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4. JUNE 12, 1956
11. . RIZAL
12. .JOSE
13. .JOSE


Briefly explain the importance and relevance of the Rizal subject in your chosen degree program (10

Briefly discuss the role of nationalism in the face of the global pandemic. (10 points)

Module 1 Formative Assessment

1.You are encouraged to answer the question as part of your self-assessment. This will not be graded
but is needed for the completion of the course. (engage)

In not more than five sentences, reflect on how powerful the Catholic church was during Rizal's time.
Give clear examples of instances its power was manifested. Write your answers on the space provided.

Catholic church during Rizal's time has had an enormous power that majorly influenced the now we call
Government powers (Police Power, Eminent Domain, and Taxation) which they took advantage of and
made an unlawful and abusive hierarchy wherein the friars were at the highest echelon themselves. For
instance, powers were reflected as they were the founders of major institutions and professions in the
Philippines, such as towns and cities, educators, builders of roads and bridges, philologists and scientists,
doctors and pharmacists, farmers' introductions, and farming techniques, etc. Unfortunately, abuses by
the friars happened due to such indispensable contributions in the country, which entitled themselves
to be the superiors and reputed Filipinos as "Indio" or the inferiors. Thereafter, Dr. Rizal disclosed the
corruption and hypocrisy of the Spanish clergy in his novels "Noli me tangere" and "El filibusterismo"
which became an eye-opener to the Filipinos in his glorious times. To sum up, the reign of the Catholic
church back then had both positive and negative impacts on the country; although, cynical events were
the highlights which ignited the hearts and souls of Filipinos during Rizal's time.

2. For this part of the unit, you are required to answer the question, but your scores will not be counted
towards the final grade: (elaborate)

Reflect on a present day social issue where the intervention of a religious organization is clearly
perceived. Discuss it in not more than 5 sentences.

In these present times, our world is in the midst of a global pandemic due to Corona Virus, which started
more than a year ago and devastated many lives. The latter becomes the primary social issue that most
countries are trying to solve, whereas many organizations intervene with national governments and
movements. Accordingly, various religious organizations like the Roman Catholic play their role during
such pandemic, which perhaps being felt by the people, especially in the Philippines with 81% of its
population per se known to be Roman Catholics. Moreover, Catholic congregations in the Philippines
provide essential and sustainable healthcare services that revolve around all the dimensions of wellness
(e.g., Emotional and Spiritual) such as Online masses, Community prayers, Donation drives, Feeding
programs, Community pantries, etc. Lastly, perhaps there's a separation between church and state; the
religious organizations didn't let such separation be a barrier to what is right and just; hence, they let
their voice be heard regardless of the contradictions and decisions by the state, particularly the national

Proclaim literature as the catalyst that forges Filipinos' patriotism and nationalism.

1. Briefly explain the importance and relevance of the Rizal subject in your chosen
degree program (10 points).

As future Filipino accountants who might practice such a profession worldwide, it is

important for us to know about Rizal's era wherein true nationalism and patriotism were
portrayed. As we all know, Rizal and his fellow companions fought for the freedom of
the Philippines, which if it didn't happen, today's generation would be obviously
different. Provided by the latter statement, we should commemorate the bravery of Dr.
Jose Rizal and our countrymen from the Spanish era by studying and keeping in our
minds the real definition of nationalism and how they depicted it. In addition, by studying
the historical events that change our country, we could develop them and apply them to
the present era, such as nationalism. Moreover, with the new generation we are living in,
nationalism is more of a high complex as it is just not about fighting for freedom but
loving one's nation and promulgating what is right and just for the whole country. That's
why as we enter the real world, we must be equipped with values that will take us to the
pinnacle of success, not neglecting nationalism and patriotism towards our country.

