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TERA Handbook

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Tr a v e l o k a E x t r a n e t R e s e r v a t i o n A c c e s s


Welcome to
TERA, your
Handbook to
Manage your
Hotel System.
Handbook 1
Table of

1.0 Becoming Traveloka’s Direct Partner​

Logging in to TERA​
Updating and managing your basic hotel and room information​

1.3 Managing your hotel Generic Policy

1.4 Adding or modifying your Hotel photos
1.5 Setting and managing your room allotment
1.6 Setting and managing your room rates
1.7 Setting and managing your room inventories more efficiently
with Load Tariff
1.8 Managing your Availability with Regular Availability Monitor
1.9 Managing your Hotel Room Inventory Setting
1.10 Setting your property Live

2.0 Boosting your Bookings With 24

Promotion And Rate Plans

2.1 Managing your promotion
2.2 Managing your Rate Plans

3.0 Viewing And Managing your Bookings 30

3.1 Checking and managing your booking list

Traveloka Extranet Reservation Access

4.0 Viewing And Managing 34

your Payments
4.1 Understanding Traveloka’s payment types and methods
4.2 Viewing your Payment List

5.0 Managing your Customers’ Booking 40

Cancellations And Refund

5.1 Managing booking cancellation and refund with
Deposit History

6.0 Getting Help 44

6.1 Customer booking inquiries (for hotels)

6.2 Partnership and registration inquiries (for Hotels)
6.3 Customer inquiries (for customers)

Becoming Traveloka’s
Direct Partner​

Set up your hotel property, manage

your allotments, and determine your
generic policy to give a different
experience for your customers.

Traveloka Extranet Reservation Access


Logging Into TERA

After activating your account, you may log into
TERA at ​http://tera.traveloka.com using your
username (which should be your registered
email address) and the password that you set
during TERA activation.

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 2 3 4 5 6
Manage your View reports Set your property Manage all Manage your Manage your
property’s on your language preference information bookings payments
room inventory property’s about your
performance property
displayed on


Updating and Managing

your Basic Hotel
and Room Information
You can manage all the information shown on Traveloka,
including details about location, facilities, photos, contacts,
policy and more under the ​Hotel Data m ​ enu in TERA

6 Traveloka Extranet Reservation Access

Becoming Traveloka Direct Partner


Managing your Hotel

Generic Policy
You may manage your hotel policies by
selecting Hotel Generic Policy under the
Hotel Data menu.

Hotel policy is divided into 3 categories

(“Important Notice”, “Hotel Policy”, and “Check-in Instructions”):

1. Important Notice​: you can

set hotel policies such as the
gender that your hotel accepts
and your hotel’s marriage
regulation. What you specify
on “Important Notice” will be
displayed on Traveloka under
the “Hotel Facility” tab as seen
on the right.

2. Hotel Policy​: you can set

hotel policies such as rules on
smoking and any extra charges
for breakfast or extra guests.
What you specify on “Hotel
Policy” will be displayed on
Traveloka, located in the “Hotel
Policy” tab as seen on the right.

Handbook 7
3. Check-in Instructions:
you can set any special
check-in instructions, which
will be displayed on your
customer voucher


Adding or Modifying
Hotel Photos
You may view and manage the photos that
appear in your property’s listing on Traveloka by
accessing Hotel Photos under the Hotel Data

Please note that all photos should conform to

the following limitations:

- At least 800 x 600 pixels and no

larger than 4000 x 4000 pixels
- File size between 100 KB and no
larger than 3 MB
We also require that you upload at least one
photo of your lobby, and at least one photo of
the bedroom and bathroom for each room type.

1. To view and manage your photos in TERA select “Hotel

Photos” under the “Hotel Data” menu.

8 Traveloka Extranet Reservation Access

Becoming Traveloka Direct Partner

2. You can manage your photos by clicking on

“Manage Photos”

3. You can manage photos already on

display, including previewing, deleting
and labelling photos

Hover over and
click “preview” to
preview photos

Assign label to Hover over and
existing photos click “remove” to
remove photos

Save any changes

4. You can upload photos to TERA by clicking

the “Add more photos” button

Select to add new hotel

photos display on Traveloka
web or mobile app

Handbook 9
5. Choose File, then select the photo or
folder that you want to upload and
click “Add Selected Photos”

1 1
2 Upload a new
Select a photo photo from your
already uploaded computer

Select this
button to add
photos to display

6. You can change the photo description

on a drop down menu

Assign a label to
the new photo
Select “Save Changes”

7. To set any photo as the main photo of

your hotel, please ensure the desired
image is uploaded first, followed by
the next images in your desired order
(Note: you can also select the main
photo by dragging and dropping the
desired photo to the top left corner).

