditioned by the level of its wealth (and the connection
society, which in turn is a product of impersonal forces. Nevertheless the whole enterprise between this and military strength). However, states derive their power from their
of civilization is a rare human creation, a triumph of mind and will; and the impersonal sovereign capabilities, as Hans J. Morgenthau emphasis. They do not operate as economic
forces work only through the ideas and beliefs of men. machines, but as "actors" jealous of their territorial rights, concerned with the fostering of
national cultures, and having strategic geopolitical involvements with other states or
Frederick Crews, U Cal-Berkeley English prof, SKEPTICAL ENGAGEMENTS, 1986,
Marx's historical determinism both overlooked and abetted the freedom of leftist dictators SOME HISTORICAL CONTROL
to put their ideology and their whims into immediate and momentous action, quite Anthony Giddens, Professor of Sociology, Cambridge, THE CONSEQUENCES OF
irrespective of "means of production" or "evolution of class consciousness." By MODERNITY, 1990, p.154
propagating a "scientific" eschatological romance)the destined final victory of the Yet none of this means that we should, or that we can, give up in our attempts to steer the
proletariat)Marx saddled his movement with an enduring bloody-mindedness about the juggernaut. The minimizing of high-consequence risks transcends all values and all
relation of means to ends. Since history was headed toward the promised goal, custodians exclusionary divisions of power, "History" is not on our side, has no teleology, and
of the revolutionary state could conceive of their tasks as the helpful clearing away of supplies us with no guarantees. But the heavily counterfactual nature of future-oriented
human impediments ("class enemies"). In addition, the idea of bringing about not only thought, an essential element of the reflexivity of modernity, has positive as well as
distributive justice but also a correct form of consciousness that must be manifested by all negative implications. For we can envisage alternative futures whose very propagation
survivors of the revolution has opened the citizen's mind as well as his conduct to might help them be realised. What is needed is the creation of models of utopian realism.
inspection, punishment and reconstruction.
AKH0807 CONSCIOUS HUMAN ACTS MAKE HISTORY, NOT JUST IMPERSONAL Isaiah Berlin, Professor of Social and Political Theory, Oxford, FOUR ESSAYS ON
FORCES LIBERTY, 1969, p.xxxiii-xxxiv
Herbert Muller, Indiana U Govt Prof, The USES OF THE PAST, 1952, p.35. To frighten human beings by suggesting to them that they are in the grip of impersonal
We cannot ignore the human agency in history, cannot escape the implication that within forces over which they have little or no control is to breed myths, ostensibly in order to kill
limits it is a free agency. Historians have been stressing the deep, impersonal, unconscious other figments)the notion of supernatural forces, or of all-powerful individuals, or of the
processes that govern social change, as in the growth of a vast industrial civilization that hidden hand. It is to invent entities, to propagate faith in unalterable patterns of events for
nobody had planned and few understood. They have accordingly tended to minimize the which the empirical evidence is, to say the least, insufficient, and which by relieving
power of ideas and ideals, or even to deny this power. The complexities that make it individuals of the burdens of personal responsibility breeds irrational passivity in some,
difficult to find the great law of history also strengthen the impression that man has no real and no less irrational fanatical activity in others; for nothing is more inspiring than the
freedom to make his history. Yet the problems we face are clearly of man's own making. certainty that the stars in their courses are fighting for one's cause, that `History', or `social
However unplanned, the industrial revolution was a vast human effort, a conscious forces', or `the wave of the future' are with one, bearing one aloft and forward. This way
exploitation of new power got by scientific ideas and ideals. `Invention is the mother of of thinking and speaking is one which it is the great merit of modern empiricism to have
necessity'. exposed.


H. Stuart Hughes, Stanford historian, CONSCIOUSNESS AND SOCIETY, 1977, p.104.
And it may further suggest the paradoxical fashion in which Marxist thought eventually
came full circle. In Gramsci's hands the doctrine returned to its idealist beginnings. it was
in the consciousness of intellectuals alone, he recognized, that the great social ideas had
their origin. They did not spring spontaneously from material conditions and economic
relationships. They had an irreducible autonomy of their own.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 72
Anthony Giddens, Professor of Sociology, Cambridge, PROFILES AND CRITIQUES IN SELF-EXAMINATION
SOCIAL THEORY, 1982, p.221-2 Daniel Dennett, Tufts philosopher, ELBOW ROOM, 1984, p.100.
But I do not at all accept the idea of a `subject-less history', if that term is taken to mean Only some of the portions of the physical universe have the property of being designed to
that human social affairs are determined by forces of which those involved are wholly resist their own dissolution, to wage a local campaign against the inexorable trend of the
unaware. It is precisely to counter such a view that I have developed the tenets of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. And only some of these portions have the further
theory of structuration. Human beings, in the theory of structuration, are always and property of being caused to have reliable expectations about what will happen next, and
everywhere regarded as knowledgeable agents, although acting within historically specific hence to have the capacity to control things, including themselves. And only some of these
bounds of the unacknowledged conditions and unintended consequences of their acts. have the further capacity of significant self-improvement (through learning). And fewer
Foucault's `genealogical method', in my opinion, continues the confusion which still have the open-ended capacity (requiring a language of self-description) for "radical
structuralism helped to introduce into French thought, between history without a self-evaluation." These portions of the world are thus loci of self-control, of talent, of
transcendental subject and history without knowledgeable human subjects. These are two decision making. They have projects, interests, and values they create in the course of their
very different things, however. We must disavow the first, but recognise the cardinal own self-evaluation and self-definition. How much less like a domino could a portion of
significance of the second ) that significance which Marx expressed pithily in the famous the physical world be?
observation that `men make history, but not in conditions of their own choosing'.
MATERIALISM John Locke, English philosopher, aqi Daniel Dennett, ELBOW ROOM, 1984, p.36.
Isaiah Berlin, Professor of Social and Political Theory, Oxford, FOUR ESSAYS ON For, the mind having in most cases, as is evident in experience, a power to suspend the
LIBERTY, 1969, p.xxv-xxvi execution and satisfaction of any of its desires; and so all, one after another; is at liberty
When Mr. E.H. Carr maintains that to attribute historical events to the acts of individuals to consider the objects of them, examine them on all sides, and weight them with others.
("biographical bias") is childish, or at any rate child-like, and that the more impersonal we In this lies the liberty man has; and from the not using of it right comes all that variety of
make our historical writing the more scientific, and therefore mature and valid, it will be, mistakes, errors, and faults which we run into in the conduct of our lives, and our
he shows himself a faithful)too faithful)follower of the eighteenth century dogmatic endeavours after happiness; whilst we precipitate the determination of our wills, and
materialists. this doctrine no longer seemed altogether plausible even in the day of Comte engage too soon, before due examination. To prevent this, we have a power to suspend the
and his followers, or, for that matter, of the father of Russian Marxism, Plekhanov, who, prosecution of this or that desire; as every one daily may experiment in himself. This
for all his brilliance, in his philosophy of history owed more to eighteenth-century seems to me the source of all liberty.
materialism and nineteenth-century positivism than to Hegel or the Hegelian elements in
AKH0816 REJECTING THE SUBJECT DESTROYS RATIONALITY Daniel Dennett, Tufts philosopher, ELBOW ROOM, 1984, p.169.
Roger Trigg, Professor of Philosophy, University of Warwick, RATIONALITY AND What we want when we want free will is the power to decide our courses of action, and to
SCIENCE, 1993, p.227 decide them wisely, in the light of our expectations and desires. We want to be in control
Questions about the nature of objective reality may appear pressing, but the metaphysical of ourselves, and not under the control of others. We want to be agents, capable of
question of the subject cannot itself be easily dismissed. Indeed the knowing subject, the initiating, and taking responsibility for, projects and deeds. All this is ours, I have tried to
self, or whatever it is to be called, is as much a part of reality as anything it knows. The show, as a natural product of our biological endowment, extended and enhanced by our
dissolution of the subject can be disastrous, not least because it makes metaphysics itself initiation into society.
impossible. The disappearance of the rational knower into an ensemble of neural networks
is but one example of this process. When there is no one left to reason, rationality itself has AKH0824 FREE CHOICE IS A NECESSARY ASSUMPTION OF PRACTICAL
to be jettisoned. REASON
Herbert Muller, Indiana U Govt Prof, THE USES OF THE PAST, 1952, p.37.
AKH0817 REDUCING INDIVIDUALS TO SOCIAL FORCES IS DEHUMANIZING The scientific determinist himself must reckon with the power of beliefs, sacred traditions,
REIFICATION new ideas, great leaders, simply because they are among the most recognizable,
Isaiah Berlin, Professor of Social and Political Theory, Oxford, FOUR ESSAYS ON determinable causes in history. Otherwise he is forced back on a kind of mystical, inhuman
LIBERTY, 1969, p.xxxiii fatalism that would be fatal to the historical sense. If everything that has happened is the
But to try to reduce the behavior of individuals to that of impersonal `social forces' not only thing that could possibly have happened, we might as well close the book. The reason
further analysable into the conduct of the men who, even according to Marx, make history we don't is that even the determinists and fatalists are always implying that there were real
is `reification' of statistics, a form of the `false consciousness' of bureaucrats and alternatives, and that men made the wrong choice. Whatever we believe in theory, we
administrators who close their eyes to all that proves incapable of quantification, and continue in practice to think and act as if we were not puppets.
thereby perpetrate absurdities in theory and dehumanization in practice.
John William Miller, Professor of Philosophy, Williams College, THE PARADOX OF Herbert Muller, Indiana U Govt Prof, THE USES OF THE PAST, 1952, p.35.
CAUSE, 1978, p.18 I feel free to waive the metaphysical problem of free will. Although it may be hard to see
In sum, the mechanistic doctrine would kill the world and all that move upon it; we are just how man can go his own way in a presumably lawful universe (not to mention the
dead men. Some there are who pretend to be alive, even as they admit that life is an illusion theological assumption of an omnipotent God who wills all), his freedom is less
and less than a dream. There is no remedy for the resulting lassitude, inertia, viciousness, mysterious if it is not conceived as a purely spiritual state, an ability to be utterly
and triviality without a revision of premises. unaffected by the world about him. Most plainly, it is the ability to do things in and to the
world. And this is not only compatible with lawful necessities but increased by a
AKH0819 DETERMINISM DESTROYS MORAL RESPONSIBILITY knowledge of such necessities. Knowing the law of gravitation, I cannot be carefree and
Isaiah Berlin, Professor of Social and Political Theory, Oxford, FOUR ESSAYS ON jump off a cliff; but I am free to save my neck)or if I choose, to kill myself in this manner.
LIBERTY, 1969, p.xxxv Science, which has fathered the doctrine of determinism, is the most striking example of
But when Kant said that if the laws that governed the phenomena of the external world man's determination and ability to bend nature to his own purposes.
turned out to govern all there was, then morality)in his sense)was annihilated; and when,
in consequence, being concerned with the concept of freedom presupposed by his notion AKH0826 DETERMINISM PROVIDES NO GUIDE TO PRACTICE
of moral responsibility, he adopted very drastic measures in order to save it, he seems to Isaiah Berlin, Professor of Social and Political Theory, Oxford, FOUR ESSAYS ON
me, at the very least to have shown a profound grasp of what is at stake. His solution is LIBERTY, 1969, p.xxviii
obscure, and perhaps untenable; but although it may have to be rejected, the problem I know of no conclusive argument in favour of determinism. But that is not my point; it is
remains. In a causally determined system the notions of free choice and moral that the actual practice of its supporters, and their reluctance to face what unity of theory
responsibility, in their usual senses, vanish, or at least lack application, and the notion of and practice in this case would cost them, indicate that such theoretical support is not at
action would have to be reconsidered. present to be taken too seriously, whoever may claim to provide it.


Isaiah Berlin, Professor of Social and Political Theory, Oxford, FOUR ESSAYS ON
LIBERTY, 1969, p.71
If the determinist hypothesis were true, and adequately accounted for the actual world,
there is a clear sense in which, despite all the extraordinary casuistry which has been
brought to avoid this conclusion, the notion of human responsibility, as ordinarily
understood, would no longer apply to any actual, but only to imaginary or conceivable,
states of affairs.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 73
Isaiah Berlin, Professor of Social and Political Theory, Oxford, FOUR ESSAYS ON MUCH TO ACCEPT
LIBERTY, 1969, p.71 Isaiah Berlin, Professor of Social and Political Theory, Oxford, FOUR ESSAYS ON
I do not here wish to say that determinism is necessarily false, only that we neither speak LIBERTY, 1969, p.88-9
nor think as if it could be true, and that it is difficult, and perhaps beyond our normal Determinism, whether benevolent or malevolent, no less than the view that our moral
powers, to conceive what our picture of the world would be if we seriously believed it; so judgments are rendered absurd either because we know too much or because we know too
that to speak, as some theorists of history (and scientists with a philosophical bent) tend little, seems to point to this. It is a view that in its various forms has been held by many
to do, as if one might (in life and not only in the study) accept the determinist hypothesis, civilized and sensitive thinkers, particularly in the present day. Nevertheless it rests on
and yet to continue to think and speak much as we do at present, is to breed intellectual beliefs about the world and about human beings which are too difficult to accept; which
confusion. If the belief in freedom)which rests on the assumption that human beings do are unplausible because they render illegitimate certain basic distinctions which we all
occasionally choose, and that their choices are not wholly accounted for by the kind of draw)distinctions which are inevitably reflected in our everyday use of words. If such
causal explanations which are accepted in, say, physics or biology)if this is a necessary beliefs were true, too much that we accept without question would turn out to be
illusion, it is so deep and so pervasive that it is not felt as such. sensationally false. Yet these paradoxes are urged upon us, although there is no strong
factual evidence or logical argument to force us to embrace them.
Isaiah Berlin, Professor of Social and Political Theory, Oxford, FOUR ESSAYS ON AKH0834 EVEN IF DETERMINISM IS TRUE, HUMANS SHOULD ACT AS IF THEY
My submission is that to make a serious attempt to adapt our thoughts and words to the H. Stuart Hughes, Stanford historian, CONSCIOUSNESS AND SOCIETY, 1977, p.133.
hypothesis of determinism is a fearful task, as things are now, and have been within But in insisting on the lawfulness of mental behavior, Freud was postulating a rather
recorded history. The changes involved are very radical; our moral and psychological different sort of determinism from what had earlier been called by that name. He had
categories are, in the end, more flexible than our physical ones, but not much more so; it pushed the determining forces back from the conscious to the unconscious level. And with
is not much easier to begin to think out in real terms, to which behaviour and speech would the prime movers thus located beyond conscious recognition, he found it perfectly logical
correspond, what the universe of the genuine determinist would be like, that to think out, for human beings to behave as though their wills were free. Indeed, in his own conduct of
with the minimum of indispensable concrete detail (i.e. begin to imagine) what it would life, Freud)like most philosophical determinists)acted in a highly self-confident and
be like to be in a timeless world, or one with a seventeen-dimensional space. responsible manner.

AFFAIRS Daniel Dennett, Tufts philosopher, ELBOW ROOM, 1984, p.168.
R.J. Hollingdale, philosopher, WESTERN PHILOSOPHY: AN INTRODUCTION, 1979, This sets up a delicate position for the agnostic who is still uncertain whether all the other
p.49 conditions for free will (have we identified them all?) are met. If he can overcome or
The two extreme theories in this field)i that man is absolutely determined, ii that man is ignore his doubts and achieve the state of mind of a frank believer in free will, he will
absolutely free)have so far encountered grave difficulties and objections. The determinist thereby achieve one of two states: (a) genuine free will (if free will is otherwise possible
soon finds his determinism an insuperable handicap in dealing with any of the issues which for him), or (b) at least the illusion of free will. The former state is manifestly desirable,
seem to him of importance in human affairs. The Stoics, for example, taught that the course but the latter, if it were the best we could hope for, might be worth wanting. It seems that
of a man's life was determined from the moment he was born, but also that men ought to it would be a member of the familiar class of life-enabling or life-enhancing illusions: the
adopt a certain ethical system (i.e. Stoicism). But it is self-contradictory to urge men to illusion that one is still loved by one's loved ones; the illusion that one has several more
change their lives if their lives are absolutely determined from birth. years to live when one hasn't; the illusion that in spite of one's physical ugliness, one's
inner beauty is readily manifest to others.
Isaiah Berlin, Professor of Social and Political Theory, Oxford, FOUR ESSAYS ON Daniel Dennett, Tufts philosopher, ELBOW ROOM, 1984, p.155.
LIBERTY, 1969, p.73 The very decision to write a book)a traditional book like this, composed of sentences and
Hence the ancient controversy between free will and determinism, while it remains a not, say, a bound collection of pages smeared with various jams and jellies)may seem to
genuine problem for theologians and philosophers, need not trouble the thoughts of those beg the question in favor of free will. If so, then those who have written books and articles
whose concern is with empirical matters)the actual lives of human beings in the space and denying the reality of free will are in an even more embarrassing position: they are left
time of normal experience. For practising historians determinism is not, and need not be, advising (pretending to advise? seeming to advise?) the reader that advising is pointless.
a serious issue.
Isaiah Berlin, Professor of Social and Political Theory, Oxford, FOUR ESSAYS ON Daniel Dennett, Tufts philosopher, ELBOW ROOM, 1984, p.34.
LIBERTY, 1969, p.113 If people's wills are determined, Hobbes is asked, "why do we represent reasons to them?"
The evidence for a thoroughgoing determinism is not to hand, and if there is a persistent He answers: "because thereby we think to make them have the will they have not."
tendency to believe in it in some theoretical fashion, that is surely due far more to the lure (Hobbes, Works Vol V, p.52) People, normal people in any case, have the good fortune
of a `scientistic' or metaphysical ideal or to a more tendency on the part of those who of having wills that are determined (if they are determined) by a complicated causal
desire to change society to believe that the stars in their courses are fighting for them. Or process of perception and ratiocination that often includes, as Hobbes notes, causal volleys
it may be due to a longing to lay down moral burdens, or minimize individual of communication. People often have reasons represented to them. And it often moves
responsibility and transfer it to impersonal forces which can be accused of causing all our them, fortunately for them.
discontents, rather than to any increase in our powers of critical reflection or improvement
Daniel Dennett, Tufts philosopher, ELBOW ROOM, 1984, p.106.
AKH0832 DETERMINISM ISN'T REQUIRED BY SCIENCE Deliberation is (in general) effective in a deterministic but nonfatalistic world. How could
Bertrand Russell, Professor of Philosophy, Cambridge, OUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE you rationally conclude that it was futile to deliberate in a circumstance in which you have
EXTERNAL WORLD, 1929, p.179-80 every reason to believe that if the outcome of your deliberation is a decision to do A, the
The law of causation, according to which later events can theoretically be predicted by A is what you will do, and if the outcome of your deliberation is a decision to do B, then
means of earlier events, has often been held to be a priori, a necessity of thought, a B is what you will do, and, moreover, the outcome of your deliberation is more likely than
category without which science would be impossible. These claims seem to me excessive. not to be the rational think to do under the circumstances?
In certain directions the law has been verified empirically, and in other directions there is
no positive evidence against it. But science can use it where it has been found to be true, AKH0839 MANY EVENTS ARE DETERMINED BY OUR DELIBERATIONS
without being forced into any assumption as to its truth in other fields. We cannot, Daniel Dennett, Tufts philosopher, ELBOW ROOM, 1984, p.127-8.
therefore, feel any a priori certainty that causation must apply to human volitions. Berlin (1954) does a fine debunking of the pernicious idea of historical inevitability, but
he does not get entirely clear on the distinction between inexorable historical forces (like
our comet, or a tidal wave), forces that might sweep aside any agent's deliberations and
projects in a temporary onslaught of local fatalism, and forces that determine historical
events by operating through the deliberations of the agents involved. He seems not to see
that he need have no quarrel with the latter supposition, which is consistent with his
vigorous dismissal of the pernicious form of historical determinism: historical inevitability.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 74
Daniel Dennett, Tufts philosopher, ELBOW ROOM, 1984, p.139. Leslie Stevenson, University of St. Andrews Philosopher, SEVEN THEORIES OF
If we let go of that fantasy and ask what we really, soberly want, we find a more modest HUMAN NATURE, 1974, p.97.
hope: while there are indeed times when we would give anything to be able to go back and Firstly, do we have to assume that all human behavior is governed by causal laws, if we
undo something in the past, we recognize that the past is closed for us, and we would are to study that behavior scientifically? There is no reason to assume this than there is for
gladly settle for an "open future." But what would an open future be? A future in which Marx to maintain that if we are to study history scientifically there must be laws which
our deliberation is effective: a future in which if I decide to do A then I will do A, and if determine everything which happens. Universal determinism is not a necessary
I decide to do B then I will do B; a future in which ) since only one future is possible ) presupposition of science, although the search for causal laws is central to science.
the only possible thing that can happen is the thing I decide in the end to do. Admittedly, it would be rather disappointing if psychology could not proceed beyond the
mere reporting of particular events and statistical regularities. But whether there are causal
AKH0841 EVEN IN A DETERMINISTIC WORLD, DELIBERATION IS ONE OF THE laws governing behavior is something which we must leave psychology to discover. That
DETERMINANTS all behavior is governed by such laws is a `metaphysical' assumption which ill befits a
Daniel Dennett, Tufts philosopher, ELBOW ROOM, 1984, p.102-3. supposedly strict empiricist such as Skinner.
Even in a perfectly determined world there is plenty of room for a distinction between
bouts of deliberation that contribute importantly to the causation of an event deliberated AKH0847 SKINNER EXAGGERATES THE ROLE OF THE ENVIRONMENT
about and bouts of deliberation that are without important issue. The prisoner who spends Leslie Stevenson, University of St. Andrews Philosopher, SEVEN THEORIES OF
his days and nights concocting vengeful schemes but dies in his chains has engaged in HUMAN NATURE, 1974, p.98.
deliberations whose only effects are, let us say, to deepen the furrows in his brow and to The more specific assumption that all behavior is a function of environmental variables is
exacerbate his high blood pressure. His cellmate engages in similar deliberations, and even more dubious. What it means, in detail, is that for any piece of behavior, there is a
acting on them, escapes his cell and puts all his plans into tumultuous effect. If this is what finite set of environmental conditions (past or present) such that it is a causal law that
"making a difference" comes to, then some of the deliberation in a deterministic world will anyone to whom all those conditions apply will perform that behavior. This is reminiscent
make a big difference and some of it will not. There will be cases of premeditated murder, of Watson's claim that he could take any infant at random and make of it anything he liked,
for instance, of which one can truly say: had the premeditation not occurred, the victim given only the appropriate environment. It entails a denial that inherited factors make any
would still be alive. difference to the behavior of human beings. So that, for instance, any healthy infant could
be trained to become a four-minute miler, a nuclear physicist or anything else. In its full
AKH0842 FREEDOM EXISTS IN THE CONSCIOUS RECOGNITION OF OUR generality, this claim seems fairly obviously false. The fact that the differences in ability
MOTIVES between identical twins brought up apart are much less than the average range of ability
Daniel Dennett, Tufts philosopher, ELBOW ROOM, 1984, p.36-7. in the whole population is evidence against it. Heredity does play some part, though this
When we become conscious of our reasons, we recognize them (unlike Sphex who merely is not to deny the huge importance of environment. To attribute all to environment is
behaves as if she recognizes her reasons). So the capacity for conscious recognition of another assumption which Skinner does not submit to empirical test.
motivation is apparently a necessary condition of real freedom. Strawson describes the case
of a psychoanalyst who successfully treats a patient and notes that we "may and do AKH0848 SKINNER EXTRAPOLATES TOO MUCH FROM RATS
naturally speak" of the psychoanalyst's "restoring the agent's freedom. But here the Leslie Stevenson, University of St. Andrews Philosopher, SEVEN THEORIES OF
restoring of freedom means bringing it about that the agent's behaviour shall be intelligible HUMAN NATURE, 1974, p.99.
in terms of conscious purposes rather than in terms only of unconscious purposes." Skinner's experimental work is impressive and unimpugnable, but what we can and must
criticize here is his extrapolation from it to human behavior in general. In Science and
AKH0843 DETERMINISM DOESN'T DENY SELF-CONTROL Human Behavior he outlines the understanding of behavior that he has gained from his
Daniel Dennett, Tufts philosopher, ELBOW ROOM, 1984, p.72. animal experiments (mainly with rats and pigeons) and then goes on to apply these
Contrary to the familiar vision that opened this chapter, determinism does not in itself conceptions to human individuals and institutions ) government, religion, psychotherapy,
"erode control." The Viking spacecraft is as deterministic a device as any clock, but this economics and education. But it is quite possible that Skinner's discoveries about rats and
does not prevent it from being able to control itself. Fancier deterministic devices can not pigeons apply only to those species (and perhaps related ones), but not to more complex
only control themselves; they can evade the attempts to other self-controllers to control animals and especially not to men. Although he rightly points out that we cannot assume
them. If we are also deterministic devices, we need not on that account fear that we cannot that human behavior is different in kind from animal behavior, his whole approach seems
be in control of ourselves and our destinies. to make the equally unjustified assumption that what applies to laboratory animals will
apply (with only a difference of complexity) to men.
Daniel Dennett, Tufts philosopher, ELBOW ROOM, 1984, p.45-6. Leslie Stevenson, University of St. Andrews Philosopher, SEVEN THEORIES OF
So although we arrive on this planet with a built-in, biologically endorsed set of biases, HUMAN NATURE, 1974, p.99-100.
although we innately prefer certain states of affairs to others, we can nevertheless build The crucial defects in Skinner's account of language have been pointed out by Chomsky,
lives from this base that overthrow those innate preferences. We can tame and rescind and whose work has given new direction to research in linguistics and psychology in the last
(if need be) repress those preferences in favor of "higher" preferences, which are no less decade. Chomsky argues that although Skinner has tried to describe how language is
real for not being directly biologically (that is, genetically) endorsed. (The "specter" of learned, his account is a little value because he pays no attention to the question of what
sociobiology looms only for those who fail to see this really quite obvious fact, and who it is that our native tongue. Clearly, we can hardly ask how we learn X unless we first
think the only way biology could contribute to the understanding of the birth of morality know what X is; we must have a criterion for someone having succeeded in learning X.
would be by "reducing" all moral norms to some dimly imagined genetic imperatives. They Now human language is a very different sort of phenomenon from rats' pressing of levers.
fear "biological" explanations for the same reason they fear "psychological" explanations Skinner could hardly deny this, but would suggest that the differences are only a matter of
of their choices; they have an impoverished sense of what a biological or psychological degree of complexity. But Chomsky suggests that the creative and structural features of
explanation of a phenomenon might be.) It is our communal activity of mutual persuasion, human language)the way in which we can all speak and understand sentences we have
reflection, and evaluation that creates the values that then take precedence over the cruder never heard before, just by our knowledge of the vocabulary and grammar of our
interests of our ancestors. language)make it quite different in kind from any known kind of animal behavior. If the
attempt to analyse human speech in terms derived from the behavior of lower animals
AKH0845 DETERMINISM DOESN'T IMPLY FATALISM would seem to be doomed from the start. And the same would apply to other distinctively
Daniel Dennett, Tufts philosopher, ELBOW ROOM, 1984, p.104. human forms of behavior.
Our second pass, the claim that determinism implied the causal impotence of deliberation,
was seen to be a manifest error)it is in fact the error of confusing determinism with AKH0850 IF SKINNER CAN'T EXPLAIN SPEECH-HIS GENERAL THEORY FAILS
fatalism. Fatalism is the rather mystical and superstitious view that at certain checkpoints Leslie Stevenson, University of St. Andrews Philosopher, SEVEN THEORIES OF
in our lives, we will necessarily find ourselves in particular circumstances (the HUMAN NATURE, 1974, p.101.
circumstances "fate" has decreed) no matter what the intervening vagaries of our personal Speech is of course not the only human activity. But it is especially important as a
trajectories. (Remember the parents of Oedipus, whose very efforts to elude their representative of the `higher' human mental abilities. So if Skinner's theories fail to explain
prophesied fate created the circumstances that "sealed" it.) It is widely agreed that this sort it adequately we must conclude that even if they explain some human behavior they cannot
of fatalism has absolutely nothing to recommend it)aside from its considerable power to give a true account of human nature in general. There remains the possibility that other
create creepy effects in literature. Determinism does not imply fatalism, and there are no important aspects of human behavior are not learned from the environment but are
reasons from other quarters for thinking fatalism to be true in general. generally innate.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 75
Leslie Stevenson, University of St. Andrews Philosopher, SEVEN THEORIES OF DETERMINISM
HUMAN NATURE, 1974, p.102. Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, WITHOUT GUILT AND JUSTICE, 1973,
This diagnosis of the `unhappy condition of the world' seems very dubious. Admittedly p.223.
there are important practical problems about deciding the extent of responsibility, and Autonomy involves reflection on alternatives. It requires a sustained effort to liberate
these are closely connected with deep theoretical and philosophical questions about the oneself from the cultural determination that sticks to youth as eggshell does to a young
concept of freedom. But Skinner's dismissal of the concept is an inadequate and unargued bird. In this fight for liberation nothing helps more than reading and discussion. What is
response to these problems. In his latest book, Beyond Freedom and Dignity, he seems to needed is exposure to different views—not merely to one "devil's advocate" but to a
be saying that just as it was the mistake of animism to treat inanimate things as if they were genuine variety of points of view and of ways of experiencing the world.
people and attribute thoughts and intentions to them, so it is a mistake to treat people as
people and attribute desires and decisions to them! Of course this is absurd. AKH0859 AUTONOMY IS POSSIBLE AND CAN BE ENCOURAGED
Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, WITHOUT GUILT AND JUSTICE, 1973,
Leslie Stevenson, University of St. Andrews Philosopher, SEVEN THEORIES OF Those who have found autonomy have been few indeed, but for an intelligent and well-
HUMAN NATURE, 1974, p.102. read person today there are fewer excuses than there have ever been. Some social
The thesis of universal determinism is that every event (including all human choices) has conditions facilitate the development of autonomy, others inhibit it. Solzhenitsyn, to be
a set of sufficient preceding causes. Now even if this thesis is true (and remember that sure, attained it under Stalin's regime, in the camps, but the odds are overwhelmingly
Skinner has given us no reason to believe it), we are not precluded from picking out as against such triumphs, for they require not only extraordinary strength of character but also
`free' those human actions which include among their causes the choice of the person. a great deal of luck. After all, every attempt was made to root out signs of building
They concept of a free action surely does not imply that it has no causes at all (that would autonomy and to kill those who gave promise of attaining it.
make it random), but that it is a result of the agent's choice. We could still hold people
responsible for the actions they choose, even if those choices themselves have causes. AKH0860 SOLZENITSYN DISPLAYED AUTONOMY
Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, WITHOUT GUILT AND JUSTICE, 1973, p.34.
AKH0853 SKINNER'S POLITICS RISK DESPOTISM My final example exhibits the most awesome courage: Solzhenitsyn. Rarely has it been so
Leslie Stevenson, University of St. Andrews Philosopher, SEVEN THEORIES OF difficult for any man to stand alone, utterly alone, without any prop of any kind. The First
HUMAN NATURE, 1974, p.103. Circle, Cancer Ward, Solzhenitsyn: A Documentary Record, and August 1914 show how
This vague program sounds optimistic and yet rather sinister in its jaunty dismissal of he succeeded in resisting all ten temptations, making one fateful decision after another
individual freedom. What Skinner has in mind comes out a little more clearly in his novel against seemingly insuperable odds. His life is autonomy in action.
Walden Two, in which his ideal community combines the culture-vulture atmosphere of
an adult education summer school with the political system of Plato's Republic (for there AKH0861 NIETZSCHE DEMONSTRATES THAT AUTONOMY IS POSSIBLE
is a wise designer of the community who has arranged everything on `correct' behaviourist Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, WITHOUT GUILT AND JUSTICE, 1973, p.33.
principles from the start!). But Skinner's utopia is open to much the same objections as The autonomous individual does not treat his own conclusions and decisions as
Plato's. On what basis are the designers of a culture to decide what is best for everyone? authoritative but chooses with his eyes open, and then keeps his eyes open. He has the
How can misuse of their power be prevented? Despite his mention of safeguards against courage to admit that he may have been wrong even about matters of the greatest
despotism, Skinner seems politically very naive. importance. He objects to the ten strategies not on account of their putative psychological
origins but because they preclude uninhibited self-criticism. There is no need here to
AKH0854 THE FREE WILL QUESTION IS MEANINGLESS METAPHYSICS recapitulate my interpretation of Nietzsche as a man of this type or to show that he did get
R.J. Hollingdale, philosopher, WESTERN PHILOSOPHY: AN INTRODUCTION, 1979, around to drawing conclusions and taking stands. My disagreements with him are legion,
p.44 but his books reveal a truly liberated spirit. It will suffice here to quote a single epigram
Now consider one of the grand metaphysical problems: for example, "Has man freewill?" from his notebooks: "A very popular error: having the courage of one's convictions; rather
Is either of the two possible answers to this question—"Man has freewill" and "Man has it is a matter of having the courage for an attack on one's convictions!!!"
not freewill"—an empirical proposition? No, for neither can be confirmed or refuted by
observation or experiment. Is either of them an analytic proposition? No, for the negative AKH0862 ELEANOR ROOSEVELT DISPLAYED AUTONOMY
of neither is self-contradictory—i.e. the concept "free-will" is not contained in the concept Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, WITHOUT GUILT AND JUSTICE, 1973, p.34.
"man". Since they are neither empirical nor analytic propositions they are not meaningful, Coming to our own time, Eleanor Roosevelt was an autonomous woman but did not come
and therefore the whole "problem" is meaningless. fully into her own until after her husband's death. In some ways, being a President's wife
offers a woman exceptional opportunities; but it is also confining because she must always
AKH0855 THE FREE WILL-DETERMINISM PROBLEM IS IRRESOLVABLE consider how her words and actions will affect the President. This helps to explain why no
R.J. Hollingdale, philosopher, WESTERN PHILOSOPHY: AN INTRODUCTION, 1979, other President's wife played a comparable role. It is harder to understand why others did
p.52 not use their experience and prestige for the good of humanity once their husbands were
Consider the question of "freewill and determinism". The phenomena involved in this issue out of office or dead, especially in cases in which widespread sympathy and admiration
are sensations associated with actions: whether any or all of my cations are "free", or would have made it relatively easy. But the women who marry extraordinarily ambitious
whether none of them is, is a problem beyond my capacity to solve, since I have no data men are rarely looking for autonomy; they are much more likely to use marriage as a
other than the above-mentioned phenomena of sensation—I have no way of knowing decidophobic strategy, perhaps even along the religion and allegiance to a party. Moreover,
whether the sensation of "freedom of will" is a product of free will or a consequence of the years in the limelight, in which every move must be scrutinized lest it undercut the
completest determinism. The distinction "free or determined" is thus also one I cannot husband's career, must be crushing. All this makes Eleanor Roosevelt's achievement even
make. more imposing. She did not allow her difficult marriage to one of the strongest
personalities in the world destroy her own will and spirit, and she never simply accepted
AKH0856 AUTONOMY IS NOW MORE VIABLE THAN EVER his political or moral views, nor those of the Democratic Party. She kept her own counsel
Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, WITHOUT GUILT AND JUSTICE, 1973, p.46. and after his death showed all the world what it means to be autonomous, using every
The faith in retributive justice is all but dead. what are the causes of its death? The answer resource at her command for the benefit of those who needed help.
to this question will also show why today, for the first time in human history, autonomy
has become a live option for millions. AKH0863 THE AUTONOMOUS INDIVIDUAL IS KEY TO HUMAN PROGRESS
Herbert Muller, Indiana U govt prof, THE USES OF THE PAST, 1952, p.363-4.
AKH0857 AUTONOMY IS THE GOAL OF HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT Social scientists have referred to the individual as a 'discredited hypothesis,' defining him
Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, WITHOUT GUILT AND JUSTICE, 1973, as a mere cell of the social organism, while dictators have discredited him in fact or put
p.180. him in cells. Yet there is no doing away with him, or without him. the great creative
I introduced autonomy, saying that is consists of making with our eyes open the decisions individual, as John Stuart Mill said, not only personifies but initiates all the wise and noble
that govern our lives; and I added: "Choosing responsibility means that one weighs things that the race has done. In everyday life we are a dependent on free relations with the
alternatives. (This theme will be developed further in the chapter on 'The New Integrity.')" ordinary decent person. We may best appreciate him in a time of crisis, for he is capable
Then I concentrated on the strategies of decidophobia. Now autonomy appears as the goal of more wisdom and virtue than collective man ever can be. He is often superior to the best
of a historical development: the autonomous man is the modern counterpart of "the just institutions—the greatest States and Churches—which repeatedly fall short of the integrity
man" of the ancient Greeks and Hebrews. He does not bow to authority; he decides for and the decency we can count on in private life.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 76
Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, WITHOUT GUILT AND JUSTICE, 1973, RESENTMENT
preface Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, WITHOUT GUILT AND JUSTICE, 1973,
To those whose minds are not liberated, wars, revolutions, and radical movements will p.171-2.
never bring freedom but only an exchange of one kind of slavery for another. That is one In the discussion of decidophobia, I showed how any confrontation with fateful
of the most tragic lessons of the twentieth century. Liberation of the mind is no panacea, alternatives engenders dread, and how the "craving for community of worship" is
but without it angry rhetoric and cruel bloodbaths are of no avail, and tyranny endures. prompted by the craving to eliminate such confrontations. The stronger is an incarnate
Most of those who see themselves as radicals and revolutionaries still cling to decrepit alternative. That goes not only for the Jew or heretic in a Christian society but also for the
ideas like justice and equality and depend on guilt and fear, as our fathers and mothers did. alienated individual in an community. Indeed, the herd man finds it easier to tolerate the
What we need is a new, autonomous morality. nonconformists who are members of another, smaller herd than to suffer those who stand
alone. The autonomous man is a living provocation. Usually he is forgiven only after he
In sum, an integrated human being with the classical integrity could follow Hitler or Stalin, A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH
but one could not follow either of them with new integrity. for the person who lives by the AND LOGIC, 1946, p.112
canon does not accept an irrational book like Mien Kampf, or a man like Hitler of Stalin, There cannot be such a thing as ethical science, if by ethical science one means the
or any man or any book, as an authority; he makes decisions for himself—he is elaboration of a "true" system of morals. For we have seen that, as ethical judgements are
autonomous. mere expressions of feelings, there can be no way of determining the validity of any ethical
system, and, indeed, no sense in asking whether any such system is true. All that one may
AKH0866 PEOPLE UNIVERSALLY VALUE FREEDOM legitimately enquire in this connections is, What are the moral habits of a given person or
Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, WITHOUT GUILT AND JUSTICE, 1973, p.7. group of people, and what causes them to have precisely those habits and feelings? and this
There is no case on record in which the voters chose a government because it offered them enquiry falls wholly within the scope of the existing social sciences.
less freedom. Where people did opt for rulers who took away their liberties, something
seemed to be drastically wrong with all alternatives, and the men who were chosen did not AKH0874 ARGUMENT REQUIRES THAT SOME VALUES ARE ASSUMED
make clear to the voters how their freedom would be curtailed. Men do not crave slavery A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH
or concentration camps. On the contrary, such images evoke the will to fight and even to AND LOGIC, 1946, p.111-12
risk one's life for freedom. Nor are there two types of people; those who love freedom and In short, we find that argument is possible on moral questions only if some system of
those who prefer slavery. values is presupposed. If our opponent concurs with us in expressing moral disapproval
of all actions of a given type t, then we may get him to condemn a particular action A, by
AKH0867 CREATIVE AUTONOMY IS THE HIGHEST GOOD bringing forward arguments to show that A is of type t. For the question whether A does
Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, WITHOUT GUILT AND JUSTICE, 1973, or does not belong to that type is a plain question of fact. Given that a man has certain
p.236. moral principles, we argue that he must, in order to be consistent, react morally to certain
Guilt is mired in the past, as is retributive justice. Distributive justice is stuck in the things in a certain way. What we do not and cannot argue about is the validity of these
present, but by the time it has figured out how to cope with that, it is dated. We must move moral principles. We merely praise or condemn them in the light of our own feelings.
beyond guilt and justice. We must give up the pleasant notion that we can have all good
things at once. What is best is not things at all but creative autonomy. AKH0875 TRUE VALUE ARGUMENT IS IMPOSSIBLE
A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH
Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, WITHOUT GUILT AND JUSTICE, 1973, p.95- For we hold that one really never does dispute about questions of value. This may seem,
6. at first sight, to be a very paradoxical assertion. for we certainly do engage in disputes
We know neither God nor the devil; we are beset by an endless number of devils—"No which are ordinarily regarded as disputes about questions of value. But, in all such cases,
worst, there is none." To fight evil without the illusion that it is the greatest ever, to choose we find, if we consider the matter closely, that the dispute is not really about a question of
the lesser evil without the faith that it is surely the least evil, to endure darkness without value, but about a question of fact. When someone disagrees with us about the moral value
the boast that none could be blacker, and to create more light without the comfort of of a certain action or type of action, we do admittedly resort to argument in order to win
excessive hopes—that requires courage and autonomy. him over to our way of thinking. But we do not attempt to show by our arguments that he
has the "wrong" ethical feeling towards a situation whose nature he has correctly
AKH0869 AUTONOMY IS COMPATIBLE WITH HAPPINESS apprehended. What we attempt to show is that he is mistaken about the facts of the case.
Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, WITHOUT GUILT AND JUSTICE, 1973, We argue that he has misconceived the agent's motive: or that he has misjudged the effects
p.215. of the action, or its probable effects in view of the agent's knowledge; or that he has failed
The autonomous life is demanding and requires one to stand alone at crucial moments, but to take into account the special circumstances in which the agent was placed.
this does not mean that one's life has to be miserable. Not only might one seek one's
happiness in a strenuous life, but autonomy is compatible with ways of life that large AKH0876 DISPUTE OVER FUNDAMENTAL VALUES IS BEYOND THE SCOPE OF
numbers of admirable people have desired in the past and still desire. ARGUMENT
A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy, University College, London, LANGUAGE, TRUTH
Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, WITHOUT GUILT AND JUSTICE, 1973, But if our opponent happens to have undergone a different process of moral "conditioning"
p.213. from ourselves, so that, even when he acknowledges all the facts, he still disagrees with
Cloudless contentment is not open to man, and if he trades his freedom and integrity for us about the moral value of the actions under discussion, then we abandon the attempt to
it, the time will come when he feels cheated. This does not mean that he will openly regret convince him by argument. We say that it is impossible to argue with him because he has
the bargain. Most people have failed to cultivate their critical perception of their own a distorted or undeveloped moral sense; which signifies merely that he employs a different
present position and of the alternatives they might have chosen; precisely this is the trade set of values from our own. We feel that our own system of values is superior, and
they made; this is what they gave up for comfort and contentment. Now they feel cheated therefore speak in such derogatory terms of his. But we cannot bring forward any
without knowing how and when and why. What they feel is a diffuse and free-floating arguments to show that our system is superior. For our judgement that it is so is itself a
resentment in search of an object. Having an autonomy for happiness, they have missed judgement of value, and accordingly outside the scope of argument. It is because argument
out on both. This strategy does not work. Merely renouncing freedom does not spell the fails us when we come to deal with pure questions of value, as distinct from questions of
end of all frustration and all discontent; to achieve that aim one must also deprive people fact, that we finally resort to mere abuse.
of much of their human potential. Hence the strategy considered here is often
supplemented with alcohol, tranquilizers, or other drugs; but what people find is merely
relief, not lasting happiness.


Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, WITHOUT GUILT AND JUSTICE, 1973,
the autonomous life does not involve a lack of concern for others. The questions is what
one desires for others. Some elitists might say: What I want for myself is autonomy, but
what the masses need is bread and circuses or, in other words, the proper distribution of
possessions and amusements. it is less inegalitarian to say: I desire autonomy—for myself
and for others.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 77
G.E. Moore, Professor of Philosophy, Cambridge University, PRINCIPIA ETHICA, 1903, John William Miller, Professor of Philosophy, Williams College, THE PARADOX OF
p.65 CAUSE, 1978, p.27
He has already told us (p.6) that 'Questions of ultimate ends are not amenable to direct The intellectual fallacy derives from the very attempt to ask the question about the reality
proof. Whatever can be proved to be good, must be so by being shown to be a means to of value. There is no possible way of deciding that question by looking about one in the
something admitted to be good without proof.' With this, I perfectly agree: indeed the chief world. for after all the decision rests with the inquirer, and since, by hypothesis, he has
object of my first chapter was to shew that this is so. Anything which is good as an end never encountered any actual value, he cannot very well know what he is looking for. But
must be admitted to be good without proof. We are agreed so far. Mill even uses the same if he should claim that he knows what value is, but not whether there is any in fact, one
examples which I used in my second chapter. 'How,' he says, 'is it possible to prove that might ask him why he is inquiring. For the inquiry could occupy him only in so far as it
health is good?' 'What proof is it possible to give that pleasure is good?' Well, in Chapter was worth his while. his inquiry is itself an assertion of value, and there is no finding it
IV, in which he deals with the proof of his Utilitarian principle, Mill repeats the above elsewhere. Without our taking a stand, values could not occur to us, but if we do stand,
statement in these words: 'It has already,' he says, 'been remarked, that questions of then we have asserted the actuality of value.
ultimate ends do not admit of proof, in the ordinary acceptation of the term' (p. 52).
'Questions about ends,' he goes on in this same passage, 'are, in other words, questions AKH0885 VALUES ULTIMATELY REST ON PERSONAL PREFERENCE
what things are desirable.' Charles Frankel, Columbia philosopher, THE CASE FOR MODERN MAN, 1956, p.54-5.
Since the early part of the nineteenth century, it is unquestionable that most philosophies
AKH0878 VALUES CAN'T BE DEMONSTRATED IN THE SAME WAY AS FACTS of a liberal bent have been, to use the current expression, "relativistic" in their approach
Will Kymlicka, Professor of Philosophy, University of Toronto, CONTEMPORARY to all moral codes and social systems. They have denied, that is to say, that there are any
POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY, 1990, p.132 eternal moral principles which are unquestionable, or any immutable standards by which
It is true that our claims about natural duties are not observable or testable, but different all men and all societies can be judged. In any system of values, for a philosophical
kinds of objectivity apply to different areas of knowledge, and there is no reason to expect "relativist," there is an element of simple preference of interest which cannot be eliminated
or desire that moral duties have the same kind of objectivity as the physical sciences. As by argument; and so in any moral system there is always something accidental or personal
Nagel says, 'if any values are objective, they are objective values, not objective anything or limited, something wholly a-rational, which is "relative" to a man's taste or to the special
else.' historical circumstances of a specific place or time. So there cannot be any single system
of morals or politics which holds good for everyone; and there cannot be any special group
AKH0879 DESIRE IS THE ONLY PROOF OF DESIRABILITY of experts who can lay down the infallible last word on questions of value.
John Stuart Mill, British Philosopher, as quoted in PRINCIPIA ETHICA, 1903, p.66.
'The only proof capable of being given that a thing is visible, is that people actually see it. AKH0886 HUMANS MUST ULTIMATELY CHOOSE THEIR OWN VALUES
The only proof that a sound is audible, is that people hear it; and so of the other sources Charles Frankel, Columbia philosopher, THE CASE FOR MODERN MAN, 1956, p.64.
of our experience. In like manner, I apprehend, the sole evidence it is possible to produce There is, in short, no way around the fact that it is human beings who write their own
that anything is desirable, is that people do actually desire it. If the end which the utilitarian moral tickets, and that we act on our own responsibility when we choose the values on
doctrine proposes to itself were not, in theory and in practice, acknowledged to be an end, which we stake our lives. The demand for total justification of our values is only an
nothing could ever convince any person that it was so. No reason can be given why the expression of the human desire, as insistent as it is pathetic, to have the benefits of free
general happiness is desirable, except that each person, so far as he believes it to be choice with none of its troubles and risks. "It was the woman who made me," said Adam.
attainable, desires his own happiness. This, however, being the fact, we have not only all "It was the serpent," said the woman. "I am one of God's creatures," whispers the serpent.
the proof which the case admits of, but all which it is possible to require, that happiness
is a good: that each person's happiness is a good to that person, and the general happiness, AKH0887 HUMANS MAKE THEIR OWN MORAL STANDARDS
therefore, a good to the aggregate of all persons. Happiness has made out its title as one Charles Frankel, Columbia philosopher, THE CASE FOR MODERN MAN, 1956, p.56.
of the ends of conduct, and consequently one of the criteria of morality.' The relativistic philosophy which has resulted from these developments, it is unarguable,
has dominated liberal intellectual circles for at least a century. Values have not been
AKH0880 THE IDEA THAT SOMETHING MATTERS IS A NECESSARY BUT regarded as eternal verities about which human beings have no choice. They are the
UNPROVABLE PREMISE expressions of human preferences, and have a psychological and social setting and an
Daniel Dennett, Tufts Philosopher, ELBOW ROOM, 1984, p.156. historical career. If there are any moral standards, according to this philosophy, it is human
Since there could be nothing better to do, we might just as well affirm our confidence in beings who make them.
our starting point. We may assume that something matters, and that we are rational enough
so that there can be a point to our attempts to understand the world. I do not see how those AKH0888 JUDGING THE VALUE OF LIFE WOULD REQUIRE A POSITION
assumptions could be coherently criticized—which is not to say that they must be true. OUTSIDE OF LIFE
Friedrich Nietzsche, German philosopher, TWILIGHT OF THE IDOLS (in THE
Daniel Dennett, Tufts philosopher, ELBOW ROOM, 1984, p.49. One would require position outside of life, and yet have to know it as well as one, as many,
Nozick (1981) urges philosophers to consider abandoning formal proof in favor of a as all who have lived it, in order to be permitted even to touch the problem of the value of
particular sort of philosophical explanation, in which we bring ourselves to see how life: reasons enough to comprehend that this problem is for us an unapproachable problem.
something we want to believe in could be possible. this is excellent advice, in my opinion,
and I take my project in this chapter (and indeed in the entire book) to be an exercise in AKH0889 IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO ESTIMATE THE VALUE OF LIFE
Nozick's brand of explanation. Friedrich Nietzsche, German philosopher, TWILIGHT OF THE IDOLS (in THE
AKH0882 MORAL STATEMENTS CAN'T BE PROVEN FACTUALLY TRUE Judgments, judgments of value, concerning life, for it or against it, can, in the end, never
Charles Frankel, Columbia philosopher, THE CASE FOR MODERN MAN, 1956, p.55. be true: they have value only as symptoms, they are worthy of consideration only as
Hume pointed out that moral statements—statements which tell us how men should symptoms; in themselves such judgments are stupidities. one must by all means stretch out
behave—cannot possibly be proved by pure logic or by an appeal to facts alone. It is also one's fingers and make the attempt to grasp this amazing finesse, that the value of life
necessary to appeal to human emotions, and particularly to the sentiment of fellow-feeling cannot be estimated. Not by the living, for they are an interested party, even a bone of
and sympathy. Moral principles, therefore, cannot be "true" in the way that arithmetic can contention, and not judges; not by the dead, for a different reason. for a philosopher to see
be true or physics can be true. a problem in the value of life is thus an objection to him, a question mark concerning his
wisdom, an un-wisdom.
Daniel Dennett, Tufts philosopher, ELBOW ROOM, 1984, p.156. AKH0890 LIFE IS GOOD IN ITSELF
Nevertheless, we may assume that nihilism is false. How can I make that complacent (or Herbert Muller, Indiana U govt prof, THE USES OF THE PAST, 1952, p.372.
cavalier) claim? Shouldn't we even stop to consider carefully the prospect that it might be Ultimately, only men can make life worth living. Normally they just find it so, through
true? Well, if it were true that we ought to take the possibility of nihilism that seriously, animal faith or the will to live. All may know the elemental goods, such as physical well-
then nihilism would be false, for if we ought to do anything nihilism is false. But then we being, sport, comradeliness, love, the enjoyment of beauty, the enjoyment of growing,
may as well assume that it is false, since either it is false or, if it isn't, nothing matters and making, or knowing things—goods that are good in themselves, and may be good enough
we may do whatever we want. Nihilism is, quite literally, a negligible position. whether or not they make any difference to the universe.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 78
Risieri Frondizi, Professor of Philosophy, Southern Illinois University, THE HUMAN TRAIT
ABDICATION OF PHILOSOPHY, Eugene Freeman, ed., 1976, p.230 E.O. Wilson, Harvard Biologist, ON HUMAN NATURE, 1978, p.108.
Since Ayer is making value judgments all the time, defends them with reasons and fights The clear perception of human aggressive behavior as a structured, predictable pattern of
for them, they cannot be completely meaningless. They are meaningless according to a interaction between genes and environment is consistent with evolutionary theory. It
narrow epistemology which leads to restricted criteria of verification. If value propositions should satisfy both camps in the venerable nature-nurture controversy. On the one hand
have no place in that type of epistemology, so much the worse for it. We have to change it is true that aggressive behavior, especially in its more dangerous forms of military action
the epistemological and methodological attitude, not drop something that is clearly there, and criminal assault, is learned. But the learning is prepared, in the sense explained in
everyday, in every human being. Chapter 3; we are strongly predisposed to slide into deep, irrational hostility under certain
definable conditions. With dangerous ease hostility feeds on itself and ignites runaway
AKH0892 SCHLAG'S CRITIQUE RELIES ON DECONSTRUCTION reactions that can swiftly progress to alienation and violence.
Pierre Schlag, Professor of Law, University of Colorado, University of Pennsylvania Law
Deconstruction, as a postmodern phenomenon, thus arrives on these shores in opposition SUPPORTS
to liberal humanism and its centerpiece, the sovereign individual subject. Derrida's own E.O. Wilson, Harvard Biologist, ON HUMAN NATURE, 1978, p.101.
description of deconstruction proclaims as much: "Deconstruction does not consist in Are human beings innately aggressive? This is a favorite question of college seminars and
passing from one concept to another, but in overturning and displacing a conceptual order, cocktail party conversations, and one that raises emotion in political ideologues of all
as well as the nonconceptual order with which the conceptual order is articulated." Given stripes. the answer to it is yes. Throughout history, warfare, representing only the most
this radical project of displacing and overturning not just the conceptual order, but the organized technique of aggression, has been endemic to every form of society, from
nonconceptual order within which the conceptual order is articulated, it would seem hunter-gatherer bands to industrial states. During the past three centuries a majority of the
particularly appropriate for deconstruction as it is imported into American legal thought, countries of Europe have been engaged in war during approximately half of all the years;
to examine the scene in which it is operating—or rather, to displace and overturn the few have ever seen a century of continuous peace.
conceptual and non conceptual matrices and forces within which it is received. He might
expect deconstruction, for instance, to attempt to displace the legal advocacy mentality so AKH0899 WITHOUT GOVERNMENT NO DECENT SOCIAL ORDER COULD EXIST
prevalent in academic legal thought, as well as to displace and overturn the authority Walter Berns, Professor of Government, Georgetown, FREEDOM AND VIRTUE, George
structures of legal thought. We might expect a displacement of the sovereign legal author, Carey, ed., 1984, p.27-8.
the matrices of his thought, or the like. Little of this has occurred. I do not share what appears to be the libertarians' view of the nature of man. this means
that I must disagree with professor Hayek, for instance, when he says it is "conceivable
AKH0893 THE KRITIK OF NORMATIVITY RESTS ON POSTMODERN IDEAS that the spontaneous order which we call society may exist without government." I do not
Jon Brody, University of Texas debater, "The Praxis of Kritiks," 1994, Harvex, p.20 believe it. I do not believe that without government there can be any order, and certainly
The kritik of normativity is easily one of the most challenging and controversial kritiks. not a decent order, one in which he and I would care to live. I do not believe it because,
The kritik of normativity takes the lessons of postmodernism to their limits, and in so like Thomas Hobbes, I think that life in a society that is not governed, that lacks the
doing questions the very way we practice debate. First, the kritik of normativity authority of power of a government, will be "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short."
incorporates much of the theoretical work of Part I, where it was featured, and may
effectively communicate the important links between the emergence of postmodernism in AKH0900 RESPECT FOR RIGHTS REQUIRES A STATE
the academic world and the emergence of kritik in debate. Jonathan Wolff, philosopher, ROBERT NOZICK, 1991, p.38.
Yet an obvious thought that even if, from a moral point of view, we have those rights in
AKH0894 ANARCHY LEADS TO CHAOS AND VIOLENCE—LOCKE AND NOZICK the state of nature, it is not until they are supposed by an institutional framework of law,
BOTH SUPPORT and a machinery of law enforcement, that they will be respected. So, it may be urged, even
Jonathan Wolff, philosopher, ROBERT NOZICK, 1991, p.38. if we do have these rights, formally speaking, in anarchy, they will be worthless as we will
In a Nozickian anarchy, or Lockean state of nature, we have rights to life, liberty and not have the power to enjoy them. We will be subject to the constant fears of murder,
property, and the right to enforce those rights. Yet an obvious thought is that even if, from enslavement, and theft. This is a familiar argument against anarchism: it leads to anarchy,
a moral point of view, we have those rights in the state of nature, it is not until they are in the popular sense of chaos and violence.
supported by an institutional framework of law, and a machinery of law enforcement, that
we will be respected. So, it may be urged, even if we do have these rights, formally AKH0901 THE NATION STATE SYSTEM IS SOLVING WAR
speaking, in anarchy, they will be worthless as we will not have the power to enjoy them. THE FUTURIST, September/October 1991. p. 12.
We will be subject to the constant fears of murder, enslavement, and theft. This is a The world will be a more peaceful and prosperous place in the 1990's than it has been in
familiar argument against anarchism: it leads to anarchy, in the popular sense of chaos and the decades since World War II, because the premise by which it operates has changed. In
violence. the coming years, it will no longer be influenced by the needs of ideological and military
competition, but instead by the need to promote international trade and the well-being of
AKH0895 THE STATE INEVITABLY EVOLVES OUT OF THE STATE OF NATURE the trading nations. Major military conflicts will be all but unthinkable, because they are
Robert Nozick, Harvard Philosopher, ANARCHY, STATE, AND UTOPIA, 1974, p.52 contrary to the mutual interests of nations that are interdependent in the global economy.
We argue that the first transition, from a system of private protective agencies to an Wars will not suddenly disappear, but they will be primarily small and regional in nature.
ultraminimal state, will occur by an invisible-hand process in a morally permissible way These conflicts will stem from local antagonisms and the ambitions of Third World rulers,
that violates no one's rights. Secondly, we argue that the transition from an ultraminimal and peace will be restored by the joint effort of the entire world community. This
state to a minimal state morally must occur. It would be morally impermissible for persons fundamental change will be the guiding theme of the 1990's.
to maintain the monopoly in the ultraminimal state without providing protective services
for all, even if this requires specific "redistribution." AKH0902 QUESTIONING THE STATE ISN'T USEFUL
Bernard Williams, Professor of Philosophy, Cambridge, READING NOZICK, Jeffrey
POLITICS—CLASSICAL PHILOSOPHY SUPPORTS Why is there a state at all? Or, rather, why should there be a state at all? What is the
Leo Strauss, Political Theorist, University of Chicago, NATURAL RIGHT AND justification of the state? The sense that these are real questions has come and gone and
HISTORY, 1953, p.135-6 come again at various times; when the sense is present, the questions step in as the basic
In order to reach his highest stature, man must live in the best kind of society, in the kind or first questions of political philosophy. It is not obvious that they are real questions, that
of society that is most conducive to human excellence. The classics called the best society the demand for justification is a sound one. For one thing, one might be prepared to spend
the best politeia. By this expression they indicated, first of all, that, in order to be good, time on the justification only if one had an idea of some alternative to the state, and it is
society must be civil or political society, a society in which there exists government or men reasonable to feel that there are, at least now, no real candidates for that.
and not merely administration of things.
Ben Wattenberg, Fellow, American Enterprise Institute, THE FIRST UNIVERSAL
NATION, 1991, p.142
But our man on the moon was sent there by the government. Atomic power was created
by our government. The cancer cures we're beginning to see were stimulated by
government-funded research. Our rivers were made navigable by the government.
Ironically, the great American symbol of achievement that kept Reagan in the political
spotlight in the 1976 presidential primaries was built by our government: the Panama
Canal. And when you come to think of it, the soaring cathedrals of Europe were not built
by private entrepreneurs but by churches, kings, dukes, communities and, yes, by
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 79
Jonathan Wolff, philosopher, ROBERT NOZICK, 1991, p.39. William Barrett, NYU Philosopher, IRRATIONAL MAN, 1958, p.279.
In fact, Bertrand Russell used exactly this observation as an argument against anarchy. All the values that have been produced in the course of the long evolution of
Princes, or at least governments, in the state of nature, he pointed out, led to the First reason—everything that goes under the heading of liberalism, intelligence, a decent and
World War, from which he concluded, first, that human beings could not live happily in reasonable view of life—we wish desperately to preserve and enlarge, in the turmoil of
an anarchic state, and second a single world government was necessary for world peace. modern life. But do we need to be persuaded now, after all that has happened in this
twentieth century, how precariously situated these reasonable ideas are in relation to the
AKH0905 GOVERNMENT LIMITS HUMAN VIOLENCE subterranean forces of life, and how small a segment of the whole and concrete man they
E.O. Wilson, Harvard Biologist, ON HUMAN NATURE, 1978, p.102. actually represent? We have to establish a working pact between that segment and the
In fact, the matter is even more clear-cut than this qualification implies. the most peaceful whole of us; but a pact requires compromise, in which both sides concede something, and
tribes of today were often the ravagers of yesteryear and will probably again produce in this case particularly the rationalism of the Enlightenment will have to recognize that
soldiers and murderers in the future. Among contemporary "Kung San violence in adults at the very heart of its light there is also a darkness. It would be the final error of
is almost unknown; Elizabeth Marshall Thomas has correctly named them the "harmless reason—the point at which it succumbs to its own hubris and passes over into its
people." But as recently as fifty years ago, when these "Bushman" populations were denser demoniacal opposite, unreason—to deny that the Furies exist, or to strive to manipulate
and less rigidly controlled by the central government, their homicide rate per capita them out of existence. Nothing can be accomplished by denying that man is an essentially
equalled that of Detroit and Houston. troubled being, except to make more trouble.

George Woodcock, University of Washington, ANARCHISM, 1962, p.473-4. H. Stuart Hughes, Harvard Historian, CONSCIOUSNESS AND SOCIETY, 1977, p.3-4
As for Fascism and Nazism, those crude and primitive manifestations of the centralist urge For Marx the important thing to know about it was the character of the regime of
that marks our age, the anarchist movement showed itself powerless to combat them production that inexorably conditioned human life: for the great social thinkers of the next
effectively in the countries which they dominated and invaded, though individual generation the crucial concern was the irrational, virtually unchanging nature of human
anarchists often asserted themselves with self-sacrificing heroism. Only in Spain did sentiments—what Freud usually referred to as "drives" and what Pareto rather awkwardly
organized anarchism put up a determined resistance, and even there, despite its enormous termed "residues." However radically these thinkers differed from Marx, they at least
following, it collapsed with dramatic suddenness on the day George Yaguë and his column agreed with him that what was "deepest" in human conduct for the most part fell into a
marched into Barcelona without a single factory going on strike and without a single pattern of mere repetition. Or, to put the matter in moral terms, they agreed that the basic
barricade being raised in the streets. This was the last, greatest defeat of the historical characteristic of human experience was the limited nature of its freedom. Men were
anarchist movement. On that day it virtually ceased to exist as a living cause. masters of their fate, they argued, only for limited periods and in strictly limited segments
of their activity. The eighteenth- or earlier nineteenth-century image of man as a self-
AKH0907 HUMANS ARE BY NATURE POLITICAL ANIMALS consciously rational being freely selecting among properly weighed alternatives they
Leo Strauss, Political Theorist, University of Chicago, NATURAL RIGHT AND dismissed as an antiquated illusion. Some such conviction of the inevitable limitations on
HISTORY, 1953, p.156. human freedom—whether by physical circumstance or through emotional
This much, however, can safely be said: accordingly to Aristotle, there is no fundamental conditioning—has become the unstated major premise of contemporary social science.
disproportion between natural right and the requirements of political society, or there is Sociologists and anthropologists, economists and psychologists are at one in confining
no essential need for the dilution of natural right. In this, as well as in many other respects, within narrow limits the realm of conscious choice.
Aristotle opposes the divine madness of Plato and, by anticipation, the paradoxes of the
Stoics, in the spirit of his unrivaled sobriety. A right which necessarily transcends political AKH0913 RATIONALITY MERELY MASKS THE WILL TO POWER
society, he gives us to understand, cannot be the right natural to man, who is by nature a James Ogilvie, Philosopher, MANY DIMENSIONAL MAN, p.281
political animal. The suggestion that the Enlightenment rationality must deal with superstition in its
demystified form carries with it the insight developed by Hegel and Nietzsche in the
AKH0908 INSTINCT, NOT RATIONALITY, SUBSTANTIALLY DICTATES HUMAN nineteenth century and revived by Horkheimer and Adorno in the twentieth, namely that
BEHAVIOR the rationality of the enlightenment is but one of several equally coherent manifestations
E.O. Wilson, Harvard Biologist, ON HUMAN NATURE, 1978, p.6. of the will to power. This rationality needs to debunk its rivals, not simply from a noble
Like everyone else, philosophers measure their personal emotional responses to various devotion to truths that are violated by superstition. Rather, the need stems from a desire
alternatives as though consulting a hidden oracle. That oracle resides in the deep emotional for control, a desire that is thwarted by the picture of a universe in which man is ever at the
centers of the brain, most probably within the limbic system, a complex array of neurons mercy of alien spirits of which he has very little and perhaps cannot have more knowledge.
and hormone-secreting cells located just beneath the "thinking" portion of the cerebral Ever since Bacon and Descartes the ideal of Enlightenment rationality has been knowledge
cortex. Human emotional responses and the more general ethical practices based on them as mastery over the environment, a much higher and more demanding ideal than the
have been programmed to a substantial degree by natural selection over thousands of supposedly primitive will to adapt or accommodate oneself to the environment by honoring
generations. or placating a plurality of partly unknowable gods.

Leslie Stevenson, Philosopher, University of St. Andrew's, SEVEN THEORIES OF Leslie Stevenson, Philosopher, University of St. Andrew's, SEVEN THEORIES OF
HUMAN NATURE, 1974, p.113. HUMAN NATURE, 1974, p.67.
Appeals to rationality and moral responsibility have been notoriously ineffective in But Freud always held that there was at least one other basic instinct or group of instincts.
controlling human conflict. Lorenz explains this by his theory that aggression is innate to In his early work he talked of the self-preservative instincts such as hunger, and contrasted
us—like the instincts in the Freudian id, it must find an outlet in one way or another. these with the erotic instincts, one unusual aggressive manifestation of which was sadism.
Reason alone is powerless, it can only devise means to ends decided on in other ways, and But in his later work from about 1920 onwards he changed the classification, putting erotic
it can only exert control over our behaviour when it is backed by some instinctual and self-preservative instincts into one basic 'Life' instinct (Eros), and referring sadism,
motivation. aggression, self-destruction, etc., to a basic 'Death' instinct (Thanatos).