2. Briefly discuss the role of nationalism in the face of the global pandemic. (10

We define nationalism as love and devotion to one's country or nation. Nationalism must
be practiced by the countrymen every day as it symbolizes how much we value our own
land. Amid this global pandemic, nationalism has been notably greater than before
because people are aware that many are experiencing struggles and crises. Thus, the
role of nationalism is for us to help each other to survive such pandemic without causing
prejudice to the people who need more benefits. Moreover, civic unity and
interdependence are observable as people created many programs such as Community
pantries, Donation drives, Feeding programs, Fundraising, etc., which could cope with
the needs of every individual in the nations. Nationalism can also be practice by voicing
out our opinions, suggestions, contradictions, and rights to our national government as it
is not just for self-interest but for the whole interest of the nation.
Module 2. Summative Assessment (a)

a. Song: "The Apl Song" by The Black Eyed Peas

"The Apl Song"

[Chorus in Tagalog]
Lapit mga kaibigan at makinig kayo
Ako'y may dala-dalang, balita galing sa bayan ko
Nais kong ipamahagi ang mga kwento
Ang mga pangyayaring nagaganap
Sa lupang pinangako

[English Translation:]
(Come closer my friends and everyone listen
I brought news from my homeland
I'll tell you how we live and what goes on
From my beloved homeland.)

[Verse one, Apl.De.Ap]

Every place got a ghetto this is my version
Check it out...
Listen closely yo, I got a story to tell
A version of my ghetto where life felt for real
Some would call it hell but to me it was heaven
God gave me the grace, amazin' ways of living
How would you feel if you had to catch your meal?
Build a hut to live and to eat and chill in.
Having to pump the water outta the ground
The way we put it down utilizing what is around
Like land for farming, river for fishing
Everyone helpin' each other whenever they can
We makin' it happen, from nothin' to somethin'
That's how we be survivin' back in my homeland
[Verse two, Apl.De.Ap]
Yo, its been a while but...
I been back home to my homeland, (check it out) to see what's going on
Man it feels good to be back at home
And it's been a decade, on the journey all alone
I was fourteen when I first left Philippines
I've been away half my life, but it felt like a day
To be next to my mom with her home cooked meal
Meant I felt complete, my emotions I feel!
Now life has changed for me in the U.S
But back at home man, life was a mess...
I guess sometimes life's stresses gets you down
On your knees, oh brother I wish I could have helped you out...

    (Retrieved from https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/blackeyedpeas/theaplsong.html)
The concept of nationalism that was depicted in the song is the love for the country and the satisfaction
to live to the land where our blood and souls belong.

In a general sense, nationalism may be defined as "loving one's country," which is empowered
by right and just actions. Although, nationalism can be described in many forms because it being
subjective in manner. As in this case, nationalism was depicted through a song that mainly projects love
for the country and the satisfaction to live in the land where our blood and souls belong.

To elaborate, it is pretty quotable that the lyrics describe the proud declaration that their
country is different from others and voicing out the Philippines' best, which is an indication of
nationalism. Also, based on the first verse, they defined nationalism as a concept of living with freedom
wherein it stated the Filipino way of living normally by utilizing what is available to sustain life with
satisfaction. The latter statement is subject to sustenance in which can be achieved when the country
can provide the necessities we need. Moreover, it portrays that nationalism is not just about an isolated
case of fighting for freedom but also how Filipinos perceive life in a manner that is creating something
from nothing to survive. In addition, Filipinos are also famous for their civic union, such as Bayanihan,
the share of wealth, trading of goods, donations, programs, etc., which are indicators of nationalism as
people care for their fellow countrymen.

Further, it also narrated the concept of condescension of the homeland per se. Nationalism
brings back our roots to the soil of the mainland and not forgetting where we came from. As we go back
to our land, we remember every event that brings happiness, learning, and experiences. Hypothetically,
even if we left the country for years and went home, we felt the home we were seeking. Nothing feels
like home, as they say, and that's how I can portray the concept of nationalism as it can provide good
wellness and well-being because we are surrounded by people who love us, an environment that can
supply demands and values that can give satisfaction.
Chorus- proud, voice out the best of the Philippines

Verse one-Looking in the positive side of the country. Telling what are the things that are memorable
and should be treasured.

