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PE Activitism

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Name: Rocky Jay T.


Chapter 3

LESSON 1. Introduction of Swimming

ACTIVITY 1. My Unforgettable Moment in Water Activity.
Directions: Write a reflective essay from your unforgettable moment in doing
water activities. Do it in the box provided below with a minimum of fifty (50)

I remember the day when I was five years old, me and my cousins decided to swim, at the time
our grandmother didn’t notice that we’re planning to swim because when we asking for her
permission, she will not be allowing us for our safety, our grandmother always think of our sake.
Because her grandchildren are very playful, me and my cousins started to swim, we swim in
seaside because we’re living in slum area, at that time we don’t think that when we came home,
our grandmother would get angry to us and maybe she will be punishing us with her magical
hanger. During our swimming, I decided to dive into the water, I knew in myself that the water is
very shallow, because I’m very naughty, I dived into the water, but suddenly my face hit into the
ground directly, I was worried because my face is full of sand and my eyes also, I can’t see
anything because my eyes have sand, I immediately wash and cleaned up my eyes to remove the
sands, fortunately the sands were removed, I’m very nervous that time because I thought my
sight is totally lost, I didn’t tell to our grandmother what happened to me because I’m sure that
she will hit me her magical hanger and would get angry also. Lesson learned don’t take a risk
and don’t be makulit. That’s my experience in water activities.

I. Discussion: Write your own perspective and understanding about the questions
below with a minimum of twenty (20) words.

1. How can you define swimming? Justify your answer.

- Swimming is the act of propelling one's body through water using a combination of arm
and leg actions and the body's inherent buoyancy. Swimming is a popular all-around
body builder that is very beneficial in treatment and exercise for physically disabled
people. Swimming is the act of moving one's body through water while utilizing their
arms and legs. Swimming is possible in the sea, pools, rivers, and lakes. Swimming is
done for fitness, entertainment, and as a sport. Front crawl, breaststroke, freestyle,
butterfly, and backstroke are some of the several types of swimming strokes.

2. Why is swimming beneficial? Discuss the benefits that derived from it.

- Swimming is an excellent all-around sport since it keeps your heart rate up while also
relieving your body of some of the impact stress. endurance, muscle strength, and
cardiovascular fitness are all improved. aids in the maintenance of a healthy weight,
heart, and lungs. Swimming, for example, is a wonderful type of exercise since it burns a
lot of calories. It does not put as much strain on joints and connective tissue as other
forms of exercise. Swimming improves muscle endurance and strength. as well as
supporting your body weight It also increases cardio vascular fitness, keeps you cool and
refreshed in the summer, and is something you can do safely well into your senior years.
Swimming is an excellent physical rehabilitation and exercise activity since it engages
the majority of the body's muscles and delivers both aerobic and resistive advantages.
Swimming is often regarded as one of the most comprehensive forms of exercise.
II. Direction: Identify the other swimming activities seen in each picture below. Find
out what type of activity is in each picture. Write your answer in the space provided
below the picture.


III. Multiple Choice: Read the following questions carefully, choose the letter of the correct
answer. Write your answer in the space provided below.

LESSON 2. Safety, Health and Sanitation in Swimming

Activity 1. My Swimming Attire and Accessories.

I. Procedure:
1. Prepare your available swimming attire and/or accessories at your home. You should prepare
swimwear that you are comfortable and not the obscene in sight.
2. Wear the swimwear and/or accessories you have prepared.
3. Take a picture, put a caption on it and paste it in the space provided below. You have to think
that you are a model.

I. Discussions: Discuss each swimming pools management rule and regulation that given
above with your own understanding. Write it in the space provided below.

1.Shower before entering the swimming pool - Showering before swimming helps to keep
everyone in the pool healthy. The pre-swim shower helps to reduce the irritants and odors that
arise in pool water when impurities from swimmers' bodies react with chlorine. Many people
mistakenly believe it smells like chlorine.

2.No food or drinks in the pool area - If you drop food or drink in the pool, you risk
contaminating the water or making a mess of it. Despite the fact that pools are disinfected with
chlorine and other chemicals, no one wants to swim in a polluted pool with food.

3.No glassware or bottles - Because of the increased risk of infection, it is strongly suggested
that you avoid wearing glasses or contact lenses, especially without the protection of goggles,
especially when snorkeling or diving. Keep in mind that eye irritations and infections might put
your vision at risk. Glass bottles should not be permitted in your swimming pool since they are
harmful. If glass breaks in or near your pool area, there's a good chance someone will be hurt
while wandering about barefoot.

4.No smoking in pool or deck area - People, especially families with children, go to public
swimming pools in great numbers. There is no such thing as a safe level of secondhand cigarette
smoke exposure. After inhaling smoke from a lighted cigarette, smokers exhale this smoke.
Creating smoke-free outdoor facilities, such as public swimming pools, can create a supportive
atmosphere for persons who have quit smoking while also reducing the visibility of smoking
among children and teenagers.

5.No diving is permitted off deck into shallow areas of pool - Diving into a pool or other body of
water incorrectly can result in significant neck and spinal injuries, including paralysis. A number
of them occur on a yearly basis, the most of which take place in shallow water. In natural bodies
of water, three out of four diving mishaps occur.

II. Directions: Paraphrase the hazard and safety measure that you have learned above with a
minimum of twenty (20) words.

It is possible to become unwell after swimming in pathogen-infested water. Pathogens enter the
body during swimming exercises and when swimming water is swallowed by mistake. As a
result, people may have health issues including as allergic reactions, skin rashes, inches, and
headaches after swimming. These are the things we must follow, Keep a watch on your family
and friends.  Swimming is only permitted in certain sites.  Follow the pool, beach, and waterfront
area rules and regulations.  by the administration of a pool or a resort.  Swim close to the beach. 
Never swim alone; always swim with a companion. Learn enough basic swimming strokes and
survival methods to be able to in the event of an emergency Learn how to assist a drowning
victim without having to enter the where.  Learn how to do basic life support techniques
(compression, airway, etc.). Method of resuscitation and external defibrillation.  Wear a life
jacket or a personal floatation device that has been certified by the Coast Guard. Have
emergency and safety measures in place; and ascertain that the swimmers are aware of the SA.

III. Multiple Choice: Read the following questions carefully, choose the letter of the correct
answer. Write your answer min the space provided before each number.


LESSON 3. Learning to Swim.

Activity 1. Need to Do This!

I. Procedure:
1. Wear your available swimming attire, just like you wore in activity 1 of lesson 2.
2. Do all the warm-up exercises, main activity work-out and cool down based on what you have
learned to this lesson with the counts of 16 for each exercise through a video presentation. You
must demonstrate it!
3. Edit a video and put the following: a. P.E. Instructors complete name; b. Performer’s complete
name, program, year and section; c. Other captions (it depends on you) d. Background music (if
you want)
4. Upload a video in your Physical Education (PE) subject page.

I. Discussions: Write your own understanding about the method of training in swimming with
a minimum of thirty (30) words.
It instructs us on how to be safe in and near water. It aids the development of physical abilities
such as hand-eye coordination and muscular tone when taught early in childhood. Swimming is
good for your child's heart and lungs. Swimming is an incredibly vital life skill that should be
taught to everyone in elementary and secondary school. Swimming is not only a lifesaving skill,
but it is also a simple method for everyone to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle and a positive
mental outlook. Learned a lot using right technique and proper conditioning is a must because
it’s help to you to learn swimming faster.

II. Directions: Read the following questions carefully, choose the letter of the correct answer.
Write your answer in the space provided before each number.

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