William Barrett, NYU Philosopher, IRRATIONAL MAN, 1958, p.22. VIOLENCE OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR
Both Marxism and Positivism are, intellectually speaking, relics of the nineteenth-century Leslie Stevenson, Philosopher, University of St. Andrew's, 1974, SEVEN THEORIES OF
Enlightenment that have not yet come to terms with the shadow side of human life as HUMAN NATURE, p.112.
grasped even by some of the nineteenth-century thinkers themselves. The Marxist and The crucial point of Lorenz's view of human nature is the theory that like many other
Positivist picture of man, consequently, is thin and oversimplified. Existential philosophy, animals we have an innate drive to aggressive behaviour towards our own species. He
as a revolt against such oversimplification, attempts to grasp the image of the whole man, thinks that this is the only possible explanation of the conflicts and wars throughout all
even where this involves bringing consciousness all that is dark and questionable in his human history, of the continuing unreasonable behaviour of supposedly reasonable beings
existence. And in just this respect it is a much more authentic expression of our own (pp. 203-4). He suggests that Freud's theory of the death instinct is an interpretation of the
contemporary experience. same fundamental fact of human nature.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 80
E.O. Wilson, Harvard Biologist, ON HUMAN NATURE, 1978, p.122-3. Walter Kaufman, Princeton Philosopher, DISCOVERING THE MIND: NIETZSCHE,
Human beings are strongly predisposed to respond with unreasoning hatred to external HEIDEGGER, AND BUBER, 1980, p.106.
threats and to escalate their hostility sufficiently to overwhelm the source of the threat by It is astonishing how much human behavior Nietzsche's theory of the will to power
a respectably wide margin of safety. Our brains do appear to be programmed to the explains and illuminates, provided only that we do not understand explanation in the
following extent: we are inclined to partition other people into friends and aliens, in the reductionist sense. Why do young people take up smoking? It makes them feel grownup
same sense that birds are inclined to learn territorial songs and to navigate by the polar and big and powerful. Why do so many people light a cigarette when they feel threatened
constellations. We tend to fear deeply the actions of strangers and to solve conflict by in one way or another—for example, but by no means only, when they are waiting to board
aggression. These learning rules are most likely to have evolved during the past hundreds a plane; or when the pilot announces that the plane cannot land yet and will have to circle
of thousands of years of human evolution and, thus, to have conferred a biological for a while; or in the course of an argument? it gives them a specious sense of being in
advantage on those who conformed to them with the greatest fidelity. control. Instead of wringing their hands, they are doing something with their hands that
actually strikes them as very adult and sophisticated. Money, positions, creative work all
Leslie Stevenson, Philosopher, University of St. Andrew's, SEVEN THEORIES OF
Lorenz seeks an evolutionary explanation for our innate aggressiveness, and for its E.O. Wilson, Harvard Biologist, ON HUMAN NATURE, 1978, p.113-14.
peculiarly communal nature (for the most destructive fighting is not between individuals We can be defined as the violent rupture of the intricate and powerful fabric of the
but between groups). He speculates that at a certain stage of the evolution of our ancestors, territorial taboos observed by social groups. The force behind most warlike policies is
they had more or less mastered the dangers of their non-human environment, and the main ethnocentrism, the irrationally exaggerated allegiance of individuals to their kin and fellow
danger came from other human groups. So the competition between neighboring hostile tribesmen. In general, primitive men divide the world into two tangible parts, the near
tribes would be the main factor in natural selection, and accordingly there would be a environment of homes, local villages, kin, friends, tame animals, and witches, and the more
survival value in the 'warrior virtues'. distant universe of neighboring villages, intertribal allies, enemies, wild animals, and
ghosts. This elemental topography makes easier the distinction between enemies who can
AKH0918 BIOLOGY CREATES AN INNATE TENDENCY TO AGGRESSION be attracted and killed and friends who cannot. the contrast is heightened by reducing
E.O. Wilson, Harvard Biologist, ON HUMAN NATURE, 1978, p.117. enemies to frightful and even sub-human status.
The particular forms of organized violence are not inherited. No genes differentiate the
practice of platform torture from pole and stake torture, headhunting from cannibalism, the AKH0925 SOCIETIES WHICH REJECT WAR ARE DESTROYED BY THE MORE
duel of champions from genocide. instead there is an innate predisposition to manufacture AGGRESSIVE
the cultural apparatus of aggression, in a way that separates the conscious mind from the E.O. Wilson, Harvard Biologist, ON HUMAN NATURE, 1978, p.119-20.
raw biological processes that the genes encode. Culture gives a particular form to the The practice of war is a straightforward example of a hypertrophied biological
aggression and sanctifies the uniformity of its practice by all members of the tribe. predisposition. Primitive men cleaved their universe into friends and enemies and
responded with quick, deep emotion to even the mildest threats emanating from outside
AKH0919 HISTORY REFUTES THE BELIEF IN MANKIND'S INNATE GOODNESS the arbitrary boundary. With the rise of chiefdoms and states, this tendency became
H. Stuart Hughes, Harvard Historian, CONSCIOUSNESS AND SOCIETY, 1977, p.28. institutionalized, war was adopted as an instrument of policy of some of the new societies,
Obviously it is our privilege—and duty—to accept as our own the nineteenth- and and those that employed it best became—tragically—the most successful. The evolution
twentieth-century criticisms that have corrected the epistemology and psychology of the of warfare was an autocatalytic reaction that could not be halted by any people, because
Enlightenment to the extent that they actually were shallow and mechanistic. And after the to attempt to reverse the process unilaterally was to fall victim. A new mode of natural
horrors of the past four decades it would be difficult to retain the full eighteenth-century selection was operating at the level of entire societies. In his pioneering work on the
confidence in man's potentialities for good. subject Quincy Wright wrote: Out of the warlike peoples arose civilization, while the
peaceful collectors and hunters were driven to the ends of the earth, where they are
AKH0920 HISTORY PROVES THAT CRUELTY IS CENTRAL TO HUMAN NATURE gradually being exterminated or absorbed, with only the dubious satisfaction of observing
Philip Hallie, Professor of Philosophy, Wesleyan, CRUELTY, 1982, p.xv. the nations which had wielded war so effectively to destroy them and to become great, now
If history is a nightmare, it is because there is so much cruelty in it. In peace as in war victimized by their own instrument.
members of our species are cruel to one another, and human progress seems to consist not
so much in diminishing that cruelty as in finding more impersonal and more efficient ways AKH0926 GOVERNMENT IS NECESSARY FOR INDIVIDUALS TO PURSUE
of crushing and grinding one another. Perhaps it is a long way from a cave man torturing CIVILIZED LIFE
his enemy or his woman to a Heinrich Himmler advising the leader of the SS in a 1943 John Hospers, Professor of Philosophy, University of Southern California, THE
speech to be "decent" and "hard" in "exterminating a bacillus," the Jewish people. Still, LIBERTARIAN ALTERNATIVE, Tibor Machan, ed., 1974, p.12
across the changes those who need to understand the nightmare with better conceptual If each individual had constantly to defend himself against possible aggressors, he would
apparatus than the anecdotal sensationalism of a journalist feel the need to grasp the family have to spend a considerable portion of his life in target practice, karate exercises, and
resemblances between the various cruelties that make up so much of human history. Some other means of self-defenses, and even so he would probably be helpless against groups
of us need to see what it is that keeps recurring in the nightmare. of individuals who might try to kill, maim, or rob him. He would have little time for
cultivating those qualities which are essential to civilized life, nor would improvements
AKH0921 THE FEW PEACEFUL SOCIETIES DON'T DISPROVE HUMAN in science, medicine, and the arts be likely to occur. the function of government is to take
AGGRESSIVENESS this responsibility off his shoulders: the government undertakes to defend him against
E.O. Wilson, Harvard Biologist, ON HUMAN NATURE, 1978, p.102. aggressors and to punish them if they attack him. When the government is effective in
Theoreticians who wish to exonerate the genes and blame human aggressiveness wholly doing this, it enables the citizen to go about his business unmolested and without constant
on perversities of the environment point to the tiny minority of societies that appear to be fear of his life.
nearly or entirely pacific. They forget that innateness refers to the measurable probability
that a trait will develop in a specified set of environments, not to the certainty that the trait AKH0927 THE STATE IS JUSTIFIED BECAUSE IT WOULD DEVELOP BY
will develop in all environments. By this criterion human beings have a marked hereditary MORALLY PERMISSIBLE MEANS
predisposition to aggressive behavior. Robert Nozick, Professor of Philosophy at Harvard, ANARCHY, STATE AND UTOPIA,
1974, p.114-5.
AKH0922 THE WILL TO POWER EXPLAINS MORE THAN ANY THEORY We have discharged our task of explaining how a state would arise from a state of nature
Walter Kaufman, Princeton Philosopher, DISCOVERING THE MIND: NIETZSCHE, without anyone's rights being violated. The moral objections of the individualist anarchist
HEIDEGGER, AND BUBER, 1980, p.114. to the minimal state are overcome. It is not an unjust imposition of a monopoly; the de
What makes Neitzsche's proposal to explain human behavior in terms of the will to power facto monopoly grows by an invisible-hand process and by morally permissible means,
a major contribution to the discovery of the mind is that no previous hypothesis and none without anyone's rights being violated and without any claims being made to a special right
since, with the possible exception of Freud's early psychological monism or his later that others do not possess. And requiring the clients of the de facto monopoly to pay for
dualism, illuminates so much of our behavior. the protection of those they prohibit from self-help enforcement against them, far from
being immoral, is normally required by the principle of compensation.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 81
COERCIVE MEANS Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
Peter Singer, Professor of Philosophy, Monash University, READING NOZICK, Jeffrey Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.250
Paul, ed., 1981, p.39 Back-door utopianism, so characteristic of academic-leftist critics of science, is a sad and,
The arguments of Part I are directed mainly against the anarchist who objects to any state ultimately, a woefully impatient business. Behind it stands a Romantic discontent that
at all. Nozick does not say that a state is a good thing and we are all better off with a state echoes perilously certain sentiments that were once recognized as reactionary. How much
than we would be without one. This obvious procedure for dealing with the anarchist it will add, in the end, to the burden of outright superstition and ignorance that has always
would be foreign to Nozick's entire approach and would set a precedent subversive to his plagued the American democratic experiment is difficult to say. It is plain, however, that
aim in the second part. Instead he maintains that we can get from a state of nature to a the underlying disaffection os hostile to enlightenment as such,and not just to the
minimal state without violating anyone's rights, so that there is no point at which anyone Enlightenment. What is chiefly discouraging about its new ascendancy in academic life is
can claim that the state has assumed authority illegitimately. the evidence it provides of a tradition of egalitarianism falling under the sway of
obscurantism and muddle. We do not need to convict the paladins of the postmodern left
AKH0929 NOZICK PLAUSIBLY DERIVES THE VOLUNTARY EVOLUTION OF of any particular superstitious foolishness, in the ordinary sense, to notice that they have
THE STATE an appalling tendency to condone such foolishness with a relativist not and a
Peter Singer, Professor of Philosophy, Monash University, READING NOZICK, Jeffrey deconstructionist wink.
Paul, ed., 1981, p.39-40
Nozick's minimal state, or "state-lie entity" as he sometimes calls it, is a kind of protection AKH0936 ANARCHIST IDEAS ARE UTOPIAN
agency to which people in the state of nature pay a fee for protection from assault, robbery, George Woodcock, University of Washington, ANARCHISM, 1962, p.472-3.
and so on. Nozick argues plausibly that clients of the agency would give up to the agency Another disturbing feature of the anarchist future was that its achievement was indefinitely
their rights to punish violations of their rights, and that one protective association, or postponed until the millennial day of reckoning; it was a kind of revolutionary
federation of protective associations, would become dominant in each geographical pie-in-the-sky, and one was expected to fast until mealtime. For the anarchists who
territory. So, without any express agreements of over-all intention on anyone's part, people followed Bakunin and Kropotkin were political and social absolutists, and they displayed
in the state of nature would find themselves with a body that satisfies two fundamental an infinite and consistent contempt for piecemeal reform or for the kind of improvements
conditions for being a state: it has a monopoly of force in its territory, and it protects the in working conditions and wages which trade unions sought and benevolent employers
rights of everyone within the territory. offered. They believed that all such gains must be temporary and illusory, and that only in
the anarchist millennium would the poor really better themselves. Many of the poor
AKH0930 LONG TERM SOCIAL TRENDS ARE ANTI-WAR thought otherwise, and followed the reformists. How right they were-and how wrong the
Anthony Giddens, Professor of Sociology, Cambridge, THE CONSEQUENCES OF anarchists-in purely material terms has been shown by the radical change in character of
MODERNITY, 1990, p.169 modern capitalism, which has led to a remarkable broadening in the standard of living and
Yet there is a strong element of realism in the anticipation of a world without war. such a the scope of leisure in the Western world, and also to the appearance of the welfare state
world is immanent in the very process of the industrialization of war, as well as in the with its insidious dulling of the edge of resentment.
altered position of nation-states in the global arena. As was mentioned earlier, Clausewitz's
dictum becomes substantially obsolete with the spread of industrialized weaponry; and AKH0937 VAGUENESS OF SOLUTIONS DOOMS ANARCHISM
where the borders between nations have mostly been fixed and nation-states cover virtually George Woodcock, University of Washington, ANARCHISM, 1962, p.472.
the whole of earth's surface, territorial aggrandizement loses the meaning it once had. Linked to the failure of the anarchist as revolutionary actionists was the weakness of their
Finally, growing interdependence on a global level increases the range of situations in practical proposals for the society that would follow their hypothetical revolution. There
which similar interests are shared by all states. To envisage a world without war is clearly was much honesty in their refusal to make elaborate blueprints of the new world they
utopian, but is by no means wholly lacking in realism. hoped to create, but their disinclination to attempt specific proposals led to their producing
a vague and vapid vision of an idyllic society where the instinct of mutual aid would
AKH0931 UTOPIANISM LEADS TO TYRANNY enable men to create a variety of co-operative relationships unimaginable in the enslaved
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and present. Primitive and evangelically minded people like the Andalusian peasants could
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.215 accept this vision and give it life by their own millenarian longings for the earthly
Yet it is true that utopian fancies that flow from an unjustified esteem for the power of Kingdom of God where all men would live in simple brotherhood. Intellectuals and artists
reason can also breed monsters of violence, vengefulness, and tyranny, monster the equals could also accept it as a kind of working myth around which their own fantasies and
of those overthrown in reason's name. speculations might crystallize. But ordinary working- and middle-class people, influenced
by nineteenth-century factualism, rejected the anarchist vision because, unlike the
AKH0932 UTOPIANISM LEADS TO DISASTER prophetic imaginings of H.G. Wells, it lacked the reassuring concreteness and precision
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and they desired.
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.20
The disastrous failure of the French Revolution and the aftermath of that failure is, of AKH0938 KROPOTKIN'S ANARCHISM LACKED SCIENTIFIC OBJECTIVITY
course, perhaps the most ringing example of the triumph of inadvertence over intention in George Woodcock, University of Washington, ANARCHISM, 1962, p.220.
human history. It instilled in Western thinkers a full measure of skepticism concerning Kropotkin himself might have claimed-though he would have done so in all humility-that
utopian systems and schemes for universal reform. Even before that, during the headiest his contribution to the anarchist tradition was the application of the scientific approach to
moments of early republicanism, the canny Burke had already put his finger on the its practical problems. But his irrepressible optimism, his exaggerated respect for the
weaknesses of abstract philosophizing as a guide to the attainment of social perfection. nineteenth-century cult of evolution, his irrational faith in the men of the people, deprived
him of true scientific objectivity. His approach, as he sometimes recognized, was as much
AKH0933 INCREMENTAL REFORM IS MORE VALUABLE THAN UTOPIAN intuitive as intellectual, and his compassionate emotion always overcame his cold
SPECULATION reasoning.
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.178 AKH0939 PRIVATE ARMIES WOULD UNDERMINE ANARCHY
To us, it is self-evident that a 1 percent improvement in the efficiency of photo-voltaic Bertrand Russell, British philosopher, PROPOSED ROADS TO FREEDOM, 1919,
cells, say, is, in environmental terms, worth substantially more than all the utopian eco- p.123-4.
babble ever published. In this sense, we are unabashed technocrats, unashamed of the The third class of difficulties is much the most serious and involves much the most drastic
instrumentalism behind such assertions. An accomplishment of this kind will almost interference with liberty. I do not see how a private army could be tolerated within an
certainly not come from the ranks of the ecoradicals, most of whom would, no doubt, Anarchist community, and I do not see how it could be prevented except by a general
denounce it with scorn as a "techno-fix." prohibition of carrying arms. If there were no such prohibition, rival parties would
organize rival forces, and civil war would result. Yet, if there is such a prohibition, it
AKH0934 UTOPIA IS INHERENTLY OPPRESSIVE cannot well be carried out without a very considerable interference with individual liberty.
John William Miller, Professor of Philosophy, Williams College, THE PARADOX OF No doubt, after a time, the idea of using violence to achieve a political object might die
CAUSE, 1978, p.38 down, as the practice of duelling has done. But such changes of habit and outlook are
In a sense, all static utopias are a sign of decadence, and of abdication. We do not describe facilitated by legal prohibition, and would hardly come about without it. I shall not speak
the scene of patient progress where minds must be met and convinced. They allow for no yet of the international aspect of this same problem, for I propose to deal with that in the
tolerance because they have no instruments for converting conflict into agreement. They next chapter, but it is clear that the same considerations apply with even greater force to
offer only an absolute choice between complete acquiescence or none, and really between the relations between nations.
acquiescence and death, or at best exile. For Plato exiled the artists, just as Stalin sent
dissenters to Siberia, and Hitler took them into protective arrest or else performed a blood-
purge. Finished utopias can od nothing else. They must deny the will, except the subjective
will of the autocrat.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 82
DESTROY ANARCHY Michael Taylor, Reader in Government, University of Essex, COMMUNITY, ANARCHY,
Bertrand Russell, British philosopher, PROPOSED ROADS TO FREEDOM, 1919, AND LIBERTY, 1982, p.168-9.
p.120-1. This history of the vulnerability of the anarchic community in the face of societies with
Apart from such cases, there would be the very real danger of an organized attempt to greater political centralisation and concentration of force gives little ground for optimism
destroy Anarchism and revive ancient oppressions. Is it to be supposed, for example, that about the survival and even the emergence of any substantial region of anarchic
Napoleon, if he had been born into such a community as Kropotkin advocates, would have communities. How far the process of building small enclaves of quasi-anarchic community
acquiesced tamely in a world where his genius could find no scope? I cannot see what (such as the present communes) and developing various forms of partial community can
should prevent a combination of ambitious men forming themselves into a private army, go, it is difficult to say; but the prospects for a sweeping success seem not too bright unless
manufacturing their own munitions, and at last enslaving the defenseless citizens, who had the movement towards community and anarchy in any area or sphere, at least in its later
relied upon the inherent attractiveness of liberty. It would not be consistent with the stages, is simultaneously matched by similar movements everywhere.
principles of Anarchism for the community to interfere with the drilling of a private army,
no matter what its objects might be (though, of course, an opposing private army might be AKH0946 ANARCHISM MUST SUCCEED EVERYWHERE TO SUCCEED
formed by men with different views). Indeed, Kropotkin instances the old volunteers in ANYWHERE
Great Britain as an example of a movement on Anarchist lines. Even if a predatory army Richard Falk, Professor of Political science, Princeton, ANARCHISM, J. Rowland
were not formed from within, it might easily come from a neighboring nation, or from Pennock and John Chapman, eds., 1978, p.72-3.
races on the borderland of civilization. So long as the love of power exists, I do not see The great anarchist success stories have been episodic, short-lived (e.g the Paris Commune
how it can be prevented from finding an outlet in oppression except by means of the of 1871, the anarchist collectives in parts of Spain during the 1930s, the May uprising in
organized force of the community. Paris in 1968) Nowhere have anarchists enjoyed a period of sustained success. Generally,
anarchist success has generated an overpowering reaction of repression, as when the
AKH0941 CONFLICT AMONG COMPETING PROTECTION AGENCIES WOULD mercenary soldiery of Versailles crushed and massacred the Paris Communards in May
INEVITABLY LEAD TO THE STATE 1871 only weeks after their extraordinary triumph. Anarchists view such failures as
Michael Taylor, Reader in Government, University of Essex, COMMUNITY, ANARCHY, inevitable "first attempts"; Kropotkin calls "the Commune of Paris, the child of a period
AND LIBERTY, 1982, p.62. of transition . . . doomed to perish" but "the forerunner of social revolution." Murray
Other libertarians are less sanguine about the likely outcome of competition between Bookchin and Daniel Guerin make a similar assessment of the Paris uprising of 1968,
protection agencies, and admit that the prospect of violence between them (and other regarding its occurrence as proof of the anarchist critique, its collapse as evidence that "the
problems peculiar to the provision of order and defense) make necessary a minimal state molecular movement below that prepares the condition for revolution" had not yet carried
whose sole function is the provision of internal and external security; or they argue, as far enough. On a deeper level, anarchists understand that the prerequisite for anarchist
Robert Nozick has done in Anarchy, State and Utopia, that the upshot of competition success anywhere is its success everywhere. It is this vital precondition that is at once so
between protection agencies would be the emergence in each area of a single dominant convincing and so formidable as to call into question whether the anarchist position can
protection agency (a proto-state, in effect, but not a state), since every individual, if he in fact be taken seriously as a progressive alternative to state socialism.
wanted to buy protection at all, would gravitate towards the largest firm, for this would
tend to come out on top in disputes with smaller firms. AKH0947 ANARCHY CAN'T ENDURE
Bertrand Russell, British philosopher, PROPOSED ROADS TO FREEDOM, 1919, p.211.
AKH0942 ANARCHISM CAN'T EFFECTIVELY COUNTER TOTALITARIANISM On the other hand, Anarchism, which avoids the dangers of State Socialism, has dangers
George Woodcock, University of Washington, ANARCHISM, 1962, p.473-4. and difficulties of its own, which make it probable that, within any reasonable period of
As for Fascism and Nazism, those crude and primitive manifestations of the centralist urge time, it could not last long even if it were established. Nevertheless, it remains an ideal to
that marks our age, the anarchist movement showed itself powerless to combat them which we should wish to approach as nearly as possible, and which, in some distant age,
effectively in the countries which they dominated and invaded, though individual we hope may be reached completely. Syndicalism shares many of the defects of
anarchists often asserted themselves with self-sacrificing heroism. Only in Spain did Anarchism, and, like it, would prove unstable, since the need of a central government
organized anarchism put up a determined resistance, and even there, despite its enormous would make itself felt almost at once.
following, it collapsed with dramatic suddenness on the day General Yague and his column
marched into Barcelona without a single factory going on strike and without a single AKH0948 ANARCHISTS HAVE GREAT DIFFICULTY HOLDING POWER
barricade being raised in the streets. This was the last, greatest defeat of the historical Richard Falk, Professor of Political science, Princeton, ANARCHISM, J. Rowland
anarchist movement. On that day it virtually ceased to exist as a living cause. Pennock and John Chapman, eds., 1978, p.73.
In essence, not only is it difficult for anarchists to attain power, but once they manage to
AKH0943 MODERN WAR INEVITABLY DESTROYS ANARCHISM do so their "organic institutions" seem incapable of holding it. Their movements will be
George Woodcock, University of Washington, ANARCHISM, 1962, p.393. liquidated ruthlessly by statists of "the left" or "the right." Given such vulnerability, it may
But to point out that there were anarchists in Spain who kept rigorously to their ideals is even be a betrayal of one's followers to expose them to slaughter by mounting a challenge
not to suggest that even they would have found a way to create and conserve an anarchist against the entrenched forces of statism in the absence of either the will or the capabilities
society in the middle of an event so antithetical to libertarian principles and practice as a to protect the challengers.
modern war. Given the situation, the problem seems to have been insoluble in anarchist
terms. The anarchists in Spain in fact failed both militarily and politically because they AKH0949 DISORGANIZATION DOOMS ANARCHIST MOVEMENTS
could not remain anarchists and take part in governments and total war. By compromising George Woodcock, University of Washington, ANARCHISM, 1962, p.471-2.
they did not make their failure less certain; they merely made it more humiliating. It is true that in Spain something like a revolutionary situation did exist after the anarchists
and their allies of the C.N.T. had defeated the uprising of the generals in Catalonia and
AKH0944 ANARCHY CAN'T SURVIVE IN THE FACE OF OTHER STATES Levante at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. But the event was thrust upon the
Michael Taylor, Reader in Government, University of Essex, COMMUNITY, ANARCHY, anarchists, not created by them, and their lack of organizational coherence prevented them
AND LIBERTY, 1982, p.139. from retaining the advantages they had gained; within a few months the revolution had
Most state formations, as I noted earlier, are secondary. They owe their development at slipped from their hands. Everywhere, in fact, the anarchists showed themselves to be
least in part to the direct or indirect influence of already formed states. If they are not highly individualistic amateur rebels, and in this role they were sometimes successful, but
actually subjugated, colonized or absorbed by other states, the reactions of these societies on no occasion did they demonstrate any capacity for the sustained effort that wins and
to the presence of states is likely to be the same as the reactions to external threats of the consolidates a revolution.
societies which gave birth to the primary states. That this reaction should have been so
common is little to be wondered at; but insofar as any lessons for the future can be drawn AKH0950 ANARCHIST UTOPIANISM RESULTS IN FASCISM
from this account of how anarchic communities first gave way to (primary or secondary) Kenneth Dolbeare, University of Massachusetts, AMERICAN IDEOLOGIES, 1976,
states, we can say that it inspires little optimism about the viability of anarchy in a crowded p.154.
world and even less optimism about the prospects for the emergence and durability of an Marxists charge anarchism with having no real sense of how fundamental change can or
anarchy set in a sea of states. should be accomplished, only a hazy utopianism that attracts people and then frustrates
them and defeats the cause of revolution. Capitalism has not prepared people for
communism; extensive re-education in the concepts of fraternity, community, mutual
dependency etc. will be necessary. To try to build a new social order while people are still
trapped in capitalist-liberal consciousness will inevitably fail. The danger is that such
potential opponents to the capitalist-liberal regime will give up, turn terrorist in their
frustration, or even rally to the support of a fascist order that falsely promises
socialist-sounding change.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 83
David Miller, Oxford, ANARCHISM, 1984, p.181-2. VIABILITY
Should we then simply consign anarchism to the historical dustbin as one of the more George Woodcock, University of Washington, ANARCHISM, 1962, p.474.
bizarre offshoots of nineteenth century liberal and socialist ideologies? It is hard to believe But such scattered examples of constructive anarchist efforts offer suggestions; they do no
that a mass anarchist movement could now be created in the advanced societies of the more. They do not prove that a complete anarchist society such as Kropotkin, for example,
West, or, indeed, that if such a movement were to be created it would provide a realistic envisaged can come into existence or that it would work if it did. They merely show that
alternative to the major ideologies now on offer. The problems that we currently face seem in certain limited and favorable circumstances voluntary methods of organizing economic
to underline ever more emphatically our dependence upon one another both within and industrial relations turned out to be at least as practical as authoritarian methods.
societies and increasingly between them; and much as we may regret the steady growth of
state regulation of social life and look for ways of counteracting it, the idea of abolishing AKH0958 ANARCHISM IS GENERALLY INEFFECTIVE IN PRACTICE
the state entirely must strike us as utopian. We have come a very long way from the largely David Miller, Oxford, ANARCHISM, 1984, p.181.
self-sufficient village community where anarchism found its natural home. We have reached a pessimistic conclusion about the prospects of anarchism as an ideology.
Anarchists have been signally unsuccessful in translating their ideals into a coherent
AKH0952 ANARCHISM FAILS IN ADVANCED INDUSTRIAL SOCIETIES programme of change. Either they have relied on rational persuasion, and found very few
George Woodcock, University of Washington, ANARCHISM, 1962, p.470. listeners willing to take them seriously; or they have taken the path of revolution, and
In the same way, the countries and regions where anarchism was strongest were those in found a seemingly unbridgeable chasm between the organization and methods needed to
which industry was least developed and in which the poor were poorest. As progress carry through a revolution successfully and the kind of society that they hope to see
engulfed the classic fatherlands of anarchism, as the factory workers replaced the emerging in its aftermath. On those few occasions when they have been given a chance to
hand-craftsmen, as the aristocrats became detached from the land and absorbed into the apply their ideals constructively, they have had some unexpected successes, but they have
new plutocracy, anarchism began to lose the main sources of its support. also encountered intractable problems, particularly the problem of coordinating the
activities of many independent social units without recourse to central authority Finally the
AKH0953 TRENDS IN MODERN HISTORY ARE CONTRARY TO ANARCHISM critical questions I have raised in this chapter suggest some serious deficiencies in
George Woodcock, University of Washington, ANARCHISM, 1962, p.469. anarchism from a theoretical point of view.
The anarchists have always regarded themselves as revolutionaries, and so they are in
theory. In practice, however, organized anarchism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries AKH0959 ANARCHISM HAS FAILED AS A MOVEMENT
was really a movement of rebellion rather than a movement of revolution. It was a protest, George Woodcock, University of Washington, ANARCHISM, 1962, p.468.
a dedicated resistance to the worldwide trend since the middle of the eighteenth century Clearly, as a movement, anarchism has failed. In almost a century of effort it has not even
toward political and economic centralization, with all it implies in terms of the replacement approached the fulfillment of its great aim to destroy the state and build Jerusalem in its
of personal values by collective values, of the subordination of the individual to the state. ruins. During the past forty years the influence it once established has dwindled, by defeat
The real social revolution of the modern age has in fact been this process of centralization, after defeat and by the slow draining of hope, almost to nothing. Nor is there any
toward which every development of scientific and technological progress has contributed, reasonable likelihood of a renaissance of anarchism as we have known it since the
which. has welded nations out of regions and which today is creating a single world where foundation of the First International in 1864; history suggests that movements which fail
the fundamental differences between regions and peoples and classes are being leveled in to take the chances it offers them are never born again.
uniformity. The anarchists protested against this revolution in the name of human dignity
and individuality, and their protest was necessary; it was perhaps their greatest AKH0960 ANARCHY WOULD RESULT IN CHAOS
achievement. But it placed them in a line of opposition to the dominant trend in modern James Buchanan, Professor of Economics, Virginia Polytechnic, ANARCHISM, J.
history. Rowland Pennock and John Chapman, eds., 1978, p.40-1.
The constitutional-contractarian, who looks to his stage two set of ideals, and who adopts
AKH0954 CONDITIONS FOR ANARCHY ARE STILL SEVERAL DECADES AWAY at least some variant of the Hobbesian assumption about human nature, views anarchy, as
Richard Falk, Professor of Political science, Princeton, ANARCHISM, J. Rowland an institution, with horror. To remove all laws, all institutions of order, in a world peopled
Pennock and John Chapman, eds., 1978, p.76. by Hobbesian men would produce chaos. The contractarian must hold fast to a normative
Obviously, the objective conditions which require such a reassessment of political forms vision that is not nearly so simplistic as that which is possible either for the libertarian
are not by themselves sufficient to effect a transformation. Indeed, the very relevance of anarchist or for the collectivist. The contractarian seeks "ordered anarchy," that is, a
these ideas may lead their powerful opponents to regard them as even more dangerous now situation described as one that offers maximal freedom for individuals within a minimal
than in the past. Prudence and patience are essential in these circumstances. The crisis of set of formalized rules and constraints on behavior. He takes from classical economics the
the state system may yet require several decades to develop to the point where eruptions important idea that the independent actions of many persons can be spontaneously
of spontaneous anarchistic energies would not unleash a variety of devastating backlashes. coordinated through marketlike institutions so as to produce mutually desirable outcomes
without detailed and direct interferences of the state. But he insists, with Adam Smith, that
AKH0955 TRADITIONAL SOCIETIES DON'T PROVIDE A VIABLE MODEL FOR this coordination can be effective only if individual actions are limited by laws that cannot
MODERN SOCIETIES themselves spontaneously emerge.
David Miller, Oxford, ANARCHISM, 1984, p.155.
The second difficulty is, if anything, still more serious. The traditional societies I have AKH0961 ANARCHY WOULD UNLEASH A FLOOD OF PRIVATE CRIME
referred to embodied a world-view which has been irreversibly shattered by the transition Bertrand Russell, British philosopher, PROPOSED ROADS TO FREEDOM, 1919,
to modern society. They were held together, in large measure, by a set of customary p.118-20.
beliefs, taken on trust by each generation and characteristically backed up by religion. Let us begin with the question of private crime. Anarchists maintain that the criminal is
Such a world-view cannot be recreated at will, even if one should want to. Modern manufactured by bad social conditions and would disappear in such a world as they aim
anarchism has to start with individuals whose outlook has been formed by the sceptical at creating. No doubt there is a great measure of truth in this view. There would be little
questioning of modern science and the moral pluralism of an open and fluid society. It has motive to robbery, for example, in an Anarchist world, unless it were organized on a large
to solve the problem of social order without presupposing, at the outset, a strong set of scale by a body of men bent on upsetting the Anarchist regime. It may also be conceded
shared beliefs about how life ought to be lived. For that reason it is much more revealing that impulses toward criminal violence could be very largely eliminated by a better
to look at anarchist experiments carried out under modern conditions than to delve into education. But all such contentions, it seems to me, have their limitations. To take an
vanished forms of life, interesting though the latter may be from a scientific point of view. extreme case, we cannot suppose that there would be no lunatics in an Anarchist
community, and some of these lunatics would, no doubt, be homicidal. Probably no one
AKH0956 SPANISH ANARCHY ISN'T A USEFUL MODEL would argue that they ought to be left at liberty. But there are no sharp lines in nature; from
Michael Taylor, Reader in Government, University of Essex, COMMUNITY, ANARCHY, the homicidal lunatic to the sane man of violent passions there is a continuous gradation.
AND LIBERTY, 1982, p.37-8. Even in the most perfect community there will be men and women, otherwise sane, who
One category of putative internal anarchies which do not provide very useful information will feel an impulse to commit murder from jealousy, These are now usually restrained by
relevant to the arguments in this book are the communities and collectives set up by the fear of punishment, but if this fear were removed, such murders would probably
anarchists themselves in revolutionary situations, most notably those agrarian collectives become much more common, as may be seen from the present behavior of certain soldiers
of the Spanish Revolution which best approximated total communities. The problem with on leave.
these is that, apart from being short-lived (as indeed were some of the intentional
communities referred to in the last paragraph), they were made possible by and existed AKH0962 ANARCHY WOULD INCREASE CRIMES OF VIOLENCE
precariously in most unusual circumstances, so that they cannot be reliably used as a basis Bertrand Russell, British philosopher, PROPOSED ROADS TO FREEDOM, 1919,
for generalisations about such things as the maintenance of stateless social order or the p.122-3.
compatibility of community and liberty. Cruelty to children, crimes of jealousy, rape, and so forth, are almost certain to occur in
any society to some extent. The prevention of such acts is essential to the existence of
freedom for the weak. If nothing were done to hinder them, it is to be feared that the
customs of a society would gradually become rougher, and that acts which are now rare
would cease to be so.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 84
Bertrand Russell, British philosopher, PROPOSED ROADS TO FREEDOM, 1919, David Miller, Oxford, ANARCHISM, 1984, p.170.
p.199-200. Market transactions presuppose a number of background features whose very familiarity
The reign of violence in human affairs, whether within a country or in its external makes us inclined to take them for granted. Among these are an agreed definition of
relations, can only be prevented, if we have not been mistaken, by an authority able to property rights (so that each person knows precisely which goods are his to dispose of),
declare all use of force except by itself illegal, and strong enough to be obviously capable a set of rules governing contracts (for instance rules prohibiting fraudulent descriptions of
of making all other use of force futile, except when it could secure the support of public commodities), a common currency (to enable non-simultaneous exchanges to occur) and
opinion as a defense of freedom or a resistance to injustice. Such an authority exists within general protection against invasion, assault and theft. Without these features we would not
a country: it is the state. have a market, but something more akin to a Hobbesian war of all against all. But can their
emergence be explained without reference to the state? They are all to some degree public
AKH0964 NON-LEGAL SOCIAL CONTROL PROCEDURES ARE TOO goods: goods which benefit everyone but which no individual has a private incentive to
UNPREDICTABLE provide. From each separate participant's point of view, the best state of affairs is for others
David Miller, Oxford, ANARCHISM, 1984, p.176. to contribute to the cost of providing the goods, while he merely enjoys the benefits they
What might be said against such informal procedures for sanctioning deviant behaviour? create. The question, then, is whether such goods can be provided in the absence of an
One problem is that people may not know where they stand. In the absence of a uniform agency which compels people to contribute to their cost.
body of rules, they may be unsure which activities are permitted and which are not. Take
first the individualists' proposal for enforcing justice through voluntary agencies. Even if AKH0969 ANARCHIST COMMUNISM WOULD PROVIDE INSUFFICIENT WORK
there is overall agreement about which personal rights should be protected, there may well INCENTIVES
be substantial disagreement about how precisely these rights are to be construed, and about Bertrand Russell, British philosopher, PROPOSED ROADS TO FREEDOM, 1919,
how compensation is to be assessed. Each time that I find myself in dispute with another p.105-6.
person, the uncertainty starts afresh, because I have no way of knowing what practices the But as regards the second proposal, that there should be no obligation to work, and no
agencies he favours will follow. There is no reason to believe that the agencies will economic reward for work, the matter is much more doubtful. Anarchists always assume
spontaneously converge on a uniform set of rules; they are supposed to be competitors, and that if their schemes were put into operation practically everyone would work; but
they may decide to follow different practices in order to appeal to particular kinds of client. although there is very much more to be said for this view than most people would concede
at first sight, yet it is questionable whether there is enough to be said to make it true for
AKH0965 ANARCHY WOULD PRODUCE ECONOMIC CHAOS practical purposes. Perhaps, in a community where industry had become habitual through
Robert Paul Wolff, Professor of Philosophy, University of Massachusetts, IN DEFENSE economic pressure, public opinion might be sufficiently powerful to compel most men to
OF ANARCHISM, 1970, p.81-2. work; but it is always doubtful how far such a state of things would be permanent. If public
Only extreme economic decentralization could permit the sort of voluntary economic opinion is to be really effective, it will be necessary to have some method of dividing the
coordination consistent with the ideals of anarchism and affluence. At the present time, of community into small groups, and to allow each group to consume only the equivalent of
course, such decentralization would produce economic chaos, but if we possessed a cheap, what it produces. This will make the economic motive operative upon the group, which,
local source of power and an advanced technology of small-scale production, and if we since we are supposing it small, will feel that its collective share is appreciably diminished
were in addition willing to accept a high level of economic waste, we might be able to by each idle individual. Such a system might be feasible, but it would be contrary to the
break the American economy down into regional and subregional units of manageable size. whole spirit of Anarchism and would destroy the main lines of its economic system.
The exchanges between the units would be inefficient and costly-very large inventory
levels, inelasticities of supply and demand, considerable waste, and so forth. But in return AKH0970 DESTRUCTION OF GOVERNMENT WOULD DESTROY FREEDOM
for this price, men would have increasing freedom to act autonomously. In effect, such a Bertrand Russell, British philosopher, PROPOSED ROADS TO FREEDOM, 1919,
society would enable all men to be autonomous agents, whereas in our present society, the p.111-12.
relatively few autonomous men are-as it were-parasitic upon the obedient, authority Respect for the liberty of others is not a natural impulse with most men: envy and love of
respecting masses. power lead ordinary human nature to find pleasure in interferences with the lives of others.
If all men's actions were wholly unchecked by external authority, we should not obtain a
AKH0966 MALTHUSIAN LIMITS UNDERMINE UTOPIAN ANARCHISM world in which all men would be free. The strong would oppress the weak, or the majority
George Woodcock, University of Washington, ANARCHISM, 1962, p.213. would oppress the minority, or the lovers of violence would oppress the more peaceable
Godwin's conception of universal benevolence was not dissimilar to Kropotkin's idea of people.
mutual aid, and on it he based his contentions that if men behaved rationally, did their due
share of socially useful work, eliminated wasteful activities, and exploited scientific AKH0971 ANARCHY WOULD RESULT IN PRIVATE TYRANNY
discoveries for the general benefit, all could enjoy well-being and still have leisure for Bertrand Russell, British philosopher, PROPOSED ROADS TO FREEDOM, 1919,
developing their spiritual selves. The resemblance of these arguments to those developed p.112-3.
in The Conquest of Bread is evident. In reply to Godwin, T. R. Malthus brought forward And apart from the love of political power, there is the love of power over individuals. If
in 1798 his celebrated theory that there is a natural tendency for population to increase in threats and terrorism were not prevented by law, it can hardly be doubted that cruelty
a higher ratio than the available supply of food, and that the balance is only preserved by would be rife in the relations of men and women, and of parents and children. It is true that
such phenomena as disease, famine, war, and the general struggle for life in which the the habits of a community can make such cruelty rare, but these habits, I fear, are only to
weak are eliminated. Godwin's suggestions, if put into practice, would merely upset the be produced through the prolonged reign of law. Experience of backwoods communities,
natural limitation of population, and would thus be self-defeating, since population would mining camps and other such places seems to show that under near conditions men easily
again increase more rapidly than available supplies of food, and famine would restore the revert to a more barbarous attitude and practice. It would seem, therefore, that, while
natural balance; hence all talk of a fundamental improvement in human conditions is human nature remains as it is, there will be more liberty for all in a community where some
merely chimerical. acts of tyranny by individuals are forbidden, than in a community where the law leaves
each individual free to follow his every impulse.
We may say, in short, that neither of the major schools of anarchism has developed an George Woodcock, University of Washington, ANARCHISM, 1962, p.216-7.
adequate economic theory. The individualists are stymied by the public goods problem, The major flaw of Mutual Aid is that it does not acknowledge the tyrannies of custom and
the communists by the problem of co-ordination. Proudhon's mutualism, representing a habit as it does those of government and regulation. Once again, Kropotkin shows that he
compromise of sorts between market and communitarian ideals, is perhaps the most is willing to accept moral compulsion, whether it is the rule of custom in a primitive tribe
plausible of anarchist theories from an economic point of view; but even here it is or that of public opinion in an anarchist society, without admitting how far this force also
necessary to ask whether the system proposed does not require the support of the state at negates the freedom of the individual. A taboo-ridden native of the primitive Congo had
a number of crucial points. in reality far less freedom of action than a citizen of the England in which Kropotkin
himself lived with such slight interference. A stateless society, in other words, may be very
far from a free society so far as the personal lives of its members are concerned. This
possibility Kropotkin was never willing to consider seriously.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 85
George Woodcock, University of Washington, ANARCHISM, 1962, p.84-5. William Ophuls, former Professor of Political Science, Northwestern and A. Stephen
The anarchists accept much too uncritically the idea of an active public opinion as an easy Boyan, Professor of Political Science, University of Maryland, ECOLOGY AND THE
way out of the problem of dealing with antisocial tendencies. Few of them have given POLITICS OF SCARCITY REVISITED, 1992, p.195-6.
sufficient thought to the danger of a moral tyranny replacing a physical one, and the frown Beyond telling us that the answer to the tragedy is "mutual coercion, mutually agreed upon
of the man next door becoming as much a thing to fear as the sentence of the judge. And by the majority of the people affected"-by which he means social restraint, not naked
some of them have undoubtedly been positively attracted by the idea of radiating moral force-Hardin avoids political prescription. However, he does suggest that unrestrained
authority; anarchism has had its Pharisees like every other movement for human exercise of our liberties does not bring us real freedom: "Individuals locked into the logic
regeneration. of the commons are free only to bring on universal ruin; once they see the necessity of
mutual coercion, they become free to pursue other goals." By recognizing the necessity to
AKH0974 ANARCHY CAN LEAD TO THE TOTALITARIANISM OF PUBLIC abandon many natural freedoms we now believe we possess, we avoid tragedy and
OPINION "preserve and nurture other and more precious freedoms." There are obvious dangers in
George Woodcock, University of Washington, ANARCHISM, 1962, p.84. a regime of "mutual coercion," but without restraints on individuals, the collective
In this connection, George Orwell once wrote an essay on Swift (a writer; incidentally, selfishness and irresponsibility generated by the logic of the commons will destroy the
much admired by Godwin),. in which he pointed out that in the anarchistic society of the spaceship, so that any sacrifice of freedom by the crew members is clearly the lesser evil.
Houyhnhnms in Gulliver's Travels, "exhortation" was as powerful as compulsion in any After all, says Hardin, "injustice is preferable to total ruin," so that "an alternative to the
other society. Orwell continued: This illustrates very well the totalitarian tendency which commons need not be perfectly just to be preferable" (Hardin 1968,pp.1247-1248).
is implicit in the anarchist or pacifist vision of Society. In a Society where there is no law,
and in theory no compulsion, the only arbiter of behaviour is public opinion. But public AKH0979 AN OPEN AND FLUID SOCIETY REQUIRES RULE OF LAW
opinion, because of the tremendous urge to conformity in gregarious animals, is less David Miller, Oxford, ANARCHISM, 1984, p.178-9.
tolerant than any system of law. When human beings are governed by "thou shalt not," the I have offered, in effect, a defence of the rule of law (as this notion has traditionally been
individual can practice a certain amount of eccentricity; when they are supposedly understood) against the anarchist idea that disputes can be settled by informally arranged
governed by "love" and "reason," he is under continuous pressure to make him behave and arbitration and discipline. One further point may be worth adding. The informal method
think in exactly the same way as everyone does. seems most likely to be successful in those small and stable communities where (as I
argued earlier) moral self-regulation will in any case be most effective. For in such
AKH0975 SOCIAL CONTROL UNDER ANARCHY UNDERMINES FREEDOM communities, the decisions that are reached in contested cases may amount, over time, to
David Miller, Oxford, ANARCHISM, 1984, p.174-5. a kind of common law which can then be applied to new cases as they arise. This is likely
The anarchist view that social order can largely be achieved through moral self-regulation to happen, in particular, because there will be substantial agreement about the principles
therefore looks most plausible when considered in the context of a small, stable community to be applied in each case. In an open and fluid society such agreement is unlikely to
- the kind of community, in fact, that has characteristically been eroded by the emerge; so there will be no basis on which case law can be built up. In such a society, the
liberalization and industrialization of society. Now whatever virtues such communities advantages of authoritative legislation which is then enforced as impartially as possible by
may have led, personal freedom was not prominent among them. To be more specific, the professional judges seem very striking.
freedom which is crucially lacking in such a community is the freedom to withdraw from
an established pattern of life and to create a new one in association with others whom one AKH0980 HUMANS MUST BE FORCED TO BE FREE
finds congenial and sympathetic. This is not a freedom which has always been valued, but William Ophuls, former Professor of Political Science, Northwestern and A. Stephen
it is widely valued nowadays, not least by anarchists who often contrast the 'free Boyan, Professor of Political Science, University of Maryland, ECOLOGY AND THE
associations' and 'affinity groups' that would form in a stateless society with the rigid POLITICS OF SCARCITY REVISITED, 1992, p.199.
organizations that exist in the present one. The tragedy of the commons also exemplifies the political problem that agitated the
eighteenth-century French political philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau, who made a
AKH0976 INFORMAL SOCIAL PRESSURES LIMIT FREEDOM AS MUCH AS THE crucial distinction between the "general will" and the "will of all." The former is what
STATE reasonable people, leaving aside their self-interest and having the community's interests
David Miller, Oxford, ANARCHISM, 1984, p.154-5. at heart, would regard as the right and proper course of action. The latter is the mere
There are two difficulties with this evidence. First, although the evidence referred to does addition of the particular wills of the individuals forming the polity, based not on a
indeed show that the state is not a necessary condition for maintaining social order and so conception of the common good but only on what serves their own self-interest. The
forth, it is much less clear that the methods of social control which are practised in these tragedy of the commons is simply a particularly vicious instance of the way in which the
societies are compatible with anarchist ideals. The main point of contrast with the modern "will of all" falls short of the true common interest. In essence, Rousseau's answer to this
state is that, instead of a concentrated and formal system for enforcing social rules, there crucial problem in The Social Contract is not much different from Hobbes's: Man must be
is a diffuse and informal system. The sanctions faced by potential rule-breakers include the "forced to be free"-that is, protected from the consequences of his own selfishness and
threat of private retaliation, the threat to withhold cooperation in future, various kinds of shortsightedness by being made obedient to the common good or "general will," which
social pressure (gossip, shaming and so forth), and the threat of supernatural punishment. represents his real self-interest. Rousseau thus wants political institutions that will make
Anarchists may perhaps find these less obnoxious than the mechanical processes of law. people virtuous.
Nevertheless it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that members of these societies have
their freedom seriously restricted, both in the sense that many actions they might otherwise AKH0981 EVEN IF FREEDOM IS THE GREATEST SOCIAL GOOD, ANARCHY
consider performing are rendered ineligible, and in the sense that the range of choices they ISN'T JUSTIFIED
might make about how to live their lives is drastically narrowed by the power of custom Bertrand Russell, British philosopher, PROPOSED ROADS TO FREEDOM, 1919, p.111.
and tradition. Government and Law, in their very essence, consist of restrictions on freedom, and
freedom is the greatest of political goods. A hasty reasoner might conclude without further
AKH0977 ANARCHY UNDERMINES THE PREDICTABILITY NEEDED TO FORM ado that Law and government are evils which must be abolished if freedom is our goal. But
LIFE PLANS this consequence, true or false, cannot be proved so simply. In this chapter we shall
David Miller, Oxford, ANARCHISM, 1984, p.177. examine the arguments of Anarchists against law and the State. We shall proceed on the
Anarchists may retort that the certainty I am talking about is valued only by people who assumption that freedom is the supreme aim of a good social system; but on this very basis
have been brought up in a law-ridden society. Why should predictability matter if I can be we shall find the Anarchist contentions very questionable.
assured that any case in which I am involved will be settled fairly? I agree that (in contrast
to some of the other critical issues raised in this chapter) certainty about the future is not AKH0982 ANARCHIST COMMUNITIES WOULD DESTROY INDIVIDUALISM
a value to which anarchists themselves attach much weight. It is, nonetheless, an important David Miller, Oxford, ANARCHISM, 1984, p.160.
consideration for most people, because such predictability makes it possible to plan one's This strongly suggests that communities can only remain stable, under modern conditions,
life and one's projects knowing that they will not be interfered with. A regime of legal by structuring themselves in a way that anarchists would find repugnant. The virus of
rights, harsh though it may be in some of its effects, does give this assurance. individualism has taken a deep hold. To eradicate it requires a stringent method of
subjecting the individual to group discipline. Anarchists will protest, of course, that the
freedom they value is not the freedom of the willful individualist who turns his back on
his social obligations, but the freedom which manifests itself in social solidarity. As
Kropotkin put it, their goal is 'the individuality which attains the greatest individual
development possible through practising the highest communist sociability in what
concerns both its primordial needs and its relationship with others in general'. But this
development is supposed to occur spontaneously through ordinary contact between person
and person, not to be brought about deliberately through a set of conditioning mechanisms.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 86
Gerald Gaus and John Chapman, Professors of Political Science, University of Pittsburgh, David Miller, Oxford, ANARCHISM, 1984, p.181.
ANARCHISM, J. Rowland Pennock and John Chapman, eds., 1978, p.xxii-iii. Anarchists have seen only the repressive aspects of the state: they have seen it as an enemy
Donald McIntosh says that anarchism is "inherently collectivistic," and so is in basic of personal freedom and as an upholder of economic exploitation. Consequently they have
agreement with Wieck on this point. However, McIntosh presents an entirely different been amazed to discover that it could attract the loyalty even of those subjects who profit
interpretation of the emotional and moral climate of an anarchist society. Anarchism is not from it least; in particular they have been bewildered at the ease with which national
the outcome of deep respect for individual independence and freedom. Rather, according loyalties have displaced class loyalties in time of war. Faced with this evidence, their only
to McIntosh a "passion for equality" inspires anarchist morality. This passion determines response has been to point to the vast propaganda machine that the state has at its disposal
attitudes toward authority. "The core of anarchism is the rejection of all political authority fog whipping up nationalistic fervour. What they fail to see is that the tune can only evoke
whatsoever." But the egalitarian mentality does sanction intense "peer authority" to induce such a reaction because it strikes a sympathetic chord in the heart of the hearer. National
both unanimity and conformity. "The psychological prototype of the anarchist community sensibilities can be artificially inflamed, but they cannot be created out of nothing. Their
is an adolescent gang. . ." Hence anarchism is not rightly conceived as a radical form of blindness to this fact and its political implications may be a major factor in explaining the
liberalism. "Those who have espoused anarchism on individualistic grounds are in error." anarchists' failure to win many converts among the masses of modern Europe and America.
Rather, McIntosh concludes, it is a species of moral collectivism, peculiar to which is
"government without politics," based on an absence of personal independence, coupled AKH0989 ANARCHY WOULD MASSIVELY INCREASE DRUG USE
with revulsion against hierarchical authority. These are the psychodynamics that McIntosh Bertrand Russell, British philosopher, PROPOSED ROADS TO FREEDOM, 1919, p.137.
discerns at the heart of the anarchist quest for fraternal unanimity. The State, in spite of what Anarchists urge, seems a necessary institution for certain
purposes. Peace and war, tariffs, regulation of sanitary conditions and of the sale of
AKH0984 ANARCHISM REJECTS THE AUTONOMOUS INDIVIDUAL noxious drugs, the preservation of a just system of distribution: these, among others, are
Kenneth Dolbeare, University of Massachusetts, AMERICAN IDEOLOGIES, 1976, functions which could hardly be performed in a community in which there was no central
p.145-6. government. Take, for example, the liquor traffic, or the opium traffic in China. If alcohol
True anarchism is communitarian in character, and stresses the fulfillment of the individual could be obtained at cost price without taxation, still more if it could be obtained for
through development of close personal relations with other individuals in a new, sharing, nothing, as Anarchists presumably desire, can we believe that there would not be a great
mutually-dependent community. True anarchism involves the integration of the individual and disastrous increase of drunkenness? China was brought to the verge of ruin by opium,
in a new society more congenial to humankind's true nature. In effect, anarchism redefines and every patriotic Chinaman desired to see the traffic in opium restricted. In such matters
what being an "individual" means. It emphatically does not endorse the isolation and freedom is not a panacea, and some degree of legal restriction seems imperative for the
autonomy that American individualism insists upon. national health.

George Woodcock, University of Washington, ANARCHISM, 1962, p.10-11. CQ RESEARCHER, July 21, 1995, p.641.
The Girondin Brissot, for example, demanding the suppression of the Enrages, whom he Some observers say that all the anti-government rhetoric unleashed since the early 1980s
called anarchists, declared in 1793, "it is necessary to define this anarchy." He went on to has the potential to legitimize the paranoid, anti-government feelings some people have
do so: Laws that are not carried into effect, authorities without force and despised, crime and spur them to commit violent acts against government bureaucrats, as in Oklahoma
unpunished, property attacked, the safety of the individual violated, the morality of the City. "This . . . is certainly not what House Speaker Newt Gingrich [R-Ga.] had in mind
people corrupted, no constitution, no government, no justice, these are the features of in his denunciations of the national government," writes historian Arthur Schlesinger Jr.
anarchy. "But the speaker blamed the murder by a South Carolina woman of her two children on the
poisoning of the culture by liberal Democrats, and his own logic must indict the
AKH0986 JUSTICE COULDN'T BE EFFECTIVELY ADMINISTERED UNDER anti-government demagogues as unwitting accomplices in the Oklahoma City outrage. Is
ANARCHY it too much to hope that this will encourage the speaker in rhetorical restraint? (Answer:
David Miller, Oxford, ANARCHISM, 1984, p.178. Yes, it is probably too much to hope.)"
The anarcho-communist idea of administering justice by general assembly faces a rather
different problem. The danger here is that discussion of a particular case may be distorted AKH0991 THE GREAT SOCIETY MADE MAJOR ADVANCES
by disagreements of a more general kind. Suppose, for instance, that a community is John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S
divided into two sections, one favouring longer hours of work and a higher standard of HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.77
living and the other favouring shorter hours and a lower standard. Suppose that a In the wake of the environmental programs, pollution levels in the nation's air were
prominent member of the second section is called before the assembly on the grounds that generally reversed, and pollution of the nation's waters was checked. A single generation
he is workshy. In his defence he may argue that he is working as hard as he thinks that he of Americans realized these accomplishments, enough perhaps for any generation to leave
should, and that if others would follow his example everyone would be better off as a as its legacy. Notwithstanding the crescendo of criticism that ushered out the decade of the
result. It is clearly impossible here to disentangle the culpability of the person concerned 1970s, the post Eisenhower era was in fact an age of distinguished public achievement.
from the general issue at stake. The problem arises because no distinction has been made
between legislation - laying down general rules to cover all cases - and adjudication - AKH0992 THERE'S NO ALTERNATIVE TO GOVERNMENT
applying the rules to a particular case. It is theoretically possible, of course, for a body John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S
made up of the same people to act at one time as a legislative body and at another time as HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.77
a judicial body; but such a separation will clearly be difficult to maintain in practice, and Nor could such advances have been brought about without large-scale governmental
it is no accident that those who have favoured the separation of powers have also argued programs. And this is the very crux of the matter. A key lesson of the post-Eisenhower era
that the powers in question should be divided between several independent bodies. is that the government's domestic programs grew to be large because no other plan of
action could have worked. This is as true of the fight to reduce poverty as it is of the
AKH0987 THE NATION STATE PROVIDES A NEEDED SENSE OF PERSONAL struggle against environmental pollution.
The first response reveals something of the narrowness of the anarchist view of human Ben Wattenberg, Fellow, American Enterprise Institute, THE FIRST UNIVERSAL
nature. It is true that a great deal that is mythical may be incorporated into the idea of NATION, 1991, p.122
national identity: history may be rewritten to emphasize the past glories of the nation; old The "net" poverty rate—that is the poverty rate including "non-cash" items like food
legends and folklore may be artificially revived and embellished; and so forth. But none stamps—was down to 6 percent in 1979. But the rate was nearly 30 percent back in 1950
of this would be possible if the idea did not answer a deep-seated human need: the need (Murray's estimate). It was 22 percent in 1960, and 12 percent in 1970. That's a decrease,
to see oneself as part of a larger whole with an identity, a history, and quite possibly a not an increase, and a portion of the decrease is surely ascribable to "the programs."
mission to the future as well. This need can be met by means other than nationality: by
religion, for instance, or by ethnic identity (though the latter often turns in due course into AKH0994 GOVERNMENT POLICY HAS MASSIVELY REDUCED ELDERLY
a form of nationalism). The anarchist, however, offers nothing to replace the nation: his POVERTY
ideal society is devoid of any features which might serve as a focus of identity. Ben Wattenberg, Fellow, American Enterprise Institute, THE FIRST UNIVERSAL
NATION, 1991, p.122
Net poverty for the elderly in Murray's time frame went down from about 40 percent to
about 4 percent. But this decline happened largely due to what Murray condemns, namely,
American social policy—which includes Social Security increases, and the advent of
Medicare and Supplemental Security Income.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 87
Ben Wattenberg, Fellow, American Enterprise Institute, THE FIRST UNIVERSAL John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S
NATION, 1991, p.123-4 HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.43-4
If you take the broad picture from 1959 to 1984, you are talking about a drop in poverty Despite these circumstances, the government programs of the post-Eisenhower era reduced
from 22 percent to 8 or 9 percent. That's a drop of two-thirds. That is not a failure. It would the percentage of Americans living in poverty by more than half, greatly surpassing the
seem to me that would be characterized as a partial success. It leaves twenty million people impact of even a substantial expansion of the private economy, which itself reduced
in poverty; that's a lot of people in poverty. I personally think the government has a role poverty by about 10 percent. Moreover, the private economy concentrated its smaller
and a duty to try to get those people out of poverty. Why did this happen? It seems to be contribution on helping those Americans who were in the strongest economic position. The
fairly elemental: it happened because the government threw money at problems. If you government's programs made their far larger contribution by reaching, and reducing
give poor people money or the equivalent of money, and then you try to measure it, you poverty within, the economically less-competitive groups of American people, groups of
are going to find that fewer people are poor. Americans whose situations had generally been ignored by the vigorous expansion of the
private sector.
NATION, 1991, p.135 John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S
Inequality is also substantially lessened when all money is counted. as officially measured, HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.34-5
the poorest fifth of American households gets only 3.8 percent of aggregate income. But When one takes all income except that transferred to individuals through governmental
under the adjusted, and more accurate, formula they get 4.9 percent. (That is an increase programs, census evidence for 1965 indicates that about 21.3 percent of the public would
of 29 percent.) Is the government responsible for this upgrading? Yes. Without have been living in poverty; in 1972, again considering all sources of income except that
government money transfers, the poverty rate would be 21 percent—40 percent for blacks. received from governmental programs, census figures show that about 19.2 percent of the
Without government money, the poorest fifty would only get 1.1 percent of the income pie. public would have been living in poverty, about one-tenth less than in 1965. Thus, the
Heartening. Whether you like the idea or not, at least the government seems to be doing private sector, in these times of substantial economic growth, reduced the percentage of
what it set out to do. Americans living in poverty by about one in every ten Americans' and exclusive of
governmental programs, even by 1972 almost one in five Americans would still have been
Ben Wattenberg, Fellow, American Enterprise Institute, THE FIRST UNIVERSAL
In some important ways, the "war on poverty" has been successful. In 1959, the poverty IN DISADVANTAGED GROUPS
rate for the elderly was 35 percent. In 1986 it was 12 percent, or somewhere between 3 John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S
percent and 8 percent if you count in (properly) the "non-cash" benefits. Poverty among HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.39
married-couple families has declined from 19 percent in 1959 to 7 percent in 1986, or 5 The circumstances of the 1960s and early 1970s demonstrate that while a prosperous
percent, counting "non-cash." economy may benefit the stronger economic groups, its impact on weaker groups can
equally be nonexistent, reducing some to even more dire situations. The government's
AKH0998 GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION IN THE 60S REDUCED POVERTY 60% programs were vital in fighting poverty precisely because the private sector was itself
John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S incapable of making more than a marginal dent in poverty among the many millions of
HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.32-3 Americans who remained trapped within the weaker economic groups, either too old to get
Perhaps the best overall indicator of the substantial progress made by the nation in the work or channeled into dead-end jobs that often paid little more than half-time wages for
battle against poverty after 1960 is that by the second half of the 1970s only 4 to 8 percent full-time work. Including their dependents more than 30 million Americans lived in such
of the American public remained beneath the poverty level compared with the 18 percent families.
in 1960. these figures take into account the income Americans received from every source,
including income from all private economic activities and the private sector as well as from AKH1005 THE PRIVATE SECTOR CAN'T SOLVE POVERTY
governmental programs. In the space of one generations, the economic growth of the items John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S
combined with the government's programs had reduced poverty among Americans by HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.57
about 60 percent. First, poverty in America cannot always be overcome by working continuously full time.
To this reality, more than 5 million members of American families can testify even today.
AKH0999 GOVERNMENT ANTI-POVERTY EFFORTS ARE GENERALLY Second, vigorous economic growth in the private sector does not necessarily reduce
EFFECTIVE poverty more than marginally. The years of some of the greatest sustained peacetime
John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S economic growth in many generations)the economic growth of the middle years of the
HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.57 post-Eisenhower era)powerfully attest to this point.
Third, the government's programs to attach poverty, though at times seriously flawed,
frequently were effective. They reduced poverty by more than half. they alleviated some AKH1006 ONLY DIRECT ASSISTANCE CAN RAISE MANY FROM POVERTY
of the grimmest conditions attendant to poverty, and they did so across the whole range of John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S
human needs pertaining to serious malnutrition, inadequate medical care, and overcrowded HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.51.
housing. In providing job training, they raised the economic fortunes of thousands of Sometimes we forget, however, that full-time employment is not always feasible for large
Americans. In providing early education to low-income children, they increased the numbers of people: for the elderly, for the permanently ill or disabled, and possibly also
potential of a great number of these children for success in both school and later for most single heads of families with very young children. Many millions of impoverished
employment. Americans are members of these groups. The manpower programs were relevant to
comparatively few of these people. To enable these Americans to rise out of poverty, the
AKH1000 POVERTY REDUCTION HAS BEEN ALMOST ENTIRELY DUE TO various direct assistance and in-kind programs of government constitute the only realistic
GOVERNMENT help that could have been made available. Nothing else would substitute.
John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S
In 1980, one in fifteen Americans faced the desperation of poverty, compared with about John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S
one in five americans just a generation earlier. This was accomplished, almost entirely, by HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.47-8.
the government. The best single index of a community's general health is reputed to be its infant mortality
rate. From 1965 to 1975, the overall infant mortality rate among the poor fell by fully 33
AKH1001 GOVERNMENT WAS FAR MORE EFFECTIVE THAN GROWTH IN percent. Gains among blacks were particularly evident. Between 1950 and 1965, before
REDUCING POVERTY the great expansion in the federal medical and nutritional programs, the infant mortality
John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S rate among blacks barely fell, from 44.5 per 1,000 births in 1950 to 40.3 in 1965.
HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.35 Following the expansion of the programs, the rate of black infant mortality declined
Obviously, the economy's growth during these highly prosperous years alleviated poverty quickly, from 40.3 in 1965 to 30.9 in 1970, and to 24.2 in 1975. There thus occurred about
only marginally. In contrast to private economic performance, consider the performance a fivefold increase in the speed of decline in the black infant mortality rate after 1965, a
of the programs of government. As a result of the government's programs, more than half change about twice as pronounced as that occurring in the non-minority population. Other
of the remaining 19 percent of impoverished Americans rose above the poverty line, examples of the impact of poverty programs on the mortality rates among lower-income
leaving about 9 percent of the American people below the poverty line by 1972; and by the Americans abound. The infant mortality rates in some impoverished geographical areas
late 1970s that figure was further reduced to between 7 and 8 percent, and possibly even were reduced by 50 percent within three to four years following the introduction of
lower. government-initiated nutritional and medical programs.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 88
VISITS John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S
John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.53
HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.46-7. The findings of the Baltimore study also show a significant increase in the wage levels of
Inequality describes the situation encountered by the medical programs and the programs the CETA participants. Comparing the wages of the participants employed before entering
for the elderly that were enacted in the middle of the 1960s. By 1970, only five years later, CETA with the real wages (after discounting for inflation) earned by the same participants
notable changes had already taken place, positive changes that were to continue into the after completing the program indicates an increase 15 percent. Starting at 70 percent of the
1970s. By 1970, the percentage of people living in poverty who had never visited a average wage in the Baltimore area, CETA participants had advanced to 89 percent of the
physician was reduced from 19 percent in 1963 to 8 percent. The percentage of average wage by 1978. The results of the only long-term analysis of a public jobs program
impoverished persons seeing a doctor at least once a year approached that of high-income suggest that the program was quite successful and that the program's impact did not
persons. The numbers of prenatal visits to physicians made by impoverished pregnant diminish.
women rose dramatically. Also, the numbers of visits made to general physicians by
impoverished persons increased. Reflecting the substantially higher rate of illness and AKH1015 COST-EFFECTIVENESS STUDIES SUPPORT JOB TRAINING
disease among impoverished people, the number of visits to general physicians grew to John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S
average 4.9 a year per individual among impoverished persons by 1970, as compared with HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.55
3.8 visits a year per individual among middle- and high-income persons. Most studies have discovered that the results of on-the-job training programs are even
superior to those of the in-house or institutional programs. In short, the great majority of
AKH1009 GOVERNMENT INCREASED ACCESS OF THE POOR TO MEDICAL cost-effectiveness studies on the manpower training programs suggest that these programs
CARE benefitted not only hundreds of thousands of participants but also the nation and the
John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S taxpayers.
HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.47.
Indeed, there can be little question that between 1963 and 1970 lower-income Americans AKH1016 JOB TRAINING IS COST-EFFECTIVE
gained increased access to medical care, an increase that is closely associated with the John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S
introduction of the federal medical programs. The accomplishments of the nutritional and HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.54.
the medical components of the poverty programs were associated, in turn, with substantial Analyses of the federal government's job-training programs under the earlier Manpower
improvements in the health of impoverished people. Development and Training Act have found, even more uniformly, that these programs
produced effective results. By 1965, seven of ten graduates of MDTA training programs
AKH1010 BEFORE MEDICAID MANY POOR HAD NO MEDICAL CARE AT ALL had been placed in the type of job for which they had been trained, including 94 percent
John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S of the participants completing on-the-job training. The overall dropout rate was less than
HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.46. that of the nation's high schools. Some estimates indicated that the taxes paid by the newly
A similar conclusion pertains to the results of governmental programs in the medical employed MDTA graduates would repay the costs of their training in five years. Nearly
sphere. In 1963, before the implementation of Medicare and Medicaid, fully one in five of every study of the Manpower Training and Development Act programs published after
those Americans living beneath the poverty level had never been examined by a physician, 1965 through to the establishment of CETA found similar results. Of the assessments using
at least not within their memory. In many respects, use of medical care was significantly cost-benefit analysis, the total benefits arising from the programs exceeded total costs in
lower among low-income people as compared with middle- and high-income groups, almost every case, at times surpassing an excess benefit over cost by more than 100
despite the higher incidence of illness and disease among impoverished persons. percent.

MALNUTRITION John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S
John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.56.
HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.45-6. In comparing children who participated in Head Start with those who did not, the study
The Field Foundation's observations suggest that the government's nutritional programs found that children who participated before the age of 6 were about 60 percent less likely
were almost fully effective in reducing flagrant malnutrition among Americans in locales to be assigned to special education classes in grade school or high school (thereby
of concentrated poverty across the nation, among both adults and children. It must be producing a savings for their school systems); were about 45 percent less likely to be held
understood that 83 percent of the food-stamp benefits went to persons whose income back a grade (again producing a substantial savings to the schools); exhibited a 7-point
would otherwise have fallen below the poverty level. Dr. Gordon Harper, another member increase in their IQ scores as an immediate result of the program, with a long-term increase
of the Field Foundation team, observed that since 1967 there had been "a striking decrease on average of about half that; had more favorable perceptions of the quality of their
in the number of grossly visible signs of malnutrition. Food stamps have made a critical schoolwork when in high school than did their non-Head Start cohorts: and were more
difference." likely to want to pursue higher education at a college or university. Needless to say, the
parents of the Head Start children were practically unanimous in their enthusiasm for the
AKH1012 GOVERNMENT EFFORTS DECREASED OVERCROWDED HOUSING program, a feeling that remained even among those parents who were interviewed almost
John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S a decade later.
HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.49.
Although the government played only a part, the combination of these forces accomplished AKH1018 HEAD START IS COST EFFECTIVE
much. In 1940, 20.2 percent of American households lived in overcrowded housing John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S
conditions (housing occupied by more than one person per room); twice as many, or 40 HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.56.
percent of black and other minority households, lived in overcrowded housing. Gradually, Did the benefits exceed the costs? In reducing the number of children who otherwise
overcrowded housing has been reduced. In 1950,16 percent of American households lived would have been held back in grade or who would have required special education later
in overcrowded housing; by 1960 the figure was about 12 percent, by 1970 about 9 and other such benefits, one study estimates that the benefits of Head Start have amounted
percent, and by 1976 less than 5 percent of all American households lived in overcrowded to approximately double the costs.
housing. The figure for black and minority families residing in overcrowded housing was
reduced by more than 50 percent between 1940 and 1970. AKH1019 GOVERNMENT ACTION DECREASED AIR AND WATER POLLUTION
John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S
John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S The nation thus experienced an absolute reversal in air pollution trends during the 1960s
HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.52-3 and 1970s, it also avoided further deterioration of its waters, the area in which
The most thorough study on the results of governmental programs over the long term governmental regulation was most confined. As with progress against poverty, these
concerns the effects of job training and job creation under the Comprehensive Employment accomplishments are well worth attention, though certainly they remain some distance
and Training Act. This study, the first of its kind, examined the employment careers of from perfection.
people for the five years subsequent to their CETA employment, covering the histories of
1,136 workers in and around the Baltimore area form 1973 through 1978. Most of the AKH1020 THE CLEAN AIR ACT DECREASED AIR POLLUTION
CETA participants were members of groups traditionally hard hit by unemployment: 60 John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S
percent were black. The study, carried out by Johns Hopkins University, took seven years HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.65-6.
to complete. The Johns Hopkins team discovered that the employment of CETA Progress is also reflected in the improving emission records of new automobiles. The 1970
participants jumped significantly following participation in the CETA program and that amendments to the Clean Air Act called for significant reductions in emissions by new
it continued to improve over the long term. automobiles on pain of stiff Fines for offending vehicles. By 1978, the emission of
hydrocarbons by new automobiles had declined by more than two-thirds and that of carbon
monoxide and nitrogen oxides had declined by half and one-third, respectively.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 89
John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S
HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.68. HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.42.
Although it is difficult to measure the total costs and benefits of pollution control with The work ethic continues to prevail in the United States. For the majority of AFDC
great precision, an attempt to do so was made by the Council on Environmental Quality recipients, the use of the federal government's major welfare program has been transitory,
in a report that consolidated the findings of a series of independent 1978 studies that had except when family heads are disabled. There exist few better indicators of the survival of
separately attempted to calculate costs and benefits. The report found that in 1978 the the work ethic than to note the special kinds of situations that have commonly led families
benefits of air-pollution controls with respect to health and other concerns could be to turn to AFDC assistance and the relatively high turnover of the majority of families on
reasonably estimated at about $21.4 billion. The costs borne by government to administer welfare.
air-pollution controls, and by the private sector to purchase and install pollution controls,
totaled about $16.6 billion. A similar estimate for the 1970s for the water-pollution control AKH1028 EMPLOYMENT INCREASED WITH THE WELFARE STATE
programs is not available. John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S
HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.40-1.
AKH1022 GOVERNMENT WASTE IS MUCH EXAGGERATED Another point, too, helps place matters in perspective. Following 1965, even as the
John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S government's poverty and welfare programs experienced their most rapid enlargement, the
HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.70. rate of increase in unemployment in the United States rose less than it did in most other
Waste, abuse, extravagance, and fraud-exactly how serious were these four components major Western nations. The vast expansion in the number of employed people after 1965,
of government inefficiency? "I call [theml the four horsemen of the budget apocalypse. an increase diminished hardly at all by the welfare programs, and the comparatively slow
Actually, they are tired old nags that have been trotted out by every presidential challenger. rate of growth in the nation's unemployment make it apparent that the expansion of the
No more than $4 billion could be saved that way," according to one respected economist, government's attempts to attack poverty had very little effect on the number of Americans
Walter Heller, professor of economics at the University of Minnesota and former chairman with the desire and incentive to work.
of the Council of Economic Advisers.
John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S Harvard law school is also a stronghold of Critical Legal Studies, a nihilistic neo-Marxist
HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.71. movement that views all law as oppressive and political. It is nihilistic because its members
Few noticed that about half the waste identified in the report came, amazingly, not from typically demand a destruction of current doctrine and hierarchies as illegitimate, but they
the domestic areas at all but from the foreign and defense areas. All the domestic programs acknowledge that they have no notion of what is to replace this society.
taken together were responsible for only about half. Also, the span of time the report
covered was not a year but eighteen months. When adjusted for these considerations, the AKH1030 CLS IS ABSURDLY UTOPIAN
report had actually divulged a yearly total of $11.8 billion in waste in the functioning of Bork, ex-Yale Law Prof, TEMPTING OF AMERICA, 1990, p.207-8.
the domestic programs-not a spindly sum, to be sure, but nevertheless a great distance from Another leader of the movement at Harvard is Professor Duncan Kennedy. He states that
the created impression of more than $30 billion of waste annually in the domestic realm. he is against illegitimate hierarchy, domination, and oppression. What he is for is utopian
Since overall domestic spending totaled approximately $370 billion in 1979, the speculation concerning an impossible Eden which aspires to a "shared vision of a social
inefficiencies in the domestic realm attributed by the special report to the four horsemen harmony so complete as to obviate the need for any rules at all." He has described his
of the budget apocalypse amounted to about 3 percent. philosophy as a "utopian fragment" that is "very egalitarian" and "somewhat erotic and
aesthetic." That, presumably, is why he has suggested that Harvard abolish all salary
AKH1024 FRAUD AND WASTE ARE MUCH GREATER IN BUSINESS THAN differences so that janitors and deans would be paid the same. Each member of the school
GOVERNMENT should rotate through different jobs, janitors to teach sometimes and professors to mop
John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S floors. Tenure should be abolished, admission to law school should be by lot, with quotas
HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.74-5. within the lottery for minority, female, and working-class students. The purpose of the
Nor should one ignore the fraud and abuse that occurs in private businesses. In the middle lottery device is to eliminate notions of merit and of better and poorer law schools.
of the 1970s the United States Chamber of Commerce calculated that fraud, embezzlement,
and other forms of white-collar crime totaled as much as $40 billion a year in private AKH1031 THE CLS CRITIQUE DOESN'T JUSTIFY REJECTING LAW
business and industry, costs that (like the top salaries and the showcase headquarters) are Stanley Fish, Duke English and Law Prof, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS FREE
largely passed on to the consumer. Forty billion dollars represented at the time about 4 SPEECH, 1994, p.21-2.
percent of all business revenue annually; this is somewhat greater than the percentage By regarding the rhetorical and legerdemain of the law as an achievement (as an "amazing
alleged to occur in all forms of loss (waste as well as fraud and abuse) in the federal trick") rather than as the matter of scandal, I forestall the call to reform that often
government's domestic programs, as reported by either the staff of the Republican Study accompanies CLS analyses. In these analyses, the direction of reform is said to follow from
Committee or President Reagan's council. the debunking of objectivist claims: since we now see that the vocabulary of legal
reasoning is circular, question begging, and endlessly manipulable, we should either
AKH1025 GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS CAUSE LITTLE DEPENDENCY abandon it for something more answerable to the demands of justice or employ it "under
John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S erasure," that is, with a tentativeness and reserve in keeping with our knowledge of its lack
HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.39-40. of an independent justification. But if we were to abandon the vocabulary of law for
The economic experience of the 1960s and 1970s equally belies a second familiar belief, something else, then we would have that something else and we would no longer have law;
that is, that welfare programs substantially reduce the incentive to work. True, some effect and as for retaining the vocabulary while at every moment questioning its legitimacy, the
is possible; it is most likely to be experienced by those Americans who remain at or near result would not be an improved legal practice but the obstruction of legal practice, since
the poverty level even when holding down full-time jobs. Nevertheless, neither the in the process the goals of legal practice—the rendering of decisions and the giving of
expansion of the poverty programs in the 1960s and 1970s, nor the decisive contribution remedies—would have been forever deferred.
they made to reducing poverty, seems to have come at the cost of much reduction in the
incentive of Americans to become a part of the work force and earn a living. To help set AKH1032 LIBERTY DEMOCRACY IS CLEARLY PREFERABLE TO ITS
the context, consider that the numbers of people seeking work and taking jobs increased ALTERNATIVES
at historically high rates during these years, by 35 percent in 1965-80 alone. Employment Fukuyama, Rand, THE END OF HISTORY AND THE LAST MAN, 1992, p.284.
climbed at a far faster pace during and after the great acceleration of the poverty and For virtually everybody in the developed world today, it is reasonably clear that liberal
welfare programs in 1965 80 than during the preceding fifteen-year period (employment democracy is vastly preferable to its major competitors, fascism and communism.
during 1950-65 rose by 21 percent.
AKH1026 AFDC DOESN'T PRODUCE LONG TERM DEPENDENCY Ben Wattenberg, Fellow, American Enterprise Institute, THE FIRST UNIVERSAL
John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S NATION, 1991, p.119
HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.42. Viewed broadly, our recent experiments in political economy each sort of work. At least
Critics contend that long-term welfare dependency frequently develops in these families. for a while. The conservative welfare state, alluded to earlier, seems to be working pretty
However, because having very young children to care for is so often a crucial factor, and well now. Of course, so too did the LBJ-style liberal welfare state. That leads one toward
because the total number of children in AFDC families is small (just over two children per a position that it is America that works well. Typically, when things do get out of joint,
family on average), AFDC actually experiences a high turnover. One study reports that 75 both our economics and our politics change sufficiently to make the boo-boo better.
percent of all AFDC cases close within three years; another puts the figure at 60 percent.
Since participation in AFDC is commonly a relatively transitional experience, it becomes
plausible that the most extensive exploration of family situations in America during the
late 1960s and the 1970s would find no significant evidence that children from welfare
families have themselves been disproportionately likely to go on welfare when they
subsequently set up their own households.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 90
Christopher Lasch, Professor of History, University of Rochester, THE REVOLT OF THE George Kateb, Amherst political scientist, DISSENT, Spring 1986, p.165.
ELITES, 1995, p.27 The American political system, as specified by the Constitution, is thus one case of
Any sense that the masses are riding the wave of history has long since departed. the political legitimacy. or, at least, the rules and procedures specified in the Constitution
radical movements that disturbed the peace of the twentieth century have failed one by one, accord perfectly with the principles of legitimacy, even if the American actuality, for one
and no successors have appeared on the horizon. the industrial working class, once the sort of large reason or other, shows only an imperfect, even though substantial, legitimacy.
mainstay of the socialist movement, has become a pitiful remnant of itself. the hope that I believe that the specifications and the actuality, in fact, show a closer approximation of
"new social movements" would take its place in the struggle against capitalism, which legitimacy than any other political system in the world.
briefly sustained the left in the late seventies and early eighties, has come to nothing. Not
only do the new social movements—feminism, gay rights, welfare rights, agitation against AKH1041 AMERICA'S GROSS INEQUALITIES HAVE BEEN REMEDIED
racial discrimination—have nothing in common, but their only coherent demand aims at Robert Nisbet, Columbia Sociologist, THE PRESENT AGE, 1988, p.116-7.
inclusion in the dominant structures rather than at a revolutionary transformation of social The major contributions of the Supreme Court and the Congress have been in the direction
relations. of equality—for women, for ethnic minorities, for workers, and other groups. There is not
the slightest question that even as late as the end of World War II there was much work in
AKH1035 APPEAL TO RIGHTS CAN FORCE DOMINANT GROUPS TO this direction that badly needed doing. Women, for one, had won the vote at the end of the
RECOGNIZE THEIR INCONSISTENCIES First World War, but little of an economic character followed from that needed reform. In
Margaret Radin and Frank Michelman, Professors of Law, Stanford and Harvard, many states, married women were still virtually barred from control, or even voice in, the
UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA LAW REVIEW, 1991, p.1039 finances they may have brought to their marriage. Discrimination in the marketplace, in
The knowledge of peoples of color, for example, has been that it is not just legal the office and the factory, was notorious. There was much to do, and in the egalitarian
consciousness but racial consciousness that supports (among whites) the prevailing power climate of opinion that has prevailed, a fair amount has been done. To compare the status
dispensations in American society. In the experience of peoples of color, the universalistic of gender, race, religion, and social class today with what was commonplace at the
idea of rights, indeed the very formalism of the idea, can become reconstructive. It can beginning of the present age is to envisage some very large social changes. it is not too
serve as a probe to the feeling—or if not to the feeling then to the nerve, to the much to say that in the respects just cited, most of the grosser forms of political and
motivation—of dominant group members who do not feel the "substantive" force of economic inequality have been met if not actually remedied in detail.
expostulations of need, or calls for reparation, coming from people they have learned to
see as different and subordinate. The trick is to make dominant society confront itself in AKH1042 AMERICA HAS MADE SIGNIFICANT PROGRESS ON RACE AND
the mirror of its own most idealistic professions. Pragmatist critical practice here means GENDER
seeing the possible effects, in practice and in context, of the formalism that is hallmark of Amitai Etzioni, GW Govt Prof, THE SPIRIT OF COMMUNITY, 1993, p.29.
the jurisprudence of rights. There is less discrimination now against minorities and women than there was thirty years
ago, not to mention compared with earlier periods. Instead of deliberate discrimination and
AKH1036 THE RULE OF LAW IS CRITICAL TO JUSTICE AND EQUALITY disenfranchisement to the point of lynching, there are scores upon scores of black elected
Walter Williams, George Mason University John M. Olin distinguished Professor of officials, and sheriffs, even in the Deep South. American males are learning that rate is a
Economics, GEORGETOWN LAW REVIEW, August 1991, p.1777. crime of violence and not something that women subconsciously ask for; they are even
If there is to be justice and civility in a society, there must be a semblance of rule of law. becoming more aware of the meaning of sexual harassment.
rule of law means that the law is abstract, applying equally to everyone. Referring to the
Latin term for law, there is rule by leges, as opposed to rule by privileges (private law). AKH1043 LAW'S MASKING TENDENCIES DON'T MAKE IT A FORM OF ELITIST
Moreover, rule of law means that, with the exception of minor instances, a person's status OPPRESSION
characteristics such as race, sex, religion, and origin of birth are immaterial in the eyes of Stanley Fish, Duke English and Law Prof, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS FREE
the law. SPEECH, 1994, p.21.
I refuse the conclusion to which my examples seem to be pointing, the CLS-style
AKH1037 HISTORY HAS PROVIDED LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC CAPITALISM THE conclusion that the law is a sham or an elitist conspiracy, and assert instead that these very
BEST SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT features of the law, even though they are in tension with the law's "official story," are what
Fukuyama, Rand, THE END OF HISTORY AND THE LAST MAN, 1992, p.46. enables the law to perform its task, the task of advertising its actions as following faithfully
We who live in stable, long-standing liberal democracies face an unusual situation. In our from general principles of justice, due process, impartiality, and so on while at the same
grandparents' time, many reasonable people could foresee a radiant socialist future in time tailoring and remaking those principles in accordance with the pressures exerted by
which private property and capitalism had been abolished, and in which politics itself was present-day exigencies. the law, in short, is always in the business of constructing the
somehow overcome. today, by contrast, we have trouble imagining a world that is radically foundations on which it claims to rest and in the business too of effacing all signs of that
better than our own, or a future that is not essentially democratic and capitalist. Within that construction so that its outcomes can be described as the end products of an inexorable and
framework, of course, many things could be improved: we could house the homeless, rule-based necessity.
guarantee opportunity for minorities and women, improve competitiveness, and create new
jobs. We can also imagine future worlds that are significantly worse than what we know AKH1044 CLASS DISPARITIES REFLECT DIFFERENCES IN EDUCATION, NOT
now, in which national, racial, or religious intolerance makes a comeback, or in which we ELITE OPPRESSION
are overwhelmed by war or environmental collapse. but we cannot picture to ourselves a Fukuyama, Rand, THE END OF HISTORY AND THE LAST MAN, 1992, p.116.
world that is essentially different from the present one, and at the same time better. Other, The class differences that exist in the contemporary United States, for example, are due
less reflective ages also thought of themselves as the best, but we arrived at this conclusion primarily to differences in education. There are few obstacles to the advancement of a
exhausted, as it were, from the pursuit of alternatives we felt had to be better than liberal person with the proper educational credentials. Inequality creeps into the system as a result
democracy. of unequal access to education; lack of education is the surest condemnation to second-
class citizenship.
At the end of history, there are no serious ideological competitors left to liberal democracy. INSTITUTIONAL FLAWS
In the past, people rejected liberal democracy because they believed that it was inferior to Fukuyama, Rand, THE END OF HISTORY AND THE LAST MAN, 1992, p.224.
monarchy, aristocracy, theocracy, fascism, communist totalitarianism, or whatever In the United States, Thomas Sowell has pointed to the sharp differences in income and
ideology they happen to believe in. But now, outside the Islamic world, there appears to education between the descendants of blacks who voluntarily immigrated from the West
be a general consensus that accepts liberal democracy's claims to be the most rational form Indies, and those who were brought directly to the country from Africa as slaves. Such
of government, that is, the state that realizes most fully either rational desire or rational differences suggest that economic performance is related not exclusively to environmental
recognition. conditions, like the presence or absence of economic opportunity, but to differences in
culture of the ethnic groups themselves as well.
John Schwarz, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, AMERICA'S AKH1046 CAPITALISM IS RELATIVELY EGALITARIAN
HIDDEN SUCCESS, 1983, p.60 Fukuyama, Rand, THE END OF HISTORY AND THE LAST MAN, 1992, p.290.
When Rachael Carson's Silent Spring was published in 1962, it ignited the environmental All truly liberal societies are in principle dedicated to the elimination of conventional
movement. Between 1963 and 1980, Congress adopted legislation intended to bring air and sources of inequality. In addition, the dynamism of capitalist economics tends to break
water pollution under control, foster coastal zone and other land-use planning, control strip down many conventional and cultural barriers to equality through its continually changing
mining, protect Alaskan lands, and regulate toxic wastes. demand for labor. A century of Marxist thought has accustomed us to think of capitalist
societies as highly inegalitarian, but the truth is that they are far more egalitarian in their
social effects than the agricultural societies they replaced. Capitalism is a dynamic force
which constantly attacks purely conventional social relationships, replacing inherited
privilege with new stratifications based on skill and education.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 91
Thus while the liberal project has been largely successful over the past four hundred years Ben Wattenberg, Fellow, American Enterprise Institute, THE FIRST UNIVERSAL
in excluding the more visible forms of megalothymia from political life, our society will NATION, 1991, p.72
continue to remain preoccupied with questions of equalizing dignity. Today in democratic There may be evidence that change is beginning. Out-of-wedlock birth rates have
America there is a host of people who devote their lives to the total and complete plateaued for blacks. Black violent-crime rates were falling before the crack epidemic hit.
elimination of any vestiges of inequality, making sure that no little girl should have to pay Now, although too high, drug abuse is falling for both races. And today there is a model
more to have her locks cut than a little boy, that no Boy Scout troop be closed to of a successful black middle class that can motivate and assist the personal upward
homosexual scoutmasters, that no building be built without a concrete wheelchair ramp mobility of blacks.
going up to the front door. These passions exist in American society because of, and not
despite, the smallness of its actual remaining inequalities. AKH1055 BLACKS NOW HAVE SUBSTANTIAL OPPORTUNITIES
Ben Wattenberg, Fellow, American Enterprise Institute, THE FIRST UNIVERSAL
Cathy Young, NYT BOOK REVIEW, Aug 21, 1994, p.26. Some NRC scholars (by no means all) understand that Kerner was misguided. Professor
Upper-middle-class teen-age girls sit around griping about "getting a bad deal" (unaware Glen Loury of Harvard, an NRC panelist, states: "By saying that implacable white racism
that, for instance, the wage gap they lament has almost closed for young women. brought about poor conditions, Kerner posed the situation as a white problem, not a black
problem. That is a harmful notion for blacks." Loury, who is black, is right. Efforts to root
AKH1049 AMERICA TODAY IS A RELATIVELY CLASSLESS SOCIETY out racial discrimination must continue. But the doors of opportunity are open. Loury
Fukuyama, Rand, THE END OF HISTORY AND THE LAST MAN, 1992, p.291. believes blacks are better served by focusing on open doors rather than blaming their
Middle-class societies will remain highly inegalitarian in certain respects, but the sources situation on racism.
of inequality will increasingly be attributable to the natural inequality of talents, the
economically necessary division of labor, and to culture. We may interpret Kojeve's AKH1056 THE MILITARY IS THE MOST INTEGRATED INSTITUTION IN
remark that postwar America had in effect achieved Marx's "classless society" in these AMERICA
terms: not that all social inequality was eliminated, but that those barriers which remained Ben Wattenberg, Fellow, American Enterprise Institute, THE FIRST UNIVERSAL
were in some respect "necessary and ineradicable," due to the nature of things rather than NATION, 1991, p.63
the will of man. Within those limits, such a society could be said to have achieved Marx's There is a fascinating article—mixing sociology, race and politics—in May's edition of the
"realm of freedom" by effectively abolishing natural need, and by permitting people to Atlantic magazine. The piece is "Success Story: Blacks in the Army," by Dr. Charles C.
appropriate what they wanted in return for a minimum (by any historical standard) amount Moskow, a Northwestern University sociologist who specializes in race relations in the
of work. U.S. military. To begin, Moskos believes this: The U.S. military is the most successfully
integrated institution in America. Consider: There are 400,000 blacks in the U.S. armed
AKH1050 RACISM HAS BEEN SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCED forces. That's almost 20 percent of the entire force, while blacks make up only about 12
Margaret Radin and Frank Michelman, Professors of Law, Stanford and Harvard, percent of the total population. In the Army, which Moskos has studied with particular
UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA LAW REVIEW, 1991, p.90-1 care, 30 percent of the personnel are black. Blacks, says Moskos, do pretty well in the
But whether it springs from self-righteousness or panic or a mixture of the two, the Army. About 30 percent of the Army's non-commissioned officers are now black. That's
assumption that most Americans remain racist at heart cannot stand up to close almost 100,000 black sergeants! It doesn't stop with NCOs: Fully 10 percent of the Army's
examination. The improvement of racial attitudes is one of the few positive developments officers are black, and the rate is rising. One in five of the Army's new ROTC graduate
of recent decades. Not that racial conflict has subsided, but it is a serious mistake to officers are black. the proportion of blacks in the incoming West Point class has gone up
interpret every conflict as evidence of the retrograde outlook of ordinary Americans, as a tenfold in one generation. Of the active generals in the Army today, 7 percent are black.
revival of the historic intolerance that has played so large a part in our country's history. More are on the way.
The new racism is reactive rather than residual, let alone resurgent. It is a response,
however inappropriate and offensive, to a double standard of racial justice that strikes most AKH1057 INTEGRATION OF THE MILITARY WILL SPREAD ELSEWHERE
Americans as unreasonable and unfair. Ben Wattenberg, Fellow, American Enterprise Institute, THE FIRST UNIVERSAL
NATION, 1991, p.64
AKH1051 BLACKS HAVE MADE MAJOR ADVANCES Moskos points to another heartening fact: Each year about 5,000 black officers and NCOs
Ben Wattenberg, Fellow, American Enterprise Institute, THE FIRST UNIVERSAL reach the young military retirement age and return to civilian work. This number will be
NATION, 1991, p.14 growing as the decades roll on. These are productive, disciplined people. They have been
The black community is clearly a troubled one. But blacks, too, have made enormous bossed by whites. And they have bossed whites. In the years to come, one may expect that
headway. The blacks involved in the Labor Day altercation at Virginia Beach in 1989 were these veterans will play a large roll in making integration more successful in the rest of
primarily college students. By one count there were an estimated 100,000 involved in that America.
one situation, almost as many as the total number of black college students in 1950. There
has been a geometric progression in the total number of black college graduates in AKH1058 NUTRITION AND LIFE EXPECTANCY ARE IMPROVING GLOBALLY
America. There were about 125,000 in 1950, double that in 1960, double that in 1970, Ben Wattenberg, Fellow, American Enterprise Institute, THE FIRST UNIVERSAL
double that in 1980, double that in 1990, to a total of more than two million. NATION, 1991, p.154
Ehrlich exploded on the scene with his 1968 book, The Population Bomb. It said that the
AKH1052 OPPORTUNITIES FOR BLACKS ARE IMPROVING American people were a "cancer on the planet," and that we would have to consider putting
Ben Wattenberg, Fellow, American Enterprise Institute, THE FIRST UNIVERSAL contraceptive chemicals in the water supply to control population. He said that the world
NATION, 1991, p.69 would soon see famines because of overpopulation, that longevity would diminish, that
To add to the confusion, the poll shows solid majorities of whites and solid pluralities of India was a dead duck, and that more people would cause more wars. Twenty years later,
blacks believing that opportunities for blacks have improved in the last 10 years and will no famines caused by overpopulation and caloric intake in the poor nations is up; longevity
continue to improve in the next 10. is way up, India is flourishing, and peace is breaking out everywhere.

Ben Wattenberg, Fellow, American Enterprise Institute, THE FIRST UNIVERSAL IMPROVEMENT
NATION, 1991, p.71 Ben Wattenberg, Fellow, American Enterprise Institute, THE FIRST UNIVERSAL
With progress in medicine and health-care coverage, black health has improved. Life NATION, 1991, p.156
expectancy at birth climbed for blacks by 5.6 years to 69.7 from 1970 to 1987. Infant Next, in terms of what has been measured by the Environmental Protection Agency, the
mortality improved from 1970 to 1986, falling from 32.6 deaths per thousand to 18. environment is healthier than it used to be by far. Pollution has diminished in fairly direct
Education reform may be paying off. The dropout rate is at a historic low. From 1980 to proportion to the amount of money spent to diminish it. That's not something that can be
1988, the rate of young blacks completing high school rose from 75 percent to 80 percent. said for every crisis.
The white rate stayed at 87 percent. The number of blacks who completed college climbed
from 1.1 million in 1980, 4.5 percent of all graduates, to an estimated 2.1 million in 1990, AKH1060 AIR AND WATER POLLUTION ARE DOWN
6.3 percent of the total. However, the rate of increase of black male highschool graduates Ben Wattenberg, Fellow, American Enterprise Institute, THE FIRST UNIVERSAL
entering college has now stalled. Still, blacks are moving into better jobs. About half are NATION, 1991, p.150.
now in the higher-salaried categories (white-collar and precision crafts), compared with New air-quality data from the EPA show that the enormous investments in clean air have
70 percent of whites. And the number of black elected officials climbed from 1,469 in been paying off. The EPA also says some forms of water pollution are down significantly.
1970 to 7,226 in 1989. And studies by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service indicate that populations of many game
species in North America, such as deer, have increased.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 92
Ben Wattenberg, Fellow, American Enterprise Institute, THE FIRST UNIVERSAL Amitai Etzioni, GW Govt Prof, THE SPIRIT OF COMMUNITY, 1993, p.48.
NATION, 1991, p.156 Third, the law as a deterrent has its place in any moral order. Morality rests on intricate
Moreover, near as can be figured, environmental pollution has not been very harmful. interactions among three factors: individual conscience, the moral voice of the community,
Elizabeth Whalen, of the American Council of Science and Health, says that of the 1 and the state. Each one helps to sustain the others. Hence, while it is best to build up
million annual preventable deaths in America, more are due to smoking and alcohol. Those individual consciences and community voices, communities must on occasion fall back to
due to pesticides or chemicals in the food supply, she says, account (by the best scientific the law. Without punishing those who do serious injury to our commonly held
estimate) for zero. And, she says, air pollution as a general cause of illness or death values—child abusers, toxic polluters, fathers who renege on child support, corporations
"provides an extremely minor or hypothetical contribution." who market unsafe drugs—no moral order can be sustained. We do not have to have the
coercive side of the law, but we cannot fail to recognize its place as a last resort.
MODERNITY, 1990, p.167-8 LAW
Within nation-states the intensifying of surveillance activities leads to increasing pressures Amitai Etzioni, GW Govt Prof, THE SPIRIT OF COMMUNITY, 1993, p.49.
for democratic participation (although not without pronounced countertrends). It is hardly I do not dispute that authorities sometimes get carried away and impose laws in an
accidental that there are virtually no states in the world today which do not call themselves authoritarian, even brutal, manner; the clubbing of Rodney King comes to mind. We need
"democratic," although clearly the range of specific governmental systems covered by this to be vigilant to protect one and all from such excesses. We cannot, however, oppose the
term is wide. Nor is this just rhetoric. States which label themselves as democratic always rule of law because it is sometimes absurd, any more than we can oppose government-
have some procedures for involving the citizenry in procedures of government, however subsidized school lunches just because people are sometimes force-fed.
minimal such involvement may be in practice. Why? Because the rulers of modern states
discover that effective government demands the active acquiescence of subject populations AKH1070 DEMOCRATIC CONSENSUS FAVORS RULE OF LAW
in ways that were neither possible nor necessary in pre-modern states." Trends towards Susan Estrich, former Harvard Law Prof, USA TODAY, Nov 3,1994, p.13A
polyarchy, defined as "the continuing responsiveness of the government to the preferences But make no mistake: Whatever the margins on Tuesday, there is a broad consensus among
of its citizens considered as political equals," however, tend at the moment to be the people here, if not among the commentators and advocates, that supports the rule of
concentrated at the level of the nation-state. law. That, too, is part of the American dream.

