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GEC ELECT 2 Activity 1

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Shaira Faith I.

Francisco BEED-3A

Activity 1

CONTEMPLATE: Let us think about how gender is portrayed in your community. List down as
many words or phrases used to (a) identify and (b) describe the following genders.

Men Women Homosexuals

 According to Meriam-  In the Oxford

 men are a plural form Webster women is dictionary,
of man; it is defined define as a group of homosexual is an
as more than one female adults. adjective that refers
man. (of a person) sexually
 Wikipedia also define attracted to people of
 Men is also referred to women as a plural one's own sex.
as a boy (a male child form of woman that is
or adolescent). sometimes used in  Homosexual relating
certain phrases such to, or characterized by
 a human being of as "women's rights" to sexual or romantic
either sex; a person. denote female attraction to people of
humans regardless of one's same sex: GAY
 It is referring to a age.
person that has male  The American
reproductive system,  As quoted in the Psychiatric
which includes the Oxford dictionary, Association, for
penis, testicles, sperm women are defining example, declassified
duct, prostate gland, as “a person’s wife, “ego-syntonic
and the epididymis, as girlfriend, or female homosexuality” (the
well as secondary sex lover”. condition of a person
characteristics. content with his or her
 Women have two X homosexuality) as a
chromosomes and are mental illness in 1973.
capable of pregnancy
and giving birth from  Homosexuality refers
puberty until to attraction between
menopause. people who are the
same sex. It comes
from the Greek word
homos, meaning “the
What are your thoughts?

Everyone is aware of gender. We know what gender we are, and what gender everyone
around us is. But what we don’t all remain conscious of are gender roles. This term brings up a
lot of stereotypes. The woman should be at home cooking, cleaning, and caring for the children
while the man is at work making money to support the family. In past decades, this is how it
was. This was all anyone knew. Today, while there are more women in the workforce, the media
cannot seem to let go of these stereotypical gender roles. Advertisements for cleaning
products, cooking products, and other household items almost always have a woman in them.
It is very rare to see a man in a commercial for a household item (other than maybe a grill). Men
are constantly in commercials for luxury cars and other “powerful” or “manly” products.

As the time goes by the gender stereotypical are slowly changing and more gender roles
are arising like the homosexuals. Things are changing like the society expectations for the roles
that should individuals portray.

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