8. Remember to click ‘Save Changes’ to save

10 Traveloka Extranet Reservation Access

Becoming Traveloka Direct Partner


Setting and Managing your

Room Allotment
From the TERA homepage go to ​Room
Management > ​go to ​Room Allotment > select
the relevant​room type​and​date range​> Click
“Search Room Allotment​” to retrieve your results

Set the
room type
you want
to set the Set the date
allotment range that
1 2 you want
to set the
Fill the allotment
allotment in 3
each date
4 Click search

Based on your filter option, TERA

will generate a summary of the room
allotment as seen below. You will be able
to create or update room allotment in the
provided fields.
You will go to Extra
Bed allotment page
by clicking this button
Availability options
set by you. You are
allowed to modify Guaranteed allotment
these columns based on agreement
between your hotel
and Traveloka. You
are not granted
access to change
Regular Allotment
set by you. You are
allowed to modify this
You can see your
pay at Hotel
allotment in
these columns.
To change it, you
should go to “Hotel
Room Data”
Regular allotment +
Guaranteed allotment

Handbook 11
A. Regular allotment: is allotment given by your hotel to Traveloka. You can modify
your hotel’s regular allotment from the “Available”, “Used”, “Close Out”, “No
Check-in”, “No Check-out” columns.

B. Guaranteed allotment: is a special allotment given by your hotel exclusively

to Traveloka based on mutual contract agreement. By having this we hope to
improve our customer experience in Traveloka and provide them with more
available rooms.

C. Total Available​: Total number of allotment available (including regular and

guaranteed allotment).

D. Pay at Hotel allotment: Allotment given by your hotel to Traveloka, of which

customers would make payment later at your hotel. Pay At Hotel will use Regular
Allotment, but not Guaranteed Allotment. There is a cap, which is the maximum
number of allotment that is available to be sold for Pay At Hotel, and it is called
Pay At Hotel Allocation. You can set Pay at Hotel allocation on ​Hotel Room Data
page. Please ignore this if your hotel did not register for Pay At Hotel. P
​ lease also
note that Pay At Hotel is only available in selected countries. ​Please contact your
Market Manager for more information if you are interested.

E. Check Extra Bed Allotment: ​Extra Bed allotment given by your hotel if you
provide Extra Bed in the room. If you click this button, you will be navigated to
another, which is Extra Bed allotment page where you can set and modify your
hotel extra bed allotment.

12 Traveloka Extranet Reservation Access

Becoming Traveloka Direct Partner


Setting and Managing

your Room Rates
From the TERA homepage go to ​Room Management > ​go to ​
Room Rates > select the relevant r​ oom type​and d ​ ate range >​
Click “​Search Room Rate​” to retrieve your results.

Our Extranet will generate a summary of the room rates based on

your search filter. From this page you can create or update your
hotel room rates (including “Single Retail Rate”, “Retail Rate” and
“Extra Bed”) in the provided fields.

Price set by you for

Single retail rate your full occupancy of
hotel will receive the room
depends on your
hotel tax setting and
commision %

Extra Price for extra

bed if you want to
Single retail rate set by
sell extra bed
you. It must be same
or lower than retail rate

Promotion blackout.
Retail rate your hotel By ticking this box
will receive depends on in certain dates,
your hotel tax setting promotion will not
and commision % be applied to the
room in those dates


Setting and Managing

your Room Inventories
More Efficiently
With Load Tariff
The Load Tariff page allows you to manage your room allotment,
availability and room rate more efficiently. You can set your Room
Allotment (Room Allocation) and Room Rate (Room Price) on this
page, which can be directly applied to all of your hotel’s room types
when the allotment amount that is entered for the same amount
and for the same period.

Handbook 13
1. To manage your Room Allotment and Room Rate using Load Tarif
in TERA, select “Load Tariff” under “Room Management” menu

2. On “Mode” field there are 3 modes which you can

pick from to manage your hotel room inventories
(Room Allotment, Room Availability or Room Rate)

There are 3 modes

to choose from:
1. Room Allotment
2. Room Availability
3. Room Rate

A. Choose “Room Allotment” in the Load Tariff

Mode option to manage your room allotment

I. After selecting Room Allotment, choose

the type of room to be updated, the
number of rooms allocated in “Room
II. In the “Date Range” choose the period
for the number allocated that will be
III. In the “Day Of Week” drop-down, enter
a day period (weekday, weekend, or a
specific day) if the hotels have specific
allotment during those days.
IV. Enter the number of room allocations to
be provided and then click “Save”.