Margaret Radin and Frank Michelman, Professors of Law, Stanford and Harvard, Justice Fortas, CONCERNING DISSENT AND CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE, 1968, p.117-8
UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA LAW REVIEW, 1991, p.27 The achievement of liberty is man's indispensable condition of living; and yet, liberty
It is not just that the masses have lost interest in revolution; their political instincts are cannot exist unless it is restrained and restricted. The instrument of balancing these two
demonstrably more conservative than those of their self-appointed spokesmen and would- conflicting factors is the law. So we must end as we began, with an acknowledgement that
be liberators. It is the working and lower middle classes, after all, that favor limits on the rule of law is the essential condition of individual liberty as it is of the existence of the
abortion, cling to the two-parent family as a source of stability in a turbulent world, resist state.
experiments with "alternative lifestyles," and harbor deep reservations about affirmative
action and other ventures in large-scale social engineering. AKH1072 REJECTING RULE OF LAW LEADS TO DICTATORSHIP
Ian Buruma, NYT BOOK REVIEW, September 18, 1994, p.13.
AKH1064 INDETERMINACY AND SKEPTICISM DON'T UNDERMINE RULE OF The issue, then, as far as China is concerned, is precisely the one brought up by Ms.
LAW WuDunn. Will there be the rule of law, or government by shim? If it is the former, there
YALE LAW JOURNAL, January 1994, p.1029-1030. has to be more democracy, for dictators are above the law. That is what makes them
But the truth in skepticism need not leave us in the whirlpool of doubt. Reason, argument, dictators. And without the rule of law, whim is all there is left.
and justification are compatible with uncertainty and indeterminacy. Indeed, our
willingness to tolerate reasoned dissent and divergence is a measure of our commitment AKH1073 CHINA PROVES REJECTING RULE OF LAW LEADS TO TYRANNY
to reason's place in the public sphere. Reason is still secure for the rule of law, as long as Ian Buruma, NYT BOOK REVIEW, September 18, 1994, p.13.
the law is properly understood as a forum for argument and criticism and not for In fact, the weight of arbitrary, often petty tyranny falls heaviest on the people who are in
determinate conclusions. We may agree with Joseph Singer that outrage is necessary to the no position to fend the authorities off through bribery or other means. as Mr. Kristof and
struggle for social and individual justice, but we should never give up attempting to Ms. WuDunn say, life in China hinges on one's contacts, or guanxi, in high places. China
convince other that they, too, should be outraged. We should acknowledge the kernel of is a bit like a massive prison camp, where order is based on a Darwinian hierarchy in
truth in the skeptical critique and exploit the wider array of arguments available in an which the strong always bully the weak. Ms. WuDunn points out that China is ruled by
undetermined legal world, not shield our political and social order from rational scrutiny. individuals (renzhi), instead of by law (fazji). This is why corruption thrives on every step
of the social, political or economic ladder you will meet someone who demands his or her
AKH1065 THE RULE OF LAW DOES NOT CONSIST OF BLIND OBEDIENCE cut. Ms. WuDunn quite rightly calls this system "government by whim." And correctly she
Walter Williams, George Mason University, John M. Olin distinguished Professor of observes that "one of China's biggest challenges in the years ahead will be to build a fazhi,
Economics, GEORGETOWN LAW REVIEW, August 1991, p.1777. a system of laws, so that democracy and a market economy can take firmer root.
The principal of the rule of law does not mean blind obedience to legislative whims. Laws Otherwise, tomorrow's democrats may simply turn into the following day's autocrats.
written under the rule of law serve primarily to protect, not grant, those self-evident
inalienable rights such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. the function of the laws AKH1074 RULE OF LAW IS THE BEST SAFEGUARD AGAINST FASCISM
to protect these rights from violation. Equality under general rules of law is the only kind Walter Kaufmann, Princeton philosopher, FROM SHAKESPEARE TO
of equality that can be secured without destroying liberty. EXISTENTIALISM, 1980, p.111-2.
It is no wonder that the Nazis found small comfort in a book that is based on the conviction
AKH1066 THE IDEA OF RULE OF LAW NEEDS REFORM, NOT REJECTION that "the hatred of law, of right made determinate by law, is the shibboleth which reveals,
Francis Mootz, Professor of Law, Western New England College School of Law, and permits us to recognize infallibly, fanaticism, feeblemindedness, and the hypocrisy of
HOUSTON LAW REVIEW, Fall 1994, p.884-5 good intentions, however they may disguise themselves." In his Preface, too, Hegel called
The extent of critical detachment presumed by Schlag's total rejection of the usefulness of the law "the best shibboleth to distinguish the false brothers and friends of the so-called
discussing the rule of law is quite fantastic. An individual who truly could achieve this people." One may agree with Herbert Marcuse when he says in Reason and Revolution:
detachment would be exhibiting the paranoid style. I wholeheartedly share Schlag's Hegel and the rise of Social Theory: "There is no concept less compatible with fascist
assessment that the justificatory efforts of judges and scholars alike to define the rule of ideology than that which founds the state on a universal and rational law that safeguards
law has been framed by the unhelpful polarity of justify and redeem and constrain and the interests of every individual, whatever the contingencies of his natural social status."
control strategies. Yet the recognition in past formulations no longer suffice leads me to
attempt to articulate a new conception of the rule of law that accords with our experience. AKH1075 RULE OF LAW IS CRITICAL TO U.S. MODEL OF DEMOCRACY.
It is possible to destroy rigid conceptions of the rule of law without embracing endless Larry Diamond, Hoover Institute Senior Research Fellow, FOREIGN POLICY, Summer,
deconstruction that renders further discussion moot. 1992, p.29.
What distinguishes America most as a people and a nation is its commitment to political
AKH1067 RULE OF LAW IS KEY TO GUARANTEEING FAIRNESS and economic freedom, to openness, pluralism, democracy, and the rule of law. for that
H.N. Hirsch, U of Cal, San Diego Political Scientist, POLITICAL THEORY, August 1986, reason millions of people want to immigrate to the United States, and U.S. universities and
p.432. research centers are bursting with foreign-born talent. That commitment is why America
Surely there must be some fixed rules even in a strong community. The impartiality of the is so widely admired around the world, and why the products of American culture are
law—the substitution of explicit and general rules for discrete decisions based upon the everywhere in demand. Just as much as U.S. military and economic power, the U.S.
status of circumstances of particular individuals—is, after all, one of the greatest commitment to freedom and democracy is the reason so many countries and peoples
achievements of liberalism, and one of its principal methods of guaranteeing fairness. continue to look to America for international leadership.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 93
Fukuyama, Rand, THE END OF HISTORY AND THE LAST MAN, 1992, p.44. Fukuyama, Rand, THE END OF HISTORY AND THE LAST MAN, 1992, p.43.
It is also possible for a country to be democratic without being liberal, that is, without Democratic procedures can be manipulated by elites, and do not always accurately reflect
protecting the rights of individuals and minorities. A good example of this is the the will or true self-interests of the people, but once we move away from a formal
contemporary Islamic Republic of Iran, which has held regular elections that were definition, we open up the possibility of infinite abuse of the democratic principle. In this
reasonably fair by Third World standards, making the country more democratic than it was century, the greatest enemies of democracy have attacked "formal" democracy in the name
in the time of the Shah. Islamic Iran, however, is not a liberal state; there are no guarantees of "substantive" democracy. This was the justification used by Linin and the Bolshevik
of free speech, assembly, and, above all, of religion. The most elementary rights of Iranian party to close down the russian Constituent Assembly and proclaim a party dictatorship,
citizens are not protected by the rule of law, a situation that is worse for Iran's ethnic and which was to achieve substantive democracy "in the name of the people." Formal
religious minorities. democracy, on the other hand, provides real institutional safeguards against dictatorship,
and is much more likely to produce "substantive" democracy in the end.
In fact to the extent that the crucial liberal norm of publicity is emphasized, the rule of law William Frankena, U of Michigan Philosopher, ETHICS, 1973, p.36.
contains resources for avoiding the problem on discretionary bias, resources that are Against pure AU, which would not allow us to use any rules or generalizations from past
unavailable in modes of informal decisionmaking. experience but would insist that each and every time we calculate anew the effects of all
the actions open to us on the general welfare, it seems enough to reply that this is simply
AKH1078 RULE OF LAW IS NEEDED TO CHECK VIGILANTE VIOLENCE impracticable and that we must have rules of some kind—as we saw before in discussing
THE WASHINGTON POST, December 21, 1990, p.(Lexis). act-deonotological theories.
Dean said Babayan's decision to grab a gun and chase Shelton down the street was a
"vigilante response: from an outraged victim. Although some people might sympathize AKH1087 MORAL JUDGMENTS ARE INHERENTLY UNIVERSAL
with Babyan, Dean told the jury, "the sanctity of the rule of law keeps civilization from William Frankena, U of Michigan Philosopher, ETHICS, 1973, p.25.
chaos. don't let the law of the jungle get a toehold here." The fact is that when one makes a moral judgment in a particular situation, one implicitly
commits oneself to making the same judgment in any similar situation, even if the second
AKH1079 RULE OF LAW ENCOURAGES ECONOMIC GROWTH situation occurs at a different time or place, or involves another agent. Moral and value
FINANCIAL TIMES, May 6, 1994, p.(Lexis). predicates as such that if we belong to an action or object, they also belong to any other
Mr. Zedillo said that the absence of a strong legal system not only affected the action or object which has the same properties. If I say I ought to serve my country, I imply
administration of justice but was an impediment to economic efficiency. I believe that one that everyone ought to serve his country. The point involved here is called the Principle
of the essential conditions of sustainable economic growth is that a rule of law prevails. of Universalizability: if one judges that X is right or good, then one is committed to
I am sure that respect for the law will lend to more investment. judging that anything exactly like X, or like X in relevant respects, is right or good.
Otherwise he has no business using these words.
Justice Fortas, CONCERNING DISSENT AND CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE, 1968, p.120. William Frankena, U of Michigan Philosopher, ETHICS, 1973, p.24
Procedure is the bone structure of a democratic society; and the quality of procedural On the other side, two lines of argument may be advanced against act-deontological
standards which meet general acceptance—the quality of which is tolerable and theories. The first counts most against the more extreme ones, the other against them all.
permissible and acceptable conduct—determines the durability of the society and the The first is that it is practically impossible for us to do without rules. For one thing, we
survival possibilities of freedom within the society. cannot always put in the time and effort required to judge each situation anew.

Black, Yale Law Prof, PERSPECTIVES IN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, 1963, p.111. William Frankena, U of Michigan Philosopher, ETHICS, 1973, p.40
In practice, the guarantee of fair procedure is an adjunct to the guarantee against If we ask why we should be RUs rather than AUs, the RUs may answer, as berkeley did,
discrimination on racial and other irrational grounds; harsh and arbitrary procedures have by pointing to the difficulties (difficulties die to ignorance, bias, passion, carelessness, lack
their maximum impact on minority groups, and the setting of minimum standards for all of time, etc.) that would arise if, on each occasion of action, everyone were permitted to
gives most help to those most disadvantaged. decide for himself what he should do, even if he had the help of such rules of thumb as the
modified AU offers. The RU may then argue that it is for the greatest general good to have
AKH1082 FAIR PROCEDURE IS KEY TO PROTECTING INDIVIDUALS everyone acting wholly or at least largely on rules of the always-acting type instead of
Black, Yale Law Prof, PERSPECTIVES IN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, 1963, p.111. always making decisions on an AU basis. this would be a utilitarian argument for RU; and,
If all men were either criminals or angels, and if only angels were concerned in the as an argument, it has some plausibility.
administration of law, we would need no cannons of fair procedure; these exist to
neutralize, as far as may be, three factors, often working together: (1) The over-zeal of AKH1090 MORAL EDUCATION REQUIRES RULES
police and prosecutors; (2) the prejudices of the community; (3) the poverty and William Frankena, U of Michigan Philosopher, ETHICS, 1973, p.24
helplessness of most defendants—indeed of nearly all defendants, relative to the vast For another thing, rules are needed in the process of moral education. As R.M. Hare has
resources of the state. said, ...to learn to do anything is never to learn to do an individual act; it is always to learn
to do acts of a certain kind in a certain kind of situation; and this is to learn a
AKH1083 FREEDOM REQUIRE FAIR PROCEDURE principle...without principles we could not learn anything whatever from our elders...every
Black, Yale Law Prof, PERSPECTIVES IN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, 1963, p.111. generation would have to start from scratch and teach itself. But...self-teaching like all
Just as courage is the condition of every other virtue, fair procedure is a condition to every other teaching, is the teaching of principles.
freedom. If men could be convicted of burglary without pretense of fairness, it would be
simple to deal with people who uttered unpopular opinions as though they were burglars. AKH1091 ACT UTILITARIANISM CAUSES WIDESPREAD INJUSTICE
William Frankena, U of Michigan Philosopher, ETHICS, 1973, p.37
AKH1084 PROCEDURAL STANDARDS CAN REDUCE GOVERNMENT ABUSE Much of the same point has, in fact, been made recently both by deontologists and
Black, Yale Law Prof, PERSPECTIVES IN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, 1963, p.107. utilitarians, for example, by A.C. Ewing and r.B. Brandt. They contend that many actions
Constitutional law, enunciated by the Court, cannot produce thorough-going procedural that are and are ordinarily regarded as wrong would be right on an AU view consistently
regularity and fairness. Most unlawful police procedures are lost in the poverty of the applied. To show this they cite cases of a poor man stealing from a rich one to feed his
victims; most irregularity and bias is probably masked behind the plea of "guilty" and the family, a busy citizen not going to the polls on election day, a student crossing a university
silent departure for prison. A practice may be judicially condemned in a dramatic, hard- lawn, a society "punishing" an innocent person to prevent panic, or a woman breaking an
fought case; this does not mean that it is generally abandoned. Still, the enforcement of agreement to pay a boy for work done because she has a better use for her money. In such
standards in cases where they can be invoked probably has some good effect. guidance is cases, properly hedged about, it seems clear that the act in question may produce at least
given to those law-enforcement officers (hopefully the majority) who want to work within as great a balance of good over evil in general as any alternative open to the agent, and that
the law. Those otherwise minded—and they are certainly numerous—are put on notice that an AU must therefore judge it to be right. As Ewing puts it, It is indeed difficult to
conviction may be imperiled if minimum standards are disregarded. maintain that it cannot under any circumstances be right to lie, etc., on (act) utilitarian
grounds, e.g., to save life, but it seems to me pretty clear that (act) utilitarian principles,
logically carried out, would result in far more cheating, lying, and unfair action than any
good man would tolerate.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 94
UTILITY Patricia Williams, Professor of Law, Columbia, CRITICAL RACE THEORY, Richard
J.L. Mackie, Oxford Philosopher, ETHICS, 1977, p.136. Delgado, ed., 1995, p.88.
Conscientious feelings can attach themselves far more readily and more firmly to such While rights may not be ends in themselves, it remains that rights rhetoric has been and
specific rules as those of justice—for example, rules against invading what are recognized continues to be an effective form of discourse for blacks. The vocabulary of rights speaks
in a particular society as someone's rights, to keeping agreements, of not punishing the to an establishment that values the guise of stability, and from whom social change for the
innocent, and in general of making judicial and other analogous decisions impartially, by better must come (whether it is given, taken, or smuggled). Change argued for in the
reference to relevant considerations alone. There are, then, good reasons why such specific sheep's clothing of stability (i.e., 'rights') can be effective, even as it destabilizes certain
rules, rather than a general utilitarian principle, should form the core of morality in the other establishment values (i.e., segregation). The subtlety of rights' real instability thus
narrow sense. does not render unusable their persona of stability.

J.L. Mackie, Oxford Philosopher, ETHICS, 1977, p.129. Eileen Boris, Professor of History, Howard University, JOURNAL OF WOMEN'S
However, even if all the difficulties and indeterminacies mentioned in the last section were HISTORY, Summer 1994, p.120.
resolved, by argument or by decision, there would still be a fatal objection to the resulting ln demanding that they not be kicked around, in asserting their identity as mothers and not
act utilitarian system. It would be wholly impracticable. The system can, indeed, be looked only laborers, African-American women drew upon rights talk to break through the
at in several different ways, but this charge can be sustained against each interpretation in expectations, the cultural and economic constructs, of those in power. As historians we
turn. Suppose, first, that it is considered as a morality in the broad sense, as an all-inclusive need to listen to them. Through the voices of the past, we can hear multiple and complex
theory of conduct. Then, when utility or the general happiness is proposed as the understandings of rights, rights talk that breaks through scholarly categories and
immediate criterion of right action, it is intended that each agent should take the happiness constitutional discourse to compose a powerful demand for equality.
of all as his goal? This, surely, is too much to expect.
Patricia Williams, Professor of Law, Columbia, CRITICAL RACE THEORY, Richard HISTORY, Summer 1994, p.116.
Delgado, ed., 1995, p.89. Such perspectives on 'race', gender, and rights can help us read the texts of the past. I will
For blacks, therefore, the battle is not deconstructing rights, in a world of no rights; nor of illustrate this approach through three series of documents that come from preliminary
constructing statements of need, in a world of abundantly apparent need. Rather, the goal research on a project now entitled, "Disparate Equality: Race, Gender, and Federal
is to find a political mechanism that can confront the denial of need. The argument that Employment Policy from World War II to the Present." In these examples, we witness the
rights are disutile, even harmful, trivializes this aspect of black experience specifically, as use of rights talk by African-American women to gain better jobs during World War II.
well as that of any person or group whose genuine vulnerability has been protected by that
measure of actual entitlement which rights provide. AKH1102 RIGHTS ARE ISLANDS OF EMPOWERMENT
Eileen Boris, Professor of History, Howard University, JOURNAL OF WOMEN'S
Eileen Boris, Professor of History, Howard University, JOURNAL OF WOMEN'S Similarly, Patricia Williams claims: "In the law, rights are islands of empowerment. To be
HISTORY, Summer 1994, p.113. unrighted is to be disempowered, and the line between rights and no-rights is most often
But legal history is not merely composed of judicial decisions or case law. Other the line between dominators and oppressors. Rights contain images of power, and
understandings of rights coexisted with the dominant one that upheld individuality and the manipulating those images, either visually or linguistically, is central in the making and
private sphere and rejected state protection as paternalistic. What Ellen Carol DuBois has maintenance of rights. In principle, therefore, the more dizzying diverse the images that
noted about this contested conception of rights in the nineteenth-century women's are propagated, the more empowered we will be as a society."
movement can be extended to the African-American freedom struggle as well: as
something to be won and exercised collectively rather than individually; as the object of AKH1103 RIGHTS RHETORIC CONTRIBUTES TO RADICAL
political struggle as much as of judicial resolution; as that which government affirmatively CONSTITUTIONALISM
establishes rather than negatively shields; and above all as that which has greatest meaning Eileen Boris, Professor of History, Howard University, JOURNAL OF WOMEN'S
not to the powerful, who already enjoy their entitlements, but to the powerless, who have HISTORY, Summer 1994, p.114.
yet to have their full place in society recognized. Her historical reconstruction of rights talk Mari Matsuda draws on W. E. B. Du Bois to contend that "applying the double
within a freedom movement parallels the arguments made by critical race theorists. consciousness concept of rights rhetoric allows us to see that the victim of racism can have
a mainstream consciousness of the Bill of Rights, as well as a victim's consciousness.
AKH1096 THE CLS RIGHTS CRITIQUE IGNORES RACIAL ISSUES These two viewpoints can combine powerfully to create a radical constitutionalism that is
Eileen Boris, Professor of History, Howard University, JOURNAL OF WOMEN'S true to the radical roots of this country."
HISTORY, Summer 1994, p.112.
Critical race theorists have offered an alternative deconstruction of rights talk that AKH1104 RIGHTS TALK ALLOWS OUTSIDERS TO BE HEARD
challenges the one offered by white, and mostly male, critical legal scholars (the crits), the Eileen Boris, Professor of History, Howard University, JOURNAL OF WOMEN'S
law school equivalent to the new left-derived, radical history wing of our profession. HISTORY, Summer 1994, p.113-4.
Critical race theorists argue that inattention to racism has flawed the crits' critique of rights. Critical race theorists recognize the problematics of rights talk but emphasize how rights
talk allows outsiders to be heard in the U.S. constitutional and legal system. It provides a
AKH1097 THE CLS RIGHTS CRITIQUE IGNORES BLACK EXPERIENCE language for protest. Lumbee Indian tribe member Robert Williams, Jr. explains that
Patricia Williams, Professor of Law, Columbia, CRITICAL RACE THEORY, Richard "minority people committed themselves to these struggles, not to attain some
Delgado, ed., 1995, p.89. hegemonically functioning reification leading to false consciousness, but a seat in the front
To me, therefore, one of the most troubling positions advanced by some in CLS is that of of the bus, repatriation of treaty-guaranteed sacred lands, or a union card to carry into the
rights' actual disutility in political advancement. That position seems to discount entirely grape vineyards." He has called 'rights discourse' "the most effective of the insurrectionist
the voice and the experiences of blacks in this country, for whom politically effective discourses utilized in the struggles of people of color" because rights were not supposed
action has occurred mainly in connection with asserting or extending rights. to apply to such people, because such a discourse challenges mythologies about race and
power in the United States.
HISTORY, Summer 1994, p.115. Eileen Boris, Professor of History, Howard University, JOURNAL OF WOMEN'S
Feminist jurisprudence, like critical race theory, has sought to unmask the apparent HISTORY, Summer 1994, p.111.
neutrality of legal rules and norms. Critical race theorists have also attempted to expose Historians of Reconstruction, like Eric Foner, have documented the African-American
the ways that critiques by feminists have ignored 'race': their own as well as the quest for "rights." Indeed, the Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendments appear as responses
experiences and perspectives of racial/ethnic women. In her powerful critique of to a bottom-up movement on the part of freed women and men whose daily actions
essentialism in feminist thought, Angela Harris argues that "the self of a woman of color demanded "citizens' rights." The formerly enslaved, Foner argues, "challenged the nation
is not primarily a female self or a colored self, but a both-and self." Indeed, she reminds to live up to the full implications of its democratic creed and helped set in motion events
us, gender may not be the most salient category for a woman in a given situation. that fundamentally altered the definition of citizenship for all Americans." In the modern
civil rights movement, we again witness African Americans taking advantage of the gap
between the promise of America and its reality.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 95
Eileen Boris, Professor of History, Howard University, JOURNAL OF WOMEN'S Patricia Williams, Professor of Law, Columbia, CRITICAL RACE THEORY, Richard
HISTORY, Summer 1994, p.111. Delgado, ed., 1995, p.92.
As Williams explains, " 'Rights' feels new in the mouths of most black people. It is still The task for CLS, therefore, is not to discard rights, but to see through or past them so that
deliciously empowering to say.... The concept of rights, both positive and negative, is the they reflect a larger definition of privacy, and of property: so that privacy is fumed from
marker of our citizenship, our relation to others." In suggesting that the concept of rights exclusion based on self-regard into regard for another's fragile, mysterious autonomy; and
can empower the oppressed rather than merely coopt them, Williams asks that we so that property regains its ancient connotation of being a reflection of that part of the self
reconsider the relationship between gender, race, and rights. Just like activist which by virtue of its very externalization is universal. The task is to expand private
African-American club women in the early twentieth century, she suggests that legal rights property rights into a conception of civil rights, into the right to expect civility from others.
need not obliterate racial identity. The absence of rights gives a green light to racism.
AKH1107 BLACKS, RIGHTS AREN'T REIFIED ABSTRACTIONS Ben Wattenberg, Fellow, American Enterprise Institute, THE FIRST UNIVERSAL
Patricia Williams, Professor of Law, Columbia, CRITICAL RACE THEORY, Richard NATION, 1991, p.14
Delgado, ed., 1995, p.91. Does anyone in this day and age not know that women are productive workers? Women
To say that blacks never fully believed in rights is true; yet it is also true that blacks are doing well, very well, in the labor force. They are moving into better jobs, to better
believed in them so much and so hard that we gave them life where there was none before. levels of employment, and with higher pay ratios relative to men—with a speed that must
We held onto them, put the hope of them into our wombs, and mothered them--not just the surprise even the most vigorous feminists (when they are not publicly complaining in order
notion of them. We nurtured rights and gave rights life. And this was not the dry process the keep the heat on).
of reification, from which life is drained and reality fades as the cement of conceptual
determinism hardens round--but its opposite. This was the resurrection of life from AKH1114 THE FEMINIST REVOLUTION IS IRREVERSIBLE
400-year-old ashes; the Parthenon genesis of unfertilized hope. Patricia Smith, Professor of Philosophy, University of Kentucky, FEMINIST
AKH1108 EXPANDING RIGHTS UNLOCKS THEM FROM REIFICATION Thus, cultural revolutions should not be confused with political revolutions, which are not
Patricia Williams, Professor of Law, Columbia, CRITICAL RACE THEORY, Richard necessarily internal and not inevitable. Hostility to political revolutions makes sense.
Delgado, ed., 1995, p.92-3. Hostility to cultural revolutions is understandable but relatively useless. To return to my
In discarding rights altogether, one discards a symbol too deeply enmeshed in the psyche analogy, it really did not to do the Catholic church any good at all to reject Martin Luther
of the oppressed to lose without trauma and much resistance. Instead, society must give when the rest of the world was ready for him. At a certain point in time, certain ideas
them away. Unlock them from reification by giving them to slaves. Give them to trees. become part of history, and they cannot be reversed. They can be affected, sometimes
Give them to cows. Give them to history. Give them to rivers and rocks. Give to all of revised or modestly changed, possibly guided or directed, but not reversed or erased. This
society objects and untouchables the rights of privacy, integrity, and self-assertion; give is now the status of the women's movement and feminist thought. I cannot be reversed or
them distance and respect. Flood them with the animating spirit which rights-mythology erased. The bridges have been burned. This can easily be seen by comparing the lives of
fires in this country's most oppressed psyches, and wash away the shrouds of inanimate women today with those of one hundred years ago. Some of the biggest steps in the
object status, so that we may say not that we own gold, but that a luminous golden spirit revolution have already been taken, as is illustrated by the legal changes in the status of
owns us. women, which recognize them as independent individuals and equal citizens. Whether the
legal system fashions the future from cooperative endeavor or hammers it out of the
AKH1109 FOR BLACKS, RIGHTS ASSERTION PRODUCES SOLIDARITY AND adversarial system, it will respond to the requirement of social change.
Delgado, ed., 1995, p.89. Martha Nussbaum, prof of philosophy, Brown, NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS, Oct
For most blacks, on the other hand, running the risk--as well as having the power--of 20, 1994, p.60.
'stereo-typing' (a misuse of the naming process; a reduction of considered dimension rather Nor do they consider the historical analysis forcefully put forward by J. S. Mill in The
than an expansion) is a lesser historical evil than having been unnamed altogether. The Subjection of Women, according to which women's situation becomes far worse in eras
black experience of anonymity, the estrangement of being without a name, has been one mistrustful of reason and argument. It is hard enough at any time, Mill writes, to convince
of living in the oblivion of society's inverse, beyond the dimension of any consideration people of something that goes against their deeply entrenched interests and threatens their
at all. Thus, the experience of rights-assertion has been one of both solidarity and freedom, power. It is impossible to do so when they spurn the very mechanisms of reasoned
of empowerment of an internal and very personal sort; it has been a process of finding the persuasion.
Patricia Williams, Professor of Law, Columbia, CRITICAL RACE THEORY, Richard Martha Nussbaum, prof of philosophy, Brown, NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS, Oct
Delgado, ed., 1995, p.92. 20, 1994, p.60.
And 'without boundary' for blacks has meant not untrammelled vistas of possibility, but Why, then, have they not done so? Why is the assault on reason so attractive to some
the crushing weight of totalistic--bodily and spiritual--intrusion. 'Rights' feels so new in feminist thinkers? Four reasons, I believe, can be offered for the trend. First, these
the mouths of most black people. It is still so deliciously empowering to say. It is a sign feminists, like many other critical social thinkers, have been influenced by French theorists
for and a gift of selfhood that is very hard to contemplate reconstructing (deconstruction such as Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault, and by their criticisms of reason. To my
is too awful to think about!) at this point in history. It is the magic wand of visibility and mind perversely, they believe that these positions, which try to reduce reasons for a
invisibility, of inclusion and exclusion, of power and no-power. The concept of rights, both conviction to causes of that conviction and claim that arguments merely reflect the play of
positive and negative, is the marker of our citizenship, our participatoriness, our relation social and political forces, have in them something liberating and politically progressive.
to others. But one might reflect that if argument is to depend on the play of forces, the weaker will
always lose. What the weak seem to require is a situation in which reason prevails over
AKH1111 SUBSTITUTING NEEDS FOR RIGHTS REPRESENTS NO RHETORICAL force, and is given special respect. The deconstructionist might now reply that, as a matter
ADVANCE of fact, this never happens, and it is liberating at least to recognize this fact. To this one
Patricia Williams, Professor of Law, Columbia, CRITICAL RACE THEORY, Richard should say that the descriptive claim seems false)and that to make such dire claims as if
Delgado, ed., 1995, p.88. they reflected inevitable truth is likely to make them come true, by leading people to relax
Similarly, while the goals of CLS and of the direct victims of racism may be very much their vigilance about standards of argument.
the same, what is too often missing from CLS works is the acknowledgment that our
experiences of the same circumstances may be very, very different; the same symbol may
mean different things to each of us. At this level, for example, the insistence of Mark
Tushnet, Alan Freeman, and others that the 'needs' of the oppressed should be emphasized
rather than their 'rights' amounts to no more than a word game. It merely says that the
choice has been made to put 'reeds' in the mouth of a rights discourse--thus transforming
'need' into a new form of right. 'Need' then joins 'right' in the pantheon of reified
representations of what it is that you, I, and we want from ourselves and from society.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 96
Will Kymlicka, U of Toronto philosopher, CONTEMPORARY POLITICAL Patricia Smith, Professor of Philosophy, University of Kentucky, FEMINIST
PHILOSOPHY, 1990, p.275. JURISPRUDENCE, 1993, p.15
One central difference, according to Gilligan, is that accepting responsibility for others This is a question that literally could not have been asked less than thirty years ago. In
requires some positive concern for their welfare, whereas rights are essentially self- 1971 the Oxford English Dictionary defined sexism as an archaic seventeenth-century term
protection mechanisms that can be respected by simply leaving other people alone. Thus referring to a run of six cards in a game. In other words, sexism as we understand it today
she equates talk about rights with individualism and selfishness, and says that rights-based was not a word just thirty years ago. In those days (and notice what a short time that is)
duties to others are limited to reciprocal non-interference (Gilligan 1982: 22, 136, 147; cf. sexism could not be thought by ordinary people. Sexism could not be objected to because
Meyers 1987: 146). But this only holds for libertarian theories of rights. All of the other it could not be spoken; it certainly could not be a legal cause of action. But by 1980 all
theories I have examined recognize positive duties concerning the welfare of others. So dictionaries recognized sexism as referring to prejudice against women. The appearance
while the justice framework emphasizes people's rights, it is quite appropriate to say that of the word is significant, for it means that new questions can be asked, new issues can be
these rights impose responsibilities on others. And indeed that is how some of Gilligan's raised, and new objections can be formulated. Asking new questions demonstrates true
respondents describe their ethic of care. For example, one woman says that `People suffer, progress of human thought, and shows that the biggest step in the feminist revolution has
and that gives them certain rights, and that gives you a certain responsibility'. already been taken. Human thought has already changed. This is not to say, however, that
no work is left to be done. The project now is to determine all the implications of that
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
Of course these remarks violate the feminist metaphysics according to which every IN WORLD VIEW
institution of this society is irremediably sexist, and every male, even the most Patricia Smith, Professor of Philosophy, University of Kentucky, FEMINIST
sympathetic, ineradicably guilty by association with it. Some positions, even among JURISPRUDENCE, 1993, p.11
persons brought up in the logophallocentric West, are well beyond the reach of rational Cultural revolutions are profound but not violent. Cultural revolution is the discovery
argument. Feminist fundamentalism shares that distinction with other dogmatisms, such (usually after the fact) that everyone or almost everyone has joined a new order (usually
as religious fundamentalism; and when all is said and done, similar mentalities give rise without realizing it). It is internally developed rather than externally imposed. When
to both. women and men no longer think of women first and foremost as mothers, and secondarily
as anything else, then the world will have changed. When women are thought of and think
AKH1119 FEMINISM ISN'T A METHOD OF SCIENCE of themselves as primarily self-supporting and not as dependent, the world will have
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and changed. In sum when women and men actually think of themselves as equals, the world
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.25 will have changed. In a cultural revolution, what changes is what people think, their basic
Science does not work the way the critics say it works, and the program of reforms mooted assumptions about what is normal. So, cultural revolutions are inevitable because they
by the critics will turn it into something other, and less than, science. Enthusiastic recruits follow from a change of worldview.
to the cause of "feminist" science will have to face this contradiction sooner or later)most
likely sooner. They may then come to take the view, shared by most women scientists of AKH1127 OBJECTIVE REASON IS WOMEN'S BEST TOOL AGAINST SEXIST
our acquaintance, that feminism, whatever its strengths as a moral stance and a social PREJUDICE
program, is not a methodology for doing science: it does not offer any privileged insights Martha Nussbaum, Prof of Philosophy, Brown, NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS, Oct
into scientific questions. 20, 1994, p.59.
Convention and habit are women's enemies here, and reason their ally. Habit decrees that
AKH1120 WOMEN ARE MAKING LEADERSHIP GAINS what seems strange is impossible and "unnatural"; reason looks head on at the strange,
USA TODAY, Nov 9, 1994, p.7A refusing to assume that the current status quo is either immutable or in any normative sense
Female candidates were on their way to some historic ) though modest ) gains in races "natural." The appeal to reason and objectivity amounts to a request that the observer
nationwide Tuesday, but they also were racking up losses after a campaign season when refuse to be intimidated by habit, and look for cogent arguments based on evidence that
"women's issues" were rarely spotlighted. The election of Maine's Olympia Snowe to the has been carefully sifted for bias.
Senate and the re-election of Texas Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison set a GOP record: three
female senators, including Kansas' Nancy Kassebaum. AKH1128 CONTEMPORARY WOMEN EFFECTIVELY APPEAL TO OBJECTIVE
USA TODAY, Nov 9, 1994, p.7A 20, 1994, p.59.
"I'm impatient too ) I want to see it happen faster," said Ruth Mandel of the Center for In our own society the arguments of feminists make such appeals to reason and objectivity
American Women in Politics. "But in a way, the pace of progress for women is solid and all the time, and in a manner that closely resembles Platonic arguments. We no demand,
healthy, because it's not a flash in the pan." with Plato, that reproductive differences between men and women not be taken to be
relevant to hiring unless it can be shown that these differences affect job performance, as
AKH1122 WOMEN AND MINORITIES ARE INCREASINGLY REPRESENTED IN it rarely can. We point out that these differences are not disabilities until law and custom
THE JUDICIARY treat them in certain ways; and we expect to be heard.
USA TODAY, Nov 4, 1994, p.13A
Clinton has appointed more blacks to key spots in his administration and put more women AKH1129 ARISTOTELIAN REASON IS HIGHLY COMPATIBLE WITH FEMINISM
and black judges on the federal bench than any past president . Of Clinton's 129 judicial Martha Nussbaum, prof of philosophy, Brown, NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS, Oct
appointments, 60% are women or people of color. 20, 1994, p.61.
Unlike some modern pictures of reason prevalent in economics and elsewhere, the
AKH1123 WOMEN MADE MAJOR POLITICAL GAINS IN 92 Aristotelian view, Homiak argues, does not neglect the role of emotions in practical
USA TODAY, Nov 9, 1994, p.7A reasoning, nor does it neglect the importance of attachment and affiliation in a complete
Overall, women did not fare as well as they did in 1992, dubbed the "Year of the Woman" rational life. On the other hand, it insists that this life of affiliation)marriage, friendship,
in the wake of the Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas sexual harassment hearings. That year, the citizenship)be lived in accordance with a plan endorsed through reflection; in this way it
number of women in the Senate jumped to seven from two, and a record 24 new women provides a model for feminists eager to endorse the emotions while also affirming the
were elected to the House bringing the House total to 47. This year's likely gains looked values of self-respect and self-determination.
modest by comparison.
AKH1124 MOST AMERICAN'S FAVOR WOMEN'S RIGHTS Martha Nussbaum, prof of philosophy, Brown, NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS, Oct
Christopher Lasch, Professor of History, University of Rochester, THE REVOLT OF THE 20, 1994, p.62.
ELITES, 1995, p.110 And yet Margaret Atherton convincingly argues that Descarte's arguments for a genderless
There is a good deal of evidence, however)though Etzioni does not avail himself of it)that reason separated from and not determined by the nature of the body were in fact sources
Americans agree even about concrete issues, the very issues, prominent in recent years as of strength for women aspiring to equality. On the whole, the rationalist idea of a fixed
a source of bitter ideological conflict, on which agreement is allegedly impossible. Public human essence, far from promoting women's oppression, helped to advance their equality.
opinion polls show that large majorities favor the expansion of economic opportunities for For if we are not more than what we are made to be by society, and women appear to be
women. A Gallup poll conducted in 1987, moreover, found that 66 percent rejected the different, then they are different; but if we all have an inalienable rational core, then that
proposition that "women should return to their traditional role in society." core may be seen to exert moral claims even on those who would deny its presence. This
is the very argument in favor of Cartesian rationalism that was long ago made by Noam
Chomsky, who might have been mentioned in this connection. Atherton gives the
argument a firmer historical basis, and shows its continued appeal.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 97
Martha Nussbaum, prof of philosophy, Brown, NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS, Oct NORMATIVE APPEALS COHERENT
20, 1994, p.61-2. Martha Nussbaum, Prof of philosophy, Brown, NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS, Oct
A similar demonstration of the richness of the "canon" is to be found in Annette Baier's 20, 1994, p.62.
article on Hume, which argues that Hume's idea of reason as a natural embodied faculty But Rapaport should, with MacKinnon, go further: we need not only a concept of woman,
can help us investigate some of the interesting questions feminists have asked about but also a universal concept of the human being in order to say clearly what women need
traditional ideas of intellectual detachment. According to Baier, Hume argues that reason and what has been denied them. MacKinnon's well-known statement that "being a woman
is not a quasi-divine faculty, but a natural embodied capacity that human beings share with is not yet a way of being a human being" ) i.e., that women are not granted the status of
other creatures who learn from experience. He anticipates the modern feminist argument human beings ) derives its argumentative force from a rather Kantian (or Platonic) notion
that human "norms, including norms for acquiring language, are social in their genesis as of a common humanity that underlies gender and gives rise to claims of equal rights.
well as in their intended scope." Later in the book, Helen Longino, a philosopher of "Being a tree is not yet a way of being a human being" has no moral force; it is only
science, develops with very line of argument (though without reference to Hume), against a background assumption that women are indeed human (have needs, capacities,
emphasizing the importance of social context and shared standards in acquiring scientific and rights similar to those of men) that the claim that their way of life is not fully human
knowledge. Baier's claim for Hume's relevance to current feminist projects thus receives has moral force.
strong support.
REAL OBJECTIVITY Martha Nussbaum, prof of philosophy, Brown, NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS, Oct
Martha Nussbaum, Prof of Philosophy, Brown, NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS, Oct 20, 1994, p.63.
20, 1994, p.59. She then makes the equally obvious point (which still bears repeating) that the old norm
The claim of objectivity had been used as a screen to mask mere prejudice against the new of objectivity was in a sense more attractive for feminists than the norms that feminists
and strange. Critical to the case was this distinction between a pretense of objectivity and now defend. For if we could get to the real truth by purifying ourselves of all social and
real objectivity. And so, at Brown as in Athens: "the appearance of absurdity ebbed away historical influences, and if this were a project that had any real hope of being achieved,
under the influence of reason's judgment about the best." then arguments in favor of women's equality and dignity would be, at least in principle,
easy to assess. If, on the other hand, we grant (persuaded by the arguments of W.V. Quine,
AKH1133 MALE ABUSES OF OBJECTIVITY ARE THE PROBLEM, NOT Nelson Goodman, and others as well) that history, culture, and human interests always
OBJECTIVITY ITSELF color inquiry in one way or another, we saddle ourselves with the much more subtle and
Martha Nussbaum, prof of philosophy, Brown, NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS, Oct tricky task of demarcating, in any inquiry, between the legitimate and valuable historical
20, 1994, p.60-1. and cultural influences and those that are not so valuable. We run the risk that many will
Third, feminists note that males who wish to justify the oppression of women have despair of accomplishing the task; they may suppose that the search for knowledge really
frequently made a pretense of objectivity and of freedom from bias in sifting evidence, and is nothing else but a kind of power-seeking, in which ideology in effect displaces
have used the claim of objectivity to protect their biased judgments from rational scrutiny. epistemology.
More than a little perversely, some feminists have blamed this behavior on the norm of
objectivity itself, rather than on its abusers. AKH1140 FEMINIST REJECTION OF RULES CAN BE DISABLING
Margaret Radin and Frank Michelman, Professors of Law, Stanford and Harvard,
PATRIARCHY In response to classical doctrinalism and certain traditional forms of rights theory, many
Martha Nussbaum, prof of philosophy, Brown, NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS, Oct feminists have strongly doubted the value of a priori, rule-like normative structures as
20, 1994, p.60. compared with situated decisionmaking and acknowledgment of the contingencies of
Second, feminists working in philosophy note that the philosophical tradition has existed context. Like their pragmatist neighbors, feminists can be tempted into disabling radical
alongside patriarchal and oppressive institutions. Then, in a fallacious for of argument that particularism. Moreover, radical particularism can become especially tempting when
one might designate cum hoc, ergo propter hoc, they blame the philosophical tradition for feminists adopt too rigid a rule that rule-like structures are masculine (to be rejected) and
these abuses)even though some of the philosophers in the tradition were social radicals non-like procedures are feminine (to be adopted).
who argued vehemently against them, and still others provided in their thought the bases
for a critical assault on unjust practices. AKH1141 THE FEMINIST DISTINCTION BETWEEN RIGHTS AND DUTIES
Martha Nussbaum, prof of philosophy, Brown, NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS, Oct PHILOSOPHY, 1990, p.275-6.
20, 1994, p.60. Once we abandon the libertarian construal of rights as non-interference, the whole contrast
What I am claiming is that the opposition to women's equality, whether in secular or in between responsibilities and rights threatens to collapse (Okin 1990: 157). As Broughton
religious dress, derives support from the claim that traditional norms of objectivity are puts it, `Gilligan and her subjects seem to presuppose something like "the right of all to
merely a parochial liberal ideology. Women in philosophy have, it seems, good reasons, respect as a person", "the right to be treated sympathetically and as an equal", and "the duty
both theoretical and urgently practical, to hold fast to standards of reason and objectivity. to respect and not to hurt others"'. Hence `it is difficult to see in what way she is not here
recommending more or less binding rights and duties or perhaps even "principles" of
AKH1136 REJECTION OF OBJECTIVE STANDARDS HURTS WOMEN personal welfare and benevolent concern.'
Martha Nussbaum, Prof of philosophy, Brown, NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS, Oct
It seems unwise for a feminist to ally herself with McConnell's position on reason and ETHIC OF JUSTICE
truth, since this position could all too easily be used to defend the firing of women who Will Kymlicka, U of Toronto philosopher, CONTEMPORARY POLITICAL
criticize the position of their church on feminist issues. Yet by espousing deconstructionist PHILOSOPHY, 1990, p.276.
ideas, many feminist academics have zealously denied that objective standards can be And while Gilligan insists that the two ethics are fundamentally different,she herself seems
defended. If those ideas were convincing on other grounds, one might have to put up with undecided about their relationship. She `shifts between the ideas that the two ethics are
these difficult practical consequences. But one certainly should not favor them for the sake incompatible alternatives to each other but are both adequate from a normative point of
of their practical consequences)as frequently happens, I believe, in feminist debate. view; that they are complements of one another involved in some sort of tense interplay;
and that each is deficient without the other and thus ought to be integrated' (Flanagan and
AKH1137 THE FEMINIST CRITIQUE OF REASON IS SELF-DEFEATING Jackson 1987: 628). These shifts should not be surprising if, as I have argued, the key
Martha Nussbaum, Prof of Philosophy, Brown, NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS, Oct concepts Gilligan uses to distinguish the two ethics do not define genuine contrasts.
20, 1994, p.59.
The feminist assault on reason is troubling because the arguments in its favor are for the
most part weak, as I shall shortly argue, and because these arguments uphold a picture of
women that feminists have worked for centuries to overturn. Nor do these weak arguments
advance the political goals for which some feminists may favor them. For a mirror image
of the assault on traditional conceptions of objectivity has recently been mounted by some
conservative thinkers against the very norms of academic freedom and academic
objectivity to which women in today's academy must look for the defense of their
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 98
Will Kymlicka, U of Toronto philosopher, CONTEMPORARY POLITICAL LENS
PHILOSOPHY, 1990, p.246-7. Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
Liberalism's commitment to autonomy and equal opportunity, and to an ambition-sensitive, Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.225-6
endowment-insensitive distribution of resources, rules out traditional gender divisions. Totalism, as we would define it, is the impulse to bring the entire range of human
There seems to be no reason why the gender-bias of existing social roles would not be phenomena within the rubric of a favored doctrinal system. It erects ideological categories
recognized by the contractors in Rawls's original position as a source of injustice. While which are viewed as primary, privileged, and comprehensive. Totalism of this kind has
Rawls himself says nothing about how his contractors would interpret sex equality, others been the historic tendency of organized religion as we have known it since the end of
have argued that the logic of Rawls's construction)i.e. the commitment to eliminating classical paganism. Religion, however, has no monopoly in this respect. Marxism, to take
undeserved inequalities, and to the freedom to choose our ends)requires radical reform. one inevitable example, is just such a totalizing system, especially as amplified and
For example, Karne Green argues that the contractors' interest in equal liberty requires interpreted by a monomaniacal thinker such as Lenin. Hard-core Marxists assume that all
redistributing domestic labour (green 1986: 31-5). And Susan Okin argues that Rawls's history and culture, all social phenomena in fact, are to be explained by the so-called laws
contractors would insist on a more complete attack on the system of gender differentiation, of historical development set forth by Marx and elaborated by certain privileged
eliminating both the unequal domestic division of labour and sexual objectification (Okin successors. Marxists assert that the economic order of society, as reflected in class
1987: 67-8). Similar conclusions about the injustice of traditional gender-roles can be relations, underlies everything and that all other aspects of social life)morals, law, art,
reached if we ask whether these roles pass Dworkin's test of fairness. political principles, and all the rest)are derivative, mere epiphenomena. The exact sciences
too are subject to this scheme.
Christina Sommers, Professor of Philosophy, Clark University, WHO STOLE AKH1148 SCIENCE ISN'T' GENDER BIASED)IT WORKS AS WELL FOR
What do mainstream philosophers make of the idea of "standpoint theories"? Professor Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
Susan Haack of the University of Miami is one of the most respected epistemologists in Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.141
the country. She is also an equity feminist. In December 1992 she participated in a There are no developments in the history and philosophy of science that prove a social
symposium on feminist philosophy at meetings of the American Philosophical Association. (masculinist, ideological) construction of the final product of empirical science. The best
It was a unique event. For once, someone outside the insular little world of gender evidence of such a negative is the set of plain truths that science (in the guise of, say
feminism was asked to comment on gender feminist theories of knowledge. Watching penicillin) works just as well for Australian aborigines (male and female) as it does on
Professor Haack critique the "standpoint theorists" was a little like watching a chess Englishmen (and women); or that certain fundamentalist Christians, firmly convinced in
grandmaster defeat all opponents in a simultaneous exhibition, blindfolded. Haack told the their social conditioning that the world is just a few thousand years old, may nevertheless
audience that she finds the idea of "female ways of knowing" as puzzling as the idea of a die in earthquakes, whose underlying tectonic processes require intervals thousands of
Republican epistemology or a senior citizens' epistemology. Some of her arguments are times that long.
too technical to review here. I cite only a few of her criticisms: I am not convinced that
there are any distinctively female "ways of knowing." All any human being has to go on, AKH1149 THERE ARE NO EXAMPLES OF UNIQUELY FEMINIST SCIENCE
in figuring out how things are, is his or her sensory and introspective experience, and the Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
explanatory theorizing he or she devises to accommodate it; and differences in cognitive Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.111-12
style, like differences in handwriting, seem more individual than gender-determined. Recent feminist theorizing about the sciences therefore contains heavy doses of dogma.
The claims are immensely strong and usually counterintuitive; it would seem that a
AKH1145 THE ETHIC OF CARE REINFORCES OPPRESSION correspondingly powerful case, built upon incontrovertible evidence and bound together
Margaret Radin and Frank Michelman, Professors of Law, Stanford and Harvard, with iron logic, would be required to make them credible. We would have to be shown that
UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA LAW REVIEW, 1991, p.1050 there are palpable defects, due to the inadequacies of a male perspective, in heretofore
The pragmatist-feminist objects that this essentializing stance excludes women from a solid-looking science and that the flawed theories can be repaired or replaced by feminist
moral tradition that has its redemptive side; and, moreover, that this exclusion may insights. The issue before us is knowledge, scientific knowledge specifically, and the
excessively inhibit any aspirationally inclusive society from trafficking at all with that extent to which the prevalent feminist critique, as agent of methodological or conceptual
tradition. Perhaps more importantly, the pragmatist-feminist continues, the essentializing change, is relevant to its advance. To examine the issue we need (and are led by feminist
stance tends to entrench a current cultural understanding of women's limited nature, a authors to expect) not just stories of past or present discrimination, but examples of
cultural understanding that many women and men find injurious and want to dissolve. scientific knowledge informed, reformed, enhanced by feminism. As far as we are aware,
Feminism would thus put itself at odds with its own pragmatic doubt that current cultural there are as yet no examples. It's that simple.
constructions of feminine "nature" are separable from the detritus of an oppressive
ideology of gender. Worthy and precious as it is, the ethic of care as we know it may also AKH1150 THE WORK OF FEMALE SCIENTISTS DOESN'T DIFFER FROM MALE
be a cultural complex of traits useful to a group existing under oppression. Without SCIENTISTS
conceding the indefinite continuation of women's oppression, we cannot regard such a Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
complex as essential or peculiar to women. Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.141-2
And finally, McClintock's splendid work was (almost, but not quite) overlooked for some
AKH1146 RADICAL FEMINISM IS A TOTALIZING IDEOLOGY years, but there is no convincing closeness to the experimental material, her willingness
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and to "listen to it," is characteristic of the work of some scientists and less so of others. There
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.226-7 are no data suggesting that women scientists display the characteristic, in general, more
Leaving aside the vanity of sociologists, which, on the scale of human folly, is hardly often than do men. Moreover there is no lack of abstraction in McClintock's work: it is
worse than that of physicists, the totalizing instinct is found to be firmly embedded in some solidly grounded in the abstractions of formal genetics. She simply saw things that others
current modes of radical thought which in other respects have put themselves at a distance didn't see. Her finest work supports the still-powerful Popperian idea that good science
from traditional Marxism. Feminism, at its most aggressive and confrontational, is consists in framing hypotheses so that they are refutable and then designing experiments
obviously one such system of thought. As totalizers, radical feminist theorists are easily to do just that.
a match for the most rigid Marxist. The lurking idea behind this presumptuousness seems
to be that the situation of women in society cannot be viewed merely as a "problem," AKH1151 THE FEMINIST KRITIK FOCUSES ON THE LANGUAGE NOT THE
susceptible to pragmatic amelioration. Rather, it must be seen as foundational, as having SUBSTANCE OF SCIENCE
cosmic dimensions, and thus it can be redeemed only by a wholesale reconstitution of the Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and
entire social fabric. Radical feminism in this vein not only makes a claim on received Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.112
notions of equity and justice but appropriates the whole notion of justice to itself. It Not surprisingly, given the academic backgrounds or venues of many of its champions, the
demands to be recognized as morally omnicopetent. It follows that no institution of the feminist critique is overwhelmingly concerned with metaphor, rather than with the logical
existing order may be viewed as free of the original sin of sexism, for to exempt anything content and analysis of scientific results. But scientific results, we must insist, are not
from the surveillance of the feminist ethic is to deny the absolute priority of feminist simply metaphors. If they survive, they do so because they work, for a large number of
values. people of hugely varied backgrounds and interests, that is, they function as distinctly more
than images or figures of speech, and their values are, likewise, more than merely
figurative. What we learn from the critiques is unexceptional and also not in the least
surprising: that men have traditionally dominated the upper reaches of science (and nearly
everything else); that their idiom, especially in informal speech, has reflected that
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 99
INCIDENTAL LANGUAGE Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota,
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.828.
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.123 Moreover, behavior that is widespread may seem trivial to members of a dominant group
There is always much ado among feminist science-critics, as must now be clear, about but quite significant to members of subordinated groups. Because legal analysis is often
tendentious interpretive language. These critics are governed by the impulse to take based on informal experience and folk wisdom rather than rigorous social science, these
language very seriously, even when it is clearly metaphorical or simply whimsical. Their problems may lead to mistaken policy recommendations. Legal storytelling is unlikely to
censoriousness applies just as strongly to the offhand self-deprecations of the late, brilliant correct these forms of bias because the problems themselves stem from broader social
Richard Feynman as to the turgid metaphors of Francis Bacon (who did little of scientific conditions. More effective solutions include integration and affirmative action, both of
value and goes unread by the vast majority of scientists). The temptation to construe which attack the problem directly by broadening the personal contacts of the individuals
colloquialisms as tokens of deep epistemological error has been a ceaseless element of involved.
feminist criticism, and one of the most fatuous.
SCIENCE Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota,
Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.825-6.
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.126. One possible interpretation of Delgado's statements is that groups have radically different
Let us not pretend, though, that masculinism prevails any longer in the metaphors, let alone ways of thinking about the world, which can be effectively bridged through stories. This
in the substance, of science. That substance, we are forced to report, seems stubbornly is a strong claim, possibly stronger than he intends to make. In any event, it is a position
resistant to spin applied in either direction. You may choose to see spermatozoa as a that we find untenable. In Part 1, we called into question the assumption that the "different
mindless mob, each one a chromosome set strapped to a hotrod; or you may see them as voices" of subordinated groups reflect radically different ways of thought. Moreover, if
streamlined engines of delivery for the indispensable paternal genes, without which there whites did inhabit a socially constructed reality wholly distinct from people of color, it
can be none of the combinatorial advantages of sex. The less of such ''seeing," the better would be difficult to understand how communication across this gulf could take place. Any
the science. Neither trope matters in the slightest when serious scientific issues are on the sentence uttered by a person of color, under this assumption, would be connected with one
line. What matters is the evolutionary consequence of sex in reproduction, from microbial coherent world-view in the mind of the speaker, but a white listener could only understand
to human. What matter are the remarkable details of devices for sexual genetic the sentence within her own, equally coherent but quite different, world-view. In essence,
recombination. What matters is the physics, the chemistry, and the information content of the speaker would be using one language and the hearer would be listening to a completely
the sperm and of the egg, and what happens when all those become the property of a new, different one, even though the words of both languages would sound identical. Thus this
single, diploid cell-the zygote, the beginning of an individual multicellular life. view calls into question the enterprise of storytelling itself as a means of communication.

Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, University of Virginia Professor of Life Sciences and Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota,
Rutgers University Professor of Mathematics, HIGHER SUPERSTITION, 1994, p.110. STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.828.
What are the realities of discrimination against women in science today, at least in the And to the extent that vicarious contacts through stories can be used to supplement these
American universities. We take a position that is not likely, in the climate described, to direct solutions, there is little reason to think that the publication of stories in law reviews
endear us to a majority of our colleagues in or out of the sciences, or to the political and is the best solution. For example, novels can provide much more textured versions of
administrative avant-garde. It is that sexist discrimination, while certainly not vanished individual experiences, while movies and television have greater dramatic impact and
into history, is largely vestigial in the universities; that the only widespread, obvious reach far larger audiences than law review prose. Moreover, there is reason to question
discrimination today is against white males. These days, nearly half of all medical students whether the personal stories of middle-class law professors can accurately convey the
are women, and the ratio is accurately reflected in the proportion of women among perspectives of the truly disadvantaged.
residents in training and among younger practitioners. A similar situation is found in
biomedical research. The numbers are comparable, furthermore, in psychology and AKH1160 NARRATIVE DOESN'T UNIQUELY EMPOWER MINORITIES
anthropology In the "harder" sciences- mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, Professors of Law, University of Minnesota,
science-the proportion of women is much smaller, but it is growing. CRITICAL RACE THEORY, Richard Delgado, ed., 1995, p.287.
These efforts to link stories with the voice of color are problematic. White men clearly do
AKH1155 PROPONENTS OF NARRATIVE OVERSTATE THEIR EFFECTIVENESS tell stories. In fact, many European cultures have rich storytelling traditions. Moreover, a
Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota, number of critical race theorists themselves assert that dominant groups, as well as
STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.826. conservative members of minority groups, tell their own stories, and that the difference
The claim, then, is only that racial or gender attitudes of "insiders" can be powerfully between their stories and those of outsiders is simply that the former are more readily
transformed by exposure to stories. However, even this limited claim about the effect of accepted.
stories seems implausible. Some advocates of storytelling place excessive confidence in
the ability of language to change fundamental beliefs; one scholar goes so far as to call AKH1161 THERE IS NO UNIQUE VOICE OF COLOR
rhetoric "a magical thing . . . [that] transforms things into their opposites" and makes Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, Professors of Law, University of Minnesota,
"[d]ifficult choices become obvious." Although we agree that stories can sometimes CRITICAL RACE THEORY, Richard Delgado, ed., 1995, p.288-9
significantly affect their audiences, these writers seem to have markedly unrealistic Because critical race theorists have not articulated their claims as fully as feminists have,
expectations about the magnitude of the effects. their theories are more difficult to evaluate. Without a clearer conception of the "voice of
color," it is difficult to assess the arguments on behalf of its existence. If those who argue
AKH1156 NARRATIVES ARE POLITICALLY INEFFECTIVE the existence of fundamental cognitive differences between races or genders have the
Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota, burden of proof, they clearly have failed to carry that burden. Even if they do not bear the
STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.826-7. burden of proof, we think there are sound reasons to reject such claims. If radical
Despite the many general assertions about how narratives can transform the political differences did exist, we would expect that empirical studies or at least everyday
perspective of "insiders," conversion stories are notably scarce. As storytelling advocates observations would consistently reveal some differences, even if the results were not all
admit--and as cognitive psychologists would predict--responses by "insiders" are typically of the magnitude predicted by the theory. Moreover, the most clearly articulated claim of
defensive or dismissive."' Stories undoubtedly can have beneficial effects, at least at the the proponents, that different voices are characterized by contextuality and concreteness,
margin, on public attitudes, yet current storytelling seems ill-conceived for creating such may well be true as a description of overlapping bell curves, but is clearly false if those
an effect. Effective communication requires bridging the gap between the viewpoints of traits are claimed to be the sole property of any single group. Finally, the argument for a
speaker and listener, rather than simply presenting the speaker's views without regard to unique voice of color is undermined by the inability of the proponents to agree on its
the standpoint of the listener. But in our extensive reading of the storytelling literature, we attributes or on paradigm cases. For these reasons, the claim for fundamental group
have found few efforts to connect the events in the stories with the experiences of white difference is not only unproven but implausible.
or male readers. Thus, whatever potential storytelling might have to change attitudes is
unlikely to be realized by the current generation of efforts.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 100
Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, Professors of Law, University of Minnesota, THEIR MARGINALIZATION
CRITICAL RACE THEORY, Richard Delgado, ed., 1995, p.288. Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, Professors of Law, University of Minnesota,
As Alex Johnson notes, critical race theorists may conflate race and socioeconomic class: CRITICAL RACE THEORY, Richard Delgado, ed., 1995, p.285.
"If one substitutes the word 'poor' or 'oppressed' for 'color' in much of the literature Some feminist legal scholars have condemned suggestions about women's different voice
advocating the existence of the voice of color, or claiming to speak in that voice of color, as both unsound and unwise, because they are likely to lead to further marginalization of
the content of that literature would be, by and large, unchanged." Ideology, then, may be women in economic and political spheres. Others whom Robin West describes as "radical"
as important as race or class in defining the speaker's "voice." For instance, many of the as opposed to "cultural" feminists, attribute women's different voice to the male foot on
stories that feminists and critical race theorists tell about the hiring and promotion practices women's throats, suggesting that "women's connection to others is the source of women's
of law schools are similar to those told by white male critical legal scholars. misery, not a source of value worth celebrating." And any claim that women think
differently is subject to a charge of "gender essentialism," which ascribes a unitary voice
Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, Professors of Law, University of Minnesota,
These rather vague descriptions fail to identify the content of a distinct voice of color. EXAGGERATED
Because the few examples offered focus on racially charged issues such as affirmative Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, Professors of Law, University of Minnesota,
action and hate speech regulations, they provide little insight into any broad differences CRITICAL RACE THEORY, Richard Delgado, ed., 1995, p.285.
between voices of color and supportive white voices. Indeed, Mari Matsuda suggests that Despite the widespread invocation of different voice theories, the existence of such a voice
"multiple consciousness," her term for the perspective of women of color, is accessible to and its connection to legal storytelling are matters of dispute even within the feminist legal
everyone. And Patricia Williams, a feminist often cited as one of the foremost voices of community. Gilligan's work is highly controversial within her own discipline, and Gilligan
color, seemingly implies that the voice of color has at least entered into that of western herself rejects extreme claims of differences between men and women. Her later work
humanity generally when she argues that "people of color have always been part of suggests that the moral approaches of men and women form overlapping bell curves, and
Western Civilization." A recent book by an African scholar suggests that the commonality that fully mature individuals of either sex should be able to use both "voices." Other
of African cultures is a white myth invented to dominate blacks. Of course, the difficulty researchers in the field have been unable to duplicate Gilligan's original findings, and
in describing the voice of color does not disprove its existence, but it does make analysis many have criticized her methodology. If male and female styles of thought were radically
more difficult. different, one would expect more consistent empirical evidence of gender differences.

ARTICULATED William Henry, Pulitzer Prize-winning critic, IN DEFENSE OF ELITISM, 1994, p.67.
Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, Professors of Law, University of Minnesota, On one level, the rhetoric is reminiscent of the words of the Bush-era appointee to the
CRITICAL RACE THEORY, Richard Delgado, ed., 1995, p.286-7. "glass ceiling" commission who said her foremost task was to accumulate "stories." It is
The best evidence supporting the existence of a voice of color is said to be that minority a tenet in many of the more politically charged circles of multiculturalism that the "voices"
"scholarship raises new perspectives--the perspectives of [minority] groups." Thus far, are not to be examined too closely, certainly not subjected to analytic scrutiny, but rather
however, there has been no demonstration of how those new perspectives differ from the are to be respected as pure cultural artifacts whose very importance lies in their lack of
various perspectives underlying traditional scholarship. intermediation with conventional hierarchical elitist culture. This emphasis on the
testimonial element is evocative of black churches and of women's empowerment sessions.
AKH1165 NO EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE SUPPORTS A DISTINCTIVE "VOICE OF What is most important is the act of speaking, not what is being said. It goes without
COLOR" saying that this posture is profoundly anti-intellectual and anti-rational. It provides
Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, Professors of Law, University of Minnesota, multiculturalists a pedagogical and cultural basis for the argument that jobs and other
CRITICAL RACE THEORY, Richard Delgado, ed., 1995, p.286. positions of responsibility ought to be apportioned by gender and ethnicity rather than
Because the feminist version of different voice theory is older and therefore better credentials or performance. In the civil service as in the classroom, the voices of the
developed than the critical race theory version, we found arguments regarding the voice previously unheard are presumed to legitimize things merely by their testimonial presence.
of color particularly difficult to evaluate. However debatable Gilligan's conclusions
regarding women's different voice may be, critical race theory has not yet established a AKH1171 PERSONAL NARRATIVES FAIL AS SCHOLARSHIP BECAUSE THEY
comparable empirical foundation. We know of no work on critical race theory that AREN'T SUBJECT TO COUNTER-ARGUMENTS
discusses psychological or other social science studies supporting the existence of a voice Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota,
of color. Most critical race theorists simply postulate the existence of a difference, often STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.850-1.
citing feminist scholarship for support, and thus implicitly equate a male voice with a Because scholarship is an interactive activity, the reader must be able to disagree with the
white voice. author and dispute her ideas. What we propose here is a weaker version of the scientific
doctrine of falsifiability--something cannot be scholarship if it cannot be disputed.
AKH1166 NARRATIVES AREN'T NECESSARY TO UNDERSTAND OPPRESSED Persuasion, the ultimate goal of all scholarship, requires the active participation of the
GROUPS reader and thus must admit some form of counter-argument. Personal narratives devoid of
Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota, analysis generally do not satisfy this requirement because it will often be impossible to
STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.835. make counter-arguments to them.
Robin West has recently acknowledged the difficulty of assessing the truthfulness of
personalized accounts, but she argues nonetheless that the only way to understand the AKH1172 STORIES UNDERMINE RIGOROUS QUESTIONING
situations of oppressed groups is "the inclusion of just such personalized, subjective Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota,
accounts. West, supra note 7, at 1781 (reviewing WILLIAMS, supra note 6). There would STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.852.
appear to be a wide range of other possible methods, however, including comparing the Early in this article, we defined legal scholarship as an effort to improve our understanding
accounts with journalistic studies of disadvantaged individuals and common social science of the law. Although a story that merely dramatizes some preconceived theory of law may
techniques. Necessity does not seem an adequate justification for relying on sources that be a useful rhetorical device, it does not teach the reader anything new. It is specifically
can be characterized, as West herself puts it, as "nonfalsifiable, overly idiosyncratic, the risk that the example may not fit our preconceived theories that opens up the possibility
discomfittingly moralistic, nonuniversalizable." of learning something new. A scholar who refuses to take that risk is not engaged in
genuine research. In particular, a failure to confront available contrary evidence, or at least
AKH1167 SETTING DIFFERENT STANDARDS FOR MINORITY SCHOLARS IS to present that evidence to the reader, is dishonest. One form of dishonesty is for the
DEMEANING narrator to apply unconventional principles to select examples without notifying the reader.
Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota, A related form of intellectual dishonesty is to delete facts that undermine the scholar's
STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.841-2. thesis. Inclusion of such facts will often indicate good scholarship, for it demonstrates that
These arguments assume that the work of women and minority scholars is different--so the author has grappled seriously with contrary arguments. If a story is presented without
different that it cannot be judged by conventional standards of merit. As noted earlier, any methodological discussion or effort to connect it to a thesis, both the author and the
available evidence does not support such a strong claim about "different voices." The reader are more likely to allow it to slide by without rigorous questioning.
critique of traditional standards as biased appears to be based largely on the fact that the
works of some outsider scholars have not fared well under those standards. As Randall
Kennedy points out, however, this might be because those specific works lacked merit. The
arguments also assume that people of color cannot meet the traditional standards of merit,
a suggestion that many scholars of color naturally find demeaning, and for which no
evidence exists. Thus, we find little support for the general claim that traditional standards
are inherently unfair to work by women and minorities.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 101
Richard Epstein, Professor of Law, University of Chicago, STANFORD LAW REVIEW, ISN'T VERIFIABLY TRUE
July 1993, p.1619. Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota,
Because narrative adopts the perspective and voice of a single author, it cannot be easily STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.835-6.
refuted by the usual forms of social science evidence. Other authors have different voices A major difficulty with storytelling is verifying the truthfulness of the stories told. One
and perspectives, and there is no contradiction between the proposition that "A believes genre of storytelling for which challenging accuracy is particularly troublesome is the
X," and "B believes not-X," even if there is a contradiction between X and not-X. The "first-person agony narrative" in which the author's experience of pain is used to criticize
author can hint that in his view the narrative does express some larger truth entitled to a social practice. Just as lawyers normally are not allowed to offer testimony at trial, or to
respect in its own right. Yet by the same token, his narrative does not lend itself to vouch for witnesses, scholars should not be readily allowed to offer their own experiences
refutation by the forms of evidence and argument that can be raised against more as evidence. The norms of academic civility hamper readers from challenging the accuracy
traditional forms of scholarly discussion. When the going gets tough, the narrative of the researcher's account; it would be rather difficult, for example, to criticize a law
becomes an art form, an exercise of literary imagination. When the waters are calm, it is review article by questioning the author's emotional stability or veracity.
transformed into an idealized account of a widespread social problem. Either way, the
narrative adds its strength to the politics of exclusion by presenting a moving target to AKH1179 RELIANCE ON FACTUALLY UNTRUE NARRATIVE IS DISASTROUS
more traditional practitioners of the academic art. Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota,
STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.833-4.
AKH1174 NARRATIVE PROPONENTS SEEK TO MAKE THEM IMMUNE FROM It would be especially undesirable to foster doubts about whether statements by women or
ATTACK people of color imply the same notions of truth as those of white males. One of the staples
Richard Epstein, Professor of Law, University of Chicago, STANFORD LAW REVIEW, of feminist literature is that women's assertions are treated as presumptively unreliable and
July 1993, p.1620. lacking in credibility. Patricia Williams has made the same point about African Americans.
Moreover, this philosophical approach implies that every narrative--including that of the It would be disastrous to reinforce the idea that women and people of color do not adhere
white male, or even the fringe lunatic--should be exempt from outside scrutiny. But no one to the same standards of "truthfulness" as white men. Because the issue is one of honesty,
is entitled to the comfort of a risk-free position in public discourse. The diversity of we also reject Kathryn Abrams' argument that it would be untroubling, at least with respect
experience and the distinctiveness of perceptions is both an opportunity for understanding to narratives that are presented as factual, if they were to turn out "not to track the life
and an obstacle to it. Nevertheless, the usual requirements of coherence in argument, experiences of their narrators in all particulars" or to be composites. As a general matter,
articulation of theory, and the marshalling and evaluation of evidence must remain intact we do not believe that deliberate, material changes in the factual content of narratives
if the academic mission of a university or law school is to be fulfilled. should be acceptable. In a narrative that purports to be a rendition of actual events,
misrepresentation of these events can come perilously close to what is known in other
AKH1175 NARRATIVE UNDERMINES ARGUMENT BY BLURRING FACT AND fields as research fraud: doctoring data to fit your thesis.
Richard Epstein, Professor of Law, University of Chicago, STANFORD LAW REVIEW, AKH1180 STORIES ARE OFTEN DECEPTIVE
July 1993, p.1678-9. Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota,
The second thing, of course, is that fact and fiction always blend to the extent that you STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.852-3.
engage in narrative. It turns out that if the true narrative is not quite compelling enough we Stories can also be deceptive subtler ways. As a form of rhetoric, stories can "tak[e] the
embellish it so, on the one hand, when somebody calls you on the facts you say that it is other in, deflecting her on unacknowledged, perhaps deliberately hidden grounds." Often
a matter of literary invention and, on the other hand, when somebody says, "Geepers, isn't this is the unintentional result of using first-person narratives. Gordon Wood recognizes
this wonderful," you say that it is perfectly representative of the way the world goes. So that "participants [do not] have a privileged access to knowledge of the events they are
that to some extent you plead literature when somebody attacks, and you claim veracity at involved in." Thus, the accounts may be mistaken or distorted. Stories also tend to "favor
the time that you wish to attack or to claim something with respect to other individuals. All those who are near at hand," ignoring more distant voices. Sometimes the deception,
in all, I think that it is extremely important in legal argument to be dull under many whether intentional or not, is the result of treating complex human dramas as morality
circumstances, to try and have a systematic, prosaic view of the world. plays.

Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota, Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota,
STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.832. STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.837-8.
The more fictionalized the story, however, the more troublesome its use as empirical The ultimate problem with Abrams' argument, however, is that it relies on our intuitive
evidence becomes. Relying on fiction as evidence is rather like an episode recounted by ability to determine whether a person is telling the truth. Unfortunately, the substantial
Patricia Williams: "An image that comes to mind is that of movie star Jessica Lange, who body of social psychology research on this subject has very discomfiting conclusions.
testified to Congress about the condition of farms in the United States because she had Human beings are actually extremely poor at determining whether a person is lying, even
played a farmers wife. What on earth does 'testimony' mean in that context?" As this in face-to-face contexts. For this very reason, disciplines such as anthropology and history
example suggests, a convincing fictional portrayal risks creating a spurious aura of that rely on informants or documents have evolved rigorous methodological standards for
empirical authority. This risk is compounded when the author of the fiction is a scholar, the use of such evidence. It is an error to think that skepticism of witnesses is typical of
publishing in a scholarly journal, because the audience is unsure whether the author is "white male thinking." On the contrary, these standards are a relatively late development
speaking as a scholar or solely as an artist. in intellectual history. Like other groups, white males are all too willing to credit stories
without critical examination. Individuals overcome this proclivity only through rigorous
Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota,
Even third-party accounts of victimhood raise serious problems. In criticizing conservative VALIDITY
stories about "political correctness," Mark Tushnet has quite aptly pointed out these Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota,
problems in connection with a particular story: The Christian Science Monitor's off-hand STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.836-7.
summary of [the story] is unfortunately typical of the reporting on political correctness. Its Assessments of truth are made more difficult by the impracticability of independent
most characteristic feature, in fact, is that it relies on no reporting whatsoever. The victim's investigation. Kathryn Abrams argues that stories may carry their own indicia of truth by
account of the incident is the only source of evidence. The reports never note that victims providing "a complex, highly particularized account of an experience unfamiliar to many
have a perfectly understandable desire to present what happened to them in a way that readers"' or by creating a "flash of recognition." She is not alone in believing that a high
makes them appear best. When the reports are offered by people with a political ax to level of detail provides internal evidence of veracity: The Supreme Court has said exactly
grind, one can fairly wonder exactly what happened. The proper conclusion, I think, is that the same thing in holding that detailed but unverified accounts by anonymous informants
accounts offered by politically interested people drawn almost entirely from the victim's may constitute probable cause. The argument is no more convincing when offered by
side of the story almost certainly overstate the extent to which something called political feminists than it is from Chief Justice Rehnquist. The "flash of recognition" argument is
correctness came into play. The point is well taken, and applies to stories about also troubling, creating the risk that the author gains credibility by appealing to the reader's
discrimination just as much as to stories about political correctness. preconceptions and biases.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 102
NARRATIVES Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota,
Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota, STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.839-40.
STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.824. It bears repeating that typicality is unrelated to any commitment to "objectivity" as a
One frequent claim on behalf of storytelling is that stories build solidarity among the philosophical position. Instead, we are merely asking, "If we checked with more people
members of an oppressed group, thereby providing psychological support and in the same situation, how many of them would tell similar stories?" If most of their stories
strengthening community. We have no reason to question these effects, or to dismiss them would be different, then the informational value of the particular story selected by the
as negligible. Nevertheless, we do not believe that these effects in themselves are sufficient author is limited. Moreover, to ignore the typicality concern would be to allow an
to validate the stories as scholarship. As Kathryn Abrams says, "It seems reasonable to ask unrepresentative individual to speak for a group, in effect silencing other members.
of narrators who are, in fact, legal scholars that their stories be framed in such a way as to
shed light on legal questions." The crucial test of scholarly writing must be whether it AKH1190 FICTIONAL NARRATIVE IS DISTINCT FROM LEGAL SCHOLARSHIP
provides an increased understanding of some issue relating to law. Community-building Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota,
may be valuable, but it is an enterprise quite distinct from increasing understanding of the STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.844-5.
law. Whether or not stories about the law, written by lawyers, can serve this function is
somewhat beside the point. Nussbaum is not arguing, after all, that Henry James should
AKH1184 NARRATIVE DEALS WITH EXTREMES, NOT NORMAL CASES have published his short stories in philosophy journals, or that he should have been given
Richard Epstein, Professor of Law, University of Chicago, STANFORD LAW REVIEW, tenure in a philosophy department. Thus, such work might fail to be good legal
July 1993, p.1678. scholarship, not because it falls short of particular criteria, but because it transcends the
So that if you were to try and understand the way in which supermarkets work you would scholarly enterprise. While Crime and Punishment may increase our knowledge of the
not want to take the one case out of a thousand where somebody gets in a fight with a cash legal system, so too do the Federalist Papers have a narrative structure. But to call
register operator over the price of a good. You would rather first want to understand how Dostoevsky a legal scholar may be just as misleading as calling James Madison a novelist.
it is that somebody organizes these lines so as to get as many people through as. quickly Without denigrating the abilities of legal storytellers, we see no reason to expect them to
as possible with a minimum of personal interaction. There will be no glory under these produce great literary works of the caliber of a Dostoevsky (or a Virginia Woolf or a Toni
circumstances in which somebody says, "I will only take your money if it turns out that Morrison, for that matter.
you could explain to me that you are a worthy person when you seek to buy these goods
from my humble establishment." That is not the way in which the game is going to be AKH1191 FICTIONAL NARRATIVE UNDERMINES LEGAL SCHOLARSHIP
played and what literature and narrative do is get you way out there on the fringes. Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota,
STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.845.
AKH1185 NARRATIVE OFFERS AN UNREPRESENTATIVE SAMPLE In rejecting the creation of literature as a form of legal scholarship, we are admittedly
Richard Epstein, Professor of Law, University of Chicago, STANFORD LAW REVIEW, indulging a mild presumption in favor of institutional specialization. While works of
July 1993, p.1678. literature may well be a source of important insights for lawyers, we contend that creating
What is it about narrative that leads me to be extraordinarily troubled? Well there are two literature has little nexus with the specific institutional traits of law schools, and seems far
things about it. One is a sampling problem. To the extent that one takes a single illustration more congenial to other settings such as creative writing departments or traditional
. . . and at enormous lengths elaborates what is going on, what you have done in social communities of writers and artists. Thus, we do not believe that the production of literature
science is take one element out of a huge sample, given it enormous importance, and ought to be considered part of the mission of law schools. t98 Just because something is
suppressed everything else. The capacity of narrative to inflame, inform, or excite depends worthwhile does not mean that it should take place under a law school umbrella. Indeed,
on its ability to take you away from the peak of the distribution to see what some to the extent that fictional or fictionalized accounts purport to be scholarship, they
extraordinary novel and different circumstance is and indeed that is exactly why we call jeopardize the credibility of legal scholarship.
these things novel because of the way in which they take you away from the core. But if
you are trying to understand the way in which social reality works then the important thing AKH1192 LEGAL SCHOLARSHIP SHOULDN'T MIMIC OTHER COMMUNICATION
to remember is that the prosaic and the boring is often far more important in the way in FORMS
which the world organizes itself than is the exotic and profane. Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota,
STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.809.
AKH1186 HUMANS TEND TO OVER-RELY ON ATYPICAL EXAMPLES Here, we suggest that legal scholarship should help the reader understand law, and that
Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota, legal scholarship should comport with the goals and attributes of the academy rather than
STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.839. mimic other forms of communication.
Studies by cognitive psychologists demonstrate that humans tend to overrely on atypical
examples. Because individuals assume that dramatic or easily remembered events are AKH1193 TO BE USEFUL, STORIES MUST BE LINKED TO GENERAL THEORIES
typical, they often overestimate the likelihood of such events. Even when they correctly AND STANDARDS
appraise a trait as typical, they overestimate its prevalence, assuming that more members Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota,
of the group possess the trait than really do. In other words, people frequently engage in STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.822.
what we commonly call stereotyping. Finally, people are too quick to assume the presence The literature of cognitive psychology thus seems to support the existence of practical
of a pattern from a small number of cases. Like the careful treatment of narrative sources, reason and suggests that it is linked with storytelling. Pragmatism accommodates
the use of modern empirical techniques to correct for these misperceptions and distortions storytelling by stressing that "reason" can include informal and nonalgorithmic forms of
is not the natural outgrowth of "white male thinking." If formal empirical techniques were thought, and by viewing concrete situations as useful for understanding more general rules
inherent in white male culture, they would have developed much earlier, and would be or principles. In contrast, foundationalism and formalism leave little room for "stories" as
much easier to teach to white men than they actually are. Instead, such techniques are a useful intellectual exercise, emphasizing instead abstract theory and highly rigorous
painfully developed methods of avoiding genuine errors. We have already made clear our empirical research. But while practical reason involves the interplay between the general
view that these methods can be significantly supplemented by individual case studies, but and concrete, it may require greater connections with general theories and standards than
we must always be vigilant when doing so. some legal storytellers wish to make.

Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota, Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota,
STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.838-9. STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.847-8.
Owen Fiss has cogently argued that when the Supreme Court "lays down a rule for a The Ashe article also implicates a broader question about comprehensibility. Part of the
nation...[it] necessarily must concern itself with the fate of millions of people .... problem for Abrams, and presumably for most readers, is that Ashe does not effectively
Accordingly, the Court's perspective must be systematic, not anecdotal...." link her narratives to her legal analysis. What, then, of articles that contain virtually no
legal analysis at all? While the stories themselves may be comprehensible, the reason for
AKH1188 STORIES MUST BE TYPICAL TO BE A BASIS FOR POLICY publishing them in law journals is not. The criterion of comprehensibility, which is simple
Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota, and uncontroversial when limited to questions about misuse of the English language,
STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.838. becomes much more difficult as it shades into questions about how readers understand the
Even if a story is true, it may be atypical of real world experiences. The importance of law-related point of the story. Thus, although we treat the need for analysis as a separate
typicality depends partly on the use of a particular story. If the story is being used to issue because of its controversial nature, it might also be considered a more nuanced aspect
suggest a hypothesis or a possible causal mechanism, then a prior showing of typicality is of comprehensibility.
unnecessary. On the other hand, if the story is being used as the-basis for recommending
policy changes, it should be typical of the experiences of those affected by the policy.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 103
Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota, Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota,
STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.849. STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.853.
As noted earlier, research has shown that we are most likely to believe and understand To the extent that a narrative merely conveys a concrete experience, it only partially
stories that resonate with something we have experienced. The irony is that if the pain of achieves the purposes of legal scholarship. This conclusion flows from our belief in
discrimination is similar to what we have experienced, the stories may teach us little we practical reason as a mediation between the concrete and the abstract; the purely concrete
do not already know if it is dissimilar, stories that simply describe the pain can't teach us narrative remains fixated at one of these poles rather than mediating between them. Stories
about it. A more effective format for outsider scholars would be a combination of narrative are best suited, in our view, for enriching legal scholarship with concreteness, but they
and more traditional scholarship that draws analogies among different legal problems, or need to be supplemented with reason and analysis.
scholarship that proposes new legal solutions to the problems of discrimination. As with
the criterion of comprehensibility then, requiring scholarship to contribute to knowledge AKH1202 STORIES NEED TO BE SUPPLEMENTED WITH ANALYTIC
becomes problematic when applied to stories that convey no analysis or reasoned CONCLUSIONS
arguments. Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota,
STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.854.
AKH1196 REASON AND ANALYSIS ARE THE HALLMARK OF GOOD LEGAL Unlike some advocates of storytelling, however, we see no reason to retreat from
SCHOLARSHIP conventional standards of truthfulness and typicality in assessing stories. Nor do we see
Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota, any reason to abandon the expectation that legal scholarship contain reason and analysis,
STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.849. as well as narrative. A legal story without analysis is much like a judicial opinion with
Reason and analysis are the traditional hallmarks not only of legal scholarship, but of "Findings of Fact" but no "Conclusions of Law."
scholarship in general. According to one scholar, neither exercise of power nor "strategic
arguments designed to persuade by their emotional effect on the listener" are acceptable AKH1203 STORIES MUST BE VALID TO BE USEFUL
scholarly techniques. The new storytellers, however, challenge this view of scholarship as Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota,
overly narrow and culturally biased. Consequently, the standards they propose for STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.831.
evaluating stories do not consider analysis or reasoned arguments essential to good Evaluating scholarship, particularly scholarship of a new type, raises two separate issues.
scholarship. Rather, the emotive force of the stories is seen as their primary appeal. In our The first is the question of validity: When should a story be considered a valid source of
view, however, emotive appeal is not enough to qualify as good scholarship. insight? One might view this as the question of whether the raw "data" of the stories
themselves are sufficiently reliable that they can be put to further use, regardless of
AKH1197 REASONED ANALYSIS IS NEEDED TO TEMPER ANECDOTAL whether the information is new or important. Just because a text contains valid material,
EVIDENCE however, does not necessarily mean that it is good scholarship.
Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota,
Reasoned argument also helps to counteract the peculiar dangers of anecdotal evidence. ATTEMPT TO MAKE
The value of grappling with concrete examples is lost if we allow ourselves to move away Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota,
from rigorous standards of honesty and completeness. Maintenance of those standards STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.847.
requires that the author not only resent the story but explain why it was selected and how Almost everyone would agree that a work of scholarship should be comprehensible to its
it was verified. audience, say something new, and demonstrate familiarity with the relevant literature.
Despite their vagueness, these standards can still help expose some stories as not very good
AKH1198 THOSE WHO USE NARRATIVES MUST DRAW REASONED scholarship. For example, a much-cited article by Marie Ashe exemplifies one form of
CONCLUSIONS FROM THEM feminist narrative that would not constitute good scholarship under our definition. It
Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota, contains a "torrent of physical detail" about her own reproductive experiences (including
STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.851. graphic descriptions of the births of her children), with some brief and cryptic suggestions
Unadorned narratives generally fail to perform the mediating function. If the reader must about law interspersed among the stories. Even Kathryn Abrams, who praises storytelling
perform the mediating function, this supports our claim that reason and analysis are in general and some aspects of Ashe's piece in particular, notes that "[g]rasping the relation
necessary to legal scholarship. The moment we begin to draw conclusions from the between her narratives and her prescriptions is . . . truly strenuous." In fact, Abrams had
narrative--which even the storytellers apparently want us to do, given their goal of to read the article three times before she even "began to suspect" that the point of the
consciousness-raising--we are essentially doing the author's work for her. It is one thing article was to urge the deregulation of reproduction. Clearly, an article whose thesis a
to be inspired by a work to ponder great ideas; it is quite another to be required to supply knowledgeable and sympathetic reader can barely understand on the third try fails the
the work with ideas. requirement of comprehensibility.