Flexing the tradtional way or the Filipino way of living the life normal by utilizing what are available to
sustain life with happiness and satisfaction. Sustenance can be achieve as the country can provide the
basic necessities we need.

It portrays that nationalism is just not about an isolated case of fighting for freedom but also how
Filipinos perceive life in a manner that is creating something from nothing to survive. Bayanihan, share
of wealth, trading of goods

Verse two- Nothing like home. Nationalism brings back our roots to the soil of the main land and not
forgetting where we came from. AS we go back to our natural land, we tend to remember every events
that happened that brings happiness, learnings, and experiences. Hypothetically, even we left the
country for years, as we go back, we feel the home we are seeking for. Nothing feels like home as they
say and that's how I can portray the country as it can provide good wellness and well-being because we
are surrounded by people who loves us, environment that can supply demands, and values that can give

GRIZAL Module 3 Summative Assessment


Part 1.  (20 points) 

Read  Rizal's Letter on Agrarian Unrest, (p.75 of the Workbook) as incorporated in the
readings, "Truth for Everybody." Copy the worksheet template and questions here and
answers must be written on the tables following the number guide.

Date of Publication: May 31, 1889

Notable Social 1. Corruption
Problems in the
Philippines during that 2. Slavery
3. Abusive hierarchy of power

Cited powers of the 1. The Head of the Household has unlimited powers.
Head of Household
2. The Head of the Household is responsible for the state of affairs.
Two Primary Groups 1. The group that are educated, independent, eager for justice and peace,
that Challenged the against the iniquities and tyrannies, honorable men, and being denounced
Status quo of the by their enemies as filibusteros.
2. The group that are shiftless, intriguers, and supporters of friars.

Reasons of the Friars in 1. For the continuous machination of the election, political superiority will
Making the Natives cease if the Filipinos achieved Political maturation.
socially ignorant and
blind 2. They were afraid that the Filipinos would realize their abusive and unjust
use of powers, authorities, and positions.

3. To maintain their status quo and high ranking in the hierarchy of powers
and continue their abusive propaganda against Filipinos.

Fundamental solutions 1. Jose Rizal advocated political reform

proposed in the Article
2. To provide liberty for Filipinos against Spaniards.

Parts 2 and 3. (10 points for each part= 20 points)  

Part 2: Expound the following statement of Jose Rizal "To vilify a nation, there is nothing
better than to generalize the bad in it, just to ennoble it, one should strengthen it by good

Vilify means to make negative reinforcement so that inferiority will be embodied in

something or someone. Based on the statement of Jose Rizal, to belittle the nation's worth, the
effective way to do this is to gather and renounce all the negative and pessimist characteristics to
create a first impression that will eradicate the nation. Hence, to relate it to the Philippines,
colonizers nullify and invalidate the natives' living and status quo. Contradictory, ennoble is to
make something worthy and noble of that of judgments. By providing positive experiences,
happenings, and stimuli, one can alter people's judgment about something such as the nation in
this context. For example, we can say that the Philippines consists of beautiful islands with
welcoming smiles of hospitable natives. To sum up, the ideology and judgment of the majority
lie within the statement that of great influence.


1.) What religious order originally owned the Hacienda Calamba?

-Originally, the Jesuits were the religious order that had the ownership of Hacienda

2.) How did the Dominican friars claim the ownership of the hacienda?

-In 1833, the Dominican friars claimed the hacienda as the king of Spain sold it for
40,000 after the historic expulsion of the Jesuits.

3.) How many hectares of land in Calamba was leased by the family of Rizal? What was the
main commodity planted in the hacienda?

-Approximately, the family of Rizal leased 380 (or 390) hectares of land in Calamba. The
main commodity planted in the hacienda was sugar cane.