14 Traveloka Extranet Reservation Access

Becoming Traveloka Direct Partner

B. Choose “Room Availability” in the Load Tariff

Mode option to manage your room availability
(i.e. close out, no check-in, no check-out)
I. After selecting Room availability, choose the
“Room Type” to be updated.
II. In the “Date Range” choose the period for the
number allocated that will
be affected.
III. In the “Day Of Week” drop-down, enter a day
period (weekday, weekend,
or a specific day) if the hotels have specific
allotment during those days.
IV. Select the option that you would like to do
(“Close out”, “No Check in” or
“No Check out”) under the “Availability options”.

Handbook 15
C. Choose “Room Rate” in the Load Tariff Mode
option to manage rates
I. Upon selecting “Room Rate”, choose the “Room
Type” whose rate will be updated
II. Specify the period for the allocation amount to be
updated in “Date Range”
III. Enter a day period (weekday, weekend, or a specific
day) under “Day Of Week” drop-down list
IV. Enter the room rates to be provided then click “Save”



Managing your Availability Using

Regular Availability Monitor
You can check your hotel regular allotment
availability for the next 2 weeks and/or for the
next 12 months for each of your hotel room types

1. Select “Regular Availability Monitor”

under the “Reports” menu

16 Traveloka Extranet Reservation Access

Becoming Traveloka Direct Partner

2. Select the “Availability for 2 weeks” tab to have a 2 weeks

view of your bookings or select “Availability for 12 Months”
tab to have a 12 months view of your bookings

3. Under the “Availability for 2 weeks” tab you can access your
hotel availability status for each room type quickly by referring to
the colour coding of each box. From this page, you can directly
modify your room availability, such as opening closed out room,
topping up allotment, removing ‘No Check-in’ and ‘No Check-out’

a. The Red box indicate that your allotment is: 1. not

available due to close out and/or zero available regular
allotment; 2. there is a rate block due to setting rate
below rate protection as per room inventory setting (refer
to ​Section 5.5​). To fix the issue, click on the relevant room
type and date. You will see a pop-up message, click “Do
you want to fix this” on the relevant row to fix the issue

Handbook 17
b. The Yellow box indicates that your allotment is below the minimum
allotment quantity of room that you set at the Room Inventory
Setting (refer to ​Section 5.5​) on how to set your minimum allotment
alert. To increase your minimum allotment, click on the relevant room
type and date. You will see a pop-up message, Click “Do you want to
fix this” on the relevant row.

c. The Green box indicates that there is no issue on availability. Your hotels
already have allotment more than the minimum allotment quantity.

d. The Black box indicates that there is no allotment/rate set in the

period or there is no rate protection data. It can also mean the room
was created and deleted before (note: you can verify this by checking
Hotel Room Data). If you would like to set rate or add allotment, click
on the relevant room type and date. You will see a pop-up message,
click “Set rate” and you will be linked to the relevant page to manage
your allotment.

18 Traveloka Extranet Reservation Access

4. Under the “Availability for 12 Months” tab, you can
view your hotel’s day-to-day availability status for
each room type for up to 12 months. You can set the
room type you would like to view by selecting your
room type from the “Room Type” drop down option.
After which you will be able to view the availability
status of each day for the room type that you
have selected. By clicking on the coloured boxes
will reveal more detail about the room availability
status on that day. Please refer to the table below to
understand what each box colour means.


Managing your Hotel

Room Inventory
1. To view your hotel room inventory select the “Room
Inventory Setting” under the “Room Management” menu

Handbook 19
2. On the “Room Inventory Setting” page
you will see 5 functions:
a. Default Occupancy: the allowable number of
people staying in one room as hotel’s default
occupancy standard
b. Max. Children​: number of maximum children
allowed in a room
c. Max. Extra Bed: the maximum number of extra
beds the hotel can provide for a
specific room type.
d. Rate protection: used to prevent any errors in
inputting prices by a shortage of digits or by a
price setting. If a user enters a total price which
is smaller than the Rate Protection, then the
price setting automatically will not be changed.
e. Booking lead time: allows you to set how in
advance bookings need to be made, from 0
(same-day bookings allowed) to max. 30 days
prior to check-in. Once this feature is active,
the accommodation will not be able to receive
backdated bookings. Leave the field blank to
allow same-day and backdated bookings.

20 Traveloka Extranet Reservation Access

Becoming Traveloka Direct Partner


Setting your Property Live

1. Ensure that you have completed all
necessary data about your property

You can track your property registration

progress from the Hotel Health Summary
that will appear on the bottom right hand
side of the TERA page as you navigate

Handbook 21
Click this arrow
to view the
status of each
item per section

A Green “Complete”
means that the item
is completed

2. Click Go Live

After all the necessary data listed on the

Hotel Health Summary, the following
message will appear on the bottom right
hand side of the TERA page.