INEFFECTIVE Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota,
Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota, STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.827.
STANFORD LAW REVIEW, April 1993, p.851. The metaphor of "silencing" is powerful but elusive. In what respect, for instance, is losing
The best scholarship not only adds to the reader's knowledge directly but inspires further a lawsuit the same as being gagged? Losers are in fact often very vocal, perhaps more so
thought beyond the text. This reflection may take the form of elaboration or disagreement, than victors (who seem just as likely to enjoy their victory in smug silence). In part, the
but ultimately those engaged in scholarship will enter into an ongoing dialogue about their "silencing" metaphor invokes some broader concepts about the relationship between power
common project. Without reasoned arguments, neither understanding nor dialogue are and truth, but it does not elucidate that relationship.
likely to flourish. Robin West refers to the "unequivocal shock of recognition" upon
reading certain articles, and Kathryn Abrams believes Patricia Williams' stories because AKH1206 IF VIOLENCE IS WRONG, THEN IT'S RIGHT TO RESIST IT
they "resonate" with her experiences. But for those readers who neither resonate nor Jan Narveson, Professor of Philosophy, University of Waterloo, ETHICS, July 1965,
recognize, and for those who passionately disagree, there is no way to enter the dialogue. p.269.
Thus, as Gerald Torres says, unless augmented by analysis, storytelling may "function as We often think of pacifists as being gentle and idealistic souls, which in its way is true
an authoritarian conversation-ending move." enough. What I have been concerned to show is that they are also confused. If they attempt
to formulate their position using our standard concepts of rights, their position involves
AKH1200 REASONED ANALYSIS IS NEEDED TO ESTABLISH THE RELEVANCE a contradiction: Violence is wrong, and it is wrong to resist it. But the right to resist is
OF STORIES precisely what having a right of safety of person is, if it is anything at all.
Daniel Farber and Suzanna Sherry, professors of Law, University of Minnesota,
Occasionally, it stems from willful ignorance. Reasoned argument and critical analysis INTUITIONS
might evoke more awareness of the limitations of the genre. As we argued earlier, a valid Tom Regan, Professor of Philosophy, North Carolina State, CANADIAN JOURNAL OF
exercise in storytelling must involve efforts to assure the truthfulness and typicality of the PHILOSOPHY, September 1972, p.86.
story. Because these attributes are not self-documenting, the author must present some To regard the use of force as irredeemably evil does, I believe, save pacifism from the
analysis to show that the story is credible and representative. This is similar to how a charge of inconsistency. But any view that would require that we judge, say, a woman who
historian must defend her credibility judgments about historical sources and the inferences uses what physical power she has to attempt to free herself from an aspiring rapist, as
she has made from the historical record. having done, not, what might sometimes be the case, a foolish thing, but instead, and
necessarily, an irredeemably evil act, must, I believe, shock and offend the moral
sensibilities of rational men.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 104
Hannah Arendt, political philosopher, ON VIOLENCE, 1970, p.52. Peter Singer, Professor of Philosophy, Monash University, PRACTICAL ETHICS, 1993,
Violence can be justifiable, but it never will be legitimate. Its justification loses in p.311.
plausibility the farther its intended end recedes into the future. No one questions the use There are other kinds of violence that cannot be ruled out so convincingly. There is, for
of violence in self-defense, because the danger is not only clear but also present, and the instance, the assassination of a murderous tyrant. Here, provided the murderous policies
end justifying the means is immediate. are an expression of the tyrant's personality rather than part of the institutions he
commands, the violence is strictly limited, the aim is the end of much greater violence,
AKH1209 PACIFISM IS SELF-CONTRADICTORY success from a single violent act may be highly probable, and there may be no other way
Jan Narveson, Professor of Philosophy, University of Waterloo, ETHICS, July 1965, of ending the tyrant's rule. It would be implausible for a consequentialist to maintain that
p.267-8 committing violence in these circumstances would have a corrupting effect, or that more,
What this all adds up to, then, is that if we have any rights at all, we have a right to use rather than less, violence would result from the assassination.
force to prevent the deprivation of the thing to which we are said to have a right. But the
pacifist, of all l people, is the one most concerned to insist that we do have some rights, AKH1216 THE CONCEPT OF A RIGHT TO LIFE REFUTES PACIFISM
namely, the right not to have violence done to us. This is logically implied in asserting it Douglas Lackey, Professor of Philosophy, City College of New York, THE ETHICS OF
to be a duty on everyone's part to avoid violence. And this is why the pacifist's position is WAR AND PEACE, 1989, p.10-11.
self-contradictory. In saying that violence is wrong, one is at the same time saying that A discussion of the logic of rights in general and the right to life in particular is beyond the
people have a right to its prevention, by force if necessary. Whether and to what extent it scope of this book. But a number of students of this subject are prepared to argue that the
may be necessary is a question of fact, but, since it is a question of fact only, the moral possession of any right implies the permissibility of defending that right against
right to use force on some possible occasions is established. aggression: if this were not so, what would be the point of asserting the existence of rights?
But if the possession of a right to life implies the permissibility of defending that right
AKH1210 RATIONAL PERSUASION ISN'T AN ALTERNATIVE TO FORCE against aggression--a defense that may require killing the aggressor--then the existence of
Jan Narveson, Professor of Philosophy, University of Waterloo, ETHICS, July 1965, a right to life cannot by itself imply the impermissibility of killing. On this view, the right
p.267. to life implies the right to self-defense, including violent self-defense. It does not imply
But it is inconsistent, I suggest, to argue that rational persuasion is the only morally pacifism.
permissible method of preventing violence. A pragmatic reason for this is easy enough to
point to: Violent people are too busy being violent to be reasonable. We cannot engage in AKH1217 ABSOLUTE PACIFISM IS GENERALLY REJECTED
rational persuasion unless the enemy is willing to sit down and talk; but what if he isn't. Duane Cady, Professor of Philosophy, Hamline University, FROM WARISM TO
PACIFISM, 1989, p.59-60.
AKH1211 NOT ALL VIOLENCE SHOULD BE CATEGORICALLY REJECTED Absolute pacifism, understood as the position that any use of force between people is
Peter Singer, Professor of Philosophy, Monash University, PRACTICAL ETHICS, 1993, always and everywhere immoral, is widely regarded as "bizarre and vaguely ludicrous."
p.313. Objections to the view, popular and academic, tend to be moral objections. For example,
Violence is not easy to justify, even if it is violence against property rather than against Tom Regan argues: Any view that would require that we judge, say, a woman who uses
sentient beings, or violence against a dictator rather than indiscriminate violence against what physical power she has to attempt to free herself from an aspiring rapist, as having
the general public. Nevertheless, the differences between kinds of violence are important, done, not, what might sometimes be the case, a foolish thing, but instead, and necessarily,
because only by observing them can we condemn one kind of violence - the terrorist kind an irredeemably evil act, must, I believe shock and offend the moral sensibilities of rational
- in virtually absolute terms. The differences are blurred by sweeping condemnations of men. Regan concludes, "A person committed to an extreme pacifism . . . lacks a fully
everything that falls under the general heading 'violence'. developed moral sensitivity to the vagaries and complexities of human existence."

PERSPECTIVE Barrie Paskins and Michael Dockrill, philosopher and historian, King's College, London,
Peter Singer, Professor of Philosophy, Monash University, PRACTICAL ETHICS, 1993, THE ETHICS OF WAR, 1979, p.118.
p.307. It is law enforcement that Miss Anscombe is defending against the pacifist, with war as a
Opposition to the use of violence can be on the basis of an absolute rule, or an assessment special case. But the pacifist of scruple, for his own good reasons, does not see war as a
of its consequences. Pacifists have usually regarded the use of violence as absolutely special case of anything else. It is an ancient thing, sui generic, in which for good or ill all
wrong, irrespective of its consequences. This, like other 'no matter what' prohibitions, men with the conceivable exceptions of such as Napoleon or Frederick the Great
assumes the validity of the distinction between acts and omissions. Without this systematically resign moral evaluation of their own actions. Maybe the world is less of a
distinction, pacifists who refuse to use violence when it is the only means of preventing jungle because of law and law enforcement, but few will feel so confident that the world
greater violence would be responsible for the greater violence they fail to prevent. is less of a jungle with war than it would have been without.

Douglas Lackey, Professor of Philosophy, City College of New York, THE ETHICS OF Duane Cady, Professor of Philosophy, Hamline University, FROM WARISM TO
WAR AND PEACE, 1989, p.13. PACIFISM, 1989, p.62.
A deeper problem with Tolstoy's argument is that "resist not evil" is not the only rule that Clearly the infamous "thug in the alley" attempt to reduce all pacifism to absurdity falls
would yield paradise if everyone obeyed it. Suppose that everyone in the world subscribed far short of its objective. A woman may be a pacifist (morally opposed to all war) yet use
to the principle "Use violence, but only in self-defense." If everyone used violence only physical strength to resist abuse (our thug in the alley) without contradicting or
in self-defense, the same consequences would follow as would arise from universal compromising her principles. Depending on her variant of pacifism she may or may not
acceptance of the rule "Never use violence." Consequently, pacifism cannot be shown to compromise her principles by intending to injure her assailant. There are degrees of moral
be superior to nonpacifism by noting the good consequences that would undeniably ensue justifiability for the use of physical means to fend off attack.
if everyone were a pacifist.
AKH1214 PACIFISTS SACRIFICE PRESENT LIVES FOR POTENTIAL FUTURE Jan Narveson, Professor of Philosophy, University of Waterloo, ETHICS, July 1965,
Robert Phillips, WAR AND JUSTICE, 1984, p.105-6. It appears, then, that to hold the pacifist position as a genuine, fullblooded moral principle
It is a trait of "idealistic" theories generally that they are willing to mortgage the present is to hold that nobody has a right to fight back when attacked, that fighting back is
to the future. In line with this, the pacifist is willing to sacrifice lives to aggression as a inherently evil, as such. It means that we are all mistaken in supposing that we have a right
means of breaking the circle of recurring warfare. He has to believe that ultimately his of self-protection. And, of course, this is an extreme and extraordinary position in any case.
teaching methods will work. Since peoples lives are being put on the line for this belief, It appears to mean, for instance, that we have no right to punish criminals, that all of our
it might be expected that pacifists would be prepared to say at what point nonviolent machinery of criminal justice is, in fact, unjust. Robbers, murderers, rapists, and
resistance would have to be abandoned. That is, how much killing would have to take miscellaneous delinquents ought, on this theory, to be let loose.
place to cause the pacifist to give up his belief in a common human nature responsive at
some point in history to pacifist methods? In fact, pacifists tend to be unclear on this point. AKH1221 SUPPRESSING CRIMINALITY CONTRIBUTES TO THE COMMON
In discussing the consequences of noncooperation with an aggressor nation, Gordon Zahn GOOD
admits that the casualties which pacifists would suffer initially may be expected to be Elizabeth Anscombe, Professor of Philosophy, Cambridge, WAR AND MORALITY,
considerable. Richard Wasserstrom, ed., 1970, p.43-4.
Further, there being such a thing as the common good of mankind, and visible criminality
against it, how can we doubt the excellence of such a proceeding as that violent
suppression of the man-stealing business which the British government took it into its head
to engage in under Palmerston? The present-day conception of "aggression," like so many
strongly influential conceptions, is a bad one. Why must it be wrong to strike the first blow
in a struggle? The only question is, who is in the right.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 105
Elizabeth Anscombe, Professor of Philosophy, Cambridge, WAR AND MORALITY, Jan Narveson, Professor of Philosophy, University of Waterloo, ETHICS, January 1968,
Richard Wasserstrom, ed., 1970, p.43. p.149
To think that society's coercive authority is evil is akin to thinking the flesh evil and family I agree entirely with the pacifist who would maintain that violence is never justified merely
life evil. These things belong to the present constitution of mankind; and if the exercise of in order to bring about a good. But is it ever justified in order to avoid evil, namely, the
coercive power is a manifestation of evil, and not the just means of restraining it, then evil of more violence? Given that it is violence as such, rather than violence as employed
human nature is totally depraved in a manner never taught by Christianity. For society is by the pacifist himself, which is being held to be supremely evil, then it would seem that
essential to human good; and society without coercive power is generally impossible. the only way to avoid inconsistency here would be to deny that the quantity of violence
prevented by a given act of violence was ever greater than the quantity of violence inherent
AKH1223 COERCIVE POWER IS NEEDED TO PRESERVE SOCIAL ORDER in the act aimed at preventing it. But, here again, it is surely not possible to discuss this on
Elizabeth Anscombe, Professor of Philosophy, Cambridge, WAR AND MORALITY, purely a priori grounds. It cannot be maintained that it is logically impossible for a given
Richard Wasserstrom, ed., 1970, p.42. violent act to prevent more violence. (What if the assassination attempt on Hitler in July,
It is so clear that the world is less of a jungle because of rulers and laws, and that the 1944, had succeeded? All the evidence indicates that the government which would then
exercise of coercive power is essential to these institutions as they are now--all this is so have taken over Germany would have stopped the war immediately, stopped the
obvious, that probably only Tennysonian conceptions of progress enable people who do crematoriums, and so forth.)
not wish to separate themselves from the world to think that nevertheless such violence is
objectionable, that some day, in this present dispensation, we shall do without it, and that AKH1230 PACIFISM CAN INTENSIFY VIOLENCE
the pacifist is the man who sees and tries to follow the ideal course, which future Jan Narveson, Professor of Philosophy, University of Waterloo, ETHICS, July 1965, p.
civilization must one day pursue. It is an illusion, which would be fantastic if it were not 263.
so familiar. It is not part of my intention to discuss matters of fact, as such, but it is worthwhile to point
out that the general history of the human race certainly offers no support for the
AKH1224 THREAT OF VIOLENT COERCION IS ESSENTIAL TO HUMAN SOCIETY supposition that turning the other cheek always produces good effects on the aggressor.
Elizabeth Anscombe, Professor of Philosophy, Cambridge, WAR AND MORALITY, Some aggressors, such as the Nazis, were apparently just "egged on" by the "pacifist"
Richard Wasserstrom, ed., 1970, p.45. attitude of their victims Some of the S.S. men apparently be came curious to see just how
The right to attack with a view to killing is something that belongs only to rulers and those much torture the victim would put up with before he began to resist. Furthermore, there
whom they command to do it. I have argued that it does belong to rulers precisely because is the possibility that, while pacifism might work against some people (one might cite the
of that threat of violent coercion exercised by those in authority which is essential to the British, against whom pacifism in India was apparently rather successful--but the British
existence of human societies. are comparatively nice people), it might fail against others (e.g., the Nazis).

VIOLENCE Robert Phillips, WAR AND JUSTICE, 1984, p.107.
Jan Narveson, Professor of Philosophy, University of Waterloo, ETHICS, July 1965, That is, the pacifist will reject as meaningless any attempt to escape culpability for murder
p.268-9. by distinguishing between intention and foreknowledge--anyone taking up arms in a war
The existence of laws, police, courts, and more or less civilized modes of behavior on the has perfectly clear foreknowledge that his actions will result in the death of many people.
part of most of the populace naturally affects the answer to the question of how much force Now, if the pacifist does make this argument, then surely he is open to his own criticism.
is necessary. One of the purposes of a legal system of justice is surely to make the use of For in a war between pacifists and ruthless aggressors, such as the Nazis or the Soviets. the
force by individuals very much less necessary than it would otherwise be. If we try to think pacifists would also have perfectly clear foreknowledge that their refusal to bear arms
back to a "state of nature' situation, we shall have much less difficulty envisaging the need would result in the deaths of a great many people who could have been saved if they had
for large amounts of force to prevent small threats of violence. Here Hobbes's contention been prepared to use force to save them. The difference seems to be that the pacifist will
that in such a state every man has a right to the life of every other becomes understandable. not "dirty his hands" by countering force with force.
He was I suggest, relying on the same principle as I have argued for here: that one has a
right to use as much force as necessary to defend one's rights, which include the right of AKH1232 PACIFISM MAY STRENGTHEN OPPOSITION
safety of person. Robert Phillips, WAR AND JUSTICE, 1984, p.107.
There is another sense in which pacifism might be said to have undesirable consequences.
AKH1226 MILITARY DEFENSE IS A LOGICAL EXTENSION OF POLICE POWER Zahn speaks of "breaking" the totalitarian automaton. This is symptomatic of the tendency
Elizabeth Anscombe, Professor of Philosophy, Cambridge, WAR AND MORALITY, of pacifism to convert war from a trial of strength to a trial of will. Pacifism, that is, has
Richard Wasserstrom, ed., 1970, p.43. a tendency to make conflict total by targeting the will of the adversary. If this works, then
The same authority which puts down internal dissension, which promulgates laws and the aggressor will be converted, and all will be well. But a failure to convert him may well
restrains those who break them if it can, must equally oppose external enemies. These do make his response more severe than if he had been opposed by force to arms.
not merely comprise those who attack the borders of the people ruled by the authority; but
also, for example, pirates and desert bandits, and, generally, those beyond the confines of AKH1233 MILITARY PREPAREDNESS CAN PREVENT WAR
the country ruled whose activities are viciously harmful to it. H.O.J. Brown and George Mavrodes, Professor of Theology, Trinity Divinity School and
Professor of Philosophy, University of Michigan, WAR AND HUMAN NATURE, David
AKH1227 NON-VIOLENCE DOESN'T NECESSARILY HAVE GOOD OUTCOMES Bender and Bruno Leone, eds., 1983, p.91.
Robert Phillips, WAR AND JUSTICE, 1984, p.111. Fortunately, Soviet Union rulers seem intent not on causing a nuclear war but on getting
We may conclude, then, that pacifism of both forms is unsatisfactory. Intrinsicalism cannot all they can short of it. For this reason one can at least hope that a high level of military
make the claim that it is always wrong to use force compatible with the right not to have preparedness, coupled with a willingness to fight even a nuclear war, offers at least some
violence done to oneself. Tactical pacifism may be morally required under some limited prospects of preserving freedom and avoiding universal destruction.
circumstances. If civil disobedience is ever justified in a democratic setting, then there are
good reasons for thinking that it ought to be nonviolent. But there are no good reasons for AKH1234 MILITARY FORCE CAN DETER WAR
thinking that nonviolent resistance will always have ethically good consequences, Kenneth Kantzer, Professor of Philsophy, Trinity College, WAR AND HUMAN
particularly when it entails a temporal appearance of human perfection. NATURE, David Bender and Bruno Leone, eds., 1983, p.82.
Some object that a limited nuclear deterrent will simply not deter. But it has! As Churchill
AKH1228 VIOLENCE CAN SOMETIMES PREVENT GREATER VIOLENCE wisely noted, atomic weapons have brought us a measure of peace. That peace has now
Peter Singer, Professor of Philosophy, Monash University, PRACTICAL ETHICS, 1993, stretched out for over 30 years. Under God, such a deterrent has alone kept the peace. Pray
p.308. Cod that it may buy us time while we work sincerely and desperately for a more firm basis
Suppose we have an opportunity to assassinate a tyrant who is systematically murdering for peace. Moreover, a similar situation worked in the Second World War. Each side
his opponents and anyone else he dislikes. We know that if the tyrant dies he will be possessed a huge stockpile of poison gas. Neither side employed it because each knew that
replaced by a popular opposition leader, now in exile who will restore the rule of law. If the other side would certainly reply in kind. Even in his final days Hitler was not able
we say that violence is always wrong and refuse to carry out the assassination, mustn't we effectively to turn to gas warfare as a last desperate recourse.
bear some responsibility for the tyrant's future murders? If the objections made to the acts
and omissions distinction in Chapter 7 were sound those who do not use violence to
prevent greater violence have to take responsibility for the violence they could have
prevented, Thus the rejection of the acts and omissions distinction makes a crucial
difference to the discussion of violence, for it opens the door to a plausible argument in
defence of violence.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 106
Ed Fredericks, State Department political officer, WAR AND HUMAN NATURE, David TOTALITARIAN DOMINATION
Bender and Bruno Leone, eds., 1983, p.155. H.O.J. Brown and George Mavrodes, Professor of Theology, Trinity Divinity School and
Had the free world not been so mesmerized by Hitler's cries for peace, World War II would Professor of Philosophy, University of Michigan, WAR AND HUMAN NATURE, David
have been stopped cold, and tens of millions of lives saved. "The 48 hours after the march Bender and Bruno Leone, eds., 1983, p.91.
into the Rhineland" someone heard Hitler say, "were the most nerve-racking in my life. If A war between the United States and the Soviet Union, with or without the involvement
the French had then marched into the Rhineland. we would have had to withdraw with our of Communist China, would be terribly destructive and might actually eradicate human
tails between our legs, for the military resources at our disposal would have been wholly civilization or human life itself. Yet failure to resist the Soviet Union might subjugate the
inadequate for even a moderate resistance." Shirer wrote: "In March 1936 the two western entire world to the most odious of tyrannies. In a fallen world, and confronting a
democracies were given their last chance to halt, without the risk of a serious war, the rise determined adversary such as the Soviet Union, our nation's only hope of remaining free
of a militarized, aggressive, totalitarian Germany and in fact--as we have seen Hitler is to be prepared to go to war to defend itself, even at the risk of being destroyed. The
admitting--bring the Nazi dictator and his regime tumbling down. They let the chance slip monstrous evil of totalitarian Communism must indeed be frightful--as it is--for us to risk
by." annihilation rather than submit to it. Frankly, I agree with Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and will
risk annihilation for myself and for my country to defend our freedom.
John Silber, President, Boston College, quoted in, WAR AND HUMAN NATURE, David AKH1242 NUCLEAR WEAPONS ARE NEEDED TO AVOID SURRENDER OR
Bender and Bruno Leone, eds., 1983, p.156. UNIVERSAL CONSCRIPTION
The prehistory of the Second World War is extremely instructive about the objective Kenneth Kantzer, Professor of Philsophy, Trinity College, WAR AND HUMAN
consequences of peace movements: the horrors of the First World War were followed by NATURE, David Bender and Bruno Leone, eds., 1983, p.81-2.
a vigorous and superficially successful peace movement.... The advocates of "peace" so Fact is, the free world has inadequate nonnuclear deterrents to Soviet expansionism. To
prevailed in the democracies that at every turn, Hitler's demands were satisfied without renounce all use of nuclear weapons, therefore, is to leave just two options: (1) "The Great
firing a shot. And just twenty-one years after the guns fell silent, Europe was at war again. Surrender," involving absolute capitulation, or (2) immediate universal conscription and
the buildup of conventional arms and enormous expense that would transform the United
AKH1237 NON-VIOLENCE ASSUMES EFFECTIVE RULES OF WAR States into a military state more like the Soviet Union. This could be done. The Swiss
Michael Walzer, political philosopher, Princeton, JUST AND UNJUST WARS, 1977, people have done it for many decades. They allocate over a third of their national budget
p.334. for military expenses and support universal conscription with regular military stints each
Nonviolent defense depends upon noncombatant immunity. For this reason, it is no service year required of all males to the age of 47.
to the cause to ridicule the rules of war or to insist (as Tolstoy did) that violence is always
and necessarily unrestrained. When one wages a "war without weapons," one appeals for AKH1243 NON-VIOLENT RESISTANCE HAS NEVER DEFEATED AN INVADER
restraint from men with weapons. It is not likely that these men, soldiers subject to military Michael Walzer, political philosopher, Princeton, JUST AND UNJUST WARS, 1977,
discipline, are going to be converted to the creed of nonviolence. p.330.
I want to stress that it is not war but civilian resistance that has usually been regarded as
AKH1238 PACIFISM DESTROYS THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN GUILT AND a last resort, because war holds out at least the possibility of avoiding the occupation that
INNOCENCE evokes or requires the resistance. But we might reverse this ordering were we to decide
Elizabeth Anscombe, Professor of Philosophy, Cambridge, WAR AND MORALITY, that resistance is as likely to end the occupation as military action is to prevent it, and at
Richard Wasserstrom, ed., 1970, p.49. a much lower cost in human lives. There is as yet no evidence that that proposition is true,
Now pacifism teaches people to make no distinction between the shedding of innocent "no cases in which . . . civilian defense has caused an invader to withdraw."
blood and the shedding of any human blood. And in this way pacifism has corrupted
enormous numbers of people who will not act according to its tenets. They become AKH1244 NON-VIOLENCE CAN'T EFFECTIVELY COUNTER POLITICAL TERROR
convinced that a number of things are wicked which are not; hence, seeing no way of Michael Walzer, political philosopher, Princeton, JUST AND UNJUST WARS, 1977,
avoiding "wickedness," they set no limits to it. p.331-2.
While nonviolence by itself replaces aggressive war with political struggle, it cannot by
AKH1239 PACIFISM UNDERMINES THE LOGIC OF LIMITED WAR itself determine the means of struggle. The invading army can always adopt the common
Robert Phillips, WAR AND JUSTICE, 1984, p.108-9. methods of domestic tyrants, which go well beyond curfews, fines, and jail sentences; and
These remarks once again reflect a curious similarity between pacifism and various forms its leaders, though they are soldiers, may well be tempted to do that for the sake of a quick
of realpolitik. The pacifist can see no difference between wars which are fought in "victory." Tyrants will not, of course, lay siege to their own cities or bomb or bombard
self-defense and wars of brutal and blatant conquest. The practical effect of this is that in them; nor will invaders who encounter no armed opposition. But there are other, probably
an actual war he is unprepared to offer any suggestion on how the conflict might be more efficient, ways of terrorizing a people whose country one controls, and of breaking
limited. Anscombe's point is just that insofar as pacifism is regarded as an ideal for the their resistance.
mass of men, it is an ideal short of which they will inevitably fall. But the damage will
have been done. Having dirtied their hands by resorting to evil means, there is no reason AKH1245 NON-VIOLENT RESISTANCE IS LIKELY TO BREAK DOWN
not to go all the way and fight war `a outrance as a means of securing victory. If the use Michael Walzer, political philosopher, Princeton, JUST AND UNJUST WARS, 1977,
of force is evil, why limit ourselves once we have chosen to fight? The evil is done by the p.334.
first act of violence; to embark upon war is to place oneself outside the moral sphere, so Nonviolent resistance, on the other hand, is possible on a significant scale only if civilians
what is to be gained by attending to moral niceties while killing the enemy? If we are to are already mobilized and prepared to act together. The resistance is simply the physical
sin, let us sin well and truly. expression of that mobilization, directly, in the streets, or indirectly, through economic
slowdowns and political passivity. Now the coercion and killing of civilians is likely to
AKH1240 VIOLENCE IS SOMETIMES A NECESSARY INSTRUMENT OF REFORM break the solidarity of the resistance, spreading terror through the country and eventually
Elisabeth Young-Bruehl, Professor of Letters, Wesleyan, HANNAH ARENDT: FOR producing a dulled acquiescence.
LOVE OF THE WORLD, 1982, p.415.
Hannah Arendt held fast to her side of the argument with Tom Hayden, but she shifted her AKH1246 NON-VIOLENCE IS SIMPLY COVERT SURRENDER
stance somewhat after reflection on a point made by Conor Cruise O'Brien, who came to Michael Walzer, political philosopher, Princeton, JUST AND UNJUST WARS, 1977,
the meeting still stiff from a bit of police violence that had come his way at a p.333.
demonstration. O'Brien quoted a remark made by one of his Irish countrymen: Sometimes When one cannot count on the moral code, nonviolence is either a disguised form of
"violence is the only way of ensuring a hearing for moderation." When Hannah Arendt surrender or a minimalist way of upholding communal values after a military defeat. I don't
wrote her "Reflections on Violence" in 1969, she cited this remark approvingly: "Violence want to underestimate the importance of the second of these. Though civilian resistance
does not promote causes, neither history nor revolution, neither progress nor reaction; but evokes no moral recognition among the invading soldiers, it can still be important for its
it can serve to dramatize grievances and bring them to public attention " She acknowledged practitioners. It expresses the communal will to survive; and though the expression is brief,
that ghetto violence might do this. But she was careful to suggest that "violence, contrary as in Czechoslovakia in 1968, it is likely to be long remembered. The heroism of civilians
to what its prophets try to tell us, is more the weapon of reform than revolution." The is even more heartening than that of soldiers. On the other hand, one should not expect
student riots in France had brought only reform of the university system, she noted, and much more from civilians confronted with a terrorist or potentially terrorist army than brief
the riots at Columbia University had brought only a study of that university's policies. or sporadic resistance.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 107
STANDARDS AMONG ADVERSARIES Douglas Lackey, Professor of Philosophy, City College of New York, THE ETHICS OF
Michael Walzer, political philosopher, Princeton, JUST AND UNJUST WARS, 1977, WAR AND PEACE, 1989, p.15.
p.333. India did not adopt the creed of nonviolence after the British left in 1948, and it is hardly
As Liddell Hart has argued, however, these effects have only been possible against likely that any modern nation-state will organize its international affairs along Gandhian
opponents whose code of morality was fundamentally similar [to that of the civilian lines. But none of this affects the validity of Gandhi's arguments, which indicate how
defenders], and whose ruthlessness was thereby restrained. It is very doubtful whether things ought to be, not how they are. We have seen that Gandhi's principles do not falter
non-violent resistance would have availed against a Tartar conqueror in the past, or against in the face of situations in which taking one life can save lives on balance. But what of
a Stalin in more recent times. We only impression it seems to have made on Hitler was to situations in which the sacrifice of spiritual purity by one will prevent the corruption of
excite his impulse to trample on what, to his mind, was contemptible weakness--although many souls? Suppose, for example, that a Gandhian believes (on good evidence) that a
there is evidence that it did embarrass many of his generals, brought up in a better code. well-timed commando raid will prevent a nation from embarking on an aggressive war, a
war that would inflame whole populations with hatred for the enemy. Wouldn't a concern
AKH1248 NON-VIOLENCE MEANS ULTIMATE DEFEAT with one's own spiritual purity in such a situation show an immoral lack of concern for the
Michael Walzer, political philosopher, Princeton, JUST AND UNJUST WARS, 1977, souls of one's fellow men?
If one faces an enemy like the Nazis, and if armed resistance is impossible, it is virtually AKH1254 GANDHIAN SPIRITUAL PURITY CAN BE SACRIFICED TO OTHER
certain that the men and women of the occupied country--those who have been marked out VALUES
for survival, at any rate, and perhaps even those who have been marked out for death--will Douglas Lackey, Professor of Philosophy, City College of New York, THE ETHICS OF
yield to their new masters and obey their decrees. The country will grow silent. Resistance WAR AND PEACE, 1989, p.16.
will be a matter of individual heroism or of the heroism of small groups, but not of In addition to these technical problems, many people will be inclined to reject the system
collective struggle. of values from which Gandhi's deductions flow. Many will concede that good character
is important and that helping others to develop moral virtues is an important task. But few
AKH1249 NON-VIOLENCE FAILED IN CZECHOSLOVAKIA agree with Gandhi that the development of moral purity is the supreme human good, and
Hannah Arendt, political philosopher, ON VIOLENCE, 1970, p.52-3. that other goods, like the preservation of human life, or progress in the arts and sciences,
The head-on clash between Russian tanks and the entirely nonviolent resistance of the have little or no value in comparison. If even a little value is conceded to these other
Czechoslovak people is a textbook case of a confrontation between violence and power in things, then on occasion it will be necessary to put aside the project of developing spiritual
their pure states. But while domination in such an instance is difficult to achieve, it is not purity in order to preserve other values. These acts of preservation may require physical
impossible. Violence, we must remember, does not depend on numbers or opinions, but violence, and those who use violence to defend life or beauty or liberty may indeed be
on implements, and the implements of violence, as I mentioned before, like all other tools, corrupting their souls. But it is hard to believe that an occasional and necessary act of
increase and multiply human strength. Those who oppose violence with mere power will violence on behalf of these values will totally and permanently corrupt the soul, and those
soon find that they are confronted not by men but by men's artifacts, whose inhumanity and who use violence judiciously may be right in thinking that the saving of life or beauty or
destructive effectiveness increase in proportion to the distance separating the opponents. liberty may be worth a small or temporary spiritual loss.
Violence can always destroy power; out of the barrel of a gun grows the most effective
command, resulting in the most instant and perfect obedience. AKH1255 PACIFISM IS MORALLY UTOPIAN
Jan Narveson, Professor of Philosophy, University of Waterloo, ETHICS, January 1968,
EVIL ADVERSARY This, I think, is the pacifist's dilemma. He would like to live in a world utterly at peace. So
Hannah Arendt, political philosopher, ON VIOLENCE, 1970, p.53. would most of us. But we do not, and so the question is, what to do about it? The pacifist's
In a head-on clash between violence and power, the outcome is hardly in doubt. If Gandhi's way is, as it were, to make Munich the cornerstone of our moral lives. We will act (or is
enormously powerful and successful strategy of nonviolent resistance had met with a that the right word here?) as if there were no violence anywhere, and then, hopefully, there
different enemy--Stalin's Russia, Hitler's Germany, even prewar Japan, instead of will come a time when magic prevails and there is no more of it. By that time, the circle
England--the outcome would not have been decolonization, but massacre and submission. will no doubt also have been squared and infinity encompassed. But the rest of us,
meanwhile, will wonder what has become of that supposed right to peace which we
AKH1251 GANDHI WOULD HAVE FAILED IN THE FACE OF TOTALITARIANISM thought the pacifist was allowing us when we see him standing by, protesting at the top of
Michael Walzer, political philosopher, Princeton, JUST AND UNJUST WARS, 1977, his lungs, to be sure, but not doing anything about it, in the presence of violence by others.
Win his "Reflections on Gandhi," George Orwell points out the importance of exemplary AKH1256 EXTREME PACIFISM IS MORALLY SIMPLISTIC
leadership and wide publicity in a nonviolent campaign and wonders whether such a Tom Regan, Professor of Philosophy, North Carolina State, CANADIAN JOURNAL OF
campaign would even be possible in a totalitarian state. "It is difficult to see how Gandhi's PHILOSOPHY, September 1972, p.86.
methods could be applied in a country where opponents of the regime disappear in the It remains true, nonetheless, that the strongest objections to an extreme pacifism of the
middle of the night and are never heard from again." Nor would civilian resistance work kind discussed are moral, not logical ones. A person committed to an extreme pacifism,
well against invaders who sent out squads of soldiers to kill civilian leaders, who arrested though he need make no logical mistake, yet lacks a fully developed moral sensitivity to
and tortured suspects, established concentration camps, and exiled large numbers of people the vagaries and complexities of human existence. To regard the pacifist's belief as 'bizarre
from areas where the resistance was strong to distant and desolate parts of the country. and vaguely ludicrous" is, perhaps, to put it mildly.
Nonviolent defense is no defense at all against tyrants or conquerors ready to adopt such
measures. Gandhi demonstrated this truth, I think by the perverse advice he gave to the AKH1257 TOTAL NON-VIOLENCE IS MORALLY SIMPLISTIC
Jews of Germany: that they should commit suicide rather than fight back against Nazi Joseph Fletcher, Professor of Ethics, University of Virginia, SITUATION ETHICS, 1966,
tyranny. Here nonviolence, under extreme conditions, collapses into violence directed at p.83-4.
oneself rather than at one's murderers, though why it should take that direction I cannot Absolute negatives absolute affirmatives alike have this neurotic character of falsifying
understand. complex realities. Albert Schweitzer is quite right to say that "the good conscience is an
invention of the devil." Classical pacifism is an example; it holds the use of violence to be
AKH1252 EVEN GANDHI WAS FORCED TO RELY ON COERCION always wrong regardless of the situation. This is a legalism, even though many pacifists
Douglas Lackey, Professor of Philosophy, City College of New York, THE ETHICS OF would be unhappy to think of it as such. The subtlety here is this: the pacifist knows that
WAR AND PEACE, 1989, p.15. if, as in the "just war" doctrine, it is possible that some wars are just and some are not, the
Another problem for Gandhi concerns the relationship between violence and coercion. To pacifist with his absolute prohibition is bound to be ethically right some of the time,
coerce people is to make them act against their will, for fear of the consequences they will whereas the situationist could be wrong every time, failing to recognize when a war is just
suffer if they do not obey. Coercion, then, is a kind of spiritual violence, directed against and trying to justify one when it is not justifiable. The pacifist is safe ethically in a way,
the imagination and will of the victim. The "violence" most conspicuously rejected by as all legalists are, whereas the situationist is always vulnerable to error in any
Gandhi-- pushing, shoving, striking with hands, the use of weapons, the placing of bombs decision-making situation. Nevertheless, we must favor a casuistry in which every man is
and explosives--is essentially physical violence, directed against the bodies of opponents. his own casuist when the decision-making chips are down. Decision is "a risk rooted in the
But if physical violence against bodies is spiritually corrupting, psychological violence courage of being" free.
directed at the will of opponents must be even more corrupting. In his writings Gandhi
condemned coercion. Yet in practice he can hardly be said to have renounced AKH1258 PACIFISM IS A SIMPLISTIC SOLUTION TO WAR
psychological coercion. Risiri Frondizi, Professor of Philosophy, University of Texas, THE CRITIQUE OF WAR,
Robert Ginsberg, ed., 1969, p.79.
War is a complex phenomenon. We will not avoid it with simplistic solutions. Pacifism,
with all the sympathy that it might inspire, is a clear example of naivete and
oversimplification in solving a complex problem that cannot be solved by wishful thinking
and goodwill. Goodwill can contribute to the solution of a problem when the latter is due
to bad will, but not when it falls outside the field of volition.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 108
Allan Bloom, Professor of Philosophy, University of Chicago, THE CLOSING OF THE William Henry, Pulitzer Prize-winning critic, IN DEFENSE OF ELITISM, 1994, p.30.
AMERICAN MIND, 1987, p.39. Fourth, a superior culture produces permanent artifacts that express aesthetic and
It is important to emphasize that the lesson the students are drawing from their studies is humanistic principles appreciated by other cultures. In general, the bigger and more
simply untrue. History and the study of cultures do not teach or prove that values or numerous these artifacts are, and the more sophisticated and varied the craftsmanship they
cultures are relative. All to the contrary, that is a philosophical premise that we now bring manifest, the better. Hence Chartres Cathedral is superior to any tribal mask or religious
to our study of them. This premise is unproven and dogmatically asserted for what are totem, not because it is European or Christian, but because it evidences greater human
largely political reasons. History and culture are interpreted in the light of it, and then are ingenuity and invention. The permanence of such artifacts is admittedly a matter of chance.
said to prove the premise. Yet the fact that there have been different opinions about good Sheer antiquity diminishes the number and quality of cultural remnants. Much of the
and bad in different times and places in no way proves that none is true or superior to Parthenon's sculpture is eroded or outright gone, and most of Greek drama is lost, although
others. To say that it does so prove is as absurd as to say that the diversity of points of view in both cases what survives is breathtaking. Similarly, the cultures that wind up as
expressed in a college bull session proves there is no truth. On the face of it, the difference conservators of a region's patrimony are often inferior enough that they fail to protect their
of opinion would seem to raise the question as to which is true or right rather than to heritage (along with, more often than not, the liberty of their citizens). One can hardly
banish it. The natural reaction is to try to resolve the difference, to examine the claims and blame classical Indian culture, for example, for the disgraceful way that vast carpets,
reasons for each opinion. exquisite little Mogul miniature paintings, and gossamer-grand palaces are left to rot
unprotected in humid and polluted modern air in, for example, the once-regal city of
AKH1260 REASON CAN OVERCOME ETHNOCENTRIC PREJUDICE Jaipur. But by and large, the greater the culture, the more of a legacy it leaves, so that even
Allan Bloom, Professor of Philosophy, University of Chicago, THE CLOSING OF THE the ravages of time cannot erase its memory.
AMERICAN MIND, 1987, p.40.
I know that men are likely to bring what are only their prejudices to the judgment of alien AKH1267 SUPERIOR CULTURES PROVIDE GENERAL EDUCATION
peoples. Avoiding that is one of the main purposes of education. But trying to prevent it William Henry, Pulitzer Prize-winning critic, IN DEFENSE OF ELITISM, 1994, p.30.
by removing the authority of men's reason is to render ineffective the instrument that can Fifth, a superior culture provides widespread, rigorous general education and ensures an
correct their prejudices. True openness is the accompaniment of the desire to know, hence essentially meritocratic admissions system, so that the chief talents of each generation will
of the awareness of ignorance. To deny the possibility of knowing good and bad is to be fully exploited. A culture that leaves its people in agrarian ignorance, or that educates
suppress true openness. only a priestly or partisan elite, must be judged inferior, whether it exhibits the moral
dignity of Tibet or the moral squalor of Libya.
Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND William Henry, Pulitzer Prize-winning critic, IN DEFENSE OF ELITISM, 1994, p.30-1.
THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.111. Sixth, a superior culture expands, by trade or cultural imperialism or conquest or all of the
For Said, on the contrary, it is a melancholy fact that this retreat from the emancipatory above, and will find its tenets embraced by the erstwhile captives even when the era of
values of modernity should be occurring both among Western intellectuals (or expansion is over. Think of the Mongols in China (though scarcely a trace remains of them
'consequential metropolitan theorists') and those elsewhere who have everything to gain in the West), the Moors in Iberia, the Spanish in South America.
by conserving what is best in that tradition. 'We can and indeed must speculate', he writes,
as to why there has been a practice of self-confinement of the libertarian theoretical capital AKH1269 SUPERIOR CULTURES ALLOW INDIVIDUAL OPPORTUNITIES
produced in the west, and why at the same time, in the formerly colonial world, the William Henry, Pulitzer Prize-winning critic, IN DEFENSE OF ELITISM, 1994, p.31.
prospect for a culture with strongly liberationist components has rarely seemed dimmer. Seventh, a superior culture organizes itself hierarchically, tends toward central authority,
and overcomes tribal and regional divisions, all without suppressing the individual
AKH1262 NOT ALL CULTURES ARE EQUAL opportunity for self-expression and advancement. A culture that allows an individual the
William Henry, Pulitzer Prize-winning critic, IN DEFENSE OF ELITISM, 1994, p.14. opportunity to paint on a larger canvas, as it were, is patently superior to one that compels
Every corner of the human race may have something to contribute. That does not mean that him to think no further than his clan or valley.
all contributions are equal. We may find romantic appeal, aesthetic power, and even
political insight in cultures that never achieved modern technological sophistication. That AKH1270 INSISTING ON THE EQUALITY OF ALL CULTURES IS
does not mean we should equate them with our own. It is scarcely the same thing to put a CONDESCENDINGLY RACIST
man on the moon as to put a bone in your nose. And even were all cultures equal, that William Henry, Pulitzer Prize-winning critic, IN DEFENSE OF ELITISM, 1994, p.14.
would not mean they made equal contributions in the specific shaping of the American lt is not necessarily a conspiracy of silence that the historical record is so thin in detailing
ideal. women painters and writers of the early Renaissance or black nuclear physicists and
Hispanic political leaders of the early twentieth century. Sometimes the record is thin
AKH1263 SUPERIOR CULTURES, PRESERVE FREEDOM because the accomplishments were too. I expect many people will reflexively find these
William Henry, Pulitzer Prize-winning critic, IN DEFENSE OF ELITISM, 1994, p.29. observations racist. But I am not asserting that, say, people of African descent cannot
First and foremost, a superior culture preserves the liberty of its citizens. A society may compete equally only that their ancestral culture did not give them the tools and
be disadvantaged in this quest by reasons of geography, economics, size relative to its opportunity to do so. To me the real racism lies in the condescending assumption that we
neighbors, and so on. But in essence, a culture that maintains autonomy is superior. One must equate all cultures to assuage African Americans, or any other minorities, instead of
that fails to fend off invaders, or that permits large numbers of its inhabitants to be taken challenging them to compete with; and equal, the best in the culture where they live now.
into slavery, is on its face inferior. Whatever moral or spiritual or other virtues a conquered
culture may offer, they cannot redeem the loss of freedom. AKH1271 CULTURES DON'T HAVE A RIGHT TO SURVIVAL
Jurgen Habermas, Professor of Philosophy, University of Frankfurt,
William Henry, Pulitzer Prize-winning critic, IN DEFENSE OF ELITISM, 1994, p.29. To this extent coexistence with equal rights for different ethnic groups and their cultural
Second, a superior culture provides a comfortable life, relatively free from want, for the forms of life does not need to be safeguarded through the sort of collective rights that
plupart of its citizens. It would be foolish to draw a straight line equation on this principle. would overtax a theory of rights tailored to individual persons. Even if such group rights
The accident of oil wealth should not by itself make Kuwait rank as superior to, say, Italy, could be granted in the democratic constitutional state, they would be not only unnecessary
or even India. But in general a valid culture will lift its people above a subsistence but questionable from a normative point of view. For in the last analysis the protection of
economy and afford the merits of trade and entrepreneurship. forms of life and traditions in which identities are formed is supposed to serve the
recognition of their members; it does not represent a kind of preservation of species by
AKH1265 SUPERIOR CULTURES PROMOTE HEALTH AND WELFARE administrative means. The ecological perspective on species conservation cannot be
William Henry, Pulitzer Prize-winning critic, IN DEFENSE OF ELITISM, 1994, p.29-30. transferred to cultures. Cultural heritages and the forms of life articulated in them normally
Third, a superior culture promotes modern science, medicine, and hygiene and otherwise reproduce themselves by convincing those whose personality structures they shape, that
maximizes the health, comfort, and longevity of its citizens. By medicine I mean Western is, by motivating them to appropriate productively and continue the traditions. The
medicine, pending persuasive non-anecdotal research into the merits of any other kind. By constitutional state can make this hermeneutic achievement of the cultural reproduction of
science I emphatically do not mean numerology, mysticism, astrology, ESP, or any of the lifeworlds possible, but it cannot guarantee it. For to guarantee survival would necessarily
new age crapola that beguiles second-rate minds (and that is normally, and correctly, rob the members of the very freedom to say yes or no that is necessary if they are to
identified as foreign to mainstream Western culture). By hygiene I mean not only the use appropriate and preserve their cultural heritage.
of toilets and the preservation of potage drinking water but a rational acceptance of birth
control and an attitude neither phobic nor reckless toward sex.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 109
Amy Gutmann, Professor of Politics, Princeton, MULTICULTURALISM, 1994, p.x. TRUE
Constitutional democracy dedicates itself to this distinction by granting members of Janet Ainsworth, Professor of Law, University of Puget Sound, North Carolina Law
minority cultures "equal rights of coexistence" with majority cultures. Are these group Review, June 1991, p.1088.
rights or individual rights? Habermas maintains that they are individual rights of free Edward Said's Orientalism, E. SAID, ORIENTALISM (1978), is a classic of constructivist
association and nondiscrimination, which therefore do not guarantee survival for any history. Said's central thesis is that European culture systematically created the idea of the
culture. The political project of preserving cultures as if they were endangered species Orient and imposed this constructed reality for its own political ends. He explicitly warns
deprives cultures of their vitality and individuals of their freedom to revise and even to the reader, however, that he neither "suggest[s] that there is such a thing as a real or true
reject their inherited cultural identities. Constitutional democracies respect a broad range Orient" nor "make[s] an assertion about the necessary privilege of an 'insider' perspective
of cultural identities, but they guarantee survival to none. over an 'outsider' one." Id. at 322. Rather, his truly constructivist move is to claim that all
versions of "the Orient," including indigenous ones, are equally constructed; none are
AKH1273 RELATIVISM LEADS TO TOLERATION OF SLAVERY AND ETHNIC objective depictions of some supposed external reality.
Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND AKH1278 SAID RECOGNIZES THE IMPORTANCE OF ENLIGHTENMENT
It is the same pluralist outlook (often adopted, one should add, with the best moral and Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND
political intentions) which enjoins us to respect the diversity of beliefs within and across THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.110.
cultures, and not to use terms like 'fundamentalist', 'reactionary', 'illiberal' and the like as Edward Said argues to similar effect when he remarks, in Culture and Imperialism, that it
if they possessed a validity transcending such localized differences of view., But what shall is difficult nowadays for clued-up Western intellectuals to offer any statement about
we then say of practices - like slavery, clitoridectomy, or widow-burning - that no doubt history without first acknowledging Hayden White's thesis 'that all historical writing is
make sense by the lights of some past or present cultural life-form, but which must surely writing and delivers figural language and representational tropes, be they in the modes of
give pause to anyone who takes this liberal-pluralist line? Or again: what arguments could metonymy, metaphor, allegory, or irony'. Meanwhile, altogether elsewhere, historians and
we muster against those who are currently engaged in genocidal campaigns (or large-scale scholars in the ex-colonial nations have a rather more urgent task to perform, one that
programmes of 'ethnic cleansing') which undeniably enjoy wide support among members leaves them no room for such luxuries of hyperinduced sceptical doubt. 'In the main', as
of their own language-group or cultural community? It seems hardly enough to deplore Said concludes, 'the breach between these consequential metropolitan theorists and either
such practices and then enter the standard pluralist caveat: 'but, of course, that is just how the ongoing or the historical imperial experience is truly vast.' Nor is this very remarkable
we happen to view things, given our local habits of belief'. if one considers the interests and priorities that such theorizing typically involves. For it
is a capital irony, one not lost upon Said, that at a time when Western avant-garde theorists
AKH1274 RELATIVISM WOULD ALLOW NO CRITIQUE OF SEXISM are busily rubbishing the Enlightenment and all its works, those same values should
Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND assume such importance for 'third-world' thinkers and activists striving to reclaim a history
THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.27. occluded by the hegemonic discourses of Western power.
Indeed it is hard to see how any limit could be drawn to this principle of treating each and
every language-game (along with its associated life-form) as intelligible solely on the AKH1279 SAID NOW RECOGNIZES THE SELF-CORRECTING CAPACITIES OF
terms laid down by its own immanent criteria. In which case even the most (to us) ENLIGHTENMENT THOUGHT
objectionable of sexist or socially retrograde practices would be wholly exempt from Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND
criticism just so long as they were shown to make sense - or to claim some degree of THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.75.
consensual warrant - within this or that interpretive community. It is in this context, I suggest, that we should interpret Said's very marked change of
outlook with regard to the 'discourse' of Enlightenment critique. For whatever its manifest
AKH1275 CULTURAL RELATIVISM IS A FORM ETHNOCENTRISM shortcomings and failures to date--failures that Said has done much as anyone to document
Allan Bloom, Professor of Philosophy, University of Chicago, THE CLOSING OF THE - still it is the case that Enlightenment provides the only adequate resources (conceptual,
AMERICAN MIND, 1987, p.33. ethical, and political) for reflecting on that same history.
Only in the Western nations, i.e., those influenced by Greek philosophy, is there some
willingness to doubt the identification of the good with one's own way. One should AKH1280 SAID NOW EMBRACES ENLIGHTENMENT VALUES
conclude from the study of non-Western cultures that not only to prefer one's own way but Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND
to believe it best, superior to all others, is primary and even natural--exactly the opposite THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.69.
of what is intended by requiring students to study these cultures. What we are really doing Not that this charge-sheet had in any way diminished by the time Said completed his work
is applying a Western prejudice--which we covertly take to indicate the superiority of our toward Culture and Imperialism. But in two respects at least - historical and ethico-political
culture--and deforming the evidence.of those other cultures to attest to its validity. The - that work bears witness to a real transformation of attitude. The first (as shown by the
scientific study of other cultures is almost exclusively a Western phenomenon, and in its passage on Toussaint, cited above) is Said's willingness to extend 'Enlightenment' as a
origin was obviously connected with the search for new and better ways, or at least for historical term beyond its original European context to those other emancipatory
validation of the hope that our own culture really is the better way, a validation for which movements - like the Santo Domingo revolt- that were able to invoke kindred ideas of
there is no felt need in other cultures. If we are to learn from those cultures, we must universal liberty, justice, and human rights. From which it follows that such ideas are not
wonder whether such scientific study is a good idea. Consistency would seem to require simply (as Foucault would have it) a product of the omnipresent will-to-truth that translates
professors of openness to respect the ethnocentrism or closedness they find everywhere into a hegemonic will-to-power. Nor are they - in the current textualist idiom - mere
else. However, in attacking ethnocentrism, what they actually do is to assert unawares the 'representations' (or strategies for shaping the narrative-discursive field) which possess no
superiority of their scientific understanding and-the inferiority of the other cultures which validity outside or beyond the moment of encounter between critic and text. The result of
do not recognize it at the same time that they reject all such claims to superiority. such thinking is a form of methodological solipsism, one that Said could never have
embraced on account of his ethical commitment to the victims of injustice, untruth, and
AKH1276 ALL CULTURES ARE ETHNOCENTRIC misrepresentation, but which he is now (with good reason) more anxious to repudiate.
Allan Bloom, Professor of Philosophy, University of Chicago, THE CLOSING OF THE
But if the students were really to learn something of the minds of any of these non-Western Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND
cultures which they do not--they would find that each and every one of these cultures is THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.119.
ethnocentric. All of them think their way is the best way, and all others are inferior. Nor are the current alternatives very much better when, as often happens, they start out
Herodotus tells us that the Persians thought that they were the best, that those nations from this same a priori persuasion--that is to say, from some variant of the linguistic or
bordering on them were next best, that those nations bordering on the nations bordering textualist turn - and seek to pass 'beyond' it while leaving its major premises firmly in
on them were third best, and so on, their worth declining as the concentric circles were place. Such are those vacuous appeals to an ethics or a politics of radical 'difference' which
farther from the Persian center. This is the very definition of ethnocentrism. Something - whether couched in Levinasian or in New Historicist terms - always end up by
like this is as ubiquitous as the prohibition against incest between mother and son. constructing the 'other' as an empty, unthinkably alien position within discourse whose
lineaments can only be descried in the image of the theorist's own concerns.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 110
APARTHEID Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND
Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.58.
THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.105. To treat the other as radically and absolutely other would amount, he argues, to a kind of
What might be involved, in the last analysis, is extending to the notion of foreigner the empiricist (or phenomenalist) reduction, a gesture that goes so far towards acknowledging
right of respecting our own foreignness and, in short, of the "privacy" that ensures freedom his or her claims to autonomous being that it ends up by repeating philosophy's oldest,
in democracies.' But we shall not achieve this wished-for condition by fetishizing most spontaneous gesture of exclusion. Such, we recall, is 'the dream of a purely
'difference' to the point where it becomes a ne plus ultra of radical theory, a term whose heterological thought, a pure thought of pure difference . . . We say the dream because it
indiscriminate usage very often brings it close to the active false logic of must vanish at daybreak, as soon as language reawakens.'
persecution-mania and a rhetoric of cultural Apartheid.
Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND
That she cites this passage twice over- on both occasions without the least hint of parodic One need only consider the events unfolding, as I write, in ex-Yugoslavia and portions of
or negative intent - is sufficient indication of the distance that Kristeva has travelled since the erstwhile Soviet bloc to see how easily such thinking can translate into the worst forms
a work like The Revolution in Poetic Language. In part this has to do with her vivid of ethnic prejudice and collective paranoia. For it is no great distance, whether in
perception of the harms brought about by a rhetoric of cultural otherness, difference, or philosophic or in psychological terms, from the attitude that on principle renounces all
alterity that so easily translates into forms of ethnic hatred and racist paranoia. But it also claim to know or comprehend the other to the attitude that views otherness as a threat - an
goes along with a profound revaluation of the ethical resources - the potential for reflecting absolute since radically alien threat-to its own very being and life-world.
on our current sorry state of world-political affairs -held out by that tradition of
liberal-enlightenment thought whose representative voices she assembles in Strangers to AKH1290 RESPECTING THE OTHER'S DIFFERENCE IS ULTIMATELY
Ourselves. And if this means abandoning some of the main tenets of post-structuralist REPRESSIVE
belief - the demise of truth, the dissolution of the subject, the raising of difference (or Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND
heterogeneity) to a high point of radical doctrine then clearly it is a price that Kristeva is THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.49.
willing to pay. In fact - as Derrida notes in his essay on Levinas - there is a risk that such thinking will
reproduce the most traditional of philosophic gestures. That is to say, it treats the other
AKH1284 STRESS ON OTHERNESS LEADS TO MASS MURDER (like Foucault's 'madness') as a discourse of absolute alterity which for that very reason -
Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND by virtue of its intransigent otherness - becomes more an object of philosophic scrutiny
THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.99-100. than an instance of subjectively intelligible language. And so it transpires, through this
Small wonder that Kristeva - like Said - has undergone a sharp conversion from this way most ironic of reversals, that the attempt to do justice to the other by acknowledging his
of thinking when confronted with the testimony of recent events in Yugoslavia, Palestine, or her unconditional difference produces what amounts to a gesture of containment, a
the ex-Soviet Republics, and elsewhere. What these events demonstrate with chilling move whereby that other is envisaged as the mute, non-signifying matter of philosophic
regularity is the peril - the potential for human catastrophe in the slide from an ethic of discourse.
shared humanity across cultural differences to a notion of 'otherness' that easily translates
into forms of rampant xenophobia. So it is that mixed communities of Serbs, Croats, and AKH1291 ETHICAL THOUGHT REQUIRES TREATING THE OTHER AS A
Muslims can be one week living peaceably as neighbours in the same village, and the next SUBJECT
week conducting unspeakable campaigns of 'ethnic cleansing', mass-murder, and Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND
systematic rape. Indeed, this presents the most telling example of the way that seemingly THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.81.
'abstract' issues are mirrored, enacted, or called to account by turns of real-world historical Most important here is Kristeva's marked change of attitude with regard to the role of
event. If there is one such episode that should give pause to the proponents of 'difference' Enlightenment ('cosmopolitan') thinking as a crucial phase in the coming-to-terms with
and cultural particularism it is the tragedy that has engulfed ax-Yugoslavia and which also issues of cultural alterity and difference. Like Derrida, she sees that any genuinely
- as I write - threatens to attend the break-up of other federalist states in Eastern Europe. other-regarding ethics or politics must always be prepared to recognize the other as in
And if there is one lesson to be learned from all this it is the lesson that Kristeva so some sense an alter ego, a subject - or person - whose being could exert no claim upon
eloquently draws in Strangers to Ourselves and Nations Without Nationalism. one's moral conscience if thought of as somehow existing in a realm of absolute,
intransigent otherness.
Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND Helen Caldicott, doctor of medicine and peace activist, MISSILE ENVY, 1986, p.258.
THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.89. Robert Lifton has coined the word "nuclearism" to describe the process of fascination and
Most importantly, it centres on that complex of themes - self and other, identity and near worship that some scientists, military people, politicians, and others have with the
difference, the claims of universalist ('enlightenment') reason vis-a-vis the claims of nuclear bomb. These people worship at the feet of the bombs and deify them, rationalizing
linguistic, cultural, or ethnic alterity which post-structuralism treats as binary terms in a that because of their potential for damage, they must be blessed with some innate
strictly nonnegotiable, antagonist relation. And from here, as I have argued, it is no great goodness.
distance to the hideous rhetoric of 'ethnic cleansing' and the various strains of revived
nationalist fervour that also ride high on the current wave of reactive AKH1293 THE THREAT OF NUCLEAR EXTINCTION COULD REEMERGE
counter-enlightenment thought. George Kateb, political theorist, Princeton, THE INNER OCEAN, 1992, p.106.
Besides, who knows whether the threat of extinction may not again arise from nuclear
AKH1286 STRESSING DIFFERENCE CAN LEAD TO RACISM AND XENOPHOBIA states or from some other human source? The perspective of extinction could once again
Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND be plausible. Needless to say, arguments against any use of nuclear weapons have lost none
THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.74. of their relevance despite the collapse of the Soviet Union. The weapons abound and
That this model has been extended so far beyond its legitimate (structural-synchronic) spread. Their use, no matter how confined, would be a trauma of unconfinable effects.
domain is a major cause of the confusions rife in present-day critical theory. But those
confusions take on a much wider (and more ominous) import if one considers their
meaning - their practical significance--in light of current world-political events. For if there
is one harsh lesson that theorists should have learned from simply reading their daily
newspapers over the past few years it is the fatal ease with which notions of ethnic and
cultural 'difference' can be turned around and used to promote forms of racist or
xenophobic sentiment.


Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND
And the third lesson, inseparable from these, is that we need to keep faith with what
Habermas calls the 'unfinished project of modernity', since it is only by thinking such
issues through with the greatest possible lucidity and care that theory can avoid the
constant danger of reverting to forms of unreflective pre-critical prejudice. In his view -
to which I would very largely subscribe - this charge can be brought against many of those
thinkers in the post-structuralist and affiliated camps who have raised the thematics of
difference and alterity into a high point of mystified dogma.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 111
George Kateb, political theorist, Princeton, THE INNER OCEAN, 1992, p.111-2. Robert Jay Lifton and Richard Falk, Professors of Psychology, Harvard, and International
It is of no moral account that extinction may be only a slight possibility. No one can say Relations, Princeton, INDEFENSIBLE WEAPONS, 1982, p.143.
how great the possibility is, but no one has yet credibly denied that by some sequence or A direct awareness of the nuclear war danger is the indispensable first step In any process
other a particular use of nuclear weapons may lead to human and natural extinction. If it of reducing or removing the danger. This awareness has to include some sense of anguish
is not impossible it must be treated as certain: the loss signified by extinction nullifies all about the current state of our security, an awareness unmitigated by bureaucratic
calculations of probability as it nullifies all calculations of costs and benefits. Abstractly painkillers. One of the high costs of modern nationalism is a decline in the willingness,
put, the connections between any use of nuclear weapons and human and natural extinction perhaps the capacity, of leaders, especially of powerful countries, to speak the truth to their
are several. Most obviously, a sizable exchange of strategic nuclear weapons can, by a citizens.
chain of events in nature, lead to the earth's uninhabitability, to "nuclear winter," or to
Schell's "republic of insects and grass." But the consideration of extinction cannot rest with AKH1300 FACING THE REALITY OF NUCLEAR WAR IS KEY TO PREVENTING
the possibility of a sizable exchange of strategic weapons. It cannot rest with the IT
imperative that a sizable exchange must not take place. A so-called tactical or "theater" Harvard Nuclear Study Group, LIVING WITH NUCLEAR WEAPONS, 1983, p.f13.
use, or a so-called limited use, is also prohibited absolutely, because of the possibility of Both these forms of denial are human, but it is also human to search for a better
immediate escalation into a sizable exchange or because, even if there were not an understanding of the vast problems nuclear weaponry creates. If we are to manage these
immediate escalation, the possibility of extinction would reside in the precedent for future problems successfully, we have to treat the problems seriously and minimize our natural
use set by any use whatever in a world in which more than one power possesses nuclear tendency to deny the horrors. Facing the reality of nuclear war, however, does not mean
weapons. Add other consequences: the contagious effect on nonnuclear powers who may that coping with the problems is any less difficult. All the pictures of Hiroshima and the
feel compelled by a mixture of fear and vanity to try to acquire their own weapons, thus visions of future disaster can tell one is what to avoid -- not how to avoid it. Still,
increasing the possibility of use by increasing the number of nuclear powers; and the acknowledging the potential horrors of war in the nuclear age should serve as a constant
unleashed emotions of indignation, retribution, and revenge which, if not acted on reminder of the necessity of keeping those horrors in the realm of "the potential." The goal
immediately in the form of escalation, can be counted on to seek expression later. Other then is to be realistic without being fatalistic; to treat the dangers soberly without being
than full strategic uses are not confined, no matter how small the explosive power: each inhumane. This is a difficult challenge for every concerned individual. It is, nonetheless,
would be a cancerous transformation of the world. All nuclear roads lead to the possibility a prerequisite for progress.
of extinction.
George Kateb, political theorist, Princeton, THE INNER OCEAN, 1992, p.126. Helen Caldicott, doctor of medicine and peace activist, MISSILE ENVY, 1986, p.7.
Yet, looked at globally, the problems of overpopulation, ecological damage, and poverty The logical consequence of the preparation for nuclear war is nuclear war. The behavior
seem so immense that, as I have admitted, state activism appears attractive. In fact, state that perpetuates this race to oblivion can be changed only when people actually allow
activism carried out by disciplinary dictatorships can appear doubly attractive, as it does themselves to contemplate the true medical and ecological implications of such an event.
to even so magnanimous a soul as Hans Jonas in his important book The imperative of Only then will they make a conscious decision to devote their lives, their fortunes, and
Responsibility (1984). The further horror is that there might be fantasies in which the their sacred honor to save the creation.
gravest problem becomes the Swiftian solution to other grave problems, in which nuclear
war becomes the solution to many of the problems of overpopulation. Thus the possibility AKH1302 UNDERSTANDING THE NUCLEAR THREAT IS THE MOST
of nuclear extinction would become most real when the urgencies of economic survival IMPORTANT KNOWLEDGE POSSIBLE
had become most imperious, and the individual most pitilessly dwarfed. Helen Caldicott, doctor of medicine and peace activist, MISSILE ENVY, 1986, p.299.
Thomas Jefferson said, "An informed democracy will behave in a responsible fashion." It
AKH1296 NOT ACKNOWLEDGING THE NUCLEAR THREAT HEIGHTENS THE is the responsibility of every American to educate himself or herself about the vast
RISK OF WAR ramifications of the nuclear and conventional arms race, about the military-industrial
Jonathan Schell, journalist and peace activist, THE FATE OF THE EARTH, 1982, p.231. complex, about past American intervention in other countries, and about present U.S.
Two paths lie before us. One leads to death, the other to life. If we choose the first path -- foreign policy. All this is vital because any superpower confrontation could end in nuclear
if we numbly refuse to acknowledge the nearness of extinction, all the while increasing our holocaust. Understanding this subject is more important than any other reading you have
preparations to bring it about -- then we in effect become the allies of death, and in to do. It should become the number one priority in your life. Such activity might preserve
everything we do our attachment to life will weaken: our vision, blinded to the abyss that the life of your family.
has opened at our feet, will dim and grow confused; our will, discouraged by the thought
of trying to build on such a precarious foundation anything that is meant to last, will AKH1303 UNDERSTANDING THE RISKS OF NUCLEAR WAR IS ESSENTIAL FOR
slacken; and we will sink into stupefaction, as though we were gradually weaning REDUCING THEM
ourselves from life in preparation for the end. Herman Kahn, Director, Hudson Institute, THINKING ABOUT THE UNTHINKABLE
IN THE 1980s, 1984, p.19.
AKH1297 THE GREATEST DANGER IS COMPLACENCY ABOUT THE NUCLEAR Many of the concepts we deal with in this book are worth pursuing only because they are
THREAT very much on the minds of concerned citizens everywhere. Some of the ideas are not on
Robert Jay Lifton and Richard Falk, Professors of Psychology, Harvard, and International anyone's mind, but probably should be. All of them are presented in an effort to achieve
Relations, Princeton, INDEFENSIBLE WEAPONS, 1982, p.x. a balanced and reasonable perspective on the often misunderstood dangers of nuclear war.
We feel deeply encouraged by the shifting context around nuclearism, the broad revulsion To act responsibly we must learn as much as we can about the genuine risks involved in
toward nuclear weapons now visible in Europe, North America, and Japan. And we take order to make certain that we are better prepared to reduce them as much as possible. Or,
the 1982 Special Session of the United Nations on Disarmament -- and the massive nuclear deal with them.
weapons protest that accompanied that session -- to be manifestations of this revulsion. We
are all too cognizant of the danger that this worldwide trend can lull us into false AKH1304 SEEING THE INSANITY OF NUCLEAR CONFRONTATION HELPS
reassurance. For the weapons remain, and indeed their numbers dangerously expand. OVERCOME NUCLEARISM
Karen Warren, Professor of Philosophy, Macalister, ECOLOGICAL FEMINISM, 1994,
Harvard Nuclear Study Group, LIVING WITH NUCLEAR WEAPONS, 1983, p.254-5. Suppose nuclearism is indeed an "addiction," as Lifton and Falk claim, or unhealthy
Therefore, citizens in free countries must insist that they and their political leaders honestly dissociation, as Smithka claims - partly psychological conditions. How does one recover
face the dilemmas of the Nuclear Age. Any form of atomic escapism is a dead end. Living from it? Addictions and dissociation ultimately involve faulty beliefs which, for recovery
with nuclear weapons is our only hope. It requires that we persevere in reducing the to occur, must be seen and rejected (Warren 1990). Nuclear awareness, then, involves
likelihood of war even though we cannot remove the possibility altogether. This challenge seeing the insanity of nuclear confrontation.
will be both demanding and unending, but we need not perish if practical steps continue
to be taken. Surely there is no greater test of the human spirit. AKH1305 REFLECTION ON EXTINCTION MAKES US MOST LIKELY TO AVOID
George Kateb, political theorist, Princeton, THE INNER OCEAN, 1992, p.127.
I interpret a change of heart in the nuclear age as the cultivation of those thoughts and
feelings that would drive people to do all they could to avoid the possibility of extinction.
The dread of massive ruin can and does change hearts, of course. But it may be that the
greatest change can take place if the possibility of extinction dominates reflection.


George Kateb, political theorist, Princeton, THE INNER OCEAN, 1992, p.128.
The nuclear situation thus forces us to talk earnestly about things we maybe would rather
keep silent about, and to talk about them in ways that seem all the more clumsy in contrast
with decorous silence. But if existence is at stake, how can we keep silent? How can we
keep silent about the ultimate reason for attention and resistance?
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 112
Robert Jay Lifton and Richard Falk, Professors of Psychology, Harvard, and International George Kateb, political theorist, Princeton, THE INNER OCEAN, 1992, p.108.
Relations, Princeton, INDEFENSIBLE WEAPONS, 1982, p.ix. Though a good number of writers help us understand the nuclear situation, only a few have
In the early 1980s something extremely important has happened to nuclear weapons. They manifestly set out with the sense that unless they made special efforts their language would
have begun to emerge from the shadows. While they have been among us since World War fail them, fail their subject, fail us. I do not mean to read off an honor roll. But I must
II, it is only now that they have become psychologically and politically visible to the single out, at the start, Jonathan Schell's book, The Fate of the Earth, published in 1982.
common man and woman. They are no less dangerous to us; they are in fact more I would claim for this book the distinction of giving greater life to the subject of nuclear
dangerous than ever. But it is no longer possible, we believe, to reinstate the universal weapons than any other. The key to Schell's success is that he makes human extinction the
numbing that has so long maintained such distance between them and us, and at so great center of the whole subject. He is not the first to do so. As far as I can tell, Gunther Anders,
a cost. One result of this welcome exposure is that world leaders feel constrained to the distinguished German philosopher, is the one who first insisted that adequacy to the
address nuclear dangers and to present themselves as nuclear peacemakers. Surely that is subject required dwelling on the possibility of human extinction. But it is Schell, writing
a desirable step, because it contains possibilities for treaties that restrict or reduce weapons as a citizen of the first nuclear state, who has had the great effect on opinion.
AKH1308 THE FEAR OF NUCLEAR DISASTER HAS BEEN POLITICALLY Robert Jay Lifton and Richard Falk, Professors of Psychology, Harvard, and International
BENEFICIAL Relations, Princeton, INDEFENSIBLE WEAPONS, 1982, p.x.
Herman Kahn, Director, Hudson Institute, THINKING ABOUT THE UNTHINKABLE The recent book by Jonathan Schell, The Fate of the Earth, was a landmark document in
IN THE 1980s, 1984, p.37. its consolidation of knowledge about the nuclear threat. His book came at an opportune
The persistent fear of nuclear disaster, then, has brought about some positive time, entering into and significantly furthering the revulsion of which we speak.
consequences: the potential for tremendous damage and suffering has provided national
leaders with almost overwhelming incentives to be careful in their conduct of international AKH1314 SCHELL OVERCOMES THE LIMITS OF NUCLEAR DISCOURSE
politics. A relatively favorable climate for arms control has also been created -- for both George Kateb, political theorist, Princeton, THE INNER OCEAN, 1992, p.111.
explicit and implicit agreements -- although the difficulties of achieving and maintaining The doctrine of no-use is based on the possibility of extinction. Schell's perspective
reliable and useful arms-control measures remain at all levels. transforms the subject. He takes us away from the arid stretches of strategy and asks us to
feel continuously, if we can, and feel keenly if only for an instant now and then, how
AKH1309 DISCOURSE ABOUT THE NUCLEAR THREAT IS NECESSARY utterly distinct the nuclear world is. Nuclear discourse must vividly register that
George Kateb, political theorist, Princeton, THE INNER OCEAN, 1992, p.107-8. distinctiveness.
It may be, however, that this very indirectness is a great poet's way of instructing us in the
foolhardiness of trying to say something about the subject of human extinction which does AKH1315 THE SLIGHTEST RISK OF EXTINCTION MUST BE AVOIDED
not kill it by boredom. Still, such foolhardiness is needed. The subject that is not a subject George Kateb, political theorist, Princeton, THE INNER OCEAN, 1992, p.111.
must be discussed; words about it must be produced. We must reject the advice of those Schell's work attempts to force on us an acknowledgment that sounds far-fetched and even
who in brief and undeniably interesting sentences advise us to keep quiet, so that we do ludicrous, an acknowledgment that the possibility of extinction is carried by any use of
not reveal the nuclear situation's true absurdity and thus somehow make the worst more nuclear weapons, no matter how limited or how seemingly rational or seemingly morally
likely to happen. Allow that most of the thousands of words one has read on the justified. He himself acknowledges that there is a difference between possibility and
encompassing theme of nuclear weapons, and the fewer words on the specific theme of certainty. But in a matter that is more than a matter, more than one practical matter in a vast
human extinction, fail. They tend to be boring, even when well written. One often notices, series of practical matters, in the "matter" of extinction, we are obliged to treat a possibility
as well, a recurrent unsteadiness in nuclear discourse: writers seem to regret what they said -- a genuine possibility -- as a certainty. Humanity is not to take any step that contains even
earlier or to lose or bury their point, or change their minds without seeming to notice. Yet the slightest risk of extinction.
we could not do without much of this writing. The deficiencies themselves teach lessons.
DISCOURSE Harvard Nuclear Study Group, LIVING WITH NUCLEAR WEAPONS, 1983, p.47.
George Kateb, political theorist, Princeton, THE INNER OCEAN, 1992, p.109. The question is grisly, but nonetheless it must be asked. Nuclear war cannot be avoided
I would hazard the view, however, that anyone who thinks that moral philosophy has a simply by refusing to think about it. Indeed the task of reducing the likelihood of nuclear
place in the discussion of the whole subject of nuclear weapons is very likely to find war should begin with an effort to understand how it might start. When strategists in
Schell's book of tremendous value. Any moral philosophy is bound to place human Washington or Moscow study the possible origins of nuclear war, they discuss "scenarios,"
extinction at the center of nuclear discourse. In making human extinction the center, Schell imagined sequences of future events that could trigger the use of nuclear weaponry.
is trying to force us to abandon the usual way of considering the subject. He is persuaded, Scenarios are, of course, speculative exercises. They often leave out the political
even if he does not say it in so many words, that we cannot just inch up to the nuclear developments that might lead to the use of force in order to focus on military dangers. That
situation, so to speak. Because this situation is radically discontinuous with all other past nuclear war scenarios are even more speculative than most is something for which we can
and present dangers, those who think about it must create a break with any discourse that be thankful, for it reflects humanity's fortunate lack of experience with atomic warfare
tends to make the nuclear situation resemble, or resemble too closely, any other danger or since 1945. But imaginary as they are, nuclear scenarios can help to identify problems not
predicament. understood or dangers not yet prevented because they have not been foreseen.