Module 3 Formative Assessment

In three (3) to five (5) sentences, reflect on how social context affects a person's beliefs and

We define social context as the specified set of social interactions in a society. Further, it
consists of norms, meanings, interpretations, expressions, and impressions that one group or
society practices or applies. It affects a person's beliefs and ideologies because we socialize as
humans, resulting in the acculturation of the social context we live in. As they say, no man is an
island, and to become part of a group, we must adapt to whatever context they have, which may
invalidate our own beliefs and ideologies. Such matter is subject to ad populum as people tend to
create fallacy to the extent that right ideologies are being disregarded and even wrong ones can
be right.

GIZAL Module 4: Formative Assessment

1. In 2-3 statements, how do you enjoy your fundamental right of expression as a


I really do enjoy exercising my right as a student because it is an indication that

the voice of the youth matters in our democratic country. Voicing out the issues
and problems that our administration must address is a critical substance for
improving policies; thus, our right to express provides benefits by duly exercising
it. Although, we must also consider that there are limitations to what we can
express, as it can be subject to prejudice.

2. In 2-3 statements, how do you participate and the means you express this right of

By voicing out in social media sites, participating in evaluations, voting, and formally
addressing the concerns. As a student, I still have limited means of expressing my rights;
thus, to fill the holes, I do participate in activities that can satisfy my rights. Further, I
also use my social media accounts to provide awareness to others to avoid malice and

3. What is your take about the Bloggers at FB, in the exercise of their freedom of
expression? Limit statements to 5 only.
Some of them exercise their right with just, and some do not. I always encounter bloggers
at FB that give fundamental points, which enlighten social media users. Such bloggers
are the ones that people should follow as they provide knowledge that can be applied to
people's daily lives. On the other hand, we must be careful of some bloggers who give
fallacies to deceive or defraud people to gain fame and profits. These bloggers don't care
about the nation's sake; hence, we must avoid supporting them.

Module 4: Summative Assessment 

Compare the bases of the government censorship in the Press in the 19th century versus
the contemporary government's construction of censorship. Give 2 (two) comparisons

a. Critical in the lens of application of information---------20 points
b. Clear organization and explanation of ideas------------15 points
                                  Total maximum Points------------ 35 points

19th century (past) Contemporary (present)

The church and the government ruled press The press censorship is being ruled by the law
censorship in the 19th century. In the said per se, rather than the government. Also,
century, the kind of government that the articles are being produced mainly based on
Philippines had was not democracy, rather new media platforms due to technological
just being ruled by influential personnel such generation. No one is above the law; not even
as the Governor-General and friars. the government can't contradict the premises
inside the law. Hence, the media has its own
personality, and it's distinct from the
government. It is free to distribute
information, although it must be free from
biases and prejudice to achieve duly
observance of the law restrictions.
Corrupt government censorship became a Laws are being promulgated to avoid biased,
prominent factor in how some late Filipinos fabricated, and fake news that may result in
attained critical thinking that created a fraudulent acts. As a concern, if malice was
movement to trigger Filipinos' consciousness proven guilty, imprisonment for two months
onto the tragic reality. Further, Filipinos who or so or a fine ranging from 20,000-1,000,000
opposed the government are the journalists, pesos will be exercised by the law per se.
known to be the "Propagandistas." Moreover,
press censorship was alarming as it presented
Because of the articles produced by the
journalists against the Spanish reform, writers
like Jose Rizal and other Revolutionaries
were exiled, and their works were burnt.

Binding constraint Impede slowdown. Adverse geography. Surroeunded by water and poor
physical infrast. Lack of commitment to provide framework.

Economic agent-domino effect. Industries coexist and compelemtn stranght and weaknesses

Ex: k12 program the curriculum mus adjust, training of teachers

Equilibrium of supply and demand-seafood market

What relevance of the political message of the El Filibusterismo is in today's time in terms of:
1. Leadership style of the current Philippine president and defects of his government(3-
5 sentences only)
Opinionated statement, Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte has a dictatorial-
like leadership style wherein he possesses the power to rule the nation, resulting in
his administration's abuse of authority. Concerning, there have been many reports
subject to corruption, abusive use of power, police brutality, etc. In relation to El
Filibusterismo's political message, it portrays what should be applied and avoided in
terms of leadership and governance. Dr. Jose Rizal explicitly rendered the
significance of nationalism in securing the nation against all oppression and
injustices. Hence, our leaders should note the things that must be executed, not
prejudicing our laws, morality, and lives.