Check the I agree box and click G

​ o Live.

22 Traveloka Extranet Reservation Access

Becoming Traveloka Direct Partner

3. Notify your Market Manager that you are

ready to set your property Live

Send an email that includes the following

sentence: “I, [Your Name], certify that I
am the authorized representative of [Your
Accommodation Name], and I authorize
Traveloka to display my accommodation
on ​www.traveloka.com​” to your Market
Manager (refer to S​ ection 6.2 on where
to find your Market Manager’s email

Handbook 23
Boosting your
Bookings With
Promotion and
Rate Plans
Take advantage of Traveloka’s promotion
packages and Rate Plans to optimize your
customer’s bookings.

Traveloka Extranet Reservation Access


Checking and Managing your

Booking List

Selecting Your Promotion Deal

From the TERA homepage go to R ​ oom Management > select ​Promotion > ​
select ​Add Promotion > a
​ pop-up message will appear for you to choose
the promotion type that suits your needs > Select C
​ hoose Deal​under the
promotion type that you would like to add.

You may contact your Market Manager for more

information about how each promotion works.

2. Creating Your Promotion Conditions

After selecting the promotion deal, you can set the condition
of your promotion either via S
​ imple Mode for easier and
simpler tool to create promotion or ​Advance Mode for a
more comprehensive and customizable tool to create your
promotion conditions. If you have further enquiry on how
“Advance Mode” works please contact your Market Manager.

26 Traveloka Extranet Reservation Access

Boosting Your Bookings With Promotion And Rate Plans

Promotion Name:
You can choose any
name for your own
Promo dates must
fall within the
booking period
and Check-in Data
period range.

You can set the

discount value
by adjusting the
setting bar.

Selected additional
values will be
added on top the
discount value that
you have set.


Managing your Rate Plans

You may activate a Rate Plan to target specific
customer segments on Traveloka. Each Rate Plan
offers a special discount rate for your room in your
property that is available only to certain types of
customers on Traveloka.

Handbook 27
1. Understanding How Rate Plan Works With

You can activate a Rate Plan together with

promotions. When you have both Rate Plan
and promotion applicable to a certain booking
the Rate Plan rate will be deducted from the
room price before promotion rate. For example,
assume the room rate is $1,000 and the hotel
activates a 25% rate plan discount with of the
above rate plan options, and 20% off from
promotion. The final room rates will be $1,000 -
(25% x $1,000) - (20% x $750), which is $600.

Equation :
A : Price before Rate Plan & Promotion
B : Rate Plan Discount
C : Price After Rate Plan discount but before
D : Promotion Discount
E : Price after Rate Plan and Promotion

1.) C= A-(AxB)
2.) E= C-(CxD)

However, Rate Plan cannot be combined with

another Rate Plan, so one booking will only
allow to have a maximum of one rate plan and
one promotion. The room rates displayed in App
will show the cheapest rates after Rate Plan &
Promotion combination.

28 Traveloka Extranet Reservation Access

Boosting Your Bookings With Promotion And Rate Plans

2. Activating Your Rate Plan

From TERA homepage go to R ​ oom Management m ​ enu >

select ​Rate Plan Setting > s​ elect Activate Rate Plan ​below
the Rate Plan of your choice. For more information about
the Rate Plans, please contact your Market Manager.

Handbook 29
Viewing and
your Bookings

Get a full transparency of

your customer’s booking
details and ensure everything
is in the right place.

Traveloka Extranet Reservation Access


Viewing and Managing your

For every booking made, you will receive a
confirmation email sent to your registered email
address on Traveloka.

You may also view your bookings by going

to the B
​ ooking Manager ​menu > select D ​ etail
Booking List > ​filter the booking results

Tick the relevant retail type and select

relevant check-in, check-out and
booking periods to filter for desired
boking results.

32 Traveloka Extranet Reservation Access

Viewing And Managing Your Bookings

You can view and retrieve your room booking

detail by selecting the “Detail” button on the
right of the booking ID to see more information
on (i.e. to download the booking detail, send
booking email, resend payment list email, and
respond to special request).

Click this to resend
1 Click this to payment list
send booking
Click this to
booking details.

Respond to
special request

Handbook 33
Viewing and
your Payment

See the various payment options

for your customers and control the
payment flow without hassle.

Traveloka Extranet Reservation Access


Understanding Traveloka’s
Payment Types and Methods
For every booking made, you will receive a
confirmation email sent to your registered email
address on Traveloka.