George Kateb, political theorist, Princeton, THE INNER OCEAN, 1992, p.109. Herman Kahn, Director, Hudson Institute, THINKING ABOUT THE UNTHINKABLE
So far are common sense and policy discourse from being adequate, they falsify the IN THE 1980s, 1984, p.19.
subject. At whatever risks, writers must take the subject away -- at least for a while -- from The use of periphrases in strategic argument is central. We are dealing with remote (but
common sense and policy discourse and entrust it to philosophy, to the capacity of momentous) events that most people find difficult to comprehend. We try to make the
philosophy to disclose the obvious, to reveal the obvious, which otherwise remains hidden point that even though these possibilities are remote, they are not so remote, improbable,
and obscure in the unreal familiarity inflicted on it by common sense and policy discourse. or implausible that they should not be taken with deadly seriousness. Indeed, it would not
Philosophy instigates a rupture and then tries to redefine the field. This is Schell's be the first time that history has turned out to be more imaginative and perverse than even
endeavor. At the same time -- and I know it may sound frivolous to make this admission -- the most fertile minds would have thought possible. The detailed "outbreak scenario" of
he helps to enlarge moral philosophy. He compels its attention to a subject that, long World War I would probably have been rejected as the plot for a third-rate comedy of
before, professional philosophers should have addressed. Again, this success depends on errors as simply too outrageous. But the bizarre series of events did occur and brought with
the theme of human extinction. By bringing the nuclear predicament into conjunction with it enormous suffering.
moral philosophy his words give a new urgency to both. Schell thus helps to open up the
subject for exploration.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 113
Herman Kahn, Director, Hudson Institute, THINKING ABOUT THE UNTHINKABLE 1991, p.229.
IN THE 1980s, 1984, p.54-5. A recurring theme of this essay has been the twin dangers of separating the study of
"Now that we are agreed that nuclear weapons might be used," Herman would continue, security affairs from the academic world or of shifting the focus of academic scholarship
we have to think about how to use them: against what targets? Toward which objectives? too far from real-world issues. The danger of war will be with us for some time to come,
We have to think about how to use them to maximize the chances of survival and minimize and states will continue to acquire military forces for a variety of purposes. Unless one
the damage (to civilians, military installations, industrial complexes, and so on). And we believes that ignorance is preferable to expertise, the value of independent national security
have to think about how to use them to end the war as soon as possible. Herman would scholars should be apparent. Indeed, history suggests that countries that suppress debate
stress the point that it's not immoral to think about these things; on the contrary -- planning on national security matters are more likely to blunder into disaster, because misguided
for nuclear contingencies in the event deterrence fails is the only responsible, prudent, and policies cannot be evaluated and stopped in time.
moral course. The planners, Herman would say, don't plan war as a deliberate act; planning
is a prudential exercise, like taking out insurance against an accident. You hope you don't AKH1325 SUCCESSFUL FOREIGN POLICY REQUIRES CORRECTLY
need it, but you've taken reasonable precautions just in case. By the end of this dialogue, EVALUATING SOURCES OF POWER
thinking about the unthinkable had usually ceased to be an obscene act. Hans Morgenthau and Kenneth Thompson, Professors of Political Science, University of
Chicago and University of Virginia, POLITICS AMONG NATIONS, 1985, p.170.
AKH1319 CONFRONTING NUCLEARISM REQUIRES EXAMINING It is the task of those responsible for the foreign policy of a nation and of those who mold
SYMPTOMS--NUCLEAR WEAPONS THEMSELVES public opinion with regard to international affairs to evaluate correctly the bearing of these
Robert Jay Lifton and Richard Falk, Professors of Psychology, Harvard, and International factors upon the power of their own nation and of other nations as well, and this task must
Relations, Princeton, INDEFENSIBLE WEAPONS, 1982, p.ix-x. be performed for both the present and the future. What is the influence of the unification
But whatever the extent of that kind of reduction, the problem of what we call nuclearism of the armed services upon the quality of the military establishment of the United States?
remains. By nuclearism we mean psychological, political, and military dependence on What effect will the use of nuclear energy have upon the industrial capacity of the United
nuclear weapons, the embrace of the weapons as a solution to a wide variety of human States and of other nations? How will the industrial capacity, military strength, and
dilemmas, most ironically that of "security." Our goal in this book is to explore this national morale of China develop after Deng's death? How has the hostility of China and
fundamental deformation of attitude toward the weapons, as well as their immediate Pakistan influenced the national morale of India? What is the significance of the revival
dangers. We are equally concerned with pressing toward the kind of awareness that can of a German army for the national power of Germany? Has reeducation changed the
reverse, even cast off, this syndrome of nuclearism. Nuclearism, then, is the disease. Our national character of Germany and Japan? How has the national character of the people of
focus on the underlying disease process does not make us unmindful of the symptoms -- Argentina reacted upon the political philosophies, methods, and objectives of successive
nuclear weapons stockpiles and policies. In this case symptoms can not only kill but kill military and civilian regimes? In what ways does the advancement of the Russian sphere
all. What is required is an examination of both symptoms and disease, a double awareness, of influence to the Elbe River affect the geographical position of the Soviet Union? Will
which could lead to steps in the direction of cure. this or that reorganization or change in the personnel of the State Department strengthen
or weaken the quality of American diplomacy? These are some of the questions which
AKH1320 MILITARY DETERRENCE WORKS must be answered correctly if a nation's foreign policy is to be successful.
Herman Kahn, Director, Hudson Institute, THINKING ABOUT THE UNTHINKABLE
In The Absolute Weapon, the first great work on military strategy in the nuclear age, FOREIGN POLICY
Bernard Brodie wrote: "Thus far the chief purpose of our military establishment has been Hans Morgenthau and Kenneth Thompson, Professors of Political Science, University of
to win wars. From now on its chief purpose must be to avert them." This observation is, Chicago and University of Virginia, POLITICS AMONG NATIONS, 1985, p.113.
of course, exactly right. The notion of Armageddon has created a self-defeating prophecy: To see through these ideological disguises and grasp behind them the actual political forces
the more frightened decision makers are, the more careful they become and the less likely and phenomena is, then, one of the most important and most difficult tasks for the student
they are to initiate any action that might bring about the dreaded escalation to nuclear use. of international politics. This task is important because, unless it is done, it is impossible
Armageddon is averted to the degree it is feared. As a result, nuclear deterrence has not to determine correctly the character of the foreign policy with which one happens to deal.
only worked remarkably well in peacetime and served to limit the scope and intensity of The recognition of imperialistic tendencies and of their particular character depends upon
conventional warfare, but it is likely to work surprisingly well in a large U.S.-Soviet a clear distinction between the ideological pretense that generally disavows imperialistic
conventional, and even a limited nuclear, war. aspirations altogether and the actual objectives of the policies pursued. To make this
distinction correctly is difficult because of the general difficulty of detecting the true
AKH1321 WEAKENING DETERRENCE INCREASES WAR RISKS meaning of any human action apart from what the actor believes or feigns it to mean.
Herman Kahn, Director, Hudson Institute, THINKING ABOUT THE UNTHINKABLE
One significant indication of the effectiveness of deterrence is that the Soviet Union and OVER-ASSESSING THREATS
the United States share the belief that a nuclear war would begin only out of desperation Hans Morgenthau and Kenneth Thompson, Professors of Political Science, University of
or inadvertence. A weakening of deterrence could increase the possibility of a calculated Chicago and University of Virginia, POLITICS AMONG NATIONS, 1985, p.82.
"voluntary" war or worse. Appeasement, which is the attempt to compromise with an imperialism not recognized as
such, and the fear that creates imperialism where there is none -- these are the two wrong
AKH1322 PAST PREDICTIONS CONCERNING THE THREAT OF NUCLEARISM answers, the two fatal mistakes an intelligent foreign policy must try to avoid.
Robert Jay Lifton and Richard Falk, Professors of Psychology, Harvard, and International AKH1328 CORRECT INTERPRETATIONS OF FOREIGN INTENTIONS ARE KEY
Relations, Princeton, INDEFENSIBLE WEAPONS, 1982, p.128. TO PEACE
To write about nuclear weapons is inevitably to adopt a cause. It is partly a matter of Hans Morgenthau and Kenneth Thompson, Professors of Political Science, University of
urgency. More than rhetoric is implied when we speak about a mounting condition of Chicago and University of Virginia, POLITICS AMONG NATIONS, 1985, p.77.
emergency: either we lift the curse of nuclearism in the next decade or the human prospect The preceding considerations lead to the fundamental question that confronts the public
is likely to be decisively shattered. officials responsible for the conduct of foreign policy as well as citizens trying to form an
intelligent opinion on international issues. This question concerns the character of the
AKH1323 THREAT ASSESSMENT IS UNAVOIDABLE foreign policy pursued by another nation and, in consequence, the kind of foreign policy
John Spanier, University of Florida, GAMES NATIONS PLAY, 1993, p.160. that ought to be adopted with regard to it. Is the foreign policy of the other nation
The second point is that power is what people think it is. A distinction thus must be drawn imperialistic, or is it not? In other words, does it seek to overthrow the existing distribution
between subjective (perceived) power and objective (actual) power. If power is in the eyes of power, or does it only contemplate adjustments within the general framework of the
of the beholder, simple calculation of a nation's power is insufficient. If one country existing status quo? The answer to that question has determined the fate of nations, and the
believes it is strong enough to deter an enemy, but the latter perceives it otherwise, it may wrong answer has often meant deadly peril or actual destruction; for upon the correctness
still go to war. Thus, policy makers must concern themselves not only with what the actual of that answer depends the success of the foreign policy derived from it. While it would
balance of power is, but also with how that balance is seen in other capitals. This is a be fatal to counter imperialistic designs with measures appropriate to a policy of the status
difficult task because access to another state's assessments is not usually available; quo, it would be only a little less risky to deal with a policy seeking adjustments within the
therefore the best that one can do is guess. Nevertheless, it is a task that must be done. status quo as though it were imperialistic. The classic example of the former error is the
appeasement of Germany in the late thirties. The other error had a decisive influence upon
the foreign policies of the great European powers in the decades before the outbreak of the
First World War.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 114
When President John F. Kennedy was shown irrefutable evidence of the Soviet missile John Stoessinger, Professor of Political Science, City University of New York, WHY
emplacement -- U-2 photographs of the missile bases in Cuba -- he and his advisers NATIONS GO TO WAR, 1982, p.212.
discussed the matter for six days before deciding on an American response to the Germany and Austria-Hungary in 1914 had nothing but contempt for Russia's power. This
challenge. The decision, to place a naval blockade around the island, was not a risk-free disrespect was to cost them dearly. Hitler repeated this mistake a generation later, and his
response. This, Kennedy honestly admitted to the nation on the night of October 22, 1962: misperception led straight to his destruction.
My fellow citizens, let no one doubt that this is a difficult and dangerous effort on which
we have set out. No one can foresee precisely what course it will take.... But the greatest AKH1335 LEADERS INITIATING WARS TEND TO UNDERESTIMATE THREATS
danger of all would be to do nothing. Why did the president believe that "to do nothing" John Stoessinger, Professor of Political Science, City University of New York, WHY
about the missiles in Cuba would be an even greater danger than accepting the "difficult NATIONS GO TO WAR, 1982, p.209.
and dangerous" course of the blockade? He accepted some risk of war in the short run, There is a remarkable consistency in the self-images of most national leaders on the brink
because he believed his actions would reduce the risk of war in the long run, by of war. Each confidently expects victory after a brief and triumphant campaign. Doubt
discouraging future Soviet aggressive behavior. Inaction might have led to an even more about the outcome is the voice of the enemy and therefore inconceivable. This recurring
dangerous future. This the president also explained that night in his address to the nation: optimism is not to be dismissed lightly by the historian as an ironic example of human
[This] sudden, clandestine decision to station weapons for the first time outside Soviet soil folly. It assumes a powerful emotional momentum of its own and thus itself becomes one
-- is a deliberately provocative and unjustified change in the status quo which cannot be of the causes of war. Anything that fuels such optimism about a quick and decisive victory
accepted by this country if our courage and our commitments are ever to be trusted by makes war more likely, and anything that dampens it becomes a cause of peace.
either friend or foe. The 1930's taught us a clear lesson: Aggressive conduct, if allowed to
grow unchecked and unchallenged, ultimately leads to war. AKH1336 FAILURE TO RESPOND TO THE GERMAN THREAT LED TO WORLD
AKH1330 AN APPEASEMENT POLICY FAILS TO RECOGNIZE APPROPRIATE Hans Morgenthau and Kenneth Thompson, Professors of Political Science, University of
THREATS Chicago and University of Virginia, POLITICS AMONG NATIONS, 1985, p.79-80.
Hans Morgenthau and Kenneth Thompson, Professors of Political Science, University of Later in 1938 Germany demanded the German parts of Czechoslovakia. The Munich
Chicago and University of Virginia, POLITICS AMONG NATIONS, 1985, p.78. settlement granted the German demands. When Hitler, shortly before the settlement of
Appeasement is a foreign policy that attempts to meet the threat of imperialism with Munich, declared that the German parts of Czechoslovakia were the last territorial
methods appropriate to a policy of the status quo. Appeasement tries to deal with demands Germany had to make in Europe, he was really saying that the annexation of
imperialism as though it were a policy of the status quo. It errs in transferring a policy of these territories was an end in itself, self-contained within its own rational limits. He
compromise from a political environment favorable to the preservation of the status quo, pretended that German policy operated within the general framework of the European
where it belongs, to an environment exposed to imperialistic attack, where it does not status quo and was not intent upon overthrowing it, and that the other European powers
belong. One might say that appeasement is a corrupted policy of compromise, made ought to view German foreign policy in that light and deal with it correspondingly. It was
erroneous by mistaking a policy of imperialism for a policy of the status quo. only by the end of March 1939, five months before the outbreak of the Second World War,
that the annexation of the whole of Czechoslovakia and the territorial demands on Poland
AKH1331 STRENGTH IS NEEDED TO COUNTER IMPERIALISTIC POLICIES convinced the Western powers that what had appeared to be a policy of the status quo had
Hans Morgenthau and Kenneth Thompson, Professors of Political Science, University of really been from the beginning a policy of imperialism, of continental, if not world,
Chicago and University of Virginia, POLITICS AMONG NATIONS, 1985, p.77-8. dimensions. At that moment, the distribution of power in Europe was already changed in
As the policies of imperialism and the status quo are fundamentally different in nature, so favor of Germany. It was changed to such an extent that a further increase in German
must the policies designed to counter them be fundamentally different A policy adequate power could not be prevented short of war. Germany had become strong enough to
to counter a policy of the status quo cannot be sufficient to meet a policy of imperialism. challenge openly the status quo of Versailles, and the prestige -- that is, the reputation for
A policy of the status quo which seeks adjustments within the existing over-all distribution power -- of the nations identified with the order of Versailles had sunk so low that they
of power can be dealt with by a policy of give and take, of balance, of compromise: a were unable to defend what was left of the status quo by mere diplomatic means. They
policy, in short, that makes use of the techniques of adjustment within a given overall could either surrender or go to war. Thus the appeasers of 1938 became either the quislings
distribution of power in order to gain a maximum of advantage and to get by with a (if they deemed resistance to German imperialism hopeless) or the heroes of 1939-45 (if
minimum of loss. Imperialism, which seeks to overthrow the existing distribution of they thought that resistance was morally required regardless of the outcome or that it had
power, must at the very least be countered by a policy of containment which, in defense even a chance to succeed). The final catastrophe, and the tragic choices with which the
of the existing distribution of power, calls a halt to further aggression, expansion, or other catastrophe confronted the actors on the international scene, were predetermined by that
disturbances of the status quo on the part of the imperialistic nation. The policy of initial error which responded to a policy of imperialism as though it were a policy of the
containment erects a wall, either a real one, such as the Great Wall of China or the French status quo.
Maginot Line, or an imaginary one, such as the line of military demarcation drawn in 1945
between the Soviet orbit and the Western world. It says in effect to the imperialistic nation: AKH1337 AGGRESSIVE LEADERS TEND TO BE OVERCONFIDENT OF THEIR
"Thus far and no farther," warning it that a step beyond the line entails the virtual certainty FORCES
of war. John Stoessinger, Professor of Political Science, City University of New York, WHY
NATIONS GO TO WAR, 1982, p.209.
AKH1332 UNDER-ASSESSING THREATS CAN LEAD TO WAR This common belief in a short, decisive war is usually the overflow from a reservoir of
Hans Morgenthau and Kenneth Thompson, Professors of Political Science, University of self-delusions held by the leadership about both itself and the nation. The Kaiser's
Chicago and University of Virginia, POLITICS AMONG NATIONS, 1985, p.6. appearance in shining armor in August 1914 and his promise to the German nation that its
Neville Chamberlain's politics of appeasement were, as far as we can judge, inspired by sons would be back home "before the leaves had fallen from the trees" was matched by
good motives; he was probably less motivated by considerations of personal power than similar expressions of overconfidence and military splendor in Austria, Russia, and the
were many other British prime ministers, and he sought to preserve peace and to assure the other nations on the brink of war. Hitler's confidence in an early German victory in Russia
happiness of all concerned. Yet his policies helped to make the Second World War was so unshakable that no winter uniforms were issued to the soldiers and no preparations
inevitable, and to bring untold miseries to millions of people. whatsoever made for the onset of the Russian winter. In November 1941, when the mud
of autumn turned to ice and snow, the cold became the German soldier's bitterest enemy.
David Abshire, President, Center for Strategic and international Studies, PREVENTING
WORLD WAR III, 1988, p.xiii.
Historians and statesmen tend to argue that World War II was different. That, they say, was
a consequence of Hitler's calculation. I don't believe this. Hitler wanted conquest without
war if he could get it and was not preparing to fight a major world war. The Allies had
backed down over the 1936 remilitarization of the Rhineland and the violation of the treaty
provisions limiting the German army and navy. They had backed down over the Anschluss
in 1938 and the incorporation of Czech Sudentenland. After "peace with honor" at Munich,
Hitler took the rest of Czechoslovakia and was met only by harsh British and French
words. Why should Hitler have expected a different response to the division of Poland in
concert with Russia in September 1939? If Britain did fight, it could only be briefly, for
Poland was indefensible. Besides, Hitler knew his military capabilities would not reach
their peak until 1942. It was certainly not his intention to set off a general war when he was
not fully prepared.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 115
John Stoessinger, Professor of Political Science, City University of New York, WHY IN THE 1980s, 1984, p.37-8.
NATIONS GO TO WAR, 1982, p.213. Deterrence is part objective and part subjective. The objective part is that adequate military
Five successive presidents believed that Ho Chi Minh would collapse if only a little more preparedness could be critical in some important circumstances. The subjective is, in part,
military pressure were brought to bear on him either from the air or on the ground. The the perception by the potential enemy of the other side's power, determination, and
North Vietnamese leader proved them all mistaken, and only when America admitted that courage, as well as its estimate of the wartime effectiveness of the other side's relative
North Vietnam could not be beaten did the war come to an end. In both Korea and Vietnam nuclear capability. If the aggressor believes that his opponent has the weapons and will to
the price of reality came high indeed. As these wars resolved less and less, they tended to use them, deterrence is likely to be effective. Therefore, a nation's defense lies, in part, in
cost more and more in blood and treasure. The number of dead on all sides bore mute the credibility, of its threat to use nuclear force as a last resort, which means that the need
testimony to the fact that America had to fight two of the most terrible and divisive wars remains for coherent and plausible policies for the use of nuclear weapons. Maintaining
in her entire history before she gained respect for the realities of power on the other side. this as an option has meant a major change in approaches to the problems of war.
In 1948 the Arabs believed that an invasion by five Arab armies would quickly put an end
to Israel. They were mistaken. But in 1973 Israel, encouraged to the point of hubris after AKH1344 MILITARY STRENGTH IS NEEDED FOR DETERRENCE
three successful wars, viewed Arab power only with contempt and its own as unassailable. Herman Kahn, Director, Hudson Institute, THINKING ABOUT THE UNTHINKABLE
That, too, was wrong, as Israel had to learn in the bitter war of October 1973. In Pakistan IN THE 1980s, 1984, p.122.
Yahya Khan had to find out to his detriment that a woman for whom he had nothing but In the early days of the nuclear era, many civilian strategists felt that the balance of terror
disdain was better schooled in the arts of war than he, did not permit her wishes to was so reliable that even an extremely hostile act would not provoke escalation to general
dominate her thoughts, and, finally, managed to dismember Pakistan. And in the Persian nuclear war. Today the (more accurate) assumption is that the nuclear nations probably are
Gulf, the invading Iraqis were amazed at the "fanatical zeal" of the Iranians, whom they reluctant to risk upsetting the status quo, and there is little that would make them do so. To
had underestimated. even remotely risk an Armageddon for immediate gains or potentially favorable
longer-term scenarios is almost unthinkable. As a result, deterrence works. But its
AKH1339 OVERCONFIDENCE LED TO MOST TWENTIETH CENTURY WARS effectiveness depends heavily on the weakness of the desire to be aggressive, as well as
John Spanier, University of Florida, GAMES NATIONS PLAY, 1993, p.182-3. on the maintenance of competent military establishments.
One final point: in most of the wars started in this century, it is the side that initiated the
hostilities that lost the war. The Germans lost the two wars they began, as did their allies, AKH1345 POSTMODERN APPROACHES ARE COUNTERPRODUCTIVE IN THE
Italy and Japan, in the second one; the United States lost in Vietnam; the Soviets lost in FIELD OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS
Afghanistan; the Arabs lost all the wars they precipitated against Israel; the Argentineans Stephen Walt, University of Chicago, INTERNATIONAL STUDIES QUARTERLY,
lost against the British over the Falklands; and the Iraqis lost the war to the United 1991, p.223.
States-led coalition after an exhausting eight-year "victory" over Iran. One of the few In short, security studies must steer between the Scylla of political opportunism and the
exceptions was North Vietnam. But after the unification of Vietnam and its invasion of Charybdis of academic irrelevance. What does this mean in practice? Among other things,
Cambodia, it was unable to suppress the resistance and, admitting failure, withdrew its it means that security studies should remain wary of the counterproductive tangents that
forces after several years. This is a terrible record and suggests that great caution should have seduced other areas of international studies, most notably the "post-modern" approach
be exercised by states, great and small alike, when making calculations and deciding to international affairs (Ashley, 1984; Der Derian and Shapiro, 1989; Lapid, 1989).
whether to go to war to achieve their objectives. Miscalculations are obviously all too easy Contrary to their proponents' claims, post-modern approaches have yet to demonstrate
to make. Apparently, this is especially true when confidence in one's own strength and much value for comprehending world politics; to date, these works are mostly criticism
expectations of a quick victory make it even easier to misjudge the opponent's strength and and not much theory. As Robert Keohane has noted, until these writers "have delineated
resolve. Balance of power calculations, then, are not as simple as would be suggested by . . . a research program and shown . . . that it can illuminate important issues in world
the simple addition of the quantifiable factors. If they were, war would not be necessary, politics, they will remain on the margins of the field" (Keohane, 1988:392). In particular,
for the contestants would know the outcome ahead of time. issues of war and peace are too important for the field to be diverted into a prolix and
self-indulgent discourse that is divorced from the real world.
But it is not just great powers that miscalculate. Iraq's Saddam Hussein did so when he Ronnie Lipschutz, Professor of Politics, University of California-Santa Cruz, ON
attacked Iran, a country with a much larger population. He expected a quick victory SECURITY, 1995, p.10.
because Iran was caught up in revolutionary turmoil after the overthrow of the shah, the Security is, to put Waver's argument in other words, a socially constructed concept: It has
Islamic Revolution's purging of the military's officer corps, and its alienation of the United a specific meaning only within a specific social context. It emerges and changes as a result
States. When, despite some initial victories, Iraq failed to win, this war too became a war of discourses and discursive actions intended to reproduce historical structures and
of attrition in which the two sides sought to exhaust one another. Since Iran had the greater subjects within states and among them. To be sure, policymakers define security on the
resources, it would presumably win. Thus, Iraq resorted to the use of poison gas to prevent basis of a set of assumptions regarding vital interests, plausible enemies, and possible
an Iranian victory and demoralize Iranian troops. Ironically, Saddam Hussein repeated his scenarios, all of which grow, to a not-insignificant extent, out of the specific historical and
error when he invaded Kuwait. He expected the Arab world to be intimidated and submit; social context of a particular country and some understanding of what is "out there." But,
he certainly did not expect the United States to intervene or many Arab countries to rally while these interests, enemies, and scenarios have a material existence and, presumably,
behind Washington. a real import for state security, they cannot be regarded simply as having some sort of
"objective" reality independent of these constructions. That security is socially constructed
AKH1341 IMPRESSIONS OF WEAKNESS LEAD TO WAR does not mean that there are not to be found real, material conditions that help to create
John Spanier, University of Florida, GAMES NATIONS PLAY, 1993, p.160. particular interpretations of threats, or that such conditions are irrelevant to either the
The third point is that a reputation for power will confer power, whether others' estimates creation or undermining of the assumptions underlying security policy. Enemies, in part,
of a nation's power are correct or not. If a nation has prestige, it is less likely to be "create" each other, via the projections of their worst fears onto the other; in this respect,
challenged; if its prestige is declining, challenges are likely, not only from powers of equal their relationship is intersubjective. To the extent that they act on these projections, threats
strength but also from less powerful states. These challengers will think that they can defy to each other acquire a material character. In other words, nuclear-tipped ICBMs are not
that nation's policies with impunity. After Britain's appeasement of Adolf Hitler at Munich mere figments of our imagination, but their targeting is a function of what we imagine the
in 1938 over the issue of the Sudetenland, Benito Mussolini, Italy's dictator, said: "These possessors of other missiles might do to us with theirs.
men [the British leaders] are not made of the same stuff as Francis Drake and the other
magnificent adventurers who created the Empire. They are after all the tired sons of a long
line of rich men." Shortly afterward, Hitler seized the rest of Czechoslovakia and began
to look hungrily at Poland.


Harvard Nuclear Study Group, LIVING WITH NUCLEAR WEAPONS, 1983, p.37.
We can trust the Soviets in one sense. We can trust them to pursue their interests. The key
to our security is, therefore, to ensure that it is never in the Soviets' interests to attack the
United States or American allies. Even a "defensive power" can start a war if it
miscalculates, if easy opportunities are presented, or if it is backed into a corner where it
feels it has to fight. Even an "offensive power" can be deterred, if the opposite conditions
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 116
PLAUSIBLE THAN OTHERS Charles Doran, Professor of International Relations, Johns Hopkins University,
Ronnie Lipschutz, Professor of Politics, University of California-Santa Cruz, ON SURVIVAL, Summer 1999, p.148-9.
SECURITY, 1995, p.14. And by neglecting the underlying problem of security, the probability of war perversely
Groups based in U.S. civil society argued that South African apartheid was more likely to increases: as governments fail to provide the kind of defence and security necessary to
result in embargoes of strategic materials than Soviet intervention or subversion, for two maintain deterrence, one opens up the possibility of new challenges. In this regard it is
reasons. First, the South African government was already in a strong position to control worth recalling one of Clauswitz's most important insights: A conqueror is always a lover
the flow of minerals as a means of manipulating public policy the United States; and, of peace. He would like to make his entry into our state unopposed. That is the underlying
second, a favorable policy toward the South African government now (in the 1980s) could dilemma when one argues that a major war is not likely to occur and, as a consequence,
result in hostile relations when, in the future, apartheid was replaced by majority rule. In one need not necessarily be so concerned about providing the defences that underlie
making such arguments, citizens groups constructed a counter-scenario that was, in the security itself. History shows that surprise threats emerge and rapid destabilising efforts
final analysis, more convincing to the U.S. Congress and the public than the threat of "ore are made to try to provide that missing defence, and all of this contributes to the spiral of
wars." Ultimately, civil resistance was able to undermine the plausibility of the Reaganaut uncertainty that leads in the end to war.
security discourse for the region. Whose threats were "real?" Whose were not? Perhaps
both, perhaps, given the recent transfer of political power in South Africa, neither. AKH1353 A WEALTH OF INFORMATION PERMITS INFORMED JUDGMENT
AKH1348 THREATS ARE INESCAPABLE, EVEN THOUGH THEY CAN BE Andrew Kydd, Professor of Political Science, University of California, Riverside,
Ronnie Lipschutz, Professor of Politics, University of California-Santa Cruz, ON This point of view completely ignores the possibility of revealing motivations offered by
SECURITY, 1995, p.17-8. transparent democratic policy processes, and deliberate signaling of intentions. It leads
In Buzan's view, the central question is whether the coalition will choose to isolate itself scholars such as Mearsheimer to predict increased conflict between Britain, France, and
from the periphery -- in essence, trying to secure itself from external chaos in a sort of Germany when we see no evidence of such conflict. It ignores the wealth of information
strategy of "self-containment" -- or to intervene there in an effort to enlarge the zone of available to states about the motivations of other states, and the fact that this information
order -- but thereby to risk being pulled into that chaos, as well. The choice will depend often has a direct impact on foreign-policy making. Such theorizing tells us much about
on how threats -- and the social constructions of security -- are framed. As is the case with the dynamics of a system in which all states are power maximizers, but it tells us less about
the U.S. intervention in Somalia and, more recently, in Haiti, chaos can be framed as a the real world in which few states fit that description.
threat to the core's moral legitimacy and supposed responsibilities to others. But chaos can
also be framed as a threat to the limited zones of peace in the core, which continue to resist AKH1354 TRULY AGGRESSIVE STATES ARE AT THE ROOT OF CONFLICT
being pulled into the closer-to-home maelstrom of post-Yugoslavia and the Caucasian Andrew Kydd, Professor of Political Science, University of California, Riverside,
Republics. Neither threat can be escaped, but framing them in terms of moral burdens may SECURITY STUDIES, Autumn 1997, p.154.
ensure that the mentality of the laager -- a self-protecting but neoisolationist zone of In the case of the cold war, it is again difficult to escape the conclusion that the Soviet
apparent peace amid chaos -- does not come to dominate security discourses and practices. Union was indeed expansionist before Gorbachev and not solely motivated by security
concerns. The increased emphasis within international relations scholarship on explaining
AKH1349 NEO-REALIST INTERPRETATIONS STILL HAVE SOME the nature and origins of aggressive expansionist states reflects a growing consensus that
EXPLANATORY FORCE aggressive states are at the root of conflict, not security concerns.
Ronnie Lipschutz, Professor of Politics, University of California-Santa Cruz, ON
These two contrasting views, of separate and intermingled zones of order and chaos seem AGGRESSIVE INTENT
to be diametrically opposed, but perhaps they are not. The world of states continues to Andrew Kydd, Professor of Political Science, University of California, Riverside,
exist and operate along the logics of neorealism and interdependence. In that world, all SECURITY STUDIES, Autumn 1997, p.154.
states are external to one other and view each other intersubjectively. Security is defined The alternative I propose, motivational realism, argues that arms races and wars typically
in terms of one or more of these external actors penetrating the threatened state in some involve at least one genuinely greedy state, that is, states that often sacrifice their security
material fashion. Missiles, pollutants, and immigrants all come from the "outside" and in bids for power. In the case of the First World War, the four continental powers all had
menace the inside. The world of intermingled order and chaos, however, is already serious nonsecurity-related quarrels that played an indispensable role in producing the war.
"inside," snatching bodies, as it were. If the financial world poses a threat to the state, it France was eager to regain Alsace-Lorraine, Russia sought hegemony over fellow Slavs
is because it is part and parcel of the body politic. Surviving the depredations of the robber in the Balkans when it could hardly integrate its own bloated empire, Germany dreamed
barons of Wall Street (and London, Tokyo, et al.) will be much like a serious heroin of Weltpolitik and empire in the Levant, while Austria-Hungary was focused on its own
addiction: take too little and you become ill; take too much and you die. The zone of imminent ethnic meltdown. All of these powers, had they sought just to be secure against
tolerability -- and security -- might, for better or worse, come to lie on the fine line, and our foreign threat, could easily have conveyed that to each other and refrained from arms
ability to balance, between the two. competition and war. Instead they engaged in competitions for power which eventually led
to war.
Ronnie Lipschutz, Professor of Politics, University of California-Santa Cruz, ON AKH1356 HITLER WAS GENUINELY AGGRESSIVE
SECURITY, 1995, p.222. Andrew Kydd, Professor of Political Science, University of California, Riverside,
Is the "immature anarchy" of ex-Somalia tolerable to the state-centric world system of the SECURITY STUDIES, Autumn 1997, p.154.
industrial core? I would suggest that the apparent disorder of the African Horn, driven by As for the Second World War, few structural realists win make a sustained case that Hitler
a different organizing logic than the international system, is too much for even the anarchic was genuinely motivated by a rational pursuit of security for Germany and that other
state system to stomach, because it makes clear how weak are the boundaries between the German statesmen would have responded in the same way to Germany's international
relatively ordered politics of international society and the Hobbesian state of nature. The situation. Even German generals opposed Hitler's military adventurism until 1939; it is
Somali world system, and the "world systems" of Bosnia, Georgia, and other zones of difficult to imagine a less forceful civilian leader overruling them and leading Germany
chaos, are all threats to the international state system even as that system is a threat to these on the path of conquest.
Alexander Wendt, Professor of Political Science, University of Chicago, SOCIAL Robert Jervis, Professor of International Politics, Columbia University,
It is important to emphasize that this concept implies nothing about whether enemy images In many cases, it is the interactive process among states that generates conflict rather than
are justified. Some enemies are "real," in that the Other really does existentially threaten merely reveals or enacts the preexisting differences in goals. Both sides would be satisfied
the Self, as the Nazis did the Jews, and others are "chimeras," as the Jews were to the with mutual security; international politics represents tragedy rather than evil as the actions
Nazis. This difference may affect the dynamics of enmity and whether it can be overcome, of states make it even harder for them to be secure. This is not true in all cases, however.
but it does not affect the reality of Hobbesian cultures. Real or imagined, if actors think Aggressor states are common; security and other interests often create differences that are
enemies are real then they are real in their consequences. irreconcilable. In these and only these instances, defensive realists see conflict as


Andrew Kydd, Professor of Political Science, University of California, Riverside,
SECURITY STUDIES, Autumn 1997, p.128.
Does anarchy truly lead to tragic outcomes? I argue that structural realists strongly
overestimate the difficulty in assessing state motivations. Information on the motivations
of security-seeking states is so easy to come by that mistaken fears about motivations
cannot plausibly explain any significant war, arms race or crisis this century.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 117
MOTIVES Richard Falkenrath, Professor, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University,
Andrew Kydd, Professor of Political Science, University of California, Riverside, SURVIVAL, Winter 1998-9, p.180-1.
SECURITY STUDIES, Autumn 1997, p.153. In any case, the reason to be concerned about nuclear terrorism starts -- but does not end
I argue that security-seeking states have many avenues to convey their benign motivations -- with the severity of its potential consequences. My contention is that the threat is likely
and hence are able to avoid conflict and war with each other. The transparency of the enough to cause serious concern, particularly since developments in the former Soviet
democratic policy process facilitates cooperation, provided that the populace and policy Union have contributed to making nuclear terrorism more likely. It is here that the
makers are in fact security seekers. Also, the ability to send costly signals in both military prescriptive implications of Kamp's difference with me are borne out. I argue that the risk
and non-military matters also makes cooperation between security seekers achievable. of nuclear terrorism is rising principally because the Soviet nuclear-custodial system is
Both offensive and defensive structural realists, therefore, exaggerate the negative degrading; Kamp argues that the Soviet Union's collapse 'only slightly increases the
implications of the search for security. The search for security does not lead to conflict in likelihood of nuclear terrorism'. I believe that Kamp's 'only slightly' qualifier is incorrect,
the absence of genuinely aggressive states. but reasonable people can disagree on this point. However, I cannot understand Kamp's
nonchalance about any increase in the likelihood of nuclear terrorism. Given the severity
AKH1360 GORBACHEV EFFECTIVELY SIGNALED THE SOVIET UNION'S of the potential consequences of nuclear terrorism, even slight increases in its likelihood
PEACEFUL INTENTIONS should hold the attention of security analysts and officials.
Andrew Kydd, Professor of Political Science, University of California, Riverside,
Examples of costly signals in action can readily be found. One of the most important recent PURPOSES
examples of the use of costly signals is the U.S-.Soviet rapprochement of the late 1980s. Jeffrey Simon, former RAND Corporation terrorism specialist, THE TERRORIST TRAP,
The Soviets employed all four types of costly signal identified above. In the 1994, p.385.
military/arms-control area, the INF treaty of 1987 mandated destruction of 1,846 missiles Definitional issues are important for academic treatments of terrorism, but are less relevant
for the Soviets, as opposed to 846 for the Western alliance. The troop reductions and for policymakers. That is why the international agreements that have been reached on
withdrawals announced by Gorbachev in December 1988 also substantially revised terrorism, including the Hague, Montreal, and New York/United Nations Conventions, all
American Policymakers' perceptions of the Soviet leadership's motivations. Gorbachev deal with the tactics of terrorists -- hijackings, sabotage of aircraft, hostage taking -- rather
was more moderate ideologically, as was discussed above, and he also improved treatment than the controversial issue of what exactly constitutes "terrorism."
of domestic minorities, leading ultimately to their secession from the Union. Treatment of
weak neighbors was also dramatically improved with the withdrawal from Afghanistan and AKH1366 FOCUS ON DEFINING TERRORISM ONLY BENEFITS THE TERRORISTS
the establishment of the "Sinatra Doctrine" which allowed the Eastern European states to Jeffrey Simon, former RAND Corporation terrorism specialist, THE TERRORIST TRAP,
do it their way. Indeed, no stronger signal could be sent than to let the Eastern European 1994, p.385.
states go their own way when for years the Soviet Union had imposed a rigid adherence The more disagreements there are on defining terrorism, the more terrorists can benefit by
to the Warsaw Pact and socialist economic structures. the added confusion on the issue. Several decades of futile efforts to reach a consensus on
defining terrorism should be a clear enough signal to move on to other aspects of the
Richard Falkenrath, Professor, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, AKH1367 CONSENSUS EXISTS ON THE FUNCTIONAL DEFINITION OF
SURVIVAL, Winter 1998-9, p.180. TERRORISM
There is, of course, a risk that unilaterally using force will create new terrorist threats, even Paul Wilkinson, Professor in International Relations, University of St Andrews,
as old ones are stamped out. But more serious is the risk of creating an international TERRORISM, PROTEST AND POWER, Martin Warner and Roger Crisp eds., 1990,
environment in which violent, motivated individuals might think it possible to take up p.445.
arms against the world's most powerful sovereign entities without putting themselves in I readily admit that my own understanding of the meaning of terrorism is shaped by my
extreme personal jeopardy. An unambiguous, credible threat of forceful retaliation is the own preference for liberal democratic values and my experience of living and working in
essence of deterrence. A strategy to deter non-state aggression should include the ability a liberal democratic society. However, it is worth noting that there is now a widely shared
and the willingness to use military force unilaterally and decisively. common understanding and usage of the concept of terrorism among scholars, lawyers,
governments and the educated public in the liberal democratic societies generally (see
AKH1362 BIN LADEN IS A SERIOUS THREAT Jenkins 1980: 3-10). Thus, when a French politician or jurist talks to an American
Steven Simon and Daniel Benjamin, former members of U.S. National Security Council, colleague about terrorist phenomena there is no fundamental conceptual barrier to effective
SURVIVAL, Summer 2000, p.171-2. communication. (They may differ concerning the facts of an alleged terrorist incident, or
The key here is mass casualties. It is in this respect that Hoffman's criticism of the US regarding the appropriate political or judicial measures that should be taken, but this is a
Government's focus on bin Laden seems perverse. Quite apart from the 'psychological' very different set of problems.) There is a very widely shared consensus among Western
game bin Laden is playing, he has bombed two American embassies, killed dozens of 'liberal' states that terrorism is not a synonym for violence in general; rather, it is a special
people and wounded hundreds. He tried to blow up at least two other embassies. Is the US mode or method of violence which can be used either in isolation, or as part of a wider
supposed to shrug off these attacks in order to deny bin Laden the gratification of having repertoire of conflict, for example in conjunction with rural guerrilla warfare, economic
scored a psychological point? It is well and good to deplore the 'lionisation' of bin Laden, disruption, riots, and so on. It is clear that terrorism can be utilized both by subnational
but in an era of hundreds of cable channels, the 24-hour news cycle and a deluge of print actors and by states for an unlimited variety of ideological, political, religious and criminal
and electronic information, governments have few tools when it comes to creating a aims and purposes. Briefly defined, terrorism is the deliberate and systematic use of
balanced perspective in the public mind, much as they might try. And it is absurd to coercive intimidation to create a climate of extreme fear among a wider target group than
insinuate that anyone in a position of responsibility ever suggested that bin Laden could the immediate victims of the violence.
hope to vanquish the US military or overthrow the US government. It is worth noting, too,
that Hoffman slights the adverse effect on deterrence that would flow from the failure to AKH1368 TERRORISTS KILL LARGE NUMBERS OF PEOPLE - IMPACTS AREN'T
reply to terrorist attacks. JUST DISCURSIVE
Walter Laqueur, Professor of History, Georgetown, THE NEW TERRORISM, 1999, p.3.
AKH1363 THE RESPONSE TO WMD TERRORISM ISN'T HYSTERICAL Four hundred twelve men, women, and children were hacked to death by terrorists on the
Richard Falkenrath, Professor, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, night of December 29, 1997, in three isolated villages in Algeria's Elizane region. Four
SURVIVAL, Winter 1998-9, p.181. hundred perished when a group of the Shah's opponents burned a cinema in Abadan during
While in my judgment Kamp underestimates the importance of these on-going the last phase of the monarchy in Iran. There were 328 victims when an Air India aircraft
programmes in controlling the risk of nuclear terrorism and proliferation over the long was exploded by Sikh terrorists in 1985, and 278 were killed in the Lockerbie disaster in
term, he implicitly endorses them. His disagreement with me does not therefore appear to Scotland in 1988 which was commissioned by Libya's Colonel Khadafi and carried out by
extend to my policy conclusions. I worry, however, that his contribution to the nuclear- terrorists. Two hundred forty-one U.S. marines lost their lives when their barracks were
terrorism debate has had the unfortunate side-effect of succouring those in the West who attacked by suicide bombers in Beirut in 1983, 171 were killed when Libyan emissaries
oppose nuclear-assistance efforts in the former Soviet Union. I would urge Kamp to spend put a bomb on a French UTA plane in 1985. The largest toll in human life on American
less time criticising a nonexistent hysteria about nuclear terrorism, and more time arguing soil was paid when 169 men, women, and children died in the bombing of the Alfred P.
for more ambitious international efforts to improve the quality of fissile-material security Murrah building in Oklahoma City in 1995.
and accounting in the former Soviet Union. Germany's programmes in this area could
certainly be stronger.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 118
Laurie Garrett, Pulitzer Prize-winning science and medical writer for Newsday, FOREIGN Jeffrey Simon, former RAND Corporation terrorism specialist, THE TERRORIST TRAP,
AFFAIRS, January/February 2001, p.77. 1994, p.384-5.
Were a terrorist to disperse the smallpox virus, for example, populations that were once The difficulty in defining terrorism has given rise to the famous slogan, "one person's
universally vaccinated would now be horribly vulnerable. Today the U.S. government terrorist is another person's freedom fighter." Communities that support various groups in
stows only about 15.4 million doses of the smallpox vaccine -enough for less than seven their violent acts do not necessarily see them as "terrorists." Since the essence of terrorism
percent of the American population. The World Health Organization (WHO) keeps another is the effect that violent acts can have on various targets and audiences, it would make
500,000 doses in the Netherlands, and other national stockpiles total about 60 million more more sense to talk about terrorist-type tactics -- which can be utilized by extremist groups,
doses of varying quality and potency. If the smallpox virus were released today, the guerrillas, criminals, or governments -- than to attempt to determine who exactly qualifies
majority of the world's population would be defenseless, and given the virus' 30 percent as a "terrorist." The blowing up of planes, whether done by Canadian or American
kill rate, nearly two billion people could die. criminals such as J. Albert Guay and John Gilbert Graham, or by Libyan agents and the
PFLP-GC, is terrorism. The same is true for hijackings, assassinations, bombings, product
AKH1370 TERRORISM RISKS ESCALATION TO WAR contaminations, and other violent acts.
Walter Laqueur, THE AGE OF TERRORISM, 1987, p.321.
The danger of international terrorism, in other words, is not in terrorist acts per se, but in AKH1376 SEPARATION OF VICTIM AND TARGET IS THE HALLMARK OF
triggering off a wider and more dangerous armed conflict. For this reason, it is important TERRORISM
to prevent an escalation, to resist state-sponsored terrorism from the beginning, not to lead Brian Michael Jenkins, terrorism expert, RAND Corporation, COUNTERING THE NEW
its sponsors into temptation. TERRORISM, 1999, p.v.
We recognized that terrorism contained a psychological component -- it was aimed at the
AKH1371 STATE VIOLENCE DOESN'T JUSTIFY TERRORISM AND THE IDEA OF people watching. The identities of the actual targets or victims of the attack often were
TERRORISM HELPS US REFLECT ON STATE VIOLENCE secondary or irrelevant to the terrorists' objective of spreading fear and alarm or gaining
Robert Phillips, Director of the Program for War and Ethics, University of Connecticut, concessions. This separation between the actual victim of the violence and the target of the
TERRORISM, PROTEST AND POWER, Martin Warner and Roger Crisp, eds., 1990, intended psychological effect was the hallmark of terrorism. It was by no means a perfect
p.73-4. definition and it certainly did not end any debates, but it offered some useful distinctions
It is clear that terrorists the world over have simply appropriated concepts and episodes between terrorism and ordinary crime, other forms of armed conflict, or the acts of
(Hiroshima, Dresden) generated in the West. But it should be equally clear that this fact psychotic individuals.
should not in any way debilitate us in our fight against terrorism, a struggle which will be
long, sad and bloody. No government, no matter what its own past transgressions, can fail AKH1377 TERRORISM CAN BE MEANINGFULLY DEFINED AS VIOLENCE
to protect its own citizens. However, if anything positive can be said about this grim SENDING A MESSAGE
situation, it is that as victims of terrorism we may be forced to rethink our own policies on Ken Robertson, AnalyticA Research Ltd., THE JOURNAL OF CONFLICT STUDIES,
the use of force (including nuclear force) in order to bring them into line with our moral Fall 1999, p.180-1.
denunciations of terror. If such re-evaluation does occur then perhaps some good will However, my main debate with Guelke is his desire to give up on the idea that there is
emerge from this terrible evil. something distinctive that we can call terrorism. It is true that it is often difficult to
distinguish ethnic conflict from guerrilla warfare or national liberation struggle from civil
AKH1372 TERRORISM REINFORCES THE POWER OF THE STATE war but I would argue that in all of these cases one can still identify something called
Robert Phillips, Director of the Program for War and Ethics, University of Connecticut, terrorism. He rightly rejects the argument that terrorism can be distinguished from other
TERRORISM, PROTEST AND POWER, Martin Warner and Roger Crisp, eds., 1990, forms of violence because civilians are targeted, although for the wrong reason. He argues
p.75-6. that attacks on civilians are a part of modern war and that therefore one would be obliged
The reasons for the failure of the short cut argument are not difficult to discern. Terrorism to accept that many states are terrorists. If this was the argument then the dilemma of
certainly causes fear on the part of ordinary people, but fear of the terrorists themselves. choosing to describe Britain as a terrorist state, say between 1942 and 1945, or abandoning
If anything, terrorism tends to drive people more firmly into the arms of their government. the label may well lead one to choose the latter. But it is a false dilemma. An attack on a
The classic case of this is the terror bombing of Germany in the Second World War, whose soldier can be just as much an act of terrorism as planting a bomb in a shopping centre. The
intention was to drive a wedge between Hitler and his people. However, the effect was just issue does not rest on the nature of the target but on the objective of the violence. As
the opposite. Hitler could plausibly say to his people that only monsters would rain down Tucker described earlier the key issue is whether the aim is to destroy a target because it
fire upon innocent people and that he was their only refuge from barbarism. The same stands between you and your objective or whether one destroys it in order to send a
analysis applies to modern terrorism. One has only to look at the areas of the world where message. Terrorism is an act of communication that requires an audience who identify with
terror has held sway to see that typically terrorism prolongs conflict, sometimes seemingly the victim and, at least in part, understand the message being sent. If the bombing of
without end. Whether it be in Ireland or the Middle East, terrorism creates a climate of fear German cities was about sending a message to the German people then it may indeed have
such that no one feels safe unless the opponent is totally destroyed. In this sense, terrorism been terrorism but if the aim was to destroy people and property then it was not. It is not
declares 'total' war because no one is exempt from attack and no one is innocent. In such always easy to determine the aim of violence but Guelke fails to see that this is the central
an ethos, compromise and negotiation become impossible. Who can negotiate with issue and not the red herring about the innocent or guilty. These concepts are subjective
barbarians? and would leave the field ridden with confusion. Objectives may be unclear or confused
but there is at least the possibility of arriving at some form of scholarly judgement about
AKH1373 RESPONSES TO TERRORISM ARE NEEDED TO PRESERVE what they were. In conclusion, I find Tucker to be a very valuable addition to the literature
CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT because, although he does complicate our lives, he sticks like a rock to the key idea:
Joseph Pilat, Research Associate, International Institute for Strategic Studies, SURVIVAL, terrorism is an act of violence in which the target is not the important objective, the aim
Summer 1999, p.167. is the impact of the act on others.
Responses to terrorism are intrinsically difficult in the US and other democracies, but they
must be undertaken if these states are to maintain constitutional government and the rule AKH1378 SCHMID OFFERS A USEFUL AND COMPREHENSIVE DEFINITION OF
of law. It is essential for public confidence and cooperation that governments be seen as TERRORISM
not acceding to terrorism, and to be taking the necessary measures to protect the lives and Philip Heymann, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard,
property of their citizens from terrorist attacks. TERRORISM AND AMERICA, 1998, p.4.
An extremely comprehensive review of possible definitions was conducted by Professor
AKH1374 THERE ARE MANY VIABLE DEFINITIONS OF TERRORISM Alex P. Schmid of Leiden University in the Netherlands. After consulting 50 scholars, he
Jonathan White, Director of the School of Criminal Justice, Grand Valley State University, came up with a definition far too lengthy to be useful but then found a far shorter
TERRORISM: AN INTRODUCTION, 1991, p.7. definition that was almost as accurate and more useful. Noting that there is a strong degree
The problems associated with defining terrorism have not-been solved by these many of consensus about what actions count as war crimes -- including attacks on persons taking
efforts: each definition has its weaknesses and limitations, but each is also perfectly no active part in hostilities and also hostage-taking -- and that just such attacks on the
acceptable. Herman's view of state repression is just as valid as Jenkins's simplicity. The undefended are "not an unsought side-effect but a deliberate strategy" of terrorists, Schmid
academic rigor of Crenshaw does not detract from the pragmatism of Livingstone. All of proposes defining acts of terrorism as "peacetime equivalents of war crimes:" acts that
these definitions are viable. would, if carried out by a government in war violate the Geneva Conventions."
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 119
AGREEMENT Robert Phillips, Director of the Program for War and Ethics, University of Connecticut,
Philip Heymann, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard, TERRORISM, PROTEST AND POWER, Martin Warner and Roger Crisp, eds., 1990,
TERRORISM AND AMERICA, 1998, p.6. p.76.
The definitions of terrorism thus differ markedly in what they include. In this book, I focus Finally, is the short cut argument ever advanced non-hypocritically? It is always difficult
on the core of the problem by looking only at conduct that satisfies almost all the to determine motives, but noting the historic failure of the argument, one suspects that
definitions. The violence I discuss involves in most instances politically motivated activity what matters to people about to embark upon a terrorist operation is not the moral calculus
by groups, not individuals. It is more than a nonpolitical expression of rage, and it is meant involving the net beneficial consequences of terrorism, but rather a prior decision to wage
to work by raising concerns and fears, and not just by the isolated assassination of a war the cheapest way possible. For terrorism, whether of the Second World War variety
government leader such as Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin or U.S. President John F. or the most recent outbreaks of the IRA's war on the cheap. When that decision is made
Kennedy. Borrowing from our State Department's definition, it is violence conducted as the moral justification of more lives saved is got up as an afterthought.
part of a political strategy by a subnational group or secret agents of a foreign state
(although secret and violent repression of political opponents by an authoritarian AKH1384 INDISCRIMINATE TERRORISM CAN NEVER BE JUST
government is just as bad). The political violence I emphasize is plainly directed at Walter Laqueur, Professor of History, Georgetown, THE NEW TERRORISM, 1999,
noncombatant targets; I set aside the hard question of where to place off-duty soldiers or p.281.
the industrial managers producing weapons of war. The violence is directed at people, not There has never been a "just terrorism" doctrine analogous to the idea of a "just war," but
just property, and carried out for a political purpose, although that purpose may only be some of the terrorist campaigns of the past were fought for a just cause, with self-imposed
partially formed. Like the Committee of Interior Ministers of the European Union, I would rules of engagement, against oppressors and tyrants. But this notion belongs to a period
exclude situations of warfare. And, to preserve moral fervor, I limit "terrorism" to political in which terrorist acts were directed against individuals who were considered personally
violence in or against true democracies. Every state would consider activities fitting this guilty for one reason or another. Since then terrorism has proceeded from limited to total
core definition to be "terrorism." It overlaps very substantially with Alex Schmid's and indiscriminate warfare, certainly as far as the targets are concerned, quite often the aim
definition of terrorism as behavior that would amount to war crimes if it occurred during is simply to kill or maim as many people as possible. For some terrorist groups, the
war. Like Netanyahu, I can think of very little excuse for an assault on civilians to advance campaigns have become total with regard to not only the acts but also the objectives: the
political purposes. Islamic radicals active in Algeria or Egypt or elsewhere in the Middle East want not reform
or a negotiated peace but the overthrow of the system, and those fighting against Israel
Walter Laqueur, Professor of History, Georgetown, THE NEW TERRORISM, 1999, p.6. AKH1385 MASS TERRORISM CAN NEVER BE JUST
Why is it so difficult to find a generally accepted definition? Nietzsche provided part of Walter Laqueur, Professor of History, Georgetown, THE NEW TERRORISM, 1999,
the clue when he wrote that only things which have no history can be defined; terrorism, p.281.
needless to say, has had a very long history. Furthermore, there has not been a single form Can there be a just terrorist campaign that is total in character and aims at the complete
of terrorism, but many, often with few traits in common. What was true of one variety was destruction of the enemy? The answer of the protagonists of holy war will be affirmative,
not necessarily true of another. Today there are more varieties than existed thirty years ago, but the philosophers of international law will hardly agree. Once the number of victims
and many are so different from those of the past and from each other that the term produced by a war that is trying to right a wrong becomes incommensurate, the carnage
terrorism no longer fits some of them. In the future, new terms will probably be found for cannot be justified by any accepted moral standards. The terrorists, of course, do not accept
the new varieties of terrorism. this but the escalation of terrorism in the future will not occur without a response from the
attacked. When terrorism becomes a real danger, those engaging in it will no longer be able
AKH1381 ITS VALUE-LOADED NATURE DOESN'T RENDER TERRORISM A to run and hide, but will be treated by those attacked as they see fit, as a hostis, an enemy
MEANINGLESS TERM of humankind, and thus outside the law. This will apply, a fortiori, if the weapons used are
Paul Wilkinson, Professor in International Relations, University of St Andrews, nonconventional. Such an escalation is now gradually under way in the Middle East,
TERRORISM, PROTEST AND POWER, Martin Warner and Roger Crisp eds., 1990, Africa, and Asia. Diderot once noted that the transition from fanaticism to barbarism is but
p.45-6. one step, and if present trends continue there is every reason for grim forebodings.
It is frequently suggested that the usage of the concept of terrorism outlined above is so
contentious or 'value-loaded' that there is no adequate basis for meaningful scholarly AKH1386 TERRORISM VIOLATES DEONTOLOGICAL ETHICS
debate and collaborative research in the field. This is far from being the case. Since the mid Jessica Stern, research fellow, National Security Council, THE ULTIMATE
1970s there has been considerable development internationally in the academic social TERRORISTS, 1999, p.19.
scientific and historical literature on terrorism. As one would expect there is an enormous But not all of the major moral traditions would proscribe terrorism, or the targeting of
variety of approaches, theories and methodologies within the field. An examination of the noncombatants, in all circumstances. Deontological ethical systems, such as Kant's, would
scholarly literature on other aspects of conflict, such as revolution or limited war, would do so, because they hold that the value of an act is intrinsic. The act is either good or evil
find a similar diversity of methods and conclusions. It would be foolish to expect the in and of itself. So killing the innocent is wrong, regardless of its ultimate consequences.
literature on terrorism to reflect total agreement on concepts, theories, data and literature.
It is noteworthy, however, that the most authoritative guide to the international literature AKH1387 TERRORISM IMMORALLY USES OTHERS AS MEANS
on terrorism (Schmid 1988) concludes that there is a consensus among over a hundred Maurice Berger, cultural historian, VIOLENT PERSUASIONS, David Brown and Robert
leading scholars worldwide on what its editors call a 'minimal definition' of terrorism. This Merrill, eds., 1993, p.18-20.
consensus rests on five elements or characteristics which the overwhelming majority of Ultimately, the most vexing issues surrounding the morality of terrorism center less on its
scholars in the field identify as the distinguishing characteristics or hallmarks of terroristic political goals (e.g., the emancipation of oppressed peoples, the end of colonial rule, the
violence. These five elements are: collapse of an authoritarian regime, die survival of people marked for destruction) and
1 . the intention to create extreme fear or terror; more on its means the strategies, conditions, and losses associated with violent political
2. the targeting of random and symbolic targets, including civilians and civilian property; behavior. Because almost all violent acts result in cruel and inhuman consequences, there
3. the attempt to influence a wider audience than the immediate victims of the violence; exists an overarching moral imperative that mitigates against physical terrorism as a form
4. the use of particularly brutal or extreme methods of violence, viewed as 'extranormal' of political speech. And in many instances of political violence, the immediate victims are
according to the norms of the community under attack; not directly responsible for the perceived injustices that are being avenged.
5. the exploitation of terrorism for a variety of purposes, including influencing the mass
media, public opinion, sectors of the population and governments. AKH1388 TERRORISM INHERENTLY VIOLATES JUST WAR PRINCIPLES
Jessica Stern, research fellow, National Security Council, THE ULTIMATE
Robert Phillips, Director of the Program for War and Ethics, University of Connecticut, It is possible to be justified in initiating a war but to conduct it unjustly, and equally
TERRORISM, PROTEST AND POWER, Martin Warner and Roger Crisp, eds., 1990, possible to initiate an unjust war but still conform to the law of war. The just war tradition
p.68-9. requires that war meet both sets of criteria: both its ends (jus ad bellum) and its means (jus
Moral denunciations of terrorism are appropriate and mandatory. Terrorist acts are in bello) must be just. Such wars are rare indeed. Modern terrorism, while it may
profoundly immoral and, in addition, tend not to be the short cut which their practitioners subjectively meet the first requirement, invariably fails the second, because terrorism
advertise. One has only to look at the areas of the world where terror has held sway to see deliberately targets noncombatants.
that violence is typically prolonged, sometimes indefinitely. The reason for this is not
difficult to discern. Each side comes to perceive the other as 'criminal' and thus as beyond
the pale of civilized negotiation.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 120
Jessica Stern, research fellow, National Security Council, THE ULTIMATE TERRORISM
TERRORISTS, 1999, p.30. Paul Wilkinson, Professor in International Relations, University of St Andrews,
Under very narrow circumstances, some moral theories permit the deliberate killing of TERRORISM, PROTEST AND POWER, Martin Warner and Roger Crisp eds., 1990,
innocents. But the same factors that make nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons p.46-7.
unusually dreadful also make them morally special. In most possible uses of such weapons, But just suppose that redressing the denial of national self-determination is genuinely the
terrorists would not know in advance how many victims would succumb. Nor would they underlying motive of the movement utilizing terrorism. Does this legitimate the use of
know the long-term residual effects on the health of survivors, or on the environment. terrorist means to that end? Surely not, because the waging of a just war of liberation
against an alien conqueror does not necessarily or inevitably involve a deliberate waging
AKH1390 CURRENT TERRORISM ISN'T GROUNDED IN SOCIAL OR ECONOMIC of terror, a systematic policy of murder and massacre against the civilian population.
INJUSTICE Indeed the use of such methods, whether on the part of insurgent movements or the armed
Walter Laqueur, Professor of History, Georgetown, THE NEW TERRORISM, 1999, p.9. forces of states, is explicitly prohibited by the International Humanitarian Law (IHL) as
During the 1960s and 1970s, when most terrorism was vaguely left wing in inspiration, contained in the Geneva Conventions and the 1977 Protocols. And while it is certainly the
arguments were made that terrorism was a response to injustice. Hence, if there were more case that these rules of war have been violated on numerous occasions, this does not mean
political, social, and economic justice, terrorism would more or less automatically vanish. that the IHL regime, so fragile but so necessary for some minimum protection of human
Seen in this light, terrorists were fanatical believers in justice driven to despair by rights in times of war, can or should be cavalierly discarded.
intolerable conditions. But in the 1980s and '90s, when most terrorism in Europe and
America came from the extreme right and the victims were foreigners, national minorities, AKH1394 TERRORISM IS VERY UNLIKELY TO PRODUCE MEANINGFUL
or arbitrarily chosen, those who had previously shown understanding or even approval of POLITICAL CHANGE
terrorism no longer used these arguments. They could no longer possibly explain, let alone Philip Heymann, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard,
justify, murder with reference to political, social, or economic injustice. TERRORISM AND AMERICA, 1998, p.8-9.
Terrorism has traditionally used relatively unsophisticated weapons in a limited number
AKH1391 THE JUSTIFICATION OF TERRORISTS AS FREEDOM FIGHTERS IS NO of ways to inflict relatively little damage. Within these constraints terrorism can only hope
LONGER PLAUSIBLE to produce limited political results, since in almost every country the government controls
Walter Laqueur, Professor of History, Georgetown, THE NEW TERRORISM, 1999, vastly superior military and civilian security forces. Even such limited actions may
p.106-7. occasionally force a change in particular occupants of office by carefully planned
These misjudgments sometimes had amusing and embarrassing results. Some on the left, assassinations like those of Anwar Sadat and Yitzhak Rabin. They may even bring about
from Sartre to Fanon, from Marcuse to Chomsky, invoked a variety of arguments to a change in a particular policy by simply imposing sufficient costs upon a government that
explain and, in some cases, to justify this kind of violence. They took the revolutionary the government will choose to abandon a weakly held policy, as when the United States
phraseology at face value and believed in the liberating and progressive mission of many, left Lebanon after the truck bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut. But any
if not all, terrorists. Some of them argued that the publicity given terrorism was nothing broader objectives, such as pulling out of places of considerable strategic or political
but a smoke screen meant to divert attention from the true terrorism, that of the repressive importance or abandoning important alliances or polices, are far more difficult and far less
imperialist state. At the very least it was argued that one man's terrorist was another likely. And changing the government itself would require the politically violent group
person's freedom fighter, a dictum that was thought to be both witty and profound. This either to overpower the government's military force or to shift the loyalties of the
kind of beatification continued as long as terrorism was predominantly left wing in government security forces or the public at large sufficiently that they would broadly deny
inspiration (or was thought to be so). Times changed, however, and during the 1980s, their support to the state. Overthrow of a government may be the result of a civil war or
left-wing terrorism petered out, a trend that coincided with the collapse of the Soviet bloc, a coup d'etat, but it is a highly unlikely result of the relatively small-scale violence by those
though it was not caused by the collapse. Instead, the terrorist initiative in Western outside of government that we associate with terrorism.
countries such as the United States, and also Germany and Turkey, moved to the extreme
right. Yesterday's theories about the progressive character of terrorism ceased to make AKH1395 IT'S RIGHT TO CONDEMN TERRORISM BOTH BY GOVERNMENTS
sense and became, in fact, embarrassing. The burning of a hostel housing foreign guest AND NON-GOVERNMENT ACTORS
workers in Germany could hardly be described any longer as a liberating act. Neither could Robert Phillips, Director of the Program for War and Ethics, University of Connecticut,
the bombing of the World Trade Center in New York or the bombing of a government TERRORISM, PROTEST AND POWER, Martin Warner and Roger Crisp, eds., 1990,
building in Oklahoma City be interpreted as a prologue to a revolution that would help the p.69.
masses. The old wisdom about one person's terrorist being another person's freedom While the Reagan administration was quite correct in its condemnation of terrorism as a
fighter was no longer heard. means of effecting political and social change, such denunciations only make sense against
a moral backdrop which (1) rigidly distinguishes between combatants and noncombatants
AKH1392 ITS UNLIMITED CHARACTER MAKES TERRORISM THE ANTITHESIS and (2) equally rigidly adheres to the principle that innocent people have an absolute right
OF FREEDOM FIGHTING not to be murdered for any reason whatever. Now it should be obvious that both of these
David George, Lecturer in Politics, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, TERRORISM, tenets have been steadily eroding since 1940, as much in the West as elsewhere. Despite
PROTEST AND POWER, Martin Warner and Roger Crisp, eds., 1990, p.65. repeated commitments to a plethora of declarations of human rights, few, if any,
This is to make the further point that freedom fighting, as exemplified by the Resistance, governments are terribly scrupulous in their military policies regarding such rights
is a concrete activity, not an opposite abstraction to that of terrorism (as a 'means'). If it is
a misconception to think of terrorism as an all-purpose technique serving no end, or no AKH1396 TERRORISTS AREN'T EXCUSED BY THE FACT THAT STATES DO
kind of end, in particular, and this was the burden of the argument earlier, it is no less MORE HARM
mistaken to take freedom fighting as the pursuit of freedom in any sense of the term and Walter Laqueur, Professor of History, Georgetown, THE NEW TERRORISM, 1999, p.9.
in any way bar one, terror. In summary, its violent methods are rule-governed, discriminate There are other misunderstandings concerning the motives and the character of terrorism.
and, at least in some senses, proportionate to its end of eradicating the lawless, For a long time there has been resistance in some circles to the use of the term to apply to
liberty-denying, regime of tyranny and replacing it by the rule of law and a constitutional small groups of people who engage in futile violence against the political establishment
government where civil liberty is enjoyed. Freedom fighting, in this sense, is a relatively or certain sections of society. It was argued that the term should be reserved for states. It
uncommon phenomenon; its range extends to rebellions such as the eighteenth century one is perfectly true that tyrannies have caused infinitely more harm in history than terrorists,
by the thirteen American colonies and to tyrannicides like the plot to assassinate Hitler in but it is hardly a relevant argument; with equal justice one could claim that it is not
July 1944, but no further. Terrorism, as a concrete activity or unity of means and ends, is worthwhile to look for a cure for AIDS because this disease kills fewer people than cancer
its antithesis, that is, it is a tyranny in the name of freedom. or heart disease, or that teaching French should be discontinued because there are twenty
times as many Chinese as French people in the world.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 121
TERRORISM Richard Falkenrath, Professor, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University,
Jessica Stern, research fellow, National Security Council, THE ULTIMATE SURVIVAL, Autumn 1998, p.50.
TERRORISTS, 1999, p.14. If threat assessment were a simple extrapolation of past trends, analysts would probably
Another thorny issue is whether states themselves can be the perpetrators of terrorist acts. conclude that modern societies have little to fear from terrorist NBC aggression. But threat
The answer is yes. States and their leaders can and do unleash terrorist violence against assessment must also consider the changing capabilities, motives and strategic options of
their own civilians, as Saddam Hussein did with chemical weapons against Iraqi Kurds; potential adversaries, as well as the scope and character of their own vulnerabilities. The
as Stalin did in acts of random violence against Soviet citizens; and as the Guatemalan capacity to conduct terrorist NBC attacks is growing among states and non-state actors
government did for nearly forty years against its own people. States have also used alike. It also appears that the motivation to conduct attacks of this kind is increasing.
terrorism as an instrument of war, by deliberately attacking civilians in the hope of
crushing enemy morale. In late 1940 the British Chiefs of Staff determined that Germany's AKH1401 A NEW, FAR DEADLIER, RELIGIOUSLY MOTIVATED TERRORISM
morale was more vulnerable than its industry, and decided to bomb the centers of key HAS EMERGED
German cities. Historians estimate that these attacks killed some 300,000 Germans, most William Finan, CURRENT HISTORY, April 2000, p.186.
of them civilians, and seriously injured 780,000 more. In Dresden alone, in the spring of The spector of a new terrorism is haunting America. Terrorism specialists argue that a
1945, when the war was virtually won, the bombing killed nearly 100,000 people. violence far deadlier than the political terrorism of the recent past -- the mass airliner
hijackings by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine or the bombing of a hotel
AKH1398 TERRORISM IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH LIBERAL DEMOCRACY filled with British cabinet ministers by the IRA -- has emerged. The attempt to collapse the
Paul Wilkinson, Professor in International Relations, University of St Andrews, twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City in 1993, the release of nerve gas
TERRORISM, PROTEST AND POWER, Martin Warner and Roger Crisp eds., 1990, into a crowded Tokyo subway in 1995, and the bombing of the United States embassies
p.51-2. in downtown Nairobi and Dar es Salaam in 1998 are considered the defining acts of this
This brief paper has argued that terrorism is a deliberate policy for waging terror, usually breed of terrorist, all of which appear motivated by religious rather than political goals.
for political ends; it is the systematic and calculated use of terrorization and is explicitly And although the religious beliefs have varied in each instance, the tactics appeared to
rationalized and justified by some philosophy, theory or ideology, however crude. Almost have the same aim: to kill as many people as possible.
invariably terrorists will claim that they use their violence only for the achievement of
freedom, Certainly the growth of democratic political freedoms provides the terrorist AKH1402 NEW TERRORISTS WANT THE ADDED HORROR OF WMD
movements with much greater opportunities to launch and conduct their campaigns of Steven Simon and Daniel Benjamin, former members of U.S. National Security Council,
violence. In ideological and political terms, however, terrorism is inherently incompatible SURVIVAL, Spring 2000, p.71.
with the values and institutions of liberal democracy; indeed, it systematically seeks to Nonetheless, recent events indicate that extremist religious groups have sought WMD and,
destroy them. In view of this fundamental philosophical contradiction there is a pressing US officials believe, will continue to do so. Indeed, those who argue on grounds of
need to educate democratic societies, not only to assist them to uphold and strengthen the efficacy that terrorists will not devote the resources and energies necessary for WMD
institutions and values of freedom and the rule of law, but also to recognize that terrorism procurement may be missing the point. These terrorists seek to maximise the number of
is a totally illegitimate and morally unacceptable means of striving for a cause, especially casualties, but the additional horror that attaches to WMD use would provide a premium
within a liberal democratic society. on their investment. Thus, after multiple failures in its effort to use biological weapons,
Aum Shinrikyo still refused to use conventional weapons, switching instead to chemical
AKH1399 TERRORISM KILLS SIGNIFICANT NUMBERS OF PEOPLE weapons for its attack in the Tokyo subway. After a multi-million dollar production effort,
Bruce Hoffman, terrorism expert, RAND Corporation, COUNTERING THE NEW supervised by a Ph.D. chemist, the attack claimed 12 lives, undoubtedly far fewer than the
TERRORISM, 1999, p.17-19. cult was seeking. But for Aum's apocalyptic aims, more reliable, conventional weapons
Indeed, some of the most significant terrorist acts of recent years have had some religious would not have been fitting.
element present. These include the 1993 bombing of New York City's World Trade Center
by Islamic radicals who deliberately attempted to topple one of the twin towers onto the AKH1403 CONSENSUS AGREES TERRORIST USE OF WMD IS ONLY A MATTER
other; OF TIME
the series of 13 near-simultaneous car and truck bombings that shook Bombay, India, in John Nagl, Professor of International Relations, U.S. Military Academy, WORLD
February 1993, killing 400 persons and injuring more than 1000 others, in reprisal for the AFFAIRS, Spring 2000, p.165-6.
destruction of an Islamic shrine in that country; Most experts agree that it is only a matter of time until terrorists use weapons of mass
the December 1994 hijacking of an Air France passenger jet by Islamic terrorists belonging destruction. The World Trade Center bombing of 1995, in which terrorists used a fertilizer
to the Algerian Armed Islamic Group (GIA) and the attendant foiled plot to blow up and diesel fuel truck bomb in an attempt to kill 60,000 people, indicates that that threshold
themselves, the aircraft, and the 283 passengers on board precisely when the plane was has already been crossed.
over Paris, thus causing the flaming wreckage to plunge into the crowded city below;
the March 1995 sarin nerve-gas attack on the Tokyo subway system, perpetrated by an AKH1404 ANTHROPOCENTRISM IS LEGITIMATE - HUMANS ARE UNIQUE
apocalyptic Japanese religious cult (Aum Shinrikyo) that killed a dozen persons and Murray Bookchin, Institute for Social Ecology co-founder, RE-ENCHANTING
wounded 3796 others; reportedly the group also planned to carry out identical attacks in HUMANITY, 1995, p.103.
the United States; Deep ecology's contradictory presuppositions, intuitions, anthropomorphisms, and naive
the bombing of an Oklahoma City federal office building in April 1995, where 168 persons assertions leave us spinning like tops. We are enjoined to engage in 'deep questioning' in
perished, by two Christian Patriots seeking to foment a nationwide race revolution; order to decide on intuitive grounds that we are intrinsically no different in 'worth' or
the wave of bombings unleashed in France by the Algerian GIA between July and October 'value' from any 'entity' in the 'ecosphere'. Yet the deep questioning so prized by Devall,
1995, of metro trains, outdoor markets, cafes, schools, and popular tourist spots, that killed Sessions, Naess, et al., is something that no other life-form can do -- besides us. In the
eight persons and wounded more than 180 others; vastness of the ecosphere, nothing apart from human beings is capable of even voicing the
the assassination in November 1995 of Israeli Prime Minister Itzhak Rabin by a religious notion of 'biocentric egalitarianism', much less understanding any notion of 'rights',
Jewish extremist and its attendant significance as the purported first step in a campaign of 'intrinsic worth', or 'superiority' and 'inferiority'. It is the ultimate in anthropomorphism to
mass murder designed to disrupt the peace process; impute a moral sense to animals that lack the conceptual material of abstract thought
the Hamas suicide bombers who turned the tide of Israel's national elections with a string provided by language and the rich generalizations we form in our minds from our vast
of bloody attacks that killed 60 persons between February and March 1996; repertoire of words.
the Egyptian Islamic militants who carried out a brutal machinegun and hand-grenade
attack on a group of Western tourists outside their Cairo hotel in April 1996 that killed 18; AKH1405 DEEP ECOLOGY IS INTELLECTUALLY BANKRUPT
the June 1996 truck bombing of a U.S. Air Force barracks in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, Murray Bookchin, Institute for Social Ecology co-founder, RE-ENCHANTING
where 19 persons perished, by religious militants opposed to the reigning al-Saud regime; HUMANITY, 1995, p.90.
the unrelenting bloodletting by Islamic extremists in Algeria itself that has claimed the Why did such a patently simplistic and singularly unoriginal body of views as deep
lives of more than an estimated 75,000 persons there since 1992; ecology take root in the first place - initially in the United States and later in Europe? To
the massacre in November 1997 of 58 foreign tourists and four Egyptians by terrorists a great extent, it was the very simplicity - indeed, the simpleminded message - of Naess's
belonging to the Gamat al-Islamiya (Islamic Group) at the Temple of Queen Hatsheput in ecological philosophy that made it attractive. Deep ecology makes no great intellectual
Luxor, Egypt; and demands upon its followers. Its intuitions and a priori concepts, usually presented as
the bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in August 1998 that killed 257 simple homilies and metaphors, make it accessible to anyone who vaguely 'loves nature'.
and injured some 5000 others. More a mood than a body of ideas, deep ecology derives its message from the same
intuitive materials that have long been exploited by assorted gurus, shamans, priests,
fakirs, and dubious psychotherapists. Deep ecology, in effect, makes its appeal to the heart
rather than to the head, and little intellectual effort is required to absorb its maudlin
message of how to live the 'simple life' and behave 'ecologically'.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 122
R.M. Hare, University of Florida Philosophy Professor, APPLIED PHILOSOPHY: Murray Bookchin, Institute for Social Ecology co-founder, RE-ENCHANTING
From the premise that we have no duties to trees or lakes or the biosphere, it does not Lest we suspect that Devall is merely fatuous, arrant misanthropy emerges in the closing
follow that we have no duties with regard to these things. Harm to them may harm sentient pages of his book: '[w]e lack compassion and seem [!] misanthropic if we turn our backs
beings including people, to whom we have duties. It is up the conservationists, and not so on hundreds of millions of humans who reside in megalopolises. However, when a choice
difficult as some people think, to show that these inanimate things, though they themselves must be made, it seems consistent with deep ecology principles to fight on the side of
have no morally relevant interests, ought to be conserved in the interests of beings that do endangered species and animals' -- and presumably ignore the plight of congested urban
have such interests. Wise conservationists try to show this, instead of taking the short cut dwellers, which is a concern of 'misplaced humanists'. What concerns Devall about cities
of assuming illegitimately that all kinds of things have morally relevant interests, and thus is not only the absence of 'wild animals' [!] there but the extent to which 'urban elites'
rights, which could not have them. exercise power with their 'materialist ideology and nihilism'. This trend, too, is a concern
only of 'misplaced humanists', who also would wrongheadedly -- in Devall's view -- justify
AKH1407 DEEP ECOLOGY HAS A SIMPLISTIC EXPLANATION OF 'large-scale immigration to Western Europe and North America from Latin America and
ENVIRONMENTAL CRISIS Africa'. Such views are redolent of the reactionary ideology currently abounding in the
Bron Taylor, Professor of Religion and Social Ethics, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh, First World against people of color from the Third World.
BENEATH THE SURFACE, Eric Katz, et al., eds., 2000, p.275.
Bioregional deep ecology generally asserts the binary associations found in table 14.1. My AKH1412 DEEP ECOLOGY THREATENS CIVILIZATION
central argument is that such, ideology would be more competing if its advocates would Murray Bookchin, Institute for Social Ecology co-founder, RE-ENCHANTING
eschew simplistic binary oppositions and monocausal explanations in their efforts to HUMANITY, 1995, p.105.
explain the causes of and solutions to environmental degradation. Sometimes, of course, While deep ecology trivializes the human spirit, it depends immensely on humanistic
such dichotomies insightfully illuminate how certain social variables, cultural differences, appeals to support its most basic tenets. Moreover, its absorption of human individuality
and historical developments shape human lifeways and impact nature. A problem arises, into a mystical self-in-Self of cosmic proportions advances a reactionary message. In a
however, when such dichotomies are viewed, as they often are, as distinct and rigid mass society, where selfhood is atrophying under the assault of social forces and
oppositions, of as variables whose influence runs in a single direction. When examined in institutions over which the individual has virtually no control; when disempowerment has
historical and cross-cultural perspective, it becomes clear that such oversimplifications are become an epochal social pathology; when women, people of color, the poor, and the
grounded in a misleading failure to appreciate the diversity and complexity of human underprivileged are asked to surrender what fragments of autonomy and freedom they still
cultures and political economies. The failure of many deep ecology advocates to appreciate possess to the power of multinational corporations, impersonal bureaucracies, and the state
such complexity signals either social-scientific naivete or interpretive hubris. - the 'decentering of humankind' opens the way for a cultural and social barbarism of
frightening proportions.
Bron Taylor, Professor of Religion and Social Ethics, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh, Murray Bookchin, Institute for Social Ecology co-founder, RE-ENCHANTING
BENEATH THE SURFACE, Eric Katz, et al., eds., 2000, p.277-8. HUMANITY, 1995, p.109.
This was an important finding of my on-the-ground research that explored diverse and Deep ecology and much of its literature is unnervingly redolent of the reactionary views
widely dispersed examples of movements promoting environmental protection which have chronicled by Fritz Stern and George Mosse in Germany prior to the rise of National
been variously been characterized as "militant" or "radical." This cross-cultural research Socialism. Cries like 'Back to the Pleistocene!' during Earth First!'s militant days
challenged the prevalent deep ecological conviction that consciousness change toward an contribute to a mentality that denies human uniqueness even as it appeals to human beings
ecocentric, deep ecological spirituality is a precondition of "radical" environmental action. to carry out an ethics that no animal can possibly have. At the same time, deep ecology
Although we found examples where deep ecology-like values and spiritualities animated views humanity rather cheaply. Its literature abounds with denunciations of humanity as
environmental actors and groups, we also found many cases where such motivations were a 'cancer' on the planet and human intervention into the natural world as demonic.
missing or not widely shared. Indeed, contrary to deep ecological expectations, in the
global context the most prevalent factor precipitating and justifying aggressive AKH1414 DEEP ECOLOGY SUPPORTS AUTHORITARIAN STATE CONTROLS
environmental resistance appears to be a recognition that intensifying environmental Murray Bookchin, Social Critic, THE PHILOSOPHY OF SOCIAL ECOLOGY, 1990,
degradation directly threatens traditional livelihoods, human health, and the life prospects P.196-7.
of children. I have personally encountered a misanthropy, indeed an inhumanity, masked as
"biocentrism," "deep ecology," and population control, that provides a brutal mandate for
AKH1409 APPLYING DEEP ECOLOGY WOULD BE DEVASTATING TOWARDS human suffering and authoritarian State controls. We must face the fact that ecology, on
THE POOR these terms, threatens to become an ideology that can only be designated as cruel, not as
Joseph Des Jardins, Professor of Philosophy, College of Saint Benedict, caring nor cooperative.
One version of this critique is raised by the Indian ecologist Ramachandra Guha. Guha Murray Bookchin, Institute for Social Ecology co-founder, RE-ENCHANTING
argues that despite its claims to universality, Deep Ecology is uniquely an American HUMANITY, 1995, p.88.
ideology, essentially a radical branch of the wilderness preservation movement. In Guha's Finally, it is worth adding that apart from his general references to decentralization,
view, if put into practice, Deep Ecology would have disastrous consequences, especially diversity, and symbiosis, little in Naess's remedies for the environmental crisis
for the poor and agrarian populations in underdeveloped countries. Describing India as a distinguished his ideas from the reformist activities of shallow ecologists. Indeed, deep
"long settled and densely populated country in which agrarian populations have a finely ecology was quite tame in its vision of a new social dispensation. But Naess and his
balanced relationship with nature," Guha reasons that a policy of biocentric equality and acolytes during the 1970s, confined to their fastnesses in the academy, were basically
wilderness preservation would effectively result in a direct transfer of wealth from poor isolated from the new ecological trends - technological, communitarian, and political - that
to rich and a major displacement of poor people. were emerging in the United States. Their writings reveal little lived contact with the
international environmental movement that was unfolding. If deep ecology was a
AKH1410 DEEP ECOLOGY IS GENOCIDAL movement, it was overwhelmingly a cerebral one that had little interaction with groups
Murray Bookchin, Institute for Social Ecology co-founder, RE-ENCHANTING actively trying to expand public consciousness of environmental hazards and indeed of the
HUMANITY, 1995, p.106-7. need to change society's way of interacting with the natural world.
Finally, deep ecology is heir to the lingering legacy of Malthus, whose warning about
population growth outstripping food production 'was ignored by the rising tide of AKH1416 DEEP ECOLOGY IS POLITICALLY COUNTERPRODUCTIVE
industrial/technological optimism', according to Devall and Sessions. Whereupon they Murray Bookchin, Institute for Social Ecology co-founder, RE-ENCHANTING
extol William Catton, Jr, author of Overshoot, for applying 'the ecological concept of HUMANITY, 1995, p.98.
carrying capacity' and remind us that William Vogt, who 'articulated' the environmental A multitude of intuitions and irrational belief systems are returning to the foreground in
crisis, 'anticipat[ed] the work of radical ecologist Paul Ehrlich in the 1960s'. Vogt's recipes the closing years of this century. From mystical divinations to ethnic hatreds, these belief
for diminishing population by withholding antibiotics from Third World countries go systems have grave implications for the future of modern society and the way people view
unmentioned. reality. That deep ecology has contributed to this regressive trend with hortatory claims
that are strictly subjective, even personalistic, and often reactionary cannot be ignored -
and must be seriously probed.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 123
Martin Lewis, Professor, Duke University School of the Environment, GREEN ENVIRONMENT
DELUSIONS, 1992, p.7. Melissa Clarke, Professor of Philosophy, Texas A & M University, ENVIRONMENTAL
More frightening, and more immediate, is the specter of a few radicals actually opposing ETHICS, Spring 2003, p.112.
necessary environmental reforms. Such individuals conclude that "reform The ultimate conclusion of the book plainly advocates nonanthropocentrism in discussing
environmentalism" is "worse than useless because by correcting short-term symptoms it the concept of "synergism," which weaves throughout the entire last half of the work.
postpone[s] the necessary reconstruction of the entire human relationship with the natural Synergism is the idea that as we value and work to improve nature and the environment,
world" (Nash 1989:150). From here it is a short step to argue that reform would only we will also benefit ourselves. Wenz's introduction and treatment of synergism is
forestall an ecological apocalypse -- which some evidently believe is a necessary wonderfully integrative and lends a spirit of hope to the discussion of our environmental
precondition for the construction of an environmentally benign social order. The insanity problems. Yet, it is not clear why Wenz is determined to juxtapose anthropocentrism with
of pushing the planet even closer to destruction in order to save it in the future should be synergism. It is consistent with synergism that if we value and work to improve humanity
readily apparent. in a deep ethical sense nature will also benefit, since if what benefits nature benefits
humans, the converse holds as well. Oddly, in all of the final five chapters (including the
AKH1418 SIMPLE QUESTIONING DOESN'T PRODUCE MEANINGFUL INSIGHT last four paragraphs of the book), Wenz comes close to recognizing that synergism need
Murray Bookchin, Institute for Social Ecology co-founder, RE-ENCHANTING not necessarily originate in nonanthropocentrism and yet he never quite makes the
HUMANITY, 1995, p.98. connection. He persists in claiming outright that environmental change will occur only
Thus, for Devall and Sessions to claim that their intuited norms are 'arrived at by the deep through the starting point of people's learning to value the more-than-human. This view,
questioning process and reveal the importance of moving to the philosophical and religious however, can be challenged by considering that change might occur if we truly begin to
level of wisdom' is rhetorical. No 'deep questioning process' can rest exclusively on think ethically at all; that is, that we might begin by considering the value of other humans
intuition, least of all that of Arne Naess, to which they are referring here. If Devall's and in lieu of our short-term economically motivated, unethical nonenvironmental
Sessions' 'deep questioning' cannot be supported by experiential reality, other than what "anthropocentrism." I daresay that consistent ethical thinking would produce similar
they regard as valid experience, it simply cannot be challenged. One cannot attain a synergistic consequences, making environmental anthropocentrism a candidate for
'philosophical and religious wisdom' without acknowledging the premises of objective membership in a morally pluralistic approach to a synergistic view.
knowledge (which include science) and the need for logical consistency, both of which
stand at odds with the privileged claims of intuition. A questioning process that is insulated AKH1423 ENVIRONMENTAL DISCOURSE WON'T CHANGE SOCIETY
from rationality and experience can hardly be said to involve very much questioning at all. Martin Lewis, Professor, Duke University School of the Environment, GREEN
Nor is one intuition true and its contrary false if both rest merely on a personal belief. DELUSIONS, 1992, p.11.
Many eco-radicals hope that a massive ideological campaign can transform popular
AKH1419 DEEP ECOLOGY IS PRONE TO CONSERVATIVE, CAPITALIST perceptions, leading both to a fundamental change in lifestyles and to large-scale social
COOPTION reconstruction. Such a view is highly credulous. The notion that continued intellectual
Val Plumwood, Australian Research Council Fellow, University of Sidney, BENEATH hectoring will eventually result in a mass conversion to environmental monasticism
THE SURFACE, Eric Katz, et al., eds., 2000, p.71. (Roszak 1979: 289) -- marked by vows of poverty and nonprocreation -- is difficult to
In the earlier sections we noted how the theoretical possibilities associated with unity and accept. While radical views have come to dominate many environmental circles, their
individual consciousness change have assumed a privileged role over the solidarity and effect on the populace at large has been minimal. Despite the greening of European politics
structural analysis allied with feminist-postcolonial theory and other politically radical that recently gave stalwarts considerable hope, the more recent green plunge suggests that
movements. just as deep ecology failed to provide alternatives to an ethical theory based even the European electorate lacks commitment to environmental radicalism. In the United
on unity, so it has failed to provide political alternatives to political theory based on unity. States several decades of preaching the same ecoradical gospel have had little appreciable
This pattern in the political area provides the basis for the seduction of deep ecological effect; the public remains, as before, wedded to consumer culture and creature comforts.
political theory by a conservative paradigm endorsing capitalism, private property, and
small government, and by a notably shallow and elite-accommodating "deep pocket" AKH1424 ENVIRONMENTAL DISCOURSE FEEDS CONSERVATISM
strategy that seeks the ecological enlightenment of the Man of Property as its main Martin Lewis, Professor, Duke University School of the Environment, GREEN
objective. The unity interpretation, which has the potential to provide support for both DELUSIONS, 1992, p.39.
totalitarian and capitalist positions, once again provides the means by which this One reason conservative ideas so readily latch onto the environmental discourse lies in the
hegemonic accommodation is constructed. widespread denial of any essential distinction between human beings and nature's other
creatures. If people are fundamentally similar to all other animals, it is only logical that our
AKH1420 SYNTHESIS OF ANTHROPOCENTRIC AND NONANTHROPOCENTRIC basic nature should derive from instinct and other biological imperatives -- a staple of
ARGUMENTS PRODUCES THE BEST POLICY conservative thought for centuries. In contrast to this organicist view is not only the notion
Peter Wenz, Professor of Philosophy, University of Illinois, Springfield, that human nature is at least substantially a cultural construct, a central tenet of
ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS, Winter 2002, p.389. contemporary social theory, but also ideas of individual autonomy and free will -- the core
Some anthropocentrists, such as Bryan Norton, claim that intergenerational of most classical justifications for civil liberty. Both derive from a distinctly different
anthropocentrism provides the best rationale for protecting biodiversity. Some humanistic tradition. Civil rights are much more difficult to defend in a discourse that
nonanthropocentrists, such as J. Baird Callicott and Eric Katz, disagree. In the present purports to explain human nature in biological terms.
paper, I analyze different varieties of anthropocentrism, argue for adopting what is here
called multicultural anthropocentrism, and then advance the following thesis of AKH1425 DEEP ECOLOGY ISN'T A MEANINGFUL MOVEMENT
environmental synergism: combining multicultural anthropocentrism with Murray Bookchin, Institute for Social Ecology co-founder, RE-ENCHANTING
nonanthropocentrism enables synergists to argue more cogently and effectively than either HUMANITY, 1995, p.96.
anthropocentrists or previous nonanthropocentrists for policies that both protect To the extent that deep ecology has since become an 'established' ecophilosophy, it was
biodiversity and maximize long-term welfare for human beings as a group. primarily among some two hundred or so professors and/or their students whom Sessions
and Devall could reach with their newsletter and conference papers. Despite growing
AKH1421 WELL-INFORMED ANTHROPOCENTRISTS WILL ALSO PROTECT THE support today, many academic environmentalists viewed deep ecology with considerable
ENVIRONMENT skepticism or rejected it outright. For the rest of the Mystical Zone, deep ecology was more
Bron Taylor, Professor of Religion and Social Ethics, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh, of a rumor that denoted deep thinking than a movement or coherent outlook.
BENEATH THE SURFACE, Eric Katz, et al., eds., 2000, p.279.
When informed by an ecological understanding of resource-based limits and widespread AKH1426 DEEP ECOLOGY IS PRONE TO COOPTION BY THE POLITICAL RIGHT
environmental damage resulting from industrial growth, even those with anthropocentric Val Plumwood, Australian Research Council Fellow, University of Sidney, BENEATH
value systems will realize that such growth cannot benefit most people. participants in THE SURFACE, Eric Katz, et al., eds., 2000, p.60.
popular movements, consequently, decreasingly view industrial growth as the While the word "tolerance" is apt to generate lots of warm, fuzzy feelings, an abstract
"development" goal or the means to "social justice." Arriving at such ecology-informed embrace of tolerance principles is no substitute for the development of real theoretical and
conclusions certainly involves a transformation of consciousness, particularly when we stand-point diversity, and here deep ecology is deeply lacking. The effect of the original
consider the success capitalist societies have had in making economic growth the axial underdevelopment of political thinking in the platform, plus the recent appearance of a
social organizing principle of most countries on the planet. But such consciousness change conservative brand of deep political theory, plus the Naess-Carnap abstract tolerance for
can occur without a concomitant shift toward a deep ecological, or even an ecocentric, diversity beyond the agreement on the politically underdeveloped "platform," is to make
perspective. deep ecology today potentially subject to capture by the right. The choice principles of the
real world differ significantly, however, from the ideal world of Ecosophy T. Choices
between left and right political developments of the Ecosophy T position and platform
cannot be avoided indefinitely by appeals to abstract tolerance, since, as I argue in this
essay, some of the political alliances and directions deep ecology can take up are strongly
incompatible with others.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 124
Val Plumwood, Australian Research Council Fellow, University of Sidney, BENEATH Mikael Stenmark, Department of Theology, Uppsala University, ENVIRONMENTAL
THE SURFACE, Eric Katz, et al., eds., 2000, p.67-8. ETHICS, Summer 2002, p.142-3.
Now I am not saying here, as some supporters of deep ecology seem to think, that all deep What about the nonanthropocentrists? Can we find any hints about what population
ecologists or others who have theorized the basis of solidarity in terms of unity are selfish policies they advocate? Yes, I believe we can. I also think that there are good reasons to
male chauvinist pigs, that they all wish to incorporate nature into the self, or are all believe that they typically differ from the intergenerational anthropocentric ones. Rolston
megalomaniacs aiming at control who take their own interests to be those of nature or the maintains, for instance, that "conserving the Earth is more important than having more
universe at large" (although in fact there are some who hold doctrines of unity who do -- people." It is even "more important than the needs, or even the welfare, of existing people."
one could argue that Walt Whitman in his later stages was a good example, and there may Arne Naess tells us that one of the key principles of deep ecology is that "The flourishing
be others attracted to this kind of theorization). Nor am I insisting that we must treat deep of human life and cultures is compatible with a substantial decrease of the human
ecology according to its worst possible interpretation, as the incorporative self. What I am population. The flourishing of nonhuman life requires such a decrease." Furthermore,
saying is that assumptions of unity of interest are especially liable to hegemonic Naess writes as a response to an answer given by a United Nations study (to the question
interpretations, and that in the absence of a critical analysis of power, they are open to "Given the present world-wide industrial and agricultural capacity, technological
co-optition by existing dominance orders and by the dominant Lockean account and development, and resource exploitation, how many people could be supported on Earth
incorporative self upon which capitalism is based. today with the standard of living of the average American?") that The authors think that
500 million would not result in a uniform, stagnant world and refer to the seventeenth
AKH1428 DEEP ECOLOGY FUELS STATISM century. Agreed, but the question raised refers only to humans. How about other living
Murray Bookchin, Institute for Social Ecology co-founder, RE-ENCHANTING beings? If their life quality is not to be lowered through human dominance, for instance
HUMANITY, 1995, p.110. agriculture, are not 500 million too many? Or: are cultural diversity, development of the
In the light of Naess's commitment to a strong state, what happens to free choice, sciences and arts, and of course basic needs of humans not served by, let us say, 100
idiosyncratic behavior, personal talents, and individuality? Or, for that matter, to his million? Likewise, Callicott suggests that as "omnivores, the population of human beings
'nonviolent anarchism'? And, if the Cosmic 'Self' into which the 'self' should dissolve is a should, perhaps, be roughly twice that of bears, allowing for differences of size. A global
suprahuman organism, a 'whole' - a 'totality'? - that blots out personal identity in traditional population of more than four billion persons and showing no signs of an orderly decline
families and communities structured around castes, deep ecology can easily become an ... is at present a global disaster ... for the biotic community."
ideology for a strong centralized state in the name of perpetuating the 'rights of Nature'.
Murray Bookchin, Institute for Social Ecology co-founder, RE-ENCHANTING Joseph Des Jardins, Professor of Philosophy, College of Saint Benedict,
By 'self-realization', Devall and Sessions leave little doubt that they mean a certain type PHILOSOPHY, 2001, p.228-9.
of religious notion of the self that can more properly be called self-effacement. We have Guha also faults Deep Ecology for its appropriation of Eastern philosophies and traditions.
to shed, as they put it, the 'modern Western self' and return to the traditional Asian notion Citing Hinduism, Taoism, and Buddhism as if they are a single consistent Eastern
of the individual, who disappears in a "'self-in-Self" where "Self" stands for organic worldview and one that is more in tune with environmentalism "does considerable violence
wholeness'. More precisely, we have to return to a self for whom 'the phrase [sic!] "one" to the historical record." Eastern cultures, as well as Western cultures, have manipulated
includes not only me, an individual human,' Devall and Sessions emphasize, 'but all nature and caused significant ecological destruction. Accordingly, Deep Ecology is not
humans, whales, grizzly bears, whole rain forest ecosystems, mountains and rivers, the very helpful to the environmental concerns of peoples of underdeveloped countries. At
tiniest microbes in the soil, and so on.' Subsumed in the unending natural cycles of best, it is irrelevant. At worst, it can be harmful to the very people who already are
ahistorical cosmologies, this self (or more precisely, the lack thereof) is divested of control victimized by social and political dominance.
over its destiny. Historically, such a self was long subjugated to despotic monarchs and
lords - all of whom have spoken in the name of a 'natural order', 'natural forces', and a AKH1433 DEEP ECOLOGY IS A LUXURY THAT MOST OF THE WORLD CAN'T
divine or 'cosmic' power, ideologies that drained peasants, craftspeople, and slaves of the AFFORD
will to transform their destinies, not to speak of the spirit of revolt. John Clark, Professor of Philosophy, Loyola University, New Orleans, BENEATH THE
SURFACE, Eric Katz, et al., eds., 2000, p.6.
AKH1430 DEEP ECOLOGY JUSTIFIES MASSIVE HUMAN DIEBACKS The platform quite correctly suggests that we forsake the meretricious attractions of a
Joseph Des Jardins, Professor of Philosophy, College of Saint Benedict, "higher standard of living" in favor of the deeper satisfactions of "situations of inherent
ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS: AN INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL value." Yet this concept is much more applicable for the more affluent minority in our
PHILOSOPHY, 2001, p.248. world than for the disinherited majority. There are certainly innumerable cases in which
Bookchin's critique of Deep Ecology can be generalized to apply to any biocentric or a person in a poor country chooses an ecologically unsound option -- for example, using
ecocentric ethics that attributes "equal moral worth" to human and nonhuman life-forms. an inconvenient and highly polluting form of transportation to get to a stressful, laborious,
During these debates, Bookchin highlighted the extreme views of members of Earth First! and low-paying job -- not because he or she thinks that it promises a "higher standard of
and several Deep Ecologists. These views suggested that famine and AIDS, for example, living" than the more traditional way of life that has often been cruelly destroyed. Rather,
were "nature's revenge" for overpopulation and ecological destruction. The implication it is because he or she has no effective choice in the matter. There are thus billions of
was that starving children in places like Ethiopia and Somalia should be allowed to die in people who are de facto reducing ecological richness and diversity in order to "satisfy"
the name of some natural ecological law concerning carrrying capacity and population what are, without question, "vital needs."
dynamics. Bookchin forcefully rejected these views as unjust, claiming that they followed
straightforwardly from the philosophy of biocentrism.n If the Deep Ecology principle of AKH1434 HIERARCHY IS ESSENTIAL AND INEVITABLE
"biocentrism" teaches that human beings are no different from lemmings in terms of their Joel Kovel, Professor of Social Studies, Bard College, SOCIAL ECOLOGY AFTER
"intrinsic worth" and the moral consideration we owe them, and if human beings are BOOKCHIN, Andrew Light, ed., 1998, p.44.
viewed as being subject to "natural laws" in just the same way as any other species, then In sum, we have to recognize that certain hierarchies can be both ubiquitous and at least
these "extreme" statements are really the logical conclusion of Deep Ecology philosophy. potentially good. These would include the parent-child relation, but also that of
teacher-student, or indeed any place in the cultural system where, some people have
something useful to impart to others and claim an, authority to do so. Can we imagine a
surgical operating room without hierarchy? An oceangoing ship? In other words, hierarchy
is as inherent in the human situation as is childhood, culture, and the division of labor.
Indeed, hierarchy is a concrete manifestation of human being. It is embedded in the very
essentials of our species life, in the facts that we are born helpless and live through the
creation and social transmission of a created world. In other words, if you want to
eliminate hierarchies, you have to eliminate what is specifically human.