Interrelate, correlate

2. Political and economic problems brought about by the global pandemic

Amid the global pandemic, we as humans need to satisfy our needs to

survive such a crisis. Thus, our government and other sectors are trying to help
the nation's people so that all have the equal sustenance that is needed. However,
the harsh reality relating to civil unity is that abusive schemes are circulating,
such as corruption, hoarding of needs, unjust systems, etc. Thus, El
Filibusterismo would like to remind us that inequality, poor leadership, abusive
authority, injustice, and corruption must be demolished for the people to have e
healthy and wealthy nation. Also, we must practice nationalism and patriotism
during this pandemic as it can improve and give progression in living a life as a

Activity 2: 
Rizal attributed the indolence of the Filipinos of his time to meritorious reasons. At present, how do you
assess the attitude of the modern Filipino towards work, responsibility and accountability in his/her
respective undertaking? (Limit your answer to 3-5 sentences only)

Like a coin, there are two sides of Filipinos relating to approaching work, responsibility and
accountability. I cannot generalize Filipinos when it comes to attitude because they differ in
such. Some have decency, and some have not; however, I still think that a greater number of
Filipinos have astounding attitudes towards responsibility and accountability. Unfortunately,
there are cases in which the authorities and administrations are the ones who are incompetent and
cannot take accountability. Like in the pandemic, they should lead the nation, but they don't want
to handle accounts and become irrelevant to what people need.

Module 2. Formative Assessment

Activity 2: Research and read on the different religions mentioned in the core reading on the topic Rizal
and Popular Nationalism. After   which, complete the table below. 
Name of Place Year Founder/s and How and why the Beliefs Is it still
religion of established his/her religion was existing
origin background established




For this part of the module, the following will be required to be appropriately responded for pre-
assessment purposes, but your scores will not be counted towards the final grade : Use this page for your
short answer.

1. Why did Rizal embark on the task of annotating Morga's book? Cite the main objective.
Rizal commenced on annotating Morga's book to correct what has been altered about the
Philippines, particularly the civilization, traditions, and way of living because of the colonization of
Spanish. He knew that he had the right or capability to change what has been misrepresented about the
country because he is a Filipino and a nationalist.

2. Why do we need to know the pre-colonial culture of our nation?

For us to have the knowledge and background about the truth of our nation's past. To
have better judgment of the present and approximate forecasting of the future, we must first
study the past to avoid misinterpretations that could lead to defamation of our nation. Further,
this proves that our ancestors had their own culture and were not inferior before the Spaniards

Module 7: Formative Assessment (Rizal's view of the Future of the Fiipino Nation)

Why should you be interested in the question about the future of the Philippines? Do you
think we can be at par with our neighboring countries like Singapore and Malaysia in the
next few decades? (limit your answer to a maximum of 5 sentences.)

We should question the future of the Philippines because we want a better life and
country for the next generations. As we are trying to develop the nation in the present, we want
to determine and forecast if the results will be favorable to us not to suffer. In my perspective,
yes, we can be at par with our neighboring countries, but to achieve this, we must also change
our concepts regarding society, government, and economy. Our hands are grasping the fate of
our nation; hence, to have development, the progress must start from the smallest unit (Filipino
civilian) to the largest unit (government). Disciplined citizens and exemplary leadership in the
government are the key factors to change the country's status quo.

Module 8: Formative Assessment 

Amidst the COVID 19 pandemic, who are considered to be the modern-day heroes? What are
the most evident and notable characteristics of these heroes?  Limit your answer to 2 (two)
choices only and answer in paragraph form. 





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