Praise You VRL Shackles
Praise You VRL Shackles
Praise You VRL Shackles
Take the shack les off my feet so I can dance, I just wan na
Take the shack les off my feet so I can dance, I just wan na
Take the shack les off my feet so I can dance, I just wan na
Take the shack les off my feet so I can dance, I just wan na
praise you, I just wan na praise you. You broke the chains now I can lift my hands,
praise you, I just wan na praise you. You broke the chains now I can lift my hands,
praise you, I just wan na praise you. You broke the chains now I can lift my hands,
praise you, I just wan na praise you. You broke the chains now I can lift my hands,
And I'm gon na praise you, I'm gon na praise you. Take the
And I'm gon na praise you, I'm gon na praise you. Take the
And I'm gon na praise you, I'm gon na praise you. Take the
And I'm gon na praise you, I'm gon na praise you. Take the