Martin Lewis, Professor, Duke University School of the Environment, GREEN
DELUSIONS, 1992, p.163-4.
Radical greens admit that environmental conditions in Eastern Europe are as bad as those
found in the West. But such admissions are far from adequate; by almost every measure,
the communist environment is more severely degraded than the capitalist environment.
Only with the recent downfall of marxian regimes has the ecological debacle of the East
come to light. As our knowledge increases, the environmental conditions of Eastern
Europe are revealed as ever more horrific. And when one considers the poor performances
of the economies that have wreaked such destruction, the comparison between capitalism
and communism becomes one-sided indeed.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 125
John Barry, Lecturer, Department of Politics, Keele University, RETHINKING GREEN John Clark, Professor of Philosophy, Loyola University, New Orleans, SOCIAL
POLITICS, 1999, p.97. ECOLOGY AFTER BOOKCHIN, Andrew Light, ed., 1998, p.175.
What this chapter has argued is that eco-anarchism is not an essential component of green But even if this particular form of mysticism were the correct standpoint toward some
politics, in that the values greens espouse may be institutionalized in non-anarchistic ways. ultimately utopian society, it would not give us much direction concerning how to get
For example, the eco-anarchist concern with autonomy and self-determination is something there. Can anyone really take seriously a "libertarian municipalism" that proposes a
which as a green value can be realized in non-anarchist ways. Autonomy is discussed in municipalization of all enterprises, after which conditions of work and distribution of
Chapter 6 where an ecological virtue perspective on human flourishing is argued to hinge products would be determined (or perhaps we should say "nondetermined") by "basic
on the relationship between human autonomy and welfare. Nor is it desirable that, as it decency and humaneness"? Once again, the problem of Bookchin's lack of mediations
stands, the ecoanarchist utopia acts as a fetter on the future development of green theory, between an idealized goal and actually existing society becomes apparent. And this is not
unnecessarily precluding its positive engagement with the state. to say that his utopian goal is itself coherent. For despite his self-proclaimed role as the
defender of "Reason," he scrupulously avoids consideration of the role of rationality in
AKH1437 REFORMISM IS NECESSARY FOR POLITICAL MOBILIZATION utopian distribution, in this case failing back instead on mere feeling, dualistically divorced
John Clark, Professor of Philosophy, Loyola University, New Orleans, SOCIAL from rationality according to the demands of ideological consistency. This is, of course,
ECOLOGY AFTER BOOKCHIN, Andrew Light, ed., 1998, p.162. his only option short of a fundamental rethinking of his position. For reason, unfortunately
To reject all reform proposals at the level of the nation-state a priori reflects a lack of for Bookchin, expresses itself in determinations, as tentative and self-transforming as these
sensitivity to the issues that are meaningful to people now. Bookchin correctly cautions us determinations may be.
against succumbing to a mere "politics of the possible." However, a political purism that
dogmatically rejects reforms that promise a meaningful improvement in the conditions of AKH1442 TURN - ATTACKING CAPITALISM IS ECOLOGICALLY
life for many people chooses to stand above the actual people in the name of "the People" COUNTERPRODUCTIVE
(who despite their capitalization remain merely theoretical). Martin Lewis, Professor, Duke University School of the Environment, GREEN
DELUSIONS, 1992, p.13.
AKH1438 BOOKCHIN DOESN'T OFFER A VIABLE WAY TO TRANSCEND At the same time, the pernicious fear of compromise seriously diminishes the possibility
CAPITALISM AND THE STATE of creating a broader coalition for environmental action. Barry Commoner, for example,
Andrew Light, Professor of Philosophy, State University of New York, Binghamton, warns environmentalists that if they compromise with corporations they may become
SOCIAL ECOLOGY AFTER BOOKCHIN, 1998, p.16. "hostages" and eventually even assume "the ideology of [their] captors" (1990:177). The
Also, Clark points out that Bookchin's utopian municipalism lacks a sense of historical and end result of this kind of thinking -- to which we are painfully close in the United States
cultural context. Bookchin criticizes any type of reform that proposes less than the -- is an ideological stalemate in which opposed camps are increasingly unable even to
complete abolition of capitalism and the nation-state, but he does not provide a strategy communicate. In such a political environment, the creation of an ecologically sustainable
for getting from the present, which is decidedly immersed in both, to his utopian vision of society becomes little more than an impossible dream.
the future. According to Clark his is a form of "abstract idealism, and tends to divert the
energies of its adherents into an ideological sectarianism and away from an active and AKH1443 TURN - DECENTRALIZATION IS DISASTROUS
intelligent engagement with the complex, irreducible dimensions of history, culture and Martin Lewis, Professor, Duke University School of the Environment, GREEN
psyche." Thus, for Clark, Bookchin fails to provide a reliable pathway from here to there, DELUSIONS, 1992, p.116.
from today's statist capitalism to his utopian libertarian municipalism. The bioregional future imagined by eco-radicals would never provide them with the utopia
they crave, even if it could be constructed exactly as envisaged. But that is the least of their
AKH1439 SOCIAL ECOLOGY UNDERMINES ENVIRONMENTAL COALITION problems. More pressing is the question of how we could begin to make the
BUILDING transformations necessary for the creation of the desired small-scale social world. As I
Andrew Light, Professor of Philosophy, University of Alberta, ENVIRONMENTAL have attempted to show, virtually any step taken in that direction would lead only to
PRAGMATISM, 1996, p.167. increased environmental degradation. It is one thing to dream of a pastoral America
While particular charges like this one can serve as the foundation for an interesting without cities, but quite another to imagine the process of deurbanizing the United States.
dialogue on important social and political concerns, Bookchin's overall attitude towards Almost everywhere one looks, the eco-radical prescriptions are in the end just as harmful
deep ecology, characterized by his lumping and splitting of the opposition in the "cowboy" as the disease originally diagnosed.
quote, is exemplary of the anti-compatibilism that makes environmental political theory
difficult to translate into practice. This is particularly problematic when practice may AKH1444 RECENT IMPROVEMENTS SHOW THE VALUE OF GOVERNMENT FOR
require large-scale coalitions across a broad array of philosophical commitments. But the THE ENVIRONMENT
blame cannot be laid at one doorstep: Bookchin and Naess are both guilty of a kind of Gregg Easterbrook, environmental journalist, A MOMENT ON THE EARTH, 1995,
essentializing of the theoretical ground of their positions (the former in Kropotkinian p.xviii.
evolutionary theory and the latter in religious ecospiritualism) which would make any kind To the ecorealist, fashionable pessimism about the environment could not be more wrong,
of communication between the two difficult. But it is not only at the theoretical level that if only because it denies the good done already. In some vexing policy areas such as crime
divisions are drawn. It is clear that Bookchin really does see the struggle in practice of or public education it is difficult to imagine where solutions reside. On environmental
ecoanarchists to be directed as much against deep ecologists as it is against liberal affairs I can promise you -- and will show you -- that public investments yield significant
environmentalists and growth-oriented polluters of the earth. benefits within the lifetimes of the people who make the investment. The first round of
environmental investments did not fail; they worked, which is a great reason to have more.
AKH1440 BOOKCHIN'S SOCIAL ECOLOGY APPEALS ONLY TO A SMALL I consider this glorious if only because as a political liberal I long for examples of
NUMBER OF INTELLECTUALS government action that serves the common good. The extraordinary success of modern
John Clark, Professor of Philosophy, Loyola University, New Orleans, SOCIAL environmental protection is such an example: perhaps the best instance of government-led
ECOLOGY AFTER BOOKCHIN, Andrew Light, ed., 1998, p.151. social progress in our age.
Particularly as Bookchin has become increasingly suspicious of the imagination, the
psychological dimension, and any form of "spirituality," and as he has narrowed his AKH1445 BIOREGIONALISM WOULD UNDERCUT SOLUTIONS TO GLOBAL
conception of reason, he has created a version of social ecology that is likely to appeal to ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS
only a small number of highly politicized intellectuals. Despite the commitment of social John Barry, Lecturer, Department of Politics, Keele University, RETHINKING GREEN
ecology to unity-in-diversity, his approach to social change increasingly emphasizes POLITICS, 1999, p.89-90.
ideological unity over diversity of forms of expression. If the "radical intelligentsia" within It is perhaps at the external level that the shortcomings of bioregionalism are most
the movement for radical democracy is to include a significant number of poets and apparent. Given the ongoing impact of globalization on human societies, drawing them
creative writers, artists, musicians, and thoughtful people working in various professional into an increasingly complex web of interrelations, the' complete realization of the
and technical fields, a more expansive vision of the socially transformative practice is bioregional vision, complete bioregional autarky, is impossible. Which is not to say
necessary. 'deglobalization' may not be necessary or desirable from a green political point of view.
When we look at the global nature of ecological problems such as ozone depletion and
global warming, there is a need for more not less co-operation and interaction between
societies. From a global ecological point of view, the fragmentation of the world as
propounded by bioregionalism may exacerbate ecosystemic problems. The strategy of
saving the whole by saving the parts only works if there is some degree of trans-communal
co-operation and co-ordination. This is because when it comes to ecosystems, Commoner's
first law of ecology holds: 'everything is connected to everything else' (1971: 29), so
saving the part involves knowing what is happening to other parts and to the whole.
Co-operation may be possible in a world of bioregions, but reaching agreement may be
more difficult under stateless conditions because of the increase in the number of parties
to the agreement (Goodin, 1992).
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 126
Joel Kovel, Professor of Social Studies, Bard College, SOCIAL ECOLOGY AFTER John Clark, Professor of Philosophy, Loyola University, New Orleans, SOCIAL
BOOKCHIN, Andrew Light, ed., 1998, p.43-4. ECOLOGY AFTER BOOKCHIN, Andrew Light, ed., 1998, p.142-3.
There is a muddle here that is both. revealing and puzzling. Logically, if the ecological While Bookchin is certainly right in saying that we are at a crucial turning point in human
society Is to be without hierarchies, then it will have to dispense with the parent-child and earth history, he has never presented a careful analysis of why some types of
relationship, since this is a hierarchy according to Bookchin. Perhaps the little ones can be reformism (or any alternatives to his own politics) cannot possibly avoid ending in either
put in an autonomously run nursery, where they may learn the joys of freedom, preparing fascism or global ecological catastrophe. His claims are reminiscent of those of Bakunin,
their own food and putting themselves to bed at night without anybody telling them what who spent much of his career writing a long work whose major, yet quite unsubstantiated,
to do. If this is not to his taste and he would prefer, like other people, that small children thesis was that Europe's only options were military dictatorship or anarchist social
be protected and cared for, then Bookchin must be willing to live with hierarchy, which revolution.
is to say in his terms, domination. Where, then, is the theory of social ecology? Ah, but he
says that the parent-child relationship is, or at least can be, a good hierarchy -- a perfectly AKH1452 MANY REFORMIST MOVEMENTS HAVEN'T BEEN COOPTED
sensible idea that requires us, however, to detach hierarchy from domination. More John Clark, Professor of Philosophy, Loyola University, New Orleans, SOCIAL
specifically, we need then to concretely specify hierarchies to discern those that are ECOLOGY AFTER BOOKCHIN, Andrew Light, ed., 1998, p.161-2.
harmful for humans and nature. And it also follows that there can be no necessary There is, in fact, an inspiring history of struggles for limited goals that did not betray the
correlation between the domination of humans and that of nature, since such a correlation more far-reaching visions, and indeed revolutionary impulses, of the participants. To take
is grounded, according to Bookchin, in the generalization "hierarchy = domination." an example that should be meaningful to Bookchin, the anarchists who fought for the
eight-hour work day did not give up their goal of the abolition of capitalism. There is no
AKH1447 THERE'S NO NECESSARY LINK BETWEEN SOCIAL HIERARCHY AND reason why left greens today cannot fight for a thirty-hour work week without giving up
ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS their vision of economic democracy. Indeed, it seems important that those who have
Warwick Fox, National Research Fellow, Center for Environmental Studies, University utopian visions should also stand with ordinary people in their fights for justice and
of Tasmania, DEEP ECOLOGY FOR THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY, George democracy -- even when many of these people have not yet developed such visions, and
Sessions, ed., 1995, p.276. have not yet learned how to articulate their hopes in theoretical terms. Unless this occurs,
An interesting example of the failure to recognize this point is provided by Murray the prevailing dualistic split between reflection and action will continue to be reproduced
Bookchin's anarcho-socialist inspired "social ecology" (I describe this approach as in movements for social transformation, and the kind of "People" that libertarian
"anarcho-socialist" in inspiration because it advocates decentralism and cooperativeness municipalism presupposes will never become a reality.
and stands opposed to all forms of hierarchy). Bookchin is interesting in this context
because, on the one hand, he correctly observes in the course of a highly polemical attack AKH1453 THE POWER-HUNGRY WILL ULTIMATELY UNDERMINE ANARCHISM
upon deep ecology that it is possible for a relatively ecologically benign human society Bron Taylor, Professor of Religion and Social Ethics, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh,
also to be extremely oppressive internally (he offers the example of ancient Egyptian BENEATH THE SURFACE, Eric Katz, et al., eds., 2000, p.282-3.
society), and yet, on the other hand, he fails to see that the reverse can also apply -- that is, Andrew Bard Schmookler, in his critique of utopian anarchism, has raised a kindred
that it is possible for a relatively egalitarian human society to be extremely exploitative concern. In The Parable of the Tribes: The Problem of Power in Social Evolution, he
ecologically." For Bookchin, to accept this latter point would e to argue against the basis criticized anarchists (and their relatively moderate bioregional progeny) for ignoring a
of his own social ecology, since in his view a nonhierarchical, decentralist, and cooperative specific problem of power. He asked: How can good people prevent being dominated by
society is "a society that will live in harmony with nature because its members live in a ruthless few, and what will prevent hierarchies from emerging if decentralized political
harmony with each other." self-rule is ever achieved? One does not have to believe all people are bad to recognize that
not all people will be good, he argued; and unless bad people all become good, there is no
AKH1448 INDUSTRIALISM, NOT CAPITALISM, IS THE ROOT OF solution to violence other than some kind of government to restrain the evil few.
ENVIRONMENTAL CRISIS Schmookler elsewhere noted that those who exploit nature gather more power to
Andrew McLaughlin, Professor of Philosophy, City University of New York, DEEP themselves. How, then, can we restrain such power? There must be a government able to
ECOLOGY FOR THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY, George Sessions, ed., 1995, p.85. control the free exercise of power, Schmookler concluded.
In the last few hundred years, industrial society has encircled the earth and, in requiring
massive disruptions of ecological processes for its ordinary functioning, threatens all forms AKH1454 ANARCHISTIC BIOREGIONALISM CAN'T SUFFICIENTLY CONSTRAIN
of life on this planet. Both capitalist and socialist variants of expansionary industrialism ELITES
routinely require the destruction of species and ecosystems. Industrialism now threatens Bron Taylor, Professor of Religion and Social Ethics, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh,
to disrupt atmospheric conditions fundamental to the whole biosphere. If ecological BENEATH THE SURFACE, Eric Katz, et al., eds., 2000, p.282.
problems have roots in industrialism, then a perspective which takes industrialism itself A more trenchant problem is how bioregionalists (and the anarchists who influenced their
as part of the problem is needed. most influential theorists) often assume that people are naturally predisposed (unless
corrupted by life in unnatural, hierarchical, centralized, industrial societies) to cooperative
AKH1449 SOCIALISM HAS BEEN ECOLOGICALLY DISASTROUS behavior. This debatable assumption appears to depend more on radical environmental
Martin Lewis, Professor, Duke University School of the Environment, GREEN faith, a kind of Paul Shepard-style mythologizing, than on ecology or anthropology.
DELUSIONS, 1992, p.163. Unfortunately for bioregional theory, evolutionary biology shows that not only cooperation
The easiest defense of capitalism is simply to contrast it with existing and recently existing promotes species survival; so also, at times, does aggressive competitiveness. Based on its
examples of marxian socialism. As is now abundantly clear, marxism's record is dismal on unduly rosy view of the potential for human altruism, it is doubtful that bioregionalism can
almost every score, be it economic, social, or environmental. These failures cannot be offer sufficient structural constraints on the exercise of power by selfish and
dismissed as errant quirks; marxian regimes have come to power in numerous countries, well-entrenched elites.
and everywhere the results have been disheartening. From impoverished African states like
Mozambique, Ethiopia, Guinea, Madagascar, and the Congo to highly industrialized, AKH1455 BOOKCHIN DOESN'T OFFER A VIABLE GROUND FOR OPPOSITIONAL
once-prosperous European countries like the former East Germany and Czechoslovakia, POLITICS
all marxist experiments have ended in disaster. Alan Rudy and Andrew Light, Ph.D. in sociology, University of California, Santa Cruz,
and Professor of Philosophy, University of Alberta, MINDING NATURE: THE
John Barry, Lecturer, Department of Politics, Keele University, RETHINKING GREEN Finding both the nation-state and the international division of labor to be the products of
POLITICS, 1999, p.81. hierarchy and domination, Bookchin sees increasingly little worth saving or working to
The strong version of anarchism is problematic, particularly as regards the lack of transform in either form of social organization. For him, neither is spontaneous or part of
empirical evidence to support its claims, while theoretically it can be criticized as the "ever-striving developing. . . substance whose most dynamic and creative attribute is
dependent upon an ahistorical explanatory schema which confuses the concept of the state its ceaseless capacity for self-organization into increasingly complex forms." While his
with particular conceptions. The pure anarchist position in which the state is an position is far preferable to uncritical acceptance of capitalist social relations, it is
intrinsically exploitative institution is, I suggest, both unnecessary and unhelpful to green nonetheless too rigid to ground an oppositional politics.
politics. At the same time the traditional anarchist demand that social relations be
transparent is neither a necessary nor a desirable political aim of green politics, which is
not to say that all anarchist principles or values are to be rejected. Indeed, as argued below,
a close analysis of the social ecology position is compatible with the democratization and
decentralization rather than the abolition of the state.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 127
John Clark, Professor of Philosophy, Loyola University, New Orleans, SOCIAL FASCISM AND WAR
ECOLOGY AFTER BOOKCHIN, Andrew Light, ed., 1998, p.137-8. Michael Zimmerman, Professor of Philosophy, Tulane University, CONTESTING
One of my main contentions in this critique is that because of its ideological and dogmatic EARTH'S FUTURE, 1994, p.181.
aspects, Bookchin's politics remains, to use Hegelian terms, in the sphere of morality rather Recognizing the use to which Nazis put the idea of organic "rootedness"' in the soil,
than reaching the level of the ethical. That its moralism can be compelling I would be the Bookchin emphasizes that his anarchistic municipalities should be based on elective social
last to deny, since I was strongly influenced by it for a number of years. Nevertheless, it ties, not on blood kinship. But one can readily imagine how bioregions could become
is a form of abstract idealism, and tends to divert the energies of its adherents into an jingoistic and expansionistic rather than tolerant communities open to the challenges posed
ideological sectarianism, and away from an active and intelligent engagement with the by the "differences" of their neighbors. Bookchin insists that because people in
complex, irreducible dimensions of history, culture, and psyche. The strongly voluntarist ecomunicipalities would no longer be greedy, "one liberated community will not try to
dimension of Bookchin's political thought should not be surprising. When a politics lacks dominate another because it has a potential monopoly of copper." But Bookchin provides
historical and cultural grounding, and the real stubbornly resists the demands of little convincing evidence that greed and competition will vanish in ecocommunities.
ideological dogma, the will becomes the final resort. In this respect, Bookchin's politics Hence, there is good reason to believe that such communities would probably have the
is firmly in the tradition of Bakuninist anarchism. same chance of leading to wars and ecofascism as deep ecological communities.

Michael Zimmerman, Professor of Philosophy, Tulane University, CONTESTING Joel Kovel, Professor of Social Studies, Bard College, SOCIAL ECOLOGY AFTER
EARTH'S FUTURE, 1994, p.167. BOOKCHIN, Andrew Light, ed., 1998, p.47.
Bookchin's confrontational style stems in part from his Marxist origins, which led him to To Bookchin, justice is the mere rearrangement of inequities, while freedom is the positive
view the political world as composed of opposing factions that meet in frontal conflict: this good of overcoming hierarchy. Freedom is "not only the equality of unequals, but also the
is the political concretization of the dialectic. One critic charges that Bookchin's attempt enlargement of our concepts of subjectivity, technics, science and ethics." Justice, stained
to force complex situations into "the conceptual boxes of two clashing opposites" with the retrograde Marxian emphasis on economics, has actually become a bad thing:
reinforces dualistic thinking and encourages violent acts of "negating the thesis." In the What is so stunning to the careful observer is that if justice never came to compensate but
name of "progressive development," left-wing politicians often "focus on creating and merely to reward, its spirit has finally become mean and its coinage small. Like every
inflating conflict, searching for contradictions in positions espoused by peers, and verbally limited ideal, its history has always been greater than its present. But the future of justice
attacking other people with great intensity." Bookchin's pugnacious and at times abusive threatens to betray even its claims to have upheld the "rights" of the individual and
rhetoric has undermined his standing among radical ecologists. humanity. For as human inequality increases in fact, if not in theory, its ideology of
equivalence assails the ideal of freedom with its cynical opportunism and a sleazy
AKH1458 THE SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION BOOKCHIN VIEWS AS NECESSARY meliorism. Even after we clear away the rhetoric -- " stunning," "betray," "assails,"
IS IMPOSSIBLE "cynical," "sleazy," and so on -- there remains something insufferable about this way of
Adolf Gundersen, Professor of Political Science, Texas A & M, SOCIAL ECOLOGY thinking, which reduces the struggle against suffering and exploitation to an empty gesture,
AFTER BOOKCHIN, Andrew Light, ed., 1998, p.204. while the real work of overcoming "hierarchy" takes place so that the liberated social
Bookchin's utopianism is certainly attractive, even inspiring. Unfortunately, upon closer ecologist can frolic in the polls of the postscarcity utopia. The connoisseur of mental
inspection, the very purity that lends it its initial allure begins to look more formal than projections in Bookchin's work here finds one more specimen for his or her scrapbook,
theoretical. I do not mean to challenge Bookchin's claim that radical change represents the since meanness of spirit and smallness of coinage certainly apply to this callous passage.
only answer to the ecological crisis of our time, though that claim can certainly be Callous and irrelevant too, for the notion of a postscarcity conjuncture that opens the way
challenged. (just what, after all, constitutes a "crisis"?) What I do find implausible, even for "freedom" was based on a shallow reading of capitalism. The utopian hopes of the late
preposterous, is Bookchin's definition of "radical change." As we have already seen, on 1960s now seem a hoax in a world where 850 million people are out of work and mass
Bookchin's view only utopian ecocommunities will do -- a world of ecocommunities starvation looms. The postscarcity project is now on the scrap heap of history, not because
coordinated by confederal bodies. Nor is that all. Bookchin admits and even insists that the means for overcoming scarcity are not at hand, but because it is more obvious than ever
this can only happen through the spontaneous and simultaneous action of communities that capitalism is not about to let them be realized.
everywhere: "We cannot hope to realize this vision in only one neighborhood, town, or
city. Ours needs to be a confederal society based on the coordination of all municipalities" AKH1463 BOOKCHIN'S APPROACH WOULD LEAD TO ECONOMIC FAILURE
(DE, p. 84). Bookchin has even gone so far as to suggest that "after the revolution the John Clark, Professor of Philosophy, Loyola University, New Orleans, SOCIAL
planet would be dealt with as a whole" (PSA, p. 261; see also RS, p. 184; TES, p. 256). ECOLOGY AFTER BOOKCHIN, Andrew Light, ed., 1998, p.171.
That such a widespread revolution, with all the profound changes it would entail, is a faint However, we always begin with a historically determined self-hood in a historically
hope hardly seems worth emphasizing, especially given the tremendous number and determined cultural context. It is quite likely that communities (and self-managed
complexity of the new intercommunal relationships that it presupposes. Small wonder, enterprises) might find that in the task of creating liberatory institutions within the
then, that despite Bookchin's efforts to plumb history for evidence of communal uprisings, constraints of real history and culture, the common good is attained best by preserving
he can find no parallel for such a society-wide popular uprising. some form of "accounting" of contributions from citizens and distribution of goods. To
whatever degree Bookchin's anarcho-communist system of distribution is desirable as a
AKH1459 CAPITALISM IS KEY TO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION long-term goal, the attempt to put it into practice in the short run, without developing its
Martin Lewis, Professor, Duke University School of the Environment, GREEN psychological and institutional preconditions, would be a certain recipe for disillusionment
DELUSIONS, 1992, p.20. and economic failure.
Yet we can devise ways to begin to even out social discrepancies and restore ecological
health without sacrificing economic growth. I am convinced that such goals may be AKH1464 THERE'S NO ROOT CAUSE TO ALL FORMS OF OPPRESSION
realized through "guided capitalism" -- a corporate and market system in which the state Deborah Slicer, Professor of Philosophy, University of Montana, ECOLOGICAL
mandates public goods, in which taxes are set both to level social disparities and to FEMINISM, Karen Warren, ed., 1994, p.29.
penalize environmental damage, and in which fiscal policies are manipulated to encourage With that in mind, I want to pause over three conceptual muddles that recur in both the
long-term investments in both human and industrial capital (see Rosecrance 1990). But popular and the philosophical ecofeminist literature of the last two decades. I consider
these social and environmental goals will, in the end, be attainable only if we nurture and these muddles significant, although not insurmountable, challenges to mature - coherent
guide rather than strangle the rather truculent capitalist goose that lays the golden eggs. as well as politically affective - theory. The first is the claim that there is some "root" cause
of our multiple social oppressions, including naturism. While this particular claim does not
AKH1460 URBANIZATION PROTECTS THE ENVIRONMENT BY LIMITING LAND appear in all ecofeminist literature, some version of a quest for historical or conceptual first
USE causes appears often enough and very often either androcentrism or anthropocentrism are
Martin Lewis, Professor, Duke University School of the Environment, GREEN identified as the culprits. I try to clarify what various writers seem to mean when they
DELUSIONS, 1992, p.94. make this claim, and I argue that our multiple oppressions are too inextricably linked to
Equally revealing is a comparison of actual land use in the two environments. Urban identify a root cause and that little of practical or conceptual importance actually hangs on
dwellers typically require a small fraction of the space required by country people. This doing so.
is readily apparent both in housing [multistory apartments versus detached, single-family
dwellings] and in infrastructure (the more scattered the population, the greater the expanse
of roadway). If America's present urban population were to be dispersed over the
countryside, vast tracts of land would have to be converted to housing and transporting
them, tremendously reducing wildlife habitat.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 128
Karen Green, Professor of Philosophy, Monash University, ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS, Margarita Garcia Levin and Michael Levin, Professors of Philosophy, Yeshiva University
Summer 1994, p.129. and City College of New York, ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS, Louis Pojman, ed., 2001,
The glorification of woman's spiritual connectedness with the earth, characteristic of much p.200.
ecofeminist writing, is, therefore, deeply problematical. If Chodorow is right, the tendency Proposition 2 of Warren's argument, like proposition 1, also corresponds to an idea that has
to see oneself as connected with, and submerged within, a powerful world mother is an had some currency, but, like proposition 1, it also does very much less than justice to the
aspect of the psychology of women that has been associated both with woman's caring role way people actually think ("at least in Western society," as Prof. Warren might add). Few
and her sense of her own helplessness. On this view, feminism should lead us to want to people would claim an individual or collective right to "dominate" nature. They would
destroy the psychosexual underpinnings of woman's connectedness with nature, and a claim a right to use nature in the interest of their survival and prosperity. And they would
desire to promote in women a psychology of connectedness should undermine any not base this prerogative on man's superiority, but on what Francis Bacon called "the right
tendency to want to free women from their exclusive mothering role. of necessity." We cannot live without eating animals, harvesting crops and removing
minerals from the Earth. We do what we must. Furthermore, like innate sex differences,
AKH1466 EMBRACING FEMALE ROLES MAY PERPETUATE ENVIRONMENTAL our impulse to exploit nature cannot reasonably be criticized because it is beyond our
DESTRUCTION control: every human being -- every living thing -- has a powerful innate drive to preserve
Victoria Davion, Professor of Philosophy, University of Georgia, ECOLOGICAL his own existence, and, in the more recently evolved animals, a perhaps even more
FEMINISM, Karen Warren, ed., 1994, p.19. powerful drive to preserve the existence of his offspring. This willingness to see the rest
Women may demonstrate the quest for social validation differently both from men and of the world as a means for preserving one's self and one's children is inevitable in any
from each other, but such a quest is certainly an assigned, socialized part of many feminine life-form that transmits its traits to its offspring. For imagine a gene that did not code for
("female") roles. And, the industries supported by women playing out feminine roles are this drive. It would obviously be at a disadvantage when competing for resources with
often responsible for gross environmental damage, e.g. the damage to the ozone layer by genes that did code for self- and offspring-preservation at all costs. It would reproduce less
the use of aerosol hairspray cans, the cruel testing of cosmetics on animals. Finally, many readily and quickly disappear. In Heaven the lion and the lamb can lie down together
women have sought validation by dominating other women and men through, for example, because the lion need not take in energy from the environment, but the human sense of
assertion of social status and use of power and privilege conferred by such factors as race what man is entitled to do was shaped by conditions on Earth, where the needs of different
and class. Thus, in seeking validation through playing out traditional feminine roles, creatures do not necessarily harmonize.
women may be more concerned about the health of the environment than men, but that is
neither a biological nor a social given; they also may perpetuate its destruction. AKH1473 THE ECOFEMINIST NOTION OF "OPPRESSION" IS TOO VAGUE TO BE
AKH1467 ECOFEMINISM UNDERCUTS THE FEMINIST AGENDA GLOBALLY Margarita Garcia Levin and Michael Levin, Professors of Philosophy, Yeshiva University
Martin Lewis, Professor, Duke University School of the Environment, GREEN and City College of New York, ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS, Louis Pojman, ed., 2001,
DELUSIONS, 1992, p.36. p.199.
In its effort to avoid the appearance of cultural imperialism, radical eco-feminism also flirts Warren's formulation of this argument, and indeed her entire discussion is extremely vague
with an ethical relativism that could conceivably undermine the feminist agenda at the and loose. At no point does she define "oppression." Furthermore, her definition of
global scale. To posit that '[w]hat counts as sexism, racism, or classism may vary "feminist issue" as anything "that contributes in some way to understanding the oppression
cross-culturally [K. Warren 1990:139] is to ignore a huge array of deeply sexist practices of women" is so wide-open that, under it, the demolition of NOW [National Organization
existing in numerous non-Western cultures. of Women] headquarters by an errant meteorite would raise "feminist issues," since it
would presumably have the effect of reducing the capacity of women to fight their
AKH1468 ECOFEMINISM ULTIMATELY SUPPORTS THE STATUS QUO oppression. If this construal of Warren's words seems uncharitable, consider her own
Janet Biehl, social ecologist, RETHINKING ECOFEMINIST POLITICS, 1991, p.157. example, the introduction of Eucalyptus trees, as a monoculture species tree, in rural India,
In the ecology movement, thinking women must, if only to realize their own human said to be a feminist issue because it reduces the ability of Indian women to find food, fuel
potentialities, either join with thinking men in developing a new politics, rationality, and and medicine. Has Warren forgotten that Indian men have an equal need for food, fuel and
science - not to speak of those qualities that make us humane as well as human - or they medicine? But the main point is that the purpose of introducing the monoculture species
are likely to follow the ecofeminist path toward a narrow parochialism, primitivism, and tree was commerce, not making the lives of women more difficult, although this may have
irrationalism that will ultimately mystify and support the status quo rather than transcend been a side-effect. A definition of oppression that ignores intent sweeps in almost anything
it by achieving a free ecological society. that affects women. Speaking more broadly, the lack of concrete examples that would give
us an idea of what Prof. Warren considers to be oppression -- is it inability to vote,
AKH1469 ECOFEMINISM IS INCOHERENTLY ECLECTIC inability to divorce an unwanted spouse, less pay for more work, social expectations that
Janet Biehl, social ecologist, RETHINKING ECOFEMINIST POLITICS, 1991, p.3. women will marry and rear children? -- illustrates how feminists make no concessions to
Ecofeminism, far from being healthily diverse, is so blatantly self-contradictory as to be the possibility that their basic assumptions may be mistaken. It is simply taken as
incoherent. As one might expect, at least one ecofeminist even rejects the very notion of self-evident, without argument, that women are oppressed and that this oppression must
coherence itself, arguing that coherence is "totalizing" and by inference oppressive. be ended.
Moreover, because ecofeminists rarely debate each other, it is nearly impossible to glean
from their writings the extent to which they agree or disagree with each other. The reader
of this book should be wary of attributing the views of any one ecofeminist, as they are
presented here, to all other ecofeminists. But ecofeminists' apparent aversion to sorting out
the differences among themselves leaves the critical observer no choice but to generalize.


Janet Biehl, social ecologist, RETHINKING ECOFEMINIST POLITICS, 1991, p.2.
Ecofeminism has also become a force for irrationalism, most obviously in its embrace of
goddess worship, its glorification of the early Neolithic, and its emphasis on metaphors and
myths. It has also become irrational in another sense: that is, by virtue of its own


Warwick Fox, National Research Fellow, Center for Environmental Studies, University
Sessions, ed., 1995, p.277.
Inauthenticity, on the other hand, can be thought of in terms of under-inclusiveness.
Simplistic analyses are inauthentic in that they lead to a complete denial of responsibility
when at least partial responsibility for ecological destruction should be accepted. Such
theorizing conveniently disguises the extent to which (at least a subset of) the
simplistically identified oppressed group (e.g., women or the working class) also benefits
from, and colludes with, those most responsible for ecological destruction (e.g., consider
the case of animal destruction for furs and cosmetics consumed by Western and
Westernized women, or the case of capitalists and unionists united in opposition to the
antidevelopment stance of "greenies").
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 129
Margarita Garcia Levin and Michael Levin, Professors of Philosophy, Yeshiva University Michael Zimmerman, Professor of Philosophy, Tulane University, CONTESTING
and City College of New York, ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS, Louis Pojman, ed., 2001, EARTH'S FUTURE, 1994, p.252-3.
p.201. Assuming that the behavior of many males in patriarchal society is largely shaped by death
But let us suppose both of Prof. Warren's premises are true. Let us agree that there is a denial, I often wonder whether women in patriarchy confront their mortality any More
single pattern of thought used to justify the domination of women and the domination of successfully and with fewer damaging ecological consequences. The obsession that many
nature. Prof. Warren takes it to follow immediately that anyone who opposes one of these American women exhibit regarding the condition of their bodies, specifically with regard
forms of domination must oppose the other -- that the cause of women against their to their weight and appearance, suggests that such women have their own fears and
oppressors is also the cause of nature, or in the words of a slogan of the 1960s, "Same resentments about age and death. The Western world's extraordinary "consumerist"
struggle, same fight." But natural as this inference may appear, it is quite wrong. Consider mentality is supported in part by women who are fixated not only on improving their
first the relation of men to their weapons and their vehicles. This relationship is in fact one wardrobes and cosmetics, but also on somehow filling up the internal "void" experienced
of domination; men do what they want to with these things, using them as tools, taking by so many people in materialistic societies. To be sure, female preoccupation with
them for joyrides, and the like. In certain respects men treat their vehicles and weapons as physical appearance is greatly influenced by the male gaze, but the situation is probably
if they were women: they refer to ships as "she," and give their guns female names ("Big more complex than this. Men are themselves influenced by and seek the approval of the
Bertha"). Does it follow that women should see themselves as in some way similar to female gaze, particularly of those females whom men consider attractive. Arguably, so
weapons, or think that their liberation is tied to the liberation of weapons, just because (as many modern Western men have been obsessed with acquiring wealth and power because
we have agreed) men dominate their women and their weapons? We take this as a reductio these often prove effective in gaining the interest of women whom those men consider
ad absurdum, but Warren might not: she might well maintain that there is a valid point desirable. Perhaps by attempting, with markedly little success, to fulfill sexual-romantic
here, namely that the struggle to liberate women is linked to the struggle to cease using fantasies, men and women alike are concealing more disturbing issues about personal
weapons as weapons -- that is, feminism and pacificism are as naturally allied as feminism identity, life purpose, and mortality.
and anti-naturism. Very well, then, consider the attitude of the Nazis to the Jews. The
Nazis spoke of Jews as vermin and a disease infecting Germany. In other words, the Nazis AKH1479 ECOFEMINISM IGNORES THE ROLE WOMEN PLAY IN
created a conceptual link between anti-Semitism and the germ theory of disease. It hardly ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION
follows that anyone who opposed Nazism had to oppose the germ theory of disease. Lisa Benton and John Rennie Short, Professors of Geography at Colgate and Syracuse
Another counter-example: during the era of slavery, slaves were treated like animals, and Universities, ENVIRONMENTAL DISCOURSE AND PRACTICE, 1999, p.144-5.
legally classified with animals and furniture as chattel property. Within broad limits, the In relying on "gender" as the primary factor, ecofeminists actually construct a new
owner of a slave and a horse could do whatever he wanted with either. Surely this does not metanarrative in the same tradition as modernists or Marxists. For example, is highly
mean that there is a "conceptual link" between human slaves and animals, and that probable that a rich/white/female/elite member, driving a convertible sports car does not
abolishing property rights is necessary for the overthrow of slavery. have the same concern for or affinity to nature as a poor/ Latina/female/single mother who
labors in the strawberry fields in the Central Valley of California. Feminists who see
AKH1475 ENDING THE OPPRESSION OF SLAVES DIDN'T REQUIRE ENDING THE patriarchy as the structure responsible for creating environmental degradation dangerously
OPPRESSION OF ANIMALS assume that the domination of women and nature is a cross-cultural phenomenon.
Margarita Garcia Levin and Michael Levin, Professors of Philosophy, Yeshiva University Woman-as-victim becomes the dominant concept, overlooking the fact that women have
and City College of New York, ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS, Louis Pojman, ed., 2001, collaborated in their own subordination and in tile oppression of other women. We must
p.201. assign women some culpability: after all some women continue to purchase toxic
In effect, Prof. Warren is assuming that 'if a person or group of people A thinks B is household cleaners, they adorn themselves in fur, they choose to drive gas-guzzling cars
similar to C, and for this reason treats B and C similarly, opposition to A's treatment of B (such as sports utility vehicles) and enjoy jet-setting across the globe, thus contributing to
requires opposition to A's treatment of C. Quite to the contrary, just because A thinks B the release of tons of carbon dioxide.
resembles C, and links B and C in his own mind, that doesn't mean that there really is a
connection between them. Just because slave-holders thought that slaves, animals and AKH1480 SCAPEGOATING ALL MEN FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS IS
furniture could all be treated as property doesn't mean that slaves are property, or that INACCURATE AND MORALLY OBJECTIONABLE
slaves are property if and only if furniture is. In historical fact, the enslavement of human Warwick Fox, National Research Fellow, Center for Environmental Studies, University
beings was abolished not by ending the ownership of both people and animals, but by of Tasmania, DEEP ECOLOGY FOR THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY, George
legally severing the link between them. The Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves Sessions, ed., 1995, p.276-7.
in the American South and left furniture still owned. Perhaps, again speaking generally, In doing violence to the complexities of social interaction, simplistic social and political
A is half-right about B and C; his treatment of B is proper but his treatment of C is not. analyses of ecological destruction are not merely descriptively poor and logically facile,
they are also morally objectionable on two grounds, scapegoating and inauthenticity.
AKH1476 THE "OPPRESSION" OF WOMEN AND NATURE HAS LITTLE IF Scapegoating can be thought of in terms of over-inclusiveness. Simplistic analyses target
ANYTHING IN COMMON all men, all capitalists, all whites, and all Westerners, for example, to an equal degree when
Margarita Garcia Levin and Michael Levin, Professors of Philosophy, Yeshiva University in fact certain sub-classes of these identified classes are far more responsible for ecological
and City College of New York, ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS, Louis Pojman, ed., 2001, destruction than others. Not only that but significant minorities of these classes can be
p.200-1. actively engaged in opposing the interests of both the dominant culture of their class and
In short, it is only by speaking in her vague and jargon-ridden way that Prof. Warren can those members of their class most responsible for ecological destruction.
even make it appear that "Sexism is conceptually linked with naturism through an
oppressive conceptual framework characterized by a logic of domination." If women and AKH1481 ECOFEMINISM ISN'T A COHERENT OR CONSISTENT THEORY
nature are "oppressed" at all, they are so in very different ways and for entirely different Lisa Benton and John Rennie Short, Professors of Geography at Colgate and Syracuse
reasons. It is quite true that women are sometimes said to be more "natural" than men, Universities, ENVIRONMENTAL DISCOURSE AND PRACTICE, 1999, p.145.
where this means that they are more emotional and spontaneous, and less concerned with One critic, Janet Biehl, is concerned about the "disquieting tendency" of ecofeminism. She
analyzing and following rules. Prof. Warren would seem to endorse this saying, although argues that ecofeminism has become so blatantly self-contradictory and problematic that
it is usually cited as a paradigm of the sort of stereotyping she also deplores. However, it is incoherent. And because theory should enlighten rather than confuse, the legitimacy
women being more "natural" in this sense hardly suggests that there is some "oppressive of ecofeminists' claim to an alternate "theory" is challenged. Biehl claims that ecofeminism
conceptual framework" subsuming the treatment of both. often ignores or rejects important intellectual legacies, such as social theory or the best of
western culture and democracy, and instead reinforces irrationalism (through its embrace
AKH1477 ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS PREDATE PATRIARCHY of goddess worship and prehistoric rituals). Some ecofeminists trace the subjugation of
Lisa Benton and John Rennie Short, Professors of Geography at Colgate and Syracuse women and the domination of nature to the Scientific Revolution; others connect it to the
Universities, ENVIRONMENTAL DISCOURSE AND PRACTICE, 1999, p.144. Judeo-Christian tradition; still others associate it with the Indo-European invasions of
We believe that feminist arguments relying on a single agency (patriarchy) as the lynchpin nomadic tribes in Eurasia in 4500 BC. These variations are significant and have yet to be
in the whole system of environmental degradation are problematic. We would counter that resolved. Biehl has criticized ecofeminism for being primarily defined by a plethora of
human attempts to control nature can be traced back to such technological inventions as short, often self-contradictory essays on the subject (indeed, much of the ecofeminist
fire, the wheel, tools -- all of which predate patriarchal societies. Patriarchy is not the literature is found in anthologies and edited collections that neither attempt to resolve the
original explanation of environmental change and degradation; rather we would agree with inherent contradictions or engage in debate).
the deep ecologists that the anthropocentric view rests at the heart of environmental
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 130
But apart from these basic themes, the short essays anthologized in these books often Karen Green, Professor of Philosophy, Monash University, ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS,
blatantly contradict each other. Some of the recent essays argue, for example, that there is Summer 1994, p.126-7.
an innate, even biological "connection" between women and nature, while others avow that The problem of the education of the virtuous citizen, therefore, becomes the problem of
this "connection" is really a socially constructed product. Some advocate a belief in a discovering a method of allowing the true God-given nature of man to unfold. This is a
goddess, while others are adamantly secular. Some locate the roots of the ecological crisis method that has to be discovered by reason, but it is a reason subordinated to the dictates
in the late Neolithic in Europe, while others locate those roots in Christianity, and still of nature, which, Rousseau believes, can be discerned in bare outline beneath the actual
others in the Scientific Revolution. Some assert that "All is One," while others argue for character of people who have suffered from centuries of cultural corruption. When applied
particularism and multiplicity. Some are influenced by social ecology, while others have to women, this reasoning transforms itself into a classic justification for their subordination
ties with deep ecology. Some regard ecofeminism as a liberatory concept of nearly to their husbands within the private sphere of the household. Since it is in women's nature
unprecedented proportions, while others - even in articles in these anthologies themselves - to bear children, and since, in bearing children, a woman is at a disadvantage and requires
reject the name "ecofeminism" altogether as insulting to feminist activists. Although most support, nature and reason dictate that her character and education should mould her to
political movements might feel the need to sort out these differences and their theorists fulfill the role of loving mother and devoted wife. Thus, in this strand of Western
might argue for and against them, producing a healthy debate, ecofeminists rarely confront philosophical thought, far from there being a connection between the subordination of
each other on the differences in these writings. nature and the subordination of women, it is the valorization of nature. which extends to
the valorization of natural women, that is used to justify the subordination of women to
AKH1483 ECOFEMINISM PROVIDES NO MEANINGFUL GUIDE TO ACTION their husbands and to decry the corrupting influence of those disordered women who
Margarita Garcia Levin and Michael Levin, Professors of Philosophy, Yeshiva University neglect their natural maternal duties in favor of participation in the world of politics and
and City College of New York, ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS, Louis Pojman, ed., 2001, the arts.
We have all learned from Popper and the empiricists to distrust claims which rule nothing AKH1487 OVERGENDERIZATION PRODUCES WOMEN'S OPPRESSION
out; claims which are true no matter what may sound meaningful, but they aren't. The same Huey-li Li, University of Illinois, ECOFEMINISM, Greta Gaard, ed., 1993, p.288.
caution should be exercised toward ethical theories. However high-sounding its language, The splitting of humanity into femininity and masculinity deprives human beings of
the measure of an ethical theory is its do's and don't's. We need to know what it commands personality traits, behavioral patterns, and value systems that could be common to both
and what it forbids, the difference (if any) between following and violating it. We have men and women. The polarization of maleness and femaleness is in line with the
already remarked on the extreme vagueness of "oppression" and its cognates as used by establishment of the male-dominated and female-subordinated sexual hierarchy. Male
Warren and other feminists, so particular attention must be paid to what an ecofeminist aggression is justified by the ideology of the dominant class, males. Overgenderization in
would do that a sexist or naturist ethic would not. "Ecofeminists fight sexism and the human culture not only produces women's oppression but also constructs an
oppression of nature" is the promissory note; now we want its cash value. Would an aggression-oriented society. While genetic factors may contribute to male aggressiveness,
ecofeminist cull deer herds? Would she let forest fires burn themselves out? How would other factors are also important. In accordance with the primary ecological principle that
she weigh the aesthetic value of a vista against the economic value of development? Would everything is interconnected with everything else, an inquiry into the impact of
it be all right to burn some rain forest if so doing was necessary to save a herd of genderization must also include a consideration of interrelated sociohistorical conditions,
elephants? Should Eskimos with no other resources be permitted to hunt whales, or should events, and processes.
they be publicly supported on a reservation (where they will drink themselves to oblivion)?
Demanding a list of specifics may appear inappropriate, even rude, but grandiose promises AKH1488 ECOFEMINISM RETAINS PATRIARCHAL STEREOTYPES
about "the dismantling of patriarchal conceptual frameworks" invites it. In fact, Warren's Janet Biehl, social ecologist, RETHINKING ECOFEMINIST POLITICS, 1991, p.15-6.
essay supplies few indications of how ecofeminism would work. Despite ecofeminism's allegedly "revolutionary" potential, some feminists (who are not
ecofeminists) have criticized ecofeminism and its closely associated cultural feminism for
AKH1484 FEMINISM'S PREOCCUPATION WITH GENDER LEADS IT TO their reactionary implications. Ecofeminist images of women, these critics correctly warn,
NEGLECT THE NATURAL WORLD retain the patriarchal stereotypes of what men expect women to be. These stereotypes
Warwick Fox, National Research Fellow, Center for Environmental Studies, University freeze women as merely caring and nurturing beings, instead of expanding the full range
of Tasmania, DEEP ECOLOGY FOR THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY, George of women's human potentialities and abilities. To focus overwhelmingly on women's
Sessions, ed., 1995, p.278. "caring nature" as the source of ecologically necessary "values" easily leads to the notion
All I am drawing attention to here is the fact that this kind of "radical" approach simply that women are to remain intuitive and discourages them from expanding their human
serves to legitimize and, hence, to perpetuate our entirely traditional preoccupation with horizons and capacities.
interhuman affairs. In accordance with the approach adopted by essentialist feminists, there
is no need to give any serious consideration whatsoever to the possibility that women AKH1489 ITS TOTAL REJECTION OF WESTERN CULTURE MAKES
might, for example, discriminate against men, accumulate rather than distribute private ECOFEMINISM POLITICALLY REGRESSIVE
wealth, be racist, support imperialism, or be ecologically destructive if the conditions of Janet Biehl, social ecologist, RETHINKING ECOFEMINIST POLITICS, 1991, p.1-2.
their historical subjugation were undone and the possibility of exercising genuine social But recent ecofeminist literature does not fulfill this promise at all. It has not drawn on the
and political power were available to them. The upshot is that there is no need to worry best of previous social theory, but instead works in a realm outside it, even rejecting it as
about any form of human domination other than that of androcentrism. For deep ecologists, "male" or "masculine." It has not drawn on the best legacies of Western culture - and
it's just another variation on the same old song -- the song that reassures us that all will despite its many abuses, Western culture does have emancipatory legacies - but instead
become ecologically well with the world if we just put this or that interhuman concern situates women outside Western culture altogether, associated with a mystified notion of
first. "nature." It largely ignores or rejects legacies of democracy, of reason, and of the project
of scientifically understanding much of the natural world as part of a radical liberatory
AKH1485 APPEALS TO NATURE HAVE BEEN USED TO SUPPRESS WOMEN movement. For if women and nature are radically counterposed to Western culture, as
Karen Green, Professor of Philosophy, Monash University, ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS, many ecofeminists claim, this lodges women basically outside the best of that cultural
Summer 1994, p.127. legacy. It has thus become an ideology that, far from being liberatory, is regressive for
It was at least partly in direct response to this reasoning that Wollstonecraft asserted that most thinking women.
it is the faculty of reason which distinguishes human beings from the brutes and that the
perfection of both men and women consists in the triumph of reason and virtue. Viewed AKH1490 ECOFEMINISM IS CONTRIBUTING TO AN INTELLECTUAL REIGN OF
in this way, the second historical argument rests on a one-sided characterization of the TERROR
Christian tradition and masks the fact that, historically, feminists have had good reason to Luc Ferry, Professor of Philosophy, the Sorbonne, THE NEW ECOLOGICAL ORDER,
be suspicious of the valorization of nature, since it is so closely associated with the 1995, p.118.
valorization of women's natural role and with a justification of their exclusion from the Salleh's thesis, which is representative of that of the entire movement, is that the hatred of
rights of self-determination. women, which ipso facto brings about that of nature, is one of the principal mechanisms
governing the actions of men (of "males") and, thus, the whole of Western/patriarchal
culture. It would be wrong, seen from Europe, to think that this is simply a fantasy, one of
those hyperboles characteristic of fringe groups, which we ourselves had abundant
experience with in the 1960s. For ecofeminism is beginning to occupy a less than
negligible place in the heart of American feminism and beyond: it is omnipresent in
universities, where it strongly contributes to the reign of intellectual terror exercised in the
name of political correctness and the right to be different - the demand for which evolves
easily into a demand for a difference in rights.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 131
Janet Biehl, social ecologist, RETHINKING ECOFEMINIST POLITICS, 1991, p.135-6. Hanspeter Padrutt, psychiatrist, Daseinanalytisches Institut, Zurich, HEIDEGGER AND
Some ecofeminists who refer to the ideas of democratic politics actually do so in a THE EARTH, Ladelle McWhorter, ed., 1992, p.31.
pejorative way. Ynestra King sees the democratic political tradition as historically contrary Once in a while the conceptual interplay of theory and praxis is put against this attempt.
to organic community. "The Western male bourgeois...extracts himself from the realm of From the philosophical point of view the so-called practical or political dimension of the
the organic to become a public citizen, as if born from the head of Zeus" - as if the words attempt is rejected, whereas from the ecological point of view the so-called theoretical,
"public citizen" denote nothing but the grasping "male bourgeois" ego concerned only with philosophical dimension is rejected. But deeper reflection and decisive action do not need
self-interest! For King, to draw on "the Western democratic tradition" is to "work. ..with to contradict each other. Those who shield themselves from the political consequences
a political legacy that is founded on the repudiation of the organic, the female, the tribal, might one day be confronted with the fact that no decision is still a decision that can have
and particular ties between people...I am mindful that the original citizen in that tradition consequences. And those who believe that they need not bother about thinking fail to
is male, propertied, and xenophobic." This is convoluted thinking and atavism with a recognize that no philosophy is also a philosophy e.g., a cybernetic worldview -- that also
vengeance, especially if one considers that the Western democratic tradition produced a has consequences.
consciousness of universal freedom that ultimately opened the public sphere to women and
advanced beyond the parochialism of "tribal" life with its focus on the blood tie. AKH1497 HEIDEGGERIAN CRITICISM CAN'T SOLVE THE PROBLEMS OF THE
Carolyn Merchant, Department of Conservation and Resources Studies, University of Time and again Heidegger condemns as ignoble any contemplation of the kind of concrete
California, Berkeley, ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS, Michael Boylan, ed., 2001, p.79. political dilemmas that require negotiation and compromise. This is the way of weakness,
Yet in emphasizing the female, body, and nature components of the dualities male/female, of the social horde, of a puling desire for security. The Heideggerian hero, who looks more
mind/body, and culture/nature, radical ecofeminism runs the risk of perpetuating the very and more like Nietzsche's superman, rejects all security to open himself to Being, to shatter
hierarchies it seeks to overthrow. Critics point to the problem of women's own himself upon the unknown. But we have already done that by opening up the unfamiliar
reinforcement of their identification with a nature that Western culture degrades. If "female world of the atom. It is now time for the unheroic activity of coping with our own
is to male as nature is to culture," as anthropologist Sherry Ortner argues, then women's discoveries. To put this another way, the Heideggerian critique cannot lead us to a realistic
hopes for liberation are set back by association with nature. Any analysis that makes political criticism. Poetry is not going to solve the concrete problems of the nuclear age.
women's essence and qualities special ties them to a biological destiny that thwarts the
possibility of liberation. A politics grounded in women's culture, experience, and values AKH1498 HEIDEGGER REMAINED ANTHROPOCENTRIC
can be seen as reactionary. Michael Zimmerman, Professor of Philosophy, Tulane, ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS,
Fall 1993, p.213.
AKH1493 ECOFEMINISM ESSENTIALIZES GENDER One important difference between the two is that while deep ecologists maintain that
Lisa Benton and John Rennie Short, Professors of Geography at Colgate and Syracuse humanity is a part of life on Earth, Heidegger, like many other anti-Darwinian
Universities, ENVIRONMENTAL DISCOURSE AND PRACTICE, 1999, p.146. conservatives, held that humans are not animals. In fact, he argued that the modernity's
Thus one problem in attempting to come to feminist terms with the environment is, "naturalistic humanism" was the final, nihilistic stage of Aristotle's definition of humans
ironically, that it can often be ecologically unsound. Ecological principles rely on the as rational animals. Because of this attitude, his former student, Karl Lowith, accused him
construction of the interdependence of many complex systems. There is no one single of perpetuating the anthropocentricism and dualism so characteristic of the metaphysical
strand that can be removed from the web. Ecofeminists can fall prey to the temptation to and theological traditions which he purported to overcome.
simplify explanations down to the polarization of sex/gender difference, a temptation,
however, that continues the reductionist imperative of the modernistic, mechanistic AKH1499 HEIDEGGER MAINTAINS A JUSTIFICATION FOR HUMAN
paradigm to which many feminists and ecofeminists are in opposition. The writings of DOMINATION OF NATURE
many feminists and ecofeminists do not reflect a perception of the whole (environmental Michael Zimmerman, Professor of Philosophy, Tulane, ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS,
destruction as the result of a complex political, economic, social, and even religious Fall 1993, p.201.
construct) for the sum of the parts (the parts in this case being patriarchal military, Deep ecologists are sometimes suspicious of Heidegger's claims about the uniqueness of
government, eco-establishment). The complexity of human experience and interaction and humanity's capacity for understanding being, for Western society has always justified its
the links between various structures is thus reduced to a single dimension: gender domination of nature by portraying it as inferior to what is "uniquely" human: soul,
domination. Such a view is based on a linear, cause-and-effect paradigm that cannot rationality, spirit, language. Such suspicions are fueled by Heidegger's claim that there is
elucidate the complexity of the worldwide environmental problem. When every analysis something worse than the destruction of all life on Earth by nuclear war.
leads to gender and patriarchy as the casual agent, it is essentialist. Gender makes a
difference but perhaps not the difference. AKH1500 HEIDEGGER MAINTAINS HUMAN EXCEPTIONALISM
Leslie Paul Thiele, Professor of Political Science, University of Florida, TIMELY
SUFFERING Heidegger, as Zimmerman notes, also supports a nonanthropocentric approach to the earth
Michael Zimmerman, Professor of Philosophy, Tulane University, CONTESTING and the world. This is absolutely true, and has obvious ecological merit. But Heidegger
EARTH'S FUTURE, 1994, p.134. does not suggest that we replace anthropocentrism with biocentrism. Biocentrism, intrinsic
Others assert that the "not-thinking" involved in Zen's nondualism can all too easily to most deep-ecological perspectives, relegates the human species to the same status as all
involve a simpleminded refusal to think, which can encourage passivity in the face of other organisms." Despite his fervent attack on subjectivism and humanism, Heidegger
redressable injustice and misery. This passivity may be a major problem for Heidegger's firmly maintains human exceptionalism. He maintains this exceptionalism because of
"thinking," which can be read as an ontological aestheticism with little concern about human being's unique disclosive capacities; "it is man, open toward Being, who alone lets
concrete suffering. Being arrive as presence" (ID 31 - 32; see also BT 28, 35). Animals, Heidegger writes,
cannot engage in the "work" - philosophical, artistic, or political - in which the disclosure
AKH1495 HEIDEGGER'S POSITION UNDERMINES ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVISM of Being in thought, word, or deed occurs. And this incapacity of beasts arises for one
Richard Watson, Professor of Philosophy, Washington University, ENVIRONMENTAL simple reason: "they lack freedom" (PT 109). Our capacity for disclosive freedom makes
ETHICS, Louis Pojman, ed., 2001, p.163-4. our sojourn here on earth exceptional, however brief this sojourn is in cosmic or
A difficult question that arises for advocates of this position is whether or not humans can evolutionary terms.
be activists. For example, near-total passivism seems to be suggested by Michael
Zimmerman in his approving summation of what he takes to be Heidegger's admonition AKH1501 HEIDEGGER'S PRIORITY OF ONTOLOGICAL OVER ETHICAL IS
to the Western World: Only Western man's thinking has ended up by viewing the world LINKED TO HIS NAZISM
as a storehouse of raw material for the enhancement of man's Power.... [A] new kind of Michael Zimmerman, Professor of Philosophy, Tulane University, CONTESTING
t h i n k i n g mu s t ... p a s s b e yond the subjectivistic thinking o f EARTH'S FUTURE, 1994, p.109-10.
philosophy-science-technology.... Heidegger indicates that the new way must "let beings This idea has been criticized by Emmanuel Levinas, who says that ontology forces the
be," i.e., it must let them manifest themselves in their own presence and worth, and not Other to conform to the identity posited by the subject, whereas ethics demands that I
merely as objects for the all-powerful Subject. conform or accede to the ethical demands of the Other. For Heidegger, ontology meant the
study of humanity's openness for the self-manifesting of things, but at times Levinas seems
to define ontology in a way that corresponds to what Heidegger meant by metaphysics --
an anthropocentric, subjectivistic ways of understanding things. Yet Levinas's concern
with ethics and his mistrust for Heidegger's ontology is important when we recall the grim
political consequences of Heidegger's belief that National Socialism was "a complete
transformation of our German Dasein," a revolutionary ontological shift, which
-renouncing the ethical limits of democratic modernity, Judaism, and Christianity -- would
establish a new ethos to save Germany from modernity.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 132
Michael Zimmerman, Professor of Philosophy, Tulane University, MINDING NATURE: Joseph Kockelmans, Penn State philosopher, HEIDEGGER AND SCIENCE, 1985, p.254.
THE PHILOSOPHERS OF ECOLOGY, David Macauley, ed., 1996, p.73-4. This ambivalent attitude In regard to modern science and technology, which says at the
Regrettably, as John D. Caputo has observed, Heidegger neglected to take seriously same time yes and no, corresponds to the two modes of thinking we have referred to
enough the Jewish and Christian claim that human existence, by dint of its association with earlier. Calculative thinking will help us to use our resources effectively; meditative
and dependence on the transcendent, also must take upon itself the enormous moral thinking will help us in making certain that technicity will not overpower us. Meditative
responsibility of living according to a law that runs counter to natural human inclinations. thinking will thus make it possible for us to come to a freedom in regard to things that lets
Enthralled by the Greek fascination with the aesthetic, that is, with encouraging and beings be ( Gelassenheit), by maintaining an openness to the mystery that is hidden in
encountering the manifestness of things, Heidegger neglected the Jewish and Christian modern technicity.
preoccupation with the moral, that is, with being responsible for the ontical well-being of
the Other. Resolving to do the "hard" and "dangerous" things needed to let being reveal AKH1508 HUMANS SHOULD NEITHER TOTALLY IDENTIFY WITH NOR
itself anew, the Nazi Heidegger turned a blind eye to the suffering of those who were TOTALLY REPUDIATE TECHNOLOGY
crushed in this brutal process. William Lovitt, Professor of German, Cal State-Sacramento, introduction to Martin
Michael Zimmerman, Professor of Philosophy, Tulane University, BENEATH THE Man needs above all in our age to know himself as the one who is so claimed. The
SURFACE, Eric Katz, et al., eds., 2000, p.182. challenging summons of Enframing "sends into a way of revealing" (QT 24). So long as
Some proponents of Earth-based religiosity, like many other people faced with the trials man does not know this, he cannot know himself; nor can he know himself in relation to
and tribulations of modern life, yearn for a simplified tribal life in closer proximity to the his world. As a consequence he becomes trapped in one of two attitudes, both equally vain:
land. Wilber, however, cautions against giving in to such yearnings, since doing so would either he fancies that he can in fact master technology and can by technological means -
encourage the regression to prepersonal modes of awareness and the rise of corresponding by analyzing and calculating and ordering - control all aspects of his life; or he recoils at
authoritarian social structures that would undermine the positive achievements of the inexorable and dehumanizing control that technology is gaining over him, rejects it as
modernity, including individuated personhood and constitutional democracy. Heidegger the work of the devil, and strives to discover for himself some other way of life apart from
was antimodern in being antidemocratic and in denying a developmental view of history; it. What man truly needs is to know the destining to which he belongs and to know it as
moreover, he was neopagan in rejecting the biblical tradition and in calling for the arrival a destining, as the disposing power that governs all phenomena in this technological age.
of new gods to generate a new world to replace the nonworld of technological modernity.
Nevertheless, in calling for the Germans to repeat ancient Greece's generation of a world, AKH1509 CURRENT EVENTS CONFIRM REALISM
he was asking them to prepare for a new encounter with the transcendent, that is, with the Barry Buzan, Professor of International Relations, University of Westminster,
being of entities that transcends even the gods. INTERNATIONAL THEORY: POSITIVISM AND BEYOND, Steve Smith, et al., eds.,
1996, p.61.
AKH1504 HEIDEGGER WAS A REACTIONARY ELITIST Realism also finds seemingly endless affirmation in current events. One of its attractions,
Murray Bookchin, Institute for Social Ecology co-founder, RE-ENCHANTING for some, is that it gives an odds on advantage to those who make gloomy predictions (i.e.
HUMANITY, 1995, p.189. more power politics, more conflict) about the future. Much of realism can be read as a
In such passages Heidegger is already, as early as in Being and Time, insinuating a sophisticated form of fatalism, and as Fukuyama (1992, p. 70) notes: 'a naive optimist
'leadership principle' into his 'ontology'. What is unambiguous is that he is a reactionary whose expectations are belied appears foolish, while a pessimist proven wrong maintains
elitist, for whom the 'They' - bluntly, the Nietzschean 'herd' - is the inauthentic raw material an aura of profundity and seriousness'. The dialectics of order and conflict in the three
of the authentic few, most notably the German reactionary mandarins who are guided by world wars (two hot, one cold) of the twentieth century provide a good illustration of how
conscience, guilt, care, and a heroic stance toward the certainty of death. current events reinforce realist pessimism. The wars themselves of course supported the
realist view, as did their outcomes.
Michael Zimmerman, Professor of Philosophy, Tulane, ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS, AKH1510 REALISM IS ANTI-MILITARISTIC
Fall 1993, p.209-10. Kenneth Waltz, former Professor of International Relations, University of California,
Heidegger also favored abandoning individual rights. Speaking in favor of the Nazi Berkeley, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES, 1998, p.373.
"revolution" that would save Western civilization from extinction, he proclaimed that "The There are really two reasons why people think that I am a hardline conservative. The first
individual by himself counts for nothing." Hence, he was silent while thousands of German is that they think realists are. And that is so ingrained that when Morgenthau very actively
socialists, communists, liberals, and other "un-German" types were rounded up into opposed the war in Vietnam. there were a lot of people who were saying, 'Oh, he's tired of
concentration camps near Freiburg. After the war, moreover, he refused to comment on the being unpopular. He wants to be popular, especially among the youth. So he's renounced
Nazi's murder of millions of Jews and other "vermin." During difficult times, he apparently all his beliefs, and now he's opposing the war in Vietnam.' That was absolutely false. He
concluded, difficult things have to be done. If Manes' radical views prevail during a time was opposing the war in Vietnam because he was a realist. The other reason that I think
of "ecological scarcity," what would happen to selfish, ecologically unenlightened people that people think of me as a hardline conservative is that the people who read the theory
who refused to "abandon" their inalienable rights? Would they be rounded up and possibly tend not to read what I write that isn't theory. I've written quite a bit of stuff on the
eliminated so that the Earth could recover from the effects of the "human cancer" now military. And I've been a fierce critic of American military policy and spending and
afflicting it? strategy, at least since the 1970s. The fact is that there is no way to read directly from a
theory to policy conclusions. People who say realists are hardline conservatives are doing
AKH1506 HEIDEGGER REJECTS LIBERTY, EQUALITY, AND DEMOCRACY that. They're saying, 'That's his theoretical stance; therefore that must be his policy
Murray Bookchin, Institute for Social Ecology co-founder, RE-ENCHANTING preference.
HUMANITY, 1995, p.168.
'Authenticity', it can be said without any philosophical frills, lay in the pristine Teutonic AKH1511 THE SECURITY DILEMMA CAN'T BE ELIMINATED THROUGH
world of the tribal Germans who retained their ties with 'the Gods', and with later peoples BETTER DISCURSIVE PRACTICES
who still tried to nourish their past amidst the blighted traits of the modern world. Since Dale Copeland, Professor, Department of Government and Foreign Affairs, University of
some authors try to muddy Heidegger's prelapsarian message by focusing on his assumed Virginia, INTERNATIONAL SECURITY, Fall 2000, p.212.
belief in individual freedom and ignoring his hatred of the French Revolution and its Yet by bracketing off domestic processes, Wendt has overlooked the irony of
egalitarian, 'herd'-like democracy of the 'They', it is worth emphasizing that such a view constructivism: that the mutability of human ideational structures at the domestic level
withers in the light of his denial of individuality. 'The individual by himself counts for reinforces leaders' great uncertainty about future intentions at the interstate level. The
nothing', he declared after becoming a member of the National Socialist party in 1933. 'The security dilemma, with all its implications, is real and pervasive. It cannot be talked away
fate of our Volk in its state counts for everything.' through better discursive practices. It must be faced.


Robert Myers, President, Carnegie Commission on Ethics and International Affairs,
Another contemporary observation on the strength of the realist tradition is from Robert
Kagan, in an otherwise critical article: The realists' central insights into the competitive and
conflictual nature of mankind remain true; nor should we forget the truism that all great
powers must some day fall. Indeed, the task of realism should be to warn us that the
present happy state of affairs is extremely fragile: we live in an interwar period. But how
long that period will last, and what quality of international life can be achieved in the
interim, are matters which Americans hold it in their power to influence.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 133
John Mearshimer, Professor of Political Science, University of Chicago, Francis Gavin, Postdoctoral Fellow in International Security, Harvard, ORBIS, Fall 1997,
INTERNATIONAL SECURITY, Summer 1995, p.87. p.641.
Liberal institutionalism has been at the center of international relations debates for well Realism is the most prudent policy for the modern world because on the big issues, as
over a decade, a lengthy period by academic standards. If there were strong empirical Ninkovich quotes Dean Acheson saying, "we can be wrong only once." As for Wilson
support for liberal institutionalism, some of it should have surfaced by now, In fact, himself, perhaps his best epitaph flowed from the pen of the first modern realist,
considerable empirical research has been done on the theory. However, most of it Machiavelli: "Men always commit the error of not knowing where to limit their hopes, and
undermines liberal institutionalism and supports realism. Thus, it is not surprising that the by trusting to these rather than to a just measure of their resources, they are generally
liberal institutionalists are now converting to realism, but it would clarify matters if they ruined." This hard-learned lesson may have been Wilson's most lasting legacy.
would admit it.
Randall Schweller, Professor of Political Science, Ohio State, AMERICAN POLITICAL Kenneth Thompson, Professor of Political Science, University of Virginia, MORALISM
There is no definitive or "single" theory of political realism; there are, instead, many realist Alexander Hamilton warned in his "Pacificus" and "Americanus" letters that the only sure
theories derived from the same first principles and, basic set of assumptions. guide was the national interest. George Washington resisted the popular mass movement
lead by Citizen Genet for intervention on the side of the French Revolution on grounds that
AKH1515 NO THEORY IS PERFECT, BUT REALISM IS THE BEST AVAILABLE "no nation is to be trusted further than it is bound by its interest; and no prudent statesman
Robert Myers, President, Carnegie Commission on Ethics and International Affairs, or politician will venture to depart from it." Even American idealists such as Thomas
ETHICS AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, Volume 11, 1997, p.260. Jefferson, James Madison, Henry Clay, and Abraham Lincoln, especially when they were
Ideally, says Thompson, "the organized body of facts and knowledge upon which the responsible for decision-making, were less concerned with American involvement in
theorist must depend spans the limits of human knowledge." Since no single individual is revolutions abroad than in building a good society and preserving national security.
likely to accomplish that in a single lifetime, one looks to history (and psychology) for
examples of success in interstate relations, both ancient and contemporary, and does the AKH1523 AMERICAN POLICY TOWARD GERMANY SHOWS THE SUCCESSES
best that one can to "theorize" about international relations. This can only provide one OF REALISM
answer -- not the whole answer -- but it is my contention that realism presents the best Francis Gavin, Postdoctoral Fellow in International Security, Harvard, ORBIS, Fall 1997,
explanation for international relations available. p.637-8.
In fact, despite the claims of Hampton, Smith, and even Ninkovich, it could be argued that
AKH1516 REALISM SURVIVES BECAUSE OF THE LACK OF AN ALTERNATIVE American policy towards Germany during the postwar period is one of realism's greatest
Ethan Kapstein, Council of Foreign Relations, INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION, success stories. After the Second World War, the United States faced enormous political,
Autumn 1995, p.751. economic, and military difficulties in Europe: a powerful Soviet Union seemingly
I argue in this essay that structural realism, qua theory, must be viewed as deeply and determined to dominate the whole continent, a divided and resentful Germany that was
perhaps fatally flawed. Yet at the same time, qua paradigm or worldview, it continues to sure to be a source of danger in years to come, a weakened Western Europe, lacking the
inform the community of international relations scholars. The reason for this apparent confidence and strength necessary to stabilize Europe, and an American populace
paradox is no less sociological than epistemological. Borrowing from Thomas Kuhn, I unwilling to make a large military commitment in Europe. But in the two decades
argue that structural realism will not die as the cornerstone of international relations theory following the war, the United States struggled to come to terms with the seemingly
until an alternative is developed that takes its place. In the absence of that alternative, insoluble problem of rebuilding and defending Western Europe while keeping Germany
students of world politics will continue to use it as their cornerstone; in an important sense, in line and not provoking the Soviets. This involved confronting the seemingly intractable
structural realism continues to define the discipline. dilemma of marshaling German power for the Western alliance without allowing such
power to be used independently. This problem was made all the more difficult by the
AKH1517 CRITICAL THEORY ISN'T AN ALTERNATIVE TO REALISM fundamental changes to the international system produced by the nuclear revolution. This
John Mearsheimer, Professor of Political Science, University of Chicago, struggle had little to do with Wilsonian concerns about world opinion or democratization
INTERNATIONAL SECURITY, Winter 1994/95, p.46-7. or even the spread of American values. it had to do rather with the distribution of military
Critical theorists have ambitious aims. However, critical theory also has important flaws, power in Central Europe.
and therefore it will likely remain in realism's shadow. Specifically, critical theory is
concerned with affecting fundamental change in state behavior, but it says little about how AKH1524 PACIFIST NEGLECT OF THE SECURITY DILEMMA LEADS
it comes about. Critical theorists do occasionally point to particular causes of change, but ULTIMATELY TO WAR
when they do, they make arguments that are inconsistent with the theory itself. Finally, Michael Doyle, Professor, Center of International Studies, Princeton University, WAYS
there is little empirical evidence to support the claims of critical theorists, and much to OF WAR AND PEACE, 1997, p.27.
contradict them. Herz focused on three forms of utopian internationalism: Mazzinian nationalism, Marxist
Socialist 'internationalism, and Cobdenite commercial pacifism. For each, whether a world
AKH1518 REALISM IS KEY TO HUMAN SURVIVAL of free nations, liberated working classes, or competitive capitalism, fulfillment meant
Kenneth Thompson, Professor of Political Science, University of Virginia, MORALISM peace. But each neglected, Herz charged, the "security dilemma," which consists of the
AND MORALITY IN POLITICS AND DIPLOMACY, 1985, p.106. dilemma all states face. Realists warn us that without a world government, no state will be
If Morgenthau was right in his analysis of nuclear war, his legacy of living with all the able to trust other states because It cannot be assured of their peaceful intentions. Whether
contradictions and ambiguities of the Cold War may be more enduring than any of us at those intentions appear to be satisfied nationalism, Socialist internationalism, or
first supposed. For his political realism, linking power conflicts with diplomatic commercial pacifism, each state's defenses appear to be potential offensive preparations
accommodation, may not only be the best of possible alternative approaches to the Cold to other states. The result: "A vicious circle will arise -- of suspicion and countersuspicion,
War. It may be the only viable and workable approach if mankind is to survive. competition for power, armament races, ultimately war."