You may also view your bookings by going

to the B
​ ooking Manager ​menu > select D ​ etail
Booking List > ​filter the booking results

1. There are three payment types

a. Prepaid before guest arrival or before check out​: Traveloka
will pay 2 days before customer checks in to the hotel. If
customer booked a same-day booking or 1 day prior to
check-in, Traveloka would pay before the guest check-out.

b. Weekly on wednesday: Traveloka will transfer payment to

hotel for all the
checked-out ​guests from Monday-Sunday in the previous

c. Monthly credit facility, to be paid on the 15th of the following

month: Traveloka will proceed payment to hotels for all the ​
checked-in g
​ uests in the previous month.
2. There are two payment methods
a. Bank transfer (​ ​only applicable to several Southeast Asian
countries including only Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia,
Vietnam, Thailand and Philippines​)
Traveloka will automatically transfer to the provided bank
account based on chosen payment type
b. Mastercard VCC
Traveloka will send an email with enclosed VCC details
when any bookings are made to hotels. Hotels will be able
to charge the VCC H-2 until H+28 (H = check-in date). If
VCC is charged and settled successfully, hotel will receive
the money within 24 to 48 hours, depending on the bank
that the hotel uses
Your Hotel can be eligible for Traveloka VCC if your hotel

Ever used VCCs from another OTA

An EDC/POS machine that can process MasterCard
card-not-present transactions (i.e. permits manual
card number input)
Received emails from TERA without issue

36 Traveloka Extranet Reservation Access

Viewing And Managing Your Payments

If there are any updates on any information for payment

type, payment method or hotel bank account, please
kindly contact the responsible Market Manager to make
any changes in extranet

Handbook 37

Viewing your Payment List

To view the payment details of your bookings that
have been made via both bank transfers and VCC
payments go to:
​Operations ​> select ​Payment List View > ​ fi
​ ll in the
fields to filter results > click S
​ earch t​ o find a list of
payments according to your search filter.

If hotels do not fill the Start Invoice Due Date a

​ nd ​End
Invoice Due Date​, then by default the payment list will
show the list from the last 7 days.

(note: you can also filter based on payment method)

38 Traveloka Extranet Reservation Access

Viewing And Managing Your Payments

Handbook 39
Managing your
Customer’s Booking
& Refund
Quickly follow up cancellation and
refund process whenever your
customers need to. Make them wait no
more and save the rooms for others.

Traveloka Extranet Reservation Access


Managing Booking Cancellation

and Refund with Deposit History
Whenever your customer cancels his/her booking
after payment has been made to your hotel, the
transferred amount will be kept at your hotel’s
account and treated as deposit that will be used
to offset future bookings made to your hotel via

For example:
- Customer A books a room at $1,000 and cancels his/
her booking after Traveloka has transferred the amount
to your hotel.

- Your hotel will keep the $1,000.

- However, when customer B makes a subsequent

booking at $1,200, Traveloka will only transfer your
hotel $200 ($1,200 - $1,000), the booking amount
deducted by the amount on your deposit account. This
difference will also be stated in hotel’s invoice.

- These transactions will be reflected under the “Deposit

History” page

To view your deposit history go to O ​ perations m ​ enu >

select ​deposit History > filter results > click S
​ earch

42 Traveloka Extranet Reservation Access

Managing Your Customer’s Booking Cancellations & Refund

Amount Traveloka Amount Traveloka Your hotel

1 deduct from your
2 transferred for your 3 deposit balance
hotel deposit hotel cancelled
balance bookings

Handbook 43
Getting Help
Contact the most relevant hotlines
on your country and fetch any
important information you need as
quickly as possible.

Traveloka Extranet Reservation Access


Customer Booking Inquiries

(for Hotels)
For any inquiries regarding your customer bookings
you may contact our Hotel Support team:

46 Traveloka Extranet Reservation Access

Get Help


Partnership and Registration

Inquiries (for Hotels)
For any inquiries regarding partnership with Traveloka
or any hotel registration issues you may contact:

1. Your Market Manager through email,

which can be found at the top of the
TERA home page; or

Handbook 47
2. The following contact details:

48 Traveloka Extranet Reservation Access

Get Help


Customer Inquiries
(for Customers)
For any inquiries that your customers have, you may direct them to contact
Traveloka Customer Services:

(reachable from within Indonesia only)

(Call from outside of AU)

(Toll free, call from AU only)

Handbook 49
Menara Citicon 15th floor
Jl, S.Parman No.Kav 72, Slipi,
Kota Jakarta Barat, 11410


Copyright © 2019

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