Francis Gavin, Postdoctoral Fellow in International Security, Harvard, ORBIS, Fall 1997, PEACE, NOT CONTROL
p.641. D.S.L. Jarvis, University of British Columbia, INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND
Peace and stability are more likely when considerations of power are taken into account THE CHALLENGE OF POSTMODERNISM, 2000, p.202.
in policy making. When ideology or morality drove American foreign policy during the Certainly orthodox practitioners too have been far from successful in explaining and
twentieth century, the result was often failure. understanding international relations, in achieving peace, and avoiding war. Yet at least
among those who disavow deconstructionism and postmodernist subversion, there is a
AKH1520 REALISM WOULD REDUCE MILITARY INTERVENTION desire for theory, a wish to better understand and explain international phenomena and,
Jack Donnelly, Professor of Political Science, University of North Carolina, within this ambit, to manipulate and control certain aspects of international relations and
TRADITIONS OF INTERNATIONAL ETHICS, Terry Nardin and David Mapel, eds., thereby improve them. This is not control for its own sake, as post-modernists falsely
1992, p.102. accuse with Orwellian insinuations, but control and manipulation in order to improve,
In fact, in the United States, where moral and ideological concerns have often served to enhance, and better international relations such that world politics is not an anarchical
justify intervention, a consistent application of realist principles would almost certainly realm populated by war-prone states. Our professional preoccupations were founded on
lead to far less intervention. such laudable objectives. More is the pity that these have now been turned against us as
subversive postmodernists paint a grim and unfounded picture of modernist obsession with
the technical manipulation of history for the sake of control.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 134
John Mearsheimer, Professor of Political Science, University of Chicago, Andrew Moravesik, Professor of Government, Harvard University, INTERNATIONAL
INTERNATIONAL SECURITY, Winter 1994/95, p.44. ORGANIZATION, Autumn 1997, p.516.
Thus, in a sense, the communitarian discourse championed by critical theorists is wishful Third, a theoretical restatement should demonstrate empirical accuracy vis-a-vis other
thinking, not an outcome linked to the theory itself Indeed, critical theory cannot guarantee theories: it should expose anomalies in existing work, forcing reconsideration of empirical
that the new discourse will not be more malignant than the discourse it replaces. Nothing findings and theoretical positions. This restatement of liberal theory meets this criterion
in the theory guarantees, for example, that a fascist discourse far more violent than realism by revealing significant methodological biases in empirical evaluations of realist theories
will not emerge as the new hegemonic discourse. of "relative gains-seeking" and constructivist analyses of ideas and IR due to the omission
of liberal alternatives. If these biases were corrected, liberal accounts might well supplant
AKH1527 CRITICAL THEORY CAN'T EXPLAIN WHY REALISM PERSISTED SO many widely accepted realist and institutionalist, as well as constructivist, explanations of
LONG particular phenomena in world politics.
John Mearsheimer, Professor of Political Science, University of Chicago,
Three points are in order regarding the critical theorists' interpretation of history. First, one OF TOTAL WAR
cannot help but be struck by the sheer continuity of realist behavior in the critical theorists' James Kurth, Professor of Political Science, Swarthmore, CURRENT HISTORY, January
own account of the past. Seven centuries of security competition and war represents an 1999, p.8.
impressive span of time, especially when you consider the tremendous political and Does liberalism have a fatal flaw, as did national socialism and communism? It is certainly
economic changes that have taken place across the world during that lengthy period. difficult to discern one at this time. Liberalism was the product of the international peace
Realism is obviously a human software package with deep-seated appeal, although critical and economic growth of what many historians call the long nineteenth century, the era
theorists do not explain its attraction. between 1789 and 1914 that saw the French Revolution, the Napoleonic wars, and their
lengthy aftermath. It then, astonishingly, turned out to be the ultimate victor in the world
AKH1528 REALISM EXPLAINS STATE BEHAVIOR UNDER UNCERTAINTY wars -- two hot and one cold -- and economic depression of what the historian Eric
BETTER THAN CONSTRUCTIVISM Hobsbawm has called the short twentieth century from 1914 to 1989. But wars and
Dale Copeland, Professor, Department of Government and Foreign Affairs, University of depression produced formidable enemies of liberalism, which could only be vanquished
Virginia, INTERNATIONAL SECURITY, Fall 2000, p.201-2. at the cost of millions of lives and trillions of dollars. As long as liberalism can deliver on
Wendt accepts that the problem facing rational states "is making sure that they perceive its promise to make the twenty-first century one of peace and prosperity, it will maintain
other actors, and other actors' perception of them, correctly" (p. 334, emphasis in original). its ideological hegemony. But if that project should fail, the twenty-first century is, likely
Yet the book provides no mechanism through which Ego and Alter can increase their to be another century of total war and ideological conflict.
confidence in the correctness of their estimates of the other's type. Simply describing how
Ego and Alter shape each other's sense of self and other is not enough. Rational choice AKH1534 LIBERALISM IS WILLING TO INTERVENE TO PREVENT GENOCIDE
models, using assumptions consistent with structural realism, do much better here. In Joshua Muravchik, resident scholar, American Enterprise Institute, THE IMPERATIVE
games of incomplete information, where states are unsure about the other's type, actions OF AMERICAN LEADERSHIP, 1996, p.22-3.
by security-seeking actors that would be too costly for greedy actors to adopt can help Will Wilsonians, however, more often hazard military action where no U.S. interests are
states reduce their uncertainty about present intentions, thus moderating the security at stake? Sometimes yes. They will be more open than Washingtonians to humanitarian
dilemma. Wendt cannot simply argue that over time states can learn a great deal about interventions, but the occasions for such are rare and extreme. Indeed, the cases most often
other states. It is what is not "shared," at least in the area of intentions, that remains the discussed as ripe for humanitarian intervention are hypothetical -- against Pol Pot's mass
core stumbling block to cooperation. slaughter or Hitler's genocide. One contemporary tragedy where a strong case could have
been made for humanitarian intervention was Rwanda, but oddly no one made the case
AKH1529 THE CONSTRUCTIVIST INSIGHT INTO DOMESTIC MUTABILITY since America had only recently been burned in Somalia, where a low-risk humanitarian
JUSTIFIES REALIST FOREIGN POLICY mission, launched by a very non-Wilsonian president, had been spoiled by "mission
Dale Copeland, Professor, Department of Government and Foreign Affairs, University of creep."
Virginia, INTERNATIONAL SECURITY, Fall 2000, p.204.
This discussion reveals a deep irony in the constructivist take on international relations. AKH1535 LIBERALISM ENHANCES RATIONAL POLICY-MAKING
It is constructivism's very emphasis on the mutability of interests and identities, when John Hall and T.V. Paul, Professors of Sociology and Political Science, McGill University,
taken down to the domestic level, that reinforces why anarchy forces states to be on guard. INTERNATIONAL ORDER AND THE FUTURE OF WORLD POLITICS, 1999, p.74.
States know that diplomacy alone will rarely be enough to ensure the long-term peaceful Nonetheless, the advantages of liberal democracy are much greater than the problems that
nature of the other (consider the difficulties that Washington faces today in stabilizing it causes. First, liberalism can help rational calculation on the part of states, as we can see
Russia's democratic institutions). This problem is heightened by a fact of which Wendt is immediately when we review the historical episodes that we have had in mind. Wilhelmine
aware: that domestic processes are typically far more "dense" than international ones (pp. Germany lacked this ability to assign priorities, thereby so offending its neighbors that it
2,13,21, 27-28,107-108). Wendt believes that this fact makes his argument for a systemic created the encirclement from which it then tried to escape. In contrast, the cabinet
constructivism a "hard case." But he overlooks the more profound point: that the structure of the British state allowed for more rational policy-making.
independence of domestic processes undermines his effort to show that material structures
do not constrain and shape state behavior except by way of ideas rising through AKH1536 LIBERAL VALUES REQUIRE A REJECTION OF CRUSADING
international interaction. If states know that the nature of the other is mostly a function of Michael Doyle, Princeton University, INTERNATIONAL ORDER AND THE FUTURE
its own domestic processes, then they must pay great attention to their present and future OF WORLD POLITICS, T. V., Paul and John Hall, eds., 1999, p.42.
material capability, in order to guard against a situation in which the other becomes A second reason why we should let our enemies identify themselves is that liberal values
aggressive later on. Thus domestic-level constructivism reinforces the value of a systemic require that we should reject an indiscriminate "crusade for democracy." If we seek to
realist view of world politics, at least as a baseline starting point for theory building. promote democracy because it reflects the rights of all to be treated with equal respect -
irrespective of race, religion, class, or nationality - then equal respect must guide both our
AKH1530 LIBERALISM OFFERS THE POSSIBILITY OF IDEOLOGICAL aims and our means. A strategy of geopolitical superiority and liberal imperialism, for
CONSENSUS AND INTERNATIONAL PEACE example, would both require increased arms expenditures and international subversion and
James Kurth, Professor of Political Science, Swarthmore, CURRENT HISTORY, January have little (or more likely a retrogressive) effect on human rights in the countries that are
1999, p.7. our targets.
After its victories over fascism and national socialism in World War II, and its victories
over Marxism and communism in the cold war, liberalism now stands alone, triumphant.
Over the past half-century, it has succeeded in undermining both the social bases and the
problem-solving appeals of all its ideological adversaries. Advanced by the United States,
the sole superpower and the leader of the global economy, liberalism promises to make the
new century one of ideological consensus -- indeed, the end of ideology -- and of
international peace.


Michael Doyle, Professor, Center of International Studies, Princeton University, WAYS
OF WAR AND PEACE, 1997, p.273.
Similarly, the twentieth-century expansion of Liberalism into less powerful nonLiberal
areas has also had some striking successes. The forcible liberalization of Germany and
Japan following World War II and the long covert financing of Liberal parties in Italy are
the more significant instances of successful transplant.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 135
DISCOURSE Michael Mandelbaum, Professor of American Foreign Policy, Johns Hopkins University,
Jean Bethke Elshtain, Professor of Ethics, University of Chicago, WOMEN AND WAR, SURVIVAL, Winter 1998-9, p.23.
1987, p.249. This is not to say that ideology is dead. To the contrary, the ideology that competed with
No country can shed its historically determined skin. By this I mean that the strong pacifist and vanquished Marxism-Leninism is alive, triumphant and on the march. But that
appeal of a Gandhi would fall on uncomprehending ears should it be presented to an ideology, liberalism, and the form of government that embodies it, democracy, do not lend
aggressively defined warrior band. There must be within a nation or a people a capacity, themselves to wars of conversion. Their spread, in fact, contributes to the process of
however unformed, that an appeal can forge into something palpable as an identity or debellicisation.
discernible as an idea. Of American social identity it can be said that it is not only
profoundly individual, it is also intensely linked to the belief that being an American AKH1543 LEADING LIBERALS NOW RECOGNIZE THE NEED TO AVOID
means, or ought to mean, something. It means one has claims against any society that CRUSADES
refuses to treat one with respect. It means America has stood historically for certain worthy Michael Doyle, Princeton University, INTERNATIONAL ORDER AND THE FUTURE
ideals. A revitalized civic discourse must be neither abstract nor ahistorical but concrete OF WORLD POLITICS, T. V., Paul and John Hall, eds., 1999, p.41-2.
and available to social participants. To break the war/peace nexus, such discourse must In order, however., to avoid the extremist possibilities of its abstract universalism, liberal
also incorporate potentially transformative features. Liberal and republican elements policy should be constrained by a geopolitical budget. Strategy involves matching what
commingle in this American civic stew, absorbing moments from Adam Smith's discussion we are prepared to spend to what we want to achieve. It identifies aims, resources, threats,
of commercial society and the tempering of war in An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes and allies. While liberal democracy therefore can identify our natural allies abroad, we
of the Wealth of Nations (1776)," and imbibing some of Adam Ferguson's republican must let our actual enemies identify themselves. One reason for this is that we cannot
ferocity from An Essay on the History of Civil Society. embark upon the "crusades" for democracy that have been so frequent within the liberal
tradition. In a world armed with nuclear weapons crusading is suicidal. And in a world
AKH1538 AMERICAN LIBERAL HEGEMONY HAS BROUGHT PEACE AMONG where changes in regional balances of power could, be extremely destabilizing for
GREAT POWERS ourselves and our allies, indiscriminate provocations of hostility (such as against the
G. John Ikenberry, professor of political science, University of Pennsylvania, CURRENT People's Republic of China) could create increased insecurity (for Japan and ourselves).
HISTORY, January 1999, p.23. We simply do not have the excess strength that would free us from a need to economize
Today we still live in the order created in the 1940s. It is an order largely created by and on dangers.
centered on the United States. It is an order that constituted a sharp break with previous
patterns of international relations. It is an order built on modern industrial society, AKH1544 LIBERALISM BEST ANALYZES INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL
democracy, international capitalism, multilateral institutions, and what might be called ISSUES
American "liberal hegemony". It is an order that has succeeded in reintegrating Germany Stephen Krasner, Professor of Political Science, Stanford University, INTERNATIONAL
and Japan into a community of industrial democracies -- and that has made war among the THEORY: POSITIVISM AND BEYOND, Steve Smith, et al., eds., 1996, p.123-4.
traditional great powers unthinkable. It is an order that has no name or fixed geographical Issues related to the international environment, for instance, seem to cry out for liberal
boundaries. For better or for worse, this American-centered order, crystallized between analysis since it appears that everyone can be made better off if institutions can be
1944 and 1951, remains the dominant structure in world politics today. developed to deal with externalities including mechanisms for side payments. For example
agreements banning the production of CFCs were reached quite quickly in the later 1980s
AKH1539 ITS LIBERAL CHARACTER MAKES AMERICAN HEGEMONY when the scientific evidence for ozone depletion became unassailable and when, one must
NON-THREATENING add, the major chemical companies, especially Dupont, were able to produce substitutes.
G. John Ikenberry, professor of political science, University of Pennsylvania, CURRENT Distributional conflicts were resolved by providing technical and material aid to tropical
HISTORY, January 1949, p.26. Third World states which stood to lose the most from the ban.
The deep stability of the postwar order is tied to the liberal character of American
hegemony and the array of international institutions that work together to reduce the AKH1545 LIBERALISM HAS LED TO A PACIFIC UNION OF SOCIETIES
implications of power asymmetries. This complex of democratic states, all connected to Michael Doyle, Professor, Center of International Studies, Princeton University, WAYS
the large and decentralized American democracy, has worked to mute the implications of OF WAR AND PEACE, 1997, p.260.
power within the postwar political order. Institutions and democracy make the United Beginning in the eighteenth century and slowly growing since then, a zone of peace, which
States less threatening to other countries, and this makes the postwar order more acceptable Kant called the pacific federation or pacific union, began to be established among Liberal
to them. The stakes in world politics -- that is, the implications of winning and losing -- societies. (More than sixty Liberal states currently make up the union. Most are in Europe
are reduced, thus systematically minimizing the incentives for challenging or overturning and North America, but they can be found on every continent.)
the order. It has been the ability of the United States to exercise "strategic restraint" -- to
reduce the political implications of hegemony -- that has made political order so stable AKH1546 LIBERALISM STRENGTHENS THE PROSPECTS FOR WORLD PEACE
despite unprecedented power differentials. Michael Doyle, Professor, Center of International Studies, Princeton University, WAYS
OF WAR AND PEACE, 1997, p.252.
AKH1540 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS REDUCE WAR Yet the peaceful intent and restraint that Liberalism does manifest in limited aspects of its
Bruce Russett, Professor of International Politics, Yale, BOSTON REVIEW, October foreign affairs announce the possibility of a world peace this side of the grave or of world
1997, p.14. conquest. Liberals, contrary to the Institutionalists, have created something considerably
One additional influence is worth noting. International organizations reduce conflict in more stable than a troubled peace constantly threatening an outbreak of war. They have
many ways. A few of them can actually coerce law-breakers; all can mediate conflicts of strengthened the prospects for a world peace established by the steady expansion of a
interest, convey information and assist problem-solving, and socialize governments and separate peace among Liberal societies.
peoples to common norms and mutual identities. Countries that shared membership in
many international organizations (a few of them universal organizations, most of them AKH1547 LIBERALISM NEEDS TO BE EVALUATED IN COMPARISON TO ITS
regional organizations for trade, security, development, or environmental protection) were ALTERNATIVES
also less likely to fight each other or threaten to do so. Michael Doyle, Professor, Center of International Studies, Princeton University, WAYS
OF WAR AND PEACE, 1997, p.299.
AKH1541 LIBERALISM IS INCREASINGLY DISPOSED AGAINST INTERVENTION In the end, as with most theoretical disputes, the debate will turn on the alternatives.
Stanley Hoffman, Chairman of the Center for European Studies, Harvard University, Liberal theory should not be compared with the statistical residual a richly described case
FOREIGN POLICY, Spring 1995, p.169. study, or "History" but with the comparative validity of other theories of similar scope. To
On both issues the old split about whether or not to intervene is as deep as ever. On do this, we need disconfirmable versions of the two other leading modern candidates,
balance, however, the noninterventionist impulse is strengthened by the disappearance of Realism and Marxism, which is in part the aim of this book.
the Soviet threat and rationalized with the argument that the propagation of political
liberalism will ultimately result from the spread of global economic liberalism. Thus, AKH1548 LIBERALISM UNDERSTANDS SECURITY PROBLEMS BETTER THAN
paradoxically, the principle of state sovereignty (which is not particularly liberal, since REALISM
many states are not based on consent) is often given precedence over the liberal norms of Daniel Deudney, Professor of Political Science, University of Pennsylvania,
self-government and of national self-determination. The old argument for nonintervention INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION, Spring 1995, p.225.
was that intervention even for liberal causes would multiply violent conflicts, whereas In its republican forms, liberalism claims an understanding of the security problem that is
liberalism's aim was to dampen them. A new argument is that in a world where chaos is superior to realism's because it is more complete: it addresses the full insecurity quadrangle
now a major peril, intervention even for good liberal causes may only create more chaos. of revolution, tyranny, war, and empire, and it understands that the statist solution is itself
a potential threat. Given this, structural republicanism is security liberalism and should be
added to Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye's four types of liberalism (the commercial,
democratic, regulatory, and sociological, varieties).
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 136
Andrew Murphy, Valparaiso University, ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS, Spring 2003, Dwight Lee, University of Georgia Ramsey professor of economics, SOCIETY,
p.85-6. March/April 1992, p.54.
From its earliest days, critics note, modern science has walked hand in hand with nascent For many, serving the environment requires the destruction of the capitalistic system,
capitalism, commercial values, consumerism, industrialism, and the destruction of nature. which is correctly seen as the engine of economic growth. In a publication of Ecotage, an
In Merchant's words, "The organic framework, in which the Mother Earth image was a offshoot of Earth First, we read: "We must first make this an insecure and uninhabitable
moral restraint against mining, was literally undermined by the new commercial activity." place for capitalists and their projects. This is the best contribution we can make towards
Thus, the exploitation of nature was part of a larger capitalist project involving the protecting the earth and struggling for a liberating society." Barry Commoner testified
exploitation of humans; much of the contemporary environmental literature recommends, before the Senate in 1969 that "nothing less than a change in the political and social
indeed presumes, an anticapitalist stance. With capitalism comes the relentless push of system, including revision of the Constitution, is necessary to save the country from
industrialism and technology, and the antimodern narrative of environmental decline views destroying its natural environment."
these various phenomena as jointly responsible for the modern predicament.
AKH1550 CAPITALISM IS KEY TO PROSPERITY AND DEMOCRACY. Mary Mellor, Senior Lecturer in Sociology, Newcastle upon Tyne Polytechnic,
Francis Fukuyama, Senior Social Scientist, Rand Corporation, TRUST, 1995, p.4. FEMINISM AND ECOLOGY, 1997, p.162.
The enormous prosperity created by technology-driven capitalism, in turn, serves as an Ecofeminists incorporate an implicit or explicit rejection of capitalism in their critique of
incubator for a liberal regime of universal and equal rights, in which the struggle for western society, although very few adopt a socialist analysis in the Marxian sense. Carolyn
recognition of human dignity culminates. While many countries have had trouble creating Merchant has argued the case for a socialist analysis of the ecological crisis couched in
the institutions of democracy and free markets, and others, especially in parts of the former terms of socialist feminism: 'Socialist feminism views change as dynamic, interactive and
communist world, have slid backward into fascism or anarchy, the world's advanced dialectical, rather than as mechanistic, linear and incremental ... A socialist feminist
countries have no alternative model of political and economic organization other than environmental ethic involves developing sustainable, non-dominating relations with nature
democratic capitalism to which they can aspire. and supplying all peoples with a high quality of life'(1990:105). Merchant points out that
'socialist feminist environmental theory gives both reproduction and production central
AKH1551 PROSPERITY IS KEY TO PEACE. places', thus denying the centrality of the Marxian analysis of production. In a later book
Walter Mead, World Policy Institute, NEW PERSPECTIVE QUARTERLY, Summer, Merchant advocates a 'radical ecology' as the basis of a socialist position in which social
1992, p.30. movements such as bioregional movements, grassroots struggle and mainstream
What if the global economy stagnates -- or even shrinks? In that case, we will face a new environmental campaigning have largely replaced social class as political agents (1992).
period of international conflict. South against North, rich against poor. Russia, China,
India -- these countries with their billions of people and their nuclear weapons will pose AKH1558 FOR BOOKCHIN, THE CAPITALIST STATE DESTROYS BOTH SOCIETY
a much greater danger to world order than Germany and Japan did in the '30s. AND ENVIRONMENT
Alan Rudy and Andrew Light, Ph.D. in sociology, University of California, Santa Cruz,
AKH1552 PROSPERITY PROTECTS THE ENVIRONMENT. and Professor of Philosophy, University of Alberta, MINDING NATURE: THE
Martin Lewis, Pf. Geography, Duke U., Green Delusions, 1992, p.10-1. PHILOSOPHERS OF ECOLOGY, David Macauley, ed., 1996, p.323.
Only a strongly expanding economic base can generate the capital necessary to retool our For Bookchin, the capitalist conversion of human beings and nature into commodities is
economy into one that does not consume the earth in feeding itself. Ecological sanity will destroying society. Society is experiencing the "social dialectic and the contradictions of
be expensive, and if we cannot pay the price we may well perish. This proposition is even capitalism" as they expand from economic to hierarchical realms of society. These
more vital in regard to the Third World; only steady economic expansion can break the expanding forms of domination shape social life so that the "suffocating impersonality"
linkages so often found in poor nations between rural desperation and land degradation. of modern market-oriented life produces nothing that can serve as a normative guide for
Genuine development, in turn, requires both certain forms of industrialization as well as social interaction. The combination of the domination of the nation-state -- which "makes
participation in the global economy. us less than human ... towers over us, cajoles us, disempowers us, bilks us of our
substance, humiliates us -- and often kills us in its imperial adventures" -- and capitalism
AKH1553 DEMOCRACY IS KEY TO PEACE. -- which "is unique in contrast with other societies in that it places no limits on growth and
Zeev Maoz, Professor of Political Science, Tel Aviv University, INTERNATIONAL egotism" -- has destroyed all but the very last vestiges of "organic" society. For Bookchin,
SECURITY, Summer 1997, p.181. the nation-state and capitalism are simplifying both human social life and the natural world
If democracy has this kind of dampening effect on dispute propensity in cases of highly to the detriment of both. This simplification of society and ecology is inseparable from
dispute-prone dyads, it should -- and does -- have an even stronger effect on other capitalist technologies and "resources of abundance" which "reinforce the monopolistic,
politically relevant dyads. 'Me evidence is highly robust. No matter how we look at it, centralistic and bureaucratic tendencies in the political apparatus. In short, they furnish the
democracy, rather than any other ad hoc explanation, accounts for the drastic reduction in state with historically unprecedented means for manipulating and mobilizing the entire
levels of international conflict and brings the probability of war to near zero. environment of life -- and for perpetuating hierarchy, exploitation and unfreedom."

Francis Fukuyama, Senior Social Scientist, Rand Corporation, THE END OF HISTORY Martin Lewis, Professor, Duke University School of the Environment, GREEN
AND THE LAST MAN, 1992, p.114-15. DELUSIONS, 1992, p.9-10.
And in this respect, the communist world's truly abysmal environmental record suggests But a critique of these notions, however sound, misses the fundamental point. Ultimately,
that what is most effective in protecting the environment is neither capitalism nor green extremism is rooted in a single, powerful conviction: that continued economic
socialism, but democracy. As a whole, democratic political systems reacted much more growth is absolutely impossible, given the limits of a finite planet. Only if this notion is
quickly to the growth of ecological consciousness in the 1960s and 70s than did the world's discredited can the edifice of eco-radical philosophy be shaken.
dictatorships. For without a political system that permits local communities to protest the
siting of a highly toxic chemical plant in the middle of their communities, without freedom AKH1560 DEEP ECOLOGY THREATENS PROGRESS
for watchdog organizations to monitor the behavior of companies and enterprises, without Dwight Lee, university of Georgia Ramsey professor of economics, SOCIETY,
a national political leadership sufficiently sensitized that it is willing to devote substantial March/April 1992, p.54.
resources to protect the environment, a nation ends up with disasters like Chernobyl, or the Many of those who are working to create the impression of a looming natural-resource and
desiccation of the Aral Sea, or an infant mortality rate in Krakow that is four times the environmental crisis are enamored with the notion of reversing economic progress and
already high Polish national average, or a 70 percent rate of miscarriages in Western going aback to what they see as a simpler, more virtuous, and supportable way of life. Paul
Bohemia. Ehrlich, the Stanford University biologist and prophet of impending disaster, states:
"We've already had too much economic growth in the United States, Economic growth in
AKH1555 ALL VARIETIES OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADICALISM ASSUME rich countries likes ours is the disease, not the cure." The founder of Earth First, David
CAPITALISM IS THE ROOT CAUSE OF THE CRISIS Foreman, argues: "We must ... reclaim the roads and the plowed land, halt dam
Martin Lewis, Professor, Duke University School of the Environment, GREEN construction, tear down existing dams, free shackled rivers, and return to wilderness
DELUSIONS, 1992, p.150. millions and tens of millions of (acres of) presently settled land."
The belief that capitalism is a root cause of our environmental crisis is common to all
varieties of radical environmentalism. Among ecomarxists capitalism is, of course, singled
out as the overwhelming source of all ills, social and environmental. But even nonmarxist
greens like Herman Daly insist that an ecologically sustainable, fully capitalist economy
could not exist and that an alternative economic system must therefore be devised (Daly
and Cobb 1989:2).
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 137
Fareed Zakaria, managing editor of Foreign Affairs, NEW YORK TIMES BOOK Michael Novak, fellow, American Enterprise Institute, THE SPIRIT OF DEMOCRATIC
REVIEW, April 25, 1999, p.18. CAPITALISM, 1982, p.190.
The real fantasy in this book is of those wonderful traditional societies that flourished Second, national and ethnic loyalties have proved to be stronger than class loyalties. Thus
before modernity and the free market wrecked them. The reality in those communities for as early as World War I, workers, even socialist workers, manufactured the munitions used
most people was -- and is -- medieval levels of poverty, disease and starvation. That is why by soldiers, even socialist soldiers, in each of the national armies. Since that time, socialist
in every third world country peasants flee their settled patterns of life by the busloads, nations have declared war on one another, invaded one another, and publicly and
hoping to find jobs in factory towns and cities. Capitalism has provided the only durable emotionally denounced and threatened one another.
path out of misery for ordinary people, first in the West and now around the globe. Of
course the movement out of centuries-old poverty is highly dislocating, but the response AKH1567 SLOW GROWTH RISKS NAZISM AND WAR
can hardly be therefore to stop it. Leonard Silk, Ralph Bunche Institute on the United Nations Senior Research Fellow,
FOREIGN AFFAIRS, Winter 1992/93, p.173.
AKH1562 CAPITALISM IS THE ONLY VIABLE ECONOMIC SYSTEM I shall always remember the phrase of my old boss, Elliott V. Bell: "Out of the wreckage
Francis Fukuyama, Senior Social Scientist, Rand Corporation, THE END OF HISTORY of depression slithered the serpents of Nazism and war." Nowadays, reversing the
AND THE LAST MAN, 1992, p.90-1. celebrated maxim of George Santayana, we believe or hope that those who remember the
Despite the bad moral odor that capitalism has had for both the traditionalist-religious past are not condemned to repeat it. Yet it is already evident that the long period of slow
Right and the socialist-Marxist Left, its ultimate victory as the world's only viable growth, which some have called a "controlled depression," has produced revolutionary
economic system is easier to explain in terms of the Mechanism than is the victory of consequences of its own. It helped to shatter the Soviet empire. As the British editor
liberal democracy in the political sphere. For capitalism has proven far more efficient than William Rees-Mogg has written: "A world economic crisis is a type of world revolution.
centrally planned economic systems in developing and utilizing technology, and in It destroys old structures, economic and political. The Soviet Union, with it's rigid inability
adapting to the rapidly changing conditions of a global division of labor, under the to adapt, was the first to fall before the full force of the storm. Such a crisis destroys
conditions of a mature industrial economy. well-meaning politicians and promotes men of power.... It destroys respect for government,
as people discover that their leaders cannot control events."
Michael Novak, fellow, American Enterprise Institute, THE SPIRIT OF DEMOCRATIC AKH1568 DEPRESSIONS LED TO BOTH WORLD WARS
CAPITALISM, 1982, p.15. Steven Weber, Professor of Political Science, University of California-Berkeley,
While bastard forms of capitalism do seem able for a time to endure without democracy, FOREIGN AFFAIRS, July/August 1997, p.66.
the natural logic of capitalism leads to democracy. For economic liberties without political The depression at the end of the nineteenth century closed a historic era of advancing free
liberties are inherently unstable. Citizens economically free soon demand political trade and saw Germany and America move decisively toward protection. A shift in world
freedoms. Thus dictatorships or monarchies which permit some freedoms to the market economic power laid the groundwork for conflicts that would culminate in world war. The
have a tendency to evolve into political democracies, as has happened in recent years in Great Depression of the 1930s brought international protectionism and the near collapse
Greece, Portugal, Spain, and other nations. On the other side, the state which does not of trade. The gold standard disintegrated after competitive devaluations, and competing
recognize limits to its power in the economic sphere inevitably destroys liberties in the monetary blocs developed. The depression tore apart international cooperation, preparing
political sphere. the way for the rise of illiberal nationalist ideologies -- most prominently Nazism -- that
contributed, in turn, to another world war.
Milton Friedman, Nobel Prize winning economist, CAPITALISM AND FREEDOM, 1962, A BETTER ENVIRONMENT
p.9. Bjorn Lomborg, Professor of Statistics, Department of Political Science, University of
Viewed as a means to the end of political freedom, economic arrangements are important Aarhus, THE SKEPTICAL ENVIRONMENTALIST, 2001, p.32-3.
because of their effect on the concentration or dispersion of power. The kind of economic In general we need to confront our myth of the economy undercutting the environrnent.
organization that provides economic freedom directly, namely, competitive capitalism, also We have grown to believe that we are faced with an inescapable choice between higher
promotes political freedom. because it separates economic power from political power and economic welfare and a greener environment. But surprisingly and as will be documented
in this way enables the one to offset the other. Historical evidence speaks with a single throughout this book, environmental development often stems from economic development
voice on the relation between political freedom and a free market. I know of no example -- only when we get sufficiently rich can we afford the relative luxury of caring about the
in time or place of a society that has been marked by a large measure of political freedom, environment. On its most general level, this conclusion is evident in Figure 9, where higher
and that has not also used something comparable to a free market to organize the bulk of income in general is correlated with higher environmental sustainability.
economic activity.
Francis Fukuyama, Senior Social Scientist, Rand Corporation, TRUST, 1995, p.360-1. David Schmidtz and Matt Zwolinski, Professors of Philosophy, University of Arizona,
The role that a capitalist economy plays in channeling recognition struggles in a peaceful ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS, Spring 2003, p.103.
direction, and its consequent importance to democratic stability is evident in Like Gruen, Mark Sagoff in his essay on "Consumption" argues that technological
postcommunist Eastern Europe. The totalitarian project envisioned the destruction of an progress often lets us do more with less. Sagoff thus rejects the wholesale technological
independent civil society and the creation of a new socialist community centered pessimism of people like Paul Ehrlich (pp. 480-82). It was no fluke that Ehrlich lost his
exclusively around the state. When the latter, highly artificial community collapsed, there infamous bet against Julian Simon. (Simon invited Ehrlich to select any raw material he
were virtually no alternative forms of community beyond those of family and ethnic group, wanted, and any date in the future more than a year away, offering to bet that the
or else in the delinquent communities constituted by criminal gangs. In the absence of a inflation-adjusted price of whatever Ehrlich selected would be lower by the target date,
layer of voluntary associations, individuals clung to their ascriptive identities all the more indicating decreasing rather than increasing scarcity. In 1980, Ehrlich selected five
fiercely. Ethnicity provided an easy form of community by which they could avoid feeling minerals -- chromium, copper, nickel, tin, and tungsten -- and a target date in 1990. Ehrlich
atomized, weak, and victimized by the larger historical forces swirling around them. In lost on all five counts., Simon renewed the invitation: any raw material, any future date.
developed capitalist societies with strong civil societies, by contrast, the economy itself is This time, Ehrlich declined.) Increasing consumption in the sense of higher living
the locus of a substantial part of social life. When one works for Motorola, Siemens, standards does not imply increasing consumption in terms of natural resource input. Sagoff
Toyota, or even a small family dry-cleaning business, one is part of a moral network that argues that we can enjoy higher standards of living even while reducing our ecological
absorbs a large part of one's energies and ambitions. The Eastern European countries that footprint. In part, this is due to our ability to discover ways to reduce our need for
appear to have the greatest chances for success as democracies are Hungary, Poland, and relatively scarce inputs, as when petroleum was developed as a substitute for whale oil,
the Czech Republic, which retained nascent civil societies throughout the communist thereby increasing out quality of life and saving whales in the process. Of course, that
period and were able to generate capitalist private sectors in relatively short order. There petroleum can replace whale oil is not a natural fact but an artifact of technological
is no lack of divisive ethnic conflicts in these places, whether over competing Polish and process. In a well-functioning economy, consumption that transforms resources into waste
Lithuanian claims to Vilnius or Hungarian irredenta vis-a-vis neighbors. But they have not (p. 473) occurs in tandem with production that transforms waste into resources (e.g.,
flared up into violent conflicts yet because the economy has been sufficiently vigorous to technology that recycles copper or replaces it with fiber optic cable made out of sand). This
provide an alternative source of social identity and belonging. was what Simon understood and Ehrlich did not.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 138
DEVASTATION Martin Lewis, Professor, Duke University School of the Environment, GREEN
Martin Lewis, Professor, Duke University School of the Environment, GREEN DELUSIONS, 1992, p.9.
DELUSIONS, 1992, p.9. If the most extreme version of the radical green agenda were to be fully enacted without
If, on the other hand, eco-extremists were to succeed only in paralyzing the economy's a truly massive human die-off first, forests would be stripped clean of wood and all large
capacity for further research, development, and expansion, our future could turn out to be animals would be hunted to extinction by hordes of neo-primitives desperate for food and
reminiscent of the environmental nightmare of Poland in the 1980S, with a stagnant warmth.
economy continuing to rely on outmoded, pollution-belching industries. A throttled
steady-state economy would simply lack the resources necessary to create an AKH1578 RETURN TO NATURE WOULD BE AN ENVIRONMENTAL
environmentally benign technological base for a populace that shows every sign of CATASTROPHE
continuing to demand electricity, hot water, and other conveniences. Eastern Europe shows Martin Lewis, Professor, Duke University School of the Environment, GREEN
well the environmental devastation that occurs when DELUSIONS, 1992, p.8.
economic growth stalls out in an already industrialized society. Yet unless our numbers court be reduced to a small fraction of present levels, any return
to nature would be an environmental catastrophe. The more the human presence is placed
AKH1572 LIMITS ON GROWTH IMPERIL ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRESS directly on the land and the more immediately it is provisioned from nature, the fewer
Indur Goklany, Manager of Science and Engineering, Department of the Interior, THE resources will be available for nonhuman species. If all Americans were to flee from
TRUE STATE OF THE PLANET, Ronald Bailey, ed., 1995, p.370. metropolitan areas, rural populations would soar and wildlife habitat would necessarily
From a global perspective, the environmental priorities for improving air quality, all diminish.
focused on the developing world, should be, first, reducing indoor air pollutants in homes
using biofuels and coal for cooking and heating, and, second, reducing urban outdoor AKH1579 RADICAL ENVIRONMENTALISM'S ANTI-MODERNISM CAN LEAD TO
particulates and SO2. Finally, anything that unduly retards economic growth in developing ECOFASCISM
countries - including inefficient policies, no matter how well intentioned - will ultimately Michael Zimmerman, Professor of Philosophy, Tulane University, MINDING NATURE:
retard net environmental progress and imperil human lives. THE PHILOSOPHERS OF ECOLOGY, David Macauley, ed., 1996, p.63.
Radical environmentalists are ill-informed if they believe that Marxists and liberal theorists
AKH1573 THE DEMOCRATIC PEACE IS INDISPUTABLE ciriticize radical environmentalism solely because it threatens their growth-oriented
Bruce Russett, Yale University Political Science Professor, SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, economies. Instead, such criticism is also advanced because progressive thinkers (here I
November 1993, p.120. mean the best socialist and liberal theorists) recall National Socialism's celebration of the
This research of social scientists points to an irrefutable and tantalizing observation: stable link between a healthy race and an unpolluted landscape. In view of that link, socialist and
democracies are unlikely to engage in military disputes with one another or to let any such liberal theorists are understandably suspicious of radical environmentalists who either
conflicts escalate into war. In fact, they rarely even skirmish, condemn modernity in toto, or who claim that they are neither left nor right, but "out in
front." If environmentalists are correct in saying that modernity gives rise to totalizing
AKH1574 DEMOCRATIC PEACE CORRELATIONS ARE STATISTICALLY systems with ecologically destructive tendencies, supporters of modernity are also right
SIGNIFICANT in replying that radical ecology may inadvertently help to generate ecofascism by
Bruce Russett, et al, Yale University, INTERNATIONAL SECURITY, SPRING 1995, promoting an anti-universalistic antihumanism that undermines modernity's emancipatory
P.170. aims.
An obvious question to ask is: what is the probability, assuming independence over many
trials, of consistently finding zero (or 4 or 5 in the Finland years) democracies at war, AKH1580 DEEP ECOLOGY JUSTIFIES TYRANNY
Instead of taking each individual-year "test" in isolation, what is the probability of Lincoln Allison, Sir Robert Meuzies Centre for Australian Studies visiting fellow,
producing this finding year after year? The answer requires multiplying the probabilities ECOLOGY AND UTILITY, 1991, p.41-42.
in each year; for example, the probability of finding no liberal dyads at war in 1980 is, Then Porrit affirms, `the belief that everyone should be empowered to determine the course
from Spiro's table, .829; in 1979.704, etc., so the calculation is .8289 times .704, etc. The of his or her own life within the constraints of a finite planet. To which the world-weary
joint probability over 165 years is .000000000000000000002, which would appear to be political theorist is bound by professional duty to point out that whoever gets the job of
impressive evidence for democratic peace. defining `the constraints of a finite planet' will have enormous and unprecedented power,
greater, even, than that of his predecessors who allowed people freedom within God's laws
AKH1575 GLOBAL CAPITALISM EXTENDS LIFE AND RAISES LIVING or within the historical needs of the state. Ecology cannot be improved without stopping
STANDARDS WORLDWIDE a lot of people from doing things they would otherwise choose to do; the Porritt formula
Thomas Friedman, Pulitzer Prize-winning foreign affairs columnist, New York Times, is either a recipe for ineffectiveness or a license for authoritarianism. It may, indeed, be
THE LEXUS AND THE OLIVE TREE, 2000, p.350 both: the `worst case scenario' is massive authority based on a badly-constructed theory
Indeed, for all the churning that global capitalism brings to a society, the spread of of `the needs of a finite planet.'
capitalism has raised living standards higher, faster and for more people than at any time
in history. It has also brought more poor people into the middle classes more quickly than AKH1581 BY DEPICTING HUMANS AS A CANCER, RADICAL ECOLOGY OFFERS
at any time in human history. So while the gap between rich and poor is getting wider-as A RATIONALE FOR MASS KILLING
the winners in today's globalization system really take off and separate themselves from Michael Zimmerman, Professor of Philosophy, Tulane University, CONTESTING
everyone else-the floor under the poor has been rising steadily in many pans of the world. EARTH'S FUTURE, 1994, p.117.
In other words, while relative poverty may be growing in many countries, absolute poverty Elsewhere, however, Levi-Strauss contends that modern societies are to primitive societies
is actually failing in many countries. According to the 1997 United Nations Human as viruses are to higher animals. Western scientific method is like a virus that invades other
Development report, poverty has fallen more in the past fifty years than in the previous cultures and forces them to reproduce Western ways. Left unchecked, viruses destroy their
five hundred. Developing countries have progressed as fast in the past thirty years as the hosts: "And we may well ask ourselves what will happen when our civilization has injected
industrialized world did in the previous century. Since 1960, infant mortality rates, its formula into all other living civilizations and transformed them into its own image and,
malnutrition and illiteracy are all significantly down, while access to safe water is way up. consequently, will no longer possess this mode of perpetuating itself." The parallels
In relatively short periods of time, countries that have been the most open to globalization, between this view of Western civilization and the Nazi view of Jews and other "vermin"
like Taiwan, Singapore, Israel, Chile and Sweden, have achieved standards of living are disturbing, for the same reasons that the comparisons made by certain Earth Firsters
comparable to those in America and Japan, while the ranks of the middle class in countries between humanity (especially Western humanity) and a cancer on the planet are disturbing.
like Thailand, Brazil, India and Korea have swelled, due partly to globalization. By depicting humans as pests worthy of extermination, one may end up embracing the
same crude metaphors (and unwittingly inviting similar practices) used by the Nazis. Given
AKH1576 DEMOCRATIC CAPITALISM SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASES the complexity of the relation between human and nonhuman life, it seems just as
LONGEVITY inadequate to say that we are "simply animals" as it is to say that we are "radically other
Arthur Herman, Professor of History, George Mason, THE IDEA OF DECLINE IN than animals."
WESTERN HISTORY, 1997, p.441.
In his book The Good Society and Its Discontents, Robert Samuelson points out that AKH1582 ECO-RADICALS REPUDIATE DEMOCRACY
modern Americans live a strange paradox. On the one hand, their material life has Martin Lewis, Professor, Duke University School of the Environment, GREEN
improved dramatically in the four decades since the end of World War 11. Average life DELUSIONS, 1992, p.40.
expectancy in 1930 was 58 years for men, 61 years for women. In 1990 it was 71 years for All forms of political extremism, be they identified as right or left, unite in their disdain
men, 79 years for women. Median family income in 1940 was $18,000 measured in 1993 for democracy as we know it. While many lavish praise on a hypothetical form of direct
dollars; in 1990 it was more than $39,000. Today the United States and other industrial or participatory democracy (for example, Tokar 1987), all implicitly disparage
economies grow on average at twice or three times the rate that they did in the nineteenth representative democracy as a sham, a circus staged by big-money interests. (Some would
century. Taken in conjunction with its twin victories over fascism in World War II and go so far as to suggest that "representation" is fraudulent as long as animals and plants
communism in the Cold War, democratic capitalism represents an extraordinarily have no parliamentary voice [see Nash 1989:130].) Given the fact that the electorate almost
successful chapter in the history of human civilization. always rejects their call, this attitude is hardly surprising. In return, the more extreme
eco-radicals regard the majority of voters with barely concealed contempt, viewing them
as blind stooges easily deceived by the blandishments of a corporate-owned mass media.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 139
Martin Lewis, Professor, Duke University School of the Environment, GREEN Karl Popper, Professor of Philosophy, University of London, THE OPEN SOCIETY AND
If green extremism rejects representative democracy in theory, its response to existing The Utopian approach may be described as follows. Any rational action must have a
American governmental institutions is one of extraordinary contempt. Most eco-radicals certain aim. It is rational in the same degree as it pursues its aim consciously and
would like to demolish our entire political foundation, and many argue that all consistently, and as it determines its means according to this end. To choose the end is
national-level structures are inherently destructive of the environment. Here they can find therefore the first thing we have to do if we wish to act rationally; and we must be careful
much agreement on the far right. Indeed, a newly touted extreme rightwing version of to determine our real or ultimate ends, from which we must distinguish clearly those
environmental philosophy, the so-called "free-market environmentalism" of Anderson and intermediate or partial ends which actually are only means, or steps on the way, to the
Leal (1991), is as hostile to the American government as is the environmentalism of the ultimate end. If we neglect this distinction, then we must also neglect to ask whether these
far left. The only difference is that rightist radicals would like to see power devolve onto partial ends are likely to promote the ultimate end, and accordingly, we must fail to act
wealthy individuals and corporations rather than the properly constituted communities or rationally. These principles, if applied to the realm of political activity, demand that we
politically acceptable social classes favored by the far left. must determine our ultimate political aim, or the Ideal State, before taking any practical
action. Only when this ultimate aim is determined, in rough outline at least, only when we
AKH1584 ECO-RADICALS THREATEN CIVILIZATION are in possession of something like a blueprint of the society at which we aim, only then
Martin Lewis, Professor, Duke University School of the Environment, GREEN can we begin to consider the best ways and means for its realization, and to draw up a plan
DELUSIONS, 1992, p.42. for practical action. These are the necessary preliminaries of any practical political move
These eclectic voices, however, are beginning to be drowned out by those of the true that can be called rational, and especially of social engineering.
extremists, writers who, like Christopher Manes (1990),call for nothing less than the total
demolition of civilization. Those who are convinced that humanity is destroying nature AKH1590 IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO TOTALLY REINVENT POLITICS
generally advocate taking the strongest medicine conceivable. Unfortunately, they are Harvard Nuclear Study Group, LIVING WITH NUCLEAR WEAPONS, 1983, p.19.
proposing a lethal overdose. lt would be a tragedy if opportunities for practical progress toward nuclear peace were
missed because our goals were set too high, beyond the reach of what is possible. In his
AKH1585 ECO-RADICALS REJECT MODERN TECHNOLOGY book The Fate of the Earth, Jonathan Schell has reminded people of the dangers of nuclear
Martin Lewis, Professor, Duke University School of the Environment, GREEN war but his "solution" is precisely such an impossible goal. "The task," he wrote, "is
DELUSIONS, 1992, p.117. nothing less than to reinvent politics: to reinvent the world." In reality, however, neither
Most green radicals define technologies as appropriate if they are small of scale, lend politics nor the world were invented by men, nor can either politics or the world be
themselves to decentralization, emit little pollution, and do not require extensive reinvented. Rather, these arrangements evolved through trial and error, through sacrifice
consumption of natural resources. While the more sophisticated thinkers (for example, and occasional gifted leadership, to an organization of life on earth that has reached
Porritt 1985) argue that some forms of high technology may be allowable, the larger unprecedented attainments. The nature of humanity, the complex mosaic of civilizations,
eco-radical agenda makes it clear that appropriate technology must exclude virtually every the web of relations that unite so many nations cannot be taken apart and reinvented in the
innovation made over the past century - if not the past five millennia. future. They can, we hope, continue to evolve.

David Schmidtz and Matt Zwolinski, Professors of Philosophy, University of Arizona, Karl Popper, Professor of Philosophy, University of London, THE OPEN SOCIETY AND
Lori Gruen's essay on "Technology" exhibits a similarly nice balance. She concludes, A generalization of this argument leads to a further criticism of the Utopian approach. This
"Technology is surely implicated in much environmental damage, . . . [I]t is tempting to approach, it is clear, can be of practical value only if we assume that the original blueprint,
think that technology, in itself, is objectionable. Such an argument, however, is hard to perhaps with certain adjustments, remains the basis of the work until it is completed. But
sustain. If nature is valuable, as many have argued, then technology can be used to inform, that will take some time. It will be a time of revolutions, both political and spiritual, and
educate, and assist in promoting its value" (p. 447). As Kristen Shrader-Frechette once said of new experiments and experience in the political field. It is therefore to be expected that
in conversation, technology is part of the problem, but it has to be part of the solution, too. ideas and ideals will change. What had appeared the ideal state to the people who made the
Gruen focuses on education, but obvious promise for environmental progress also lies in original blueprint, may not appear so to their successors. If that is granted, then the whole
areas of solar power technology and birth control technology. A complementary point, approach breaks down. The method of first establishing an ultimate political aim and then
mentioned in Ian Simmons's essay on "History," is that low income or low access to beginning to move towards it is futile if we admit that the aim may be considerably
technology does not necessarily mean low environmental impact (p.293). changed during the process of its realization. It may at any moment turn out that the steps
so far taken actually lead away from the realization of the new aim. And if we change our
AKH1587 RADICAL ENVIRONMENTALISM EMBRACES ANARCHISM direction according to the new aim, then we expose ourselves to the same risk again. In
John Barry, Lecturer, Department of Politics, Keele University, RETHINKING GREEN spite of all the sacrifices made, we may never get-anywhere at all.
POLITICS, 1999, p.96.
It is from this dualistic methodology, coupled with the utopiancritical demands of the early AKH1592 EVEN BENEVOLENT UTOPIAN ASPIRATIONS FAIL
green movement, that eco-anarchism became the dominant political theory of greens. Three Karl Popper, Professor of Philosophy, University of London, THE OPEN SOCIETY AND
steps can be identified in this process: ITS ENEMIES, VOLUME ONE: THE SPELL OF PLATO, 1966, p.159-60.
1. the concern with what a 'sustainable society' would look like, to highlight the Some points not touched upon in that chapter furnish us with even more direct arguments
unsustainable nature of existing society; which led to against the Utopian approach. One of the difficulties faced by a benevolent dictator is to
2. a focus on mapping 'the sustainable society', that is describing, often in great detail, a find whether the effects of his measures agree with his good intentions (as de Tocqueville
generally agreed picture/blueprint of that society; saw clearly more than a hundred years ago). The difficulty arises out of the fact that
3. the assumption of the sustainable society as 'anarchistic', to rule out eco-authoritarian authoritarianism must discourage criticism; accordingly, the benevolent dictator will not
dystopias, and to act as the benchmark against which 'greenness' could be judged. easily hear of complaints concerning the measures he has taken. But without some such
It is the particular historical development of green theory (both internal debates, and check, he can hardly find out whether his measures achieve the desired benevolent aim.
between it and other theories such as socialism and liberalism), and green political practice
(fundis/realos), that largely account for the prevalence of the eco-anarchist solution. AKH1593 UTOPIANISM LEADS TO THE SUPPRESSION OF REASONABLE
AKH1588 ANARCHY FAILS TO PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT Karl Popper, Professor of Philosophy, University of London, THE OPEN SOCIETY AND
Gerald Gaus and John Chapman, Professors of Political Science, University of Pittsburgh, ITS ENEMIES, VOLUME ONE: THE SPELL OF PLATO, 1966, p.160.
ANARCHISM, J. Rowland Pennock and John Chapman, eds., 1978, p.xxii. The situation must become even worse for the Utopian engineer. The reconstruction of
In reflecting on Rothbard's plan, Christopher D. Stone finds a number of difficulties likely society is a big undertaking which must cause considerable inconvenience to many, and
to arise in anarcho-capitalism. Of these perhaps the most critical have to do with activities for a considerable span of time. Accordingly, the Utopian engineer will have to be deaf to
injurious to the general community rather than to specified individuals; for example, many complaints; in fact, it will be part of his business to suppress unreasonable
environmental pollution. His argument at this point coincides with that of Alan objections. (He will say, like Lenin, 'You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.')
Wertheimer. Rothbard's adversary-arbitration model seems ill-designed to cope with such But with it, he must invariably suppress reasonable criticism also.
collective depredations.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 140
Karl Popper, Professor of Philosophy, University of London, THE OPEN SOCIETY AND Karl Popper, Professor of Philosophy, University of London, THE OPEN SOCIETY AND
What I criticize under the name Utopian engineering recommends the reconstruction of The prophets who prophesy the coming of a millennium may give expression to a
society as a whole, i.e. very sweeping changes whose practical consequences are hard to deep-seated feeling of dissatisfaction; and their dreams may indeed give hope and
calculate, owing to our limited experiences. It claims to plan rationally for the whole of encouragement to some who can hardly do without them. But we must also realize that
society, although we do not possess anything like the factual knowledge which would be their influence is liable to prevent us from facing the daily tasks of social life. And those
necessary to make good such an ambitious claim. We cannot possess such knowledge since minor prophets who announce that certain events, such as a lapse into totalitarianism (or
we have insufficient practical experience in this kind of planning, and knowledge of facts perhaps into 'managerialism'), are bound to happen may, whether they like it or not, be
must be based upon experience. At present, the sociological knowledge necessary for instrumental in bringing these events about.
large-scale engineering is simply non-existent.
Karl Popper, Professor of Philosophy, University of London, THE OPEN SOCIETY AND ITS ENEMIES, VOLUME ONE: THE SPELL OF PLATO, 1966, p.159.
ITS ENEMIES, VOLUME ONE: THE SPELL OF PLATO, 1966, p.167-8. As opposed to that, the Utopian attempt to realize an ideal state, using a blueprint of
This leads us to the more important second point, to the irrationalism which is inherent in society as a whole, is one which demands a strong centralized rule of a few, and which
radicalism. In all matters, we can only learn by trial and error, by making mistakes and therefore is to lead to a dictatorship. This I consider a criticism of the Utopian approach;
improvements; we can never rely on inspiration, although inspirations may be most for I have tried to show, in the chapter on the Principle of Leadership, that an authoritarian
valuable as long as they can be checked by experience. Accordingly, it is not reasonable rule is a most objectionable form of government.
to assume that a complete reconstruction of our social world would lead at once to a
workable system. Rather we should expect that, owing to lack of experience, many AKH1601 UTOPIANISM DESTROYS THE FABRIC OF SOCIAL LIFE
mistakes would be made which could be eliminated only by a long and laborious process Chris Matthew Sciabarra, New York University Politics Department, AYN RAND: THE
of small adjustments; in other words, by that rational method of piecemeal engineering RUSSIAN RADICAL, 1995, p.148.
whose application we advocate. But those who dislike this method as insufficiently radical In Hayek's view, cultural traditions are largely the result of inarticulate social practices.
would have again to wipe out their freshly constructed society, in order to start anew with Hayek argued that spontaneously emergent social institutions are the historical product of
a clean canvas; and since the new start, for the same reasons, would not lead to perfection human interaction but not of deliberate design. The attempt to alter these evolved
either, they would have to repeat this process without ever getting anywhere. Those who institutions by will is one of the hallmarks of utopianism. Those who seek to control the
admit this and are prepared to adopt our more modest method of piecemeal improvements, delicate fabric of social life ultimately destroy the very forces that generate order. Hayek
but only after the first radical canvas-cleaning, can hardly escape the criticism that their condemned these utopians as "constructivist rationalists." His critique of utopianism was
first sweeping and violent measures were quite unnecessary. simultaneously a powerful indictment of the efficacy and propriety of state planning.

Karl Popper, Professor of Philosophy, University of London, THE OPEN SOCIETY AND Karl Popper, Professor of Philosophy, University of London, THE OPEN SOCIETY AND
Another difficulty of Utopian engineering is related to the problem of the dictator's Aestheticism and radicalism must lead us to jettison reason, and to replace it by a desperate
successor. In chapter 7 I have mentioned certain aspects of this problem. Utopian hope for political miracles. This irrational attitude which springs from an intoxication with
engineering raises a difficulty analogous to but even more serious than the one which faces dreams of a beautiful world is what I call Romanticism. It may seek its heavenly city in the
the benevolent tyrant who tries to find an equally benevolent successor (see note 25 to past or in the future; it may preach 'back to nature' or 'forward to a world of love and
chapter 7). The very sweep of such a Utopian undertaking makes it improbable that it will beauty'; but its appeal is always to our emotions rather than to reason. Even with the best
realize its ends during the lifetime of one social engineer, or group of engineers. And if the intentions of making heaven on earth it only succeeds in making it a hell -- that hell which
successors do not pursue the same ideal, then all the sufferings of the people for the sake man alone prepares for his fellow-men.
of the ideal may have been in vain.
Karl Popper, Professor of Philosophy, University of London, THE OPEN SOCIETY AND Karl Popper, Professor of Philosophy, University of London, THE OPEN SOCIETY AND
We see now that the Utopian approach can be saved only by the Platonic belief in one Before proceeding to criticize Utopian engineering in detail, I wish to outline another
absolute and unchanging ideal, together with two further assumptions, namely (a) that approach to social engineering, namely, that of piecemeal engineering. It is an approach
there are rational methods to determine once and for all what this ideal is, and (b) what the which I think to be methodologically sound. The politician who adopts this method may
best means of its realization are. Only such far-reaching assumptions could prevent us from or may not have a blueprint of society before his mind, he may or may not hope that
declaring the Utopian methodology to be utterly futile. But even Plato himself and the mankind will one day realize an ideal state, and achieve happiness and perfection on earth.
most ardent Platonists would admit that (a) is certainly not true; that there is no rational But he will be aware that perfection, if at all attainable, is far distant, and that every
method for determining the ultimate aim, but, if anything, only some kind of intuition. Any generation of men, and therefore also the living. have a claim; perhaps not so much a claim
difference of opinion between Utopian engineers must therefore lead, in the absence of to be made happy, for there are no institutional means of making a man happy, but a claim
rational methods, to the use of power instead of reason, i.e. to violence. not to be made unhappy, where it can be avoided. They have a claim to be given all
possible help, if they suffer. The piecemeal engineer will, accordingly, adopt the method
AKH1598 UTOPIANISM UNDERMINES PRACTICAL PROBLEM SOLVING of searching for, and fighting against, the greatest and most urgent evils of society, rather
Harvard Nuclear Study Group, LIVING WITH NUCLEAR WEAPONS, 1983, p.18-9. than searching for' and fighting for, its greatest ultimate good. This difference is far from
When facing enormous problems, there is a special attraction to the assumption that only being merely verbal. In fact, it is most important. It is the difference between a reasonable
radical answers can suffice. Hence, the strong pull of utopian visions of both the extreme method of improving the lot of man, and a method which, if really tried, may easily lead
left and the extreme right: the ideas that only a world government can solve all our to an intolerable increase in human suffering.
problems or that sheer military muscle is all that America needs. Both prescribe
all-purpose solutions, but each ignores the real world. In the real world, packed with huge AKH1604 PIECEMEAL REFORM IS FAR EASIER TO ACCOMPLISH
nuclear arsenals, mere military muscle, unless built and exercised with restraint and skill, Karl Popper, Professor of Philosophy, University of London, THE OPEN SOCIETY AND
will not ensure American security. In the real world of sovereign states, a world ITS ENEMIES, VOLUME ONE: THE SPELL OF PLATO, 1966, p.158-9.
government is a dream for the distant future, not a practical goal for current policymakers. In favour of his method, the piecemeal engineer can claim that a systematic fight against
The danger of focusing on utopian objectives is that they can take attention away from suffering and injustice and war is more likely to be supported by the approval and
practical and positive steps that can be taken now. Such actions may only produce agreement of a great number of people than the fight for the establishment of some ideal.
incremental progress toward the goal of national security. But incremental steps matter. The existence of social evils, that is to say, of social conditions under which many men are
suffering, can be comparatively well established. Those who suffer can judge for
themselves, and the others can hardly deny that they would not like to change places. It is
infinitely more difficult to reason about an ideal society. Social life is so complicated that
few men, or none at all, could judge a blueprint for social engineering on the grand scale;
whether it be practicable; whether it would result in a real improvement; what kind of
suffering it may involve; and what may be the means for its realization. As opposed to this,
blueprints for piecemeal engineering are comparatively simple. They are blueprints for
single institutions, for health and unemployed insurance, for instance, or arbitration courts,
or anti-depression budgeting, or educational reform. If they go wrong, the damage is not
very great, and a re-adjustment not very difficult. They are less risky, and for this very
reason less controversial.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 141
Karl Popper, Professor of Philosophy, University of London, THE OPEN SOCIETY AND Ben Bolch and Harold Lyons, Professors of Economics and Chemistry, Rhodes College,
But if it is easier to reach a reasonable agreement about existing evils and the means of This attempt to convince by fear and intimidation is one of the surest of all tip-offs that the
combating them than it is about an ideal good and the means of its realization, then there issue being discussed is not the environment but rather some hidden agenda: a new utopia.
is also more hope that by using the piecemeal method we may get over the very greatest Why else must the burden of proof fall on those who would preserve freedom rather than
practical difficulty of all reasonable political reform, namely, the use of reason, instead of on those who would take it away? How else could the gift of democratic capitalism, which
passion and violence, in executing the programme. There will be a possibility of reaching has given us nothing less than the revolutionary enhancement of human life and the
a reasonable compromise and therefore of achieving the improvement by democratic elimination of starvation and abject poverty, be damned by those purveyors of
methods. melancholy? Like other collectivist utopians before them, environmentalists feel the need,
in Karl Popper's words, to clean the canvas before they paint the beautiful picture of their
AKH1606 IT'S BEST TO PROCEED BY CHANGING ONE INSTITUTION AT A TIME new order. But unlike their predecessors, the utopians wish to erase more than institutions
Karl Popper, Professor of Philosophy, University of London, THE OPEN SOCIETY AND and ideas; they wish to erase people as well. What they fail to realize is that in the process
ITS ENEMIES, VOLUME ONE: THE SPELL OF PLATO, 1966, p.163. of canvas cleaning, they will also erase themselves.
But the kind of experiment from which we can learn most is the alteration of one social
institution at a time. For only in this way can we learn how to fit institutions into the AKH1612 UTOPIAN ENVIRONMENTALISM LEADS TO STATISM
framework of other institutions, and how to adjust them so that they work according to our Ben Bolch and Harold Lyons, Professors of Economics and Chemistry, Rhodes College,
intentions. And only in this way can we make mistakes, and learn from our mistakes, APOCALYPSE NOT, 1993, p.7.
without risking repercussions of a gravity that must endanger the will to future reforms. Modern socialist utopian movements, like much of the environmental movement, stress
the need to look far into the future (as in the thousand-year Reich) and to impose great
AKH1607 PIECEMEAL REFORM PROVIDES A SUPERIOR DATA BASE present sacrifices to ensure the goodness of the outcome of that distant future. This
Karl Popper, Professor of Philosophy, University of London, THE OPEN SOCIETY AND forward-looking stance of the environmental movement often leads to specious forecasts,
ITS ENEMIES, VOLUME ONE: THE SPELL OF PLATO, 1966, p.162. such as those associated with global warming, where experts have the temerity to discuss
Such arguments in favour of Utopian engineering exhibit a prejudice which is as widely the weather 50 years in the future when present-day weather forecasters have difficulty
held as it is untenable, namely, the prejudice that social experiments must be on a 'large forecasting 50 days (much less 50 months) into the future. Nevertheless, those movements
scale', that they must involve the whole of society if they are to be carried out under are willing, by virtue of their fantastic pretensions of knowledge, to grant colossal powers
realistic conditions. But piecemeal social experiments can be carried out under realistic to the state. Such powers allow the control and manipulation of every detail of political,
conditions, in the midst of society, in spite of being on a ' small scale ', that is to say, economic, and intellectual life for the sake of an improved future. An absurdly long time
without revolutionizing the whole of society. In fact, we are making such experiments all horizon, coupled with absolute state control, is supposed to ensure for both socialist
the time. The introduction of a new kind of life-insurance, of a new kind of taxation, of a utopians and environmentalists that the base selfishness in mankind will be replaced by a
new penal reform, are all social experiments which have their repercussions through the collective consciousness that is ever more favorable to the movement's goals.
whole of society without remodelling society as a whole. Even a man who opens a new
shop, or who reserves a ticket for the theatre, is carrying out a kind of social experiment AKH1613 SUCCESSFUL ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVISM HAS BEEN UTILITARIAN
on a small scale; and all our knowledge of social conditions is based on experience gained Ben Bolch and Harold Lyons, Professors of Economics and Chemistry, Rhodes College,
by making experiments of this kind. APOCALYPSE NOT, 1993, p.9.
The beauty of the pluralistic society that most Americans once cherished is that people
AKH1608 PIECEMEAL APPROACHES ALLOW SCIENTIFIC READJUSTMENTS who place great value on environmental amenities, and can afford them, are quite free to
Karl Popper, Professor of Philosophy, University of London, THE OPEN SOCIETY AND spend their own income to obtain them. The idea that a wealthy person could repair to
ITS ENEMIES, VOLUME ONE: THE SPELL OF PLATO, 1966, p.163. some natural retreat at periodic intervals is an old one in our culture. In fact, Americans
Furthermore, the Utopian method must lead to a dangerous dogmatic attachment to a value the benefits of natural settings so greatly that the nation has extended the ability to
blueprint for which countless sacrifices have been made. Powerful interests must become return to those settings to the poor by providing public parks, seashores, and the like. Thus,
linked up with the success of the experiment. All this does not contribute to the rationality, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when the federal government spent a minuscule
or to the scientific value, of the experiment. But the piecemeal method permits repeated portion of national income by present standards, the Preservation movement was able to
experiments and continuous readjustments. In fact, it might lead to the happy situation mobilize public opinion in favor of a system of national parks. But preservationists like
where politicians begin to look out for their own mistakes instead of trying to explain them John Muir were interested in the rewards to humanity of preserving the beauty of nature
away and to prove that they have always been right. This -- and not Utopian planning or and in the intangible benefits (such as greater love of country) that natural preserves might
historical prophecy -- would mean the introduction of scientific method into politics, since bring in their train. Another great American movement, the Conservationists, was even
the whole secret of scientific method is a readiness to learn from mistakes. more utilitarian, stressing such things as water projects and sustained agricultural yields.
According to the great champion of that movement, Gifford Pinchot, "Conservation means
AKH1609 THE ENVIRONMENTAL MOVEMENT IS UTOPIAN the greatest good for the greatest number [of people] for the longest time."
Ben Bolch and Harold Lyons, Professors of Economics and Chemistry, Rhodes College,
Sincere scholars who seek to understand the motives of the environmental movement Stanley Rosen, Professor of Philosophy, Penn State, NIHILISM, 1969, p.xiii.
disagree over whether it is at root a political-economic struggle for power or a Nietzsche defines nihilism as the situation which obtains when "everything is permitted."
manifestation of a new kind of religion: political scientist Aaron Wildavsky is a good If everything is permitted, then it makes no difference what we do, and so nothing is worth
exponent of the power theory while economist Robert Nelson is a leading advocate of the anything. We can, of course, attribute value by an act of arbitrary resolution, but such an
religion theory. We believe there are both elements in the environmental movement. Just act proceeds ex nihilo or defines its significance by a spontaneous assertion which can be
as a kind of religion is mixed with the need for power in utopian systems such as Marxism, negated with equal justification. More specifically, there is in such a case no justification
so religion and power are intertwined in the environmental move meet. Indeed, by looking for choosing either the value originally posited or its negation, and the speech of
at the environmental movement as a form of utopianism, one has the best chance of "justification" is indistinguishable from silence.
understanding its complex, sometimes irrational, and often contradictory viewpoints.
AKH1610 ENVIRONMENTALISM DISPLAYS THE TYPICAL TRAITS OF Leonard Peikoff, Professor of Philosophy, New York University, THE OMINOUS
Ben Bolch and Harold Lyons, Professors of Economics and Chemistry, Rhodes College, The term that captures twentieth-century culture; the term that include all of these and
APOCALYPSE NOT, 1993, p.6. every similar, value-annulling doctrine and attitude; the term that names the modern soul
The environmental movement's similarities to utopian crusades are fairly simple to detail is: nihilism. "Nihilism" in this context means hatred, the hatred of values and of their root,
by reference to Thomas Molnar's taxonomy of utopianism. With reference to religion, there reason. Hatred is not the same as disapproval, contempt, or anger. Hatred is loathing
is often a rejection of much of the Judeo-Christian heritage in both modern socialist combined with fear, and with the desire to lash out at the hated object, to wound, to
utopian moments and in extreme environmentalism. Environmentalism displays a special disfigure, to destroy it. The essence and impelling premise of the nihilist-modern is the
objection to the biblical injunction for mankind to be fruitful and multiply and to hold quest for destruction, the destruction of all values, of values as such, and of the mind. It
dominion over other creatures and Earth. Along those same lines, environmentalism has is a destruction he seeks for the sake of destruction, not as a means, but as an end.
more than a streak of pantheism (in the sense of the worship of multiple manifestations of
nature) and much of the notion of deus absconditus, or the transcendent god knowable only
to the elect.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 142
Stanley Rosen, Professor of Philosophy, Penn State, NIHILISM, 1969, p.193-4. Karen Carr, Professor of Religious Studies, Lawrence University, THE BANALIZATION
Nihilism as a political or cultural phenomenon is a consequence of philosophy in two OF NIHILISM, 1992, p.124.
senses. First, it is a consequence of the transformation of nature and eternity into history But it is at best imprecise, at worst inaccurate to see Nietzsche as an unambiguous
and temporality fundamentally to advance human mastery, freedom, autonomy, or champion of nihilism in any of its forms, for two reasons. First, he regarded nihilism as a
creativity, to mention the most important terms that have been employed in this destructive disease. To be sure, we can "return from such sickness...new born," but we can
connection. But second, it is a consequence of the at least partial failure of this also perish. Nietzsche's goal was, finally, to overcome the decadence that was beginning
revolutionary transformation. The destruction or exclusion of nature and eternity, intended to paralyze European culture (a decadence of which nihilism was the most obvious
to regain for human appropriation the value implicit in this world and mistakenly alienated symptom.) Second, and perhaps more important, sustained nihilism would signal the
or projected into another, supersensible, trans-historical world, has instead resulted in the demise of the necessarily interpretive character of human life.
dissolution of value in the world of concrete history. The destruction of the past, very far
from freeing our creative will for a new stage of positive human or superhuman existence, AKH1623 PERSISTENT NIHILISM LEADS TO ULTIMATE DESTRUCTION
seems rather to entail the destruction of the present as well. Karen Carr, Professor of Religious Studies, Lawrence University, THE BANALIZATION
OF NIHILISM, 1992, p.137.
AKH1617 NIHILISM LEADS TO MASS DEATH One of the lessons we learn from Rorty is that resistance to nihilism shows our
Albert Camus, French philosopher, THE REBEL, 1951, p.6-7. commitment to standards that nihilism itself undermines, a lesson we also learned with
Equally, absolute nihilism, which accepts suicide as legitimate, leads, even more easily, Nietzsche. The very intellectual tradition we have revered leads to its own destruction; as
to logical murder. If our age admits, with equanimity, that murder has its justifications, it Rorty has said, our concern about its destruction shows our continuing commitment to
is because of this indifference to life which is the mark of nihilism. Of course there have intellectual intuitions that are outmoded and passe. It is because of our expectations of
been periods of history in which the passion for life was so strong that it burst forth in truth that we feel the absence of truth as a problem. Rorty's solution to this problem is to
criminal excesses. But these excesses were like the searing flame of a terrible delight. They jettison the notion of truth. But Nietzsche's version of this same lesson had a second part
were not this monotonous order of things established by an impoverished logic in whose to it: that nihilism, while inevitable, and necessary, and itself a state of tension, must be
eyes everything is equal. This logic has carried the values of suicide, on which our age has temporary -- either we give birth to new ways of valuing, new forms of believing, or we
been nurtured, to their extreme logical consequence, which is legalized murder. It perish. The will to interpret, to impose our truths on our surroundings, is simply too strong.
culminates, at the same time, in mass suicide. The most striking demonstration of this was
provided by the Hitlerian apocalypse of 1945. AKH1624 ANTI-FOUNDATIONALIST NIHILISM IS POLITICALLY REACTIONARY
Karen Carr, Professor of Religious Studies, Lawrence University, THE BANALIZATION
Albert Camus, French philosopher, THE REBEL, 1951, p.294. The result of Rorty's aversion to theory, in other words, seems to lead to the perpetuation
The errors of contemporary revolution are first of all explained by the ignorance or of the present structures of society. Both Bernstein and McCarthy argue that Rorty's
systematic misconception of that limit which seems inseparable from human nature and anti-foundationalism not only serves to reinforce the dominant social beliefs and practices
which rebellion reveals. Nihilist thought, because it neglects this frontier, ends by of our culture, but also undercuts any possible social criticism. All we need, Rorty says,
precipitating itself into a uniformly accelerated movement. Nothing any longer checks it are the beliefs and practices of our community; since they are all we have, there is, it would
in its course and it reaches the point of justifying total-destruction or unlimited conquest. seem, no basis on which to assess them. Any attempt to do so is dismissed as the bad-faith
We now know, at the end of this long inquiry into rebellion and nihilism, that rebellion effort to adopt a God's-eye view.
with no other limits but historical expediency signifies unlimited slavery.
Albert Camus, French philosopher, THE REBEL, 1951, p.282-3. Karen Carr, Professor of Religious Studies, Lawrence University, THE BANALIZATION
Irrational crime and rational crime, in fact, both equally betray the value brought to light OF NIHILISM, 1992, p.134.
by the movement of rebellion. Let us first consider the former. He who denies everything What this suggests is that the banalization of nihilism ultimately culminates in nihilism's
and assumes the authority to kill -- Sade, the homicidal dandy, the pitiless Unique, opposite: dogmatism -- the unrelenting insistence upon one's own position, one's own point
Karamazov, the zealous supporters of the unleashed bandit -- lay claim to nothing short of view, immune to any sort of criticism or rational scrutiny. When we fully and happily
of total freedom and the unlimited display of human pride. Nihilism confounds creator and dispatch with truth, what we gain is not pluralism, not toleration, but rather the
created in the same blind fury. Suppressing every principle of hope, it rejects the idea of absolutization of the dominant power structures of the culture to which we belong.
any limit, and in blind indignation, which no longer is even aware of its reasons, ends with Nihilism, once complete, leaves us with nothing but the set of currently existing social
the conclusion that it is a matter of indifference to kill when the victim is already practices and beliefs; in the absence of anything else, these practices and beliefs become,
condemned to death. for all intents and purpose, absolute.

Stanley Rosen, Professor of Philosophy, Penn State, NIHILISM, 1969, p.142-3. Karen Carr, Professor of Religious Studies, Lawrence University, THE BANALIZATION
Again, the nihilist despairs because he is fully enlightened (the ultimate consequence of OF NIHILISM, 1992, p.140.
the Enlightenment) or free from all illusions. His despair is the sign of his enlightenment When one accepts nihilism as "just the way things are," it ceases to be a potential weapon
or freedom, the seal of his integrity. One is tempted to say that the nihilist hopes for against corrupt and decaying modes of thought, as both Nietzsche and Barth employed it,
despair in order to be free for the possibility of hope. Value and significance, if they are and as Rorty says he too is employing it. The possibility of any kind of ethical, religious,
the ground of facticity, restrict man's freedom by the chains of objectivity. The nihilist or political transformation is defacto ruled out and the perpetuation of the status quo is
dissolves these chains by the acid of despair and re-solves himself in the hope of covertly promoted. Any disagreements that do exist deteriorate, ultimately, into contests
hopelessness. This is the existential manifestation of his essential incoherence. In terms of of power. The ultimate implications, in other words, of banalizing nihilism are anything
an older vocabulary, nihilism is doomed to shipwreck because it sunders courage from but banal.
wisdom, justice, and moderation. As we have seen, a reliance upon courage led Nietzsche
to invoke the unleashing of the blonde beasts and wars of universal destruction as the AKH1627 NIHILISM PRODUCES POLITICAL QUIESCENCE
negative prelude to the advent of positive nihilism. Murray Bookchin, Institute for Social Ecology co-founder, RE-ENCHANTING
HUMANITY, 1995, p.175-6.
AKH1621 NIHILISM OFFERS DESTRUCTION WITHOUT ALTERNATIVE The more one feels disempowered about the human condition and bereft of social
Stanley Rosen, Professor of Philosophy, Penn State, NIHILISM, 1969, p.140. commitment, the more one becomes cynical and thereby captive to the prevailing social
Nihilism is fundamentally an attempt to overcome or to repudiate the past on behalf of an order. To the extent that hope and belief in progress are lost, a disarming relativism,
unknown and unknowable yet hoped-for future. The danger implicit in this attempt is that ahistoricism, and ultimately nihilism replace any belief in the objectivity of truth, the
it seems necessarily to entail a negation of the present, or to remove the ground upon reality of history, and the power of reason to change the world. Beliefs that foster social
which man must stand in order to carryout or even merely to witness the process of quietism and a withdrawal into personal life, in turn, tend to neutralize an activist and
historical transformation. The mood of boredom or hopelessness that is the most visible interventionist mentality oriented toward the public sphere.
negative manifestation of nihilism testifies to the incoherence of the hidden essence of
nihilism. The attempt to overcome the past is necessarily rooted in a judgment upon the
past; the nihilist inevitably and rather inconsistently asserts that, at the present moment,
the past is worth less than the future. Because of the complex character of the instructions
for overcoming the past, whether by political revolution, creative will, or ontological
Gelassenheit, we often fail to recognize the undefined character of the hoped-for future.
The nihilist invokes us to destroy the past on behalf of a wish which he cannot articulate,
let alone guarantee fulfillment. The classless society, the superman, the next epoch of
Seinsgeschichte, so far as we in the present are concerned, are extreme revisions of the
kind of wish described by Socrates in the Republic.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 143
COMMUNITIES Cornel West, Professor of Religion, Harvard, RACE MATTERS, 1993, p.22-3.
Karen Carr, Professor of Religious Studies, Lawrence University, THE BANALIZATION The proper starting point for the crucial debate about the prospects for black America is
OF NIHILISM, 1992, p.139-40. an examination of the nihilism that increasingly pervades black communities. Nihilism is
An "excessive commitment to a particular community," however, is no small thing. History to be understood here not as a philosophic doctrine that there are no rational grounds for
bears sufficient examples, some in quite recent memory, where such commitment has had legitimate standards or authority; it is, far more, the lived experience of coping with a life
horrendous consequence; it is not something about which we can afford to be sanguine. of horrifying meaninglessness, hopelessness, and (most important) lovelessness. The
But it appears to be an inevitable consequence of the full-fledged adoption of alethiological frightening result is a numbing detachment from others and a self-destructive disposition
nihilism for, unlike his existentialist predecessors, Rorty has lost the critical edge afforded toward the world. Life without meaning, hope, and love breeds a coldhearted,
by the refusal to view nihilism as the final word. The ultimate result of this is making the mean-spirited outlook that destroys both the individual and others.
trivial absolute, for there is nothing to prevent identifying our particular truths and values
with "the Truth." In the absence of some kind of commitment to something greater than AKH1635 NIHILISM IS A DISEASE OF THE SOUL
the community, however nebulous and illformed the object of this commitment be, the Cornel West, Professor of Religion, Harvard, RACE MATTERS, 1993, p.28-9.
community itself becomes absolute. At its least offensive, this fosters a kind of smugness What is to be done about this nihilistic threat? Is there really any hope, given our shattered
commented on even by one of Rorty's more adamant supporters. At its worst, it fosters a civil society, market-driven corporate enterprises, and white supremacism? If one begins
blind dogmatism that neither knows nor can know any limit. with the threat of concrete nihilism, then one must talk about some kind of politics of
conversion. New models of collective black leadership must promote a version of this
AKH1629 GERMAN NIHILISM LED TO HITLER politics. Like alcoholism and drug addiction, nihilism is a disease of the soul. It can never
Leonard Peikoff, Professor of Philosophy, New York University, THE OMINOUS be completely cured, and there is always the possibility of relapse.
PARALLELS, 1982, p.211-2.
Nihilism in Germany worked to exacerbate economic and political resentments by AKH1636 NIHILISM REPRESENTS A DEHUMANIZING UTOPIANISM
undermining the only weapon that could have dealt with them. The intellectuals wanted Donald Crosby, Professor of Philosophy, Colorado State, THE SPECTER OF THE
to destroy values; the public shaped by this trend ended up wanting to destroy men. The ABSURD, 1988, p.377.
social corollary of "Weimar culture" was a country animated, and torn apart, by hatred, The third reason for rejecting nihilism is stated in this chapter's epigraph, taken from
seething in groups trained to be impervious to reason. The political corollary was the same Rosen's book on nihilism. This philosophy is surprisingly and ironically akin to utopianism
country put back together by Hitler. in its anguished yearning for a perfection that, if realized, would deprive us of our
humanity. To resolve all of the problems about which nihilists endlessly complain --
AKH1630 NAZISM WAS THE EMBODIMENT OF NIHILISM fallible knowledge, susceptibility to pain, situatedness in time, etc. -- would require the
Donald Crosby, Professor of Philosophy, Colorado State, THE SPECTER OF THE complete annulment of the conditions of our life in the world. This is not only an
ABSURD, 1988, p.404. unreasonable demand, it also overlooks the fact that such a phantom state of "perfection"
In another place, Rauschning notes that everything National Socialism does "is done in the would hardly be ideal.
spirit of revolutionary destruction," and that it is "destroying the elements of every spiritual
order, and preventing the creation of any new one" (274-275). He argues for the fatal AKH1637 NIHILISM IS A ONE-SIDED PICTURE OF HUMAN LIFE
instability of estate that deliberately repudiates any "ethical basis" and aims solely at the Donald Crosby, Professor of Philosophy, Colorado State, THE SPECTER OF THE
perpetuation of the power and position of its ruling elite. "A totalitarian dictatorship of ABSURD, 1988, p.377.
pure violence is possible on a basis of nihilism, but it destroys its own foundation in A second reason for rejecting nihilism is that it presents a one-sided picture of human life,
proportion as its principles become general among the masses." "What has now to be lavishing attention on its negative aspects but failing to take fairly into account its
overcome," he continues, "is the dictatorship of violence, which draws its destructive counterbalancing positive traits and possibilities. The nihilistic philosophy is a sustained
energies from the directionless revolution, a revolution merely for revolution's sake." exercise in special pleading for what turns out to be a distorted, fragmentary view of
Leonard Peikoff, Professor of Philosophy, New York University, THE OMINOUS AKH1638 NIHILISM EXPRESSES INTELLECTUAL LAZINESS
PARALLELS, 1982, p.213. Donald Crosby, Professor of Philosophy, Colorado State, THE SPECTER OF THE
The left-moderns miscalculated; if nihilism was the standard, as they made it, then Nazism ABSURD, 1988, p.376.
was unbeatable, because Nazism is the final extreme of nihilism, in a form that was The first reason for rejecting the nihilistic outlook is that it is grounded on certain basic
tailored to attract all the major groups in Germany. Hitler denounced some avant-garde assumptions that we have shown to be indefensible or at least highly questionable. When
details, he raved against "cultural Bolshevism," but -- as he did with Marxism -- he these assumptions are brought into the light of day and examined critically, the philosophy
unfailingly preached its essence. He differed from the intellectuals only in one (tactical) of nihilism loses most of its power to persuade. Nihilistic thinkers can therefore be faulted
respect. He stripped the modernist ideas of their world-weary pessimism and made nihilism for not probing deeply enough and even for being guilty of a kind of intellectual laziness.
the basis of a fantasy projection, promising a new order in which men would rise to Cochran's indictment of ancient skepticism holds for nihilism as well; it tends to be "an
unprecedented heights, by means of illogic, self-immolation, worldwide destruction, and anaesthetic for those . . . wearied of thought" (1944:167).
strict obedience to the Fuhrer. The intellectuals were spreading the doctrines which,
directly or indirectly, produced helplessness, demoralization, despair on a mass scale. Once AKH1639 POSTMODERNISM IS NIHILISTIC
it was done, it was easy for the right kind of killer to kick the spreaders aside. He had only Murray Bookchin, Institute for Social Ecology co-founder, RE-ENCHANTING
to announce that he was not helpless and would tell men what to do. HUMANITY, 1995, p.174.
But the failure of the uprising, together with the decline of the New Left generally in
AKH1632 NIHILISM THREATENS BLACK AMERICA Europe and America, opened the way to a nihilistic reaction whose effects are still being
Cornel West, Professor of Religion, Harvard, RACE MATTERS, 1993, p.19-20. felt to this very day. Postmodernism is not only a nihilistic reaction to the failures imputed
The liberal/conservative discussion conceals the most basic issue now facing black to Enlightenment ideals of reason, science, and progress but more proximately a cultural
America: the nihilistic threat to its very existence. This threat is not simply a matter of reaction to the failures of various socialisms to achieve a rational society in France and
relative economic deprivation and political powerlessness -- though economic well-being elsewhere in our century.
and political clout are requisites for meaningful black progress. It is primarily a question
of speaking to the profound sense of psychological depression, personal worthlessness, and AKH1640 POSTMODERNISM EMBRACES NIHILISM
social despair so widespread in black America. Karen Carr, Professor of Religious Studies, Lawrence University, THE BANALIZATION
OF NIHILISM, 1992, p.140.
AKH1633 NIHILISM IS AN ONGOING THREAT TO BLACK AMERICA Nihilism, the bane of the nineteenth century, is fast becoming the banality of the late
Cornel West, Professor of Religion, Harvard, RACE MATTERS, 1993, p.23. twentieth century. The loss of truth prophesied by Nietzsche has become reality in
Nihilism is not new in black America. The first African encounter with the New World postmodern circles, yet without the attendant loss of meaning he also predicted. In the
was an encounter with a distinctive form of the Absurd. The initial black struggle against postmodern world, we can have meaning without truth because we can have knowledge
degradation and devaluation in the enslaved circumstances of the New World was, in part, without truth. The nineteenth-century belief that if truth disappeared, so too must
a struggle against nihilism. In fact, the major enemy of black survival in America has been knowledge and meaning, has been supplanted; in a world without truth (it is held) both
and is neither oppression nor exploitation but rather the nihilistic threat -- that is, loss of knowledge and meaning still abound.
hope and absence of meaning. For as long as hope remains and meaning is preserved, the
possibility of overcoming oppression stays alive. The self-fulfilling prophecy of the
nihilistic threat is that without hope there can be no future, that without meaning there can
be no struggle.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 144
A.C. Grayling, Professor of Philosophy, Oxford, WITTGENSTEIN, 1988, p.71-2. THE OUTSIDE
What 'lies open to view', Wittgenstein says, is the fact that language is not one uniform A.C. Grayling, Professor of Philosophy, Oxford, WITTGENSTEIN, 1988, p.95.
thing but a host of different activities. We use language to describe, report, inform, affirm, Doubt, Wittgenstein says, is itself possible only in the context of a language-game. If doubt
deny, speculate, give orders, ask questions, tell stories, playact, sing, guess riddles, make concerning whether I have hands is to be intelligible, then I must understand what is meant
jokes, solve problems, translate, request, thank, greet, curse, pray, warn, reminisce, express by talk of 'hands' and of my 'having' them. But then this understanding, since it is based
emotions, and much else besides (compare especially P 23 and, for example, P 27, 180, upon the language-game which makes it possible, itself rules out the meaningfulness of
288, 654). All these different activities Wittgenstein calls 'language-games'. Earlier, in The having such doubts; for to have them is to threaten the very conditions for the
Brown Book, he had used this notion to mean a simplified fragment of language, meaningfulness of the words being used: 'The fact that I use the word "hand" and all the
inspection of which tells us something about the nature of language proper. In the other words in my sentence without a second thought, indeed that I should stand before the
Investigations the label takes on a more general signification; it means any of the many and abyss if I wanted so much as to try to doubt their meanings -- shows that absence of doubt
various language-using activities we engage in: 'the term "language-game" is meant to belongs to the essence of the language-game' (C 370). A language-game, it is to be
bring into prominence the fact that the speaking of language is part of an activity, or of a remembered, is a form of life; it is a practice or a set of practices involving agreement
form of life' (P 23). Wittgenstein talks of the 'multiplicity of language-games', and in P 23, about the rules for the use of words.
directly after giving a list of language-games (much as set out above), says: 'It is
interesting to compare the multiplicity of the tools in language and of the ways they are AKH1647 LANGUAGE GAMES CAN'T BE QUESTIONED AS A WHOLE FROM
used, the multiplicity of kinds of words and sentences, with what logicians have said about WITHOUT
the structure of language. (Including the author of the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.)' A.C. Grayling, Professor of Philosophy, Oxford, WITTGENSTEIN, 1988, p.103-4.
The comparison is one to be drawn between the great diversity of language-games and the Most Wittgensteinians deny that the later philosophy constitutes a form of 'anti-realism',
false view of the 'logicians' and the Tractatus's author that language has a single underlying but at the same time it appears that Wittgenstein himself thinks that the most one can say
logical structure. on the question of an independently existing reality is that our language-games -- more
generally, our practices -- in which we deal with things like, say, chairs, tables, and the
AKH1642 THE CONCEPT OF LANGUAGE GAMES APPLIES TO THE TOTAL rest, presuppose a commitment on our part to there being such a reality. This comes out in
RANGE OF LINGUISTIC ACTIVITIES the view, expressed in On Certainty, that the validity of many beliefs consists in the role
A.C. Grayling, Professor of Philosophy, Oxford, WITTGENSTEIN, 1988, p.72. they play in language; the very sense of our talk about an external world, in which there
Wittgenstein's use of the term 'game' is not intended to suggest that the different linguistic are hands or in which physical things have existed for a long time, turns on our
activities of reporting, describing, asking, and the rest are in some way frivolous or unquestioning acceptance of such beliefs themselves as (here we have more metaphors)
unimportant. They are, of course, earnest. His reason for employing the notion is given in the 'bed and banks' or 'scaffolding' of that language-game itself. Wittgenstein puts this
this passage: Consider . . . the proceedings we call 'games'. I mean board-games, point by saying that propositions like 'physical objects exist' are 'grammatical' -- that is,
cardgames, ball games, Olympic games, and so on. What is common to them all? -- Don't logical -- propositions, having a special role in our discourse as forming part of its very
say: 'There must be something common or they would not all be called "games",' but look conditions of meaningfulness. Likewise, religious discourse is a language game in which
and see whether there is something common to all, -- for if you look at them you will not talk of God similarly plays a fundamental role, and consequently the validity of religious
see something that is in common to all, but similarities, relationships, and a whole series discourse is something internal to itself (a point some theologians have gratefully accepted
of them at that . . . And the result of this examination is: we see a complicated network of from Wittgenstein because it helps them defend against the criticism that no independent
similarities overlapping and cries-crossing . . . I can think of no better expression to means exist for substantiating religious claims). There is no question of asking, still less
characterize these similarities than 'family resemblances'; for the various resemblances answering, questions about the validity of these language-games as a whole, or from
between members of a family: build, features, colour of eyes, gait, temperament, etc., etc., without; they rest upon 'the form of life' -- the shared experience, the agreement, the
overlap and criss-cross in the same way. -- And I shall say: 'games' form a family. (P 66-7) customs, the rules -- which underlie them and give them their content. Accordingly it
appears that, in Wittgenstein's view, language and thought are in some sense internally
AKH1643 THE MULTIPLICITY OF LANGUAGE GAMES SHOULD BE RESPECTED self-determining and self-constituting, and that therefore reality is not, as he had thought
Richard Wolin, Professor of Modern European Intellectual History, Rice, THE TERMS of it in the Tractatus, independent of language and thought.
Lyotard has attempted to address the dilemma of poststructuralism and ethics in theory of AKH1648 DOUBTS WHICH UNDERMINE THE WHOLE LANGUAGE GAME ARE
"language games," which is in part taken over from the work of the later Wittgenstein. The HOLLOW
logic of the "differend" suggests that the differences among language games are so extreme A.C. Grayling, Professor of Philosophy, Oxford, WITTGENSTEIN, 1988, p.95.
that, in the last analysis, their various claims to "right" are incommensurable, undecidable. The language-game itself cannot be called into question as a whole or from 'outside': the
For Lyotard, justice is attained by allowing the multiplicity of language games to subsist language-game, as a form of life, is 'the given'. Wittgenstein points out that a child who is
in their various states of difference, that is, by our refusal to totalize them according to a learning, say, history has to accept the language game before he can question whether
repressive logic of consensus. In this way, argues Lyotard, the values of pluralism are best something is true or whether something exists (C 310-15); 'Doubt', he says, 'comes after
served. belief' (C160). If the pupil continually doubted whether the world had existed for longer
than a few hours or years, the business of learning history would be impossible.
AKH1644 MASTERY OF LANGUAGE REQUIRES BEING ABLE TO PLAY Wittgenstein says that such doubts are 'hollow' (C 312), for in effect they try to make the
MULTIPLE DIFFERENT LANGUAGE GAMES entire language-game itself impossible. But if the language-game were impossible then the
A.C. Grayling, Professor of Philosophy, Oxford, WITTGENSTEIN, 1988, p.74. doubt itself would fail to make sense: 'A doubt that doubted everything would not be a
Mastery of a language consists in being able to employ its expressions in the many doubt' (C 450).
different language-games to which they belong. In view of the multiplicity of language
games it is inevitable that the concept of use should in this way be a broad one and that AKH1649 POSTMODERN CRITIQUE CAN'T BE EFFECTIVELY APPLIED TO A
therefore no single formula can be found to encapsulate it. DIFFERENT LANGUAGE GAME
Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND
DIFFERENT LANGUAGE GAMES This may seem an odd charge to bring in view of Lyotard's pluralist rhetoric, his stress on
A.C. Grayling, Professor of Philosophy, Oxford, WITTGENSTEIN, 1988, p.77. the open multiplicity of language games, each disposing of its own immanent criteria and
Wittgenstein's account of language-understanding, where 'understanding' is mastery of a none having the right to adjudicate over any other. But the effect of this
technique or practice in the way just explained, turns on the notion of following a rule, the incommensurability-thesis -derived from a mixture of poststructuralist, Wittgensteinian
idea being that the practice in which understanding the meaning of expressions consists and liberal-communitarian ideas - is to render criticism pretty much otiose in the face of
is that of observing the rules for their use in the different language-games they belong to practices or beliefs (no matter how obnoxious) which subscribe to some different
(note that talk of 'rules' is naturally and intentionally allied to that of 'games'). language-game or set of cultural norms.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 145
A.C. Grayling, Professor of Philosophy, Oxford, WITTGENSTEIN, 1988, p.96-7. Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND
The idea of 'testing' and of the 'peculiar logical role' of certain propositions echoes what THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.5.
Wittgenstein elsewhere says in the later writings about the connected facts that having Not that I would wish to be taken as endorsing any version of the crassly reductive view
reasons, and giving justifications, has to end somewhere. Where they end is the form of advanced by some sociologists of knowledge or sceptical debunkers in the
life constituting the language-game; this is the framework which confers intelligibility on postmodern-pragmatist vein. On this account 'local knowledge' is the most that we can ever
what we do. Testing our beliefs can only be carried out against a background of beliefs hope for, since theoretical truth-claims amount to nothing more than the expression of
which are not open to test: 'the questions that we raise and our doubts depend on the fact in-place consensus beliefs on the part of some existing cultural enterprise, professional
that some of our propositions are exempt from doubt, are as it were like hinges on which interest-group, 'interpretive community', or whatever. Such ideas have gained ground
those turn' (C 341). The exempt propositions are the 'grammatical' propositions, that is, the across a range of disciplines, influenced on the one hand by ethnographers and social
propositions constituting the framework of our language and practices, and they form the anthropologists like Clifford Geertz, and on the other by various prevalent forms of
system within which all testing takes place (C 83, 90-2, 105). The beliefs expressed by deep-laid ontological and epistemological scepticism.
these propositions are variously described by Wittgenstein to illustrate the fundamental
role they play; he says that our commitment to them is part of our nature (C 359), that their AKH1655 POSTMODERN SKEPTICISM EMPOWERS DOGMATIC OPPONENTS OF
'special role in our frame of reference' (C 83), consists in their being the 'substratum' (C REFORM
162) or 'scaffolding' (C 211) of our ordinary testable beliefs. Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND
AKH1651 WE CAN'T LEGITIMATELY DOUBT THE FRAME OF REFERENCE FOR But it is equally the case - as with postmodernists like Rorty and Lyotard--that the
OUR LIFE wholesale revolt against Enlightenment thinking gives rise to a form of discursive
A.C. Grayling, Professor of Philosophy, Oxford, WITTGENSTEIN, 1988, p.95-6. 'anarchy', a species of cognitive and ethico-political relativism pushed to the point where
What is being ruled out by these considerations is doubt concerning matters which are criticism is powerless against those same (nowadays, resurgent) dogmatic truth-claims.
fundamental to our linguistic and other practices. Wittgenstein is not saying that there Such, after all, is the lesson often derived from Wittgenstein, Lyotard, and other
cannot be any doubt about anything, for of course there can be. But legitimate doubt can proponents of the view that every language-game (or discourse) disposes of its own sui
only make sense in the context of a framework which is itself not a subject for doubt: 'The generis criteria, so that the best we can do - in the interests of justice is acknowledge this
game of doubting itself presupposes certainty' (C 115). Moore's claim about his hands -- open multiplicity of life-forms and give up the attempt to criticize 'truths' or values
and by extension any claim about basic matters of fact concerning the existence of material different from our own. And this (be it noted) at a time when fundamentalist creeds of
things, the continuous history of the world, and so on -- are therefore not legitimate various description - Christian, Islamic, nationalist, free-market capitalist, and so forth- are
subjects for doubt because they constitute the frame of reference for all our practices. vigorously asserting their claim to supersede not only the secular discourse of
Wittgenstein says 'My life consists in my being content to accept many things' (C 344); Enlightenment but also its associated values of participant democracy, liberty of
'My life shews that I know or am certain that there is a chair over there, or a door, and so conscience, social welfare, and egalitarian reform.
WHICH CAN'T BE RATIONALLY JUSTIFIED Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND
A.C. Grayling, Professor of Philosophy, Oxford, WITTGENSTEIN, 1988, p.84-5. THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.1.
What Wittgenstein means by a 'form of life' is this: it is the underlying consensus of A sociologist of culture could probably come up with some interesting facts - even
linguistic and nonlinguistic behaviour, assumptions, practices, traditions, and natural statistics - about the spread of 'postmodernist' thinking in relation to localized differences
propensities which humans, as social beings, share with one another, and which is of history, class-politics, economic development and so forth. This project might discover
therefore presupposed in the language they use; language is woven into that pattern of quite a range of home-truths with regard to the vagaries of intellectual fashion (especially
human activity and character, and meaning is conferred on its expressions by the shared in university departments of literature) and their wider cultural or socio-political context.
outlook and nature of its users (cf. P 19, 23, 241, P II, pp.174, 226). Thus a form of life Most revealing would be the inverse relation that arguably exists between the scope for
consists in the community's concordance of natural and linguistic responses, which issue off-campus political involvement - for various forms of 'grassroots' activist concern - and
in agreement in definitions and judgements and therefore behaviour. Because the the extent to which academics have embraced the current postmodernist turn.' For it is
'foundation', so to speak, of the practices which language-use consists in is the form of life tempting to speculate that few would adopt this outlook of disabused fin-de-siecle wisdom
into which that language is woven, it follows for Wittgenstein that questions about the were it not for their willing or enforced isolation in enclaves utterly remote from any
ultimate explanation or justification of the concepts embodied in our thought and talk very contact with realities outside the seminar-room. Small wonder that it has produced such
soon come to an end -- what justifies our usages is the shared form of life underlying them, at. array of exotic, hypercultivated hot-house blooms as a result of these adverse external
and that is that: no more either need be or indeed can be said. The form of life is the frame conditions.
of reference we learn to work within when trained in the language of our community;
learning that language is thus learning the outlook, assumptions, and practices with which AKH1657 POST-STRUCTURALIST THOUGHT IS POLITICALLY POWERLESS
that language is inseparably bound and from which its expressions get their meaning. And Robert Hughes, critic and historian, CULTURE OF COMPLAINT, 1993, p.76.
this is why explanation and justification neither need to nor can go beyond a gesture The intellectual who imagines he or she can challenge the status quo by arguing the
towards the form of life: 'If I have exhausted the justification I have reached bedrock, and uselessness of language starts with not one, but three strikes against him, and this is why
my spade is turned. Then I am inclined to say: "This is simply what I do" '(P 217); 'What poststructuralism, though it has filled the seminar rooms for the last decade and given us
has to be accepted, the given is -- so one could say -- forms of life' (P II, p.226). a mound of largely unreadable cultural criticism along with some preachy neo-conceptual
art, has had so little lasting effect on the way people in general write, think, or act. It is
AKH1653 FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS ARE INDOUBTABLE IN PRACTICE mostly an enclave of abstract complaint.
A.C. Grayling, Professor of Philosophy, Oxford, WITTGENSTEIN, 1988, p.97.
Although Wittgenstein talks of these beliefs as constituting the 'foundation' (C 401, 411, AKH1658 DECONSTRUCTION TURNS THE UNIVERSITY INTO A POLITICAL
415) of our language-games he does not mean by this expression what philosophers BATTLEFIELD
normally mean by it. Typically the conception of 'foundational beliefs' is taken to mean Amy Gutmann, Professor of Politics, Princeton, MULTICULTURALISM, 1994, p.20.
beliefs which are fixed and permanent; thus some philosophers claim that there are beliefs Taken seriously, on its own terms, the deconstructionist defense of a more multicultural
which are logically necessary conditions for anything that can count as thought or curriculum itself appears as an assertion of political power in the name of the exploited and
experience, such that even Martians or a divinity would have to have them if they were to oppressed, rather than as an intellectually defensible reform. And deconstructionism
enjoy anything recognizable as experience. Wittgenstein, rather, has it that the foundational represents critics and criticisms of multiculturalism, however reasonable, as politically
beliefs are only relatively foundational -- they are like the bed and banks of a river which retrograde and unworthy of intellectual respect. Whereas essentialists react to reasonable
determine the course along which the waters flow (C 96-9); the bed and banks are in uncertainty and disagreement by invoking rather than defending timeless truths,
course of time eroded and therefore shift, but this is a long process and from the viewpoint deconstructionists react by explaining away our different viewpoints, presuming they are
of our ordinary talk and practice the foundational beliefs serve as what is 'fast' and 'solid' equally indefensible on intellectual grounds. Intellectual life is deconstructed into a
(C 151). But the important point is that the foundational role of the 'grammatical' political battlefield of class, gender, and racial interests, an analogy that does not do justice
propositions consists in their indubitability in practice, in action: 'it belongs to the logic of to democratic politics at its best, which is not merely a contest of competing interest
our scientific investigations that certain things are indeed not doubted' (C 342). groups. But the image conveyed of academic life, the real arena of deconstructionist
activity, is more dangerous still because it can create its own reality, converting
universities into political battlefields rather than mutually respectful communities of
substantial, sometimes even fundamental, intellectual disagreement.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 146
Dinesh D'Souza, American enterprise institute, ATLANTIC MONTHLY, March 1991, REPRESSIVE FAITH
p.78. Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND
In a recent debate on deconstructionism in The New York Review of Books, Charles L. THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.11-2.
Griswold, Jr., of Howard University, alleged, and his opponent Denis Donoghue, of New But postmodernists typically confuse the issue by ignoring the difference - the crucial
York University, admitted, that "nothing in deconstruction provides an ethical criticism of difference between 'truth' as a matter of privileged access, vouchsafed to some religious
Nazism." One might add that nothing in deconstructionism even permits such a criticism. or secular elite already (so to speak) 'in the know', and truth as arrived at through reasoned
Griswold maintained that "deconstruction dissolves notions of personal accountability and enquiry in the public sphere of open participant debate. In so doing - as Habermas justly
responsibility"; indeed, it "renders theoretically unintelligible basic moral terms such as remarks - they revert to a pre-enlightenment ethos when faith (not reason) was the arbiter
good and evil." of right thinking, and when the 'hermeneutic circle' (so beloved of present-day theorists)
indeed marked the horizon of permissible belief.
Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND OVER GALILEO
THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.115. Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND
Such is the conclusion drawn by Lyotard when he discusses Robert Faurisson's outrageous THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.9.
thesis that for all we can know the gas-ovens at Auschwitz were never used for the mass The strong whiff of mystery-mongering here is reinforced by the parallel with
extermination of Jewish and other victims since none of those victims has survived to contemporary theologians who take comfort from any hint that science has to acknowledge
verify the claim. To which, one might think, there is a simple (but by no means limits to its present powers of explanatory grasp. In fact the honourable term 'sceptic' is
simple-minded) line of response - that this is just a piece of sophistical chicanery, and that wholly misapplied to a thinker such as Feyerabend who would champion Cardinal
there exist many kinds of evidence besides that of first-hand documentary or ocular Bellarmine and the Church authorities against the upstart heretic Galileo, or to those who
witness. But Lyotard replies - true to postmodernist form - by invoking his notion of the - following Rorty - regard the issue between them as merely a matter of alternative
'differend' as that which enjoins us to respect the heterogeneity of language-games, each metaphors, one of which (the heliocentric model) just happens to have won out and thus
disposing of its own sui generis criteria. In which case we have no right to criticize set the agenda for subsequent 'scientific' thought. That these ideas enjoy widespread
Faurisson on terms laid down by traditional modes of scholarly enquiry or goodfaith popularity among cultural theorists is more a symptom of their scientific ignorance - or of
historical research. For it is evident enough - on Lyotard's submission - that Faurisson the current state of play in inter-departmental politics - than a sign that we have now
simply doesn't accept those standards, and therefore that we do him a signal injustice by matured, as Rorty would have it, into an attitude of healthy scepticism vis-a-vis the
applying them to his statements about the Holocaust. More than that: we fall straight into grandiose delusions of an earlier time.
Faurisson's trap by adopting a 'totalitarian' approach that takes for granted its own
privileged status with regard to issues of truth, justice, and ethical accountability. For he AKH1666 RELATIVISM DESTROYS THE POSSIBILITY OF SELF-CRITICISM
can then justifiably retort that his opponents have made him the victim of a discourse that Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND
suppresses the narrative or speech-act differend, and which thus peremptorily denies his THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.23.
right to a free and fair hearing. Whence the conclusion (6) that ontological relativism of this sort is strictly incoherent,
along with any doctrine (including that of the 'hermeneutic circle') which relativizes truth
AKH1661 POSTMODERN RELATIVISM IGNORES BLATANT INJUSTICE to some particular language-game, discourse, or local interpretive horizon. For on this
Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND account it is not just our kind of 'truth' that drops out - as the relativists would cheerfully
THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.26. maintain - but also any prospect of revising or rejecting our own pre-existent beliefs in
Thus it is all very well for 'advanced' Western theorists to allow themselves this luxury of light of alternative truth-claims.
(in Lyotard's oxymoronic phrase) 'judging without criteria', or treating every case - every
language-game or form of life - as equally requiring the principled suspension of our own AKH1667 POSTSTRUCTURALIST JARGON UNDERMINES REFORM
judgmental norms. But it is a message unlikely to carry much weight with the victims of Robert Hughes, critic and historian, CULTURE OF COMPLAINT, 1993, p.83.
'ethnic cleansing' in erstwhile Yugoslavia, with women in the Islamic countries who stand If the American left is to revitalize itself, it will have to relearn plain English, return to the
to lose all their hard-won gains if the 'radical' clergy and the hard-line ideologues win out, actual and resistant world, reclaim not only the Enlightenment principles but the language
or with those in the Western 'liberal democracies' who are witnessing the large-scale of Tom Paine and Orwell for itself--and it will never do that with its present encumbrance
rollback of rights (often re-named 'benefits') which formed, until recently, the common of theory. All that preserves the illusion of radicalness in academic poststructuralism and
ground of a broad-based political consensus. At any rate they cannot derive much comfort neo-Marxism is the conservative opposition.
from an outlook - whatever its impeccably pluralist credentials - that refuses to judge in
such matters, treating them rather as so many instances of the narrative-pragmatic AKH1668 QUESTIONING ALL ASSUMPTIONS IS PATHOLOGICAL
'differend' that always opens up between rival (heterogeneous) ideas of truth and justice. Alan Megill, University of Iowa, PROPHETS OF EXTREMITY, 1985, p.83.
One can also accept a more strictly existential interpretation of Nietzsche's point, for it is
AKH1662 REJECTION OF THE ENLIGHTENMENT LEADS TO NATIONALISM equally clear that if the individual had to think out from its beginnings every act that he
AND FUNDAMENTALISM wished to perform, his life would become impossible. An ability to take things on faith--to
Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND act with out continually trying to make explicit the grounds and assumptions of one's
THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.111. actions--is an absolute necessity in both social and individual life. In the absence of this
For it is among the more striking ironies of our 'postmodern' age that the widespread ability, we enter the realm of pathology.
rejection of Enlightenment values like truth, reason, and critique has gone along with - and
arguably contributed to - the resurgence of nationalist and religious fundamentalist creeds. AKH1669 POSTMODERNIST REJECTION OF UNIVERSALS JUSTIFIES TORTURE
Wayne Booth, Professor of English, University of Chicago, FREEDOM AND
FUNDAMENTALISM Thus we work here on that shaky ground where we can know in advance that any universal
Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND moral principle uncovered by philosophy,literary criticism, or rhetorical theory, will clash
THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.101-2. directly with all or most empirical data. Perhaps it is for this very reason that recent
For post-structuralism and its offshoots had nothing to say--or nothing of ethical substance theoretical questionings of the substantive nature of of the individual self h ave produced
that could offer some means of reflecting critically on the current resurgence of nationalist those rumors: torture is itself so widespread, and is deemed so necessary when calculating
myths and regressive fundamentalist. creeds. On the one hand it lacked any notion of the ends and means in extreme situations, that those of us who object must always feel that we
subject capable of bearing such a role. On the other it raised the rhetoric of 'difference' into are about to lose the battle. Can we not expect that the worlds ubiquitous torturers will
a slogan whose political implications were at best obscure, and at worst a grim prognostic welcome the rumor that advanced thinkers in the most advanced nations find no solid
of recent events in ex-Yugoslavia and elsewhere. reality in that victim who cringes and weeps before their dry eyes? That precise fear was
recently expressed to me by a young Chinese woman who had fled China after Tiananmen
Square and then found, she said, that postmodernist Western thought seemed to deny her
very existence as an individual protester.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 147
RELATIVISTIC Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND
Terry Eagleton, Professor of English Literature, Oxford, FREEDOM AND THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.83.
INTERPRETATION, Barbara Johnson, ed., 1993, p.139. Still we should be wrong to conclude from all this that enlightenment critique henceforth
But this very historicist strength is also the source of MacIntyre's theoretical weakness. For stands revealed as a delusive or bad-faith enterprise, one whose professions of
what he offers in oppostion to Enlightenment universalism is the claim of one's particular emancipatory intent are everywhere bound up with a domineering drive to subjugate
historical tradition; and it is hard to see how this can avoid relativism. "What the good life cultural difference and otherness. For in the end, as de Man well knows, we have no choice
is for a fifth-century Athenian general will not be the same as what it was for a medieval but to keep faith with Husserl's conception of philosophy as 'a process by means of which
nun or a seventeenth-century farmer." Are all these forms of life, then, to be indifferently naive assumptions are made accessible to consciousness by an act of critical
endorsed? MacIntyre would seem to assume, rather like Matthew Arnold, that belonging self-understanding', or again as 'a persistently reflective attitude that can take philosophy
to a tradition is a good in itself; in Wittgensteinian or postmodernist fashion, there is itself for its theme'.
apparently no possibility of subjecting a whole form of life to moral scrutiny. "I am a
citizen of this clan, this tribe, this nation. Hence what is good for me has to be the good for AKH1676 POSTMODERN CRITIQUE MAKES NO SENSE WITHOUT AN
one who inhabits these roles." (I belong to the clan known as the the SS, the nation known ENLIGHTENMENT FRAMEWORK
as Nazi Germany, the profession of pornographer...) Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND
AKH1671 POSTMODERN RELATIVISM UNDERMINES SOCIAL CRITICISM That is to say, these thinkers take for granted a whole range of crucial distinctions - as
Murray Bookchin, Institute for Social Ecology co-founder, RE-ENCHANTING between truth and falsehood, reason and rhetoric, real human interests and their distorted
HUMANITY, 1995, p.176-7. (ideological) representation - which no amount of de rigueur postmodern scepticism can
Within this delimited scope, postmodernism can clearly be seen as a fragmenting and entirely conceal from view. Such projects would lack any meaning or purpose (would
relativizing ideology par excellence that reflects the anomie and despair so widespread in indeed be quite unintelligible) were it not for their tacitly acknowledged commitment to
the closing years of the century. In this respect postmodernism, precisely because it is a those same principles and values. Historically they stand in a line of descent from the
'weary' and nihilistic body of ideas, may very well serve to validate the present society or critique of revelation- of truth-claims vested in a single self-authorizing discourse - which
even render it possible for its acolytes to 'dwell' rather innocuously within the existing set ousted theology from its sovereign role as arbiter in issues of intellectual conscience, and
of social conditions, however much they regard themselves as social rebels, especially which thus secured an expanding sphere of freedom in the natural and human sciences.
concerning issues that do not challenge the structure of the present society. Its denigration Moreover, it is this history of hard-won progress in the right to think and criticize that
of reason, coherence, and historicism, can hardly provide a sense of direction for popular postmodernists would blithely revoke when they denounce 'enlightenment' as a thing of
restiveness or the intellectual means for contesting the anti-ecological and multinational the past, an authoritarian discourse aimed towards suppressing all signs of cultural
capitalism of our time, still less provide the bases for a serious project for social change. difference or alterity. For the very terms in which their arguments are couched historical,
Rather, it more often leads to a pervasive relativism and to a dismembering of the sociological, ethico-political - are terms that quite literally make no sense if removed from
'universalist' projects initiated by Enlightenment thinkers and their more radical the validating context of enlightened thought.
descendants), so as to produce a form of social myopia. Put bluntly: it disarms all serious
oppositional tendencies toward the prevailing society, apart from the narcissistic AKH1677 POSTMODERN CRITIQUE OF THE ENLIGHTENMENT ATTACKS A
adventures of mere personal rebellion in dealing with the frustrations the society arouses STEREOTYPE
in oppressed but marginal cultural groups. Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND
AKH1672 POSTMODERNISM COULD LEAD TO RIGHT-WING Hence the massively distorted image of 'Enlightenment' reason put around by
TOTALITARIANISM postmodernists,neo-pragmatists, and others, often (one suspects) on the basis of a slender
Martin Lewis, Professor, Duke University School of the Environment, GREEN acquaintance with the rely event texts and contexts. Nor does it require any great
DELUSIONS, 1992, p.247-8. investment of scholarly labour to perceive how utterly wide of the mark is this bugbear
While their professors may find the extreme relativism of subversive postmodernism characterization. One only need compare (say) Lyotard's prejudicial talk of enlightened
bracingly liberating, many of today's students may embrace only the new creed's rejection 'meta-narratives', 'master-discourses', monopolistic capitalized Truth, and so forth with the
of the past. Stripped of leftist social concerns, radical postmodemism's contempt for account offered by a well-informed intellectual historian like Peter Gay. What then
established social and political philosophy -- indeed, its contempt for liberalism -- may becomes clear - no doubt to the surprise of readers bred up on the doxastic postmodern
well lead to right-wing totalitarianism. When cynical, right-leaning students are taught that view - is the sheer absurdity of equating 'Enlightenment' either with one historically
democracy is a sham and that all meaning derives from power, they are being schooled in delimited period of recent European thought or with a fixed set of doctrines laying claim
fascism, regardless of their instructors' intentions. to some ultimate (quasi-theological) truth; Even the most cursory reading of Gay's two
volumes is sufficient to dispel the latter misconception. Never has there been a more
AKH1673 POSTMODERNISM IS FRIVOLOUS IN LIGHT OF THE ECOLOGICAL fissile, internally fractured, and disputatious movement of thought than the enterprise
CRISIS launched by the French philosopher and raised to a higher point of critical reflection by
Joel Kovel, Professor of Social Studies, Bard College, SCIENCE WARS, Andrew Ross, Kant and subsequent thinkers. In fact this was not just a period trait but a defining
ed., 1996, p.199. characteristic of the Enlightenment project, committed as it was - and as Kant most
Similarly, what might be oxymoronically called classical postmodernism is now as explicitly proclaimed - to a principle of freedom in the questioning of received ideas and
obsolete as the high modernism it punctured. Given the gathering threat, the postmodern values.
critique of foundationalism clearly has to be rethought. What rang true when framed
against the dominative tendencies of modern science's totalizing claims -- including those AKH1678 THE FOCUS ON DISCOURSE IGNORES THE REALITY OF TRAGEDY
of Marxism -- is now glaringly inadequate when the danger to an actual foundation Allan Megill, University of Iowa, PROPHETS OF EXTREMITY, 1985, p.345.
increases before our eyes. For the ecological crisis is no text, though misshapen and false Foucault's insights most decidedly ought to be put to use, but only with great
texts play a major role in its working out. It is, rather, a threat to the life that produces circumspection. For if one adopts, in a cavalier and single-minded fashion, the view that
texts. everything is discourse or text or fiction, the realia are trivialized. Real people who really
died in the gas chambers at Auschwitz or Treblinka become so much discourse. Again, I
AKH1674 POSTMODERN THOUGHT ENTRENCHES THE STATUS QUO do not accuse Foucault himself of forgetting that discourse and world are finally different.
Murray Bookchin, Institute for Social Ecology co-founder, RE-ENCHANTING I am merely pointing out how easy, and how dangerous, this kind of misreading is.
HUMANITY, 1995, p.176.
By contending that reason is questionable as a path to ascertaining truth, indeed that it is
simply a social artifact and that truth is merely a social artifice, postmodernism advances
this process, as does its denial that an objective history exists - a denial that divests the
present of any ethical moorings and social meaning. Civilization ceases to be regarded as
a realm of rational attainments; indeed the very idea of progress as a basis for hope and
social foresight begins to fade, if not disappear completely. Moreover, such sweeping
claims tend to obscure the social factors that have created the 'postmodern condition' (to
use Jean-Francois Lyotard's phrase); in fact, by rendering social analysis anemic, even
bloodless, postmodernism tends to underpin the status quo precisely by challenging its
effects rather than its underlying workings.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 148
Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND Alan Megill, University of Iowa, PROPHETS OF EXTREMITY, 1985, p.112-3.
THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.102. To deal in any detail with the manifestations of the crisis notion from the 1890s to the
This was Aristotle's point when he argued that certain kinds of practical syllogism could 1920s would take me away from my main task here, which is to come to an understanding
issue not only in a further proposition but also in some appropriate action or mode of of Heidegger in particular and of aestheticism in general. This task must take precedence
conduct equally consistent with the given premises. Other philosophers - Stuart Hampshire over any attempt at the detailed reconstruction of historical contexts, however interesting
among them - have likewise insisted on the close relation between ethical theory and those contexts may be. Nonetheless, as a background to Heidegger's own crisis
practice, and on the fallacy involved in any thinking (like Hume's) that treats them as preoccupation and as an indication that the notion of cultural crisis did not come from the
separate realms. For such thinking itself has consequences, albeit of a negative and empyrean heights but had, on the contrary, a definite historical matrix, the main loci of the
disabling kind. On the one hand it can lead to the notion of ethics as a higher-order crisis idea can be quickly indicated.
(meta-linguistic) discipline whose business is to clarify the status or 'logical grammar' of
our various moral conceptions, but not to address more substantive issues of justice, AKH1686 THE IDEA OF CULTURAL CRISIS IS AN UNJUSTIFIED DOGMA
freedom, or rights. On the other- as in Hume and some latterday varieties of emotivist Alan Megill, University of Iowa, PROPHETS OF EXTREMITY, 1985, p.111
doctrine - it produces a generalized scepticism with regard to theory in whatever form, so In one or another of its versions, crisis is the most widely held assumption of
that reason is regarded as a 'slave of the passions', and ethics reduces to a matter of moral twentieth-century thought. Its very pervasiveness leads to its mindless repetition. More
sentiment without need for any further (reasoned or principled) justification. often than not, it is evoked rather than explained and defended. Unchallenged, it is
exempted from any sort of critical examination.
Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND AKH1687 CRISIS PERSPECTIVE OBSCURES CONCRETE CASES
THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.102. Alan Megill, University of Iowa, PROPHETS OF EXTREMITY, 1985, p.347.
That is to say, there is no reason - aside from the 'linguistic turn' and its resultant forms of What are we supposed to do about the death of God, the crisis of values, the eclipse of
modish epistemological scepticism - to reject the much-derided commonsense view that authority? And how exactly would any action that we might take on these fronts have an
language does very often refer to real-world states of affairs, and furthermore that effect on the practical difficulties of our political and social life? The problem with the
truth-claims (including theoretical truth-claims) may indeed have real and decisive crisis notion, from a pragmatic point of view, is that whether or not these difficulties are
consequences for our conduct as reflective moral agents. related to the crisis, they have causes of a more immediate sort that are in all likelihood far
more amenable to improvement than is the supposed crisis of values or belief. The problem
AKH1681 REALITY ISN'T JUST LINGUISTICALLY CONSTRUCTED with the crisis notion is that it can only speak in vague generalities. It does not properly
Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND address concrete cases. In fact, it tends to obscure concrete cases--in the same way that
THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.7. Heidegger allowed his vision of the "National Socialist Movement" to be obscured in
It is one thing to hold that the findings of recent research into microphysics or 1933.
aerodynamics wouldn't make any sense in a culture that had no use for computers, radar
technology, brain-scan instruments, rapid air transport, and other such perquisites of the AKH1688 CRISIS EMPHASIS TENDS TO BECOME SELF-FULFILLING
late twentieth-century Western lifeworld. But it is quite a different thing to maintain - with Alan Megill, University of Iowa, PROPHETS OF EXTREMITY, 1985, p.347.
thinkers like Rorty and Paul Feyerabend -that these are just so many spin-off products of Concerning crisis, one further point needs to be made. I have attacked the crisis notion in
an optional language-game that figures the world according to its own temporarily this study. Yet, I am well aware that there is one sense in which crisis is more disturbingly
favoured models or metaphors. One is tempted to suggest that such an argument could real at this time than at any time in the past. For it is clear that human history could indeed
seem persuasive only to those who write it out on their laptop machines at thirty thousand come to an end. It could do so with frightening speed and viciousness. The "end of history"
feet while remaining largely ignorant of whatever it is that prevents both technologies from is a practical possibility: the technology that would bring about such an end is already in
crashing. place. Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Foucault are all believers in the apocalypse. At any rate,
they project a reasonable facsimile of such a belief. Unfortunately, such prophecies have
AKH1682 REALITY ISN'T JUST A PRODUCT OF DISCOURSE a tendency toward self-fulfillment. Heidegger's conviction that only a god can save us is
Christopher Norris, Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Wales, TRUTH AND hardly calculated to help us evade the crisis of which he speaks; Foucault's belief in
THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM, 1994, p.6. unending protest--his hostility to every order--may only move us closer to disaster.
I count myself fortunate in having been a student at University College, London at the time
of Frank Kermode's graduate seminars when the new French thinking Lacan, Althusser, AKH1689 CRISIS EMPHASIS LEADS TO APOCALYPSE MONGERING
Derrida, Barthes - had not yet hardened into an ironcast orthodoxy with punitive sanctions Alan Megill, University of Iowa, PROPHETS OF EXTREMITY, 1985, p.347-8.
attached. And life in Cardiff (where I have taught for the past fifteen years) has the signal In short, I see the crisis notion itself as a danger. I have already noted that Nietzsche and
advantage that the real world still exists within hailing distance for those not altogether Heidegger are better seen as post-Christian than as anti-Christian thinkers, a point that I
sold on talk of reality, as a textual construct or of subject-positions as constituted always made in connection with their commitment to the creativity of art. But if the notion of
in and through 'discourse'. To put it bluntly: there is less excuse for being a postmodernist radical creativity is a Christian notion, so also is that of crisis and apocalypse. The crisis
in Cardiff than in other places where the new solipsism exerts an understandable (though of the City of Man--its destruction, making way for the City of God--is an important part
none the less regressive and politically enervating) appeal. of the Christian myth. At some times it has been more emphasized than at others. It has
received much emphasis recently among American religious fundamentalists. Some of
AKH1683 THE CONCEPT OF CRISIS UNDERLIES POSTMODERN THOUGHT these fundamentalists give a quite precise political interpretation to the apocalypse that
Alan Megill, University of Iowa, PROPHETS OF EXTREMITY, 1985, p.112. they envisage. The apocalypse means an all-out war between the forces of Good and the
The belief that all continuity had been lost and that in consequence new and unexpected forces of Evil. The war is imminent. What's more, it is to be welcomed: for it heralds the
possibilities had, for good or ill, been opened up was shared by many in the prewar period. Coming. The possibility of nuclear destruction is thus transformed into a herald of
But it would be a mistake to regard this feeling of crisis or discontinuity as merely a salvation. I am not holding Nietzsche or Heidegger or Foucault responsible for the
"period" concept. On the contrary, it underlies the whole of modernist and postmodernist presence of such views. I am merely pointing out that these thinkers are fascinated by
art and literature--as Alan Wilde's illuminating study, Horizons of Assent, helps us to see. crisis. They are fascinated by crisis because they see therein the possibility, or at least the
Moreover, going beyond art and literature, the interpretive categories of modernism and vision, of something better than the degraded present. But for those who do not believe that
postmodernism are applicable to the realm of thought as well. Modernist and the present is so utterly degraded, or who lack a faith in the cleansing power of crisis, there
postmodernist notions of crisis and of how to respond to crisis turn out to be central to ought to be a compulsion to actively oppose the crisis notion.
such intellectual trends or movements as psychoanalysis, existentialism, structuralism, and
post structuralism.


Alan Megill, University of Iowa, PROPHETS OF EXTREMITY, 1985, p.183.
The perspective that Nietzsche suggests and that the later Heidegger then unequivocally
adopts finds further expression in the brilliant, speculative, and in some ways deeply
disturbing writings of Michel Foucault (b. 1926). Foucault stands as an heir to the diverse
thoughts of his two great predecessors. However much he may differ from them in detail,
he accepts their fundamental assumption of cultural crisis, of a derelict present, of a
nothing out of which everything must be created. The presuppositions of his
historiography lie in crisis thought (in the present essay, I am much more concerned with
these presuppositions than I am with the historiography itself.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 149
Richard Rorty, Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia, ESSAYS ON HAPPINESS
HEIDEGGER AND OTHERS, 1991, p.18-19. Richard Rorty, Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia, ESSAYS ON
One can only have such a hope if one thinks that, despite the fears of Husserl, Julien HEIDEGGER AND OTHERS, 1991, p.21.
Benda, and contemporary communitarian critics of political liberalism, a democratic In what precedes I have sketched what I take to be the central metaphilosophical
society can get along without the sort of reassurance provided by the thought that it has disagreements of recent times. On my account, there are two basic lines of division: one
'adequate philosophical foundations' or that it is 'grounded' in 'human reason'. On this between the scientism common to Husserl and positivism, and the other between two
view, the most appropriate foundation for a liberal democracy is a conviction by its reactions to this scientism. The first reaction -- Heidegger's is dictated by a tacit and
citizens that things will go better for everybody if every new metaphor is given a hearing, unarguable rejection of the project of the French Revolution, and of the idea that
if no belief or desire is held so sacred that a metaphor which endangers it is automatically everything, including philosophy, is an instrument for the achievement of the greatest
rejected. Such a conviction amounts to the rejection of the claim that we, the democratic happiness of the greatest number. The second -- Dewey's -- is dictated by an equally tacit
societies of the West, know what we want in advance -- that we have more than a tentative and unarguable acceptance of that project and that idea.
and revisable Grundriss for our social projects. One task of the intellectuals in these
societies will be to help their fellow citizens live with the thought that we do not yet have AKH1696 PRAGMATISM SEES SOCIAL FREEDOM AS THE FUNCTION OF
an adequate language, and to wean them from the idea that there is something out there to PHILOSOPHY
be 'adequate' to. This amounts to suggesting that we try to eschew scientistic Richard Rorty, Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia, ESSAYS ON
pronunciamentos which take for granted that we now have a secure grasp on the nature of HEIDEGGER AND OTHERS, 1991, p.18.
society, or of the good. It means admitting that the terms in which we state our communal The pragmatist and Heidegger can agree that the poet and the thinker (in Heidegger's
convictions and hopes are doomed to obsolescence, that we shall always need new special 'elitist' senses of these terms) are the unacknowledged legislators of the social
metaphors, new logical spaces, new jargons, that there will never be a final resting-place world. But whereas Heidegger thinks of the social world as existing for the sake of the poet
for thought, nor a social philosophy which is a strenge Wissenchaft. and the thinker, the pragmatist thinks of it the other way round. For Dewey as for Hegel,
the point of individual human greatness is its contribution to social freedom, where this is
AKH1691 PRAGMATISM SEEKS HUMAN WELFARE, NOT ULTIMATE TRUTH conceived of in the terms we inherit from the French Revolution.
Richard Rorty, Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia, ESSAYS ON
A suitable interpretation of Heidegger's claim requires defining Platonism is the claim that Richard Rorty, Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia, ESSAYS ON
the point of inquiry is to get in touch with something like Being, or the Good, or Truth, or HEIDEGGER AND OTHERS, 1991, p.132-3.
Reality -- something large and powerful which we have a duty to apprehend correctly. By One reason we pragmatists have this preference is that we see the sort of cultural pluralism
contrast, pragmatism must be defined as the claim that the function of inquiry is, in which rejects metaphors of centrality and depth as chiming with democratic politics -- with
Bacon's words, to "relieve and benefit the condition of man" -- to make us happier by the spirit of tolerance which has made constitutional democracies possible. We see this
enabling 'is to cope more successfully with the physical environment and with each other. tolerance as saying that public policy and public institutions must be neutral on questions
of what is central to human life, questions about the goal or point of human existence.
AKH1692 PRAGMATISM EMBRACES SOCIAL AND DISCURSIVE Contemporary democratic societies are built around the assumption that we have to
CONSTRUCTION BUT STILL JUSTIFIES POLITICS develop institutions which are suitable for people who have wildly different ideas on such
Richard Rorty, professor of philosophy, University of Virginia, ACHIEVING OUR topics -- for example, worshipers of God, of science, of literature, and of nothing in
COUNTRY, 1998, p.31. particular.
I do not think that subsequent American leftists have made any advance on Dewey's
understanding of the relation between the individual and society. Dewey was as convinced AKH1698 PRAGMATIC HUMANISM ISN'T A FORM OF POWER MANIA
as Foucault that the subject is a social construction, that discursive practices go all the way Richard Rorty, Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia, ESSAYS ON
down to the bottom of our minds and hearts. But he insisted that the only point of society HEIDEGGER AND OTHERS, 1991, p.48.
is to construct subjects capable of ever more novel, ever richer, forms of human happiness. That combination was just what Dewey wanted to achieve. He wanted to combine the
The vocabulary in which Dewey suggested we discuss our social problems and our vision of a social democratic utopia with the knowledge that only a lot of hard work and
political initiatives was part of his attempt to develop a discursive practice suitable for that blind luck, unaided by any large nonhuman power called Reason or History, could bring
project of social construction. that utopia into existence. He combines reminders that only attention to the daily detail,
to the obstinacy of particular circumstance, can create a utopia with reminders that all
AKH1693 PRAGMATISM AVOIDS SPECTATORIAL POLITICS things are possible, that there are no a priori or destined limits to our imagination or our
Richard Rorty, professor of philosophy, University of Virginia, ACHIEVING OUR achievement. His "humanism" was not the power mania which Heidegger thought to be
COUNTRY, 1998, p.35-6. the only remaining possibility open to the West. On the contrary, it put power in the
I said earlier that we now have, among many American students and teachers, a service of love -- technocratic manipulation in the service of a Whitmanesque sense that
spectatorial, disgusted, mocking Left rather than a Left which dream of achieving our our democratic community is held together by nothing less fragile than social hope.
country. This is not the only Left we have, but it is the most prominent and vocal one.
Members of this Left find America unforgivable, as Baldwin did, and also unachievable, AKH1699 REJECTING HUMANISM IS A FAILURE OF NERVE
as he did not. This leads them to step back from their country and, as they say, "theorize" Richard Rorty, professor of philosophy, University of Virginia, ACHIEVING OUR
it. It leads them to do what Henry Adams did: to give cultural politics preference over real COUNTRY, 1998, p.37-8.
politics, and to mock the very idea that democratic institutions might once again be made This distrust of humanism, with its retreat from practice to theory, is the sort of failure of
to serve social justice. it leads them to prefer knowledge to hope. I see this preference. as nerve which leads people to abandon secularism for a belief in sin, and in Delbanco's
a turn away from secularism and pragmatism-as an attempt to do precisely what Dewey "fixed standard by which deviance from the truth can be measured and denounced." It
and Whitman thought should not be done: namely, to see the American adventure within leads them to look for a frame of reference outside the process of experimentation and
a fixed frame of reference, a frame supplied by theory. Paradoxically, the leftists who are decision that is an individual or a national life. Grand theories -- eschatologies like Hegel's
most concerned not to "totalize," and who insist that everything be seen as the play of or Marx's, inverted eschatologies like Heidegger's, and rationalizations of hopelessness like
discursive differences rather than in the old metaphysics-of-presence way, are also the Foucault's and Lacan's -- satisfy the urges that theology used to satisfy. These are urges
most eager to theorize, to become spectators rather than agents. But that is helping yourself which Dewey hoped Americans might cease to feel. Dewey wanted Americans to share a
with one hand to what you push away with the other. The further you get from Greek civic religion that substituted utopian striving for claims to theological knowledge.
metaphysics, Dewey urged, the less anxious you should be to find a frame within which
to fit an ongoing historical process. AKH1700 ONLY PIECEMEAL REFORM CAN WORK
Richard Rorty, professor of philosophy, University of Virginia, ACHIEVING OUR
Richard Rorty, Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia, ESSAYS ON The cultural Left has a vision of an America in which the white patriarchs have stopped
HEIDEGGER AND OTHERS, 1991, p.18. voting and have left all the voting to be done by members of previously victimized groups,
So the crucial difference between the Heideggerian and the pragmatist attitude towards the people who have somehow come into possession of more foresight and imagination than
philosophical tradition stems from a difference in attitude towards recent political history. the selfish suburbanites. These formerly oppressed and newly powerful people are
The basic motive of pragmatism, like that of Hegelianism, was, I have argued elsewhere, expected to be as angelic as the straight white males were diabolical. if I shared this
a continuation of the Romantic reaction to the Enlightenment's sanctification of natural expectation, I too would want to live under this new dispensation. Since I see no reason
science. Once scientistic rhetoric (which persists in both Hegel and Dewey, and obscures to share it, I think that the Left should get back into the business of piecemeal reform
their more basic Romanticism) is cleared away, both Hegelianism and pragmatism can be within the framework of a market economy. This was the business the American Left was
seen as attempts to clear the ground for the kind of society which the French Revolution in during the first two-thirds of the century. Someday, perhaps, cumulative piecemeal
hoped to build: one in which every human potentiality is given a fair chance. reforms will be found to have brought about revolutionary change.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 150
Richard Rorty, professor of philosophy, University of Virginia, ACHIEVING OUR Richard Rorty, Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia, ESSAYS ON
COUNTRY, 1998, p.55-6. HEIDEGGER AND OTHERS, 1991, p.24.
Those who admire the revolutionary turn which the New Left took in the late Sixties have Habermas is (despite what are, to my mind, unfortunate residues of scientism in his
offered us their own accounts of the history of the American Left. Much of the tone and thought) the contemporary philosopher who most resembles Dewey -- not only in doctrine
emphasis of these accounts comes from the writings of C. Wright Mills and Christopher but in his attitude toward his society, and in the role which he has played in the day-to-day,
Lasch. I think the description of mid century America which these two men helped put in nitty-gritty political debates of his time. Like Dewey, Habermas's thought is dominated by
circulation needs to be replaced. It should be replaced with a story which gives the the question "What sort of philosophical vocabulary and approach would serve human
reformers their due, and thereby leaves more room for national pride and national hope. freedom best?" and by the conviction that the modern industrialized technological world
Emphasizing the continuity between Herbert Croly and Lyndon Johnson, between John is not hopeless, but, on the contrary, capable of continual self-improvement.
Dewey and Martin Luther King, between Eugene Debs and Walter Reuther, would help
us to recall a reformist Left which deserves not only respect but imitation-the best model AKH1707 RADICAL CRITIQUE IS UNNEEDED -- WE NEED TO DEAL
available for the American Left in the coming century. If the intellectuals and the unions PRAGMATICALLY WITH SUFFERING
could ever get back together again, and could reconstitute the kind of Left which existed Richard Rorty, Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia, ESSAYS ON
in the Forties and Fifties, the first decade of the twenty-first century might conceivably be HEIDEGGER AND OTHERS, 1991, p.25.
a Second Progressive Era. The Deweyan is ruefully willing to admit that there are always going to be more varieties
of suffering and oppression to be exposed (e.g., those endured by women as a class). He
AKH1702 TOP DOWN REFORM IS POSSIBLE sees philosophy's role in exposing them as continuous with that of literature and of the
Richard Rorty, professor of philosophy, University of Virginia, ACHIEVING OUR social sciences. But he thinks contemporary democratic societies are already organized
COUNTRY, 1998, p.52-3. around the need for continual exposure of suffering and injustice, and that no 'radical
Those dispossessed farmers were often racist, nativist, and sadistic. The millionaire critique' is required, but just attention to detail. So he thinks of the philosopher not as
socialists, ruthless robber barons though they were, nevertheless set up the foundations exposing the false or corrupt foundations of this society but as playing off the good and
which sponsored the research which helped get leftist legislation passed. We need to get the bad features of this society against each other.
rid of the Marxist idea that only bottom-up initiatives, conducted by workers and peasants
who have somehow been so freed from resentment as to show no trace of prejudice, can AKH1708 THE IDEA OF RADICAL CRITIQUE IS AHISTORICAL AND
achieve our country. The history of leftist politics in America is a story of how top-down SCIENTISTIC
initiatives and bottom-up initiatives have interlocked. Top-down leftist initiatives come Richard Rorty, Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia, ESSAYS ON
from people who have enough security, money, and power themselves, but nevertheless HEIDEGGER AND OTHERS, 1991, p.25.
worry about the fate of people who have less. Examples of such initiatives are muckraking To my mind, the persistence on the left of this notion of 'radical critique' is an unfortunate
exposes by journalists, novelists, and scholars -- for example, Ida Tarbell on Standard Oil, residue of the scientistic conception of philosophy. Neither the idea of penetrating to a
Upton Sinclair on immigrant workers in the Chicago slaughterhouses, Noam Chomsky on reality behind the appearances, nor that of theoretical foundations for politics, coheres with
the State Department's lies and the New York Times's omissions. Other examples are the the conception of language and inquiry which, I have been arguing, is common to
Wagner and Norris-Laguardia Acts, novels of social protest like People of the Abyss and Heidegger and to Dewey. For both ideas presuppose that someday we shall penetrate to the
Studs Lonigan, the closing of university campuses after the American invasion of true, natural, ahistorical matrix of all possible language and knowledge. Marx, for all his
Cambodia, and the Supreme Court's decisions in Brown v. Board of Education and Romer insistence on the priority of praxis, clung to both ideas, and they became dominant within
v. Evans. Marxism after Lenin and Stalin turned Marxism into a state religion. But there is no reason
why either should be adopted by those who are not obliged to practice this religion.
Richard Rorty, professor of philosophy, University of Virginia, ACHIEVING OUR PROBLEMS
COUNTRY, 1998, p.28. Richard Rorty, Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia, ESSAYS ON
The culminating achievement of Dewey's philosophy was to treat evaluative terms such HEIDEGGER AND OTHERS, 1991, p.26.
as "true" and "right" not as signifying a relation to some antecedently existing thing -- such The vocabulary of social democratic politics -- the vocabulary which Dewey and Weber
as God's Will, or Moral Law, or the Intrinsic Nature of Objective Reality -- but as helped cobble together --probably does not require further sophistication by philosophers
expressions of satisfaction at having found a solution to a problem: a problem which may (though economists and sociologists and historians have done some useful updating).
someday seem obsolete, and a satisfaction which may someday seem misplaced. The effect There are no facts about economic oppression or class struggle, or modern technology,
of this treatment is to change our account of progress. Instead of seeing progress as a which that vocabulary cannot describe and a more 'radical' metaphoric can. The horrors
matter of getting closer to something specifiable in advance, we see it as a matter of peculiar to the end of our century -- imminent nuclear holocaust, the permanent
solving more problems. Progress is, as Thomas Kuhn suggested, measured by the extent drug-riddled black underclass in the U.S., the impossibility of feeding countries like Haiti
to which we have made ourselves better than we were in the past rather than by our and Chad except by massive charity which the rich nations are too selfish to provide, the
increased proximity to a goal. unbreakable grip of the rich or the military on the governments of most of the Third World,
the unbreakable grip of the KGB on the Russian people and of the Soviet army on a third
AKH1704 PRAGMATISM ASSUMES THE VALUE OF DEMOCRATIC COMMUNITY of Europe -- are no better describable with the help of more recent philosophical
Richard Rorty, Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia, ESSAYS ON vocabulary than with the vocabulary used by our grandfathers. Nobody has come up with
HEIDEGGER AND OTHERS, 1991, p.20. any proposal for ending any of these horrors which draws on new conceptual resources.
But for Dewey, "progress, the happiness of the greatest number, culture, civilization" do Our political imagination has not been enlarged by the philosophy of our century. This is
not belong on the same list as "the suprasensory world, the Ideas, God, the moral law, the not because of the irrelevance or cowardice or irresponsibility of philosophy professors,
authority of reason." The latter are dead metaphors which pragmatists can no longer find but because of the sheer recalcitrance of the situation into which the human race has
uses for. The former still have a point. The pragmatist does not claim to have an argument stumbled.
against the latter items and for the former items. He is not scientistic enough to think that
there is some neutral philosophical standpoint which would supply premises for such an AKH1710 IDEOLOGICAL CRITIQUE ISN'T CENTRAL TO REFORM
argument. He simply takes his stand within the democratic community and asks what an Richard Rorty, Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia, ESSAYS ON
understanding of the thinkers of the past and of the present can do for such a community. HEIDEGGER AND OTHERS, 1991, p.135.
We pragmatists view the "critique of ideology" as an occasionally useful tactical weapon
AKH1705 TECHNOLOGICAL RATIONALITY CAN BE SUBORDINATED TO in social struggles, but as one among many others. We see no evidence to confirm de
DEMOCRATIC COMMUNITY Man's claim that those familiar with "the linguistics of literariness" are likely to be more
Richard Rorty, Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia, ESSAYS ON useful than, say, statisticians or muckraking journalists. Suggesting that this sort of
HEIDEGGER AND OTHERS, 1991, p.20. linguistics is somehow central or essential to political thought seems to us like suggesting
Heidegger thinks that a non-reductive, non-anachronistic hearing of the word of these that, say, antisubmarine mines are central or essential to modern warfare.
thinkers might put us in a position to appreciate where we now are (where, as Heidegger
would say, Being now is). The pragmatist agrees, but hears them differently. He hears them
as the young Hegel did -- as urging us in the direction of greater human freedom, rather
than in the direction of technological frenzy, of an age in which "human creativity finally
passes over into business enterprise." He agrees with both Husserl and Heidegger (and
with Horkheimer and Adorno) that the age of scientific technology may turn out to be the
age in which openness and freedom are rationalized out of existence. But his reply is that
it might turn out to be the age in which the democratic community becomes the mistress,
rather than the servant, of technical rationality.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 151
Richard Rorty, professor of philosophy, University of Virginia, ACHIEVING OUR Richard Rorty, Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia, ESSAYS ON
COUNTRY, 1998, p.96. HEIDEGGER AND OTHERS, 1991, p.135.
I have argued in various books that the philosophers most often cited by cultural leftists Having granted all these points, however, we pragmatists still want to insist that what de
-- Nietzsche, Heidegger, Foucault, and Derrida -- are largely right in their criticisms of Man says in the passages I have cited is absurd. It is just not the case that one has to have
Enlightenment rationalism. I have argued further that traditional liberalism and traditional a Saussurian-Wittgensteinian-Derridean understanding of the nature of language in order
humanism are entirely compatible with such criticisms. We can still be oldfashioned to think clearly and usefully about politics. One does not have to be an anti-essentialist in
reformist liberals even if, like Dewey, we give up the correspondence theory of truth and philosophy in order to be politically imaginative or politically useful. Philosophy is not
start treating moral and scientific beliefs as tools for achieving greater human happiness, that important for politics, nor is literature. Lots of people who accept theocentric or
rather than as representations of the intrinsic nature of reality. We can be this kind of Kantian logocentric accounts of moral obligation unconsciously and uncritically -- starting
liberal even after we turn our backs on Descartes, linguistify subjectivity, and see with Kant himself -- have done very well at political thinking. They have been invaluable
everything around us and within us as one more replaceable social construction. to social reform and progress. The same can be said of lots of essentialists -- for example,
all those people who still think that either natural or social science can change our
AKH1712 "DISRUPTIVE" THEORIZING IS POLITICALLY IMPOTENT self-image for the better by telling us what we really, essentially, intrinsically, are.
Richard Rorty, professor of philosophy, University of Virginia, ACHIEVING OUR
When one of today's academic leftists says that some topic has been "inadequately Richard Rorty, professor of philosophy, University of Virginia, ACHIEVING OUR
theorized," you can be pretty certain that he or she is going to drag in either philosophy of COUNTRY, 1998, p.97.
language, or Lacanian psychoanalysis, or some neo-Marxist version of economic Whitman and Dewey, I have argued, gave us all the romance, and all the spiritual uplift,
determinism. Theorists of the Left think that dissolving political agents into plays of we Americans need to go about our public business. As Edmundson remarks, we should
differential subjectivity, or political initiatives into pursuits of Lacan's impossible object not allow Emerson, who was a precursor of both Whitman and Dewey, to be displaced by
of desire, helps to subvert the established order. Such subversion, they say, is Poe, who was a precursor of Lacan. For purposes of thinking about how to achieve our
accomplished by "problematizing familiar concepts." Recent attempts to subvert social country, we do not need to worry about the correspondence theory of truth, the grounds
institutions by problematizing concepts have produced a few very good books. They have of normativity, the impossibility of justice, or the infinite distance which separates us from
also produced many thousands of books which represent scholastic philosophizing at its the other. For those purposes, we can give both religion and philosophy a pass. We can just
worst. The authors of these purportedly "subversive" books honestly believe that they are get on with trying to solve what Dewey called "the problems of men."
serving human liberty. But it is almost impossible to clamber back down from their books
to a level of abstraction on which one might discuss the merits of a law, a treaty, a AKH1717 HIGH LEVEL ABSTRACTION DISTORTS ANALYSIS
candidate, or a political strategy. Even though what these authors "theorize" is often Richard Rorty, professor of philosophy, University of Virginia, ACHIEVING OUR
something very concrete and near at hand -- a current TV show, a media celebrity, a recent COUNTRY, 1998, p.92-3.
scandal -- they offer the most abstract and barren explanations imaginable. In support of my first suggestion, let me cite a passage from Dewey's Reconstruction in
Philosophy in which he expresses his exasperation with the sort of sterile debate now
AKH1713 METAPHYSICAL IDEAS DON'T REALLY MATTER going on under the rubric of "individualism versus communitarianism." Dewey thought
Richard Rorty, Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia, ESSAYS ON that all discussions which took this dichotomy seriously suffer from a common defect.
HEIDEGGER AND OTHERS, 1991, p.146. They are all committed to the logic of general notions under which specific situations are
Nonintellectuals' conviction that what the intellectuals talk about does not really matter to be brought. What we want is light upon this or that group of individuals, this or that
was greatly strengthened when the new Enlightenment intellectuals informed them that the concrete human being, this or that special institution or social arrangement. For such a
previous batch of intellectuals -- the priests -- had been completely wrong. One logic of inquiry, the traditionally accepted logic substitutes discussion of the meaning of
consequence of the mechanization of nature, and of the resulting popularity of a pragmatic, concepts and their dialectical relationships with one another. Dewey was right to be
Baconian attitude toward knowledge-claims, was a heightened cynicism and indifference exasperated by sociopolitical theory conducted at this level of abstraction. He was wrong
about the questions that intellectuals discuss. This is why metaphysical issues about "the when he went on to say that ascending to this level is typically a rightist maneuver, one
nature of reality" and "the true self" have less resonance and popular appeal than religious which supplies "the apparatus for intellectual justifications of the established order." For
heresies once did, and why philosophical questions raised within Comte's "positive," such ascents are now more common on the Left than on the Right. The contemporary
postmetaphysical perspective have even less. People always thought the priests a bit funny, academic Left seems to think that the higher your level of abstraction, the more subversive
but also a bit awe-inspiring. They thought German idealists, and Anglo-Saxon positivists, of the established order you can be. The more sweeping and novel your conceptual
merely funny. apparatus, the more radical your critique.

Richard Rorty, Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia, ESSAYS ON Richard Rorty, Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia, ESSAYS ON
The moral I wish to draw from the story I have been telling is that we should carry through Even though we pragmatists commend our anti-essentialism and anti-logocentrism on the
on the rejection of metaphilosophical scientism. That is, we should let the debate between ground of its harmony with the practices and aims of a democratic society, we do not want
those who see contemporary democratic societies as hopeless, and those who see them as to claim that accepting and applying such doctrines is necessary for overcoming social and
our only hope, be conducted in terms of the actual problems now being faced by those economic repression. After all, a lot of such repression is so blatant and obvious that it
societies. If I am right in thinking that the difference between Heidegger's and Dewey's does not take any great analytic skills or any great philosophical self-consciousness to see
ways of rejecting scientism is political rather than methodological or metaphysical, then what is going on. It does not, for example, take any "critical-linguistic analysis" to notice
it would be well for us to debate political topics explicitly, rather than using Aesopian that millions of children in American ghettos grew up without hope while the U.S.
philosophical language. If we did, then I think that we would realize how little theoretical government was preoccupied with making the rich richer --with assuring a greedy and
reflection is likely to help us with our current problems. For once we have criticized all the selfish middle class that it was the salt of the earth.
self-deceptive sophistry, and exposed all the 'false consciousness', the result of our efforts
is to find ourselves just where our grandfathers suspected we were: in the midst of a AKH1719 POSTMODERNISM ISN'T A USEFUL CONCEPT
struggle for power between those who currently possess it (in our day: the oilmen of Texas Richard Rorty, Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia, ESSAYS ON
or Qatar or Mexico, the nomenklatura of Moscow or Bucharest, the generals of Indonesia HEIDEGGER AND OTHERS, 1991, p.1.
or Chile) and those who are starving or terrorized because they lack it. Neither Heidegger and Derrida are often referred to as "postmodern" philosophers, I have
twentieth-century Marxism, nor analytical philosophy, nor post-Nietzschean 'continental' sometimes used "postmodern" myself, in the rather narrow sense defined by Lyotard as
philosophy has done anything to clarify this struggle. We have not developed any "distrust of metanarratives." But I now wish that I had not. The term has been so over-used
conceptual instruments with which to operate politically that are superior to those available that it is causing more trouble than it is worth. I have given up on the attempt to find
at the turn of the century to Dewey or Weber. something common to Michael Graves's buildings, Pynchon's and Rushdie's novels,
Ashberry's poems, various sorts of popular music, and the writings of Heidegger and
Derrida. I have become more hesitant about attempts to periodize culture -- to describe
every part of a culture as suddenly swerving off in the same new direction at approximately
the same time. Dramatic narratives may well be, as MacIntyre has suggested, essential to
the writing of intellectual history. But it seems safer and more useful to periodize and
dramatize each discipline or genre separately, rather than trying to think of them all as
swept up together in massive sea changes.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 152
Richard Rorty, Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia, ESSAYS ON THEOLOGY
HEIDEGGER AND OTHERS, 1991, p.175. Richard Rorty, professor of philosophy, University of Virginia, ACHIEVING OUR
Lyotard unfortunately retains one of the Left's silliest ideas -- that escaping from such COUNTRY, 1998, p.95.
institutions is automatically a good thing, because it insures that one will not be "used" by The ubiquity of Foucauldian power is reminiscent of the ubiquity of Satan, and thus of the
the evil forces which have "co-opted" these institutions. Leftism of this sort necessarily ubiquity of original sin -- that diabolical stain on every human soul. I argued in my first
devalues consensus and communication, for insofar as the intellectual remains able to talk lecture that the repudiation of the concept of sin was at the heart of Dewey and Whitman's
to people outside the avant-garde she "compromises" herself. civic religion. I also claimed that the American Left, in its horror at the Vietnam War,
reinvented sin. It reinvented the old religious idea that some stains are ineradicable. I now
AKH1721 HEIDEGGER IGNORED THE VITAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN wish to say that, in committing itself to what it calls "theory," this Left has gotten
DEMOCRACY AND TOTALITARIANISM something which is entirely too much like religion. For the cultural Left has come to
Richard Rorty, Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia, ESSAYS ON believe that we must place our country within a theoretical frame of reference, situate it
HEIDEGGER AND OTHERS, 1991, p.19. within a vast quasicosmological perspective.
It will be apparent that, in formulating the pragmatist view in this way, I am trying to turn
such Heideggerian notions as 'clearing', 'opening', 'authenticity' and 'historical being-there' AKH1728 FOUCAULDIAN REJECTION OF HUMANISM IS POLITICALLY
to un-Heideggerian purposes. I want to yoke them to political movements which Heidegger DISABLING
himself distrusted. For him, the political life of both the liberal democracies and the Richard Rorty, professor of philosophy, University of Virginia, ACHIEVING OUR
totalitarian states was a piece with that 'technological frenzy' which seemed to him the COUNTRY, 1998, p.37.
essence of the modern age. The difference between the two did not really matter. By The Foucauldian Left represents an unfortunate regression to the Marxist obsession with
contrast, I want to suggest that we see the democracy-versus-totalitarianism issue as as scientific rigor. This Left still wants to put historical events in a theoretical context. it
basic as an intellectual issue can get. exaggerates the importance of philosophy for politics, and wastes its energy on
sophisticated theoretical analyses of the significance of current events. But Foucauldian
AKH1722 HEIDEGGER'S PERSPECTIVE IS POLITICALLY STERILE theoretical sophistication is even more useless to leftist politics than was Engels' dialectical
Richard Rorty, Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia, ESSAYS ON materialism. Engels at least had an eschatology. Foucauldians do not even have that.
HEIDEGGER AND OTHERS, 1991, p.24. Because they regard liberal reformist initiatives as symptoms of a discredited liberal
When it comes to attempts to make non-analytic philosophy continuous with politics, "humanism," they have little interest in designing new social experiments.
however, things become more complex and problematic. For nonanalytic philosophy is,
with some exceptions, dominated by a Heideggerian vision of the modern world rather AKH1728 DERRIDA'S THOUGHT IS POLITICALLY DISABLING
than a Deweyan one, and by despair over the condition of the world rather than by social Richard Rorty, professor of philosophy, University of Virginia, ACHIEVING OUR
hope. Because the typical member of this tradition is obsessed with the idea of 'radical COUNTRY, 1998, p.96-7.
criticism', when he or she turns to politics it is rarely in a reformist, pragmatic spirit, but But I have also urged that insofar as these antimetaphysical, anti-Cartesian philosophers
rather in a mood either of deep pessimism or of revolutionary fury. Except for a few offer a quasi-religious form of spiritual pathos, they should be relegated to private life and
writers such as Habermas, 'continental' philosophers see no relation between social not taken as guides to political deliberation. The notion of "infinite responsibility,"
democratic politics and philosophizing."' So the only sort of politics with which this formulated by Emmanuel Levinas and sometimes deployed by Derrida -- as well as
tradition is continuous is not the actual political discourse of the surviving democratic Derrida's own frequent discoveries of impossibility, unreachability, and unrepresentability
nations, but a kind of pseudo-politics reminiscent of Marxist study-groups of the thirties -- may be useful to some of us in our individual quests for private perfection. When we
-- a sort of continual self-correction of theory, with no conceivable relation to practice. take up our public responsibilities, however, the infinite and the unrepresentable are merely
nuisances. Thinking of our responsibilities in these terms is as much of a stumbling-block
AKH1723 HEIDEGGER IGNORED CONCRETE SOCIAL PROBLEMS to effective political organization as is the sense of sin. Emphasizing the impossibility of
Richard Rorty, Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia, ESSAYS ON meaning, or of justice, as Derrida sometimes does, is a temptation to Gothicize -- to view
HEIDEGGER AND OTHERS, 1991, p.19. democratic politics as ineffectual, because unable to cope with preternatural forces.
Although Heidegger's philosophy seems to me not to have specifically totalitarian
implications, it does take for granted that attempts to feed the hungry, shorten the working AKH1729 PREOCCUPATION WITH VIETNAM DISABLES THE LEFT
day, etc., just do not have much to do with philosophy. For Heidegger, Christianity is Richard Rorty, professor of philosophy, University of Virginia, ACHIEVING OUR
merely a certain decadent form of Platonic metaphysics; the change from pagan to COUNTRY, 1998, p.38.
Christian moral consciousness goes unnoticed. The 'social gospel' side of Christianity In the remaining lectures I shall be contrasting the Deweyan, pragmatic, participatory Left
which meant most to Tillich (a social democratic thinker who was nevertheless able to as it existed prior to the Vietnam War and the spectatorial Left which has taken its place.
appropriate a lot of Heideggerian ideas and jargon) meant nothing to Heidegger. One consequence of that disastrous war was a generation of Americans who suspected that
our country was unachievable that that war not only could never be forgiven, but had
AKH1724 HEIDEGGER NEGLECTS PRACTICAL HUMAN PROBLEMS shown us to be a nation conceived in sin, and irredeemable. This suspicion lingers. As long
Richard Rorty, Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia, ESSAYS ON as it does, and as long as the American Left remains incapable of national pride, our
HEIDEGGER AND OTHERS, 1991, p.40-1. country will have only a cultural Left, not a political one.
One should be clear that for Heidegger things like the danger of a nuclear holocaust, mass
starvation because of overpopulation, and the like, are not indications that the time is AKH1731 ALTERNATIVES ARE NECESSARY FOR EFFECTIVE POLITICS
particularly dark and dangerous. These merely ontic matters are not the sort of thing Richard Rorty, professor of philosophy, University of Virginia, ACHIEVING OUR
Heidegger has in mind when he says that "the wasteland spreads." COUNTRY, 1998, p.104.
The voting public, the public which must be won over if the Left is to emerge from the
AKH1725 HEIDEGGER WAS INDIFFERENT TO HUMAN SUFFERING academy into the public square, sensibly wants to be told the details. It wants to know how
Richard Rorty, Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia, ESSAYS ON things are going to work after markets are put behind us. It wants to know how
HEIDEGGER AND OTHERS, 1991, p.72. participatory democracy is supposed to function. The cultural Left offers no answers to
Only he can see the point of Heidegger's disdainful remark that the greatest disaster -- the such demands for further information, but until it confronts them it will not be able to be
spread of the wasteland, understood as the forgetfulness of Being -- may "easily go hand a political Left. The public, sensibly, has no interest in getting rid of capitalism until it is
in hand with a guaranteed living standard for all men, and with a uniform state of offered details about the alternatives. Nor should it be interested in participatory
happiness for all men." Ascetic priests have no patience with people who think that mere democracy -- the liberation of the people from the power of the technocrats -- until it is
happiness or mere decrease of suffering might compensate for Seinsvergetsenheit, told how deliberative assemblies will acquire the same know-how which only the
forgetfulness of Being. technocrats presently possess. Even someone like myself, whose admiration for John
Dewey is almost unlimited, cannot take seriously his defense of participatory democracy
AKH1726 FOUCAULT'S POLITICS REINFORCE THE STATUS QUO against Walter Lippmann's insistence on the need for expertise.
Richard Rorty, professor of philosophy, University of Virginia, ACHIEVING OUR
COUNTRY, 1998, p.139.
This conviction seems to me entirely mistaken. I take Foucault's refusal to indulge in
utopian thinking not as sagacity but as a result of his unfortunate inability to believe in the
possibility of human happiness, and his consequent inability to think of beauty as the
promise of happiness. Attempts to imitate Foucault make it hard for his followers to take
poets like Blake or Whitman seriously. So it is hard for these followers to take seriously
people inspired by such poets -- people like jean Jaures, Eugene Debs, Vaclav Havel, and
Bill Bradley. The Foucauldian academic Left in contemporary America is exactly the sort
of Left that the oligarchy dreams of: a Left whose members are so busy unmasking the
present that they have no time to discuss what laws need to be passed in order to create a
better future.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 153
Andrew Light, University of Alberta Philosophy Professor, ENVIRONMENTAL Andrew Light, University of Alberta Philosophy Professor, ENVIRONMENTAL
PRAGMATISM, 1996, p.177.
PRAGMATISM, 1996, p.174. Importantly, the environmental pragmatist because she is not committed to a dogmatic
In all these cases the environmental pragmatist searches for answers to these questions in defense of her starting frameworks (which may direct her research or activist interests at
private while publicly pursuing the best possible solutions to practical environmental first), and because she is not looking for a totalizing definition of the true state of the
questions. The pragmatist also recognizes that the current state of the world, either natural world when so many practical considerations are at hand, is open to acknowledging
economically, politically, or ontologically, is the result of a contingent history; existing that at sometime her framework may be inappropriate for obtaining the goals of
preservation and protection of the environment. On some issues the ontologist must defer
individual or social relationships with the non-human natural world are not manned to be to the materialist for example, when questions of social structures are on the table.
the only ones that must be worked within in looking for solutions to environmental
problem. Them are no universal statements on the state of nature available for the AKH1738 ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS HASN'T EFFECTED ENVIRONMENTAL
environmental pragmatist (or rather, the pragmatist does not permit such statements in POLICY
public) -- descriptions of the relationship between humans and nature are descriptions of Andrew Light, University of Alberta Philosophy Professor, ENVIRONMENTAL
PRAGMATISM, 1996, p.1.
states of affairs that could have been otherwise. And because they could have been On the other hand, it is difficult to see what practical effect the field of environmental
otherwise pragmatists do not essentialize their conceptions of the identity of nature or our ethics has had on the formation of environmental policy. The intramural debates of
duty to it which would limit their ability to reconceptualize nature in such a way that it can environmental philosophers, although interesting, provocative and complex, seem to have
be most expeditiously protected. no real impact on the deliberations of environmental scientists, activists and policy-makers.
The ideas within environmental ethics are, apparently, inert -- like Hume's Treatise, they
fall deadborn from the press.
Andrew Light, University of Alberta Philosophy Professor, ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENT
PRAGMATISM, 1996, p.178. Bryan Norton, Georgia Tech Philosophy Professor, ENVIRONMENTAL PRAGMATISM,
When we feel the urgency to act, in order to provide aid to nature, we will find temporary Light, ed., 1996, p.123-4.
Lee also shows that the Deweyan approach is usefully complemented by the creative work
stopping places in our ongoing conversations on how best to act for nature and how best of policy analysts on "bounded rationality," who have recognized that arriving at improved
to interpret the needs of nature. For pragmatists as I conceive them there may be no other policies is often a matter of "muddling through" rather than a matter of establishing
public solutions to some problems other than "pragmatic" ones as we have given up on the idealistic goals and instituting decisive and abrupt changes to achieve those goals. The
idea of a totalizing discourse for now about conceptions of nature. But pragmatic solutions pragmatic approach recognizes that there is great uncertainty in both human knowledge
are not something we settle on, they are things we strive for while privately pursuing if we and human valuations and attempts to nurture processes and institutions that seek
compromise and incremental change and improvement of understanding and goals. In the
choose, our individual redescriptions of nature in positive, totalizing or hegemonic terms. process both information and values will be adjusted to become more appropriate and
adaptive to particular situations.
Gary Varner, Texas A&M Philosophy Professor, ENVIRONMENTAL PRAGMATISM, SOLUTIONS
Andrew Light, University of Alberta Philosophy Professor, ENVIRONMENTAL
Light, ed., 1996, p.267. PRAGMATISM, 1996, p.3.
Bryan Norton, for instance, urges us to let theory arise out of rather than precede and then The failure of this unified vision to effect practical policy should give us further pause.
be applied to, real world controversies. He calls this "practical philosophy" to distinguish Viewing this problematic situation, it is the conclusion of environmental pragmatists that
it from business-as-usual "applied philosophy." And Paul Thompson sees a role for theory it is time for environmental ethics to consider some new positions in the field, and more
in the "diagnosis" of environmental disputes like water rights controversies. What such importantly. to reassess its direction. The small set of acceptable approaches to
environmental ethics may be inapplicable to the development of an acceptable
pragmatically oriented philosophers are impatient with is the obsession, typical of environmental policy -- it may be necessary to explore other possible sources and
philosophical environmental ethics, with very abstract controversies over anthropocentrism foundations for a truly moral environmentalism. Thus methodological dogmatism may
vs. holism, intrinsic value vs. instrumental value, and so on. account for the failure of environmental ethics in the realm of practical affairs.

Bryan Norton, Georgia Tech Philosophy Professor, ENVIRONMENTAL PRAGMATISM. Andrew Light, University of Alberta Philosophy Professor, ENVIRONMENTAL
Light, ed, 1996, p.108. PRAGMATISM, 1996. p.172.
Practical philosophy, as I am defining it here in contrast to applied philosophy, is more So now I will focus on the latter form of pragmatism. It is different in kind from the
problem-oriented; its chief characteristic is an emphasis on theories as tools of the straightforward philosophical view: it is used more like a yardstick (perhaps a heavy one
understanding, tools that are developed to resolve specific policy controversies. It shares wielded overhand) to say to people, "All right, enough with some of these debates, they
are going nowhere and a lot of this stuff is not very interesting as a philosophical or
with applied philosophy the goal of contributing to problem solution; but practical political problem." Because it is still an environmental metaphilosophical pragmatism
philosophy does not assume that useful theoretical principles will be developed and though, the reason appended to this argument is the serious nature and immediacy of the
established independent of the policy process and then applied within that process. It area to which we have drawn our philosophical attention. Like Kvaloy's version of
works towards theoretical principles by struggling with real cases, appealing to less eco-philosophy, this strategy is in a sense not freely chosen, but appears as a "necessity --
sweeping rules of thumb that can be argued to be appropriate in a particular context, rather as a response required by the total (environmental) system crisis we are experiencing in
the world."
than establishing a universal theory and "applying" it to real cases. Practice is prior to
theory in the sense that principles are ultimately generated from practice, not vice versa. AKH1742 ENVIRONMENTAL PHILOSOPHIES FREEZE THE ENVIRONMENTAL
AKH1736 OPENENDED INQUIRY IS NEEDED WITH REGARD TO THE Andrew Light, University of Alberta Philosophy Professor, ENVIRONMENTAL
The application of ethical theories fails to resolve the dispute because it serves to freeze
Andrew Light, University of Alberta Philosophy Professor, ENVIRONMENTAL the debate: its main result is to provide each side with a robust theoretical argument for the
PRAGMATISM, 1996, p.10. policy they favor. Thompson thus argues against the traditional "application" of theory for
In this stage of flux and uncertainty, when the goal of the new evolution of value is the resolution of policy conflicts; he prefers a solution based on James' idea of necessity
undetermined, it would be a serious mistake to attempt to force a theoretical consistency and Dewey's notion of the reconstruction of community.
in environmental philosophy -- to require, as Callicott does, one basic formulation of
environmental ethics. Weston, suggests that this is rather a time for open ended inquiry and
a kind of Deweyan social reconstruction. a time for experimentation in the expression and
language of environmental thought. This practical project Weston calls "enabling
environmental practice" -- for it will enable the creation and evolution of new
environmental values and a new relationship with the natural world.
The Anti-Kritik Handbook 154
Andrew Light, University of Alberta Philosophy Professor, ENVIRONMENTAL PRAGMATISM
PRAGMATISM, 1996, p.12. William Hyland, Editor of Foreign Affairs, FOREIGN AFFAIRS (AMERICA AND THE
But the fruits of this philosophical enterprise must be directed towards the practical WORLD issue), 1991-92, p.48-9.
resolution of environmental problems -- environmental ethics cannot remain mired in It may be years, if not decades, before Russia will know its fate. if there were ever a case
longrunning theoretic debates in an attempt to achieve philosophical certainty. As Mark for prudence and pragmatism, Russia is it. Pragmatism translates into restraint in rushing
Sagoff has written: "[W]e have to get along without certainty; we have to solve practical, aid for this or that economic scheme or for this or that political leader, including Russian
not theoretical, problems; and we must adjust the ends we pursue to the means available President Boris Yeltsin. Most of the money will be wasted, as it already has been.
to accomplish them. Otherwise, method becomes an obstacle to morality, dogma the foe Long-term technical assistance makes sense, but only if it is clearly recognized that the
of deliberation, and the ideal society we aspire to in theory will become a formidable payoff may not be evident for years, if ever. And it is doubtful that American opinion will
enemy of the good society we can achieve in fact." In short, environmental ethics must sustain a long-term program in a period of economic difficulties at home.
develop for itself a methodology of environmental pragmatism -- fueled by a recognition
that theoretical debates are problematic for the development of environmental policy. AKH1750 PRUDENCE AND PATIENCE ARE CRITICAL WITH REGARD TO
AKH1744 PRAGMATISM BEST PROTECTS THE ENVIRONMENT Alvin Rubinstein, Professor of Political Science, University of Pennsylvania, ORBIS,
Andrew Light, University of Alberta Philosophy Professor, ENVIRONMENTAL Winter 1997, p.38.
PRAGMATISM, 1996, p.179. And in all things touching on Russia, prudence, patience, and realistic expectations are in
A metaphilosophical pragmatist, of whatever origin, when looking at a political. ecological order, for there more than anywhere else the United States would do well to heed
situation, takes politics in general to be a constantly shifting contested terrain. This view Talleyrand's advice: surtout pas de zele (above all, no zeal).
follows from their non-essentialist approach to practical political questions. But again, the
environmental part of this pragmatism forces such assessments within the context of
constructing the best approach that accords with established ecological principles. Looking
out at the wealth of political theories, the environmental pragmatist (here concerned with
constructing a DPE) is going to use the theory that best embraces the fact of the contested
terrain of politics towards the goal of laying the foundation of egalitarian practices which
are in the best interests of the long-term health of the environment.
William Hyland, Editor of Foreign Affairs, FOREIGN AFFAIRS (AMERICA AND THE
WORLD issue), 1991-92, p.45.
All of this means that for some years the guiding force of American policy will not be
ideology or high principles, but a far greater pragmatism. Policymakers will have to placate
nationalistic sentiment at home and satisfy several overlapping centers of power abroad.
On occasion there will have to be compromises on issues such as free trade, the crusade,
for democracy, human rights and the rule of law -- the very principles of the new world
order. Much like the policy of containment, a prolonged pragmatism may be necessary to
finally realize those laudable goals.
William Hyland, Editor of Foreign Affairs, FOREIGN AFFAIRS (AMERICA AND THE
WORLD issue), 1991-92, p.46.
The same sense of prudence also governs the debate about aid to the former Soviet Union.
A strong case can be made that it is in the American interest to aid Russia. The mayor of
Boston, however, defined the context for this issue much better than his fellow Bostonians
at Harvard when he suggested that for every dollar sent to the old U.S.S.R., one dollar
should also be sent to American cities. The world of the 1990s will resemble nothing in
America's previous experience. The United States will be required to conduct a foreign
policy for which there is almost no historical precedent, and to do so with limited resources
in an increasingly competitive world in which the threat that held together the various
American alliances will have vanished.
William Hyland, Editor of Foreign Affairs, FOREIGN AFFAIRS (AMERICA AND THE
WORLD issue), 1991-92, p.49.
The case for pragmatism is also strong in Asia. America fought three wars in Asia, but fifty
years after Pearl Harbor, and almost twenty years since Vietnam, America still cannot
define its proper role there. The problems are the same as they have been for almost a
century -- our uneasy relations with Japan and China. Usually, we have managed to have
good relations with one or the other, and recently with both. But currently our relations
with both are in danger of deteriorating.
William Hyland, Editor of Foreign Affairs, FOREIGN AFFAIRS (AMERICA AND THE
WORLD issue), 1991-92, p.51.
The other area most affected by the end of the Cold War is the Middle East. Here, too,
pragmatism rather than principle is beginning to govern the conduct of the parties involved
in the conflict, as well as the United States, the only outside power of any consequence in
this area.

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